
MYCOLOGIA https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2020.1718442

Laboulbeniomycetes: , natural history, and Thaxter’s final word

Meredith Blackwell a,b, Danny Haelewaters c,d, and Donald H. Pfister e aDepartment of Biological, Sciences Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803; bDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208; cDepartment of Botany and Pathology, Purdue University, 915 W. State Street, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907; dFaculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Branišovská 31, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic; eDepartment of Organismic and Evolutionary and Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY Historically, -forming , including the orders and Received 7 October 2019 Herpomycetales, were set apart because of their distinctive and ecology. Although Accepted 15 January 2020 some biologists correctly interpreted these ectoparasites as fungi, even ascomycetes, KEYWORDS others thought they were , red , or members of taxa described especially for them. Arthropod-associated fungi; Speculation on the evolution of the group involving , the morphology-based Floridean Chantransiopsis; Hypothesis, persisted deep into the 20th century, in part because valid alternatives were not Coreomycetopsis; Kathistes; presented. Although the distinctive features of Laboulbeniales clearly set them apart from other Laboulbeniales; fungi, the difficulty was in the absence of characters grouping them among the fungi. Thaxter Laboulbeniopsis; phylogeny; considered the Laboulbeniales to be ascomycetes, but he avoided phylogenetic discussions ; ; involved in the Floridean Hypothesis all of his . Eventually, developmental studies of the life Tetrameronycha history of Pyxidiophora , hyphal perithecial ascomycetes with 2-celled , revealed characters connecting Laboulbeniales to other ascomycetes. The distinctive morphological fea- tures of Laboulbeniales (absence of , a thallus developed from 2-celled ascospores by divisions in several , arthropod ) can be best understood by comparison with Pyxidiophora. The development of a 3-dimensional thallus composed of true parenchyma occurs not only in Laboulbeniales, but also in Pyxidiophora species. The life history of arthropod ectoparasitism of Laboulbeniales as well as mycoparasitism and phoretic dispersal by of Pyxidiophora species can be explained by Tranzschel’s Law, originally applied to rust fungi. Molecular analyses including other arthropod-associated fungi have contributed to a better understanding of an enlarged class, Laboulbeniomycetes, which now includes a clade comprising Chantransiopsis, Tetrameronycha, and Subbaromyces. A two-locus highlights evolutionary and life history questions with regard to the placement of Herpomycetales as the first diverging lineage of the Laboulbeniomycetes. The sister group for all the Laboulbeniomycetes remains to be discovered.

INTRODUCTION The literary history of the group is fraught with Since their discovery in the mid-19th century taxonomic confusion and phylogenetic misinterpreta- (Anonymous 1849; Rouget 1850; Robin 1852, 1853; tion. Although many mycologists considered members Mayr 1853), debates have surrounded the placement of the group to have evolved from the fungal lineage of fungi currently classified in the orders once known as or lower fungi (zoosporic Laboulbeniales and Herpomycetales (, and zygosporic fungi), other biologists suggested that Laboulbeniomycetes; FIGS. 1–4). Their obligate ecto- ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, sometimes with direct parasitic lifestyle on arthropods, absence of hyphae, reference to the Laboulbeniales, were members of unique direct thallus development from 2-celled ascos- a lineage derived from floridean red algae, an pores, determinate growth, and deliquescent asci all known as the Floridean Hypothesis (see below). combine to lead to questions of relationships with Moreover, two early described species were thought to other organisms and within the fungi. Because of their be parasitic worms of their bat hosts (Kolenati 1857). distinctive development and morphology, speculation The historical concept of Laboulbeniales usually includes concerning their evolutionary origin has been the Herpomyces, which is now placed in the a continuing focus. recently recognized order Herpomycetales (Haelewaters

CONTACT Meredith Blackwell [email protected] Supplemental for article can be accessed on the publisher’s Web site. © 2020 The Mycological Society of America


