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#3010/VoI.138, No. 5ISSN: 0030-8579 National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) MAR. 19-ApR.1, 2004 Series of Hate-Related Incidences in Lawmakers' Attempt to College Town Ignites Racial Debate Remove 'Racist' Land Law

By LYNDA LIN pen everywhere. Folks think about dences was recently reported. Clause Passes First Hurdle Assistant Editor it and generally talk about it,-but it's The most serious incident, the car By LYNDA LIN era! anti-discriniination laws. shocking, it's saddening, and most vandalism, is being investigated as a Assistant Editor "[The Alien Land Law clause] CLAREMONT, Calif.-It didn't of all, it's surreal when it happens to hate crime. Kern Dunn, a visiting does not affect the day-to-day lives take long for the news to_travel to you," said Lee. professor of psychology had just The continual effort to remove of people -It's more of a symbol• Clark Lee's ears. He was returning The upper middle class city of delivered a searing speech against what one Florida lawmaker calls "a ic issue," said Rep; Phillip Brutus, from work Mar. 9 .racism when she stain in the state Constitution" won D-108, cosponsor of the bill. ''But to his home cam• found her 1992 its first victory on March 11 by anytime I see anything that singles pus of Claremont Honda Civic unanimously out aliens and McKenna vandalized. The passing foreigners, it College, when he tires were through · the gets personal h~d that racial slashed and the H 0 use for me. As a epithets were windows were Judiciary person of spray-painted on smashed, but Committee. Haitian a professor's car most offensive However, the descent, I can't in the school's - of all were the triumph is bit• sit by and parking lot. At series of anti~ remain idle." tersweet BRUTUS GELLAR first the reality Semitic slurs, House Joint HJR 657 was difficult for includin'g the Resolution (HJR) 657 seeks to must pass through the House the senior to word "Kike" strike one of America's last active Procedures Committee, three grasp, but soon spray-painted on alien land law clauses from the Senate Committees and the gover• the words "Shut the car. books, but still faces daunting oppo• nor's desk in order to make it onto Up," hatefully "'I1ris wasn't a sition. this November's ballot. scrawled across random act," If passed, the bill titled, 'The So far a date has yet to be estab• PHOTO: LYNDA LIN the hood of the said Dunn. "'I1ris lished to discuss the bill, according Over 3,000 students from the Claremont Colleges rallied to Rights of Non-Citizens to Own Real car, seemed to denounce recent on campus hate-related incidents on Mar. 10. was a well• Property," will allow voters to to Angela Lane, senior legislative bum right planned out act amend the part of the Constitution assistant to Brutus. Brutus has writ• through the skin and pierce the heart Claremont is not the typical breed• of terrorism ... and there's a group that bars" 'ens ineligible for citi• ten a letter to the president of the of the matter - hate had finally ing ground for crime, but the city's here that perpetuates these crimes zenship" from purchasing land. The Procedures Committee, Rep. Allan manifested on his doorstep. idyllic atmosphere was shattered law, passed by Florida in 1926, is 'These kinds of incidences hap- when a string of hate-related inci- See HATE CRIMES! page 6 unenforceable today because of fed- See ALIEN LAND LAW! page 9

JACL Sees Surplus in 2003 But Still Exercises SPRING CAMPAIGN JACL Weighs In on Same• Caution in 2004, 2005-2006 Budgets Spring Into Action Sex Marriage Debate By GILASAKAWA By CAROLINE AOYAGI the national membership drive, and By CAROLINE AOYAGI duty is to implement what the Board Chair Executive Editor the Annual Giving Campaign, also P.e. Executive Editor national council has dictated us to contiibuted to last year's surplus. do," said Floyd Mori, JACL nation• After spending a full year as the SAN FRANCISCO-The JACL 'The membership really came SAN FRANCISCO-As cities al president. 'This is a civil rights chair of the editorial national board announced a signifi• through," said Tateishi, who noted Pacific Citizen and states across the country contin• issue. We need to continue to protect board, I have an up-close-ancl-per• cant surplus in the organization's that JACL saw a significant increase ue to debate the pros and cons of civil rights, we shouldn't discrimi• sonal perspective on the newspaper 2003 budget but pu~ off announcing in its membership numbers in 2003 same-sex maniage, including a pro• nate against gay people." oftheJACL. figures for the 2004 budget until the . due to the efforts of the various posed amendment to the U.S. The debate on same-sex maniage The is May board meeting. chapters and the JACL staff. "We P.e. Constitution, the issue has has hit at the core of American val• your pipeline At a quarterly meeting Mar. 5-6, live and die by our membership inevitably resurfaced in the JACL, ues and beliefs, especially in cities to the JACL John Tateishi, JACL executive dues," he said. prompting similar discussions and states like San Francisco, and to the director, reported a surplus of With the unexpected surplus the throughout the organization. Portland, New York, and Asian Pacific $344,991 for the 2003 budget. The JACL has paid chapter rebates for At a March 6 national board Massachusetts where the issue has American surplus was due largely to continued 2003, district allocation payments, . meeting, board members expressed caused a huge divide among its con• community at cutbacks in expenses including a and has paid back the $75,000 loan reluctance in taking an official stituents. large, and it's a freeze on hiring and travel. taken out of the Life Trust Fund board position on the issue, but reaf• Same-sex marriage ceremonies two-way pipeline at that. The Successful fundraising initiatives, including interest. Even with these P.e. firmed support for a 1994 JACL being conducted in San Francisco, twice a month brings you news and including the JACL Gala Dinner, national council resolution in sup• Portland, and New Paltz, New York See FINANCES! page 6 information that you can't get any• port of same-sex marriage. The have led to efforts in both the House where else nationally. JACL also announced that it has (HJR 56) and the Senate (SJR 26) to Inside the See SPRING CAMPAIGN! page 2 signed on to a letter by the amend the U.S. constitution in an Leadership Conference on Civil effort to ban same-sex maniage. Pacific Citizen Rights (LCCR), officially opposing The issue is sure to playa huge part a constitutional amendment banning in the upcoming presidential elec• National News .....3-4 same-sex marriage. tion with President Bush already 'This was not an easy issue back giving his support to a constitution• Youth Forum ...... 5 in 1994 and it is certainly not an al amendment. easy issue today," said John The issue has also played a divi• Community News ...5·6 Tateishi, JACL executive director. sive role in JACL. The 1994 resolu• 'The board is trying to deal very tion in support of same-sex mar• Sports ...... , ....7 delicately with this issue." riage passed by only a small margin, In regards to the LCC~ letter, he even after an emotional speech on added, "people may be upset about the floor by U.S, Secretary of Commentary, Cartoon .8 it, but I think they'll be as upset as Transportation Norman Mineta in they were when the resolution was support of same-sex maniage. Calendar ...... 10 passed in 1994." JACL is currently The 1994 resolution states in part the only Asian Pacific American that JACL "clarifies its position on Obituaries ...... 11 organization to sign on to the letter. "As an organization, I think our See MARRIAGE! page 9 2 PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAR.19-APR. 1,2004 the many jssues that face the JACL as what they do best: mobilize. The onboard, and with your support the SPRING CAMPAIGN we evolve into the new millennium. newspaper can mobilize members P. e. can become an even better news• "7taclllc (Continued from page 1) But it's a struggle. not just to get behind a cause, as it has paper for the JACL. Y citizen Sure, there are a handful of small, The P.e. is a significant part of the countless times over the decades, but So I'm writing today to launch this 7 Cupania Circle, struggling "vernacular" newspapers national JACL budget. It's expensive also to rally together to raise money year's Spring Campaign and urge Monterey Park, CA 91755 - publications that usually are bilin• to publish and mail a newspaper. But ,for both JACL as an organization as you to express how much you appre• Tel: 3231725-0083, 800/966- gual, and' serve specific Japanese or it also regularly exceeds its budget well as the P.e. ciate the P.e. as a part of your lives, 6157, Fax: 3231725-0064 E-mail: [email protected] Japanese American communities, .expectations. It pulls its share, and And, the P. e. staff has done all this and as a valuable symbol of your such as the Rafu Shimpo in Los gives back mightily to the national with a short staff for most of the past membership in and commitment to Executive Editor: Angeles, the Nichi Bei TImes and JACL. And it gives back in ways year. Editor Caroline Aoyagi, office the JACL. Caroline Y. Aoyagi other than just bringing manager Brian Tanaka, and two part- The staff of the P.e. will send Assistant Editor: dollars through the timers work hard to bring you the along some premiums in gratitude for Lynda Lin paper without interruption, and some of your contributions (cartoon• Office Manager: annual Holiday Issue Brian Tanaka or this Spring they've fulfilled that goal. ist Pete Hironaka has generously Production Assistant: Campaign. But the paper can be better. donated 50 original "Nisei" posters Margot Brunswick The P. e. is like a Because of the lack of staffing, for the campaign and author Joyce Circulation: Eva Lau-Ting rock that supports the they've cut back on traveling to vari- Hirohata has provided a limited num• Contributor: Tracy Uba foundation of the three ous district events and rely on input ber of her book, "Nisei Voices:'). But Publisher: Japanese American priorities that currently from members, chapters and districts don't support the P.e. because of a Citizens League (founded 1929) drive the JACL during to cover JACL news. You may have gift. Support the P.e. because you 1765 Sutter Street, San these times of econom• noticed there are more Associated know in your heart how important the Francisco, CA 94115, tel: ic stress. The P. is Press and other wire service stories in newspaper is for you, for the JACL, 415/921-5225 fax: 415/931-4671 , e. recent months, also because of the and for the APA community across incredibly imPortant to JACL President: Floyd Mori the JACL's efforts in staff shortage. - the country. National Director: John Tateishi Education, Mem• Now, there's a new assistant editor I know this in my heart.• Pacific Citizen Board of bership and Fund• Directors: Gil Asakawa, chair• raising. person; Roger Ozaki, EDC; Ron The P. s coverage Katsuyama, MDC; Grace Kimoto, e. ~~u~Editor CCDC; Valerie Yasukochi, of political issues, and NCWNPDC; Ann Fujii-Lindwall, situations where the PNWDC; Larry Grant, IDC; specter of racism and Stalwart and Maverick So far $28 million has been added Andrea Parker, MPDC; Alayne hate raises its head, to the 2004 Selective Service Pete Hironaka's "Nisei" poster. Yonemoto, PSWDC; Maya keeps us all up-to-date It was a treat to read Harry System and the Pentagon has quiet• Yamazaki, Youth. Hokubei Mainichi in San Francisco, and educated about the world around Honda's remembrances of my Dad ly begun a public campaign to fill all r------,NEWS/AD DEADLINE: the Northwest Nikkei Post in Seattle, us. With its letters and q)lumnists and in his "Very Truly Yours" column. 