THAT INA MI CANUS009945845B2 WITH AN ALTA MONITORI (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 945 ,845 B2 Brändli et al. ( 45 ) Date of Patent : Apr. 17 , 2018

(54 ) METHODS OF SCREENING USING (56 ) References Cited AMPHIBIANS U . S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (71 ) Applicants :André W . Brändli, Zollikon (CH ); 2006 /0159676 A1 7 / 2006 Krieg Roland E . Kälin , Berlin (DE ) 2007 /0107072 A15 /2007 Carmeliet 8(72 ) Inventors: André W . Brändli , Zollikon (CH ) ; Roland E . Kälin , Berlin (DE ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS WO 2006 /076736 A2 7 /2006 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Seiffert et al. (2000 ) J . Biol. Chem . 275 : 34086 - 34091. ( 21 ) Appl. No. : 15 /803 ,662 Kälin et al. (2007 ) Developmental Biol . 305 :599 -614 . Kälin et al . (2009 ) Blood 114 : 1110 - 1122 . (22 ) Filed : Nov . 3, 2017 Gu et al. ( 1999 ) Am . J . Physiol . Heart Circ . Physiol. 277 :595 -602 . Ny et al . (2005 ) Nature Medicine 11 :998 - 1004 . (65 ) Prior Publication Data Wheeler et al . (2009 ) Developmental Dynamics 238 : 1287 - 1308 . Ny et al. ( 2008 ) Blood 112 : 1740 - 1749 . US 2018 /0059097 A1 Mar. 1 , 2018 Tomlinson et al . ( 2009 ) Molecular BioSystems 5 : 376 -384 . Tomlinson et al . ( 2005 ) Molecular BioSystems 1 : 223 - 228 . Related U .S . Application Data Feoktistov et al. ( 2002 ) Circulation Research 90 :531 - 538 . (63 ) Continuation of application No. 13/ 256 , 209 , filed as application No . PCT /EP2010 /053613 on Mar. 19 , Primary Examiner — Nancy J Leith 2010 , now abandoned . (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — VLP Law Group LLP ; (60 ) Provisional application No . 61 / 161, 497 , filed on Mar. David A . Roise 19, 2009 . (51 ) Int. Ci. (57 ) ABSTRACT C120 1/ 68 ( 2018 .01 ) GOIN 33 /50 ( 2006 .01 ) High - throughput methods of screening agents for activities ( 52 ) U . S . CI. affecting renal, cardiac , blood or lymphatic vascular devel CPC . GOIN 33/ 5088 ( 2013. 01) ; GOIN 2333 /4606 opment and functions in amphibians in multiwell plates are (2013 . 01 ) provided . Also provided are novel compounds thatmodulate ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search blood and lymphatic vascular development. None See application file for complete search history. 23 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets atent Apr . 17 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 8 US 9 , 945 , 845 B2