Figure 1. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Laboulbeniomycetes from a concatenated SSU+LSU rDNA data set of 75 isolates. The tree topology is the result of a maximum likelihood analysis performed in IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al. 2015). For each node, the ML bootstrap is presented next to the branch leading to that node. The class Laboulbeniomycetes is denoted by the black arrow, and the order Laboulbeniales is shown as a collapsed branch. Several minute mitotic fungi described by Thaxter (1914, 1920) are found in multiple clades. As noted throughout this paper, the recently described order Herpomycetales does not form a monophyletic lineage with Laboulbeniales (Haelewaters et al. 2019). Other taxa are mapped on the tree, and some are discussed in the text. Taxa in the order () serve as outgroup. Methods and specimen information are detailed in SUPPLEMENTARY FILE 1. et al. 2019)(FIGS. 1, 2A). We refer to these two orders as these organisms as fungi. Not only were they clearly the thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes. recognized as fungi by Thaxter, but he considered them Notwithstanding these debates, from his first obser- to be ascomycetes and the ascoma was considered vations of thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes, a perithecium (Thaxter 1896). He further added that, Thaxter (1891, 1896, 1908, and elsewhere throughout because of the complexity of the reproductive struc- his work) considered them to be fungi, an opinion he tures, “they occupy a position among the highest mem- shared with Robin (1852, 1853) who first recognized bers of their class.” MYCOLOGIA 3

Figure 2. Laboulbeniomycetes. A. Female and small male (bracket) thalli of dioecious Herpomyces chaetophilus on antennal spine of sp. (, ) from Zanzibar, Africa; perithecia 125–185 μm(Thaxter1908). B. Coreomyces corixae [as corisae]thallus with long, slender (200–250 μm long) from of sp. (, ); locality not clear but perhaps Arlington, Massachusetts; perithecia 100–110 μm (Thaxter 1908). C. Coreomycetopsis oedipus from tips of of corniger [as Eutermes morio] (Blattodea, ) (Scheffrahn et al. 2005), Grand Etang, Grenada; Thaxter noted the similarity with Coreomyces sp., but classified it among “genera ” because it did not produce asci and ascospores (Thaxter 1920). From the original illustrations by Roland Thaxter at the Farlow Reference Library of Cryptogamic Botany, Harvard University.

Karsten (1869) was perhaps the first to mention that the instructive regarding morphological convergence in the thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes were “rightly com- reproductive apparatus is the Floridean Hypothesis. The pared to the similar conditions [of the sexual apparatus] hypothesis centers on a group of red algae, class to the Florideae.” Not only have the thallus-forming Florideophyceae (previously Florideae)—known for com- Laboulbeniomycetes been placed outside the fungi among plexity in life and reproductive and vegetative struc- floridean red algae (Sachs 1874), but at various times the tures, characteristics that were interpreted as being similar group has been placed among Ascomycota, , to certain features of ascomycetes, including nonmotile between Ustilaginaceae and Pyrenomycetes (Karsten 1895) male , a female with a trichogyne, and far outside ascomycetes in a truly heterogeneous group nuclear migration through multiple carpogenic cells, (Cavalier-Smith 1998, 2000). Much of the early work was development of a multicellular thallus, morphological hindered by researchers not having observed asci because similarity of outgrowths from the female gametangia, of their early deliquesce (but see Peyritsch 1871, 1873). similarities of the and cystocarp, pores (pit con- Thaxter (1896) was the first to study and illustrate the nections in red algae) at cell junctions, and life cycles with development of Laboulbeniales from to mature a triphasic alternation of generations (Freshwater 2000). thallus using baeri, including perithecium The Floridean Hypothesis was first espoused by Karsten and development. Faull (1911) improved observa- (1869) for the thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes and tions of early developmental stages by using paraffin sec- further developed by Cohn (1872)andSachs(1874), who tions and cytological stains. derived all the fungi from various algal groups, arguing that multiple losses of photosynthetic mechanisms had occurredinthefungiandthatallfungicouldbetiedto THE FLORIDEAN HYPOTHESIS particular algal groups. These workers were followed by many prominent botanists and mycologists who accepted Of the various ideas regarding the phylogenetic placement some form of the hypothesis (Cohn 1872;Sachs1874; of thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes, perhaps the most Dodge 1914;Orton1927;Bessey1942, 1950;Jackson 4 BLACKWELL ET AL.: LABOULBENIOMYCETES AND ROLAND THAXTER

