CATHOLIC HOSPITALS HAVE Pray for the Patronize PARISH OF FIFTY FAMILIES 11,273 PATIENTS IN YEAR, Success o! the Our THAT BROKE STATE RECORD A GAIN OF ALMOST 5,000 Catholic Press Advertisers IN FINANCES PASSES OWN OVER ANNUAL NUMBER THEY RECORD AND RAISES $11,000 TREATED FIVE YEARS AGO MORE FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOL Institutions of Denver Show Phenomenal Work to Begin at Once in Fleming on Growth in Short Period; Many Convent, School and Enlarging Operations VOL. XV. No. 25. DENVER, GOLO., THURSDAY. FEB. 5, 1920. $2 PER YEAR. of Church SAINT JOSEPH’S FIGURES ARE GIVEN PLAIN SE RM O N S ON Colonel Patrick Hamrock FATHER P. KLUCK IS THE PASTOR The Catholic hospitals of Denver last 2,315 operations and 414 births. Dr. J. HELL REMIND WORLD St. Peter’s church, Fleming, Colo., church will be enlarged forty by fifty year treated a total of 11,273 patients— F. Roe was elected president of the doc­ which probably set a record for the west feet and made over into a practically near building. The entire improvements will the largest number in their history. tors’ staff. Dr. W. S. Bagot was named THAT IT DOES EXIST Enrolls as a Student in when its membership of fifty families These institutions have had a tremendous vice president and Dr. R. L. Charles sec­ represent a value exceeding $20,000, but raised a total of $11,764.95 in 1919, has growth, and no phase of Catholic social retary. the members of the congregation intend DESPITE IT S TERROR already put its own glorious record in service shows a steadier gain than the Now that all the figures are available, to do a great deal of the work themselves the shade. It has raised no less than work of the Charity, Mercy and Francis­ it is interesting to review the statistics Free School for Yanks and will save thousands of dollars. Attempt to Abolish It to Make $11,000 in the first month of 1920—a can orders in the hospitals. Tliere are of the two -other hospitals also. St. An­ “ The people of this parish,” said Bishop Sin Easier Loses Thru total of $22,000 in less than thirteen > fourteen hospitals in Colorado conducted thony's last year cared for 3,150 pa­ Tiljen, discussing their wonderful record, Bible’s Clarity. Colonel Patrick J. Hamrock, com­ state in the union and from many for­ months. The Rev. P. P. Kluck is the by sisters and they are by far the lead­ tients and had 2,158 operations, while “ are mostly from large eastern parishes eign countries, including one from Egj'pt. pastor. ing hospitals of the state. People of every Mercy cared for 3,750 patients and had mander of the 157th regiment, has en­ where they had been used to all spiritual The average non-Catholic never hears The contract has been let and work “ The hope expressed in the financial religious creed come to them, and the 1,936 operations. The total number of rolled in the free school being established advantages, including Catholic schools a sermon on hell any more. He regards will be started immediately on the statement,” said Father Kluck, “ to see in for their children. TJiey came here as doctors who practice in the institutions operations in the three hospitals was in Denver by the K. of C. national war this unpleasant subjet much in the same building, to be erected adjoining Denver the near future a parochial school, sis­ represent every shade of religious belief. 6,409. farm colonists, and it did not take them way as ^ certain intellectual Denverite commission for ex-service men. Captains, council’s new home at 16th and Grant. ters’ dwelling and new church will in­ It is impassible to estimate the amount The great grow'th of the hospitals long to become dissatisfied with being a who was leading anything but a saintly lieutenants, sergeants, corporals and pri^ It is probable that a garage will be put deed soon materialize. We will start of good done in the hospitals. The sisters can be gauged by going back just five mission. Some years ago, about the only life\ and who happened a few years ago vates are also listed by Secretary Joseph up in-connection with the building, so as work with these improvements at once are not proselyters, but hundreds of years and comparing the figui-es then persons who were really enthusiastic to drop into the Sacred Heart church, Newman. Colonel Hamrock intends to to assist in the training of auto me­ and the school will be ready by Sept. 1.” cases come under their observation where with those for 1019. There were 6,450 about parish schools were the bishops where he heard a Jesuit Father preach. study auto mechanics. , He is one of the chanics. The exact date of the opening Father Kluck visited Bishop Tihen in a kind spiritual suggestion might save a patients handled altogether—compared and priests. Today it is not simply these, “ I didn't like him,” said the intellec- best known military men of the west. of the auto class cannot yet be an­ Denver this week and had plans approved soul, and the opportunity is never al­ with 11,273 in 1919. The greatest per­ but the people themselves who realize the tnal. “ He has a reputation for high men­ The school has enrolled bovs from everv nounced. for the improvements. A combined school lowed to slip by. In a physical way, the centage of growth is shown by St. An­ necessity of Catholic education.” tal training and for great business sa­ and convent will be erected, the first amount of good these women do is in­ thony’s, which has greatly increased its Five more families have just moved gacity, but he is out of touch with the floor to be occupied by the school and the calculable. facilities since that time. In 1914 it had into the parish. The Church’s activity age. It is no longer necessary to scare upper floor by the sisters. The present has greatly helped land values. St. Joseph’s hospital, the largest, held 1,400, compared with 3,150 in 1919. St. the life out of people if you want them its annual staff meeting in the latter tioseph's had 3,250 in 1914 and Mercy had to be good.” The Catholic World part .of the week. The sisters reported 1,800. But he forgot that Christ ■ Himself to the doctors that' a total of 4,373 pa­ All the hospitals are completely filled “ scared the lift; out oT” His auditors tients had been treated, while there were now, due to the epidemic. occasionally. It is not a bad idea to JOINT PASTORAL IS i OFFICIAL FRANCE CHANGES Golden Jubilee in 1920 think about hell now and then, and if the TO BE READY FEB. 22 ATTITUDE TO CHURCH V. gentleman went to any Catholic church St. Paul, !Minn.—^Archbishop Austin Paris.—There is certainly a change in at all, he would find this most unplesant Dowling has announced that the joint the attitude of the official world with of Brave Sisters^ Arrival Farrell of Church Welfare of subjects frankly discussed. Because, pastoral letter of the American Hier­ regard to the Catholic Church; not in­ no matter what a soft world today might archy, dealing with the various problems deed that her former opponents are con­ wisih, hell does exist ^ confronting the Church in this country, verted, but men who from indifference The Jesuits who preached at>the Cath­ in Trinidad; Pioneer Nun will not be ready until Lent. The kept aloof seem to have realized that she Council Finds Boy Scout edral for the past two weeks and who letter will contain more than 25,000 is a power that cannot be ignored. Thus, gave such a successful mission spoke of words, but a summary' of about 5,000 a short time ago the members of the hell a number of times. Tlie other mis­ words will be made, which will be read Paris University arranged for the cele­ sionaries who have worked in Colorado Tells of the First School Movement Grows Rapidly from every pulpit in the country. It is bration at Notre Dame of a Requiem recently have also been very plain spoken e.xpected that the letter will be ready Mass, in memory of their colleagues who about this very plain Catholic doctrine. for Sunday, February 22nd, the first Sun­ fell during^he war. The heads of the This year occurs the Golden Jubi­ “Sisters, you must get out, this car may If anybody accepts the Bible, he must day of Lent. The letter will be sent to University, in their picturesque costume, lee of the Sisters of Charity’s arriv­ turn oyfer any jnstant and be careful not accept^ the doctrine of an eternal hell. Among Catholics on Coast the chancery office of every diocese in were present in a place of honor; then al in Trinidad and the opening of the to step on the other side, Jor the least Following are some of the texts: sufficient numl)ers to supply every came the schoolmasters and mistresses Catholic school there. The Register weight might run or turn it over into Matt, iii, 12: “ He will thorbly clc-anse I)arish. ' of the government schools and colleges. is delighted to be able to present the the ditch. Climb out on this side and Frank F. Farrell, field secretary of the every Scout activity and program. The His floor and gather His wheat into the The Mass was celebrated by the Abbe following story of the event, told by we’ll help you out.” When they got to National Catholic Scout bureau, has re­ Scout movement has met with even barn; but the chaff He will burn with Petit de Julleville, whose father was a one of the Sisters who participated. the door, another big man standing on a turned from the session of Western larger success in the Catholic parishes of unquenchable fire.” Luke iii, 17 gives ERZBERGER’S ESCAPE IS distinguished member of the Paris Uni­ (By Sister Fidelia of Antonio Hospital, box was waiting to help them down. Scout officials held in Berkeley, Calif. He the western cities, Los Angeles having exactly the same warning. BOON TO GERMAN PEOPLE versity, where he himself was educated. Kenton, 0.) When the first man tried to help Sis­ reports a most interesting conference, at organized ten new Catholic troops within Matt. .XXV, 41: “ Then He shall say Cardinal Amette, in a brief discoorse, re­ This is just a little sketch of events ter Anna Mary, she shrank back, saying, which many worth-while things were the last few months and other cities com­ to them also that shall be on His left Herr Erzberger’s narrow escape from minded his audience that 800 professors, written on the pages of memory and I “No, thank you. I’ll step down.” “No discussed and plans for a larger program ing forward in like proportion. The hand: Depart from Me, you cursed, into death by an assassin's bullet is cause 5,500 school teachers, and nearly 3,000 pen them as, now in retrospection, I turn you can’t, you will break your neck. Seo of Scout activities. As representative Catholic Welfare Council expects to everlasting fire which was prepared for for congratulation. He was one of the emphasize in a much larger way during students belonging to the University back the leaves. They will be interesting here, this is no time for fooling.” Ho o f the Catholic Welfare Council, he pre­ the devil and his angels.” first in Germany to display the cour­ to those who love dear old Trinidad as sented, among other matters, the neeed of the coming months the merits of the had fallen at the front for their coun­ grabbed her as tho she were a child and Matt. -XXV, 46: “And these shall go age of his conviction about his country’s try, and he congratulated the survivors does the writer. handed her to the man on the box. Tho a chaplain for Catholic Scouts in week­ Scout movement, embracing as it does the into everlasting punishment; hut the deplorable state and his efforts helped to on the happy initiative that led them In the simimer of 1869, Rt. Rev. Bishop other two made no resistance. Tho end and summer Scout camps, and due possibilities for vacation outings under just, into life everlasting.” keep it from utter disaster. Germany to ask for a religious sendee for their Machebeuf of Denver asked Mother Re­ ground was covered with deep snow. Tho recc^ ition of this matter has been proper adult leadership and healthful Mark i.x, 43: “ Where their worm dieth can ill afford just now to deprive itself environment. Tliere is a growing need dead comrades. gina to send Sisters to teach a school in good men brought the baggage over to a promised iin planning Scout outings. not, and the fire is not extinguished.” of the services of such a man, wliose for Catholic men willing to volunteer as Trinidad, for prospects were very good. high bank, out of the way, and told tho Mr. Farrell finds Scouting on a much Verse 46: “And if thy eye scandalize worth will be appreciated more fully leaders of Scout troops and anyone in­ Three Sisters would be enough for the Sisters to stay there. Sister Anna Mary more thoroughly organized basis in the thee, pluck it out. It is better for thee later on tlian it seems to be at present BISHOP OF PADERBORN terested in this work will find ready op­ first year; one at least should speak told Sister Fidelis - to remain there and Coast cities, where it has been established with one eye to enter into the kingdom by his fellow countrymen.—Western TRANSFERRED TO COLOGNE portunity by communicating with pas­ Spanish. Mother promised the Sisters take care of the baggage and she and Sis­ but three years, than in some of the older of God than having two eyes to be cast Watchman, St. Louis. tors or with Scout officials. for the next year. Sisters Anna Mary, ter Eulalia would go and take care of tho Scout centers, due without doubt to the into the hell of fire.” Verse 48: “ For Rt. Rev. Cliarlos Joseph Schulte, Eulalia and Fidelis were chosen. Sister wounded. After Sister Fidelis had stood fact that busy men— men of heavy re- A Catholic Boy Scout Sunday will be every one shall be salted with fire; and Bishop of Paderborn, has been appointed Anna Mary was the Assistant-Mother. about a half hour, shivering with cold p^sponsibilities, bankers, brokers and out­ held in the Denver diocese in the near every victim shall be salted with salt.” AMERICAN TO PREACH Archbishop of Cologne as successqr of Sister Eulalia had been on mission in and fright, a woman came along. She standing business men in all lines—have future, when priests all over Colorado II Thess. i, 7, 9: “ Who shall suffer ROMAN MARCH 17 SERMON the late Cardinal von Hartmann. Fayetteville. Sister Fidelis bad made her had a baby in her arms and the bright given it active support, lending not only will e.xplain the movement to their par­ eternal punishment in destruction, from Rome.—The Very Rev. Peter E. Magen- vows at Christmas and was in her 20th moonlight shone on her dress, which waa their names, but actually participating in ishioners and many troops will be formed. the face of the Lord, and from the glory nis. General of the Order of Calced Car­ year. covered with blood. She looked at Sister of His power.” melites, will preach the panegyric of St. In order to secure a Sister who could for a few minutes, then said, “ Sister, Jude i, 6, 7: “And the angels who kept PROGRAM BY JOINT Patrick on March 17 in the Church of speak Spanish and teach it. Sisters Anna why do you stand there and so many not their principality, but forsook their San Patrizio, the national church of Mary and Eulalia were to go on to Santa wounded and dying needing care? That own habitation. He hath reserved under Loose Ideals in Sex Life Ireland in Rome. CHOIRS ON SUNDAY fe , to replace Sisters Augustine and is what you are for.” Sister answered darkness in everlasting chains, unto the Ivouise, who would come to Trinidad, that she was told to stay there with th« judgment of the' great day. As Sodom FOR ORPHANS’ HOME Si.ster Augustine to take charge of the baggage whilst the other Sisters went and Gomorrha, and the neighboring cities, IRISH PROTESTANTS RAISE mission. The Bishop senf passes, which to do that. “Much about your baggage,” in like manner, having given themselves Scored by Archbishop VOICES AGAINST TYRANNY took rather a roundabout way; St. Louis, The entertainment to be given under said the woman, and she went away. to fornication, and going after other the direction of the Queen of Heaven Kansas City, St. Joseph, Mo., Cheyenne (Continued on Page 2.) '' flesh, were made an example, suffering Liverpool, Eng.—-The “ Irish Guild of may come to a matrimonial conclusion, Oq)hanage Aid society for the benefit and Denver was the distance covered. Sex literature and immoral dances were the punishment of eternal fire.” the Church,” an exclusively Protestant The little band left Cedar Grove about assailed by Archbishop John J. Glennon but in the end it is fatal. You ask: of the Queen of Heaven orphanage, at the MAURICE MAETERLINCK body, has addressed the follbwing strik­ Jan. 10, on Saturday. All the home Sis­ in a monthly sermon at the new Cath­ ‘What about your men?’—Whatever our Auditorium next Sunday at 2:30 p. m., IS APOSTLE OF SHAME ing appeal to the authorities of the Irish ters gatheri>d to see them off. Some of edral in S t Louis. young men are, they w ill^ o t be bene promises to be a huge success. Protestant Church: “ Many of us feel fited by our young women'^t being the Program: No. 1. selection, organ, Mr. the older Sisters felt very bad, as they The fuss that is being made over The prelate also dejilorcd that many SPLENDID FINANCE that the Irish Guild of the Church knew the Indians were then numerous best. Lawrence Whipp. No. 2, (a) Beautiful Maurice Maeterlinck by our “best” peo­ persons regarded marriage as a "joke, an should give expression to our feelings of Denver, children o f the orphanage; (b) and ^treacherous on the plains, which ple upon his arrival in New York is a experiment, a,very doubtful expedient, “It seems that the so-called marriage­ grave concern for the future of Our coun­ RECORD BY PARISH Ti Prego O Padre (Nicofao), Miss Marie must be crossed by coach. The travelers sad commentary upon the views on mor­ largely a lottery—a gambling device, able class doesn’t attend sermons. try, and we feel it our duty as Christians Fitzgerald, Miss W. Kem])ter. Mr. Chas. arrived at St. Ix)uis at 1:30 P. M. pn Sat­ ality in so-called higher circles. This wherein one may win or lose.” He said “ There is also much talk in the world and meml>ers of the Church of Ireland to St. Francis de Sales’ church, Denver, Jj. Moseoni; (c) Merry Greeting, solo, urday and crossed the Mississippi river poet, according to a full page description, upon the sanctity of marriage largely de­ regarding the wave of sex literature protest in the most solemn manner had a splendid financial record in 1919, Mr. Richard Hynes and combined choirs on a ferry boat as there was nbybridge. in a late Sunday paper, got permission pended whatever of civiliz.ation we have that prevails. All your groups of ro­ against the silence of our branch of the as the report of the Rev. J. J. Donnelly, of St. Francis de Sales', St. Catherine's The bus was driven onto the boat, and from his wife to wed an actress appear­ —the home being the basis upon which mance in story books center on the sub­ Church in Ireland at a time when our P.R., given to the people last Sunday churches. Miss Kvaline Kenny, Miss .\lice the muddy water flapping against the ing in one of his own plays in Paris, be­ the nation is built—and\Q_destroy the ject. They are filled with incidents that fcllow-Christians and fellow-countrymen showed. The total ordinary receipts MeSwigan and the children of the or­ aides produced a wierd sound. A woman cause she (wife No. 1) did not any more ' home meant to destroy the nation. are risque and all the physchological are being subjected to such treatment as were $10,145, and added to e.xtraordinary phanage. Mr. Chas. L. .Moseoni, director. in the bus was fondling and talking to a appeal to his sensuous nature, but only Denouncinig divorce, he said statistics analysis of a nasfy subject. At the end, is unheard of in any part of the civilized receipts made a grand total of $22,716. No. 3, ten minutes with Joseph Newman. white dog, when he made a leap from her to his intellect! 'So an amicable divorce show one in every eight marriages lead they attempt to apologize for all their world at present. We, tlierefore, most Ordinary expenditures were $5,758, No. 4, iSt. Joseph's church choir (a) arms and out into the river. The woman followed and-the gentleman brings the to the divoree court [Denver is far above nastiness by a marriage. earnestly implore the archbishops, bish­ and extraordinary expenditures, including Veni, Amor Ali (Cherubini) (b) screamed to the men to stop the boat and “new” wife to this country. His play, this record!] “ It would be better if the marriage had ops and clergy of the Church of Ire­ the purchase of new property, amounted solo, Ave Maria (Luzzi), Miss Genevieve get her “ darling.” They laughed and told “The Blue Bird,” is being produced at been brought off at the start of the book, land to raise their voices and use their “ Girls,” he said, “ spend their nights to $16,002, a grand total of $21,760, leav­ Gcgg; (c) trio, Jesu Die N’ivi (Verdi), her the dog would swim across. She the Metropolitan opera house and he him­ influence as followers of Clirist on be­ dancing immoral dances, half clothed. instead of l>eing preceded by 210 pages ing a balance on hand of $956. The par­ Miss Gegg, Mr. Earl C. Fries and Mr. calUed the dog by all the pet names you self is to lecture on the “First New That is the dance of death to virtue and of such matter. Perhaps, if this had ish does not have the pew rent sj-stem, half of our tormented country and per­ I.awrence Gillen. Rev. Father Guenther, could think of, but he paddled away Proofs of the Immortality of the Soul,” been so, there would be no book, which secuted fellow-citizens. And that our to happiness— the pace tl»at kills. It but in parish dues collected $4,510. director. No. 5, soprano solo. Lullaby seemingip enjoy his freedom and the dir­ to admiring audiences in our cultured would be so much better.” Church may not be brought into con­ (Chas. Donee),'Mrs. A. A. Gargan, rep­ ty water. When the boat pulled into centers! Not a word of condemnation tempt we implore an effort on .behalf resenting Holy I'amily church. No. 6, place, she jumped off the bus and, pick­ has been printed in our subsidized venal of our Christian leaders to bring about NEW FLU WAVE IS NOT KNIGHTS’ MINSTREL St. Philomena’s and Loyola Chapers ing up the dog, kissed him. The Sisters press on this ojfen scandal. I^ct Catho­ peace and good will in the exercise of church choirs combined, (a) Babylon went to the hospital, where they re­ lics, at least, show their disapproval by IRISH REPUBLIC’S Christian fellowship here and now.” . SO BAD AS LAST BUT (Watson), soloists, Mrs. H. S. Cooper and mained until Monday noon, then started ignoring the vaporings of this strictly SHOW IS POSTPONED Mr. Glen .Tones; (b) Sweet and liow for Kansas City. They rode in the day “modem” protagonist of free lovh,—The LOAN IS GOING B)G JOAN OF ARC WILL BE (Barnby); (c) Unfold Ye Portals (from coach, which was poorly heated by a Echo. TAKES HEAVY TOH Due to illness on the part of some of CANONIZED IN MAY the Redemption) (Gounod). Mr Geo. L. stove at one end, and not 'very clean. It is announced, that Maeterlinck, the performers, the minstrel show an­ Bradbury, director. No. 7, tenor solo. La About 10 P. M., ns the Sisters were doz­ whose books were put on the index sev­ There is a great amount of sickness The Irish Victory Loan drive is meet­ nounced by the Knights of Columbus for Rome.—The ceremony of the canoni­ Donna e Mobile (Verdi), Mr. Richard W. ing and saying their beads^nd the brake- eral years ago, will visit Denver iiT^ha among Catholics of the city, due to the ing with phenomenal success in the February 14 and 15 has been postponed zation of Joan of Arc will he performed Hynes. No. 8, St. Elizabeth’s church man and some passengers were playing near future. outbreak of influenza. The disease is . The national board of until after Lent. The director of the next May with great solemnity. Special choir, (a) Oh for the Wings of a Dove cards, they heard a sound and felt a vi­ not as virulent as last year, but the num­ the A. O. H. has voted $10,000 and the exhibition, for which a number of re­ quarters are being prepared for Ji'rench (Mendelssohn),- soloist, Mrs. Howard bration as tho the car were jumping or SISTER FOUNDED INDIAN ■ V ber of deaths is very large, as a glance national' hoard of the Ladies’ auxiliary, hearsals have been held, is Frank De­ pilgrims, expected by thousands. The Sleeper; (b) Adoramus Te (Palestrina); bumping something. Sister Fidelis ex­ SCHOOL IN WYOMING at the death column of any paper will A. 0. H., $5,000. Jersey City has over vin^ The receipts will be devoted to Pope has appointed a special pontifical (e) Jerusalem (from Gallia) (Gounod), claimed: “Sisters, we arc off the track.” p^ove. The number o f deaths among subscribed its quota of $75,000 and will furnishing the new K. of C. home. commission to prepare for the ceremony, soloist. Miss Josephine Woeber. Miss Sister Anna Mary said, “ Sit down and be Mother Mary Stanislaus, superior gen­ Catholics of the city was about three go over $100,000. Thomas J. Maloney headed by Cardinals Gaspmrri and Merry Clara Woeber, directress. No. 9, Ring Out quiet. Make an act of contrition.” eral of the Sisters of St, Francis, Glen times as great this week as it was in the contributed $10,000 there, the largest UNITED STATES SECOND Del Val. The canonization will be pre­ Sweet Bells (Caro Rom a); Isle of Tlie car gave one big jerk and they all Riddle, Pa., who died suddenly a short previous week. Thirty-one deaths were single gift so far. >fany are giving their IN WORLD IN SODALITIES ceded by several beatifications, includ­ Dreams (Olcott-Ball), children of the found themselves on the upper side of a time igo while on an official visitation reported to The Register. U. S. liberty bonds. ing that of Oliver PlunKett, Archbishop orphanage. No 10, Cathedral Boys’ choir badly tilted car, which seemed ready to of the Wilmington, D«‘l.', mission of her ■Voluntary nurses are badly needed. An President de Valera continues his o f­ From the official report we learn that of Armagh and Primate of Ireland. Tlie (a) Barcarole from Tales of Hoffman; roll oveiyany minute into a deep ditch. order, was head of the band of sistera ap]>eal was made from the Cathedral pul­ ficial triumphs, despite threats by corre­ the number of Marian sodalities affiliated ceremonies are expected to be attended (b) Combined choirs, “ Inflammatus” Alen were running, women were scream­ sent west in 1885 to open schools and p it last Sunday for nurses and persons spondents from Ix)ndon of the feeling this with the Roman Primaria in 1918 was by a large number of Irish pilgrims, as from “Stabat Mater” (Rossini), soloist. ing, and shouts of “ fire” were heard. institutions in Oregon, Washington and who would! he willing to assist with might create. GoTCrnor Edwards of New 984, of which 206 are in the United well as by Cardinal Logue, all the Irish Mrs. M. E. Maloney. Star Spangled Everyone left the car save the three Sis­ Wyoming. ,Sisters of her order teach the housework in the homes of afAicted per- Jersey formally received him at Trenton States, which thus occupies the second Archbishops and Bishops and a great Banner. Rev. Joseph Bosseti, director. ters, who sat still praying. Y'wo men Indian school at St. .Stephen’s Mission, on Monday, February 2. rank. number of the Irish clergy. Accompanists', Mrs. Halter, Mr. Wliipp. came climbing over the seats. One said, Wyoming. f -i

Pa*e Two DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER. Thursday, FebruaiyS, 1920.