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Figure 8 US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 METHODS OF SCREENING USING tor- C (VEGFC ), tumor lymphangiogenesis and lymph node AMPHIBIANS metastasis has been found in human and in experimental tumors (Pepper et al ., 2003 ). VEGFC promotes lymphan CROSS -REFERENCE TO RELATED giogenesis by activating VEGF - 2 (VEGFR2 ) and APPLICATION 5 VEGFR3 on lymphatic endothelial cells (Makinen et al. , 2001) . VEGF - C - deficient mice fail to develop a functional This application is a continuation of U . S . patent applica lymphatic system ( Karkkainen et al. , 2004 ) , and transgenic tion Ser . No. 13 /256 ,209 , filed on Sep . 12 , 2011 , which is a expression of a soluble VEGFR - 3 results in pronounced national phase application of PCT International Application lymphedema (Makinen et al. , 2001 ) . However , blockade of the VEGF - C /VEGFR - 3 axis only partially inhibits lym the benefit of U . S . Provisional Application No. 61/ 161 ,497 , phatic metastasis , indicating that additional pathways are filed Mar. 19 , 2009 , the disclosures of which are incorpo involved in mediating the formation and growth of lym rated herein by reference in their entireties. phatic vessels . There have been previous attempts to identify lymphatic specific receptors and pathways by transcriptional FIELD OF THE INVENTION and proteomic profiling of cultured lymphatic endothelial The present invention provides for in vivo chemical cells (LEC ) (Hirakawa et al. , 2003 ; Petrova et al. , 2002 ; screening methods involving a simple phenotypic read -out Roesli et al ., 2008 ) . However , large - scale functional in vivo ( edema formation or lethality ), optionally followed by in screens to identify molecular pathways or -like small situ hybridization or immunohistochemistry to screen for 20 molecule modulators of lymphatic vessel formation have agents modulating cardiac, vascular, lymphatic , or renal been missing to date . development or organ functions in amphibian embryos or In the last years , cost - efficient maintenance together with tadpoles in a multiwell format. Furthermore , active com abundant experimental techniques and molecular tools, have pounds interfering with blood vascular and lymphatic devel- made zebrafish the only vertebrate model used for large opment in Xenopus laevis are disclosed . Also provided are 25 scale in vivo drug screens (Zon and Peterson , 2005 ) . screening methods to identify pathways that mediate lym - Amphibians offer many of the same experimental advan phatic and /or vascular development in an amphibian . tages that have favored zebrafish in the past , such as rapid extra - uterine development, the transparency of developing BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tadpoles , and the permeability of the skin for small mol 30 ecules , but they have to date not been employed for large Lymphatic vessels play a major role in tissue pressure scale chemical library screens to gain insight into vascular homeostasis , immune responses , and the uptake of dietary development. Amphibians have a common evolutionary fat and fat -soluble vitamins , as well as in inflammation and history with mammals that is an estimated 100 million years cancer progression (Cueni and Detmar, 2006 ) . Recent stud - longer than between zebrafish and mammals (Brändli , ies indicate that both lymphatic and blood vessels are 35 2004 ) . Being both tetrapods, amphibians and mammals involved in chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheuma - share extensive synteny at the level of the genomes and have toid arthritis , inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis many similarities in organ development, anatomy, and ( Alitalo et al. , 2005 ; Carmeliet, 2003 ; Cueni and Detmar, physiology (Christensen et al. , 2008 ; Raciti et al. , 2008 ) . 2006 ) . But the formation and activation of both types of These traits favor the use of amphibians for large- scale in endothelium have also important roles in the progression 40 vivo drug screens. In the past, embryos and tadpoles of the and metastasis of the majority of human cancers ( Alitalo et African clawed frog ( Xenopus laevis) have served as a al. , 2005 ; Carmeliet, 2003 ) . Tumors need to induce the powerful animal model to study blood vascular development growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis ) in order to and angiogenesis (Cleaver and Krieg . 1998 ; Helbling et al. , secure the sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients . The 2000 ; Kahn et al ., 2007 ; Levine et al ., 2003 ). More recently , growth of new lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis ) has 45 Xenopus embryos were shown to develop also a complex , been shown to promote cancer metastasis to sentinel lymph well - defined lymphatic vascular system (Ny et al. , 2005 ) . nodes and beyond (Hirakawa et al. , 2007 ; Hirakawa et al. , Similar to the development of the mammalian lymphatic 2005; Mandriota et al . , 2001; Skobe et al . , 2001 ; Stacker et vascular system , LECs transdifferentiate from venous blood al. , 2001) , a phenomenon which is also found in human vascular endothelial cells (BVEC ) and lymphangioblasts neoplasm (Dadras et al . , 2005 ; Tobler and Detmar, 2006 ) . 50 contribute in Xenopus to newly forming lymph vessels that Indeed , studies have revealed that tumor - induced lymphan - mature to drain fluids from the peripheral tissues back to the giogenesis around the primary neoplasm is the most signifi - blood circulation . Antisense -morpholino knockdown studies cant prognostic indicator to predict the occurrence of of the lymphangiogenic factor VEGFC in Xenopus embryos regional lymph node metastasis in human malignant mela causes lymphatic vessel defects similar to the phenotype nomas of the skin (Dadras et al. , 2005 ) .More recently , it has 55 observed in VEGFC -deficient mice , including impaired been found that tumors can induce lymphangiogenesis in LEC sprouting and migration , and the formation of lym their draining lymph nodes , even before they metastasize phedema (Karkkainen et al. , 2004 ; Ny et al. , 2005 ). and that induction of lymph node lymphangiogenesis pro Various publications have described the use of Xenopus motes the further metastatic cancer spread to distant sites embryos in the study of angiogenesis and lymphangiogen (Hirakawa et al. , 2007 ; Hirakawa et al. , 2005 ) . Thus , tumor - 60 esis . For example , U . S . Patent Application Publication No . induced lymphatic growth and activation represents a prom - 2006 /0159676 A1 describes methods of inhibiting and pro ising target for treating or preventing advanced cancer. As a moting various physiological processes , including angio result, there has been a surge of interest in identifying key genesis and lymphangiogenesis by interference with the players that can be used to specifically target these processes apelin / APJ signaling pathway , as well as methods of iden therapeutically 65 tifying therapeutic agents affecting the apelin /APJ signaling A strong correlation between the expression levels of the pathway . The reference describes the effects of various lymphangiogenic factor vascular endothelial growth fac treatments on apelin expression in frog embryos, as mea US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 sured by in situ hybridization , but does not describe an In more specific embodiments , the secondary screen is anatomical pattern of edema formation . performed by in situ hybridization or by immunohistochem U . S . Patent Application Publication No . 2007 /0107072 istry . describes transgenic amphibian models for lymphatic vessel In other more specific embodiments , the in situ hybrid development, including assays that allow screening for 5 ization is performed manually , semi- automated or fully compounds able to modulate lymphangiogenesis . The ref automated . erence describes the use of transgenic frog embryos to study In some embodiments , the method further comprises thehe the development of the lymphatic vascular network . The step of d ) identifying the agent causing the edema in or death reference does not, however, describe an anatomical pattern of the amphibian . of edema formation . 10 According to another aspect , the invention provides a There is , therefore, a need for additional methods for in compoundprising the stepsidentified of: a )by treating an in avivo plurality screening of amphibians method com with vivo screening in amphibian model systems and for com a plurality of agents ; b ) identifying an amphibian from the pounds identified using such screens. plurality of amphibians wherein the treatment causes edema 15 in or death of the amphibian ; c ) determining the anatomical SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION pattern of edema formation in the identified amphibian ; and d ) identifying the agent causing the edema in or death of the The present invention addresses these problems by pro amphibian . viding novel methods for in vivo screening and compounds In more specific embodiments , the methods used to iden identified using such methods. 20 tify the compound are as described above . In one aspect, the invention provides a method of screen In some embodiments of the invention, the compound ing , comprising the steps of: a ) treating a plurality of affects blood vessel development only. amphibians with a plurality of agents ; b ) identifying an In more specific embodiments of the invention , the com amphibian from the plurality of amphibians wherein the pound causes defective vasculogenesis . treatment causes edema in or death of the amphibian : and c ) 25 In other more specific embodiments , the compound determining the anatomical pattern of edema formation in causes defective angiogenesis . the identified amphibian . In still other more specific embodiments , the compound In some embodiments , the plurality of amphibians are causes ectopic angiogenic sprouting . treated by including the plurality of agents in the culture In still other more specific embodiments , the compound media containing the plurality of amphibians . 30 causes vitelline vein network hypoplasia . In some embodiments , the plurality of agents are dis - In some embodiments of the invention , the compound solved in the culture media containing the plurality of affects blood and lymph vessel formation . amphibians . In more specific embodiments of the invention , the com In some embodiments, the method is performed in a pound causes defective blood and lymph angiogenesis . multi- well format. 35 In other more specific embodiments , the compound In some embodiments , the plurality of amphibians are a causes vitelline vein network hyperplasia and defective plurality of embryos, tadpoles , or adults . lymph angiogenesis . In some embodiments , the plurality of amphibians are In some embodiments of the invention , the compound from the subclass Lissamphibia . affects lymph vessel formation only . In more specific embodiments , the plurality of amphib - 40 In some embodiments of the invention , the compound ians are frogs, toads , newts , salamanders , mudpuppies , or causes defective lymph angiogenesis . caecilians. In another aspect, the invention provides a method for in In some embodiments , the plurality of amphibians are vivo screening comprising : a ) treating a plurality of amphib from the genus Xenopus. ians with a plurality of agents ; b ) identifying an amphibian In more specific embodiments, the plurality of amphib - 45 from the plurality of amphibians wherein the treatment ians are from the species Xenopus laevis or Xenopus tropi- causes edema in or death of the amphibian ; c ) determining calis . the anatomical pattern of edema formation in the identified In some embodiments , the plurality of agents are inde amphibian ; and d ) identifying a pathway that mediates pendently small molecules , , antibodies, , lymphatic and /or vascular development in the identified secreted proteins, nucleic acids , antisense RNA molecules, 50 amphibian . ribozymes , RNA interference nucleotide sequences, anti - In some embodiments of the invention , the pathway is a sense oligomers , or morpholino oligonucleotides . VEGF pathway. In some embodiments , the edema or death is caused by an In some embodiments of the invention , the pathway is activity in the vascular, lymphatic , cardiac , or excretory targeted by an adenosine . system of the identified amphibian . 55 In some embodiments , the method further comprises the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS step of identifying the target tissue or organ of the agent responsible for the edema or death in the identified amphib FIG . 1 . A chemical library screening method to identify ian . small -molecule modulators of vascular development in In other embodiments , the anatomical pattern of edema 60 Xenopus embryos. Xenopus embryos were arrayed in multi formation in the identified amphibian is cerebral, periocular, well plates and single compounds from the LOPAC1280 pericardial , ventral , proctodeal, pronephric , or tail tip . chemical library were added to the water in each well . In still other embodiments , the anatomical pattern of Embryos were screened visually for developmental defects edema formation in the identified amphibian is a cardiac (edema and / or late lethality ) . Positive hits are verified by phenotype or a lymph -heart enlargement. 65 repeating the phenotypic assay . Compounds interfering with In some embodiments, the step to identify the amphibian vascular development are identified by whole mount in situ is performed by a secondary screen . hybridization of compound -treated Xenopus embryos . Note US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 the screen can also recover compounds affecting cardiac or Naphthalimide, 4 - amino - 1 , 8 - naphthalimide; Naphthyridine, renal development or function . 7 -chloro - 4 -hydroxy - 2 -phenyl - 1 , 8 -naphthyridine . FIG . 2 . Distinct edema phenotypes induced by small - FIG . 5 . Compounds specifically affecting lymph vessel molecule compounds in Xenopus tadpoles . A selection of development in Xenopus tadpoles. Control DMSO - ( a , b ) compound - treated Xenopus tadpoles displaying different 5 and compound - treated ( c - n ) Xenopus embryos were ana classes of edema morphologies is shown ( see Table 8 for lyzed by whole mount in situ hybridization as described in the legend to FIG . 4 . Close -up views of apj- stained embryos details ): class A ( a - f, r ); class B ( g, h ), class C (i , j) , class D illustrate normal ISV angiogenesis and VVN development ( k , 1 ) , Class E ( m , n ), and class F ( 0 - 9 ) . Pictures of com in the embryonic trunk . ALS , ALH , and PLVs are high pound - treated ( a - r ) and control DMSO - treated embryos ( s , t ) 10 lighted by arrows, asterisks , and arrowheads, respectively . were taken during the screening process at the indicated ( a , b ) Normal ALS and ALH lymphatics , and PLVs. ( c , d ) developmental stages, Xenopus tadpoles are generally Dysplastic ALH lymphatics. ( e , f ) Dysplastic ALS and ALH shown in lateral views. Arrowheads mark primary regions of lymphatics , and hypoplastic PLVs. Note persistent vegfr3 edema formation . Where required , dorsal views ( h , I , t) are expression in the VVN (black arrowhead ) . ( g , h ) Stunted shown to highlight particular edemamorphologies . Alterna - 15 ALS lymphatics, dysplastic . ALH lymphatics , and hypoplas tively , magnifications of specific regions such as the head for tic PLVs. ( i, j) Impaired ALS lymphangiogenesis , stunted periocular ( b ) and cerebral ( n ) edemas , heart for pericardial ALH lymphatics, and hypoplastic (k - n ) Impaired ALS and edemas ( j, p ) , pronephric kidneys ( d ) and lymph hearts ( 1 ) ALH lymphangiogenesis, and hypoplastic PLVs . are shown . Abbreviations: GBR - 12909 , GBR - 12909 dihy FIG . 6 . Selective and cell - type specific in vitro responses drochloride ; Phenanthridinone , 6 (5H ) - Phenanthridinone ; 20 of endothelial cells to treatment with small -molecule com Tyr, Tyrphostin . pounds . 24 compounds were tested in vitro on human FIG . 3 . Compounds affecting distinct aspects of blood lymphatic (LEC ; black bars ) and blood vascular (HUVEC ; vessel development in vivo . Compound -treated (a -n ) and open bars) endothelial cell cultures for effects on cell pro control DMSO - treated Xenopus embryos ( o , p ) were ana - liferation and tube formation . ( a ) Results of the compound lyzed by whole mount in situ hybridization for expression of 25 screens using cell proliferation assays . Compounds were the vascular marker gene apj. Stage 35 /36 embryos are screened at a dose of 10 uM in 0 . 1 % DMSO . Control shown in lateral views with anterior to the left. Close - up cultures were treated with 0 . 1 % DMSO . ( b ) Results of the views of the trunk illustrate the morphology of the blood compound screens using tube formation assxys . Compounds vessels . Compound names are indicated . ( a - d ) Hypoplastic were screened at a dose of 1 uM in 0 . 1 % DMSO . Control VVN (asterisks ) and PCV (arrowheads ). ( e , f ) Lack of ISVS 30 cultures were treated with 0 . 1 % DMSO . Abbreviations : ( arrowheads) . Note that assembly of PCV and VVN ( aster - 7 -Cyclo : 7 - cyclopentyl- 5 - ( 4 - phenoxy ) phenyl- 7H - pyrrolo isk ) is unaffected . ( g , h ) Ectopic ISV ( arrowheads ) and [ 2 . 3 - d ] pyrimidin - 4 - ylamine ; L - 687 , 384 : L -687 , 384 hydro dysplastic VVN (asterisk ) . ( i, j ) Ectopic ISV (arrowheads ) chloride ; Naphthalimide : 4 - amino - 1 , 8 - naphthalimide ; and hyperplastic VVN (asterisk ) . ( k - n ) Hypoplastic , dis - Naphthyridine : 7 - chloro - 4 -hydroxy - 2 -phenyl - 1 , 8 - naphthy persed VVN (asterisks ), but normal ISV angiogenesis ( ar - 35 ridine ; Nicardipine : Nicardipine hydrochloride ; Phenylxan rowheads) . ( o , p ) Control embryos with normal VVN ( aster - thine: 1 , 3 -diethyl - 8 - phenylxanthine . Bars indicate mean val isk ) , PCV ( arrow ) , and ISV (arrowhead ) . Abbreviations: ues and standard deviations of three independently Calmidazolium , calmidazolium chloride ; Indirubin , indiru - performed assays . bin - 3 -oxime . FIG . 7 . Differential, cell- type specific effects of selected FIG . 4 . Compounds affecting blood and lymph vessel 40 small -molecule compounds on endothelial tube formation . development in Xenopus tadpoles. Control DMSO - ( a , b ) Confluent monolayers of HUVEC or LEC were overlaid and compound - treated ( c - j ) Xenopus embryos were ana - with collagen type I gels containing the indicated com lyzed by whole mount in situ hybridization for expression of pounds at a dose of 1 uM in 0 .1 % DMSO . Scale bars : 100 the blood vascular marker gene apj at stage 35 / 36 and the um . lymphatic marker gene vegfr3 at stage 42 . Panels of the 45 FIG . 8 . The adenosine A1 receptor antagonist naphthyri embryonic blood vasculature (apj ) are accompanied by dine inhibits VEGFA -induced angiogenesis and lymphatic close - up views illustrating ISV angiogenesis and VVN vessel enlargement in mice . VEGFA -containing Matrigel development in the embryonic trunk . The panels visualizing plugs were implanted subcutaneously into adult mice and the developing lymphatic system ( vegfr3 ) include close -ups the mice were subsequently treated systemically with naph of the head and midtrunk region (middle panels ) for the 50 thyridine or with vehicle control for 6 days. ( a - c ) Differential anterior lymph sacs (ALS ) and the anterior lymph hearts immunofluorescence analysis for the lymphatic -specific ( ALH ), and enlargements ( left panels ) of the tail for poste - marker LYVE1 ( green , examples highlighted by arrows) and rior lymph vessels (PLV ) . ( a ) Normal ISVs ( arrowhead ) and the pan - vascular marker CD31 ( red ) demonstrated lym VVN ( asterisk ). (b ) Normal ALS ( arrow ) , ALH (asterisk ) , phatic vessel enlargement and enhanced numbers of blood and PLV (arrowheads ). ( c ) Stunted ISVs ( arrowhead ), nor- 55 vessels in the skin surrounding VEGFA -containing Matri mal VVN ( asterisk ) . ( d ) Hypoplastic PLV ( arrowheads ) , gels ( b ) , as compared with Matrigels containing PBS ( a ). impaired ALS (arrow ) and ALH (asterisk ) lymphatics . ( e ) Treatment with naphthyridine resulted in a reduction of Stunted ISV (arrowhead ) , hypoplastic VVN (asterisk ) . ( f ) blood vessel numbers and lymphatic vessel enlargement ( c ) , Stunted ALS lymphatics ( arrow ) , dysplastic ALH lymphat- ( d - g ) Quantitative image analyses confirmed that the density ics (asterisks ) , hypoplastic PLV (arrowheads ). ( g ) Normal 60 of lymphatic vessels was unchanged by VEGFA alone or by ISV (arrowhead ), hyperplastic VVN . ( h ) Hypoplastic PLV combined VEGFA and naphthyridine treatment (d ). In con (arrowheads ), impaired ALS (arrow ) and ALH (asterisks ) trast , the tissue area covered by lymphatic vessels surround lymphatics. (i ) Stunted ISV (arrowhead ), hyperplastic VVN . ing VEGFA containing Matrigels was significantly reduced (i ) Complete lack of ALS (arrow ) , ALH ( asterisk ) and tail by treatment with naphthyridine ( e ) . Treatment with naph lymphatics . Note that vegfr3 expression persists in the VVN 65 thyridine also reduced the number of VEGFA - induced blood ( arrowhead ) . Abbreviations : 7 - Cyclo , 7 - Cyclopentyl- 5 - ( 4 - vessels ( f ) and the tissue area covered by blood vessels ( g ) . phenoxy )phenyl - 7H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 - d ]pyrimidin - 4 -ylamine ; Scale bars : 100 um . US 9 , 945 , 845 B2 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE edema in or death of the amphibian ; and c ) determining the INVENTION anatomical pattern of edema formation in the identified amphibian . Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are essential for According to some embodiments of the invention , the organogenesis , but also play important roles in tissue regen - 5 plurality of agents used in the screening methods are small eration , chronic inflammation , and tumor progression . Fur - molecules , drugs , antibodies, peptides , secreted proteins , thermore , defects in the development or function of the nucleic acids, antisense RNA molecules, ribozymes , RNA cardiovascular and excretory systems underlie major dis - interference nucleotide sequences, antisense oligomers , or eases in humans , such as myocardial infarction , stroke , morpholino oligonucleotides. However, any agent having an hypertension , and chronic kidney disease. Provided herein 10 effect of interest on the plurality of amphibians could are in vivo methods to screen a plurality of agents , such as , potentially be of interest and use in carrying out the methods for example a chemical library , to identify novel agents and of the invention . biological mechanisms affecting cardiac , lymphatic , vascu In preferred embodiments of the invention , the plurality lar, or renal function in amphibian embryos and tadpoles. In of agents used in the screening methods are part of a library one embodiment of the invention , a novel screening method 15 of agents such as, for example , a chemical or compound involving a simple phenotypic read - out (edema formation or library . For purposes of the invention , a chemical library or lethality ) followed by in situ hybridization is used to screen compound library is a collection of stored chemicals (agent an annotated chemical library of 1 ,280 bioactive compounds or compound ) usually used in low - and high - throughput in an multiwell format. In alternative embodiments of the drug discovery screening procedures . Typically , the chemi invention , the in situ hybridization step is replaced by 20 cal library consists of a series of stored chemicals with a immunohistochemical techniques using specific antibodies. specific chemical composition . Each chemical is associated Using a two - step screening method of the instant invention , with information stored in some kind of database with compounds interfering with blood vascular and /or lymphatic information such as the chemical structure , purity , quantity , development in Xenopus laevis are identified . The com - and physiochemical characteristics of the chemical. In drug pounds identified according to the instant screeningmethods 25 discovery screening , such as , for example , in some of the may be used directly in preclinical models of inflammation screening methods of the instant invention , it is desirable to and cancer metastasis . screen a drug target or a biological process against a The instant invention provides in one aspect an unbiased selection of chemicals that represent as much of the appro chemical screening approach in combination with a simple priate chemical space as possible . The term “ drug target” phenotypic readout and in situ hybridization (manual , semi- 30 describes the native protein or other biomolecule in the body automated , or fully automated ) to identify agents and path - whose activity is affected by a drug ( i . e . chemical, com ways involved in the development of the cardiac , renal, pound , or agent ) resulting in a particular biological or lymphatic and blood vascular system in Xenopus tadpoles . therapeutic effect. The targets may include without limita Also provided according to another aspect of the inven - tion : G protein coupled receptors, ( such as protein tion are compounds identified according to the methods of 35 kinases ) , ligand - gated ion channels , voltage - gated ion chan the instant chemical screen . Compounds identified in the nels , solute carriers , nuclear hormone receptors , structural screen include compounds affecting vascular and lymphatic proteins, nucleic acids ( including e . g . , deoxyribonucleic development. acids and ribonucleic acids ), , lipoproteins, and mem In yet another aspect of the invention , novel pathways and branes. targets are identified using the screening methods disclosed 40 The plurality of agents are used to treat a plurality of herein . Pathways not previously known to mediate lym - amphibians according to the methods of the instant inven phatic and /or vascular development are revealed by the tion . Aswould be understood by those of ordinary skill in the screening methods of the invention . In one embodiment, the art , the plurality of agents may be usefully delivered to the screening method is used to identify an adenosine A1 plurality of amphibians by any means . For example , in some receptor antagonist that inhibits lymphatic and blood vessel 45 embodiments of the invention , the plurality of amphibians formation in Xenopus tadpoles. are treated by including the plurality of agents in the culture Many of the compounds identified in one of the in vivo media containing the amphibians. In preferred embodi screen embodiments of the invention are also active in at m ents , the plurality of agents are dissolved in the culture least one of four different endothelial in vitro assays, such as media containing the plurality of amphibians. cell proliferation and tube formation . Taken together, the 50 It would also be understood by those of ordinary skill in various aspects of the instant invention establish rapid and the art that the plurality of amphibians are typically treated sensitive in vivo methods for large - scale chemical screens independently with the plurality of agents according to the using amphibians to identify novel pathways and lead com methods of the invention . In other words , individual pounds with selectivity for lymphatic and blood vessel amphibians are separately treated with individual agents so formation in a time- and cost- saving manner . 55 that specific effects of each agent on an individual amphibian The disclosed screening methods also provide for the can be determined . It is within the scope of the invention , identification of and recovery of compounds affecting car - however , that mixtures of agents could also be used to treat diac and excretory system development and function . The individual amphibians according to the instant methods . whole - organism based screening methods of the instant Such mixtures may be useful in identifying agents having invention are more informative than in vitro screening 60 combinatorial activities on the amphibians in the screening assays and therefore accelerate the development and testing methods. It is also within the scope of the invention that of new drug candidates for the treatment of disorders such other conditions , such as , e . g ., concentration of agent , com as chronic inflammation and cancer . position of culture media , temperature , and so on , may also In one aspect, the invention provides a method for in vivo be varied as desired in the practice of the instant methods . screening comprising : a ) treating a plurality of amphibians 65 In preferred embodiments of the invention , the plurality with a plurality of agents ; b ) identifying an amphibian from of agents are dissolved in the culture media containing the the plurality of amphibians wherein the treatment causes plurality of amphibians . However, other means of treatment US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 of the amphibians by the agents are understood to be within metamorphosis , the tadpole ' s mouth changes from a small the scope of the invention , as would be apparent to one of enclosed mouth at the front of the head to a large mouth the ordinary skill in the art. same width as thehead . The intestines shorten to make way In some embodiments of the invention , the methods are for the new diet. With the completion ofmetamorphosis an performed in a multi -well format . As is understood by those 5 adult organism emerges, which is usually (but not always ) of ordinary skill in the art, multi -well format typically refers accompanied by a change of habitat usually from water to to a specific arrangement of plastic Petri dishes (also known land . as culture plates ) , where two or more dishes are incorporated in some embodiments of the invention , the methods into one plastic lidded container to create , what is called a further comprise the step of identifying the target tissue or multi -well plate . Multi -well plates may typically harbor 6 , 10 organ of the agent responsible for the edema or death in the 12 , 24 , 48 , 96 or 384 wells . The multiwell plate format is identified amphibian . As used herein , the terms target tissue designed specifically for high - throughput experiments on a or organ refer to cellular structures of the organism ( e . g . small scale . In the context of the present invention , multi - embryo , tadpole or adult ) that are affected by the biological well format may refer to the use of 12 -, 24 - , or 48 - well plates or pharmacological activity of an agent, which had been to culture embryos or tadpoles for the parallel testing and 15 absorbed by the organism . Tissue is in this context consid characterization of thousands of chemical agents . ered a cellular organizational level intermediate between The methods of the instant invention include the step of cells and a complete organ . Hence , a tissue is an ensemble identifying an amphibian from the plurality of amphibians , of cells , not necessarily identical, but from the same origin , wherein the treatment causes edema in or death of the that together carry out a specific function . Animal tissues are amphibian . In other words, the methods include a procedure 20 typically grouped into four basic types : connective tissue, or test to identify agents , which may be present in a chemical muscle tissue , nervous tissue , and epithelial tissue . The library, that elicit a desired biological activity . The screen functional grouping and assembly of multiple tissues then may test agents on whole amphibian organisms to identify form organs. An organ is therefore a collection of tissues agents that elicit a phenotype of interest. A phenotype is joined in a structural unit to serve one or more common defined as any observable characteristic or trait of an organ - 25 physiological functions . ism : such as its morphology , development, biochemical, The methods of the instant invention further include the metabolic or physiological properties, or behavior. The step of determining the anatomical pattern of edema forma phenotypes are compared with control organisms, which are tion in the identified amphibian . As described in detail in the mock treated or are untreated . The observed phenotype is the Examples , edema formation in response to compound treat result of the agent modulating the expression of the organ - 30 ment in an amphibian may be initially highly regionalized , ism ' s genes , the activity of its gene products ( e . g . mRNA , i. e . restricted to a specific organ or tissue, before becoming proteins ) or other constituents ( e. g . lipids , metabolic prod generalized to the whole body . Hence , according to the ucts ) . Typically , the screen is simple , fast, and cost - effective methods of the invention , the anatomical distribution and the These characteristics permit the rapid selection of agents temporal onset of edemas resulting from the treatment step with desirable bioactivity . 35 may be analyzed to determine an anatomical pattern . In some embodiments of the invention , the plurality of In some embodiments of the invention , the anatomical amphibians are a plurality of embryos, tadpoles , or adults . pattern of edema formation in an amphibian identified As used herein , the term " embryo ” is defined as a multicel according to the method is cerebral, periocular, pericardial , lular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage of development, ventral , proctodeal, pronephric , or tail tip . In some embodi from the time of first cell division until birth , hatching or 40 ments of the invention , the anatomical pattern of edema germination . The development of a fertilized egg (zygote ) formation is a cardiac phenotype or a lymph -heart enlarge into embryo is called embryogenesis . In animals, the devel- ment. opment of the zygote into an embryo proceeds through In some embodiments of the instant invention , a second specific recognizable stages of blastula , gastrula , neurula , ary screen is implemented on the basis of the results and organogenesis . In amphibians , fertilized eggs and the 45 obtained in the initial or primary screen . The purpose of this resulting multicellular organisms are called by convention secondary screen is to identify and characterize in greater embryos from fertilization through hatching , which is detail the biological activity of agents recovered in the defined as the stage when the embryo breaks the covering primary screen . In preferred embodiments of the invention , vitelline membrane . After hatching , the free -swimming the secondary screen is performed by in situ hybridization or amphibian is called a tadpole . 50 immunohistochemical procedures . In each procedure , As used herein , the term “ tadpole ” is defined as the molecular markers ( antigens or nucleic acids ) are visualized , wholly aquatic larval stage in the life cycle of an amphibian , and changes in their expression are compared to control particularly of a frog or toad . Tadpoles are young amphib - organisms, which are mock treated or are untreated . Com ians that live in the water . During the tadpole stage of the mon screenable phenotypes in the secondary screen involve , amphibian life cycle , most respire by means of autonomous 55 for example , absent, enhanced , abnormal, and ectopic external or internal gills . Tadpoles do not usually have limbs expression of the molecular marker gene monitored in the ( arms or legs ) until the transition to adulthood . secondary screen . Changes in the expression of a marker As used herein , the term “ adult ” is defined as a biologi - gene may provide important clues about changes in mor cally grown or mature organism . In amphibians, a tadpole phogenesis, tissue formation , organogenesis or homeostasis matures into an adult by undergoing metamorphosis , a 60 after the organism was exposed to the agent . biological process of transformation , involving a conspicu - In preferred embodiments of the invention , the step to ous and relatively abrupt change in the animal' s body identify the amphibian is performed by in situ hybridization . structure through cell growth and differentiation . The tad - In situ hybridization is a type of hybridization procedure that pole metamorphosizes by gradually growing limbs (usually uses a labeled complementary oligonucleotide , deoxyribo the legs first, followed by the arms ) and then outwardly 65 nucleic acid ( cDNA ) or ribonucleic acid (RNA ) strand absorbing its tail by apotosis . Lungs develop around the time typically termed the “ probe ” to localize a specific DNA or of leg development. During the final stages of external RNA sequence in a portion or section of a tissue in situ ( i. e . US 9 , 945 ,845 B2 12 in the place ). Alternatively , in situ hybridization can be typically include, for example, permeabilization of the bio carried out in whole mount on an entire organism , for logical specimen (tissue , organ , embryo ) with proteinase K example if the whole organism is small enough ( e . g . to open cell membranes , although the permeabilization step embryo , larvae , and tadpole ) . Hybridization is the process of is not always needed for tissue sections or some early - stage establishing a non - covalent, sequence -specific interaction 5 embryos . Next, labeled complementary probes are allowed between two or more complementary strands of nucleic to bind to the target mRNAs by hybridization . Specific acids into a single hybrid , which in the case of two strands hybrids encompassing the probe and the target mRNA are is referred to as a duplex . Oligonucleotides , DNA , or RNA visualized by staining with an antibody , which recognizes a will bind to their complement under normal conditions, so specific antigen ( e . g . digoxigenin or biotin ) covalently that two perfectly complementary strands will bind to each 10 coupled to the probe molecule . The antibody may be radio other readily . In situ hybridization is distinct from immu - actively labeled , covalently coupled with a fluorophore or nohistochemistry , which localizes proteins in tissue , organs, conjugated with an such as horse radish peroxidase . or whole organisms. The enzyme is used to catalyze a color - producing reaction . In the context of the present invention , oligonucleotide , Other catalytic enzymes such as alkaline phosphatase may DNA , or RNA hybridization may be used in some embodi- 15 be used instead of peroxidases for both direct and indirect ments to measure and localize messenger RNA (mRNAs ) , staining methods. Alternatively , the antibody may be microRNA miRNA ) and other gene transcripts in cells of a detected using the fluorescent label (by immunofluores tissue , organ , or intact organisms. In situ hybridization cence ) , or radioactivity (by autoradiography ) . Fluorophores samples are whole organisms ( e . g . embryos, tadpoles , lar may include , without limitation , fluorescein , rhodamine , vae , adults ) , organs , or tissues or sections thereof. In situ 20 DyLight Flour or Alexa Fluor. Other detection techniques , hybridization may be used in the diagnosis of normal as well such as, for example, luminescence , may also be used in the as abnormal cells such as those found in tissues and organs methods of the invention . that have undergone pathological changes due to cancer or In situ hybridization procedures of use in the instant other illnesses . The molecular markers ( i . e ., mRNA mol methods may be carried out manually , semi-automated or ecules ) detected by in situ hybridization may reflect the 25 fully automated . Manually refers to procedures carried out severity or presence of some disease state . In situ hybrid by solely hand without using specialized equipment ( e . g . ization may also be used to understand the distribution and machines, instruments , or robots ). Semi- automated indicates localization of biomarkers ( i . e . differentially expressed that parts of procedures are done by specialized equipment, mRNA molecules ) in different parts of a biological sample . but human intervention may be required for one or more Specific biomarkers are characteristic of particular cellular 30 steps . Fully automated in situ hybridization procedures use events such as proliferation , differentiation , or cell death specialized equipment that may be controlled fully or in part ( apoptosis ) . A biomarker or molecular marker may in this by computers . context be , for example , an mRNA molecule native to the For purposes of the methods of the instant invention , tissue, organ , or organism whose detection indicates a nor - immunohistochemistry refers to the process of localizing mal state or a particular disease state ( for example, the 35 antigens ( e . g . proteins, lipids , glycolipids, or glycans) in presence of a mRNA molecule may indicate an inflamma cells of a tissue , organ , or intact organisms by exploiting the tion ). The biomarker may therefore be used as an indicator principle of antibodies binding specifically to antigens in of a particular disease state or some other biological state of biological samples . Immunohistochemical samples are , for a tissue , an organ or an organism . In the context of the example , whole organisms ( e . g . embryos, tadpoles , larvae , present invention and not excluding the above -mentioned 40 adults ) , organs , or tissues or sections thereof. Immunohis applications , in situ hybridization may also be used for tochemical staining may be used in the diagnosis of normal example , to demonstrate and characterize the bioactivity of as well as abnormal cells such as those found in tissues and an agent or a combination of agents in intact organisms. organs that had undergone pathological changes due to For in situ hybridization , the intact biological sample cancer or other illnesses. The molecular markers ( e . g . anti ( tissues , organs , or whole organisms) or sections thereof are 45 gens ) detected by immunochemistry may reflect the severity typically treated by organic solvents to fix the target RNA or presence of some disease state . Immunohistochemistry transcripts in place and to increase access of the probe . The may also be used to understand the distribution and local probe is typically either a labeled complementary oligo - ization of biomarkers ( e . g . differentially expressed antigens ) nucleotide , DNA or RNA ( riboprobe ) . The probe , for in different parts of a biological sample . Specific biomarkers example , hybridizes to the target mRNA sequence at 50 are characteristic of particular cellular events such as pro elevated temperature , and then the excess probe is washed liferation , differentiation , or cell death (apoptosis ). A bio away (after prior hydrolysis using RNase in the case of marker or molecular marker can be an antigen native to the (unhybridized , excess RNA probe ). As would be understood tissue, organ , or organism whose detection indicates a nor by those skilled in the art, solution parameters, such as mal state or a particular disease state (for example , the temperature , salt and / or detergent concentration may be 55 presence of a protein may indicate an inflammation ) . The manipulated to remove any non - identical interactions ( i . e . biomarker is therefore used as an indicator of a particular only exact sequence matches will remain bound ) . Then , the disease state or some other biological state of a tissue , an probe that was labeled with either radio -, fluorescent- or organ or an organism . In the context of the present invention , antigen - labeled bases ( e . g . digoxigenin , or biotin ) is local and not excluding the above -mentioned applications, immu ized and quantitated in the tissue using either autoradiogra - 60 nohistochemistry may also be used to demonstrate the phy , fluorescence microscopy , or immunohistochemistry , bioactivity of an agent or a combination of agents in intact respectively . In situ hybridization procedures may also organisms. involve the use of two or more probes , labeled with radio - For purposes of the instant invention , the visualization of activity or the other non - radioactive labels , to simultane - an antibody - antigen interaction may be accomplished in a ously detect two or more transcripts in section of a tissue or 65 number of ways, as would be understood by those of skill in organ , or in the whole organisms ( e . g . embryo , larvae , and the art . For example , in the most common instance , an tadpole ). The basic steps of in situ hybridization procedures antibody is conjugated to an enzyme, such as peroxidase , US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 13 14 that can catalyse a color - producing reaction ( immunoper - In some embodiments of the invention , the compound oxidase staining) . Other catalytic enzymes such as alkaline identified by the in vivo screening method affects blood phosphatase may be used instead of peroxidases for both vessel development only . In more specific embodiments , the direct and indirect staining methods. Alternatively , the anti compound causes defective vasculogenesis . In even more body may be detected using a fluorescent label (immuno - 5 specific embodiments , the compound causes defective fluorescence ), may be attached to colloidal gold particles for angiogenesis , ectopic angiogenic sprouting , or vitelline vein electron microscopy, or may be made radioactive for auto - network ( VVN ) hypoplasia . radiography . Fluorophores of use in the instant methods may In some embodiments of the invention , the compound include , without limitation , fluorescein , rhodamine , DyLight affects both blood and lymph vessel formation . In specific Flour or Alexa Fluor . Other detection techniques, such as, " embodiments , the compound causes defective blood and for example , luminescence, may also be used in the methods lymph angiogenesis or vitelline vein network hyperplasia of the invention . and defective lymph angiogenesis . The antibodies used in the immunohistochemistry of the In some embodiments of the invention , the compound instant methods may be polyclonal, i . e . raised by normal 15 affects lymph vessel formation only . In specific embodi antibody reactions in animals , such as horses , sheep or ments , the compound causes defective lymph angiogenesis . rabbits . Polyclonal antibodies ( or antisera ) are obtained from In another aspect, the invention provides methods for in different B cell resources . They are typically a combination vivo screening comprising : a ) treating a plurality of amphib of immunoglobulin molecules secreted against a specific i ans with a plurality of agents ; b ) identifying an amphibian antigen , each identifying a different antigenic determinant 20 from the plurality of amphibians wherein the treatment ( epitope ) . Alternatively , monoclonal antibodies can be used causes edema in or death of the amphibian ; c ) determining that have affinity for the same antigen . Monoclonal antibod - the anatomical pattern of edema formation in the identified ies are monospecific , because they are made by one type of amphibian ; and d ) identifying a pathway that mediates immune cell , which are all clones of a unique parent B cell lymphatic and/ or vascular development in the identified Two basic strategies are typically used for time immuno - 25 amphibian . In some embodiments of the invention , the histochemical detection of antigens in tissue , organs, or pathway is a VEGF pathway . In some embodiments of the whole organisms: the directmethod and the indirect method . invention , the pathway is targeted by an adenosine receptor In both cases, many antigens may also need an additional antagonist. step for unmasking . This may be achieved by detergent In yet another aspect , the invention provides novel meth treatment or sectioning . The direct method is typically a 30 ods according to the following numbered paragraphs: one - step staining method , and normally involves a labeled 1 . A method for in vivo screening comprising : a ) treating a antibody (e .g . fluorophore or enzyme conjugated antibody ) plurality of amphibians with a plurality of agents ; b ) reacting directly with the antigen in the biological sample . identifying an amphibian from the plurality of amphibians The indirect method typically involves an unlabeled primary wherein the treatment causes edema in or death of the antibody ( first layer ), which reacts with the antigen , and a 35 amphibian ; and c ) determining the anatomical pattern of labeled secondary antibody ( second layer) , which reacts edema formation in the identified amphibian . with the primary antibody. The second layer antibody may 2 . The method of paragraph 1 , wherein the agent is admin be conjugated with a fluorescent dye or an enzyme . The i stered to the amphibian by dissolving the agent in the secondary antibody may also be biotinylated and coupled culture media containing the amphibian . with streptavidin -horseradish peroxidase or other streptavi - 40 3 . The method of paragraph 1 , wherein the method is dine - enzyme fusion proteins. The enzymes are typically performed in a multi -well format . used to catalyze a color -producing reaction . Finally , the 4 . The method of paragraph 1 , wherein the amphibian is an antibody may also be radiolabeled and antibody -antigen embryo , tadpole , or adult . complexes are detected by radiography . Other detection 5 . The method of paragraph 1 , wherein the amphibian is techniques , such as , for example , luminescence , may also be 45 from the subclass Lissamphibia . used in the methods of the invention . 6 . The method of paragraph 5 , wherein the amphibian is a The immunohistochemical procedures of the instant frog , toad , newt, salamander , mudpuppy, or caecilian . methods may be carried out manually , semi- automated or 7 . The method of paragraph 1 , wherein the amphibian is fully automated . Manually refers to procedures carried out from the genus Xenopus. by solely hand without using specialized equipment 50 8 . The method of paragraph 7 , wherein the amphibian is machines , instruments , or robots ) . Semi- automated indicates from the species Xenopus laevis or Xenopus tropicalis . that parts of procedures may be done by specialized equip - 9 . The method of paragraph 1 , wherein the agent is a small ment, hut human intervention is required for one or more molecule , a drug , an antibody , a , a secreted steps. Fully automated immunohistochemical procedures protein , a nucleic acid , an antisense RNA molecule , a use specialized equipment that may be controlled fully or in 55 ribozyme, an RNA interference nucleotide sequence, an part by computers . antisense oligomer, or a morpholino oligonucleotide . In another aspect , the invention provides compounds 10 . The method of paragraph 1 , wherein the edema or death identified by an in vivo screening method comprising the is caused by an activity in the vascular, lymphatic , car steps of: a ) treating a plurality of amphibians with a plurality diac , or excretory system of the identified amphibian . of agents ; b ) identifying an amphibian from the plurality of 60 11 . The method of paragraph 1 , further comprising the step amphibians wherein the treatment causes edema in or death of identifying the target tissue ( s ) or organ ( s ) of the agent of the amphibian ; c ) determining the anatomical pattern of responsible for the edema or death in the identified edema formation in the identified amphibian ; and d ) iden amphibian . tifying the agent causing the edema in or death of the 12 . The method of any one of paragraphs 1 - 11 , wherein the amphibian . As described in detail in the Examples, methods 65 identifying step is performed by a secondary screen . of the instant invention have been used to identify com - 13 . The method of any one of paragraphs 1 - 12 , wherein the pounds causing various phenotypes in treated amphibians. identifying step is performed by in situ hybridization . US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 15 16 14 . The method of paragraph 13 , wherein the in situ hybrid read - outs combined with secondary screens. The inventors ization performed manually , semi- automated or fully now describe a large -scale two -step chemical screening automated . method in Xenopus embryos to efficiently recover agents 15 . The method of any one of paragraphs 1 - 12 , wherein the affecting vascular, lymphatic , cardiac or renal development identifying step is performed by immunohistochemistry. 5 and function in vivo (FIG . 1) . As utilized herein , the agent 16 . The method of paragraph 15 , wherein the immunohis - or compound can be but is not limited to a chemical, a small tochemistry is performed manually , semi- automated or molecule , a drug , an antibody, a peptide, a secreted protein , fully automated . a nucleic acid ( such as DNA , RNA, a polynucleotide, an It will be readily apparent to one of ordinary skill in the oligonucleotide or a cDNA ) or an antisense RNA molecule , relevant arts that other suitable modifications and adapta - 10 a ribozyme, an RNA interference nucleotide sequence , an tions to the methods and applications described herein may antisense oligomer or a morpholino oligonucleotides . High be made without departing from the scope of the invention throughput, large - scale screening approaches require a func or any embodiment thereof. Having now described the tional phenotypic read - out that is easily detected and reliably present invention in detail , the same will be more clearly predictive for vascular system defects. Edema is the major understood by reference to the following Examples , which 15 downstream phenotype caused by impairment of lymphatic are included herewith for purposes of illustration only and vessel development (Ny et al. , 2005 ) , but is also associated are not intended to be limiting of the invention . with disrupted development or function of the cardiovascu lar and excretory systems in tadpoles (Howland , 1916 ) . The EXAMPLES inventors therefore decided to screen the LOPAC1280 chemi 20 cal library by visual inspection for compounds that induce Pathological neovascularization is associated with many edema. There were several different types/ locations of severe and debilitating diseases such as chronic inflamma edema induced by different compounds (FIG . 2 ) . Remark tion , diabetic retinopathy, and cancer. Despite of significant ably , compounds targeting the same pathway often revealed advances in antiangiogenic therapies in recent years , study - similar phenotypes ( Table 8 ) . For example , Ca - t - channel ing the mechanisms of blood and lymphatic vessel formation 25 antagonists induced pericardial and ventral edemas , whereas to define novel therapeutic targets and the identification of retinoids caused cerebral and pronephric edemas. Although novel anti ( lymph ) angiogenic drugs remains highest priority . most gene defects affecting lymphatic vessel development This is particularly true for lymphangiogenesis , where the also cause edema formation , the possibility that some com mechanistic understanding and the identification of novel pounds might have affected lymphatic (or blood) vessel drug targets have been hampered by a lack of an appropriate , 30 development without causing edema formation cannot be simple animal model. The recent imaging and molecular excluded . The inventors therefore also scored for com characterization of lymphatic vessel systems in Xenopus pounds causing late stage lethality in response to compound tadpoles (Ny et al ., 2005 ) and zebrafish (Kuchler et al ., 2006 ; treatment . A total of 66 compounds satisfying the screening Yaniv et al. , 2006 ) has created new opportunities for study - criteria were recovered with a hit rate of 5 % : 48 edema ing vascular development as well as for pharmacological 35 inducing compounds and 18 compounds causing lethality screens. Here the inventors describe in vivo chemical ( Tables 1 , 3 , and 4 ) . From a practical point of view , the screening methods to identify novel bioactive compounds inventors were able to exclude 95 % of the compounds as and to define several novel pathways acting during blood inactive on the basis of a simple , non - invasive phenotypic vascular development and lymphangiogenesis in Xenopus screening criteria . tadpoles . In addition , the methods are suitable to identify 40 Edema formation and lethality may not only be caused by compounds modulating cardiac and renal development or cardiovascular defects , but could also be a consequence of functions in vivo . renal dysfunction impairing fluid homeostasis . In the second Forward chemical genetics uses the screening of anno - screening step , compound - treated embryos were therefore tated libraries of small organic compounds with experimen - subjected to semi- automated whole mount in situ hybrid tally -verified biological mechanisms and activities to study 45 izations using specific blood vascular and lymphatic marker biological systems ( Stockwell , 2000 ) . This approach cir - genes . The analysis of vascular marker gene expression cumvents the well -known problems of target identification revealed that a total of 32 hits ( 24 of the 48 edema - inducing and lack of mechanistic understanding associated with compounds and 8 of the 18 compounds associated with active compounds recovered from screens using conven - lethality ) caused abnormal vascular development and mor tional chemical libraries ( Root et al. , 2003) . Forward chemi- 50 phogenesis in tadpoles . The 32 compounds represented 15 cal genetics has therefore become increasingly used in cell distinct pharmacological classes and they could be grouped cultures to identify signaling pathways involved in cellular into three broad vascular phenotype classes on the basis of functions in vitro (Diamandis et al. , 2007, Rickardson et al. , affecting either blood vascular or lymphatic development 2006 ; Root et al. , 2003 ) , and more recently , whole organisms only or both ( Table 9 ) . Collectively, the phenotypic screen such as Drosophila , Caenorhabditis elegans , and zebrafish 55 ing method resulted in recovery of bioactive compounds have been used for compound discovery (Chang et al. , 2008 ; with an impressive 49 . 2 % hit rate ( 32 of 65 tested ) . Alter Min et al. , 2007; Tran et al ., 2007 ) . Importantly , chemical natively , the second screening step may be performed using genetics using whole animals offers a complementary using immunohistochemistry in place of in situ hybridiza approach to loss -of - function mutations or knockdowns with tion . siRNA or morpholino oligonucleotides in the analysis of 60 The inventors also assessed whether known antiangio complex biological processes, such as organogenesis . genic compounds were recovered in the Xenopus screen . The use of Xenopus embryos for chemical library screen - The LOPAC1280 library harbors eight compounds ( difluo ing and drug discovery was previously proposed ( Brändli, romethylornithine , indirubin -3 '- monoxime , 2 -methoxyestra 2004 ) , and subsequently a small- scale pilot study provided diol, minocycline hydrochloride , SU 4312 , SU 5416 , tha further evidence for the feasibility ( Tomlinson et al. , 2005 ) , 65 lidomide , tyrphostin AG1478 ) with known antiangiogenic but the phenotypic read - outs useful in the identification of activitivities ( Serbedzija et al. , 1999 ; Tran et al. , 2007 ) . active agents were not understood , nor were phenotypic Three antiangiogenic compounds [ difluoromethylornithine US 9 ,945 , 845 B2 17 18 minocycline hydrochloride , thalidomide ) are not considered by the absence of VEGFR3- positive structures of the lym since they are highly hydrophilic and therefore poorly phatic system in Xenopus embryos (FIG . 5m ). The blood penetrate embryos ( Tran et al. , 2007 ) . A screen of the vasculature remained largely unaffected (FIG . 5n ). These LOPAC1280 library using transgenic zebrafish expressing a results indicate that, at the concentration of 20 uM used in fluorescent vascular reporter gene resulted in the recovery of 5 the Xenopus assay . SU 4312 targets in vivo primarily the three out of the five antiangiogenic compounds ( indirubin VEGFC /VEGFR3 signaling pathway , which regulates 3 -monoxime , SU 4312 , Tyrphostin AG1478 ) ( Tran et al. , embryonic lymphangiogenesis in tadpoles and mouse 2007) . In Xenopus, all five compounds [ indirubin - 3 '- mon embryos (Karkkainen et al. , 2004 ; Ny et al. , 2005 ). At higher oxime, 2 -methoxyestradiol , SU 4312, SU 5416 , Tyrphostin concentrations (> 30 uM ). SU 4312 will also exhibit mod AG1478 ] scored as active in the phenotypic Xenopus 10 erate antiangiogenic effects as was recently demonstrated in screens ( Tables 3 and 4 ) . Importantly , the two VEGFR zebrafish ( Tran et al. , 2007 ). Collectively , but without inhibitors SU4312 and SU5416 were identified as positive intending to be bound by theory , these findings indicate that hits validating the screening procedure ( FIG . 5m , n ) . Taken SU 4312 may act in vivo primarily on lymphatic vessels . together, the analysis demonstrates that the phenotypic This also applies to the dual ErbB2 and EGF receptor chemical library screening method is capable of efficiently 15 tyrosine kinase inhibitor GW2974 and Src family kinase identifying antiangiogenic compounds in Xenopus embryos . inhibitor SU 6656 , which both exhibited antilymphatic This occurs with higher efficiency and sensitivity than with activities in vitro and /or in vivo . the transgenic zebrafish reporter line. The phenotypic The role of calcium channels in lymphatic vessel forma screening method is widely applicable to other aquatic lower tion and function has not been studied to date . The calcium vertebrate animal models as it does not require the genera - 20 channel blockers felodidipine and nicardipine have vasodi tion of transgenic reporter lines . With regard to amphibians , latory effects and are therefore widely used to treat hyper the method is applicable to the subclass Lissamphibia , tension . However, one bothersome side - effect of these older which includes all living amphibians. Lissamphibia consist dihydropyridines is edema formation especially in the feet , of three orders : Anura ( frogs and toads ) , Urodela or Caudata legs , and ankles (Ram , 2006 ) , which could indicate dys (newts , salamanders , and mudpuppies ) , and Gymnophiona 25 function of the lymphatic vasculature . or Apoda ( caecilians ) . In a particular embodiment, the The majority of compounds with inhibitory effects on the amphibian belongs to the genus Xenopus, which includes vascular or lymphatic development in Xenopus also inhib Xenopus laevis or Xenopus tropicalis . ited proliferation and / or tube formation of cultured human In the addition to the known antiangiogenic compounds , LEC and HUVEC (FIG . 6 ) . 7 - cyclo and naphthyridine , two the inventors have identified 27 new compounds affecting 30 compounds disrupting both blood and lymph vessel forma vascular and /or lymphatic development in Xenopus t ion in vivo , also exhibited inhibitory activities for both embryos . A number of these compounds, such as nocoda - HUVEC and LEC in vitro ( FIG . 4c - f; FIG . 7 ) . Furthermore , zole, podophyllotoxin , forskolin , and retinoic acid , are the inhibition of HUVEC tube formation in vitro correlates known to have broad effects on many cell types . Without well with the in vivo observation of defective intersomitic intending to be bound by theory , the antiangiogenic activi- 35 vein angiogenesis . Despite these compelling examples , ties observed for these compounds are likely the result of many compounds with in vivo bioactivity showed no effects pleiotropic effects . The predicted biological functions of in cell culture models indicating that the in vitro assays may other recovered compounds implicate the requirement of fail to adequately reproduce all steps of vascular develop various mechanisms, including hormone and cyclic nucleo - ment ( Table 10 ) . The results indicate that in vitro cell - based tide signaling, phosphorylation as well as K + - and Ca2 + - 40 chemical library screens are less reliable and lack sufficient channels for the normal development of blood vessels and /or predictive power to identify compounds with anti - angio lymphatics. Regarding the hits exhibiting only blood vas - genic and /or -lymphatic activity in vivo . In contrast , Xeno cular system defects in vivo , this included compounds pus tadpoles allow high - throughput screening in a physi causing defective vasculogenesis , impaired angiogenesis , or o logical context compared to traditional cell- based screens . VVN hypoplasia . Interestingly , the Ca2 + ATPase inhibitor 45 The inventors have also investigated the potential calmidazolium chloride and Rafi kinase inhibitorGW5074 , involvement of candidate compounds recovered from the two compounds not previously known to exhibit activities Xenopus tadpole screens in ( lymph ) angiogenesis in mam on the vascular system , were found to act in a pro - angio - mals . Naphthyridine , an adenosine Al receptor antagonists , genic fashion by promoting ectopic , premature angiogenesis inhibited blood and lymphatic vessel formation in tadpoles , in Xenopus embryos ( FIG . 3g, h , i, j) . In addition , effects on 50 which could also be recapitulated using in vitro endothelial the VVN were noticed ( FIG . 3h , j ) . GW5074 was also tested cell proliferation and tube formation assays ( FIG . 4e , f, FIG . in endothelial cell culture assays, where it promoted 6 ) . In a proof- of -principle study , naphtyridine was tested in endothelial cell proliferation (FIG . 6 ) . On the basis of in an established mouse model of VEGFA - induced dermal vitro and in vivo evidence , but without intending to be neovascularization (FIG . 8 ) . Remarkably , systemic treat bound by theory, these compounds imply Ca2 + - ATPase and 55 ment of mice with naphthyridine potently inhibited lym Raf kinase in the regulation of endothelial cell function . phatic vessel enlargement and angiogenesis indicating that Furthermore, and without intending to be bound by theory, adenosine Al receptors do not only act antagonistically on these small -molecule compounds may have the ability to amphibian vascular development but also disrupt adult substitute for mitogenic growth factors used to stimulate mammalian ( lymph )angiogenesis . The conservation of the endothelial cell proliferation . 60 in vivo activities between amphibians and mammals vali Several compounds inhibiting preferentially lymphatic dates Xenopus embryos and tadpoles as relevant screening vascular development were identified in the assays, includ tools in drug discovery for human diseases . ing several tyrosine kinase inhibitors (SU 4312 , SU 6656 , Vascular growth and function are regulated by a complex GW2974 ) , and L - type calcium channel blockers ( felodipine , interplay between different cell types and mediators, which nicardipine ) ( Table 9 , FIG . 5 ) . Treatment with the VEGF - 65 cannot be sufficiently reproduced by in vitro culture systems. and PDGF- receptor antagonist SU 4312 had the most potent The use of Xenopus embryos has several advantages over effect on lymphatic vessel formation in vivo as demonstrated mouse models of vascular development: Tadpoles only need US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 19 20 little space and low -cost growth medium , and five tadpoles screening medium and 0 .1xMMR only . Embryos were can be incubated simultaneously per well of a 48 - well plate . treated with the chemicals in a humidified incubator at 23° Since in the early stages of development , nutrients , oxygen , C . over a timeframe of 4 days . Embryos were manually and also small organic molecules freely diffuse through the scored for the presence of edema or other morphological skin , injections are not necessary . Moreover, tadpoles are not 5 phenotypes using a teaching dissecting microscope (SV6 ; highly motile ; thus , no anesthesia is needed for visual Carl Zeiss ) . Two investigators performed separately the inspection . Importantly , treatment with small molecules scoring daily at stages 39 (56 hpf) , 41 ( 76 hpf) , 45 (98 hpf) , revealed highly reproducible results, as the same phenotype and 47 ( 120 hpf) . Dead embryos were removed and 100 ul was usually observed in all embryos treated with the same of water was added daily to each well to compensate for compound . Visual inspection is rapid and a single investi - 10 fluid evaporation . Chemicals were considered to be active gator can easily analyze 320 compounds per week . Zebrafish when at least 4 out of 5 embryos displayed the same represents an alternative lower vertebrate animal model for phenotype ( edema, lethality , or other phenotypes ) . All puta whole organism -based drug discovery screens as it shares tive hits were retested and in each case comparable results many advantages with Xenopus ( Zon and Peterson , 2005 ) . were obtained . For imaging at the end of the experiments . Most notably , zebrafish mutants with vascular defects have 15 Xenopus tadpoles were anesthetized with 0 . 05 % tricaine been used in large - scale chemical suppressor screens to (Sigma # A5040 ) in 0 . 1xMMR . Images were captured using identify small molecules conferring therapeutic benefits a stereomicroscope (SteREO Lumar V12 ; Carl Zeiss) (Zon and Peterson , 2005 ) . However , from an evolutionary equipped with a digital camera (AxioCam Color; Carl perspective, amphibians are the animal models of choice as Zeiss) . they have co -evolved with mammals for almost 100 million 20 c ) Secondary Chemical Screening years longer than fish ( Brändli, 2004 ) . This fact may also In follow -up studies, 65 chemicals from the LOPAC1280 provide an explanation for the low hit rate observed in a library that either induced edema formation or lethality were recently reported zebrafish - based screen of the LOPAC tested for their ability to interfere with blood vessel devel library for compounds with anti -angiogenic activities ( Tran opment and / or lymphangiogenesis in Xenopus embryos. All et al. , 2007 ) and may account for the failure to identify 25 chemicals were purchased from Sigma and 10 -mM stock known and novel antiangiogenic molecules , such as naph - solutions in DMSO were prepared . Chemicals were used at tyridine. a final concentration of 20 uM in screening medium to treat The instant examples demonstrate that the Xenopus homozygous albino Xenopus embryos , which lack natural embryo model in combination with a two -step screening pigmentation . Chemical treatments of embryos ( n = 7 per method represents an effective, low - cost platform to identify 30 well ) was initiated at stage 31 ( 37 hpf ) and terminated at novel pathways involved in angiogenesis and lymphangio - stages 35 /36 (50 hpf) or 42 (80 hpf ) . Embryos were fixed in genesis , and to accelerate the discovery of novel drug - like 4 % paraformaldehyde and processed for whole mount in situ small organic molecules . Despite the obvious differences in hybridization . constitution and physiology between amphibians and d ) Whole Mount in situ Hybridizations humans, the Xenopus tadpole model represents a much - 35 Whole mount in situ hybridizations and synthesis of needed tool to bridge the gap in drug discovery between dixoxigenin -labeled in situ hybridization probes were per traditional in vitro and preclinical animal models. formed as described previously (Helbling et al. , 1999 ; Materials and Methods Saulnier et al ., 2002 ) . Where albino embryos were used , the a ) Xenopus Embryo Husbandry bleaching step was omitted . Semi- automated whole mount In vitro fertilization and culture of wild - type and albino 40 in situ hybridizations were performed using the Biolane HTI Xenopus embryos were performed as previously described machine (Hölle & Hüttner AG , Germany ) . Digoxigenin (Brändli and Kirschner , 1995 ; Helbling et al ., 1998 ). labeled CRNA probes were generated from linearized plas Embryos were raised in 0 . 1xMMR (1xMMR : 0 . 1 M NaCl, mids encoding the blood vessel marker apj (Kälin et al . , 2 mM KC1, 1 mM MgSO4, 2 mM CaC1, , 5 mM Hepes, pH 2007 ) and lymph vessel marker vegfr3 (GenBank Acc . No . 7 . 8 ) at room temperature and staged according to Nieuwk - 45 BM2611245 ) . Sense strand controls were prepared from the oop & Faber (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1994 ) . Any unfertil - plasmids and then tested negative by in situ hybridization . ized , dead or malformed embryos were removed from the Images were captured using a stereomicroscope (SteREO embryo cultures. Lumar V12 ; Carl Zeiss ) equipped with a digital camera b ) Chemical Library Screening and Confirmatory Testing (AxioCam Color; Carl Zeiss ) . Composite figures were orga The LOPAC1280 chemical library (Sigma , # LO2800 , Lot 50 nized and labeled using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Adobe No . 035K4701 ) containing 1 , 280 compounds ( 10 mM in Illustrator CS software . DMSO ) was used for the phenotype screening of Xenopuse ) Mammalian Cell Culture embryos. 10 -ul aliquots of the chemicals were transferred Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC ) were from the mother plates with a liquid handling robot purchased from PromoCell . Dermal lymphatic endothelial ( Aquarius , Tecan ) into 96 -well tissue culture plates to gen - 55 cells (LEC ) were isolated from neonatal human foreskins erate diluted stock plates ( 2 mM in DMSO ; 50 ul final and characterized as described previously (Hirakawa et al. , volume) . Wild - type, healthy Xenopus embryos were arrayed 2003 ; Kajiya et al ., 2005 ) . HUVEC and LEC were cultured at stage 29 - 30 ( 35 hours post fertilization , hpf) into poly in endothelial basal medium EBM (Cambrex ) supplemented styrene flat- bottom 48 -well tissue culture plates (BD Falcon with 20 % fetal bovine serum ( Invitrogen ) , antibiotic - anti # 355078 ) ( 5 embryos per well ) containing 1 ml 0 . 1xMMR . 60 mycotics ( 100 U /ml penicillin , 100 ug/ ml streptomycin , 250 Once embryos reached stage 31 (37 hpf) , 10 -ul aliquots of ng /ml amphotericin ; Invitrogen ) . 2 mM L - glutamine ( Invit the diluted chemicals were added to the wells . The final rogen ) , 10 ug/ ml hydrocortisone (Fluka ) and 25 ug/ ml concentration of each chemical was 20 uM in the presence N “ , 2 - O - dibutyryladenosine 3 ', 5 '- cyclic monophosphate of 1 % DMSO . The y - secretase inhibitor compound E sodium salt (Fluka ) for up to eleven passages. LEC cultures (Merck # 565790 ; 20 uM ) was used as a positive , edema - 65 were validated for lineage - specific cell differentiation by inducing control compound ( R . E . K . & A . W . B , unpublished quantitative real- time RT- PCR ( lymphatic vascular marker observation ) . Negative control wells contained embryos in genes: PROX1, LYVE1, and PODOPLANIN1; blood vas US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 21 cular endothelial marker genes: VEGFR1 and VEGFC ) and followed by incubation with antibodies against the lym by immunocytochemistry (marker tested : CD31, LYVE1, phatic - specific marker LYVE1 ( 1 : 1 , 000 ; Millipore ) and and PROX1) as described previously (Hirakawa et al. , against the pan - endothelial marker CD3 . 1 ( anti -mouse ; 2003 ). 1 :50 ; BD Biosciences ) . Corresponding secondary antibodies f ) Chemical Treatments of Cell Cultures 5 were labeled with Alexa 488 or Alexa 594 ( Invitrogen ). Proliferation and tube formation assays were largely Nuclei were counterstained with 20 ug /ml Hoechst 33342 performed as described (Kajiya et al. , 2005 ) . To test for (Invitrogen ). Sections were examined under an Axioskop 2 effects on cell proliferation , HUVEC and LEC (3x10 cells ) mot plus microscope and digital images were taken using an were seeded into fibronectin ( 10 ug /ml ) - coated flat- bottom AxioCam MRc camera (Carl Zeiss ) . Three pictures each black 96 -well tissue culture plates ( # 3603, Corning ) and 10 were taken of vascularized areas around the Matrigel treated with selected chemicals at a screening dose of 10 uM implants (maximal distance from the implant: 500 um ) . The in 0 . 1 % DMSO or with 0 . 1 % DMSO only . After 48 hours at vessel density , average vessel size and the average tissue 37° C ., cells were incubated with 4 -methylumbelliferylhep - area occupied by vessels were determined in CD31/ LYVE1 tanoate (Sigma # M2514 ) as described (Kajiya et al. , 2005 ) . stained sections using the IPLab software (BD Biosciences ) The intensity of fluorescence , which is proportional to the 15 as described (Kajiya et al ., 2005 ) . number of viable cells , was measured using a microplate h ) Statistical Analyses reader (SpectraMax Gemini EM ; Molecular Devices ) . The Results from in vitro cell assays are represented as chemical treatments were performed in five replicates . mean - standard deviation ( SD ) of independently performed The effect of the selected chemicals on the formation of assays . Statistical analysis was performed by comparing tube - like structures was performed as follows. Confluent 20 means of biological replicates using the unpaired two - tailed monolayers of HUVEC and LEC were overlaid with 0 . 5 ml student' s t - test ( Excel, Microsoft ) . Results obtained from the of neutralized isotonic bovine dermal collagen type I ( 1 in vivo mouse experiments are shown as means standard mg/ ml for LEC , 1. 2 mg/ml for HUVEC ; PureCol # 5409 , error ofmean (SEM ). The statistical significance was deter Inamed BioMaterials ) containing either the selected chemi mined using the unpaired two -tailed student' s t - test (Graph cal ( 1 uM in 0 . 1 % DMSO ) or vehicle only ( 0 . 1 % DMSO ) . 25 Pad Prism Version 4 GraphPad Software ). A value of P < 0 . 05 For 7 - chloro - 4 -hydroxy - 2 -phenyl - 1 , 8 - naphthyridine ( naph - was considered as significant . thyridine ), the IC50 value on LEC tube formation was determined using the following compound doses: 0 . 2 uM , Example 1 0 . 4 UM , 0 .55 UM , 0 . 7 UM , 1 uM , and 2 uM . After overnight incubation at 37° C . the treated cell cultures were fixed with 30 A Chemical Library Screen Identifies a Subset of Com 4 % paraformaldehyde . Each chemical treatment was per - pounds with Pharmacological Activity in Xenopus Embryos formed in triplicate and the experiment was repeated at least two -step whole organism -based chemical screening three times. Three representative images of hotspots with method was developed to rapidly identify novel small tube - like structures were taken per well using a digital molecule modulators of angiogenesis and lymphangiogen camera (AxioCam MRm , Carl Zeiss ) mounted on an 35 esis during Xenopus embryogenesis (FIG . 1 ). The Library of inverted microscope ( Axiovert 200M , Carl Zeiss ). The Pharmacologically Active Compounds (LOPAC1280 , Sigma length of the tube - like structures was measured using the Aldrich ) comprising 1 , 280 bioactive compounds was IPLab software (BD Biosciences) . For each experimental selected for the embryo -based screenings . The annotated condition , results are represented as average total tube length compound library consists of marketed drugs , failed devel (um ) per area (three image fields ) . 40 opment candidates , and gold standards that have well g ) Matrigel Plug Implantation Assay characterized activities . The compounds represent 56 phar The mouse studies were conducted under protocols macological classes with diverse and experimentally approved by the Veterinary Office of the Canton of Zurich , validated biological mechanisms, such as G -protein coupled Switzerland (permit # 123 / 2005 ) . Nine week -old female receptors (GPCR ) and kinases (Rickardson et al. , 2006 ) . wild -type FVB mice (Charles River) were used for the 45 The primary screening method used edema formation in experiments (n = 6 per group ) . Prior to Matrigel implantation , compound -treated tadpoles as a rapid phenotypic read -out . the mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of Edemas present as abnormal fluid - filled swellings in any 200 ul of Dormitor (20 ug/ ml medetomidine ; Pfizer ) and organ of the body . They are caused by imbalanced fluid Narketan 10 ( 8 mg/ ml ketamine ; Vetoquinol ) . The left hip of homeostasis either by increased secretion of fluid into the the animals were shaved and subsequently Matrigel was 50 interstitium or impaired removal of this fluid . The underly implanted by intradermal injection of 100 ul of unpolymer - ing pathophysiological causes include increased hydrostatic ized growth factor- reduced Matrigel (BD Biosciences ) con - pressure or reduced oncotic pressure in the circulatory taining 0 .5 mg/ ml recombinant human VEGFA (# 0081109 ; system , obstruction of the lymphatic system , and retention National Cancer Institute , USA ) . The mice were treated of sodium and water. Edema formation can therefore be used orally with either 200 ul PEG - 400 ( Fluka ; pH adjusted to 55 as a convenient indicator of either impaired cardiovascular , 5 . 2 ; control group ) or with 200 ul PEG -400 containing 71 . 5 lymphatic , and / or excretory system functions. pg naphthyridine ( 3 mg/ kg /day ) . Another control group of Xenopus late tailbud embryos at stage 31 (37 hpf) were mice received Matrigel without VEGFA and was treated selected for compound treatment . This embryonic stage with 200 ul PEG -400 . The treatment was given once daily coincides with the onset of lymphatic system formation and for six days. Weight and appearance of animals was moni- 60 intersomitic vein angiogenesis during Xenopus embryogen tored daily . On the 7th day , the Matrigel implants were esis (Heibling et al. , 2000 ; Ny et al ., 2005 ). Embryos were removed from the euthanized mice for immunocytochemical arrayed into 48 -well dishes ( five per well ) and treated with examination . The Matrigel implants were frozen in Tissue test compounds at a concentration of 20 uM in the presence Tek O . C . T . compound ( Sakura Finetek ), sectioned , and of 1 % DMSO . As a positive control, embryos were treated processed as described previously (Kajiya et al. , 2005 ). In 65 with compound E , a cell -permeable inhibitor of y -secretase brief, 6 - um frozen sections were fixed in - 20° C . acetone for (Seiffert et al. , 2000 ) , which potently induces edemas ( data two minutes and in cold 80 % methanol for five minutes, not shown ). All 48 -well dishes also contained replicates of US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 23 24 negative controls ( 1 % DMSO ) . Embryos were monitored tadpoles were modulators of dopamine receptor signaling (5 daily over a period of four days for edema formation . In hits ; Table 5 , Table 7) . This finding is remarkable as it is addition , drug - induced lethality and other externally visible consistent with the well -known role of neu phenotypes were scored. On average , 320 compounds were rons in the regulation of pigmentation in Xenopus tadpoles screened per week . The phenotypes observed were highly 5 (Dulcis and Spitzer , 2008 ) . Furthermore , it indicates that the reproducible as all embryos treated with a specific com experimental parameters chosen for the embryo -based pound showed the same phenotype . Furthermore, all of the chemical screen were optimal and sufficiently sensitive to compounds generating hits were retested and yielded com recover agents targeting in vivo pharmacological pathways parable results . of known biological significance . The majority ( 1 , 166 compounds ; 91 % ) of the 1 , 280 10 compounds tested did not cause any discernable phenotypes Example 3 in embryos and tadpoles until stage 47 (120 hpf) , when treatments were terminated ( Table 1 ) . The remaining 114 Shared Anatomical Patterns of Edema Formation Arise from ( 9 % ) compounds scored as hits . Fifty compounds represent- Pharmacological Interference of Distinct Sets of Molecular ing 4 % of the LOPAC1280 library caused either embryonic or 15 Pathways lethality without evidence of edemas. The first group Edema formation in response to compound treatment may included 32 compounds that were severely cytotoxic result - initially occur highly regionalized , i . e . restricted to a specific ing in early embryonic lethality within 14 hours of com - organ or tissue , before becoming generalized to the whole pound treatment ( Table 2 ) . The second group consisted of 18 body . Hence , the anatomical distribution and the temporal compounds that were lethal in tailbud embryos and / or 20 onset of edemas induced by the 48 edema - inducing com tadpoles from at stage 37 /38 (54 hpf) onwards ( Table 3 ) . pounds were analyzed in greater detail . In particular, the Finally , 64 ( 5 % ) compounds causing specific , externally question of whether compounds producing similar pheno discernable phenotypes in embryos were identified . Edemas types interfere with one common molecular pathway or were observed after treatment with 48 ( 4 % ) of the 1 ,280 affect several ones was examined . Overall , it was observed compounds tested ( Table 4 ) . In addition , 10 compounds 25 that the initial development of edemas was restricted to affected skin pigmentation Table 5 ) and 6 compounds distinct locations of the embryo . The most frequent locations caused other phenotypic changes ( Table 6 ) . were the pericardial and ventral areas, followed by the periocular and pronephric areas . For most compounds ( 39 Example 2 out of 48 ) , more than one tissue was affected by edema 30 formation . This indicates that multiple target tissues exist for Compounds with Comparable in vivo Activities Target Dis - a given compound . On the basis of shared location of edema tinct Pharmacological Pathways formation and severity of the observed phenotype, six phe The 1 , 280 compounds in the LOPAC library represent 56 notype classes were defined ( Table 8 ) . Importantly , each distinct pharmacological classes of which 34 (61 % ) were phenotype class was associated with a specific subset of active in the Xenopus screen ( Table 7 ) . Among the 114 35 edema - inducing compounds that in turn define unique sets active compounds, those affecting phosphorylation ( 30 ; of essential molecular pathways. 2 .6 % ) were most prominently represented, followed by 9 One third of the edema- inducing agents ( 16 compounds ) ( 8 % ) interfering with the dopamine pathway , and 8 ( 7 % ) gave rise to the phenotype class A ( Table 8 ) . These com modulating Cat channels . For seven pharmacological pounds induced both pericardial and ventral edemas (FIG . classes, which include phosphorylation , dopamine , and hor- 40 2a -f ) . Frequently , a third site of edema formation , typically mone signaling , a given compound was able to contribute to in periocular or pronephric locations , was also noticed (FIG . one of three distinct phenotype classes, 13 compound 2b , d ). Periocular, pericardial , ventral, and pronephric edema classes were contributing to at least two phenotype classes , often fused over time resulting in the formation of large , whereas 14 were associated with a single phenotype class liquid - filled edemas occupying the entire abdomen of only . The latter included , for example , several representa - 45 affected tadpoles ( not shown ) . In addition , tadpoles treated tives of the adenosine and cyclic nucleotide classes, which with GW2974 or MRS 1845 manifested also with enlarged specifically caused edema in tadpoles . lymph hearts (FIG . 20, 7) . Finally , the adenylate , cyclase Characteristic sets of active compound classes were asso activator forskolin caused the class A - characteristic pericar ciated with each phenotype class . For the sake of simplicity, dial, ventral, and proctodeal edemas, which were however only compound classes with two or more hits will be 50 accompanied by a dramatic shortening of the anterior mentioned here in detail . Compounds causing cytotoxicity posterior body axis ( FIG . 2r ) . In total , the class A edema included modulators of phosphorylation ( 11 hits ), intracel - inducing compounds represented 10 distinct pharmacologi lular calcium (2 ), leukotriene (2 ), and signaling ( 2 ) cal mechanisms (Table 8 ) . Most prominently , they included ( Table 2 , Table 7 ) . These cytotoxic hits represent 12 - 25 % of all six edema - inducing Ca2 + channel blockers and two out of the total compounds of their respective pharmacological 55 the three adenosine receptor A1 antagonists present in the classes . Compounds inducing lethality were mainly derived chemical library from the phosphorylation (6 hits ) , Ca2 + channel ( 2 ) , and Embryos of class B manifested with periocular and ven neurotransmission ( 2 ) classes with hit rates ranging from tral edemas, and , frequently , also developed pronephric 4 - 11 % ( Table 3 , Table 7 ) . The 48 edema- inducing com - edemas ( Table 8 ; FIG . 2g , h ) . Typically , compound treat pounds represent the largest subgroup of the 114 active 60 ment did not result in lethality . The 12 compounds inducing compounds identified in the screen . Of these , modulators of this particular edema phenotype targeted 7 distinct molecu phosphorylation ( 13 hits ) , Ca + channels ( 6 ) , cyclic nucleo - lar pathways. Modulators of phosphorylation ( 5 hits ) and tides synthesis ( 3 ) , transcription ( 3 ) , as well as adenosine ( 3 ) antagonists of dopamine signaling ( 2 hits ) were the most and dopamine ( 3 ) signaling were the most prominent ( Table prominently represented pharmacological classes . 4 , Table 7 ) . This suggests that dysregulation of numerous 65 Pericardial edemas alone were the hallmark of phenotype signaling pathways contributes to edema formation . Finally , class C ( FIG . 2i, i) . Edema formation occurred as early as 50 % of the compounds causing pigmentation defects in stage 33 /34 followed by lethality usually before stage 45 . US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 25 26 The compounds affected eight distinct molecular pathways Ectopic angiogenic sprouting of the ISV and VVN defects ; and include inhibitors of phosphorylation ( 2 hits ) and com - and ( 4 ) hypoplasia of the VVN . pounds targeting the cytoskeleton ( 2 hits ; Table 8 ) . Pheno - Compounds that interfered with blood vessel vasculogen type class D was defined by highly characteristic periocular e sis and PCV assembly included the casein kinase 1 inhibi edemas that were accompanied by other sites of edema 5 tor IC 261 (FIG . 3a , b ) and nocodazole, which disrupts formation . Increased fluid accumulation in periocular ede cytoskeleton assembly (FIG . 3c , d ) . Both of these com mas caused subsequently the protrusion or bulging out of the pounds also impaired development of the ISV and VVN eyes , a condition reminiscent of enophthalmos ( FIG . 2k , 1) . (equivalent to the extraembryonic vasculature of the avian The active compounds targeted three distinct mechanisms: chorio - allantoic membrane and the mammalian yolk sac ). 10 Similar effects were observed after treatment with the tyro apoptosis , gene regulation , and phosphorylation . sine kinase inhibitor tyrphostin AG 494 , 2 - methoxyestra Embryos falling into phenotype class E were character diol, the cytoskeleton inhibitor podophyllotoxin , the Cdc25 ized by the presence of both cerebral and pronephric edemas phosphatase inhibitor NSC 95397 , and the dual cyclooxy ( Table 8 ; FIG . 2m , n ). Interestingly , all three compounds genase and 5 - lipoxygenase inhibitor meclofenamic acid target retinoic acid receptors (RAR ) suggesting that this 15 ( Table 9 ) . edema phenotype is caused by dysregulation of RAR sig Angiogenesis inhibitors, as evaluated by the ability of naling. Finally , phenotype class F represents edema- induc compounds to block ISV outgrowth , included indirubin - 3 ' ing compounds that manifested with a heterogeneous range oxime, a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor (FIG . 3e . A , and of edema types ( Table 8 ; FIG . 20 - 9 ) . For example , genistein the VEGF receptor phosphotyrosine kinase inhibitor SU induced edemas localized to the tail tip (FIG . 29 ) . Despite 20 5416 ( Table 9 ) , which is in agreement with previous studies the heterogeneity of edemas, all compounds were found to in zebrafish (Bayliss et al ., 2006 ; Parng et al. , 2002 ; Tran et interfere with a single pharmacological class, protein phos- al. , 2007 ). Retinoic acid , the adenylate cyclase activator phorylation . forskolin , and the angiotensin receptor 1 L - 162. 313 Taken together , the analysis indicates that a given edema were further identified as potent inhibitors of developmental phenotype may arise from dysregulation of one or more 25 angiogenesis ( Table 9 ) . distinct molecular pathways as demonstrated by the use of Two compounds induced VVN defects and promoted defined pharmacological agents . In addition , the fact that premature angiogenic sprouting of intersomitic veins. After compounds targeting the same common molecular pathway treatment with the Rafi kinase inhibitor GW5074 ( FIG . 39 . ( i. e . C2+ channels and adenosine Al receptors) frequently h ) , the VVN was dysplastic and instead of forming a manifest with the same characteristic edema phenotype 30 regular vessel network — the blood vascular endothelial cells further underscores the validity and robustness of the whole were dispersed throughout the ventral parts of the embryo . embryo based chemical library screening method . Moreover, thin ectopic ISV sprouting was evident in the posterior parts of the PCV when compared to DMSO - treated Example 4 control embryos (FIG . 3g , h , o , p ) . This ectopic sprouting 35 phenotype was even more pronounced after treatment with Small -Molecule Compounds Affecting Blood Vessel Devel- the calmodulin - dependent Ca2 + ATPase inhibitor calmida opment and Angiogenesis zolium chloride ( FIG . 3i, j , o , p ) . In addition , the blood 48 compounds that induced edema in Xenopus tadpoles vessels , including the VVN , were larger and fused , repre were identified ( Table 2 . Table 8 ) and 18 causing lethality at senting hyperplastic vasculature . This hyperplastic endothe stage 37 / 38 (54 hpf) or later ( Table 3) . Together , the 66 40 lial phenotype is reminiscent of the phenotype observed compounds comprise 5 . 1 % of all compounds present in the after overexpression of vegfa in Xenopus embryos (Kälin et LOPAC library . Edema formation or late - stage lethality may al. , 2007 ) . result from excretory system defects , ( cardio ) vascular and fourth group of compounds only interfered with the or lymphatic vascular pathologies. Semi- automated whole - assembly of the VVN . The leukotriene synthesis inhibitor mount in situ hybridization was next used to visualize the 45 MK - 886 led to hypoplasia of the VVN , but did not interfere development of blood and lymphatic vessels in Xenopus with PCV assembly and ISV outgrowth (FIG . 3k , 1 ). Simi embryos treated with hits from the primary screen . apj and larly , treatments with the NO - independent guanylyl cyclase vegfr3 ( flt3 ) were used as marker genes for the blood (Kälin activator YC - 1 ( FIG . 3m , n ) , resulted in dispersed , punctu et al. , 2007 ) and lymphatic vasculature (Ny et al. , 2005 ) , ated patterns of VVN endothelia , which might indicate a respectively Xenopus embryos were treated at stage 31 with 50 block of endothelia cell proliferation or VVN assembly 65 selected compounds at a concentration of 20 uM each . (Pyriochou et al. , 2006 ) . Other compounds of this group Embryos were fixed for in situ hybridization either at stage include the phosphodiesterase inhibitor zardaverine, and the 35 / 36 to analyze vasculogenesis and intersomitic vein angio - cyclin - dependent protein kinase inhibitor purvalanol A genesis defects or at stage 42 to evaluate possible defects in ( Table 9 ) . lymph vessel development (FIGS . 3 - 5 ) . It was found that 32 55 (49 % ) out of 65 compounds tested interfered with lymphatic Example 5 and/ or blood vascular development. 18 compounds blocked selectively blood vessel development, six compounds inter - Small- Molecule Inhibitors of Blood and Lymphatic Vessel fered with both blood and lymphatic vessel development Development and eight compounds affected lymphatic development only 60 Both blood and lymphatic vessel malformations were (see Table 9 for summary ) . noticed in Xenopus embryos and tadpoles after treatment With regard to the blood vascular defects , we identified with seven compounds ( Table 9 ) . In normal control four different classes : (1 ) Inhibition of vasculogenesis , as embryos , three primary sites of lymphatic system develop evidenced by hypoplasia of the vitelline vein network ment can be observed : the anterior lymph sacs (ALS ) of the (VVN ) and posterior cardinal veins (PCV ) and absence of 65 head , the region of the anterior lymph hearts (ALH ) in the intersomitic veins ( ISV ) ; ( 2 ) Inhibition of angiogenesis , as trunk , and the posterior lymph vessels (PLV ) in the tail ( FIG . reflected by defective ISV outgrowth and normal PCV ; ( 3 ) 46 ). Along with the analysis for blood vessel defects , these US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 27 28 areas in compound -treated embryos were assessed specifi largely suppressed and the assembly of lymphatics in the tail cally for abnormalities in early lymphatic vessel develop - was disrupted . This phenotype was most pronounced after ment. Based on this differential analysis, two general com - treatment with SU 4312 , which is known as a VEGF pound - induced phenotype classes were identified : receptor - 1 / - 2 ( VEGFR ) inhibitor (FIG . 5m ) . Interestingly, compounds affecting both blood vessel and lymph vessel 5 blood vascular development is critically dependent on formation , and compounds disrupting selectively lymph VEGFR - 1 / - 2 signaling , but appears to be unaffected in SU vessel development only ( Table 9 ) . 4312 - treated embryos as demonstrated by normal angio The former phenotype class was comprised of six com genic ISV outgrowth ( FIG . 5n ) . This indicates that, at the pounds. The src family tyrosine kinase inhibitor 7 - cyclo - concentrations used here , SU 4312 selectively disrupts pentyl- 5 - ( 4 - phenoxy )phenyl - 7H - pyrrolo ( 2 , 3 - d )pyrimidin - 10 lymphangiogenesis by inhibiting VEGFC /VEGFR - 3 signal 4 - ylamin ( in short: 7 -Cyclo ) interfered with angiogenic ISV ing in vivo . sprouting but not with VVN assembly (FIG . 4c ) . Formation of ALS and ALH rudiments occurred , but lymphangiogen Example 7 esis was strongly suppressed and the lymph vessel assembly in the tadpole tails was disrupted (FIG . 4d ) . The A1 adenos - 15 Effects of Small -Molecular Compounds on in vitro Endothe ine receptor antagonist 7 - chloro - 4 -hydroxy - 2 -phenyl - 1 , 8 - lial Cell Proliferation and Tube Formation naphthyridine ( in short : naphthyridine ) interfered not only The whole -organism based chemical library screens with ISV angiogenesis but also with VVN assembly ( FIG . resulted in the identification of 32 compounds that interfered 4e ) . At later stages, tadpoles displayed stunted , disorganized with lymphatic and / or blood vascular development in Xeno lymphatic vessels arising from the ALS and ALH , and only 20 pus tadpoles. It was next asked whether the in vivo activities a few LECs , but no lymph vessels , were detected in the tail of the compounds extended also to mammalian endothelia (FIG . 48) . Similar vascular phenotypes were observed after and whether the compounds interfered directly with treatment with the JNK inhibitor SP600125 ( Table 9 ) . A endothelial cell functions . To address these points , 24 com subgroup of three compounds manifested with lymphangio - pounds were selected , and proliferation and tube formation genesis defects accompanied by VVN hyperplasia . Treat- 25 assays , two important steps in vessel formation , were con ment with the adenosine Al receptor antagonist 1 , 3 -Diethyl - ducted using human lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC ) and 8 -phenylxanthine or the poly (ADP -ribose ) polymerase umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC ) cultures. Com inhibitor 4 -amino - 1 , 8 -naphthalimide caused hyperplasia of pounds were selected for in vitro testing on the basis that the VVN , while ISV angiogenesis occurred unaffected (FIG . they represented different classes of in vivo active com 4g , not shown ) . Interestingly , lymphangiogenesis was 30 pounds ( Table 10 ) . The list included 19 compounds inducing largely suppressed ( FIG . 4h , not shown ). Treatment with the edema in Xenopus tadpoles and 4 compounds ( indirubin - 3 ' tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein induced a severe blood oxime, MK - 886 , SP600125 , and SU 5416 ) causing lethality . vessel phenotype with stunted ISVs and hyperplastic VVN Finally , the signal receptor ligand L -687 ,384 was chosen as ( FIG . 4i) . At later stages, blood vessels were readily it did not affect vascular development in Xenopus embryos . detected , whereas lymphatic vessels and LECs were absent 35 The cell proliferation assays were performed by treating ( FIG . 4j) . This suggests that genistein may interfere with the the endothelial cell cultures with compounds at a screening specification of lymphatic cell lineages. dose of 10 uM in 0 . 1 % DMSO for 48 hours (FIG . 6a ; Table 10 ) . Nine compounds were scored as having marginal or no Example 6 effects in the endothelial cell proliferation assays ( 85 - 115 % 40 of control) regardless of the cell type tested . Nine com Small -Molecule Inhibitors of Lymphatic Vessel Develop - pounds moderately promoted cell proliferation ( > 115 - 150 % ment of control) . This includes three compounds (GW2974 , ret Eight compounds that specifically inhibited lymphatic inoic acid , sobuzoxane ) stimulating endothelial cell prolif vessel development without affecting the blood vasculature eration in both cell types tested . Five compounds ( L -687 , were recovered from the chemical library screen ( Table 9; 45 384 , MK - 886 , MRS 1845, naphthalimide , SU 4312 ) FIG . 5 ). Each compound induced highly characteristic lym promoted proliferation in HUVEC but not LEC cultures ; and phatic defects ranging from subtle regional lymph vessel only one , GW5074 , was selective for LEC cultures . Six dysplasia (FIG . 5c ) to severe , widespread disruption of compounds decreased endothelial cell proliferation in vitro . lymph vessel development ( FIG . 5i, k , m ) . The L -type Podophyllotoxin and nocodazole inhibited moderately (65 calcium felodipine caused abnormal, dys - 50 82 % of control) , whereas naphthyridine strongly suppressed plastic lymphatic vessel sprouting without affecting other (42 - 48 % of control) LEC and HUVEC proliferation . Inter areas of lymphangiogenesis (FIG . 5c) . Treatment with the estingly , the remaining three compounds disrupted prolif DNA topoisomerase II inhibitor sobuzoxane and the Ca2 + eration in a cell type -specific manner. IC 261 and channel blocker nicardipine resulted in the formation of 2 -methoxyestradiol inhibited preferentially LEC prolifera discontinuatous, dysplastic lymphatic vessels (FIG . 5e , not 55 tion , whereas indirubin - 3 '- oxime selectively blocked shown ). In addition , vegfr3 expression persisted in the VVN HUVEC proliferation consistent with a previous report of subuzoxane - treated embryos (FIG . 5e ). The src family ( Tran et al ., 2007) . kinase inhibitor SU 6656 and the K * channel blocker dequal The effects of the selected compounds on endothelial tube inium dichloride resulted in embryos with poorly developed , formation was assessed after over treatment of LEC and stunted lymphatics emerging from the ALS and ALH and 60 HUVEC cultures at a compound concentration of 1 uM in hypoplastic PLV (FIG . 5g , not shown ) . The most severe 0 . 1 % DMSO . The length of the tube- like structures was defects in lymphatic vessel development were observed with measured using the IPLab software . 14 out of 24 compounds three compounds — the inhibitor of protein prenylation mev tested had comparable effects in both cell types tested . These astatin , and the tyrosine kinase inhibitors GW2974 and SU include four compounds ( cyclosporin A , nicardipine , sobu 4312 (FIG . 5i- m ). After compound treatment, the three 65 zoxane , SU 4312 ) with either no or only marginal effects on primary sites of lymphatic vessel development (ALS , ALH , tube formation (85 - 115 % of control tube length ) ( FIG . 6b ) . and PLV ) were detectable , but lymphangiogenesis was As an example , nicardipine is shown in FIG . 7 . Moderate US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 29 30 inhibition of tube formation (50 - 85 % of control) in both cell treatment (FIG . 8d ) . Treatment with naphthyridine also types was observed with seven compounds ( genistein , reduced the number of VEGFA -induced blood vessels GW2974 , IC 261, L -687 , 384 , naphthyridine, MK - 886 , ret (36 .49 1 .49 versus 47 .93 + 3 .55 ; p = 0 .0021 ; FIG . 88) and inoic acid ) (FIG . 6b ). Finally , three compounds (7 -cyclo , resulted in a reduction of the tissue area covered by blood nocodazole , podophyllotoxin ) were identified as strong 5 vessels (FIG . 8g ) . It can be concluded that the ability of inhibitors of endothelial tube formation ( < 35 % of control) naphthyridine to inhibit lymph and blood vessel angiogen irrespective of the cell type tested ( FIG . 66 , 7 ) . The remain esis is conserved between Xenopus and mammals . ing ten compounds showed differential, cell - type specific All of the above - cited references and publications are effects on tube formation . Four compounds acted preferen incorporated by reference herein in their entireties . tially on HUVEC cultures. Phenylxanthine promoted 10 Those skilled in the art will recognize, or be able to HUVEC tube formation ( 123 % of control for HUVEC ascertain using no more than routine experimentation , versus 90 % for LEC ) ( FIG . 7 ) . In contrast, indirubin - 3 oxime , felodipine , and 2 -methoxyestradiol blocked tube numerous equivalents to the specific method and reagents formation preferentially in HUVEC cultures . This was most described herein . Such equivalents are considered to be apparent after 2 -methoxyestradiol treatments when HUVEC 155 within the scope of this invention and are covered by the tube formation was 40 % of control , while LEC cultures were following claims. only moderately affected ( 80 % of control) (FIG . 7 ) . Inter estingly , none of the compounds tested selectively promoted REFERENCES LEC tube formation , but six compounds (GW5074 , MRS 1845 . naphthalimide. oligomycin A . SP600125 . SU 5416 . 20 Alitalo , K . , Tammela , T ., and Petrova , T . V . ( 2005 ). Lymp tyrphostin AG 494 ) preferentially blocked tube formation in hangiogenesis in development and human disease. Nature LEC rather than HUVEC cultures (FIG . 6b ). The differences 438 , 946 - 953 . were most striking with SP600125 (59 % of control for LEC Bayliss, P . E ., Bellavance , K . L . , Whitehead , G . G ., Abrams, versus 110 % for HUVEC ) . J . M ., Aegerter , S . , Robbins, H . S . , Cowan , D . 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TABLE 2 Compilation of 32 compounds causing cytotoxicity in Xenopus embryos Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity (NF ) Niclosamide 2' , 5 ' - Dichloro -4 ' Antibiotic Protonophore nitrosalicylanilide 32 beta - Lapachone Apoptosis Activator Z - L -Phe chloromethyl N - Carbobenzyloxy - L Biochemistry Chymotrypsin so ketone phenylalanyl chloromethyl A - gamma ketone; ZPCK ( R ) -( + ) -WIN 55, 212 - 2 ( R ) - ( + ) - [2 , 3 - Dihydro - 5 Agonist enon mesylate methyl 3 [( morpholinyl ) methyl ] pyrrolo [ 1, 2 , 3 -de ] - 1 , 4 benzoxazinyl ] - ( 1 naphthalenyl) methanone mesylate Bay 11 -7085 ( E ) - 3 - ( 4 - t Cell Cycle Inhibitor IkB -alpha 32 Butylphenylsulfortyl) - 2 propenenitrile Rotenone Cell Stress Modulator Mitochondria 2 - (alpha alpha -NETA Enzyme Inhibitor Naphthoyl) ethyltrimet Acetyltransferase hylammonium iodide 5 - Nitro - 2 - ( 3 NPPB Cl — Channel Blocker phenylpropylamino ) benzoic acid Brefeldin A front BFA ; Ascotoxin , Cyanein Cytoskeleton and Inhibitor Golgi apparatus 33/ 34 Penicillium ??? brefeldianum Fluspirilene R 6218 D2/D1 Farnesylthiosalicylic FTS G protein Enzyme Antagonist Ras acid Calcimycin A23187 ; Calcium Intracellular Calcium Ca2 + ionophore A23187 Thapsigargin Intracellular Calcium Enzyme Releaser Sanguinarine chloride 13 -Methyl Ion Pump Inhibitor Na+ / K + ATPase [ 1 ,3 ]benzodioxolo [5 , 6 - c ] 1 , 3 - dioxolo [ 4 , 5 - i ] phenanthridinium chloride Ebselen 2 - Phenyl- 1 , 2 Leukotriene Enzyme Inhibitor Lipoxygenases / ? benzisoselenazol -3 (2H ) glutathione S one transferase SR 2640 2 - [ [ 3 - ( 2 Leukotriene Antagonist CysLT1 ? Quinolinylmethoxy )phenyl Jamino ] -benzoic acid ; QMPB D -609 potassium Carbonodithioic acid , O Lipid Enzyme Inhibitor PIPLC 33 / 34 (octahydro - 4 , 7 -methano 1H -inden - 5 - yl) ester potassium US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 35 36 TABLE 2 - continued Compilation of 32 compounds causing cytotoxicity in Xenopus embryos Lethality |Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity (NF ) MJ33 1 - Hexadecyl- 3 Lipid Enzyme Inhibitor PLA2 32 ( trifluoroethyl) -sn glycero - 2 phosphomethanol lithium Ro 41 - 0960 2' - Fluoro - 3 ,4 -dihydroxy Neurotransmission Enzyme Inhibitor COMT 33 / 34 5 -nitrobenzophenone Cantharidic Acid Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor PP1 / PP2A ?? Cantharidin Cantharidine Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor PP2A Dequalinium analog , C14 Linker ; DECA - 14 ; Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor PKC - alpha ?? C - 14 linker Quinolinium Palmitoyl- DL Phosphorylation Enzyme Modulator PKC 32 Carnitine chloride Phorbol 12 -myristate PMA Phosphorylation Enzyme Activator PKC 13 - acetate rac - 2 - Ethoxy - 3 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor ??? 32 hexadecanamido - 1 propylphosphocholine rac- 2 - Ethoxy - 3 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor PKC 32 octadecanamido - 1 propylphospocholine Rottlerin Mallotoxin Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor PKC / CAM Kinase III Tyrphostin A9 [ [ 3 ,5 -bis ( 1 ,1 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor PDGFR ??NN Dimethylethyl ) - 4 hydroxyphenyl ]methylene ) propanedinitrile Tyrphostin AG 879 alpha - cyano- ( 3 ,5 - di- t - Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Trka 32 butyl - 4 hydroxy ) thiocinnamide Wortmannin from Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor PI3K 33 / 34 Penicillium funiculosum L -655 , 240 3 - [ 1 - ( 4 - Chlorobenzyl) - 5 Thromboxane Antagonist TXA2 32 fluoro - 3 -methyl - indol- 2 yl] - 2 , 2 - dirriethyl propanoic acid GW7647 2 - [ 4 - ( 2 - ( 1 Transcription Agonist PPAR - alpha 32 Cyclohexanebutyl ) - 3 cyclohexylureido )ethyl ) ph enylthio ) - 2 methylpropionic acid

