
1Ro£al (5a3ette anblColontet H>ail£ INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established) 1828 and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866)


DEDICATION OF SAYINGS OF THE WEEK. PERSONAL THEY SAY | MARSDEN CHURCH. "Germany has suffered more ROUND TNE WORLD NY CABLE Commander Lyson, R.N., Ad­ That unprecedented numbers of w\ miral Sir Michael Culme Seymour's Crowded and Interesting Services. from weak or misguided leadership passengers are arriving for this in recent years than any great Secretary, has taken "Virginia period of the year. f?Marsden Church, the newly-built country in the world.—Mr. Lloyd Manor,", Spanish Point. Mrs Lyson mmm Methodist Church near Tucker's George." and family are expected to arrive That Monday's steamer brought Town, was formally dedicated on Except, perhaps, England. Turkey Falsifies Promise-Natives Massacre by the next direct boat from Eng­ 350. Sunday morning by the Rev. J. R. land. * * * Saint, D.D., Chairman of the Ber­ Sengalese Soldiers-Socialist Members of « * * That she took away about 250 muda District of the Methodist "The rich men of to-day are a The Misses Olmstead. sisters yesterday. .mm Church of Canada, Newfoundland, better class of people than were Reichstag Appeal to Great Britain. of Mrs. Lennock Godet have taken the rich men of any preceding age. and Bermuda. M iss Darrell's bungalow at Bailey's That it is the season for the "re­ —Dr. Frank Crane." Notwithstanding the very threat­ Bay for the season. turned empties." ening weather, which doubtless On behalf of our Bermuda mil­ mmm kept away many persons who had lionaires, Dr. Crane, we thank you. That a huge boiler was landed planned to be present, the com­ * * • Poincare Explains in Sunday Speeches-German Mr. Hamilton C. Davis and from the S.S. Ninian. mmm modious building was filled to its "Mankind lives on a second-rate family, from Objibway Island, utmost capacity when the service Nation in Extremity—Lloyd-George Thanks Ontario, friends of Mr. Checkley's, That there appears to be a sud­ satellite of a fourth-rate and mori­ den dearth of local sport. began at eleven o'clock, the organ­ bund star.—Prof V. H. Mottram." Canadians. have taken Mrs. C. S. Tucker's ist. Miss Zadie Darrell, playing the * * * If that is all, living ought to be cottage at Long Bay, Somerset, Doxology and the congregation That for his ingratitude a young cheaper than it is. for the season. heartily singing the well-known man got six weeks' hard labour on hymn of Praise. Monday. BRITISH CEMETERY ! the Imperial Council formed of mmm Following a brief Invocation the "There is something to be said We are Informed on reliable DESECRATED BY TURKS. representatives of the component That the recent heavy rain was hymn "The Church's one found­ for the sun.—Mr. G. K. Chester­ authority that The Potocianas States in the German Republic). beneficial to laying the dust. ation" was sung, and then the ton." has been purchased by Mr. E. C. Rev. A. S. Adams, Pastor of the Constantinople, October 8.—The The bill authorizes the Govern­ Gosling. mmm Yes, and it was said all the past British Crimean Memorial Ceme­ ment at the Reich to take mea­ Methodist Churches at St. George's summer. That the Woman's Suffrage So­ and St. David's, offered prayer. tery was desecrated some time sures it considers necessary and oo ciety met on Monday. The choir of the church then ren­ within the past forty-eight hours. urgent to financial economic and * * * But the writer had evidently The crosses on seventeen graves social matters regardless of the dered an anthem, "O come, let us WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE MEETING. That it is not standing still. Worship," the solo parts being never seen the Harem Scarem or­ were overturned trees were broken provisions of the constitution. Its * * * chestra. and shubbery was stripped. Many power however would not extend taken by Miss Essie Lambert, sop­ The Bermuda Woman Suffrage That Dr. Marsh has been here mmm distinguished Britishers official so far as to affect laws regulating rano, and Mrs. Azariah Richardson, Society held their regular general three years and private are buried to this Cem­ working hours. mmm alto. "In America they build roads meeting at the Mechanics' Hall on etery and the affair has caused a [ The formalities of the solemn for a day; in England for a cen­ The new law would become in­ Monday and due to the exception­ That it doesn't seem so long. most painful sensation particu­ mmm service of Dedication in accordance tury.—-Mr. J- A. Rowntree." valid by March 31 next or upon a ally bad weather the attendance larly to view of Ismet Pasha's as' with the ritual of the Methodist Same way with reputations. change in the Government. The was small. The meeting proved an That considering all he has sertion when the Gallipoli Ceme­ Church commenced with the read­ Reichstag will deal with the bill interesting one, however, and sev­ taught us it might be much long­ teries were under discussion at ing of the Lessons by the Rev. G. T. to-morrow. Action has been plan­ eral new members were proposed. er. the Lausanne Conference that the Honnor, pastor of Central Circuit, "There may be a good time com­ ned for to-day,but was postponed Mrs. A. F. Smith had prepared a . m . Turks reverenced all sepulchres. of which the new church is a part ing for humanity but the race is as because the text of the bill could paper, but it was voted to postpone That it looks like fine weather as has been its predecessor for surely doomed as any individual Inasmuch as all the greenery not be printed to time. the reading of it until the meeting for the Rifle meeting. life.—Dean Inge." was carried away it is believed to . Owing to this postponement the * • * many years. to November, when a full attend­ V The First Lesson was 2 Chronicles Well we never believed that have been the work of persons who Reichstag discussed the general ance is anticipated. That our bi-weekly contempora­ Papyrus would win. stole to sell for Saturday's decora­ political situation. Count West- VI, verses 1, 2, 18-21, 40-42; VII, One of the matters discussed at ry accuses us of having extravagant tions. arp, German Nationalist, declared verses 1-4. The Second Lesson, this meeting was the apparent lack ideas. that his party was opposed to the Hebrews, X, verses 19-26. Then of understanding on the part of a * * # "If Labour cannot run a daily FRENCH POST W.A. Government, but had full confi­ followed the Dedicatory Hymn, large number of women, as well as That that is better than having newspaper, it cannot hope to ran SL BOUNDED. dence in Dr. Von Kahr, military "Thou, Whose unmeasured Temple men, in the Colony, regarding the no ideas at all. a Government.—Mr. E. D. Moral.'* dictator of Bavaria. Westarp pre­ stands": and a Sermon by the object of the Society. Therefore, The man who said that had evi­ Dakar, French West Africa, Oc­ dicted a famine owing to lack of Rev. Dr. Saint, who spoke from the within the next few months it is oo dently never tried to run a daily. tober 8.—The massacre of the means to buy food. His remarks text 1 Kings, VI, verse 7: "And the planned to furnish the information garrison of a French post sixty evoked a burst of indignation from house, when it was in building, was needed and to acquaint as many as PICTURES OF GEN. WILLCOCKS miles north of Timbuctoo on the Coalition members and Chan­ built of stone made ready before -oo- possible with the actual aims of AT UNVEILING CEREMONY. September 29th is reported here. cellor Stresemann sharply criti­ it was brought thither: so that the Society through proper pub­ Armed natives with an estimated cized him. there was neither hammer nor EX-PREMIER DEVELOPES licity. Copies of the London Mirror strength of three hundred rifles ' Dealing with the Government which arrived here by the last axe nor any tool of iron heard in THROAT TROUBLE. ae the house, while it was in build­ surrounded the camp during the policy the Chancellor insisted that mail, contain pictures of General ing." Basing his theme on tne absence of its commanding officer a one sided solution was impos­ Sir James Willcocks at the unveil­ Montreal, October 7.—The cur­ NAVAL NOTES. building of the great temple by and after a 7 hour seise extermi­ sible in the Ruhr. Germany had ing of the War Memorial to France tailment of the programme pre­ King Solomon, the preacher em­ nated the garrison consisting of always maintained that abandon­ of the 1st. Bn. Loyal Regiment, of viously arranged for Mr. Lloyd H.M.S. Capetown left Boston for phasised the fact that the stones sixty Sengalese soldiers and one ment of passive resistance must be which Gen. Willcocks is Colonel- George to his tour of Canadian Grenada 8th October. were all prepared and made ready native non-com missioned officer. accompanied by concessions re­ in-Chief. He was accompanied by cities was announced to-night be­ before they were brought to the The Governor General is organiz­ garding the men imprisoned and four other generals of the French cause of a hoarseness of the throat site on which the edifice was being ing an expedition to proceed against expelled and must also imply res­ army. which has developed. The Ameri­ H.M.S. Curlew arrived at Ber­ erected: so with the Church not the rebels. toration of German sovereignty. oo can programme as tentatively ar­ muda October 9th. made with hands, the great work Perhaps M. Poincare was waiting ranged still stands it was said, and of God of which humanity com­ GERMAN SOCIALISTS for proofs that passive resistance ENGAGEMENT OF LADY it is hoped no change in it will be prised the material—each stone, ASK FOR AID FROM had ended, for there had been no MAUD CAVENDISH. necessary. GREAT BRITAIN. negotiations yet and perhaps ne­ H.M.S. Capetown flying the flag each human soul must be made ofthe C.-in-C, of the North Amer­ The rearrangement will result gotiations would prove to be im­ London, October 8.—The en­ ready and prepared in advance; ica and West Indies Station, is to a delay of several hours in his London, October 8.