July 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1085 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING THE LATE MAYOR RECOGNIZING STAFF SERGEANT RECOGNIZING THE 40TH ANNIVER- JAMES D. GRIFFIN ON THE OC- CLIFFORD M. WOOLDRIDGE AS SARY OF THE SLOVAK DAY CASION OF THE RUN JIMMY RUN THE 2013 MARINE CORPS TIMES CELEBRATION 5K RACE MARINE OF THE YEAR HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY OF INDIANA HON. BRIAN HIGGINS HON. DEREK KILMER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OF WASHINGTON Thursday, July 18, 2013 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is my dis- tinct honor to recognize the 40th anniversary Thursday, July 18, 2013 Thursday, July 18, 2013 of the Slovak Day Celebration. In honor of this Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to momentous occasion, a commemorative event remember the life and legacy of one of Buf- recognize Staff Sergeant Clifford M. will take place on Sunday, July 21, 2013 at falo’s great leaders, our late Mayor James D. Wooldridge, an ‘‘Everyday Hero’’ as the 2013 the Salvatorian Shrine in Merrillville, Indiana. Griffin who served as the city’s top civic leader Marine of the Year. SSgt. Wooldridge was The first Slovak Day Celebration took place from 1978 to 1993, on the occasion of the first previously awarded the Navy Cross for her- at the Seven Dolores Shrine in Valparaiso, In- race held in his honor, the Run Jimmy Run 5k. oism in Afghanistan. In 2012 he was awarded diana in 1973, when Father Joseph Viater, along with Betty and Carl Yurechko, decided the USO Marine of the Year. SSgt. Inspired by Mayor Griffin’s tenacious spirit, that Slovak heritage and culture should be Wooldridge has continued to serve his country dedication to the City of Buffalo, and commit- honored in Northwest Indiana with a day of ment to good works and good causes, the both professionally as a Marine and through celebration. Run Jimmy Run 5k kicks off at 10 am on July volunteering. He was selected as the Marine Slovak Day has been a great success over 21, 2013. The proceeds from the day’s events Corps Times Marine of the Year for his vol- the years, and the day is celebrated each year will benefit the Alzheimer’s Association of unteerism and bravery in combat. with a Slovak Catholic Mass, followed by tradi- Western New York. Additionally, items will be The Marine Corps Times honors tional Slovak food and performances by Slo- donated to the City Mission and baseball tick- servicemembers, like SSgt. Wooldridge, who vak dancers. Throughout the years, many ets will be donated to the Special Olympics, demonstrate pride, dedication, and courage bishops have come to celebrate this significant organizations that were near and dear to beyond expectations. He is an instructor with event, including Bishop Sokol from Slovakia, Mayor Griffin’s heart. the Marine Corps Security Force Regiment Bishop Adamec of Pennsylvania, and Bishops Andrew G. Grutka and Dale J. Melczek of the Beginning at One James D. Griffin Plaza, in and teaches and mentors junior Marines. He teaches them technical skills they will need in Diocese of Gary, Indiana. Additionally, over front of the baseball stadium for which Mayor the past 40 years, many dedicated volunteers Griffin was the driving force behind building, close quarter combat and shares personal sto- ries so they can learn from previous mistakes. from Slovak churches throughout the region the race course passes through the heart of have given their time and efforts to this day. downtown and along the waterfront. After the Professional duties aside, it is SSgt. I would like to take this time to recognize race’s completion at home plate, there will be Wooldridge’s service to his community that the numerous hardworking committee mem- a post-race party and Bison’s baseball game. has earned him this latest honor. He has bers for their outstanding dedication to this The Run Jimmy Run charity event was initi- spent countless hours assisting disabled and event. They are Betty Yurechko, Lillian and ated by Mayor Griffin’s children to honor the recovering veterans with the Wounded Warrior John Zaborske, Agnes Chervenak, Melissa memory of their father and raise funds for an Project and served as an athlete sponsor and and Jason Yurechko, Ann Fedorchak, Leona organization that they came to rely on in a was the host Marine for the Special Olympics Cupka, Elaine Ruzbasan, Betty Ortiz, Andy very personal way. Mayor Griffin succumbed in Beach. He helped a terminally ill Sacek, Irene Horn Riggio, and Reverend John to a rare neurodegenerative disorder and young man receive recognition as an honorary Kalicky. many of the nurses who cared for him were Marine. While all his volunteer activities are Mr. Speaker, at this time, I ask you and my other distinguished colleagues to join me in trained by the Alzheimer’s Association. important to him, SSgt. Wooldridge has a spe- cial passion for the Honored American Vet- recognizing the 40th anniversary of the Slovak Alzheimer’s is a tough disease that touches erans Afield, which helps combat veterans Day Celebration. The Slovak community has many of our lives. It’s critically important that transition through hunting, fishing, and other played an important role in enriching the qual- we continue to fight for increased funding for outdoor activities. ity of life and culture of Northwest Indiana. For Alzheimer’s research and I pledge to continue their commitment to preserving Slovak herit- that fight in Washington. I wish to sincerely SSgt. Wooldridge’s outdoor skills were age, the committee members, church leaders, thank all those involved with the Run Jimmy honed in his hometown of Port Angeles, in and volunteers are worthy of the highest Run 5k, especially Mayor Griffin’s three chil- Washington State, the place where I, too, was praise. dren Maureen, Megan and Thomas, for their born and raised. There he experienced the f efforts in the fight against Alzheimer’s. beautiful and plentiful natural resources found only on the Olympic Peninsula. Graduating HONORING OFFICER DANIEL ‘‘JJ’’ Mr. Speaker, thank you for allowing me a LOMAX few moments to remember the incredible leg- from Port Angeles High School in 2006, SSgt. Wooldridge completed training as a diesel me- acy of our late Mayor James D. Griffin and the HON. TOM MARINO work he has inspired for the future of Buffalo. chanic and left his home in the Pacific North- OF PENNSYLVANIA I can think of no better tribute to the man who west for a life as a Marine in service to others. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brought professional baseball back to Buffalo Mr. Speaker, I can say with confidence that then a run through downtown Buffalo, followed our community is a better place thanks to the Thursday, July 18, 2013 by a ballgame at ‘‘The Field that Jimmy Built.’’ ongoing, selfless commitment of people like Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to I wish to extend all participants and organizers SSgt. Wooldridge. The Port Angeles commu- honor Daniel Lomax, a firefighter and police a successful run and fun-filled day with special nity applauds SSgt. Wooldridge for his service officer who laid down his life in the service thanks to Mayor Griffin’s children, extended to country and we honor him today as the and protection of his community. Officer family and friends for honoring the life and leg- 2013 Marine of the Year. On behalf of our Lomax’s End of Watch was Saturday, June acy of the late, great Mayor James D. Griffin. thankful nation, thank you. 22, 2013.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18JY8.001 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2013 Daniel Lomax, known as ‘‘JJ’’ to his friends, help of her late husband David. Together, they years, Sue has been the primary legislative li- always put the safety of others first. He dem- successfully restored a historical building in Al- aison for Fairfax County, serving as the eyes, onstrated that when he stopped to help the exandria to house the Red Cross Operations. ears, voice, and chief advocate for local gov- victim of a car accident while he was off duty, As I mentioned previously, Glenda opted for ernment in the halls of the Virginia General sacrificing his own safety for the good of oth- an early retirement from Delta Airlines so that Assembly and Congress. ers. she could live a simpler life. It is my guess Her success in educating state and federal He devoted his life to serving others as a that, though Glenda is retiring from her posi- legislators about the interests of local govern- member of the Mayfield, Forest City, and tion as owner and operator of her restaurants, ment stems from her background as a class- Great Bend Police Departments. He also she is not slowing down. Glenda Stock is a room teacher. Having once attended classes served as the Deputy Fire Chief in the woman to be admired and respected by her in a one-room schoolhouse, Sue initially pur- Factoryville Fire Department and volunteered peers for her motivated and philanthropic sued a career in education. She received her for the Meredith Hose Company in Childs, heart. With her retirement she leaves behind a Bachelor of Science in Education and Master Pennsylvania. remarkable legacy. Glenda has a message for of Education degrees from Indiana University Those who knew him remember how he all of her employees in new hire orientation, of Pennsylvania. She taught first grade and looked out for his neighbors and friends, al- ‘‘Handle every customer the same as you gifted elementary classes for the Newark and ways putting others first. His fellow officers would if I were standing there watching you!’’ New Castle school districts in Delaware before knew him as a dependable and likable col- Again, congratulations to Glenda Stock for a pursuing advanced and doctorate degrees in league—If the world had more people like well deserved retirement. education administration at Virginia Tech. It Daniel, it would be a safer place for everyone. f was during that experience that she developed Although his time with us was tragically cut an affinity for public policy, and after gradua- short, our memories of Daniel ‘‘JJ’’ Lomax will CITIZENS FIRE AND RESCUE NO. 2 tion she took a position in the government re- live on in the hearts of everyone who knew lations office for Fairfax County Public him. His dedication to his family, friends, fel- HON. LOU BARLETTA Schools. low policemen and firemen, and to the people OF PENNSYLVANIA Four years later, she became the chief leg- he served, is what made Daniel a true hero. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES islative liaison for Fairfax County. During the f General Assembly’s annual winter sessions, Thursday, July 18, 2013 CELEBRATING GLENDA STOCK Sue became a familiar face in the halls of the Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor UPON THE OCCASION OF HER RE- state capitol, setting up a temporary outpost Citizens Fire and Rescue No. 2 of the Bor- TIREMENT from which she and her colleagues could keep ough of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania which close tabs on legislative proposals affecting will celebrate 110 years of service to the com- Fairfax County. Her attention to detail, dedi- HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER munity this year. cated work ethic, and mastery of the legisla- OF Organized on June 12, 1903, the company tive process made her a resource for col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was formed in response to two major fires that leagues representing other local governments Thursday, July 18, 2013 took place in Mechanicsburg earlier that year. and also for the legislators themselves. The Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Residents of the western part of the borough legislative battles produced more than a few to congratulate Glenda Stock on her retire- who were frustrated by waiting for assistance chocolate-fueled late nights for Sue and her ment after years of hard work and dedication from fire companies from the neighboring city team as they analyzed the impacts of changes to Central Louisiana. of Harrisburg decided to form the organization to state funding for local services or to local Glenda began her career with Delta Airlines so fires could be dealt with quickly, protecting government authority over matters such as where her final position was Regional Man- residents and property. land use planning, zoning enforcement, taxes, ager in Reservation Sales. In this capacity, Land for the site of the firehouse was pur- transportation, human services, education, and she was responsible for over 6,000 employees chased from Dr. W. H. Moyer in 1903, and the public safety. located in six different cities. Though she had building was completed in 1904. To this day, Whether it was a state delegate, senator, put in a lot of hours to promote herself during it is still being used to house the fire company. cabinet secretary, or governor, Sue was never her 18 year career with Delta, Glenda wanted In 1975, the organization merged with Rescue afraid to assert the County’s position. In fact, a simpler life. For her, this meant owning and Hook and Ladder Company, also of Mechan- many a legislator has been known to wilt in operating the five Alexandria, La. McDonald’s icsburg, to form Citizens Fire and Rescue No. the face of Sue’s tenacity. It is that restaurants. 