Parish Council APPROVED Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 19th April 2021 at 7.00pm Due to the Coronavirus Government guidelines the meeting was held via Microsoft Teams video conference call

Present: Jane Claxton (JC) Chair, Kerry Coughtrey (KC) Vice-Chair, Mike Allin (MA), David Brittain (DB), Tony Broughton (TB), Robin Dunstan (RD), Lee Scott (LS), Sally Tanner (ST) & Chris Welfare (CW) In attendance: C.Councillor Janet Duncton (JD), D.Councillor Alan Sutton (AS) & Louise Collis (Clerk) Members of public: None PCSO Neil Billingham, the current locum PCSO for the Area, unable to attending meeting

Minute Ref Agenda Item Action by 21-55 1. Apologies for absence: PCSO Neil Billingham, Julie Hawkins

21-56 2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 15th March 2021 were discussed.

The Minutes were PROPOSED by RD and SECONDED by MA. The minutes will be signed by JC following the meeting when a safe social distancing meeting can be arranged between the clerk and the chairman.

Matters Arising from the last minutes:- Action Points list for March 2021 meeting to be reviewed and updated at the end of the meeting if time allowed. See Action Points Appendix. 21-57 3. County Councillor report It will be very short because I am in a period of purdah and not allowed to say what wonderful things we are doing at County. Can I just say that during this period everything is continuing as normal and going in the right direction.

Sorry but if I say too much I may break the election rules.

I don’t think I am breaking rules if I just mention that as the Chairman of the County I am still continuing as allowed duties that I have and by the time I see you on Monday I will have delivered long Service medals to 3 Councillors who are not standing again but have done 20 years and Chris and I have been invited to a Cathedral Choral Service on the evening of Friday 15th to commemorate the life of Prince Phillip the Duke of Edinburgh and before that at 5.30pm we are attending a Church Service at Ebernoe also in recognition of the Duke.

Questions MA concern about the number of new homes that are being built in the Worthing and areas and the impact on roads. He is aware that a number of the new residents in the new builds are moving down from Gatwick ad Crawley, however they are still working and commuting regularly to Crawley and Gatwick. This is increasing the traffic on the A24 and A29. MA is aware of the A24 road improvements scheme, however there has been no mention of any road improvements for the A29 section close to Fittleworth. JD to look into whether or not there is any planned work to reduce traffic around local villages and A29. JD

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21-58 4. District Councillor Report So here we are again in the County Council pre-election period. Janet Duncton is standing for re-election. (Other candidates are standing)

In relation to decision making within the District Council, the position remains that it is ‘business as usual’ unless there are very good reasons why this should not be the case. In the vast majority of cases, the pre-election period will have no impact on normal council business, including the approval of planning decisions. The primary restriction is on proactive publicity by the council which particularly relates to candidates and other politicians involved directly in the election. The council can still issue media releases on factual matters, provided that these do not identify individual councillors or groups of councillors.

CDC is continuing to prepare for the elections on 6 May. Recently, CDC has been issuing poll cards to registered voters. When your poll card arrives, we are advising residents to remember to check their polling station, as it may have changed. Residents can register to vote for these elections at until midnight on 19 April.

CDC is working incredibly hard to make sure that all of our polling stations are Covid-secure for people who wish to vote in person. However, people may prefer to apply to vote by post. If they want to do this, they can find a link to download a postal vote application form on our website at , or they can call 01243 521010. People need to apply before 5pm on 20 April 2021. Residents can also apply to vote by proxy and they can find details on this, along with more information about the elections, on our website at:

Grants On 12 April CDC launched a new grants scheme for small enterprises across the district. Managed by our Economic Development Team, the Enabling Grant Scheme will give small businesses in the district the opportunity to access funding that will help them to grow and develop. There are three types of grant – one is for capital projects; another is for website and social media projects; and the third is for start- up businesses. If you are interested in finding out more about this and you want to read the guidance notes in advance, please visit: This scheme is separate to the range of coronavirus business support on offer, and we would urge any businesses that have been affected by the coronavirus crisis, or are looking for financial support to aid their recovery from the pandemic, to visit: and see if they are eligible for any of the Government grants available.

Business Rate Grants and financial support for Businesses All previously communicated Business Rate grants schemes remain open up to 31 March 2021. From 1 April 2021 the Restart Grant scheme will launch. Under the scheme, local authorities will receive funding to be allocated in one-off grants to businesses. Grants of up to £6,000 will be paid to non-essential retail business premises, to help them reopen safely. Grants of up to £18,000 will be allocated to hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym business premises, which may open later under plans set out in the Prime Minister’s roadmap and will be more impacted by restrictions when they do reopen. The Restart Grant scheme supports businesses that are predominantly reliant on delivering in-person services for the general public in the aforementioned sectors. Further guidance is eagerly awaited on the grants and will be publicised on our website as soon as possible

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Support Local CDC has launched the next phase of our Support Local campaign as the Government has authorised us to move to the next step of the roadmap, which has seen local businesses reopen.