1944;Chadefaud1960;Corner1964; Denison and Carroll hybridization data to suggest that red algae and fungi 1966). That this line of thought persisted beyond the mid- were not closely related. Bailey (1996) reviewed - 20th century can be attributed to the limits of morpholo- logical and DNA data that strongly refuted the Floridean gical characters in divining phylogenetic relationships. Hypothesis. This combined evidence eroded any remain- Other mycologists (de Bary 1884, 1987; Faull 1911; ing support for a red algal origin for ascomycetes and Atkinson 1915; Gäumann 1926, 1964;Heim1952;Martin basidiomycetes, and small subunit (SSU) rDNA analysis 1955;vonArx1967;Savile1968) rejected the Floridean revealed the unity, as true fungi, of chytrids, zygomycetes, Hypothesis in favor of an origin of the ascomycetes— ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes (Bowman et al. 1992). including the thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes—from zoosporic and zygosporic groups. THALLUS-FORMING LABOULBENIOMYCETES AS Denison and Carroll (1966) interpreted new evi- ASCOMYCOTA dence based on ultrastructural features as supportive of the Floridian Hypothesis. They presented five pro- The thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes (FIG. 2A, B) positions as a basis for a close relationship between moved from being central to the argument of an algal ascomycetes and red algae. Their argument was that, ancestry for ascomycetes to being an orphaned . The although thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes were not question became: if thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes in the “main evolutionary line from the red algae to the are ascomycetes, then where do they belong among the Ascomycetes,” both groups exhibited similar morpho- ascomycetes? In other words, how are the unique laboul- logical characters. The characters included formation of benialean characters derived from among the known a holdfast, a multicellular thallus with determinate ascomycetes? A breakthrough came from Thelma growth and—in common with primitive ascomycetes J. Perry (US Department of Agriculture [USDA], Forest —similar wall composition, a dikaryotic phase, deli- Service, Southern Research Station, Pineville, Louisiana), quescent asci, and 2-celled ascospores. Later, an extremely observant, self-taught mycologist. She had Demoulin (1985) expanded his previous views “discovered the ascomycete that gave rise to Thaxteriola” (Demoulin 1974) and continued to espouse a close (T. J. Perry, pers. comm., 1985). Perry was adept at finding relationship of ascomycetes with red algae. In addition fungi in galleries of the southern pine and recog- to ultrastructural features, he advanced new biochem- nized that Thaxteriola (FIG. 3C), a minute arthropod- ical information supporting the hypothesis; at the same associated with a few linearly superposed cells, time, he called for “urgently” needed molecular data to was derived from the ascospore of Pyxidiophora, be brought to the argument (Demoulin 1985). a perithecial ascomycete with 2-celled ascospores. The In the pre–molecular phylogeny era, the discovery of ascospores of Pyxidiophora have a dark foot (FIG. 4B) Spathulospora species (Spathulosporales), marine algal that develops an attachment region similar to that of the parasites that were considered living by of the Laboulbeniales (Blackwell et al. 1986a, Kohlmeyer (1973, 1975), reinvigorated the debate. 1986b, 1989). This breakthrough discovery provided Kohlmeyer based his argument largely on perceived a target for new research directed toward elucidating morphological similarities of Spathulospora spp. and laboulbenialean relationships and led Blackwell and red algae. Nakagiri’s(1993) beautifully illustrated devel- Malloch (1989a)toproposethatPyxidiophora was the opmental study of a related red algal parasite, “missing link” between the Laboulbeniales and the rest Hispidicarpomyces galaxauricola, however, refuted any of the ascomycetes. Eriksson and Hawksworth (1993) similarity to red algae. For example, he found that accepted the morphological and life history evidence of the red algal host was systemic rather and placed Pyxidiophora in the Laboulbeniales. than superficial. Eventually, Inderbitzin et al. (2004) Phylogenetic evidence from SSU rDNA analysis con- used developmental and DNA evidence to suggest the firmed the close relationship of Pyxidiophora and , placement of Spathulospora in the ascomycete order a member of the Laboulbeniales (Blackwell 