TABLE 3 Compilation of 18 compounds causing lethality in Xenopus embryos Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity (NF ) FPL 64176 2 , 5 - Dimethyl- 4 - [ 2 Ca2 + Channel Activator L -type 40 (phenylmethyl ) benzoyl ] 1 H -pyrrole - 3 carboxylic acid methyl ester Nitrendipine 1 , 4 - Dihydro - 2 ,6 Ca2 + Channel Antagonist L - type 45 dimethyl- 4 - ( 3 nitrophenyl) - 3 , 5 pyridinecarboxylic acid ethyl methyl ester TG003 ( Z ) - 1 - ( 3 - Ethyl - 5 Cell Cycle Enzyme Inhibitor methoxy - 2 , 3 Clk 40 dihydrobenzothiazol - 2 ylidene ) -propan - 2 - one Ivermectin MK -933 Cholinergic Modulator alpha7 41/ 42 NACh Loratadine 4 - ( 8 - chloro - 5 , 6 - dihydro Histamine Antagonist H1 45 11H benzo [ 5 ,6 ] cyclohepta [ 1 , 2 -bipyridin - 11 - ylidene l- piperidinecarboxylic acid ethyl ester US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 37 38 TABLE 3 -continued Compilation of 18 compounds causing lethality in Xenopus embryos Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity (NF ) (R ,R )- cis - Diethyl (5R , 11R ) - 5 ,11 - Diethyl Hormone Antagonist ER -beta 41 tetrahydro - 2 , 8 5 ,6 , 11 , 12 -tetrahydro chrysenediol 2 , 8 -chrysenediol Calmidazolium R 24571 chloride Intracellular Enzyme Inhibitor Ca2 + 37 / 38 chloride Calcium ATPase MK - 886 3 [ 3 - tert- Butylthio - 1 - ( 4 Leukotriene Inhibitor 39 chlorobenzyl) - 5 isopropyl- 1H - indol- 2 yl ]- 2 , 2 dimethylpropionic acid , sodium salt ET- 18 - OCH3 3 , 5 , 9 - Trioxa - 4 Lipid Enzyme Inhibitor PIPLC 37 / 38 phosphaheptacosan - 1 aminium 1 L - 162 ,313 (5 , 7 - dimethyl- 2 - ethyl- 3 - Neurotransmission Agonist AT1 45 [ [ 4 - [ 2 ( n butyloxycarbonylsulfonamido ) 5 - isobutyl - 3 thienyl ]phenyl ]methyl ] imidazo [ 4 , 5 ,6 ]pyridine N -Oleoyldopamine OLDA Neurotransmission Ligand CB1 DL - Stearoylcarnitine Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor PKC chloride ?££ Indirubin - 3 ' - oxime Indirubin - 3 '- monoxime Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor CDK Ile11|NSC 95397 2 , 3 -bis [ ( 2 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Cdc25 Hydroxyethyl) thio )- 1 , 4 naphthoquinone Purvalanol A NG -60 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor onCDK 41/ 42 SP600125 Anthrapyrazolone ; 1 , 9 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor C- JNK 41 Pyrazoloanthrone 1 SU 5416 1 , 3 - Dihydro - 3 - [ ( 3 , 5 Phosphorylation Inhibitor VEGER 37/ 38 dimethyl- 1 H -pyrrol - 2 - yl ) PTK methylene ) - 2H - indol- 2 one ( + ) -Ibuprofen alpha -Methyl - 4 Prostaglandin Enzyme Inhibitor COX 4545 ( isobutyl) phenylacetic acid