Business Start-ups In the , 109 new businesses started up in February 2021; 23 more than last month and 40 more than February 2020. Ward saw the most start-ups. , and Fittleworth Ward’s saw the least.

COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH NEWS Chichester District Council along with Sussex Police fully supports Community Speed Watch (CSW.) This is an initiative allowing local people to calm traffic in their communities. Sussex Police train volunteers to use speed calming equipment which is then loaned out to be used at safe, risk assessed locations within their community. Five new speed monitoring device starter kits have been ordered to further the current CSW schemes in Chichester. These kits have been kindly funded through the Chichester Joint Action Group (JAG) and will be loaned to newly trained volunteer groups in the district on a long- term basis while they become established. Road safety is a priority for the Chichester Community Safety Partnership. There are currently over 50 trained CSW volunteer groups across Chichester District, all of which make a real difference calming traffic speed in our communities. If you are interested in starting or joining a current CSW volunteer group yourself then log onto where you will be able to register. Corporate Health and Safety, Emergency Planning and Business

Continuity Covid-19 risk assessments remain under constant review, in response to developments in government guidance, and staff are updated accordingly. The Sussex Resilience Forum’s declaration of a Major Incident in response to Covid-19 remains. The emergency planning team continue to take part in a weekly TCG (Tactical Co-ordinating Group) video call, with the Sussex Resilience Forum (the link between central and local government). We work as part of the Council’s Emergency appropriate

Alan Alan Sutton , Cabinet Member for Housing, Licensing, Communications & Events Fittleworth Ward, Chichester District Council

Questions MA noted from the latest Initiative Magazine that one objective is to grow the District Economy. MA asked how this will be done without attracting workers from outside the district. AS reported that there is a focus on Inward Investment and assisting the recovery of the whole local economy. Encourage shop local, Act Local.

There is a Project in Petworth for share office space in the old Bakery building. JC requested more information about funding available for such a project. Clerk to Clerk/ email AS to request information and introduction to the Economic Development AS Team.

DB asked for clarification in respect of those who have received Business Start up funds to date from CDC. Fittleworth Ward is low on the list for Starts up who have successfully applied. AS explained that in 202o there was £500,000 set aside from reserves to help businesses and communities following Covid, however due to the

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nature of start ups, these are more commonly found in urban rather than rural areas. However the CDC Economic Development Team are happy to discuss any potential start-ups in the Fittleworth Ward. 21-59 5. Public Questions RD raised concern about the out of control brambles growing on the allotments behind Clerk/ Greatpin Croft. Clerk to email AS who will forward concerns to Hyde Martlet who own AS the Allotments and request the brambles are dealt with.

21-60 6. Declaration by Council members of personal or prejudicial interest • LS declared a personal interest (near Neighbour) in Agenda Item 11 – Planning – in respect of the Planning Application for Cygnets (Application in Progress)

• MA & TB declared a personal interest (near neighbour) in Agenda Item 11– Planning – in respect of the Limbourne Lane Development

• TB declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 7 – Bowls Club Pavilion –as he is a member of the Bowls Club

• RD declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 8 – Sports & Social Club Association ––as he is the chairman of the Sports & Social Club Association

21-61 7. Bowls Club Pavilion JC circulated an email to all councillors prior to the meeting setting out the history of the transfer of ownership of the Bowls Pavilion to the Parish Council and outlining the increased financial responsibility for the upkeep of the building and the budgetary constraints of the Parish council.

In Feb 2008, the Bowls club were having financial difficulties and asked the Parish Council whether they would consider the possible purchase of the building, as they could not secure Public Liability insurance for less than £800 per annum. This would mean that this PI could be covered by the FPC insurance which would be re-charged to the Bowls Club. The FPC would also pay the buildings insurance and re-charge the Bowls Club. The building was sold for a nominal amount and a variation of the lease was signed. There is a covenant in the lease that says the Bowls club agrees to keep the club house in a 'good and substantial state of repair and condition”. Therefore the Parish council is still the landlord and the Bowls Club are the tenants but they have responsibility for keeping the building well maintained.

JC subsequently had a call with Richard Burden, Chairman of the Bowls Club outlining the issues and concerns and invited him to attend the Parish council meeting to discuss.

Unfortunately no representative from the Bowls Club was present at the meeting.