—The Ger­ possible or sueh conditions would gagement is announced of Lady that was work for the Church on expected to arrive at Bermuda arrival and the elimation entirely man Socialist leader. Dr. Rudolph be such as would make it impos­ Maud Cavendish eldest daughter earth to accomplish. Even as to about 3 p.m. to-day, Solomon's temple the construction of Hamilton, Ontario, from the Breitscheld, announced in the sible for Germany to sign. of theJBuke of Devonshire to Cap­ itinerary while the engagements Reichstag to-day according to m tain the Hon. George Baillie. son proceeded without noise of tools, oo so with God's work to human previously made in both Ottawa Central News despatch from Berlin THE ELOQUENCE OF and heir of Mr. Jas. Baillie and and Toronto have been sharply that the Socialists were prepared Baroness Burton of Dochfour, hearts, His Spirit operated quiet­ THE WAR YEARS. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS. ly. Dr. Saint reminded his con­ curtailed. The visit to the Nigaria to agree to the extraordinary Inverness, The wedding wiU take Falls to Ontario will be made pri­ gregation that it was their respon­ powers the Government was seek­ Montreal, October 8.—Gratitude place at Bakewell, Derbyshire early vately, all public functions there S.S. Fort Victoria left for New sibility so to use the building ing. He also urged the Govern­ for the part played so resolutely to January. dedicated that day that it may being cancelled. ment to appeal to Great Britain York yesterday. oo and unhesitatingly by the Domin­ # • • ever afterwards be a source of up­ The throat trouble appeared to­ to initiate negotiations between ion of Canada to the world war was lift and Christian development for day after the strenuous speaking Germany and the Allies. voiced by Mr. Lloyd George here S.S. Fort St. George is due to UST OF DEVONSHIRE PARISH. the community. j to New York City and on the trip to-day in the first formal public leave New York to-day for Ber­ j from there to Montreal. The con- muda arriving on Friday next. While ture tours. he continued to a competition and dress here to-day. The Public VACANT MAIL NOTICE. and In both speeches M. Poincare a conflict with the most virile races Speaking briefly at open air ser­ argatn Counter" | WANTED appealed for support for a new in the world, the strongest the vices, during which he turned TAv_ J "B issue of Treasury bills, the pro­ most tested, the most dominant first sod fer the new WesX^ju**' Mails per Fort St. George wiH FOR SALE—Horse, Harness and 15 words for two shillings ceeds of which are to be devoted races and it was a searching test Baptist Church, he dp'ofoS-O**" ty,^ close on Friday next at the G.P.O. Each additional word Id. Hamilton as follows:— Trolley. Apply N. W. Hutchings Jr. entirely to the devastated region. for a new nation. She passed he was glad Mont_*_fti e**^ Canada Special displayed advts' Registered mail and parcel post 14100tw.eitp. . In his second speech at Ligny through all these fiery trials. And were not the ^4%Uf»*-o of the ..plague 21- per Inch, minimum 5 p.m. en Barrois, he replied to the Ger­ do not forget, she emerged with a of Mat^wiai^ wWch fe beaten. IN EXCHANG* two Inches man charges of inhuman conduct certificate of Nationhood, signed Ordinary mail 6 p.m. Letters with \VM* W» •'\gu__f the world." He added for 100 Postage Stamps (a11 by the French and Belgians in by all those great nations, friend double postage 7 on Saturday morn- 1W*. **you here do not live by values, Well assorted,) of Ber­ WANTED—Housemaid:—Apply to German occupied territory by con­ and foe alike. The treaty of Vej _ tog. bread alone." muda, I will give picture post­ Mrs. Ambrose Gosling, Bungalow, trasting the treatment of _fj_* sallies may have its defects. It is ee— 8 Attendance at the ceremony was cards of the Great War, Famou raget East. I4031tth.eitp. people of Duesseldorf, by the Police now in the testing. It may suc­ i the one break te the Sunday spent English Views, ete. Miss Tee, last Sunday with the treatment of ceed or conceiveably MM may fall, REICHSTAG UPHOLD quietly with friends and resting Kia Ora, StockweU London, Ing. the inhabitants by the French and hat for Canada it has one great STRESEMANN. after a period of several days of WANTED Belgian soldiers. alluring value it }a certificate of Nationhood signed by practically intense activity. Accompanied by Berlin, October 8.—The Reich­ WANTED Dame Margaret, Lloyd George and stag to-night passed a vote of con­ GERMANY STILL DOUBTING. all the great nations at the earth Used Bermuda or British Wanted in our Shoe Department after four and op*, half years of Miss Megan, the ex-Premier at­ fidence in the Stresemann Govern­ tended the morning services at ment against the German Nation­ West Indian Stamps Berlin, October 8.—The Reiehs- trial. It ia therefore % charter for Capaeli, the First Baptist Church and then alists, the Bavarian people's party In any Quantity TWO YOIRG MEN rat to-day adopted the draft WD went to the home of Lansing Lewis and the Communists. A resolution Let me know what you have, or good wafts mm be given to the of the authorization law asked by Tho meeting was the only formal President of the Welsh Society of to favour of abolishing the State send , and I will remit at once right party. Chancellor Stresemann, by virtue function attended by Mr. Lloyd St. David for a reception. of. emergency in the Reich and of which he would receive sweeping at my regular buying prices, by George to-day. During tha fore­ He was the guest at lunch of Bavaria was rejected. A Social­ cheque on tbe Bank of Bermuda. authority in dictating economic Senator J. P. 9. Casgrain, where ist motion endorsing the Govern­ measures. Bavaria and some of noon he was taken on an auto­ Reference: Bank of Bermuda. he. met prominent French Cana­ ment's constitutional standpoint T. J- PEMMM * SOU the Prussian Provinces voted mobile trip through the Oity, visit- dians and this evening was the regarding exceptional measures B. PKIETH, against the bill. (The Reichsptt f| AVON, NSW JERSEY, TJ.S.A, 14096tI6.tU.w.f. Continued on page 6. dinner guest of Lord Atholstan. te Bavaria was carried. /Next to Cable Office\ The All Steel Bicycle is the "Raleigh" WADSON'S V Front Street / f

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DEDICATION OF congregation. The Dedication of Hoyat QazeHe 4% Colonist.) MARSDEN CHURCH. Marsden Church marks a mile­ mmttilM ' stone in the history of the people WHAT'S ON, WHEN AND WHERE MM_i bf Continued from page M. of Tucker's Town and vicinity. an anthem, "Praise ye the Lord," The old chureh necessarily tat The Bermada Press and then the Revd. Dr. Saint and sorrowfully had to be abandoned Hamilton, Bermnda the congregation read responsively by a faithful, loyal hearted group Psalm cxxU. of worshippers whose homes had At this stage of the proceedings been taken over so that develop­ Mr. Granville Darrell, for the ments proposed bnt not yet fully Local subscription 40/- per annum Trustee Board, made a brief but carried out could bo proceeded ta regular subscribers, prepayable effective address, acknowledging with. Located to new homes they found themselves far from their yearly, half yearly or quarterly. the goodness of God in connection with their work. church, so with energy they plann­ Transient subscriptions, 12/- per Mr. Simeon Trott, another faith­ ed to change this condition mt quarter, 5/- per month. ful and steadfast worker then rose affairs, and in the consummation METRO PICTURES CORPORATION from his place on the platform, of their desire they were met by where the Trustee Board were a generous offer from the Bermuda Presents assembled, and made the formal Development Company, a new site THIS ISSUE CONSISTS OF presentation of. the building, say­ of about half an acre to area being SIX PAGES. ing as he handed over the key: placed at the disposal of the Trus­ 'S PRODUCTION "We present unto you this build­ tees, and £1,950 handed over to ing, to be dedicated as a church payment for the old premises. of Scaramouches-Rafael Sabatini's wonderful for the worship and service of Marsden Church is built and Almighty God.** slated with Bermuda coral stone. story of the French Revolution; the most j Tke MAN tl I The congregation standing, Dr. It is fifty-seven feet long, twenty- Saint made the following Declar­ seven feet wide, with a nine feet popular Novel of the last three years. j Samuel Pepys Tenter 1 ation: square tower with battlements, "Dearly Beloved,—it is meet and Gothic windows, and flanking but­ right, as we learn from the Holy tresses. The new church presents Oct. 3. Scriptures, that houses erected for an attractive, solid appearance, Beautiful Beyond Words the public worship of God should be and reflects credit on its architect, A great excitement at my in­ specially set apart and dedicated to Mr. Ernest Motyer of HamUton. laws for that a cable comes telling religious uses. For such a dedica­ To the ridge the building is about me that my absence from my be­ A MARVELLOUS PICTURE tion we are now assembled. With twenty-five feet in height, and loved island is of Uttle import and gratitude, therefore, to Almighty the tower is some seven feet higher. IN IO REELS that I may stay another week.' God, who has signally blessed His At the eastern end is a vestibule Aside from a cast of thirty high salaried principals, 10,000 "extras'* were Yet I am perturbed hearing of the servants in their holy undertaking projecting fifteen feet with a width hurricane especially as I learn that to erect this church, we dedicate it of twenty feet; within is the min­ employed. Ia the construction of the great sets Mr. Ingram built almost two the roof of the new hotel is in my to His service, for the reading of ister's vestry and a room for use complete villages after the manner described ia this famous romance. back yard. It is indeed strange that the Holy Scriptures, the preaching of the Choir. The interior of the my leaving my country should so of the Word of God, the adminis­ Church is tray-ceUed, with a disturb nature that I am replaced tration of the holy sacraments, and height of fifteen feet six inches by a hurricane each time I go for all other exercises of religious from the floor. This is a away. worship and service, according to In the buUding of _ Marsden Now when I did announce that the discipline and usages of the Church the Mason's work was