Gaspard Dughet Oil Paintings

Gaspard Dughet [French painter, 1613-1675]

Imaginary Landscape Picture ID 37649-Imaginary_Landscape.jpg Oil Painting ID: 37649 | Order the painting

Landscape with St Augustine and the Mystery Picture ID 37650-Landscape_with_St_Augustine_and_the_Mystery.jpg Oil Painting ID: 37650 | Order the painting

The Falls of Tivoli Picture ID 37651-The_Falls_of_Tivoli.jpg Oil Painting ID: 37651 | Order the painting

View of Tivoli Picture ID 37652-View_of_Tivoli.jpg Oil Painting ID: 37652 | Order the painting

Total 1 page, [1] Gaspard Dughet (Nationality : French painter, 1613-1675) Gaspard Dughet (also known as Gaspard Poussin; 1613 - 27 May 1675) was a French painter. A pupil of , Gaspard Dughet was the brother of Poussin's wife. He devoted himself to landscape painting and rendered admirably the severer beauties of the Roman Campagna; a noteworthy series of works in tempera representing various sites near is to be seen in the Colonna Palace; but one of his finest easel-pictures, the Sacrifice of Abraham, formerly the property of the Colonna, is now, with other works by the same painter, in the National Gallery, London. He worked with Pier Francesco Mola, Cozza, and at the Palazzo Pamphili in . The frescoes executed by Gaspard Poussin in S. Martino di Monti are in a bad state of preservation. The Louvre does not possess a single work by his hand. Dughet died at Rome on 27 May 1675.

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