
Article Generalized Affine Connections Associated with the Space of Centered Planes

Olga Belova

Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and IT, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, A. Nevsky Str. 14, 236016 Kaliningrad, Russia; [email protected]; Tel.: +7-921-610-5949

Abstract: Our purpose is to study a space Π of centered m-planes in n-. Generalized fiberings (with semi-gluing) are investigated. Planar and normal affine connections associated with the space Π are set in the generalized fiberings. Fields of these affine objects define torsion and . The canonical cases of planar and normal generalized affine connections are considered.

Keywords: projective space; space of centered planes; planar generalized affine connection; normal generalized affine connection

1. Introduction The theory of connections occupies an important place in . The concept of connection was introduced by T. Levi-Civita [1] as a parallel displacement  of tangent vectors of a . Weyl introduced the concept of a space of the affine  connection [2]. This concept was continued in the works of Cartan [3] and Ehresmann [4]. Citation: Belova, O. Generalized Different ways to determine the connection were inputted by Nomizu [5], Vagner [6], and Affine Connections Associated with Laptev [7]. Veblen and Whitehead [8] introduced a connection in a composite manifold. the Space of Centered Planes. In [9], Laptev gave an invariant definition of connections as a certain law defining the Mathematics 2021, 9, 782. https:// mapping of infinitely close fibres. He also provided a well-known theoretical-group method doi.org/10.3390/math9070782 on the of the Cartan calculation. Rashevskii [10], Nomizu [11], and Norden [12] studied affine connections. Generalized Academic Editor: Marian Ioan affine connections were considered in book [13], where a relation was shown between a Munteanu generalized affine connection and a (see also [14,15]). In [16], all invariant affine connections on three-dimensional symmetric homogeneous spaces admitting a nor- Received: 12 March 2021 mal connection were described; canonical connections and natural torsion-free connections Accepted: 3 April 2021 were also considered. Published: 5 April 2021 The theory of affine connections is widely used in [17–21] and by studying [22] (see, e.g., [23–28]).

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral This paper is the result of the author’s research [29,30], where the concepts of gen- with regard to jurisdictional claims in eralized bundles are used (see, e.g., [31]). Principal fibering with gluing to the base was published maps and institutional affil- introduced in the paper [32] and generalized principal fibering (a principal fibering with iations. semi-gluing to the base) was introduced in the paper [33]. Connections in the fiberings associated with the space of centered planes were studied in [34,35]. In the present paper, generalized affine connections associated with this space are considered. The notion of vector, or specifically, principal bundles over a smooth manifold is one Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. of the central notions in modern mathematics and its applications to mathematical and Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. theoretical physics. In particular, all known types of physical interactions (gravitational, This article is an open access article electromagnetic, etc.) are described in terms of connections and other geometric structures distributed under the terms and on vector/principal bundles on underlying . The properties of physical fields conditions of the Creative Commons can be formulated in terms of geometric invariants of connections such as curvature and Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// characteristic classes of corresponding vector/principal bundles [36]. creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).

Mathematics 2021, 9, 782. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9070782 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematics Mathematics 2021, 9, 782 2 of 9

There are affine connections which arise in different contexts. These connections are used in geometry for illustration of parallel transports, and they can be applied to mechanics. Therefore, I hope this article will be of interest to geometers and physicists. The important role of the affine connections and the previous author’s work in the study of manifolds of planes was the motivation for writing this paper. This paper will be arranged in the following way. Section2 will describe the analytical apparatus and the space of centered planes as the object of research. In Sections3 and4, a review of planar and normal generalized affine connections will be given, respectively. A brief summary of the paper is given in Section5.

2. Analytical Apparatus and Object of Research

It is a well-known fact that projective space Pn can be represented as a quotient space Ln+1/ ∼ of a linear space Ln+1 with respect to equivalence (collinearity) ∼ of non-zero vectors, that is, Pn = (Ln+1 \{0})/ ∼. Projective frame in the space Pn is a system formed 0 by points AI0 , I = 0, ..., n, and a unit E (see [37]). In linear space Ln+1, linearly n independent vectors eI0 correspond to the points AI0 , and a vector e = ∑ eI0 corresponds I0=0 to the point E. Moreover, these vectors are determined in the space Ln+1 with accuracy up to a common factor. The unit point is specified together with the basic points, although you do not have to mention it every time. In the present paper, we will use the method of a (see, e.g., [38]) {A, AI }, I, ... = 1, ..., n, the derivation formulae of the vertices of which are