done my departure was to be on Wed­ first Picture Methodist Church. And, as the by Mr. Louis Petersen, the Car­ Run Metro nesday, invitations to deUghtful dedication of the temple is vain pentry by Mr. Granville DarreU, Washington critics speak of the ** tremendous splendor "* of this production— functions did pour in for events without the solemn consecration and their respective staffs. i4Unbelievable perfection in settings, costumes and other infinite details of subsequent to that date. of the worshippers also, I now caU | The Church opened practicaUy Now I have fooled these clever upon you aU to dedicate yourselves free from debt, due to conscien- equipment amaze the beholder with every change of scene. A PICTURE people for I have accepted them anew to the service of God. To cious work and co-operation. The THAT WILL MAKE HISTORY IN ITSELF. •' all. Him let our souls be dedicated actual value ef the buUding, ex­ I have dinner engagements that they may be renewed after the clusive of land, exceeds £2,000. To A triumph of Artistic skill greater in many respects enough to last twelve months. I image of Christ. To Him let our its furnishings the Rev. and Mrs. go to the theatre with one, the polo bodies be dedicated, that they may George Honnor contributed than the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse-*' game with another, golf tourneys be fit temples for the indwelling of the Communion Table; Mr, Gran­ with this party and sporting shows the Holy Spirit. To Him let our ville DarreU gave the Communion Starring RAMON NAVARRO, ALICE TERRY, LEWIS STONE. with that party. labors and business be dedicated, RaU, and his son, Mr. Lionel Dar­ mmm that their fruit may tend to the rell donated the two Offertory WILL BE PRESENTED AT I have played bridge with New glory of His great name, and to Plates. Mr. O. C. Lambert gave the York's best four. the advancement of His kingdom. Curtains for the Communion RaU. Each had written a book on the And that He may graciously accept The Trustees of the property are subject but none had seen play this our solemn act, let us pray." Messrs. Simeon Trott, Gran villa Uke mine. The congregation kneeling at DarreU, O. O. Lambert, Jonathan Mechanics Hall I took much money from them the conclusion of the Declaration, Smith, Humphrey Smith, Lionel and gave them free lessons to the the Minister offered the prayers Darrell, Floyd Hollis, George Bur­ bidding no-trumps. appointed for the occasion:— gess, Seaward Smith, Andrew Tonight & To-morrow Night There is a craze here for going "O most glorious Lord, we ac­ Smith, and in accordance with four of a suit originally. knowledge that we are not worthy the recent amendment, passed by Doors open 8. Commence 8-30 sharp My partner asked me to con­ to offer unto Thee anything be­ the Legislature, to the Methodist form to this sily convention. longing unto. us; yet we beseech Church Act, whereby now more Said I "I have four suits at.home Thee, in Thy great goodness, gra­ than one Trustee Board may exist, and I would sooner think of put­ ciously to accept the dedication of in the same parish, this Board wil! ting them aU on at once than go this place to Thy service, and to henceforth be known as "The Me­ Town Hall, St. George's "four hearts" originally." prosper this the work of our hands; thodist Trustees of Smith's Parish, But it was strange to hear the first receive the prayers and interces­ Body No. 2." bid of the match, "Four Clubs." sion of all Thy servants who shall Visitors from aU parts of the "Make it five" I remarked, "and call upon Thee in this house; and islands were present at the Dedica­ Friday include the R.B.Y.C.!** give them grace to prepare their tion service, and some of them re­ And when he would know of hearts to serve Thee with reverence mained for the subsequent Com­ Doors open 730. Commence 8 sharp me my meaning, I told him that all and godly fear; affect them with munion service, and for the after­ the R.B.Y.C. an a man went four an awful apprehension of Thy di­ noon and evening services, each of Admission at each house, 2/-. clubs right off the bat he would vine majesty, and a deep sense of which was very largely attended. get transferred to fhe Calabash their own unworthiness; that so Refreshments were provided at Seating capacity LIMITED— Cwme early! Club and go broke to a night. approaching Thy sanctuary with noon and to the evening for those But we did have a fine game and lowliness and devotion, and com­ coming from a distance. a swift one, the only pause being ing before Thee with pure hearts, The afternoon Service was con-, The Humanophone Company made for studying the weak spots bodies undefiled, and minds sanc­ ducted by the Pastor of the Church, to the l_th Amendment. tified, they may always perform Rev. G. T. Honnor, an energetic a service acceptable te Thee; worker and devout man. The Choir S. KAPLAN, Manager. through Jesus Christ our Lord, sang the anthems *T was glad 14078 f *1288.tU- W.th To see "Wildflower," the new Amen. when they said unto me," and musical show. And all save myself Regard, O Lord, the supplica­ "Let the Waking world Rejoice," are crazy arith delight at the per­ tion at Thy servants, and grant Mrs. EM. Smith, the regular or­ formance. But I am not intrigued that whosoever shaU be dedicated ganist of the church, presiding at hearing old songs to new guises, to Thee in this house by baptism, over the musical portion of the old jokes with modern meanings. may be found at last in the number service. The sermon was a forceful Colonial Opera House, TO-NIGHT Yet the dancing is good a»d the ef Thy faithful children. Amen. one, on the text Acts II, 37-38, scenery almost equal to the Harem Grant, O Lord, that whosoever Peter's sermon at Pentecost," the CARL LAEMMLE presents Scarems. shall receive in this place the Rev. Mr. Honnor urging the need mmm blessed sacrament of the body and for effectual preaching to concrete LOIS WEBER'S Tremendous Production Oct. 4. blood of Christ, may come to that form as against the all too preva­ B. V R. C. ijoly ordinance with true repent­ lent habit ef preaching to the abs­ A foolish person wagers money I. ance, faith, and charity; and being tract. ANNUAL RIFLE MEETING with me that the British Polo A CHAPTER \n HER LIFE" filled with Thy grace and heavenly In the evening the Rev. A. S. team would lose the semi-final. at benediction, may obtain remis­ Adams of St. George's conducted Based on the Story of "JEW3L." By Clara Louise Burnham I know of no better way of teach­ sion of their sins, and all other service, preaching from Ruth 9, It's a Universal Jewel in six acts ing the evils of betting than to WARWICK CAMP benefits of His death. Amen. verse 51 on the subject of Evangel­ win money off a gambler. So I took ism. The Choir sang the anthem, on $20 off the man and told him that Grant, O Lord, that my Thy holy " IB the Days of DANIEL BOONE " "1 wUl praise Thee, O Lord," Miss Universal's Ohapter-play in IS Chapters he was a few days early to his Word, read and preached in this Thursday, the Zadie DarreU, as in the morning, (Chapter 13 two^>arts) wager; for I do think they will lose place, and by the Holy Spirit graft­ presiding at the organ. the final. ing it inwardly to the heart, the Starring EILEEN SEDGWICK and JACK MOWER 11th October mmm hearers thereof may perceive and Marsden Church is located near know what thing- they ought to the cross road which leads from M I 1923 Coming home late last night JOLLY WOOD • do, and may receive power to per­ the South Shore Road to the Devil's The W. D. Vessel LOUISE wfll from the city I did find only one Universal's Onf-reel Comedy form the same. Amen Hole and Harrington Sound, and leave HAMILTON, near the Yacht car at the station. Without ado Now, therefore, arise, O Lord, from its position it should be able Starring CHUCK REISNER Club Steps at 7.45 a. m. SHARP. I got in tb inking the chauffeur and come unto this place of Thy to Influence a fairly large section knew me and my destination. rest, Thou, and the ark of Thy of the Colony. It is named in Doors open 8.00 Commence 8*30 sharp On the Return Journey ft wfll Presently I perceived he was going strength. Let Thine eyes be open memory of the Rev. Joshua Mars­ , leave BURNT HOUSE WHARF at in the wrong direction so I told toward this house day and night; den, who saUed from St, John, Admission—1/6 and 1/- . . 5.30 m. m. him who I was and where I wished and let Thine ears be attent to N.B., on AprU 17th 1808 and landed F. H. R. MAUNSELL, to go. the prayers of Thy children, which at St. George's on the ensuing •"The Pleasure is AH Yours" Bnt he waxed indignant. they shall offer unto Thee in this 1st of May. it was during Mr. Capt., and Adjt.. 'This is a private car said he, place; and do Thou hear them Marsden's term of office in Ber­ ENTIRE PROGRAMME PIRST RUN nrn. . B.V.R.C. and I was sent to meet a guest from heaven, Thy dwelling-place. muda, throughout the opening The Armoury, coming by the last train." and when Thou hearest. forgive. O period of which he encountered Hamilton, *_to you drive me home first" Lord, we beseech Thee, that here great opposition, which he success­ THE BERMUDA MOVING PICTURE CO. _-__-__. I ordered, "then go back 'to the and elsewhere Thy ministers may be fully overcame, that the first Me­ I 14089 f 180. W. 14061 t-B. s.w station and find your fare. clothed with righteousness, and thodist Church to Bermuda, OU It will teach him a lesson for being Thy saints rejoice in Thy salva­ Zion, was erected in Hamilton and so belated a guest.** tion. And may we all, with Thy opened to March 1810. The new But he would not do my bidding. people everywhere, grow up into a section of the HamUton Hotel He went back to the Station, holy temple in the "Lord, and be at occupies the site of this buUding. MORRIS A. GIBBONS BANCROFT found his man—who was improv­ last received into the house not In December 1861 under the min­ ing his knowledge of the EngUsh made with hands, eternal in the istry ef the Rev. Wm. Ryan, the tongue— drove us both to our re­ heavens. And to the Father, the Methodists of Tucker's Town laid Men's White Woollen TENNIS RACKETS spective homes and explained to Son, and the Holy Spirit, be glory the foundation stone of their first A racket that stands up under me I must be English or I wouldn't and praise, world without end. Churcl-—the one now abandoned. thejharde^t hitting and con­ have had the nerve to think the Amen.** Prior to that year they had gather­ SWEATERS tinuous se. ed for worship in an old wooden earth belonged to me. The Dedicatory service conclud­ schoolhouse, and now they are "You must be an American" I ed with the singing of the Hymn Inspection Invited the possessors of a weU built, com- Men's Size 12, 6 Large Size 14 '6 remarked, "or you would have "All things are Thine, no gift have : modious, attractive looking, and known I wasn't a guest since 1 we," and the Benediction. j w#U located place of worship: may ST. GEORGES OASIS Reid St. hadn't as much am a tooth' brush It was a most impressive service, with me." with a very attentive and reverent they use it wisely and 99% 140-0 If 35. W.th -. 14110 f fie. w. eitp ,&__:

. . __*. •yiiyiiaiM__M____i__^i___i__*_ TBI ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1933 Page


Halifax, MJS., October 8.—(Lon­ In the absence here of so much don,, Times, September 28th.)—Ar­ that one finds abroad in the way rangements have been made tax a of amusement, tit is only fair to delegation of members of the Em­ give a generous patronage to those pire Parliamentary Association who cater well ia their special (United Kingdom Branch) to visit line for the amusement of the the West Indies during the winter. public, especially when their efforts The Party consisting of members result* in good shows of a superior Preserves Food Far of both Houses of Parliament will kind Longer Than Ice leave Avonmouth in Elders and In Bermuda there is but one Fyffes steamship Bayano on De­ form of amusement upon which With Kelvinator in the house you cember 22nd and their visit will we can regularly depend and that can go away for several days, close on February 4th 1924 when leaving the refrigerator-box ful is the moving pictures. These. of perishable food, and on your they will leave Jamaica on board not only here, but all over the return find your meats and vege­ the "Patuca". The forthcoming world have by no means accomplish­ tables perfectly fresh and edible. visit has been organized in re­ ed all that they can do in the way unsweetened ^ sponse to a desire expressed to the of art, but since they are the only 1- A test, Kelvinator has kept Executive Committee of the Em­ form of art that we can enjoy we milk sweet two weeks! Ripe tomatoes were perfect at the end /Evaporated pire Parliamentary Association by can only be grateful when we are the West India Committee during mtfAx weeks. Butter fresh after able to praise the production of six months. Oranges sound at the the last session of Parliament, when them with sincereity. end of a year! Eggs good at the it was urged that a visit of repre­ We have had recently a very end of two years 1 l'bb^l*ei)i„Libby,Chi«_ sentative members of both houses famous moving picture here illus­ : of the British Parliament would trative of one of the world's Kelvinator fits right into the re­ be welcomed by the West India great pieces of literature, it was frigerator-box you now have. Its Colonies. refrigeration is far superior to ice. shown at the Opera House, en­ It supplies absolutely dry cold, As none of the West Indian abling the public to see a very fine —several degrees colder than ice. Colonies have yet been invited to presentation of "The Hunchback It is perfectly clean, inexpensivs form branches of the Association of Noter Dame," and.in regard and dependable. la their respective Legislatures, such enterprises as this we shall the Executive Committee asked always be glad to afford the fullest —tf your request a courteous <*<* Kelvinator representative the West India Committee to draw publicity. mriU call upon you and ex- up a suggested itinerary and to The Humanaphone Co. now prom plain Kelvinator refrigeration stilly. If you prater, came into communicate with the Colonies ises an equally remarkable and ossr mtore and see it demon­ The Milk that with regard to the arrangements artistic production for next Wed­ strated, or write for literature for the visit. The proposal has been nesday and Thursday evenings, 99 warmly welcomed in the West when Rafael Sabatini's novel, 4 Indies and an interesting itinerary "Scaramouche" will be given N. J. X. HOLDER, phone 67 Good Cooks Use has been arranged. The party will particulars of which will be found Distributor, HamUton call at Barbados, Port-of-Spain, on the second page of this issue. 140791 . i8.m.W.f.tp Trinidad, Georgetown, British The New York papers have no You can make the tilings you cook richer, more tasty yet keep Guiana and Kingston, Jamaica. stinted praise to bestow on the down the cost. The Governments of Trinidad new film contrasting it favour­ and British Guiana have passed ably with Rex Ingram's other Try a can of Libby's Evaporated Milk, in some favorite recipe special votes for the purpose of great production. "The Orphans providing tax the accommodation of the Storm," which is still draw­ today—in a soup, a sauce or dessert. and entertainment of the delega­ ing crowded houses in England tion while the arrangements for { and America. See what wholly new richness and finer flavor it gives. Yoa the entertainment of the party "Scaramouche" was shown last will know at once why Libby's is called "the milk that good during their visit to Jamaica have night in New York for the first cooks use." been made by the Jamaica Imperial time and has roused warm praise. Association in conjunction with The characters of the chief per­ the Jamaica tourist Trade Develop­ sonages are said to be very con­ We would like to send you a free Recipe Book, which contains ment Board. vincing and the fearful gatherings a number of the best recipes sent us by good cooks who use It is expected that the delega­ of the mobs, which are also a Libby's Evaporated Milk. Write our agents now. tion will visit the sugar factories great feature in the "Orphans" are extraordinarily vivid. In one % and cocoa and banana estates in the various Colonies. ef them", the young and not yet For Little Hurts Sterilized and packed in hermetically sealed tins so In Trinidad the party will be famous Napoleon Bonaparte takes Yam should always have on hand that it reaches you fresh and in perfect condition. invited to be present at the cere­ a part of Pre-Revolution days and mony of laying the foundation scenes, we imagine that it is a "MAW'S" stone at the Imperial College of convincingly truthful picture. Of Agent: Tropical Agriculture, while in Ja­ the story itself those who have read Family -Box of maica those of the delegation in­ the book will find in the picture RJ.G FOOTE terested will have the opportunity all they can ask and for those who Surgical Dressings of attennding the Agricultural have not read it "Scaramouche" Hamilton Conference to be held immediate­ will be a revelation. ly after their arrival at Kingston. The party will remain about a ——00 3699f32.f.m.w. week in Jamaica. The steamship "Coronado" in WHITE WOMAN IN which the party will travel from CAna JiA_ S3V-3-a_-T ME-CHMT itrmi, LIMITED Continued on page 6 SECRET CUT. DIRECT PASSENGER, CARGO AND MAIL SERVICE BETWEEN 00 Mrs. Rosita Forbes at Sheshuan. MONTREAL, BERMUDA, NASSAU, KINGSTON BELIZE, BRITISH HONDURAS. LAST WORDS OF CELEBRITIES, Sailing every three weeks,—From Montreal in summer,—from Halifax, In winter Anointed with Orange Water. ROUND TRIP -ARE BERMUDA-MONTREAL $100.00 S UP News has been received from Saladin: **When I am buried, SINGLE FARE " " $55.00 & UP **• EXCELLENT CUISINE.' Tetuan Morocco that Mrs. Ros­ cany my winding-sheet on the OUTW1ID ita Forbes (Mrs. A. T. McGrath) point of a spear, and say these the explorer who left London Steamship & Voyage Montreal Hamilton Nassau Kingston Belize words: Behold the spoils which early in August on a mission to Saladin carries with him! Of all Spanish Morocco has been re­ 0 ANA-»IAN FISHER (24) Lv. Sept. 28 Atr. Oct. 5 Arr. Oet. 9 AR. Oct. 12 An. Oct. IS his victories, realms, and riches, ceived in the secret city of Shes­ Mm. „ 5 Lv. " 9 Lv. ., ME nothing remains to him but this." huan which was first entered by CANADIAN FORESTER Lv. Oct. 19 Arr. Oct, 26 Arr, Oet. 30 An. Nov. 2 Am. Nov. E Sand (George): "Laissez la ver­ Europeans in October 1920 when (24) Lv. .. 26 Lv. " 30 dure." (That is, leave the plot green, Jbr. " 2 the Spaniards penetrated to it Cool and cheerful is our OANADIAN FISHER . LT. Nov. 9 Acr. Nov. 16 Arr. HOT. 20 and do not cover the grave With Air. Nov. 23 An. Nov. 26 after years of fighting. Mrs. Forbes (25) Mm. " 20 bricks or stone.) Mm. ** 16 Lv. ** 83 was received by the Cadi (judge) OANADIAN FORESTER HALIFAX. Arr. Dec. 3 Axx. Dec 7 An. Dec. 10 An. Dec. IS Scarron: "Ah, my children, you a venerable Moor who possesses Wicker Furniture (25) Lv. Nov. 29 Mm. " 3 Lv. „ 7 I*. •* 10 cannot cry for me so much as I an Aladdin-like house. She was HOME WARD have made you laugh.** seated on cushions placed under far the parch and living room, etc. Schiller: "Many things are grow­ Steamship & Voyage Belite Kingston Nassau Hamilton Montreal hundreds of twittering swallows, ing plain and clear to my under­ while slaves poured orange water standing." OANADIAN FISHER (24) Lv. Oot. 15 An. Oet. 19 Axx. Oct. 23 An. Oct. m An. Nov. 3 over her. As a great honour, a Scott (Sir Walter): "God bless Lv. ** 20 Lv. " 23 Lv. " 27 HALIFAX grey-bearded Arab made Aher some you all. I feel myself again." (To OANADIAN FORESTER Lv. Nov. 5 An. Nov. E An. Nov. 13 An. Nov. 1? An. Nov. 20 green tea, flavoured with mint, his family.) CHESLEY E. WHITE (24) Mm. „ 10 I*. " " 13 I*. ** 17 spice, and ambergris. Sheshuan Ser vet us (at the stake): "Christ, lU5Stf3a.-w.f.m.tp. OANADIAN FISHER (25) Mm. ,, 26 Air. Nov. 30 An. Dec. 4 Arr. Dec. 8 An. Dec. 11 was built in 1471 by Moorish fan­ Son of the eternal God, have mer­ Lv. Dec 1 Mm. " 4 Lv. " 8 atics desiring to isolate them­ cy upon me." (Calvin insisted on OANADIAN FORESTER Mm. Dec. IS An. " 18 An. Dec. 23 An. Dec. EE An. Dec.29 selves from the spread of Christ­ his saying, "the eternal Son of (25) L*. „ 19 Mm. * 22 Lv. .. 