1994). Lulworthiales, a group of unrelated to Despitestrongevidenceoftheirplacementamongthe thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes. Ascomycota, Cavalier-Smith (1998, 2000) classified the Yet another proposed affiliation placed the thallus- orders Laboulbeniales and in his class forming Laboulbeniomycetes outside the ascomycetes in Zoomycetes. This group, composed of , a new fungal class, Zoomycetes (see below). Other evi- fungi formerly placed in the Trichomycetes and dence, such as the ultrastructual study of ascosporogenesis , was based on superficial morphology of the in which free cell formation was shown in Herpomyces attachment region to their hosts. This assignment (Hill 1977), and the first molecular data enlightened the was proposed by Cavalier-Smith (1998)evenafterhehad debate. Kwok et al. (1986) obtained DNA-DNA accepted chytrids, zygomycetes, ascomycetes, and MYCOLOGIA 5

Figure 3. Mitosporic members of the Laboulbeniomycetes. A. Chantransiopsis decumbens showing tuft of filaments attached at blackend base to undetermined staphylinid beetle (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae); Malang, Java, Indonesia; enlarged tips of sporiferous branchlets are also shown (arrow); longest branch 350 μm (Thaxter 1914). B–D. “Thaxteriolae.” B. Laboulbeniopsis termitarius, thalli described as 100–130 μm in length, from legs of [as Eutermes morio], Grand Etang, Grenada; Thaxter noted its similarity to Endosporella and Thaxteriola and placed them all in the “Thaxteriolae” (Thaxter 1920). C. Thaxteriola nigromarginata, now known as an ascospore-derived conidial state of Pyxidiophora sp.; described as 62–68 μm in length, from hairs of a minute staphylinid (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae); Samarang, Java, Indonesia (Thaxter 1920). D. Endosporella diopsidis, thalli 100–150 μm; note terminal spine and spores in the most mature thallus (right); on legs of Diopsis sp. (Diptera, Diopsidae), Cameroon, Africa (Thaxter 1920). From the original illustrations by Roland Thaxter at the Farlow Reference Library of Cyptogamic Botany, Harvard University. basidiomycetes as true fungi based on the evidence of Pyxidiophora and Laboulbeniales (, Bowman et al. (1992) mentioned above. Taxon sampling Stigmatomyces, Zodiomyces) and showed the polyphyletic for the phylogenetic analysis of Weir and Blackwell (2001b) of the Zoomycetes. The Herpomycetales was designed to test the Cavalier-Smith (1998)hypothesis; (Haelewaters et al. 2019) was later segregated from the their SSU rDNA topology gave strong support for estab- Laboulbeniales to accommodate the genus Herpomyces, lishing the class Laboulbeniomycetes including forming the third described order in the class (FIGS. 1, 2A). 6 BLACKWELL ET AL.: LABOULBENIOMYCETES AND ROLAND THAXTER

associated with -dispersed ascomycetes with - nescent asci, long perithecial necks, and exuded sticky masses (ophiostomatoid ascomycetes; Malloch and Blackwell 1993) were selected for DNA sequencing. The taxa were species of , , and related fungi, as well as less well-known ascomycete species of genera such as Kathistes, Subbaromyces, and Pyxidiophora and mitosporic arthropod-dispersed fungi (FIG. 3A–C) (Blackwell and Jones 1997; Blackwell et al. 2003; Goldmann and Weir 2018). The analyses of mini- mal sequences (only SSU rDNA) acquired by the Sanger method usually placed species of Kathistes and Subbaromyces as close relatives of Pyxidiophora depending on taxon sampling. Species of Kathistes occur in dung and are arthro- pod-dispersed. Perithecia have a single layer of wall cells, an unusual feature among , but one shared with Pyxidiophora. The ascospores of Kathistes spp. are aseptate at first, becoming 2-, 4-, or more septate at maturity. Mature ascospores produce multiple buds after their release. Conidia are not pro- Figure 4. Pyxidiophora spp. A. Habit on moose dung; a group of ascospores of Pyxidiophora sp. released at the perithecial tip duced, but small long-necked structures are associated (arrow) awaiting an arthropod disperser, often a phoretic with the perithecia in culture; these sporidiomata pro- on a . From Blackwell (1994, fig. 11). Reprinted with duce sporidiolae of unknown function. These structures permission from Mycologia. © The Mycological Society of America. were not connected to hyphae when they are observed B. Distal end of recently released ascospore showing foot cell with in culture (Malloch and Blackwell 1990). channels of electron dense material (*) extruded to the foot sur- face and presumed to be adhesive for spore attachment to an Another fungus included in some analyses was arthropod disperser; it is similar to foot cells of Laboulbeniopsis