TABLE 4 Compilation of 48 compounds causing edema in Xenopus embryos Onset Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity (NF ) (NF ) 1 , 3 -Diethyl - 8 DPX Adenosine Antagonist phenylxanthine A1 41 /42 45 7 - Chloro - 4 Adenosine Antagonist hydroxy - 2 -phenyl A1 39 39 1 , 8 -naphthyridine CGS - 15943 9 - Chloro - 2 - ( 2 Adenosine Antagonist A1 41 / 42 46 furyl ) [ 1 , 2 , 4 ] triazolo 1 , 5 c ] quinazolin - 5 - amine L - 765 ,314 ( 2S ) - 4 - (4 - Amino - 6 , 7 Adrenoceptor Antagonist alpha - 1B 41 /42 1 dimethoxy - 2 quinazolinyl) - 2 -[ [( 1, 1 Dimethylethyl) amino ] carbonyl] 1 -piperazinecarboxylic acid , phenylmethyl ester Mevastatin Compactin Antibiotic Enzyme Inhibitor Ras , Rho 35 / 36 4 - Amino - 1 , 8 Apoptosis Enzyme Inhibitor PARP 41/ 42 naphthalimide Retinoic acid Vitamin A acid Apoptosis Enzyme Activator 39 1 , 10 0 - Phenanthroline Biochemistry Enzyme Inhibitor Metalloprotease 39 / 40 #46 Phenanthroline monohydrate monohydrate Felodipine Plendil Ca2 + Channel Blocker L - type 41 / 42 MRS 1845 N - Propargylnitrendipene Ca2 + Channel Inhibitor SOC 41/ 42 # Nicardipine YC - 93 hydrochloride Ca2 + Channel Antagonist L - type 41 /42 hydrochloride Nifedipine Ca2 + Channel Antagonist L -type 41/ 42 & US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 39 40 TABLE 4 -continued Compilation of 48 compounds causing edema in Xenopus embryos Onset Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity (NF ) (NF ) Nimodipine 1 , 4 - Dihydro - 2 ,6 - dimethyl Ca2 + Channel Antagonist L -type 41/ 42 41/ 42 4 - ( 3 - nitrophenyl) 3 , 5 -pyridinecarboxylic acid 2 -methoxyethyl 1 methylethyl ester SKF 96365 Ca2 + Channel Inhibitor 39 41/ 42 Methoxyphenyl1 - (beta - ( 3) propoxy - ( 4 ] 4 -methoxyphenethyl ) - 1H imidazole hydrochloride ( + )alpha - Lipoic ( + )- 1 , 2 - Dithiolane - 3 Cell Stress Enzyme Coenzyme Pyruvate 39 4 5 Acid pentanoic acid dehydrogenasegenase Forskolin Cyclic Enzyme Activator Adenylate 39/ 40 41/ 42 Nucleotides cyclase YC - 1 3 - ( 5 '- Hydroxymethyl - 2 ' Cyclic Enzyme Activator Guanylyl 45 fulyl ) - 1 -benzyl indazole Nucleotides cyclase Zardaverine 6 - ( 4 - Difluoromethoxy - 3 Cyclic Enzyme Inhibitor PDE III / PDE IV 39 / 40 43 methoxyphenyl) - 3 ( 2H ) Nucleotides pyridazinone Nocodazole R 17934 Cytoskeleton Inhibitor beta - tubulin 33 /34 33 /34 and ECM Podophyllotoxin Cytoskeleton Inhibitor 39 / 40 41 / 42 and ECM GBR - 12909 1 - [ 2 - [bis ( 4 Dopamine Inhibitor Reuptake 45 dihydrochloride Fluorophenyl )methoxy ] ethyl) - 4 - [ 3 phenylpropyl] piperazine dihydrochloride N - ( p NIPS hydrochloride Dopamine Antagonist D2 45 Isothiocyanatophe D2 4 5 - nethyl) spiperone hydrochloride Pimozide Dopamine Antagonist D2 41 / 42 Sobuzoxane 4 ,4 ' - ( 1 , 2 Gene Enzyme Inhibitor Topo II 41/ 42 Ethanediyl) bis ( 1 Regulation isobutoxycarbonyloxymethyl 2 , 6 -piperazinedione ) Riluzole 2 - Amino - 6 Glutamate Antagonist Release 45 (trifluoromethoxy ) 45 benzothiazole Clemastine Histamine Antagonist H1H1 4545 - fumarate 2 -methoxyestradiol 2 -Hydroxyestradiol 2 Hormone Metabolite Estrogen 33 / 34 33 /34 methyl ether beta - Estradiol Dihydrofolliculin Hormone Estrogen 42 Dequalinium 1 , 1 - Decamethylenebis ( 4 K + Channel Blocker 39 dichloride aminoquinaldinium ) dichloride 7 - Cyclopentyl- 5 - ( 4 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Ick 41/ 42 phenoxy )phenyl 7H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 d ]pyrimidin - 4 ylamine Cyclosporin A Antibiotic S 7481F1 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Calcineurin 41/ 42 phosphatase Diacylglycerol R 59022 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Diacylglycerol 45 kinase inhibitor I kinase Diacylglycerol R59949 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Diacylglycerol 41 /42 li Kinase Inhibitor II kinase Genistein 5 , 7 - Dihydroxy - 3- ( 4 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Tyrosine kinase 35 / 36 46 hydroxyphenyl) -4H - 1 benzopyran - 4 - one GW2974 N4 - ( 1 - Benzyl- 1 H - indazol Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor EGFR / ErbB - 2 41/ 42 47 5 -yl ) - N6 ,N6 - dimethyl pyrido [3 , 4 - d )pyrimidine4 4 , 6 - diamine GW5074 3 - ( 3 , 5 - Dibromo- 4 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Rafi kinase 33/ 34 41 /42 hydroxybenzylidine - 5 iodo - 1 , 3 - dihydro - indol - 2 one ) IC 261 1 , 3 -Dihydro - 3 - [ (2 , 4, 6 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor CK - 35 /36 41/ 42 trimethoxyphenyl) methylene ] 1delta / epsilon 2H - indol- 2 - one Kenpaullone NSC 664704 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor CDK1, CDK2 , 45 i CDK5 US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 41 H TABLE 4 -continued Compilation of 48 compounds causing edema in Xenopus embryos Onset Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity (NF ) (NF ) SU 4312 3 - ( 4 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor KDR 45 Dimethylaminobenzyliden - yl) - 2 - indolinone SU 6656 2 , 3 - Dihydro - N , N Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor Src family 39/ 40 46 dimethyl- 2 - oxo - 3 kinase [ (4 , 5 , 6 , 7 - tetrahydro -1H indol- 2 - yl) methylene ) - 1H indole - 5 -sulfonamide Tyrphostin AG N - ( 3 - Chlorophenyl ) - 6 , 7 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor EGFR 4545 4646 1478 dimethoxy - 4 quinazolinamine Tyrphostin AG 494 N -Phenyl - 3 , 4 Phosphorylation Enzyme Inhibitor EGFR 39 40 dihydroxybenzylidenecyanoacetamide Meclofenamic acid 2 - ([ 2 , 6 - Dichloro - 3 Prostaglandin Enzyme Inhibitor COX /5 - 35 / 36 41/ 42 sodium methylphenyl] amino )benzoic Lipoxygenase acid sodium Amperozide 4 - [ 4 , 4 - bis ( 4 Serotonin Ligand 41 / 42 hydrochloride Fluorophenyl) butyl ] - N 41 /42 - ethyl- 1 piperazinecarboxamide hydrochloride MRitanserin 6 - [ 2 - [ 4 -bis ( 4 Serotonin Antagonist 5 - HT2/ 5 -HT1C 41/ 42 Fluorophenyl )methylene ] 1 1 -piperidinyl ] ethyl ] - 7 -methyl - 5H thiazolo [ 3 , 2 - a ]pyrimidin 5 - one 13 - cis - retinoic acid Isotretinoin Transcription Regulator RAR - alpha , 41 /42 46 beta 6 ( 5H Transcription Enzyme Inhibitor PARP 45 Ê Phenanthridinone TTNPB Arotinoid acid Transcription Ligand RAR - alpha, 39 45 beta , gamma