soap. Sister Fidelis found a wooden box PIONEER SISTER TEU5 OF HARDSHIPS just the size for a tabernacle, covered it ARCHBISHOP OF CASHEL WRITES TO with white paper outside and muslin in­ Som ething to C onsider. side, made hinges o f bronze leather and WHEN TRINIDAD SCHOOL WAS OPENED a catch of wire, hung a little door, and DE VALERA OF TVRANNY IN ERIN In these days clothes are a big problem, and twenty to sixty dollars put aside for clothing is a still bigger 'problem. pasted a picture of the Sacred Heart on It has been said that you pay more for installment; we say that you (Continued from Page 1.) or praying. All at once the coach jumped the door. There was a table in the room Washington.—The Friends of Irish “The British government proposes to positively pay less, and we back up this statement in two ways: the gar­ Just then a man with a heavy grey onto a ridge and down again with a just the height and the size of an altar, Freedom National Bureau of Information place Irish eilucation under the domina­ ments will speak for themselves (prices in plain figures), and then ask your «hawl over his shoulders came up and crqsh and on again. Sister Fidelis was and Sister Anna Mary and Sister Eulalia today made public a communication just tion of foreign reactionaries who are neighbors alMut us. «aid, “ Do not mind her, Sister, she is thrown on to the Englishman, and in try­ tacked the white muslin on it, then received by President de Valera from out of sympathy with the national A little down and a little weekly or monthly, and you wear while paying. There is absolutely no red tape or interest. Ladies’, Men’s and crazed. Her sister is killed and her baby ing to recover her balance put her finger placed the tabernacle. Sister bought two Archbishop J. M. Harty of the Archdio­ ideals of the Irish people. children’s clothing and shoes. badly hurt.” Then, taking off his shawl, into his eye. In the morning he tried brown tin candlesticks, the pastor bought cese of Cashel, in which the distinguished “ Sinn Fein, the Gaelic League and kin­ he spread it on the snow, saying, “Here, hard to find which one had been in his books, cards, cruets, wine, etc., and the Irish prelate expresses his opinion of dred societies are suppressed, and the Bister, stand on that. You are-so cold. poor sore eye, but has never yet learned. next morning Mass was offered up in British attempts to rule Ireland and ]ie is told that they are responsible for Askin & Marine Clothing Co. Why did they send one so young out The next night after dark we could the new chapel and the Blessed Sacra­ enclosed his check for 50 pounds as a crimes. Our homes are raided by armed 1521 STOUT STREET w est!” Sister assured him she was glad see by the lamp light at the stable sta­ ment placed in the tabernacle. This was contribution to the Irish national loan. forces of the British Crown. Our streets No Camouflage here. W ool is wool—cotton is cotton. to go and hoped to do some work out tion a full-fledged Indian, with feathers the first time our dear Lord had a per­ The letter follows: are paraded by a huge army of occupa­ there. He went back a few feet and pink and red, get into the coach and sit manent home in 'Trinidad, as the church “ My dear de Valera: tion. Our elected representatives are stood watching. He proved to be a Cath­ on the farther seat. He had politeness was neither fit nor safe. “To you, the trusted representative not allowed to meet in our Irish Parlia­ olic gentleman from Kansas City. He enough to say, “Buenos Xocahes” (good A little boy about twelve lived with of the Irish people, I send the eyclosed ment, and some of them have been de­ saw the Sister alone and, knowing the night). The conductor looked in to see his parents at the priest’s house. He cheque for 50 pounds as my contribution ported in British gunboats. THE JOHN A. MARTIN DRUG CO. dangers of which she was ignorant, un­ whether the Sisters were afraid. Sister could speak some English andi used also to the Irish national loan. Here at home “These are some of the activities of Corner Fifteenth and Curtis Charles Building dertook the office of guardian. In about Fidelis told him to take the gun outside to serve Mass. One morning when Sis­ the British government has continued ^to the British government which has loud­ another half hour a man came running as an accident might happen. The Indian ter Eulalia asked him if Father-would trample on the principles of democracy. ly proclaimed its respect for the lib­ tip the bank, saying, “Them women back hesitated and did not wish to give up the say Mass, he said, “ I do not know il “ Ireland is in a state of political and erties of small n^itions. For Reliable Drags and Family Medicines there dressed like you told me to come gun, but the conductor said something Father is going to make Mass, but he is industrial bondage. Our press is muz­ “I wish you every blessing in your and get you and the things. They are in Spanish to him and he laughed and going to make matrimony.” zled. Our fairs and markets are stopped. noble efforts to right the wrongs of going back to Herman’s Landing.” gave it up. Early in the morning of Jan­ The two Sisters bound for Santa Fe Our exhibitions of industries are pro­ centuries, and to free Ireland from the Prescription Department must leave for their destination. The hibited. Our national games are banned. “ Don’t fear,” said the gentleindn. “ I’ll uary 30th, 1870, the Sisters arrived in blighting influence of foreign rule. In charge of State registered pharmacist pastor told them he would take them to Our literary and musical festivals are g o back w'ith you. Sister.” Picking up Denver and went to St. Mary’s convent, “I am, my dear Mr. de Valera, his shawl and some of the things he went where they received a hearty welcome Santa Fe in his carriage, and thus save proclaimed. Even Princes of' the Telephone Main 1900 to Heilman’s Landing and helped to care all that expense in the coach. 'The ques­ Church are asked to guarantee that they “Yours very faithfully, from Mother Ann Joseph and Sisters. Tr— D«UT«r7 to AU Farts of tbo Olty Day ittd Vlfht. lor the poor sufferers. One woman’s The Bishop came over several times,to tion was what to do with Sister Fidelis. are not criminals before they are al­ (Signed) “ J. M. HARTY, cries for a priest still echo in the ears of see them, and was extremely kind. On She could go along, for there was room, lowed to use their motor cars. “Archbishop of Cashel.” the writer. “0! Sisters, can’t you get February 2nd after Mass and breakfast or she could stay in some good Mexican me a priest? I have been so bad. 1 was the coach drove up to take them to home until the Sisters came. After de­ THE DE SELLEM FUEL & FEED COMPANY ciding for some time, all decided to leave good once, but I married a worldly man, Trinidad. The Bishop had hot bricks put MISSOURI KNIGHTS ERECT CLUB BIEDING OKAS. a. DaraxakBX and I became worldly too, forgot my God into the coach and gave the Sisters his Sister there. She said she could clean up the house and have everything ready and now I must meet Him without pre­ own buffalo robe, warning them to re­ FIRST CLASS FUEL AND FEED to open school as soon as possible after FOR STUDENTS AT THE STATE UNIVERSITY Offlo* Toloplioiio Obaiapa 936 nirty-ilfU i and Walant Pts. paration.” Sister Anna Mary dictated an turn it to him. It was a very cold day Boaldonoo n on * Mala 4366 DMTor, Colorado act of Contrition, which the woman re­ and the snow was deep. After the the Sisters came home. With the Bles­ sed Sacrament in the house she would peated and died holding Sister’s Crucifix. Bishop had tucked them in he put a par­ The 10,000 students attending the o f the Missouri K. of C., that $10 per not be lonely. The French priest who They carried all the wounded into the cel in, which proved to be a can of University of Missouri opened their eyes capita from the membership of his jur­ hotel andj tried to make them comforta­ had arrived from France a few days ago on January 18 to find that a handsome isdiction would give Missouri U. a young peaches. He also pave Sister Fidelis ten g z a m a i ble. Doctors came, but no priests were dollars for the mission. The next morn­ would say Mass each morning in the new club had appeared within a stone’s men’s club that was badly needed. He near enough. After about two hours the ing they arrived in Pueblo in time for chapel, and Willie would^serve; Willie’s throw of the campus. The Knights of made known his plan and a quiet drive sister, Donacianna, would sleep in the “All Aboard” rang out and every one breakfast at the hotel. The latter was a Columbus of Missouri had put the club was inaugurated, with the result that in climbed into the flat car and rode back lumber shanty, not very large. A U. S. kitchen on a colchone. Tlie Sisters would there—entirely at their own expense— the course of a year the Missouri write from San Miguel, half way between to the wreck, standing, as there were no blanket separated the dining room from for the convenience of the Missouri U. Knights, while responding to Liberty Santa Fe and Trinidad. It all seemed seats. It was about noon when the jour­ the kitchen. It was all very clean. 'The students, and especially for the former loan. Red Cross and other war drives, very practical and safe. Sister Anna ney was resumed. There was a very poor breakfast was delicious, with good coffee, service men attending that institution. gave $50,000 for the new project—an es­ ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NEW Mary went to take a look at the cold fire in the stove. Two men stood in hot biscuits and buffalo steak. Friday Columbia is a small town, of barely 5,000 sentially peace-time project. ‘Hart in­ storage. It was cold, sure enough, and front trying to get warm. One of them morning, February 6, at 2 o’clock, the inhabitants. During school terms the stantly felt for tenders on the building, empty too. The food was kept in a green said, “I tell you, Jim, if it hadn’t been coach put up at the hotel in Trinidad. population is larger,- but the opportuni­ knowing that labor costd were mounting. BUTTER NUT BREAD chest such as carpenters used to use for for those Sisters on the train last night The Bishop had telegraphed the pasto'r, ties for social recreation have always A St. Louis architect Volunteered his their tools. It contained a leg of mutton, services and designed a handsome, com­ •we’d been all in the bottom of the Mis­ so he was there with three men to meet been limited. Made With Milk boiled a few days before, and about two pact structure. souri.” the Sisters, to carry their baggage. The Two years ago it occurred to a young dozen biscuits, yellow and hard. In the Money continued" to come into the The Sisters spent one night at the con­ moon was very bright -and the night man named Luke E. Hart, state deputy dish cupboard were a small bag of flour, vent in St. Joseph and a day in Kansas clear and cold. As the Sisters stepped fund. Contracts were signed last Febru­ some salt and soda and about two pounds ary and bpilding commenced. If con­ City. At Omaha they crossed the Mis­ from the coach, they embraced very re­ over that time. Sister began to think EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY souri river in a bus on the ice to Council of coffee. Sister Fidelis said that was tracts calling for the same quantity and spectfully, according to the Mexican the Indians had captured the party and Particular Attention Given to Order Work enough. She could make some biscuits quality of work were signed today the Bluffs, where they spent Sunday with style of welcome. As they walked down carried them off or killed them. She Take Lawrence S t PHONE lACO I ineii Ct if they ran out. Sugar, milk, butter, building cost would be doubled. When Mrs. K. Cullen the Sisters of Mercy; then on to Chey­ a short distance to the convent, all looked could neither sleep nor eat, taking only Car to Colfax Ava. M. 7272 •■'I'"'' eggs, lard and fruit were unknown then $125,000 had been collected the work was enne, the terminus of the railroad. The very dreary. The snow had gone, leaving strong black cof(ee. A t night she stood in Trinidad. Mutton, coffee and bread rus’hed, with the result that January 18 passengers were all men save the Sisters. everything mud color. 'Turning a comer, in the hall by the door listening for the a great gathering of Knights from all They seemed to be working men going they came to a long adobe house, with were the staples. sound of the carriage wheels, then would parts of Missouri—the men who had put Rodgers Printing & Stationery Co. to the end of the line, but every man windows all on one side, a large door It was a very sad parting, but each one go into the chapel and pray for the safety up the building—gathered to witness its 4 1 6 street, Bet Glenann and Tiemont seemed determined to verify the fact that in the center leading into a hall. tried to make the best of ilV After the of the Sisters. At last, one evening about Sisters bad gone Sister Fidelis hastened formal presentation to the university. a true gentleman is often found in blue The priest led the way thru a room 5 o’clock, they came. Sister had never UP-TO-DATE PRINTING. ENGRAVING AND DESIGNING to comply with Sister Anna Mary’s last Archbishop John J. Glennon of St. Louis, I oyeralls. filled with long school desks and benches, seen either of them, hut they were our Borgalna is Stationery. Bush Ordara Given Special Attesttoa. command, “ Write to Mother and tell her Bishop Lillis of Kansas City and Bishop | The train arrived in Cheyenne about then into a kitchen, and into a small own dear Sisters. Sister Fidelis could Phone Hain 7319. everything.” The letter went out with Byrne of Galveston pontificated at the noon. The only hotel was a lumber house room at the end of the house, which was scarcely speak. The reaction from sor­ the first mail. The mail arrived and de­ ceremonies and James A. Flaherty of I tw o stories high, very clean and com­ intended for the Sisters’ bed rooms, din­ row to joy seemed to choke her and parted only once a week. An answer Philadelphia, Supreme Knight of the K. ! fortable. The next morning about .seven ing room and community room. In the brought tears to her eyes, but Sister came in due time from Mother Regina of C., made the keynote address. Presi- ■ The Miles & Dryer Printing Co. the coach left for Denver. The coach of corner was a double bed with posts and Louise began to tell her of some amusing and ^Mother Josephine, both regretting dent A. Ross Hill of Missouri University that day was a large wooden box with covered with patched quilt, while at the incident of the journey and all was over, 1732-34 LAWRENCE ST. that Sister had been left alone and en­ received the Knights’ gift of a comfort- | good springs and wheels. It was large other end was a bed made of carpenter’s the awful strain at an end. The Sisters closing a photo of each of them. Sister able home and club in behalf of young ^ enough to accommodate nine passengers went to the little chapel and there o f­ Catholic 'W ork a Specialty. Estimates Given on Work horses, two for a bed with three wide had some of the money left and sent men students of the school. 1 (Comfortably inside, but twelve could fered the past and the future to Him from out of the City. Telephone 2851. boards for springs, a wool “colcbon” or Willie to the store for a scrubbing brush. The building is three stories high and j .frow d in. The floor was covered with who was their All. mattress for each, one sheet and a dark He returned with a horse’s curry comb. contains fifty bedrooms with double-deck hay and straw two feet deep. There were On March 4, 1870, school opened with PHONE MAIN 7377 HENSY W A I ^ C K E , Prop. brown U. S. blanket. The pillows were She drew a scrubbing brush on a piece beds, making it capable o f accommodat­ good warm robes. The driver and con­ about 30 pupils. The hooks ordered had made of pink calico hags stuffed full of of paper, wrote the name under it and ing 100 young m^n. It contains band- ductor rode on top and took care of the wool and very hard. Over against the not yet come, so they had only a speller, sent him back. He returned with the some lounge, music and billiard rooms mail and express; the trunks were a catechism and Spanish reader, with no THE CAPITAL CITY SHOE MFG. CO. wall was a wash stand made of white much needed article. Willie brought the and an amphitheatre holding 1,000 per­ strapped on behind. The coach was drawn blackboard, no slates. As the children Repair Work Our Specialty, While'You Wait. pine without paint or varnish. Over the few altar linens from the church and sons and fitted up for moving picture by four or six well fed and well groomed were all Spanish Sister Louise taught wash stand hung a mirror about six by Sister gathered the rest and proceeded shows, theatricals, balb and banquets. 1511 CHAMPA ST. DENVER, COLO horses, which were changed every twelve them as best she could for a few days. twelve inches, turned with the glass to to establish a laundry on a small scale. Student boarders pay their way—the miles, and never knew that stumps and MTieii the hooks arrived the school was the waB. In the center of the room was The water was hard and the soap not any cost, including room and bath (a bath holes were to be avoided. Consequently, organized. They had eight boarders. The a round table', which with three chairs too plentiful, so she took the wood ashes being attached to each bedroom) being the coach would often jump up on two public school was handed over to them made all the furniture. out of the stove, put them in water over between $11 and $12 per week. There wheels or on one, it seemed'sometimes. So the next week. Sister Augustine decided The table was ready for breakfast, night, and in the morning poured it are nineteen K. of C. scholarship holders that after a couple of days’ riding one’s to have an entertainment in June, in ord­ having a white cover with three plates, into -sornii. hot water. " After rubbing a at Missouri, and the K. C. allowance to head bumps would deceive a phrenologist. er to advertise the school. Sister sent cups, etc. few pieces she felt her hands smarting, each of the order’s 500 service-men One night an English explorer or gold for several pieces of tarlton red, white, scholars covers .this charge for board. When the Sisters had taken off their but kept on until the skin began to slip seeker got in after dark and sat on the green, yellow and blue. The Sisters made This is probably the first club of its wraps, the priest called “ Juanita,” and off. Willie stood by for a time looking middle seat facing the Sisters, who were dresses out of the tarlton, taught the kind to be erected from its private funds a little black creature with a shawl on on, then .said, “ You will be all skinned all on the back seat. As the night wore girls a drill and a dance and some songs, by the state organization of a national her head ran in, dropped a dish on the off, if you don’t stop.” The hands away no one had spoken, each one dozing etc. A stage was erected in the yard and body. The club will be maintained by j table and ran out again, for she was were in pretty bad shape with nothing trimmed with mountain pines and vines. the K. o f C., and it is estimated that its afraid of the Sisters. The priest called to put on them. Willie ran home and The Bishop was expected to he present final cost will approach the $250,000 her again, but she had gone, so he went brought his sister. She put more water AYER’S PHARMACY The news of the entertainment spread far ^ a rk . All the students of Missouri U. 17th Ave. and Logan out and brought a pot of coffee and yel­ into the tub and went on. There was an and wide. People came from all direc­ have use of the club facilities, and the ■ low soda bisctlits and sausage. As it article on a chair, and she wished to know Drugs, Drug Sundries, Candies, tions and camped across the river to Knights have stressed their invitation to ' was Friday, the Sisters did not take the if that was to be washed also and, in ,pigars. Ice Cream. wait. Word came that the Bishop was all former service men. The erection of ! VERY DELICIOUS sausage. The priest assured them it was place of pointing as we do, she opened '’prescriptions on the way and near Trinidad. So every the home completed a total of $3,000,000 j Made of beet bleached Jamaica allowed on tlmt side of the Arkansas. -her mouth and stretched her neck over man, woman and child started out to spent by the Knights on higher education ! Ginger, sugar and purest and After the meal M’as finished the pyiest in that direction, at the same time mak­ softest of water, the ...... Deep Rock Artesian meet him and escort him to the town. for former service men. ! said, “Now, Sisters, you go to bed and ing a very strange noise with her voice. It does not bite nor burn like the ordinary hard water peppery ale. At It was a largo tho not orderly procession. Supreme Knight Flaherty struck the ' THE rest and I’ll call you in time for Mass.” Sister thought she had lost her mind and all high-class stores, tearooms and restaurants. Insist on the When the Bishop arrived near the church principle underlying K. of C. activity for ; He locked the door and took the key with ran into the room, locking the door. Poor the band' played “ The Girl I Ix>ft Behind ex-sen'ice men in his address when he ; him. At eight o’clock the knock came Donacianna seemed to know it and, gath­ HAMILTON Me.” The entertainment went off with­ said: “No veteran of the war will look | with the news that Mass would begin ering up the things, took them home and C v: out a mistake. The colors in the dresses to the Knights in vain. We stand always j DEEP ROCK NATIONAL in half an hour. They hurried over to finished the laundry. W'illie came back took the public eye; it was also just the ready to help, practically and promptly. ] Main 2587 614 27th St, Cor. Welton church, a large adobe building without a with a large piece of mutton tallow for thing to have the girls Icam to dance like We gave our best in time of war, and ! BANK ceiling, pigeons flying and cooing among the hands. Sister melted it on the stove Denver Distributors for the IDAHO SPRINGS Mineral Water. Under the supervision o f the the Americans. we shall always give our best in time of i the rafters. The floor was of mud save and rubbed it on the hands, covering them Unted States Government offers peace.” the greatest security and the best with, handkerchiefs. Willie helped to tie A few days after the closing of facilities a small space where there were two pews on either side in front. One pew was them. school the clouds began to gather IT MATTERS NOT Our Savings Department Pays DIOCESE FORMS SOCIETY for the Sisters. The candle sticks were Sunday came and Mass in the church. for rain, which in those days came how closely you look at our work, you’ll 4 % TO AID AMERICANIZATION made of railing posts with a hole in the Willie’s mother went with Sister to the only once in four or six months, but find it perfect. We clean your garments The City of Denver deposits with Pittsburg, Pa.—The Pittsburg dio- us. church. It was High Mass. A man stood then made up for lost time. One night thoroughly and do it at a price that baf­ The State of Colorado deposits top to hold the candle. After Mass the cefp is forming what is known as the fles competition. It is bMause we use with ua Sisters proceeded to explore the house. at either side of the altar in the sanc­ at 10 tho rain came down in tor­ The U. 8. Government deposits American league, an organization of the latest improved methods and ars tuary, holding a violin and now and then rents. As the house was lower than the artists in our line. Won’t you let ui with us. There were three rooms on either side of priests and laymen, for Americaniza­ •W* solicit your account in our the middle entrance, one about the same trying the strings. A third man with a street the rain poured into the house. have your next order and demonstrate Saving Department tion work on a gigantic scale. It has our worth ? large book in his hand stood in the cen­ Sister Fidelis told Sister Louise she Ask for our free booklet, "Banking size as the bed room which Sister Anna chosen its motto, “For God and the Made Plain” ter. He was the choir and the server. would dig a drain outside the front door Mary said “would make a nice chapel.” U. S. A. in honor of the Immaculate KDICBEB rSDEBAL BE8DBTD When the priest began the Mass the man if she would hold the lantern under an BASK So with the money the Bishop gave. Sis­ Conception.” The corporal works of THE GIGANTIC in the center began to sing the “Kyrie” umbrella. Sister Louise laughed heartily, ter bought muslin, a clock, #nd some mercy will be cnoou-aged, 100 laymen for Quality in a nasal tone. The man on the right saying, “You can never control that wat­ and lay women will be sent out to speak Cleaners and Tailors DC 3DD started to play Fisher’s Horn Pipe and er.” They both started out with lantern, a a c on Christian Americanism and other ac­ 700 E. COLFAX. PHONE YORK 499 □ □ the man on the left “ Home, Sweet Home.” shovel and umbrella. Sister kept up the □ □ tivities will be taken up. □ □ The poor little French priest, who knew work for about an hour, the rain coming neither English nor Spanish, seemed to down all the time. Once in a while Sis­ Order These Books Wholesale and Retail. Fresh and Onred Eastern Gon-Fed have all his reserve self-control on serv. ter Ivouise would say, “ Why don’t you from the Heats, Fruits, Vegetables, Poultry and Game. Michaelson^s ice, as had also your humble scribe. tVhen sit down and rest?” The ditch was about Mass was over Sister waited for the peo­ twenty feet long, reaching to a low place Carmelite Sisters ple to go out, but not one movwl. Willie in the ground which carried the water The Market Company 18th and Victor, St. Louis, Mo. 0. a. Bmitk, Xgr. Expansion^ Sale said, “They no go. Sister must go first.” away. When they went into the house It was slow Work getting out. They they found Sister Augustine sitting on a L ife of Sister St. P ierre. The Car­ melite nun to whom our Lord deigned to Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fish and Oysters More room needed to accommodate the kissed her shawl, her habit and her hands. chair with an umbrella over her. All reveal the wonderful efficacy o f devo­ ^ 15th and California, Denver, Colo. When the convent door was opened a three laughed until the tears came, then tion to His suffering Face. "The Arch- many who demand Michaelson values— Phoneei Betall, Main Tonz Xothsr’i Btose. woman came in, followed by a big man proceeded to find dry clothes and a place confraternity of the Holy Face” counts 4909, 4SOS, 4304, 4308 Why Vot Tonnf which is the story by which you should young and brown. The woman, his moth­ to sleep, but alas, for the sleep! Drip! thousands of members In the U. S. and many more throughout Europe. 25 cents profit. In every department in the store er, motioned him to kneel down, which he drip! drip! went the rain thru the mud and postage. special values this week. did at Sister's feet. She, understanding roof all night. Next morning Sister Eymn to the Holy P ace. 20 cents and that the woman wished her to bless them, Louise went to make the kitchen fire. postage. DUe of Biassed Anns of St. Bartholo­ held her hands over them for a moment The stove had been moved to a summer m ew, companion to Sister Teresa. 76 and said a little prayef. They arose and kitchen, made ft lumber, near to the cents and postage. D lfs of Vanarahle Teresa Kargaret, both wetot out quite satisfied. The house house. The watCr was a foot deep on young and lovely, her body Is la««rrupt 1K|ielusdM iC4« was cleaned from end to end, all the mud- the mud floor. They dipped it up in 65 cents and postaga St. BUas and the Order of CarmsL plaster being scraped from the floor. The buckets and carried it away; when the 25 cents and postage. LAUNDRY & Comer 15th and Larimer Streets days and nights slipped by and no word stove was reached it was also full of Book Mark Of Sister Teresa. 85 cents 2 6 0 0 - 2 6 2 0 COfrm ST. □ □ came from the travelers. Two weeks was water. Breakfast was a little late that and postage. D □ P lotnres of Sister Tenea. Small, □ a the time for their return, and now it was morning. , 50 Aents per 100; larger, 2 for 5 centa WE t ie r ARTESIAN WATCH OQC 3 o a ^Thursda^^I^^ DEITVER CATHOMO REGISTER. Paffe Threp

