February 6, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E137 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

TRIBUTE HONORING DR. R.A. American Clergy & Elected Officials— clearly referred only to the term ‘‘Western Civ- GREGG, COMMISSIONER, NYSCAB (Member), Bronx Clergy Task Force (Mem- ilization’’. I was not asking how the terms ber), the Global Alliance of Hispanic Law En- white nationalist and white supremacist have HON. MAX ROSE forcement Professionals (Chair, Board of become offensive. If there is any doubt as to OF Chaplains), God’s Whisper Burial Fund (Vice the accuracy of this accounting, I would direct IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chairman), the International Conference of you to the CSPAN video of my floor remarks Police Chaplains (Member), the National As- from that day, January 15, 2019. Wednesday, February 6, 2019 sociation for the Advancement of Colored As the descendant of abolitionists and Mr. ROSE of New York. Madam Speaker, I People (NAACP) (Member), National Baptist Union soldiers who fought and died to purge respectfully ask that you and my other distin- Convention (Member), the National Organiza- this land of the crime of human slavery, I well guished colleagues join me in honoring Dr. tion of Black Law Enforcement Executives know why certain terms—such as white na- R.A. Gregg for his consistently remarkable (NOBLE) (Regular Member), Clergy Leaders tionalist and white supremacist—are offensive. dedication to community affairs, community- Council (Member) and Occupy the Block (a And I always have and always will reject them police relations and his longstanding commit- Founding Member). completely. ment to improving our community. Each aspect of Dr. Gregg’s service to the While Dr. Gregg has a varied professional community speaks to his complete nature and I stipulate that the RECORD reflects precisely portfolio ranging from Commissioner and Chief his dedication to improving the quality of life my words, which are those of a man who Executive Officer of a community affairs non- for the residents of the community as well as loves his country and all its people and will profit organization that serves New York State for the police community. I am proud to say continue to work for the betterment of our so- to political campaign committee Chairman to that we have someone like Dr. R.A. Gregg liv- ciety for all Americans, who are all endowed Director of Operations for a family established ing in our community and am very grateful for by their Creator with certain unalienable rights boutique law firm, his dedication to providing all the work he has done and continues to do and are equal under the law. community affairs and improving community- to improve our community. police relations can be seen in all his endeav- Madam Speaker, it is with great pleasure f ors. Most recently, Dr. Gregg was appointed and admiration that I stand before you today the first Commissioner of the New York State to honor Dr. R.A. Gregg for his many years of HONORING JUDY HAWLEY Community Affairs Bureau, a nonprofit organi- selfless and compassionate service to the zation, by its Board of Governors. The and Brooklyn community, and to NYSCAB is a volunteer organization com- all of our community’s residents and acknowl- HON. MICHAEL CLOUD prised of community, nonprofit and clergy edge his latest recognition which he shall re- OF TEXAS leaders as well as current, former and retired ceive at the 2019 Somos Albany Conference law enforcement officers and law enforcement held March 8–10, 2019 as well as recognize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and government officials that provides quality Dr. Gregg’s milestone birthday which is on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 community affairs services to New York State, March 9th. and its residents. f Mr. CLOUD. Madam Speaker, I rise today Beyond his dedication to ensuring that qual- to honor Judy Hawley, who devoted her life to ity community affairs services are provided to CLARIFYING REMARKS ON H. RES. serving the people of Corpus Christi, Texas. New York State, New York City and its resi- 41 Ms. Hawley received the 2018 nomination dents, Commissioner Gregg has a passion for for the Texas Transportation Hall of Honor, community-police relations. He is active in the HON. STEVE KING due in large part to her commitment and advo- law enforcement community and serves as a OF IOWA cacy for transportation infrastructure invest- Chaplain or Chaplain (ex-officio) for numerous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment and policy decisions. organizations including the New York City De- partment of Correction’s Correction Officers’ Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Some of Ms. Hawley’s community involve- Benevolent Association (COBA), the New York Mr. KING of Iowa. Madam Speaker, on Jan- ment includes: eight years in the Texas House State Court Officers Association, the New uary 15, 2019, the House of Representatives of Representatives, Commissioner for the Port York City Police Department’s Detectives En- considered H. Res. 41, a resolution rejecting of Corpus Christi Authority from 2004 to 2016 dowment Association (DEA) and the New York white nationalism and white supremacy as (serving as Chair during the last two years), City Police Department’s Patrolmen’s Benevo- hateful expressions of intolerance that are chair of the Corpus Christi Regional Economic lent Association (PBA), among others. He also contradictory to the values that define the peo- Development Corporation, chair of the Texas serves as the Chief of the Chaplains Unit for ple of the . I voted for the resolu- State Aquarium Board, and