26 ian civilisation. It is hidden Inevitably God," but he would not, and was among the mountains and contains Subject to change without JOHN S. DARRELL & CO., Agents. burnt to death.) many mosques and religious in­ notice If circumstances require. 43, Front Street, Hamilton. Severus: ***• have been every­ stitutions. Its inhabitants have thing, and everything is nothing. A a reputation in Morocco f o**- mean­ 13905fl20m.w.f.tp. Uttle urn will contain all that re­ ness. mains of one for whom the whole world was too little." Mrs. Forbes made a remarkable Seymour (Jane): "No, my head £ journey across the Sahara desert, I through the hostile Senussi tribe, SCARLET CANADIAN PACi. lfl RAILWAY CO. SICKESZ never committed any treason; but, (Proposed Sailings) if you want it, you can take it." in 1920. At the end of last year The paramount brand (As Jane Seymour died within a she visited the Yemen area of LIQUEUR Arabia, on the shores of the Red of food products—be­ Name of Steamer Leave Montreal Arrive Bermuda fortnight of the birth of her son Edward—the cause of unbounded Sea. cause the best. BORDEN Oct. 2nd Oet. 3th delight to the king—I cannot 'be­ In Oetober 1921 she married BERWYN Oct.- 33th Nov. 6th " CHOCOLATES lieve that this traditionary speech Colonel A. T. McGrath. BORDEN Nov. 20th Nov. 27th is correct.) -00- Sharpe (Archbishop): "I shall be flUIAM S- PURVIS ] (sail hence following day for Barbados, Trinidad & Demerara) Fresh Stock happy." RUHR MORE HOPEFUL. Distributor. Subject to change should circumstances require. Sheridan: "I am absolutely un­ 13533 f1.24.tu. Hb and 2-lb boxes done." Paris, October 8.—Negotiations Accommodation for a few passengers. Sidney (Algernon); "I know that between representatives of German j my Redemer liveth, I die for the industrial groups and the Franco- Belgian authorities of occupation, WATLINGTON & OONYERS, j good old cause," (He was con­ demned to death by Judge Jeffries looking toward complete resump­ ! Agents. An Attractive tion of work in the Ruhr and de­ Headache Mid Ocean copy Saturdays as an accomplice iu the Rye House flat.) liveries in Kiexkon reparation ac­ 13i)29148.w.tp. Souvenir. Sidney (Sir Philip): "I would not count, are a fair way to succeed, 'Mlitfll-l change my joy tor the empire of it was said at the Foreign Office to­ day. Stiff Neck Your Baby will thrive on the wo*ldt** Siw-i-d (the Dane): 'Lift me up Jit, F* Birrtws ft Co. that I may die standing, not lying The Verdict of 65 Yean ROBINSON'S "PATENT" BARLEY down like a cow." Minard's Liniment ia the favorite Quean Street Branch. Socrates: "Crito, we owe a cock r family liniment in thousand* of (With milk—fresh, dried er condensed) ^tEVER WATCH FRK.^ homes where its merit has been 136031f.3-tn.eitp to Aesculapios." The four lines of letters tn this square stand -iji-i teated and its superior quality After 8 months old *' Patent ** Groats should Stael (Madame Ae); "I have loved for two boys' and two ____LU___- girls' names. We guar­ H has out-red competitors far God, my father, and liberty.** antee to send you, Ab­ more than 65 yean. be used solutely Free, our s o COLDS CAUSE HEADACHES Stephen (the first Christian mar­ famous guaranteed Ltiuug ___9 LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (ladies' or gent P) if you send US ths Sold by all leading dealers llnoeghoul Bermuda tyr) : "Lord into they hands I com­ enrrect names; bnt yon must comply tbecaose. Used the world over to eon. with our condition; and promise to mend my spirit," •how the watch to your friends, as w# MINAIWB. Queen st HamUton a cold is one day. The signature of •wish to advertise our goods. It eosti Swedenborg: "What o'clock is eon nothing to try so send •* one* •t U PALHER & SOUS g£__. - E. W. GROVE is oa each box. Mann* Enclose_ stamstampp foe reply. FDR PAIN 456, 456B. * 520O factnrad by tbe PARIS M-DUNBQQw it?" (After being told he added) SOLE AGENTS Las_»a liasal BawW SfcLo*_.U.S.A. "Thank you, and God bless you." , 69 RStaiii_j-»vi JLINIMENT-


I EAST END NEWS. 2B1 h lull -tl-iM8?KKIl-i^»MBHMMBHS ' The R. M. S. "Fort St. George" i arrived from New York on Friday morning last and was piloted to \ f Always hive Hamilton by Pilot Ed. A. Fox. Tke R. M. S. Fort Victoria ar­ r j\ another rived from New York on Monday morning and was piloted to Mur­ ray's Anchorage by Pilot F. M. Minors; after pratique was granted N^^p/^ little handy Acknowledged to be by Dr. SheUey, H. O., E. D. mails It's a wise housewife who keeps an extra bottle of Bovril and freight were transferred to in reserve—in case of emergencies. the S. T. "Bermudian,** Capt. The Grocer isn't always handy, or isa't open if he is handy Francis, and the following pas­ —and if there's need far Bovril, »ot infrequently it's a sudden sengers for the St. George Hotel:— need. Rev. E. S. Chamber-, Miss K. Bovril has, in addition, a score of uses in the kitchen for Carpenter, Mrs. B. OampbeU.Mr. putting flavour and goodness into the dishes the housewife and Mrs. F. Childrey, __*- and prepares. Mrs. W. Droscher, Mr. J. L. Fle- There's no need to ran out for Bovril it you never allow yourself to run out of it. | harty, Mr. G. A. Fleharty, Miss M. D. Fleharty, Dr. H. G. Fuller and Mrs. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs, N. W Fechtman, Miss L. Gay, Miss H. w 5 S. Gordon, Mrs. Getman, Mr. and wM.Mm^i Mrs. A. Gilleland, Mr. and Mrs. BOV R. O. Higgins, Miss A. Jockers, THE SUPREME JUDGE OF MEKiT Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kleiger, Mr. J. S. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mat­ thews, Miss F. Minchler, MissN. Osprey, Miss M. Osprey, Mr. O. Regan, Miss A. Schlin. Miss E. _! Meascres Up. in T^ gjoajfty 1333K; INIGI Schlin, Miss E. Sommer, Miss L. G:E OXGIO-IMWH; 1 ;s KM Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. F. Shea, Miss S. E. Timm. Miss H. Voss, AT ALL CLUBS AND HOTELS 100% of * *«"M»*•:..jr _M-T_-S___B_. i- _r_..-_-S «.-."_:•_*_ !-.__*-_w» Mr. J. S. Ware, Miss L. Wentzel, GOSLING BROTHERS Mr. J. A. Wishnak, Miss F. Wilcox. Mr. Harry Pattey and his son AGENTS Mr. 8. Pattey formerly of St. George's arrived in the R. M. S. Fort Victoria on Monday morn­ ing and continued on to Hamilton. AT SEA. !3f _ -__£_• The C. G. M. Steamer "Canadian I have been trying to jut down Forester," 2192 tons, Capt. Coffin "STANDARD- TKE WORLD OVER somewhere and write something arrived from the West Indies on for the last three days; hut the Monday and was piloted to Ham­ E. L. PALMER & SONS, Sole Agents calm blue disc of water around ilton by Pilot G. H. Pitcher who Queen Street, Phone 456 me, and the peaceful clouds like boarded her from "Viola." Ride a fairy balloons of silver silk have beguiled me into unproductive At the PoUce Court St. George's, WE HAVE K-.CEIVED dreams. before the Wor. R. J. Tucker on " RALEIGH " Dr. Johnson said, "To be in a Saturday, Carlise Smith of St. A Fresh Supply of ship is like being in prison with a David's Island was convicted of The only Cycle advertised or spoken squitoes! Or close windows and cause sailor*- and policemen in the extemporaneously in voting the ling "earthquake," The crowd fled, Wow BLACK PUC i»to the air half an East End of London to act with' sentiments he has so long desired Hour before retiring. MEN'S KHAKI TROUSERS screaming towards both ends of to express to the people of Canada. such amazing unanimity. the street while the stalls with Mt would be a good thing if all Leaving here to-morrow after­ whieh it was lined were over thrown. noon, he will arrive in Ottawa, at work could be done like that. The caged birds and animals and There should be a song for pulling six o'clock and be the guest of BLAOGffFLAG 10/6 pr. other property that fell in the path Cabinet Ministers at dinner, leav­ potatoes, and one for sowing six of the terrified mob suffered severe­ The Nation's Insecticide week's beans. We would like to ing at 11.30 o'clock that night for ly, many of the creatures being . i?1-*0* F LAG is a Pure» Powerful, vege­ have our whisky and soda served Toronto. Arriving at Toronto Wed­ J trampled to death and many ef nesday morning, He will be driven table powder, non-poisonous to human with a suitable symphony; and the people falling among them to beings and animals, but de__lytoflies, fleas would do without the band at about the city, attend a luncheon roaches, waterbu^, bedbugs, ants,-a__d Ik­ LOCKWARD & GO, be trampled themselves. Hun­ at Government House, address a on animals, buds .replants. They breathe dinner if we could hear the chefs dreds of canaries and other small •t and d.e. Packed in red-and-yellow l360l1T1.32tU.eltp. singing a kitchen chantey, , , , public meeting at Massey Hall and •trapped, sealed glass bottles. Three cage birds besides parrots, cats, receive former service men at City But tiie music that is best of mates—15c, Mtc, 7Se f except west of dogs and chickens were crushed in Hall. He will go to Niagara Falls fxU is the "sweet music of human­ Denver, CW., Canada and Don't waste energy their cages. Women and children on Thursday fer a private visit for foreqp countries). For sale ity'* and on every hand on this shrieked, maimed dogs howled, a few hours and then leave on his by drug, grocery, depart­ boat, I hear praise of the fine way ment and hardware stores, pumping water parrots screeched and chickens special train for Winnipeg, where in which all Hamilton turned out or sent direct by mail oa squawked. A number of birds es­ he wiR spend Saturday and most and $aid goodbye on that never- receipt Of price. Iiet an Electric Motor Pump caped fluttering wildly about the of Sunday departing late that after­ to-be-forgotten 18th September, Sv BLACK FLAG, street after gaining freedom. noon for Minniapolis. 1923. do it tor yon The Daily Mail gives the casual-, ——00 On behalf of ali those who have ties as sixty persons injured pf Id. per 100 gallons no opportunity of sending personal Whom a dozen were taken to hos­ *•_ Iik# music while I eat—which greetings, I wish to say, "Thank pitals, two thousand small cage it Is not mere noise—but 1 sigh for B.E.|_.f». * T. Co. Ltd. you very much Indeed." birds either Silled or escaped, one the good old days when the musi- hundred dogs and cats and scores cianers were hidden away in a gal­ laom _3g.tu.w.-.tp. DOUGLAS MASSIE. of poultry killed. lery.—"Westminster Gazecte."