News From Pueblo EMILY HEID OF COLORADO SPRINGS BEN EDICTIN E HOME BISHOP M N TO DELIVER SPEECH By Jessie Donahue LEAVES TO BE SISTER OF CHARITY FROM WAR VISITS AT PUEBLO ST. PATRICK’S DAY FETE CONSIDERABLE SICKNESS friends of Miss Francis Stump will be IN SAINT LEANDER’S glad to see her able to be about again.— St. Patrick’s Parish, Pueblo.—St. the encT of January. "Alfred is in th« (By Beatrice Prior.) The Knights of Columbus, No. 582, are IN LONGMONT, COLO. Mr. Frank Pryor is seriously ill at his Patrick’s people are going to have 27th infantry regiment and is in good Colorado Springs.—^Miss Emily Held, ■St. Leander’s Parish, Pueblo.—There home.—Mrs. Tomlinson was'taken to St. engaged in an active campaign for new a magnificient celebration on St. Pat­ health, but anxious to get ■ home.—St. a member of the Corpus Christi parish, Longmont.—Brother Hugo, a former is considerable sickness among our Mary’s hospital Monday. memberai They will confer the third rick’s night in the new municipal audi­ Patrick's Altar Society had a very suc­ Longmont boy who spent 17 months in members. Marie Goff, a fifth grade has gone to Cincinnati, Ohio, where she degree Sunday, April 12. torium. Right Jlev. Bishop Tihen has cessful card party last week. Mr. Mar­ will become a Sister of Charity. the A. E. F. in Siberia, is visiting here pupil, is confined at her home with an PUEBLO BRIEFS. Sister Rose Agatho and Sister Maria kindly consented to deliver a lecture for tin Hinds won the first prize for gentle­ Mr. Joseph O’Neill and Miss Elizabeth with Mrs. Otto Ottens. He intends tak­ attack of diphtheria. Several members The Misses Anna and Florenee Clark Gerald attended the meeting of the the occasion. “IVhy God Loves the men—two pair of silk socks. Mr, Michael Gratten were married Monday morning ing up his studies in the Benedictine col­ of the Rayhawk family are ill at their entertained Miss Frances Stewart of League of Nursing Education in Denver, Irish” will be his subject, and those who Farrel was next and g ot a box of hand­ at St. Mary’s church by Rev. Father lege of Puebla for the priesthood. home. Edward Eden is ill at St. Mary’s Denver last week. held at the Y. W. 0. A., at which the hear it will certainly enjoy a rare treat. kerchiefs. Mrs. R. M. Allison won the Raber, Miss Catherine Lynch acted as The Boy Scouts attended Mass Sun­ hospital. Mrs. A. F. Ward and Miss Mrs. Sophia Henley^as recovered to following officers for 1920 were elected: The subject itself is very interesting first prize for ladies and Mrs. M. F. bridesmaid and Mr. Martin Fay as bride­ day in a body. Owing to sickness only Helen Stowe are able to be out again the extent that she is able to be among Miss C. Cowan, president, Longmont, and in the masterly hands o f Bishop Neary the second. Both got hand-painted groom. 14 were out. Rev. Father Leo gave the after a siege of the gr^. hej friends again. Colo.; Miss Mary B. Eyne, viee president, Tihen it will make thd welkin ring, for china plates. The society will hold a A card party was held at the home of boys some good advice, and congratulated We regret to note the departure of two Mrs. Jno. Berguc entertained the ladies Pueblo, Colo.; Sister Maria Gerald, secre­ the Bishop is a polished orator, elegant social meeting at the home of Mrs. J . C. Mrs. J. J. M»rphy, 2323 W. Colorado them on starting out by receiving Holy more families from our parish. Mr. and of the Sacred Heart Orphanage at the tary-treasurer, Colorado Springs. in diction, clear and precise in ^nucia- Schiller, 63 block II, next Wednesday avenue, for the benefit of St. Mary’s Communion on the first Sunday. Mrs. Will Mahar, who for the past year last meeting. I Mary Jane Trunby, daughter of Mrs. tion, with a powerful voice and a com­ afternoon. Members are cordially in­ building fund. West Colorado Springs. Miss Mary Maley lias accepted a place have resided at 915 E. 9th street, left Mrs. Kuflein mvited several guests to Trunby of Amarillo, Texas, formerly manding personality. Don’t fail to hear vited.—Mr. Frank S. Miller, Mrs. W . A. Leo P. Groholuk of St. Cloud, Minn., as teacher in the Canfield schools and Friday for Detroit, where they will re­ enjoy an afternoon in her home last Miss Eileen O’Conner of this city, is him. Mrs. J. J. McDonnell, St. Patrick’s Sharpsteen and Mrs. J. S. Reynolds, jr., [ ? died at a local sanatorium. Tho funeral commenced her work Monday. side. Mrs. J. J. Fenton and children left week. critically ill with pneumonia at St. choir director, is preparing an elaborate rented pews in St. Patrick’s church last was held Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock M. L. Mulligan of Denver spent the last week, to join Mr. Fenton at La The young men ^ St. Patrick’s church Francis’ hospital. concert program, which will be published week.—Will McMinn, J. A. Dolan and from St. Mary’s church. Burial was in Rev. Father Roy spending several week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Junta, where they will make their future have a splendid new victrola in their later on. Every Irishman and woman in Dr. Dooner took up the offertory collec­ Evergreen cemetery. His brother, John days in Denver on business. He is ex­ Mrs. W. P. Mulligan, as his mother is home. club room. They are very gracious in the city ought to be there and no doubt tions at the different Masses last Sun­ Groholuk, is a resident of this city. pected to return this week. sick. giving invitations to hear their concerts all will. Tickets will be on the market day and they did it well.—St. Patrick’s Miss Murray of 2431 N. Nevada avenue Mrs. Margaret McGaman is seriously Quite a number from the Ijongmont to the different, sodalities on meeting next week; be sure to buy one and don’t is in need of a good, reliable man for NEWMAN CLUB, PUEBLO, is ill at St. Francis’ hospital. ill at St. Francis’ hospital. She is the parish are sick, but none seriously. days. miss such a splendid opportunity of janitor and sacristan. Apply at 226 Mich­ IS TO PRESENT DRAMA Mr. Francis Cusack of Sacred Heart The Knights of Columbus are holding The municipal Auditorium has been se­ mother of Mrs. C. M. Prior, 1116 E, Mon­ celebrating St. Patrick’s day in a man­ igan street in person or by letter. College, Denver, is spending a few days ument street. open meetings the third Tuesday of each cured for a St. Patrick’s day' program. ner that is worthy of the Celtic race and Next Sunday will be Communion day Sacred Heart Parish, Pueblo.—A play in this city. month and the entertainments are get­ As the capacity is only 2,000 it is essen­ Sunday is Communion day for the its glorious traditions. for the Young Ladies’ Sodality and is being prepared by the Newman Dra­ Mrs. Gilbert Donoho of Omaha, Neb., ting very popular. tial that you buy your ticket early. Holy Name Society and the Young La­ The Spanish influenza has been mak­ Children of Mary. The married ladies matic Club and will take place in the is here for several weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leo McLellan are'going, As a result of Miss Donzella Cross’s dies’ Sodality. ing another visit to some of St. Patrick’s will meet at 3 o’clock, P. M., in Sodality K. of C. hall before Lent. her sister, Mrs. Mark J. Swcany, 1031 to move to Sterling soon. Longmont recent talk on music and orchestral in­ Mr. and Mrs. James Gaughan, 24 families. Mr. L. R. Ballewig, his wife chapel. Sacred Heart parish has been a scene N. Weber street. will miss this worthy couple, and the K. struments, many of the pupils of St. Boulder cresent, are parents of a son and four children have been down with it. The Loyola Literary Society of St. of sorrow twice again this week, when Mr. James Dodd of 427 E. 6th street of C. especially, as Leo is an , also Patrick’s school are going to attend the born Saturday morning at the Glockner Mrs. Ballewig is still seriously ill, but' Patrick’s High School held a debate on one in the winter of life was laid to rest is it all St. Francis’ hospital. on the executive board for the Boy Minneapolis Symphony Concert held in sanatorium. the others are recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Friday afternoon. Tlie question was, and another, just a bud not yet blossomed The Corpus Cliristi guild met Thurs­ Scouts. Longmont’s loss will surely be even into girlhood, was buried. Monday the Auditorium Feb. 6. Joseph Coniff, 11-year-old son of J. A. Roht. Charlesworth are also affected, but “Resolved: That the United States day at the home of Mrs. J. F. Dostal, Stering’s gain. morning John Morse was buried. Father Miss Mary Morrissey, the artist mil­ Coniff, who was operated on for appen­ not dangerously. Sister Maurelia of St. should intervene in the affairs of Mex­ 2016 N. Cascade. The Mead and Longmont parishes gave, liner of the Creivs-Beggs Dry Goods Co. dicitis at St. Francis’ hospital, is much Patrick’s high school faculty was taken ico for the sake of justice and human­ Wolohan saying Requiem Mass. Friday Mrs. W. B. Barthel leaves this week the priests a modern Ford sedan for has returned from a month in the east, implroved. to St. Mary's hospital on Saturday. Dr. ity.” Masters John Moylan, Hubert morning little Ruth Jacobson was laid .to for Kansas, City and St. Louis, Mo., for Christmas, and it surely was appreciated spent profitably as well as pleasantly J. J. McDonnell, who is an expert in “flu” Abell and Joseph Neary defended the af­ rest. She was a pupil of Loretto Acad­ a month’s visit with relatives and Mrs. Thomas N. Hudson of Pueblo, as Father Nicholas goes to Frederick the on a purchasing trip in . cases, is attending the above and he is firmative, while Misses Julia McCormick, emy and was but 10 years old. Flower friends. formerly of Colorado Springs, who has first Sunday of each monjth and Father Enroute she stopped at Chicago, St. Louis confident of their recovery. Gladys Jessen and Mary Pittman advo­ bearers and pall bearers w'ere classmates Rev. Chas Hagus of Littleton, Colo., beei seriously ill at St. Mary’s hospital IjCo to Mead the second, third and fourtli — Geraldine Mahoney, Lenore Connors, and Kansas City. Mr. Chas Woessner of BASKETBALL VICTORY. cated the negative. Miss Mary Prender- and Father Fo.x, a chaplain of the U. S. for the last six weeks, has returned to Sundavs. Alice Eden Catherine, Jahn Edina Vigil, the silk department of the same store St. Patrick’s “Little Shamrocks” ^eat gast presided and did it well. Each army, spent Sunday here, on their re­ her home at 4*14 W est Tenth street, Mary Ellen, Mary Connors and Erma also made many beautiful selections dur the boys from the Central and Bessemer speaker was allowed ten minutes for ar­ turn from Cripple Creek, where they visi- Pueblo. GREELEY CHURCH CUTS Carill. Father W'olohan said Mass and ing his visit to eastern markets. schools at basketball on Friday in a gument and five minutes for rebuttal. ,ted the former’s brother. Rev. Lewis Miss Eva Caldwell y of 731 N. Pine DEBT $5,000 IN 1919 gave the sermon. Miss Mary Merrick of the Chieftain game of 14 to 4. The “Big Shamrocks” All showed that they had* studied the Hagus. street is ill at St. Francis’ hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cassidy are the office was removed to St. Mary’s hos­ (By Cecelia Walsh.) can’t find any contestants. All the local question very carefully and some good proud parents of a boy born Jan. pital Sunday afternoon. Greeley.—The undaunted spirit of the teams are afraid of Grover and his in- arguments were advanced by both sides. 28.'—Miss Vera Freeman has been con­ Mr. Railway and family are under the three Joinaker boys deserves much praise. vinciblcs and are unwilling to“break a The audience, which consisted of the high fined to her home by illness.—Mrs. care of a trained nurse in their home. BISHOPS SELL PECTORAL CROSSES TO Leaving at two o’clock in the morning, lance” with them. school students and the seventh and Winehausen is confined to St. Mary’s Mr. Charlesworth’s family is also in order to receive Communion, they 40 HOURS’ DEVOTION. eighth grade pupils, decided by vote that hospital by influenza.—Little Chas. Rob­ stricken with severe illness. AID MEXICAN EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS drove from their home, which is twenty- Tlie forty hours’ adoration will begin the boys made the best fight and conse­ ert Woessner was brought from St. five miles from here, with a horse and next Friday morning, February 13, in St. quently they were declared winners of Mary’s hospital to his home recently b u ^ y . They arrived here at nine A. M.i Patrick’s church. The devotion will open the debate. This was the first time (By Rev. Eugene Sugranes, C. M. F.) ly engaged in relief work for the earth­ after a severe operation. He is improv­ having fasted all the while.—Mass will with Solemn High Mass, sermon and pro­ during the season that they got ahead o f F IR S T LEH ER FROM On the occasion of the recent unpre­ quake sufferers. cession of school children at 8:30 o’clock. ing nicely.—Mrs. Fred Purcell is con­ be celebrated first Friday at 6:30. Con­ the girls. Miss Zelma Mudd sang a beau­ cedented earthquake in Mexico, the much Holy Father Is Apprised of Catastrophe fined to her home by illness.—The many fessions will be heard Tluirsday evening. The Blessed sacrament will remain ex­ tiful solo, accompanied by Miss Martha persecuted Bishops an^ priests gave elo­ The sad news of the cataclysm was HOME IN 3 YEARS The Holy Mass Society will hold a social posed to tlie veneration of the faithful Morrissey and the meeting adjourned. quent proofs of their unselfish love, char­ cabled to Pope Benedict XV by the meeting at Newman hall Friday evening. all day. At 7:30 in the evening there St. Patrick’s Boys’ Choir, recently ^Butter Krust Bread ity and heroism. Bishops of Mexico. In his wonted kind­ Tlie Children of St. Mary will meet at will be a sermon and solemn benediction. formed, will sing at the 7:30 and' 11 ‘ ‘ Takes you back home** TELLS OF DEATH Thus they followed in the footsteps liness and paternal solicitude, the Holy the home Of Lelah Johnson Thursday The exposition will take place at 6 o’clock Masses next Sunday, with Sister of the great prelates of the early middle Father came to the assistance of the afternoou. They held their first social o’clock on Saturday morning and con­ Rose Mary as director and Miss Eileen ages who, during the great crises and quake sufferers, sending a goodly sum Arvada Mission of Holy Family Parish meeting, in the form of a taffy-pnll, last tinue all day. The Solemn Mass, pro Keyes organist. J.J.HARR1NGTON ealamities of those days, did not hesi­ of money. —Mrs. B. Graff received a letter from Friday evening at the home of Blanch pace, w;ill be sung at the side altar at SEATING AND VENTILATING tate to sell even the sacred vessels in Jlessages of condolence hare been re­ Germany informing her of her father’s Sehutz.—G. F. Haubrich was in Chicago 8:30 o’clock with 4 sermon. Confessions CONTRACTOR order to feed the starving flock of ceived in Mexico from nearly all the death, which occured three years ago. last week attending the Franklin price­ will be heard during the afternoon and FATHER KIPP TO TEACH Jobbing and Repairing a Specialty, Christ. American and European nations, includ­ This is the first news Mrs. Graf has had list convention, to which, as secretary evening, and the day will close uith SCHOOL CHILDREN LATIN Phone Champa 2548. Bishop Guizar Gives Rich Pectoral Cross ing President Frederick Ebert of Ger­ 826 FOURTEENTH STREET. from her old home since the war.—'The and treasurer of the Colo. Editorial asso­ Solemn Benediction at 7:30 o’clock (no To Quake Sufferers. many. St. Colimiba’s Parish, Durango.— card party given by the Ladies’ 'Aid Soci ciation, he .was sent as a delegate. On sermon). The low Masses on-Sunday The first official act of the Right Mexicans in the United States. Father Kipp will begin next week in­ FRED F. FISHER ety was quite a success. Twelve tables his return trip Mr. Haubrich will visit will be as usual, namely at G, 7:30 and Reverend Rafael Guizar Yalencia, D.D., The numerous members of the Mexi­ structing a class of eight pupils of eighth played high five and la musical program relatives in Quincy, HI.—John McCun- 11 o’clock. The exposition will take place Bishop of Veracruz Jalapa, upon his can colony all over the United States grade in Latin three times a week.— The Catholic Goods was given by the yoilbg ladies. A deli­ niff, formerly instructor of printing In at 6 o’clock and continue all daj’. The arrival in his new diocese, was per­ have given eloquent testimony of their K. of C. are planning their annual St. Oyp. at. aiiMlMtk'o. cious lunch was served. The committee the State Teachers’ College, has gone to Solemn High JIass will be at 9:13. The sonally to superintend the relief work in love and sympathy towards their coun­ Patrick’s celebration.—The seven o’clock VoBfor Books, Reiaiioa, Scaynlar^ Bto in charge was Mrs. J. ifartelon and Mrs. Cincinnati, Ohio, where he will take a Solemn closing will take place at 7:30 on behalf of the quake sufferers. trymen, sending their offerings to the Mass at the convent will be discontinued Mb! ELEYKirTH STUBT. M. Klumker.—The Aid society meeting, commercial position.—Miss Scott was Sunday evening—Litanies, Sermon, Pro­ Phono Knln 8264 In a very short time he colleoted relief fund for the victims of this until further notice. The only available which was to he held at the. home of Mrs. visitor in Denver Sunday.— Mr. and Mrs. cession and Solemn Benediction. A ple­ twelve thousand dollars. With this sum catastrbphc. Masses on Sundays will be at St. Colum- Garrity, is postponed indefinitely owing Frank Ncgless motored to Kefsby Fri­ nary indulgence may be gained by those of money and a train of provisions and “La Prensa” alone, the Spanish daily ba's and Sacred Heart Parishes.—Father The Frank M. Hall to so much sickness in the parish.— Mrs. day.—W. E. Culver, who has been con­ who visit the church at least once during supplies he set forth for Teocelo and published in San Antonio, Texas, has al­ Kipp visited Mancos last week.—Father W. H. Brown is recovering from a serious fined to the house on account of illness, the hours of Exposition, say some pray­ Cosuatlan and other points of the de­ ready collected fifteen thousand dollars Tiiribiiis of Park View (Terra Marilla), Drug Co. illness.—Mr, J. Martelon reports his fam is able to be out again.—'Helen Enright ers for the intention of the Il6ly Father vastated district. When he was about for the quake sufferers. ily getting along as well as can be ex and receive tlie sacraments. A partial New Mexico, stopped over Wednesday ' OOX. LARIMER Ic I7TH STM is nursing a case of flu in Eaton.—Mr. to depart, a committee also engaged in Day of- Mourning for Mexican Quake indulgence of ten years and ten lents on his way to Farmington.—A merry Donvor, Oola. pected.—Mrs. J. R. McCune and daughter. and Mrs. X. Deni phenol ff have purchased relief work called on the prelate. Victims crowd of friends surprised Mrs. Bert May, are suffering from influenza, but property on Seventh avenue. They will (ten times forty days) may be gained “ Gentlemen” , the Bishop said, “ all the The republics of Salvador and Hon­ Casagrande at a most siimptious birth­ are reported much improved at this writ­ move from their country home in the as often (toties quoties) as the church money and means I had have already duras have declared a day of mourning day dinner at the Strater last Wednesday, ing.—Mrs. Arkell, sr., is recovering slow near future.—Tyro Sehutz spent Sunday is visited during the adoration. This is been turned into the relief fund. But,” for the victims of the earthquakes in evening.—Ifrs. Severo Lopez will soon be ly from a slight stroke of paralysis. Mrs. in Denver.—Miss ELsie Clark is suffering a splendid opportunity of making satis­ E E. ROSi:. he continued, “ I think I can help you Mexico, according to information from able to return to her home in Sacred McKenzie is also reported to be on the with an infected eye.—Miss Mary Ne- faction for your venial faults and lessen­ some yet.” Thus saying he brought the City of Mexico. As a material means Heart Parish from Mercy hospital, where Groceries and Provisions sick list.—Mr. Chas. O’Tool donated two gless has returned to work after recover­ ing your time in purgatory. Exercise and gave to the committee a beautiful of expressing their sympathy and aid in she imderwent a most serious operation. boxes of fine apples to the Aid society. ing from a severe ease of grip. your faith and niake|ten, or a hundred, Cox. ilth Ato. and Franklin S t peptoral cross studded with sapphires, the relief work, eacli country sent a Her life was despaired of for many days They were sold at the card party and The Altar and Rosary Society )iad a or ten hundred visits each day—the more Phone Main 4271 diamonds and other precious stones, the donation of $10,000. following.—Cyril Conway and Mrs. Sarah brought $10.25.—New subscribers to The most successful year beginning Jan. 1, the better. God is infinitely rich and rich present he had received from his He is especially merciful during these Bradley are improving at Mercy hospital, SYMPTOMS OF Register this week are Mrs. Nellie Mc­ 1919, and ending Dec. 31, 1919. The fi­ townspeople on the day of his episcopal where Mrs. T. J. Edwards of Silverton EYE TROUBLE Nulty and Mr. Thos. Arkell.—A great HISTORY REPEATS SELF nancial receipts for the year are as fol­ days of licnediction. consecration. is also convalescing from illness.— Lit­ H eadache, DlnatneaB, many Arvada people expect to attend ON IRISH QUESTION lows; Annual memlier.ship dues, .$90.05; SCHOOL REPORTS. Patna at Base of Bmla The members of the committee thanked tle Liberia McClung will soon be released Neuralgin, Fainting. the “Forty Hours” at Holy Family, to dime e611ection,$.53; food sales, bazar and The monthly reports for January were the Bishop most cordially, and as they Denver Catholic Register: from Mercy hospital to again gladden the OTo AbooMittly OnaraaOM Ow •inaoet which Father Grace so kindly invited various ways and means, $1,243.94; cash read in the different class rooms in St. were ready to take leave, the Bishop “History repeats itself!” • O U T U J j n • L A M m , ba.00 us.—Sunday school is held immediately Patrick's school an Tuesday and the fol­ inmates of St. Mary’s convent.— Mrs. bade them to wait a minute longer, say­ on hand Jan. 1, 1919, $18.61; total avail­ Sdiwaby Modern Opticians after Mass and Father Grace personally England opposed America’s indepen­ lowing students were declared class Robert Dywer, one of Durango’s earliest ing: “Now I am going to show you able rash, $1,407.60. Expenditures were Pk. Main 517L M l IStk S i conducts a Bible Historv Class. dency as she is opposing Ireland’s today. leaders for the month: high school pioneers, i.s suffering from asthma at his something” ; then he went back to his $1,341.05, including $1,235 given to the If Anierica had been in gun shot range seniors, Miss Mary Pittman 94; Miss home at Brooksidc.—The condition of room and brought the last treasure he church for interest. Directory of of England, George Washington would •Iiilia McCormick 93.8; juniors. Miss Mrs. Frank Mitchell, who is now at had, a golden watch and chain which St. Peter's closed a successful year STERLING K. OF C. ARE have been forgotten. The self-styed Eileen Keyes 95.2, Master Arthur Ray- Oschiier’s hospital, was serious but she is had likewise been given to him on the Dec. 31, 1919. The congregation was Attorneys-at-Law HOSTS AT CARD PARTY Irish Divines (British paid agents), hawk 93.8, Miss Anna Pittman 94.8; improving.— Miss Minnie C. Barry leaves occasion of his promotion to the See able to reduce the debt $5,000.—Mrs. OF COLORADO. claiming to represent one million Irish­ sophomors, .Joseph Tully 94.2; Samuel for Silverton Sunday night. She fears of Veracruz by one of his friends and Ella Stephens of Iji Salle died ,lan. 16 sterling—The Knights of Columbus men,’ were met here by a delegation of Pliillips 94.1, Hugh Gribben 93.4; fresh­ the prevailing epidemic may spread to admirers. “ Take this”, the prelate said, in Cliicago. She was buried Wednesday, c were hosts Wednesday evening at a card men of English birth, or blood—only one Silverton or a quarantine on the railroad |AJ1X« J. M FEELT .Jan. 21, from St. Peter’s church.—Lucia men, Mary McGonigle 95.7, Maureen Me- Attomey-at-Law “ the last of my souvenirs -and sell it party at Redman hall.—The Newman of them claiming to an Irishman. Bolo Carney 94.7, Marguerite Grady 94.0. declared if she tarries longer.—Miss 425 Foster Building LaMelii and Danel Elijo were baptized Club met Tuesday evening at the parish for the relief of my beloved children, Pasha was a Frenchman, and Benedict Madge Fiua has returned from the stock Phone 4296 Sunday, .Tan. 18. Gmde school; grade Vllf, Bernard Kelly house.—Ed S. Giacomini has become a the quake sufferers.” Arnold was an American, both traitors show. The card party held recently at New­ 96.8, Ernest Simpson 94.5; '-Marie Balias MORRISSEY, MAHONEY A SCOFIELD Archbishop Sanchez Sells Jewels for member of the firm of the C. L. Crist to their country. 94.i), Raymond Adams and Gertrude Mc­ Attorneys-at-Law Quake Survivors. man Hall proverl very successful. Tlie Motor company, the name of which is “ You may send our men called mini­ Gonigle, ex equeo, 94. Grade VII, Louise 805-07 Symes Building “The Epoca”, the official organ of Children of Mary sold home made candy PAPAL PROPHECY OP Phone Main 4310 Denver, Colo. to be changed to the Sterling Motor Co.- sters of God to caluminate me.” Daniel Grady 93.2,- Rudolph Sills' 92, Adam the Young Men’s Catholic Association, during the evening, at the close of which W. J. Kellerlain and wife of Willard O’Connell in British Parliament, Feb. 4th, Griesmer and Wiliam Kalkcnstein, ex POLISH FREEDOM TRUE WILLIAM H. ANDREW refreshments were served. were Sterling visitors Monday.—Dr. C. in its issue of January 18 says that the 1836. They represented Ireland like Vic­ Attorney-at-Law The Newman Club gave a get ac- aequo, 91. Grade VI, Eleanor Smith 95.3, Most Reverend Enri