I J dA = θA + ω AI, dAI = θAI + ωI AJ + ωI A,

I I where the form θ acts as a proportionality factor, and the structure forms ω , ωJ , ωI of the projective group GP(n), effectively acting on the space Pn, and satisfying the Cartan equations (see [39], cf. [40])

I J I I K I I K I J Dω = ω ∧ ωJ , DωJ = ωJ ∧ ωK + δJ ωK ∧ ω + ωJ ∧ ω , DωI = ωI ∧ ωJ.

Throughout this paper, d is the symbol of ordinary differentiation in the space Pn, and D is the symbol of exterior differentiation. This apparatus is successfully used by geometers in Kaliningrad (see, e.g., [41]). In the projective space Pn, a space Π (see [34,42,43]) of all centered m-dimensional planes is considered (cf. [44–47]). Vertices A and Aa, a, ... = 1, ..., m, of the moving frame a α α are placed on the centered plane, with vertex A fixed as a centre. The forms ω , ω , ωa (α, ... = m + 1, ..., n) are the basic forms of the space Π.

Remark 1. The space Π is a whose points are m-dimensional centered planes.

The technique used in the present paper was based on the Laptev–Lumiste method. This, in turn, requires knowledge of calculating external differential forms.

3. Planar Generalized Affine Connection Now we introduce the following definition.

Definition 1. A smooth manifold with structure equations

a b a α a α β α a α Dω = ω ∧ ωb + ω ∧ ωα, Dω = ω ∧ ωβ + ω ∧ ωa , α β b α α b α (1) Dωa = ωb ∧ (δa ωβ − δβωa ) − ω ∧ ωa, a c a c a a a α α a Dωb = ωb ∧ ωc − ω ∧ (δc ωb + δb ωc) − δb ω ∧ ωα + ωb ∧ ωα

is called a generalized bundle of planar affine frames [48] and is denoted by Am2+[m](Π). Mathematics 2021, 9, 782 3 of 9

Remark 2. The symbol m is enclosed in square brackets, since m forms ωa are included in both basic and fibre forms. We will call the forms ωa basic-fibre.

To define an affine connection in the generalized bundle Am2+[m](Π), we extend to it the Laptev–Lumiste method of defining group connections in principal bundles. We a a transform the basic-fibre forms ω and fibre forms ωb of the fibering Am2+[m](Π), using a α α linear combinations of the basic forms ω , ω , ωa [32] as follows:

a a a b a α ab α a a a c a α ac α ω˜ = ω − Cb ω − Cαω − Cα ωb , ω˜ b = ωb − Γbcω − Γbαω − Γbαωc . (2)

Finding the exterior differentials of forms (2) with the help of structure equations (1) and applying the Cartan–Laptev theorem in this generalized case, we obtain

a = a c + a α + a,c α ∆Cb Cb,cω Cb,αω Cb,αωc , a a b ab a a b a β a,b β ∆Cα − Cb ωα + Cα ωb + ωα = Cα,bω + Cα,βω + Cα,βωb , ab ab c ab β ab,c β ∆Cα = Cα,cω + Cα βω + C ωc , , α,β (3) a − a − a = a d + a α + a,d α ∆Γbc δb ωc δc ωb Γbc,dω Γbc,αω Γbc,αωd , a − a c + ac − a = a c + a β + a,c β ∆Γbα Γbcωα Γbαωc δb ωα Γbα,cω Γbα,βω Γbα,βωc , ac + c a = ac d + ac β + ac,d β ∆Γbα δbωα Γbα,dω Γbα,βω Γbα,βωd , a where Cb,c, ... are Pfaffian [32], and ∆ is a differential operator acting a a e a a e according to the law ∆Cb = dCb + Cbωe − Ce ωb (see, e.g., [49]). We will use the following terminology (see [50]): A substructure of a structure S is called simple if it is not a union of two substructures of the structure S. A simple substructure is called the simplest if it, in turn, does not have a substructure. P a a ab a a Statement 1. The object of a planar generalized affine connection Γ= {Cb, Cα, Cα , Γbc, Γbα, ac a ab Γbα} associated with the space Π of centered planes contains two simplest tensors Cb, Cα in a a ab a simple quasi-tensor of a connection C = {Cb, Cα, Cα } and two simplest subquasi-tensors a ac a a ac Γbc, Γbα of a simple quasi-tensor of a planar linear connection {Γbc, Γbα, Γbα}. Let us take into account differential Equations (3) in the structure equations of the connection forms (2)