10,350 draft board positions and the FRIDAY BEFORE DATE and the Rocky Mountain Jiho in cartoonS, the P.e. gets us to think (Mar. 5-18). But the headline writer 11,070 appeals board slots nation• OF ISSUE. Denver. But they tend to stay closely about our identify as JAs and be pas• didn't get it quite right - my Dad's wide. Editorials, news and the anchored to their geographic loca• sionate about our place in the world. relationship with the JACL was not The Bush adffiini.stration is quiet• opinions expressed by col• as "Stalwart or Maverick." He umnists other than the tions. As the "crown jewel of JACL," as ly trying to get these bills passed national JACL president or The P. e. is a national newspaper national president Floyd Mori has loved the JACL and his understand• without publicity · NOW so that it national director do not - even if some JACLers think the called the P.e., this newspaper is one ing of his responsibility as a loyal · can be announced after the necessarily reflect JACL paper covers California too much! - of the most important privileges of supporter included speaking out November elections. At this point, policy. Events and prod• about what he felt was right for the ucts advertised in the and bring!S you important news membership in the JACL. It's your John Kerry also supports this action. Pacific Citizen do not carry occurring in Washington, D.C. (ruJ. passport into the world of JACL, and organization. His letters to the P.e. Those who oppose the draft might the implicit.endorsement of the coverage of legislation about the the place for you to air your views editor were widely read and often consider contacting their representa• the JACL or this publica• PATRIOT Act and other legislation), back to JACL, in those letters to the hotly debated. There were even a tives in Congress or even writing in tion. We reserve the right to Philadelphia (the recent flap over a editor. few times when he and I exchanged a candidate in November who L ______edit articles. ~ diner named "Chink's Steaks" comes And, whether it's for promoting or opposing views in the P.e. would stop the draft dead in its PACIFIC CITIZEN (ISSN: 0030- to mind) and anywhere else that covering events such as last fall's Known for his integrity and pas• tracks, such as Dennis Kucinich or 8579) is published semi-monthly issues affecting JAs and APAs pop very successful Gala Dinner in Los sion for justice, my Dad was outspo• Ralph Nader. except once in January and up. Angeles or this summer's' 75th ken in a community that did not December by the Japanese For more information, you can go American Citizens League, 7 And the P. e. is unique in its role as Anniversary Convention in always look with favor on open to and Cupania Circle, Monterey Park, the publication of the JACL. It Honolulu, the P. e. helps get the word debate. But as a man of principle, he type in 'military draft' in the search. CA 91755. OFFICE HOURS - reports on the activities of JACL and out so that JACL members can do could do no other - in the annals of Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. JACL he is both Stalwart and ~ 7::4Iatpl4~ Pacific Time. ©2004. Maverick. Valley Springs, CA Annual subscription rates: Thanks, Harry. NON-MEMBERS: 1 year-$35, ~!~~~t~n S~!~~~ continuous payable in advance. Additional *~ operation of the Pacific Citizen. o postage per year - Foreign peri• f4r1lUU:- ~~4 odical rate $25; First Class for Ai' ,. tl $50 0 $1000 $200 0 Qther via e-mail Words to Live By U.S., Canada, Mexico: $30; \:~\; Airmail to Japan/Europe: $60. o I would like to thank Mas (Subject to change without Hashimoto for his commentary, notice.) Periodicals postage paid ADDRESS: .. ~ ~ ______~ _ __------at Monterey Park, Calif., and at . "Words Americans of Japanese CITY: o-,,' ~ . ______"-- STATE: Another Military Draft? additional mailing offices. Ancestry Live By." CHAPTER: ______Permission; No part of this pub-· There is pending legislation in the . I made two copies for my sons lication may be reproduced with• MAIL TO: Pacific Citizen, 7 Cupania Circle, Monterey Park, CA 91755 House and Senate (twin bills S89 and hope they pass them on to their out express permission of the and JIR163) to reinstate the draft on · children. publisher. Copying for other than MrljlJ WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! So much that was written reflects personal or internal reference For donations of $100-$199, you will receive a copy or about June 15, 2005. This will use without the express permis• of Pete Hironaka's poster "Nisei" or Joyce Hirohata's apply to both men and women ages our background and the manner in sion of P.C. is prohibited. "Nisei Voices." Please specify preference. 18 to 26 and college deferments' will which we were raised. For donations of $200 or more, you will receive an POSTMASTER: Send address autographed and numbered poster. NOT be allowed. changes to: Pacific Citizen, c/o 7Het~ JACL National Headquarters, Los Angele 1765 Sutter St., San Francisco, For Japanese speoking CA 94115. sloff, please visit Ihe falIowin9 branch offices: "-".81«; Little Tokyo r citiZen A symbol of 213-972-5500 7 Cupania Circle JACL MEM:BERS Gardena Monterey Park, CA 91755 310-354-4700 fax: 3231725-0064 Change of Address West Los Angeles e-mail: [email protected] trust. 310-391-0678 Except for the National Director's South Gardena * If you have moved, 310-532-5522 Report, news and the ews Just as people would gather at a village Montebello expressed by columnists do not nec• please send information square to bond w ith neighbors, 323-726-0081 essarily reflect JACL policy. The to: Union Bdnk of California's square logo Torrance columns are the personal opinion of represents a similar relationship that we 310-373-841 1 the writers. National JACL develop with our customers ... a relation• Los Angeles Main "Voices" reflect the active, public. 213-236-7700 * ship bosed on trust. discussion within JACL of a wide 1765 Sutter St. Cerritos Center 562-924-8817 range of ideas and issues, though they may not reflect the viewpoint of San Francisco, CA Backed by Bonk of Tokyo- Mitsubish-i Panorama City 818-893~306 the editorial board of the PaCific 94115 and their hundred years of experience, Irvine Citizen. Allow 6 weeks for address Union Bonk of California takes pride in 949-250-0580 ;j- "Short expressions" on public consistently delivering high quality issues, usually one or two para• changes. sE;lVice. And we will continue to strive Visit us at graphs, should include signature, every day to be our customers' bonk address and daytime phone number. To avoid interruptions in receiving of choice. Because of space limitations, letters your P.c., please notify your pa;t• are subject to abridgement. Although master to include peIiodicals in Union Bonk of California. we are unable to print all the letters we receive, we appreciate the interest your change of address (USPS A symbol of trust. Form 3575) and views of those who take the time to send us their comments. PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAR. 19-APR. 1, 2004 3 Congress Unanimously Names Feb. 19 as Day Sen. Spark Matsunaga Inducted of Remembrance, Including Howard Coble Into Human Rights Hall of Fame

By Pacific Citizen Staff rights organizations, including the happened to the so-called 'enemy• By Pacific Citizen Staff apology for Japanese Americans JACL and the NAACP, called for aliens' during World War n," said unjustly interned in concentration WASlllNGTON - A year after his resignation. The Democratic Lawrence Distasi, project director Sen. Spark Matsunaga was camps during WWII. He passed making statements on a radio pro• National Committee also called for for Una Storia Segreta and president posthumously inducted into the away in 1990. Matsunaga and his gram justifying the World War n his resignation as the chair of the of the Italian American Historical Montgomery County, Maryland family lived in Montgomery internment of Japanese Americans, house subcommittee on crime ter• Association. "So many Americans ' Human Rights County while he served in Rep_ Howard Coble, R-RC., along rorism and homeland security, a still don't know what happened to Hall of Fame Congress from 1962-1990. - Inductees into the Montgomery with other members of the U.S. position he still currently holds. the Japanese, German, and Italian March 11. County Hall of Fame were nomi• House of Representatives, unani• Coble could not be reached for communities, and it is important for The Human nated by the community and select• mously voted in favor of naming comment. a know its history." R ights ed by a panel of judges, based on Feb. 19 the National Day of "As a teacher and public official, According to Honda, the primary Commission their exemplary leadership, Remembrance. Rep. Honda has been steadfast in his value of the Day of Remembrance honored achievements and lasting impact on The House's decision to recog• efforts to educate the public about will be instructional, serving as a Matsunaga for housing, public accornmodations nize the wrongful internment of internment," said JACL National learning tool to instill the lessons his years of MATSUNAGA service in the and employment policies, as well JAs, German Americans and Italian President Floyd Mori. "February 19 from the WWII interment experi• U.S. Congress. He was elected to as their impact on the social climate Americans came as long-awaited is an important day in American his• ence. the House of Representatives in in Montgomery County's human good news for many ethnic cornmu• tory, and we be!ieve this resolution ''There will be healing for those 1962 and in 1976 he was elected to rights movement. nities. to be a valuable tool to further heal who were incarcerated, as well as the Senate. Joining Matsunaga in the Hall of "By admitting that the govern• the wounds of those interned during for those indirectly victimized by Born on the Island of Kauai, Fame are: Mary Y. Betters, Blanca ment wrongfully treated its own cit• World War n and to educate the the misdeeds of our government," Hawaii, Matsunaga served in the Kling, James G. Macdonell, Inez Z. izens and legal residents as potential public about injustices that must Honda said. "When we talk about famed l00th Infantry Battalion dur• McAbee, Margit Meissner, Leroy enemies during World War n, the never be repeated." the Day of Remembrance, commu• ing World War II, receiving a W. Warren, Jr., Christine Clarke, u.s. Congress has again affmned The Day of Remembrance is now nities will get to reflect upon their Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts. James A. Harris, John W. Smith, our nation's devotion to the princi• observed with educational programs own experience and project into the Matsunaga was a key player in Myriam Torrico and Harvey ples of fairness and equal protec• on or around Feb. 19, the anniver• future to ensure such events do not the fight to win reparations and an Zeigler. • tion," said Rep. Michael Honda, D• sary .of the day President Franklin happen again." . Calif., who spear-headed the meas• D. Roosevelt signed Executive ure from his personal experiences as Order 9066. Less Severe Judgment Possible in Capital Espionage Case an internee under the country's Under the executive order, By Associated Press predicting that the U.S. government found pornography on his laptop. wartime policy. 