TABLE 5 Compilation of 10 compounds causing pigmentation defects in Xenopus embryos . Onset Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity Phenotypes (NF ) (NF ) ( -) - Ephedrine Adrenoceptor Activator Lack of skin 33/ 34 41/ 42 hemisulfate pigmentation Nalidixic acid 1 - Ethyl -1 , 4 Antibiotic Enzyme Inhibitor DNA Gyrase Silvery -colored 47 — sodium dihydro - 7 -methyl embryos 4 -oxo - 1 , 8 naphthyridine - 3 carboxylic acid sodium Caffeic acid CAPE Cell Cycle Inhibitor NFkB Lack of skin 33 / 34 Ö phenethyl pigmentation ester 1 - Phenyl - 3 - ( 2 Dopamine Enzyme Inhibitor beta - Reduced eye & 33 / 34 ' thiazolyl) - 2 Hydroxylase skin thiourea pigmentation Amfonelic 7 - Benzyl- 1 - ethyl- Dopamine Modulator Reduced eye & 33 / 34 ' acid 1 , 4 -dihydro - 4 - oxo skin 1 , 8 -naphthyridine pigmentation 3 -carboxylic acid Apomorphine 10 , 11 - Reduced eye & 33 / 34 l hydrochloride Dihydroxyaporphine skin hemihydrate hydrochloride pigmentation hemihydrate R (- ) - N Dopamine Agonist Lack of skin 33 / 34 40 Allylnorapomorphine pigmentation ; hydrobromide Delayed embryogenesis ; Paralyzed embryos R ( -) R (- ) -NPA Dopamine Agonist D2 Reduced skin 33 /34 — Propylnorapomorphine hydrochloride pigmentation hydrochloride US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 43 44 TABLE 5 - continued Compilation of 10 compounds causing pigmentation defects in Xenopus embryos . Onset Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity Phenotypes (NF ) (NF ) Spiroxatrine R 5188 Serotonin Agonist 5 -HT1A Increased skin 45 - pigmentation WIN 62 ,577 17 -beta - Hydroxy - Tachykinin Antagonist NK1 Reduced eye & 33/ 34 42 17 - alpha - ethynyl skin delta - 4 pigmentation androstano ( 3 , 2 b )pyrimido (1 , 2 a )benzimidazole