The Bowls Club Electrical check was recently carried out. This cost £120 and was

split 50:50 between the Bowls Club and the Parish Council. Unfortunately it failed on

a number of issues and the cost for the necessary remedial work is £475.00. The

Bowls club has always carried out their own work on the electrics on the Bowls

Pavilion. The Parish Council feels that the Bowls Club should at least pay for the

required work and retest of the electrics from the £10,000 they received from the

government last year as a result of Covid and being registered as an exempt rates

payer for the Bowls Pavilion.

MA stated that he wanted to attend the Public roll up meeting being held by the MA Bowls Club on Tuesday 20th April to discuss the issues with the members in more


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Concerns over the number of Fittleworth members of the club. In the past it was over 70% Fittleworth residents, however it is felt the current membership may be significantly lower than 50%. LS mentioned that it is important to have active clubs in the village, however the Parish Council cannot be expected to underwrite 100% of what they are doing. 21-62 8. Sports & Social Club Association – Licence Status

Julie Hawkins was unable to attend the meeting but emailed the clerk prior to the meting stating that the Sports & Social Club will be reopening on Tuesday 18th May.

At the last committee meeting a few points were raised or felt should be brought to the PC attention:- • The committee wanted to know what our licence fee (rent) is actually

used/spent on?

• The club have spent nearly £350 on the upkeep of the recreation ground this month RD added that the mini league is up and running and that cricket is starting on 9 May. The Sports & Social Club have been discussing arrangements for notice period to put up cricket nets and tables being moved off the Rec ground for home games.

a) Sports & Social Club – Update on Commencement of catering business using sports pavilion facilities and premises

No further updates. Not yet up and running. Waiting for the 17/5/21.

b) Sports & Social Club Update on grant application The Club are applying for the restart up grant

c) Sports Pavilion – Inappropriate storage of Equipment A report was received from a member of the public that children were seen on the roof of the Sports Pavilion having gained access from goal posts being stored against the Sports Pavilion at the back near the carpark. Photos and information were sent to RD and Julie Hawkins requesting the goal posts be moved and stored RD elsewhere to remove the risk of this happening again. RD was unable to confirm if

this had been done. RD to check and report back.

d) Update on Architect plans for revamp The Architects have carried out a site visit and are working for on some ideas. Once the plans are available, the aim is to arrange a meeting with the Sports & Social Club, The Village Hall, The Village Shop and hopefully also the School, to discuss the plans. e) Maintenance An annual full emergency lighting test (and certified) to be carried out by DS Electrical shortly at a cost of £120.

21-63 9. Update on on-going matters not covered elsewhere a) Meetings : Attended and upcoming meetings

Meetings CDALC EOM – Tuesday 23rd February 2021 at 7pm Sussex Police - Road Safety Briefing – 16 March ST/ 2021 at 6pm via Teams Christine Parker

WSALC Meeting for clerks – Thursday 15th April 11am via Zoom Clerk

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CDALC AGM – Week beginning 19/4/21 - To confirm date

SDNPA Parish Webinar – Dark Skies – Wed 21 April 18.30-20:00

Focus group invitation- policing and community DB safety - Tuesday 1st June at 10.00am Up-coming meetings NALC ONLINE EVENTS - Planning & Power - 28 July LS 202,1 Noon-13.15

b) WSALC Update

The Clerk attended the WSALC meeting for clerks on 15/4/21. The new chairman of WSALC is planning to explore the following ideas with the WSALC Board at their next meeting:- • The WSALC Board to include 2 clerks going forward, one from SLCC Sussex and one other • A common constitution to be introduced for all District ALCs, with the final clause allowing so specific issues • Determine the number of meetings that members can/ able to attend • Improve the communication from the Board to clerks and councils. The Board to become visible and available. With Board members attending Parish Council meetings to access the need of Parish Councils. • A single secretary/treasurer to work for all District ALCs • Make the WSALC Board a fairer representation of the membership. Currently Adur ALC has 2 parish councils and 1 position on the Board, and Chichester has 60 parishes and has 2 positions on the Board. However need to ensure Chichester doe as not end up with an unfair advantage. Other issues discussed • Services provided by Mulberry & Co, including the new WSALC website • Remote meeting update • State mourning impact on Parish council meetings

c) Annual Parish Council meeting date – End date for virtual meetings for parish councils 6th May 2021 The Parish Council decided that the Annual Parish Council Meeting will take place on Teams be on Tuesday 4th May irrespective of the High Court Decision due at the end of April.

d) Annual Parish Meeting

An Annual Parish Meeting is deemed an “elected meeting” and have historically been called on behalf of electors by the Parish Council. Therefore it is NOT a Parish Council meeting and therefore does not fall under the requirement to hold a face to face meeting after 7th May. The Annual Parish Meeting if held MUST be held between 1 March and 1st June – either remotely or face to face. However it is not a legal requirement to hold an Annual Parish Meeting.