The Denver Catholic Register ITALY SAFE. f CALENDAR OF THE WEEK. ♦ Italy, according to Signor Xitti, the prime minister, is not IMPRESSIVE SERVICE MAN PR O U D OF HIS ♦ ------+ Buineu Manager, Henry Trepper. Editor, Matthew J. W. Smith. in internal danger. Pri^s are high, coal is scarce and transpor­ ♦ Feb. 8, Sunday — Sexagesima •i'

Entered aa second-clasi matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. tation is difficult, but strikes and labor disturbances have been AS MANY MEN RENEW VIRTUE IS LONG W AY ♦m Gospel, Luke viiL------3S 4-13: - - • The *para * localized affairs. Production is increasing and heavy neAv taxa­ ♦ ble of the seed. St. John de Matha, * I PubUshed Weekly by tion is planned to care for the nation’s financial needs. S. VOWS OF BAPTISM FROM SATNTHOOD ♦ F. Trinitarians, 1213. . * * The Catholic Publishing Society (Inc.) ^ ^ ® ♦ Feb. 9, Monday—St. Cyril of Al- + dxandria. Bishop and Doctor, 444. * FROM CA2vNIBALS TO CELIBATES. The closing of the men’s mission in the (By Rev. Mark AV. Lappen.) 1930 Curtis Street. ♦ St. Appollonia, virgin martyr, ♦ Cathedral last Sunday night was an im ­ Telepboas Main 5413 i Denver, Cola. Thirty years ago, Catholic missionaries went to Yule Island, SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY. New Guinea, to care for the Papuans, a people given over to pressive sight. Over 1,000 men raised + fourth century. ^ ♦ “Gladly, therefore, will I glory in my ♦ Feb. 10, Tuesday—St. Scholastica, + cannibalism and other horrible practices. So far has the work their right hands and renewed their infirmities, that the power of Christ may ♦ virgin, sister of St. Benedict, 543. + Thursday, February 5, 1920. of Christianizing proceeded that an order of sisters, the Little Baptismal vows, after a sermon by Fath­ dwell in me.”—Epistle of the Sunday. ♦ Feb. 11, Wednesday—Our Lady of ♦ er AVise, S. J., in which he urged them to Sisters of the Annunciation, was founded, being recruited from There is no one absolutely sure of ♦ Lourdes, apparition, 1858. A ebnrge, just enoogh to cover the ma nnfacturing of the oats, is made for in* persevere in their good resolutions. Con­ aevtins photografdis in this newspaper. native girls, and working side by side with the white missionary salvation. Sometimes one is inclined to ♦ Feb. 12, Thursday—Seven Foun- ♦ CHANGE OF ADDRESS—In requesting a dmnge of address, give old as well as gregational singing marked the evening nuns. Catholic history keeps repeating itself. Ours is the only believe himself especially elected by God ♦ ders of Servites, 1233. ♦ niew address. services thruout the mission, and had because of certain good qualities that ♦ Feb. 13, Friday—*St. Catherine + REMITTANCES—No receipt is sent to subscribers. For safety Send remittances religion th^t, age after age, so appeals to entire tribes and developed splendidly by the end. Fathers exist in his life. But after all it is God’s by money order or check. nations that they come into it solidly. Protestantism stopped Mannix, McMenamin and Higgins were ♦ de Ricci, virgin, 0. S. Dom., 1590. ♦ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE—12.00 a year, delivered anywhere in the United States. judgment and not ours that will decide + Feb. 14, Saturday— St. A^alentine, + short after its first mad rush; Catholicity has never ceased present in the sanctuary last Sunday 12.50 to foreign countries. Payable strictly in advance. our fate in the next world. Many things ♦ priest martyr, Rome, 270. ♦ COMMUNICATIONS intended f«- publication in a current issue should be in this growing. In the Philippines, we have converted 10,000 Igorots evening. Bishop Tihen, who made the are to be taken into account and it often ♦ League of the Sacred Heart. ♦ office not later than Tuesday evening, and should invariably be accom­ from paganism since American rule started, S. mission like a layman, from the body of occurs that when we consider the good + General Intention for February: + panied by name and address of sender as a guarantee of good faith. ^ the church, was present at the close, oc­ points that have made us what we are, cupying his usual inconspicuous seat to ­ ♦ Generous support of the Church. ♦ no matter what our attainments may he, wards the rear. A number of non-Cath- H JT A R IS M PLANNED IN THIS COUNTRY there is no reason for self-congratulation OFFICIAL NOTICE. olics attended various exercises of the but rather an urgent need of greater The Oathollo Regieter hu our fullest approval as to its purpose and mission. The spiritual results in eve^^ deserved the name of saint. humility. “For,” says the Following of method of publication. We declare it tbe carnal organ of the Diooeee of IS RAPPED BY AHORNEY ROBERT KANE way were very gratifying. No, we have no reason to exult over Denver and eameetly bespeak for it the whole-hearted eupport of our Christ, “ a man’s merits are not to be es­ Father Conroy, one of the missionary the little good that we can possibly do irieste and people. That support will make The Register k strong power timated by his having many visions or fathers, deft Sunday for Chicago, where in this world and surely no reason t o , Jor the npread of God’i E in ^ om in Colorado. Bobert H. Kane, one of Denver’s lead­ who would saddle millions o f dollars in consolations, or hy his knowledge of + J. HENRY TIHEN, he was to deliver a lecture then go to compliment ourselves upon the possession ing attorneys, gave a very interesting taxes on us for nothing else than to scripture, or by his being placed in a Mayl, 1918, Bishop of Denver. Milwaukee, to conduct a mission next of any virtue. If we glory at all, rather talk at Everyman’s club Friday, Jan. main-tain a large standing army, and more elevated station. But by his be­ week. Father AA^se conducted a three- let us, like Paul, “glory only in our in­ .lOtb. Mr. Kane spoke on “What AVe a huge navy also for training the youth ing grounded in true humility and re­ day retreat for the students at Loretto firmities, that the power of Christ may Fouglit For,” telling of the -wonderful of the coimtry when there is no need for plenished with divine charity; by his Heights college this week. dwell in us.” And glorying only in this TRUE PEACE. way *ve raised and trained four million such. seeking always, purely and entirely, the way may we expect to have, that power Upon receiving, recently, the good wishes of the Cardinals, meal and how they won. Then he said: Mr. C. L. Hadley opened the meeting honor of God; by his esteeming himself and those blessings and graces of Christ. Pope Benedict showed in the spirit of faith the time source of “But I am unalterably opposed to mili- by e.xplalning w-hy the National Cath­ to be nothing, and by his sincerely des­ tarisin. If anytiiiiig is right, it is right olic War Gonncil -was organized and the This will indicate our realization of peace for individuals as well us for society. Here we give the pising himself, and being better pleased to bring it to perfection, -and i-f mili­ reafons for selecting pronrinent speakers PARISH SCH00I5 ARE our helplessness and our dependence upon substance of the Pontiff’s address; to be despised and humbled by others tarism is light,, tiien Gernumy was right, as a means and a part of the educational than to be honored by them.” our divine Savior for strength and as­ "Peace, says St. Augustine, is the tranquility of order. It as she surely was perfectiooi in a m ili­ program. ASKED BY NATION TO sistance. It will be evidence before God This may be a standard that may seem is then easy to realize that there can he no peace in the -family tary iway.” He cited the -old republic The musical numbers proved as and man that we are not trusting in our to many a little too high and far beyond nor in socirty if order which has been distuiin'd is not given hack of Venice which endured for twelve hun­ pJea-ring as usual and the moving pic­ own knowledge or accomplishments nor JOIN ESSAY CONTEST their reach, but it ought to convince its stability in the one and in the other. Now, faith teaches us dred years and never bad an army. True, tures could not have been enjoyed more, in the gifts of men, but only “ in the every one of us that there is no place it had a navy, but mostly w'.hen it need­ as was .show-n by the pleased expression grace of God who helpeth the humble and in what that order, as God wills it, consists. Washington, D. C.—An important an­ for the proud man, for him who thinks ed any fighting -done it hired soldiers cai the faces of those present w-hen tie humbleth them that prespme upon them­ "It consists, first of all, in the practical recognition of the nouncement has been made by the war himself better than others, in the plan from the princes who did nothing else tlirce-reel comedy liad been shown and selves.” Ia>ft to ourselves and dependent supreme dominion of the Creator over all the works of His hands. department of the United States gov­ of Christ. Furthermore, it should teach but train men for -war and to fight. For the entertainment brought to a dose by wholl}- upon our own resources we shall It consists, in the second place, in'the control of the spirit over ernment which is of special interest to us that the greatest asset for any two Tfhousand years free nations have Mr. Hadley, who is in charge of the en­ soon find that we can accomplish very the senses. It finally consists in a sincere and practical love of all principals, teachers, and pupils of the Christian is the virtue of humility. There been .trying to get .rid qf the need for a tertainment and educational programs little that is really worth ■while, hut if our fellojv-heings. Without this triple harmony, the tranquility parochial schools of the country. The is little or no danger that the humble huge .army and navy, yet there are those of the club. in our humility we shall summon the war department has invited the child­ man will be damned, for he that is truly of order cannot he realized; and is it not evident to all eyes that divine aid, if we shall combine our little­ ren of the parochial schools to unite humble is so dependent upon God, order is disturbed nowadays more than ever, in society and in ness with the infinite greatness of God, with the children of all other schools that the good Lord can hardly forsake the individuals, because more than ever it has been upset by tlie if to our weakness we sljall unite the STRUGGLE OF PRIEST FIRST SEMESTER OF in a national essay contest on the 'sub­ him; But let the proud man beware, let violence of passions, which haAn been aroused to deny the rights supernatural strength of Chriat, if we ject, “AA’liat are the benefits of an en­ him who thinks he is goodness itself, shall hlend'Vjur huma'nity with His di­ of God in human society, the empire of the soul over the body, listment in the United States Array?” who believes he is so perfect that he can­ UFE IS TOLD IN PLAY COLLEGE YEAR ENDS vinity, then we shall be assured of suc­ and the practical love of the neighbor?” L. Tlie composition is open without en­ not sin, let him realize- that he needs cess, a success not of the fleeting kind, t * * try fee to male or female pupils of all God more than anyone else in this world, TO BE STAGED HERE WITHREADINGMARKS but one which will carry us beyond the schools in America, except colleges and for his verjr self-satisfaction may he the IS FRANCE A CATHOLIC NATION? confines of earth into the realms of eter­ universities. cause of his downfall. nity. Some American hoys came hack from France with the high-} Kemi interest eentere in the play, “ The On Saturday, Jan. 31, the first seme­ The rules of the contest are as fol­ In a distant city many years ago a est opinion of the people there morally:; -others were frankly dis-1 Seal of OonfesBion,” to be presented by ster of the school year closed for the stu­ lows: certain woman had won for herself the appointed. Abbe because of the critieisms, asks, the Jefferson Dramatic club .at St. Eliza dents of Sacred Heart college, after two Essays to he written in the class Ernest Diinnet, name of saint. Such was her life and V7ID0W OF FOUNDER OF beth’s hall, -11th .near Curtis, Tuesday hard weeks of mid-year examinations. "Has Prance lost the Faith?” His .ansAA^er is a complete denial rooms on Friday, February 20, 1920, from her innumerable acts of penance and sac­ REGISTER iS^EAD evening, February IQ. A reckoning of the lialf ypar’s work was notes if desired; no essay to be more of the charge. Most American soldiers saAV only a few disrep- rifice that all who came in contact with The story tells of a phiest .who has held rn tiie form of the customary read­ than 400 words in length; pen and ink utable seaports and "the cmnpMely abnormal strip -of pl^aces in, ^ her proclaimed her elect of God. A wise Mrs. Thomas J. Casey, widow of the ing of marks in the assembly hall. The or pencil may be used, but only one the rear of their lines.” Theyiseldom SaAt^ Pans AVlth its ch u rch e s country town along the.coa^t. There old bishop, hearing of her remarkable founder of The Denver Catholic Register retrospect, cm the part of all, was not as side of the paper to be written upon; packed from 6 a. ni^ to 1 p. m. on .Sundays. They handlj -e.ver , .been a .murder -committed on his ar- life, undertook to investigate her case. and Kansas City Catholic Register, and satisfactory as could he desired, and essays will be judged strictly on a basis SaAV the COnservativ-e old IH*OVinCeS Avhere the houses are full .of j rival and circumstantial evidence points He commissioned o n e 'o f his priests to mother df the present editor of The Kan­ while the number of first and second of originality, expression and sincerity. the finger of guilt toward* the priest’s call on the woman and. ask her one ques­ sas City Catholic Register, died suddenly children; they never saw the kindly, hospitable, truly Ghiastian i class honors was hy no means small, A board of three teachers in each tion. “Are you the saint of this town?” at the family home, Kansas City, Mon­ north of Prance * * * they never saw the wonderful, hard-1 brother, who is tried and convicted on still it should have been much- greater, school will pass upon the essays writ­ were the words asked her and her reply day evening last week of heart trouble. ■working simplicity in the iikountain districts; they saAv at best I the ciiarge of murder in the first .degree the faculty deems. Rev. Fattiei- J. J. ten in their school and submit, not later in the affirmative was enough to con­ The funeral was held from the Redemp- something like the two-hundredth part-of France.” sentenced to die on i;he gaiiow*. Brown, president of the college, presided, than February 27, the best essay from vince the bishop that she was far re­ torist church Friday morning. She We AVOUld seriously object if a visitor judged one of -our ; murderer makes a confession to and at the conclusion of the reading of that school to the U. S. Army District 1 1 moved from the exalted state of holiness. leaves seven children to mourn her loss: • . • t_ -D i_ T. J n • J. I the pnest, 'who is in duty bounu not to averages hy Rev. Father Floyd, the vice Recruiting Officer for the district in cities by its abnormal citixens w m dwell m doA\Ti-towa roomim? L ii ^ i • \ *u r • rr All her deeds, all her prayers and com­ Thomas G. and Amedee J., of New York president, made some very pointed ref­ which the school is located. The fifty- lio u s e s . 'W e m u s t j u d g e F r a n c e , n o t b y h e r seaport deniaKms, bu t ^he key to the strength and duty of munions, all her public and private de­ City, AATlliam 0., of AVichita, Kas., Mar­ erence's to the marks just read. He con­ six district recruiting officers will ap­ by tba.t popubitioii wliieli lias fum isbed m ore m issionaries and priest, who would *eee Jiis brother die votions counted for nought, for all were guerite of AA'ashington, D. C., Blanche cluded with an earnest appeal to all to point boards of judges in each of their religious than any other large nation in the w orld today. The on the gaiiow* before he woiftd. betray spoiled by the pride that forced her to Alice May and Justin of the home ad­ arouse themsdlves and grasp the great districts to select the best essay sub French arc not iferfeet; but neither are by a long way. ;S. ! a single thing out of the .oonfeesionaJ. claim that she was so near God that she dress. Ave, opportunity that now lies so close at mitted by the schools of their district. f t * ; Taking the whole play -it' has ;a well de- hand. Each district recruiting officer will then I veloped plot and abounds in strongly □ai=3 ( = 3ii=:______n____ll_JI____lU— m o c z : __ —11 ir—inn Those who emerged ‘leaders” from the forward the best essay written in his ULSTER LOST TO ANTI-IRISH. | dramatic and deliglrtfully humorous maelstrom of Christmas vacations, .Jan­ district to Washington. The last leg upon Avhieh the forces of Sir Edward Oaxson j scenes, with very iimpresBive .dlimaKcs. uary distractions and Remester examina­ The fifty-six prize essays will then can stand have been ^ 'ep t aside. The recent local electioits«how : The characters are all strong. The fead- tions were the following-: College dipt.— be passed upon by a national board com­ i«g part# are in the capable hands of that the Unionists are not only a minority in all the rest of | Sophomore, Leo. A. Doj'le; freshman, posed of Secretary of AVar Newton D. Ireland, but are uoav in the minority in Ulster itself. In the at. Dom Garaoio, who are AViTliam Powers. High school dept.— Baker, General John J. Pershing, who BULGARIAN entire province of Ulster, barring the city .of Londonderry, from j supported by a comiiany of tah-nted Fourth year high, Gerald K elly; third commanded the A. E. F., and General which returns hat'c not A’et .come, the -Carsonites were able to year high-A. LoweTl I.loyd; third year Peyton C. March, Chief of Staff, U. S. capture only 246 seats. This is less than 50 per cent of the total. liigh-B, Charles A'ega; third year Irigh- Army. Tliey will pick the three best priest, J. Merton Evans as -the Freneh EXCHANGE seientific, Tliomas Dunn; .second ye^ar essays and declare them the national The Republican party (Sinn Fein) obtained 83 seats. The Canadian,__ Frank H.^.Smrth_ as the_ hunch- __ h1gh-A, AViTlis Moran; second year high- winners on April 19, 1920. Ijaborites, nearly 100 per cent of them republicans, obtained .96 hacked boy, AA^m. .\ugustine as judge and We sell drafts on Banque Nationale de B, Norbert Hynes. Testimonials of first On May 5th these three national win­ heats, and tlic Nationalists i 9 seats. Thus the aiiti-Uiiionist i govemor, Katiirj-n Smith as the priest’s Bulgfarie at Sofia and Other Cities in Imnors were awarded to tliosc who at­ ners, accompanied hy parent or guard­ strength in Ulster is 252 seats— ^vith Londonderry yet to come., j oia mother, .John c. Knoiike as the de- tained a general average of !)0 or above, ian and the district recruiting officer, Bulgaria. We also sell drafts on aU the Londonderry, it must be remembered, declared for the republic j tective, Smith as the district attor- and were received by tlie following: will come to AVashington to receive Principal Cities of Europe. i ’‘V. Everyman as the priest’s in the elections of 1918. Belfast presents another lesson to the Gerald KeTlr, Charles Hans, A'ineent Car­ prizes from the hand of the secretary brotiier, Joseph Smith as the .sexton, Mrs. world, m ere before the war the Carsonites controlled 52 of lin, Chester Mills, Bernard Sliutte,. Ed­ of war, as the guests of “The Come- the 60 seats in the municipal council, today they have only 37,; the an^-i and fnend of the ward docker, Norbert Hynes, Nicholas Back,” published in the interest of the 4 % on Savings 4 % They have lost nearly 30 per cent of their strength in Belftt-st ■ '" 't i as t eonanw or Grahrian. and Francis Ne.shit. Second patients at AA’’glter Reed Army General tbe defence, and A. AV. Emery as the honors, representing an average of 83 or Hospital, Washington, D. C., which will and are reduced to a majority of 13 from a majority of 44. Bel­ warden of the state’s prison. fast, the “ stronghold” o f Carsonisra, is today .Carson’s only by a more for the month, and examinations, also provide the prizes for the national THE FIRST margin. The combined strength of the Irish Republican and the GOOD SHEPHERD AID were meriteil by John Herr, AVilliain winners. The best essay writer will re­ Labor partic.s, Avhich will act together, is 18 seats. WILL ELECT OFFICERS Powers, Del.iisle Jjt Mienx, John AA'eber, ceive a gold medal, embossed with the .Joseph Craven, I..awrenee Schneider, Ed- Derry had a great day of celebration last Friday, for a Tlie regular meeting of the Good Shep- seal of the war department, while the NATIONAL BANK wai-d Alorton, A-nioJd Birate, Thomas school he represents will receive a hand­ Avork took iierd Aid society will be held next Tues­ juayor pledged to for an Irish nation his seat there. Dodge, Lowell Lloyd, AA'm. A'aii Dnsen, some silver loving cup, standing 18 OF DENVER, COLORADO Formerly, the city was a Unionist stronghold. day at £.:.W P. AI., at the .