2, the name it carries to this day. The mem- doggedness that helped her maintain the trust Her amazing work ethic did not disappoint. bers of this company continue to risk their own and confidence of six county executives and Glenda’s leadership skills carried over into her lives to ensure the safety and well-being of the five chairs of the Board of Supervisors during business, where she worked side by side with residents of Cumberland County. her tenure. She also managed to maintain her her employees doing whatever job needed her Mr. Speaker, for 110 years Citizens Fire and roots in education, helping to mentor numer- attention, even if it included washing dishes. Rescue Company No. 2 has proudly protected ous young staff members throughout the While she is kind and fair, Glenda’s standards the residents of the borough of Mechanicsburg County government and the legislature, includ- are high, and she expected no less than ex- and the surrounding areas from fire and other ing those who will now succeed her. cellence from her employees. disasters. Therefore, I commend all those per- I worked closely with Sue during my 5 years Glenda is not just a business–minded sonnel who have faithfully served at this fire as Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of woman, however. She has used her success house. Supervisors and my 14 years as Chairman of and devotion to give back to her community. f the Board’s Legislative Committee. During the She has held numerous leadership roles, in- General Assembly session, Sue and her col- cluding Cabrini Foundation Board, Central RECOGNIZING SUSAN E. leagues would rush back to the County for our Louisiana Community Foundation President, MITTEREDER ON THE OCCASION regular late Friday afternoon meetings so that Chairperson of the CENLA American Red OF HER RETIREMENT FROM we could pore over the hundreds, if not thou- Cross, Vice President of the Economic Devel- FAIRFAX COUNTY sands, of legislative proposals introduced each opment Committee for the Chamber of Com- year with the rest of the Board, looking for merce, and board member of First Federal HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY those efforts that aligned with our priorities Bank. Her commitment to improving edu- OF VIRGINIA and those that were an affront to them, which, cational opportunities is also noteworthy. Glen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unfortunately, was more often the case. Be- da served on the LSUA Foundation Board cause of that dynamic, Sue’s institutional pres- Thursday, July 18, 2013 while adopting multiple schools as their Part- ence was invaluable. She was not only de- ner in Education. She has received several Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- fending Fairfax County, but also safeguarding awards for her selfless efforts, including a ognize and commend Susan E. Mittereder on the interests of local governments throughout Louisiana Heroine Award, Service Above Self the occasion of her retirement after a distin- the Commonwealth. And passionately. It truly Award, Decades of Women Award, and Small guished career in public service to the resi- is one of the most unsung but critical functions Business Award. dents of Fairfax County, the largest local juris- of local government on behalf of our citizens. For Glenda, her most rewarding accomplish- diction in the Commonwealth of Virginia and In addition to her legislative accomplish- ment is what she was able to achieve with the the National Capital Region. For the past 25 ments, Sue has a wonderful sense of humor,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18JY8.005 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1087 which as we know is invaluable for enduring yield. For instance, the adoption of herbicide- est in knowing how he could help any cause. what can be a long legislative process, and resistant crops in the 1990s allowed him to re- He grabbed onto life fully and made the most she often served as the ringleader for the duce soil erosion, business costs, and the of his time here. His curious nature led him to merry band of County staff that joined her for amount of herbicides used. In the more recent explore a variety of experiences. His humor the annual sessions in Richmond. The revolv- years, precision tools such as field mapping and charm will be remembered and the love ing door included staff from the legislative of- and GPS equipment guidance have allowed he has shared with his family and friends will fice, the Office of the County Attorney, and the for a further stimulation of the farm’s operating long endure. departments of transportation, tax administra- effectiveness. Mr. Speaker, I know I speak for the whole tion, zoning enforcement, housing, public safe- In addition to Keith’s wife, Robynn, several House in remembering Scot McKay and ex- ty, public works, stormwater management, en- other members of the family contribute to the tending condolences to his father and loved vironmental quality, and many more. overall success of the farm, including their ones, especially his wife Heidi and his children Sue’s other professional accomplishments daughters, Ashleigh, a teacher at Bennett C. Ashley, Jacob, Justin, Kyle, Paige, Matthew include being a graduate of Leadership Fair- Russell Elementary School and Brittney, a stu- and Ian. I would like to express my gratitude fax, serving as a board member of the Liberal dent at the University of West Florida; their for his selfless service to the people of Mon- Arts and Human Resources Development nephew, Dale Campbell, who helps out after terey County, and indeed to our whole Nation. Committee at Virginia Tech, and serving as a school; and Ashleigh’s husband, Adam He will be remembered for all the lives he member of the National Association of County Bondurant, a senior at the University of West touched. We will miss you, Scot. Intergovernmental Relations Officials. In 1996, Florida. Their neighbors are also crucial to the f she was recognized by Virginia Tech as an farm’s growth and development. Keith has Outstanding Woman Graduate for her con- spread his ideas on efficiency throughout the BRING ARMANDO TORRES HOME tributions to her community and her profes- Santa Rosa County farming community, by ini- sion. She also serves on the education com- tiating equipment sharing and custom planting HON. DUNCAN HUNTER mittee of her local homeowners association in programs with his fellow farmers. OF CALIFORNIA Northern Virginia. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, Sue Mittereder’s commitment Congress, I am privileged to recognize the Thursday, July 18, 2013 to our community and the mission of local Keith Campbell family as the 2013 Santa government are unparalleled, and she leaves Rosa County, Florida, Outstanding Farm Fam- Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support behind a legacy that will benefit our commu- ily. There is no question that the Campbell of Armando Torres, an American and former nity for generations to come. Her career in family and its farm will continue to be an im- Marine who was kidnapped in Mexico. public service, beginning with her service in portant component to the success of farming Armando served in the Marine Corps from the classroom, is truly commendable and de- in the First Congressional District of Florida for 2005 to 2011, completing tours in Iraq and Af- serving of our sincere appreciation. When I many generations to come. My wife Vicki and rica. He is a native of Texas and the father of was Chairman of the County Board, we often I wish the Campbell family all the best as they two small children. joked when retirement announcements like continue to serve the citizens of Northwest In the Marines, we were taught to leave no this came before the Board that we should not Florida. person behind, and we must uphold that com- allow such talented and dedicated staff to f mitment to Armando. The United States and leave public service, and I certainly wish that Mexican Governments have been working to was the case here. I wish Sue the best of luck IN HONOR OF SCOT MCKAY find Armando, but it is clear that much more in her retirement, and I ask my colleagues in can be done. That is why the State Depart- the House to join me in expressing our appre- HON. SAM FARR ment and Justice Department must raise the ciation for her commitment to serving the resi- OF CALIFORNIA visibility of this issue, and send a clear mes- dents of Fairfax County. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sage to his captors that the United States will not tolerate the kidnapping of one of its citi- f Thursday, July 18, 2013 zens. Marines and their families from across RECOGNIZING THE CAMPBELL Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to our Nation have been rallying around FAMILY AS THE 2013 SANTA honor the life and remarkable public service of Armando’s cause, and it is time for all of us ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA, OUT- my friend, Scot McKay. Scot passed away on to join them, so we can ensure that Armando STANDING FARM FAMILY OF July 10th at the young age of 59. Scot was a will be safely returned home to his family. THE YEAR visionary businessman, a respected citizen, a f dear friend, husband, father, and somebody who made the world a better place to live in. FAIRNESS FOR AMERICAN HON. JEFF MILLER FAMILIES ACT OF FLORIDA Mr. McKay was born and raised in Evans- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ton, Illinois. He achieved remarkable success as a young businessman. He founded McKay SPEECH OF Thursday, July 18, 2013 Spoke ’n Sport and McKay Front Runner, ac- HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise quired McKay Nissan which he expanded into OF NEW YORK today to recognize the Keith Campbell family Mazda and Suzuki, acquired Acura of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as the 2013 Santa Rosa County, Florida, Out- Libertyville and, among others, was a partner standing Farm Family. of the Clean Plate Restaurant Group. In 2003, Wednesday, July 17, 2013 The Campbell family’s extensive history in he moved his family to Carmel, California, Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, I oppose H.R. farming began in Scotland before they immi- where he quickly embraced the local commu- 2668 the Fairness for American Families Act; grated to South Carolina and then eventually nity, buying, renovating and dramatically im- which would seek to delay until 2015 the re- to Chumuckla, located in Northwest Florida, in proving the Carmel Valley Athletic Club, devel- quirement that individuals maintain minimal the early 1800s. A sixth generation farmer on oping and building his relaxation spa, revamp- essential health care coverage. his father’s side and a fourth on his mother’s ing an iconic local radio station and most re- Once again, for the 38th time, Republicans side, Keith began farming with his grandfather, cently acquiring the Gardener Tennis Ranch, are voting to repeal parts of the Affordable W.T. Stewart, in 1983 and has since taken where I once lifeguarded. He turned it into a Care Act. over the complete operation. The once 500 premier wedding and business retreat facility. The individual responsibility requirement acre farm has grown to more than 1,300 acres Scot also served on the boards of directors of under the Affordable Care Act, which calls for and produces a variety of crops, including cot- the American International Automotive Dealer purchasing coverage or paying a penalty, cov- ton, peanuts, and wheat. The Campbell family Association and The Big Sur Land Trust. ers only those who have access to affordable also raises livestock—approximately sixty beef Yet, for all of his accomplishments, he was coverage. If an individual does not have ac- cattle—and maintains an apiary for honey pro- proudest of his family. Being home each cess to coverage with premiums that are 8 duction and crop pollination. evening was a top priority and when asked percent or less of their income, the individual Always seeking better ways to improve the about his life, he frequently spoke fondly of his is exempt. efficiency of his farming operation, Keith has children’s recent accomplishments and family Individuals are also exempt if their income is reaped the benefits of technological advances trips. Scot was well-known throughout his so low they do not have to file a federal tax that reduce costs while increasing total crop community for his friendly greetings and inter- return; or if they qualify for an exemption