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An information booklet on what has happened over the last year is NOT a replacement for an Annual Parish Meeting. Electors would still have the right to call an Annual Parish meeting.

The Council agreed that an Annual Parish Meeting will be held via Zoom before 1st June. JC and Clerk to set a date.

e) Recreation Ground Charity Meeting – agenda items A Recreation Ground Charity meeting is to be held to discussing the Fittleworth Stores Extension and how it will impact on the users/ owners of the Recreation Ground, Village Hall and the School. Representatives from Fittleworth Stores, The Sports & Social Club, the Village Hall Committee and Fittleworth Stores will be invited to the meeting.

As some councillors hold shares in Fittleworth Stores, it was agreed that MA, DB, TB and RD will be the only councillors that can vote at the meeting on any resolutions in respect of the Fittleworth Stores Extension work as they are not shareholders.

The following topics will be included on the agenda • Annual rent • Impact on Rights & Easements • Valuation advice – based on extended building • Fee Advice • Legal Advice • Who will pay for the advice required • New lease • Who will pay for the new lease • Who will be responsible to get quotes for the required advice • Increase in traffic/ use of the Recreation Ground – who will be liable for additional work required to maintain the Recreation Ground • Building site, access to site and safe storage of building equipment and impact on Playground

JC and Clerk to arrange a meeting date.

21-64 10. Urgent Items for Discussion a) Consultations

i) SDNP - Parking Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Consultation from Deadline 18/3/21 on amended draft SPD. DB submitted comments. ii) WSCC Post-16 Transport Policy Statement Consultation – Deadline 25/4/21- Discussed at Planning committee meeting on 15/4/21 – LS to submit LS comments.

21-65 11. Planning a) Status of recent applications - NEW APPLICATIONS & DECISIONS – SEE APPENDIX 1 LS Report In addition to the appendix, at the last planning meeting we discussed the application for the TPO tree at Three Chimneys which has been revised to increase the extent of work to the tree. I reported that I had been told by the Tree Officer, Henry Whitby that he had inspected the tree and found it to be dying/dangerous. As such, he has asked the applicant to withdraw this application so that it can be felled under a different (emergency) procedure.

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MA inspected the oak tree on 19/4/21 and noted that the cambium layer is completely shot. He therefore agrees with Henry Whitby’s conclusion that the tree needs to be felled as it is dying and for Health & Safety reasons it must come down, but the Parish council want to ensure a replacement oak is planted.

In terms of other updates:

• The Planning Permission has still not been issued for Limbourne Lane. We have been told by the applicant that the section 106 is nearly completed after which planning will be issued. • We have still not received a third quote for flooding advice. To be discussed • There has been a recent (last week) refusal by SDNPA of a similar scheme in East Mean (in Hants) that was refused partly on surface water flooding issues. Suggest any work undertaken for us also looks at this scheme. • No further news on Douglaslake following the refusal. We expect the applicant to appeal, and CDC will be unlikely to take enforcement action whilst there is a possibility of an appeal.

b) Approval of the Planning Committee Minutes - Minutes of the meetings held on Thursday 4/3/21 and 25/3/21 were APPROVED. PROPOSED by MA and SECONDED by TB. The minutes are available on the website.

c) Flood Survey Update 2 quotes have been received, rather than the required 3 quotes. One other contractor has been approached but has not provided a quote. Obtaining a third quote would require the Parish Council contacting a contractor out of area and result in a higher quote due to distance to carry out survey. Therefore the decision for the Flood Survey contractor will have to be based on two quotes.

Quote request responses to email sent 19/1/21 by LS • GTA - £15,575.00 +VAT (including £500 +VAT deposit) – Based Burgess Hill, • Baker Associates Ltd - £1,250.00 +VAT – based Eastleigh, Hampshire • T2Architects – No response to quote request • RHDHV - No response to quote request Per Financial Regulations 4.2 – Expenditure on all revenue items over £1,000 must be agreed by the council and 3 quotes obtained. However it is clear that LS tried to obtain 4 quotes from reputable contractors between Winchester and Burgess Hill with only 2 responding to the request.

The Parish Council have therefore tried their best to ensure Best Value for the Parish. On this basis, the Parish Council AGREED to appoint Baker Associates Ltd as the Flood Survey contractor appointed. The Resolution was PROPOSED by RD and SECONDED by ST. The vote was unanimous.

LS to instruct Baker Associates Ltd.