\rgoniiat liotet Mrs. B. E. Schwalbe will be the Thomas Dunn, Charles A'ega, AAllHs inches. The second best essay writer Arthur Henderson, the British Labor leadei', after n ten-day Aloran, Louis A'astiiie, .lolm Toner, Earl will receive a silver medal and his hostess. Tlie annual election of officers UDC n u n c □DC UDD official trip thni Ireland, declared that the desire for nn inde- will take place and a full attendance Kenney, AA'illiam Kluge, Steplun AA'alsli, school a 14-inch silver loving cup. The jiendent republic was AAddespread and frankly ^pressed. of all members is desired. Ismael Sanchez, Ralph Aioore, Edward third prize winner will receive a bronze These facts again reduce the Irish qu&stion sinqily to this McMullen, .Joseph Baca, Roy Cmio. Regi­ medal and his school a 12-inch loving one query: “ Has a nation that has shown,conclusively its desire 140 BOHEMIAN PRIESTS nald Batt, Philip Lucero, Paul Horan, cup. Tlie cups and medals will be of the to rule itself the right to do so?” VOTE TO LEAVE POPE Charles Ladman ami George I.andman. same design and appropriately engraved. Any neAvspai>er, no matter how poAV’erful it is and no matter The small faetion of Bohemian cler­ The college orehestra enlivened the oc­ All cups are of sterling silver. gy who made the unsuccessful visit to casion with latchy interlndefi and AA'il­ [The recruiting headquarters for this what its record of patriotism Avas in the recent Avar, that fights Rome for the putjiase of procuring im­ liam A’nn Ihiscn, assisted hy Father district is at 1705 Lawrence street, Den­ iioav the Irish claims can be susjfiected of receiving gold for doing possible concessions has started up Dimichino at the jiiano, entertained with ver.] w . It is deliberately fighting one of the main principles of again a line of aetkw -which may very two pleasing trombone solos. This num­ Knights of Columbus Americanism, and men, as a rule, do not deliberately uphold well cause consideralde anxiety to the ber took the audience by gniqirise, for CARD PARTY PLANNED imperialism unless they are paid for it, in some fonn or other. Czech Primate, Archhisbop Kordac. they hardly expected the. elieer li-ader, AT ADELPHIAN HALL The British goA’ernment appropriated $150,000,006 for the ex­ “The Reform Prierts’ Association,’’, winner of “ la croix de guerre,” and press purpose of spreading propaganda in this country. S. which is the name of the organization soccer half hack to contend for honors as A card party with elegant prizes is Free Evening School i ^ ^ ^ comprising the reealcitrpnt clergy, trombone artist, hut now they willingly ^0* to he held under the auspices of the f i has now passed a resolution by 140 w tes accord him even these. . married ladies of Sacred Heart parish For Demobilized Soldiers, Sailors and RECOGNITION OF THE SOVIETS. to 66, in which they have expressed Turning from tlie elans room to the on Thursday evening, February 12, at Marines -will open soon at K. of C. We are told that the Allies are now considering the formal their decision to separate themsch-es campus and basketball floor we are glad Adelphian liall, starting at 8 o’clock. Ncav recognition of the soviet government in Russia. They detest it, from the jurisdiction of the Apostolic to announce the reappearance of a col­ Home at Sixteenth Ave. and Grant St-., but,it repre.sents the bulk of the people. Various thinkers for some See, and to establish a Czech National lege team on the soccer field. This sport FATHER BOSETTI ABLE Denver, which is being remodeled and i ime have claimed that the present method of dealing Avith Bolshe- j^C^'urch along the lines of “ freedom of was at one time in high favor at the TO RESUME HIS WORK equipped for the purpose. vism was helping it. It had the effect of driving Russian patriots c-oiwcience and democracy.” college and the team this year has been into the Bolshevist ranks Avhen the Allies encouraged such men entered ns a member of the Denver Soc­ Father .loseph Bosetti, Vice-Chancellor A CLASS IN 4UTO MECHANICS WILL BE THE FIRST cer Li-ague. The Imskethall five has made POPE BLESSES C. P. A. of the Denver diocese and secretary to TO BE FORMED. as Kolchak, Avho represents the old-time reactionary forces Avhich (Catholic Pres.s Association.) wonderful development of late, and be­ Bishop Tihen, was on the job Wednes­ Avere really responsible for the birth of Bolshevism. But, on Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 30.—The follawing sides (*asy victories over Soutli Denver day, following several days’ illness of Other Classes: Shprthand, Typewriting, Business the other hand, the Bolshevist press in this countrj' Avishes peace, calilegi-am from Rome was received yes­ and AVest Denver high schools, has k'l'ip- - English, Penmanship, Accounting, Commercial and constantly cries for recognition of soviet rule. It is our terday by Dr. Thomas P. Hart, who, as played the fast AA'heatridge organization Lrav, Elementary English, Arithmetic, Geographv, opinion that it Avill take generations for Russia to recover from president of the Catholic Press Associa­ a close tho losing game. Saturday they GERMAN ENVOY SENT TO History and Civics, Civil Service, Telegraphy, lier stupid disease. Bolshevism is so absurd intrinsically that tion, sent to the Holy Father a mes.sage go to Colorado Springs to meet the PARIS CATHOLIC LEADER Mechanical DraAving, Salesmanship, Modern Lan­ it cannot last, but intrinsically absurd ideas sometimes hold on of affection and loyalty from the con­ “ Terrors,” vVho have an enviable reputa­ guages— Mull be formetf as rapidly as possible to for centuries. Witness Protestantisip, Avhich massacres logic vention of that association, held in tion at the “ hoop” games. Pari.s.—AA’ilhelm Mayer, who has been Washington last week: appointed the Germah Charge d’Affairs meet the educational needs of those who register. ,4 every way it turns. Tyrants too often show startling vitality. Who ever thought that the Mexican revolutionists could hold on Rome, via AVashington, Dec. 28.— SPAIN PROHIBITS at Baris, is a Catholic and a prominent EXPERIENCED TEACHERS member of the Centre party. Mr. Mayer as long as they have? We have been told regularly for years that Heartily grateful for your affectionate SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS homage, the august Pontiff wishes that was horn in 1874 at Enkenbach in the . • REGISTER NOW Carranza was just about to fall/ but his ship of state sails on. the present convention will he rich in Mailrid, Spain.—The official journal of Palatinate, of a wealthy Catholic family. as merrily as CA’cr, S. fruits for the. growth of the Catholic Madrid has published a royal decree for­ He was a barrister at Munich, and was Joseph Newman, General Secretary if f * ^ HP ® HP press, and, in token of his fatherly be­ bidding in the future publication of Sun­ elected a deputy to the Reichstag in 1901 “Imperialism, if analyzed, is hard to reconcile with any Chris­ nevolence, heartily grants to each mem­ day evening and Monday morning'edi­ and a member of the Bavarian Landtag K. of C. Bldg., 1405 Glenarm St. Champa 1480 tian standard of morals. As practiced in Ireland, it is an outrage ber of your association his .Apostolic Ben­ tions of newspapers. Sale of newspapers in 1907. Last year he became Minister on common sense.” — Catholic Times and Opinion, Liverpool, ediction requested. . is also prohibited from noon Sunday to of the Treasury in the German cabinet Res. Phone Ellsworth 43R2. Denver, Colorado. England. CARD. GASPARRI. noon Jlonday. of Premier Bauer. Thursday, February 5, 1920. DKITYEB OATHOLXO M W lBTB a R n > f i f i

SILVER WEDDING K^PT SOCIAL AT DOMINICANS’ a . - . • » VISITING CLERGYMEN BY SOUTH DENVER COUPLE FOR NEW CHURCH FUND DENVER NEWS BRIEFS TO SPEAK AT FORTY (St. Francis de Sales.) (St. Dominic's Parish.) Ijadies of the Cathedral Altar and Ros­ GENUINE CLEARING SALE of Sheet and ilr . and Mrs. William Schneider, 530 Plans for the Altar society social, to ary ^iety will meet at the home of South Pearl, celebrated their silver jubi­ be given for the benefit of new St. Dom­ Frank Kirchhof, 1260 Franklin, Friday 4 » HOURS’ D E V O T IO N S lee last week. A number of friends inic’s church, the ICth and 17 of Febru­ aftenioon. February 13. Committee ap- called to offer their congratulations, ary, are progressing wonderfully well. poiiiteil for the work of Candlemas day Framed Pictures. Tw enty Per Cent O ff. Come in (Holy Family Parish.) among them Rev. J. J. Donnelly, P. R. Tickets are now on sale. It is hoped a will please make reports; also commit­ Forty hours’ devotion will begin on Mr. and Mrs. Schneider and family are record-breaking amount will be sold and tees appointed for sale of mission goods. ' • Sunday, Feb. 8, with Pontifical High among the best members of our parish. the earnest co-operation of every par­ An will be given by the Rev. H. Mass. Following is the order of services: Next Sunday will be the regular Com­ ishioner is requested to make it the big­ I j. Me.Menaniin and a musical program and look tkem over. A ckoice line to select from. Sunday, September 8—10:30 A. ^I., munion day for the members of the Holy gest success in all the history of St. will be presented. The meeting will open Pontifical High Mass; Celebrant, Rt. Rev. Name society. Dominic’s parish. at 2:.30. Bishop; Deacon, Rev. C. F. O’Farrell; Frank P. Edwards passed away Jan. 29 itr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Connors have Mrs. Jolui Sehilling, who has been very Sub-Deacon, Rev. W . A. Grace. Visitors at his residence, 220 South Pearl. He was purchased tho Frank Gartland Lome and seriously ill of grip, is slowly- recover­ in the sanctuary. Rev. Fathers M. W. the beloved nephew of Miss Mary C. will be located there shortly. ing. Donovan and Wm. Ryan. The Rt. Rev. Quinn, and brother of William Edwards Mrs. Margaret Slack of 2561 Grove Mrs. J. ]{. Bustetter of 1902 South Bishop will deliver the sermon at this of Denver and Mrs. Mary Xessbitt of street has been on the sick list the past l-iogan, -wlio has been very ill, is slowly Mass. Sunday evening, 7 :30, Sermon and Buena Vista. His funeral was held Sat­ week, also Mrs. Wm. MeKone and daugh­ improving. The James Clarke Church Goods House Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. urday morning and was attended by a ter Cecelia of 3041 West 34th avenue, St. Jo.seph's Branch Oil of the L. C. The sermon will be delivered by Father delegation of Knights of Columbus, of and Miss Anna McGraw of 2409 Grove B. A. will give a card party at WiKidman Donovan, pastor of St. Philomena’s. which he was a prominent member, street. hall, 0th and Santa Fe, Tuesday evening, ' 1645-47 California Street Monday evening, 7:30, Sermon and Mrs. Margaret Hopkins, wife of Charles Mrs. Chris McNally of W esf 25th ave­ February 10. The committee in charge nue has been quite ill. Benediction of the Blps.sed Sacrament. Hopkins of Laramie, Wyo., niece of consists of Mesdames McClellan, Sloane :: PHONE CHAMPA 2199 DENVER, COLORADO Tlie sermon will be delivered by Rev. Mrs. Ed Morris, died last Monday morn­ Mr. Jay Ingling is now located at 3089 and Mcljcan. West 34th avenue. Wm. Ryan, U. S. army chaplain. Re­ ing at St. Anthony's hospital. Mrs. Hop­ Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Seller of Bird City, Mr. Frank P. Gartlgnd of 3074 West cuperation Camp, Aurora. kins came to Denver for a week’s visit Kan., are the proud parents of a daugh­ 34th avenue, well known in this parish, Mr. Pat Ryan of this parish is down with relatives and to do some shopping. ter, born .lanuary 21. The. Sellers were left recently to accept a position in the with an attack of the flu. It is to be She took cold and pneumonia developed. .formerly living in Denver, where they East. Mrs. Gartland will leave soon to hoped that he will not be as sick as he Altho surrounded by non-Catholics, Fath­ liave many friends. join Mr. Gartland. They will be greatly was last year. er Donnelly ‘tt’as called and administered The condition of Miss Eleanor Stutte NO MASS IS POSSIBLE missed by their host of friends in St. Mr. J. J. Dryer, who was sick last the last sacraments before she was taken of the Mariposa apartments is much im­ Dominic's parish. W’eek, has now returned to work, and to the hospital. Her funeral was held proved, after a severe spell of the grip The many friends of Miss Catherine AT ALAMOSA DUE TO Mrs. Dryer, who was also sick, has shown from the church Wednesday at 9:30. during the week. Coursey of 2228 Julian street, who re­ considerable improvement, tho she is not Burial was in Mt. Olivet. Her many friends will be glad to know cently underwent an operation for ap­ entirely recovered. A card party given by the members tliat Miss Nelle Fenton is recovering THE FLU QUARANTINE pendicitis, will be quite pleased to learn Several of the younger members of the of the Young Ladies’ sodality was a from her .severe attack of the flu. tliat she is improving very nicely and .\hunosa.—Rev. Father John Murphy family of Mr. Gilbert Bishop of Zenobia great success. Mr. and Mr.s. Simon P. Mangan enter­ ■will be removed to her home within a was called East on account of tlie death street are sick with the grip, but are tained at ii dinner party at their home Largest Department Ctore and Mail Order House in week. of his fatlier. Pariahioiier.s e.xtend heart­ out of danger at this time. on Monday evening. Covers were laid Miss Lillah Ferris is ill with an at­ felt sympathy to the pastor. Mr. Goode, who had been absent from OCTOGENARIAN PRIEST for fourteen. the Mountain States. tack of influenza. 1-sist Sunday was a gloomy day in more several meetings of the St. Vincent de ASSISTS AT LOYOLA Miss Mayme ilcDonald of' 900 lapan The members of St. Dominic’s Dra­ ways than one. No celebration of the Paul society on account of the serious street lias gone to Los Angeles, Calif., (Sacred Heart Parish.) matic club enjoyed a "hard times” party ■Mass was held, caused by the flu ban of his wife, was present at the for a month's vacation. Father Lawrence Fede, of Sacred Heart last Monday evening. The evening was Miss Helen and Margaret Florv of 2058 placed on Alamosa all of last week. meeting on Monday evening and advised college, the youthful octogenarian, was spent in jn enjoyable manner. Real hard Clark.son street liave been eoiifined to The Altar and Rosary society meets By ENOS A. MILLS that Mrs. Goode is getting along as well assisting at Loyola during the absence of time “eats” were served. All those pres­ every Wednesday in St. Rita’s hall. as could be expected. their home witli an attack of iiifiiienza, Father McDonnell. ent voted it a very successful affair hut are now much imi>roved. Every minute is spent in working and Author of “ The Grizzly,” etc. It is the hope of Father O’Farrell that from the standpoint of enjoyment and Tomorrow, first Friday, the usual Sa­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Gorimin en­ lioosting the bazaar, to lie held shortly every member of the parish will make pleasure. The play, “Their Last Trick,” cred Heart devotions morning and eve­ tertained delightfully a number of their after Easter in the Colorado Opera the forty hours, so that it may be a recently repeated for the blenefitl of ning. friends on Saturday night. Games lioiise. All are enthusiastic to have this splendid success in every way. Father Servant’s church at Golden, met Xext Sunday will be Communion day and dainty refreshments formed tho the best bazaar ever. Mr. L. A. White, who was laid up last with the same success as in Denver, the for the Married Ladies’ sodality and the evening's entertainment. Those present ill's. Baker and Mrs. MaclXmald are week with an attack of grip, is now back The Adventures of a hall being completely filled, the Children of Mary. were Edna Farrell. Ijureiie Tliur- out collecting for a runiinage sale to be on the job. ioners expressing their great apprecia­ Monday evening, meeting for the nes, Isabel Tluirnes, Nell Miller, Dorothy lield in St. Rita’s hall by the Altar so- tion for the excellence of the play pre­ Young Ladies’ sodality. Stock, Margaifet Killoriii, Agnes Reddin cLi'ty February 14. sented. J. J. Flannery. B. J. Merclll. and Madeline Gross; Messrs. Richard All- Mr. V. MeKnaiiy, manager of the Colo­ Miss Nell Miller spent the past week Nature Guide man, Henry Morgan, John Reddin, rado Power &, liight Co., and a goml FLANNERY & MERCILL with her sister. Sister Mary Angus, at FATHER M’OARTHY IS George Sweeney, John Sweeney, Aloysins iiieinlier of oiir jiajish, is quite ill in a lo­ Auto Tops, Seat Covers, Upholstering, BETTER AFTER ILLNESS Glockner Sanatorium, Colorado Springs. cal ho.spital, the x^tim of pneumonia. * Farrell, Joseph Stock, Albert Stahl, With Chaie & Brown, Anto Palntera. Talc.s of hai'dsliii»s, risk.8, perils, enoounters with Thecalore Kemme; Mr. and Mrs. Albert All of the ifeE iianX family liave been 34-30 We>t Elarhth Ava. (Annunciation Parish.) VALENTINE PARTY IS Cram and Mrs, E. J. Gross. 3Irs. Gorman down with la grippe.—Mr.s. Wm. Dowell Nature in her most elemental and nneominerable Phone Sonth 1359. Denver, Colo. Father McCarthy, assistant to Father PLANNED AT ST. JOSEPH’ S was foniierly .Miss Noriiie Gross, and was and daughter and Mrs. E. Edwards spi-nt Callanan, was seriously ill of influenza well known in ,St. Dominic's last- week in Pueblo.—Miss Zeta Saxon, moods. The book has the intei'ost of an adA'entnre last week. His condition is somewhat (St. Joseph’s Parish.) Tlio wife and childpen of Herbert organist of the junior choir, is out again, improved now. His duties were attended stoi-y, Avith a touch of humor, and the added fascina­ R. L. SCOT'i: & CO. Much interest is being shown in the Fairall arc among the vietiiim of grip. after a .severe spell of tonsilitis.—Mr. and Fnmitnre B^alrlng-, Befinlehlng to by Father Guenther, the Redemptorist. Valentine party to be given for the young Mrs. .Tack Walsh are the proud jiareiits and ‘upholstering A meeting of the Catlieilral Altar and tion tliat these are actual traiiscript.s from a big man’s Not a little sickness has prevailed in ladies of the parish by the Young Ladies’ of a little daughter, having adopted her. Goods Called for and Delivered Rosary society {ilaiineil for the home of the parish within the last few’ days and sodality. Telephone South 2769 Mrs. Peter Seliaefer had to be eliaiiged Miss Betty Jane Walsh is to lie eoinpli- e.xpericnces. Illustrated. Net—?3.50. there are many cases where whole fam­ St. Joseph’s choir will sing at the Audi­ 634 West 4th Ave. Denver, Colo. to the lioiiip of Mrs. Frank Kirelihof, due meiited u]Hiii lier parents. -T lie Truman ilies are ill. torium Sunday afternoon at the inusi- to iiilliienza in the Schaefer home. home oil 8th street was piirehaseil re­ FOR SALE IN OUR BOOK DEPARTMENT cale to be given for the benefit of the Mr. James If. Whelan left Wediie.sday cently for our pastor’s residciiee.—Ros­ Queen of Heaven orphanage. for Edgton, S. 1)., to accept a position ary, .seniioii and lieiiedictioii are regu­ Father Guenther has returned from with tlie Knrliiigtoii. lie has l>e<‘ii home lar Sunday night services now. New Orleans. since Dee. 20, wheii ho was discharged The eiiokiiig sale given by the ladies The annual parish report is being pub­ INVESTMENT BARGAINS from tlie army. of the palish was quite a success. Home- lished. CAPITOL HILL AP.\RTMENT, on Clarkson near Colfax—10 apart­ Father Charles McDonnell. S. J., of cooked foods are in deinaml at these ments renting for $4,470 per year; expense $1,405.per year. PRICE, $22,500. The Hackethal-Wolters jBiPtertainer.s Saereil Heart ehureh, chaplain of the K. saIe.s.--Mrs. H. Good and ^Mrs. AV. Mof- CAPITOL HILL APARTMENT, close in on Seventeenth avenue — will be seen in a new sketch soon. fatt spent Alonday out at the AlaeDoiiald We Guarantee Expert and Satisfactory Service in Rei\ts. $2,988 per year; expenses $1,912 per annum. PRICE, $15,000. of C., has arrived liome from Pueblo, Mrs. John Donegal! left for Waco, ranch.—A fine lihliy Ixiy was born to These apartments, both inside and out, present a fine appearance, and where he was ill of a severe eold. BUTTON MAKING, PLAITING, HEMSTITCHING, Texas. Mrs. Harry Hurly.—The little daughter are in e.xcellent condition. Rev. !Motl)^ Regis, superior of the Mrs. Ellen Devlin has returned from of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest II. Hansen was “Real Estate is the Basis of AU Wealth.” Colorado Sixers of !Mercy, -bho lias re­ AND SPONGING the East. Baptized Regina Elizabetli by Father turned from Chicago, was confined to Murphy. Mrs. J. T. Walsli and Mr. Staten BurckfielJ lied by at the hospital Wednesday. John Hansen were sponser.s.— .Mrs. V. REALTOR The dismantling of the old St. Mary's MRS. MARY E. SEIRER McEiiiiany, president- of the Altar and 504 Colorado Building. Champa 3140. academy building, which is to make way OF ST. PATRICK’S DEAD Rosary society, was also elected president ) for a great market, is now well under of the Parent-Teachers’ a.ssociatioii-— ‘ Tailoring Skirts to Measure (St. Patrick’ Parish.) way. There are alamt twelve memhers in the In the obituary record is noted, with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Horan have been junior elioir now. They are practicing regret, the name of May Elizabeth resting at Hot Springs, Ark. Has become an important feature among The DcuA’er’s “Children’s Fe.stival Mass,” by C .. C. Seirer, fonnerly May Kelleher, an old- -Miss Ha^t-l Brady, dangliter of Daniel The Farm Dairy Steam, under supervi.sion of Mrs. Haii- A’arions cntei’iirisos. This has come true through the time resident of St. Patrick’s parish and Brady, is critically ill of pneumonia. seii. A new meinher has I k ' c ii added to 1855 Blake Street. Phones Main 5136-5137 attendant of the parocliial school. She Father James McDonald, for a time our choir. It is Regina Elizabeth, recommendations of satisfied jiatrous'. \Vheu the liia- is survived by her husband, Clarence assi.stant pastor of St. I’hilomeiia's, is ill daughter of Mrs. Ifanseii, our organist. Our reputation demands that Seirer; mother, Mrs. Margaret Kelleher; at Mercy hospital. terial is purchased here avc tailor the silk .' of CoIiiiiiIk's will attend than heretofore. reeoveriiig at .Mercy hosjiital after severe mwtiiigs are growing ]>opular and eai'h The friends of Mrs. Nora McAndrews operations. meeting .pieniis a few more iie\y mei:i- will be glad to note that, after a siege A girl ■was horn a few days ago to hers. of illness, her health is improving rap­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newbury, 792 Soutli THE COLORADO FUEL & IRON COMPANY idly. Logan, and a girl to Mr. and Mns. James Sweeney of -3040 High, at Mercy ho.sjiital. BAYAUD DRUG STORE WIRE NAILS— Misceilaneons nails, brads, cement coated naile, tinned, DENVER NATIONAL BANK blued and galvanized nails, wire spikes, special nails. Mrs. John flecker of Sterling has been C. H. Reed & Son, Props. Butter Krust Bread WIRE— Wire rods, plain annealed wire, annealed bale wire, plain galvan­ CAPITAL, $1,000,000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $1,500,000 a [Patient at .Mercy hospital for ten days PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUGS ized wire, annealed market and stone wire, bright soft market wire, “ Takes you back home” pud is doing nicely. and full line of Sundries galvanized market and stone wire, coppered and liqnor-flnished market Opposite the Webber Tlieafer wire, wire hoops. Nail wire, hard, soft or extra soft, solid galvanized MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, DISTRICT No. 10 South Brottdwav and Rayaml clothes lines, wire straightened and cut to lengths, telephone wire, MONSIGNOR O’RYAN twisted cable wire, extra heavy galvanized wire for winding wooden “tthla bank la alao empowered by Ped«ral B*- ^ v e _ pipe. aarve Obarter to act aa Trustee, Executor, Ad­ SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Bata^te of Isaac Banyan, Daoeaaed. ministrator, Registrar of Stocks and Bonds, SEIPEL No. 23490. Notice Is hereby given that STAPLES-—Fence-Fence staples, potishedpo and galvanized, netting staples. Onardlan of Estates, Aseignee, Beceiver, Com­ ^E'nrELEB on the 8th day of March. 1920, I will mittee of Estates of EnnaUcs or other Fiduciary Father Boriiardiiie, G. F. Jl., who is concrete staples, blind staples, hoop staples, barrel ^staples, basket OFTOMETBIST present to the County Court o f the City staples, tub staples, bame staples, electricians’ staples, speaking tube n Capacity.” n taking Father William O'Jlyan’s place at and County of Denver. Colorado, my ac­ OFTIOIAB counts for Final Settlement of adminis­ staples, broom staples, clamp staples, bedspring staples, and other spe­ W ill pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum 25 years’ practi­ St. I-^-o’s wliilo the latter Is at the bed­ tration of said estate, when and where cial staples, double pointed tacks. cal experience In all persons In interest may appear and WATCH AHE side of Ills brother. Motisigtior Philip object to them. If they so desire. Marie SINGLE LOOP BALE TIES, FIELD PENCE, POULTRY FENCE, PIQ under the usual rules governing Savings Accounts, JE'WEEBY BE- O'Ryan, in San lYancisco, received a tele­ Doherty, Bxeotitrlz. Robert H. Kane, IRON—Spiegel, Bessemer, and Open Hearth Blooms and Billets. FAIHINa and Op­ Atty. STEEL RAIIiS— Plain splices and angle bars, angles, channels, track bolts, tical work. Eye gram last Friday saying ^fonsiguor Deposits made on or before the 5th of the month will Service. track spikes, bridge and machine bolts, lag screws, nuts, rivets, steel 1744 Welton St. O'Ryaii was better, altlio not out of dan­ bands, rolled thread for wooden stave pipe, twisted bars for reinforced draw interest from the first. Fhone Ckampa 387 ger. No word has been received since concrete. Tour patronage that time, lint this is interpreted as Ba r b w i r e —Barb wire, painted and galvanized, J-pt. and 4-p t, hog solicited. and cattle. meaning tlmt the iinjirovement con­ BAR IRON AND STEEL—Steel shafting, R. E. steel and Iron tire, toe calk, tinued. plow, lay, slight shoe, rough lock, mild and machinerr steel, screen bars. Cast iron water and gas pipe and Butter Krust Bread , STEAM AND DOMESTIC COAL, COKE. W. P. HORAN & SON “ Takes you back home” GENERAL OFFICES: BOSTON BLDG., DENVER, COLO.