TABLE 6 Compilation of 6 compounds causing other phenotypic defects in Xenopus embryos. Onset Lethality Name Secondary Name Class Enzyme Action Selectivity Phenotypes (NF ) (NF ) ( S ) - ( + ) Apoptosis Enzyme Inhibitor Topol Worm - like , crippled 39 41/ 42 Camptothecin embryos; Tremoring embryos ; Very small eyes 2 ,3 DMNO Cell Stress Modulator Brown discoloration ; 41 42 Dimethoxy Tremoring embryos 1 , 4 naphthoquinone SB 205384 4 - Amino - 7 -hydroxy GABA Modulator GABA - A Brown discoloration : 40 46 2 -methyl - 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 Delayed tetrahydrobenzo [ b ] embryogenesis thieno [2 , 3 - b ]pyridine 3 - carboxylic acid but- 2 - ynyl ester trans 5 - Androsten - 3beta . Hormone Aldosterone Brown discoloration ; 41/ 42 Dehydroandrosterone ol- 17- one ; DHEA Tremoring embryos 3 Multi - Drug Enzyme Substrate CYP450 Swollen vacuoles in 46 l Aminopropionitrile Resistance the tail ' s notochord fumarate Diphenyleneiodonium [ 1 , 1' - Biphenyl ] - 2 , 2 '- Nitric Oxide Enzyme Inhibitor eNOS Brown discoloration ; 41 42 chloride diyiodonium chloride Tremoring embryos

