the number passing in various grades in the examinations. The report was WIDOW SUES BIG REDUCTION received. , Mr. Grace stated that although the fOR DAMAGES IN VALUATION schools are now without a supervisor, it Is very commendable to note that Mrs. Helen Smolenakl, widow of The County Board of Taxation, after tho reports concerning the mid-term Bronislaw Smolensk!, of this city, has viewing the coal storage Jilant of the MIKES examinations have already been receiv- brought suit In the Common Pleas Pennsylvania Railroad Company in ed. He stated that last year the board court, under the provisions of the em- this city, has announced that it has dent and found It impossible to secure the re- The Council Approves of Commis ployers' liability act, against the Eas- The Knights of Columbus of This reduced the valuation on the plant ports until a later date.. tern Coal Dock Company, to recover from »72,000 to $7,500. Thomas' J Sccre- Prof, Miller read a report of the sinners' Statements on Cosls of damages for the death of her husband, County to Hold Monster Patriotic Greaves and Richard White, engineers, rintcd results in High School examinations, Improvements to Portia and John who was a braktman. He died on Celebration in Honor of Washing- inspected the' plant for the tax board showing that the average passing per- December 12 last ns the result of fall- and reported that it was simply a lot kes Re centage was 84. He suggested that Streets, and Collector Ordered to ing under a car while working for the ton and Lincoln -Francis P. Coan of junk. ' The plant Is not used now. covers be ordered from the Miller, defendant company, The reduction means that this city Hoiden Book Co. for the next term, Present Bills. a He had been making 25 cents an Chairman of Committee in Charge will lose about $1,300 in taxes. and that the manual training benches hour. . His widow wants his claim -o— u the bo fastened to the floor. On motion Mr, James Collins and Councilman paid in ono sum, so that she can go South Amboy' Council No, 420, GOT 28 DAYS, jn Mou Cfte-repart^was referred to the,com- to tlie old country. She has two chil- Stanton bod quite a tilt at the council Knights of Columbus, ot thi.„.,_s city, Sa«j, Frank Andrews, who stated_,_, that \ - Present mittee on buildings and grounds. meeting on Teusday evening, all over dren, a hoy, aged two years and a Cotiucll No, 293, of rertlt|viaa a native of New York City, wa\ ,ce, Davis, Mr. Grace read the following names', tub laying of sanitary Bower at Mocha, daughter, aged three months. Amboy, and Middlesex Council No. 857^1 brought before Justice Birmingham on\ tinted fnem- offering them as a list of substitute hlcsvllle. Mr. Collins took exception Lawyer John A. Coan, of this city, of Woodbrldge, are arranging for ! Sunday on complaint mnda by Special ' ? Dr. Haines poachers: Mrs. Bmlllussen, Mrs, Nic- to remarks made by Mr. Stanton at preapntod her petition to the court monster patriotic celebration to b Officer John Dolan, of the P. R. R. Co, ' chairman of hols, Mrs. Coogan and Mrs. Dolnncy. previous meeting " of council, and Friday morning and Judge Daly set held under the joint auspices of tli Andrews was found riding on freight ' • ibers proceed- On motion the secretary was Instruct- charged Mr. Stanton, who wan chair- tlie case down tor a hearing on Feb- aforementioned Councils on the nlgt cars between Trenton and this city. . for the ensu- ed to communicate with those teachers man of committee on sewers, with not ruary 27. • of 's Bi/thday, Sunday, Fel; He was sentenced to 28 days in the g were elected: am] ascertain if they will act in this looking over the work more than once niary 22nd, 1914, county jail, Davis. capacity. or twice during progress of construc- This celebration is In accord wit i. Grace. Mr. Grace stated that complaint had tion. On the other hand Mr. Stiinton TUBERCULOSIS similar celebrations to be held b Locker. been made to him by Mr. Bulman, stated ho was a poor man, and could every Council In tho State of New GpGtfsTHART IS . officers thanked who stated that four boys of School not afford to lie absent from bis work, EXHIBITION Jersey, in observance of Lincoln's anc honors conferred No. 2 had torn pickets from his fence, but considered that the contractors Washington's Birthdays, The various TAKEN BY DEATH cut shrubbery and had damaged his should bo reliable enough to do their A meeting took place In the City Councils and combinations, of Councils ived that the Rules property to a considerable extont. He work properly, without his personal Hull on Friday evening for the pur- In the state are celebrating these two , adopted in 1910 be also stated that when his wife had re- George S. Hart, a well known and Inspection. pose of maklag preparations for the great American holidays in n manner cbo completion of the buked them, she had met with abuse. highly respected citizen of this city. Present— Mayor Dey, Councllmen holding of a tuberculosis exhibition In befitting the occasion celebrated and at e motion was carried. On motion of Mr. Grace tho names of passed away at bis. home .on George Chevalier, O'Connor, Slover, Stanton this city under the auspices of the such times as have been chosen by the Davis appointed the fol- the four boys were turned over to Prof. street on Monday morning at the age and Stratton; Clerk Mack, Solicitor Stato Hoard of Health and the local Councils' or the combination of Coun- ibers on the Board to serve Miller for investigation. Ho was In- of sixty-eight years. He had been ill F. P. Coan, Engineer Thomas, Treas- Hoard, . The attendance was not as cils, the dates, however, to be oa or nmittees. structed to make report to the mem- some time. urer Perrine, Street Commissioner larga as It should have been owing to bo'ween Lincoln's Birthday and 'Wash- .',"' . —Grace, Llttell and Mason. bers of the board who will take action Mr. Hart was ai veteran of the Civil Hlllinunn, Water Superintendent Dun- the meeting being arranged hurriedly. ington's Birthday. Committees repre- ^ k'~. BulAi..'igs and Grounds—Mason, in tho matter. Prof. Miller stated War, serving in Company B, 28th New lin, Collector Sutlilf. The former of• Representatives were present from St. senting the three Councils met at £t'Haltes and Grace. that one of tlie boys was already un- Jersey Volunteers. He participated in ( flclals were also In attendance. Mary's and Sacred Heart Parishes, the Perth Amboy on February 1st and af- *u • Teachers—Haines and Llttell. der suspension. he battles of Fredricksburg under Minutes of previous meeting were Knights of Columbus, Carpenter's ter electing Francis P. Coan, of this . Bu>k*s and Supplies—Llttell and Mr. Grace stated that Mr. David Ha- BurnsideX and Chancellorsville under approved as read! Union, the Woman's Civic Club and city, chairman, and William A, Hum- Grace. gur had complained that his daughter, Joseph HoVker, and was discharged The clerk read the following peti- the local Board of Health. Mr. W. D. phries, Secretary, proceeded to for- Rule* and Regulations—Haines and Mildred, had received no arithmetic. from the seVviqe by reason of expira- tion: Smith, of the State Board, was present mulate plans for the celebration. Sub- Mason. . The matter was placed In the hands of tion of term of 'service a few days be- To The Honorable Mayor and Council and outlined the plans for the- holding committees were appointed to do the ' School Board of Estimate—Grace Prof. Miller. fore the battle of (Gettysburg. of the City of South Amboy. of such a convention, and urged the work moreiexpeditiously and their re- ". and Llttell. On motion, the Board, as a commit- The Woman's Club of South Amboy A short time aftei\ hie discbarge he co-operation of all the fraternal or- ports will be received at the meeting .' The president will act as ex-offlclo tee of the whole, adjourned to meet in has been greatly aided in the past in re-enlisted as a volunteer recruit and, its efforts to improve and beautify ganizations, civic clubs, city depart- to be held at Perth Aniboy on Sunday -member of all committees. , Dr. Haines'a office on Wednesday night was assigned to the Nlbfth Regiment, this city by the interest and co-opera- ments, Board of Education and the ! next, ^ Prof. Deltrich, of Kirblnsville, Pa, to go over applications for position as New Jersey Volunteers, aod with hl» tion of its governing body, and because churches In the movement which Is | It Is the Intention of the committee *•• wu present and made application for City Superintendent of Schools. of courtesies already extended to us, regiment he took part tn the battles becoming, nation wide and which is to have a first-class orchestra and /petition of City Superintendent of we venture to appeal for further sup- of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor^ aid v port of measures which we believe are proving so beneficial in checking the quartette to take care of the musical Scbools. He gave his .qualifications others under General V. 8. Gr»nt. necessary and will prove af lasting ravages of the white plague, lend of the program, while the intel- and lUted that his only motive in LIBELLED KNIGHTS When the army of the 'Potomac was benefit to our community. It is the plan of the Boards to se- I lectual and patriotic part will be taken seeking a change was hla desire to We are working for clean streets In transferred to Petersburg, Mr. Hart?-/ cure a targe hall where the exhibition by tvm speakers of national repute, more Into a larger'field. South Amboy, and to this end we earn- with his regiment, was transferred to f Of COLUMBUS estly petition the Mayor to instruct the will be held, prominent speakers being one of whom will discourse on Lin- •!, Mew*. J. F. Fulton and R. C, Steph- the department of North Carolina, { Police Department regarding Ordi- secured for the convention, Although coln, the other of whom will take fl)N>n were present as members of a Charles Megonigel, ot Forty-third where his regiment did such effectiye nance No. 46, relating to the distribu- no date was definitely settled upon, Washington as his subject. Dudley committee of the South Aniboy Library and Brown streets,!Philadelphia, who tion of hand-bills and to Insist upon, its work in putting down the rebel] the last week in March was spoken of' Field Halone, Collector of the Port of on, Association, and requested the Board printed last spring circulars purport- enforcement. serving with his regiment until as a probable date for the holding of New York, and formerly Assistant 'to consider giving the school library ing to carry an oath taken by the We ask that another ordinance be mustered out of service. passed at an early date In regard to the. exhibition. United States Attorney General, in all to the association. Mr. Fulton stated Knights of Columbus, pleaded guilty Shortly after the close of ashes and garbage collected by the Another meeting is to be held this probability, .will be one of the speakers, e war ' that he understood that at a teacher's Friday of last week, at Phildelphia, to City team providing for the separating Mr. Hart married and movou to this Friday evening in the City: Hall, and The seating capacity of the Auditori- meeting a resolution was presented to charges of jibel and conspiracy to the of the garbage and ashes and making it city where he and his mostj estimable the atendance of all interested In this um is limited to one thousand. So the board, suggesting that the library order. C. H. Stage, of Forty-second unlawful to put paper in either the wife have resided ever Binci ashes or garbage which are collected great work is requested. All organi- that the capacity-may not be exceed- ^JtfUtiaftd over to the association. The street and Lancaster avenue, Philadel- The funeral took place 'from the by,said team. The ashes if unpollut- zations are especially asked to have ed admission will toe by ticket. Each gentlei% stated that they thought phia, who distributed the circulars, ed with garbage and paper can be used Methodist Episcopal Church, of whlcii representatives present Knight who Is a member of any of Its 'tis gift i oe library would be bene- offered no defense to the charges. for filling and grading, and the gar- the deceased had been a member many bage disposal will be simplified be- three Counclli will receive, upon appli- ;; flcial, inasmuch as It is not used at Sentence was suspended In both cause of the smaller quantities. cation to the Grand Knight of his years, at 2.30 o'clock on Thursday af- ©present and has not been used for a cases, after Joseph P. Gaffney, coun- The rubbish cans have filled a long The Public Library Council, two tickets, one to be used ternoon and was largely attended. .^number of years. The members of the sel for the order, told Judge Wilson felt want and we feel that the city by himself, the other to be disposed The service was conducted by the Rev. should increase their number. Aboard promised to give the natter the Knights felt they had been vin- of in any manner that he may deem J. Edward Shaw, who spoke in the Iftheir consideration and make an an- The Clean-up Week which was in- Progressing Nicely highest praise of the life, worth and dicated by the pleas of the defendants stituted, by us last year was a BUC- advisable, except that he is not per- M'swe'r to the request as soon as possi- and had no dosire to punish them fur- cess. We hope for even better re- mitted to sell it character of the deceased. The choir ble. '' ther. sults this spring and to that end we rendered several hymns. Interment The prospects for a grand success An Invitation to take part In the ask that it be taken in hand by the was made in Christ Church cemetery. tf'~ The annual financial report of the James A. Flaherty, supreme knight of the public library are luJst en- celebration',, and to occupy a seat on city and that the week be fixed upon The bearers were Messrs. William M. }*i8ecretary was read, showing a balance of the order, began, prosecution of the by a proclamation of the Mayor and couraging, and the committees are re- the stage will be extended to every Enimons, Kfnnetli Etults, Luther Tlce, ''^du hand of $7,587.02. On motion the pair after thousands of circulars had have the hearty support of the city ceiving good support from the people clergyman in the three municipalities 1 officials. Such a crusade has been W. H. Ingraham, W, H. H. Dey, and •\'report was received and Hied. been distributed broadcast In the city. at-large. represented, and men prominent In the carried on with gratifying results in Benjamin Gomlnger, StiUwell & Ma- i" A report was read from School Com- The "oath" was couched in the most On Wednesday evening the Board of public life of the county will also be Perth Amboy and other neighboring son were funeral directors. |; mlBSloner J. Drognard Betts, stating revolting language, and was furnished towns for a number of years. Trustees of the South Aniboy Library asked to take part and to occupy a ,|that It was Impossible to return exhi- to Megonigel by the Menace, an anti- During the past summer, the resi- Association held a very enthusiastic seat on the stage. The celebration bits In Fitch case until such time as Catholic publication of Aurora, Mo. dents on the main thoroughfares, meeting at their rooms in the new will not be in any sense religious or BANQUET FEBRUARY 19. ,;'4'it could be learned that no further Counsel for the defendants read to where there are no pavements, suf- Scully building. The reports of vari- fered unspeakably from the dust. Be- sectarian, but patriotic in the highest The Business Men's Association at a ^''appeal would bo made. Comraunlca- the court a letter sent to him by the side the other heavy travel, Main ous committees showed that consider- sense. meeting held Thursday evening, decid- V;tlon was received and filed. Menace, > In which it admitted the street and Bordentqwn avenue are now able progress had been made during ed Ky hold their annual banquet at ^' A communication was read from "oath" had no foundation in fact. used by the hugh Whitehead sand the past week. The ways and means Armbruster's restaurant on February •f'County Superintendent H. B. Willis, "We wish to state that we are not trucks; this traffic is such that committee reported that contributions here are only minutes between trips Members Cannot 19.- Prominent speakers will be en- 'palatine that he had rocoived cominunl- In possession of tho ritual and secret so tho dust hardly settles and unless to date amounted to $730.50, and an I'-oatlon Informing him of the nppolnt- work of tho Knight of Columbus. The we have a good coating of oil spread extra effort will be made to reach the '.!>ment of Mr. Derlcw ns truant officer; alleged oath which your clients in early, the dust nuisance will bB un- $1,000 mark, and thus make a strong Be Officials Also r.check covering plate reservations for Philadelphia were arrested for distri- bearable. foundation' to establish the library on. «ST0P, IOOK, LISTEN!" i; banquet of County School Board Asso- buting was circulated in practically May we hope this year to be as pro- A party has offered the committee $100 The Pennsylvania Railroad Company gressive as other towns in our vicin- Former Attorney-General Edmund ciation, and informing him of the res- every State during the last campaign, ;oward this end, provided another per- paid ten thousand, dollars for these ty, and have the oil down before the Wilson has recently rendered an opin- olutions adopted creating the office ot and the demand upon us for this doc- spring winds begin so that house- son will give the same amount. Won- three words to Judge Faxon of Penn- ! ion that members of local boards of ';Clty Superintendent of Schools. He ument wns sometimes great." wives' spring cleaning may be worth der who will be the generous person sylvania. In tho prize coatest Just while. health cannot appoint themselves to * stated that lie believed this a good "We had received orders for copies to give another .$100, and catch this published in the Citizen, one of the Respectfully submitted by the, salaried positions within the boards. '. move, but that the board would find it from so many sources, we simply offer? It will be money well invested, writers is very verbose m the "Gol- »V OMAN'S CLUB OP SOUTH AMBOY. The Kearny Board of Health, it ap- "hard to secure a competent superln- printed and handled them as wo would ns untold good may result from It. den Rule." Yes, if everj*individual On motion of Mr. Chevalier it was pears, did not have salaried positions ,'tondent of schools unless they in- any other job of printing, to supply Parson wishing to donate books will would practice the "Golden Rule" received and referred to co/nraittBe on enough to BO around, and the minority .Jcreased the snlary paid to the suppr- the demand, and while we have no plenso notify a member of ways and there would be no poverty in the streets. brought the question of the legality of .ylbor. He slnted thnt in Wooclbridge, apologies to make for doing so, we means committee, who will gladly see world. If tho "CJoldcn Rule" was A communication from Water Super- tho appointments before Mr. Wilson, ', a Superintendent of Schools is paid a do not have any evidence that the oath that they are properly placed in the universally practiced, we would not intendent Donlin was read, calling at- when he rendered an opinion that tho 'salary of $2,500 nnd cited several other Is one which is taken by the Knights Ibrary. The members are Mrs. W. P. have a record that we have to-day— tention to many hydrants about town appointments were illegal. that no penal Institution in the country - Instances whore the salaries -were of Columbus." Nichols, Mrs. A. J. Miller, Mrs. P. J. boing in poor condition. On motion The opinion of Mr. Wilson rwlll have Is largo enough to properly house Its '. largo for the Superintendent of "We feel sure it would lie folly for Sullivan, Mrs. Charles Safran and of Mr. Chevall/er it was received and a far-reaching effect. It will affect Inmates. At a casual glance you can- ' Schools. The communication was re- you to undertake to base your defense Misa Mary Mack. referred to rvommittee on water. overy municipal board -where a mem- not tell an honest man from a wgue. ceived and fildd on the authenticity of this document." . o • A lett^'Vas read from the Merritt ber Is holding office ana drawing sal- It Is only by coming in contact with ' The following bills wore read, and on o UNCLAIMED LETTERS. nnd Clnpman Derrick and Wrecking ary for the work done. In Kearny different persons that you can distin- being npproved were ordered* paid: Tho King' of All Laxiithca Comraniy, stating theiy were surprised List of letters unclaimed at Post there are three board members, Dr. guish between tho two. That is just For constipation, use Dr. King's New ' American Book Co $7.00 to limrn that the Council demanded a Office for week of February 7, 1914: A. A. Mutter, Charles Schiller and Ro- what 1 wnnt the South Amboy buying Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, American Surety Co 5.00 reduction of $75 from their bill. As Mrs. William Bennett, Thomas bert V. England, holding official posi- public to do at the only store on tha N. Y. , Bays they are the "king of ail Ginn and Co 17.68 no' satisfactory explanation could be Sums, Louisa Deutb, Robert Herbert, tions within the board. Dr. Mutter block on Broadway between. George laxatives. They are a blessing to all Estate J. H. Gordon 118.75 frnade in regard to the proposed re. D «». n of New Je«"sey. ordered that cause be penditures otjfm character. Mr. fear they will catch one of the dl n which Tiave fourryear courses. ' This observed Monday by Rev. John Scar- DCIUrC I UU Van l\.eo.p shown before the said Daniel W. Clay- Scully, as a "j|Pier of tha committee eases. No action was taken upon the 1 0 leaves *Bryn Mawr, Columbia, the borough with the celebration of holy VOM might at *