Subbaromyces splendens, often still classified as the mem- termitarius (Blackwell and Kimbrough 1976a)andCoreomyetopsis ber of (Blackwell and Jones 1997; oedipus (Blackwell and Kimbrough 1976b); serial section adjacent Blackwell et al. 2003), the biology of which is not well to one shown in Blackwell (1994,fig.13).C.Ascosporesof understood. Subbaromyces spp. have been isolated from Pyxidiophora sp. removed from tip of perithecium to agar where human-made habitats—from trickling filters used in sew- they germinated by producing conidia; conidia produce several rounds of cells, which in turn produce short, thin hyphae (*); purification and from an open drain. Natural habitats hyphae grow toward and attach to mycelium of a fungal host are unknown, but these species are common to abundant (arrows). Bars: B = 5 mm; C = 60 mm. in these human-influenced habitats. Species grow better in mixed culture than in pure culture where they produce WHAT IS THE SISTER GROUP OF THE large 1-celled conidia and perithecia with 2-celled ascos- LABOULBENIOMYCETES? pores surrounded by a gelatinous envelope or covered by mucilage. Arthropod dispersal has not been observed, but Pyxidiophora was firmly established as a sister group to long-necked perithecia, evanescent asci, and the accumu- the Laboulbeniales within the taxa sampled, and the lation of ascospores at the tip of the perithecium neck are Laboulbeniomycetes were sister to all the all suggestive of such dispersal (Hesseltine 1953;Chary Pezizomycotina (Weir and Blackwell 2001b). This rela- and Ramarao 1974). In the past, some analyses have tionship was the basis for an evolutionary scenario placed S. splendens (Blackwell and Jones 1997)or involving phoretic dispersal, mycoparasitism, and life Kathistes spp. (Blackwell et al. 2003;Goldmannand cycle reduction (Blackwell 1994). However, a closer Weir 2018 ) as sister to Laboulbeniomycetes. relative of the Laboulbeniomycetes was still needed to help understand the evolution of the distinctive char- ADDITIONAL SEQUENCES OF SUBBAROMYCES acters of the class members. With the sister group of SPLENDENS the Laboulbeniomycetes still in question, a broad sam- pling of representatives of Pezizomycotina was included We reconstructed a two-locus phylogenetic tree using in subsequent phylogenetic analyses. A variety of asco- SSU and large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequences of mycetes with known insect associations or characters S. splendens, generated from a Hesseltine (1953) MYCOLOGIA 7 culture, CBS 357.53 (SUPPLEMENTARY FILE 1). An Sundberg et al. 2018) and obscure estimates of bio- older SSU rDNA sequence (GenBank U63552) does not diversity as well as evolutionary hypotheses (sensu agree with the newly generated sequences, a finding we Federman et al. 2018). have observed with some of our other early sequences. Minute fungi from , including Chantransiopsis These discrepancies are due in part to the use of non- (FIG. 3A)andTetrameronycha (Thaxter 1914, 1920; optimized primers and images on X-ray film that were Spegazzini 1918), have few morphological characters difficult to read (e.g., Jones and Blackwell 1996). The phy- that are useful to posit relationships (Blackwell and logenetic tree (FIG. 1) reveals that Laboulbeniomycetes is Kimbrough 1976a, 1976b). Based on the Thaxteriola monophyletic and includes a number of asexual insect- model (FIGS. 2C, 4A–C), others such as Endosporella associated fungi. Subbaromyces splendens is placed in (FIG. 3D) may be dispersal forms developed from ascos- a clade with the insect-associated Chantransiopsis sp. pores (Blackwell 1994). Thaxter considered these forms (FIG. 3A) and Tetrameronycha spp. with maximum sup- variously to be or , but he port. Chantransiopsis and Tetrameronycha are mitosporic made clear that he did not connect them with either red forms, producing hyaline filaments from a darkened algae or thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes (Thaxter structure (Thaxter 1914; Spegazzini 1918;Rossiand 1914, 1920;GäumannandDodge1928). He placed Blackwell 1990). The Pyxidiophorales clade comprises these forms in genera incertae sedis to await the “discov- Pyxidiophora spp. and Gliocephalis hyalina with maximum ery of further types” that might help to place them support (Jacobs et al. 2005). Sister to Pyxidiophorales is (Thaxter 1920). Additional taxa have been essential to Laboulbeniopsis termitarius (FIG. 3B), a result that was also resolve phylogenetic relationships, but only after the dis- found by Henk et al. (2003). This Laboulbeniopsis + covery of molecular methods—something never envi- Pyxidiophorales clade is in turn the sister group to sioned by Thaxter (see discussion below). Laboulbeniales with weak statistical support. All these clades together are sister to Herpomycetales, validating LABOULBENIOMYCETES THROUGH THE LENS the recent separation of this order from the OF PYXIDIOPHORA Laboulbeniales (Haelewaters et al. 2019). Previous class- level classifications that recognized the Laboulbeniales Plectenchyma but rarely true parenchyma in fungi.