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18JY8.009 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2013 based on hardship, religious beliefs, and cer- Time is running out: Congress wrote this ored as the ‘‘Citizen of the Year’’ at the tain other factors; or they spend less than law; we voted for you. We have a problem; Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Annual three consecutive months without coverage. you need to fix it. The unintended con- Awards Celebration. Therefore, the Republicans’ disingenuous sequences of the ACA are severe. Perverse in- centives are already creating nightmare sce- Raj is the epitome of the values that the concern that Americans will be punished if narios: Murrieta Chamber of Commerce holds true, they are unable to afford coverage is simply First, the law creates an incentive for em- with a focus on strengthening the local econ- not true! ployers to keep employees’ work hours below omy, providing networking opportunities, pro- The Affordable Care Act’s individual respon- 30 hours a week. Numerous employers have moting the community, representing business sibility provision is a critical component of the begun to cut workers’ hours to avoid this ob- and government, and political advocacy. Cur- additional patient protections and reforms that ligation, and many of them are doing so go into effect in 2014. Health experts have de- openly. The impact is two-fold: fewer hours rently, Raj serves as a Board Member of the termined that if, beginning in 2014, insurers means less pay while also losing our current Chamber, where he will soon serve on the health benefits. Ambassador and Membership Committees. He can no longer deny coverage to people with Second, millions of Americans are covered pre-existing conditions and can no longer is a highly motivated community builder and by non-profit health insurance plans like the hardworking professional with proven organi- charge them higher premiums, premiums in ones in which most of our members partici- health insurance marketplaces would rise pate. These non-profit plans are governed zational abilities. During his time at the Cham- sharply unless all Americans with access to jointly by unions and companies under the ber, Raj has proven to be an effective leader. affordable insurance either purchase it or pay Taft-Hartley Act. Our health plans have been Raj’s involvement and vision have grown a penalty. built over decades by working men and during his time serving on the Murrieta Cham- This is yet another attempt to obstruct and women. Under the ACA as interpreted by the Administration, our employees will treated ber Board. Raj has always been quick to ac- undermine the successful implementation of differently and not be eligible for subsidies cept a challenge, especially if it means better- the Affordable Care Act. afforded other citizens. As such, many em- ment for the community. He is co-chair for The result of this bill’s delay of the individual ployees will be relegated to second-class sta- both the Chamber Golf Tournament and responsibility provision would be to limit ac- tus and shut out of the help the law offers to Chamber Installation Dinner. While serving as cess to affordable coverage for millions of for-profit insurance plans. co-chair for the Chamber Golf Tournament, Americans and thereby, weaken one of the And finally, even though non-profit plans Raj effectively rebranded the tournament as like ours won’t receive the same subsidies as primary premises of the Affordable Care Act. the ‘‘Brew Masters Tournament’’ and success- Don’t fall for this trick! I ask my colleagues for-profit plans, they’ll be taxed to pay for those subsidies. Taken together, these re- fully raised more money than in previous to stand in with me in solidarity and vote no strictions will make non-profit plans like years. His success does not stop there. As co- on this bill. ours unsustainable, and will undermine the chair of the Installation Dinner, Raj has tire- f health-care market of viable alternatives to lessly worked to rebrand the event as the the big health insurance companies. ‘‘Awards Celebration’’ hosted at the Pechanga LETTER TO LEADER REID AND On behalf of the millions of working men LEADER PELOSI and women we represent and the families Resort and Casino with the hope of growing it they support, we can no longer stand silent annually. Raj has always been eager to help HON. MATT SALMON in the face of elements of the Affordable new Chamber members and is an active vol- Care Act that will destroy the very health unteer in Chamber events, including the OF ARIZONA and wellbeing of our members along with Murrieta Chamber Reverse Drawings and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES millions of other hardworking Americans. Special Olympic Games Bocce Ball Tour- Thursday, July 18, 2013 We believe that there are common-sense nament. corrections that can be made within the ex- Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to isting statute that will allow our members In addition to the Murrieta Chamber of Com- submit the following: to continue to keep their current health merce, Raj is a member of many other com- DEAR LEADER REID AND LEADER PELOSI: plans and benefits just as you and the Presi- munity organizations whose programs help When you and the President sought our sup- dent pledged. Unless changes are made, how- fundraise for businesses and organizations in port for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you ever, that promise is hollow. the area. These organizations include the pledged that if we liked the health plans we We continue to stand behind real health care reform, but the law as it stands will Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce and have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that the Valley Young Professionals. He was re- promise is under threat. Right now, unless hurt millions of Americans including the you and the Obama Administration enact an members of our respective unions. cently appointed to the Advisory Council of the equitable fix, the ACA will shatter not only We are looking to you to make sure these Assistance League of Temecula Valley. He our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy changes are made. has helped events come to life through mul- the foundation of the 40 hour work week that JAMES P. HOFFA, tiple planning stages, including the Boys and is the backbone of the American middle General President, Girls Club Annual ‘‘Field of Dreams’’ Dinner, class. International Brother- hood of Teamsters. the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Like millions of other Americans, our Walk which raised over $90,000, and the Re- members are front-line workers in the Amer- JOSEPH HANSEN, ican economy. We have been strong sup- International Presi- ality Rally. Raj has also been a participant in porters of the notion that all Americans dent, UFCW. the Murrieta Veteran’s Day Parade, Field of should have access to quality, affordable D. TAYLOR, Honor, Boys and Girls Club ‘‘Our Kids Rock’’ health care. We have also been strong sup- President, UNITE- fundraiser, and the Susan G. Komen for the porters of you. In campaign after campaign HERE. Cure Walk/Run. He is also an active partici- we have put boots on the ground, gone door- f pant in the Temecula Noon Rotary Club where to-door to get out the vote, run phone banks he serves as a member of the International and raised money to secure this vision. TRIBUTE TO RAJ NARAYANAN Now this vision has come back to haunt us. Committee and is the Membership Co-Chair. Since the ACA was enacted, we have been For the Past three years, Raj has been com- bringing our deep concerns to the Adminis- HON. KEN CALVERT mitted to his title as ‘‘Food Chair’’ for the an- tration, seeking reasonable regulatory inter- OF CALIFORNIA nual Rotary Taste of the World Fundraiser, pretations to the statute that would help IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which helped generate over $40,000 in 2013. prevent the destruction of nonprofit health Thursday, July 18, 2013 plans. As you both know first-hand, our per- In light of all Raj has done for Murrieta, the suasive arguments have been disregarded and Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Murrieta Chamber of Commerce named Raj met with a stone wall by the White House honor and pay tribute to an individual whose their Citizen of the Year. His tireless passion and the pertinent agencies. This is especially dedication and contributions to the community for community service has contributed im- stinging because other stakeholders have re- of Murrieta are exceptional. The City of mensely to the betterment of Murrieta and the peatedly received successful interpretations Murrieta has been fortunate to have dynamic surrounding area. He has been the heart and for their respective grievances. Most dis- soul of many organizations and events and I concerting of course is last week’s huge ac- and dedicated community leaders who will- commodation for the employer community— ingly and unselfishly give their time and talent am proud to call him a fellow community extending the statutorily mandated ‘‘Decem- and make their communities a better place to member and American. I know that many are ber 31, 2013’’ deadline for the employer man- live and work. Raj Narayanan is one of these grateful for his service and salute him as he date and penalties. individuals. On July 20, 2013, Raj will be hon- receives this prestigious award.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.001 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1089 PERSONAL EXPLANATION the nursing home, but not the medical foster able for all Americans and finally end the abil- home. ity for insurance companies to deny coverage HON. MICHAEL G. GRIMM And, while traditional nursing homes will al- to those who have pre–existing conditions. By ways be a vital component of long-term care, delaying the individual mandate, this bill would OF NEW YORK medical foster homes provide a worthy alter- raise premiums on working class families and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES native for many veterans. cause significant harm to our efforts to make Thursday, July 18, 2013 According to the Department, many more health insurance accessible to all Americans. Mr. GRIMM. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. veterans would elect to receive care in a med- I am proud of the work the State of Wash- 363 I was unable to vote due to a recent med- ical foster home should VA be granted the au- ington has done, through its state–based ex- ical procedure. Had I been present, I would thority to pay for such care. change and Medicaid expansion efforts, to have voted ‘‘yes.’’ As the veteran population continues to age, make health insurance accessible for more the need for long-term care services will con- than half a million uninsured Washingtonians. f tinue to grow. This will not only lead to a healthier popu- INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT FOR I am sure we all agree that one thing we lation, but save Washington State an esti- H.R. lll, THE LONG TERM owe our veterans, particularly those who are mated $280 million by the end of 2015, and CARE VETERANS CHOICE ACT service-connected and in need of long-term add 10,000 new jobs as a result of the coming care, is the luxury of choice—the choice to de- health care changes. HON. JEFF MILLER cide where and how to receive the care they Before today’s vote, I reached out to Wash- need. ington State’s Office of the Insurance Commis- OF FLORIDA The Long-Term Care Veterans Choice Act sioner to discuss the individual insurance mar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which would authorize VA to enter into a con- ketplace and the proposal to delay the indi- Thursday, July 18, 2013 tract or agreement with a certified medical fos- vidual mandate. I was assured that the mar- ketplace is moving forward, full steam ahead. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, today, ter home to pay for the residential long-term care of service-connected veterans who are Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler said in I am introducing H.R. lll, the Long Term a statement, ‘‘Delaying the mandate would be Care Veterans Choice Act, to amend title 38, eligible for VA-paid nursing home care and would expand the long-term care choices of- unwise. It’s an issue of personal responsibility. United States Code, to authorize the Secretary It’s unfair for people who can afford coverage of Veterans Affairs to enter into contracts and fered to veterans beyond traditional services. In addition to being beneficial for the health to not have it, and to expect the rest of us to agreements for the transfer of veterans to cover the cost of their care if they become se- non-Department medical foster homes for cer- and well-being of veterans, the average cost of a medical foster home is approximately half riously sick or injured.’’ tain veterans who are unable to live independ- The decision to bring both of these bills to the monthly cost of a nursing home, making ently. the floor in this manner is not guided by some this legislation a very cost effective health care Medical foster homes are private homes in public policy concern. It is not to put forward option. which a trained caregiver provides twenty-four- credible solutions to legitimate problems. It is This is a commonsense, veteran-centric bill hour, around-the-clock, care to a few individ- nothing more than a cynical attempt to play that will free many veterans from financial tur- uals. politics and mock the notion that we should moil, and allow them to make their own deci- They are designed to provide a non-institu- implement the Affordable Care Act in a sions about what kind of long-term care they tional long-term care alternative to those who thoughtful, pragmatic way. want to receive. prefer a smaller, more home-like and familial Mr. Speaker, I reject this false dichotomy. I care setting than many traditional nursing I strongly encourage my colleagues to join support H.R. 2667, the Authority for Mandate homes are able to provide. me in co-sponsoring the Long Term Care Vet- Delay Act, not because I believe it solves an The Department of Veterans Affairs, VA, erans Choice Act. urgent problem, but for the same reason that has been helping to place veterans in medical f I supported the Administration when they foster homes for over a decade. H.R. 2667 AND H.R. 2668, TO AMEND made this decision in the first place: the provi- VA, as part of the placement process, in- sions have been determined to be too com- spects and approves all medical foster homes, THE PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT plex to implement prior to the existing dead- limits care to no more than three veterans at line. I’ve met with several dozen employers in a time, and provides veterans living in such recent months who have asked for more time homes with home-based primary care serv- HON. DEREK KILMER and greater certainty. That’s what this bill ices. OF WASHINGTON does. VA also provides safeguards to ensure vet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On the other hand, I oppose H.R. 2668, the erans receive safe, high-quality care by requir- Fairness for American Families Act, because Thursday, July 18, 2013 ing medical foster home caregivers to pass a the individual marketplace is moving forward federal background check and VA screening, Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, as Congress and is in a fundamentally different place. In agree to undergo annual training, and allow considers two pieces of legislation related to fact, this bill would severely undermine our VA medical foster home coordinators and the Affordable Care Act, I rise today to point ability to provide affordable, comprehensive members of a VA home care team to make out the silly exercise we’re going through. On health insurance to Americans. both announced and unannounced home vis- days like today, the American public gets to [From the Washington State Office of the In- its. see exactly why Congress’ approval rating is surance Commisioner Updates, July 17, Today, according to VA, over four hundred at historic lows. 2013] approved caregivers provide medical foster Today, we’re voting on two bills that would ‘‘Delaying the mandate would be unwise. home care in their homes to over five hundred amend provisions of the Affordable Care Act. This is an issue of personal responsibility. veterans daily in over thirty five states. The first bill before us, H.R. 2667, would delay It’s unfair for people who can afford coverage The problem, however, is that VA does not the so–called employer mandate provision to not have it, and to expect the rest of us to cover the cost of their care if they become have the authority to pay for the cost of the until January 1, 2015. Given that the Adminis- seriously sick or injured. medical foster home. tration has already said that they are delaying ‘‘A critical part of the Affordable Care Act So, the veteran who chooses to live in a the employer mandate provision until that was the provision requiring that insurers medical foster home must pay out of pocket time, this bill won’t actually do anything. take all applicants. No more screening out with personal funds—regardless of whether or Mr. Speaker, the other bill we’re voting on, people because they have pre-existing med- not such veteran is eligible for VA-paid nursing H.R. 2668, would delay the implementation of ical conditions. But to make that work, you home care. the so–called individual mandate for one year. have to have as many people as possible in the insurance pool. This creates a situation where many serv- This bill would severely undermine the integ- ‘‘Without an individual mandate to have ice-connected veterans with limited financial rity of the Affordable Care Act. While I wasn’t coverage, people would likely just buy insur- resources, who would prefer to live in a med- in Congress when the Affordable Care Act ance when they knew they needed it. That’s ical foster home, go to a nursing home institu- was passed into law, it is clear that this provi- like letting people get homeowners insur- tion instead because VA will cover the cost of sion is needed to help make insurance afford- ance only when their house catches fire.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.004 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2013 SAFE RETURN OF ARMANDO find ways to better protect Americans from documenting the military service of Latino vet- TORRES identity theft. erans. He also helped Anaheim Latino youth One of the most troubling forms of identity gain scholarships through his membership and HON. FILEMON VELA theft is fraud involving a deceased individual, participation in the LULAC Anaheim Council. OF TEXAS which victimizes grieving families. Our sub- A 26-year veteran of Northrop Grumman, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES committee learned about a family that not only John was a true patriot who carried out his du- lost their young daughter to a terrible cancer— ties with passion and integrity. Thursday, July 18, 2013 but then was dealt another blow when they John and his wife, Linda, founded the His- Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to join found that their child’s identity had been stolen panic Advisory Council to CASA (Court Ap- my colleagues in urging the State Department and used to collect a fraudulent tax refund. pointed Special Advocates of Orange County). and the government of Mexico to do every- Our bill aims to stop this fraud in its tracks. Their efforts continue to impact the Hispanic thing that they possibly can to ensure the safe It is named in honor of the child whose family youth that CASA serves. return of Armando Torres. asked our Subcommittee to make sure what John Lopez was a true public servant to his It has been over two months since Armando happened to them did not happen to another community. While he will be greatly missed, was taken captive by armed gunmen while family: the ‘‘Alexis Agin Identity Theft Protec- his contributions will benefit future genera- visiting his father in Mexico. A native of South tion Act of 2013.’’ No one should have to en- tions. Texas, Armando served 7 years in the Marine dure both the loss of a loved one and then the Corps including combat tours in Iraq. Though financial stress of dealing with identity theft f he survived a war zone, a greater threat to his because a fraudster has appropriated the per- safety came closer to home when he drove son’s identity. HONORING THE NAPA COUNTY across the Los Indios Bridge into Mexico. The Death Master File, DMF, a prime FARM BUREAU What should have been an uneventful trip source of SSNs used in identity theft, is a became a nightmare for the Torres family database of death information reported to the HON. MIKE THOMPSON when Armando has kidnapped. This is a sadly Social Security Administration, SSA. However, OF CALIFORNIA all too common occurrence in Mexico with as a lawsuit forced SSA to make this database IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many as 70 kidnappings occurring every day. available to anyone who wants it. SSA needs The cartel violence in Mexico has had a this information—it is used to make sure Thursday, July 18, 2013 profound impact on the entire nation with over earned benefits from the Social Security Trust Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, 60,000 killed. Fund are only paid to the living. But SSA does I rise today to honor the Napa County Farm The unprecedented level of violence has not want to make it available to fraudsters, Bureau on the occasion of its centennial anni- greatly affected the United States as well. Re- and they should not be required to do so. versary. lations with our neighbor to the south have Our bill would restrict access to the DMF to The Napa County Farm Bureau was initi- been strained as the free flow of lawful com- legitimate users and release to the general ated in 1913 when at a meeting of the Napa merce and visitors has been threatened by public only death data that is older than three Grange, H. J. Baade stated that the University crime and illegal trafficking. Over 600 U.S. citi- years, at which point it is relatively useless to of California at Berkeley would hire a scientif- zens have been murdered in Mexico. We talk ID thieves bent on using it for fraud. Over ically trained man with at least four years of about the Global War on Terror, but the cartel time, our bill also enables the States to take practical farming experience and place him in violence in Mexico has proven to be a far back the responsibility of handling their death any county that would agree to organize a more deadly threat. We cannot and we will not data and ends SSA’s public release of the Farm Bureau. The Napa