ay-- .•*-* • . ,,.^m^saMA>^M^.,r.^. *•_*


D. & J. McCallum's SEVENTY EIGHT YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN WEARING APPAREL 11 Football Boots "PERFECTION |f at 20/- "' Finest Selected Made to our Order im England* Blended Scotch Whiskey Special prices to Clubs CALIFORNIA ONION SEE! LEAK J. E- LIGHTBOURN & CO. --•one 186 The first shipment bf Onions this year was sent forward by 13381 f*f48th..ltp. the S.S. Fort Victoria on March -1st. Mr. Solomon Frances of Bailey's Bay planted California Onion Seed on September 23, 1922, transplanted the plants ACCOMMODATION on November 29th, and reaped 5 crates of choice onions oa March 29th, 1923. These were grown side by side with Teneriffe seed and revealed the superiority of the California 14098 f 1,64. w.f.m.tp ST. GEORUE HOTEL seed in earliness, si^e and trueness to type. New seed reaped in California in July, 1923, has arrived. St* George's, Bermuda EVERY CONNOISSEUR KNOWS Tel. 39 THAT THE NAME THE E. WORRALL OUTERBRIDGE GO., Most completely equipped and modern Hotel In Phone 643 Bermuda, appealing only te particular and refined 13651 M80.S.W. GEORGE G. SAN DEM AN clientele. Location of unequalled jcenlc charm. Finest Ouisine and Service—Orchestra, Golf. Tennis, 1 1 SSI 'I! ' I' T_TA _..__—-.:.. ;_;-. '-':-_%sics: :~__•_•".*_-__• ON A BOTTLE OF Magnificent Tiled Swimming Pool. PORT or SHERRY Fine Table D'Hote Luncheons a speciality NOTE:—When you plan to visit the St. George Hotel for is a guarantee of excellence- Luncheon be sure your plans include a swim i_ tb_ Magnificent THe_ Swi.-x. miag rmmt—Eminent authority has voted lt one of the World's finest. GOSLING BROTHERS 10928*9901.43.s.ei to m. Feb. 18, 1924. SOLE AGENTS. FOR RENT—Lower Flat at Rofflyn, 140591*_48.S.eitp centre of Town, St. Georges. Apply Mrs. Fender. 14106tw. FCRJSALE -an Ask yonr Dealer for DA\VS0N CHERRY BLOSSOM BOOT POLISH Kermath SPEm f you are not certain, why __L * BRILLIANT — PRESERVATIVE — WATERPROOF *OTCH WHISKY I not taste "I*J).," which is a Marine Motors 1*02^*^ *% genuinely old whisky. Eiglnd's Leading Boot Polish TWO 3-4 H.P. ENGINEf complete with American Bosch H.T. Whisky which is matured by Magneto, impulse coupling; one­ time, and mellowed in the only Comes in all colour, and Is guaranteed to make old boots look like new. ^OOT POLISH way clutch; bronze shafting, pro­ true way, in wood, is none too M peller," stuffing boat; muffler, tool plentiful to-day. Whether or kit. Immediate Delivery noc > ou get any of it depends t L PALiEt- i SONS Price £50 each on yourself. Sole Agt-i-' Queen Street Phones: 456B. A 520C. JOSEPH S. DOE, Distributor When you have tasted a really Hamilton, Telephone 602a. old whisky you do not need to P.O. Box 123. be an exceptionally good judge ENGLISH A HEALTH 140-0t24.__.w.S to tell which is which. STAINLESS STEEL INVESTMENT Fire Works Whole Wheat Bread and POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS, RAZORS, FRUIT KNIVES, TABLE CUTLERY. Also FULL UNE of ENGUSH and FRENCH BEST One trial af this delicious Whole Crackers _k ""^~' ~f QUALITY CUTLERY in REGULAR STEEL* HAIR Wheat Bread will convince of Its New Stock just in. CUPPERS, HORSE CUPPING MACHINES, etc. wholesome said delicious quality. ^ Wa Its rich full flavour has made for tt a host of friends. Special terms to the Trade _-_.*- o-wN for Cash. MASTERS HARDWARE CO. For Sale by AU Grocers Scotch Whisky Phone 192 Reid St. 1 NELMES, I 13344T148.tu.eitp. THE Agents '•_-___-_»_•-__•______•_ THE TOWER. JOHN F. BURROWS & Bermuda Bakery Hamilton. HAMILTON, BERMUDA TAILORS TO THE ELITE LTD. 14108f24.w.th.f Telephone 241, Pembroke Fall Suitings Just Arrived 337311 .48. w.el to tu. Correspondence

We are sure that the large variety of new designs October 6th 1923. and colorings will greatly please you. WAITERS COATS To the Editor of the Royal Gazette There is an air of comfort, grace and conservatism and Colonist Daily. about our tailoring that you can tell at once. Very Fine Duck Sir, I want to express my ap­ ft preciation of the excellent piece about the "Storm of Remem­ Sizes 34 to 44 ft brance** which appeared in Friday's paper, I agree with every word of YOUNG'S TAILORING CO. it and so should (I am sure) every • X I right thinking person in this is­ 140881f48.w.f.m. 13/6 LATEST STYLE land. I have a suggestion to make WEDDING RINGS which is that a type written copy Styles change. Heavy, of it be sent to every man who is; cumbersome rounded any way responsible for the delay- top wedding lings, are in the erection of that monuments! T. a. PEARMAN & TO SMOKERS I supplanted by flat, Another suggestion I make is that lighter and more com­ the whole thing be turned over to 14073 If 148.ra.eitp fortable ones. j the women of Bermuda—then the when in doubt MARTINS FINE VIRGINIA Aside from the plain i thing will be done. I wonder what 1 band fashion's edict em­ the Prince of Wales would NEW GOODS CIGARETTES WILL SATISFY YOU braces beautifully think did he know of the delay. chased rings, ' or en­ "Not a suffragette." but a LOW PRICES PACKED TIHS 50 crusted with small dia­ lover; of promptness. i monds — a pleasingly Go Guts i accepted innovation. ASK YOUR DEALER F. J. G. FOOTE CONCESSIONS FROM Baby Carriages OR CONSULT AGENT. & & M. ASTWOOD THE RUHR. 55 Front Street jfl 13969 f Hfc i Bedsteads Paris, October 8.—A despatch to the Havas Agency from Duessel­ 140991 If 48. W.t» J Springs dorf says representatives of the Mattresses The Phoenix mines and the Rhenische Cf f* I FOR Stahlwerke, two companies con­ Pillows FLYOSAN Bermudiana Quickest Returns trolling ten per cent, of the Ruhr KILLS coal production, have agreed in # The right Conference with the French Com­ Dressers and Flies, Mosquitoes and all Cycles AND Cor. Reid and Burnaby Sts. Best Service, mission on mme control to resume combination* Kitchen Tables other insects—is non-pois­ free coal deliveries according to onous and does not stain. TELEPHONE the established programme of the For sale or hire E. L. Palmer & Sons Reparation Commission as well as Try It. that mined in the future. J. S. VALLIS, KM Beraria AUCTIONEERS The despatch says the companies I. B. ASTWOOB'S Sketrical Jupplies Offices: Quean Street further agreed to supply the fuel Distributor FirMsMtgtSiptlyCt. Phones 456, 4S6B A 5200 necessary tat railways in the" oc­ . 53, Front Street. W. E. SPUBLING, Manager cupied territory and tm the Allied ll-__2*T _8g.W.tp. 2824 ..3-SOt. eitp. 1 18899 ff32.-_.eitp. 13275*1*1 Mm. w.tp. 12358 -IflS... eitp 1 troops,.


f Round the WorkL BARTEND NEWS. ! TO-DAY Oontinued from page 4. EARTHQUAKE ETIQUETTE. The Royal MaU Stem Packet Comply Oontinued from page 1. The British Schooner "LucUle M. Smith," 98 tons, Capt. Maybe How A Shock Signalizes Ma ___ M. S. P. Schwartz, wow of 8 men, after |' Approach. MEW YORK AHD CANADA. ing the waterfront, the Stock Ex­ BERMUDA—WIST INDIES MAIL SiCllVicK Mechanics' HaU—Tbe famous change, the City Hall, the Cana­ having effected renovations, saUed | from Lunenberg, N.S., for St. By a Japan Resident. Special Facilities for Tot-a < s First Run Metro Picture, starring dian Pacific RaUway shops, the CRUISES IN THE WEST INDIES I George's. Experienced mixed Ramon Navarro, Alice Terry, and Library and other points of in­ ' A frequent question to-day to Return Fares Bermuda—Demerara $255.00 Lewis Stone "Scaramouche," at terest. weather. Arrived off St. George's on Sunday and, drawing 121 feet of < those who have lived in Japan is SAM-JUG WtOM BERMUDA 8.30. At the City HaU he was made a * "Does an earthquake give any Steamer |Leaves Bermuda for West r * * » citizen of Montreal and given a water, was towed to Murray's An­ Leaves Bermuda fo chorage by the tug Gladisfen, after warning of its approach?** it does, (twin-sere w Indies and Demerara St. John, N. B. Colonial Opera House "A Chapter Gold Key to the City. hut only in Che evening hours, pratique by Dr. SheUey, the schoon­ in Her Ufe,** "In the days of In the evening he attended a say between dinner and going to CHAUDIERE er was pUoted into St. George's October 5th Daniel Boone.** Chapter 13—and a dinner given in his honour by Lord IJ bed. Then, perhaps a minute be­ CHALEUR October 19th harbour by PUot H. G. Fox. It was Comedy. Atholstan, proprietor of the Mon­ fore its arrival never'more, the even­ OHIGNEOTO October 2nd expected that the LucUle M. Smith November 2nd treal Star. ing hum ef the insect life of the TEVIOT October 16th November 16th would begin loading whiskey on tropics ceases, the nightly chorus (To be continued.) Weekly Mail, Passenger and Cargo Service by the famous "©** Monday afternoon or Tuesday ef the frogs in the neighbouring BERMUDA TIDE TABLE FOR Steamers front. New Tork to CHERBOURG, SOUTHAMPTON LLOYD GEORGE MAKES morning. Agents, H. A 77. Frith, paddy (rice) fields comes to an OCTOBER. and HAMBURG. FINE SPEECH AT MONTREAL. abrupt halt, and "aU the air a The Steam Tug Gladisfen was HARNETT & RICHARDSON, Agents. 26 Front St. Hamilton Sun­ Sun­ solemn stillness holds." The chartered to take a load of whickey _14012148.wXm.tD. -ate High Water rise set Montreal, October 7.—Realising dogs, too, wUl get up from the to HamUton on Tuesday. veranda where they are lying with a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. that he has a strenuous programme of several weeks before him, Mr. every sign of uneasiness. The British Tern Schooner 5.45 Lloyd George made it clear to-day The Shock. 1. 11.30 0.4 5.54 "A. Moulton," 150 tons, 5.54 5.44 that he intended to conserve his How Nuxated Iron Helped S. 0.19 0.46 Capt. C. Anderson, crew 1.48 5.55 5.43 strength and his vote. Travelling And then—the shock is on one 3. 1.16 ef 7 men, drawing 10 feet of • Put Me In Such Superb Condition As To Enable 2.54 5.55 5.41 in an open automobUe from the with all its horrid accompaniment 4. 2.21 water in ballast, arrived from St. 5.56 5.40 Mount Royal Hotel to the First of straining, groaning house tim­ .. 3.26 ASM Pierre, Miquelon, on Sunday, after 5.57 5.39 Baptist Church this morning, he bers, smashing crockery, and the ). 4.29 4.58 having experienced mixed weather Me To Whip Carpentier passed between a continuous line cries of the Japanese servants as 7. 5.26 5.52 5.58 5.38 and was towed into St. George's of people to whose cheers he re­ they rush into the garden crying JACK DEMPSEY 8. 6.17 6.41 5.58 5.37 harbour by steam tug Gladisfen. sponded by doffing his sUk hat and on Buddha and frenziedly clap­ And Win 9. 7.4 7.26 5.59 5.34 The schooner has called for a cargo "Tiger off the Ring'" bowing. ping their hands to call the atten­ The World's. 10. 7.48 8.11 5.59 5.34 to take north. Her pUot was James Telks Secret Of His Trailing At the close of the Church ser­ tion of the Great Deity to their 11. 8.33 8.55 6.0 5.33 T. Griffiths and her agents are —Advises People Who Are in Championship vice at which the Rev. Dr. M. F. extremity. 13. 9.19 9.44 6.1 5.32 H. and W. Frith. a Weakened, Rundown Con­ 13. 10.8 10.35 6.2 5.31 McCutcheon preached, he was for­ Then may be watched the water dition To Use Nuxated A mally welcomed to Canada by being jerked out of the fishpond— 11. 11.4 11.33 $m 5.30 On Monday afternoon the British Iron To Increase Their speakers in behalf of the Baptists inevitable feature of a Japanese __. 0.2 6.3 5.28 schooner Madlyn Hebb arrived'from STRENGTH, VIGOR of Ontario and Quebec. He respond­ garden—by the upheaval of the 16. 0.33 1.8 6.4 5.27 St. Pierre, Miquelon, and was and VITALITY ed with a few words of apprecia­ ground and the earth opening 17. 1.42 21.5 6.5 5.26 pUoted to Hamilton hy PUot Ed. Today, recognized as 18. 2.51 3.24 6.5 5.26 tion. The ex-Premier did not in­ and closing round the cobble stones the physical superior of came to the front at the time tend to speak at the ceremony Burgess who boarded from "Viola." any living man, the I most needed it, and I am sure 19. 3.53 4.24 6.6 m%m which border the pond. superman of the age, t it played a n hnportantpart 29. 4.49 5.13 6.7 5.23 which accompanied the turning Lazy indifference. Jack Dempsey, heavy­ getting me into such fine of the first sod uopn the Baptist The Humanophone Co. is to be weight champion of the world,, physical condition as to enable Ml. 5.37 5.59 6.7 5.21 congratulated on the number of explains below tbe part Nux­ me to win so quickly and easily Church site in Westmount but feel­ But until the shock comes no ated Iron played in helping 22. 6.21 6.39 6.8 5.20 good entertainments it has re­ in my battle with Carpentier. 6.9 ing that the crowd which attend­ foreigner man or woman—if Eng­ to prepare him for the two ft should occur to every 23. 6.58 7.15 5.19 cently placed before the public at supreme tests of his career. tbink ing person that if a man ed was disappointed he smilingly lish—would dream of moving an *3*-*irst he used Nuxated Iron as a •34. 7.30 7.48 6.10 5.18 St. George's. The show on Mon­ K as physically fit ,is Dempsey 8.24 agreed to say a few words. eyelid. He might allow himself part of his training* to increase his j& should consider it advisable 29. 8.7 6.10 5-17 day night was no exception and in­ strength and endurance in his de­ gg^ to take Nuxated Iron ia "It would be a hopeless task" he to murmur to his friend, "An 26. 8.41 8.57 6.11 5.16 cluded an up-to-date 'Pathe News' cisive sm.'—hing victory over the $&k twinimr for his battles observed "to attempt to make my­ earthquake, dear boy," nothing mighty Willard who had neve' with .YillaruandCarpen- 27. 9.16 9.37 6.12 5.15 which was a revelation, as regards before been knocked from his feet self heard to one tenth of this more. An attitude of lazy in­ tier. how much more 28. 9.55 10.17 6.12 5.14 flying machines. "The Timber In this battle Dempsey display important it is for the gigantic gathering." Continuing, difference is de rigueur, and per­ dynamic overwhelmingstrc:i_r average man or woman 29. 10.39 11.1 6.13 5.13 Queen" is as eventful as ever and he explained that his voice had haps 'tis as well. Nor will a move be and power never before known to see that there is no 30. 11.26 11.50 6.14 5.12 on this occasion the heroine re­ in the history of the ring;and lack of iron in the blood given out after the strain imposed made then if the shock is horizon­ now'again in his phenominal or nerve force in the 31. 0.17 6.15 5.11 mains for one week in the air, her upon it on Saturday. "I have no­ tal and short. Then the movement victory over Carpentier he nerves. Thousands of only safety, the clutching of her displayed that same in­ men and women are ticed" he said, "that Montreal is slow. But a vertical shock domitable force and nerve State of Tide and Phase of Moon hands. "The Amateur Devil" is a weak, rundown and is a city of very beautiful churches. such as the recent visitation—as never before seen in any old before their time. comedy drama with mystery right human being. The fact their nerve fMca if the earth was in the hand of a Oct. 3.- -Last Quarter. When I came here 24 years ago through it. that Dempseytook Nux­ ng -fl**. benefits tha_ shattered and their your population, I think, was about giant who had given the globe a ated Iron as part of Dcmptey had derived from health wrecked sim­ Oct. 4.- -Neap Tide. his training for botb the use of Nuxated Iron in ply because they have a quarter of a million. Since then, vicious shake, is a very different Willard and Carpentier training for _u_ contest wit!. Oct. 10.- -New Moon. At the POIiceCourt, St. George's, Willard, I strongly insisted that allowed worry, over-, Oct. 11.- -Spring Tide. you have prospered and I am glad matter. Then things happen. is convincing evidence he must attain use this product work, grief, con­ before the Wor. R. J. Tucker, oa of tbe importance he at­ as part of Ins re_rular training for stant nervous that in your prosperity you have There is not a resident in Japan taches to keeping his Oct. 16.- -First Quarter Monday morning civil suits a- his battle with Carpentier* and strain and excesses Oct. 17.- -Neap Tide. not forgotten God. It is the only who has not waited inevitably for blood rich in strength- the resalts which Dempsey has of various kinds gainst Mr. Charles Richardson and giving iron, and tbe obtained from the use of tins product to sap the vital -Full Moon. sure foundation for the future of a the great shock which should level high regard in which he •6 both Ida phenominal victories over Oct. 24.- Mr. Arthur Burgess were dismissed Willard and Carpentier, I strongly ad­ nerve fl u id from Oct. 25.- -Spring Tide. great city. There is a wave of ma­ all things. And if a quake lasts holds Nuxated Iron as vise people who see in n weakened, tbeirnc rvecells as a result of Mr. Montague failing a master strength and rundown condition to try this wonderful streni terialism sweeping over the world. a fraction longer than instinct and the iron to appear on the part of plantiff. blood builder. and blood builder.'* om their Europe is in the grip of a grim ells that it should, in the light of din a statement made at his headquarters blood t In such Mean High Water Spring Tides:— Mr. Richardson was sued at the in New Tork after the fight Jack Dempsey struggle between hope and despair experience, then eyes look wonder- c.ises one may not only sutler from terrible 4-ft. 4-ins. instance of Mr. Hy. Dunkley for said: "A couple of years ago in preparim: physical tortures such as great nervous irri­ and in that struggle it has become ingly at each Other with the mute for my big fight with Jess Willard I tability, heart palpitations, indigestion* Mean High Water Neap Tides:— the value of 50 onion boxes and material. I am glad that here in question : "Is this It?" The took Nuxated Iron, and after I had taken i t for •> splitting headaches, pains across the back, 3-ft. 8-ins. Mr. Burgess was sued for nearly short while I was positive I could stand hard- dizziness, sleeplessness, extreme weak­ this city you are bearing in mind favourite place of refuge and safe­ er strain with less fatigue than before; and ' Mean Tide Level:—_-__. 7-ins. £19. (). 9 for sundry merchandise. ness, etc., but the mind is naturally that men do not live by bread alone ty is the doorway. Many feel firmly believe that Nuxated Iron put added more cxr less affected, tlie memory be* N.6.—All heights are given above The defendants had previously power behind my punch and helped me to v; hip comes poor, the judgment bad, and such and I am glad on the occasion of a more comfortable under a billiard- soundings on charts. disputed the bills and had appeared Jess Willard and thereby win thewOTld'scham- cften results In business failure and may fleeting visit like this to your great table, but if the roof comes in, pionship at Toledo. After tbat time when­ even laud tbe safferer la an asylum. H.W.F. & C.—7 hours, 59 minutes. on previous occasions but. the ever I felt rundown I used Nuxated Iron to Many a capable man or woman falls just city to take part in a ceremony escape is less easy. Age of tide assumed to be one day. plantiff's attorney had faUed to belp build up my physical comlition; and ?iiort of winning success and happiness in which indicates that you at any The Japanese believe that the when I started to train for the international life becaase they do not back-up their Sunset and Sunrise refer to upper appear and t he hearings went over. championship bout against Carpentier I re­ mental ability witb the physical strength, rate are not victims to the "plague earth rests on the back of some un­ limb of Sun touching the horizon, On Monday morning, after wait­ sumed the regular useof Nuxated Iron,feeling energy and endurance which eomes from materialism" that is threatening known monster, and that an earth­ positive tbat it would help give nv • that rug­ having* plenty of good rich red blood and height of eye being 20 feet above ing for nearly an hour for Mr. ged strength, endurance and power that is of to engulf the world." quake is caused by the animal nerve force. In such cases if is often worse sea level. Times are Local Mean Montague who, did not appear. of thi tlianfoolis'i to take mere stimulating medicines -••etching himself. Time. His Worship asked Mr. Richardson greatest importance in contests of this kind, or narcotic drugs. What you need is something oo John O'London's Weekly. his reason for disputing his bill because, other^things being equal, victory j toputmorenerveforcemyoarnervesandmore DEDICATION OF ODDFELLOWS always goes to the strongest man. In this! j iron in year Mood. This is most effectively -oo NEW LODGE ROOM. and he replied that he had not •F* was not znist-i-.cn us Nuxated Iron again | ujccsnplishcd by the free use ot Nuxated Iran, received the goods. The claim, THE BERMUDA DRUG CO., Sole Agents IMPRISONMENT FOR The dedication of the new no proof appearing to the contrary, MOT PAYIVG FINE. lodge room of the Loyal was dismissed. Flower of the Day, No. Mr. Burgess pleaded that he. Some months ago - "Smokey" 6347, |I. O.Q. F-, M.U., on had repeatedly asked for an item­ rlend Bean was hailed before the bar of {Expert Advice Victoria street, next the Colonial ized bill; he could not tell whether justice, and for disorderly conduct, Opera House, will take place to­ or not he had received the goods was mulcted in the sum of 30/-. morrow. charged for in a lump and he did Get a Piano in Need! v He was unfortunately without the The ceremony of dedication will not owe for them. For the same _* means of complying with the de­ be preceded by a street parade reasons, as in the previous case, made for tiie QUICKLY RELIEVES CU • -. BRUISES. mand of the magisterial bench, through Hamilton, starting from the claim was dismissed. SPRAINS, WOUNDS, COUGHS, COUPS. and, like the good Samaritan, Con­ I /-ME BACK. ETC. twmT* ft AND TESTED _-_.milton Hall on Parliament St, Climate! : stable Browning came forward and REMEDY FOR MANOR BEAST. to Front St, Queen St, Washington paid the delinquent's fine, with St, and along Victoria St to the eh*".. of best ---nigh and the understanding that in due i^-0^-W> new lodge room. Every lodge of American makes. time Smokey would repay the Con­ Sold IK one size only Oddfellows throughout the island stable. Sole Agent for Ihe Ampico, tho will be represented. Never sold in bulk On Monday morning, just when •no:;, vondciful In. lr\i*T.--*it c ci On arrival at their new home the the police court was in session, _*- i *r service of dedication wiU take place devised. Bean happened to be passing the at the conclusion of which the House of Correction, and whilst •_* brethren and guests will have a rite only real reprodoolnfj swankering by, Constable Tucker •*# banquet. A toast list will be gone Piano.! hailed him and inquired when he •*_ti_ through and there will be s >esch JS was going to pay the fine. "Oh!" by many prominent jm3tn isn of says Smokey, "I'm just going down the order. to see Mr. Dawling, whom I'm A. M. PURCELL IK working for, and I'll bring the And His Family The Bsrinudc *_ress money up." IOR RADIO OPERATORS. "You remain here," ordered the constable, who immediately in­ 1 Medicines WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 terviewed Mr. Dawling and from Q R whom he was unable to elicit any MOST people first knew Dr. 380 Meters WGY (Schenectady, information, much less any money. N.Y.) General Electric Company Smokey was straightway brought Chase through his Re­ ceipt Book. Its reliability and before Wee. R. W. Appleby, who Eastern Standard Time. sentenced him to six weeks im­ usefulness made him friends prisonment with hard labour. SUPREME COURT OF BERMUDA. everywhere. ll :55 a.m. -Time signals. 12:01 p.m. -Stock market re- •i—oo— ports, MICHAELMAS TERM, 1923. When he put his Nerve Food, 12:10 p.m,- _Produce market ro­ MEMBERS OF ENGLISH Kidney-Liver Pills and other ports. QSSmm NOTICE TO PARLIAMENT TO medicines on the market they 12:8- p.m.—Weather report. VISIT WEST INDIES. received a hearty welcome, and •:80 p.m.—Produce and stock sJLVmmUr SPECIAL JURORS AND JURORS. their 'exceptional merit has market quotations: news bulle­ Continued from page 3. tins. and all other persons concerned. kept them high III the public Trinidad to Jamaica will call at esteem. You are not Fort Limon on January 24th where SILENT NIGHT. experiment­ The REGULAR CRIMINAL SES­ ing when a special train will convey the SION FOR THE MICHAfLMAS Take Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver yoa use Dr. Pills for example. There Is no treat, RfifnuM-toit rCZEMA^.Cb - —^ members to San Jose, the capital TERM, 1923, IS POSTPONED. ment te be compared to them as a • ment for Eczema anfi Skin Irrita- of Costa Rica and back and on ______i.ims;_-.'_ relieves at once and gradu- means of regulating the liver, kid­ ~!T .?UXb?als .u*«e sUn- Sample b«xDr_ January 26th the ship will put in | FROM MONDAY, October 15th, Chase's Ointment free a youmention this neys and Dowels ana relieving con­ S_3^roSn-?_.s?nd*te*s*2'?1P *« postage, eoc. a at Colon, in order to give the party 1923, stipation, biliousness, kidney disease •jo::; all dealers or Bdmanson, Bates & Co., am opportunity of inspecting the at ever jr body who ij nited, Toronto ' ""***-** "*• ****"• and indigestion. Stmttdmrd Kmyoomrm Panama Canal which will be reach­ IN BERMUDA Mr. J. A Vallis, HamU­ ed by motor ear. The party which TO MONDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, ton, is oar representative and win other standard will consist of not more than forty its. supply tha trade promptly. persons, will include the wives and Take any* aasr*S- 'Homes daughters of members. It te hoped boroos. often may be blessed witb . By Order of ihe Court, young ones, if wives take— PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS that a delegation of five members JOHN J. BUSHELL PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to of the branch of the Association GERALD H. -GRAY, Dr. Chase's Bermnda Representative lydia LPinkhanVs cure blind, bleeding, itching ar put- in the Canadian Parliament will -fan|UtQa -__!_«: _*T trading PILES in « ta 14 days ar join MAm party In the West Indies. Registrar. 14109t40.w.th.fr.s.__. Ki'liK'ijIiu'K Pills money refunded. Mannfn land bf • the PARS liEDK-NE 00. St. 1
