ECHO Book 2002

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ECHO Book 2002 europae civitates historicorum organorum european cities of historical organs a l k m a a r e u r o p e a n f r e i b e r g c i t i e s o f g ö t e b o r g h i s t o r i c a l i n n s b r u c k o r g a n s l i s b o a e u r o p a e alkmaar alkmaar alkmaar alkmaar alkmaar alkmaar alkmaar alkmaar alkmaar r o s k i l d e freiberg freiberg freiberg freiberg freiberg freiberg freiberg freiberg freiberg göteborg göteborg göteborg göteborg göteborg göteborg göteborg göteborg göteborg innsbruck innsbruck innsbruck innsbruck innsbruck innsbruck innsbruck innsbruck innsbruck c i v i t a t e s lisboa lisboa lisboa lisboa lisboa lisboa lisboa lisboa lisboa roskilde roskilde roskilde roskilde roskilde roskilde roskilde roskilde roskilde toulouse toulouse toulouse toulouse toulouse toulouse toulouse toulouse toulouse t o u l o u s e treviso treviso treviso treviso treviso treviso treviso treviso treviso zaragoza zaragoza zaragoza zaragoza zaragoza zaragoza zaragoza zaragoza zaragoza historicorum t r e v i s o o r g a n o r u m z a r a g o z a contents 4 preface dino de poli, honorary chairman 6 preface dr. walter frenzel, echo chairman 1999–2001 protocol of toulouse 8 facsimile 10 english translation european cities of historical organs europae civitates historicorum organorum the echo-cities echo is an association of so far nine cities the netherlands 13 alkmaar in nine ­­eu-countries germany 31 freiberg disposing of precious historical organs, sweden 49 göteborg cities where the care of organ-culture austria 69 innsbruck plays an important role. portugal 85 lisboa It is the predominant aim of echo danmark 97 roskilde to encourage and foster this care france 111 toulouse and the historical heritage italy 129 treviso by a vast number of means spain 143 zaragoza and across borders. 158 imprint & contact 2 | | 3 ella Europa di oggi, impegnata in nuove forme di aggregazioni sempre più spesso contraddistinte da mo- tivazioni economiche, è molto significativo che nove Città, appartenenti ad altrettanti Paesi del Vecchio Continente,N abbiano individuato nella musica, ed in particolare nell’ organo, l’ elemento unificante per un loro gemellaggio. In effetti, in oltre cinque secoli di storia musicale, ogni comunità ha affidato a sapienti artigiani il compito di costruire perfetti strumenti da collocare nelle cantorie delle Cattedrali, nei Santuari e nelle piccole Pievi. La Fondazione Cassamarca ha sempre cercato di favorire tutte le iniziative finalizzate alla valorizzazione e alla salvaguardia di beni artistici e culturali e perciò ha voluto sostenere finanziariamente un progetto di restauro dei tanti strumenti storici presenti nella Marca Trevigiana ed appartenenti alla scuola veneta che, iniziata con Pietro Nacchini, fu portata al suo massimo splendore da Gaetano Callido. Per questo abbiamo accolto l’ invito del Comitato Promotore del Festival Organistico Internazionale di Tre- viso a partecipare attivamente, nel 1997, a quelle iniziative che hanno consentito la sottoscrizione di un proto- collo di intenti che, a Tolosa, si è concretizzato con la nascita del Comitato Europeo Città d’ Organi Storici. Il successo di questo progetto, scaturito dal comune impegno di città che vantano una consolidata tradi- zione organistica, testimonia la validità della proposta e deve ulteriormente motivare i rappresentanti dei Fe- stivals e delle rispettive comunità a proseguire nell’ impegno per la divulgazione di un patrimonio artistico di inestimabile valore che grazie a questo volume resterà nella memoria di molti. Dino De Poli Presidente Onorario ECHO Caerano San Marco Organo Nacchini / dettaglio n today’s Europe, committed with new forms of aggregation more and more often distinguished by eco- nomic reasoning, it is extremely significant that nine cities from the same number of countries in the Old Continent,I have used music, in particular organ music, as the uniting element for their twinning. In fact, in over five centuries musical history, each community entrusted skilful craftsmen with the task of making perfect instruments to be located in the choir lofts of Cathedrals, in Sanctuaries and in small Parish Churches. The Cassamarca Foundation has always attempted to promote all initiatives aimed at enhancing the value of and protecting artistic and cultural works and for this reason gave financial support to a project to renovate a large number of historical instruments in the Marca Trevigiana area belonging to the scuola veneta which began with Pietro Nacchini to reach its maximum splendour with Gaetano Callido. Dino De Poli This is the reason we accepted the invitation of the Promoting Committee of the Treviso International Organ Festival to participate actively, in 1997, in those initiatives that lead to the undersigning of a protocol of intention, which was put into practice in Toulouse with the birth of the Committee of the Cities of Historical Organs. The success of this project, stemming from the joint commitment of cities with a consolidated organ tradi- tion, substantiates the validity of this proposal and must further motivate representatives of