a b a a b c a b α ac b α Dω˜ = ω˜ ∧ ω˜ b + Tbcω ∧ ω + Tbαω ∧ ω + Tbαω ∧ ωc a α β ab α β abc α β +Tαβω ∧ ω + Tαβω ∧ ωb + Tαβ ωb ∧ ωc , a c a a c d a c α ad c α (4) Dω˜ b = ω˜ b ∧ ω˜ c + Rbcdω ∧ ω + Rbcαω ∧ ω + Rbcαω ∧ ωd a α β ac α β acd α β +Rbαβω ∧ ω + Rbαβω ∧ ωc + Rbαβωb ∧ ωd .

P a a ac a ab abc The components of a torsion object T= {Tbc, Tbα, Tbα, Tαβ, Tαβ, Tαβ } of a planar affine connection are expressed by the formulae

a = a + a − e a a = a + c a − c a + a − a Tbc Γ[bc] C[b,c] C[bΓec], Tbα Γbα CαΓcb CbΓcα Cb,α Cα,b, ac = ac − c a − e ac + ec a + a,c − ac Tbα Γbα δbCα CbΓeα Cα Γeb Cb,α Cα,b, a = a − b a ab = cb a − c ab + a,b − ab (5) Tαβ C[α,β] C[αΓbβ], Tαβ Cβ Γcα CαΓcβ Cα,β Cβ,α, abc a b,c e b ac Tαβ = C [α,β] − C [αΓeβ], Mathematics 2021, 9, 782 4 of 9

P a a ad a ac acd and the components of the curvature object R= {Rbcd, Rbcα, Rbcα, Rbαβ, Rbαβ, Rbαβ} have the form a = a − e a a = a − a + d a − d a Rbcd Γb[c,d] Γb[cΓed], Rbcα Γbc,α Γbα,c ΓbαΓdc ΓbcΓdα, ad a,d ad ed a e ad d a R = Γ − Γ + Γ Γec − Γ Γeα − δc Γ , bcα bc,α bα,c bα bc bα (6) a = a − c a ac = c,b − ac + dc a − d ac Rbαβ Γb[α,β] Γb[αΓcβ], Rbαβ Γbα,β Γbβ,α ΓbβΓdα ΓbαΓdβ, acd a c,d e c ad Rbαβ = Γb[α,β] − Γb[αΓeβ].

Remark 3. Here and in what follows, the square brackets denote alternation by extreme indices and by pairs of indices.

Remark 4. In the generalized case, just as in the usual case, the structure equations (4) of the connection forms (2) include the components of torsion and curvature objects expressed by the P Formulae (5) and (6). Curvature R is not expressed in terms of the quasi-tensor components C and their Pfaffian derivatives.

P P Theorem 1. In the space Π of centered planes, the objects of torsion T and curvature R of the planar P P a ac generalized affine connection are tensors containing the simplest subtensors T1= {Tbc}, T2= {Tbα}, P P P P P abc a ad acd a a T3= {Tαβ }, R1= {Rbcd}, R2= {Rbcα}, R3= {Rbαβ} and simple subtensors T4= {Tbα, Tbc, P P P ac ab abc ab a a ad ac acd ac Tbα}, T5= {Tαβ,Tαβ ,Tcβ }, R4= {Rbcα,Rbcd,Rbcα}, R5= {Rbαβ,Rbαβ,Rbdβ}.

P Proof. Prolongating Equation (3) of the components of the connection object Γ and using Formulae (5), (6) for expressions for the components of torsion and curvature objects, we find differential congruences modulo the basic forms