Grangers instructed sit idly by and watch our ally Mexico fight this DMF for good. The President’s budget pro- the District Attorney to assist the Secretary of war alone. We are committed to working to- poses a similar approach that the Joint Com- the Napa Chamber of Commerce to organize gether to address the problems which face our mittee on Taxation projects would save $793 a Bureau of at least one-fifth of all the farmers two nations. million over ten years by reducing the potential in the county. The number of victims of this deadly war is for fraudulent tax refunds. The National Tax- Today, the mission of the Napa County staggering, but Armando Torres is not just a payer Advocate and the SSA Inspector Gen- Farm Bureau is to ensure the proper political, statistic. He is not just one of the victims of eral have also called for the public release of social, and economic climate for the continu- the cartel violence which has ravaged Mexico. the DMF data to end. ation of a strong, vibrant and sustainable agri- He is a Marine, a son, a nephew, a cousin, a I applaud the bipartisan approach we took cultural economy. The Farm Bureau is one of husband, and a father. And our nation must to resolving this problem for the American the county’s major voices for land steward- do everything in our power to bring him home. people. I hope we can learn from the Agin I stand with my colleagues in the United family’s tragic experience and move swiftly to ship, agricultural sustainability, and open States Congress today in support of Armando. enact this bipartisan, commonsense measure space preservation and conservation. Over the We will not rest until he is returned safely to to reduce the harm of identity theft. last four decades, the Napa County Farm Bu- his family and friends. reau has led the resistance to the trend to- f ward paving over farmland across the state f CHAMPION OF HISPANIC YOUTH and nation, and worked with County govern- INTRODUCTION OF THE ‘‘ALEXIS JOHN LOPEZ ment leaders to designate agriculture as its AGIN IDENTITY THEFT PROTEC- most precious resource—the highest and best TION ACT OF 2013’’ HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ use of the land. OF CALIFORNIA Countless members of the community have given much of their time and talent to help im- HON. XAVIER BECERRA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA prove the agricultural conditions of Napa Thursday, July 18, 2013 County. The organization is guided by a Board IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. of Directors and supported by a multitude of Thursday, July 18, 2013 Speaker, I rise today to honor Mr. John Lopez, dedicated volunteers. The Napa County Farm Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased a resident of my district who passed away on Bureau will honor 52 Centennial Napa County to join with my friend and colleague, SAM July 2, 2013. farm families who have been farming in the JOHNSON, to introduce this bipartisan legisla- John was born and raised in Santa Ana, county for 100 or more years on August 3rd. tion to protect Americans from identity theft. California. He went on to earn a Bachelor’s Mr. Speaker, throughout its 100 year his- I have long been concerned about the prob- Degree from University of California, Irvine tory, the Napa County Farm Bureau has lem of identity theft, where all too often the and a Masters from the University of La worked to protect family farms and ranches, Social Security number, SSN, which is as- Verne. maintain and enhance Napa’s rich agricultural signed to make sure Americans get their One of his proudest affiliations was through heritage, and promote good stewardship of earned Social Security benefits, is the key to the work he did with the American GI Forum, Napa’s soils, watersheds, wildlife habitat and committing fraud. For a number of years, where John rose to serve as the California open space. It is therefore appropriate that we Chairman JOHNSON and I have worked to- State Treasurer for the organization. acknowledge the Napa County Farm Bureau gether on a bipartisan basis with other mem- John was also a member of the Latino Ad- today and wish it great success in future bers of our Social Security Subcommittee to vocates for Education, where he worked on years.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.006 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1091 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF by general anchorages for vessels awaiting and other agencies to produce environmental THE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLI- entry into port, conducting repairs, or escap- assessments (EAs) for offshore wind develop- CATION OF MARINE NAVIGATION ing or riding-out bad weather or visibility ment. The initiative called for the identifica- that is common in Nantucket Sound. SAFETY AND MARINE ENVIRON- tion of areas on the Atlantic OCS that were Other than marked channels and charts, most suitable for commercial wind energy MENTAL PROTECTION CRITERIA there are no Traffic Separation Schemes and the availability of those areas for leas- FOR OFFSHORE RENEWABLE EN- (TSS), vessel traffic reporting or control sys- ing and site assessment. During 2011, BOEM ERGY INSTALLATIONS tems in place in the Sound. The port of Bos- published Notices identifying those ocean ton, Buzzards Bay, the Cape Cod Canal, and areas and requested public comment. HON. PAUL C. BROUN Rhode Island Sound all have TSS ship Significant public comment was received routes, or in the case of the Cape Cod Canal from maritime interests in response to the OF and Buzzard’s Bay, vessel reporting systems BOEM Notices. Major changes were made to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in place. These USCG systems significantly the various Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in- Thursday, July 18, 2013 mitigate navigational risk and play a promi- cluding excluded areas. The EAs provide nent role in the navigational risk assessment mitigation of marine navigation risk by out- Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, on for other areas being considered as potential right exclusion of areas that could produce sites for offshore wind facilities on the At- April 16, 2013, the House Science, Space, navigation or fishing conflict and by pro- lantic coast. The absence of TSS or other and Technology Subcommittees on Oversight viding safe separation/buffer zones between vessel control measures makes navigational and Energy held a joint hearing titled, ‘‘As- WEAs and vessel routes. The following safety risk in the Sound subject to comparatively criteria are evident from the final selection sessing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of greater risks. Wind Energy Incentives.’’ The attached docu- While the Main Channel in Nantucket of lease blocks in these EAs: ment contains excerpts from an analysis that Sound can support vessels with drafts up to The presence of Traffic Separation is part of the record for that hearing. 24 ft., including cruise liners, it also serves Schemes (TSS) or other vessel routing/con- trol measures facilitate the safe designation ‘‘A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOP- as the main artery for ferries connecting the Sound’s islands and for an estimated 250 of WEAs in ocean areas bearing volumes of MENT AND APPLICATION OF MARINE NAVIGA- large oceangoing fishing vessels. The pro- marine traffic and/or fishing activity. TION SAFETY AND MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL posed site for the CWA facility borders these Safety separation/buffer zones of 1 nm from PROTECTION CRITERIA FOR OFFSHORE RE- channels and routes extensively used year- TSSs and from shipping routes should be ap- NEWABLE ENERGY INSTALLATIONS, MARCH round by the ferry systems, some of which plied in WEA identification as well as in sub- 11, 2013’’, BY: JOHN F. MCGOWAN, RADM offer high-speed service at 30 knots on all its sequent site selection. USCG (RET), FOR: THE MCGOWAN GROUP, sides. Marine traffic routes and fishing areas LLC. The CWA proposal would place the WTGs should be identified and their densities esti- INTRODUCTION directly adjacent to these busy vessel routes, mated and projected for future growth and The following has been excerpted from an in some cases to be constructed within 975 ft. expansion in defining the limits of WEAs. analysis performed in March 2013 by The to 1,200 ft. from the edge of the North and Blocks should be excluded which would McGowan Group, LLC. Main channels, respectively. Without an ad- conflict with the safe operation and transit In recent years, the Department of the In- ditional buffer from these routes, an allision of shipping on recognized routes and from terior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Manage- with the nearest WTGs would occur in a vessels working in traditional fishing areas. ment (BOEM) and the U.S. Coast Guard mere 60 seconds, at normal speeds, for a ves- None of these criteria were applied to the (USCG) has taken steps to establish a proc- sel or boat that leaves the channel. A high siting, size and shape of the CWA proposal ess and standards for the leasing of areas for speed ferry would have 20 seconds to detect, for Nantucket Sound. development of Offshore Renewable Energy take action, and respond to avoid such USCG ACPARS allisions. Collision risk with vessels trav- Installations (OREIs) on the U.S. Outer Con- Concurrent with the BOEM ‘‘Smart from tinental Shelf (OCS). In 2006, the USCG em- eling within or adjacent to the project site also would be a problem due to WTG inter- the Start’’ process, in 2011, USCG embarked barked on setting standards to safeguard ma- on a separate study whose scope would influ- rine safety and marine environmental pro- ference with navigation and collision avoid- ance radar. ence OREI facility siting and design. The tection for the siting and operation of OREIs USCG issued its first and interim report in SECTION 414 AND THE 2008 MMS FEIS on the nation’s waterways and oceans. In re- July 2012. The final report is not expected to sponse to special legislation enacted in 2006, In 2005, Congress enacted Section 414 of the be issued until the end of 2013. the USCG was also required to establish Coast Guard Maritime Transportation Act of The core of the USCG ACPARS analysis 2006 (CGMTA). Section 414 requires the USCG navigational safety terms and conditions and the basis for its recommended exclusions to ‘‘specify the reasonable terms and condi- (T&C) specifically for Nantucket Sound due from the WEAs proposed in the BOEM No- tions the Commandant determines necessary to the proposal for the 130 turbine Cape Wind tices is the ‘‘R-Y-G’’ methodology developed to provide for navigational safety with re- Associates (CWA) OREI. from standards and criteria for OREIs ap- This report provides a comparative anal- spect to the proposed lease, easement, or right-of-way and each alternative to the pro- plied in the UK and which provide three ysis of the T&C for Nantucket Sound under break points between WEAs and vessel traf- Section 414 of the Coast Guard Maritime posed lease, easement or right-of-way consid- ered by’’ the Secretary of the Interior for an fic routes: Transportation Act of 2006 (CGMTA) and the 1 nm—The minimum separation distance navigational safety actions taken elsewhere offshore wind energy facility in Nantucket Sound. to the parallel boundary of a TSS. At this or now under development by USCG and distance there would still be S band radar in- BOEM. As this report concludes, the Nan- Section 414 makes it clear that the T&C are to protect the navigational status quo, terference and automatic radar plotting aid tucket Sound standards provide significantly (ARPA) is adversely affected. This is also the less protection for navigation safety than not to protect CWA or its design. The USCG can fulfill this duty only by developing T&C boundary between High/Medium naviga- the comparative measures established or that ensure the project does not present tional safety risk. proposed for every other OREI location. navigational risks, including the possible 2 nm—The separation distance where com- THE SITE AND THE DESIGN (NANTUCKET SOUND need to alter the project design through the pliance with COLREGS becomes less chal- AND CAPE WIND) establishment of a buffer zone from existing lenging, mitigation measures would still be Nantucket Sound is not only a heavily shipping and ferry routes, or to deny the required to reduce risk As Low as Reason- used body of water, but one of the most dan- lease application at the proposed location. ably Practicable (ALARP). This is also the gerous places to navigate in the U.S. In fact, The burden to provide for navigational safe- boundary between Medium/Low navigational the seaman’s’ handbook, The Coast Pilot, ty belongs to CWA, not to mariners, fisher- safety risk. singles out Nantucket Sound for special cau- men, or the public. 