Primary School “G. Marconi” – Palse

We live in Palse: it’s a hamlet of the municipality of Porcia (Pn). You can see the Church of St. Martino

and St. Vigilio and the Bell tower. Country: Italy

Region: Friuli Venezia Giulia

This is Porcia: it is a nice town. Municipality: Porcia In hystoric centre there are interesting elements.

Province: Pordenone

Villa Correr Dolfin We’re from Italy . We live in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a region in the north-east of Italy.

The Watch Tower

A famous factory

Porcia’s Castle

th Time in Italy begins on December 8 the day when we celebrate the of the Virgin

Mary. On this day people prepare Christmas trees and Cribs.

The main streets are decorated with lights. In this period churches change their appearance: in every church are set up beautiful cribs to remember the Nativity of the Infant . Today in Italy, Christmas trees are decorated, but the main focus of is the , Presepe in Italian. In living nativity scenes, called Presepe vivente in Italian, are very popular.

th Christmas goes until January 6 : that day is called “”. The day before Epiphany we usually make bonfires and parties all together. Hello everyone! th th Children in Italy believe in a female version of Father We attend the 4 and the 5 class. We are 9 and 10 Christmas, called , an old kind years old. woman. On the night of January 6 th , she In occasion of this Christmas Project we have created flies on a broomstick from house to some angels, using coloured lollipop sticks, that represent house, slide down the chimney and fills , the one who announced the birth of Jesus. He is the stockings of the good children with always present in the Nativity Scene, an important symbol gifts. She leaves some coal for the bad of Christmas in Italy. children.