a a a c ac ac ∆Tbc ≡ 0, ∆Tbα − 2Tbcωα + Tbαωc ≡ 0, ∆Tbα ≡ 0,

a a b ab ab abc ab c abc ∆Tαβ + Tb[αωβ] + T[αβ]ωb ≡ 0, ∆Tαβ − 2Tβα ωc − Tcβ ωα ≡ 0, ∆Tαβ ≡ 0, a a a d ad ad ∆Rbcd ≡ 0, ∆Rbcα − 2Rbcdωα + Rbcαωd ≡ 0, ∆Rbcα ≡ 0, a a c ac ac acd ac d acd ∆Rbαβ + Rbc[αωβ] + Rb[αβ]ωc ≡ 0, ∆Rbαβ − 2Rbαβωd − Rbdβωα ≡ 0, ∆Rbαβ ≡ 0, which these components satisfy. The obtained differential congruences prove the validity of this theorem. P P Statement 2. Differential congruences for torsion Ti and curvature Ri subtensors corre- spond to each other, i = 1, ..., 5. Now we consider the canonical case of a planar affine connection when the tensor a ab a a a α components Cb, Cα of the connection quasi-tensor C vanish. In this case, ω˜ = ω − Cαω , therefore, the left and right sides of the Formulae (3)1 and (3)3 are identically zero, and the Equations (3)2 take the form

0 0 0 0 a a a b a β a,b β ∆ C α + ωα = C α,bω + C α,βω + C α,βωb ,

a ab where zero means the equalities Cb = 0, Cα = 0 in the expressions (5) for the components of the . Statement 3. In the canonical case, the quasi-tensor C of the planar generalized affine 0 a connection is reduced to the quasi-tensor C α, and the connection object is simplified: P0 0 a a a ac Γ = {0, C α, 0, Γbc, Γbα, Γbα}. Mathematics 2021, 9, 782 5 of 9

a ab If the tensor components Cb, Cα of the connection quasi-tensor C are equal to zero, the expressions for the components of the torsion tensor have the form

0 0 0 0 0 0 a = a a = a + c a − a ac = ac − c a T bc Γ[bc], T bα Γbα C αΓcb C α,b, T bα Γbα δb C α, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (7) a = a − b a ab = a,b − c ab abc = T αβ C [α,β] C [αΓbβ], T αβ C α,β C αΓcβ, T αβ 0.

Statement 4. Thus, the torsion tensor of canonical connection is non-zero but contains zero abc components Tαβ . If the torsion tensor vanishes, then from the expressions (7) we obtain

0 0 0 a a a c a ac c a Γ[bc] = 0, Γbα =C α,b− C αΓcb, Γbα = δb C α,

0 0 0 0 a b a a,b c ab 0 abc C [α,β] =C [αΓbβ], C α,β =C αΓcβ, T αβ = 0. These equalities imply the following theorem.

P0 Theorem 2. The canonical planar generalized torsion-free affine connection Γ has the properties: a (1) The simplest quasi-tensor of affine connection Γbc is symmetric; a a ac a (2) A planar linear connection {Γbc, Γbα, Γbα} is reduced to an affine subconnection Γbc using the 0 a planar subfield of the quasi-tensor of the connection C α of the space Π of centered planes, that a a is, a subobject Γbα is covered by a subobject Γbc, complementing it with a linearly connection 0 0 a a ac a a object {Γbc, Γbα, Γbα} by a quasi-tensor C α and its planar Pfaffian derivatives C α,b; 0 ac a (3) The simplest quasi-tensor Γbα is formed by the components of the quasi-tensor C α; 0 0 a a (4) Alternating normal Pfaffian derivatives C [α,β] of the connection quasi-tensor C α are formed 0 b a by alternations of the convolutions of the quasi-tensor C α and the subobject Γbβ of the planar a a ac linear connection {Γbc, Γbα, Γbα}; 0 0 a,b a (5) The Pfaffian derivatives C α,β of the connection quasi-tensor C α are formed by convolutions 0 a of the components of the quasi-tensor C α itself and the components of the simplest quasi- ab tensor Γcβ.

4. Normal Generalized Affine Connection Definition 2. A smooth manifold with structure equations

a b a α a α β α a α Dω = ω ∧ ωb + ω ∧ ωα, Dω = ω ∧ ωβ + ω ∧ ωa , α β b α α b α Dωa = ωb ∧ (δa ωβ − δβωa ) − ω ∧ ωa, (8) α γ α γ α α α a α a Dωβ = ωβ ∧ ωγ − ω ∧ (δγωβ + δβωγ) − δβω ∧ ωa − ωa ∧ ωβ

is called the generalized bundle of normal affine frames [48] and is denoted by Ah2+[h](Π), where h = n − m.