5 nm—The separation distance where there tion due to the frequent occurrence of wind, In late 2008, USCG altered its approach are minimal impacts to navigational safety fog, and high velocity currents. that would have addressed navigation safety and risk should be acceptable without addi- Horseshoe Shoal, found near the center of concerns by including changes to the project, tional mitigation. This is also the boundary Nantucket Sound, is a well-known and to instead adopt the position that the between Low/Very Low navigational safety marked hazard whose rocks are seldom visi- project had to be accepted as it was pro- risk. ble above the Sound’s surface. Water depths posed. As a result, all burden for safety was ACPARS examined the shipping routes and in and around the Shoal vary from 2 ft. to placed on mariners and USCG did not rec- patterns for each area as well as individual nearly 60 ft. The shoal is bounded by the ommend a safety separation or buffer zone blocks in the WEAs proposed by BOEM. North Channel, which runs below Great Neck from the Sound’s established channels and Blocks that were determined to be hazardous and Hyannis, and the Main Channel, which shipping routes. Several lawsuits are pending to marine navigation and to the marine envi- runs from Vineyard Sound from the west to against the CWA project, including challenge ronment were ‘‘colored’’ RED, which the the Atlantic Ocean to the east. The Main of the USCG T&C. group defined as: ‘‘those blocks, or portions Channel that the CWA facility would abut BOEM’S EAS of blocks, that cannot/should not be devel- has a controlling depth of thirty feet. The BOEM began implementing DOI’s ‘‘Smart oped now or in the future because of vessel proposed project site is virtually surrounded from the Start’’ initiative in 2011 with USCG traffic usage. Development of these blocks

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.010 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2013 would have an unacceptable impact to navi- USCG also requested BOEM include the HONORING THE DELTA SIGMA gational safety and precludes development.’’ following statement in the EA: ‘‘UK Mari- THETA CENTENNIAL YELLOW BLOCKS were defined as ‘‘those time Guidance Note MGN–71 and the exper- blocks, or portions of blocks, that require tise of waterways SME’s to evaluate and/or further study/analysis of existing traffic identify individual BOEMRE RFIs/CFIs. HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. usage/patterns as well as projected future Based on MGN–371, any areas <1 NM from ex- OF MICHIGAN traffic increases based on development of ad- isting shipping routes pose a high risk to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES joining/adjacent blocks. Development of navigational safety and are not considered these blocks would potentially have an unac- acceptable for the placement OREIs. Areas Thursday, July 18, 2013 ceptable impact on navigational safety >5NM from existing shipping routes are con- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to which requires additional study to determine sidered to pose minimal risk to navigational honor the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for their the risk and possible mitigation if devel- safety. Everything between 1NM and 5NM Centennial Celebration. Founded at Howard oped.’’ GREEN BLOCKS were defined as would require analysis to determine if miti- ‘‘those blocks, or portions of blocks, whose University in 1913, this international sorority gation factors could be applied to bring navi- has long focused on providing young women development would, based on available infor- gational safety risk to within acceptable lev- mation, pose minimal to no detrimental im- els. Please note that impacts to radar and with the strength and experience to lead. pact to navigational safety. Traffic using ARPA still occur outside of 1 NM which will Whether in law, science, business, or edu- these blocks can be ’re-routed’ around devel- have to be evaluated along with other poten- cation, Delta alumnae all have one thing in oped alternative energy sites. These blocks tial impacts. The above are only planning common: they are dedicated to serving their would require minimal, if any, mitigation.’’ guidelines and a full navigational risk as- communities. The five points of the Delta ex- ACPARS stated: ‘‘Although consensus was sessment will be required as part of the EIS not reached, the majority of the ACPARS perience are Economic Development, Edu- Workgroup recommended the use of a 1NM prior to approving construction of any cational Development, International Aware- separation distance from shipping routes for OREIs.’’ ness and Involvement, Physical and Mental determining the boundary between Yellow In contrast, USCG accepted the design and Health, and Political Awareness and Involve- and Red Blocks. As stated above there was siting of the CWA facility without challenge ment. consensus for using 5NM as the minimum and without imposing any minimum separa- The strength they gain through focused de- distance from shipping routes for Green tion distance between the surrounding vessel velopment on these points doesn’t just benefit Blocks.’’ routes and channels and the facility’s WTGs. the young women who join Delta Sigma COMPARISON—NANTUCKET SOUND VERSUS THE The CWA facility design and placement of its Theta. Through projects like the Delta Towers OREI NAVIGATIONAL SAFETY MEASURES WTGs would provide the crew of a passenger ferry or boat that leaves the channel a mere here in Washington D.C., their work with Habi- The attached Figure 4–12 has been ex- tat for Humanity across our nation, or their cerpted from the BOEM EA for Massachu- 60 seconds, at normal speeds, and a high setts and displays the TSS schemes for speed ferry a mere 20 seconds to detect, take youth outreach programs—we are all better for Rhode Island Sound, the Port of Boston, and action and respond to avoid a collision with the generosity of the Deltas we know and the approaches to NY. It shows ‘‘High’’ den- an adjacent WTG. love. sity vessel tracks in a yellow to salmon color Another significant disparity lies in the To all the Delta sisters out there—best wish- scheme. Figure 1 shows commercial vessels treatment of the safety and operational es for the next hundred years. in Nantucket Sound, specifically its Main needs of commercial fishing vessels. The 2012 f Channel, in heavy volumes very similar to BOEM EAs examined and then excluded en- those studied for the proposed WEAs in the tire blocks and sections of the proposed PERSONAL EXPLANATION Massachusetts and in the Rhode Island & WEAs to prevent the displacement of those Massachusetts EAs produced by BOEM. vessels and their traditional fishing activity. What is not shown in these Figures is the HON. MICHAEL G. GRIMM BOEM appears to have adopted the position disparity of navigation risk and of displace- OF NEW YORK that commercial fishing vessels and their op- ment of fishing activities that would be cre- erating techniques make for an unacceptable IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ated by OREIs in the various WEAs as com- pared to CWA. Using the WEA area described safety risk when operating within or in the Thursday, July 18, 2013 vicinity of a WEA. BOEM, MMS, and USCG in the RI & MA BOEM EA (RIMAWEA) as a Mr. GRIMM. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. comparison to the proposed CWA site, sev- took the opposite tack in their review and acceptance of the CWA proposal. The re- 361, I was unable to vote due to a recent eral factors emerge that drive starkly dif- medical procedure. Had I been present, I ferent navigational and operational risk en- peated complaints of the fishing industry in vironments that transiting vessels must the Sound that the CWA facility would make would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ overcome. it unsafe for them to fish on or adjacent to f The RIMAWEA would be located adjacent the rich fishing grounds at Horseshoe Shoal to the high density TSS in Rhode Island were simply ignored or obfuscated. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Sound. The vessel one-way lanes of the TSS CONCLUSION are each 1 nm wide with depths ranging from HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY 60–120 ft. The Main Channel directly adjacent 1. The application of safe separation/buffer OF NEW YORK to the CWA site on Horseshoe Shoal can be zones in the design of offshore WEAs and the visualized as a higher risk single-lane car- exclusion of ocean blocks to eliminate poten- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rying vessel traffic in multiple directions tial conflicts with the marine navigation Thursday, July 18, 2013 which narrows to 3/4 nm between two dan- safety needs have been uniformly applied to gerous shoals with 30–60 ft. of water at the all WEAs with the exception of Nantucket Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- junction of heavy vessel traffic crossing from Sound. er, I was unavoidably absent during the week east to west and north to south. There are of June 24, 2013. If I were present, I would 2. USCG has failed to effectively apply the few shoals and ledges in the direct vicinity of have voted on the following. the RIMAWEA and the RI TSS; vessels leav- same marine navigation safety and environ- TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013: ing the TSS by design or in emergency have mental protection standards, guidance, and ‘‘sea room’’ to maneuver and recover in criteria it developed for OREIs in the U.S. to Rollcall No. 287: Motion to Suspend the water depths ranging from 60–160 ft. Utilizing the CWA facility. Rules and Pass H.R. 2383, ‘‘yea.’’ both BOEM EA and ACPARS criteria, a trou- 3. Neither a sufficient and meaningful site Rollcall No. 288: Motion to Suspend the bled vessel seeking to avoid a casualty with assessment nor an accurate and detailed ves- Rules and Pass H.R. 1092, ‘‘yea.’’ a WTG placed near the TSS or with another sel traffic assessment has been conducted for WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2013: vessel hidden in radar interference from the the CWA proposed facility. facility would have a 1 nm buffer space be- Rollcall No. 289: Motion on Ordering the 4. A navigational risk assessment to a rec- tween the RIMAWEA TSS and other vessel Previous Question on the Rule for H.R. 1613, ognized standard has not been conducted nor routes to safely react. ACPARS examined H.R. 2231, and H.R. 2410, ‘‘nay.’’ have adequate and effective marine safety the vessel routes and traffic density for the Rollcall No. 290: Motion on Agreeing to the mitigation actions been identified for CWA. RIMAWEA proposed for RI Sound, the region Resolution on the Rule H.R. 1613, H.R. 2231, most akin to the navigation conditions 5. The CWA facility is fatally flawed as and H.R. 2410, ‘‘nay.’’ found in Nantucket Sound. USCG requested currently designed and sited. It is incompat- THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013: that BOEM exclude 16 blocks from the ible with the needs of marine transportation RIMAWEA to safeguard navigation safety in Nantucket Sound and is an unnecessary Rollcall No. 291: Grayson of Florida Part A for vessels on routes or within the TSS and unacceptable threat to the current-day Amendment No. 1, as Modified, ‘‘yea.’’ which would pass within a safety buffer of 1 and future users of Nantucket Sound’s wa- Rollcall No. 292: Motion to Recommit with nm from the WEA. terways. Instructions for H.R. 1613, ‘‘yea.