120,000 JAs, 10,905 German will accept the proposal. , The most serious allegations However, the question of Coble's Americans and 3,278 Italians and Pacific Citizen Staff . "Frankly, this case seems to have levied again Yee have been replaced incongruous politics still remain Americans were incarcerated and an FORT BENNING, GA. - Some been ill-founded from the start," by lesser ones of adultery and pos• unanswered. additional 10,000 Italian Americans bizarre twists continue to define the said Michael Greenberger, a former session of pornography on a govern• In a radio interview last February, were relocated away from coastal capital espi• deputy associate U.S. attorney gen• ment computer. Now, Yee's lawyers Coble v.:as quoted as saying that the zones. onage case of eral for counterterrorism. "I think it are hoping to waive his rights to be WWII internment of JAs was justi• "Particularly now, as certain eth• Capt. James would not be surprising at all that court-martialed on the pornography fied. "It wasn't safe for them to be nic minorities face heightened Yee, the the U.S. would want to cut their charges. on the street," he said. scrutiny due to their race or heritage, Muslim Army losses and accept Eugene Fidell's If the proposal is accepted by mil• As a result of his cornments, civil .our nation must remember what chaplain offer." itary officials, Yee will face less accused of A spokesperson for the U.S. severe penalties, such as duty mishandling Southern Command, which oper• restriction or a temporary pay cut. If classified doc.• ates the detention center in Cuba, Yee is court-martialed and convict• uments from a Guantanamo Naval said military officials are reviewing ed of all charges, he could face up to Base prison, some of which are the proposal, but declined to com• 13 years in prison. making military officials talk about ment further. Terms of Yee's proposal were the possibility of less severe punish• Yee is charged with mishandling accidentally e-mailed to dozens of ments for Yee. classified material, failing to obey media outlets by Fidell. Minutes The preliminary hearing has been an order, making a false official later, Fidell sent a follow-up e-mail postponed for the sixth time to Mar. statement, adultery and conduct urging recipients to "disregard and 24 after Yee's lawyers submitted a unbecoming an officer for allegedly destroy the e-mail I sent a few min• proposed settlement to dismiss all downloading pornography on his utes ago. It was sent inadvertently." serious charges. government laptop. These developments came short• The proposal put forth by In December, a naval reserve ly after Yee was transferred from Attorney Eugene Fidell also called lieutenant testified that she had an Fort Benning, where he was free for Yee's honorable discharge from affair with the chaplain and an Army and awaiting trial, to Fort Meade, the Army, which has some officials computer expert testified that she Maryland . •

City Officials Change AA Maker of Ghettopoly Sues Hasbro Tune in Debate OVer By ASSOCIATED PRESS Now, 1,050 Ghettopoly games are sitting in a warehouse and new Private Karaoke Booths ERIE, Pa.-The Asian American stock is being detained by U.S. maker of the board game Customs and Border Protection in By RACHEL KONRAD Ghettopoly, a spoof on Monopoly Tacoma, Wash. In a lawsuit filed Associated Press Writer that has drawn the ire of black lead• Feb. 27 in U.S. District Court in ers for its portrayal of urban life, is Erie, Chang is asking the court to SAN MATEO, Calif.--City lead• suing Hasbro so he can continue to order Hasbro to consent to a release ers in this Silicon Valley suburb sell the game. of those games. have changed their tune in a racially Hasbro Inc., the Pawtucket, R.I.• Jennifer Meredith, one of charged debate over karaoke based owner of Parker Brothers, Chang's attorneys, said he is being lounges. which makes the board game penalized before anyone has even In January, city council merribers . Monopoly, has filed suit to stop determined whether he's guilty of imposed a temporary ban on private sales, claiming trademark and copy• trademark or copyright infringe• booths in the popular clubs. Police right infringement. ment. said prostitution, drug use and gam• David Chang, of St. Mary's, said According to Chang and his attor• bling flourished behind locked he has already been effectively pre• neys, at least 100 games end in doors in diffily lit singing rooms vented from selling Ghettopoly "opoly." They said the game isn't from San Francisco to Sacramento. before that challenge can get to likely to be confused with Karaoke fans from Seattle to court. That's because Hasbro sent a Monopoly in consumers' minds. Hong Kong sent angry e-mails and cease and desist letter to Urban While the game has been criti• letters to San Mateo, and Police Outfitters, which he said had agreed cized as racist, Chang, who is Asian Chief Susan Manheimer defended to sell 2,000 games. American, said in his complaint that the clampdown on talk-radio shows. the game is a parody of ''the hip-hop .Callers said she and white city coun• square-foot see-through windows, culture of the 21st century." cil members were culturally insensi- bright lighting and doors that don't Chang also claims he lost about tive - if not discriminatory - to a lock. $10,500 on the games delivered to . popular Asian cultural institution. Karaoke bars are mainstays of Urban Outfitters because of On March 1, city officials relent• nightlife districts throughout Asia. Hasbro's interference. ed, allowing construction of private but authorities are increasingly scru• He is still selling the game on the booths. Rooms must include 12- tinizing them.• Internet. • 4 PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAR. 19-APR. 1, 2004 COMMENTARY legal point of view. I understand why minority groups makes a difference. I trust that such incidents are infre• they asked that; running an organiza• How are hiring and advancement quent these days. TIlls illustrates Diversity - What a Concept! tion requires avoiding activities that decisions made by the company? Is how critical it is to have a good, cost the organization in money or there an affirmative action plan that objective internal investigation of By PAUL M. IGASAKI merely the starting point. In my pre• distractions from the organizational is taken seriously? Are the hiring the specific details and context of vious position as vice chair of the mission. From a management point pools diverse as opposed to the ulti• diversity and discrimination con• Once even talking about valuing a U.S. Equal Employment of view, clear and unambiguous mate workforce? If so, the problem cems in an organization. It also mixture of races, religions, sexual Opportunity Commission, I helped answers are sought as to what cre• could be in the selection procedure reminds us that, in the real world, orientations, ages or persons with enforce the nation's laws against job ates diversity and what does not. or in recruiting competitive diversity people do not always do what seems disabilities was discrimination. TIlls is only a portion Managers want to know in advance recruits. Do the job descriptions seek professionally or legally I?referable. considered of the diversity reality, but it is an what specific diversity efforts will the characteristics that are truly nec• Staff whose responsibilities are usu• problematic. important one. Like so many .things, not risk legal liability. It would be essary for the job, or are there factors ally far removed from diversity or Being blind to diversity is about balancing factors ni~e if it were simple. But, for the that are not necessary that limit who equal opportunity standards will difference was and considering what one needs to most part, it is not. It is a subjective would be hired? often stray from best practices considered do to be effective, fair and within the area requiring an understanding of Detailed Analysis, Objective btx:ause their primary focus is else• ideal. Times la~. It is about finding and promot• diversity, how different people will Investigation where. have certainly ing good employees from diverse react to different situations, and all of Clearly, diversity and compliance I work in the diversity and equal changed. In the backgrounds, about maintaining an the factors at play in a particular require careful analysis, and these employment opportunity fields business world and in government, environment that not only accom• organization and community. analyses cannot be done . on paper because I believe in the values including even the U.S. Supreme modates difference, but thrives Wanting diversity is not enough to only. When I worked with local gov• behind them and the need for profes• Court, the concept of diversity has because of it Positive values, yes, actually achieve it. Figuring out why ernment, I heard that someone seek• sionals serving business, govern• received support, or at least accept• but more complicated than one you don't have a diverse workforce, ing a promotion was told that he did• ment and other sectors to r!!fine ance. We now see diversity posi• might think. for example, may not be so easy to n't get the job because they had to methods and resolve disputes. The tions, even departments, in most A colleague once said that com• figure. What is the company's image hire a minority for the position. I was fact that it is not easy does not major companies, as well as consult• plying with discrimination laws was regarding diversity generally and very concerned, of course. If true, it detract from its importance. America ants like myself or publications that not rocket science. While that may with particular minority groups? It is would've been discriminatory. is not defined by its race, religion or explore the methods involved in fos• be true, I definitely don't want folks not surprising that increasing diver• However, the manager who said this ethnicity as so many other countries tering workplace diversity. TIlls is a to think that there is nothing to it. It sity doesn't occur when recruitment to the applicant responded when are. In a very real sense, those differ• good thing and I hope it continues. is more than merely not wanting to is done through your existing work• challenged that ip fact the minority ences are what makes this country It concerns me, however, that discriminate or wishing for a diverse ers or through usual techniques. Is person chosen had greater experi• great and allows us to grow and many fail to understand that this is a workforce. your recruitment campaign focused ence with the precise challenges that change. • complicated challenge. The first and No "Safe Harbor" or Quick Fixes on publications and events of interest the higher-level position required. most important step in dealing with One of the most frequent ques• to certain communities and to people The manager sought to make the Paul Jgasaki served as the vice diversity is to believe that it is a ben• tions I received from managers as I with different · backgrounds? Is applicant feel better assuming that chair and later as acting chair of the eficial thing to pursue in your institu• traveled nationwide and even abroad recruiting done locally only or being discrinlinated against would U.S. . Equal Employment tion, whether it is a workplace, a for the EEOC was what employment nationally? Utilizing headhunters be preferable to being told that he Opportunity Commission from 1994 school or media outlet. But that is practices we~ "safe harbors" from a that have connections to particular was less qualified for the job. to 2002.