21-66 12. FINANCE a) Review of Expenditure v budget, approval of the Accounts and bank reconciliation for the Year ended 31st March 2021

The RESOLUTION to APPROVE the Expenditure v budget, approval of the Accounts and bank reconciliation for the year ended 31st March 2021 was PROPOSED by KJC and SECONDED by CW. The motion was carried. Due to the

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COVID-19 lockdown the bank reconciliations and the bank statements could not be erk signed by any of the councillors due to the meeting taking place remotely.

Clerk b) Payment of invoices Paid between meetings March/ April 2021 – Payee Description Hesworth Fittleworth £ Parish Council £ CDC Litter and Dog waste collection £854.87 1/4/20 to 31/3/21 5 Litter bins & 1 dog bin (Hesworth Common) £712.40 +VAT Paid by DD on 1/4/21 To be paid on/after 19th April 2021 Payee Description Hesworth/ Fittleworth Birchwalks Parish Council £ Accounts £ WSALC Ltd WSALC & NALC 2021/22 £312.23 Subscriptions (10% reduction from original invoice following vote by new Board on 11/3/21) Paid online on 27/4/21 Arboricultural 2 Oak trees by Fittleworth £576.00 Exxcellence – Stores - climb & Remove Rowan Mellor deadwood & Inspect. Word done on 11/3/21 - £480+VAT Paid online on 27/4/21 WSCC Payroll March 21 1,130.50 Paid online on 27/4/21 WSCC Professional Services – Payroll £47.30 Administration 1/10/20 to 31/3/21 Paid online on 27/4/21 Arboricultural 1 Pine – reduce height by 50% - INVOICES Exxcellence – Birchwalks Wood - £180+VAT OUTSTANDING Rowan Mellor Cut back 2 x maple trees by Youth Area £180+VAT (MA to follow up verbal quote of £100 +VAT reported at last Parish Council meeting)

Awaiting revised invoices before paying online SC Gate catch replacements – £180.00

Landscaping Playground

Paid online on 27/4/21

SC 6 monthly playground £390.00

Landscaping maintenance checks/works

Paid online on 27/4/21

SLCC Annual Membership £166.00

Paid online on 27/4/21

Clerk Expenses –mobile phone £105.64

package / HP print package/

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Annual Microsoft 365 subscription Paid online on 27/4/21 The RESOLUTION to approve the payment of invoices as listed was PROPOSED by KC and SECONDED by LS. c) 5 Yearly Tree Survey quotes update One quote received from Gale Tree Consultancy for tree survey work for

• The small triangle of land adjacent to the access drives for St Mary’s, Journeys End etc. • The triangle piece of land that is bordered by the A283, B2138 and Church Lane and contains the Scout Hall and Bowling Green • The strip of land bordering the northern aspect of Hesworth Common starting from the fence line with Sandrock and finishing at the T junction that serves the car park along the west of Hesworth Common

Total £480 +VAT.

The Resolution to accept the quote for the Tree Survey and to split the cost of the work 50:50 between the Parish Council and Hesworth Common Account was PROPOSED by JC and SECONDED by DB. The vote was unanimous. MA

A separate tree survey will be carried out for trees on the Recreation Ground including the oaks outside Fittleworth Stores. CW d) Other Financial issues i. Neighbourhood Plan grant application –CW reported that the applications are now being accepted online. CW to submit application in the next few weeks.

ii. Speed Gun – Traffic Group PCSO, Jason Lemm, has offered to bring a Bushnell speed device to Fittleworth. The cost of the Speed gun is £338.75 +VAT. This is fully covered by donations.

The Resolution to APPROVE purchase of Speed gun was PROPOSED by KC and SECONDED by DB. The vote was unanimous. Clerk

Clerk to investigate insurance cover. 21-67 13. Working Group Reports a) Coronavirus Working Group update – Nothing to report

b) Engagement, Community Resilience, Crime & Youth Group- i) Save The Swan Working Group Update – Wade Houlden report received 14/4/21 Here’s a short statement regarding the current situation regarding the Pub and the SWG.

The agents working for Ei, Fleurets, report that there is considerable interest in the tenancy of the Swan, with numerous viewings. One party in particular were apparently very keen on taking it on, but have now pulled out, whether because they have had a change of mind or their offer has been rejected, we don’t know.

However, I have since managed to speak to the Regional Manager for the Ei Group, enquiring merely as a representative of Village interests rather than any desire in taking on the tenancy. He informed me that he is very hopeful

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that there will be an outline agreement in the next week or so, as there is someone who is extremely interested in the tenancy. He assured me that Ei’s position remains committed to keeping the Swan in it’s portfolio and is actively seeking a tenant as soon as possible.

There are repairs and refurbishment being carried out at the moment, including addressing the leaking roof and electrical work. The aim is to make it as attractive as possible to prospective tenants.