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.011 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1093 Rollcall No. 293: Final Passage of H.R. CITIZENS RAISE AWARENESS OF HONORING THE AMERICAN- 1613—Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary GENOCIDE THROUGH THE ONE ITALIAN HERITAGE SOCIETY Hydrocarbon Agreements Authorization Act, MILLION BONES DEMONSTRA- ‘‘no.’’ TION HON. LEE TERRY Rollcall No. 294: Motion to Suspend the OF NEBRASKA Rules and Pass H.R. 1864, ‘‘yea.’’ HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rollcall No. 295: Hastings of Florida Part B Amendment No. 2, ‘‘aye.’’ OF VIRGINIA Thursday, July 18, 2013 Rollcall No. 296: Flores of Texas Part B IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Amendment No. 4, ‘‘no.’’ Thursday, July 18, 2013 honor the American-Italian Heritage Society on Rollcall No. 297: Cassidy of Louisiana Part the occasion of breaking ground on their new B Amendment No. 5, as Modified, ‘‘no.’’ Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, earlier this headquarters. Rollcall No. 298: Rigell of Virginia Part B month, residents from across the country par- The American-Italian Heritage Society was Amendment No. 7, ‘‘no.’’ ticipated in the One Million Bones demonstra- founded in Omaha in 1980 by seven individ- tion on the National Mall to raise awareness FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2013: uals in order to preserve their Italian heritage about the acts of genocide and mass atrocities Rollcall No. 299: DeFazio of Oregon Part B in the community. Since its founding, the orga- in Africa and the Middle East. Amendment No. 8, ‘‘aye.’’ nization has been dedicated to encouraging Rollcall No. 300: Broun of Georgia Part B Many of the participants visited with their re- awareness of Italian traditions, including his- Amendment No. 9, ‘‘no.’’ spective Congressional offices, and I am tory, culture, and language, among many pleased to enter into the Congressional other aspects. Rollcall No. 301: Grayson of Florida Part B Record a statement on behalf of my constitu- This new building serving as their head- Amendment No. 10, as Modified, ‘‘aye.’’ ents, Alison Luckett and Taylor Lane, who met quarters will provide a permanent meeting Rollcall No. 302: Capps of California Part B with staff from my office. center for members of the American-Italian Amendment No. 11, ‘‘aye.’’ Heritage Society to gather. Here they will be Rollcall No. 303: Motion to Recommit with We the House of Representatives resolve able to host their traditional Italian courses Instructions for H.R. 2231, ‘‘aye.’’ that: and many other activities for both children and Rollcall No. 304: Final Passage of H.R. In support of the One Million Bones efforts adults. The society also hosts many events for 2231—Offshore Energy and Jobs Act, ‘‘no.’’ to raise awareness of on–going genocides and mass atrocities in the world today; members and guests, such as, the annual La Festa Italiana, which has been held for nearly f Consistent with the UN’s having defined genocide as ‘‘Any of the following acts com- thirty years. Additionally, many fundraisers RECOGNIZING THE 25TH ANNIVER- mitted with intent to destroy, in whole or in have been held such as the American-Italian SARY OF THE TOWN OF CHAM- part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious Heritage Society pasta dinners, which allow PLAIN, NEW YORK group, as such: killing members of the group; members of the Omaha area to embrace causing serious bodily or mental harm to Italian culture. HON. WILLIAM L. OWENS members of the group; deliberately inflicting The American-Italian Heritage Society has on the group conditions of life, calculated to grown significantly since it’s founding with now OF NEW YORK over 1,000 members. It hopes to continue to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bring about physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent grow by adding a cultural museum and library Thursday, July 18, 2013 births within a group; [and] forcibly transferring to preserve Italian culture in Omaha. Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to children of the group to another group;’’ lating The American-Italian Heritage Society recognize the 225th Anniversary of the town of In remembrance of the lives lost in past acts on their new building. The Omaha community Champlain, NY. of genocide including the genocides in Nazi and I recognize all of the advances the Amer- The French explorer, Samuel De Cham- Germany, Rwanda, and Sudan in which: ican-Italian Heritage Society has made to not plain, was the first European to discover and The Holocaust was an act of genocide by only celebrate Italian culture and tradition but name the lake. Established in 1788, the town Nazi Germany to eradicate Non–Aryan popu- to educate the future generations as well. was formed after Pliny Moore, one of its lation during World War II in which 11 million f founders, received a land grant for enlisting in people were killed; the New York in 1781 during the Amer- The civil war in Rwanda from April 6, 1994, OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL ican Revolution, including extensive shoreline to July 16, 1994, in which acts of genocide DEBT along . It was Moore who re- were committed by extremist Hutus through mained an essential figure in the town’s early the militia, the Interhamawe, and the govern- HON. MIKE COFFMAN development, building the first saw mill, be- ment army against Tutsis, moderate Hutus, coming the first county judge and merchant, OF COLORADO and the Twa in which over 1 million people IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and later as a prominent politician, rep- were killed; Thursday, July 18, 2013 resenting Champlain in the New York Assem- The events in Sudan from 2003 to present bly. have involved acts of genocide by the Muslim Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January The town of Champlain also played a vital Arab Sudanese against the Muslim black Su- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- role during the . In 1814, Cham- danese through the Janjaweed militia and the fice, the national debt was plain was crucial in securing the nation’s Sudanese army in which 6 million people were $10,626,877,048,913.08. northern border and contributed to the Amer- killed before 2003 and since then an additional Today, it is $16,738,167,165,761.57. We’ve ican victory at the Battle of Plattsburgh, also 400,000 have died. added $6,111,190,116,848.49 to our debt in 4 known as the Battle of Lake Champlain. Resolved that we— and a half years. This is $6 trillion in debt our Situated just outside of the Adirondack Park, nation, our economy, and our children could today the town is a gateway for visitors to 1. view all human beings as equals no mat- ter their nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion; have avoided with a balanced budget amend- many popular attractions including hiking, fish- ment. 2. recognize these events as genocide and ing, camping and other outdoor activities. It f also contains one of the most important com- condemns them as such mercial gateways on the northern border and 3. urge all Members of Congress to con- IN HONOR OF DISTRICT COURT is central in connecting Quebec, Montreal and demn those responsible for the acts of geno- JUDGE JOSEPH BLICK New York City, which facilitates substantial cide from occurring; trade between the US and Canada. 4. will continue to work with the One Million HON. WALTER B. JONES Over time, its residents have grown in popu- Bones project to educate all people on the OF NORTH CAROLINA horrors of genocide and to prevent any future lation and in pride, recognizing their town’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unique history to the area and their country. acts of genocide from occurring I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- 5. will take action through available means Thursday, July 18, 2013 lating the residents of Champlain reaching this to prevent future acts of genocide from occur- Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I would like to milestone. ring. take a moment to honor District Court Judge

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.014 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 18, 2013 Joseph A. Blick, Jr., a dedicated public serv- Mobilian who played an instrumental role in peacemaker, and as the first elected president ant and worthy recipient of the Order of the the growth of the Port of Mobile and the re- of a free, democratic, and multiracial Republic Long Leaf Pine, an honor awarded by the gov- gional economy. Mr. Mark Sheppard, Vice of South Africa. Nelson Mandela dedicated his ernor of North Carolina. President for Trade and Development at the life to serving humanity in the fields of conflict In the journey of life, it is a privilege to meet Alabama State Port Authority, recently passed resolution, race relations, the promotion and an individual like Joe Blick—a man of strong away at the age of 61. protection of human rights, reconciliation, gen- faith who always makes time for his family, A native of Mobile and a graduate of the der equality, the rights of children and other church, and the local community. Joe rarely University of South Alabama, Mr. Sheppard vulnerable groups, the uplift of poor and un- utters the word ‘‘no,’’ but instead eagerly enjoyed a maritime career which spanned derdeveloped communities, and the struggle seeks opportunities to help others. He has more than 30 years, beginning with a manage- for democracy internationally and the pro- been a role model for the Greenville youth by ment trainee position for United States Lines. motion of a world culture of peace. volunteering to coach sports or help with the He later worked for a number of companies In honoring these dreams, hopes, goals, youth group at St. Peter Catholic Church. He along the Gulf of Mexico, including Hapag- and acts, the United Nations calls upon people is a man who teaches fairness and compas- Lloyd, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and Nedlloyd Lines, everywhere to devote 67 minutes today to sion in and out of the courtroom and has al- where he managed direct sales, marketing helping others, one minute honoring each year ways led by example. and integrated logistics. that Nelson Mandela devoted to us, humanity. A prime example of Mr. Blick’s generous na- Mr. Sheppard joined the Alabama State Port Through our service to others, we honor the ture comes in his decision to retire a year Authority in 2005, where he led trade and car- achievements and sacrifices of Nelson early, giving up his full retirement status in rier development for the Authority’s intermodal Mandela. order to accept a teaching position at St. investments. Most notably, he is credited—de- Today we honor the life and work of a man Peter’s Catholic School. As always, he has spite a global economic recession—with ex- who by his courage, commitment to justice, chosen to follow the will of God and under- panding both business and ocean carrier serv- grace in the face of unearned suffering, and stands that teaching the young men and ice at the authority’s new container terminal capacity to forgive continues to inspire the women who represent America’s future is his between 2008 and 2010. That trend continued world. calling. in 2011, when year-over-year container traffic In the words of Nelson Mandela: ‘‘For to be This new position will represent a return to increased by another 31 percent. free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but the classroom for Judge Blick, who taught and His leadership was further evident in 2012, to live in a way that respects and enhances coached students in Moore County, North when the Port Authority’s containerized, steel the freedom of others.’’ Carolina, before attending law school at Wake and export coal volumes all posted significant Happy birthday to one of the greatest men Forest University. After graduating, he went on growth. And growth is projected to continue of our time. to work for 16 years as an assistant district at- with planned investments in intermodal rail, f torney before assuming the title of district warehousing and terminal upgrades to expand court judge and presiding over the 3A judicial capacity and market reach. EGYPT district for 14 years. In addition to his responsibilities with the Joe’s commitment to Pitt County has been Port Authority, Mr. Sheppard also remained HON. JOSEPH R. PITTS admired by many, including myself. In recogni- active in the broader maritime and inter- OF PENNSYLVANIA tion of his extensive record of public service, national communities, serving on the Board of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he has been honored with the Order of the Directors for the Tennessee-Tombigbee Wa- Thursday, July 18, 2013 Long Leaf Pine—a prestigious award pre- terway Development Council and as vice sented to individuals who display a strong chairman and chairman-elect for the Alabama Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, I watched with dedication to the state of North Carolina. Germany Partnership. great interest the recent events in Egypt I join with Joe’s wife, Mary; his two sons Alabama State Port Authority Director where millions took to the street in support of and daughters-in-law, Jeff and Caroline and James K. Lyons reflected on the loss of Mr. real democracy, real freedom, and the actual Brian and Kristen; and his three grandchildren Sheppard and his valuable contributions to upholding and protection of fundamental in congratulating him on his many achieve- Alabama and the Gulf Coast: ‘‘Mark human rights. Sadly, those who promote and ments. During my many years of friendship Sheppard’s sudden passing comes as a deep preach violence continue to assert the domi- with the Blick family, I had the distinct honor shock to our maritime and international trade nance of their ideology and rights to the exclu- of nominating Brian to the naval academy, community. He was a key member of our sion and detriment of anyone who does not from which he graduated in May of 2012. team and a good friend.’’ agree with them. John Wesley once said that ‘‘[o]ne of the On behalf of the people of Alabama, I wish In light of these recent events, I would like principal rules of religion is to lose no occa- to extend my personal condolences to his to submit for the Record a short letter from the sion of serving God. And, since he is invisible family, including his daughter, Jessica, who is Board of Governors of the American Chamber to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neigh- a member of my Washington, DC office staff, of Commerce in Egypt regarding Egypt and bor; which he receives as if done to himself in as well as his brother Tim Sheppard; and two the desires of the Egyptian people. person, standing visibly before us.’’ sisters, Brenda Sheppard and Sonya Bell. You The business community, the human rights Judge Blick has certainly exemplified this are all in our thoughts and prayers. and democracy activists, and even Egyptian government officials are asking for our support spirit of service, and I am confident that his f dedication to God, his family, and his commu- for democracy and freedom. nity will continue as he takes this next step in NELSON MANDELA In light of these recent events, it is vital to life’s journey. I am grateful for Judge Blick’s INTERNATIONAL DAY note that due to the complete absence of an tireless commitment to the Greenville commu- impeachment process and a working par- nity and pleased to have him recognized by HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE liament, there was no established mechanism the United States Congress, an honor which OF TEXAS for a transition of power—the only course of he truly deserves. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES action available and possible to the people f was ‘‘popular impeachment.’’ Thursday, July 18, 2013 It is critical that the Egyptian people know TRIBUTE TO MR. MARK Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to that we stand with them in this time of transi- SHEPPARD, VICE PRESIDENT OF pay tribute to President Nelson Mandela and tion as they seek, once again, to draft a Con- THE ALABAMA STATE PORT AU- to commemorate the 5th anniversary of ‘‘Nel- stitution that protects and upholds the rights of THORITY son Mandela International Day.’’ On this spe- all Egyptians and maintains international cial day, the thoughts, prayers, and wishes of norms and standards, and as they seek to HON. JO BONNER all Americans, and peace loving people the build and strengthen institutions and proc- OF ALABAMA world over, are with Nelson Mandela and his esses of democracy, transparency, and free- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family. dom. In 2009, the United Nations dedicated this I urge the Congress to respond to recent Thursday, July 18, 2013 day in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s com- events in Egypt by supporting and working Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay mitment to humanity as a human rights law- with those in the country who desire to protect tribute to the life of an influential and beloved yer, a prisoner of conscience, an international and uphold fundamental human rights and to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:44 Jul 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JY8.018 E18JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1095 build and strength democracy and freedom for Egypt and the Middle East with over 1,800 ciate your continuous and invaluable sup- all Egyptians. members. For over 35 years, we have pro- port to Egypt and the Egyptian people. moted business relations between the United Sincerely, AMERICAN CHAMBER States and Egypt, during which time we BOARD OF GOVERNORS, OF COMMERCE IN EGYPT, have built a strong network of business lead- The American Chamber July 7, 2013. As Americans celebrated their Independ- ers, Members of Congress and their staffs, ex- of Commerce in Egypt. ence Day and reminded the world of the val- ecutive branch officials, and other decision ues of democracy based on the principles of and policy makers in Egypt and the United f inclusiveness, respect for the rights of mi- States. Today, AmCham is communicating a norities and equality for all, millions of message to its network of friends and busi- HONORING MAX DORIA Egyptians went to the streets, throughout ness partners. the country, to demand their own democracy All of AmCham’s members share a commit- HON. MIKE THOMPSON and the right to a better life and a better ment to a strong U.S.-Egypt relationship at Egypt. all levels and an Egyptian economy based on OF CALIFORNIA The historic developments that began June a free market, opportunities for youth, job IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES creation, better education, entrepreneurship 30 included widespread demonstrations Thursday, July 18, 2013 across Egypt’s governorates involving more and active participation in the global econ- than 25 million Egyptians. The protests vast- omy. At this critical juncture, we believe Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, ly exceeded the numbers that ignited the that Egypt’s relationship with the United I rise today to honor Max Doria of Vallejo, January 25th Revolution in 2011, and is be- States is critical to the long-term success of California. lieved to have been the largest peaceful dem- Egypt’s revolutionary process and beyond. We therefore believe it is imperative that Mr. Doria has been a dedicated community onstration in world history. This citizen-led volunteer for two decades. For the last 16 ‘‘coup for democracy’’ was a genuine reflec- the United States: tion of the fact that the peoples’ desire for acknowledge that June 30 was a ‘‘people’s years, he has served as the Vice President of real democratic change remained unfulfilled. revolution’’ and nothing else; the Filipino Community of Solano County, Inc. The popular demonstrations, according to support the transitional plan for new, free, (FCSC). The FCSC is one of the oldest Fili- many Egyptians, stemmed from flagrant vio- transparent multi-party elections; pino organizations in Vallejo, and provides nu- lations of democratic principles, starting provide leadership in the international merous services to its members and the com- with then President Mohamed Morsi’s con- community to mobilize the economic assist- munity-at-large. He was also the past presi- ance that Egypt requires in the short-term stitutional declaration in November 2012, in dent of Sekder Day Pangasinan, another im- which he effectively declared himself above to stabilize its economy; the law. Egypt’s first democratically-elected initiate a sustained high-level economic portant local Filipino organization serving president, whom we genuinely hoped would dialogue with Egypt designed to create the former residents of that Philippine Province. be a president for all Egyptians, wantonly conditions for long term, private-sector led Mr. Doria is a veteran who faithfully served expanded his powers and focused on imple- growth; our country in the . After menting an ideological agenda rather than encourage U.S. businesses to invest in his retirement, he continued to work with other addressing the serious economic crisis facing Egypt. Navy and military retirees as a board member the country. He deliberately blocked the cre- A strong, stable, moderate and truly demo- cratic Egypt is in the best interest of both of the Filipino American Retired U.S. Armed ation of a constitution that guaranteed Forces Association (FARASUFU). checks and balances and provided equality countries, and those interests would be ad- for all. The president’s refusal to com- versely affected if current U.S. policymakers Together with his son Mel, Mr. Doria oper- promise and his gross mismanagement of elect to disengage from Egypt and its people ated Doria Protective Services. He often do- government affairs jeopardized the stability in their quest for true democracy or reduce nated his time and resources to provide secu- of the region’s most populous nation and di- current levels of support for the Egyptian rity for community events. Doria Protective rectly affected its crucial strategic role. military. Over the past two years, many of Services is the official security company for It is important to note that it was not eco- the largest U.S. multinationals who are ac- the very popular Pista sa Nayon Filipino Fes- tive members of AmCham (including many nomic failures that precipitated the dem- tival on the Vallejo Waterfront each June. He onstrations of June 30, but rather, the vast Fortune 500 companies) have remained en- majority of demonstrators saw a blatant at- gaged in and committed to Egypt. They are and his staff were responsible for the safety of tempt by the government to reshape Egypt’s bullish on Egypt’s future and its future pros- over 30,000 festival attendees. complex, multi-variant, pluralistic culture pects. They are confident that the Egyptian Mr. Doria is the building manager for the by dismantling the judiciary, suppressing people will settle for nothing less than a real new Filipino Community Center in Vallejo, the independent media, repressing freedom democracy and an economy that offers op- which just celebrated its grand opening last of speech and dissent and refusing to recog- portunity for all. May. He is married to Dolly Doria. They have nize the rights of minorities and women. The In that spirit, and during this difficult pe- one son Mel, and three grandchildren, Andy, riod in Egypt’s history, AmCham appreciates Egyptian people demanded these rights and Alexis and Alex. values following the January 25 revolution, the support you have offered Egypt over but they were dismissed and ignored by the many years and looks forward to stronger Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to rise and cele- government that came to power. business ties between Egypt and the United brate the accomplishments of Max Doria and The American Chamber of Commerce in States that are based on mutual respect and to offer him and his family our appreciation for Egypt is the leading business association in understanding. Most importantly, we appre- his many years of community service.

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