By Associated Press Japanese curriculum with an empha• and Pacific Citizen Staff sis on English language instruction, National Newsbytes was scheduled to close in spring o Elko Joins County in 2006. University officials postponed Opposing Patriot Act $5,411.88. overthrow of Hawaii's last queen has Tulip's distributor and marketer, the closing date until March 2007 teache~ ELKO, Nev.-Elko City Council Vietnamese activists groups in a foreigner dared to wage a battle so Advantage Webco Dodge Hawaii, after administrators, and has joined the county commission in Australia and the United States fierce against an island i,nstitution. said sales have been strong. Its mar• parents pushed for more time to raise voting opposition to any sections of noticed the listing as early as Mar. 5 Spam has been Hawmi's undis• keting goal of selling 1.2 million enrollment. the Federal Patriot Act that violate and began sending e-mails to puted king of canned luncheon meat cans may be met a year earlier than The boarding school was founded peoples' civil rights. omen's rights and immigrant since the gelatinous pfuk Pork brick expected, the company aid. in 1989 mainly for children of The council's resolution advocates around the world. Many was first introduced to the islands Beside Tulip, there are also about Japanese industry executives who approved Mar. 9 prohibits local par• of them contacted eBay, and cus• during World War II. Now a new a half a dozen other luncheon meats moved to the United States. ticipation in federal investigations tomer service representatives pulled Danish copycat called Tulip is trying on the market including Treet, Enrollment has slipped significantly as well as the seizure of personal the auction, now listed as "invalid to ull$eat Spam. Celebrity and some generic brands. in the last decade, from 194 students records without reasonable suspi• item." In Hawaii, Spam is much more Others too , have come and gone, but in 1995 to about 80 when the new cion that a crime has been commit• San Jose-based eBay strictly for• than a four-letter word for unwanted Spam still reigns. academic year starts in April. The ted. bids the sale or purchase of humans, e-mail. The product made by Austin, school has never recovered since Elko Chief Clair Morris was alive or dead. Minnesota-based Hormel Foods o Japanese Academy enrollment began dropping after the among those who spoke in favor of Corp. isn't just another canned meat in Southern U.S. Hopes Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. the resolution, which prohibits the o FBI Investigates either. It's more of a staple food and to Stay Open With Tennessee Meiji Gakuin relies part of island culture - Hawaii mostly on tuition money to fund police force from racial profiling Vandalism at lubbock, American Students and enforcing federal immigration Texas Mosque leads the nation in per capita Spam teacher salaries, supplies and main• consumption. SWEETWATER, Tennessee• tenance. It has been financially inde• laws. LUBBOCK, Texas-The FBI . After two years of planning and Japan's first accredited high school pendent from its parent school, Meiji It also forbids city agencies from and police are investigating theft development, Tulip was introduced in the United States is considering Gakuin University in Tokyo, since creating intelligence dossiers on the and vandalism at a local mosque, in Hawaii last August with an accepting American students in 1995. political, religious and social views . trying to determine if anti-Muslim aggressive marketing campaign and order to stay financially viable, Tennessee Meiji Gakuin will start of individuals and organizations epithets scrawled in marker on walls an ambitious goal of gaining nearly administrators said. offering three-week sessions this unless the information relates to a and a computer indicate a possible 20 percent of Spam's enviable mar• Tennessee Meiji Gakuin, a three• summer for American students ages crinlinal investigation. hate crime. ket share in two years. year private academy that teaches a 15 to 19 to study Japanese.• Elko's resolution made it the. Worshippers at the Islamic Center 264th city, county or state jurisdic• of the South Plains discovered the tion to favor a less intrusive meas• damage - estimated to be about Community-Corporate Partnership Establishes ure. It and the county are the only $1,800 - Mar. 7 when they arrived Nevada entities to have approved for morning prayers. National Scholarship Program for APIAs such a resolution. The FBI and local authorities National Asian and Pacific director of the Organization of will become a part of APIASF in believe at least two people broke Islander American leaders are cel• Chinese Americans, whose group the future. "Creating APIASF in o eBay Halts Auction into the mosque late Mar. 6 or early ebrating the inauguration of the manages several pan-Asian schol• tandem with corporate and nation• of Vietnamese Girls Mar. 7. Investigators are looking Asian and Pacific Islander arship programs including the al Asian and Pacific Islander SAN JOSE, Calif.-eBay Inc. into whether the break-in "was American Scholarship Fund (API• Gates Millennium Scholars pro• American leaders is truly a dream halted an auction and suspended a indeed a hate crime and not just van• ASF), a new national scholarship gram. come true for us." Taiwanese user who allegedly tried dalism," said FBI spokesperson organization devoted to API stu• Although national scholarship In addition to supporting finan• dents. to sell three Vietnamese girls for a Lori Bailey. programs exist for African cial needs, APIASF leaders hope , For more than a year, national Americans, AAs, Hispanics, and to enable scholarship recipients in starting bid of $5,400. No detennination has been made. APIA leaders have worked American Indians, corporate and pursuing careers where APIAs The auction, which began Mar. 2 Mosque leaders will review secu• towards establishing a national community leaders have discov• have been traditionally underrep• on eBay's Taiwan site, did not rity at the building but aren't afraid scholarship organization offering ered that an independent organiza• resented, including but not limited include a detailed description of the to continue worshipping ' in the financial support to API students tion devoted solely to the scholar• to higher education, television and goods for sale but said the "items" building, Iman Mohamed EI• who otherwise could not afford to ship needs of AAPIs does not film, management and govern- were from Vietnam and would be Moctar said. He said authorities told attend' a post-secondary institution exist. ment. . "shipped to Taiwan only." him they found most of the stolen of their choice. "AMOA made a commitment . APIASF anticipates that it will The site included five photos of goods in nearby trash bins. "More than 12 percent of Asian long ago to support the education• take approximately two years to three people. One dark-haired Americans and nearly 18 percent al needs of students from all back• build a national scholarship organ• woman in a white shirt wore make- o Hawaii's Favorite of Pacific Islanders still live below grounds and cultures," said Eddie ization that can address the grow• . up and blue nail polish, and the the official poverty line, meaning Yuen, president of AMOA, whose ing financial needs of APIA stu• Pink Pork Brick Faces thousands of students require organization worked with Ronald dents. Currently, APIASF leaders other two appeared to be girls no Competition From financial aid to secure a college McDonald House Charities to cre• are working to establish a national older than their early teens. The 10- education. APIASF will allow us ate the Asian Students Increasing board and building infrastructure day auction had a starting price of Denmark HONOLULU-Not since the to help more of these students," Achievement (ASIA) scholarship to support the organization's pro• 180,000 Taiwanese dollars, or said Christine Chen, executive program - an organization that grams and initiatives.• PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAR. 19-APR. 1, 2004 5 ed by completely non-Japanese All Poston I Family Reunion Set for October YOUTH FORUM kids my age obsessed with Japan Take a joumey back in time with Council (CRIT). A Category Uniquely My Own (or at least, a commercialized and the Poston I Camp Reunion. The The CRIT has been the force marketed ideal of it), having event slated to take place Oct. 8-10 behind the maintenance and care of By PAUL Gosm in the way of books was at !lIe Japanese girlfriends, visiting Japan at the Ramingo Hotel is a way to the Poston Monument and the whim of the ebb and flow of main• (which I have never done), and bring the extended family together to remains of the elementary school I'm a mixed Yonsei. My back- stream America's interest with the worst of all, speaking more learn and share in the experience of area. ground is white, Japanese, exotic aspects of Japan and its his• Japanese than. myself. the older generation during World Among the topics to be consid- Hawaiian, and Blackfeet Native tory, this being often the only rea• Even more embarrassing, many Warn. ered for discussion during the visit American, in roughly that order; son for books on pre- or post-World of them deferred to me as some sort The family reunion concept was with the CRIT is the current camp Haw a i i a. n War n Japan to be published in of presumably knowledgeable developed by the Poston I All Camp restoration project and repair of the locals like my English. expert on Japan and its culture. Family Reunion Committee to auditorium. - grandparents As a result, my knowledge of They seemed mystified when I had encourage the attendance of children For teenagers and younger chil- would use the Japanese history and culture was to honestly inform them I didn't and grandchildren of the Issei and dren, there is a surplus of entertain- much simpler limited to often outdated books have much of a Japanese ethnic Nisei internees. ment such as the game room at the description of . about Sengoku Jidai, the samurai identity, and to be honest, hadn't "If you have never' ~ttended a Ramingo Hilton Hotel, movie the- Hapa or hapa- period, or the less drarnatic busi• really wanted much of one either Poston I Camp Reunion, this is an ater and outlet mall across the street. haole. Being ness histories of post-war Japanese for most of my life. excellent