— including Herpomyces (Thaxter 1896, 1908;Tavares1985) Study of thallus development in the thallus-forming wouldnolongerbemonophyletic.Inthisevolutionary Laboulbeniomycetes has been critical to the hypothesis, the thallus has independently evolved in the recognition of genera and in phylogenetic Herpomycetales and Laboulbeniales (FIG. 2A, B). We speculation. Development involves the derivation of recognize that some deeper nodes of the tree remain unre- a 3-dimensional thallus from a 2-celled ascospore solved, and the question remains: what are the sister taxa to through successive divisions in multiple planes, theentiregroup? a distinguishing feature of the thallus-forming The addition of new taxa has helped to clarify relation- Laboulbeniomycetes. Developmental studies were ships within Laboulbeniomycetes, to discover new rela- used by Thaxter (1896) to set generic limits and to tives in the lineage, and to identify new clades such as the interpret life cycles. In fungi, there are few examples one comprising Chantransiopsis, Tetrameronycha,and of cell divisions in multiple planes. On the other Subbaromyces, which is strongly supported as hand, members of the green plant lineage, including a monophyletic lineage separate from the three existing Charophyceae, as well as Chlorophyceae and some orders (FIG. 1). In addition to meiosporic taxa, the inclu- other “algae,” produce true parenchyma, sion of mitosporic taxa is essential to understanding evo- a 3-dimentional tissue formed by cell divisions in lutionary trends in the class. For example, the tree in FIG. two or more planes with various means of 1 indicates that Laboulbeniopsis may have arisen by sim- cytokinesis (Bold and Wynne 1985). With few plification of the Pyxidiophora life history (see below, exceptions, fungi produce plectenchyma, tissue discussion of Tranzschel’sLaw).Termitaria snyderi, derived from apical cell divisions occurring in only another minute mitosporic fungus associated with ter- one plane. Fungal fruiting bodies (, , was previously shown to be related to Kathistes bracket fungi, cup fungi, and thalli) are spp. based on SSU rDNA (Blackwell et al. 2003). Neither formed in this way (Alexopoulos et al. 1996;Kirk Termitaria nor Kathistes is included here for want of et al. 2008). additional sequences. The ability to adequately sample Two types of fungal plectenchymata are recognized: small, rarely encountered fungi, many of which cannot prosenchyma, which maintains its hyphal configuration be grown apart from their host, is a continuing problem at maturity, and pseudoparenchyma, which becomes (Weir and Blackwell 2001a; Haelewaters et al. 2015, 2019; compacted to form isodiametric cells at maturity. The 8 BLACKWELL ET AL.: LABOULBENIOMYCETES AND ROLAND THAXTER ascospores, conidia, and stromatic tissues of some of the two hosts—fungi (Lundqvist 1980; Kirschner 2003; have cell divisions in several planes (in Jacobs et al. 2005) and arthropods (Blackwell et al. Pleosporales [as Pseudosphaeriales]: Vuillemin 1912; 1986a, 1986b; Blackwell and Malloch 1989b)—and Orton 1924; Chesters 1938; in : Sanders and de three morphs (Malloch 1995). Ascospores observed on los Ríos 2017, 2018). Laboulbeniomycetes have never agar produced conidia; conidia gave rise to several been considered in such discussions, but they provide rounds of yeast cells, which then produced hyphae that the best example of the exceptional pattern of parenchy- infect a fungal host (FIG. 4C). Although we have focused matic tissue development in fungi. Although develop- on the Thaxteriola dispersal state (FIGS. 3C, 4A–B), the mentally and morphologically different (Tavares 1966, mycoparasitic mycelium produces the other type of 1980, 1985), the 3-dimentional multicellular thallus of and, eventually, perithecia and ascospores Laboulbeniales and Herpomycetales develops from (FIG. 4A) (Blackwell 1994; Weir and Blackwell 2005). a 2-celled ascospore through multiple divisions in several Malloch (1995) presented an enlightening comparison planes. The details of cell division are not known, but the of the life histories of parasites with multiple serial hosts, process is presumed to be similar to divisions in other a condition he termed heteroxenous (the zoological term fungi, visualized by centripetal