Remark 5. The symbol h is enclosed in square brackets, since n − m forms ωα are included in both basic forms and fibre forms. We will call the forms ωα basic-fibre.

To define an affine connection in the generalized bundle Ah2+[h](Π) we extend to it α α the Laptev–Lumiste method. We transform the basic-fibre forms ω and fibre forms ωβ of α α a the fibering Ah2+[h](Π) using linear combinations of the basic forms ω , ωa , ω

α α α a α β αa β α α α a α γ αa γ ω˜ = ω − La ω − Lβω − Lβ ωa , ω˜ β = ωβ − Γβaω − Γβγω − Γβγωa . (9) Mathematics 2021, 9, 782 6 of 9

Finding the exterior differentials of forms (9) by using structure equations (8) and applying the Cartan–Laptev theorem in this generalized case, we get

α α b α β α,b β ∆La = La,bω + La,βω + La,βωb , α αa α a α a α γ α,a γ ∆Lβ + Lβ ωa − La ωβ = Lβ,aω + Lβ,γω + Lβ,γωa , αa αa b αa γ αa,b γ ∆Lβ = Lβ,bω + Lβ,γω + Lβ,γ ωb , α α α b α γ α,b γ (10) ∆Γβa − δβωa = Γβa,bω + Γβa,γω + Γβa,γωb , α α a αa α α α a α µ α,a µ ∆Γβγ − Γβaωγ + Γβγωa − δβωγ − δγωβ = Γβγ,aω + Γβγ,µω + Γβγ,µωa , αa α a αa b αa µ αa,b µ ∆Γβγ − δγωβ = Γβγ,bω + Γβγ,µω + Γβγ,µωb .

N α α αa α α Statement 5. The object of normal generalized affine connection Γ= {La , Lβ, Lβ , Γβa, Γβγ, αa α αa Γβγ} associated with the space of centered planes contains two simplest subtensors La , Lβ α α αa α of a simple tensor of connection L = {La , Lβ, Lβ } and two simplest subquasi-tensors Γβa, αa α α αa Γβγ of a simple quasi-tensor of normal linear connection {Γβa, Γβγ, Γβγ}. We substitute the differential Equations (10) into the structure equations of the con- nection forms (9)

α β α α a b α β a αb a β Dω˜ = ω˜ ∧ ω˜ β + Tabω ∧ ω + Tβaω ∧ ω + Taβ ω ∧ ωb β +Tα ωβ ∧ ωγ + Tαa ωβ ∧ ωγ + Tαabω ∧ ωγ, βγ βγ a βγ a b (11) α γ α α a b α γ a αb a γ Dω˜ β = ω˜ β ∧ ω˜ γ + Rβabω ∧ ω + Rβγaω ∧ ω + Rβaγω ∧ ωb α γ µ αa γ µ αab γ µ +Rβγµω ∧ ω + Rβγµω ∧ ωa + Rβγµωa ∧ ωb .

N α α αb α αa αab The components of a torsion object T= {Tab, Tβa, Taβ , Tβγ, Tβγ, Tβγ } of normal affine connection are expressed by the formulae

α = α − β α α = α + α γ − γ α − α + α Tab L[a,b] L[aΓβb], Tβa Γβa ΓγβŁa Lβ Γγa La,β Lβ,a, αb α,b αb αb γ γb α b α b α T = L − L − Γ La + L Γ + δ δ − δ L , aβ a,β β,a γβ β γa a β a β (12) α = α + α − µ α Tβγ L[β,γ] Γ[βγ] L[βΓµγ], αa α,a αa µ αa µa α αa αab α a,b α a µb Tβγ = Lβ,γ + Γβγ − LβΓµγ + Lγ Γµβ − Lγ,β, Tβγ = L [β,γ] + Γµ[β Lγ ],

N α α αb α αa αab and the curvature object R= {Rβab, Rβγa, Rβaγ, Rβγµ, Rβγµ, Rβγµ} has components

α = α + α γ α = α − α − α µ + α µ Rβab Γβ[a,b] Γγ[aΓβb], Rβγa Γβγ,a Γβa,γ ΓµaΓβγ ΓµγΓβa, αb α,b αb α µb αb µ b α R = Γ − Γ + ΓµaΓ − ΓµγΓ − δa Γ , βaγ βa,γ βγ,a βγ βa βγ (13) α = α + α η αa = α,a − αa + α ηa − αa η Rβγµ Γβ[γ,µ] Γη[γΓβµ], Rβγµ Γβ[γ,µ] Γβγ,µ ΓηγΓβµ ΓηµΓβγ, αab α a,b α a ηb Rβγµ = Γβ[γ,µ] + Γη[γΓβµ].