once-in-a-lifetime opportu• "It is vital for all internees, J a pan e s e industries which fascinated econo• It may seem konic that I found nity to introduce your children and regardless of which camp, to make American by way of Hawaii is very mists and infuriated American myself enrolled in a Japanese 1 lan• grandchildren to the very unique life sure our children and grandchildren common, though growing up I workers during my childhood in guage course shortly after my deci• f~ced you during the mtemment," are aware of what happened in the always felt at arm's length from a the 1980s. sion to pursue Native American said Co-Chairman Aki Amano. history of the Japanese Americans. confident claim to any ethnic iden- The hostility of the 1980s Studies as a college major. I think Attendees 'will be bussed to the We don't want it to ever happen tity because of the seemingly rela- towards Japan in California, I'm part of me just wanted to be certain site of the Poston I Relocation again to any group of people solely tive lack of mixed Japanese east of somewhat ashamed to admit, fur• someone was there who appreciat• Camp, the Poston Memorial because of their ethnic or cultural Hawaii. ther estranged me even from my ed Japan for more than its anima• Monument and the remains of the background," said Co-Chairperson Growing up, I never learned to tentative ties to my Japanese her• tion. Another part, however, felt elementary school and auditorium Mary Higashi. speak anything other than English itage. Two Japanese college stu• safer to venture out and delve more that were destroyed in a fire. The public is also invited to in my family home, aside from a dents were slain in a Ralph's super• deeply into a section of my heritage The three-day event will also fea• attend this reunion. Those interested few Hawaiian "pidgin" words market parking lot literally three neglected for a long time. ture educational activities such as in participating must contact Aki which used filtered Japanese. I did- blocks from my fanilly home and Some of the questions and forums with former intemees and a Amano at 310/541-4648 or n't attend Cherry Blossom this, combined with many of the doubts from childhood that kept me luncheon in Parker, Arizona at the EAAmano@; Mary Festivals or any cultural events usual "Go back to Japan" impera• at arm's length from my Japanese Bluewater Resort on the Colorado Higashi 310/823-6303; Sets Kobata really. The few words and phrases tives and insults from kids my age, heritage remain, if a bit muted; will . River with representatives of the Shinto 323n21-1387 or Bob Wada and written characters I picked up prompted me to give up any claim other Japanese Americans see me Colorado River Indian Tribal 7141992-5461.. from my grandparents were, to to a Japanese heritage I felt was not as a JA? What makes a mixed ....------. newer arrivals, incomprehensible only undesirable, but also didn't Yonsei JA? Am I even JA at all? Support the P.C. Spring Campaign or undecipherable, being a quaint want me and, bluntly, I didn't real• I still arn not sure how to answer outdated Kyushu dialect just a few ly have strong ties to anyhow. any of these questions and many For donations of $100- years short of a century old, handed The phenomenal popularity of more that I have, but I do feel more $199 you will receive down from my great-grandparents manga and anime in mainstream comfortable and confident explor• Pete Hironaka's "Nisei" who carne to Hawaii before 1910 American culture brought ing this part of my background and poster or Joyce as sugar plantation workers. "Japanese is cool" attitudes back reclaiming ties to it, even if I end up Hirohata's "Nisei Voices" My interest in Japanese culture' into play that I had not seen much in a category uniquely my own.• book. See coupon on and identity, however, was very of since I was very, very young. . page 2. great. I later learned that most of Suddenly, as a freshmen at UC Paul Goshi is a freshman at UC what I was able to get my hands on Berkeley, I found myself surround- Berkeley.

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Can Make ADifIerence 6 PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAR.19-APR. 1, 2004 everything [all anti-hate rallies] was the 2004 budget, trimming down ing, and education. He noted that student-run," said Josh Pasek, a jun• FINANCES various program expenses to avoid a staff hours in legislative advocacy, (Continued from page 1) ior at Pomona College. "The inci• (Continued from page 1) projected deficit. community outreach, and chapter dents that did happen became cam• "We're going down to the bone and district support are currently by sneaking around during the pus-wide issues because people payments JACL still has a surplus of again," he said. being allocated in the 2004 budget nighttime." thought they were important enough approximately $270,000. A budget committee will meet on although they are not a part of the ill January, four students stole a to stop reporting them to just [the "We're moving in a positive April 3 to look over the 2004 budget Three Pillars policy. large cross from Pomona College, administration] because they were direction as a result of all your and will send a report to the national "We're already four months into an unfinished student art project that larger issues." efforts," said Tateishi. board at their next meeting in May. the year and we really don't have a belonged to Marcel Lund~Montano, The string of hate-related events But he also emphasized that Art Koga, JACL national secre- budget," he said. and later set fire to it in front of and the student body reaction JACL must continue to raise mem- tary/treasurerand member of the ill addition to the 2004 numbers, some dormitories that were empty snatched local headlines and shifted bership numbers and embark on subcommittee, already sees prob• the budget committee will take up during the winte~ break. public focus to the discussion of various fundraising efforts in order • lems with the preliminary 2004 fig• the 2005-2006 budgets at the April 3 Cynthia Peters, a spokesperson race relations, not only on school to ensure that JACL does not enter ures, noting that the board estab• meeting. The committee will for• for the college, said the incident is campuses but across the nation as into a deficit budget again in 2004. lished Three Pillars policy in which ward all three budgets to the JACL not being investigated as a hate. well. "By no means is it over yet," said staff· are to work solely in the areas national board for approval at their crime because the burning cross was According to Claremont Police Tateishi, who said he would contin- of membership, fundraising, and quarterly meeting May 22-23 in San not directed at anyone personally. Lt. Stan Van Hom, in the last five ue to cut back expenses and monitor education has not been followed Francisco. ill February, a photo scavenger years, 1 to 3 hate crimes have been spending .. through. The 2005-2006 budgets will then hunt lead by a campus organization reported in Claremont - relatively Investment Policy Committee Koga noted that programs not in be forwarded to the various JACL called for its members to take a low in comparison to other cities Chair Ted Tsuka1lara reported that line with the Three Pillars were chapters for review and the national "photo with 10 or more Asians." across the United States where hate as of Dec. 31, 2003, JACL'stotal added to the 2004 budget and staff council will make their final decision When that happened, Lee said crimes seem to make the evening investments were valued at hours were not reallocated to the at the biennial convention in that some of the Asian American news with more frequency. $7,310,745, an increase of $337,641 three areas of membership, fundrais- Honolulu Aug. 10-14.• students were being followed ill the FBI's official 2002 Hate over a three-month period. As of around. Crime Statistics Report, a total of Feb. 29 the Legacy Fund sits at Nation's First Leadership Institute "That was not cool," said Lee, 7,462 hate crime incidelJ.ts were $5.57 million, slightly above the who added that one of his friends reported nationwide last year, a $5.5 million benchmark set for any for API Lesbian and Gay Youth logged onto the school's interactive decrease from last year's numbers withdrawal of funds. Now Accepting Applications discussion forum Web site to that had many residents and law But although the Legacy Fund Recognizing the need to train the active in their community and have express his unllappiness over the enforcement officials breathing eas• has passed this established thresh• next generation of leaders, the a strong desire for social justice are incident only to receive "interesting ier for awhile. However, some are old, funds still cannot be withdrawn Asian Pacific Islanders for Human encouraged to apply. Applicants threats" in response. saying that the four hate-related for general operations in the 2005- Rights (APIHR) recently intro• must be 24 years old or under. To further fuel the fire of race incidences at the Claremont 2006 budgets since a 24-month duced the nation's first youth insti• Participants will be selected on the relation debates in this college town, Colleges since the beginning of the trend must first be obserVed. tute geared towards the education basis of demonstrated community the word "Nigger" was found writ• year are a clear indication that more Tsuka1lara believes monies from the of future young leaders of the Asian interest and involvement, leader• ten on a calendar picture of George progress needs to be made in mod• Legacy Fund will be available in and Pacific Islander Lesbian, Gay, ship potential, and ability to com• Washington Carver in February dur• erating race relations. 2007 for payout of the Legacy Fund Bisexual, Transgender, illtersexual, plete the entire program.