Phones Gallup 178^ Gallup 183 All best grade.s at lowest priivs. J. B. (V\RVIN GRAIN AND HAY. □C n o DriSggist The Summit Grains Coal Co. DUFFY □ c 2401 W. Thirty-second Ave, 601 COOPER BUILDING Denver, Colo. Phone Main 4900. S T O R A G E and m o v i n g Funeral Chapel Nineteenth and Navajo St. Warehouse, 1521 Twentieth St. Phone Main 1340 Office, 601 Fifteenth St. GUIRY BROS., Inc All Details Arranged Withont Inconvenience to Family Painters and Decorators We Examine Eyes 1435 COURT PLACE. Without Charge Bketebes and Estimates submitted Lenses free. Denver, Colo. Duplicated The Anderson-Harrington Coal Company Positively the Most Reasonable Prices by Mail FIT AND REPAIR GLASSES. East Bide Branch and | ^ ^ 1 South Side Bianoh, ARMY OVERCOATS Main Office, V ^ O d U , TY O O Q . DYED, REMODELED Ford Optical Co. 35th & Walnut W S o . Broadway Prices Reasonable Phones Main 365 it 366 X l a j t X V J l U .1 I1 Plione Bomth SUB 1029 Sixteenth St. 1527 Cleveland Place Main 1368 M. DUBLIN TAILOR Our Motto: **S«ticfaction Guaranteed** 330 East Colfax Ave. FULL LINE OF POULTRY SUPPLIES ? ^ Bix DBNVBB CATHOLIC EBOISTBR Thursday, February 5, 1920. iVM

town, Pa. He rented a small building Stories From the Life of Christ on Main street, stocked it with notions and candy, and began doing business. (BY THE EDITOR.) He soon gained the reputation of being Preferred Parish Trading List a quiet, unobtrusive man, whose past, The foDowing dealers, wishing to secure Catholic patron age, are among the most reliable firms in the State. They are however, was shrouded in mystery. He well worthy of your patronage. If you have ever solicited adver tising for a Catholic newspaper, you are aware of the fact that THE Ca I l o f t h e APOSTLES; Christ’s whole life and frequent teach­ attended church and mixed with his ac­ some of the men who do not advertise are not moved by a fear that they won’t get results, but because they know that no news­ EIGHT BEATITUDES. ings proved. quaintances in a neighborly way. Jc8U8| going np a mountain to pray, By the meek we are not to understand paper can survive without advertising and they do not wish a C atholic journal to survive. It is well to remember this when you On the morning of the 14th of March, spent the whole night conversing with those who have no fire at all in their see an ad in a Catholic paper. about six weeks after his advent, he God. 'WTien day had come, He called to­ make-up, but those who control them­ awoke in bewilderment and fright as gether His disciples and selected twelve selves for Christ’s sake. The land they from a trance. “Where am I ? Who am of them, whom He called Apostles. Their will possess is understood as referring I? Who are you?” he exclaimed to duties, as pointed o»it in Mark ii, were to the Tnew heaven and new earth to those attracted by his outcry. After re­ 1 St. Duninic’s Amioiciation Parisli St. Patrick’ s Parish St. Ftancis De Sales Parish to be to preach, to heal sicknesses and come. covering somewhat from the shock of his to cast ou t,devils. Later other powers The mourning that is called blessed rude awakening, he disclaimed the name FEDERAL PHARMACY THE FRANKLIN PHARMACY E. W. ROBINSON were given to them. To Simon, Jesus has a spiritual meaning. It is had by NORTH DENVER BA2fK of Brown, as well as any knowledge of ' I. H. Qiudle, Prop. B a st 34th A t *, and PrankUa. Checking and Savings Accotmtst*Solicited Lumber gave the name Peter, which means rock. those who mourn for their own or oth­ Everything In his surroundings. A t first he was Drugs, Medicines and Sundries liSter tjiis Apostle was made the Rock ers’ offenses, oiit of love of God. Drugs, OheiuloiU*, » ll* t Artiol**, 4% on Savings “Dvetythliig for Building” thought to be insane, but his clear state­ Prescriptions a Specialty Kodaks and Pllxoa, iohool SuppU** and »ipon whom the church was built. James, The fourth beatitude praises a strong Sundeto*. New Safe Deposit Boxes Yards, Office and Woodworking MUl ments and his rational manner soon Stationery ami School Supplies the son of Zebedee, and-John, the brother and continuous desire for progress in re­ Your prescriptions carefuUy and accur­ gained for him a sympathetic belief in ately compounded. We deliver anywhere. ■nVENTY-NINTH AND ZUNI STS. 201 W Iowa. Phone South 31, of Jamca, Jesus called Boanerges, “the ligious and moral perfection, the reward Phone Gallup 2824 2301 Fed. Boulevard his sanity. He stated that his real name Telephone Main 6196. sons of thunder.” Tlie others named of which will 15e the fulfillment of the Phone Gallup 473 Phone Gallup 740W 1092 So. Gaylord. Sonth 2376 was Silas Prohge and that his home was Thos. F. Maher G. Stocking were Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Mat­ desire—continuous growth in justice. The Telephone Gallup 766 in a small town some eighty miles dis­ 0. J. LINDGREN CAMPBELL BEOS. COAL CO. MYRTLE MERCANTILE CO. thew, Thomas, James of Alpheus, Thad- desire is called hunger and thirsting af­ tant. Upon the arrival of his nephew, M AHER HARDW ARE CO. Yard 1400 W. 38nd A t #. Groceries and Meats deus, Simon the Cananean and Judas ter justice. The beatitude also shows Health Bread Bakery Office 1401 W. 88tk Are. who had been summoned by telegraph, Iscariot, who became the traitor. that those w'ho are subjected to real hun­ Stoves, Ranges, etc., Hay, Grain, Coal, Coke, Wood Prompt delivery, courteous treatment these facts respecting his identity were COMPLETE LINE OF BAKERY GOODS After selecting the Apostles, Jesus ger and thirst, because they are denied Furnace and Gutter Work and Poultry Suppliei and reasonable prices. verified. Subsequently the. following his­ MADE FRESH DAILY preached llis great sermon on the Mount justice, shall be made happy if, for God’s Service and Quality our Motto tory of his life was obtained: to them and the multitudes, gathered a sake, they patiently bear the wrong Phone Gallup 264 or 104. Silas Pronge was a native of New Plumbing, Heating and Gas Fitting Bttle lower down the mountain. Mat­ done. All Work Guaranteed EAST END WET WASH England. A t tho time of this episode J. B. JOHNSON thew’s gospel gives the more detailed ac­ The fifth beatitude praises those who G. STOCKING he was about 60 years of ago. lie had PLUMBING count of this sennon; Luke’s may be an arc not merely just, but who go further LAUNDRY Groceries and Meats a wife and two daughters. He was a Licensed Master Plumber 248 South Broadway. abridged account or may be the accoimt and extend mercy. How consistently (HARDWARE) C. W. Wentworth, L. J. Samlde, Props. carpenter by trade and for twenty-five The Store That Appreciates Your Trade. Phone Bonth 153. Be*. Phone, lo . 1353. of a similar sermon given at another the Catholic Church follows this beati­ OAoe and Show Boom 3443 BUot Street years had been a lay preacher by pro­ Phone Oallnp 766 20 i;b8. 70e; Additional, 4o per U i. time. W c are not sure. Clirist began, tude is shown by the fact that in Amer­ Residence Phone Gallup 1964J 8506 ISTK R B E E * BBBVBB, flO&O. Decorating In all It* branche*. fession. His native mental endowment 151$ East S7th Ave. Phone Main S6S0. Estimate* cheerfully fum leh^ according to Matthew, by giving what ica alone she has 294 orphanages, with Phone Gallup 275. Res. 4130 Umatilla St was good, and he had always been a man COTTON PHARMACY we know as the Eight Beatitudes: 46,069 inmates; 116 homes for the aged; ' 1320 Thirtyeighth St. H. A HOLMBERQ of unblemished character and habits. OLDENETTEL 1. “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, for hospitals everywhere (fourteen in Colo­ C. W. Cotton, Mgr. There were indications that lie had in­ PLUMBING CO. WALL PAPES AND PAINTI theirs i.s the kingdom of heaven. rado alone), and many other institutions. HartiiiPMiingSHeatiiigCo. herited a neiuotic constitution. Nothing All Work Guaranteed 262 SOUTH BROADWAY 2. “Blessed are the meek, for they All the other churches put together can­ WB DELIVEH FREE. Plumbing and Heating Terme Reasonable out of the ordinary was noted in his life Phone South 412. Denver. shall possess the land. not compare with her in the number of 2928 ZUNI S'TREET history until he was about 30 years of Repair work promptly attended to (Opp. Highland P. O.) :t. “Blessed are they that mourn, for her institutions for handing out charity 2903 living St Phone Gallnp 3067. Phone Champa 1241. Phone York 8453 age. A t that time he experienced a pro­ De TUECK BROTHERS they shall be comforted. and healing. This beatitude also en­ found crisis, which was interpreted hy 4. “ Blessed are tliey that hunger and courages us to be patient with our fel­ always limited to two. There may be himself and friends as a visitation from THE TRAMWAY MARKET FANCY GROCERIES & MEATS thirst after justice, for they shall have lows. any number, each with its own distinct Catteilral Parish Providence. It was thus related of him: character, set of memories and ideas. their fill. The pure heart urged in the sixth be­ One day while walking along a countrj’ Staple and Fancy Groceries 701 South Logan St. 5. “Blessed are the inereiful, for they atitude is simple and sincere good inten-' Telephone Main 5380 road, he heard a voice saying, “ Go to the DUAL PERSONALITY FROM A CATH­ MEATS AND FISH Jobbing Promptly Attended to shall obtain mercy. tion. One cannot get by with Clirist Phone South 764, Denver, Colo. chapel! Go to the chapel!” “To what EDWARD F. O’OONNOE if he wishes to sin and is kept from it OLIC STANDPOINT. 1707 East Thirty-fifth Avenue 6. “ Blessed are the clean of heart, for chapel?” he inquired of his invisible mon­ THE ALAMEDA GROCERY merely by lack of opportunity. ffiy the Editor.) Modern Plumbing ' they shall see God. itor. “ To the Christian chapel,” was the W. J. Line Sc Son, Prop. Tlie peacemakers referred to in the While “dual personality’’ is not known 7. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for reply. The carpenter was on unfriendly THE TRAM7V\^AY CAFE and Gas Fitting UP-TO-DATE seventh beatitude not only keep peace very much to the general public, it has they .shall be called the children of God. terms with the pastor, and he exclaimed Open Night and Day. Estimates Furnished on Application Grocery, Meat Market, Bakery themselves, but strive to maintain it be­ been t horoly investigated by philosophers 1831H Welton Street Denver, Colo. 8. “Blessed are they that suffer per­ with much feeling, “Before I go to that Ice Cream, Soda Water and tween other men and lad ween men and as well as physicians. The way we think Phoaea South 2709 and Bonth 992 . secution for justice’ .sake, for theirs is place I hope tliat God may strike me Take your next prescription to is as follows: We gain all our informa­ Soft Drinks 116 SOUTH BROADWAY the kingdom of lieaven.” God. deaf, dumb ami blind.” Instantly, it is tion thru the senses, and we preserve and 1705 E. 35th Ave. Phone Champa 3579 Kindly notice the following facts Tlie eighth beatitude promises the • Gathedral Branch If You Need Expert Cleaning, Dyeing, said, he fell to tlic ground, enveloped in Tailoring, Call on kingdom of heaven to those who are per­ recall the species of things thus per­ about these statements of Chrtst: darkness and silence, and without tlie Temple Drug Stores Oompan^ secuted because of their faithfulness to ceived hy raeauB of an organic faculty LOUIS BUTLER THE BROADWAY It is not simply the poor, but the power of sppivh. Upon his restoration the law of God and their own duty. The known as the phantasy. The images Colfax and Logan. Cleaners, Dyers and Tailors “poor in spirit,” to whom tiie kingdom to his senses, this significant event cul­ Groceries and Meats formed by the phantasy are known as ef heaven will belong. The blessedness beatitudes thrnoiit do not urge us to Phones— Champa 808 and 809. 312 So. Broadway, Phone South 1636 minated in his conversion. His character phantasms. The intelleet, which is spiri­ HARDWARE AND NOTIONS He ])rai$es lies in detachment from the look for our reward in this life, but to Quality and Service at Right Prloea and mode of life completely changed We Call and Deliver Anywhere. tual, in turn draws iiilelleetiial images 3797-99 Williams St., Cor. Thirty-eighth. Ninth Avenue Branch goods of this world. Not to have these expect it beyond. from that of an acknowledged atheist to j 1 The beatitudes get their name from from these phantasms. Phone Main 6821 Best QuaUty. Lowest Priceei. good.s, but to desire them, is not to he tliat of a d<‘Voted Christian WQiTcer. lie ! Temple Drug Stores Oompany The intellect is then able to go ahead poor in spirit. It is better for us if wo the fact that they all start with the word Floral Designs put up while you waJt. Ninth and Corona. JOHN G. GEILING adopted the vocation of itinerant with its purely sjiiritunl work. Our sen- lack both the goods and the desire, as | “ bcati” (blessed) in Latin. PHONE MAIN 1511 preacher, and for a quarter of a century ------THE------Earnestly solicits your valuable patron­ ■sihle brains aj-e always working at the age. Prompt delivery service. Dry Goods and Notions fidlowed this calling, doing much mis- same time as the intelleet. CURTIS PARK FLORAL CO. U. S. P. O. Station 17. .sioimry work. He liecaiue very well There is great inequality in men's abil­ Established 1880 Phones—York 361, 362. BUTTERICK PATTERNS What Catholics Believe known over a large si.-etioii of New York ity to form phuntasms, whi(^l)^~rxplains Choice Plants and Cut Flowers 1677 South Pearl St. state and thru western New England. ARMY OVERCOATS (COMPILED BY THE EDITOR.) why some of us are hriglitcr than others. Constantly on hand. Storage, Repairing and Supplies Early in 1887 he had almmloiied his Greenhouses; 34th and Curtis Streets. Dyed Any Color and Bemodeled to When a man lieeomes insane, it is not Civilian Styles. Phone*: 8. 8384-J. Vgbt*, So. 4075-K preaching ami .settled down to a quiet TEMPORAL PUNISHMENT DUE FOR right to grant indulgences is 'proved hy hi* intellect which suffers, hut the jihysi- Phone Main 4746 life at home, taking up, anew, his old Gloves Cleaned, 10c. SIN. the text in Matt xvi, 19: “ Whatsoever cal liraiii. "Dual personality” is easily STEUART’S GARAGE THE HEBERT GARAGE SAKITABT CimABlKQ SHOPS trade of eaqieiitry. One day, while liv­ explaiiK'd as a disarrangciiieut of a man’s N. M. Steuart, Proprietor. The priest, after hearing our sins in thou shalt loose upon eartji, it shall lie ing in the state of Bhmic Island, lie dis- Night and Day Service Main 6956 11 S. Colfax and Broadway loo.scd also ill heaven.” physique. Like insanity, it is an ahnor- Prices Reasonable. Confession, gives us penance to perform, appearofl from home. After he liad gone, Our Service Car Always Ready to Go that we may satisfy God for the tem­ St. Paul in II Cor. ii, 10 grants an in iiial condition a’lid is usually found in TROUT BROS. Xentooky and Bo. Olarkson. it was discovered that he had dravn a hysterical suhjeets of highly uiistahle 3660 Downing Street poral punishment due for the sins. The diligence in these words. “ .\nd to whom Dealers In Phone Sonth 1833 1190 So. Pewl S V ' eonsiderahle amount of money from the nervous organization, and there arc fre­ / penance usually consists of some prayers you have pardoned everything, I also. hank. IBs whereabouts was unknown PAHCY AKS STAPXiB OBOCBBTES, quent indications that ))oiut to a definite South Pearl Fuel & Peed Co to bo said or huiic good deed to be done. For wliat 1 have pardoned, if I have par KEATS AKD PISH to llis family, until the identity of John Roubos, Prop. / Temporal punishment, when due, must doned aiiithiiig, for your sakes have I lesion or disease in the brain. In some Brown, the notion merchant of Norris­ St. Jeseph’ s Parish Oame, Pm it, Vegetable*. be undergone either on earth or in pur­ done it in the person of Christ.” This cases there is ground to believe that so- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER town, merged into the personality of 728-730 East Colfax Avenue pardon was granted to an incestuous man called “dual personality” has been simply Phones York 1622, 3071 Prompt Deliveries ' gatory. It is called temporal punishment ITongr. Ihiring his experience in the The Rio Grande Fuel & Feed Go. a caisc o f demoiiiaeal possession. Golden Ash Coal, $5.10 per Ton^^^Mfh lieeause there is an end to it at some who had been put under penance hy the Elmer H. Peterson, Prop. Phone Main 6171 candy store, he liad no reeolleetioii of Ids ’J'he religious - experience of Browne, time. Wlicn a person perists in mortal .A^postlc. J. T. FRARY previous life; and after his awakening, noted alaive, may have lieen due simply 145 SANTA FE DRIVE Phone South 66 Emil Wallstrom’s Bakery sin he undergoes eternal, as well as tem­ .■\ii indulgence is not a pardon for sin Decorating, Painting and Paperhanging his reniembranee of Norristown and to his nhuoriiial state of mind. But tlie Coal, Wood, Kay, Qraln, n ovi, Oemmt, poral. poinishmcnt for it. in the .sense that it wi[)C8 away the sin SIGNS 1076 So. Gaylord, Phone South 4799W “ Brown” was 'similarly clouded. Church tells us that God works miracles P la ster. Formerly Baker at Daniels & Fisher'* That temporal punishment exists is itself, nor is it a license to epmmit sin, 710 Klneteenth Street. ITof. James of Harvard University with heretics at time.s, nltlio never in proved by the curse placeil on the race as many non-Catholies ignorantly believe. Tard; 1st Ave and Santa Fe Drive. ■When FRARY Does It Fresh Bakery Goods Daily persuaded Mr. I’rongc to Is' lij'pnotized. support of heresy. In fliis case a miroele You KNOW It’s Done Right m the Garden of Eden (Gen. iii, 17); the Its end is to wipe away tlie temporal IWo Loaves Bread for 15c In hypnotic sli'ep, I’ronge readily recalled I was possible, for all that it effecti'd, refusal of God to permit Closes to lead punishnieiit due for sin. One who is in CLUB HOUSE ami related the experiences of his ahnor- |s<-emingly, was to show the man the evils the Hebrews into the Promised Land, lie- the state of mortal sin cannot giiin an St. Philomela’ s Parish GROCERY AND MARKET SOUTH BROADWAY mal state, in the person of Brown. His I of atlicisin. eause the Prophet had sinned (.see Deu­ indulgence. C. A. Bottlnelll, Prop. MILLINERY account was in full accord with flic evi I A man of “ dual ])ersonality” needs to There are two kind.s of indulgences - Cheer V p S ake Xt S o Very Best Com Ped Meat*, Paney Oro* teronomy iii) i and by the clear e.xaiiiple deuce gatheri'd from other sources. Being oerlea, Presb Vegetables and Fruit*. 436 South Broadway plenarj' and partial. A plenary indul­ ihave hut one soul. The trouble affects in II Kings xii, ].'). 14: “ .-Ind David said ajiprehensive, lie .said, tlmt some trouble JUST-RITE 1100 Broadway, Cor. 11th Avb. gence is the full remission of the tem­ the hoilv alone. t Phone Main 131 & 111. Quality our Motto Georgette Waists, Notions and to Nathan: 1 have sinned against the was in store for him at home, lie boarded Cleaners and Tailors poral pimisliraent due for sin. To gain Millinery Jaird. And Nathan said to David: The a street ear fon a neiglihoring town and 3401 K OoUax A t *. Jxird al.»o hath token away thy sin; thou a plenary indulgence, it is nceessarj’ to ALTA MARKET went thence to New York city. Two days Phone York 7647 receive the saeranient.s o f I’enanee and ALAMEDA PHARMACY shalt not die. Xevertlielet-s, because thou later he went to rhiladeljihia. He lo­ IN MISSION HELDS ■We call for and deliver. Z. N. & M. C. COX, Proprietors. Holy Eiicliarist, fulfill the specific (»n- / 300 So. Broadway, Denver, Colo. hast given occasion to the enemies o f the cated his lioarding housi' at a certain We remodel. We aim to please. ditions laid down ( like recitation of the i 324-326 EAST COLFAX AVE. W. A. Lusk, Proprietor. Ixird to hlaspheiue. for this thing, the numher on Filbert street. Then, seeing NOT PATRIOTISM BUT HATRED OF Shop Phone York 811W Prayer lieforc a Criieifi.x) and jiray for Res. Phone York 6828J Phone Champa 614. We promise you courteous treatmeat, •hild that is boni to thee, shall .suridy an adverti.wiiient of a sinull Imsiness for CHURCH DROVE OUT GERMAN the intention.s of the Pope. Five Our honesty, skill, reasonable piicea. die.” ' sale in Norristown, he went there ami MISSION WORKERS. V. A. KISER Fathers ami five Hail Marys suffice in Phone South 1264. The sacrament of penance remits the set liiinself up in trade. Possibly no couscqiieiice of the war Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Hot tlie prayers for the Papal intention.s. .\ny eternal pniiislimoiit due for sin, hut dis's Snell was his story when in the hyp­ will so keenly tell mi Catholic niissioii Sacred Heart Parish Remember prayers about this length can lie said. Water Fitting. not always remit the temporal punish­ notic. state, and in tlmt state, as is work as the reiiiovul of GiTiiian mission- A partial indnlgenee is the remission 2210 E. COLFAX AVE. WERNER'S ment. God reqiijre.s tliis temporal piiiiish- usually the ease, lie could renieniher aries from their posts. W/ieii the war of a part of the temporal punishment due WALTER EAST DELICATESSEN nient as a satisfaction for sin, to teach nothing of his former, or noniial, life. came upon us. (!lermaiiy liaii a sjilendid 2300 East Colfax Ave. for sin. Wholesale and Retail Dealer a as the great evil of sin and to prevent On the other hand, while in his waking corps of men and women in foreign mis­ FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT The Clmreh hy means o f indulgences MRS. F. J. CARLIN as from falling again. The chief means state, lie had no recollection of the sion fields, including 941 pric.sts, 816 lay remits the temporal pnnisJniient due for MEATS AND GROCERIES 17 So. Broadway.- Phone South 2722W. By which wc satisfy God fur the tem­ “ Brown” state. Nor could he ti'll why brothers, and l,8.'IO si.sjcrs. Add to these Exclusive Millinery sin by applying to ns the merits of Jesus poral puni.