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7Kh $Oehuwd *D]Hwwh 7KH$OEHUWD*D]HWWH PART 1 _______________________________________________________________________ Vol. 97 EDMONTON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 No. 17 _______________________________________________________________________ PROCLAMATION [GREAT SEAL] CANADA PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Lois E. Hole, Lieutenant Governor. ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada, and Her Other Realms and Territories, QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith P R O C L A M A T I O N To all to Whom these Presents shall come GREETING Paul Bourque, Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General WHEREAS section 13 of the Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2001 provides that that Act comes into force on Proclamation; and WHEREAS it is expedient to proclaim the Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2001 in force: NOW KNOW YE THAT by and with the advice and consent of Our Executive Council of Our Province of Alberta, by virtue of the provisions of the said Act hereinbefore referred to and of all other power and authority whatsoever in Us vested in that behalf, We have ordered and declared and do hereby proclaim the Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2001 in force on November 1, 2001. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our Province of Alberta to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS: THE HONOURABLE LOIS E. HOLE, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of Alberta, in Our City of Edmonton in Our Province of Alberta, this 21st day of August in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand One and in the Fiftieth Year of Our Reign. BY COMMAND David Hancock, Provincial Secretary. THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 RESIGNATIONS & RETIREMENTS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ACT Resignation of Justice of the Peace Appointment July 10, 2001 Rose, Paula of Thorsby July 27, 2001 Stuckey, Annette of Foremost _______________________________________________________________________ _ GOVERNMENT NOTICES AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT FORM 15 (Irrigation Districts Act) (Section 88) NOTICE TO IRRIGATION SECRETARIAT: CHANGE OF AREA OF AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT On behalf of the Bow River Irrigation District, I hereby request that the Irrigation Secretariat forward a certified copy of this notice to the Registrar of Land Titles for the purposes of registration under section 23 of the Land Titles Act and arrange for notice to be published in the Alberta Gazette. The following parcels of land should be ADDED to the irrigation district and the appropriate notation added to the certificate of title: Short Legal Description Title Number N.E. 30-12-16-W4M 841 200 934 I certify that the procedures required under Part 4 of the Irrigation Districts Act have been completed and the area of the Bow River Irrigation District should be changed according to the above list. Laurie Hodge, Office Manager. Irrigation Secretariat. _______________ FORM 15 (Irrigation Districts Act) (Section 88) NOTICE TO IRRIGATION SECRETARIAT: CHANGE OF AREA OF AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT 2008 THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 On behalf of the St. Mary River Irrigation District, I hereby request that the Irrigation Secretariat forward a certified copy of this notice to the Registrar of Land Titles for the purposes of registration under section 23 of the Land Titles Act and arrange for notice to be published in the Alberta Gazette. The following parcels of land should be ADDED to the irrigation district and the appropriate notation added to the certificate of title: Short Legal Description Title Number 4;21;8;13;SE 011 066 377 I certify that the procedures required under Part 4 of the Irrigation Districts Act have been completed and the area of the St. Mary River Irrigation District should be changed according to the above list. Laurie Hodge, Office Manager. Irrigation Secretariat. _______________________________________________________________________ _ LEARNING MINISTERIAL ORDER (#008/2001) I, Dr. Lyle Oberg, Minister of Learning, pursuant to Section 210 of the School Act, make the Order in the attached Appendix, being The Leduc School District No. 297 Boundary Adjustment Amendment Order. (The Blackgold Regional Division No. 18). DATED at Edmonton, Alberta, May 4, 2001. Dr. Lyle Oberg, Minister. APPENDIX MINISTERIAL ORDER (#008/2001) The Leduc School District No. 297 Boundary Adjustment Order (Blackgold Regional Division No. 18) 1 Section 7 of Ministerial Order No. 003/2001 is repealed and the following is substituted: 7 The Leduc School District No. 297 shall be comprised of the following lands: In Township 49, Range 24, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 30 and 31; the West half of Section 19, lying South of the South boundary of PLAN 904 N.Y. In Township 49, Range 25, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 24 to 27 inclusive; Sections 34 to 36 