· ing Black History Month. "What happens here in our citY is grants. Queer and Questioning (LGBTIQ) Applications are due by April 16. The combination of these four just a snap shot t() similar incidents JACL's investments "are doing community. The youth leadership institute is incidences galvanized the colleges' in the country, and cannot be quite well," said Tsukahara, "but the "This institute will train the comprised of an intensive retreat 75,000 students to cancel classes ignored," said Van Hom. . markets are still volatile." held in June followed by an eight• and participate in a series of daylong "Every single day, when you A subcommittee of the national future leaders of our community, something that is desperately need- week internship with API and talks and rallies against hate crimes walk somewhere, sometimes you're board met to discuss the 2004 budg- . ed' th t lim te f gIven e curren c a 0 LGBT community-based organiza• on Mar. 10. conscious this kind of stuff happens, et but were unable to report any . intolerance and fear," said Patrick tions and elected officials' offices. "It's important to know that sometimes you're not," said Lee. numbers due to a lack of informa• Mangto, executive director of Additional specialized trainings "After 9/11, I was boarding a plane tion, said Bob Taniguchi, · CCOC APIHR. "With the knowledge and will be held weekly to strengthen to go out of state, and got pulled out governor and subcommittee chair. - 1- Advertise in the experience provided through the skills. of my line four times to get "We didn't have enough informa• Pacific Citizen. Institute, we hope to ignite a spark For more information on the searched. Sometimes the nation tion," said Taniguchi, who plans to for future generations to continue Youth Leadership illstitute, contact becomes reactionary, but hopefully, send the budget back to Tateishi to Call 800/966- fighting for equality in both the API Surniko Braun, youth program we don't lose sight of what this look over the various numbers. 6157 for details. and queer communities." coordinator, at 323/860-0876 or country is all about - tolerance." • Taniguchi foresees more cuts in API LGBTIQ youths who are [email protected] .•

Convention Registration Form· Aloha! We invite you to register for the 2004 JACL stated after it has been cancelled. JACL membership 75th Anniversary National Convention "Our Legacy, fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please LAST NAME ______FIRST NAME _ _ _ _ MI Our Future: Ensuring Diversity in America:' expect all convention refunds within 60 days post-con• PREFERRED NAME (FOR NAME TAG). ______ference. Address ______Registration Information: The following is information on how to register for the Registrants unable to attend may send a substitute; if City State Zip Code convention. Please complete one registration form per the substitute is not a JACL member, the non-member Tel _ ____ Fax ____ E-Mail attendee. You may download the form and survey. fee will be required. Substitutions must be made in writ• ing to JACL Honolulu Chapter. Chapter ______City & State "Please mail your completed registration form, survey, Accommodation for Disability? 0 Yes 0 No and payment to: JACL National Convention JACL reserves the right to cancel or reschedule pro• Type of accommodation JACL Hawaii, Honolulu Chapter grams at any time, or to close registrations when pro• Early Registration (Received by May 15, 2004) P.O. Box 1291 grams are sold out. JACL will not be responsible for non-refundable airline tickets. By registering, you agree o JACL Member: $200 $_• Honolulu, HI 96807 to o Youth Member: $100 $_• all the terms and conditions set forth. o Non-JACL Youth $125 (One year JACL membership included) $_• Payment Methods: Activities: o Friends of JACL Tomodachi/Booster: $495 $-.- Check, money order, VISA, MasterCard (No Purchase Registration (Received by July 31 , 2004) Orders are accepted). Please submit payment with Please note that you must register for tours and fam ily activities separately. Pre-registration for activities and o JACL Member: $250 $_• your registration form and survey to the above address. tours is highly encouraged, but is not required at the o Youth Member: $150 $_• time of registration for the convention. You may also o Non-JACL Youth $175 (One year JACL membership included) $_• Confirmation of Registration: register for activities at the activities desk during the o Friends of JACL Tomodachi/Booster: $ 595 $_• A confirmation letter will be sent to you either bye-mail convention on a space-availability basis. To register fo r TOTAL FROM THIS SECTION $_- or by U.S. mail within 2 weeks of receipt and approval of payment. If you do not hear from us within 2 weeks, activities and tours, please see "activities/tours" link on IN ADDITION, as a registered convention attendee, I would like to pu rchase addition• our website and print out the registration form . You may al ticket(s))* to the following event(s) (this is in addition to what is included in my reg• please contact - Lori K. Amano at [email protected], or 808/523-8464. mail your completed form and payment to JACL Hawaii istration package): . at address noted above. For additional information, o Sayonara Banquet $150 per person x _ (# of tickets) = $ __ Deadlines: please contact Pam Funai at [email protected]. :::I Waikiki Welcome Mixer $50 per person x _ (# of tickets) =$ __ Early Registration Deadline: Received by May 15, :::I Veterans Luncheon $50 per person x _ (# of tickets) =$ __ JACL Members & Tomodachi Registration :::I Hawaiian Luau $50 per person x _ (# of tickets) = $ __ 2004. Registration Deadline: Received by July 31, 2004 . includes: ..J Hawaiian Luau (Children under 12) $35 per child x _ (# of tickets) = $ __ Opening Ceremonies and General Orientation, J Youth Luncheon $35 per person x _ (# of tickets) = $ __ Hotel Reservations: Breakfasts, ALL on-site Workshops, Youth Diversity ...l Hawaii Plantation Village Tour $25 per person x _ (# of tickets) =$ __ Summit (Does not include Youth Luncheon), 1 ticket to * Additional tickets to all events will be sold on a space-available, '1irst-come, fi rst• To make hotel reservations, please call the Waikiki Beach Marriott Hotel at 800/367-5370 and mention the Waikiki Welcome Mixer,1 ticket to off-site tour of served" basis. Hawai'i Plantation Village (Open to first 450 registrants TOTAL FROM THIS SECTION $__ JACL Convention to receive the special convention rates. The Waikiki Beach Marriott Hotel is very popular onIY),1 ticket to the Awards Luncheon (Open to the first GRAND TOTAL $ __ and hotel rooms will fill quickly. Please make your reser• 400 Non-Youth registrants only), 1 ticket to the Payment Method: vations as soon as possible. The last day to take advan• Sayonara Banquet. :::I Check enclosed (Make checks payable to JACL 2004 National Convention) tage of the convention rates is Friday, July 11 , 2004. ..J VISA (This charge will appear as Educare Technologies, Inc. on your credit ca rd statement) Room rates for single or double occupancy: City View Youth Registration includes: (25 years or younger or ...l MasterCard (This charge will appear as Educare Technologies, Inc. on your credit card state• $115, Partial Ocean $125, Ocean $150, Deluxe Ocean is currently enrolled in a college, trade school or univer• ment) $195, Additional Person $30. sity) Opening Ceremonies and General Orientation, Card # ______Expiration Date ______Breakfasts, ALL on-site Workshops, Youth Diversity Summit, Youth Luncheon (Open to the first 400 regis• Address of Cardholder ______Cancellation and Refund Policy: Full conference registration fees, less a $100 cancella• trants only), 1 ticket to the Waikiki ·Welcome Mixer, 1 City State Zip Code ______tion fee, are refundable only if the JACL Honolulu ticket to off-site tour of Hawai'i Plantation Village (Open to first 450 Youth registrants only), 1 ticket to the Cardholder Signature Chapter receives written notice by July 15, 2004. Registrations and cancellations received after July 15, Sayonara Banquet. Print Cardholder Name ______2004, are non-refundable. Registration may not be rein- PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAR. 19-APR. 1, 2004 7 _ InSpOriS

BASEBALL OLYMPICS Yamaguchi Among Finalists New York City Hopes Matsui Will Score With Japanese Travelers TAMPA, Florida-':'New York for USOC Hall of Fame City tourism officials, hoping to CHICAGO- Kristi Yama• and field 400 relay; the 1996 score with Japanese tourists, guchi, Michael Jordan and the orig• women's soccer team; the 1996 unveiled a $3 million marketing inal Dream Team, Dan Jansen, women's gymnastics team; and the c~paign recently featuring Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Shannon 1998 women's ice hockey team. Yankees star Hideki Matsui. Miller and Janet Evans are among The paralympian fInalists are: A .three-minute video promoting the finalists for this year's U.S. Diana Golden (alpine skiing); Linda the city opens with the' outfIelder Olympic Hall of Fame class, the Mastandrea (track and fIeld); John slugging a and shows fIrst since 1992. Morgan (swimming); Dennis scenes of New York's highlights, Six individual athletes, one team Oehler (basketball, tennis and track including Broadway shows, the and one paralympian will be induct• and fIeld); and Randy Snow (wheel• Statue of Liberty and Central Park, ed Jul. 1 in Chicago. The inductees chair tennis). along with footage showcasing the will be voted on by Olympians, U.S. The Hall of Fame was established city's shops and restaurants. ' Hideki Matsui receives a Proclamation from New York Olympics officials and media repre• in 1983. Jesse Owens, Mark Spitz, The Japanese superstar joined the Mayor Bloomberg presented by Cristyne Nicholas, Mar. 3 in Tampa, FI. (AP sentatives. Members of the public Jim Thorpe, Wtlma Rudolph, Peggy Yankees last year, and "captured the PhotolRusty Kennedy) also can vote on the Intemet until Fleming and the 1980 hockey team hearts of an New Yorkers" when he Apr. 14. were among the first class, and hit a grand slam in the season open• . 1999, Japanese tourists spent about When asked what his favorite A veteran representative - annual additions continued through er, said Cristyne L. Nicholas, presi• $466 million in New York. In 2002, spot is in New York, Matsui replied: someone who competed at the 1956 1992 before inductions were halted. dent and CEO of NYC & Company, that fIgure had fallen to about half "." Olympics or before - and a special The Hall of Fame currently has . the city's tourism marketing organi• that amount. Brian Cashman, senior vice pres• contributor already have been 151 members, including 68 individ• zation. ''They make such an investment _ ident and general manager of the selected by a nomination commit• ual athletes and fIve teams .