TABLE 7 Bioactive pharmacological classes by phenotype Screen Cytotoxicity _ Lethality Edema Pigmentation Other Total Total Active % Active % Active % Active % Active % Classt agents active agents total agents total agents total agents total agents total Adenosine 55 ??? 5 . 5 Adrenoreceptor 104 ? 1 . 0 1 . 0 Antibiotic ? ??? 3 . 6 1 3 . 6 6 Apoptosis ? * 16 . 7 - 8 . 3 Biochiernistry M aNEW 2. 2 ? ww Ca² + Channel 2 1111. . 1 33 . 3 Cannabinoid 1 1616 . 7 Cell cycle ?????? 6 . 7 6 . 7 1 66 . 7 Cell stress 5 .3 1 55 . 3 6.7 - 5. . 33 Cholinergic ? 1 . 3 1 . 3 Cl- Channel 33 . 3 Cyclic nucleotides 31won ???? 9 . 7 Cytoskeleton & 1010 3 1 1010 . 0 20 . 0 ??? WNW Dopamine 114 9 1 090 . 9 2. 6 5 4 . 4 G protein ? 25 . 0 42 1 25. 0 GABA ? - 2 . 4 Gene regulation 1 ? 100 . 0 Glutamate 3 & ? 1 . 1 Histamine 31 ? 1 3 .. 2 Hormone 34 ? 2 . 9 NE uw - 2 . 9 Intracellular 8 ?? 2 025 .. 0 12 . 5 calcium . US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 45 46 TABLE 7 -continued Bioactive pharmacological classes by phenotype Screen Cytotoxicity _ Lethality Edema Pigmentation Other Total Total Active % Active % Active % Active % Active % Classt agents active agents total agents total agents total agents total agents total Ion pump 17 5 . 9 Kt Channel 1 5 . 3 Leukotriene 2 020 20 . 0 1 1 1010 . 0 Lipid 2 02020 . 0 1 1 10 . 0 Multi -drug NN 8 . 3 resistance Neurotransmission Nitric oxide 1 2. 2 2 4. 3 2 . 7 Phosphorylationlation 11 012 .. 0 . 6 a 5 . 5 13 1414 . 1 Prostaglandin NURS?3556 DAWNOWwww 1 4 .2 1 4 . 2 Serotonin 1 1 . 1 Tachykinin 20 Thromboxane 1 50 . 0 Transcription 12 8 . 3 w3 25 . 0 Entire Screen 1280 32 2 .5 * 18 1. 4 * 48 3. 8* 10 0 .8 * 6 0. 5 * * Includes only bioactive classes. * Frequency of whole screen . US 9 , 945 , 845 B2 47 48