deposition of new wall as instead of heteroecious used by most mycologists for plant in divisions in Pleosporales (Mims et al. 1997;Mimsand parasitic rust fungi). His discussion included not only Richardson 2005). fungi but also parasitic , which he used to eluci- Thalli of Laboulbeniales and Herpomycetales may date the evolutionary and ecological aspects of the various reach up to several thousand cells (Thaxter 1896; lifestyles. He juxtaposed the evolutionary transition of the Benjamin 1971; Tavares 1985). The Thaxteriola ana- Pyxidiophora life history with two hosts, with that of the morph of Pyxidiophora (FIGS. 3C, 4A–C) is usually thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes with a single host. composed of a few linearly superposed cells, but He explained the evolution of this life cycle by comparing 3-dimensionality is also found in older thalli on mite Pyxidiophora with rust fungi (Pucciniales), evoking hosts held in moist chambers: the ascospores develop Tranzschel’s Law. The rust fungi manifest complicated into 3-dimensional forms by divisions in more than life cycles that may involve several spore forms produced one plane (Blackwell and Malloch 1989b). This mode exclusively on two different hosts. These so-called full of development may have been present in the ancestor cycle or heteroecious rusts have five spore stages occur- of the Laboulbeniomycetes and evolved toward the ring on two hosts. But some rusts, related to heteroecious elaborate condition of the thallus in some members of species, occur on a single host and have a reduced number the group (Laboulbeniales, Herpomycetales). of spore stages. These reductions occur in a fixed pattern: the host on which the basidiospore stage (meiosporic stage) occurs will be the host of the aecial stage (mitos- A three-morph life cycle in the Laboulbeniomycetes poric stage). In other words, the host in the reduced cycle lineage.—Phylogeny has been critical to understanding that carries the meiosporic stage will be that which pre- the life history changes among the species of viously carried a mitosporic stage. If this scenario of an Laboulbeniomycetes. Species of Pyxidiophora with abbreviation of a two-host system is applied to known life histories have been interpreted as having Pyxidiophora-Laboubeniales-Herpomycetales evolution, three distinct morphs or forms (an independent then the occurrence of the ascus-bearing stage (meiospo- meiosporic state and two mitosporic states). One ric stage) on the insect host that previously carried the mitosporic state produces conidia on the mycelium mitosporic stage would be the expectation. In other (there are several names for these morphs depending words, asci are produced on the insect host that had on Pyxidiophora species, i.e., Gliocephalis), and the carried the mitosporic stage. This pattern, however, is other mitosporic morph (Thaxteriola) is derived complicated by our current findings that Laboulbeniales directly from the ascospore. Although synanamorphs and Herpomycetales are not monophyletic (FIG. 1), and (two or more conidial forms produced on the same inference of the life style of ancestors of the mycelium) are not uncommon among ascomycetes, Laboulbeniomycetes becomes more complicated. ascospore-derived morphs are not common. Coincidentally, the ascospore-derived morph recalls ROLAND THAXTER’S FINAL WORD arguments in support of the Floridean Hypothesis— some red algae also have a third morph used in Thaxter’s(1931)lastvolumeofhisContribution towards dispersal. Pyxidiophora species, however, were not part a monograph of the is devoted to the of the argument for the Floridian Hypothesis. The life description and illustration of many new species. Indeed, histories of well-studied species of Pyxidiophora involve the undertaking “has become so unwieldy, however that, in MYCOLOGIA 9 order to publish it at all, it has been necessary to shorten the 1896, 1908) did not dwell on the origin of the text … reduce the number of figures” (Thaxter 1931). Ascomycota but supported placement of the thallus- There is a single-page introductory note without any state- forming Laboulbeniomycetes within pyrenomycetes in ment to culminate his lifetime of work on the group. One is a group at the same rank as , an opinion thrust back to his first and second volumes for his general he shared with Robin as mentioned above (Thaxter comments on the group (Thaxter 1896, 1908). He did 1908). In his studies of the minute fungi (Thaxter communicate some of his later ideas to Carroll W. Dodge 1914, 1920; Gäumann’s “asexual Laboulbeniales”; for Dodge’s translation of Gäumann’s book. At the time FIGS. 2C, 3A–D) from the of insects, Gäumann