Remark 6. In the generalized case, as in the usual case, the structure Equations (11) of the connec- tion forms (9) include the components of torsion and curvature objects expressed by Formulae (12) N and (13). The curvature R is not expressed in terms of the quasi-tensor L components and their Pfaffian derivatives.

N N Theorem 3. In the space Π of centered planes, the torsion T and curvature R objects of normal affine N N N α αb αab connection are tensors containing the simplest subtensors T1= {Tab}, T2= {Taβ }, T3= {Tβγ }, N N N N N α αb αab α α αb αa R1= {Rβab}, R2= {Rβaγ}, R3= {Rβγµ} and simple subtensors T4= {Tβa, Tab, Taβ }, T5= {Tβγ, N N αab αa α α αb αa αab αa Tβγ ,Tbγ }, R4= {Rβγa,Rβab,Rβaγ}, R5= {Rβγµ,Rβµγ,Rβbµ}. Mathematics 2021, 9, 782 7 of 9

N Proof. Prolongating Equations (10) of the components of the connection object Γ and using the Formulae (12) and (13) for the expressions of the components of the torsion and curvature objects, we find the differential congruences

α α α b αb αb ∆Tab ≡ 0, ∆Tβa + 2Tabωβ − Taβ ωb ≡ 0, ∆Taβ ≡ 0,

α α a αa αa αab αa b αab ∆Tβγ − T[βaωγ] + T[βγ]ωa ≡ 0, ∆Tβγ − 2Tγβ ωb − Tbγ ωβ ≡ 0, ∆Tβγ ≡ 0, α α α b αb αb αab ∆Rβab ≡ 0, ∆Rβγa + 2Rβabωγ − Rβaγωb ≡ 0, ∆Rβaγ ≡ 0, ∆Rβγµ ≡ 0, α α a αa αa αab αa b ∆Rβγµ − Rβ[γaωµ] + Rβ[γµ]ωa ≡ 0, ∆Rβγµ − 2Rβµγωb − Rβbµωγ ≡ 0, which are satisfied by the components of these objects. The theorem is thereby proved.

N N Statement 6. Differential congruences for torsion Ti and curvature Ri subtensors corre- spond to each other, i = 1, ..., 5. We consider a canonical case of normal affine connection when the connection tensor L vanishes. In this case, ω˜ α = ωα, that is, transformation of basic-fibre forms ωα is not N0 α α αa converted, and the connection object is simplified: Γ = {0, 0, 0, Γβa, Γβγ, Γβγ}. If we take α α αa into account the equalities La = 0, Lβ = 0, Lβ = 0 in expressions (12) for the components of the torsion tensor, then

0 0 0 0 0 0 α α α αb b α α α αa αa αab T ab = 0, T βa = Γβa, T aβ = δa δβ, T βγ = Γ[βγ], T βγ = Γβγ, T βγ = 0.

These equalities indicate the validity of the following theorem.

Theorem 4. In the canonical case, the torsion tensor of a normal affine connection contains zero α αab α αa components Tab, Tβγ ; the components Tβa, Tβγ coincide with the corresponding components of the α connection object; components Tβγ are alternations of analogous components of a connection object; αb and components Taβ are equal to the product of the Kronecker symbols.

Corollary 1. The canonical normal generalized affine connection associated with the space of centered planes is always with torsion. Thus, this connection is a canonical connection of the second kind (see [51], cf. [52]).

5. Conclusions This paper studied planar and normal generalized affine connections, which are associated with the space of centered planes in projective space Pn. It was shown that, by using the Cartan–Laptev–Lumiste theory, the torsion tensor of a canonical planar generalized affine connection is non-zero but contains zero components, and the canonical normal generalized affine connection is always with torsion. Moreover, some properties have been obtained for the canonical planar generalized torsion-free connection. It is important to emphasize that affine connections are very popular in various kinds of research [53,54], and, therefore, we hope that this paper will be useful for geometers.

Funding: This research received no external funding. Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: Not applicable. Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest. Mathematics 2021, 9, 782 8 of 9

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