• "New York City and Japan might in New York City. We've really felt Yankees, said that as a player, tee. Their names will be announced be a world apart on the globe, but their absence," she said, adding that Matsui has "lived up to all our in May. the mutual love of is bring• Japanese are the third-largest group expectations." He said the 29-year• The finalists for individual ath• Ando Wins Women's ing us together," Nicholas said dur• of foreign travelers to New York, old isn't 'just a championship-cal• letes are: Yamaguchi (fIgure skat• ing a news conference at Legends behind only the United Kingdom iber player, he's a championship- , ing); Joyner-Kersee, Florence Program Field in Tampa, the Yankees' spring and Cailada. caliber Person." Griffith Joyner, Evelyn Ashford, at Junior Worlds training home. The city is hoping for a rebound Nicholas said she traveled to Joan Benoit and Valerie Brisco THE HAGUE, Netherlands• During the peak in 1999, New fueled by Japan's adoration of Tokyo last year to promote New (track and fIeld); Jansen and Bonnie Miki Ando of Japan won the York City drew 425,000 Japanese Matsui, who was an All-Star in his York City, and people were lining Blair (speedskating); Evans, Matt women's free skating program Mar. visitors. But the economic downturn homeland with the Yorniuri Giants up early in the " morning to see Biondi, Rowdy Gaines and Mary T. 6 at the Junior World Figure Skating in Japan, coupled with the Sept. 11 before signing with the Yankees. Matsui. "I've never seen anything Meagher (swinlruing); Tracie Ruiz Championships, beating Kimmie ' terrorist attacks, dropped the num• As New York's ambassador for like it," she said. (synchronized swimming); Bruce Meissner and of the ber of travelers to about 300,000 in .Japanese tourism, Matsui said "There's absolutely no better Baumgartner, Jeff Blatnick and United States. 2002, the last year for which fIgures through a translator, "I hope tourists ambassador I can think of to rebuild John Smith (wrestling); Miller Ando also won the short pro• are available, Nicholas said. come to th~ city to enjoy the city the Japanese market," Nicholas (gymnastics); Oscar de la Hoya gram, and was overall champion for Spending by Japanese visitors and to watch the New York. Yankees said.• (boxing); and Greg Barton the first time, after finishing third in also took a drop, Nicholas said. In play." (canoe/kayak). 2002 and second in 2003. The Team finalists are: Jordan and the Japanese junior champion skated to AUTO RACING 1992 men's basketball team; the . 's "Fire Bird." 1976 women's 400 freestyle relay Meissner finished second ove~, Sato Thrilled With His Return to Track swim team; the 1988 women's track ahead of Taylor in third. • MELBOURNE, Australia- in 2002 driving for Jordan, but was it is difficult to choose the right tire Almost a full season out of Formula a test driver for "BAR last year in such a short space of time," he One racing didn't dull Takoma before replacing Villeneuve. said. National business Sato's appetite for the sport, or his '~It's a little bit difficult for me to ''The team is working very well and Professional sense of adventure. have the feel of the car ... to come and our team's atmosphere is very Directory The Japanese driver had a wild back to the grand prix races," added high. It's a fantastic opportunity. To 7>a:r.t:.n spin in the second free practice ses• Sato.. me the racing is everything, so I'm Your business card in each issue for 22 issues is $15 per line, three-line sion for the season-opening Sato's BAR teammate, Jenson very, very glad." minimum. larger type (12 pt.) counts as fwo lines. logo same as line rate Australian Grand Prix, but ended Button, was fourth quickest in Sato said the Melbourne circuit as required. P.e. has made no determlna1ion that the businesses listed in this directory are licensed by proper govemment authority. the day feeling confIdent for 2004. 1:25.786. Both BAR drivers com• was "the perfect race to start the sea• Sato, 27, who has replaced for• pleted 21 laps. son with." >",,,,,i" /' :" " ,>. " GrealuWs Angeles " "' mer world champion Jacques Sato drove for BAR in the fIn~ "I have raced at Melbourne once ASAHI TRAVEL Dr. Darlyne Fujimoto, Villeneuve at BAR Honda, was race of iast season - the Japanese before - it was my debut race - BUSINESS & LEISURE TRAVEL FOR GROups, FAMILIES & INDIVIDUALS. PACKAGE ToURS, Optometrist & Associates 12th quickest after opening sessions Grand Prix - when Canadian but I had a technical problem in A Professional Corporation CRUISES, RAlLPASS, YOBIYOSE & Mar.5. Villeneuve pulled out after being qualifying," he said. & LIMOUSINE SERVICE 11420 E. South St, Cerritos, CA 90701 JlSJlHI 1543 W. Olympic Blvd, #317, (310) 860·1339 He clocked one minute 26.967 dropped for 2004. The Japanese "So many things can happen in L.A. 90015 seconds around the 3.295-mile driver collected three points for a Melbourne, and everyone has a (213) 487·4294 • FAX (213) 487·1073 Oakland, Cali£ Albert Park circuit, more than two sixth-place fInish. chance. Hopefully, we will be Howard Igasaki, D.D.S., Inc. J(J~A~~ ~~~ seconds behind pace-setter Michael Sato had hearts pounding when strong straight away. I am certainly Alan Igasaki, D.D.S. 1 CO. Schumacher and Ferrari. he spun out on turn 12 after going confIdent and optimistic. Looking at Implants / General/Periodontics The Asian Vegetable Seed Source for "It's great to be back competing into the trackside grass, but man• the testing results and progress we 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., Ste. 102 Home Gardeners, Retailers, and Torrance, CA 90505 Commerdal Growers in a grand prix again but it is quite a aged to get the BAROO6 car under have made, I am sure we are in a (310) 534-8282 P.o. Box 13220 Oakland, CA 94661-3, challenge to adapt to the new for• control without any damage. much better position than before," ph: 510/595-1188 fx: 510/595-1864 mat," said Sato, who made his debut "I've had very little track time so Cambridge Dental Care [email protected] kitazawaseel said Sato.• Scott Nishizaka D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics SPEEDSKATING 900 E. Katella, Suite A UWAjlMAYA Orange, CA 92867 • (714) 538·2811 ... Alw~ood taste. Ohno, Hallisey Repeat as U.S. Short Track Champions also was close, with Ohno DAVID W. EGAWA M~~ CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, accomplish the feat was Bonnie ~ Attorney at Law Ohio-Apolo Anton Ohno won the (4:54.419) beating Shani Davis, of Blair, who made both teams in 1986 .~ 30 N. Raymond Ave, Suite #409 1,000 and 3,000-meter races Feb. 29 Chicago (4:55.889). and won the World Short Track " Pasadena, CA 91103 .w~1 to complete a sweep at the U.S. Ohno won the four-lap and nine• championship. Ph: (626) 792·8417 I Short Track 'speedskating champi• lap time trials, took first in the 1,500 Caroline Hallisey, of Nati'ck, Two Locations to Sel'Ve You a- onships and capture his fourth and won the 500. Mass., won her second straight MIZUNO INSURANCE AGENCY For the Best of straight title. Davis finished third in the stand• women's national title despite finish• INSURANCE AGENTS & BROKERS Everything Asian Ohno, of Seattle, won all six races ings with 65.5 points and qualifIed ing second in the 1,000 and 3,000 Fresh Produce, Meat, LICENSE #0533265 to take the U.S. Short Track title for for the U.S. World Short Track team races to overall runner-up Hyo-Jung Seafood and Groceries Southern California office: the sixth time. He fInished with 170 that compete in Gothenburg, Kim, of Fullerton, Calif. A vast selection of will 9556 Hamilton Ave. points, double the total of runner-up Sweden, Mar. 19-21. He is the flfSt Hallisey fInished with 123 points, Huntington Be"ach, CA 92646 Gift Ware Rusty Smith, of Long Beach, Calif. U.S. male skater to make the short fIve more than the lS-year-old Kim. Central California office: Seattle, WA • (206) 624-6248 Ohno fInished the 1,000 in 1: track and long track world teanlS in Allison Baver, of Sinking Spring, 205 W. Bullard Ave. , #18 Clovis, CA 93612 Bellevue, WA • (425) 747-9012 29.558 seconds, barely besting the same season. Pa., was third with 65.5 points .• 888-964-7272 Beaverton, OR • (503) 643-4512 Smith's time of 1:29.822. The 3,000 The only other U.S. skater to 8 PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAR. 19-APR. 1, 2004 COMMENTARY Gala to Recognize Vietnamese Americans Utah Fails to Pass Hate Crimes Bill, Again As a part of Asian Pacific American ty of life for Vietnamese people in Month, hundreds of prominent America. By JEFF ITAM! Hate Crimes Bill. On Jan. 18, Ms. dear to their hearts! Vietnamese Americans will gather in Secretary of State Colin Powell has Shephard, Mayor Anderson, Dr. The Salt Lake chapter of JACL the nation's capital in May to celebrate been invited to deliver the keynote Once again, we in Utah are fac- Forrest Crawford, assistant to the supported a coalition of minority their achievements, to thank their address. Special guests include ing another frustrated attempt to president for Institutional groups coordinating their efforts adopted homeland and to join other Secretary of Labor .Elaine Chao and pass a workable (i.e. "prose- Diversity, Weber State University, with Rep. Litvack. Now, Utah APA communities in the celebration Secretary of Transportation Norman cut a b Ie" ) and Rep. Litvack spoke in a panel prosecutors, police and ·minorities of their heritage. Mineta. Hate Crimes discussion in the City-County will have to wait until 2005 to The Vietnamese American National "Vietnam is not just a distant place Bill in the cur- Building with guests from the make. another attempt to include Gala (YANG) black-tie dinner will or a not-so-distant war, but a heritage rent legis la- affected community in attendance. "everyone" victimized by a hate take place May 10 at the Capitol for millions of Americans," said ture. At that time, Rep. Litvack stated crime. What Sen. Evans will not Hilton. The gala will be hosted by the Georgetown law professor and former In an obvi- he hoped that Ms. Shephard's sup- recognize is that "everyone" is a . Viet Heritage Society, a non-profit U.S. Assistant Attorney General Viet ous attempt to port for his version of the Hate member of an ethnic, racial, reli• organization based in California. D. Dinh. '''Their achievements are a thwart Rep. Crimes Bill would help move it gious, gender, age, sexual orienta• The event will commemorate three cause for celebration, and also a D a v i d out of committee where it was tion, or national origin group decades of Vietnamese American reminder of the opportunities