The overriding sentiment at our inaugural meting was that we didn’t see the community getting involved as tenants, with Ei as our landlords, given recent experiences. However, I am proposing we explore the possibility of a contingency plan for some form of short tenancy agreement, with a clearly defined exit strategy with no legal or financial responsibilities, should Ei fail to find a tenant in the near future.

ii) Crime – PCSO Neil Billingham’s- – Report received 13/4/21 Fittleworth Parish Council Update for March 2021 Introduction. It is beginning to look like we can see the light at the end of the lockdown tunnel! As I understand it, we are moving along the Prime Ministers’ “Road Map” and restrictions are starting to lift. We are currently under the rule of 6 (6 individuals or 2 families can meet) but it all needs to be outdoors. Please refer to Government guidance for full details. With that in mind, we will be looking at relaunching our Scam talks, usually completed by our colleague PCSO Richard MOOREY. These scam talks revolve around Operation Signature, Sussex Police’s response to scams, scam calls and all fraud related incidents. We have recently noticed an increase in attempted Fraud calls, firstly relating to calls from bogus Police Officers claiming they are investigating a crime. They then ask the victim to transfer funds from their account to a “safe” one nominated by the false officer. We will NEVER ask anyone to move funds, nor will a bank. The second recent attempt relates to text messages received claiming to be from the Post Office and asking for outstanding payments on underpaid post. Usually, this message (and many others claiming to be from various High Street Banks) will come from a mobile phone number, starting 07. Any legitimate text will have the name of the organisation at the top, not a phone number. Again, no legitimate organisation will ask for funds to be paid or moved. Incidents of Note. As mentioned above, Fittleworth is one of the areas that have had issues and is on the list of areas we will try to tatget. PCSO Activity over the next month. Over the next month we will be continuing our targeted patrols, with particular attention paid where we can to anti-social motor bikes that are increasing as the weather improves. We are looking at Days of Action around speeding etc. and will be looking to support local Speed Watch Groups as well. DON’T LET THEM MAKE YOU A VICTIM OF CRIME. IF YOU SEE IT, REPORT IT!

c) Highways & Traffic Working Group – ST report received 15/4/21

1. I have been in touch with our PCSO Jason Lemm. He will bring a Bushnell speed gun up to Fittleworth for us. I am waiting to hear which day he is able to come. I have asked Community Speedwatch to invoice the PC so we can claim the VAT. We will need £338.75 from donors which I am hoping to source and these will be paid directly to the PC.

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2. Tony has received details of a serious case of dangerous driving on the Fleet. Although this has been logged, I think it is important that more detail is found by those reporting incidents. It is not much good without registration numbers.

th 3. Christine Parker and I attended two meetings again this month. One on 16 st March with the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership and the other on 1 April with South Downs Safer Roads which is mainly for parishes north of the A27. Reports on both meetings attached. 4. Held over from last month: Pilot Scheme for Traffic Calming. We are still

waiting to hear from 2020 Consultants and Chris Paterson as to when they

can meet us.

5. Held over from last month: We have applied to the Verges scheme and are waiting to hear if we have been successful.

Questions Clerk

DB asked if Egdean can be included in village walk through during the meeting 2020 Consultants visit. Clerk to send ST Boundary map to ST to ensure the whole of Fittleworth is included.

MA asked what was happening about traffic calming on the Fleet – ST advised this would be considered as part of the 2020 Consultant work and she would advise them that it was important to have some feedback on this as the Limbourne Lane developers were in the process of agreeing the planning conditions for the site.

.Zoom meeting with Sussex Safer Roads Partnership th 16 March 2021

In attendance were J Westeram (Surrey/Sussex), M Hodder and Trevor Leggo (SALC). Habs Raham spoke first. The SSRP covers the cost of the running of the Sussex volunteers for the Community Speedwatch. He said more officers are to visit and support volunteers when they are monitoring speed in the villages. This year they are concentrating on Speed and Bikes and this is Operation Downsway. They are th th having a 2-wheel campaign from 12 to 18 April to address the local problem. Questions were invited and from these the following points were alerted: Speedwatch. The thresholds were questioned and these may be changed. Camera installations. A lot is required for these. Sites have to be surveyed in respect of signage and lighting. Also data collection. Motorcycles. 3 arrests have been made. 107 tickets and 155 hours of Police time at the end of February. One speed logged was 88 in a 50mph. Police are looking for modified exhausts and can put a prohibition order on a vehicle. Issuing penalty notices is about all the Police can do. New legislation is needed to challenge the present laws. Acoustic cameras are being trialled. 20mph limits and more traffic calming. Trevor Leggo informed the meeting that 250 parish Councils are involved in Sussex Focus Groups and the chair of PC’s is invited to briefings. Sites: Operation and safer DI Jon Carter headed our Breakout session. Hill is a problem area. A method for feedback is being prepared for reports. There is a Data Monitoring Reporting Mechanism headed by Jim Stobart (Traffic Management). DI Jon Carter said the Police will call out to Speedwatch teams more to provide support for local problems.