inclusive; East halves of Section 28 and 33. In Township 50, Range 25, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 1 and 12; that portion of Section 2 lying East of the East boundary of PLANS 1056 E.U. and 4129 P.X. 2 Ministerial Order No. 003/2001 is amended by this Order. MINISTERIAL ORDER (#010/2001) 2009 THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 I, Dr. Lyle Oberg, Minister of Learning, pursuant to Sections 206 and 207 of the School Act, make the Order in the attached Appendix, being The Blackfalds Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 583 Establishment Order. DATED at Edmonton, Alberta, July 6, 2001. Dr. Lyle Oberg, Minister. APPENDIX MINISTERIAL ORDER (#010/2001) The Blackfalds Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 583 Establishment Order 1 Pursuant to Section 206 of the School Act, The Blackfalds Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 583 is established. 2 The Blackfalds Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 583 shall be comprised of the following lands which are included in The Blackfalds School District No. 255 and which are properly assessable for separate school purposes under the provisions of Sections 131 to 146 of the School Act: Township 39, Range 26, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 19, 30 and 31; those portions of Section 18 lying North and East of the Red Deer River. Township 39, Range 27, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 21 to 28 inclusive; Sections 33 to 36 inclusive; those portions of Section 13 lying North of the Red Deer River; those portions of Sections 14 to 16 inclusive lying North of the Red Deer River. _______________________________________________________________________ _ MINISTERIAL ORDER (#011/2001) I, Dr. Lyle Oberg, Minister of Learning, pursuant to Sections 210, 211 and 212 of the School Act, make the Order in the attached Appendix, being The Red Deer Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 17 (Red Deer Catholic Regional Division No. 39) Boundary Adjustment Order. DATED at Edmonton, Alberta, July 6, 2001. Dr. Lyle Oberg, Minister. APPENDIX MINISTERIAL ORDER (#011/2001) The Red Deer Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 17 (Red Deer Catholic Regional Division No. 39)Boundary Adjustment Order 1 Pursuant to Section 210 of the School Act, all of the lands are taken from the following district and are added to The Red Deer Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 17: The Blackfalds Roman Catholic School District No. 583. 2 Pursuant to Sections 210 and 211 of the School Act, The Blackfalds Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 583 is dissolved. 2010 THE ALBERTA GAZETTE, PART I, SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 3 The Red Deer Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 17 (Red Deer Ward) shall be comprised of the following lands: Township 36, Range 27, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 29 to 32 inclusive. Township 36, Range 28, West of the 4th Meridian Section 23; Sections 25 and 26; 33 to 36 inclusive, East half of Section 27. Township 37, Range 27, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 5 to 8 inclusive; Sections 30 and 31; Section 34; West halves of Sections 18, 19, 29 and 32. Township 37, Range 28, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 1 to 4 inclusive; Sections 10 to 14 inclusive; Section 22 to 36 inclusive; North half of Section 20; North half and Southeast quarter of Section 21; all those portions of Sections 5, 9 and 15 lying east of the Red Deer River. Township 38, Range 26, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 16 to 20 inclusive; Sections 30 and 31; West half of Section 15; those portions of Sections 21, 29 and 32 lying Southwest of the Red Deer River. Township 38, Range 27, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 6 and 7; Section 13; Sections 23 to 26 inclusive; Sections 35 and 36; Southwest quarter and that portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 5 lying South and West of the Northeast limit of Road Plan 2082 L.Z.; fractions of Sections 18 and 19 lying South of the Red Deer River; those portions of Sections 27 and 34 lying East of the Red Deer River. Township 38, Range 28, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 1 to 6 inclusive; Sections 8 to 12 inclusive; Sections 14 to 18 inclusive; Sections 21 to 23 inclusive; Sections 25 to 29 inclusive; Sections 31 to 36 inclusive; North half and Southeast quarter of Sections 7 and 30; that portion of Section 13 lying West of the East limit of Road Plan 2082 L.Z. and North and the Red Deer River; those portions of Sections 19 and 20 not covered by the waters of the Cygnet Lake; that portion of Section 24 lying West of the East limit of Road Plan 2082 L.Z. Township 39, Range 26, West of the 4th Meridian Sections 5 to 8 inclusive; Section 19; Sections 30 and 31; those portions of Sections 4 and 9 lying west of Red Deer River; that portion of Section 17 lying South of the Red Deer River; those portion of Section 18 lying North, East and South of the Red Deer River.

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