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In Your Neighborhood Travel Daughters Thor A. Larsen’s La lykkelige mennesker formere in seg, så må jo menneskeslekten impressions Nevada en gang bli lykkelig. of Read more on page 13 – Karen Blixen Read more on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 33 September 14, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com Golden times in London Norway Police in southeastern Norway Norway takes have found millions of kroner buried in the woods almost a home eight year after four masked robbers intercepted a cash transport ve- medals from hicle near . The thieves made off with some NOK 10 the London 2012 million ($1.7 million) in the cash-in-transit heist last Octo- Paralympics ber, almost half of which has now been recovered, newspaper Romerikes Blad reports. Four Ke l s e y La r s o n investigators from the Romerike Copy Editor police district recently accom- panied one of the men charged in connection with the robbery After the conclusion of the the to a remote part of a forest in London 2012 Paralympics on Sept. Østfold County. 9, the Games were hailed as the (blog.norway.com/category/ best and most successful ever. news) “I can agree to that. Both in terms of overall experience, the Culture public interest, the athletes, or- Big-budget Norwegian film ganizers and the media coverage. “Kon-Tiki” set a national box Yeah, really the whole package,” office record as it attracted more movie-goers than any other film Photo: London 2012 in history in its opening week- See > London, page 6 Sailor Aleksander Wang-Hansen carries Norway’s flag during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympics. end. With 164,191 paying cus- tomers, the film about adventur- er ’s Pacific ex- pedition sailed past the record- With brilliant minds “World needs more PLU” holder “,” a 2008 Thomas A. Krise biopic by the same directors, Royal celebration of extraordinary scientific Espen Sandberg and Joachim achievements for 2012 in inaugurated as 13th Rønning. “We’re incredibly pleased to see that audiences president at Pacific have embraced the film we’ve Lutheran University worked on for so many years,” said producer Aage Aaberge. (blog.norway.com/category/ Ch r i s Al b e r t culture) Pacific Lutheran University

The beginning of Pacific Lu- What’s inside? theran University’s 123rd year News 2 – 3 marked a time of change and a cel- Business 4 ebration of a rich history of purs- Research & Education 5 ing lives of service and thoughtful Opinion 6 – 7 See > PLU, page 5 Photo: John Froschauer / PLU Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Suzann fever in Oslo! Obituaries & Religion 11 First-ever Suzann Arts & Style 12 PRO Challenge In Your Neighborhood 13 finds success Norwegian Heritage 14 Photo: Erland Aas / Scanpix Sports 15 HM King Harald presents the Kavli Prize 2012 in neuroscience to Cornelia Isa- bella Bargmann, and Ann Martin Graybiel in Oslo Sept. 4. Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e $1 = NOK 5.8042 Ka v l i Pr i z e updated 8/31/2012 Warming up for the Suzann Pro Challenge in Oslo last week- In comparison On Sept. 4, HM King Harald cert Hall. Each of the prize winners presented the Kavli Prize in Astro- received a gold medal, a scroll and end, people could watch Norwe- 7/31/2012 6.0219 physics, Nanoscience and Neuro- a share of the prize money of USD gian golf star Suzann Pettersen 3/3/2012 5.6122 science to the seven laureates at an 8/31/2011 5.3512 award ceremony at the Oslo Con- See > Kavli, page 5 See > suzann, page 15 Photo: Christine Havdal 2 • september 14, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Psykolog-skandalen helseskadelig Så langt har Sykehuset fått under- –Var ikke på Østensjø søkt sju av de 116 pasientene som de frykter Mordersneglen kan gi har fått feil diagnose. – Alle sju har fått nye 64-åringen som er siktet hjernehinnebetennelse på diagnoser. De første vi har undersøkt dreier for drapet på Sigrid seg om de mest alvorlige diagnosene blant mennesker de som vi nå skal undersøke, sier fagsjef Giskegjerde Schjetne, Arne Johannesen ved psykiatrisk klinikk til VG VG Nett. Johannesen opplyser at det blant står fast ved at han annet dreier seg om diagnoser av typen ikke visste om liket i Nye analyser utført ved Veterinærin- ADHD og lettere psykisk utviklingshem- ming. Sykehuset gjør et omfattende arbeid skogholtet noen meter stituttet viser funn av Listeria-bakterien i for å gjennomgå alle pasientenes diagnoser. nedenfor verkstedet sitt brunskogsnegler. Nå advarer forskerne mot å – Vi har oppnevnt to tverrfaglige team og et håndtere store mengder uten å beskytte seg. korps av psykologer og andre som bistår i på Kolbotn Ferske analyser utført ved Veterinærinsti- utredningene, sier Johannesen. tuttet viser funn av bakterien Listeria mono- (NTB) VG cytogenes i snegler. Denne bakterien kan gi Foto: Frode Hansen/privat alvorlig sykdom både hos dyr og mennesker. Senterpartiet vil ha fri ulvejakt De to drapssiktede mennene på 37 og 64 år ble – For dem som håndterer store snegle- Ved likfunnet har politiet funnet en Programkomiteen i Senterpartiet foreslår pågrepet på verkstedet på Kolbotn mandag i forrige mengder i forbindelse med plukking og gjenstand som skal knytte liket til verkstedet. uke. I skogholtet nedenfor verkstedet ble Sigrid Giskeg- at det skal bli lovlig med fri jakt på ulv i oppkutting for avliving, oppfordrer vi til å Men om dette funnet knyttes til spesifikke jerde Schjetne (16) funnet drept. Norge. Ulven har vært fredet i Norge siden benytte hansker og ellers beskytte seg mot personer, er ikke kjent. 1973. Det er i forbindelse med arbeidet med sprut. Dette som en ekstra forsikring frem – Det er flere som har hatt tilgang på nytt program foran neste års stortingsvalg der han oppholdt seg, sier Sigmond. til vi vet mer om utbredelsen av Listeria i verkstedet, også medsiktede. De to har job- at nestleder , som Drapssiktede fortviler over at politiet sneglene, sier Anne-Brit Haug, kommuni- bet sammen og hadde daglig kontakt, sier også er leder av programkomiteen, kaster fortsatt ikke har fått sjekket ham ut av saken. kasjonsrådgiver ved Veterinærinstituttet til forsvarer Aase Sigmond til VG Nett. inn en brannfakkel i rovdyrdebatten, skriv- Politiet har planlagt et nytt avhør av 64-årin- VG Nett. 10. september møtte hun 64-åringen i er Nationen. – Det finnes ikke en særegen gen onsdag. I forbindelse med et forskningspros- Ila fengsel, hvor han sitter varetektsfengslet norsk-svensk ulvestamme. Ulvene i Norge – Han har bedt politiet om etterfor- jekt undersøkes det nå hvorvidt snegler in- i full isolasjon. 64-åringen er siktet for drap tilhører den finsk-russiske ulvestammen, og skningskritt – deriblant mobiltrafikk og nblandet i silofôr påvirker fôrkvalitet og en enstemmig programkomité mener derfor eller medvirkning til drap på Sigrid Giskeg- bompasseringer som han mener beviser at dyrehelse. at Norge ikke er forpliktet til å ta vare på jerde Schjetne (16). han ikke er involvert i saken. – Vi har samlet inn snegler fra et lokalt denne stammen, sier Vedum. Han sidestiller Den savnede tenåringsjenta ble funnet – Han sier at han ikke var i området hvor sted i Norge for å se hvilken helsefare de kan norske ulver med mårhund og villsvin. – In- drept i et skogholt bare noen meter nedenfor Sigrid forsvant den aktuelle natten, sier Sig- forårsake ved siden av at det er skadedyr. I gen arbeider for å opprette egne stammer 64-åringens verksted på Kolbotn. mond. den forbindelse fant vi Listeria-bakterien. Vi av mårhund og villsvin i Norge, tvert imot Likfunnet skjedde kort tid etter at tjen- Forsvareren ønsker ikke å kommentere visste at sneglene inneholdt Listeria, men er de uønsket i den norske naturen. Det bør estemenn fra oslopolitiets beredskapstropp hvor 64-åringen har forklart at han oppholdt det var mye større mengder enn vi trodde det også den finsk-russiske ulvestammen være, stormet inn i verkstedet og pågrep 64-årin- seg like etter midnatt natt til 5. august. skulle være, sier Haug. mener Vedum. Tall fra Rovdata anslår antal- gen og den andre drapssiktede – en 37 år let ulver i Norge til i underkant av 30. Ifølge gammel mann. English Synopsis: One of the accused men in the case English Synopsis: en internasjonal forskerrapport må det være A certain type of slug in Norway – Han synes det er forferdelig, men han of Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne says he has nothing to has been found to have high levels of a bacteria that rundt 500 ulver for at stammen skal være do with her murder, even though he owns a garage mener at han selv neppe hadde plassert et lik can lead to miscarriages and meningitis, and scientists levedyktig, noe Vedum sier ikke er ønskelig. very close to where her body was found. are advising people to stay away from them. Han mener pengene som brukes på å op- prettholde de 30 ulvene som er i Norge i dag, kan brukes på en mer fornuftig måte i miljø- og naturforvaltningen. Sliter tungt Ingen ulykker på ny e18 (VG) Til tross for tett Romfolk trakassert i De fire småpartiene sliter sommertrafikk har det ikke To ganger på ett døgn skal romfolk som tig- tungt på målingene. ger i Kristiansand, ha blitt truet og trakas- Det spøker for vært en eneste ulykke sert av nordmenn. Natt til søndag skal to på E18 mellom og personer ha kommet til leirplassen i byen stortingsplassen til en og truet flere romfolk med kniv, revet bort rekke politikerprofiler siden den nye maten deres og ødelagt klær. Søndag kveld veien åpnet i juni gikk en gjeng løs på sanitærbrakka som er satt opp, ifølge Fædrelandsvennen. To kvin- VG ner var i ferd med å ta en dusj i brakka. – De Mens Høyre fosser fram i måling etter NRK forsøkte å komme seg inn, men heldigvis måling, er situasjonen ett år før valget langt hadde kvinnene låst døra. I stedet brøt de Sammenligner man med fjorårets tall opp sikringsskapet, tok sikringen og rev ut mørkere for Venstre, KrF, Senterpartiet og skulle flere personer blitt skadd i løpet av de en ledning, sier presten Christoforos Schuff, SV. De fire småpartiene bakser alle med tre månedene veien har vært åpen. sperregrensa og risikerer å sitte igjen med en som hjelper romfolket i byen. Politiet fikk Prosjektet hadde en prislapp på to mil- Foto: Privat melding om hendelsen søndag kveld og tar stortingsgruppe av ubetydelig størrelse på liarder kroner, og veien ble åpnet med brask Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne (16) ble meldt savnet natt saken alvorlig. – Noen etnisk norske har denne tiden til neste år. og bram av statsminister 6. til søndag 5. august. kommet med trusler mot tiggerne som be- Alle de fire småpartiene ligger på 4-tal- juni i år. fant seg i området ved sanitæranlegget. De let i gjennomsnittsberegningen av menin- Statens vegvesens mål er å redusere an- skal ha blitt skremt, og vi vil sende en pa- gsmålingene for de siste fire ukene. Tall Poll istrert noen ulykker her. Innkjøringsperioden tall ulykker på strekningen med 80 prosent. kan ofte være vanskelig, men her har det gått trulje til stedet, sier operasjonsleder Ingrid of polls hentet inn for NTB tidligere denne – Dette var en strekning hvor det skjedde Mæhre i Agder politidistrikt. Schuff sier han uka, viser at oppslutningen er lavere enn veldig bra. mange stygge ulykker. Nå har vi bygget en Brita Straume i Trygg Trafikk Telemark har fryktet at noe slikt ville skje. Brakka, den var i 2008, året før forrige stortingsvalg. sikker og oversiktlig vei som skal spare liv, som nylig ble satt opp, har vært omdiskutert. er glad for å høre at den nye strekningen så Sammenligningen viser at KrF har falt 1 sier prosjektleder i Statens vegvesen Vest- Flere har ment den vil legge til rette for tig- langt sparer liv. prosentpoeng, Venstre 1,1, Sp 0,7 og SV 2,2. fold, Jørn Rinde. ging, mens andre har antydet at den vil bli I Hordaland og er både SV – Det er ingen tvil om at når man får påtent. Alt fra små personbiler til massive vogn- skilt kjørebanen med midtdeler skal det mye og Sp ute i kampen om distriktsmandatene, tog suser forbi oss på nye E18 ved avkjørin- (NTB) noe som etterlater et stort spørsmålstegn ved mer til for at det skjer alvorlige ulykker. gen til Langangen. 14.000 biler passerer Hun er likevel sikker på hva som er det stortingsplassene til SV-leder Audun Lys- fylkesgrensa mellom Telemark og bakken og partiveteran Hallgeir Langeland. viktigste tiltaket for å hindre ulykker. hver dag, på det som tidligere var en svært – Folk må følge med på veien, og ikke – For mangfoldet i demokratiet er det ulykkesutsatt strekning. ikke bra, men jeg tror valgresultatet neste være opptatt av alt annet. Som bilist har du et Både dødsulykker og alvorlige ulykker stort ansvar, sier Straume. – år kommer til å vise noe annet enn hva har vært en del av den tidligere så smale og meningsmålingene viser nå, sier SV-topp kronglete veien mellom Telemark og Vest- Snorre Valen til NRK. English Synopsis: Despite lots of summer traffic, fold, men tre måneder etter åpningen er det there have been no traffic accidents on the new E18 English Synopsis: While the Conservative Party con- realistisk å nå målet om å redusere ulykkene highway recently built between Larvik and Porsg- tinues to do well in the polls, the four smallest parties med 80 prosent. runn. Previously the highway had been very danger- are in danger of losing seats in next year’s election. – Det er gledelig at vi ennå ikke har reg- ous. Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news September 14, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Case closed Search ends for Sigrid A-ha receives St. Olav’s medal Breivik case formally The famous Norwegian band trio - Morten Missing teen’s body Harket, Magne Furuholmen, and Paal over with no challenge Waaktar Savoy will receive St. Olav’s found after month- medal for their commitment to promoting the Norwegian music scene. A-ha has sold St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n long search 35 million albums worldwide, and is still Norwegian American Weekly the one and only Norwegian group that has topped the American Billboard list with the St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n song “” in 1985. The group also Standing by his decision to not appeal Norwegian American Weekly received an honorary prize for their 25-year the terror conviction and prison sentence, contribution to Norwegian music at the the trial of July 22 terrorist Anders Behring Spellemann Awards in 2011. “The group Breivik came to a formal end in Oslo on With her mysterious disappearance on has been a source of inspiration for several Sept. 7. Aug. 4, Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne (16) generations of artists both in Norway and Breivik was sentenced to Norway’s dominated the Norwegian news as the search abroad,” said Music Export Norway in a maximum prison sentence of 21 years, which for her became a national effort. On Sept. 5, statement. can be extended indefinitely if he is still con- her body was found in the woods in Kolbotn, (Norway Post) sidered to be a threat to society. a small town 15 kilometers south of Oslo. The 33-year-old Norwegian told the Dagbladet reported police found a link Ibsen Award 2012 presented court at the time that he wouldn’t challenge between the garage where two suspects were Photo: Facebook.com German composer and theater director the ruling and had not changed his mind on arrested and the location where the girl’s Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne went missing Aug. 4 Heiner Goebbels was presented with Sept. 7, the last day of the appeals period, body was found in the woods. The two men, after leaving a friend’s house, and her body was the International Ibsen Award 2012, at a defense lawyer Geir Lippestad said. a 37-year-old from Ålesund and a 64-year- found Sept. 5. ceremony at the National Theatre in Oslo, “There is no doubt that the July 22 case old from Vestby, were put into custody for a on Sept. 8. The biannual prize is awarded is over today,” Lippestad told reporters after further four weeks. made that the injuries were sustained by a to people and organizations who bring “new meeting his client in prison. The report indicated serious head inju- heavy blow to the body. Police believe that artistic dimensions to the world of drama ries and broken ribs, and the conclusion is or theater.” Goebbels has composed and See > Breivik, page 7 See > Sigrid, page 7 directed musical theater in Germany since the 1990s, and is a leader in Germany’s musical theatre community. Unveiling the new Utøya Fraud attempt? (The Local) Norway puts limits Breivik lawyers exposed to death threat Redevelopment of the island camp begins a Vibeke Hein Bæra, a lawyer for Anders on immigrant Behring Breivik, has revealed that she new chapter for the AUF and July 22 survivors received a number of death threats for laborers from Asia representing the convicted mass killer. Bæra’s experiences echo those of another of Breivik’s lawyers, Geir Lippestad, who has Ju l i e Ry l a n d also been subjected to hundreds of threats, Norway Post NRK reports. Bæra said she learned at one point from friends of her children that there was a price on her head. “It created fear for Job seekers from India, Nepal and Sri my children and felt really horrible,” she Lanka will no longer be granted residence in told NRK. The lawyer said she had been Norway while they apply for work. Due to threatened face to face, via text messages suspicions of fraud, the program will be re- and on the telephone. “It’s most honest and evaluated, Aftenposten reports. fair when people can say what they think A program introduced in 2010 allows face to face. A few times I’ve also had cause skilled workers outside of the E.U. a six- to explain the job I do,” she said, adding that month visa so that they can stay in Norway most people she encountered understood while they apply for work. During the first that even the right-wing extremist who Illustration by Mir AS / Architecture by Fantastic Norway AS six months of the program, around 1,200 ap- killed 77 people last July had a right to a fair The traditional “slope” on Utøya will be upgraded with a new stage for concerts and activities. plications were submitted, and almost 1,000 trial. Bæra said she had taken a number of of them came from people in India, Nepal steps to deal with the threats in cooperation St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n with the police but would not say what these Norwegian American Weekly and Sri Lanka. “It's pretty clear that this is a fraud at- measures entailed. “This was taken very seriously by the police and I have felt secure As July 22 terrorist Anders Behring Eskil Pedersen, leader of the Labor Par- tempt,” said Minister of Labor Hanne Bjur- strøm. all along in the way the police have handled Breivik began his prison term, the Labor ty Youth (AUF) and Utøya survivor, said on our safety,” she said. Youth Party (AUF) released its plans for the (NTB / TheLocal.no) redevelopment of Utøya. See > Utøya, page 6 See > fraud, page 15 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • September 14, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Business News & Notes Sales and Service and Statoil awarded the ONS was first presented in 1982, recognizes the cru- Innovation Award cial importance of products and solutions. Aker Solutions and Statoil have been awarded (Norway Post) the ONS Innovation Award for the Åsgard sub- sea gas compression system. “This technology Oil labor strike averted in Norway has the potential to change offshore gas field Employees working on drilling operations in Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK developments worldwide. With the forecast the Norwegian oil industry received a retroac- phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 growth of subsea developments, subsea com- tive pay raise to stave off a labor strike, ne- fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 pression will become widespread, having even gotiators said. A July labor strike by offshore more impact as projects move into deeper wa- workers in Norway halted about 15 percent of ters further from shore. We are very pleased the oil production on the ’s continental to be awarded this prestigious award,” says shelf. A shutdown was averted when the labor [email protected] Åsmund Bøe, chief technology officer at Aker minister intervened to force arbitration. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Solutions. The ONS Innovation Award, which (UPI) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research September 14, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Influences across the globe Just how much do the Rocky Mountains of North America affect Norway’s climate?

Photo: John Froschauer / Pacific Lutheran University PLU President Thomas W. Krise with his wife Patricia Krise after his inaugration on Sept. 4.

< PLU Photo: Wikimedia Commons From page 1 ver brings to life this journey of vocation – A view of the Rocky Mountains taken near Ward, Boulder County, Colorado. A study by the Research “What will you do with your one wild and Council of Norway’s program “Climate Change and its Impacts in Norway” shows the Rocky Moun- inquiry. The Presidential Inauguration and precious life?” tains in the western part of North America can affect Norway’s climate. Convocation in Tacoma, Wash., welcomed “Colleges need to remain places where the class of 2016 and the swearing in of you can ask troubling questions, push the Re s e a r c h Co u n c i l o f No r w a y PLU’s 13th president, Thomas W. Krise. boundaries and seek knowledge wherever “We become Lutes together today,” that might be,” Krise said. He expressed how PLU is a place where Both the Gulf Stream and the Norwe- tion. In this way, the mountain range helps Krise told a crowd of students at Olson Au- care for the mind, spirit, body, community gian Sea have a major impact on Norway’s to create the dominant southwesterly winds ditorium on Sept. 4. “Ceremonies like today and the earth are pillars to stand on. He re- climate. However, it turns out that weather that bring so much warm, moist air towards are how we act out what we cannot say.” minded students that the faculty and staff conditions are also influenced by geographi- Norway. To celebrate the occasion, 640 first-year who work here are following their vocation. cal elements from much farther away. The It is primarily thanks to these winds, students, 50 clergy, 200 faculty and 40 del- “PLU is full of people where the life Rocky Mountains, for instance, play a major believe the -based climate research- egates from other higher education institu- of the mind and teaching people like you is role in weather in Norway. ers, that most of Norway has an annual mean tions gathered with staff, administrators, their ‘Wild Hope,’” Krise said. Running simulations on advanced cli- temperature well above the freezing point. regents and guests. Presiding Bishop of the “In the end, PLU is all about you – the mate models, researchers can now study This is 5°C to 10°C warmer than the an- ELCA, Rev. Mark S. Hanson, gave Krise the students,” he said. “PLU’s strong com- climate in completely new ways impossible nual mean temperatures at the same latitude charge of affirming his commitment to the mitment is for you to realize your ‘Wild just a few years ago. For example, one can around the earth. pursuit of academic excellence and the shep- Hope.’” see the simulated outcome of “removing” This new knowledge about the storms herding of higher education in the Lutheran Krise reminded the class of 2016, there major mountain ranges known to influence from the west is one of many findings from tradition. are many alumni who have found a passion climate. research activities funded under the Re- President Krise celebrated the proud and carrying on that tradition in the world to- When researchers at the Bjerknes Center search Council of Norway’s program Cli- Norwegian roots of the university, giving a day. Like Brian Bannon ’97, who now heads for Climate Research in Bergen removed the mate Change and its Impacts in Norway nod with a Norwegian phrase: “When Pacific the Chicago Library system, the second larg- Rocky Mountains of western North America (NORKLIMA). Lutheran University was founded on Decem- est library system in the country. And there’s from their simulation program, they were Through the large-scale program on ber 11th, 1890—just one short year after the William Foege ’57, who this year received surprised to discover the extent to which this Climate Change and its Impacts in Norway admission of Washington to statehood—our the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian distant mountain range affected Norway’s (NORKLIMA), the Norwegian Government founding president, Bjug , wrote that award in the U.S., in recognition for his lead- climate. and the Research Council of Norway have he and his fellow founders aimed to raise ‘en ership in the effort to eradicate smallpox. Because of the Rocky Mountains, enor- funded research groups that have produced første rangs skole’ – a university of the first In today’s every-changing world, the mous air masses from the west are forced fundamentally important knowledge about rank. students here will make those next contri- more southward, where they absorb heat and our planet’s climate. It is the tradition of a Lutheran educa- butions to the world, Krise said. What that moisture before heading in Norway’s direc- tion and a history of three millennia of lib- eral arts education that brings faculty and world looks like is up to them. The students students to PLU – where academic freedom, here are charged with living a life caring < Kavli about others, the community and the earth, Ann M. Graybiel, Massachusetts Institute rigor and reason is the pursuit and standard, From page 1 he said. of Technology. They received the prize “for Krise said. “A college education makes it more elucidating basic neuronal mechanisms un- “The world needs more PLU,” he said. possible to live a well lived-life – a life of 1 million in each of the scientific fields. Mil- derlying perception and decision.” PLU is a place where the pursuit of achievement and success,” Krise said. “It dred Dresselhaus, often called the “Queen The Kavli Prize in Nanoscience is given vocation is found and questions are encour- (the world) needs what you can bring to the of Nano,” made history when she as the to Mildred Dresselhaus, Massachusetts Insti- aged, and students are encouraged to find world.” first Kavli Prize laureate received the prize tute of Technology, “for her pioneering con- their “Wild Hope.” A poem by Mary Oli- as a sole winner. This is also the first time tributions to the study of phonons, electron- the Kavli Prize is award to female scientists. phonon interactions, and thermal transport in Four of the seven winners are women repre- nanostructures.” senting all three prize categories. Artist and former Minister of Culture Win a free DVD The Kavli Prize in Astrophysics is Åse Kleveland, and American actor, director of the critically acclaimed film shared between David Jewitt, University of and writer Alan Alda hosted the award cer- California; , Massachusetts Insti- emony. tute of Technology; and Michael Edwards The Kavli Prizes are a partnership be- “Oslo, August 31” Brown, California Institute of Technology. tween The Norwegian Academy of Science They receive the prize “for discovering and and Letters, The Kavli Foundation and The by Joachim Trier characterizing the Kuiper Belt and its largest Norwegian Ministry of Education and Re- members, work that led to a major advance search. The Kavli Prizes were initiated by Enter our drawing by Sept. 17! in the understanding of the history of our and named after Fred Kavli, founder and planetary system.” chairman of The Kavli Foundation, which is Email [email protected] or call toll- The Kavli Prize in Neuroscience is dedicated to advancing science for the ben- free at (800) 305-0217 shared between Cornelia Isabella Bargmann, efit of humanity, promoting public - under Rockefeller University; Winfried Denk, Max standing of scientific research, and support- Five winners will be chosen at random on Sept. 18 and will be notified by the Weekly Planck Institute for Medical Research; and ing scientists and their work. 6 • September 14, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion

An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE Who is lazy and spoiled, really? By Even Sandvold Roland and Christian Werner Skovly, co-founders of Rotor AS

The business sector has had an easy presentation, the coolest branded coffee cup employers. We care little about pay or the Rotor is the only specialized employer ride in a job market in which talent has and the most expensive outing, they for- market’s need for expertise, according to branding agency in Norway. It consists of been cheap. The battle for the best minds get to ask students what they really need. research by Universum. four partners with an average age of 22 is intensifying while Norwegian executives Students are not given the decision-making years, and specializes in attracting young hide behind excuses about a “spoiled” and basis they need to make informed personal Career = identity talents through strategic communication. “lazy” generation of young people. career choices. For example, how many stu- If you are to succeed as an employer www.rotor.no/english/ The debate should go deeper than dents know the difference between Deloitte in this market, you need to create lasting Swedish seasonal workers and young Nor- and PricewaterhouseCoopers? differentiation. Successful companies make Even Sandvold Roland wegians who don’t want a summer job. long-term, targeted efforts to earn the re- is the Co-founder and It is strange to see business managers at- Self-obsessed recruitment spect and trust of their dream candidates. Manager of the employ- tempting to explain their inability to attract Norwegian employers are too self- These companies manage to communicate er branding-agency Ro- and recruit young people by claiming that obsessed in their recruitment. The methods in a manner that makes them stand out from tor. At the age of 18, he the younger generation is spoiled. In other they use are either outdated or irrelevant. the crowd. They make themselves relevant was hired as a journalist words, the target group is to blame for un- Job adverts have the same content regard- to students, and provide concrete informa- for VG Nett, Norways successful recruitment. less of whether the position on offer is that tion on the opportunities available and the largest online newspaper. Six months later The characterization of our generation of chief executive or cleaner, and it is often relevant requirements. he got hired as a PR advisor at Geelmuyden. as arrogant, self-centered, caffè latte-slurp- impossible to understand what the job actu- Success in the hunt for talent in a digital Kiese, one of the most prominent firms in ing idlers is both dangerous and demonstra- ally involves. environment requires the involvement of the Norway. Becoming a consultant at the age bly incorrect. Companies which subscribe The problem is the business sector’s entire company. Recruitment is also a mat- of 19, he’s probably the youngest consultant to this view and base their recruitment on overall approach to recruitment, not the ter of PR, marketing, management, internal in Norway. Today, he’s had the fortune of job advertisements in newspapers and - job adverts themselves. The Norwegian communication and, not least, corporate advising some of the largest brands, busi- wiches at career days will make some very WorkRep survey identifies the problem: culture. In an interview with the Norwegian nesses and organizations in Norway. Even expensive mistakes. “The companies generally talk too much business daily Dagens Næringsliv, McKin- is also a recognized public speaker. He is about themselves and too little about what sey partner Jon Gravråk has emphasized the 21 years old, and currently lives in Oslo, Wrong expectations students are interested in: opportunities to importance of integrating recruitment into Norway. In its “Class of 2012” survey, Achiev- develop professionally within the company, the organization as a whole. It should be ers interviewed 8,000 students. The results what projects they have…” thought-provoking that one of the country’s Besides being one of show that 47 percent expect to be in their If you, as an employer, have not earned most attractive employers involves half its four young partners in next full-time job for five or more years, the right to be chosen, you will not have Norwegian staff in recruitment efforts. the Norwegian employer while almost half of these expect to stay for anyone to choose. The complaint of Man- In the end, young people choose an em- branding agency Rotor 10 years or more. power’s chief executive about a spoiled ployer with whom they can identify. They AS, Christian Werner The truth, however, is that most new generation of young people primarily dem- want challenging tasks, good development Skovly is a third-year graduates stay with their employer for a onstrates that he has not understood the opportunities and close follow-up. A career law school student in year and a half on average, as figures from rules governing the new media reality. is not just a “job” for us – it is an important Bergen, Norway. He is also the vice-presi- the U.S. show. Expectations don’t match The battle for the best talent is intensi- aspect of our life and identity. The business dent of the faculty rowing crew, with previ- reality, and the business sector has itself to fying. As a result of a highly favorable job sector therefore has to be innovative in the ous experience from the Norwegian army, thank. market, stronger CVs and greater exper- hunt for talent. and as a freelance journalist. While Norwegian businesses are busy tise at a young age, many Norwegian stu- You don’t choose the best talent, it competing to have the trendiest company dents can pick and choose among the best chooses you.

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< LOndon From page 1 was the one who had the most pressure on her, but kept a cool head and benefited very says Cato Zahl Pedersen, Norway’s Chef de well,” says Zahl Pedersen. She won the Mission. honor of being Norway’s flag bearer at the Norway won a total of eight medals at closing ceremony because of her stunning this year’s Paralympics, ranking 35th over- performance. all, above fellow “She thinks it’s nice to be appreciated and . ranked 29th with 12 and honored with such a gesture,” said her Illustration by Mir AS / Architecture by Fantastic Norway AS medals. coach Morten Eklund to Aftenbladet.no after The proposed “New Utøya” as seen from the mainland / Utvika. One of this year’s gold medal winners the closing ceremony on Sept. 9. was somewhat of a surprise. If the Norwe- A bronze medal went to the Norwegian < utøya gians are born with skis on their feet, then sailing team. “I am very, very happy. There From page 3 • New piers and amendment of the Chinese people are born with a table tennis is a lot of training and traveling behind this access to the mainland. racket in hand, and therefore Norwegian ta- result, and it’s great that we’ve gained some- • Upgrade to current infrastructure, thing for all the toil. A medal in the Paralym- Sept. 7 that the work was “the best way to ble-tennis player Tommy Urhaug had some including a design for accessibility pics is huge,” says native and sail- honor the victims.” stiff competition from China. But he ended to Kjærlighetsstien (the Love Path), ing team member Marie Solberg. After setting off a bomb at the Oslo gov- up winning the gold medal in spite of it. where many died during Breivik’s With her in the boat were teammates ernment quarter on July 22, 2011, Anders “An insanely great achievement. Nor- shooting rampage. Aleksander Wang-Hansen and Per Eugen Behring Breivik drove to Utøya, the camp way is so small in table- tennis, but Tommy • New stage for concerts and events. Kristiansen. for the Labor Party Youth, for a shooting is great,” says Zahl Pedersen. The new Utøya is expected to be com- Norwegian Roger Aandalen took the spree, claiming 69 lives. Another major standout for Norway was pleted by the summer of 2015. bronze in boccia. “I had a great time. I The new Utøya will cost approximately swimmer Sarah Louise Rung. The young Pedersen acknowledged many survivors have never had it better on a boccia court, I USD 10.5 million for upgrades, renovations Stavanger woman competed in five events, of the massacre were against returning to the think,” he said to NRK after his victory. Ru- and new facilities. About USD 7 million of and came home with two gold medals, two island. nar Steinstad took the bronze in the men’s the funds come from the July 22 Fund from silver medals and a fourth-place win. “It “We have attempted to take into account javelin throw. donations. has been great to follow Sarah Louise. She as much as possible, but we think it is better The project includes: that the island is a place that is taken care of • A memorial for the 69 victims who and where activities are held other than that died in the July 22, 2011. the island is laid to waste,” he said. Be our friend on Facebook! • New main building, which includes For those who wish to contribute to the a conference area, meeting facili- facebook.com/naweekly Utøya Fund, visit http://utoya.no/english. ties, dining hall and clock tower. UPDATE norwegian american weekly September 14, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, The way this trip came about is very Managing Editor It’s good to have the Weekly coming synchronistic. It started when I began sub- Christy Olsen Field [email protected] back to my mailbox once again. Since the scribing to the Weekly followed by a Christ- Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager last issue in July, my daughter and I vis- mas present from my daughter to go on a trip Kelsey Larson [email protected] ited the beautiful homeland of my ances- to Norway. In the process I decided to locate Assistant Layout Editor tors, particularly my father, born in Bergen. any relatives I might have there. I was able Harry Svenkerud [email protected] We stayed for 13 enjoyable days. Enclosed through a genealogist to receive a list of rela- you will find a map of the places I visited tives starting from my father to present-day Advertising Call (800) 305-0217 Email: [email protected] while on my excursion with “Norway in a distant cousins. I emailed one name on the Nutshell,” also enclosed. We took a train list but he did not answer. Contributing Editors to Bergen, my daughter got off in Voss and Coming into Bergen on the ship MS Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. went on a hiking trip with another group, I Hurtigruten, a young women who works Carla Danziger McLean, Va. continued on to Bergen then we met up in on the ship overheard my conversation with Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Flowers in Bergen for the one-year anniversary of Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Bergen afterwards. another couple, asked what his name is and the July 22 bombing and shootings. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. gave it to her. She went on her computer and Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland got several names of the same person from Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. the telephone directory. The next day I called and how close I felt for those who were af- Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. fected by such a tragedy, being that my roots Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. the first name on the list and it was him: Hen- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway ning Amundsen, a Commander in the Royal are in Norway. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. The op-ed written by Ms. Jennifer Ves- Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Norwegian Navy. I felt he was somewhat Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. skeptical and asked that I send him a copy sels [“How to make a terrorist lose: A reflec- Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. of the information, which I did. When I got tion on July 22, 2011”] in the Aug. 17 issue Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. back home I received an email from him of the Weekly was very poignant and honest- Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. confirming that we are distant second cous- to-the-point statement. I agree with her when Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. she points out that this incident be handled Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. ins through my father’s brother. So here I am Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. now a little closer to my heritage, thanks to with compassion not hatred it would only en- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. able the situation and bring more attention. David Moe Sun , Calif. all those who helped, including the Weekly Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. in some small way. Unfortunately he was on I believe this is what is needed and sort by Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. vacation and not at home at the time we were those who commit these acts is “attention Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. there. We were so close to where he lives in and love.” I speak from experience. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Bergen near the island of Askøy. This is my story from Connecticut. Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Photos courtesy of Norm Jensen We were in Bergen on the anniversary Subscriber Norm Jensen and his daughter Laura of the Utøya incident and witnessed people Sincerely, CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives on their trip to Norway this summer. laying flowers on a memorial for those who Norm Jensen to make its news report fair and accurate. If you New Canaan, Conn. have a question or comment about news coverage died. How terrible I felt when I read about it call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right < breivik < sigrid not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Elden, said that the girl’s death was probably taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. From page 3 From page 3 • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and an accident. letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian “What I can say is that I did not contest American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Throughout his trial, Breivik showed no the injuries were greater than that which in court that there is reasonable cause to sus- not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by remorse and accused his victims of betray- could be expected from a collision with a car pect manslaughter,” Elden said to TV2. ing Norway by embracing a multicultural traveling at low speed in a quiet residential the paper’s editorials should be directed to the Views and News from Norway reports publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published society. area, and are thus working on the theory that it was a tip from a worried member of the weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Many outside observers were bewildered the girl was removed from the scene alive 37-year-old’s family who alerted police at by the court’s painstaking efforts to make and killed at a later juncture. of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • the Sunnmøre Police District in Ålesund that Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. sure Breivik was treated no differently than Police confirmed on Sept. 6 that the au- led to discoveries at his apartment in the west NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription any other defendant, even though he didn’t topsy report had revealed no indication that Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, coast city that ultimately prompted them to US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. even recognize the authority of the court. the teenager was subjected to sexual assault. contact their colleagues in Oslo. The fam- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: “All these things that we think are so “We are investigating, and have inves- ily had been worried about the man’s men- important to support the rule of law, the rest tigated, all of our projects to see if there is a Formerly Norway Times tal health, and Aftenposten reported that the Western Viking & Washington Posten of the world found odd,” Lippestad said to connection but as far we can tell she was a police, upon hearing of his movements and Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- The Associated Press. “I am very proud of random victim,” said police inspector Hanne “other circumstances,” could tie him directly Norway and the way Norway has resolved Kristin Rohde at a press conference. Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, to Schjetne’s disappearance. Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven this.” The 37-year-old’s lawyer, John Christian NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • september 14, 2012 norwegian american weekly TasTe of Norway The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS Sopp season a touch of Scandinavia in southern California It is mushroom gathering season in Norway, and now We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 you can celebrate it with this delicious meatless dish! stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected]

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Photo: Tine.no For a true Scandinavian twist on cooking with mushrooms, wrap them up in a savory thin Norwegian pancake. Nordic delicacies “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” Pannekaker med soppfyll 6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 Pancakes with mushroom filling www.nordicdeli.com

Pancakes: 2 cloves garlic 3 eggs 2 Tbsp. fresh oregano 1 1/2 cups milk 2 Tbsp. fresh basil 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup cream 1/4 teaspoon salt 16 medium-sized mushrooms of any kind 1 teaspoon sugar Olive oil Handful gruyere cheese Filling: Handful of Italian flat leaf parsley 2 shallots Pinch of sea salt 2 green onions

Preheat oven to 350° F. Combine the eggs and milk in the container of a blender. Add the flour, salt and sugar, and blend until smooth. Set aside. Chop up the onions and garlic. Saute with a little olive oil. Add spices and mushrooms Voice of Joy (use 10 of the mushrooms in the actual filling). When the mushrooms and onion are brown, From Karmøy, Norway add the cream. Let it simmer for five minutes. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat, and coat with cooking spray or butter. Scoop presents four free concerts in the Seattle area about 1/4 cup of pancake batter into the skillet, and tilt the pan to coat the bottom. Cook until the top looks dry, about 30 seconds. Carefully slide a spatula under the pancake and flip. October 6 at 7 p.m. October 7, October 7, 6 p.m. Cook for a few seconds on the other side, just until browned. Remove to a plate, and repeat Rock of Ages Lutheran 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Aurora Church of the with remaining batter. Put some mushroom filling into each pancake and roll them together; Brethren Church Westgate Chapel Nazarene sprinkle with cheese and parsley. Put them in the oven for 10 minutes. While the pancakes 316 N 70th St., 22901 Edmonds Way, 1900 N 175th St., are in the oven, saute the rest of the mushrooms with a little olive oil and sea salt. Serve the Seattle, WA 98103 Edmonds, WA 98020 Shoreline, WA 98133 pancakes with the mushrooms on top. Questions? Contact Kari at [email protected] What are your favorite recipes? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or (800) 305-0217 or email your www.vOiceOfjOy.cOm ideas to [email protected]. norwegian american weekly September 14, 2012 • 9 Travel Impressions of Stavanger Stavanger native Thor A. Larsen visits his hometown from a tourist perspective

Th o r A. La r s e n Fishkill, N.Y.

Having spent the first ten years of my the three-hour journey into Lysefjorden and happy childhood in Stavanger, I was anx- observed the dramatic 2,000-foot-tall Pre- ious to return with my wife and experience ikestolen from the ship. The boat captain an in-depth visit to modern Stavanger. Prior makes several stops on this journey, includ- visits focused on family and friends in the ing meeting up with three goats looking to region, leaving minimum time to explore be fed. Of course, the most popular way to Stavanger itself. I felt that two weeks should see is to hike up, a journey of be a minimum amount of time to really get modest physical demand of about two hours, a meaningful experience of the city and its a journey we have done in prior years. A very surroundings. economical way to see a number of the in- For the casual visitor to Stavanger, habited islands and other is to take one one should certainly stay longer than travel of the commuter boats which we enjoyed on guru, Rick Steves, who suggests in his book another sunny, albeit cool day. on Scandinavia you only need one day to The greatest change in the main harbor see Stavanger. A minimum of three days is (Vaagen) of the city is the almost daily visit needed for a casual visit because there are of very large cruise ships, often more than so many experiences you can have in this one at a time! The ability to absorb a sudden booming oil capital that still has a strong influx of 5,000 – 7,000 visitors for the day “small-town” feel. Stavanger is rich in his- is a challenge that Stavanger has been able tory, culture, with easy access to nature, the to meet. Now, there is a 12-hour informa- ocean, and the fjords. tion bureau just a short walk from the harbor, Before we came I had heard mixed re- where multi-language assistants offer excel- views as to the state of Stavanger, such as: “It lent help in aiding visitors in selecting tours is very expensive,” “an oil-center focus, not on land or sea for a day. Also, there are many tourism,” “the famous Torvet (market place) more sidewalk cafés and bars along the har- has changed,” “so many foreigners.” In net, bor. Visitors do not mind sitting outside as not the old charming Stavanger that I would long as it is not raining, with electric heaters have remembered. Well, after two weeks in to lessen the chill. town, our net was very simple – Stavanger Formerly, there were many fishmonger has improved noticeably by vastly expand- stands by the harbor, but now, there is only ing the pedestrian-only cobblestone streets, one large fish market, an excellent place that lots of floral plantings plus many other beau- sells fresh fish, shrimp, crabs, and fish cakes. tification projects, enriched by an infusion of The fish market also provides an indoor / immigrants and has become markedly more outdoor restaurant where we enjoyed a su- tourist-friendly. perb fish soup. In order to minimize the big expenses The very large open area between the of lodgings (hotels typically $250 / night or start of the harbor area and the road by Dom- more) and food (restaurants meals of $75 / kirken is known as Torvet, or market place. person are typical), we chose to rent one of Torvet was the real center of town – this is many short-stay apartments for two weeks where we all met when World War II ended ($1,000 / week). The daily rates were below and were we lined up for the first 17th May the lowest hotel prices and we could eat many parade after the war. Torvet was where the of meals at the well-equipped modern apart- farmers would bring in their wagons, espe- ment we rented. Our fa- cially on Saturday morn- vorite foods were fried “There are so many ings years ago and daily fish cakes and fish balls in later years. It was that we cooked. We ei- experiences you can have a place people would ther purchased them at meet by chance or by in- a fine fish market at the in this booming oil capital tent. The atmosphere of harbor or in one of sev- that still has a strong Torvet has changed, as eral super markets near the surface is smooth ce- our apartment. ‘small-town’ feel.” ment instead of cobble- The other very big stone, and now, there are expense when travel- – Thor A. Larsen on Stavanger relatively large booths ing in Norway is the selling prepared foods car rental, typically $100 / day or more along as well as non-foods. The merchants may with gas prices double to those in the U.S. be Dutch, English, as well as some from Living in the center of Stavanger, we eas- Stavanger. The farmer’s market has moved ily walked to Torvet / harbor area, historical to smaller quarters across from Domkirken. sections, shops, eateries, as well as the bus I share with my Stavanger friends that this and train terminals, hence, we never rented change has significantly changed the charac- a car. We visited two smaller, charming cit- ter of Torvet. ies, and via the trains that One very positive aspect is the limited came often, on time, very clean, with modest vehicle access to Torvet – the whole area has pricing. become almost totally pedestrian with sig- Tour boat journeys and commuter rides nificant expansion of cobblestones. from Stavanger harbor are very popular way The fine jewelry shops and sweater shops Photos: Thor A. Larsen to visit the many islands and several fjords From top: The cobblestone streets of Gamle Stavanger. The impressive Domkirken () is locat- nearby. We chose the most popular boat tour, See > Stavanger, page 11 ed in a very pedestrian-friendly center. On Norway’s southern coast, Stavanger is a popular port of call for cruise ships. Godalen beach area on Gandsfjorden, less than 2 miles from center of Stavanger. 10 • september 14, 2012 norwegian american weekly Roots & ConneCtions norwegian American Weekly Horticulturist and Photographer Photo of the Week Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy of Helen Pickell This photo was submitted with the note: “Snapshot of Charlotte, Catherine, and Courtney, my three beautiful grandaughters, taken in July 2012 in Bergen, Norway on our “heritage tour” of my father’s homeland. We were in the country 10 days, met 45 relatives and had the time of our lives – ending with three days in . Truly, it was a trip none of us will EVER forget!”

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. Community Connections Lena: Ole, vhat happened to your new yob vith da telephone company? New Feature! Ole: I don’t know, Lena. I vas supposed to be putting telephone poles in da ground A new feature for the Norwegian Ameri- but dey fired me ‘cuz in a veek’s time, I only got vun put in. can Weekly: Community Connections! Lena: Vun? I saw da udder vorkers. Dey For just $35, you can print a photo and vere getting four or five a day! up to 10 lines of text to celebrate life’s mile- Ole: Yah, but did you see how much of stones with the Norwegian-American com- dere poles stuck out of da ground? munity. Commemorate birthdays, engage- ments, weddings, anniversaries, baptisms, Joke from “Ole and Lena: Live via Satellite.” Ole and Lena birth announcements and more! America’s favorite ! Each submission will be printed in the “Roots & Connections” page, and we will send you up to 10 copies to share with family Steinar Skipsnes Seattle WA and friends. Ingeborg Stensland Anacortes WA Anne-Marie Vevle Dalenberg Martinez GA Stenn Richter Salvesen Plano TX Dave Moe Sun City CA Share your news with the Norwegian-American community by 18. september printing an announcement with us for just $35. For more information, Ronald Olson Hansen ID call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. Kari Sandland Clearbrook MN 14. september Ruth Svanoe Decorah IA Trygve Sørensen Norway Reidar Hansen Everett WA 19. september Patricia Ann Garner Olympia WA Inga Øyre Fradal Norway Puzzle solution Erling Olgraff Oslo Norway Daniel Jossang Seattle WA Did you know? Laura Henriksen Cashton WI Ole Shuros Fairbanks AK Patrick Johansen Shiels Pelham NY r andom facts about n orway 20. september 16. september Sigurd Bjornstad Cando ND Melvin M. Holland Tacoma WA Myrtle King Winnipeg Man Can Jon Saatvedt Columbia City OR Elaine Lovlie Bremerton WA Modern etymologists believe Arlene Kvithyll Two Rivers WI Janet Hovland Rockville MD the country of Norway’s Alan Clausen Edmonds WA Bjørn Arne Bamer Oslo Norway (Norge in Norwegian) name Henry W. Larsen North Hills CA Marilyn Moe Molinari West Hills CA means “the northward route” Sigrun Hojem Woodin Concord MA Want to see your birthday in the (the “way north” or the “north 17. september Norwegian American Weekly? Anders Daviknes Ottem Ulset Norway way”), which in Hanne Daviknes Ottem Ulset Norway Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. would have been nor veg or James P. Sites Billings MT com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one norð vegr. Arnhild Rumsey Louisville KY month in advance. Synneve Smevik San Diego CA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Signe Andrew Santa Clara CA away? Please notify us. Rune T. Rolfsen Johnsburg NY norwegian american weekly September 14, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Ben Brynildsen December 6, 1919 – September 2, 2012 Rapture ready

Benhart Otto and the surrounding communities. Following Last year the California radio preach- My Norwegian mother, Astrid, used Brynildsen of Lyn- his retirement, Ben started a second “career” er, Harold Camping, predicted that just to say about people who focused too much den, Wash., former- as a house painter, gardener, frequent golfer, three million people would be, what he on the last things, “they are so heavenly ly of Bellingham, University of Washington Huskies super fan, called, “rapture ready” when the end of minded that they aren’t any earthly good.” passed away Sept. 2. and staple at early morning breakfasts with the world occurred May 21st. When the She said this about people who focused He lived a long life friends. Ben served his communities in Bell- rapture did not occur in May, he predicted their lives so completely on the spiritual filled with loving ingham and Lynden as a member of Lions it would come in October. When October side of things that they neglected their family and a multi- Club (Fairhaven Lions and Lynden Lions), 21st came and went, seemingly without earthly duties and responsibilities. tude of loyal friends. the , and was most dedicated incident, he said that something actually Legend has it that someone once Ben also dutifully served his communities to the community of friends at Our Saviour’s did happen. What took place was a day of asked Martin Luther what he would do if and his country. Lutheran Church in Fairhaven, a church he “spiritual salvation” which could not be he knew the world was coming to an end Ben was born in Butte, Mont., to Nor- actively attended and served for more than observed by the average person. that day. He said he would go home and wegian immigrants Amanda and Thorvald 67 years. The thing that interested me the most plant a tree. What a great answer. Luther Brynildsen. He grew up with his brother Gil- The greatest joy in Ben’s long life was to about Pastor Camping’s predictions was knew that his eternal salvation did not bert and sister Alice in Carbonado, Wash. He have created a happy, loving family. Ben was the number he said would be saved. Three depend upon any so called spiritual activ- moved to Bellingham, Wash., in the 1930s married for 57 years to Grace Pickering, who million people are not many when you ity he could perform to earn or deserve it. and graduated from Bellingham High School preceded him in death in 2002. Ben married consider that the world now contains 7 Eternal salvation and life comes to us as a in 1939, and also attended Western Washing- Virginia Hyldahl in 2003, residing with her billion. Evidently his requirements for be- free gift. We are called to respond to that ton College of Education before enlisting in in Lynden. ing “rapture ready” are quite stiff. I do not gift by going out into the world and living the military. Ben is survived by his wife Virginia, know how Pastor Camping prepared his God centered lives of service to others and Ben bravely served his country in World his son Dean and wife Melva Brynildsen, followers for the last day, but I know that the natural world around us. God has made War II as Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army Air daughter Dana and husband Dan Beard; constantly focusing on preparing oneself us “rapture ready.” In turn, we are to stand Corps and as a gunner on a B-17 bomber in granddaughters Stephanie Brynildsen and for the last day, as his ministry seems to ready to go into the world in God’s name the skies over , flying 29 missions. Allison Beard; grandsons Peter Beard and do, can lead to lots of problems for Chris- doing the hard work of loving and serving His service included participation in the his- Nick Beard and wife Jenni Brown. Ben also tians. our every neighbor. toric D-Day invasion. Following the War, loved his great-grandchildren Lily Grace, Ben returned to a long career as a letter car- Jack and Gianna. rier for the U.S. Postal Service in Bellingham The Scandinavian Hour < stavanger Celebrating over 50 years on the air! From page 9 pressive area of preserved homes of the 19th and early 20th century is Gamle Stavanger KKNW – 1150 AM are unique to Norway and an absolute must (old-town Stavanger) which lies west of the Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST for my wife to explore. She did purchase a harbor area – an absolute must if one visits very fine wool sweater for our grandson for Stavanger for only a couple of days! Streaming live on the internet at: less than $200 (on sale). On this visit, my Walking south from Stavanger sentrum www.1150kknw.com wife also found some excellent thrift shops one can enjoy a picturesque journey along where she found a slightly used wool sweat- the water. Along this path is the favorite swimming area of my childhood, known as ers at real bargain prices. Pewterware, now Proud to bring you the out of favor, was very available at the thrift Godalen with a small beach and jetties to Norwegian American Weekly shops at great bargains. stroll out to deeper water. Once here, it is A very important aspect of our city ex- easy to remain there all day – if the weather ploring had been to take periodic breaks by holds up. enjoying a number of charming cafes which Although we did get together with offered baked goods, however, choosing the old friends on several occasions, this visit inside versus outside seating. In addition to enabled us to meet and chat with new ac- modest sandwiches, boller (sweet rolls) were quaintances that gave us a new perspective enjoyed as well. (Prices are about twice what of Stavanger. Minimum wage is $24 / hour, one would pay in the U.S., hence an econom- attracting people from E.U. countries to get ic diet control.) a start here. Housing costs are astronomi- The dominant structure at the heart of cal – one must assume at least USD 500,000 the old town is Domkirken (Stavanger Ca- for anything suitable. Many find the need to thedral), built around A.D. 1125 and restored move to Sandnes area and even beyond and and enhanced since. It is very worthwhile to commute, often by train or car. The shortage visit and enjoy its interior beauty, especially of skilled workers helps explain the pres- the magnificently carved pulpit. We enjoyed ence of a scientist / educator from India we an excellent tour by a young docent. Con- met at a bus stop. We also chatted with sev- certs are held there frequently. eral skilled workers from Poland building Directly behind Domkirken as you head thatched roofed farm buildings as part of a south from the Torvet area is a beautiful park farm museum. Of course, the booming oil in- dominated by the lake Breiavatnet. The park dustry in Stavanger has brought many Amer- Picture your loved ones is beautifully manicured with flowers and icans, often from , to Stavanger and protected from life’s uncertainties. they have certainly Americanized a number flowering bushes with several walkways. Face the future with confi dence knowing you’re prepared for life’s opportunities and challenges. With a number of benches strategically lo- of Stavanger’s characteristics. From volatile fi nancial markets to unexpected loss or disability, Thrivent Financial has helped cated, it is a perfect spot for a respite to en- In net, the heart of Stavanger remains a generations navigate life’s uncertainties for more than 100 years. We can help protect you, joy the views of the lake, its swans and other “small town” with its colorful harbor area, your family and your independence—no matter how you picture it. birds as well as people-watching. Torvet, Domkirken, parks, pedestrian-only Find out more now at Thrivent.com/pictureit. As we walked around older residential charming streets with rich blend of Nor- sections of Stavanger sentrum and surround- wegian, Asian, Thai, Indian, European and ing areas, we were impressed how well the American shops and restaurants. houses are preserved, the lovely gardens, and I am beginning to plan for our next re- turn visit! Thrivent Investment Management Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. the cleanliness of the streets. The most im- 27575NAWA N7-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 531909 12 • September 14, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Kai Robert in the Midwest Calendar of Events He’s back! This time with Grålum Vokalis What’s going on in your neighborhood? youth choir from Sarpsborg, Norway

California North Dakota Vikingfest Norsk Høstfest October 13 September 25 – 29 Santa Rosa, Calif. Minot, N.D. Like ? Come to Vikingfest, hosted Norsk Høstfest, North America’s largest by Sons of Norway Freya Lodge #6-062 in Scandinavian Festival, is proudly celebrat- Santa Rosa, Calif., on Saturday, Oct. 13, 10 ing our 35th anniversary, starting on the a.m. – 3 p.m. at Norway Hall, 617 West 9th evening of Tuesday, Sept. 25 with a con- Street in Santa Rosa. Vikingfest is Freya cert and continuing through Saturday, Sept. Lodge’s annual celebration of Norwegian 29 with the full festival. Tens of thousands heritage and all things Norwegian: from of people attend the event annually to cel- Viking era reenactments to modern art and ebrate and partake in Scandinavian cul- pottery, Nordic arts and crafts, traditional ture and entertainment. Over 200 artisans, foods, heritage keepsakes, cultural displays craftsmen and chefs participate every year. and demonstrations, and remembrance of The experience is an eclectic array of the . Free admission! For more contemporary and the traditional. The cui- information, call (707) 778-8120 or visit sine, as well as the clothes, art and jewelry, www.freyalodge.org. are authentic, fine quality and exquisitely Nordic. For details, visit www.hostfest. MinnesotA com or call (701) 852-2368. Leiv Eriksson International Festival Photo courtesy of Leslee Lane Hoyum October 5 – 14 Washington From the mountaintops: Trumpeter Kai Robert Johansen near Rjukan, Norway. Minneapolis, Minn. Voice of Joy Concerts Celebrating 25 years of the annual Leiv October 6 – 7 Eriksson International Festival (LEIF) in Seattle, Edmonds and Shoreline, Wash. Le s l e e La n e Ho y u m Rockford, Minn. Minneapolis! This series of special events, From Karmøy, Norway, Voice of Joy is concerts, discussions and celebrations coming to the greater Seattle area for four Highlights includes the 100th Anniver- uplifting concerts. On Oct. 6 at 7 p.m., the Trumpeter Kai Robert Johansen, of to the public. sary Concert by the Norwegian Glee Club group will perform at Rock of Ages Luther- Sarpsborg, Norway, is quickly becoming a The next stop is Grand Forks, N.D., of Minneapolis, official visit by Norway’s an Brethren Church, 316 N 70th St., Seat- household name in the Midwest. He returns which is Sarpsborg’s sister city. Kai Robert Presiding Bishop Helga Haugland Byfug- tle, WA 98103. Voice of Joy will perform at this autumn, Sept. 29 – Oct. 6, with Grålum and the choir will perform at a variety of lien, public forum on global food security two morning services on Oct. 7 at Westgate Vokalis, a youth choir representing the many venues, including the Sons of Norway and and a special performance by Heritage, a Chapel (22901 Edmonds Way, Edmonds, areas within the municipality of Sarpsborg. educational institutions. They take home highly acclaimed Norwegian ensemble. WA 98020) at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. The “It’s a thrill to return to the Midwest,” knowledge of 21st century American life and For a full calendar of events and details, final concert is Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. at Aurora said Kai Robert Johansen. “I am so excited connections with new friends. visit tinyurl.com/LEIF2012 or call the Church of the Nazarene, 1900 N 175th St., Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church at Shoreline, WA 98133. Free admission to all to share this journey with Grålum Vokalis, When the performers return to Minne- (612) 874-0716. concerts, and a good will offering will be which is a 50-member choir with youth rang- apolis, Kai Robert and Grålum Vokalis will taken. For more information, contact Kari ing in age from 7 – 27. The talents of these perform at Mall of America in the Sears New York at [email protected]. young women are outstanding and are a must Court on Friday, Oct. 5 at noon. Furthermore, Norwegian Christian Home Fall Fair see and hear.” Kai Robert is the guest trumpeter at the Min- September 22 Nordic Festival Grålum Vokalis is celebrating its 40th neapolis Norwegian Glee Club’s 100th An- Brooklyn, N.Y. October 13 anniversary. It was founded by Hans Ulstein niversary Concert at Mindekirken, 924 East The Norwegian Christian Home and Health Edgewood, Wash. and was originally the Grålum school choir. 21st Street, Minneapolis, at 7:30 p.m., also Center’s annual Fall Fair is coming soon! The Daughters of Norway Embla Lodge When Ulstein stepped down in 1990, his on Oct. 5. On Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., come to #2 presents their annual Nordic Festival daughter Anne Sofie was quick to continue The City of Sarpsborg, Norway, will be the Home for delicious food, raffle draw- to celebrate Nordic heritage and cultural in her father’s footsteps. She will conduct the 1,000 years old in 2016. It was founded in ings, flea market and vendors, and much traditions. This year’s festival will be Sat- choir on its Midwest tour. The first stop is 1016 by Olaf II Haraldsson, the King of Nor- more! The event will take place 10 a.m. – 4 urday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., at Edge- Zion-Sarpsborg Church in Dalton, Minn. on way from 1015 to 1028, and later known as p.m. at the Norwegian Christian Home and mont Junior High School, 2300 110 Ave E., Sunday, Sept. 30 at 2 p.m. where Kai Rob- St. Olaf. Sarpsborg and its neighbor Fredrik- Health Center, 1250 67th St., Brooklyn, Edgewood, Wash. Admission is just $1 per ert and the choir will perform. “The program stad have grown to become Norway’s fifth NY 11219. For details, call Penelope at person, so come enjoy a day of traditional has great variety and is sure to please,” ac- largest . It is located in Østfold, (718) 306-5660. music, arts, crafts and refreshments! For cording to Kai Robert. “People will enjoy one hour southeast of Oslo on Highway E6. more information, contact Mardy at (253) traditional Norwegian songs, modern show For more information about Sarpsborg Oddbjørn Stakkeland in concert 677-7700 or [email protected]. tunes and spiritual music. There is something or attending the 1000th anniversary in 2016, September 30 for everyone.” The concert is free and open e-mail [email protected]. Brooklyn, N.Y. WISCONSIN The Norwegian Christian Home Founda- 22nd Annual Scandinavian Festival tion is proud to announce the concert of October 6 Norwegiain pianist Oddbjørn Stakkeland New , Wis. from Kvinesdal, Norway, on Sunday, Sept. New Berlin Jack Chiovatero has 30 at 4 p.m. at the Norwegian Christian proclaimed Oct. 6 as “Scandinavian Fes- Home and Health Center, 1250 67th Street tival Day.” Join us in celebrating the cul- Brooklyn, NY 11219. He will present a tures of Denmark, , Norway, and marvelous program of selections from the Swenden at the 22nd Annual Scandinavian region of Vest-Agder, as well as composi- Festival at the Ronald Reagan Elementry tions by Grieg, Chopin and Gershwin. Re- School, 4225 S. Calhoun Road in New Ber- ception to follow. Admission is free with lin, WI (just west of Milwaukee). Doors are a suggested free will donation. RSVP by open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is Sept. 23 to (718) 306-5660 to let us know $7 for adults and $2 for kids 4 through 12. how many people will be in your party. Children under 4 are free. Parking is free! For information, call (262) 895-6419, (262) 797-8146, or visit online at www.nordic- council.com.

Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Photo courtesy of Leslee Lane Hoyum Grålum Vokalis youth choir from Sarpsborg is touring the Upper Midwest this fall with trumpeter Kai Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Robert Johansen. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us September 14, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Scandinavia at its best Søsterskap in Nevada A little rain couldn’t dampen Scandinavian spirit Daughters of Norway Sonja Henie Lodge #29 at the 28th annual ScanFest in Budd Lake, N.J. thrives in western Nevada’s Nordic community

Photos courtesy of Heidi Barcia Photos courtesy of Pete Carron Members of Daughters of Norway Sonja Henie Lodge at their Smørgåsbord fundraiser in Reno, Nev. Tribute band ABBA Girlz was this year’s headline entertainment for ScanFest 2012. Ke l s e y La r s o n Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Copy Editor

The 28th annual Scandinavian Fest “Whoever booked Abba Girlz to play at the When you think of the Norwegian- ents are of Norwegian descent and it seemed brought a dose of the Nordic countries to Scanfest this year is a genius! Three rows in American community, you might think only natural to be apart of Daughters of Nor- Vasa Park at Budd Lake, N.J., on Sept. 2. front of me four or five older Scandinavians of Minneapolis; Minot, N.D., or perhaps way,” she says. “We do our best to keep the The event celebrates the cultures of Norway, got up when the girls were singing, and were Brooklyn, N.Y. But would you ever think of Norwegian culture alive by presenting his- Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Es- dancing like they were 20 years old. It made Reno, Nevada? torical facts to continue our education and tonia through food, entertainment, presen- me damn proud to be a Scandinavian.” Yes, this desert metropolis is the home classes such as the folk art of rosemaling.” tations, arts and crafts, kids’ activities and ScanFest is held the Sunday of Labor of a thriving Norwegian-American commu- Sonja Henie Lodge’s sister lodge, Queen more. Day weekend. Next year’s event is sched- nity. The Daughters of Norway Sonja He- Maud Lodge #42, is just 30 miles south of This year’s headline entertainment was uled for Sept. 1, 2013, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m, rain nie Lodge #29 was founded in 1971, when Reno. There is also a Sons of Norway chap- tribute band ABBA Girlz, a New York-based or shine! To see more pictures of this year’s Olive Maurstad, a member of Daughters of ter in Reno, Lodge 6-151 Hvite Fjell. “Many quad of performers. One attendee said, event, visit www.scanfest.org. Norway in Washington state, moved to Reno of us belong to both organizations,” says and got in touch with an old friend, Bernice Heidi Barcia, Judge of Sonja Henie Lodge Schmoke. The two decided to start a lodge, and Grand Lodge President for the Daugh- and put an ad in the newspaper. The rest is ters of Norway organization. Barcia became history! involved with Daughters of Norway in 2004. “Although a relatively small communi- “It was such a great feeling to be with other ty, we do know that Reno / Sparks sustains a women who wanted to know about Norway population of passionate Norwegian-Ameri- then and now. I still have the same enthusi- cans. Our heritage is supported by dedicated asm now as when I first joined!” she says. members and our open arms that welcome all Naturally, Sonja Henie Lodge celebrates Scandinavians. Together we are the strength unique local people and events. For example, and enthusiasm that continues to build in our an event is held every year to honor “Snow- community,” says Cindy Pearce, President shoe Thompsen,” a Norwegian immigrant of Sonja Henie Lodge. She became involved with the organization in 1994. “Both my par- See > nevada, page 15 The Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center’s Foundation presents a concert by Norwegian pianist Oddbjørn Stakkeland

Left: The Vikings made an appearance with the Leif Ericson Viking Ship from Philadelphia, Pa. Right: Miss Sweden Day and Miss Norway of Greater New York Amanda Berntsen were honored guests. Be- Sunday, September 30 low: Wood carvings by Carl Johnson of Colts Neck, N.J. 4 p.m. in the Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall Norwegian Christian Home and Health Care Center 1250 67th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219 The program includes musical selections indigenous to the Norwegian region of Vest-Adger, as well as Full Service Agency With Experienced compositions by Grieg, Chopin and Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Gershwin. Reception to follow concert. Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Free admission! Free will offering will be accepted. Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Please RSVP to the Home by Sept. 23 by calling (718) 306-5660 Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] 14 • September 14, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Corner NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. Languages of Norway

7 mils støvelen THE SEVEN-LEAGUE BOOT Continued Continued – Halve kongeriket kunne kanskje vore – Half the kingdom could perhaps be noko, sa guten. – Men ei kone som ikkje vil something, said the boy. – But a wife who stå opp før ho får friske jordbær midt på vin- does not want to get up before she gets fresh teren, kan du ha for meg. strawberries in the middle of winter, you can – No fornærma du både meg og prinses- keep. Photo: Siv Nærø / Innovation Norway sa, sa kongen. – Vil du ikkje, kastar eg deg i – Now you’ve insulted both the princess Lost in translation? Despite the similarities between Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, it doesn’t mean that everyone finds them mutually intelligible. ormegarden. – Då får du heller kasta meg i and me, the king said. – If you don’t marry ormegarden, sa guten. her, I’ll throw you into the snake pit. – Then – Kast han ikkje i ormegarden, sa you’d better throw me into the snake pit, said I have been attending master’s-level guess Danish can be difficult even for native prinsessa, som hadde stått bak ei dør og lytta. the boy. classes at NTNU (the Norwegian University Norwegians. – Eg vil gifta meg med han likevel. – Men – Don’t throw him into the snake pit, of Science and Technology in Trondheim) My husband tells me that Danish is usu- eg vil ikkje ha ei slik bortskjemd kone, sa cried the princess, who had stood behind a this past week, and it has been quite an inter- ally easier to read because it looks a lot like guten. door listening. – I want to marry him anyway. esting experience. In one day I was exposed Norwegian, and that Swedish is easier to un- – Ja, men eg skal lova å vera snill, sa – But I don’t want such a spoiled wife, said to a variety of , which in derstand in conversation. But one always has prinsessa. – Det trur eg ikkje noko på, sa the boy. guten. – Oh, but I promise to be good, said the and of itself is a test in ones listening skills. to take into account the local dialects which Men prinsessa både tagg og bad, og til princess. – That I don’t believe, said the boy. I passed. Then I discovered that Tuesday’s can be as different from each other as Swa- slutt fekk guten vondt av henne. But the princess begged and pleaded, until fi- professor was Danish and so naturally that hili and French. – Eg skal setja deg på ei prøve, sa guten. nally the boy took pity on her. would be the language he would teach in. I think it is interesting that in Norway, – Og greier du den, skal eg gifta meg med – I’ll give you a test, said the boy. – And New Norwegian (nynorsk) was hard enough no matter which dialect you have (or in this deg. Men først skal du vera med meg og if you pass it, I’ll marry you. But first you for me to decipher, but an entire day of Dan- case language), you are free to use it. Many køyra høy, og vi må skunda oss. Det er alt must come with me to gather hay, and we do ish? Gulp. years ago, when my husband’s uncle was langt på dag. need to hurry. It is getting late in the day. In the U.S., it is normal for non-native working in a warehouse, he recalls talking Kongen likte slett ikkje at dotter hans The king certainly did not want his English speakers to take a university-level to a contractor from Denmark with a very skulle reisa av garde med denne frekke guten, daughter to go off with this rude boy, but he proficiency test before being accepted asa thick dialect. After about an hour of trying men han var van med at prinsessa fekk gjera was used to the princess doing as she pleased. student, and in Norway the same holds true to understand each other, one of his fellow som ho ville. Og slik gjekk det no òg. And so it went this time as well. – almost. Here, if you have attended high employees put his hands on his hips and de- school in a Scandinavian country (Norway, clared, “Can’t he just speak English?!” Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng Sweden, or Denmark ) then no language pro- So much for a common Scandinavian 10.NAW.TrollsPreOrder.20Aug2012_Layout 1 8/20/12 1:12 PM Page 1 Preorder for Christmas 2012! Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. ficiency test is required as it is assumed that tongue. everyone will (eventually) figure out what www.astrimyastri.com the others are saying. Norwegian Folk Tales, Fairy Tales Back to my University class. and Trolls: Tuss og Troll Have you ever heard Danish? To my un- NEW! Birkebeiner print Volume 1 practiced ear it sounds a lot like German, a 9.75x12” + generous border • 18 bilingual stories English & Norwegian language I took in high school but have since Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue • Over 600 full colored illustrations • 192 pgs, hardcover, 7”x10”, Smyth sewn forgotten, so it took me a long time to pick • full-color, fade-proof • = $29.95 with FREE shipping in the USA up more than 50 percent of what was being • quality paper In 1944, Øyvind Dybvad had an inspiration for said and naturally, panic set in. Would I be • FREE shipping in a new cartoon series based on Norwegian sturdy mailing tube to folk tales. The series received the resounding able to grasp the concepts being presented? US 48 states name of Tuss og Troll [Gnomes and Trolls]. Was I in over my head? • $15 each, USD only; VISA/MasterCard Other than in 1947, this classic series has Then two things happened. We saw a been published every year in Norway by Norsk Barneblad. Tuss og Troll is based on one-hour video in English and my batteries Order from the collection of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen were recharged (although fellow students NORWAY ART and Jørgen Moe, as well as others. Illustrated were concerned that they couldn’t clearly 1455 West Lake St, B-20 by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. Minneapolis, MN 55408 read the Norwegian captions). And, after Pre-order now for Christmas 2012 delivery call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or Send a check to the address below talking to my Norwegian counterparts, I email: [email protected] Made in America! discovered that I wasn’t the only one who Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Why not order now for shipment to your home or business Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 struggled with complete understanding. I and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly September 14, 2012 • 15 Sports Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Tough loss to Iceland results Standings 8/31 Vålerenga 4 – 0 Tippeligaen PLD PTS Horrible start for Norway in World Cup qualifiers 1. Strømsgodset IF 21 41 9/1 Lillstrøm 1 – 2 2. FK 21 41 Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i 9/2 Viking 0 – 1 Tromsø Trondheim, Norway 3. Rosenborg BK 21 40 9/2 0 – 1 Odd Grenland 4. Tromsø IL 21 33 A huge miss on defense and two contro- ed himself roughly quarter before the end. 5. SK Brann 21 32 9/2 Ålesund 2 – 0 Hønefoss versial offside situations were the main ingre- The 20-year-old was able to finish on a loose 6. FK Haugesund 21 31 dients when Norway was beaten by Iceland ball and put it in the goal. But the goal was 9/2 Sogndal 1 – 1 Strømsgodset 7. Vålerenga Fotball 21 31 in the World Cup qualifier on Sept. 7. This annulled because an offside-positioned Ely- 8. Viking FK 21 31 was Iceland’s first victory over Norway. ounoussi stood in front of goal and disturbed 9/2 Brann 4 – 1 Molde 9. Ålesunds FK 21 29 The first slip came after 21 minutes. All the goalgoalkeeper. In the 80th minute, Ice- 9/3 Stabæk 0 – 2 Rosenborg of the Norwegian team landed too far for- land repeled an offside trap to Norway when 10. Hønefoss BK 20 29 ward on a long throw. Espen Bugge Petters- Sigurdsson sends a genius through ball to 11. Odd Grenland 21 28 en was standing inside the line and Håvard the substitute Finnbogason. With a full half To read more about football in 12. Lillestrøm SK 21 24 Nordtveit lost the crucial duel in front of the alone, Finnbogason eventually was alone 13. Sogndal IL Fotball 20 20 Norway, visit goal. Kári Árnason dispatched the ball over with goalkeeper Bugge Pettersen and sends www.uefa.com 14. Sandnes Ulf 21 20 the line, and gave Norway a difficult start our goalkeeper one way and the ball the oth- 15. Fredrikstad FK 21 18 in the hunt for World Cup berth in Brazil in er. A fierce shot from Joshua King in the last 2014. minute hit the crossbar and went wide and 16. Stabæk Fotball 21 10 It was first more paced in the Norwe- Norway ended goalless. gian play when the debutant Joshua King At the time of press, Norway was sched- < Nevada (who plays for Manchester United) present- uled to play Slovenia in Oslo on Sept. 11. From page 13

celebrated for delivering mail – on skis, of < fraud course! – across the rugged Sierra Nevada From page 3 be accepted until the program has been re- mountain range in the mid-1800s. He usu- evaluated. ally made the 90-mile eastward trek in an The current suspicion of fraud has led The Norwegian embassies in all three amazing three days. “Many of us participate Minister of Labor Hanne Bjurstrøm to order countries have reported that applicants may in the snowshoeing and skiing events, with the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration to have purchased and used false documents in lots of food and Hardanger fiddle playing,” terminate the program. This means that no order to fill the requirements for permanent says Barcia. applications from these three countries will residency. Another popular event is the Lodge’s annual Smørgåsbord fundraiser. The event attracts approximately 275 people each year. “We have hosted this event for 41 years and Photo: Heidi Barcia plan to continue for another 40+ years! I Delicious Nordic goodies are made and shared think it’s the lefse, salmon, folk music and by members of Sonja Henie Lodge in Reno, Nev. desserts that bring them back every time,” says Pearce of the event. a wonderful and caring collection of Scan- There are currently 73 members of Son- dinavians in love with our heritage,” says ja Henie Lodge. “There are many transplants Pearce. “Daughters of Norway has given me from Wisconsin, North Dakota, Minnesota, so many wonderful friends that I wouldn't Iowa, and South Dakota here in Reno,” says have met otherwise,” says Barcia. Barcia. Clearly, folks from all corners of the For more information on Sonja Henie country have found friends and common in- Lodge #29 in Reno, Nev., visit http://daugh- terests at Sonja Henie Lodge. tersofnorway.org/lodges/dnSonj29.html. “The sisters of Daughters of Norway are

Find the perfect gift from in Photo: Oslo Golfklubb our online store, or if U.S. Ambassador to Norway Barry B. White (far right) took third place in the ProAm at Bogstad. you’re in the area, visit our shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 < suzann (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] From page 1 fantastic foursome: The best female golfer in the world today, Yani Tseng; Annika Sø- go airborne in a small seaplane taking off renstam, probably the greatest female golfer from the Oslo and fly over the mag- of our generation; Lorena Ocha, having been nificent golf course at Oslo Golfklubb. Sat- the number one female golfer in the world urday, Sept. 8, was time for golf clinic with for 157 weeks in a row; and Suzann Petters- Suzann and her trainer David Leadbetter. en, twice ranked as number two in the world SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! The philosophy is simple: Whatever your and Norway’s favorite golfer. The match handicap, whatever your age or ability, the took place at the Oslo Golf Club’s world- Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com principles we teach will improve your game. class course Bogstad. This is the only golf Suzann demonstrated and told stories. One club in Norway with a waiting list with more of her stories was when she first played with than 1,500 people. The spectators where not Win a free DVD Tiger Woods when she was so nervous that disappointed. she hooked the ball. She was also very im- The Norwegian Golf Association fol- of the critically acclaimed film pressed at the Canadian Open a few weeks lowed up by nominating our team for the ago when 15-year-old Lydia Ko from New Olympics in Brazil. Their first training camp Zealand won it. will be in Florida, close to Suzann’s U.S. “Oslo, August 31” In the following ProAm, the U.S. Am- home. bassador to Norway Barry B. White and his Being one of the largest organized sports by Joachim Trier team had the same score as the winners. The in the country, golf hardly makes it to the Ambassador’s long, straight drive on whole national newspapers. Thanks to the Suzann Enter our drawing by Sept. 17! 10, received applause from the spectators. Pro Challenge, golfers are now talking about Email [email protected] or call toll- Third prize was a golf bag and a bottle of having the Solheim cup at Bogstad. After all champagne. Ping left Norway as a young boy and Suzann free at (800) 305-0217 Then Sunday arrived. It was a typical have played an important role on the team. The success will be followed up next Five winners will be chosen at random on Sept. 18 early fall day with the sun shining. About and will be notified by the Weekly 2,500 knowledgeable golfers followed the year, so stay tuned! TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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