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1ST APRIL 2021 ON ZOOM 7.00pm

This second meeting was called and chaired by Tom Richardson who is on Lodsworth Parish Council.

The two MP’s attended, Gillian Keegan by representation and Andrew Griffith. Representatives from a number of Parish Councils, Habs Rahman. CI Jon Carter (Surrey/Sussex) and Stephen Mallett who represented the Motorcycle Action Group.

Tom Richardson introduced the meeting and welcomed the MCAG and hoped for a positive meeting where we can all work together.

Habs Rahman gave an update to the meeting. He highlighted the important issues and said the Police are working towards a sustainable solution regarding the anti- social use of bikes, not having machines modified. Speed and acceleration cause the noise. The Police are running events to re-figure their deployment to ensure business as usual.

He stated that the acoustic cameras may not work, they are expensive and hard to place. Hand held sound equipment is available too. The bikers need to be educated and make excessive noise and speed culturally unacceptable. Some bikes do not display their number plates and he wants to convey the clear message to cyclists that the Police will not accept anti-social driving. Fines of £50 or the cost of an MOT have been suggested. He is considering a better way to feedback information, probably in the form of email.

Andrew Griffith MP reported that he is working towards a Parliamentary Bill for fines and points but it is a very slow process. It is work in progress and he may have to re-introduce the Bill on 11th May. He is also going through the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act, to suggest new penalties such as death by careless driving could mean a life imprisonment. He will also lend his support to Parishes for traffic calming.

Gillian Keegan’s representative highlighted unlawful exhausts on bikes. They are writing to the Secretary of State and Minister for Crime and Policing to put their case.

Colin Brown director of the MAG introduced the south-east representative Stephen Mallett who reported that the MAG want to support the initiative to educate bikers and they are hoping to put an event together.

The meeting closed at 8.00pm

d) HR/ Staffing Committee update – A meeting is being held on 23/3/21 i. Terms of reference – Annual review - These were reviewed by the HR Committee at the meeting on 23/2/21. To be circulated to the councillors. ii. Pension Discretions Policy annual review - This was reviewed by the HR Committee at the meeting on 23/2/21. There is one point the Committee have requested to be clarified by the Pension Scheme Providers. The Clerk is awaiting a response iii. Clerk’s appraisal

As a result of the appraisal it was agreed that the following changes to be made in respect to the running of the Parish Council:-

• Frequency of meetings – The number of Parish Council meetings to reduce to be held on the 3rd Monday in the months of January, March, May, June, July,

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September, October and November. For the months of February, April, August & December a summary of key issues will be circulated to the councillors. The Standing Orders will be updated accordingly. This will be piloted for 2021/22.

The Resolution to APPROVE the change to the number of parish council meetings per year and update the Standing Orders accordingly was PROPOSED by JC and SECONDED by KC. The vote was unanimous.

• Finance Committee– The Finance committee will be made up of the following Parish Councillors JC, DB, TB, MA and the clerk will attend the meetings. The meetings will be held in the months that there is no Paris h Council meeting and in the months leading up to the budget.

Delegation of duties: The Finance Committee will approve payments that will then be ratified at the next Parish Council meeting. The Finance Committee will also prepare the budget to present to the Parish Council at the November meeting. ia. Delegation of duties will be required.

The Resolution to APPROVE the creation of a Finance Committee and AGREE the Delegation of duties listed above was PROPOSED by JC and SECONDED by LS. The vote was unanimous.

• Maintenance Working Group TB has “volunteered” to look after the Asset Register and related repairs. RD has agreed to work with TB on this. Councillors to approach parishioners who may be will to join the maintenance volunteers group. Clerk to hand over updated asset register after the June PC meeting.

The Resolution to APPROVE the creation of a Maintenance Working Group was PROPOSED by JC and SECONDED by MA. The vote was unanimous.