^hniciit due for sin are prayer, he had left home. Some of the occupants those who weii' si'attert'il among other 3333-8306 Dartmer St. Telephone 1431 Christ and .the superahuiidant satisfac­ Notions and Hosiery for Men and Wom­ M. J. HURLEY fasting,, almsgiving, all spiritual and cor­ of the Filbert street hoarding house re­ societies, not specifically (rt-nimn, and tions of the Blessed Virgin and the saints. en. Ladies’ Fancy Underwear. H. A. HAMES poral works of mercy, and the patient membered Brown’s slay there and his de­ these figures must I k; increased by l.'iO, 1757 South Pearl • These merits and satisfactions are called QUALITY AND SERVICE suffering o f the ills of life. We get rid parture, to go into hu.siness at Norris­ .50 and 2ral works of mercy are to feed the fruitful. The only result was tlmt his acrordiiig to the wording of the Peac<* Money for the assistance of home or they did above what was needed for their PRESOEIPTibN DRUGGIST ; Treaty, all others are liable to meet the foreign missionary work of the Catholic Preecrlptlone Correctly Compounded. hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe liyjmotie memory grew more ami more Church can be sent to any o f the follow­ salvation. Aadltorlnm Phannaoy ■ the naked, ransom the captive, harbor feeble, until, finally, he eonld reeollei't same fate. ^loreover, according to tlie ing, which societies will gladly forward 3221 Downing Ave. Phone Champa 631 We can ajiply jndtilgenees to our­ It to YOUR ambassador on the battle- only the faiiiti'sl outlines of his “ Brown” interpretation of the allies, this is to last front of Jesus Christ: Cor. 18th and Curtis'Sts. the haitborless. visit the sick and bury selves or, if the Cliureh lias granted this state; r- an indefinite time, and. who hut knows, Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, Phone Champa 383 Denver, Colo. the dead. The former are called spiritual pehni.ssioii in the indulgences, to the 1326 New York avenue, N. W., Wash­ works of mercy because they refer to the In order that the rearler may conipre- forever. ington, D. C. W, H. Haneler John BensIM souls in purgatory. Catholic Board for Mission Work St. Catherine’ s Parish soul; the latter corporal, bei-iiuse they lieiid the rationale of this mental phe­ Where is tlie danger and where I lie Among Colored People, No. 1, Madison It is not easj to gain a. plenary, in­ HENSLER BROS. nomenon. let me say that, in a perfect­ remedy? In the first place, these men avenue. New York. refer to the body. dulgence, for one must detest and have American Foreign Mission Seminary, O’MALLEY-KELLEY ly halanc-cd mind, the sensations, ideas and women have not "and cannot he re­ Maryknoll, Ossining, N. Y. MODERN PLUMBERS ( lie purpose of avoiding as far as po.ssihle Address cancelled stamps of rare de­ and other content, which form the basis placed. How can six or seven supply a Kemodellng and Jobbing a Siie*l*lljf INDULGENCES. eveu the least venial sin. But if we strive nominations (4, 5, 6, 7, etc.), tinfoil, OIL AND AUTO SUPPLY CO. of (lersonality. are more or less hound to ­ place formerly oeciqiied hy fifty or six­ old jewelry and other donations to 144* MABIP08A ST. An indulgem* is the remission in whole for a plcnayr- iiidulgonee and do not gain American Headquarters of the Sodality HIGH TEST GASOLINE, OIL, TIRES, gether into an organized .system, and ty? And who Imlny <‘aii spare even a of St. Peter Claver for the African Phone Mala 8837 or in part of the temporal punishment it in whole, we can gain at a partial Missions, Fullerton building, Seventh TUBES AND ACESSORIES pursue definite ehanucls. In weaker per­ I few for an “indefinite” time? There is and Pine streets, S t Doula Mo. due for sin. That tho church bos the indnlgcn<‘c. Phone South 810 J sons. on the other hand, tliere is not to j another danger. Never has Anglo-Saxon Catholic Church Extension society, McCormick building, Chicago (constantly Filling Station at Zuni St. and Lake PL he found a uniform .stream of thought ! Protestantism (including American) helping Colorado rural congregations). WEST DENVER ELECTRIC 00. Society for the Propagation of the B. E. Stetler, Prop. flowing towards a particular rml| like a been so powerful in mis.sionary equip­ Faith, 343 Lexington avenue. New York, lllECAREOFiliHEALIIi river. Tlierc is, iii.stead, a tendency tq ment, both in men and money, ns at the N. Y. Lofoia (S . H .) Parish WIRING AND FIXTURES s|ilit or separate into isolated fragments, present day. Will they leave this oppor­ General Repairing and SuppUea By Dr. Thos. J. Fenton, 409-410 Majestic Bldg., Denver. each fragment taking a different course. tunity slip by? The near future will DE VALERA GODFATHER 828 Santa Fe Drive. This splitting is tcetmically called “ dis- answer this que.stion. TO SELF-DETERMINIST The Five Points Hardware Oo. (Incorporated.) (I am frequently asked to make, di- this yam a clever invention of tho scK-iation of honseiousness,” of which To counteract this a’nd further danger, Pliiladelpliia.—Eamon de Valera came sgTHMca and to prescribe for individuals. writer ? e there are many varieties. And dissocia­ .American Catholics should rise to n man to Philadelphia a few days ago on a novel Tin, Sheet lion and Furnace Work. Ana.—Physicians do recognize, such a For obviona reasons I cannot do this. tion n-siilte in multiple personalities. t-o protest against such an unjust' pro- mission. He acted as godfather to the ’ 8643 Welton Street f ’jrtTcspaiHlenta requesting replies by condition, or state. Medical lit

# IO # <» » W.K jr«./V EDDGA'nONAL ly. “I’ve been over to the courthomw ter get there and get that salary atart- to see. I think It would be just as ed. Of course Eugene would do any­ The ONLY Pour- fifths o f well to get him to execute one now iu thing in the world, and the fact Is he official your favor. Til speak to him about wanteil to, but I felt that—ah—under School in Denver \ h e circumstances------” and unofficial re- h © IL” that qualifies for George sighed. “I don’t think I’d “Never 1” George exclaimed, growing forki«My porting done by bother him about it; the house is mine, red. “I can’t imagine one of the fam­ Oourt Reporting. our Waduates. and you and I understand that It Is. ily------” He paused, not finding it Reporter’s Conrse and Bookr $100. Thorough Grahatn Shorthand That’s enough for me, and there isn’t necessary to explain that “the fam­ likely to be much trouble between you ily” shouldn’t turn a man from the and me when we come to settling poor ------> Ambersons grandfather’s estate. I’ve just been door and then accept favors from him. with him, and I think It would only “I wish you’d take more.” i l t . St. Gertrude’ s Academy confuse him for you to speak to him Amberson declined. “One thing Fll A TARKINe|Ssr about It again. I notice he seems dis­ say for you, young George t you have­ BOULDER, COLO, tressed if anybody tries to get hla at­ n’t a stlugy bone In your body. That’s Under the direction of the Sisters of Charity, B,V.M., tention—he’s a long way off, some­ the Amberson stock in you—and 1 like Boarding is a boarding school emphasizing the best influence of CCarm i<3HTByiX)UBLBDfiy,PAGE & COMPANY where, and he likes to’stay that way. It!” home. I think—I think mother wouldn’t want He added something to thl.s praise The Academy enjoys the advantage of a most pictur­ us to bother him about It; I’m sure School esque and healthful location. SYNOPSIS. “And what?” he demanded loudly. of hl.s nephew on the day he left for e____ she’d tell us to let him alone. He The courses of study embrace the Grammar, (Com­ “And she loved yon—too well.” Washington. He was not to return, mercial and Academic Departments. Special advantages CHAPTER I.—^ Amberson had looks so white and queer.” but to set forth from the capital on George stared at her hard, then his io r Girls in instrumental and vocal music. made a fortune In 1873 when other people Amberson shook his head. “I won’t the long journey to his George were loelng fortunes, and the magnlncence lower Up began to move convulsively, For further particulars address SISTER SUPERIOR. of the Ambersons began then. Major Am- bother him any more than 1 can help; went with him to the station, and berson laid out a 800-acre “development," and he set his teeth upon It but could but I’ll have the deed made out ready their farewell -was lengthened by the with roads and statuary, and in the centre not check Its frantic twitching. of a four-acre tract, on Amberaon avenue, for his signature.” tniin’s being several minutes late. built for himself the most magnificent He ran out of the room. mansion-'the Midland City had ever seen. She sat sWll, listening. He had T wouldn’t bother him at all. 1 “I may not see you again, Georgle,” CHAPTER II.—'V^en the major's plunged into his mother’s room, but no don’t see—” Amberson said, and his voice was a library. Here he had stood on what daughter married young Wilber Mlnafer little liusky as be set a kind hand on he now knew was the worst day of hlq the neighbors predicted that as Isabel sound came to Fanny’s ears after the “You might see,” said his unde un­ CHURCH DlREaORY could never really love Wilbur aft- her .’harp closing of the door; and pres­ easily. “The estate is Just about as the young man’s shoulder. "It’s quite life; here he had stood when his moth­ love would bo bestowed upon the children. probable that from this time on we’ll er pa.ssed through that doorway, hnnd- There was only one child, however, et tly she rose and stepped out into Involved and mixed up as an estate (Kindly notify ns immediately of any only know each other by letter—until In-hand with her brother, to learn what George Amberson Mlnafer, but his up­ tj.o hall—but could hear nothing. can well get, to the best of my knowl­ change in Mass hours.) bringing and his youthful accomplish­ you’re notified ns my next of kin that her son had done. What interview was sealed away from edge. You ought to have that deed.” Cathedral, CoUaz and Logan. Rt. Rev. ments as a mischief maker were quite In He went on more heavily, more slow­ keeping with the most pessimistic predic­ human eye and ear within the lonely “No, don’t bother him.” there’s an old valise to be forwarded J. Henry Tihen, D.D., Biihop o f Denver, tions. darkness on the other side o f' that “I’ll bother him ns little as possible. to you, and perhaps .some dusty curios lj'; and, more heavily and slowl.v still, residence, 1538 Loganj Rev. Hugh L. "There Have Been Times When I CHAPTER III.—By the time George loor—in that darkness where Isabel’s I’ll wait till some day when he seems from the consulate mantelpiece. Well, entered Isntail’s room and .shut the McMenamin, rector; Rev. Joseph Bosetti, went away to college he did not attempt Thought You Ought to Be Hanged.” door. He did not come forth again, to conceal hla belief that the Ambersons ■wp special chairs were, and her own to brighten up a little.” It’s an odd way for i)s to be saying Rev. E. J. Mannix, Rev. W. M. Higgins, and bade h'anny good-night through Rev. Thomas K e ^ ‘, assistants, residing were about the most Important family in pedal books, and the two great wal- But Amberson waited too long. The good bye; one wouldn’t have thought was ever to take by the route he was the world. At a ball given in his honor the closed door when she stopped out­ at Colfax and I^nnsylvania. Sunday when he returned from college, George ■lit wardrobes filled with tier dresses Major bad already taken eleven months it, even a few years ago, but here we now following: up,National avenue to Masses at 6, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 11. In monopolized Lucy Morgan, a stranger and nd wraps? ’What tragic argument since his daughter’s death to think are, two gentlemen of elegant appear­ side It later. the prettiest girl present, and got on fa­ Amberson addition and the two big winter months, Solemn High Mass at 11. Important things out. One evening ance In a state of bustitude. We can’t “Fve put all the lights out, George,” mously with her until he learned that a old houses at the foot of Amberson Sunday evening servicea, with sermon, at “queer looking duck" at whom he had his grandson sat with him—the Major ever tell what will happen at all, can She said. “Everything’s all right.” ^ might be there vainly striving to con­ boulevard; for tonight would be the 7:30. Free class for instruction of non- been poking much fun, was the young “Very well.” he called. “Good night. lady’s father. He was Eugene Morgan, a fute the gentle dead? “In God’s name, seemed to like best to have young we? Life and money both behave like last night that he and Fanny were to (Tatholics, each Monday evening. former resident of Blgburg, and he was George with him, so far as thely were loose qulck.silver in a nest of cracks. Aunt Fanny.” returning there to erect a factory and to what else could I have done?” Fo** spend in the house which the Major Church of the Holy Ghost, 1050 Curtis build horseless carriages of his own in­ hl.s mother’s Immutable silence was able to guess his preferences—and the And when they’re gone we can’t tell hod forgotten to deed to Isabel. To­ His voice had a strangled sound in (in heart of business district). Rev. vention. surely answering him as Isabel In life old gentleman made a queer gesture; where—or what the devil we did with morrow they were to “move out,” and spite of him; but she seemed not to William S. Neenan, pastor. Sunday CHAPTER IV.—Eugene was an old ad­ would never have answered him, and he slapped his knee as If he had made ’em 1 But I believe I’ll say now— while George was to begin his work in Bron­ notice it, and he heard her go to her Masses at 7:15 and 9:30. Sunday eve­ mirer of Isabel’s and they had been en­ a sudden discovery, or else remember­ there isn’t much time left for either ning services, 8 o ’clock. Services in honor gaged when Isabel threw him over be­ he was beginning to understand how son’s office. lie had not come to this own room and lock herself in with cause of some youthful indiscretion and eloquent the dead can be. They can­ ed that he had forgotten something, of us to get embarrassed about It—I without a fierce struggle—but bolt and key against burglars. She f St. Rita; every Tuesday at 8 p. married Wilbur Mlnafer. ‘ ass on every holy day of obligation at not stop their eloquence, no matter George look^ at him with an air of believe I’ll say that I’ve always been the struggle was Inward, and the roll­ liad said the one thing she should not 12; 10, noon. CHAPTER V.—George makes rapid how they have loved the living; they inquiry, but said nothing. He had fond of you. We all spoiled you ter­ ing world was not agitated hy^it, have said just then; “I’m sure your progress in his courtship of Lucy. Church of St. Catherine, Federal boule­ cannot choo-e. And so, no matter In grown to be almost as silent as his ribly when you were a little hoy and and rolled calmly on. For of all the mother's watching over you, Georgia.” vard and West 42d avenue. Rev. Wm. CHAPTER VI.—While driving with what agony George should cry out, grandfather. However, the Major let you grow up en prince—and I “Ideals of life” which the world. In Its She had meant to be kind, but it de­ Ryan, pastor, residence, 4230 Federal Lucy, next day, George allows the horse spoke without being questioned. must say you took to it! But you’ve stroyed bis last chance for sleep that to get beyond control, and the animal “What else could I have done?” and rolling, inconsiderately flattens out to boulevard. Sunday Masses at 8 and 10. overturns the cutter, spilling George and to th? end of his life no matter how “It must be In the sun,’’ he said. received a pretty heavy jolt, and 1 nothingness, the least likely to retain night. He would have slept little if. Weekday Mass at 8. Lucy In the snow, unfiurt, although “ There wasn’t anything hero hut had enough of your disposition, myself, she had not said it, but since she had George is greatly annoyed. . often he made that wild appeal, Isabel a profile is that ideal which depends St. Leo’s, Tenth and Colfax. Rev. W il­ was doomed to answer him with the the sun in the first place, and the at your age, to understand a little of Upon inheriting mone.v. George Am­ said it he did not sleep .it all. For he CHAPTER VII.—George reveals Intense liam O’Ryan, pastor. Sunday Masses at dislike of Morgan, whom he suspects of wistful, faint murmur. earth came out of the sun, and we what cocksure youth has to go through berson, In spite of his record of fail­ knew that’ it was true—if it could he 6, 7, 9 and 10:30. Week-day Mass at financial designs on hla uncle or grrand- came out of the earth. So, whatever Inside when It finds that It can make ures In business, had spoken .shrewdly true— that his mother, if she still lived father. His aunt, Fanny Mlnafer, to his 'Td like to have-^seen him. Just 8 a. m. First Fridays, Masses at 6:30 great astonishment, sharply rebukes him. once.” we are, we must have been In the sun. terrible mistakes. Well, with my train when he realized at last that money, in spirit, would he weeping on the and 8. Watch hour and Expoaition of . . . . A superstitious person We go back to the eartli we came out of coming Into the shed, you’ll forgive like life, was “like quicksilver In a other side of the wall of silence, weep­ the Blessed Sacrament, every Friday at CHAPTER VPII.—Home on vacation. 7:30 p. B. 'Vespers Sunday at 7:30 p. m. George has a heart-to-heart talk with his might have thought it unfortunate that so the earth will go back to the .sun me for saying that there have been nest of cracks.” And his nephew had ing and seeking for some gate to let mother, in which the state of the family Fanny’s partner in speculative Indus­ that It came out of. And time means times when I thought you ought to be the awakening experience of seeing her through so that she could conic Annunciation, 36th and Humboldt. finances and his father's falling health, Rev. M. F. Callanan, P.R. Sunday Masses both figure. George la optimistic as to try as In Wilbur’s disastrous rolling- nothing—nothing at all—so In a little the great Amberson estate vanishing und “watch over him.” at 5:30, 7;15, 8:30, 9:30 and 10:45. Eve­ both. while we’ll all be back in the sun to­ hanged—hut Fve always been fond into such a nest—In a twinkling; It He felt that if there were such gates mills, was that charming but too bap- ning services at 7:30. Week-day Masses gether. I wish------” seemed, now that It was Indeed so ut­ they were surely barred; they were CHAPTER IX.—Hearing rumors con­ hazardous man of the world,- George of you, and now I like you 1 And just at 6 and 8. ^ cerning Lucy and her suitors—In particu­ He moved his hand uncertainly as if for a last word; there may be some­ terly vanished. like those awful library doors down­ lar FYed Kinney—George urges her to Amberson. He was one of those op­ Sacred Heart, 2760 Larimer street. consent to a formal engagement of mar­ timists who believe that if you put reaching for something, and George body else in this town who’s always On this last homeward walk of his, stairs, which had .shut her in to begin riage, but Lucy refusea Key. Willinm I.nnergan, S.J., pastor, money Into a great many enterprises jumped up. “Did you want anything, felt about you like that—fond of you, when George reached the entrance to the suffering to which he had con­ .‘'tniday Masses at 6. 7, 8:30 and-10:30. CHAPTER X.—George becomes annoyed one of them is sure to turn out a for­ grandfather?” I mean, no matter how much it seem­ Amberson addition—that is, when he signed her. Weekday Classes at 6, 7 and 8. at gossip which connects his mother’s name with Eugene Morgan, and rightfully tune, and therefore, In order to find “ W hat?” ed you ought to be hanged. You might came to where the entrance had for­ The room was still Isabel’s. Noth­ Loyola Chapel, 2550 Ogden. Sunday rebukes his Aunt Amelia for her remarks the lucky one, it Is only necessary to “Would you like a glass of water?” try------Hello, I must run. Fll send merly been-^he gave a little start, ing had been changed: even the pho­ on the subject. Aunt pcanny Is sympa­ Masses at 6, 7:30, 8:30 and 9:46. Week­ thetic but somewhat bewildering. go Into a large enough number of them. “No—no. N o; I don’t want anything.” back the money as fast as they pa> and halted for a moment to .stare. tographs of George, of the Major and day Masses at 6:15 and 8. Services “You ought to have thought of my The reaching hand dropped back up­ me—so, good bye atid God bless you, This was the first time he had no­ of “brother George” still stootl cm her both here and at Sacred Heart church on CHAPTER x7.—The sudden death of his father, following graduation, recalls record and stayed out,” he told Fanny, on the arm of his chair, and he re­ Georgle 1” ticed that the stone pillars, marking dressing table, and in a drawer of her Sundays and Fridays at 7:30 p. m. St. Patrick’s, Pecos and W est 33d ave­ George from college. one day the next spring, when the af­ lapsed into silence; but a few min­ He passed through the gates, waved the entrance, had been removwl. Then desk was an old picture of Eugene and CHAPTER XII.-Lucy and George talk fairs of the headlight company had utes later he finished the senteiiw ho his hat cheerily from the other side he realized that for a long time he bad LuCy, taken together, ■which George nue. Rev. D. T. O’Dwyer, pastor. Sun­ day, hlasaes at 6, 7:30, 9 and 10:30. of Ideals of life, which they find surpris­ begun to look discouraging. Things had begun: of the Iron screen, and was lost from been con.sclous of a queerness about had found but had slowly closed away ingly different and part In something Week-day Masses at 7:30. do look bleak, and Tm only glad you this corner without being aware of again from sight, not touching it. To­ which very nearly approaches a quarrel. “I wish—somebody could tell me!” Bight in the hurrying crowd.' And as St. Francis de Sales’, South Shermsn didn’t go Into this confouhde(l thing ■what made the difference. National morrow everything would be gone; CHAPTER XIII.-At a dinner given by The next day he had a slight cold, he disappeared, an unexpected poign­ and Alameda. Rev. J. J. Donnelly, P.R. Major Amberson, at which Eugene Mor. to the extent I did.” but he seemed annoyed when hl.s son ant loneliness fell upon his nephew so avenue met Amberaon boulevard here and he had heard there was not long Sunday Masses at 7, 8:10, 9:15 and 10:30. gan Is a guest, George plainly shows his at an obtuse angle, and the removal of to wait before the house Itself would animosity to his mother’ s old friend. Miss Fanny grew pink. “But it must suggested calling the doctor, and Am­ heavily and so suddenly that he had St. Elizabeth’a (German), Cnrtls and go right!” she protested. “We saw berson let him have his own way so no energy to recoil from the.fehock. I* the pillars made the boulevard seem a be demolished. The very space which Eleventh streets. Father Anthony, CHAPTER XIV.—About a year after his with our own eyes how perfectly it far, in fact, that after he had got up seemed to him that the last fragment cross street of no overpowering Im­ tonight was still Isabel's room would O.F.M., pastor. Sunday Maases at 6, 1, father’s death George became furious 8, 9 and 10:30. Evening services at 7:30. when his Aunt Fanny told him “people worked out ip the shop. It simply—” and dressed, the following morning, of his familiar world had disappeared, portance— certainly it did not seem to be cut Into new shapes by new walls were talking" about Eugene and bis be a boulevard! and floors and ceilings; yet the room Week-day Masses at 6, 7 and 8. Friday mother. “Oh, you’re right about that,” Am­ he was all alone ■«\'hen he went away leaving him all alone forever. George walked by the Mansion hur­ would always live, for it could not die evenings. Stations of the Croaa and Ben­ berson sold. “It certainly was a per­ to find out what he hadn’t l>een able He walked home^-ard slowlj’ through ediction at 7:45. CHAPTER XV.—George makes a riedly, and came home to his mother’s out o f George’s ineimcry. It would live “ scene'' when he visits Mrs. Johnson, a fect thing—in the shop!” to think out—all those things he had what appeared to be the strange St. Joseph’s, Galapago and West Sixth house for the last time. as long as he did, and it would always gossipy old neighbor, and is ordered from “But think of that test on the road wished “ somebody” would tell him. city, and, as a matter of fact, the city avenue. Rev. Thomas J. Condon, CJSSJL,- her house. His uncle George tells him he he murmurous with a tragic, wistful has acted foolishly and his mortification is when we— ” Old Sam, shuffling in with the break­ was strange to him. He had seen lit­ was there, too, and the pastor. Sunday Masses at 6, 7:30, 9 and complete. whispering. “That test was lovely,” he admitted. fast tray, found the Major iu his ac­ tle of it during his years in college, closing of the door resounded through 10:30. Evening services at 7:30. Week­ And if sjtace itself can he haunted, day Masses at 6, 7 and 8. CHAPTER XtH.