and Dodge’s(1928)bookwaspublished, he recommended placing these novel fungi in “pigeon- Thaxter (1858–1932) was 70 old and focused on his holes” until their “fellows” be found that these might last volume of the monograph, which would be published help determine relationships (Thaxter 1914, 1920). His in 1931. Gäumann (1893–1963) and Dodge (1895–1988) views were prophetic and can be extended to all the were near-contemporaries, but Gäumann was apparently Laboulbeniomycetes. As alluded to above, the discov- too ill at the time of the translation to participate in updat- ery of new fungi, studies of life histories of insect- ing the text. Dodge, curator of the newly established Farlow associated fungi including the minute fungi he had Library and Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany, was for- discovered, and the use of new methods involving tunate to be at Harvard where he could call upon Roland DNA were all required to bring together fungi with Thaxter to read and discuss the chapter on the such disparate morphology—but not until almost Laboulbeniales in the translation. a century after Thaxter’s monumental studies Because of the divergence of views between (Thaxter 1896, 1908, 1924, 1926, 1931). Gäumann and Thaxter, Dodge appended a discussion to the chapter, albeit in small print. This section closes with Thaxter’s refutation of some of Gäumann’s ideas ACKNOWLEDGMENTS as conveyed by Dodge. At the same time, it represents This paper is dedicated to the memory of Thelma J. Perry Thaxter’s final published ideas on the general subject of (1941–1998), who identified fungi in the galleries of the south- the thallus-forming Laboulbeniomycetes—their evolu- ern pine beetle at the Southern Forest Experiment Station, US tion and biology. Of note is the somewhat outdated Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pineville, Louisiana, discussion on evolution, including commentary on the where she revealed new and rare species of fungi. The interests we discussed here are in large part a continuation of Thelma’s Floridean Hypothesis. Of particular interest is the dis- discoveries. Thomas D. Bruns provided an insightful review of cussion on the of laboulbenialean spermatia the original manuscript. We are very grateful to graduate with conidia, the difference being the ability of conidia student Samira Fatemi (Purdue University, Department of to germinate by a germ tube. Several intriguing ideas, Botany and , laboratory of M. Catherine suggested by Gäumann, foreshadow results now gained Aime), who assisted with the culturing and DNA sequencing from DNA analyses. Thaxeriola and Endosporella were of Subbaromyces splendens. M.B. thanks the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, for an intellectual suggested to be mitosporic relatives of thallus-forming environment. She also acknowledges use of the unsurpassed Laboulbeniomycetes based on their morphological resources of the Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium of similarity to male thalli of the dioecious species, and Cryptogamic Botany, including specimens and originals draw- antheridia were homologized with conidiophores of ings of Roland Thaxter. and Pyxidiophora (Gäumann and Dodge 1928). Thaxter refused to be drawn into discussions of FUNDING the Floridean Hypothesis and other such speculation, and he continued to reject suggestions that the asexual M.B. acknowledges previous funding from the National forms, many of which he had discovered (Thaxter 1914, Science Foundation (NSF BSR-8604656, NSF BSR-8918157, 1920), had anything to do with the thallus-forming NSF DEB-9208027, and NSF DEB-9615520) and the Laboulbeniomycetes (Gäumann and Dodge 1928). Louisiana State University Boyd Professor Research Fund. D.H. acknowledges funding from SYNTHESYS+ (grant no. Mycologists did develop evolutionary hypotheses BE-TAF-151), financed by the Horizon 2020 Research before DNA technology came to the forefront, as Infrastructures Programme of the European Commission. evidenced by a wealth of literature. Numerous hypoth- eses based on development, morphology, and life his- tory studies have been tested with DNA analyses and ORCID further advanced methods. Sometimes hypotheses Meredith Blackwell http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2967-612X based on nonmolecular characters differ only in the Danny Haelewaters http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6424-0834 polarity of an evolutionary lineage. Thaxter (1891, Donald H. Pfister http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9018-8646 10 BLACKWELL ET AL.: LABOULBENIOMYCETES AND ROLAND THAXTER

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