afforded Litvack, Utah State Sen. James being held up. when it comes to hate crimes progress and achievement and honor . by America and the generosity of her Evans is' promoting his version of According to a Salt Lake against them ~d "their kind." • distinguished individuals for their people." a Hate Crimes Bill which fails to Tribune article, "Rival Hate Crime contributions to America. For additional information on the protect those people persecuted by Bills Near Peace (Feb. 4, 2004)," .Jeff Itami is the Salt Lake City In addition, VANG will also honor gala, please VISIt www.vang a hate crime for ·race, color, dis- Rep. Litvack wanted the bill to chapter Hate Crimes Committee a select group of non-Vietnamese or contact Ryan Hubris, executive director, at info@vang ability; religion, sexual orientation, include the list of specific groups chair. individuals and organizations for their work in helping to enhance the quali- • national origin, age, or gender. but Sen. Evans claims that such a Why? Because Sen. Evans list is discriminatory as it doesn't wants to "include everyone," so include everyone. Their attempts his bill uses language that is so to find compromise language WOW_ NOW THERE'S vague as to be constitutionally failed and Sen. Evans' bill is now TWO M«fSUI SIN TH E unenforceable, which is his goal. safely locked in committee, as is BIG LEAGU ES ~ Rep. Litvack attempted to Rep. Litvack's version. include the listed groups in his This has had the effect of suc• version of the hate crimes legisla- cessfully killing the bill for this NO_ TH ERE'S iHREE. tion. Unfortunately, HB 68 failed, year. This happened in spite of the again, in spite of efforts by Salt fact that recently on a KUED CHECK MY SPE.CIAL Lake City Mayor Rocky Radio program a Texas . BASE BALL CARD. Anderson and invited guest, Ms. Congressional member stated his Judy Shephard, whose son was version of a bill before the U.S. murdered for being gay in - Congress was very specific on the Wyoming. Ms. Shephard's pleas listing of "the seven words you to support Rep. Litvack's bill, cannot uSt< in public communica• which was made during her tions" plus eight other phrases, appearance before the Utah State "because in order to avoid consti• Legislative session, made little tutional challenges, you must be headway in swaying them - specific" to get the .bill passed. It again. seems not all Republican politi- This is Rep. Litvack's third dans fail to recognize specificity attempt to pass an enforceable when it comes to an issue near and



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The bill some time to look at the impact of head by requiring that states actual• ALIEN LAND LAW subsequently died in that commit• MARRIAGE this," agreed Mori. "Particularly for ly restrict the civil rights of their (Continued from page 1) tee. (Continued from page 1) the governors to be able to go back own citizens." "Sen. Geller didn't think that and let their chapters know what the The groups note that the ."Federal G. Bense, R-6, urging for the issue [Sebesta's amendment] was appro• the same-sex marriage issue and issues are." Marriage Amendment" would pro• to be placed on the agenda. A repre• priate," said John Reid, legal con" welcomes efforts by local, state and Although Mori stands by JACL's hibit states from providing equal sentative from Bense's district sul/legislative assistant to Geller. federal legislatures to enact law that 1994 resolution, he personally is marriage rights to same-sex couples office, Bill Warren, confirmed that "Does that mean that someone who address the needs of the new forms against same-sex marriage. and would also deprive same-sex no illite has been established to dis• is here on a visa and is going of domestic partnership that are "Personally I would be' against cuss fUR 657. couples from various protections through the process of fixing hislher developing." same-sex marriage," he said. including hospital visitations, inher• Brutus and Sen. Steven Geller, D- status should automatically be for• It goes on to state that JACL "Whether you're Buddhist or 31, have been trying to push legisla• itance rights, and health care bene• feited?" "encourages any domestic partner• Christian ... marriage has always fIts. The amendment states that mar• tion to repeal Florida's alien land Tang is gearing up her coalition ship legislation to include or provide been the union betWeen'a man and a riage is between two people of the law through Congress for over two forces in order to prevent the same to domestic partners each and every woman." opposite sex but leaves open the years. In 2001, Brutus fIrst learned hurdles from happening again this legal right that is afforded to those Ken Inouye, vice president of . possibility for states to allow civil of the law and tried to introduce a time around. The NAACP has who are currently recognized as public affairs, had pushed for an unions. bill, but he received little to no sup• already pledged their support and being rrlarried." official national board statement at In more than 200 years the U.S. port from legislators and the Asian she also hopes to gain the support of But even today, several national the recent meeting and believes the Constitution has only been amended PacifIc American community. the ACLU. board members are hesitant to take focus of the debate should on the 17 times. In addition, an effort to In 2002 and 2003, Brutus joined be ''We're trying to get a letter-writ• an official board stance on same-sex proposed changes to the U.S. amend the Constitution will not be forces with Wmnie Tang, chapter ing campaign together in order to marriage, preferring to take the Constitution. easy, requiring two-thirds majority president of the Organization of influence [the legislatures] to think issue back to their chapters for dis• "I really believe that we need to in both the House and Senate and Chinese Americans (OCA) in South about it as two separate issues - cussion. make a statement about the constitu- . ratifIcation by 38 of the 50 states. Florida to raise awareness and Just take the language off fIrst. Add '''Ibis is such an explosive issue," tional process and how it can be Joining JACL in support of the launch letter-writing campaigns. amendments later," she said. said David Masuo, PNW governor, used to limit people's rights. We LCCR letter are: the American Civil Although several individuals Reid hopes the bill . will have who noted that chapters in his dis• have to protect the rights of minori• Liberties Union, NAACp, Jewish wrote letters of support Tang says more success this year with trict lost members after the passage ties," said Inouye, who noted that it Labor Committee, American she had to combat apathy, even President George W. Bush's pro• of the 1994 resolution. was only a short while ago that Federation of Government within the APA community. posed immigration policy that may ''The board was prudent in taking interracial marriages were banned in Employees and the Center for "A lot of times, I would tell pe0- grant undocumented immigrants the United States. "I hope that our Women 'Policy Studies. ple [within the APA community] legal status as temporary workers. members understand that some• , The debate on the issue of same• about this discriminatory law and tion in 2002, but voters struck it times we take positiops because it's they want it off the books, but one of Alien Land Laws were passed down. sex marriage is likely to continue as 1930s and were the right thing to do, not necessarily my friends looked at [the clause] from 1913 to the "I don't like the PC police who go the national JACL board prepares to specifIcally targeted at "aliens ineli• because we have great comfort in and said, 'This doesn't affect me back and try to rewrite history, there discuss the issue once again at the gible for citize~ship," which was a them." May meeting. today.' What some people don't are many aspects of U.S. history that legislative code for all persons of Inouye plans to propose a motion "It's a really personal and emo• know is that civil rights did not start may not be pleasant to read, but it's Asian descent. During that time, opposing _a constitutional amend• today, but years ago, and it's impor• important to know them. I think that tional issue," said Tateishi. "I just Asians were barred from becoming ment banning same-sex marriage at tant to try to correct history," said this [clause] staying in the constitu• hope people can think rationally as citizens and thus banned from own• the May 22-23 national board meet• they debate this issue." • Tang tion is like salt on an open wound," ing property. ing in San Francisco. But JACL, in Last year, the bill was passed to said Reid. To date, Florida and New Mexico essence, has already taken a position the Senate's second committee, but "A lot of times in Florida ... are the only states with these exclu-. on the same-sex marriage issue with Send a friend the Sen. Jim Sebasta, R-16, insisted that [APAs] don't really count as part of sionary laws still in effect. New its support of the LCCR letter deliv- language be added to prohibit prop• the population," said Tang. "It Pacific Citizen as Mexico introduced a measure to . ered to various members of erty ownership by illegal aliens, depends on us to talk to people and a gift. One year is remove the clause from its constitu- . Congress earlier this month. which many thought to be worse to educate them. We are a group being discriminated against by the It states in part that "LCCR only $35. Call law, so let's do something about believes that this highly divisive 800/966-6157 .ry- .- YAMATOTRAVELBUREAU® that. amendment is a dangerous and 200 South San Pedro Street, #502 unnecessary approach to resolving for details. Los Angeles, CA 90012 the ongoing debate over same-sex (CST No. 10193~10) CURTIS R. NAMBA maniage, and it would turn 225 NAMBA LAw OFFICES PROPOSED TOURS AND CRUISES FOR 2004 years of Constitutional history oil its FLORIN ROAD TOYOTA 83 Scripps Dr., Suite 370 3800 FLORIN ROAD 3120·3130 Yamato Inland Sea of Japan Tour with TBI Tours· Tokyo, Hakone, Kyoto, Kurashiki, Hiroshima. SACRAMENTO, CA 95823 Lilly Nomura Sacramento, CA 95825 [email protected] 3/27-4/3 Yamato Mexican Riviera Cruise aboard the Diamond Prinoess • San Pedro, Mazatian, Los RON NAKANO 916-922-6300 Sales Manager Cabos, Puerto Vallarta. 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