• IT Support – KC has agreed to look after IT issues for the Parish Council. Clerk and KC to meet to discuss current issues

e) Hesworth Common Management Committee Update & Update on Cycling track Hesworth Common, & Birchwalks Wood 1 Noticeboard now made, awaiting date for erection, date likely end April/early May. 2 Still awaiting plan of revised fire tracks from C. Winchester. 3 Youth cycle track: discussions and meetings have been held with the group from School Close. Proposals for the formation of official guidelines for the group will be prepared by David Barrett, one of the fathers of the group, who is formulating an agreement for submission by the next HC management meeting on 5th May. 4 Some of the bikers have expressed an interest in carrying out conservation work on the Common as part of their Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. Arrangements have been made to give them basic training for carrying out this work over this weekend. 5 Swings are being removed following reports from our local dog walkers. 6 Volunteer working days, and hopefully Worthing Volunteers, will attend the first conservation day on 16th May 2021. Chris Welfare will insert this date in May’s magazine. Also notices will be displayed in prominent positions around the village. 7 The date for the first management meeting will be on 5th May 2021 at 3.30pm in Hazel Barkworth’s garden. Tony Broughton has kindly offered to join the management committee following Lee’s request to stand down.

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8 Bob Epson (South Downs Ranger), has agreed to carry out the tree survey on Birchwalks Wood on 5th May and will also check the area proposed for planting saplings on Hesworth Common on 5th May. 9 Hopefully the Cubs and scouts will be reforming shortly when we will arrange for them to clear scrub and debris from their plantation area in Birchwalks Wood. 10 The dead pine tree at the southern entrance to Bw.W. has been lopped leaving some 50% of the trunk for birds to feed on. 11 Refurbishing works to the main car park will cost approximately £300 will be discussed and hopefully agreed at our management meeting on 5th May the cost of which will be paid for out of Hesworth Common funds. 12 I have now received from Natural , the annual claim forms for conservation work which will be submitted over the next two weeks. I am also in discussion with the Lynchmere management team to explore possible additional funding for works on the Common.

In addition to MA’s report, MA has been made aware of damage to the west side of the common close to the old carpark – including the area of conservation. MA to look into this and report back.

f) Birchwalks Wood Update –MA Report – see above

g) Footpaths - No new issues reported

i. Footpath next Rew Cottage – The Owners of Rew Cottage have confirmed that they have carried out work to the side of the footpath to lower the gradient and return it to its’ former appearance. They have sown grass seed over the bank area and on the footpath.

MA and TB have inspected the site and are now happy no further action is required. The Parish Council own this area and therefore care about it.

h) Maintenance- Playground A summary of the 6 month maintenance check and work was circulated to the councillors. The only outstanding work is the replacement of the swing chains which are on order.

i) Village Hall & Outside Bodies - Village hall Committee update – CW to report– No report received 21-68 14. Correspondence The clerk produces a weekly email summary sent to the councillors.

The Clerk has been notified that a resident on The Fleet has submitted a BT Openreach application for Superfast Broadband for 28 residents along The Fleet, High Trees and Churchwood. The next step is for BT Openreach to price the work required and set up a website for residents to commit government vouchers to the scheme once the government relaunch the scheme that expired at the end of March.

The Parish Council would like to extend their thanks to the resident for getting this scheme to the next stage.

21-69 15. Health & Safety: Update of new and on0going items Receive the following reports in accordance with the reporting cycle and updates on work carried out since the last meeting.

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Location Next Location Next Report date Report date Centenary Garden & Arch & March 2021 Recreation Ground & April 2021 Sandpit MA Bus Shelter (every 3 (every 6 months) – last report months) – last report 1/21 Clerk 21/9/20 Hesworth Common / June 2021 The Triangle March 2021 Birchwalks Woods CW (every Month) – last report MA (every month) – last report 15/2/21 14/3/21 Sports & Social Pavilion MAy 2021 Village tree inspection When (Monthly) – last report 4/21 TB required

Playground Reports by Bowls Pavilion May 2021 Youth Area & Gym Equip – Rob Levett (Monthly) Fortnightly last report dated 4/21 -TB

Defibrillator outside Village Fortnightly Hall checks Responsible: CW carried out.

New Key points not covered elsewhere in the minutes –

Two issues have been brought to the councils attention :- JC/ Dog Fowling on the Recreation Ground Clerk There is a small minority who are allowing their dogs to do their business on the grass and don't clear it up and also letting them urinate on the furniture around the perimeter. This is a Health hazard and is a risk particularly children. A post will be added to NextDoor, Facebook, the Website and included in the May Fittleworth Magazine,

Bin area by the Village Hall being used as a Toilet We have received reports of some parents allowing their children to use the bin area JC/ by the village hall as toilet. This really is not acceptable. A post will be added to Clerk NextDoor, Facebook, the Website and included in the May Fittleworth Magazine and the School, Village Hall Committee and the Sports & Social Club will be informed.

a) b) Tree work– Non Hesworth Common - None outstanding

21-70 16. Action Points updates not covered elsewhere in the Agenda

21-71 17. Date of next Parish Council meeting – 4th May 2021 at 7.00pm

Meeting ended: 9.42pm

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