Cl)e CUstoorfl) American* l\ ii. IVS™ T*“1 ELLSWORTH, Wednesday jjou. Maine, afternoon, December 13,1911. 1 t,» ajt”;( no. so. HVHHMBCMIHIig, | LOCAL AFFAIRS. lain, Laura Curtis; conductor, Minnie &bbrrtttmmta. Stevens; guard, Mary Jordan; delegate, Nellie NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THI8 WEEK. Royal; alternate, Minnie Stevens. The N.rrT 0 Aa.tln A Co—Furniture end under- kindergarten class of the Methodist taking. Sunday school is having a sale of home- E G Moore—Druggist. made and Are You Ellsworth Foundry & Machine Works-Au- candy fancy articles in the Hesitating tomobiles. Methodist vestry this afternoon. A UNION TRUST Ellsworth Greenhouse. COMPANY chicken Monaghan’s dancing school. supper will be served at 6 o’clock, A I f OF ELLSWORTH have hundreds of who will vouch for Richardson—Closiug-out sale. followed by a social. I \\rE patrons Probate notice—Frank P Wood, et ale. Franklin: Acadia Royal Arch chapter will hold a our accu the which wo afford * acy, security, deposit- C E Dwelley—Notice. special meeting next Tuesday evening, OFFICERS John A. ors, and tl> completeness of the services we per- Pbnorscot: when Deputy Grand High Priest Charles Peters, President Hbnby W. Cushman, Vi$e* President Benny U. Treasurer f foi th m. Non-resident tax notice. B. Davis, of Watervilie, will pay his offi- Higgins, M. Oaixekt, '1 righaij form Sorrbnto: cial visit. Supper will be served at 8.30. Non-resident tax If we render valuable service to notice. There will be work in the R. A. DIRECTORS others, why Bucksport: degree. John of not to you? Bucksport NRt’l Bank—Statement. Leighton, Bar Harbor, was William F. Campbell Eugene Hale Albert E. Mace Castimr: brought to the county jail last week and Fred A. Chandler W. A. Havey Frank C. Nash Do not hesitate because you fear your transactions be too Allred B. Crabtree B. may Lucy R Gott— Notice of foreclosure. committed in default of fl,000 to await Barney Havey John A. Peters imall for our consideration. Come in and talk it over Henry W. Cushman Frank L. Blon M. Pike anyway. Clbvklano, O: action of the Hodgkins grand jury in April. He is Lucilius A. Emery L. Elrie Holmes W. Glen Henry Sargent Refining Co—Salesmen wanted. charged with breaking, entering and lar- Myer Gallert John R. Holmes Elmer P, Spofford ceny at the Pineo cottage on Bar Island. John U. Graham R. B. Holmes O. W. Tapley SCHEDULE OF MAILS Henry H. Gray Arno W. King John O, James L. Cook and wife left Whitney BURRILL NATIONAL AT KLLSWORTH POSTOPFICB. yesterday BANK, for In effect Dec. 3, 1911. Norway, where they will remain two OP We invite to become a ELLSWORTH. I or three weeks with their Mrs. yon depositor with The Union Trust Company of Ells- daughter, worth. You have to over the list our MAILS RKCRIVKD. only glance of officers ana directors to M. L. Kimball, after which they will go to know that your money is safe under their supervision. The managers of this From West—7.18a m; 4.14,6.26 p m. institution are well known for their and business where will the probity success You need Everett, Mass., they spend have no hesitation From East—11.06, 11.67 a m; 6.47,10.62 p m. in entrusting your business or your savings to their care. winter with their sons Louis and Arthur. We take in all the facilities of our institution we MAIL CLOHBS AT POSTOPFICB. pleasure offering you and trust that you will avail yourself or them, and will favor ub with your banking Going Wbst—10.80,11.80 a m; 6.15,9 pm. The expected nomination of Otha H. business _ Going East—6.45 a m; 8.45,6 pm. Jellison, of Bar Harbor, to succeed the late John E. as “Salting Down” Money Registered mall should be at postofflee half Webster sheriff of Han- an hour before mail closes. cock county, was announced last Wednes- UNION TRUST COMPANY When a dollar No trains. yon get ahead, tuck it away in Sunday day night. The nomination will doubt- ^ oar Savings Dept.; add other dollars to it as often Postofflee open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a m. __ less be confirmed at a meeting of the aa you can, and you'll have a sizeable total to governor’s council to-morrow. year credit. Safety? Deposits here have every The Rebekahs will a next modern protection-and over f800,000.00 capital, give sapper The S. L. C.’s will meet with Mrs. Ida Dr. Charles W., George and Arthur, and COMING EVENTS. surplus and behind them. Convenience? evening. protits Tuesday Treworgy to-morrow There will. three sisters—Mrs. Helen Mitchell, Mari- We make it as easy for you to bank with evening. BLUWORTH. Red Cross seals miy be obtained at J. A. be anne and Alice all of though we were your next-door neighbors. I readings, recitations, declamations and Campbell, Spokane. book-store on Main street. the Wednesday evening, Dec. 13, at | A Write for full particulars. Thompson’s “querry box’.’,interspersed with music. The committee from the Ellsworth Mer- Baptist K. F. H. circle. Charles H. Eppes, of Brocktdn, Mass., The Civil war and the work of the Red chants’ association and the board of trade, vestry—Supper by sewing has been spending a few days in Ells- Cross society will be taken for study in at work on the knitting mill proposition, Wednesday, Dec. 13, at Methodist vestry TRUST & BANKING the winter. A time is assured. have received a letter from and social CO. worth. * early good the knitting —Sale, supper by kindergarten banger. Maine. mill men in which that of the clasB of the Sunday school. Capt. C. H. Davis, of Winter Harbor, The State board of' assessors has com- they say at Old Mac bias and several locations and under Dec. Town, Dexter was in Ellsworth yesterday calling on mitted to the State treasurer the semi-an- propositions Friday, 15, at Masonic hall—Sale friends. nual tax against loan and building associ- consideration, Ellsworth looks the best. by Irene chapter, O. E. S., in the after- ations. The Ellsworth association’s tax is It is probable that these men will b3 here noon; sociable in the evening. All Mrs. A. I. Saunders has gone to Machias |66.39. one other association in the next week for further consultation with Masons and their families invited. for the winter. Mr. Saunders will join her Only State a the committee. Mach depends on the shortly. pays larger tax—Dexter, |77.48- Saturday evening, Deo. 16, at Society and no other of the thirty-six associations ability of the committee to asBure the hail—Dance. of K. F. H. sewing circle the Baptist men in'the State approaches these two, the knitting mill of the necessary fifty Sunday school will serve supper in the Monday evening, Dec. 18, at Society ball third highest tax being |39.13, and only hands to start work in the mill on March vestry this evening. —Dancing school. two others are above flO. 1. C. L. Morang is now receiving names resident of women Tuesday evening, Dec. 19, at Odd Fel- Bishop Hamilton, bishop Rev. Clifton N. D. of and girls who would like work Powers, acting pastor lows Nokomis Kebekah New , will be in Ellsworth for a in the mill, if established. More names hall—Supper by of the Baptist church at Bar Harbor, occu- few days in January. are wanted at once. lodge. pied the pulpit of the Baptist church last Thursday evening, Dec. 28, at Hancock Monaghan’s dancing school will open Sunday morning and evening in exchange The next at for hall—Concert and ball under auspices of Cash with the Store Monday evening Society hall, Rev. P. A. A. pastor, Killam. In ELLSWORTH REUNION. Haynes Concert at Village improvement the second session of the season. the afternoon he preached at Hancock. society. 8 o’clock. Admission to concert, 35 cents Capt. J. A. Bowden has arrive*home for Mr. Killam, at Bar Harbor, preached at Date For Big Annual Event In Bos- (no reserved seats); dance tickets, 35 the .winter. His vessel, the Willie L. the Baptist church morning and evening, ton Fixed. cents, Haynes Grocery store, conducted on a ('ash basis, with fresh high quali- ladieB ice-cream and 10 cents. and a The date for the next annual Hancock free; cake, and service offers over the Maxwell, is hauled up in Rockland. addressed men’s meeting at the Y. ty goods quick, sure, many advantages credit Tickets at Moore’s M. C. A. in the under the of the drug-store. stor* Mrs. A. O. Saunders and daughter afternoon. county reunion, auspices doing busiuess strictly for cash all book-keeping expense is elimi- Ellsworth Reunion has been February 19-24, at Hancock hall—Ells- By of are The confusion of dates which arose in association, a that is returned to in low Nellie, Minneapolis, Minn., visiting nated, saving you prices. fixed for Friday, March 22, 1912, at Me- worth food fair, under auspices of Ells- You cannot be dunned or have irritating mistakes occur on your bills. tier parents, C. H. Grindal and wife. connection with the sale and sociable of chanics Boston. worth Merchants’ association. There's no chance for a possible error here. There's no question if you Irene O. E. two different dates building, Howard H. Hooper and wife announce council, S., have had a certain article or cot. If you did, it’s paid for; if you March at Mechanics’ build- didn’t, being announced last week, has led to a Friday, 22, it is not charged to you on the books. You do not pay for “bad” bills that ;he engagement of their daughter, Gracia further to Three B. Class Social. ing, Boston—Ellsworth reunion. may l*e on the hooks of the credit store. to Claude Harold of Orono. postponement Friday of this Vlay, King, The social of the Three B. class Paving cash has advantages for you in much lower prices, and best week, Dec. 15. There will be a sale of monthly COUNTY. K. will have a meet- o' all, there's no bill at the month-end that : good deal larger than you Donaqua lodge, P., and of the Baptist church was held last even- ip aprons home-made candy in the af- Farmers’ institutes—Dec. 21, with Ala- » specter! it to be. ng to-night for tbe nomination of offi- at the home of DeBeck. The ternoon. In the evening there will be a ing Lloyd moosook East Dec. cers. The will be held Dec. 27. grange,1 Orland; 22, election sociable to which all Masons committee in charge were Miss Cora An and their with Halcyon grange, North Bluehill; The B. D. T. class of the Methodist families are invited. Members of derson, Miss Amy Bellatty and Mr. De- Free Delivery Telephone 17-2 Irene Dec. 23, with Nicolin grange, North Ells- Sunday school will give an entertain- are Beck, and they entertained royally. Two chapter requested to furnish cake. worth. Sessions at 1Q.30 a. m. and 1.30 ment in the vestry next Wednesday contests were engaged in by the class, one Mrs. Henry B. Holt, of Bayside, is in p. m. evening. a tasting competition, which caused much _ with 25c Boston visiting two sisters, Mrs. Celia E. Return this slip merriment, Mrs. Nellie Curtis being the J ^ Rev. R. B. Mathews will begin in Janu- Taylor and Mrs. Mary E. Moore. These I)o not bark against the bad but chant other was entitled “A HSyiKIS, — — prize-winner. The and receive 4 of iry date to be announced his third three sisters and Mrs. Cazilla Holt, of the beauty of the good. pkgs. series of The of the Shirtwaist Romance”, and was closely lectures. topic series Bangor, are the only remaining members contested, Miss Winnie Southard taking best Corn Starch. Mill be English literature. of the family of Nathaniel and Mary B. the first honors. Games were enjoyed and re- SUjfjrrtiaemmtB. Cash Grocer Mrs. Wilbur Crockett and children, of March, the last brother, Maynard H. freshments served, adding their part to Eloulton, who have been visiting Mrs. Murch, of Cleveland, Ohio, having died the pleasure of the occasion. Crockett’s parents, Richard Hawkes and two years ago. Mrs. Holt will return by The president of the class, Henry W. Mite, have returned home. way of Portsmouth, and complete her The Store Sargent, then called the members to order Quality visit with her daughter, Mrs* Byron Cat- Austin & Co. F riday evening a reception will ne given for a business session. It is expected that lin, and her son by the O. L. H. class of the Methodist Shirley. the charter will arrive before the next to visit the school to the B. of H. at the Order Christmas fhis is an Invitation to Christinas shoppers Sunday class, Wm. H. H. Rice poet, G. A. R.t re-eiected monthly meeting. It was voted to pub- your gifts home of Mrs. Grace Barron. officers Monday evening as follows: Com- lish a class paper, and the matter was left now; we will hold them and Hiram D. Grant, of and Mrs. mander, William 8. V. William in the hands of the the Trenton, Small; C., president, pastor deliver them Christmas. Fannie N. Bussell, of Gouldsboro, were J. Connick; J. V. C., John O. Kief; Q. M., and Miss Southard. Greenhouse William in Ellsworth married at the in Ells- H. D. L. The committee the Baptist parsonage True; chaplain, Fields; having charge afternoon Bev. P. A. A. W. O. next social are Mr. Donnell and Misses There must be some on your list of friends who would enjoy a few worth yesterday by surgeon, Richardson; D., George Special display of tiowers more than anything else at Christmas—or perhaps a beau- A. Killam. F. Haskell; O.G., Nahum Murch; patriotic Sylvia and Selma Marshall. The president will find an O. was Baskets & tiful plant in bloom would seem more suitable. You J. A. Cunningham and Harry E. Howe, instructor, Johu Kief. It voted to also appointed the other committees, Miss Rugs attractive lot of these suited for the season and the dates of from Southard chairman of the member- just Holiday ready of Ellsworth, were members of the jury obange regular meetings being to take to friends. the second of each with Mr. DeBeck and your greetings your before which the Sandford case was tried Monday evening month ship committee, Also of And to suit for extend from large display You will prices you also, they to tbe second Saturday afternoon of each Miss Bellatty as members. The gladhand in the United States district court in Port- and month, to accommodate members who find committee is headed by Mr. Donnell, with HOLLY HOLLY WREATHS lOc to and $2.00 land Saturday. $1.50 it hard to attend evening meetings. Miss Alma Wilson and Mias Cora Ander- The club of the Congrega- Thursday son as helpers. tional church will hold a sale of aprons A concert and ball will be given under wreaths of The next social falls on the second Tues- We shall have also Holly and and articles in the vestry to-mor- tbe auspices of the Village improvement fancy day in January. H. C. will at Hancock even- Austin, row afternoon. The proceeds be de- society, hall, Thursday and Deo. 28. Pullen’s of Ban- other evergreens, Holly voted to church work. ing, orchestra, Manager and Coroner. will furnish tbe concert and music for aWjrrtianntnt*. Mrs. A. P. Wiswell left last Friday for gor, The orchestra will be assisted in in bunches. New York, where she will spend the win- dancing. the concert by Miss Erva Giles, pianist; ter with her brother. Dr. B. H. Greene. Burrilt & Son Adelbert Sprague, ’cellist, and Dr. L. B. C. C. TelephOtW _____ Her guest, Mrs. Emery, returned to her Fenderson, reader. Ice-cream and cake will Hancock Co. home In Brunswick on Thursday. Savings be served. The management of the affair of the Yale law to Loan The atom lectureship Is in the hands of the December committee Money filled the ON school has been by appointment of the Village improvement society—Miss Bank for the next of Hon. as lecturer year Emilie Young, chairman; Harry L. Crab- Improved, Productive Real Estate; on Ellsworth, Main* Lucilles A. Emery, of this city, former tree and wife, L. F. Giles and wife and H. Collateral and Commercial SALT chief Justice of the supreme court of Paper ORGANIZED 1873 ROCK 4"1 W. Haynes and wife. Maine. The Ellsworth Baptist society held its ALSO DEALEBS IN com- w w 7c by The festival chorus will meet to-morrow In these days of fierce per gallon annual meeting in the vestry parlor of the evening tor rehearsal at Society hall. Municipal and Other Bouds church Mouday evening. In the absence the to SAVE the barrel. This will be the last rehearsal until after petition ability Oil of Mr. the pastor was elected of and ascertained Kerosene The of the music has Iveighton, approved legality as as the the holidays. {rest is moderator. The reports of the treasurer, strength. necessary ability arrived, and will be distributed at this re- the and flnanoe committees 16 STATE STBEXT. ELLS WORTH, ME to Write and hearsal. prudential Read, Cipher. were presented and accepted, and plans Amitite Roofing. Sheathing Paper The subject of the morning sermon at were made for tbe work of tbe coming not test the Methodist church next Sunday will Why your ability by year. Mr. Killam was elected modera- “The is it Praclica- CHRISTMAS STATIONERY be: Unworldly Life; tor for the ensuing year; Miss Anderson, cpening a account will be: “Ac- bleT” The evening subjectl clerk. Cbpt. E. S. Means, who has served Pertaaei, Military, Cloth and with this bank? cess to the Divine Through Literary Mas- C. W. GRINDAL, *£JS? the society so acceptably for several years Hair Brushes, Mirrors. terpieces.” as treasurer, was re-elected. Carlton 8. Mstrs’s Store. Cor. off. P. 0. At the regular meeting of William H. H. Donnell will serve as auditor. The usual Orel fol- Bice relief corps Thursday, Deo. 7, the committees were appointed. lowing officers were elected: President, A despatch was received here yesterday NOTICE 1 OUT SALE Mary Laffln; senior vioe-president, Mary CLOSING announcing the death at Spokane, Wash., in Fields; Junior vioe-president, Hannah The Collector of Taxes for Xow is your chance to secure bargains Monday night, of Henry A. Campbell, son School Bonaey; treasurer, Nellie Hoyal; chap- Mahan's Dancing the list of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Campbell, for- SOCIETY HALL 1911 is now preparing Confectionery, Tobacco and Cifara. Groceries, Floor, Groin, merly of Ellsworth. Death resulted from Dec. of unpaid taxes for advertis- pneumonia. News of his untimely death Open Monday, 18, 8 o’clock sharp and all who do not wish A. I. RICHARDSON, was received with sadness here, where he ing, Particular attention paid to round danoes. as a man. He names to on the was popular boy and young Square dauces also taught their appear FOR CHRISTflAS was about thirty years of age. He wai list must make payment be- QEOROE S. OBER, | f from the Ellsworth school The which ha* no Dr.H.W.OSGOOD graduated high newspaper uniform fore Dec 15. Settle at once blacksmith I 50 Styles of Ladies’ Pocket- I with the class of 1888, and went to Spokane rate for advertising space, and ie eotie- was in what it ean i< a and save costs. Books a few years ago. He engaged the tted to take get for it, Horae Shoeing and Jobbing New Location ManningBIk. | | market business there at the time of hi: cheap advertising medium, and the ad- J. II. Bresnahan, aad FRIDAYS I awn’s Stars. Car. W P- 0. I in business for himself. Be- need but of all kinds. Office Days: TUESDAYS lm death, being vertiser enpecf nothing cheap Collector for 1911. ■ Pteee. Bangor Office: 12 drove St sides his parents, he leaves three brothers- results.—Lowrenoeburg (Ind.) Water Street, Ellawortb. seem not to here 1st with- tr—rarer; Ida. Ml aula Hadtsy, sscrslery; flntnal Benefit Column. for these stamps go among ttje Orangrrs. out e terrible straggle.” Their torn. If not Q. N. Bleb, gatekeeper; Mrs. Ida k Mayo, »*MT' bleeding, forme show this. Usna; Mr*. Florence Bleb, Pomona; Mm. BDITBD BT “*U*T This oolsms is 4mM lotos Orwegw, es- ENDEAVOR. What is more bountiful than green pas- Maegis Richardson, Flora; Sylvia Moalsy, CHRISTIAN " pecially to to# gisngss of Hassock cornsty. n« Motto: "Botpfol Uopofw tures wtth cattle and sheep feeding In them? steward. NHLMNAMNBTQI The colama is epaa to all graagsrt lor Urn lady-aealstant In nanj pictures of this kind, some eff the of this column ere succinctly discussion of topics of interest, sad The purposes scenes, with clumps of trees where the herds motto—U is for the mutual for reports of grange meetings. Make letters saw omrruBT, 366, obdbak. stated in the title end can rest in refeshiag shads through the heat Masting Topic For tha Waak eommaatcetiona mnst Tbs officers of Mew Cen- Restored to Health Prajnr end elms to be neiprul ant hopeful attractive to me. short sad concise. All nswly-slscted by Vinol Dac. 1911. benefit, of day, were especially Pigs Boginning 17, for the common it le f»r the com and be signed, bnt names will not be printed ex- grange am aa follows: George A. Being good, I see, wallowing and rooting, they ap- tury Rev. D. Schneider, who Is a missionary's tourney around of in- of tbo writer. All com- wsQ Topic.—A mon use—a public servant, a purveyor to be in the very heart of contentment. cept by permission Gray, master; Gerald Thompson, over- world.-XII. Missions in the West pear known minister In Riee the a the in munications will be subject to by Lake, wis formation and suggestion, medium for Green fields, plowed lands, trees, hay stacks, approval seer; Ha set lecturer; — Rev. Cowing, Raymond writes: Indies. il Cor. sil. 1-15 Rd..ed by bnt none will bo without of ideas. In this capacity U solicits and windmills are In the editor, rejected Sherman H. Doyle. D. D. terebange all cattle, farmhouses Cook, steward; Clifford Burrill, assistant good reason. “I bad a very eevere stomach communications, and Us success depends largely this picture, and much more that I cannot steward; John A. Cowing, chaplain; R. trou. Protestant work in the < <»m- Me last from which I missionary on tbe support given u In title respect mention for want of space. year was the W. M. BorriU, kept West Indies began in ISPS), one of but the turn- of BorriU, treasurer; Mary In bed three months. I munlcatlons must be signed, Our train is the first to eater the new depot DATS*. had engaged n war. secretary; Everett Cook, gatekeeper; results uf Ihe Spanish-Amories writer mill not be printed except by per^m don in Chicago. We get onr Sunday dinner la the the services of a doctor, but to of Po- no to to or Friday, Jan. 8—Meeting Hancock UsaleGray, Ceres; Laura Cook, Pomona; This war left as a special legacy Communications will be subject approval depot of the Illinois Central railroad, where avail. I then read cf Vlnol and deter, but none mona with grange, Marion the Christian of the United rejection by tbe editor of the column, our Micbigen Central tickets take on oa our grange Sedgwick Lucy Cowing, Flora; BorriU, lady- mined to a people try bottle. Before It wag care of will be rejected without good reason. Address father to Boston, to he leaving to-mor- North Sedgwick. assistant steward. States the moral and spiritual way naed up I waa out of bed, and four ell communications to row, Monday, morning, at i.15. Susa*. thousands of former Spanish subjects. bottles made me a well man. Th« am«bicah. WORTH Ml. Vlnol la to the HALCTOW, 348, ILCIHIU. mauiaviluc. The Christian church responded Ellsworth. Me. S splendid medicine, and I can A THOUGHT TOM THB VBSK. The officer* of Halcyon Mariaville met gladly of and of and newly-elected grange Saturday evening call duty opportunity in a recommend It” Dear is the work He gives many varied are ee follows: Thomas Griers, with members in- has ever since carried on progressive grange twenty-two present, roc Aim voce tor. way; Prominent men from all over work in master; A. T. GUlis, overseer; Blanche cluding visitor*. Election ot officers wUl the and successful missionary (Edgar A. Guest.) Little enough in itself, yet something for country do not hesitate to the is- Osgood, lecturer; Eugene Osgood, take place Saturday evening. Dee. 16. A endorse Cuba an4 Porto Rico, principal Whom is your boy going to for advice? every dsy; this wondefnl tonic. at the end of the steward; J. L.Saunders,assistant steward; large attendance is desired. Tbs literary land* of the West Indies group. Tough Tommy Jones Something by pen for the distant, by hand or For twelve yearn Vlnol has Sadie S. B. waa carried out and been The flrst missionary work in the street? voice for the near. Dunbar, chaplain; Billings, program waU program add on the "money back” plan, and Rica Rough Billy Green or untaught Jimmy Price? Whether la soothe or teach, whether to aid or treasurer; Mary B. Hinckley, secretary; announced lor next meeting. Many good West Indie* was begun in Porto every year strengthens Its Who is now guiding his innocent feet? Fred Ions popularity Porto Rico is 1.400 miles from New cheer.—Havrrgal. Hinckley, gatekeeper; Maggie tuggset warn offered. him and swimming to- Acxt Madqb. and proves by continued testa that West. Who takes waiving Grieve, Ores; Nellis Weecott. Pomona; It York and 1.000 miles from Key will do we day- Jan. of Green what cla'-t for It. miles, or about Mary GUlis, Flora; Fanny Billings, lady- Wednesday, 10-Meeting Its area is 3.600 square or ever tbe way? Yon, the stranger just KL.LSWOKTH markets. steward. Mountain Pomona with one-half that of New Jersey. It is assistant Bayview grange, G. A. Parchkh, Whom is your boy leaning ou for a friend? Salisbury one of the most thickly populated dis- Cove._ Ellsworth, Me. Whom does he tell all his wee troubles to? FLORAL, 188, WORTH BUCRXPORT. tricts in the world, having a population The quotations below give the ni^« of Say, now, with whom does your little one Floral met In regular aeaaion aCHOODIC, 430, VhAHKLtB. of about 1.000.000 people. The people retail prices in Ellsworth: grange spend Dec. with members pres- Scboodic grange, Mo. 430, held Its regu- are of diverse 8, twenty-nine of Porto Rico very Most of his time, with a stranger or you? Country Produce. lar Dec. with Kettov. ent. A to the State grange waa meeting 7, twenty-two characteristics and The Whose baud is him where he should delegate Pauper Notice. capabilities. leading members end three visitors Alter oontroctad artththaClu Creamery per *..95§40 elected. W. O. Charles H. Lowell was ap- present. at mu. Spanish descendants are educat- go? worth to anil car* for pure 90gS5 the usual officers were elected. HAVINU rapport thoa. «ho Dairy. in the ol the worthy master business, n**d usiatancc ed. chivalrous, proud and aristocratic, Answer now, Busy Man. tell, if you know. pointed place may daring th* n.n or* wr bo is unable to attend. At the next regular meeting, 'Dec. 21, y*nr* and nr* l»«al r*ald*a<* lUx rth | lovers of music, bountiful in hos- he his heart to? Fresh do*. ...46 forbid nil them on good Who is the pal that opens laid, per §50 members are to come persona trusting niv M. Officers were elected as follows: George requested prepared count, as then I* of room amt pitality and happy in their domestic You. or some stranger you never have seen? Poultry. plenty iccom. W. maeter; Charles H. Lowell, to recite something about Christmas. odulona to enro tor them at th* Cltv Karm relations. Whom does your boy all his secrets impart Chickens.I5§90 Chipman, bona*. M. J. Dnr Fowl.Hal* Serai T. Samuel Officers will be installed at the" first regu- mmkt The Porto Ricans at* lazy and shift- to? overseer; Royal, lecturer; •In, as- lar in someone whose mind is unclean. S. Horace E. Kil burn, meeting January. ---—...... less. Great poverty ezist* among them. Maybe to Rich, steward; Best Ioom, per officers are: If it isn't to you he comes, he's in danger. ton.....llfM sistant Maria W. Lowell, The newly-elected Master, Their desire for amusement is great Baled.lSgtt) steward; chap- IfiUilroab. enb Stramboats. What do you know of the worth of the lain P. treasurer; Helen dead L. Clark; overseer, Eversrd Cousins; Sunday is a gala day. The mission- Mme. ; Mary Colomy, stranger? E. Howard H. -lecturer, Harry D. Clark; Sidney aries from America to Porto Rico were Loose...10 §11 Rich, secretary; Arey, gate- steward, is Baled. 15 Lida E. Sarah J. Butler; assistant steward, Howard cordially received, and the work has Oh, be a boy with the boy that yours: keeper; Chipman, Ceres; CENTRAL RAILROAD with him, with him. show him the Vegetables. Lucia E. Cousins; chaplain, Edith Butler; treasurer, been successful. Outside of San Juan Play stay Barker, Pomona; Bennett, Flora; way. Potatoes, pk IS Onions, ft §4£05 L. steward. Mrs. Lena Clark; secretary, Mrs. Lucy and Ponce, the cities, the ter- Mary Sabine, lady-assistant In ElTect principal Walk with him. talk with him, take him out- Lettuce, head 10 Cabbage, ft 03 Nathan ror Celery, bunch, 20 Beets, ft 03 Cousins; gatekeeper, Collar; ritory has been divided missionary doors; Dec. 3, toil. j Carrots, ft. 02 S« potatoes,!., 04 BAY VIEW, 267, SALISBURY OOVB. Ceres, Grace Woodworth; Pomona, Lena purposes among the Presbyterians. Be his best friend, as you ought to, to-day. Parsnip*, ft. 05 Turnips, tb Pi 02«<3 The annual election ot Bay View grange Collar; Flora, Gertie Shuman; lady Baptists. Methodists and Lutherans. Take him dowu town so tbe youngster may Squash.ft BAR HARBOR TO BANGOR ■Trait. was held evening, Dec. 6. assistant steward, Edna M. Clark. educational and medical see Wednesday AM AM PM PM Evangelistic, :MAINE ♦ Oranges, doz 4GColonel Talmale Garter, Emery crops done ia Southern yesterday Lizaic H. the boat grange, gave the address of wel- eoanaoUac with steamer for Boetoa. testified that his society died because California leach, gatekeeper; Wood, Ceres; aader irrigation. of the inaurectoe was shot in the back.” Fannie A. Nellie M. come, which was responded to A. B. of Its old members on too Long, Pomona; by banging W« roll Into Kearney, a ead large important ”1 was afraid that would happen to him. Wood, Flora; Delia Thompson, lady-as- Bntcbtns. Two topics were discussed BBTUBNIMH tong. They ran the whole affair. No city, I should say. It has many lac build- sistant steward. 1 read a statement in a newspaper the during the day and proved very interact- Turbina Steal Steamship Holfa> young folks dared t ome In because they ings. At aboatt p. ns we at Grand arrive other day which said: 'Colonel Talmale ing. They were: “How ate the people to were afraid of the of Island; then on to aad through Free moat, xotmtn virnv. 484, wner bmx. the control of the and Lears Boston 1 ■ Taos aad Frldiya surpassing ability back to the front.’ regain republic?” p days which is a as leasing the older members Mortification set In. pretty place; aad we near Mountain View grange held its regular “How ean the farmer reduce his grain bill for Boehlasd eonaeeUag with etaamar Omaha, tarmiag la more advanced. A woman cannot tall it bat she Without the value of his stock?” eteamer ending In the death of tbe society. Potatoes why is, meeting Friday evening with about forty reducing Boohlaad, MS a a, or oa antral ol era half grows. We arrive at Omaha at aboat cans more ter the man who un- The boat grange presented short program. from aad Saturday, for Bar Then, after a of a new generally There were two Boetoa, Wednesday .veer mourning, aad at AM are patrons present. applica- The next meeting of this Pomona will a. Am. oaths move for Chicgo. It women BlaahUl aad taieratedlats landing of derstands the best. However, for and four members be held with North Harbor, society composed entirely young la very wans. tions membership Bedgwiek Friday, thorn men ate lew and far between. There will be Jan. 6. B. L. Barra. Agent, Bar Harbor. people under twenty-five years of age. Jane A At aboet g a. m. we roll lato Cedar were sleeted. degree work A. ■»-—*— A Bias hill. was started, and lo. it Is flourishing Bapida, aad what I am able to see of at the next The officers of M. gnat. this ally meeting. PAKOLA, an, HANCOCK. impresses me very tad and. I wish I Mountain View lor the gloriously. favorably gmngf ensuing Pamela bald its meet had grange regular lag Tbe other case was told more time to look over the city, bat tha are: B. L. by the min- year Burns, senator; C.B, Dae. with at- depot aad aboat Isolds aad has Instant wMh Baeklen’e Aralo- Saturday evening, 9, good ister. a warm hearted Eodeavorer IA out, aa ia- 1 homes, overseer; Mrs. Has Burns, lec- vs to bleed or Altar three candi- vitiag appaarases. I get a gleaca at Bmpt prevent polaoa neagreae. tendance. badness, Tbe ha# an luely- It's the surest bealer for all such Cheeter M. Rich, steward; Pearl society plmtd ags limit streets qelehast, turer; datae were Instructed in the first and pavad Used with beaetlful shade woeads aa also for Baras, Mis, Bores, Skla at The best workers Richardson, assistant steward; Mis. Gar- twenty-live. trees. The eeeatry Its! we are rslllag Ersptloos. ■setais. Cheeped Hoads. Pome or sssnnd degress. A abort program was Piles. Ms. at all ris Liston W. dropped out. being beyond the limit, through has e vary look to aad Higgins, chaplain; Mayo, At the next there prosperous It, dragjtsM.__. presented. meeting eriil la what year money will eon if and the languished I am lamladsd that wa are ia society exceeding- tha “Middle be work in the third and fourth degrees tareatedla ehagaaaf lha Want,” la aeorn aad ly. Then tbe pastor broke down tbe maat-prodaetag section. and a harvest sapper. Carolyn Stratton wail, tbe cider folks Id Tbs farms era either leased er separated by poured again, and Mary Smith are program committee tali, slim-growing trees, ami many of the and tbe society benefited. for Decamber. Qlnirtt Lei aid BuUiv Au’l pretty hills are forest-covered. The eBeet to Both cases are perfectly conceivable, The newly-elected officers of Pamola | pretty aad restful to the eye. and are Instructive. they Breakfast to ready la the diner, aad we have grange ere: Augustus I. Foaa, master; A NEW SERIES Make room at the bottom. Make tbe the double of Chaster W. pleasure feeding oar stomachs Stratton, overseer; Orlando la now ores. Sharea, JJ-waohr nsonfAty p«V a real r aining school for serv- aad oar society feasting eyas at the aaase time. Tha W. Foss, lecturer; Edward J. Qott, stew- manta. Si per share. ice. There will always be calls enough scenery to very changeable. 1 notice a plot of ard; Morris Foaa, assistant steward; for wise and even aged headji to plan, ground oa which lie a lot of stamps that hsPe Ella F. Saunders, chaplain; Louis 8. Jor- been pulled up by the roots; aad I say to my- WHY PAT BINT direct. Instruct and lead. That means dan, treasurer; Clara F. Johnson, secre- self, “these stamps were never palled la the whoa you eon borrow on your you. tary; John M. Oakea, Nellis old way of Mew England torm-deartag ap gatekeeper; "How can tbe society be a young tor Foes, Ceres; Harsh Foss, Ella fifty years ego, unrely beta something had Pomona; Dsymeott rm IntMMl tsfBuief when tbe members people’s society awrs palling power than oven a yoke of oven, Wooster, Flore; Lola M. Crabtree, lady Will amount to but llttW more tor are middle aged or old?" Your error, assistant steward. than you are now paying rent, and tat about ten years you brother. I know people tbat are Tha quicker a cold to got tea rid of tha will •••• the danger from and other “1 had younger at slxfy than many are at pneamoma Wm‘ jv If been troubled with constipation serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Moll, of tor two and tried all of the beat OWN TOUR OWN HOW. Re Is young who Is large years twenty. di overly, Va., says: “I firmly believe | physicians in Hrtetol, Tenn., and they hearted, sympathetic, willing and ar Chamberlain’s Cough to be abso- could do for writee Thos. E. Remedy nothing me/’ of lutely the best on the market For partioulore Inquire tive preparation Williams, Middleboro, ky. “Two pack- 8ee*y. for colds. I have lecommanded it to my ages of Cbamberlsin's Stomach snd Liver O. W. Tam-sy, fears don’t count In tbe kingdom.- Bldg. friends and they all agree with ma.” Foe Tablets cured me.” For sale by all First Nai’l Bank Endeavor World. Ripple in Christian •ala by ail denier*. iiPHiPPiPiiPPH^M dsalerm. A. W. Kota, President. Md Bird (listen. Everywhere there was I beautiful, an broken mantle of snow, li •mart Iwlntm KITTBBY TO OABIBOC. Mis bead the Anomies* will Iron a last year’s The of a country town net far 0nd,r corn-field, that had beer people James of time short articles re 1 sting tc Bam, aged eighteen, Lisboa, Urns to print poorly cultivated and was overran wltl from Edinburgh received a shock re- their relation to broke the 'lee while skating on Urds. and especially agrtcul that through most noxious plant known to al cently, says a London weekly. One interests. Moot of thooo articles wiU be Batottus river Sunday, and was drowned. tafml farmers as the there day they were startled by a lavish dis- from leaflets Issued by the bnrann o ragweed, were hun- printed dreds of tree play on the of bear- A. O. Davis, of Machlas, aged sixty- department of agriculture sparrows clinging to the topi hoardings posters blologlcate'jrray, of the weed ing In large letters the announcement, eight, despondent bseause of ill health, by the National Association of Aodubos stalks, just showing above thi of "He Is Who "he” was or committed suicide Thursday by shoot- nccietiea. nod will bo oathorltotlee. They oarpet snow. They were feeding or coming." not to bird the when "he” was was nowhere ing. mill be of Interest only lovers, bnl ripened seeds; a long fast and great coming valua to farmers, to whom the stated, and the folks were left In anx- Ermon D. senior member of of educational hunger had made them very tamo; they Eastman, of many epeclee of birds la of the made a beautiful iety until a week later, when another the Portland dry goods firm of Eastman protection and animated scene, The king of Holland—ell this the Bros, h Bancroft, died Saturday at bis greatest importance._ Joyous picture of happy bird-life; every- hap- display appeared bearing words, "He Is home in where were contentment and voices lifted pened several centuries ago-sent n here!” and the pnblic were also Portland, aged seventy-two years. The Tree Sparrow. Informed that "he” was up in thankfulness for nature’s bounties, messenger to his daughter, the Prin- a mysterious While skating across Pleasant pond IS THE BEST Of THE Wnat tbe farmer had wonder who would that night appear to to his work in ■ uv William Dote her, President National neglected to do th« cess Sophia, to say to her that his Thursday go Litchfield, 1 of Aodobon maj- at Association Societies. Re- previous fall this flock of tree the town ball and perform feats of Wieland Toothaohre, of Richmond, aged -WORLD—- from Bird tore.) sparrows esty commanded her to corns to his printed was doing for him. The number of seeds magic and mystery such as had never fifty-eight, Droke through the ice and was cabinet When she reached It her fa- been because it is made of Dnnonimon. destroyed in that one field on that previously witnessed. This was a drowned. day ther informed -The entire crown end back of her that he had agreed treat Indeed for the and die and best in- A.l»li head alone must have been beyond computation Inhabitants, President William DeWitt Hyde, of purest chestnut, in winter moat of the to give her in marriage to the Crown on the advertised was bright in figures. Tbe owner of the land probably night the hall Bowdoin college, announced Friday that gredients, because it ftsthrrs with a very narrow edging of pale Prince Carl of Prussia. filled to Its utmost The anx- wondered the next season why his field capacity. the college bad received gl0,000 more from contains more buff, which, wearing off by spring, leaves the "But I have never ious healing, was so clear of he seen the prince,1* moment arrived, and up went the the donor of the General Thomas W. uniform obeetant; line over sldea ragweeds, little Hyde crown eye, she said. curtain. to the and up- dreamed of the that was But, surprise of the athletic which makes his total strengthening of heed and neck gray, Mia collar extending cleaning process building, carried on -That has nothing to do with the audience, nothing could be seen ex- to material than upward forming a narrow collar; back rusty, that bright winter day by his gift the college )B,000. This raises the building friends the tree matter,” replied the king. cept a larger poster bearing these total each trntber having n broad central stripe sparrows. fund for the gymnasium to (110,000. any other Emulsion, and black, giving a decidedly streaked Tbe relation that the tree “If the prince wishes to marry me words: "He has gone.” He bad, too, of appear- sparrow bears Officers of the Maine dairymen’s associa- because it is a lower back and rump browglan to an let him come and woo me,” said the and taken all the admission perfect ance; gray, agriculture is important question, money tion elected st the conference in Norway the upper tall coverts being narrow edged and one that will prlnceaa, and she left the room. with him. a few of the victims of a ecimti/h- naturally interest tbe Only last week are: L. R. product white; under tbront and President, McIntyre, Wlth parts, upper farmer more What action his majesty took in the enjoyed the joke. than its song or cheerful East Waterford; vioe-president, H. G. aBy perfect process. breast light gray, fading to almost white on matter was habits. While this species de- never known, but present- Dr. J. A. lower breast and abdomen, tbe aides and undoubtedly Beyer, Jr., Portland; secretary, stroys many Insects in its summer home ly along came the crown prince of Lisbon'* Groat Doctor* the world orer flanks being washed with pale brown; on Earthquake. Ness, Auburn; treasurer, Rutiilius Alden, as all it is Prussia with a splendid retinue to Bach recurring All Saints’ the middle of breast n blackish spot or blotch; aparrowa do, yet only resident in day, Wiotbrop; trustee, J. D. McEdwards, recognize the United ask the hand of the Princess first of recalls to the wing going dork brown; the coverte nhowing States during the season when Sophia. day November, Bangor. amount of each insects are not with Nobody but those most Interested people of th* city of Lisbon the a great maty, feaMer with a plenty us, therefore the mpst The five-masted schooner Nathaniel T. broad central black stripe, similar to good it does consists in IU knew what was going on except that awful event In the history of that coun- pattern destruction of Palmer, owned by J. S. Winslow A Co., on back, all with weed or Indeed in all the Scott’s Emulsion widoly-marginad white, seeds. No can the bad come on an errand of try Europe, great greater proof be given prince of was two Portland, abandoned at sea too thus forming oonaplonous white wing- of its value as a and that his was much earthquake of 1756. At 0 o’clock in seed-destroyer than the marriage stay miles east of Bermuda. She left Portland os the Standard prepa- bar; tall dark brown. Mo two outside feathers the on a clear and serene following statement of Professor Beal, of longer than was customary on such morning day for much lighter, nil having very narrow whitish Norfolk Not. 16, light, and was driven ration of Cod Liver OiL the United Statee occasions. There were social camera hollow rumbling sound, as of ( department of agricul- royal far off her course a succesaion of storms. sdgrs; legs brown; foot and claws black; bill, by ui DauoGisn ture, published in “Farmers’ Bulletin No. functions at the palace, but the crown thunder, and Immediately after the ter- upper mandible and tip of lower one nearly The crew were taken off by a steamer and 11-22 M—Some Common-Birds in Their of Prussia and the of rible convulsion of the earth which black, remaining two-MIrda of latter yellow. Relation prince pijncess landed at Baltimore. The vessel was val- to abook down houses and buried or dire.—Prom tip of bill to end of toil from Agriculture’’. Holland were seldom seen together. ued at |60,000; partially insured. 44 Th#» tree snarmw I'aat/aaffw crushed of the flve and ono-half to six inches. The truth la that Sophia received bar 90,000 persons. Many ■ churches were at the time filled with After his wife with four children, whose .Vest.-la boilt of dae grasses, rootlets, bair, (airly warms all over the northern states In suitor She neither con- royal coolly. lives he had had him and and la oo or near winter, arriving from the North In their congregations, and each one be- threatened, left feathers, etc., placed Me early sented nor dissented from his propo- October and leaving in April. Examination came a huge catacomb entombing ita gone to the home of her father, Elmer ground. sltlon for her hand. The prince seem- Sfyi.-Pron three to live in number, pale of many stomachs shows that in winter the ( worshipers. Twenty-two successive Lapham, aged thirty-seven, a farmer liv- tree ed to consider the affair a diplomatic greenish bine speckled or spotted with red- sparrow feeds entirely upon seeds of shocks were counted. In the city ing at Milton plantation, Wednesday one and his time In those diver- dish brown. weeds; and probably each bird consumes | spent went into his shot his horse 1 prison 800 were killed and in the hos- night stable, Dutribu4wn.—The tree ere found about one-fourth of an ounce a In an atone which occupy men alone, paying sparrows day. pital 14200. The sea retired from the and killed himself by shooting through during the breeding Mason north of the article contributed to the New York Tribune, very little attention to the woman he harbor, which It left dry, and then re- the heart. Be had been considered men- United States. In Newfoundland, in 1M1, the writer estimated the amount of for hla Labrador, •ought wire. unbalanced for some weed seed turned In a gigantic wave fifty to sixty tally time. and the region about Hudson bay. while the annually destroyed by these birds no atten- The princess not only paid feet western race breeds from the of Ander- in the state of Iowa, upon the basis of one- high, overwhelming many who had Fred S. Hilton, of Anson, aged about valley tion to this neglect, but appeared to son river, westward through Alaska. How fourth of an ounce of seed eaten daily by each escaped the falling houses. It was es- fifty years, a well-to-do farther, was killed be Infatuated with Baron von Schel- far south the tree sparrows breed Is very in- bird, and supposing that the birds average timated that in Lisbon and its imme- Thursday while clearing up a section filled Locates Lameness ten to each and one of the members of the prince’s definitely known, therefore data on this point square mile, that they remain wlg, diate neighborhood nearly 6,000 per- with trees. One tree was cnt uprooted bJbe the limb. with Tnttle'i Elixir; than in their winter two hundred we suit. Von was a very hand- Simply are desirable and Important. After the range days, Schelwlg sons had perished. and lodged in another watch for the Utile water blletere. That’e where ioor ( only slightly Where there It no the Ellxlx season these birds south- shall have a total of 1,750,000 pounds or 875 some man and this was his hone Is lame. lamenea, breeding migrate though started from the earth. Mr. Hilton will dry out like water. ward and ranch tbe Carolines and westward tons of weed seed consumed by this one species chief attraction, he was universally TtuTfeut elm of ipaxln, lamenem. cnrbe. ehoehoUi. A Incident. near the second tree to cut the or founder or should in a season. as these 8trango stepped thrneh, eweUlnge ooUo, dleteraper as far as mlddls Texas, Arizona, Utah and single Large figures may a killer. In the bud.” Do not lot another acknowledged to be lady A marked the visit when the first tree be nipped day paat Oregon. seem, they certainly fall far short of the singular episode roots, apparently without getting n bottle of. _ seem to mind the Prince Carl did not of the to the shifted its and released the tree reality. The estimate of ten birds to a square ex-Empress Eugenie position The tree or is Infatuation a bit. He bunted sparrow, winter chippy, a mile is much within the truth, for the tree princess' grave of her son. The journey to beside which Mr. Hilton was standing. member of and skated and cards just the the very widely-distributed sparrow is certainly more abundant than this played Cape Town—it was in 1880—was un- The trunk snapped upright, striking Mr. numerous same. The of Holland, to whom snd family of tbe fringillidse, in winter in Massachusetts, where the food king dertaken when the stricken mother j Hilton acrosB the head and breaking bis Tuttle’s Elixir which contains over five hnndred snd supply is less than in the western states, and the alliance was of great importance, was in feeble health. There she rest- fifty neck. It Is the beat hone insurance possible. A sore core for 1 have known in lows where several his apccias, that are found in all of places every day dreaded that royal high- ed and then, with a large as es- nolle and all common ailments that handicap and da portions party onase the value of horse. thousand could be seen within the space of a withdraw his your the world except the Australian region. ness would application cort, proceeded north and after a wea- Last Minute Hints. few acres.” d for hla hand and return to 03 these, North America claims no less daughter’s risome experience came near to the Look over the as Professor Beal’s statement refers to gilts you have bought Wash. only In But Carl, Best Leg and Body than thirty-three genera, and one hun- Germany high dudgeon. place where "Lulu” fell, but ordered a come from the stores to see that one let the farmers of the they state; country had made a formal on dred and eighty-nine species and sub- who application halt because she felt herself too weak has been delivered Because by adding water the lotion can be made Jusl to realize the done these everything purchased the condition of own try good by spar- no further attention the desired strength for true your species. This family contains all the his arrival, paid to proceed. That night, unable to and that is broken. horse. In nse In over 100,000 stables. rows in all the other states where are nothing we they the waiting for she wandered from her Tour dealer sells Tuttle’s Elixir. If not, send hi* finches, bantings, grosbeaks, crossbills, to matter, apparently sleep, tent. Make sure have of and BO cents m and we will send a largo found during a considerable portion of the you plenty stationery ■awe stamps linnets and siskins. While his from the government of Hol- she strode in the brush till bottle prepaid, together with// Veterinary Expe- sparrows, reply Aimlessly for the letters of thanks that are to follow s Mol of valuable information to year, and the sum total seems beyond the rience,^ .every many of these are dall colored, yet other land. Meanwhile, the encouragement suddenly the fragrance of verbenas, Christmas. horse owner. Write for that to-day, anyway, enclosing of the human mind. j Sc. stamp for postage. comprehension Von was arrested her member* of the family are noted for their the princess gave Schelwlg her son’s.favorite flower, Have a few extra Christmas cards There can be no of the usefulness handy TUTTU'8 ELIXIR 200 Boitim, »m question one won- attention. Guided tbe she CO, Beeerfy 81., exceptionally beautiful and striking plum- noticed by all the court, every by odor, for those who come to mind at the last of the tree sparrow and, furthur, there is as tbe rose-breasted and blue groe- dering how she could accept the atten- walked on, but her strength failed, and minute. age, no claim that ever do positively they any when the fell and was found unconscious beaks, cardinal, indigo and tions of the subordinate she by Get all and tied sev- goldfinch, harm. are entitled to the packages wrapped Therefore, they make the servants who had followed her. BKfc.'yrf ■ BUBM3BBBBBMMMBBB painted bantings, etc. master had come to application eral before the event. It’s ex- fullest protection, especially from agricul- days great This family also includes some of the for her hand. Next day they took her to the grave. work. and there ia no reason a hausting turists, why which It was the where she had fainted. best of the singing birds, and, with few One day after a hunting party spot Keep the spirit of Christmas burning single one of these birds should ever be The verbenas but its members may be included was attended by both men and women were there, they and let it in letter and exceptions, killed. The wise and farmer bright, go every progressive who had were dead. among the birds that are economically of the Princess Sophia, kept card you write. will, when the deep snows of the coming the value to the human race. The Von Schelwlg In attendance upon her Remember that scarlet greatest cover his snowy paper, winter the ground, encourage Tree advice, how to obtain patents, trade marks, ■ bills of the sparrows, finches, and other during the entire day, the hunt being He Was In a Hurry. ribbon and a of enhance the friends to remain on his sprig holly «»J>yrt«bW, *tc-. ALL COUNTRIES. 1 little sparrow dine in (N members of the family, while widely di- finished, entered her carriage to Charles Monselet his “Curiosites charm of even the Business direct -with saves ttme%M acres for them in simplest gift. Washington by scattering protected tells of a friend of his liv- and the m versified in form, are elwaye stout and at the palace. When passing through Lltteraries” Have plenty of excelsior ready for wrap- money often patent. places the chaff and sweepings from his Patent and Practice ■ to or she was at Bordeaux who, glancing through Infringement Excluclyely. strong and adapted crushing opening an unfrequented place stopped ing breakables. Writs or come to ns at barn. The birds will repay his kindness a ping if; seed for tbe fruit within them. a masked horseman, who rode up a Paris bookseller's catalogue, saw the Take to the to 9M Bath Must, epp. baited Matas Patent 0Sse,B capsules hundred fold the seeds of by your packages postofflce by destroying title of a book which he had P. C. B Seeds constitute the largest part of tbe to the window and addressed the prin- vainly be weighed for postage as far in advance _WASHINQTON, thousands of noxious weeds, and to that at food of ail the members of this cess: sought for thirty years. Looking of Christmas as ble. You don’t have supply extent his labors the fol- possi lighten during the he found there was time send greet family. By watching a canary, a “The crown prince of Prussia, who clock, just to them then, but you avoid having season. to stand in line a half hour or so on the well-known member of lowing to for to catch the morning express for Par- prominent and has come propose your highness’ Christmas. some days immediately preceding one can eee and of the is. Stopping only to take money tbe family, how deftly hand, is sensible slight put upon When wrapping your packages, tie your About a Mile. from his cash box, he dashed off to the easily a seed is cracked and the meat is him by your acceptance of the atten- scissors fast to youf otherwise there is a If take a notion to settle down for a station and arrived at the constant search for them in the extracted. you tions of a member of his suit. But as bookshop general for Tw *■ Amu-kipIN melee. Subscribe time and after you have been whisked out In time to secure the As he The tree sparrow is a very common, and a prince of the blood and a suitor for prize. and back in a motorcar you think to ask the book the re- shoold be well-known winter bird your highness' band it is unbecoming wrapped up shopman bow far the house is from the station, the marked, “I suppose you live in this 1 iiiimiimmiiiiiMlliimiilllimNiimmimiiimimiiiiiiimiiimmniiiilltlllMlIlltimillllliinil IIIIIIIIIIIIHIllllllllllllllllllltllllillllllllllllllilllllllllllltlllllllllllllillllllllllllllillllllllillllllllllll throughout a large section of the United of him to make any protest. I there- carelessly waves his hand and airily monsieur.” I have States. It associates freely with the junco, agent fore take It upon myself to resent the street, "No; just remarks, “About a mile,” you had best come from Bordeaux," was the snd does not hesitate to visit dooryards Insult thrust upon him. But to prevent reply. take heed as to what country you are in at The man looked astonished, and the and gardenn, gleaning from them weed a court scandal I deem It advisable to that time. bibliophile discovered that in his eager- and other seeds, ail the while giving voice warn you. Know then that if Baron HatWiUtteBakingBe? If it is in England you are all right, for ness he had traveled 360 miles in dress- to contented and happy notes of thanks- ,Von Schelwlg presumes to join you the familiar 1,760 yards is the stand rd, ing gown and slippers and had never giving for food and pleaaant companions. hereafter at any court function I will but if you have taken a fancy to some sod- noticed any deficiency of attire. Among the experiences of every bird lover call him to account as offering an In- thatched Irish cottage it means a tramp of there are Incidents that stand oat promi- sult to my sovereign and my pros- 2,240 yards, and it you are moved to linger Britain’s Tongues. nently like landmarks and are never ef- pective sovereign and shall kill him." in the highlands remember that the br iw Within the narrow compass of the If you have used William Tell Flour it faced from the memory. The name tree “Tour royal highness need not be so Scot calls 1,976 yards a mile. Considering British isles no fewer than seven lan- bread that is as most cake— sparrow always recalls to ths writer a fierce about It,” said the princess. "I will be good the size of Switzerland, one might expect guages are spoken. They are English, beautiful winter picture seen many years would not for the world jeopardize the cake that is a miracle of tender lightness— a mile to be about as far as one could Erse (in Ireland), Manx (in since. There had been almost a blizzard, life of the crown prince of Prussia.” Welsh, throw a ball, but the hardy mountaineers the Isle of Man, where until recently pastry that melts in your mouth. such a storm aa Whittier describee in “Ton know me!” think the proper thing, even church services were conducted in “Snow Bound”. 9,153 yards knew the moment I heard much “1 you Our own special process, when, as it generally is, it ia very that tongue), Gaelic (in Scotland), The morning after the storm the snn your voice.” uphill. The Swiss is the longest mite of French in the Channel islands and latest improved machinery, per- was shining with that peculiar winter can lore on ms mass mu uu ex- all, being followed by the Vienna post Cornish in Cornwall. the to- Ohio brilliancy when the air seema to apetkle clamation of chagrin. Seeing the prin- Though fect organization, selected mile of 8,296 yards. tal for his own islands is seven cess smiling at him, he hung his head. Red Winter Wheat, makes Will- The Flemish mile is 6,868 yards, the is the said • “Now that I know my acceptance of tongues, yet Englishman Prussian 8,237 yards, and in Denmark they to be the linguist in the world. iam Tell the ideal flour. your subordinate's attentions are dis- poorest NO CAUSE TO 'DOUBT walk 8,244 yards and call it a stroll of a tasteful to you, I assure you, I will not is also the most economi- mile. The Arabs generally ride good It them." A Preference. a while again permit a horses and call 2,143 yards mile, leave to be cal—makes the most loaves A SUtemeut of FmU Backed by “I regret my action, since It will de- T shall my reputation the Turks are satisfied with 1,826 yards, Guarantee. of the company of the Judged by posterity.” to the sack. Strong shorten the distanoe of a prive you and the Italians “That’s a Senator and man”— good Idea,” replied We guarantee immediate positive to yards, just six yards’ more Have it in readiness for mile 1,786 love Von Sorghum. “The way things are going relief to all so Herera from constipation. “I do not Schelwlg.” than the American has In mind when the I'd much rather take my chances with Re- In fails to do “Then why, may I ask, does a prin- your next baking. every case where our remedy hand and re- agent waves his blandly house of Holland posterity than with an investigating this we will return the money paid as for cess of the royal per- member to order “About a mile.” Star. marks, of one the committee.”—Washington it. That’s a trank statement of facts, and mit the attentions holding (14) rank of of suit?” we want you to substantiate them at our lowest any my Some women can switch themselves An risk. ‘That I might discover the senti- Exception, around in their skirts and appear grace- “Who was It wrote ‘Distance lends are eaten like ments of his master.” Rezali Orderlies Just women al- ful all the time, while other do know enchantment to the view?’" are and agree- “My sentiments! What you candy, particularly prompt Yet they are all ways appear frumpy. that I have, by my “I don’t know, but I’ll bet be never able in action may be taken at any time, with the of them, except women, only daintiness comes for sat on the gable end of a house and day or do not cause diarrhcea, father's order, proposed your night; blood. Some women are beau- or positively hand?” watched a ball game that was going nausea, griping, excessive looseness, wasbtub. tiful, even when busy at the on two blocks Rec- other undesirable effects. They have a “Was not obedience of your royal away.”—Chicago Did ord-Herald. very mild bat positive action upon the father's order sufficient? your WHITCOMB. HAYNES & CO., Ellsworth Falls, Me. organa with which they come in contact, duty to his majesty compel you to tonic to kill a member of your own After the Secrets. apparently acting at a regulative up- threaten ——— on the relaxed muscular ooet of the bowel, suit, whose attentions I have permit- ‘Ha’s Just crazy to serve on a jury." thus overcoming weakness and aiding to ted?" •That so?" she she wants to be one restore the bowels to more vigorous and ‘The slight.” “Yes; says Life an of the first to tell the secrets of the healthy aotivlty. To Enjoy “Would a duel with Inferior -wipe Free Press. Orderlies are and that Jury room.”—Detroit Bexall unsurpassable a stomach, ac- out slight?” and need healthy ideal for the use of children, old folks you The prince knew that he had reveal- tive and bowels. delicate We cannot too highly liver, kidneys secret of bis jealousy. Overdoing It. parsons. the nerves ed the sufferers from any These organs—and will give “She married him to reform him." recommend them to all do “Perhaps your highness attendant the blood—are better, what was the result?" form of conatlpat’ in and its and your horse to one of my attendants “And faith in when evils. That’s why we back our better, helped by end ride to the palace with me,” added “He's so good now that b'e’i shocked them with our promise of money back if the princess. at nearly everything she does."—Bos- they do not give entire satisfaction. Throwing himself from his horse, ton Transcript tablets Three sixes: U tablets 10 cents, 38 BEECHAM’S Prince Carl entered the carriage and 28 cents and 80 tables 80 cents. Remember, the two drove on side by side. It Is easier for the generous to for- Ells- you can obtain Rsxall Remedies in The next day the prince and princess give than for offense to aak It—Thom- worth onr Rsxall store. PILLS only at store,-The were formally betrothed. la heaes 10s. and ais. O. Moo an, cor. opp. postofBoe. Sold Evssvwkss*- FROM THE LAW COURT. In this work, in twenty yeare there CHRISTMAS KXPRR8B PACRAORS American In g.BBnrt->».■» $l)e <£Um»ortl) will be no more tnberonloeia phMlOB top 6.„t; u. In Rdea vs. 9o«IIiwmI Har- Ad4r«aa ^,t *. Rescript HuunUow to Shipper*—Ship Early BPCKITla rood oomdttloB. -%c«pV', Maine." p. B. boa W, » PMbhtg Mart hold it bor Pauper Case. and Avoid the Rash. Ell.wortb._ IfII.worth, In % LOCAL AND POLITICAL JOURNAL that ‘fc* °°“D‘r <* tUocock, on lh. from the great strides law banded down 1 tom of Hbatari*a hajr. M- £? n,t*a.!5 Judging Tbe court, Thursday, — the dar of Ooooorbor, a. d. ltll. PUBLISH*© 1st. Ship you package early by iiwa oar* AaaaKi* tflci, Blla- been made in the relief work in for the HAT—Aboqt-A**, have a rescript giving judgment town Kth of December it The ir»rtb. TBe follow!** matten haring been EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON possible. express eonted for the action the two it would seem as of Eden in tbe case of Eden vs. 1 thereupon herStl AT past years, pauper company will give you a small label to this man of medicine had Southwest Harbor. Tbe which ELLSWORTH. MAINE. if good rescript, paste on the package reading: “Do not QHanttH. BT TUB assertion. is Cornish, follows: grounds for making this by Judge open nntU Christinas." This will give GO are ia the market far a^MOTissM5"u,#u5rEworth a HANCOCK COUNTY PUBLISHING In Maine cities and towns the August 30.1910. the local board of health of tor tbe to reach its American, newspaper publishes .! many opportunity package white birch, birch and rook ■Haworth, la said that r. W. Rollins, Editor and Manager. one Marshall and HARDWOOD—Weyellow county, they Cia» a? Eden, quarantined family tbe to be delivered at our the com- at * school children are actively engaged destination before Christmas, and give maple, factory P«« probate court to be held ,t W. H. TITUS, Associate Editor. as Infected with a contagious dlsea*< winter. We have decided to for No. 1 worth, ia eald persons additional to the of the ing pay county, ym the second in the work of the seals. In pleasnre recipient woods. IMO cord. For No. t, 18 80 per of a. d. at ten d»V lor six selling and provided for them “nurses and other per January, ltli. of the C|o?t Subscription Price—#2 00 a year; #1.00 of it on Christmas morning. cord. For No. 1 per cord, delivered In In tbs forenoon, and bn board If paid Watervilie Dr. G. C. as an in- and necessaries." Mr. Marshall and gift having thereon a th.. months; SO cents for three months; Averill, assistants the yard at our factor?. All who wish to far- se* cause lMf and 38 cents Id. Cue wooden boxes for strictly In advance, #1 50, 75 to of his has though then com mo rant in Bden, had packing, nish us with a of (best woods, we An ar- centive the pupils city, family, quantity rrank P. Wood, late of Ceetlne. respectively Single copies 5 cents. for and other would Uke to have call at the factory office as in of their pauper settlement in Southwest Harbor, especially glass fragile county, deceased. A certain rearages are reckoned at the rate #2 per a flag to the local associa- early as possible ana state the amount you instrument presented and were unable to for ibe services and articles, which should be well protected porting to be tba laot will ani veer. pay could furnish, and consult with us in regard salt! testament tion to be to the school which deceased, together with petition to, Ratos—Are reasonable and will be given supplies there furnished them. It msy cost a few cents more, but the to our requirements for sice and quality of Advertising probate thereof, presented n Cross wood to be furnished at these Ell* by Lancdaa oatle known on application. Sells Ibis season the most Red R. 8. ch. 1ft, sec. 51, provides that tHe of will be much re- price*. Wood and Charles P. Wood, Ihe danger damage very WOtTH tf ABO WOOD. CO. "f,■!«<“.r* and *" therein named. should be addressed seals. “nurses aod other assistant* necessarti and should do to Baslneas communications duced, you your part Peter C. McCaulder, tale of Bucks,,, and and money orders made pay- furnished a quarantined person shall be "at sell our guaranteed oils to, all checks Has Ellsworth a Dr. Averill? make the transportation of your gilt sate. said county, deceased. A certain County Publishing or if and lns!r,,m.nt Able to Tub Hancock hi* charge, or that of his parent master, SALESMEN—Topainta Esperienre unnecessary. purporting to be the last will and te.:.,,,.., CO Ellsworth. Maine. 3d. Write the address in full—state, Extremely prodtable offer to right party. ol said deceased, ______otherwise at that of the town to which together with able, vino O. petition ml Exit Sand fordism. street and number—on the TbeGus Hart Co., Cleveland, thereof, u. he county, city, prohate presented by Btlwurd p belongs." Caulder, tbe executor therein named This week’s edition of The Tbe in tbe United States court 25 of the laws of box or with ink or crayon. Tags Christmas jury Section 2 of chapter public package, AND GIRLS-Eani you Mary Alexander, late of Ellsworth, in said or a. torn and lost. our cash pre- county, deceased. A certain is 2..‘$50 copies. at Portland last made short 19u». provide* that all expenses, including are frequently off Hots'money selling good*, instrument mi, American Saturday miums. Write us. Doukstic Supply <2o„ to be tbe last will and porting and testament ol mono- supplies of food and medicine antitoxin, Itb. If yon want to prepay the chtVgcs, Boa Mass, said work of Sandford, the religious lit, Quincy. deceased, together with petition |.,r nrn. “br for the of furnished a quarantined person such part write the word “Paid" in large, plain bate thereof, presented by Isabel A isnder Average year 1910, £,375 and it is to be hoped the and Sarah maniac, thereof as the board of health may determine, Alexander, the executrices letters on tbe 2?etui*. DAIBCd. therein court will him for a package. put where, long shall be deemed a legitimate expenditure for Daniel E. Kimball. 1811. Mb. Ineiet upon n receipt, and see that Isle of Northeast Ho*, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 13, term of he cannot “work” the protection of the public health, and shall New England Telephone and Tele- bor. Ml. Desert. in Mid years, and the are marked county, deceased the amount paid value certain initrumrnt to be or hoodoo be charged to tha account of incidental ex- THEgraph Company respectfully petitions purporting the *la»t wealthy gullibles relig- on the and on the the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City will end testament of said deceased, of the town, but not to anv ac- receipt package. together Who Shall be the Nominee? inclined but weak pense pauper of Ellsworth. Me., for a location for its poles with petition for probate thereof, present*! iously mentally 6th. Write your own address in full count. nor shall any person so quarantined and wires thereon, and the necessary sup- by George K. Kimball, tbe executor therein Hon. William T. -Haines formally women and children. and fixtures and wires. named. I men, and assisted be considered a etc. somewhere on the package, following the porting strengthening pauper," the and John B. a for In following-named street* bighways Wood, late of Oouldaboro. in **id announces that he is candidate For some twenty years by sheer 56, of the laws of 1909, prefix “Prom.” Chapter public pro- of smtd city. county, deceaaed. A certain instrument our for be the or Said to reserve for to be tbe laat will the republican nomination gov- force of his superior intellect this vides that antitoxin shall paid for by Ttb. Knclorn a card In each box Company agrees space porting and testament of one cross arm at the top of all the above ■aid deceased, together whh petition for Doubtless there will to- town where the indigent quarantined person poles pro- ernor next year. man has succeeded in keeping package reading: for telephone, fire alarm and notice signal bate thereof, presented by James A. Hill th. resided- wires, owned by the city and need for munici- executor theerin named. be other candidates, but none has so at Shiloh a motley group of Prom..... gether In this action, brought to recover for such pal purposes. Said poles to be erected under Annie Q. Da via, late of Eden, in s*ie. C. IS. Dwallet. Morris K. Jesap. late of New York city, G. A. Parcher, the popular druggist, is Franklin, Me.. Dec. 9,1911. ceased. First and final account of Maria Senator Gardner Denies Interview. Spring dandelions sre bere. *1- H. Cusb- dent of schools and member of the board DeWltt Jesup, Thomas DeWitt Cuvier, John u offer that is like was melting just finding K. Parsons and Benjamin Strong, executors, In its issue of Nov. 22 The Ameri- man, of Ellsworth, sends in one picked of selectmen of Sullivan. Ha ap- tor he ia selling a regular BO-oent filed for settlement. Robbina also have two enforcement commieetoner money, legal Rotter* in said can made some comments on re- Monday. arrived, pointed by Mary A. Franklin, late of Sullivan, bottle of Dr. Howard’* celebrated specific deceased Petition filed Ambrose being aeen in Ellsworth yesterdsy. Governor Fernald, April 13,1909, and held STATE OF MAINE. county, by marks which were reported to have for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia Simpson, executor of the last will shd testa- that office until the enforcement commis- Collector's Advertisement of Ms of Lands ment of said deceased, that the amount of in- been made a few before in Co- at half price, in addition to this large determined days Elmer L. Kingman, of Brewer, formerly sioners were removed by Governor of Non-Keel dent Owners, heritance tag upon aaid estate be discount he agree* to retorn the to by the of probate. by Senator Gardner, of home money taxes on lands situated In the town of judge lumbus, Ohio, Ellsworth, returned; recently, Plaisted, Jan. 18,1911. Unpaid M. Fulton, an Inaane person of South- whom the does not Sorrento, In the of Hancock, for tbe Abby who was in that the a short visit any purchaser specific ooonty west Harbor, in aaid Petition filed city attending after with C. E. Googins at He is a Knight Templar and Shriner, a 1911. county. con. by Fnlton J. Redman, guardian, for 1 Reese to national grange. North Hancock, bunting in the vicinity. Red Man, Knight of Pythias and a mem- HE following list of taxes on real estate of sell certain real estate of aaid ward as de- It is unusual to be able to non-resident owners in the town of Sor- He demonstrated that in of five quite bay fifty fMur scribed In said petition. At the time it waa not easy to be- spite yean ber of the grange. He represented the rento for tbe 1911. committed to me for cent for s bat that is what year C. Devereaux. a minor of North- a rifle in hia bands be piece* quarter, for town on Margaret lieve that the senator could be so without itiU pos- Sullivan class in the legialntnm in 1907 and collection said the 15th day of State of Massachusetts. Petition filed this offer means, for it is re- remain and notice is ampton. sessed the down really only July, 1911. unpaid; by Theodore H. Smith,guardian, for license to indiscreet as to have u utterance Kingman eye,; bringing 1909. hereby given that if said taxes, interest and giv _ cently through the solicitation ot Drug- sell certain real estate of aaid minor. s« de- two deer daring his trip, one of them at charges are not previously paid, so much of scribed in said to the sentiments they Parcher that this medicine could be the real estate taxed as ia sufficient and petition. expressed; 150 When a his Sandford Guilty of Manslaughter. gist Hannah P. Jones, late of Brooksrille. in said yards. Kingman gets eye to the amount due in- were in the form of sn in- (or less than cents. He necessary pay therefor, county, deceased. Petition filed by Lucy IL published on a deer over the rifle the deer An lndicment containing six different bought fifty interest and will be sold at sights, cluding charges, Jones, administratrix, that an order be i-'ued terview on Nov. 15. No denial hav- of his fol- the to allow him to sell auction at town ball in said town, on hauls down his flag. counts for the deaths of six urged proprietors public to dlatrlbate mmonr the heirs of said deceased the drat Monday of February, 1912, at nine of said on the we felt lowers in of Use cruise of the it at this reduced prioe a little while, the amount remaining in the bauds ing appeared 22d, justi- consequence o'clock a. m. the settlement of her to sell a certain amount. The administratrix, upon fied in referring to the matter. Penobscot’s chapter of accidents for the yacht Coronet, was reported Friday by the agreeing Name of owner, description of second account. his tor property. Value. Tax. week has been of the United States district resnlt has justified good judgment, JEROME H. of said ( curt. On Dec. in common with past onnaually long. grand Jury, No sec div KNOWLES. Judge 6, we, Z Chafes, lot 29, W, 1, 975 ! A true of the order. at Kev. Frank W. the tale has been something remarkable. No sec div 75 copy original other in received the Thursday Dr. Ward well was kept “on the court, Portland, against Lot SO, W, 1, Attest:—-T. F. Mshonky. Register. papers Maine, one who suffers with Lot No 91. sec W, div 1, 75 from one end of the town to the leader of the Ghost and Any headache, letter dated at jump” Sandford, Holy Lot No a, sec W.dlv 1, 75 following Washington, dizziness, sour stomach, specks other. The trouble started when Norman Us society. dyspepsia, Lot No 39, sec W, div 1, 75 NOTICK or fOWCLOSl Kt. Dec. 1: or liver of South It was stated in the indictment that before the eyas, any trouble, o! Castine, Staples, Penobscot, fell while Total value. W7S $8 06 TirHERBAS Emma J. Gray, To the Editor of The American: should take advantage of this opportunity, ▼ f Hancock county, Maine, by her mort- carrying an axe and nearly cut off one of Sandford unlawfully, knowingly and Brann. Mrs E W, land hounded Since return to all on north town east gage deed dated the fifteenth day of February, my Washington yesterday caused and allowed the Coronet for Dr. Howard’s specific will cure by road, by hia ears. Before the doctor had taken the wilfully land of J w Fenton, south a. d. 1900, and recorded In Hancock county my attention baa been called to an alleged troubles. But if chance it by conveyed last of the nine stitches in the to and continue on a voyage with- these by any land T N Nickerson, west registry of deeds, book 4M, page Ml. interview with me in the Ohio necessary proceed by of Belfast, published Mr. Parcher will return land of Mrs Fred Bartlett, con- to the Waldo Trust Company, side of out suitable and sufficient food to should not, yoar situated State Journal, and copied In a number ol Staples’ head, he received a hurry supply taining 1 acre, more or less, 20 46 Maine, a certain lot or parcel of land sustain the life of the money. C Lot No In Castine. Maine, bounded and described as Maine newspapers, concerning the vote in up call back to Penobscot, where Merton the necessities and , flnrach, H, It, sec L, div 1. 220 follows, to wit: Beginning at southwest cor- Maine on conatitntional crew and on board the prohibition in Emerson had been kicked by a lever on a officers, passengers Lot No 2, sec II, div L 216 ner of land off EllTs 8. Gray; theuce south- —gfsggagg. M five feet September last. bay press. Arthur of West Pe- yacht. Not No S, SCO H, div I, 225 westerly one hundred and twenty Bridges, more or less to a bolt in the t hence »uii ‘UK1 euu kut ground ■usgvu tuuruicuti wound the Sandford’s trial and more or nobscot, up day’s chapter by began immediately Wm. O. EMERY, Total value, 675 16 40 westerly one hundred and eighty feet therein contained are so ridiculous and ab- ! leas to land of J. F. thence north- cutting off a rooster’s head too and went to the Jury Saturday. A verdict of C. H. Workman. Collector Perkins; surd that would seem to call for abort, one hundred and feet more or they hardly of taxes of ths town of easterly Ally taking the end of hia thumb with it. Fri- guilty on all aix counts waa returned, the Borrento. lesa to land Walter Weeks; thence a denial. Yet, I realise the fact that TITLES Dec. 1911. of J. they IS, land of said to have been in day and Saturday the doctor had time to Jury being oat thirty-five minutes. Sand- southeasterly along extensively quoted reputable land of Ellis Gray one hundred end seventy hia but on Willard ford waa not Maine papers, and for that reason in the ab- get breath, Sunday represented by couneel, ILUWORTM, MAINS STATE OF MAINE. feet to piece of beginning, being asm* P»oP* of in a to her Curtis Elevens sence of denial might be believed. Gray, South Penobscot, accidentally pat answering the indictments person by Advsrtiseroent of erty conveyed by of Searches mad* and abstracts Collector’s Bate of Lands deed dated July, 1970, recorded in Hancock 1 desire to say that I bad no such interview a charge of shot through one of his feet. remarkable address to the court, lasting of 104; and and oaplaa fWrnlohod on chart Non-Resident Owners. registry of deede. book frtt, page with the Ohio State Journal or any other That’s all for the two boors. whereas the ssid Waldo Trust Company by its present. nearly and at MMMMU MSB. Unpaid taxes on lands situated in ths town of oi I to notion, dated the day newspapers. gave expression no such After the verdict of was Penobscot, in ths county of Hancock, for assignment, twenty-fourth guilty returned, November, a. d said nnengage sentiment or statement as appeared in this OPPIOEi the year 1911. 1911, assigned and After what is almost a record from Sandford was released on to be to W. H. of Castine, Maine; trip bull, following list of taxes on real estate of Hooper, has alleged interview, nor do I now, nor have I wneress the condition of said mortgage ! Bbcksport to the fisheries at sentenced Dec. 18. He is liable to a fine of THEnon-resident owners in ths town of *a»o ever entertained snch sentiment. herring MORXtSON, JOY & CO. BLOCK. been broken, now reason of any I waut Penobecot for tbs year 1911. committed to me therefore, by a Bonne bay on the west coast of New- and in tbe federal breach of the condition thereof, l claim to say specifically that this alleged interview •80,000 sixty years STATS STSBST. for collection for said-town on ths 7th dsy of the remain foreclosure of said mortgage. is false in detail and foundland, schooner T. M. Nicholson prison at Atlanta. July, 1911, unpaid; and notice is every particular. hereby if said Interest W. H. Hoorss. tied to her wharf TdNNn.HU UN* given tlpat taxes. and I trust you will give this statement the op at Buckaport Thurs- are not By Wm. F. Jude, hit attorney. Charges previously paid, so much of ml- the real estate taxed as is sufficient Dated at Castine. Maine. Decern be r 2. same publicity as the original publication, day with 1,800 barrels of herring on board. from and Maine Blown up Outside. to the amount due as a matter of mere and The little cruft necessary pay therefor, in- justice courtesy. left Buckaport on Nor. 18, was blown in interest and The battleship Maine np cluding charges, will be sold at NOTICK OP PORKCUMUftl. Yours very truly, and auction at town hall In said on haa been absent but twenty one Havana an from the town, days. harbor by explosion is flrst of Bert C. Bowden, of Penobscot. 0. Gaidksx. Rublic Monday February, 1912, at nine mort- Although Buckaport schooners have muds outside. This is the of a short state- o’clock a. m. WHEREASHancock county. Maine, by bia gist November, a- the in sixteen the Nicholson’s Amt of gage deed dated the tenth day of trip days, ment issued by the navy department at a. 1910. and recorded in Hancock county Red Cross Seals. tax due record is nevertheless an ususuul one. baaed on the Name of cut. registry of deads, book 47L page conveyed Washington Friday, findings Present description of lucid in county, Christos to of Hancock Gott, Castine, Red Oroae If yon we, it is over 800 miles from to or property. * digs. Lucy 1, n “Mela”, pie Buckaport made by the joint army and navy board, 9 Beautiful gold plated collar beauty a certain lot or of land Heir. u4 estate of Maine, parcel not Red Crow No end of Bonne buy. Incidentally tne Nicholson several months in Havanna for women. Latest Sent Roy; Ue.tb, Wil- buildings thereon situated in Penobscot. stamps. which spent plus, designs. lard Heath estate, ill n was second in a for 2&c. Guaranteed. Maine, bounded as follows: Beginning ,‘:‘9‘ confusion has unintentional of remarkable ocean race harbor the wreck. prepaid Fraud, and Estelle Perklne, Perkin. t astim* at arisen, Investigating AO Brumfield Afreet, Boston erly off road leading from Orland to on the home from Bonne Hooper Co., estate. g 90 Edward Bowden, trip bay. The confirms the of the — """ —- north corner of land of coarse, bat nevertheless real, rea- The finding report -- by r~. BylTaou. Cunningham, A J Moore thence northeasterly and north by said rts schooner Lizzie Griffin, of Bangor, waa who made a farm, 30 son of calling these little messengers original investigators super- u to land of Willis Bowden, thenc** northeast- about of a Rodolpb Sargent, wood lot near said Willia Wow one-eighth mile abend of ficial examination of the wreck shortly Pierce's erly and northwesterly by of mercy “stamps”, so many pond, 5 30 den’s land to land of A. Gray, thence having the Nicholson as stood oat of the Estate of Geo M Mary they after the dieaeter. Secretary Meyer does A HOT WATER BOTTLE R Warren, Faraham lot, said land to land of Henry been n«ed in of racreo, and easterly by Gray’s place government harbor at Bonne run part of lot No N, IN said Stover's land buy tor the home, not believe it neceemry to to imoe any L Stover, thence southerly by Aorcy Hutchins, homestead, 6 (0 to land of A. B. thence by postage stamps. and arrived at two and Makes a food Christmas preseat I I. W. Hutchins, Buckaport Just explanation of the board’s conclusions, Bowden, Collector Hutchins’ land to land off Edward Bowden, of taxes of tbo town Now the has gone forth that one-half hours ahead of the Nicholson. an of Ponobocot. thence land of said Bowden’s north line request beyond the flat statement that exterior ALL PRICES. AT December by toj IX MU. of aame conveyed be called seals, not and Both schooners were laden with the lose | place beginning. Being they stamps, heavily was responsible for of me James in bia deed. date explosion Nstfs’t Ifsf SNra. Cw. *9.9.9. I by A. Bowden, oi is that when salt and both knew that men. June 9, 1906. recorded in Hancock registry the government begging herring ekippara the warship and the Uvea of many NOTICE OP FORECLOSURE. t -e book 4tl. and whereas the race was on and mads effort tor 'VKTHBREAS deeds, page MS; need they be affixed to the back and every Mary B. Parker, of Doer laic, condition of said has been broke* ft Haoeoek State of mortgage off tn a record ran. That there should have that Can- county. Maine, by now therefore, reason of the breach sot to the front of letters. Beware ef Otntmeate Her Catarrh I her deed dated Dec. by mortgage 1, 1900, recorded condition thereof, I claim a foreclosure been but t wo and a halt hours difference tata in Hanoock coarse knows that tbs Mercery, county registry of deeds, book said Loot R- Of everybody to mortgage. in a run of sa will destroy the sense of N page MO. conveyed Goo M. Warren, Wm. F. Jude, her attorney. over 000 miles is remarkable, mercury cutely I R O of proceeds of tbs ssls of these seals smell end derange the whole aye- IT Caatlne, said county and State, the follow- By December s. 1ML and shows completely tract of Dated at Castine. Maine, how evenly matched are the tem when uterine it the mueoas ing load, with building., altratad In ere ossd for tbs relief end control of through RESTAURANT Ei Dear lelo end and their little craft. surfaces. Such articles should sorer bs used described as follow*: Being skippers trig the wme aeaerlbod la said as well as except oo prescriptions from reputable phjr- st mil boots. Board or week tally mortgage snbsciiber hereby toborooloafs. Physicians O^a by day deed, to wklek reference la made. “otJ2LV5tienscutri* slclses. sa the damage they will do Is ten fold hereby THEshe has been duly appointed are interacted in the can derive from And whereas Goo M. Warraa by his deed of of btymaa greatly to He good JOB possibly Beet ot of the last will and testament You’ll never cut oh a girl.pouting when Catarrh maaafactured Beet of Berrlee. Cooking. emlfnmeat dated Nor. X U*». recorded la ail realise them. Hall’s Cure, by PKABL J. GR1NDLB, late of BLDEHILU sale of the seals, for that Cheney * Co, Toledo. O, contains no Cor. Its is and Haneook BN.. ElUworth, It sine Hanooek eonaty registry of deed., book 4M, it’s unbecoming to her. F. J. no bond* Is takes sating di- PM* St uafgMd to mo, tho undersigned. In the of Hancock, deceased, tbs raised their sale will be BMieury, sad internally, county of win- money by Culler—I the min affect# the blood end mucous surfaces of Mid eonaty and State. Hid mortgag. deed, being required by the terms suppose your rectly upon end .hereta the used in as cones the relief the system. In Hull's Catarrh Cure!be Cal*. condition of Mid mortgage All persons having demands VtlJlt appellant attendance buying deed has beta broken and still are desiredsgsjnst quits considerably? Clergy- sure you tbs gnnulse. lt is taken inter- remains so, tats of said deceased fo from tuberculosis. One get now I a all indebtedpreseoj of sufferers man -Ob, yea, iadaed. Whan it's too wot nally and made la Toledo, Oklo, by F. J. therefore, claim forseloaaro and give the same for settlement, end made this statement: oter Moore's drag store, ] not re- this notice for that purpose. «. physioian baa for golf or motoring, than la hardly an acted by B. T. Bowie: bet wstrr be at and Cilia AuxAiom. w-jwjg-siir * at B. Q. Moots. BUsw ortb. Oaatiao, Dao. MU. I “If tbe people will all take os interest empty mat. aPFIOBSit. Tadalro Me., X Bls.Ktn, Dm. 7.1M1. ——— --—v **^.*^**BWBt*'- | 3bfeirtiacmnttf. I IbbntUmntntf. BOOST! Ellsworth Food Fair. Feh 19-24, ’12. SPEAKING COHTK8T. LIST. Interesting Kxhibltton of Sophomore _MARINE Ella Class of High School. worth Port. 81ci Dec 10, sch Meltssa Trask, Newark, Tb first of the eerie* of prize speaking Staves u J Treworuy DeC U' *°h L“lu W EPP"’ Weymouth, exhibitions by pupil* of the HU*worth Mas Hitncork Conntv l,igh school, thi* one between member* ol Porta. Southwest Harbor-Sid Dec 8, sch J S the sophomore elm, took place at Han- Glover, load dry fish ^eC ^ 8 Revenue cutter Wood- cock hall Monday evening. There was e bury good attendance, and the audience showed it* appreciation by liberal applause of all BOKN. was well the pirts, which deserved. The BEEDK-At Bluehill. Nov 30. to Mr and Mrs foUowa: Earl program K HeeJe. a son. | Vauce Gerald.] Music GRINDLE-At Sedgwick, Dec 2, to Mr and Mrs John W Grindle, a daughter. A Potpourri....*.Martha Agues Mlllikeu JOY-At West Nov to md Blcnnerl»a*set...Fred Foster Parker Sullivan, 17, Mr and Burr Mrs Shirley Joy, a son. True Greatness, America's PRIEST—At North Vassal boro, Dec 8, to Mr Clifford Vina! Carter Ernest R Priest, a daughter. fMrt[Elizabeth poljri )ffln.....Goldie Povich CAMP COMFORT, GREEN LAKE, IN ITS PALMY DAYS. Card.] Music SNOW-At Bluehill. Dec 10, to Mr and Mrs the at which and Forrest B Suow, a 1912 This is Arthur were and BUICK camp Joseph Clough Colson daughter. The Subjugation of the Philippines, stopping, Y—At Dec to Mr 1 where Sheriff Webster and Sherriff Finn ate their luncheon a few minutes be- Gonldsboro, 8, and Mrs 1 Morton Church Whitcomb Deputy Willard L Tracy, a daughter. of Childhood, ! fore the accident of Nov. 22 last in which all four men were drowned. Colson’s The celebrated Bnick car for 1912 is on the market with FI Y K Remembrance* body TURNER—At Bluehill, Dec 9, to Mr and Mrs Hazel Julia Lord has not yet been recovered. Merrill P Turner, a son. MODI 1.8—two runabout; three touring car. We are selling Frederick Donfftea at Arlington Cemetery WEBBER—At Bluehill, Dec 1, to Mr and Mrs agent.3. The features of these cars are such that no intending Frank F a son. on Decoration Day,* Webber, purchaser should fail to become familiar with them. Weave Harold Eugene Treworgy THE HOMING INSTINCT. WEST ELLSWORTH. prepared to show every detail. of Reform, MARKIKD. Pharisaism Mrs. of North is COMPLETE l_IIM£ OF" LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCKS Men If Sud- Evelyn Gray, Orland, Reuel Whitney Whitcomb I What Would Do They I on relatives here. BARTER-HARRIMAN-At __ Mnslc Decamp Blind? calling Rockland, Dec 7, denly by L R Campbell, esq. Miss Alice Barter to Tht Green Mountain Justice, Every evening at the “rush hour” Millard York and wife have returned*to Joseph Harriman, both of Deer Isle. 5 Models—$850 to Hazel Gertrude Giles thousands and thousands of in Bangor, after visiting relatives here. BARTLETT—EMERY-At South Thomaston, $1,800. j people Nov Rev P R» ! Jacket on the Religion of the White 28, by A Allen, Miss Helen Bart- New York city stream out of their offices \ Mr. and Mrs. Mumler, of North Orland, lett, of South Thomaston, to Oscar H Mau and the Red..Kenneth Phillips Royal of Bar ! and workshops and sort -themselves into j are guests of Austin O. Con ary and wife. Emery, Harbor. An Order for a Picture--Agnes Mildred Young CARTER—ALLEN—At Bluehill, Dec5, by Rev their separate grooves to their homes. A i Hollis Ellsworth & Machine The Message of Puritanism, and Cato Meader are home from Charles Hargrove, Mrs Laura I Carter, of Foundry Works, and less advanced Kbeu Morrison Whitcomb visitor from another Orono, where they have been employed. Sedgwick, to George H Allen, of Bluehill. Water Street, Ellsworth, Maine. I planet might wonder how they do it. COLE-HENDERSON-At Sedgwick, Nov 29, ino music wan oy a sextette oi nign Miss Vernie G. Carter will leave to-day by Rev Elisha Sanderson, Miss Lillian M It Is the same with nature. Every day: of school girls — Misses Vera Anderson, to return to her former position at Old Cole, Bluehill, to Wesley J Henderson, and night millons of creatures find their [ of Brooklin. GARAGE — and tool needed to do with all Jessie Morang, Marion Hideout. Delia Town hospital. COFFIN—KITTREDGE-At Bar every repairing speed. home over long distances with ,un- : Harbor. Dec Barron, Madeline Moon and Eva way 4. by Rev Angus M MacDonald, Miss Pris- Gerry— us w Eric Closson and Harold Staples, who erring accuracy; and some of onder cilla P Coffin to Richmond H Kittredge, accompanied by Miss firva Giles, pianist. have been of Mrs. Rowena both of Bar Harbor. how it is done. guests Carter, These exhibitions are a j have GRAY—REED—At Nov prize speaking be the effect if the returned to North Sedgwick. Brewer, 28, by Rev Imagine what would C. A. Miss Lillian new snd valuable feature of the Ellsworth Purdy, V Gray, of Orring- whole of New York were suddenly struck Miss Gracia M. Hooper, who has been ton, to Claude L Reed, of Brooklin. pilHIIIIilllllllillllllllilllilllUlllllllilllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllinilllllN high school work, introduced by Principal to S blind at 6 o'clock. A few minutes’ awful j visiting her grandparents, James W. Car- MURRAY—MCCARTHY—At Bar Harbor, Nov “It is to be sure; it is better be insured; and received 30, Rev J D O’Brien, Miss Kath- §§ good MeLellan, encouraging sup- ter and has returned to by Mary silence, during whiclj everybody would be wife, Bucksport to erine Murray to Francis Leroy it is he*t to l»e insured” with = port from the public ap shown by the McCarthy, E=j grouping about in wild stupefaction; j teach. both of Bar Harbor. audience. Alt in the audience, by RUSSELL—GRANT—At good vast Thousands Ellsworth, Dec 12, by then a stampede. upon Joseph S. Meader died Dec. 9 after a A A the way, enjoyed a delightful evening— Rev P Killam, Mrs Fannie N Russell, of thousands would tie falling and trampling long and painful illness due to a general Gouldsboro, to Hiram D Grant, of Trenton. except possibly the three judges—Rev. R. W. & F. L. MASON 1 a in- SAUNDERS—HASKELL-At Deer 1C. Isle, Nov upon one another, and hardly single physical breakdown; he was sixty-one = = B. Mathews, Superintendent of Schools 29, by Rev H W Collins. Miss Winifred B GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, dividual would find his house. This of age. He was a kind husband and Saunders to Walter Clara O. and Miss M. A. j years F Haskell, both of Deer 5= REAL ESTATE DEALERS Hopkins Greely, are de- Isle. that human a citizen and a kind —— means beings chiefly father, good neighbor. house, shod and stable, nil connected with water and electric who had the hard task of deciding the WARE —HAMILTON—At Two-story large city ZjZ Jay, Nov 29, Rev ™ pendent upon their sense of sight in order Besides the widow he leaves three sons— by j ZH lights, and bout acre of land. A bargain on easy terms. aw ard of prizes of ff>, «3 and $2. It took G L Cook, Miss Jennie E Ware, of North- ! that they may proceed from place to place. Hollis E., Cato L. and Cecil A.; two field, to Floyd B Hamilton, of Brooklin. i EE IVIAINE them half an hour or more to reach an J ELLSWORTH, |g With nature’s creatures things vary. brothers—Aurelian, of Gouldsboro, and agreement, and then they found it nec- An ant, for instance, could tlnd its way to William, of Northeast Harbor, and one DIED. essary to divide one of the prizes. ^iiiiiiiiOHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiainrinuiiMntnniniiniiiiiHiiHiHMSHri the nest if it were struck blind. Indeed, sister—Evelyn Gray, of West Ellsworth. in the CAMPBELL — At Mr. Mathews, awarding prizes, insect The funeral was held at the West Ells- Spokane, Wash. Dec 11, there are some that doubt that this A of occasion to worth church last Rev. A. A. Henry Campbell, formerly Ellsworth, took compliment Principal Monday, P. 80 — has sight at all, in the commonly accepted aged years. McLellan and Killam officiating. Interment was at DUNBAR—At Denver, Colo, Dec 12, R THE especially sub-Principal an ant’s nest are Percy sense. Trailing out from Birch Grove cemetery. Dunbar, of Sullivan, about 25 PLUMBING. who drilled the on the aged years. Packard, speakers, out into FOSS—At Hancock, Dec 12, A many tiny ant tracks branching George Foss, excellent made. He was aged 78 years, 1 mouth, 17 showing delight- these tracks thous- days. Hot Water Heating. Furnace tributaries. Along GROSS—At Orland, Dec 2. Mrs Joan Cook ed with the enthusiasm, earnestness and ELLSWORTH FALLS. CLARION. ands of ants crawl daily to and fro. Some Gross, aged 71 years, 2 months, 1H days. Work and zeal shown. He also GUPTILL—At Gouldsboro, Dec 3, C Jobbing. devoted congratulat- into the forests distances lake Hayden of the antB travel Fred E. Grace, of the Green hatch- Guptill. aged 76 years, 8 7 of Ellsworth that work of mouths, days. it’s a or a fur- ed the people a HEYWOOD—At Dec \Vhether range equal by comparison to man's twenty- ery, is here for a few days with his wife. Bucksport, 11, Sewall L HONEST WORK; HONEST PRICES. kind was done in the Hey wood, aged 67 years. this being high find their nace—if it is a it is mile walk. They way entirely Frank Haslem and wife, of Bar Harbor, KANE-At Brooklin, Dec 3, Bessie H. infant “Clarion”, school. daughter of Mr and Mrs Chester Kane, Years' by the sense of smell. who have been here two have re- aged Twenty Experience. sure to meet The awards were then announced as fol- weeks, 20 days. every requirement. home. MEADER—At West Dec 9, Personal attention to all details. Telephone sec- turned Ellsworth, Joseph lows: First, Morton C. Whitcomb; S Meader, 61 5 18 Made by tbe Wood Bishop Co., and gravitation. A caterpillar (alien from i j aged years, months, days, or mail orders promptly attended to. between Hazel G. Giles and Leroy Haslem and wife have returned to MORGRAGE—At Castine, Dec 8, William ond, divided ol the trunk by j Bangor. Sold by a tree detects the presence I Morgrage, aged 78 years, 6 months, 21 days. Hazel J. Lord; third, Eben M. Whitcomb. their home in Bangor, after visiting here its shadow and attraction. This is not NOONAN—At Gouldsboro, Dec 5, Frank L EDWARD F. will be with relatives for two weeks. Noonan, 52 years, 4 months, 21 BRADY, J. P. ELD Another prize exhibition given sense aged days. RIDGE, nearly so good a guide as the ant’s ROBBINS — At Dec Samuel Me. next Stonington, 8, Grant St., Ellsworth, by the junior class during the term, The annual Christmas sale the ladies’ 61 years. of smell, for if another tree happens to be by Robbins, aged Telephone 5-5. Main Street. Ellsworth for the entire SARGENT—At Sedgwick, Dec 9, Mrs and a third exhibition to feed sewing circle will be held Thursday after- Mary growing opposite, unsuitable upon, | Ann Sargent, aged 88 years, 2 days. school the term. From the noon in the Cooked food and during spring the caterpillar will crawl to that tree and vestry. SAWYER—At Verona, Nov 18, Walter A Saw- Commission fHmtjnnts. be to j yer, aged 2 years, 3 months. 22 speakers, two will selected repre- Also if a home-made candy will be on sale. days. have all its journey for nothing. SNOW MAN—At Orland, Dec 10, Mrs Gladys sent the high school at the 4 5 Tbe advertisements below represent some of prize speaking brick wall chances to be nearer than the The members of the men's class will M Snowman, aged.29 years, months, days. 8 Watches$5 of col- STAPLES—At Surry, Dec 10, Annette V, Day tbe leading bouses of New England. Our contest under the auspices Colby brick wall. in the And of tree it will make lor the have supper vestry Wednesday widowof J F Staples, aged 67 years, 1 month. Have seen them? readers will doubtless them value. lege on May 23 next. cleverer which will TRACY — At Winter Harbor, Dec 3, Mrs you But some caterpillars are much evening, following they per- accurate and Lovina Tracy, aged 81 years. These perfect, inexpensive than this. The caterpillar of the “purple fect its organization, elect officers and watches are guaranteed to be as represented. Your back if do not prove satis- Memorial Resolutions. i chooses in its infancy transact other business. The class now money they emperor butterfly” 31rt)crt'£t mints. factory. They will run eight days with one Philip H. Sheridan council, Knights of specially selected leaves to sleep upon. At numbers more than thirty. Mrs. Hast- winding. Open face, nickel cise, with fancy dial, price, $5. at a adopted dusk and dawn it crawls away over an ap- ings’ class will serve supper. Columbus, meeting Sunday and V BOSTON branches to Blue Steel, Tula Steel, Damasquin Zr-' the following resolutions: ; parently trackless waste of to have and Silver Cases to Suit Purchaser. C°TO1ISSI0N MERCHANT^ Whereat, For the second time since our or- I some favorite spot supper NORTH ELLSWORTH. Transient, Livery EicepUoaal fine value la Holiday Pool Cards, 25 fe ganization death has entered our council and breakfast. When the meals are finished it WANT free. McGown and wife were in Bar 25 ceats. post God has called to his reward ou- honored i invariably finds its way back to its home, Wallace Edward T. Finn, even while dis- silk several last week. * and Sale Stable & a of Harbor M. Wichman brother, because it bas left thin trail along days H. Co., APPLES his ss deputy sheriff of this a kind coursing duty the branches. This silk forms A telephone has been installed at J. A the old Hale stand Springfield, Maas. county, and as- of guiding string such as sometimes Peters’ new camp at the foot of Branch Poultry and Eggs Whereas, his sudden death while yet in By to retrace their way out of I have bought out the old Dodge reminded that sists explorers pond. the prime of life we are again stable, and will continue the business time flies, and death will be our portion; now, catacombs. Olin and Clifford Sargent, of Ellsworth and Baih Rooms. POTATOES to consider the case at the same stand. Steam Laundry therefore, be it But when we come Falls, shot a deer in the vicinity of the •NO PAT, NO WAHHKK.' Dressed Lambs and Calves ftraofrerf, Tljat the council extend its sincere of the bee we must admit homing Nicolin station Friday. DAY and NIGHT. Carriage Service work done at short notice. sympathy to the bereaved family of our de- is much more mysterious, since Open All kinds of laundry faculty A. M. McGown and wife, formerly of Goods called tor and delivered. in a at hoar. 29-4. brother; that the customary places can leave tracks of scent nor any Telephoae To Ellsworth Shippers. SEND US parted bees neither are in Ellsworth, now of Hudson, receiving H. B. ESTEY A CO. the council chamber be draped mourning is it a bee can all over a BERRIES APPLES POTATOES, web. How fly of a Build States#.. Ellsworth,Me that these re- upon the birth Estey log, for the space of thirty days; come home to congratulations FANCY HENNERY EGOS. town and yet invariably Louise. solutions be spread upon the records of the daughter-Katharine FOR SALE Returns. Top Market Price*. hive in the evening? There can be little Prompt council, and that a copy of the same be sent of this who has Second-hand Carriages, Carts, DEAL WITH AN APPROVED HOUSE. an insect as this has a Mrs. Maria Gray, place, Wagons, LUCILLE SILK PETTICOAT SHOP Brother Finn. doubt so intelligent to the family of our late a few and Miss Sleds, Harnesses, etc., cheap for cash or on CHAPIN BROS.. __... „.W« a Iraon ova fnp lurid- been in East Surry weeks, $5 and $7 value, S3.95. fBpwABO E. Beady, satisfactory terms. Also HAY, STRAW and 107*109 So. Market St., Boston. Annie E. Gray, of that place, were in town Messaline and Jersey top. Manufac- E. Doylb, marks. This iB testiBed to by the fact Taffeta, Ask for free stencil. We will send market John to East WOOD. turer to consumer direct whereas Friday. Mrs. Gray has returned quotations on request. Fban« J. Dvni.bavey, that almost all bees fly by day, Mail orders filled. Money returned if not satis- for a prolonged stay. Committee. such creatures as motbs, of no Hied home Surry factory. darkness. A bee H. 050OOP 149 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. or occupation, fly in the F. j LAWRENCE & CO. it MOUTH OF THE RIVER. Agents wanted. Write for particulars.1 BIRCH HARBOR. would be lost at midnight because Established 1863 surroundings. Merchants W. Q. Lindsey, ol Steuben, U visiting could not recognize its W. W. York went to Brookaville Mon- Wholesale Commission here. method is by birds, hair OULTRY, Eaas, FRUIT, PRODUCE bit mother and other relatives The same pursued day on business. differ on this ICS and mak- naturalists widely STORE APPLES A SPECIALTY J. W. Rice is building • piazza although Capt. Fred Sadler has hauled hia vessel is little reason to doubt a about his house. subject. There and is home. 518 Congress St., Portland, Me. Faneuil Hall Market, Boston. Maaa ing other Improvements difference be- up in Bucksport migrating bird knows the Manufacturer of Stencils, etc., furnished on application. K. C. Worcester and wile have returned Mrs. Ada who has been visiting hei north and BOUth; so that when the Bay, ARTISTIC HUMAN HAIR GOODS their vaca- tween home, Irom Wesley, and are spending Africa 'or son Boy, in Hallowell, has returned nightjar, tor instance, is leaving of every description. APPLES POTATOES tion here. of Sun- England it begins its homeward Journey Henry C. Ray, Hallowell, spent Goods sent on approval to responsible parties POULTRY BOOS B. family have re- Now it does not fol- with his Capt. H. C. Ray and Ship to F. Cowperthwaite’s by going due north. day parents, Harbor, where they ever intentionally wife. turned Irom Prospect low that any nightjar FUR. COATS P. H. WALL & CO. have summer. to He home spent the flew straight from Africa England. Miss Eva Closson has returned For quality and price mr WIRING. 6«Mral Commission Morchants stock cannot be excelled. ELECTRICAL of East Surry, a mistake and And him- week with relatives ir Case Gilbert Bunker end wile, may easily make after speuding a Pul Lines of Agents Fletcher’s Improved Egg illness ol But just as Well-Mlactid line of Neckwear baiac Gated out cheap Clinton and Fulton Sts.. were called here by the serious self in France. France, being Surry. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES BOSTON, MASS, James Lindsey. the matter may be References and Stencils on Request. Mrs. Bunker’s lather, Oapt. suited to his purposes, Capt. D. F. Closson has put his vessel Clothing Cleaned, Pressed, Repaired AND FIXTURES. Dec. settled rfgbt there, aud be may dropdown in for wintei Estimates ee Wtriaf sad Supplies Cheerfully Gives the Gold Hunter, Surry DAVID FRIEND. Try us on your shipments of U._C- woods near Paris. ANDREW M. MOOR. in the quarters. Main Street,.Ellsworth HALL QUARRY. In short, the homing instinct in migrat- Bstey Building. Stite St.. Ellsworth Apples, Potatoes, Live Poultry, etc consists of their wonderful arrived ing birds ------ol New York, in the climate rrWTTT^r^i^*» --- -Joseph Leopold, ability to detect cbaDges IMMEDIATE RKTDRNS for their here Sunday on bnianesa. and the direotion ot the compasB, professional CarBa. cover a area. The rest ne*r for a Christ- “home” may large Schools close Friday the observation ol Loaf Bread every iB all accomplished by pDpCH W. W. mas vacation ol two weeks. * Benjamin, as the wolf IVi-rfOll gir^riri^Eir boston, mass. ol Ellsworth, animals, such the fox, Frank R. Moore and wife, **Most to day. the rabbit, And their way back Doughnuts with Macomberand and Dentist, spent Sunday Harry their homes by a combination ol sight, The fozcould smell IItill *V Cole wile. memory and smell. Maine. were struck Bangor, The Sumner B. Smith, of Rockland, his way home if he suddenly tug cases OFFICE : RESIDENCE schooner Alice hlind. But there are extraordinary at KEARN5’ Fruit and Produce Comiissio I'lerchants 23 Hammond 8t. 25 Fourteenth 81 towed the three-masted and traveling over of cats, dogs pigeons Office hours 9 to 12.15 1 to 5. Potatoes uf Crnktrrits She will load it seems ; kfflM, Mnrphy in here Snndsy. vast distances, where impossible Evenings by appointment scent to be ot mucb our Specialties paving lor New York. (or eithern»ight or a terrier sent tc Faneuil Hall assistance.* For instance, l.“ 100102 Market, BOSTON Dec. returned to its old Goods Delivered U._Bihar. new home in Ohio — a Send for Stencils and weekly market report. a distance ol ______in delivery wagon. H. SCOTT master in Pennsylvania over ALICE like these, A Christmas Suggestion. nearlv 200 miles. In all caeca SPECIALTY MADK OP rending, and sight are of hardly any nae TYPEWRITING. ACCOUNTING AND To your friend who enioys good memory GENERAL CLERICAL WORK. the immediate neighborhood o DON’T FORGET you can make no bettor or more acceptable evcept m *me11 Agent Union 8afe Deposit A Trust Co., ol Port- the °< 9ervioe “a than a subscription to “home”- *heir, land, for furnishing Probate and Surety Bonds Wanted Christmas gilt traverse is new stock of Pro* be when the track they that to my Qroceries, Provisions, Fruit, Oliver Hay Boston SeMine Transcript. Agent Typewriter; typewriter supplies and Water NAJ1B YOUR PRICES • The publishers have issued a neatly-en- with homing pigeons duce, etc., i am now carrying Cor. Main Sts. (over Moore’s Drug to be given t< *nK VsThT’same to conclude tbal Store). Ellsworth, Me. of graved subscription certificate We are therefore, forced W. J. PHELPS, Chamber Commerce, as a holiday ofler- the sense of direc- thorn ordering the paper ailmala posies* FRESH MEATS Mass. to reach the that, no mattei Bouton, in*, which may ba sent by mall tion so highly developed are taken, the, ar, Reference. Beacon Truat Company. at Christmas time. how or where they recipient m if they hac Main Bt. TELEPHONE 13. Ellsworth Fiona: will be ebaer- able to retrace their step® Free sample copies and rates aUk trail of the caterpil- There’s nothing like bread made from Oo. left trails like the Subscribe Th> Amuhjcam fully furnished by the Boston Transcript Gold Medal Flour. Dbboaah. for lar. Boston, Mam.—AdeS...... T—i .1 at E. e( F. halt Tha home-made eaudy and punch. Ad- Friday evening, • good Mehta*. Bhe wu cream, COUNTY NEWK OUNTY NEWS. the daughter of COUNTY NEWS. wort all taken la a creditable mea- mission free. partb Cham and Lacy Jordan, and thato*7«l left for ner, aqjl the play was mack enjoyed. string amah* of a Mrs. Mary Abbott Wednesday SOUTHWEST HARBOR. PROHPECT HARBOR. family of.tght chu. FRANKLIN. The next of the Sorosla wtU be drrn. Her tether wu where she wiU spend meeting twice married m. Lawrence, Maas., Das D Mia Bento* Over sad Mia Lola Rice Mr*. lien* is housekeeping tor Z. Georg* too. Height agent, taking on Dae. 28. lorn wife Gay the winter. Thursday, being Abigail ltoore, eld by Wilbur. a well-earned vacation. He left Monday ban gone to Toga fa tb* winter. ■oeond wife be ££ L. wife went to Deer school will does (or a had six chUdren. Deputy A. 1. Fern and for New York. High Friday Ofthi. la N. Workmen ha atanad from than remain thru Mrs. 8. 8. DeBeck is afflicted with ery- Isle Monday, where he will inspect the Christmas fosse of two weeks. temlly children-N r Mrs. Venia Hodgkins left for Syracuse. Pneqoe late, whoa be ha been ifor torn Jordan, of thla Mr*. sipelas in her lace. work of the granges in that vicinity. Harry Moody aad James Hunt have re- town; Mery Mon~ N. Y., Monday, to spend the winter with time. of North Kile worth, and l.noretia Benjamin Croesley is having trouble Dec. turned to Nawbnryport, Maas. HoroM her daughter, Mrs. j. O. Whitcomb. P. and Oeitfornin. Funeral with in one of his hands. 11._C. Georg* Clara aon Haskell, of aervloee were held erysipelas Mias Flossie Low, of Oouldsboro, is em- the ,, WEST BROOKS VILLE. A fine lot of new books will be added to Bar Harbor, wars week-end go sets at 8. home Thursday, Bee. Ida Garland Miss Geneva Bragdon returned to Guil- ployed at Chpt. 8. V. Bennie’. ol. tbe library soon after tbe W. Chares'. flcatlag. Bha leaves three to Miss Mills, who finished her Christmas, daaghtera ford Saturday resume teaching. Mary Linwood Gray is visiting his sister, Mrs. “• has to Corinth librarian being now too bosy cataloguing Mia Generier* F. Cole went~to Wster- 8. is school at Dennysville, gone ___ Mrs. Pheobe Havey, of Tunk Pond, them. Harry Moody, in Newburyport, Mass. to teach. rUte last week to a fair weeks with her Mrs. Fred Donnell. spend PENOBSCOT. visiting daughter, Kebrcoa has Janet Clark has returned from Bar Har- relatives. will leave to re- Mis* Gilley gone to New Merrill Farrow Tuesday F. N. Bowden wu a Misses Maine Blaiadell and Ellen Brag- York for* visit. On her return she bor, where she was the gnsot of her aunt. boeineea vlaitor In resume his studies at the Maine Central trip The schools hare reopened, with tne Babgor don went to Bangor Thursday, returning will few weeks with her Mrs. W. H. aad Vera Wedneaday. institute. spends sister, Seasey daughter same teacher* as last term and an addition- C- *• aad wife Friday. Mrs. John Harrell, in Portland. will lease soon to spend a few weeks In al Brldgm have returned Davis has the fish number of papite. son Edwin purchased from Bat. gor, w here Mr. Mrs. Charles Sprague and young In Portland. Bridgee hoe been owned Small A Schools town, with the exception of Harvard a few in Ban- weir formerly by Parsons, Colwell, Higgins student, NoelTing treatment tor hie Bernard are spending a days the which continue*owe week Mrs. C. A. Stlmson will oloee her house eyes. of Stonington. high school, spent the Thanksgiving reoese with his gor with Mra. Harry Havey. closed Dec. for this week to the winter in Cam- The installation of offloera of longer, Friday, 8, the holi- spend parents, W. Colwell and wife. Penobacot Mrs. Fred Hawes is recovering from a (Apt. Georg* O. B. will Mrs. H. C. Foes and two children left day recess, to open again Jan. 8. bridge, Mam. chapter, 8m ba bald at Masonic illness. Miss Ina ot North The sardine ha after a tor a visit ot Jrvere Snow, factory dosed, lull Saturday Dec. tor North Anson Saturday Miss is the win- Fred Mrs. W. H. Russell aad evening, 16. Aft_ is there. Gladys Mayo spending Emery, successful season. The James several weeks with ber home Brooksville, employed manager, work a banquet will ba served. people. ter in Boston and vicinity. After tbe eons Lawrence and Carol hare returned who have Gillanders, left for his borne In Boston Perrin Swan and wife Percy Mills and Guy Varnum, Willard of Booth Many friends of holidays she will enter the New England from Boston. Gray, Penobscot, met out ot are at home Wednseday. are in the been sailing Bangor, with a serious accident are glad to know they enjoy- conservatory of music to continue ber Announcements have been received of Sunday forenoon for the winter. It is hoped that Guy will R. W. Nutter and wife, with their grand- He wu ment of better health than tor some time. musical education. of V. currying a gun over hie before New Year. the marriage Mias Lillian Grey to Mia have eboulder open hia barber shop daughter, Georgia Blance, which in some way fell to the The “sextette club” of young misaesr Rowena Rebekah lodge held Its annual Claude L. Heed, which todk place in ground and of moved home to Brook tin, not to return for eru and entertained Miss Hilda A party forty-one young people gave Brewer Nor. 28. accidentally discharged, the »hot en- organized by sale and entertainment Wednesday even- another season as Philip Tapley a surprise party Friday formerly. taring one side of his toot, out Blaisdell, Dec. 2, met with Miss Marjorie ing, Dec. 8. Tbe early hours urere de- Dec. 11. H. coining the evening. Mr Tapley left this morning, _ The district pow-wow of the tribes of other. He Use comfortable aecan Bragdon Dec. 9. voted to tbe sale of needlework, loe-cream be ei- accompanied by hissister Jennie, tor Van- SALISBURY COVE. Red Men wa held with Baakabegan tribe pasted. He wUI be taken to the The firm of Bragdon A Fernald is soon and candy in the banquet. hall, prettily Waldo couver, B. C., where they will spend the of this village Thursday afternoon and county hospital to-morrow for to be dissolved. Mr. Fernald will retire decorated with colored bunting and Mrs. Emms Wright, of Marlboro, is a treatment. winter with their sister, Mrs. Alexander evening. The spring-like day called oat a Doc. 11. WOODPOCKK. from the and Mr. Bragdon will greenery. At 8 o’clock the large crowd at Alston Inland's. company, guest large attendance from Bar Harbor, Bolli- continue in trade. Philip. went to the hall above for tbe axrellent Friends of Mrs. Mabel McFarland are ven, Hancock and and tb* |Red BAB HABBOB. Chpt. George A. Stevens left Friday for of Franklin, Rev. H. B. Arey left Monday for Stock- program, every number which was glad to learn that she is improving from a Arlington, Mass., where he will spend a Men made a night of it with work and P. W. Blanch Held and Tobias holm to Mrs. and chil- heartily encored. One of the beet features recent illness. Roberts accompany Arey few with hia Mrs. Horace play—the visiting tarns doing ths degres hove gone to B. days daughter, was the band music. Southwest Harbor Vancouver, C., for the dren home, after an extended visit with Mills. From there he will go to Norfolk, The Star Creaent chapter of Loyal Sons, work on twsnty-foar candidates. The winter. relatives there. may well be proud of the splendid his eldest Mrs. recently organised, will bold its regular visitors were high In prates of the hospi- Va., to visit daughter, made this orchestra sines it Mies Hattie Orchard, for several and Marcia progress by yean Misses Geneva Bragdon, W. after which he will re- meeting Monday evening,.Dee. 11. Much tality extended, and the good fellowship George McVey, was organized last Fred employed In the central telephone offlea at- spring. Mayo, a Lloyd Havey and Edward Bragdon and one interest is being manifested in this new which prevailed made the occasion red-, turn to New London, Conn., Join tbe has shown remarkable here, left tut week for the state of Wash- tended the drama “Teaser” leader, ability in the annals of presented by of the Sound towboats. club. tetter day (and night), She will be in drilling tbe members. The ington. married on her ar- West Sullivsn high school pupils Friday program: Basksbegan tribe. Dec. 11. Band Mrs. Sarah Robin- The ladies’mwing circle held a supper at rival tbare to Wheolar A. Dow, The were well rendered. _Tonsoit. music; reading, formerly evening. parts the hall Dec. 7. Funeral services were held here In Union of Bor now son; piano duet, Elizabeth Lawler and grange Thursday evening, Harbor, located in that state. The senior class of the school LA KOINE. and church afternoon for Frank Noon- high gave Bertha Robinson; trio, Henry Sporting, After sapper, games ware enjoyed, a Friday Everard Wentworth a El wood who hu been a ia The surprise Friday Young, employed Sumner Sparling and Everett Baines; social hour dosed sueoeasfnl evening. an, who died at his bom* Banker’s engagement Is announced of Mies evening in honor of his nineteenth birth- In Exeter, is at home for the winter. harbor after a illness. Mr. | vocal solo, Alma Spurting; piano solo, The many friends of Him Lillian V. lingering Dorothy Grant, daughter of Alec J. Grant he the boy in the class of Noonan eras a native of this as is al- and and day, being only Kiss Olive Coolidge is at home trom Cora Mills; solo, Marguerite GiUey; band Gray, of Orrington, extend congratula- place, wife, Guy Torrey. Miss Grant it ten. A pretty graduating ring was pre- for so, his and the church waa well • of the local Foxrroft the Christmas vacation. music; reading, Emma GiUey; piano duet, tions on the event of her marriage to widow, graduate high school and it dated. Besides the birthday cake il- filled with friends. The de- one of Bor Mrs Davis, of Saco, who has been at Mrs. Lawler and daughter; solo. Hazel Claude L. Heed, of Brooklin. Mrs. Reed sympathising Harbor’s most attractive and lumined with nineteen candles, cakes, ceased was a member ot the of ladies. Mr. Mrs. McCartney’s, will return to her Savage; vocal duet, Doris Trask and Ber- is the daughter of Frank Gray aad wife, Knight* popular young Torrey it tn ice-cream and candy were served. her* and of tb* masonic alumnus of the home this week. tha Robinson; reading, Mabel Keene; who lived here many years. She is now s Pythias lodge University of Maine, tnd Dec. 11. B. lodge of Winter Harbor. Both order* rent for several bu been in _ successful school and a yean The'marriage of Miss Frances Reed to “Topsy Turvey Concert,” band. public teacher, employed the 11. conference a delegation. Rev. E. S. Drew officiated at insurance offlee of Fred C. & Co. L. took on Dec. Spbat. graduate of the East Maine Lynam WEST SULLIVAN. John Dearborn place Thanks- _ seminary at Bueksport. The wedding the funeral. The cfoir sang three selec- Mrs. D. A. Patches is friends in giving day at the home of the groom in visiting At the annual meeting of Tremont lodge tions. A circle of friends here sym- NORTH Brewer. took place at the home of her sister, Mrs. large BHOOKHVILUC. Massachusetts. F. and A. M., Thursday evening, the fol- with the bereaved relative*. Asa Blanchard, in Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. pathise VmU Hawes and Annie Qrindle attend- W ill Capt. Jefferson Smith has closed his officers were elected: ism White has gone to New York to lowing Henry Gray, Reed wiU reside at Brooklin. Dec. 11. C. _ ed the Pomona grange at Caatinc Satur- the winter with his season’s work on the sardine boat, Allen W. M.; Eben Richardson, 8. W.; Fred A. spend Joseph Burke, Dec. 9. R. day. grandson. CV, and is at home for the winter. Walls, J. W.; Earl Gott, 8. D.j Osmond v CAPE ROSIER. J. William R. secre- W. W. Black has moved from Dr. G. A. has returned from Friends of Luther C. Reynolds were Harper, D.; Keene, ATLANTIC. Albert and Jnev Gray are working on Rrooklio, Phillips where be has saddened to hear of tary; George K. Samuel Holbrook'* Island. been employed in the her- Winter Harbor, where he has been prac- his sadden death in Fuller, treasurer; Dr. J. R. Gage is seriously ill of a com- Eben Fred ring business. ticing dentistry. Springfield, Mass. Mr. Reynolds had Moore, Richardson, A. Walls, plication of diseases. William Clifford, ot Bethel, Vt., visited recovered from a shock received finance committee. Installation of officers here Q. A. Pierce and wife have been in Bel- The Golden Rule will hold a sale partially Mrs. C. H. who is in friend* last week. society will Robbins, poor last spring when, Tuesday night, he was take piece Thursday evening, Dec 21. fast the past week, the guests of their cf fancy articles at the parsonage Thurs- health, is at Seal Core for medical treat- M. D. Chatto ha* sold the Bakeman farm morn- Dec. U. Spec. daughter, Ethel Collins. day, Friday and Saturday. again prostrated, dying Wednesday ment. to Milbridge parties. ing without regaining consciousness. Norman Staples on Thursday while at Leonard Lawson, wife and daughter WINTER HARBOR. Mrs. Gertie Wallace, of Vinalharen, is Maurice Gray i* building a second story Dec. 10. R. H. work in the woods for Rosa _ Qrindle, fell, have returned to Bar Harbor, after spend- The Baptist society will hold its annual at Atlantic caring for her mother and sis- on bis dining-room extension. striking his head with bis axe and split- ing a week with A. P. Havey and wife. HANCOCK POINT. sale and supper at the vestry Wednesday, ter, who are ill. Elijah Phillip* and Hr. Ritchie, of Bel- ting bis ear and inflicting a gash in the John McNamara and wife, of Pigeon Ball is on a trip in Dec. 13. Deacon Jefferson Torry, who has been fast, visited friend* here last week. Henry hunting aide of the head which required nine friends in and hill, and W. H. Phillips and wife were re- Franklin. The members of Winter Harbor lodge, visiting Sedgwick South- A shooting match at Wilfred Redman’* stitches to close. cent at the home of G. M. Farns- F. and A. west Harbor, Is borne. guests Howard Hodgkins will have a telephone M., attended the funeral of one Thanksgiving wa* well attended. Dec. 11. C _ worth. of their brothers last — Frank Misses Goldie and Beaais installed in hu house. Friday Staples Joyce, E. W. Hutchins and a party of friend*, Miss Minnie Bunker of Bunker’s harbor. who have been the fall term at NORTH BROOKLIN. left Thursday tor Chester Lounder and William Gallison Noonan, attending of Boston, are at his cottage for a few days. Florida for the winter. Mias Bunker is to The Eastern Stars have destine normal school, are at home. The little son of Grover Morse and wife are shipping clams to Bangor. elected Bertha Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, of Port Clyde, take charge of the dining-room at the Torrey, W. M.; H. G. Smallidge, W. Misses Haxel Slock bridge and Vera is ill. Lester Hall will go to Bangor this week, P.; spent a few day* recently with Ray Ward- Alba Inn, New Smyrna. Etta Grover, A. Ethel secre- who have been at Hurri- is visit- where he has employment painting. M.; Young, Joyce, teaching well. Ralph Carter, of East Bluebill, The drama and Indian drill given by the tary; Aldana Frasier, treasurer; Julia cane island, are at home for their vaca- ing Eugene Young. Albert Tribou and wife came home Sat- H. B. Gray, who has been visiting his senior class of Sullivan high school at K. Grover, conductress; Rosa Farrar, assist- tion. trom a visit with relatives at Ban- sister returned to Penobscot Wed- C. H. Young has sold a pair of steers to urday ant conductress. The Flora, of P. hall, Friday evening, was in every remaining officers A was served at Seaaide hall gor and Owl's Bead. supper nesday. Joseph Page, of North Sedgwick. way a soooeas. The which in- will be appointed later. specialties, Wednesday evening by the teachers and F. L-Cole Sher- Mr. Peaaley, head of Crabtree John Bakeman and C. R. Crockett are has engaged Lawrence cluded songs by the pupils, were much keeper Winter Harbor F. and A. of ths school. lodge, M., pupils Sunday Proceeds, man to clerk in hie store this winter. dance Ledge light, is on a hunting trip. Andy patting new seat* in the schoolhonse at appreciated. A and supper fol- on Dec. Selected the following officers: B. |17, will bs used for benevolent purposes. Partridge has taken his place at the light. district ho. 8. The little daughter of Lawrence Sher- lowed; music by Noyes’ orchestra. The F. Sumner, W. M.; Frank Turner, 8. W.; Dec. 9. 8. Friends of _ who is man and wife, who has been ill, is im- entertainments that have been given William Ball and wife sur- Bradley Keith, J. W.; E. W. Smith, treas- Gladys Black, attending normal them SWAN'S ISLAND. school at proving. under the ao4 pices of the high school, prised Friday evening. Cards and urer; F. E. Weston, secretary; William Bridgewater, Mass., spent have added much to the pleasure of the music wen enjoyed. Refreshments were Gerrish, 8. D.; Hoel Hanson, J. D. The Dr. Gage is still confined to ths house Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Van School at No. 6 begins to-day, taught by townspeople, and they are pleased to served. other officers will be the Illness. Black. Everett Hale. No. 7 la Floyd B. know more are forthcoming. appointed by W. by taught by Dec. 11. E. M. The installation will be held Jan. Dec. 9. G. Hamilton. Dec. 11. Vox Popcli. _ 3, Mrs. B. W. Greenlaw and son Keith are _ Dec. U. Sub, for Masons only. Mr. Sumner has been home from Portland for a few weeks. FRANKLIN ROAD. EAST BURRY. HANCOCK. secretary fortoany years—a faithful mem- Miss Sadie Mullan has Ckpt. Hiram Utflomy cams in the harbor oBiTuaav. DEER ISLE. returned to 1s- ber—and his brothers and friends are A ball will be at the glad “holiday” given moine to teach the term Sunday in his new lobe ter smack, the C. Mr*. Adelia M. died at her winter of school. to tee him elected to the office. Gray home Charles W. Bpofford haa moved his fami- town hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 3B. A. Dolliver. Dec. 4. Miss Mattie Grindle was the week-end here Although it was known she ly into Arthur Qreenlaw’s house. orchestra or four will fur- One of the most events of the Kelley’s pieces pleasing Mrs. of was in none guest of her Mrs. Uarl in Martin, Prospect Harbor, is failing health, realised her E. Allen Qreene will leave nish the music. will be served at sister, Williams, season took place in the town hall when and family Supper few here her real condition. one Franklin. spending,a days with daugh- Only week after she Dec. 13 for New Mr. Greene intermission. the primary, intermediate and grammar York, where ter, Mrs. Goldie Dolliver. Mrs. Martin in- completely gave up, the painless Illness Miss Effle McFarland, of Ellsworth, schools united and gave a Thanksgiving has employment. tends to go to New York before she re- ended In death. Warden J. £. Bowden spent the week- visited her sister, Mrs. Q. L. Stewart, concert. It was one of the most enjoyable Marine lodge, F. and A. M., worked turns home. Mrs. Gray was born at Trenton, Jan. U, end at his home here. Saturday night. concerts ever given in this town, which the third degree Tuesday evening. A due The friends here of Mrs. G. A. 1840, the daughter of Alexander and Annie shows what instruction oor children many was served. The annual Christmas sale by the ladies’ William L. Miles went to Augusta Sat- good whose banquet Prock, of Westbrook seminary, are sorry Bartlett, family consisted of seven aid society will be held at the town hall urday to visit hia son Adalbert a tew are getting along that line as well at Ernest and wife have arrived days, to learn that she has had daughters and three sons. Two ot these Pickering others. The teachers — another alight Dec. 14. and after which he will join Mrs. Miles in Mias Staples, of home from where Mr. Thursday evening, Aprons shock. survive—James E. Bartlett, ot East brook Bridgeport, Conn., Boston. the primary, Mias Crook, of the inter- fancy articles will be for sale; also ice- and Harriet of Pickering has been ship-keeper on the mediate Dec. U. S. Lufkin, Wtlliamsvilie, and Mist Haskell, of the _ The many friends here of Horace A. Mc- gram- Mass. steam yacht Aketia. mar school—deserve a great deal of praiae. Rex. Farland, of Brighton, Mass., wen pleased PARTRIDGE COVE. She was married to In No- Dec. U. Program: three recita- Joseph Gray _ to hear that he was able to Singing, schools; leave the hos- School begins to-day, taught by Mrs. vember, 1864. To them were born four tion, Wrexie Young; dialogue, five little WEST BROOKLIN. pital and return to his home last Thurs- Clarenos Young. daughters—Annie E. Qray, of East Surry; boys; exercise, fifteen children; song, day. F. P. of was in town A Arthur Eaton shot a buck deer at Louise, wife of Eugene Ga*par, of Burry; Qott, Bucks port, Alice Gerrish and Mildred exer- large UnipeiRecord. Dec. U. Higgins; M. Gertrude M., wife ot Clarence of Tuesday. _ cise, four little boys; recitation, Gleason Sullivan last week. Moore, Port Townsend, Wash., and Josie School Moody EAST FRANKLIN. Band; recitation, Addie Joy; cranberry Miss Penis Young visited In Ellsworth Gray begins to-day, with Roy Not Another Like It In Our who died but a few 8h* leave* as six little nine and North Lamoine last week. years ago. teacher. Mia* Susie Whitaker baa gone to Ban- exercise, girls; exercise, also an aged husband. the Broad children; recitation, Walter Mrs. E. is Ray Bridges, who haa been driving Bepnblie. gor hospital tor surgical treatment. Coombs; Henry Bartlett spending the Mrs. served as Gray postmistress at East mail motion song, boys and girls; dialogue, weak with her son Reuel at Ellsworth. the past two months, is at home. Frank Hadden and family have moved Burry faithfully and well for twenty-three “A Play for Thanksgiving;” song, “Amer- Mrs. William little son, of into the home of for Mrs. William is her until her Cooper, with Grateful for Doan’s Johp Fatten the Emery visiting yean, resignation some three testimony Kidney ica,” schools. is visiting her son Moulton. winter. daughter, Mrs. Joseph Leighton, at Bar yean ago. She had been a naident of this Machiasport, Pills, published everywhere, is of itself Mrs. Roland Carter and Mar- Mrs. Forrest Harbor. plans thirty-six years, and all knew bar as daughter convincing evidence of merit. Confirmed Haskell, ot Bullivan, was OBETDABT. guerite spent a few days last week in Deo. U. HonnasD. a faithful, mother and testimony, telling of permanent cures, the guest ot her aunt, Mrs. Annie Blais- The many frianda of Mr*. Levina Tracy loving wife, neigh- Rockland. a tew last bor. Dec. 11. B. forma still stronger proof. Years ago a dell, days week. were grieved to learn of her death on Sun- OAK POINT. Rev. R. B. of citizen of this locality gratefully ac- Missis Eva and Mercia Springer have day, Dee. L She was the widow of Abner Mathews, Ellsworth, spoke Mrs. Bosun is in Bar Har- words ot comfort to the bereaved ones at ISLE AD HADT. knowledged the benefit derived from gone to West Palm Beach, Fla., where they Tracy, who died many yean ago; their Alley visiting will do table work in the Hotel Palma. bor. the home on afternoon. u in town Doan’s Kidney Pills. The statement is five children also died in their youth. Thursday Emstus Carter, ol Btonington, Dae. U. B. Mr*. March shot two deer and Dae. 11. C. on business. now confirmed—the cure wee permanent. _ Tracy wee eighty-one yean old George a fox last She had in last week. week from Cases of this kind ere plentiful In the NORTH HANCOCK. May. spent her life Win- M A HI A VTI.I.R Earl Barter was home loot ter work of Doan's and such a Harbor, the and Charles was Rhode where he has Kidney Pills, E L. of winning respect good Sargent in Hockland and Island, employment. Kingman, Brewer, was a meant will George A. Froet U ill. record is unique in the annals of medicine. of all. Bhe was a woman of large flallowell last week on business. is guest ot C. E. Qoogins and wife. Hiss Minnie Gray, ol Vinsl Haven, Mrs. K. I. Ellsworth heart, very charitable and in the George Kioceld killed ■ floe back deer Moore, Falls, Me., helpful Cosh man a crew at Head Harbor. Miss Bessie Mias is home Alley has in the woods teaching “I all I said in of Myra Springer from Caa- community, and a member of the recently. the says: verify praise Baptist getting oat stave and cord wood on the Joyce, of Swan’s Island, will teach tine tor the Christmas vacation. church. She had been in Grindle, Doan’s Kidney Pills whan 1 previously failing health John Barr lot. Little Valley camp, owned by Henry Tillage school, and Miss Bath for some ol the East tide school. recommended them, and authorise the Miaa Bernice Cline has gone to West time, the effects of shocks. She Froet, waa 1U owner Blaehill, Dec. U. M. occupied Sunday by Theee schools wUl Dec. 11. _ open continued of my endorsement Tremont, and Rena Springer to South was boarding with her nephew, W. P. and hie family and Irvin Carr and hia publication Dee. 5. C. Qouldsboro to at the time of of Doan’s Kidney Pills given some years teach. Ouptill, her death. GOTTB ISLAND. family. A fine dinner waa eerved. _ In I came horns from She was the daughter of Stillman ago. December, nag, The ladies’ aid society met with Mrs. Gup- Cspt. Irving Toney was here Thursday lira. Elina A. Carr, one of our oldeat and . one of ten the the hospital, when 1 had undergone an Julia Cline Thursday. Them waa a till, children, only survivor with tor lobster bdit. moat died large herring highly-ieepected citizen*, Tuea- G. West has to Jones- All that winter I was miser- of the large Dr. A. J. Flint* Mrs. Mary gone operation. attendance and a tine time ia reported. family being Dec. 6. She waa a kind mother and Mrs. Vera Harding, who has been visit- day, to visit relatives lor s tew weeks. able. I did not seem to Dec. 11. of Boston. The funeral was at the house port gain my strength. Anon. her N. Trask _ ing parents, Bonaparte and visited his In February, UN, I was taken with a se- Tuesday. Bev. E. B. Dmw, of the Baptist Work Will gam* Mart Henry French, ol Esetbrook, wile, at Atlantic, lor a week, arrived home week. vers attack of trouble. The NORTH LAMOINE. church, officiated. Dr. J. S. Bragg ren- Dr- K«w Uf* and sister, Mrs. Newell G. Hardison, last kidney pain Sunday. Kin*'* Fill., Rufus dered an solo. you’ll quickly enjoy their Sae reunite. Ooa- is in my back was almost unbearable, and Hodgkins and wife am visiting appropriate Dec. 8. Chips. ana Mrs. W. B. Kenniston, ol Bangor, ______•tlpatlon indignation vanlah and An* ap- treatment failed to do me relatives in Boston and Dec. 11. a. petite return*. They regulate ntomach, IITer here cere tar her Mrs. doctors’ good. vicinity. _ helping mother, and bowel* and new and Doan’s Fills, went di- Ths Christmas Dianas. impart etrength Jalia who is HI. Kidney however, School begins to-day ia this precinct, SULLIVAN HARBOR. energy to the whole lyatem. Try them. Only Hutchins, very In spits of the last that the word dyspepsia Me. at all rectly to ihe seat of my trouble, not only Mias Pauline of des- droggleta.' Dee. 11. M- taught by Conner, Several from ■seas literally bad eoob, it will not be lair the backache but here attended the play curing strengthening tine. tor to tbe blame on tbs eooh U members of the amuy lay they » and my oondition presented by high school Win* flight flor Ufa. A Charm! ag Woman my kidneys improving D. Y. McFarland and wits have closed begin tbe Ohristssss Dinner with little eppe- and It waa a long and battle for lift that is one who Is lovely in foot, form, mind in every way. I know of many other tite sad sad with distress or nsasos. It bloody to be their home and gone to Leicester, Maaa., Doan's Bagalets cere constipation without may waa waged by Jamea B Merabon, of Newark, temper. Bat it’s hard for a woman who have taken Doan’s Kidney aot be lair lor nay to do that—1st as J.,of whl*h he writ**: “I had loot much wlthont health. A weak, sickly people to the winter with their griping, aaosoa nor any effect. bops so, charming Con- spend daughter, weakening blood from long hemorrhage*, and waa woman will be nervoas and irritable. PIUs with as satisfactory results a* I lor the sab# of ths ooohl Tbs disease dys- very last Mrs. Alfred Frye. Ask your druggist for them. M oeale per box. weak and ran down. For eight montha I waa stipation and kidney poisons show pepsia Indicates a bad stemaeb—that a *■!>{“, received.” —Adel. it, unable to work. Death aeemed doe* on my pies, blotches, skin eruptions sod e wretched Dec. 11.Y. weak stomach rather a keel*, whan I Bitters all dealers. Pries 00 cents. than bad cook, and began, three week* ago, to uaa complexion. But Electric {Jv*?1 Poe sale by Dr. King’* New Bet women who went health, has need of lor a weak stomach there Is nothing elm Diaeovery. ithaa helped prove a godsend to born Bn Maw Every family a good, reli- me greatly. It I* all that claim." sad friend*. Stomach. Foster-Mil Co., Halo, York, or blind to doing yon beauty They regulate Itching, bleeding, protruding piles abie liniment. For sore- equal Hood’s Haraspsrills. It firm tbs For weak, tore the blood, r>’ for the United State*. sprains, bruises, long*, obetlnate cough*, Livar and Kidneys, purify •ole agents yield to Dona’s Ointment- Chronic cases I ness of the muscles and rheumatic pains stomach rigor aad tone, cams dyspepsia, atubborn eolda, hoarsen***, la grippe, asthma, taka none fever or throat or ■r the name—Doan’s—and soon relieved, Anally eared. Druggists all there is better Ilian Chamberlain’s. creates appetite, and makes sating the pleas- hay any lung trouble it’a supreme- He. and gin*. Trial bottle free. a.^.»ov^*wSfhealth: them. toe. •« *U drug sell it—AdsS. Sold by all dealers. ure It perfect Try should be.—ddet. Guaranteed by all drugglata. gists. •id society ol the Method let church, held NEWS. The doer opened and the COUNTY FHday afternoon and evening, Dec. S, was •lowly, : of a cam* • •*■** eucoeae. A pleasing musical and : peak rough gray cap drat, COXJOTYJNWS. brookun. next a keen, bln# front reddened literary program by the stndaota of the eyed, WALTHAM. ia trianda la < i coon term nee, then a body attired In a Harriet Kane visiting seminary was much enjoyed. A < KIM goodly » Mias. Nettie DeBeck ia visiting friends sum was netted for the .nine sweater, with corduroy trousers society. in gugor. < » tucked into robber boots. Ho stared Ellsworth. and wits hare returned Irani < The Kane g 8. > Charles of South is at OBITUARY. < > expectantly at the petrified group Saavy, Orrington, mdieon. < Coughs Bewail L. around the fire at the end of the store, work for Turner Bros. will teach at Haven Hey wood, one ol Bnclcsport’s < IliM Lena Couaine well-known business men and a « but before be reached tbe store they Earl Jordan has gone in the wood* to winter. lifelong j tali died j bad vanished one excuse or an- work for Jordan. resident, Sunday night, after a long < upon Stephen Children and wild have moved BlsisdoU « other. Jlaynard illness of tuberculosis. Mr. was Even Darrel harried to tbe oth- Miss Bessie Jordan haa dosed a sucoses Heywood < of new houae. ► into their born in er room to upon an Imaginary Bucksport sixty-six years ago, a ► wa(t ful term of school at Mariaville. may not infant child ol Cheater Kane and They cough today, Xhe son of the late Pbineaa and Elvira Lake kJ Customer. Sunday, Dao. 3. Miss Mabel Turner has returned from but what about tomorrow? wife died Heywood. When but sixteen Walter short, stared years oflage !I Hoops stopped a visit to friends in South Orrington. Better be Kebekaha hava pnrchaaed a new he enlisted in company E, 6th Me. volun- i after them qnd then shot a glance at prepared for it The < I Miss Erma Jordan, who is attending tor their lodge-room. teers, and served his country the embarrassed clerk. when it comes. Ask faithfully. school at Bucksport, was called home by your Cola haa returned from He married Bertha Wardwell, of Blue- i I “Hello. Peter,” be grinned. "You HU* Kaobeel I the death of her grandmother, Mrs. Elisa doctor about keeping Ayer’s bill, who, with two sons — of wanted outside or in tbe next room 7’ «here ehe it teaching. Augustin, i_I Carr, of Mariaville. in the and of “I not How are You’re Cherry Pectoral house. Uriflln and ton want to Worcester, Mass., Leo, Bucksport, guess youT Rrt. K. W. Ray Miss Isabel Jordan will have a private survive him; also a sister—Mrs. C. P. On Christmas eve the snow fall heav- quite a stranger bere,” said tbe clerk Then when the hard ooid or ymnklin Tueaday lor two waeka. school at her residence the coming winter, Dorr, of Ellsworth, and a brother— ily and tilled the village streets with uneasily. first have K. C. Stewart laft lor giving the larger pupil* an opportunity of cough appears you Capt. Providence, Charles, of Topeka, Kan. a level measure of whiteneaa. The “I’m going to be more of a stranger Monday to spend a tow waeka. a school they so much need throdgh the a doctor’s medicine at hand. g. L, Mr. Heywood had for many years carried of the after this,” said Walter mysteriously, lights stores gleamed through winter. Adele McFarland, who haa been on tbe follow- and he left call This is jtlu harness-making business, windows crowded with Christmas tbe store to In at one cough itfedfcine and ia There will be a dance and sale at Fox’s Tiliting in Boston vicinity, home. ing his father and grandfather in tbe place of business after another to wares and shot pals diffused rays especially good for children. business which was established hall Thursday evening, Dec. 14, under the Bits Gladys Bridges, whole teaching at early in Ineet with more or lees embarrassed No the across tbs sidewalks. auspices of companion court Sunbeam, I. anodynes. No alcohol. OreeDViUe Junction, ia at home on a short last century. Tbe family have the welcome from old friends' or acquaint- In Darrel's grocery store a group of O. F. Supper will be served in the lower ion. sympathy of all In the loss of a devoted ances. Many a child ia called dull and atupid neat hall. Music Garland’s orchestra of tour husband and father. men were gathered around a glowing If Walter by when the whole trouble la due to a lazy Bn. Fannie Alton baa moved her lamiiy Hoops had kept hla word coal stove pieces. liver. We believe your own doc* where will make their Dec. 11. J. have been different The (Irmly to Rockland, they things might tor will tell vou an “1 bear that Walter has come Deo. U. H. that occaaional doze Hoops day be had left Compton be had an- _ future borne. DR. ABBOTT’S WORK. ef Ayer’a Pllla, eugar-coated, will do auch back." remarked Lea DsrreL nounced that be would never return ol haa re- WEST SEDGWICK. children a great deal of Aak him. Biss Sadie Billings, Blnehitl, "I wsnter know!” good. The earns evpres to his native village nntll he camo Wadi by th. 1. o. dvn CO.. I*v*U. ■*— igned to teach the winter term ol school Former Hancock Man Doing Re- Cleveland Gray is very ill. slon of surprised incredulity ran around a rich man. That had broken markable Work for back he il tbe village. Children. the circle. • Miss Mary J. Grindle is at home. hla word and returned poor and needy, H. was in Portland last week. Tbe New York Timet in an editorial A Mayo “Yep—enme homo tonight on the mall without fare from tbe station Preston Gray, who haa been very ill, is headed: “Another Core for stage AMERICAN ADS Mayo ia visiting friends in Massa- Incurables,’’ train. Fender said he him walk out Bn. pasaed and overcoatless, was a serious misde- again. expresses appreciation of tbe work which down from the station.” chusetts. lng meanor If not an actual crime In the Mrs. Staples, of Surry, is caring for Mrs. Dr. E. Q. Abbott, formerly of Hancock, is PAY BEST Bn. 1- T. Morris, of Brookaville, will “He mast have come back broke, then, of his John Grindle. doing in the children’s in Port- eyes neighbors. built at Haven between tbe hospital couldn't afford to ride down on the Bve a cottage Now be strode down the street A little arrived at the home of land. The Times says: snowy daughter and “Haven” on a like this,” remarked “Wayside” cottages, stage night quite unmindful of tbe flying flakes. Mr. and Mrs. John Grindle last week. National Bank Statement. "Many and magoiflcent as are the forward Slade Mutter and came borne Henry contemptuously. He walked as be had some Rupert lamiiy which medicine and though spe- Miss Mina teacher in district steps surgery are taking “Fender said be didn't even an Candage, Harbor accom- bave cial destination In mind. Before tbe REPORT OF THE from Prospect Wednesday, ! in these days, few in the field of cure, as dls- No. 6, is boarding at Mrs. Adeline Peas- overcoat on,” added Darrel, glTlng and panied by their granddaughter, Georgia I linguished from prevention, will be consid- gate of his old borne be paused lee’s. forth bis Information In delightful mor- OONDITIOST jHftOC6. ered by those well qualified to judge in such leaned ngalnst tbe post. Tbe big square 11. j1 Dec. D. matters as of more than that sels. loomed Me-srs. Hatch and Pendleton, of Islcs- importance house set In Its wide lawns -OF THE- which has been made by Dr. E. O. Abbotti “Shacks!” exploded William Otis, dark nnd In front of him. He DEDHAM. goro, who have been drilling a well at tbe j gloomy of Portland, Me. who wrfs a third cousin removed of have finished work and moved closed his eyes nnd dreamed of bow G. A. has gone to Wells place, > "As told at in last Gray Beverly, Mass., length Sunday’s Times by Walter Hoops and consequently morti- the would look In the taeir machine down to the Farnsworth place spring to visit his brother, Charles Mead. ; Dr. V. B. Thorne, an appreciative expert, fied at these remarks. “1 National Book outspoken when nil the drooping elms were In Bucksport picking Copt plant, where they will drill j Dr. Abbott, working quietly and steadily in Winslow Moore and wife, of OtiB, were washed my hands of Walter long ago,” leaf nnd tbe was close shaven l well. I the small but well-equipped children's grass gueBts of Mrs. F. W. Fogg last week. at Bucksport, in the State of Maine, he explained to Ills companions. at tne close of business I hospital, of which he is the bead, basdis- and the bnrn newly painted and there Tbe Timee, of Portsmouth, M. H., aaya: “AH of us Slade. Gerald Thompson has gone to Fassa- December 5, 1911. ! covered how to remove, did,” agreed Henry horses Inside and a bright o( treated promptly, perma- jvere perhaps “Prenti* A. Allen, Marcy street, “When a man's fool to lose ev- dumkeag to visit his sister, Mrs. Fred nently and almost painlessly, what the mem- enough red automobile. RESOURCES. from 9.30 slew friends tost evening 7 to Inch of that he's Edes. Loans and discounts. 11 bers of his profession call scollosia—or. when ery ground inherited, While Walter leaned the $134,786 Scotch and old-time against Overdrafts, secured and unsecured, 122 67 o'clock with SJOgs want to be better understood the he can’t folks to hold Miss Bernice of they by expect thrifty homeward bound Christmas Edes, Passadumkeag, U. S. Bonds to secure circulation... 60,000 00 for several se- gatepost | piece*, dressing in costume laity, lateral curvature of the spiue. him when It’s all and he ain't has been her Gerald Premiums on U S Bonds. 1,600 00 up spent shoppers passed him. peering around visiting uncle, lections, alter which a light lunch was “Dr. Abbott cannot, indeed, relieve this Bonds, securities, etc. 114,797 60 got nothing.” to look into his (ace. which he Thompson. Banking house, furniture and fix- All the affliction wheu it is of too long standing or kept eerved. enjoyed evening.” j luaiB uguL, near;, nuiar utuu t Dec. 11. B. tures 11,048 82 Dec. U. USB F8MMB. when it is tbe result of degeneration steadily turned toward his old home. Other real estate owned. 57 pro- oughter let himself be bamboozled out 8,745 cesses like tuberculoaia. In byfarthe greater Slelghbella Jingled merrily, and lighted SOUTH BLUEHlLL. Due from State and Private Banks of his property by them speculators. and Bankers. Trust Companies MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONS. number of cases, however, aooliosia is other- windows lined the street on either side. ** Clara L. is in Trenton. and Savings Banks. 12,859 48 He couldn't prove nothing against 'em. Day teaching We. the committee on resolutions, in memo- wise caused. It may be called distinc- I From some place came the deilctons Due from approved reserve agents, 28,496 97 Checks and other cash items. 806 30 of our brother Isaac beg to offer the They was mighty clever.” John Morrison has gone to Bangor to go ry Mayo, tiveiy a civilization disease, since it follows fragrance of newly baked mince pies. Notes of other National Banks- 10 00 be couldn’t back in the woods for the winter. following: the daily and prolonged performance of "Well, get his place After awhile Walter walked on Fractional paper currency, nickels God in His infinite wisdom, has to. was and cents. 88 12 R’hcreas, tasks snd maintenance of postures that are again If be wanted Laldlaw snowstorm a Hollis and Omar who have been through the to small, Eaton, Lawful money reserve in bank, viz.: allowed death again to enter our sacred circle required only in carefully organized societies me that it was sold to a rich telling many gabled cottage, where a light working at Bar island, have returned Specie.$14,898 50 ud the beloved horns of our sister, Elizabeth or the Disgraceful to educa- notes. 1,045 00 15,788 50 higher grade. New York party for a summer home." drawn shades. home. Legal-tender it shone softly through Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- Mayo; be tors as is the fact, scoliosis begins and be- “I wonder If Walter will show up He the and walked and wife urer (5 per cent, of circulation).. 2,500 0$ Ktoolrwi. Uy the officers and members of comes fixed oftener in schools than anywhere pnshed open gate Melvin Henderson have gone In here.” said William OtlB uneasily. to North where have em- Crater Harbor. Reoekab lodge. No. 104, I. O. else, because of the ill-adaptation of school around through untrodden snow to a Sedgwick, they Total. $875.426 49 “I but I as well be mov- tor the winter. 0. K., that, we extend our heartfelt sympathy furniture-desks and chairs—to the physio- dunno, might side door. He did not follow a double ployment LIABILITIES. ssd love to our sister iu her sorrow, and that of those who use them. ing along now. Martha will be through Dec. 8. C. stock in.*... 00 logical protection line of narrow footprints that led to the _ Capital paid $50,000 in them fund. 10,000 00 itaymp UiUe with the bereaved family Next most in this evil work are the buying presents.” front door. were stilt Surplus I Compton people ORLAND. Undivided profits, less expenses and be it < the loss of a loving husband father; factories employing—or exploiting—children, “Enough to do without taking on a and taxes 16,690 60 passing to and fro, and what Walter Mrs. Fred B. Gross died at her home paid. Bttolm+d, That a copy of these resolutions "The curvatures thus caused are exactly relation for remarked National bank nbtes outstanding-• 49,80000 j poor Christmas,” had to say to here Dec. our records, a sent our Hoops Emily Wayland Saturday, 2, aged seventy-one Due to other national banks. 287 75 be spread upon copy ! those which Dr. Abbott rectifies. The chief, as Henry Slade significantly Otis bang- was for all to years. Besides her husband, she leaves Individual deposits subject to check, 240,854 84 Sister also a sent to The Ells- if not the difference between his not Compton know—yet. Mayo; copy only, pro- ed the door after one son and three Her- Demand certificates of 8,001 72 his departure. came to the side door, her daughters—Mrs. deposit. vouth American for publication. cedure and those which have always failed Emily A. of Mrs. Cashier’s checks outstanding. 842 18 The and then bert Kidder, Somerville, Mass.; Bkllm C. Bridges, lies in the fact that, instead of contenting group laughed heartily, slender form showing through the Charles H. Miss Mildred Gross Saunders, Total. $875,426 49 Vera O. Small, himself with the crooked a little silence fell among them. In before she unlocked it. and Fred of Orland. straightening spine, ground glass Gross, STATE OF MAINE. E. H. Bridges, he bends it as far the other way and keeps it days gone by—more prosperous days "Come in, Walter," she said Committee. gently. County op Hancock ss.:—I, Harold O. released from the for Walter his there until, when confining Hoops—In big hearted, "I’ve been expecting you. I heard you 'ahbtrttserumtB, Hussey, cashier of the above-named bank, do plaster corset, it retnrns, not to its original generous way he had helped all of solemnly swear that the above statement ia BUCKSPOKT. were here." true to the best of knowledge and belief. malposition, but only half that distance, my them. Indorsed notes, loaned money "Thank yon, Emily,” he said, stamp- Harold O. Hussey, Cashier. Mrs. Ripley was called to Solon which is where it ought to be. Of course, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th Sydney and In other ways proved a friend. the snow from his feet and there is much more to Dr. Abbott’s work than ing baring Vanish. day of December, 1911. last week oy me illness of her father. Colds Many of the notes had been unpaid, to warm room. “I Walter H. Gardner, that, hat the essential idea has the simplicity his head enter the The Webb twins—Misses and and Walter had the from Correct—Attest: Notary Public. Phyllis that so often marks the achievements of paid money heard that I'm down and expect you’ve Pascal P. Gilmore, tins for a visit with their his own The -left Monday pocket and said nothing; oth- out and that I've come home dead > Directors. genius. Quick, Senalble Method That Doesn’t F. 8. Blodgett, lather in Uostou. "This magnificent discovery in bone manipu- ers he had helped In various ways. broke.” H. R. Googins. a Upset the Stomach. William Hsyford and Mrs. Josephine lation, it is worth noting, has been made by N<$ one man In the group gathered “Never mind that. Walter.” said Em- trained physician. He does not Darrel’s but had l&oticre. Widber were quietly married at the home regularly In store received ily Wayland, with a break In her Have you heard of the overnight lUjjal even dream of establishing a new ’school’ some favor at Walter cold cure that is colds in the of t he bride Dec. 2. Hoops’ generous voice. “I’m glad you did come to us. putting FORECLOSURE. for the treatment of all maladies on this one head and chest out of business be- ^NtmOE^OP band. I mother what I'd and we Frank P. Hamm and wife, of Everett^ In other Dr. Abbott is a man of told heard, James B. Phillips, of Dayton, plan. words, tween sunset and daybreak. his Now they were uneasy. What If are real glad that Cousin Rebecca WHEREAS,in the state of Ohio, Vf mort- Mass., are visiting Mr*. Hamm's parents, science, not a charlatan.” Here it is. Cut it out and save it if deed dated the twenty-second day Walter should come Into the store and, gage Hiram Dorr and wife. didn’t come to spend Christmas with don’t need it now. If you have a of November, a. d. 1909 and recorded in Han- you of deeds in tot -485. 842, presuming upqp old acquaintance, try us after all. because now you can have throat sorenesa or acute cock registry page l>pt. E. P. McCeulder and wife and Mre. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. oold. cough, couveyed to David M, McPirlaod. of Han- to borrow money from them or expect room. We to be be sure it a lot or who the spare expected catarrh, and try to-night just cock, Hancock County .Maine, certain Alice Griffin, of Brooklyn, N. Y., of land situated in said Hancock and to be entertained over Christmas or and now we won’t be.’* before going to bed. Pour a scant parcel Short Winter Courses In Dairying lonely, as were called here by the death of &pt. of Sounded and described follows, to wit: for an Indefinite time? A down at Walter steadied himself teaspoonful HYOMEI (pronouuce at the northwest corner of James Peter left for their homes and General Agriculture. Hoops Beginning McCeulder, heels friend could be an Inter- it High-o-me) into a bowl of boiling Brown’s lot on the county road and running are nude at the o( only against the tall bookcase and gently Flans being College cover head and bowl with a westerly on the county road forty-six rods; Thursday. at this season. It would be the water, Agriculture, Orono, for tbe abort winter loper took one of Emily’s hands la his own. and breathe for several minutes thence south seven!y-one degrees west The annual fair and sale the ladies' towel rods to a stake and atones; thence ran- by Jan. 3. worst thing In the world to encourage fahe looked keen and strong sixty courses, which will open Tuesday, His very the vapor that arises, then go to sleep ing north eighty-nine degrees west one hun- Walter the belief that It is that the attendance will ex* Hoops In he In the lamplight It seemed to have and awake with a clear head free from dred and sixteen rodB, more or less, to land 3Uftmi0cncttA expected owned by John Brown; thence could squander his own heritage and lost that look of careless nature mucus. formerly ceed that of any previous year. Registra- good southerly to land owned by Warren Graves; then to return to and es for HYOMEI is for north east on the tions are made, which la a expect Compton that had marked him easy prey guaranteed catarrh, thence eighty-nine degrees ACTUAL STARVATION. already being of said Graves’ land and land owned live upon the savings of his more swindlers. Walter had evident- colds, coughs, croup, asthma, sore line by fair Indication of the added intereat being Hoops the Bingham heirs to the southwest coiner throat and bronchitis, or money back. Rich theuce north and Its Re- taken In such courses. frugal acquaintances. ly "round mmseir aunng tnac mgoi bound of the Benjamin lot; facta About Indigestion Bottle of 60 cents at O. A. east on the line of said Rich lot “I’m afraid Walter has been a bad absence from Hyomei one degree lief That Should Interest You. The courses in dairying and general years' Compton. Parcher’s and druggists everywhere. auiH Rrnan Int. in thff rmintv road and. murmufed Blade In self mentioned bound and and an will continue for four weeks. lot,” Henry “Emily," he said hoarsely, "yon re- first containing seventy- Although Indigestion Dyspepsia agriculture seven acres, more or leas. Being all and the and Justification of his thoughts. leased me from our eight ■o prevalent, most people do not thor- The courses in fruit-growing poultry- engagement same premises conveyed to me by tbe said “He’s made folks a lot of I Insisted. I was McFarland deed dated Sept. 8,1W8 and re- cause and cun. will open February 8 and con- trouble," years ago because by ougnly undentand their keeping Back Dandruff corded in Hancock county, Maine, registry There will be no added Len Darrel, frowning. and bad been swindled out of ev- Money There is no reason why most people tinue for three weeks. poor of deeds, in book 452. page 499. It Is under- stood that the on the above lot are •hould dee in — il attached to taking these courses “Just look at Emily Wayland—see erything. I was a great fool to those buildings not sat anything they expense Cure. the property of said McFarland and are not board and room. how he treated her. She had her wed- I told I'd come back rich they will only chaw it can fully and excepting railroad fare, days you included in or affected by tbe operations of this and whereas, tbe said David M. itarve them- Reservation of room and board will be ding clothes all made, and be broke It some day. Look at me nowl 1 walked mortage; thoroughly. Many actually McFarland, on the eighteenth day of October, off and went She ain’t never station. The clothes 1 Parcher Guarantees Parisian for wives Into sickness through fear of eating made for those who may desire. away. down from the Sage a. d. 1910, assigced said mortgage to the Hair. Trust of Ellsworth (for re- and The whole of the college will forgot It nuther.” Dan Willis spoke have on are poor, and”— Dandruff and Palling Union Company •very good-looking, good-amelling equipment cord whereof see said registry book 478, page use of short-course "I Think of dear reader, if PAR- of said food-tasting food, because it does not bp available for the resentfully. “Stopr cried Emily softly. cant U, 210); and whereas, the conditions SAGE isn’t the most have been broken: now therefore, in fact, every means will be “That all happened eight years agos bear It. Walter! 1 know It all; I know ISIAN invig- mortgage •free with them. students; hair by reason of the breach of the condition courses of too much orating and pleasant dressing yon The beat thing to do la fit yonraelf tc utilized for making these the I guess Emily's got spunk you have returned poor, but I am sure thereof, the said Union Trust Company ever used—mouey back. s foreclosure of said value to those attend- to worry about a feller that’s treated can show them yet what you can claims mortgage. digest any good food. greatest practical if you If it doesn't banish dandruff, stop Union Trust Company op Ellsworth. her that remarked the black- Let Presideat. We believe we can nlieve ance. way,” do. I know you can! them from and do with By John A. Peters, Dyspepsia, hair falling away H. Treasurer. are held a time smith. By Henry Higgins, We an so confident of this feet that wi The short courses during talkl” scalp itch—money back. 50 cents at Peters A Knowlton, Attorneys. and farmers’ sons “It would be like him to to said Walter in a November foe rente* and promise to supply tb« of year when farmers Just go "They will talk.” G. A. Parcher’s and druggists every- Ellsworth, Maine, 24,1911. home best; the expense is very Slade was eoet to whe can leave her and expect”— Henry curious tone "I’m not poor, EmUy where. OF FORECLOSURE. ■•dicin# free of all everyone derived are of NOTICE little and the benefits great when utter consternation fell “PARISIAN SAGE as a hair *iil use satlsflsC saying Waylandl I'm rich—richer than 1 ever HE RE A 8 Frank G. Stevens, of Eden, It, who Is not perfectly and cleaner is all W< of the short upon them, and they were dumb. dreamed of being. I’m the rich New grower scalp right.” county of Hancock and State of Maine, *ith the results which It produces. T*The catalogue descriptive a. distribution. A Mrs. Dora M. Daniels, Williamson, s mortgage deed dated April 7, d. 1906, one undei courses is now ready for From the other side of the double Yorker who bought our old place. I can X in Hancock ot •xset no promises sad put no di- W. Va. and recorded connty registry isttsr addressed to Leon 8. Merrill, deeds 27, a. d. 1900, in book 480. ISO, nothing store, which had a separate entrance, put horses and carriages and automo- me of April page •oy obligation whatever. Borely, rector of agricultural extension, Orono, “PARISIAN SAGE cured ooMveyed to Mary Ann Greely, of Ellsworth, Emily Wayland, with a small bllas In and we need never work and and Thomas P. maid be fsinr. We sn located right will bring a prompt reply. appeared It. terrible itching of the scalp.”—Mrs. in said oounty State, Moran and Charles B. Pineo, both of Eden, in should he suffi- basket on her arm. She was very another day as long as we llva If yon C. P. Oxford, Ala. hen, end our reputation Pope, said eounty and State, s certain lot or parcel and her black hair n rich cient of the of ou bill at the straight and slim, like me poor can yon endure of land, together with all buildings hereafter mnisnpa genuineness He bad run up a small village the first asking for a was mixed with gray, but she was erected thereon, situated in that part of •■sr. store, and wont to pay it, husband. Emily?” Eden known as of Bar and You? town of the villege We with Indi- receipt. The proprietor grumbled, •till beautiful. Any woman with her After Emily bad said that she would What Ails Harbor, and bounded and described as fol- want every one troubled a re- complained it was too small to give color- lows, to wit: flution or In form to com* he glorious dark eyes and her rich try to endure bis riches and they bad Djipcptii inj ceipt for. It would do Just as well, Commencing on the eastern line of tbe P. so drew cheek and could never be the news to her Invalid mother lot so and at the south- k our atom and boy a box of RexmlJ said, to cross-the aeoount off, and ing of Up broken MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets are guar- W. Blenchfiela called, line across the book. with her In the little western corner bound of a lot conveyed by the Taka them boms and a diagonal pencil plain. Walter stood par- anteed G. A. Parcher to end indi- in an east- Dyspepsia Tablets. customer. by grantees to Mark B. Grant; thenoe “Does that settle it?” asked the their re- with wreaths of or stomach or the southern line of dive them • aooording tc for it She must have overheard lor decked ground pine gestion any distress, erly direction following reewsMs trial, ••Buie.” “An’ ye’U niver be askin’ the said Grant lot feet, more or tc for had aU loudly and bittersweet berries. money back. They relieve upset seventy-four directions. Than, if not satisfied, come aginT” “Certainly not.” “Faith, thin, marks, they spoken less, to the western side line ot Cadillac I’ll me thin old stomach in five minutes. a but "•end get back. They art said the other, cooly, “an’ kape without reserve, forgetting the “I put on these garments pur- avenne; thence in southerly direction, yon money MI-O-NA for of the western side line of in me “But I oan rob as a down Into her belching gas. everywhere following wry aid to sooth* money pocket.” that acted sounding he said, looking more or pleasant to take; they 1 said the store-keeper. “I partition posely.” MI-O-NA for distress after eating. said Cadillac avenue, forty-one feet, Ike auC that out," Her head was held dark “In starting my new lesa, to the northern side line of a ten foot irritable stomach, to strengthen i said the customer, dryly. board. very high, great eyes. MI-O-NA for foul breath. thought so,” way; thence in a westerly direction, but tc me a now. neither to the nor life I must distinguish friends from bvigorate the digestive organs, and “Maybe ye'll be givin’ receipt and she glanced right MI-O-NA for biliousness. everywhere following tbe northern line of more or to i*nmote a healthy and natural bowel ac- ! Here’s yer money.” left as she passed down the store and foes I wore these old clothes and went MI-O-NA to wake up the liver. said way seventy-four feet, less, If heartburn. tbe eastern line of the said Blanchfield prop- thus and of the door. That was unusual, from place to place wondering any MI-O-NA for a D°c, landing to perfect health} and •ut erty; thence in northerly direction thirty- feet are wet and cold, sick headache. more or digestion and assimilation. When your for was always gracious and one would offer me a night's lodging or MI-O-NA for nine and five tenths (89.5) feet, less, from exposure, Emily with a i your body chilled through MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia. to tbe point of beginning. Together * 28c. Invite me to partake of Christmas a common with package of RexaU Dyspepaii a dose of Chamberlain’s Cough sweet way for all purposes of way in £jke big MI-O-NA for night sweats. heirs and over *tblets furniahes U treatment. Ii i bathe your feet in hot water The clerk who had waited upon her cheer for old time's sake, perhaps, or the grantor, his assigns, days’ Remedy, MI-O-NA for avenue to street; and to bed, end you are sl- sleeplessness. Cadillao Cottage this is sufficient to produc* before going came around the counter and glared maybe charity, or maybe love.” whereas tbe said Thomas F. Morsn and Wdlnary cages, ward off a severe cold. MI-O-NA for bad dreams. most certain to Charles B. Pineo all tbeir right, title •cere. In more chronic coses, a longei at the of men around the stove. “And they didn't?” she murmured MI-O-NA for sea sickness. assigned For sal© by all dealers. group and interest by virtue of said mortgage to the Dmtment, of course, is necessary, and de- “Why didn’t you fellers come right pityingly. MI-O-NA after a banquet said Mary Ann Greely. as appears by tbeir as- dated October a. d. 1908, and re- Mods of the trouble a bottle of what bad to right "No, they didn’t. Those are simple MI-O-NA for vomiting of preg- signment it, upon the severity When have a cold get In and say you say In said Hancock of for I you It will corded county registry such we have two larger siaei Cough Remedy. to her facet” he demanded Ironically. gifts, dear, but they were all withheld nancy. deeds; and whereas the conditions of said caws, Obamberlain’a will ward off fix all right and to offered Makes rich, pure blood—puts ginger, mortgage have been broken, now, therefore, *hlch tell for BOe. and fl.00. Remember soon you up This “She couldn’t hear,” said Henry until I came here you. You tendency toward pneumonia. vigor, vim, vitality into the whole by reason of tbe breach of the conditions ion can in tbii ISv or otb©r me all these of Christmas- the said Ann claims a obtain RexaU Remedies uamoiiv contains no opium Slade uneasily. simple gifts thereof, Mary Qreely Rexal as and love. shall body. foreclosure of said mortgage. immunity only at our store—The and may be given “WeU, I guess she did. If I beard I tide—pity. charity I a box at G. A. narcotic Sold all Fifty cents large Maky Ann Grbrly, more. as to an adult. confidentlyby them." The E. G. Moons, cor. opp. post- to a baby guess she did." never be worthy of Parcher’s and druggists everywhere. I By Peters A Knowlton, her attorneys. office. 1 dealers. | Qo aids boro, and Palmer, of Allstou; nl Int assistant; Charts* P. han't ban ban at aiL” Then ha got COUNTY NEWS. COUNTY NEWS* Waeoott, j,.. one brothsr—Raymond OuptlU^of Goulds- ; •oond aaslrtant; James R. on hla hind nit and gara Abram, darkl up. pnt boro. Sany Hinckley, treasurer. three lond on the partition. NORTH CANINE. rap* SA RGENT VILLE. Funeral ssrviosa wan bald at tto 'What’s JndgvF. B. Snow and »lf» an He beard some one eaj Mils Dots Littlefield it home from nor- receiving Charles K. Foster and wile an visiting Methodist chnrch afternoon, on The Then ho Tuesday ongratulatloas tba birth of a thatr and rapped again. mal school. daugh- Chimney in Massachusetts. Kev. J. P. Simon ton, of Milbrtdge, offlci- | born Dac. ar, Saturday, aald In a sonorous rolce: Miss Vera N. haa to ■ting. lira. Abbis Austin ratarnsd Monday to “I’m Krlss Krtngle. Tour chimney Harding fetnrned Mias Nelli* Douglass ia bom* from Cas- her school at East Bluehill. Dec. 11. Jn. bar borne in Lamotn*. I la stopped, and 1 couldn't get down to _ ino, spending bar vacation with her ;Was Dana Hall and Neil Werdwell were in not end children re- Mn. Mina Stopped;; bring your gifts. If you will let me In Mrs. H. J. Lymborner bar, Douglaaa. WEST T RE MONT. < ► < ► in Isles boro. Belfast last week on business. at door you shall haTe them." cently visited friends Mias MUdred Bettel returned to your W. RnmtU at Gott’s Ston- U spent Saturday Saunders of are ! ! And Santa Claus Came In ! I Pretty soon a child's rolce cried out: and wile are tbs Alfred and wife, Orland, to resume Guy Freethy spending on business. teaching. Miss Island of Mrs. Leach. ••In a few minutes. Mr. Santa Claus- winter with Capt. C. L. Babaon and wife. guests Augusta iylvla Pi field accompanied her, alter being at the Door Clark will this week at Man- as mamma and Jennie are Julia spend be of j | j; just as soon Miss Eliza ot la Ralph Ward well and wife, of Destine, goeat Mias Battel bar*. Staples, Sedgwick, se! with her Mrs. L. A. Clark. dressed." annt, at his home here. D®®- **■ a few weeka with Min May 1111- spent Sunday ._ a. > spending ! I By F. A. MITCHEL ! When the toilets were made there Mrs. Olive Bartlett, who is in poor will < > 1 liken. .Mrs. E. R. Dornanaky spend the _ I has Mrs. Abbie Ober to do her SURRY. < > * > came a from the other side, and a health, rap Miss Lilia McIntyre, of Bluehill, ia winter with Mrs. Edward West. > Oapyrtaht by American Prim Amo- San- work for her. Mn. OelssMa la ill. | child's rolce said. “All right, Mr. Bernice Is Qaapar clarion 1*11 teaching at No. 8, and Miss Gray Hollis Austin, of Lamoine, the guest ; [ j come In now." Dennis who has been unable J ty; you may at No. 3. Norwood, of hi* sister, Mrs. J. W. Bowden. Elmer Kane ia borne from Southwest '♦♦♦♦♦»•««>»<«*»••*»»»»■>♦♦ i Tlien Joe. gathering up the turkey to work the past month on account of a Harbor for tbe winter. Mrs. Angus Henderson, of Sooth Bine- Hobart Dornanaky will go to Bangor this and the other eatables and the toya sore hand, has started work again. It was tba afternoon before Christ- bill, has been the guest of her daughter. week, where he will be employed. Ueorge Davis, of Rockland, was the and all out aa Santa Claus, his and rigged Schools began to-day. The grammar ot W. E. man 5 o’clock In the afternoon Miss Bose. a week at guest Phillips Sunday. day. a and a Pauline Conner, after home, mask haring very red nose grade has a male teacher farachange—Mr. no near Christmas ere aa to he appall- Mrs. Marietta Iiority has gone to Ban- left to teach in Ltmoin*. Dr. Taylor, ot Bangor, waa in town Fri- white beard, and wearing a fur coat, of Nicolln. All for as auc- Saturday waa Sweeney, hope on businaas. It la that he In* to Joe Tooker. before whom nett gor to spend the winter with her sister, went to Boston iay hoped will went Into the hall and found the ceaful a term as the past1 two terms ban Miss Margaret Sawyer Christmas Mrs. Evie Kimball. return soon to locate here. the prospect of spending door standing open, with mamma and been under Mias Anna Shea. Miss Cline, Thursday to visit her uncle, John Faye. in a lene- of Is Rev. E. L. Sawyer ia alone. Joe occupied roome I Jennie and RUly and Lucy all looking Mrs. Clara Clapp, North Sedgwick, of Hancock, teaches the primary grade. Miss Annie L. Dunbar began tbs winter making plans lor to b* bald soon. next door oa the to see what was the winter witk her daughter, special meetings He win ment building, and with eyes wide open spending The W. T. I. society met Friday with term of school at Penobscot village to-day. Mrs. Fred J. Sargent. be assisted in these meetings by Rev. Mil- mine Soar lived a widow with three going to bapi>en. Mrs. W. E. Dow. The will meet A. Grindle and of Penob- society Georg* wife, ton S. ol Ellsworth. As Joe entered he handed a bone net Herbert and Griudell left Beckwith, children, the oldest being a very pretty ; Raymond with Mrs. Otis Walls Dec. 15. The society scot, are visiting at Chpt. M. W. Grindle *. and one to Jennie. Then, The dramatic dub aev- to mamma Monday tor Boston, accompanied by their had a sale of its work last Sorry played the girl of nineteen Joe had canght week, realizing Lowell has gone to West Goulds- j and the other eata- George drama, “The tn tbe an laving the turkey father, J. Whitney Grindell. the church debt. All Danger Signal," town era! glimpses of the girl and many fjl, to help pay boro to visit his parents, Howard Lowell bles on a table, he began to hand toys hall, Saturday evening, to a large audience. evening a hen In hi* rn- ni alone had Mrs. John Bennett has returned from hope to see the debt wiped oot by the end and wife. and Ha Tbe an for tba Met boo 1st wished that he In next dor to Billy Lucy alternately. where ebe visited her husband, ol December. proceeds church. might go Rockland, his a to and a A. C. Ladd, of Brownville, is visiting and sit with hut be bad no gave Jumping jack Billy of the schooner Calv n P. Harris. Dec. 11. Annette, widow ot John F. Staples, died the fatnU), is doll te Igicr. then a ball to and daughter, who housekeeper at David one te liiirmloce him The Billy of who st her home here Dac. 10 alter an illness partition Mrs. 8. H. Young, Surry, fate Hitchcock’s. a set of dishes to Lucy. And never In OHLAND. Df several that separated him from tbelr apart- been at Mrs. Charles Dority’s several year*. Only during the last Ids life did he enjoy anything so much Devereux Hanson, chef at the normal week of her illneaa waa she confined ment* was thin, and now and again weeks, has returned to ber borne. Gladys M., wife of A. F. Snowman, died to bcr as watching the big eyes of the young- dormintory, is spending his vaostion at bed, and was tenderly cared fur her when the family were In the room a J Mrs. Pitt W. Dsnforth and Malcolm C. at her borne here Sunday, Dec. 10, aged by to see what was his borne here. son’a but be catch bits of their sters. eager coming after an illness of two I wife—Mr*. Charles I. Staples, ol Ells* Joining could of Melrose, Mass., were called twenty-nine years, next. He It till his stock was Sargent, t be kept up months. She was the of Frank Mial Perkins, who teaches in Bristol, is wortb. The aympatby of community dialogue. here tbe death ot their grandmother, daughter | then, turning, said: by out to He from these that were exhausted, Johnson and of tbis town. She home tor two weeks. He is accompanied goes the family. Judged they Mrs. Mary A. Sargent. wife, { "Goodby This Is my last visit. Be husband his Roscoe Patten, of Orland, Dec. 11. Anon. people who had seen better days Tlnlr Dec. 11. Sim. I leaves besides ber and parents, , by cousin, sure to have your fixed be- in Bristol. speech waa modulated after the man chimney two brothers—Arthur, of Brewer, and who also teaches fore nejt Christmas.” I tier of well l«red peo|de The mother OBITUARY. Grover, and three sisters Mrs. Fred j Bchooner Nelson Y. McFarland, Capt. IS LBS FORD. ■•Won t breakfast with Santa waa at time* fretful, as was te Is* ex- j you ns, Mary A., widow of Lucius B. Sargent, j Ames, Violet M. and Dorothy G. William Perkins, cleared for Belfast last William Mayo is visiting relatives hers. Claus’" said mamma. of one growing old and battling died Saturday morning, Dec. 9, aged j with a load of shocks from peeled Wednesday James C. Sprague has been employed st "Not this morning. It Is too late. I More than a ! with adversity at the same time Joe eighty-eight years. year ago CA8TINE. Hall’s mill. Baker’s island tbe past week. mint take reindeers back to where she had tbe misfortune to fall and break \ would hear some complaint from the my Wsrdwell is William Morgrage, an old and Mias Emma C. spending A came to t he home ot Vcrner I can give them their breakfast Be- her since when she had been con- respected ; baby boy mother, always to be followed by a hip, with her citizen, died Friday, Dec. 8, after a long the normal school vacation par- lei Hey and wite Sunday, Dec. 10. comforting word from the daughter, side the children are awaking, and I fined to her bed, but her intellect had re- ill ness. He was of ent:,, Fred F. Wsrdwell and wife. like to hare them see me." seventy-eight years Mr*. Dolliver ia tbe ot and In a very sweet voice. Then one don’t mained unclouded. Benjamin guest age, a native of North Castine, and had Mellie Walker, of Stonington, closed a Mrs. Nathan of the children would be disgruntled, "But surely you will dine with us.” One sou-Capt. Rudolph 15. Sargent, and ber sister, Stanley, alw ays been a resident of this town. He profit able term of school last Friday in to be soothed by tbe sister. urged Jennie. two daughters— Mrs. Lucia Means and Mra. Ida Stanley is employed at Mrs. leaves a widow and one brother- Bamncl the Emerson district, and ha* gone home. "That girl is an angel." aald Joe to .■vo. nut Tnerc w a young man wno Mrs. Lydia Oower, survive. She also Agnes Pbippen’s (or a short time. Morgrage, of Rockland. Dec. rooms next door to yon. He Is a good leaves sixteen and five 11._L. himself. grandchildren Mrs. F. W. Tingley and sons Roger and besides At I was It was alsast an friend of mine, and when I found 1 great-grandchildren, two aged saying. NORTHEAST HARBOR. Kaiph left Dec. 4 for Everett, Mass., (or could not down he sisters-Mrs. AMHERST. hour before Christmas eve when Joe ret your chimney Betsey Eatou, nearly ninety- tbe winter. Moore and wife bare aw for entered bis room and aat down let me In at his window. He has no six years old, and Mrs. Abbie Sargent, Miss Helen of Bar la I. T. gone ay lonely Jewett, Harbor, There will be a concert and Christmas to read an tiefore one to spend Christmas with and no- aged eighty-three. home folks. the winter. evening paper going visiting tree lor the children at the church Christ- out to get bis dinner at a restaurant. where to dbie except at a restaurant Mrs. Sargent was for many years a mem- Mr». Martha Kimball and Mias Hannah Schools opened Monday, after a two- mas night. alone. I will Invitation to ber of the church. Funeral ser- Ilia folks lived too far away for him give my Baptist weeks’ vacation. District No. 1 is taught Kimball hare gone to Boston for the win him." vices were conducted at the home Mon- School commenced Monday, Dec. 4. to go to them for Christmas or for tlirm by Miss Dunlap, of Corinth, (and district ter. the Rev. £. Sanderson. Miss Elsie Stanley, of this place, tesches to come to bim. lie knew few people “That wll] do very well. We shall day by pastor. No. 2 Miss of Dexter. The fall term of Gilman school will by Wyman, high tbe and Miss-Edna ot to see Four nephews of the deceased—Groves D. primary Stearns, in the place ard none so Intimately as be happy yenr friend at 2 Dec. 11. O. close Thursday. The other schools will James W. Bayard, C. _ New Hampshire, tba grammar. Miss to secure an Invitation for eves a o'clock." said Jennie. Eaton, Benjamin dose Friday. — Stearns is with Mrs. Walter Christmas Joe bowed himself out and went Sargent and Fred J. Sargent acted as 8C1XIVAN HARBOR. boarding dinner. The consequence R. F. left for Seal Cove a. Lurvey Monday Had lock. was that he dreaded Christmas eve and back to his room, where he plsced his' pall-beare Word has been received here of the death to begin work upon the church be will Dec. 11. S. esr Christmas day and Christmas night against the partition In order to at Denver, Colo., on December 12, of Percy _ BOUND. build there. He wished he could go to sleep and re- l>et*er hear the comments on what he R-, son of C. W. Dunbar, of Sullivan, for- Mrs. Nathan Fennelly left Monday tor EAST LAMOINE. main asleep until tbe morning after had done. Miss Raise Tracy it ill. merly of Bar Harbor. Mr. Dunbar went Beverly, Mass., to spend Christmas with William Bennnett wee in Bangor lest Christmas. While he was thinking of “Oh. mamma." exclaimed Billy, “why Services were held el the chapel, 81. West for his health about five years ago. George Fennelly and wife. Wednesday. hla lonely lot he beard a voice on tbe didn’t you make him stay to breakfast. James-intbe-Woode, Sunday, Dec. 10. He was about twenty-five years of age. other aide of tbe I don't believe children Friends of Mias Agnes McKenney are Mra. baa to partition, tbe voice of any ever had Master George Bracy (ell recently, cut- Myra Young gone Segre- a child to breakfast in the whole world." glad to see her back at her former place ganastt. Mass., lor the winter. complaining Santy ting hie eye severely. Men. Non-Churchgotng in V. K. Smith store. "Why can't we have a tomor- ‘Ton'll 8nd the young man next Co.'a and Lealie Dealalr-. wlio turkey McKuaick is ill ol rheu- Irving Y'oung Ralph very the Horton row. mamma?" door." said Jennie. “Just as nice. He (From Herald.] The benefit social held at the Neighbor- have been in arc come. matic levee. employed Bangor, are Js hood house last evening was "Turkeys very expensive this perfectly lowly." Of course it is small comfort for the ac- Wednesday Cbarlea ot was in Walter is extensive re- Uapt. Cooaina, Bangor, season, dearie. We can't afford one •'How do know?" asked Sargent having in and you Lucy. tive members of church, or spent playing games dancing. town and to visit his made on his house William any particular Friday Saturday, We're going to have s nice "How do 1 know? pairs by hamburger Why. didn't he of to know that mascu- Mrs. Thomas was called to S. who is in Grindle. group churches, Fennelly lather, Capt. F. Cousins, poor steak instead. You know how take Santa Claus In at Mu window? If fond line neglect is not confined to any one de- Isles boro last week by the death of her health. are of tbit." ft hadn't t>een for him Miss Beatrice of Somesville, was yon Aunty couldn’t Hanna, but it serve as a brother-in-law, Charles Pendleton. nomination; may help Capt. School commenced Monday, w ith Misa "1 don't want hamburger sy-ak on have get In here at all." in town last weak calling on her sister. partial explanation. Every religious body The Forest Hill society held an enter- Sadi’ Mullau, of teacher this Christmas. I want *T never Miss Abbie.Hanna. Hancock, turkey. We're not thought of that." is more or less with this .afflicted dearth tainment at the Neighborhood house Sat- ia her third term and all arc to to have Joe wasn't in here, glad going any Christmas stall this Interested anything else Maurice Butler, of Northeast of men. Then be su- Harbor, may obvious and urday evening. The program: Recita- have her return. year. Jennie says we mustn't after he heard Jennie say that he was made a short visit with expect rscantly relatives, perficial reasons for this eerioas neglect of tion, Roger Branacomb; piano duet. Dec. 12. N. any even In our He tuck off and wife. toys stockings, for "perfectly lovely." hla Charles Tracy what was once considered a supreme duty. Misses Qilpatrick and Foster; recitation Bants Clans baa sent a note that be is Aatita Claus rig. put on hla usrn clothes Mia. Cora Emerson and three children Raligiouafbodies an admittedly conserva- Clayton Jordan; German aong, Gretcben WEST SURRY. to us and went out to going pass over. I'm gotag to breakfast, chuckling aat at Mrs. John Carter's, while tive in their attitude toward some visiting great and Hilda Rotbe; tableau, “Ora pro Mias Flora for 1.. E. at the sucease Blaiadell ia working hang np my stocking anyway, and if of Us exploit. Mr. Emerson as at the Bar Harbor hos- social which are con- questions claiming Nobis,” seven girls; exercise, “Christmas Qrindle in East Orland. be doesn't "I tell he exclaimed to put anything la It I II writs you." him- pital. siderable attention to-day. But, taken as Gift,” Mr*. Hill’s class; reading, Cora him Mra. Fred Blaiadell and a letter tailing him bow mean I self. "that was a mighty cheeky thing a are the men who the family spent Work on Mss. Clam Murphy’s house has body, neglect May Phillips; readings, Parker W. Fen- think be Is." to do. hut It turned out a scorcher, church Thanksgiving with her brother. K. 8. been completed. Mr. Grave# and Mr. profoundly interacted in these nelly; tableau, “Betsey and I are Out;” "So will I." came another .little voice. hay uue who oaya I haven’t Baud don’t ions? Leach. K raster, of Northeast Harbor, did the quest Christmas song, Mr. and Mrs. Rotbe. Then tbe speakers went into know me." Denial M. and East Or- another work. Is it not true that, relatively speaking, Dec. 12. X. darter wife, of _ room. Though jus was Mean HI dinner almoat as many men attend" church as land, were gueats of R. L. Leach and wile Mrs. Beta Tissker has returned from An Idea popped Into Jos Tookerie Hme. he waeh't lonely at nil. It was attend H M'KINLEY. Sunday. Mra. Carter ia much improved iu six weeks. political primaries? peeking bead. It a Borneo, wham aha has .spent. was the biggest, most origi- bright crisp morning, and be took a broadly, how many men care anything health. Mrs. Tinker wee home William Morgan Intends moving hia nal. most Idea walk Into tha accompanied by daring that Mm modeag country breathing in the about the tariff, except as it affects their Bert and Otis each a large her baseband, Norton Tinker, who left for family to East Holden soon. Conary got fellow had ever osoee and of connetved. He sat. feedag vary proud him- Individual business interests? Bow many deer laat week. Three mooee were seen in Boston tire weeks ago. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. stunned lor self at what ho had nearly men by It. some time, revolving hat and all the care for the higher interests of lite- the Helds in this vicinity recent lv, and wife left for a William Gott Sunday, Dec. 10. in bis mind various while he woo Edwin Higgins and or features aoueero mentally appealing what rary dramatic art? Woman, in this Alvah Leach, while deer banting, came ing it; then, be had hoard Jennie of «•*— visit lo thair soDS.Bidnay and Bart Hig- has Schooner Henry May discharged a cargo suddenly getting np from my iCr* country, assumed the leadership, not upon five mooee. his the was gins, of Baal Harbor, attar which they will of coal for Frank M eMail In last week. chair, he hustled an his overcoat "perfectly lovely.” only in the church bat in the theatre, in Dec. 11. L. Hirtor to visit lean _ and hat. roe bed ant. slammed the door At 1 o'clock he began to fix htmaalf go loBonthwaet Hig- the concert hall, the art gallery, and in Augustus Gordins and family moved to for gins sad wile. behind him and ran downstairs two m> the dinner and Mad on memi general literature. The “tired business their home in West Tremont last weak. MT. DESERT FERRY. steps at a rime. dUTetent eaavata before ho found eme Prieade hew sympathise with Melville man” surrenders the reins to his wife and Mrs. Amanda Rich and Mrs. John Lan- Eugene Moon and wtfa returned from The fleet ptace Jar that tutted him. The time M Kmesnaa and family, ef Hull’s Gave. Mr. The “tired business man” stopped at was a only daughter. may caater called on Mrs. P. W. Richardson Portland last weak. •turned Emerson a aad accident while meat market, wheat be boaght a tur- tong during the whale day tn met with not osre for theology, but doss he not care last Sunday. the Arthur Lounder and wife went to West key and celery and cranberries and ten mlaetea just before the dinner working on,the road at ifortbaart Harbor. quite ;as much for it as lor politics hoar im sscmmey run a rreecer uo. Ellsworth to visit relatives oysters for the He leaded at hla watch seven Dee. U. H. economy or social science? Monday dressing and otter 186 barrels ol frozen shad via Han- shipped Mrs. Nason Moon has to swv iw wmu 3 ueu o> wrm au hub wiwu un iui oar soeorpuon gone Bridge- COTE. cock terminos to Philadelphia last week. a toy shop sod gathered In nosh trlflsn At S o'clock to tto named habnorkad ABAC in oommareial life ku lessened the depth water, Maae., for the winter. tto F. N. Sawyer has disposed of his horses aa children prise. Be dare not trust at oast door, nod wba Jt m Edwin Inert; in aeriooaly ill rheu- ol oar intellectual life. 11 the church has Mrs. Lizzie Dow and daughter recently and pat his cart in the painter's hands for to having them sent home, the hour op coed by Jennie, tar fee* b—log Mle Invar. tailed in the matter of virile thought, end spent a week with her mother, Mrs. George to mid (tot bin tot end Ionia had work repairs. He returned to his boms in Ban- being late, sod took he Ctona Arthur ItwahUl aad wMa an strong, aggressive for social right- Thorn, in Portland, everything nceiTiof tor the winter Crane eetued to him aa in rl tattoo to it is beeaase the man of gor last week. bought with him. But he was Mg and aamgrntnlatlaoa on the birth of A non. ■oasnee*, strong the Dec. U, C. dinner He told The sale strong and could have carried three Itoto to rimmed neat On. 4. station have not stood hack of it, and de- of the ladies’ aid society last door and times as din name eras Jaanpb Toafcar manded of its loaders the of work it Wednesday was well attended. Fine mift-h. Lastly, ba looked In a Man. C. H. Bobbin la with bar tether, type SEDGWICK. Mnmina Received Mm graatonaly. and etna created to can be we« tber, a of directory for tbe address of a costumer U H- ia perform. Nothing splendid display fancy goods tto children Uapt. Hpeagn. Mm. Bobbin Rev. Mr*. B. W. of to? and found climbed ap aa Mm aad mors dangerous for the welfare of a state candy, oake, ice-cream, coffee and a Christ- Treworgy, peetor finally soe. Going to Oka mwah improved la haaMh. Chilean church for bus aahad him to taU ttom ad nbont Ma than for its aszaa mas tree for about fire years, place, he to*d tbe to fit him to have divided latsrsata grabs made it a decided suc- proprietor lecture waa at •ooeptad a call to the church friend Sues Claoa. atoca to nto A Aaa pita Bayalde or divided labors. It is had eeee. Net about at Sedgwick out at once aa Santa dans. every way. proceeds, (63. end wilt know torn Santa toad, wtoaa aabnolbnnaa on tha arming of Pae. A by assume bar new duties In Janu- te his ho Jaat to way. Bad for both woman and men. F. and Returning room, deposited McKinley lodge, A. M., has elect- ary. She was tn sot Ma toye aad tow ha «naM cMt aa ftev. O. O. Smith, of Ear Harbor. Tha Ml Moorflald pastor of the church his sod went out ta Storey oomptains of tha ed officers as fallows: F. L. purchases again wen Manchester, Sedgwick before She many children all to ana eabject, Earth Onhotn, ably handled, excess of football oar going to Canaan get his dinner. About 9 o'clock night la colleges. The W. M.; Everett A. S. ha Tto da of bad tha little baild- Stanley, W.; Wil- has been in the tarfcey Jna had aant waa dsaa apita weather, trouble is that tha “football Uaas H. ministry twenty years, went back, taking more toys and two philosophy” Thurston, J.W.; H. P. Biehard- ol to a tarn, aad tto aad tto cran- lag wn mail Oiled. •ight which she wee an evangelist. of celery *» dominating tha nataonUno life of every eon, T. 8. bouquets Sowers with him and secretary; Tepiey, treasurer; C. her work in berry more and tto altar things wars Dana Herrick bad tha mtalartnm to ont ass During Oanaan the more than spent the for ogs. Many people opposing woman W. Martin, 8. O. H. evening arranging put- nM on D.; Wilson, J. D.; doubled!a* of the tto tabla.mad mamma aald that Mnealf badly while chopping wood for aafeage, not that ftaance membership parish. ting this wonderful idea at bia into seeing, evidently, committee, F. L Manchester, dam tto dtanar had haaa toft by hto V. W. A. Heath, la trimming a tree the mneh of She masal hysteria that dls- practice. He had heard at various Eugene M. Stanley, Fred J. Bleb. Mad Santa Class. to mat cam to aaa aattlag aa aAy gate aathe flgwrss oar polities, ead tha childish times enough through tho parttttoa to gManad, fads Die. lie pa n Sbbatifcmtnts. place or Santa da Joa. attar wtat- treat part of the right tag Jam hatew tha and fancies that diaOgaie the know the names of those on the other religions ttog tto carrtog kadfa aa tto at ad. bate. Ha will ba laid ap for ssatinsuat of the he probably people spring from aa BLU3J2ILL. side, so marked the toys, some want at tto and tnrkay aamtrrlfilly ovsr-foiainlrarkon of tha social lCfBe 8. Q. was and some On one of being. Hlseklej in Bangor Iasi “Billy" “Lucy.'* la a faw totaataa It waa lytog la a If the of be Avoided. ass an equal ballot will add a waek on baaiiMM. May the bonquets he tied a card on which on tto Slab. heap Sanaa of responsibility to tbs tremeadons he wrote. “To Mamma From Santa UOt'LDSBOHO. Joseph Grtadle to the guest of hU those who are fortunate enough That waa a dtanar. Attar It waa Sa- led nee as and ®Ids which authority woman al- Ire T. to alway* breathe pare and never t'laaa.’' and on the other. “To Jennie Utod | while brother, Grindle. air, | oamiaaT. ready pmsrasaa, it might bo well to make get nut down by ever work or From Santa Claus.” Joa and James B. Mortell and wife exposure. Uaydsa Onto OaptUl died at hia heme tbs sot peri aee nt spent a few Bvsn these tacky people do not always That wasn’t a Christmas eve and days in Bangor last week. lonely bare Deaember A He wea born in Ooulda- •acape the contagions colds which at for Joe Tooker at all. though ha waa work aba tom* tto tittle oaaa E. baaa March M, UEb, aad bad alwaya baaa Oeasral Horatio C. King, secretary of Judge E. Chase is spending a few oertain —gens prevail to such an ex- alone. He waa the and room to rood Christmas toot an to bo fixing op gifts stories to ttom. a amldaal of this plan. Ha waa a mealy the Soaioty of the hay of the Potomac days at Augusta on business. almost epidemic. It is on his Santa Clans suit all ths Jennie to entertain wise to bo for troebles of trying Marlag Jna maa, of atroag and nprigbt character and ns narrating to a New York Tribune Henry Gray, of prepared Southwest Harbor, is this nature in oor the while. But It must be admitted that And you may ba aw* Idle was ton mao his climate, and bow am aad kind ia ail hia dealing! with memories of tha Civil war. “Wo the guest of and wife. beat Harvey Gray one all-important thing ia to have at every now and again be caught bis part or tto day tor Joa. atom Ja- hia lallowmab. ■uOeted OJ many hardships both sides,” hand n nie Norman Merrill is at safe, efficient and reliable rem- breath at wbat be considered tbe dar kept all tto time tailing him that Mr. HI waa ill torn and wn ■aid Ueneral “bat the brave home, the guest of Uapt lima, King, Con- his edy to ward off the trouble and danger deed was about to to waa a “noble, man” aad awfM- parents, F. P. Merrill and wife. lag be perform good federates suffered more. I remember a of such an attack. Then be would brace and “Non- clever to think of Santa Miss Both Stover is the • up say. ly persona ting on Mann aad bin ihmbtor Loin. All rriasled old negro who, at tbs outbreak of guest of her par- For sixty years, “L p.” Atwood’s I'm not Claus, and—wall, ware bath aa In Stover and sense: Bosh: Pooh: Pooh! they of bin ehUdna wan with bin tha laet the Spanish war, applied for a place as aa ents, wife, during her vaca- —dicta* has boon a household reme ’7 boar tie they could be. tion. for afraid.”' sad in another half happy weak of bia lila. may cook. “What experience have you emergencies of this kind. It stars would bare to brace ail over That waa tba at Joa Umb- kadf” the old fellow up to liver and bowels, prevents con- up again, j beginning Mia death raddena all who kaow bin. arm asked. “1 was Bluehlli portofflce will be a United er's tto under Ms gsotton, and restores the functions to That night Joe didn’t sleep more ! taking family wins. Ha Inna than danghtam-Lataa, who wok, sah, fo’ a Confederate regiment in States depository for savings after Jan- ” thotf normal condition. If yon have than four hours at moat Ha awoka When the next Christmas earns to wan hn nada bar bona with hin elan bar dxty-fo’, he answered. “That is, sah, I uary 6, next. tow need it, get a bottle from your long before daylight and waited tm brother Joa to tto children. Bat ton mnlbmh death; Cora, who la employed la Wd the Job of cook, but, to tall tbs The truth, Bluehlli On company has elected dealer, or writ* for a free sample to be heard a voice say in a disap- chimney bad been Sand, aad Baton Aiiatow, Maaa., aad Mm. Liaty Aon brook, I did’nt work at it.” “Why notT” Ihe to* “la tiny following olSoen for the ensuing year: P.” Medicine Co., Portland. Santa Clans cam to tto SSBBI way. I at two eon- oil Them wasn’t nothin’ to mb.” Ha. pointed tone, “Oh, mamas, | Oobldahoro; Marcoa, cook, lamas B.Bettsl, chief; A. F. Townsend’