the Festivals and relevant communities to continue in their commitment to divulge an artistic heritage of inestimable value that, thanks to this volume, will remain in the memories of many. Dino De Poli Honorary Chairman ECHO 4 | | 5 m Jahr 1996 unterzeichneten künstlerische und administrative Vertreter der Städte Lissabon, Roskilde, Toulouse, Treviso und Saragossa ein Dokument, das Idie Partnerschaft europäischer Städte mit einem bedeutenden Schatz an histo- rischen Orgeln begründen und weitere Partner zu einer engeren Zusammenar- beit einladen sollte. Diese Initiative war von Treviso ausgegangen und führte am 12. Oktober 1997 zu einem weiteren Treffen in Toulouse, bei dem die Ziele dieser europäischen Orgelpartnerschaft präzisiert und eine entsprechende Charta aus- gearbeitet und unterzeichnet wurde. Die Anzahl hatte sich auf sieben Städte erhöht und umfasste nun auch Innsbruck und Alkmaar. In einer feierlichen Ze- remonie wurde im berühmten Capitole von Toulouse, in Anwesenheit von Bür- Dr. Walter Frenzel germeister Dominique Baudis und hochrangiger Vertreter aus Politik und Kultur der Akt der gemeinsamen Unterzeichnung begangen. Noch allerdings mussten gemeinsame Pläne und vor allem auch Organisations- strukturen errichtet werden, um die mit großem Enthusiasmus vorgetragenen Ideen zu bündeln und in ein konkreteres Stadium zu überführen. Innsbruck bot sich daher an, das nächste gemeinsame Treffen im Septem- ber 1999 auszurichten und auf zwei Jahre den Vorsitz der Partnerschaft zu übernehmen. Inzwischen war auch dem Vorsatz die gute Freundschaft und Zusammen- an impulse from Innsbruck, to tackle the planned bro- das politische Interesse an der Einrichtung gewachsen, wie dies die am 26. und 27. September in Innsbruck arbeit weiter auszubauen. chure of all of the nine Echo-partners beforehand. In angereisten Delegationen bezeugten. Zwei neue Kandidaten, Freiberg und Göteborg, gestützt auf die Empfeh- Im Jahr 2000 traf man sich erneut zu einem inten- a very kind manner the organist of the Innsbruck-ca- lung ihrer Bürgermeister, ersuchten um Aufnahme in die Partnerschaft, die ihnen freudig gewährt wurde. siven Arbeitsmeeting, wobei sich die wunderschöne thedral, Reinhard Jaud, who is also the custodian of Nachdem bisher der gemeinsame Austausch auf künstlerischer Ebene gut funktioniert hatte, beschloss Stadt Alkmaar als großzügige Gastgeberin erwies. Es the Ebert-organ and of the Renaissance-time organ man in Innsbruck eine Broschüre zu erstellen, in der alle neun Städte dieser Orgelpartnerschaft ihre histori- gab dabei auch die Möglichkeit für alle Teilnehmer, of the Silver-chapel, furthermore professor of organ schen Instrumente und ihre Orgelaktivitäten präsentieren. Auch einen Namen gab man sich bei dieser Gele- ihre Orgelprogramme und Orgelaktivitäten für 2001 at the regional conservatory of the Tyrol, spontane- genheit: ECHO – European Cities of Historical Organs – Europae Civitates Historicorum Organorum. Das zu präsentieren. Ähnliches wird im Juni 2001 auch in ously volunteered for this task. With great endeav- Treffen in Innsbruck endete – wie es sich für musikalische Geschäfte gehört – in perfekter Harmonie und mit Göteborg möglich sein, das dann, auf gemeinsamen ours he started this work, as soon as he had come Beschluss, den Vorsitz für die nächsten beiden Jahre back home. n 1996, representatives from the artistic and administrative domains of the cities of Lisbon, Roskilde, Tou- übernehmen wird. Zuvor aber wurde auf Anregung Today you can look at the outcome of these efforts, louse, Treviso and Zaragoza signed a document, which would found a partnership of those European cities Innsbrucks noch einmal beschlossen, die geplante a “visiting card” of the nine present partners, Alkmaar, thatI have a significant heritage of historical organs, and would invite further partners to closer co-operation. Broschüre aller neun Echo-Mitglieder in Angriff zu Freiberg, Gothenburg, Innsbruck, Lisbon, Roskilde, This initiative had been started by the city of Treviso and was followed by a subsequent meeting in Toulouse nehmen. Dankenswerterweise stellte sich dafür der Zaragoza, Treviso and Toulouse. It was designed for on October 12th 1997. At this time, the objectives of this European organ-partnership were defined more pre- Innsbrucker Domorganist, Kustos der Ebert-Orgel und making publicity for a joint European cultural under- cisely and a corresponding charter was prepared and signed. By then, the number of member-cities had risen der Renaissance-Orgel in der Silbernen Kapelle, Pro- taking for the “queen of instruments”, possibly for to seven, including Innsbruck and Alkmaar. In the course of a festive ceremony, the act of the common signing fessor für Orgel am Tiroler Landeskonservatorium opening a door to Brussels, too. was fulfilled in the presence of the mayor Dominique Baudis and high-rank representatives from the political Reinhard Jaud spontan zur Verfügung und begann, and artistic spheres. nach Innsbruck zurückgekehrt, die Arbeit mit großem However, collective plans and above all an organisational structure were yet to be established, in order Enthusiasmus.
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