—George leams that ‘The Inventor made us happy with his customed easy-chair by the fireplace and then had followed the long ab­ bare rooms; for downstairs there was dorgan has planned to take Isabel on an no furniture in the house except a ns memory is haunted, then some time, St. Dominic’s, Grove street and West auto ride, and being by this time half in­ oratory, and you and Frank Bronson —and yet even the old darkey could sence and his tragic return. Since that kitcheh table in the dining room, which when the space that was I.sabel's room 25th ave. Rev. R. F. lArpenteur, 0. P., sane through worry over the false situa­ and I went whirling through the night see Instantly that the Major was not he had been “scarcely outdoors at all” pastor. Sunday Masses at 6, 7:30, 9 and tion in which he Imagines his mother is Fanny had kept “for dinner,” she said, came to be made into the small bed­ placing herself, he orders Eugene from at a speed that thrilled us. We there. as Fanny complained, warning him 10:30. Evening services at 7:30. Week­ though as she was to cook and serve rooms and “kitchenettes” already de­ the house when he calls. never forfet it—and we never shall. that his health ■a’ould suffer, and he day Mass at 8. that meal herself George had his signed as its destiny, that space might CHAPTER X'VH.—Isabel’s only thought It cost—" CHAPTER XX. had been downtown only In a closed St. John’s, Fifth and Josephine streets. doubts about her name for it. Upstairs, well be haunted and the new occupants is for the happiness of George and she “But something must be done.” carriage. He had not realized the Rev. Charles J. Carr, pastor. Sunday shows him Eugene’s letter—a manly ex­ she had retained her own furniture, come to feel that some seemingly pression of affection and a plea that she “It must indeed 1 My something When the great Amberson estate great change. Masses at 8 and 10. Week-day Mass come to him. George vehemently de­ would seem to be leaving my watch at went into court for settlement, “there and George had been living In his causeless depression hung about it—n at 8. Sunday evening services at 7:30. nounces the writer and his plan, and The street.s were thunderous, a vast mother’s room, having sent everything wraith of ^ the passion that filled it St. James’, Thirteenth and Newport Isabel consents to sacrifice herself and my uncle’s. Luckily, you—” wasn’t any,” George Amberson said— energy heaved under the universal from his own to the auction. Isabel’s throughout the last night that George streets, Montclair. Rev. James M. part from Eugene. The pink of Fanny’s cheeks became that is, 'When the settlement was con­ coating of dinginess. George walked room was still as it had been, but the Mlnafer .spent there. \ alsli. pasto:'. .''uuday Mass at 10. Btm- CHAPTER X'VGII.-George tells Lucy he deeper. “But Isn’t that man going to cluded there was no estate. He re­ through the begrimed crowds of hur­ ediction at 7:45 p. m. Communion Mass and his mother are going abroad) "for furniture would be moved with IVhatever renmanls of the old high­ do anything to remedy it? Can’t he proached himself bitterly for not hav­ rying .strangers and saw no face that first and tlii:'d Sundays at 8. good.” Lucy has not heard of her father’s Fanny’s to new quarters In the morn­ handed arrogance were still within treatment at George’s hands, and feels the try to— ” ing long ago discovered that his fa­ Holy Family, Utica and West Forty- he remembered. Great numbers of ing. Fanny had made plans for her coming s^aratlon keenly. Returning “He can try,” said ArabersoiL “He ther had never given Isabel a deed to fourth Aye.—R e ^ Comeliua O’Farrell, .lome she finds Fanny Mlnafer waiting to faces were even of a kind he did not nephew ns well as herself; she had Him, he did penance for bis deepest give her a full account of what took place, is trying. In fact. I’ve sat in the shop her house. "And those pigs, Sydney pastor. Sunday 6:30, 8 and remember ever to have seen; they found a “three-room kitchenette apart­ sin that night—and it may be that to and flamlngly angry, Lucy destroyed all watching him try for several beautiful and Amelia 1” he added, for thl.s was 10:30. Evening services, 7:30. Week the little keepsakes and letters George had were partly like the old type that ment” in an apartment house where this day some Impressionable, over­ day Masses at 6:30 and 7 a. m. Phone sent her; but her heart was heavy Indeed afternoons.” another thing he was bitter about. hla boyhood knew, and partly like several old friends of hers had estab­ worked woman in a “kitchenette," for sick calls, Gallup 1239. when George and his mother left Bigburg “But you must make him keep on ‘They won’t do anything. I’m sorry for a trip ^around the world. The town types he knew abroad. He saw. Ger­ lished themselves—elderly widows of after turning out the light, will seem Mt. Carmel (Italian), Navajo and W . has a tremendous boom and everything Is trying!” I gave them the opportunity of making man eyes with American wrinkles at citizens once “prominent” and other to see a young man kneeling In the 36th avenue. Rev. J. Ficcoli, OJ3M., pas­ very much changed. “Oh, yes. Til keep sitting!” a polished refusal. The estate was bad­ their comers; he saw Irish eyes and retired gentry. Peo|ile used their own darkness, shaking convulsively, and, tor. Sunday Masses at 5:30, 7, 9 and (Continued,^ from last week.) However, In spite of the time he ly crippled, even before they took out 10:30. Week-day Masses at 7, 7:30 Neapolitan eyes, Roman eyes, Tuscan ‘‘kitchenettes” for breakfast and lunch, with arms outstretched through the spent sitting in the shop, worrying the their ‘third,’ and the ‘third’ they took and 8. eyes, eyes of Lombardy, of Savoy, hut there was a tnble-d’hote arrange­ wall, clutehlng at the covers of a nventor of the fractious light, Amber- was the only good part of tlie rotten St. Mary Magdalen, W est 26th and Hungarian eyes, Balkan eyes, Scandi­ ment for d^per on the ground floor; shadowy bed. It may seefti to her that "It’s only’ bet^ifige you’re afraid t o !” 1'son found opportunity to worry him­ apple. Well, I didn’t ask them for re.s- Depew, Edgewater. Rev. Mark W. Lap- navian eyes—all with a queer Ameri­ and after dinner bridge wa.s i>layed she hears the faint cry, over and over: he said, and he went on with a sudden self about another matter of business. tltutlon on my own account, and at pen, pastor. Sunday Masses at 8 and 10. can look in them. He saw .Tews who all evening, an attraction powerful “Mother, forgive me! (?od, itrglve Sunday evening devotion 7:30 p. m, bitter divination: “You’re reproach­ This was the settlement of Isabel’s least It will save you some trouble, were no longer German or Russian or with Fanny. She hud “made all the me 1" Weekday Mass 7:30 a. m. ing yourself with ■what you had to do estate. young George. Never waste any time Polish .Tews. All the people were soil­ arrangements,” she reported, and ner­ S t Philomena’s, comer 14th and D«* with all that; and you’re trying to “It’s curious about the deed to her writing to them; you mustn’t count on ed by the smoke-mist through which vously appealed for approval, asking It troit. Rev. M. W. Donovan, pastor. make up for it by doing and saying house,” he said to his nephew. “You’re them.” CHAPTER XXI. they hurried, under the heavy sky that she hadn’t shown herself “pretty prac­ Sunday Masses at 6, 8, 9:30 and 10:30. ■what you think mother would want absolutely sure it wasn’t among her pa­ “I don’t,” George said quietly. “I Weekday Masses at 7:30 and 8. hung upon the. new .skyscrapers, tical” In .such matters. George acqui­ you to, and you think I couldn’t stand pers?” don’t count on anything.” At least It may he claimed for St. Louis’, South Sherman and Floyd, and nearly all .seemed harried by esced absent-mindedly, not thinking of it if I got to thinking I might have “Mother didn’t have any papers,” George that his last iiiL'hl in the house Englewood. Rev. C. V. Walah, pastor; “Oh, we’ll not feel that things are something impending, though here and what she said and not realizing to done differently. Oh, I know! That’.s George told him. “None at all. All quite desperate,” Amberson laughed, where lie hud been ho:'n Was not oc residence. Elm and Montview boul., Den­ there a woman with bundles would be what It committed him. ver. Sunday Masses at 8 and 10. Week­ exactly what’s in your mind; you do she ever had to do with business was but not with great oheerfulnes.s. cupied with his own disheartening iu laughing to a companion about some He began to realize it now, as he day Masses at 8. think I was wrong! So does Uncle to deposit the checks grandfather gave “ W e’ll sur\’ive, Georgle— you will, es­ \uindered about the dismantled house; St. Joseph’s (Polish), Pennsylvania and George. I challenged him about it her, and then write her own checks pecially. For my part I’m a little too ture, but with sorrow for what sa at 8. to let Morgan see her that last night ing the crowded sidewalks,' turned scribed It) at a little round table they said. ■ • such job, and I hear from Washing­ would have all to themselves in the Church of the Presenution, Baranm, ■when he came here, and she—she was north into National avenue, ami pres­ “^Vhy—why—” she stammered; but ton the matter’s about settled. So midst of a dozen little round tables West Seventh avenue and Julian street. dying. If you do, why in the name of ently reached the quieter but no less she knew what he was going to say. much for me! But you—of course which’other relics of disrupted , fam­ Rev. J. J. Gibbons, pastor. Sunday God did you come and ask me? You begrimed region of smaller shops and and that was why she had been more Masses at 8 and 10. you’ve had a poor training for making ilies would have all to themselves. For could have taken him In! She did old-fashioned houses. Those latter had and more nervous. “Hadn't—perhaps St. Mary’s, Littleton.—Rev. Charles your oivn way, but you’re only a boy the first time, now that the change want to see him. She—” been the homes of his boyhood pluj’- —perhaps we’d better get the—the Hagus, pastor. Masses first and third after all. and the stuff of the old stock was imminent, George began to devel­ mates, old friends of his grandfather Sundays at 7:30 and 9:30; second and Miss Fanny looked startled. ‘Tou Is In you. It’ll come out and do some­ things moved to the little new home op before his mind’s eye pictures of fourth Stimiays at 8. Should there be a think— ” had lived here—in this alley he had first, George.’s—” thing. I’ll never forgive myself about vliat he was in /or; and they appalled fifth Sunday in any month Masses will fought with two boy.s at the same He interrupled quietly, though at “She told me so!” And the tortured that deed; it would have given .von him. He decided that such a life will be held as on the first and third time, and whipped them; in that front her phrase, “tlie little new home,” his young man choked. “She said—‘just something substantial to start with. verged upon the sheerly unbearable, Sundays, namely 7:30 and 9:30. Sunday yard he had been successfully teased pungent was lo titter one loud once.’ She said Td like to have seen Still, you have a little tiny bit, and and that after all there were .some school every Sunday. into temporary Insanity by a Sunday shout and run. “ It was a!)ont this new him—just once!’ She meant—to tell you’ll have a little tiny salary, too; things left that he just couldn’t stand. Arvada. (Served as a mission from school class of pinky little girls. On place that I wanted to speak. I’ve Holy Family church.) Sunday Mass at him good-bye! That’s what she and of course your Aunt Fanny’s here, So he made up his mind to speak to that sagging porch q laughing woman been thinking it over and I’ve'decided. 9 a. ra. For sick calls phone to Rev meant! And you put this on me, too; 'and she’s got something you can fall his aunt about it at “dinner,” and tell had fed him and other boys with I want you to take all the thipgs Cornelius O’ Farrell, Gallup 1239. you put this responsibility on me! back on if you get too pinched, until I T doughnuts and gingerbread; yondqr he from innther’s room and use them and Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, But I tell you, and I told 'Uncle can begin to send you a dribble now her that he preferred to ask Bronson corner 14th and Mapleton avenue, Boul­ saw the staggered relics of the iron keep them for me. and I'm sure the George, that the responsibility Isn’f and theft.” ,lo let him put a .sofa-bed, a trunk and der, Colorado. Rev. Agatho SMttmat- little apartment Will he just what yon all mine! If you were so sure I was George’s “little tiny bit” was six picket fence he had made his white k folding rubber bathtub behind a ter, O.SB., pastor. Masses on Sunday li’rce; and with the extra liedroom protv wrong all the tlme-^when I took her hundred dollars which had come to pony jump, on a dare, and in the screen in the dark rear room of the of­ at 7 and 10. Mass on week days at 7 ably yon could find some woman away, and; when I turned Morgan out him from tlie sale of his mother’s fur­ shabby, stone-faced house behind the fice. fence he had gone to children’s par­ friend to coiUe and live there and —if you were so sure, what did you niture; and the “little tiny salary” But at “dinner” Fanny was nerv­ K. of C. FREE EMPLOYMENT BUR- share the expense with you. But Fve let me do it for? You and Uncle was eight dollars a week which old ties, and, when he was a little older ous, and so distressed about the fail­ decided on aUother arrangement for eau for Returned Soldiers. Second Floor, Georsre were groin-n people, both of Frank Bronson was to pay him for he had danced there often, and fallen ure of her efforts with sweetbreads my.self, and so I’m not gtdng with you. K. of G. Building, 14th and Glenarra. you, weren’t you? You were older services as a clerk and student-ut- in love with Mary Sharon, and kissed ’ind macaroni; and she was so eager I don’t suppose you’ll mind much, and List your open positions hero or make than I, and If you were so sure you--- law. George had accepted haughtily, her, apparently by force, under the in her talk of how comfortable tney I don’t see why you sdioiild mind—^par­ werc wiser than I. why did you just and thereby removed a burden from stairs In the hall. The double front would be “by this time tomorrow application for jobs. ticularly, that is. 1 can’t imagine you, stand around with your hands hanging his uncle’s mind. doors, of meanlnglessly carved walnut, night.’ down, and let me go ahead? You once so glos.sily varnished, had been After “dinner” he went upstairs, or anyone else,, being much attached to Amberson himself, however, had not Directions to Correspondents. could have stopped It If It was wrong, painted smoke gray, but the smoke mr, .so— ” even a “tiny bit;" though he got his moving his hand slowly along the grime showed repulsively, even on the (To be Continued.) couldn’t you?” consular appointment, and to take him smooth walnut railing of the balus­ Get news in early. Write on one side Fanny shook her head. “No, George,” smoke gray; and over the doors .a to his post he found It necessary to trade. Half way to the landing he she said slowly. “Nobody could have smoked sign proclaimed the place to of the paper. Be brief. Never put off “The Deed t» the House Was Never borrow two hundred of his nephew’s stopped, turned, and stood looking 9 Get subscriptions for The Rep stopped you. You were too strong, be a “Stag hotel.” Recorded.” six hundred dollars. “It makes mo down at the heavy doors masking the ister. Big comroisuon. Refer black emptiness that had been the writing till the last mhmte. and— ” ^ sick. George,” he said. “But I’d bet- This was the last "whlk borne” he ences necessary. ■ i i l l l l

Page Eight DENVSK GATHOLIO KBGI8TBB. Thursday,. FeWiiary 5, 1920.

from the residence. Requiem Mass at the Cathedral at 10 o ’clock. Interment FATHER BAPST TELLS OF MEETING ’ W HAT TO DO TO AVOID THE Vision and Health Mount Olivet cemetery, under direction “FLU” Onc-half of (he cranial nerves are directly connected with the eyes and of W. P. Horan & Son. Keep in the open as much as you their function of sight. It is easy, then, to understand the mastery which the : lo th (n g c o . MARY WALSH, at the Mullen home. ST. VINCENT ORPHANS UNDER FIRE can. eyes possess over our bodies—and our health. Pcxir .sight, good health, and a Keep windows wide open day and 62k-l6I“STv keen mind never go together, for faulty sight destroys the balance of the Requiem Mass Tuesday morning at the night. I V . . entire nervous system. JIullen chapel at 6 o’clock, under direc­ The usual monthly meeting of St. Vin­ orphanage. He met two others' over Keep nwaj' from people with colds. tion of W’. P. Horan & Son. cent’s Aid society was held at the home there, one badly wounded, and since he Keep away from crowds. Good Clothes PETER FOY, father of William Foy, Ride in the open end of cars when­ of iirs. M'ilkin on Tuesday, Fehrnarj' 3. came back he met one of the or^lian ever possible. TheSwigeitBros.OpticalCo. son of Mrs. Anna Foy, and brother of As the annual election of officers took boy.s who now has a prominent position Drink plenty of water. Mrs. Cliarles lx Green, was buried from Whose Reputation and Equipment Give place at this meeting, there was a large aa foreman in a large factory. Two AA’ash the hands before eating. Theodore Hackethal’s funeral parlors, Keep the teeth and mouth clean. You the Highest Grade of Service. attendance. Sister Angela was present others are in Chicago making a living Darotad BaolnalTly to 1541 Kalamath street, Wednesday. St. tharittlsc andKaanfao- and made a plea for help for a new with their music, earning large salaries Keep the boweks regular. toxlaf of OUMaa. IjCo's church at 9 a. m. Member of Do not get tired. 1550 California St. Denver lavatory at the home. At the present and leading good lives, and these are the Our Annual Brotherliood Trainmen No. 608. Do not afraid. time there arc three wash basins and one things that repaid him for his ij;ork at MICHAEL TORI) of 3755 High street. toilet downstairs for fifty-one little boys the orphanage. He said the first Christ­ WHAT TO DO NOT TO GIVE THE Funeral Saturday morning from the W. lH?twcen the ages of 4Vi and 9 years. mas in France promised to be so lone­ “FLU” P. Horan & Son funeral cliapel at 8:30 W inter Every time they have to be washed and some that he was at a loss what to do Stay at home if you have a cold. o'ol(H-k. Re1 King. Kiineral Sunday at 1:30 from family residence, the month of Januarj’. Denver. One strenuous day in F'ranee, after a Wilkin and Airs. George Laws. Miss .servioe.s held Friday from ,St. Catherine’s 112.5 '29th street. Saensl Heart at 2 Tnesdflj- afternoon the Altar society hard day’s figliting, when Father was Nora Brophy sang two songs in her rich ehureh. Jnternient Mount Ulivet. o'el(K-k. Interment Grtsdey. hilTt its regular monthly meeting at resting a little, a stddier rushed up to eontralLi voice, accoinpanied by Mr.s. .J. .\MBROSE MeUARTNEY, of the Fraternal hall, at which time the new him and said: “Father, don’t yon know J. O’Neil, wliicli were enjoyed very imich OBirUARY. Windsor hotel. Funeral was held officers were installed. The meeting was me: I’m one of your boys from St. Vin­ by the ladies. After clPsing prayer by BAVCBOFT OECOBATIHa CO. Tuesday at 2 p. m. from Siiillane’s eliapel. largely attended and after the regular W. Z. Bancroft, Mgr. Denver, Colo. BILLS BROS. .1. KIRK BAEDWIX, SR., of 1.525 cent’s.” Futlier said that one meeting the Rev. Captain Bapst, the meeting Dealer in meeting a social hour was spent. Interment .Mount Olivet. 'VgAZ.Z. OECO&ATION8 , FAINTS, E. 0. Hafnar, Propr. Reurl street. Requiem Mass Thursday repaid him for a year’s work at the adjourned. EMILY (;REA\TN of 1541 W’illiains Tuesday being the feast of St. Blase, TAKNTSEES morning at the Cathwlral at !):4.5 o'clock. Estimates Cheerfully Given on Both 771 Broadway street. Funeral Monday morning from .was a day of special devotion. Mass was Iiderment Mount Olivet eemetery, un­ Painting and Decorating. Tha >aM VdlM far Yant the W. P. Horan & Son funeral chapel. said at 6:30 and 8:15. The throats were WOBX OUASANTSEO der direction of W. P. Horan & Son. Phone York 593 2406 E. Colfax Re(|iiiem Mass at the Cathedral. Inter­ MEMORIAL ALTAR SOCIETY FORMED blessed at both Xfasses and again in the .lOSEPHINE WESTOVKU, at 1453 ment Mount Olivet cemetery. afternoon and evening. -Milwaukee street. Funeral services Fri- MISS CRACE MORAN of 2117 Frank­ Rev. Father I^aur, S. J., was confined MS. Imried Wednesday with .Mass at St. every one will do well to hear. tlie effect of the war on this business, bury, Mrs. L. D. 'i'nlly, .Airs. N'. Beck, Francis de Sales’ church at 0:30. Inter­ he gave it up teniporarilj’ and for a tiincj .Mauri(-e 1). Falu-lier, .Airs. .Ann .1. Fauelier, ment Mount Olivet. eondneted a news-stand at the Interurhuii .Mr. .lolm Fam-lier Liritz (father, mother W IIdJAM McIJi:T,Ti.\N of 1022 Trc- BIG CONTRACTS LET and son of .Mrs. .lolm and Mrs. Hanv The Colorado Lignite The A. W. Clark Drug Co. mont street passed away Fclirimry 2. AT NEW K. OF C. HOME TWO STORES: □□C dC □DO Which Burns Better and itass at the Cathedral. Interment Mt. □ □ Comer 8tk Ave. and Jason St. loop. He was nmkiiig pi-i-piirutions to The furiiisliing of the new K. of C. $6.65 Olivet. i ANNOUNCEMENT LEYDEN Costs Less Third Ave and EUti St. open a iiew-.s-stund at tin- Civic center home at 16th and Grant, for which the MISS OH.VCE MORAN of 2117 FVank- when lie dicaL His wife, three brothers contract has been let, will cost about EVERYTHING IN DRUGS lin street. F'unoral Tuesday morning Geo. P. Hackethal and tliree sisters survive, Mr. Mi-Glynn $11,000. It will make the finest club WARMTH INSURANCE UNDERTAKER was a native Peimsvlvaniaii. home ill I>eiiver. About $3,.500 is being A HOMt PPOOUCT .spent on the remodeling of the old barn During mild Aveather the Leyden mine produces W H ITE L O A F Now Associated ■with for a comhiiied lodge loom,- gjiniiasiuin steadily in preparation for colder days. Bins kept FLOUR Theodore HELEN WALSH and dancing floor, while about .$7,000 full of Leyden insure warm houses. Order noiv. Ftimocs For Its High OCcilify Optometrist and Optician more is being si>ent on the installation Residence of a new heating plant. EXCELSIOR FLOUR MILLS All work receives my personal attention. Denver C olo., Phone M. J80. Best Lump, $6.65 Hackethal OPTICAL SHOP Mortuary 335 Sixteenth Street Butter Krust Bread 4-inch Screened Nut Steam Coal for Boilers Champa 1880. Denver, Colo. ‘ *Takea you back home” rtM OlAeat and Most Rcllsbio Amenta foi 500 Fourteenth St. Hotal Halp In the West. (Comer of Glenarm) Made and Famala Halp Sant Etverywbar* FUNERAL wbaa R. R. Fare la Advanced. THE LEYDEN COAL COMPANYa Phone Champa 5151 HA'K 306 JACOBSON BLDG., 1604 ARAPAHOE ST.' CANADIAN DIRECTOR Res. Phone, South 688 M AIN 3 5 7 7 EMPLOYMENT 1^49-51 Kalamath St. □DC 3DQ SHOES DDC3C □ □ □ I AGENCY Phone Main 3658 ELOUNG Main 4M. Larlmar. Res. Phone Main 3250 Danvar, Colo. Mount Olivet BaUbltsbad 1880. Mrs. J. White. Prop NO SCRUBBING NONESUCH Does the Work Cemetery JACQUES BROS. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. EXCELLENT MONUMENTS M. O'KSEF’E. Praatdant W. J. KERWIN. Vlca-Prasident MAUSOLEUMS Fine Fabri(ts THE Office and Yards, 28 E Sixth Ave. Varnish Surfaces Telephone South 73. ONLY CEMETERY FOR Cor. Larimer and 23d Sts. for Painted Surfaces DIAMONDS Enameled Surfaces CATHOLIC PEOPLE Fine for Wash Day OF DENVER MADE IN DENVER M. O’Keefe Jewelry Co. Haurs, 9 to 12; 1 to 5. Phone Main 8425. Grocery, Paint and Hardware Store. Sell It. The Store of Quality City Office, 827 Fifteenth Street Phone Main 6440 DR. J. J. O^NElL-’Dentist NONESUCH Paint Cleaner € t. Suite 722 Mack Building. 16th and (Talifomia Streets. 403 Gas & Electric Bldg. PhoM Champa 2 6 1 9 . Denver, Colo. MARGARET O’KEEFE, Treaeurer W. C. HANSEaj, Secretary □ □ □□c 3QD