co-chair of the the Law Enforcement Employees Benevolent tion because it cited accurately the misquote Chamber Infrastructure Committee. Association (LEEBA). Upon being appointed of my words by The New York Times and be- Furthermore, Ms. Hawley served as the Commissioner of NYSCAB, he established the cause I wholeheartedly agree with the rejec- former chair of the I–69 Advisory Committee. NYSCAB Volunteers in Police Service Unit to tion of white nationalism and white supremacy. During her tenure, she played a pivotal role in oversee and run the VIPS Program which is a I write today to emphatically correct the guiding the growth of essential trade corridors locally-driven Citizen Corps program that al- quote once again to align with what I actually linking ports, waterways, trains, airports, and lows community members to offer their time stated to The New York Times reporter and on highways from the Rio Grande Valley and the and talents to NYSCAB and local law enforce- the floor of the House of Representatives. As Coastal Bend, creating opportunities for local ment agencies. The VIPS program is man- I stated on the House floor, what I actually jobs and commerce. aged and implemented by the International said was ‘‘ ‘White nationalist, white suprema- Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and has cist—(there is a dash here as a pause) West- If not for Judy Hawley, critical issues, such registered the NYSCAB VIPS with the national ern civilization, how did that language become as the need for a rail master plan, an enduring VIPS program. offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching replacement for the Harbor Bridge, and the For many years Dr. Gregg has been active me about the merits of our history and civiliza- development of Interstate 69 would not have in civic organizations. He serves as a Member tion’—that is the end of the quote—just to received the kind of attention they warranted. of the Board of Directors or as a Member of watch ‘Western civilization’ become a deroga- I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks the following organizations: Archdiocese of tory term in political discourse today?’’ and appreciation to Judy Hawley for her in- New York (Regional Advisory Board Member According to my actual words, the question credible service and devotion to the people of and School Advisory Board Member), African ‘‘how did that language become offensive?’’ Corpus Christi and the 27th District of Texas.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Feb 07, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K06FE8.001 E06FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2019 IN HONOR OF 40 YEARS OF YES TO the 79th Fighter Squadron in 1999 as Chief of RECOGNIZING THE EIGHTEENTH YOUTH: MONTGOMERY COUNTY Standardization and Evaluation. Continuing his CONGRESS OF KAZAKHSTAN’S YOUTH SERVICES love of flight and earnest ability to help others, NUR OTAN PARTY Moses started instructing young and hopeful HON. KEVIN BRADY pilots, then becoming an Air Liaison and Flight HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS OF TEXAS Commander in Fort Benning, Georgia. In 2007 OF FLORIDA he received an MBA from the University of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Maryland University College, and soon after Wednesday, February 6, 2019 finished another master’s degree, this time Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Mr. BRADY. Madam Speaker, today I rise to from the United States Air Force Command Mr. HASTINGS. Madam Speaker, I rise recognize the Fortieth Anniversary of one of and Staff College. After more positions in today to recognize the Nur Otan party in my community’s finest service organizations, leadership as a commander in Germany and Kazakhstan for its twentieth anniversary and Yes to Youth—Montgomery County Youth senior advisor to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense the convening of its eighteenth Congress in Services. in Baghdad, Moses Thompson is now the Astana, Kazakhstan later this month. The Nur Established on February 2, 1979, Yes to Chief of Advanced Weapons Systems at the Otan party has made Kazakhstan’s growth in Youth (Y2Y) has faithfully served the Mont- U.S. Air Force Headquarters Air Combat Com- the region, and around the world, its core mis- gomery County community for four decades. mand. sion through ‘‘Kazakhstan 2050’’. Their noble mission is to empower teens and After a lengthy and dedicated career, Colo- This strategy seeks to place the country in their families by building up their existing nel Thompson will now retire with his wife Ali. the top 30 global economies by 2050 by in- strengths, expanding their access to opportu- He has been described as a ‘‘powerful, inspi- vesting in not only economic sectors; but nities, and overall, enhancing their lives. Their ration, and effective leader,’’ known for his in- through social initiatives as well. For instance, selfless service, hard work, and dedicated tegrity and ability to ‘‘make the difficult look President Nazarbayev, Chairman of Nur Otan, commitment to this mission has inspired and easy.’’ As previously stated, he has had many has singled out investments in public housing, positively affected countless lives in our com- titles and many honorable positions, but his education, small business, economic diver- munity. selfless action and dedicated service are what sification, and energy. Y2Y first began providing services to teens keep Americans safe. People like Moses are Madam Speaker, we must encourage such facing crises through the launch of their crisis special and rare, and our country is blessed to development, but we must also never forget hotline. As the organization expanded over the have had him serve our people. the role Kazakhstan has played in our fight years, so too did the scope of the services of- Madam Speaker, I ask you to join me in against terrorism and the immense role the fered to those in need. Today, the organiza- recognizing the many accomplishments of country has played in the global cause of non- tion offers a wide variety of resources and ini- Colonel Michael ‘‘Moses’’ Thompson, honoring proliferation. In , Kazakhstan has tiatives to serve teens and their families. To his love of country and service he has given provided invaluable support for supply lines name just a few, Y2Y offers group and family to our great nation. used by the International Security Assistance mental health counseling, school presentations Force (ISAF) Coalition, while also conducting on crisis situations, suicide prevention, emer- f joint military training programs with American gency youth shelter, outreach program from and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) homeless teens, and a support program for CELEBRATION AND RECOGNITION forces in the Central Asian steppes. As for young adults. OF NILDA L. WILSON non-proliferation, Kazakhstan, under President These services have not only saved count- Nazarbayev’s steady leadership, has not only less lives, but they have made Montgomery relentlessly championed the cause of nuclear County a better place to call home. The quali- HON. disarmament, but it has also established the ties that Y2Y and its volunteers embody rep- OF NEW YORK world’s first-ever Low Enriched Uranium Fuel resent the best in our society, and today is Bank, in order to ensure stable civil nuclear IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES about making sure they know the tireless work energy use worldwide. they do to improve our community does not go Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Madam Speaker, it is abundantly clear that unnoticed. Kazakhstan has been, and continues to be, a It is my absolute honor to congratulate the Mr. ESPAILLAT. Madam Speaker, Nilda L. strong partner of ours in Central Asia, and it Y2Y team today as they celebrate four dec- Wilson has been a longtime leader in the Do- is my hope that the U.S.-Kazakhstan relation- ades of extraordinary service. I know I speak minican community. She was among the origi- ship will continue to strengthen to the benefit for the entire Eighth Congressional District of nal co-founders of many non-profit charities in- of both countries. Texas when I say, thank you. Madam Speak- cluding the Dominican Medical Society Wom- er, please join me in honoring Y2Y’s Fortieth en’s Chapter, Dominicanos Pro-Ayuda A La f Anniversary and their positive impact on the Nin˜ez, and many more philanthropic activities HONORING MAYOR JOE D. HERMES Montgomery County community. supporting the community. f Nilda L. Wilson with her husband Dr. James A. Wilson, have for over 40 years managed HON. MICHAEL CLOUD IN RECOGNITION OF COLONEL and operated one of the earliest Dominican OF TEXAS MICHAEL ‘‘MOSES’’ THOMPSON medical practices in Washington Heights in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES New York’s 13th Congressional District. HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Wednesday, February 6, 2019 They were among the first Dominican med- Mr. CLOUD. Madam Speaker, I rise today OF VIRGINIA ical practices in Northern first es- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to honor Mayor Joe D. Hermes, an Edna na- tablished in 1966 on the corner of 178th St. & tive who dedicated his life to public service Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Audubon Ave. and remained in the same loca- and his community. Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise tion serving the Dominican community through Mayor Hermes first moved to Edna when he today to recognize the retirement of Colonel their retirement in 2006. was six years old and has considered it his Michael ‘‘Moses’’ Thompson. As a member of Nilda L. Wilson has always felt a strong and home ever since. His first public service role the United States Air Force, ‘‘Moses,’’ his call enduring responsibility to care for those in came as council member from 1979 to 1987. sign as an F–16 pilot, plans his retirement need of health care especially in Washington He was then elected Mayor in 1987. After forty after 24 years of dutiful service to his country. Heights and Northern Manhattan. Ms. Wilson devoted years of serving the people of Edna, With his long and successful career in a and Dr. Wilson have maintained and strength- Mayor Hermes has decided to retire. many number of leadership positions, Colonel ened their ties to the Dominican Republic Since Mayor Hermes took office, Edna has Moses Thompson will officially retire in the helping sponsor medical students and trainees built three parks and a swimming pool, pur- summer of this year. His career began at the coming to the United States. chased and restored property for the city, United States Air Force Academy in 1991 Nilda L. Wilson and her remarkable family moved City Hall from the building that now ac- where he majored in Political Science and have reached extraordinary professional suc- commodates the Edna Police Department, and International Relations. He became an F–16 cess and continue to give back to the Domini- navigated the community through difficult eco- Pilot of the 14th Fighter Squadron, then joined can-American community. nomic times.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:10 Feb 07, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.003 E06FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS