Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Theater Collection



And Saturday Matinee, 0FFI0E-154 East Main Street, Cor. East Avenue. The only flavori n this Cigar is that given by a 7ASSS—Alexander St. Canal Bridge, * 2 North Ave., near S. 2. 'secret combination of the finest Pure Havana Of properly re-handled. xro DRUGS. n affidavit backs this assertion." NOW READYciin "CfrOTff OF GOEP," (Straight Mesh.)

Under CORINTHIAN ACADEMY of MUSIC. SWEET, DELICATE AND MILD!! This Cigarette is made from the finest and most costly THE NEXT ATTRACTION, leaf from that region of Virginia particularly adapted for Oysters and Game Served in their Season growing tobacco for Cigarettes. Our long experience in RKGULAK OINXKK FROM 12 to 2:30 P. M. manufacturing enables us to secure the most suitable kinds of tobacco, and thus present this superior article, with the FIRST-CLASS IMPORTED full assurance THAT ITS EQUAL HAS NEVER BEFORE BEEN Harry Minor's Comedy Company j OFFERED. A higher grade Cigarette can not be produced. WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. We call particular attention to the superior quality of our MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JAN. 21st and 22d. old brands of Cigarettes. They can not be surpassed. ED. APPEL, Proprietor. Twelve First Prize Medals. »«••••»»•••»••••••• ••••••««•••»•••««•*•«*»•»•••• Fearless Tobacco Worki. WM. S. K1MBALL A CO MAOKfE <5c CO., S3 STATE S'JEEET. Great Piano, Organ and Music Palace. FOSTER'S >= BILLIAED POOL - HALL LARGEST, CHEAPEST. BEST. MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, PUBLISHERS. 5 Floors deroted to Music: $100,000 Stock; Orer 200 Instruments Hide by side. Sheet Music mnd Books, Wholesale and Retail. Pianos and Organs for Rent and sold on Installments. THE CREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Largest in Rochester. 37 Exchange St. FOB PAIJi AMD INFLAMMATION. Catalogues Including Prices of Music Mailed Free. POOL CHECKS CALL FOB THE BEST CIGARS * LIQUORS.

EXIT DIRECTORY. OX.T3 SHOES. COURT. DIAMONDS, Please Use Nearest Fxil. How much a man is like old shoes! For instance, both a soul may lose; WATCHES AND JEWELRY STAGE. Both have been tanned; both are made tight By cobblers; both get left and right; Both need a mate to be complete, \V. G. MARTENS, And both are made to go on feet. They both need healing; oft are sold; No. 7 IN THE ARCADE, And both in time turn all to mould. With shoes the last is first; with men < he first shall be the last- and when The shoes wear out, they re mended new; When men wear out, they're men-dead, too. They both are trod upon, and both Will tread on others , nothing loth. CEO. C. WHIPPLE, Both have their ties, and both incline. DEALER IN — When polished, in the world to shine; And both peg out—and would you choose To be a man or be his shoes ? Choose neither, gentle reader, but rather choose To go to FAHY'S and buy your shoes.

L Main Exit. East LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SL Main Exit West. V* 5. Mill Street Exit. Manufacturer of Keenholt's Patent 4. Exit Under Stiiga Shoes, Slippers, Ties, Rubbers, &<:•, 6. Bank Court Kxtt. In Great Variety and at Low Prices. METALLIC FOLDING SPRING BEDS, 6. Fire Escape Exit. Chain Top, Beat in the World. Gaacantred for Fire Team, and Is T«a Exits from Gal- Vermin Proof. Try One lery to Auditorium. J. FAHY & CO. 2OO WEST ISdCA-IISX ST. 60, 62 and 64 STATE STREET.

STAR STEAM LAUNDRY. 6 NORTH CLINTON STREET. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Theater Collection

Boston'sShell Oyster Parlor. ML A. ZIMMERMAN. BIX.3L. OF FINK Large Stew 25 cts. I Raw, per half doz.,._ ... 15 cts. FURNITURE Steamed, 3S " | Roasted -- 35 " CHOCOLATES, Broiled, 35 " Panned -- 35 PEPPERMINT, Used in the Corinthian Academy of Music is from Fried, per dish, 30 " Pierced -- 35 " Raw, perdoz 25 " Box Stew, -- 35 " WINTERGEEN, All Oysters opsned fresh from the Shell CREAMS, MIXED AND DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CANDIES, LITTLE NtCh CLAMS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ETC. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS for LADIES, 93 STATE STREET. AS NO LZQUOHS ARE SOLD. 7 SOUTH ST. PAUL STREET. 27 Main St. Bridge. BEST HOUSE and FINEST GOODS in the

WM. MAINS. WM LEACH. ROCHESTER DYEING ©©., 38 AND 40 MUMFOR1) STREET. IT'S A FACT! Doran, Thompson & Co., Dyeing and Scouring in all its Branches. Straw and Felt Hati Cleaned, Dyed and Reshaped. BANKERS S BKOKEBS, TBE WHITE Pomeroy Makes the Best $3.00 I and 2 Powers' Block, IT HAS NO EQUAL. Adapted to all kinds of work. Call and see it atW HlTEbEWING Cabinets-in Rochester. LOCK BOX 138, MACHINE CO., 125 East Main St.

Rochester Brewing (Jo., JSTE^IR,

CLIFF ST., NEAR LAKE AVE. Transact a General Brokerage Business in Grain, | A Fatal Fall Down an Elevator Best goods and lowest prices is the Provisions, Stocks and Petroleum. OUR LACER BEER IS CELEBRATED Well. rule at Schmidt & Kaelber's Optical For its Purity and General Excellence We carry Yesterday noon, about the time the Store, No. 1 West Main, opposite Front Connected by special wires with first-class Chicago and sufficient stock to insure plenty of age hands of a large manu'acturmg busi .street. New York houses. before it is soli!. ness were returning to work from din- ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ner, there was heard a terrible crash, Regardless of Cost. Members of Board of Trade, Chicago; National Petro- which proceeded from the direction ol We will sell our entire stock of fur- leum and Mining Exchange, New York. ROSS Sc E0KLEE, the elevator. The alarm was given all lined garments and seal goods regard- Sole .lr SHIRTS. GOSTUMERS, Prices Reduced- When you want Insurance, call on? JOHN A. VAN INGEN, Purchase your fur, silk, satin, cloth W. B. Jenkins, at 25 Elwood Building. No. 3 Oregon Stoteet —DEALER IN— and fur-lined garments of Odenbach & Shale, the leading furriers, at a slight They all say that Ranney makes the { best shirts. Buy and try. Near Centra] Avenue, advance from cost; and be sure to gel foimerly Atwater Street fresh goods from first-class material Achille & Vedder, Imported Cigars, made up in the latest and most ap- 53 W. Main streef, next to Street Car Orders for Private The- proved styles. Although their stock Waiting room. atricals and Parties filled COAL. promptly. was greatly depleted during the past Scofield & Strong are showing the 55 WEST MAIN STREET. week, by daily additions it is still the most beautiful shades in silk, surah and All the latest styles of largest in the city, and, for the quality Masks and Costumes on Yard, Smith Street, Cor. Kent. wool goods. Elegant shades and quali- hand or made to order. of goods, prices the lowest. ties in cloths for Tailor made suits. 39 State Street, Sign of the Deer. We are already receiving spring Extraordinary Inducements. goods, such as satins, evening shades in Now is the time to visit McAlIaster, silks, light Cashemeres, and a general Orer 9 Exchange St., cor. Main, Rooms 8a«d 8. Hutnburch & Burke's fine jewelry store, line of dress goods. We have, in ad- ESTABI.I$HKI> 1865. at No. 20 State street, and examine the dition, 100 pieces of the great $1.00, always complete and latest assortment $1.25 and $1.50 black silks, the best for of fine jewelry, watches, diamonds, etc., the money ever offered. which are offered for sale at the lowest J. FAHY & Co, prices. This firm has superior facilities J. W. Graves, leading candy maker -^-Advanced OQ all kiods of Personal Property.-*- for conducting its large business, and it jf Rochester, can supply parties with is able at any time to supply all wants Ice Cream and fine assortment of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES in its line of trade and make the best Jandies, at all times, at low prices. Of every description for sale cheap. Over possible terms. Old Fashioned Molasses Candy fresh 1,500 Watches for sale at less Furniture stored, at reasonable rates, every hour. Fine Chocolates and Bon- than one-half price. at Dan ford's Furniture and Auction bons. Give him a call on your way to Ware Rooms, 113 South St. Paul St. the Opera. 32 E. Main street. HOWE & ROGERS, STATE STREET. SCOFIELD & STRONG, HOWE & ROGERS, 37 State St., Roch- No. 8 East Main Street, ester. The most extensive dealers in Carpets and all Floor Coverings in SOUTH SIDE, Western New York. ROCHESTER, 3ST. "2\ Always on hand an immense stock of all grade* of Carpets, from the cheapest to the best goods Silks * Dress * Goods * and * Trimmings made, and always at the lowest market prices. Go to MURRAY'S, 12 Arcade, for your CIGARS and CIGARETTES per Box. Bottom Prices. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Theater Collection g, FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY, fa STATE STREET. Merrily the sleigh - bells jingle, ODENBACH & SHALE, Snow under runners, how it crackles, Robes in plenty to keep you warm, THE LEADING FURRIERS. Closely wrapped, preserve you from harm. These get of SMITH, Fifty - one State street; Excellent goods, and bright, oh! so cheap. SEAL SACQUES, AND ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF ft ART1TWTTT f IT W A, w <_.<__-^ WW Imported & American Hats for Gentlemen, j CORINTHIAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.


PUTNAM & BLOCK, Representation of Mr. Thompson's famous specialty, JOSHTJAWHITCOMB. CAST OF CHARACTERS: UNCLE JJSH, an old Jackson Democrat. > > DENEH THOMPSON Roundy, a Bootblack Ignacio Martinetti 5*5 92 POWEBB'IBLOOE, THIRD FLOOE. John Martin, a lover of horse-racing and ? Myron Calice Frederick Dolby, a young Englishman Walter Gale Cy Prime, nigh on to eighty George A. Beane Taylor's English Tooth Brushes, Bill Johnson, a loafer, as bad as they make 'em R. Benson EVERY BRUSH WARRANTED. Reuben Whitcomb, Joshua's son Eugene Van Dusen

FOR SALE BV Mr. Burroughs, a model policeman G. Adams o Sam Foster, Sheriff of the county '... Charles Hooper o BALLARD & HURLBURT, Tot, a crossing sweeper Miss julia Wilson Nellie Primrose, a belle Miss Isabella Coe No. 39 STATE STREET. Susan Martin, with a mania for marriage Edith Murilla 67 East Main St., Osburn House Block. Mrs. Johnson, Tot's mother Miss Edna Weedon Aunt Matilda, Joshua's sister Mrs. D. Nourse BEFORE INVENTORY. Amantha Bartlett, one of the neighbor's gals Mrs. F. Roberts

Reductions in All Departments. ACT I.—Uncle Josh's Arrival in Boston. Bargains in Fine Shoes, Slippers EH ACT II.—Uncle Josh at Birthday Party. and Rubbers, at Ui Special Bargains in ACT III.—Uncle Josh at the Drunkard's Home. (Twelve months aie supposed to elapse between the 3d and 4th Acts.) COULDS, 16 State Street. Trimmed and Untrimmei Hats and Bonnets, ACT IV.—Uncle Josh's New Home. c. :M:_ FISK, FEATHERS, Commenced and Finished Pieces of Art Embroidery, at Music by Denman Thompson's Own Orchestra. ARTIST TAILOR, MARBLE BLOCK, Mr. Chas. Leve Conductor of Orchestra Room* 9 and 10, over 76 East Main St. LOWEJNTHAL'S, Mr. E. E. Nickerson Cornet Soloist 83 East Main St. 1, '~^1j;.the.mu-si^andillstiaments played and used in this Academy may be^ had at Mackie & Co.'s Piano, Organ and Music Palace, 82 State Street. O Call and Examine our Line of F. G, RANNEY,


ALL ITS 160 E. Main St. | 7 State St. | 60 W. Main St First-class Dentistry BRANCHESBR" , R. T. STARR, —AT THE— *»• SMOKE <~ Powers' Block Dental Parlors, 192, 194 and 196 POWERS' BLOCK. 3 and 5 WILDER'S ARCADE, DB. F. M. ROOD, MANAGE*. A. Q. Cox, ASSISTANT. ROCHESTER, N. Y.

MANUFACTURED BY Fine Goods In China, GRAPES, FLORIDA ORANGES, McKELTEf BROS., At GLENNY & CO.'S. M. G. BRIDGEFORD, 3sTo. 34B STATE STBEET. Fine Art Pottery, 2 Fruit and Confectionery Stores, 2 * HAND-TURNED LAUNDRY. At GLE.VXY & CO.'S. 126 West Main St; also St Car Waiting Rooms, Four omers. BEST. Do«i not injure the finest fabrlei. Gives better tatisfaction Bananas, Dates, Figs, and tfutn of AH Kinds. Goodi wear longer. Prices as low as the lowest Fine Artistic Cut Glass Ti are, An elegant Cull and Collar Box given to every " customer. Goods called for and delivered At 6LENNT & CO.'S. DURING THE NEXT. THIRTY DATS to all parts of the city. COODEVE & MADDOCK, "WE GIVE 28 South St. Paul St., ROCHESTER, N. I. Fine Fanch Goods, At GLE.VVY &. CO.'S. DONT READ THIS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, Unless you want to get Their Store is at In order to Reduce Stock Before TaMng Inyentory, *• Bargains in Picture Frames •<• 85 EAST li/LJ^.TJiT ST.S. ROSENBLATT & GO., — AT — OEO. B. WATKINS, Manager. PEIIRSSO* & KAUFMAN'S, 42 STATE STBEET. n8 Front Street. McFARLIN The C. 0. D. CLOTHIER Osburn House Block cor. Main & St. Paul Sts. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Theater Collection


PRACTICAL OPTICIANS, I W.Main St., opp. Front St. OPERA GLASSES, GOLD SPECTACLES, &.C. Go to the Roller Skating Rink if you want 10 find your friends. Go to Elorida. Lewis & Co., Gen- PULtMAN eral Ticket Agents, can give you tickets to Jacksonville and return at lowest Ho Change of Cars Eetwsen Roch- AND OTHER rates. If you want a good-fitting suit, finely estsr and . Choice Cut Flowers trimmed and well made, call on C. M. Through Express leaves West Avenue Depot Fisk, Artistic Tailor, Marble Block, over FRESH EVERY DAY. 75 East Main street. (See Adv., near Every Day at 5:00 o'clock P. M. cast.) Arrives at Pittsburgh 7:45 A. M. If ladies out shopping on Main street, Connects at Salamanca with N. ,Y. P. & O. R. R. for should call at 125 East Main st. See Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City, and all points some of the finest embroidery made on South and West. SALTER BROS., FLORISTS, the White Sewing Machine. So simple a child can run it. Favorite Route to Florida, FOR AN ARTSITIC 52 STATE STREET. Opera Glasses for sale or to rent at The Land of Orange Blossoms. Schmidt & Kaelber's Optical Store, No. FOR TICKETS AND RATES APPLY TO RAKINGS. 1 West Main, opp. Front street. Head- FLORAL BASKET, quarters for Optical, Mathematical aud BOUQUET, Gould's Fine Opera Slippers, 16 State Electric goods. POWERS' BLOCK AND ATWATER STREET, —OR — street. Wheeler & Wilson, Pawn Brokers, or at Depot Office, Rechester. —Sea McFarlin's lime of Overcoats have 1,000 gold and silver Watches for BTJTSTCI3: OF ROSES, sale at half their value Masonic Block, JAS. T. GARDNER, ISIAH S. EMERY, before you leave your order. Main and Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Passenger Agent. St. Paul streets. up stairs. It will pay anyone to go into the ESTABLISHED 1843. NUGENT "VLORIST, Buy a watch at Wolter's Jewelry Goodyear Rubber Store, No. 11 West Store where they sell them cheaper than Main street, and look at the Rubber 42 WEST MAIN STREET. you can buy elsewhere. Goods. POWKRS HOTEL. For bargains in slippers and fine We have noticed that they are always JAMES FIELD, shoes, go to J. Fahys'. busy at Ranney's. When you wish to dispose of any- «=()• Do not stay out in the coM as the MODERiV ART thing, remember that you can save Cogswell-what-is-it, but go the Roller money by calling on Morris M. Myers, Skaling Rink and get warm and enjoy Wall Papers. the auctioneer, No. 10 Front street, yourself. Gentlemen's Billiard Parlor, the bon Five thousand pounds of yam, bought Ceiling Decorat 10 s pecialty. ton — under Corinthian Academy of at 50 cents on the dollar, at Philadel- The most artistic designs and the Music. Dock Powers. phia. Yarn at this season of the year is most skiltfu! workmanship Wolters has in stock a fine line of one of the most useful articles a lady at IOA prices. watches at lowest prices. Call and be can buy. It is useful for leggins, convinced. Arcade entrance. shawls, scarfs, hose, hoeds and other I BROBIE, Something new. • Flaxseed drops, purposes. The sale will continue dur- 36 EAST MAIM STREE, heney drops, Boston straws, apple ing, the week until the lot is sold. Cor. Water. cream, tar drops. Boston Candy Store, J. FAHY & Co. J12 State Street. Do not fail to read the Programme,1 Smoke the "Joker,'" the only clear and then to attend the concerts of the Canopies and Floor Crash, 'ABOVE AL.L. COMPETITORS. Havana filled 5c. cigar made in Roch- Original Nashville Students, on Wed- To Rent for Weddings &c. ester. Manufactured and sold by F. nesday, January 23, matinee and even- Gelbrich, 123^2 East Main street, opp. ing. They were formerly slaves, and recherche renditions of southern planta- MACRAME LACE TWINES, Whitcomb House. .Hail Eieco rations «*» M. A. Zimmerman, Main St. Bridge, tion melodies have given them a world- has a fine assortment of Bananas and celebrity. •^.ZESope, T-wS.aa.ea, SasDa. Core., <&••=-_.$»* Sweet Oranges and Pineapples. Special sale of Foreign Rugs. Hav- GRAIN BAGS. Dorn, Tompson & Co., Stock Bro- ing recently purchased a large stock of kers, can be found at Powers' Building, Persian, Smyrna, Daghistan, Koula and FLAGS and TENTS FOR SALE and TO RENT. n old Flour City Bank. other foreign rugs, all first-class fine No. 40 & 42 EXCHANGE ST. goods, at remarkably low prices, we The Union Clothing Co.'s astronomer shall, during the balance of this month, has sighted another comet. The comet give our customers the full benefit of ACHILLES & VEDDER, is a forerunner of the great discount sale our purchase. We invite atl to examine DEALERS IN now going on at the tall building. \i-:w HOME SI:HI\(. MACHINE our goods, whether they are in want of i The " NEW HOME " Sewing Machine any or not. HOWE & ROGERS, Imported and Domestic Gigars, The Latest Imprcved, Most Popular and Best. runs easily and does its work well. It 37 State street. TOBAGGOS AND SMOKERS' GOODS, 3STICOX.il. Sc CO., .A.C3-TS. appears to combine the best features of all other machines. A FULL LIKE OF 53 West Main Street, No. 109 Main Street. M. G. Bridgeford, wholesale and re- Next to the Street Car Waiting- Room. tail dealer in Candies, Foreign and LADIES' FINE FURS, Domestic Fruits, 126 West Main street, And all the Leading Styles of A SPECIFIC opp. National Hotel, and Street Car DERBY HATS FOR GENTLEMFN. Waiting Room. Old-fashioned Molasses FOR THE Taffy, 20 cents per pound, Peanut Bar, Also a Full Stock of 20 cents per pound. Chewing Cream, SILK UMBRELLAS CJ all flavors, fine Chocolates and Cream —AT— BLOOD, Bon-bons, 40 cents per pound. Our Wolcott & Moore's, AND A own make and warranted pure. POSITIVE €URE C.F. 5 MAIN STREET BRIDGE. FOR PREMIUM LAGER BEER. RHEUMATISM JEWELER, EXTRA DARK NEURALGIA, Sciatic Lumbago, An infallible remedy for all diseases of the Skin and Biood, such as No. 30 West Main Street. Tetter, Ringworm, Scrofula and Erysipelas. Price, $1.00 per Boltle. Six Bottles for $5.00. DIAMONDS. Send for Testimonials, etc. BARTHOLOMAY BREWING COMPANY, RHEUMATIC SYRUP CO., BOTTLING DEPARTMENT, 41 NORTH FITZHUGH SI. Rochester A. Y. DANFORD has a First-class Piano and Furniture Store House. Office, Main and Water Sts.