Lethality ?????? 46 41/42 41/42 41/42 | | | | | | | | | | | | 45 43 33/34 41/42 33/34 39 45 41/42 41/42 5 B B # Lymphheart phenotypeenlargement 41/42 45 Cardiac 41/429 41/421 Tailtip

45 41/42 41/42 41/42 45 41/42 45 45 45 42 41/42 41/42 41/42 39/40 39 45 39

40 39 47 45 39/40 40 41/42

Typeofedema 41/42 45 41/42 41/42 41/42 41/42 41/42 45 41/421 40 39 41/42 45 41/42 41/42 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 41/42 45 45 41/42 45 39/40 41/42 41/42

CerebralPeriocularPericordialVentralProctodealPronephric 35/36 41/42 41/42 39/40 41/42 41/42 41/42 41/42 41/42 39 39 41/42 46 41/42 41/42 45 39 39 39/40 33/34 39/40 33/34 39 41/42 33/34 35/36 41/42 41/42

41/42 46 41/42 45 45 41/42# 45 45 45 45 42# 45 45 46 45 45 41/42 42*41/ 45* 41/42* TABLE8 Phenotypicclassificationofedema-inducingcompounds 39+ 45+

RAR-aipha,betagamma41/42+ TopoII A1 A1 L-type L-type L-type L-type alpha-1B D2 Al PDEIII/IV Ick RAR-alpha,beta Ras,Rho SOC Adenylatecyclase D2 H1 EGFR/ErbB2 Guanylylcyclase Diacyglycerolkinase Diacyglycerolkinase CDK1,CDK2CDK5 KDR 5-HT2/HTIC beta-tubulin Raf1kinase Selectivity Metalloprotease PARP Reuptake Release Estrogen Calcineurinphosphatase Pyruvatedehydrogenase Estrogen COX/5-Lipoxygenase PARP Srcfamilykinases

class CyleskeletonandECM Pharmacological Adenosine Antibiotic Ca2+Channel Ca2+Channel Ca2+Channel Ca2+Channel Ca2+Channel CyclicNucleotides Dopamine Histamine Phosphorylation Serotonin Transcription Adrenoceptor CyclicNucleotides Glutamate Hormone Phosphorylation Phosphorylation Phosphorylation Serotonin Adenosine CellstressCyclicNucleotides CyloskeletonandECMPodophyllotoxin Hormone K+Channel Phosphorylation Phosphorylation Prostaglandin Apoptosis GeneRegulationPhosphorylation Apoptosis TranscriptionTranscription NicardipinehydrochlorideCa2+Channel DiacylglycerolkinaseinhibitorIPhosphorylation DiacylglycerolKinaseInhibitorIIPhosphorylation YC-1 CyclosporinA nameCompound CGS-15943 MRS1845 SKF96365 L-765,314 GBR-12909dihydrochlorideDopamineN-(pIsothiocyanatophenethyl) Dopamine SU4312 7-Cyclo Meclofenamicacidsodium SU6656 Retinoicacid 1,3-Diethyl8phenylxanthineAdenosine 1,10-PhenenthrolinemonohydrateBiochemistry Felodipine Nifedipine Nimodipine Forskolin Pimozide Clemastinefumarate GW2974 Amperozidehydrochloride hydrochloridespiperone Riluzole beta-Estradiol Kenpaullone Ritanserin Naphthyridine (1)-alphaLipoicAcid dichlorideDequalinium GW5074 4-Amino1,8naphthalimide 13-cisretinoicacid TTNPB Mevastatin 6(5H)-Phenanthridinone Zardaverine Nocodazole 2-methoxyestradiol Sobuzoxane

Phenotype class A B D US 9 , 945 , 845 B2 49 50

Lethality 41/42 41/42 46 Lymphheart phenotypeenlargement Cardiac aces com

Tailtip 35/36



Typeofedema 45

CerebralPeriocularPericordialVentralProctodealPronephric 3536/ 35/36 39

45 TABLE8-continued Phenotypicclassificationofedema-inducingcompounds

vity Selectivity Tyrosinekinase CK-1delta/epsilon EGFR EGFR

Pharmacological class Phosphorylation Phosphorylation PhosphorylationPhosphorylation NumbersshownrepresentembryonicstagesaccordingtoNieuwkoopandFaber(NF).

7-Cyclo,Cyclopentyl5(4phenoxy)phenyl7Hpyrrolo[23d]pyrimidinylamine; TyrphostinAG494 +Cerebraledemaextendingdorso-anteriorlyanddisplacingtheeyes. Compoundname IC261 TyrphostinAG1478 #Bilateralperiocularedemascausingnarrow-seteyes. Naphthyridine,7-Chloro4hydroxy2phenyl18naphthyridine. Genistein Theedemaswerealsodectectedinthegut. *Periocularedemacausingbulgingeyes. Theheartchamberswereenlarged. $Hearttubetailedtoloop. Compoundabbreviations: Phenotype class US 9 , 945 , 845 B2 TABLE 9 Vascular phenotypes resulting from small- molecule treatment of Xenopus embryos A ) Compounds affecting blood vessel development only

Phenotype Compound Pharmacological ISV VVN PCV Lymphatic Embr. class name class Selectivity phenotype phenotype phenotype phenotype 11phen. Defective Nocodazole Cytoskeleton beta impaired hypoplastic hypoplastic n . a . EDE vasculogenesis and ECM 10tubulin Podophyllotoxin Cytoskeleton impaired hypoplastic hypoplastic n . a . EDE and ECM Hormone Estrogen impaired hypoplastic hypoplastic n . a . EDE methoxyestradiol IC 261 Phosphorylation CK - 1delta / impaired hypoplastic hypoplastic n . a . EDE epsilon NSC 95397 Phosphorylation Cdc25 impaired hypoplastic hypoplastic n . a . LET Tyrphostin AG Phosphorylation EGFR impaired hypoplastic hypoplastic n . a . EDE 494 Meclotenamic Prostaglandin COX /5 - impaired hypoplastic hypoplastic n . a . EDE acid sodium Lipoxygenase Defective Retinoic acid Apoptosis impaired hypoplastic nominal n . a . EDE angiogenesis Forskolin Cyclic Adenylate impaired hypoplastic normal n . a . EDE |1001nucleotides cyclase WITHUL - 162 ,313 Neurotransmission AT1 impaired hypoplastic normal normal LET Indirubin - 3' - Phosphorylation CDK impaired normal normal normal LET oxime SU 5416 Phosphorylation VEGFR impaired hypoplastic normal n . a . LET PTK Ectopic Calmidazolium Intracellular Ca2 + ectopic hyperplastic normal n . a . LET angiogenic chloride Calcium ATPase ISVs sprouting GW5074 Phosphorylation Raf 1 ectopic dyspiastic normal n . a . EDE kinase ISVS VVN |YC - 1 Cyclic Guanylyl normal hypoplastic normal normal EDE hypoplasia nucleotides cyclase Zardaverine Cyclic PDE III/ normal hypoplastic normal n . a . EDE nucleotides PDE IV MK - 886 Leukotriene normal hypoplastic normal n . a . LET Purvalanol A Phosphorylation CDK normal hypoplastic normal normal LET B ) Compounds affecting blood and lymph vessel formation

Phenotype Compound Pharmacological ISV VVN PCV ALS ALH PLV Embr. class name class Selectivity phenotype phenotype phenotype phenotype phenotype phenotype phen . Detective Naphthyridine Adenosine Al stunted hypoplastic normal stunted dysplastic hypoplastic EDE blood and lymph | angiogenesis 7 - Cyclo Phosphorylation Ick stunted normal normal impaired impaired hypoplastic EDE SP600125 Phosphorylation c - JNK stunted dyspiastic normal impaired impaired impaired LET VVN 1 , 3 - Diethyl- 8 - Adenosine Al normal hyperplastic normal stunted stunted hypoplastic EDE hyperplasia phenylxanthine and defective lymph angiogenesis 4 - Amino - 1 , 8 Apoptosis PARP normal hyperplastic normal impaired stunted hypoplastic EDE naphthalimide Genistein Phosphorylation Tyrosine stunted hyperplastic normal impaired impaired impaired EDE kinase 11 US 9, 945 ,845 B2 53 54 TABLE 9 -continued Vascular phenotypes resulting from small -molecule treatment of Xenopus embryos C ) Compounds affecting lymph vessel formation only

Blood Phenotype Compound Pharmacological vessel ALS ALH PLV Embr. class name class Selectivity phenotype phenotype phenotype phenotype phen. Defective Felodipine Ca2 + L - type normal normal dysplastic normal EDE lymph Channel angiogenesis Sobuzoxane Gene Topo II normal dysplastic dysplastic hypoplastic EDE regulation Nicardipine Ca2 + L - type normal dysplastic dysplastic hypoplastic EDE hydrochloride Channel SU 6656 Phosphorylation Src family normal stunted dysplastic hypopiastic EDE kinase Dequalinium K + channel normal stunted stunted hypoplastic EDE dichloride GW2974 Phosphorylation EGER normal impaired stunted hypoplastic EDE ErbB2 - 2 Mevastatin Antibiotic Ras , Rho normal impaired impaired hypoplastic EDE SU 4312 Phosphorylation KDR normalnormal impaired impaired hypoplastic EDE Abbreviations : ALH , anterior lymph heart; ALS , anterior lymph sac ; EDE , edema phenotype; ISV , intersomitic vessels ; LET, lethal before stage 48 ; n . a . , not applicable ; PCV, posterior cardinal vein ; Phen , phenotype ; PLV, posterior lymph vessels ; VVN , vitelline vein network , Compound abbreviations: 7 -Cyclo , 7 - Cyclopentyl- 5 - ( 4 -phenoxy )phenyl - 7H -pyrrolo [2 , 3 - d ]pyrimidin - 4 - ylamine; Naphthyridine , 7 -Chloro - 4 - hydroxy -2 - phenyl- 1 ,3 -naphthyridine .

TABLE 10 Comparison between the in vivo and in vitro activities of small -molecule compounds HUVEC Phenotype HUVEC tube LEC LEC tube class in vivo Compound name proliferation formation proliferation formation A ) Compounds affecting in vivo blood vessel development only Defective Nocodazole vasculogenesis Podophyllotoxin 2 -methoxyestradiol IC 261 Tyrphostin AG 494 Defective Retinoic acid angiogenesis L - 162 , 313 Indirubin - 3 '- oxime TOOO+100 o+OOOOLI SU 5416 Ectopic angiogenic GW5074 sprouting VVN hypoplasia MK - 886 B ) Compounds affecting in vivo blood and lymph vessel formation Defective blood and Naphthyridine lymphangiogenesis 7 -Cyclo SP600125 TITOLITOI VVN hyperplasia 1 , 3 - Diethyl- 8 and defective phenylxanthine TO+O lymphangiogenesis 4 - Amino - 1 , 8 Looo+0 ooo0 naphthalimide NEW Genistein US 9 ,945 ,845 B2 55 56 TABLE 10 - continued Comparison between the in vivo and in vitro activities of small- molecule compounds

HUVECVEC Phenotype HUVEC tube LEC LEC tube class in vivo Compound name proliferation formation proliferation formation C ) Compounds affecting in vivo lymph vessel formation only

Defective Felodipine O O lymphangiogenesis Sobuzoxane +O Nicardipine OO +0 hydrochloride GW2974 + +0 SU 4312 + . unds without vascular detects in vivo OooTOOIT Cyclosporin A O

O MRS 1845 + L - 687 , 384 + hydrochloride ooo Scoring system for in vitro assays: O , inactive or marginal effects ( 85 - 115 % of control) ; - , moderate inhibition (50 - 85 % of control) : - - , strong inhibition ( 50 % of control) ; + , moderate promotion (> 115 - 150 % of control) . Abbreviations: HUVEC , human umbilical vein endothelial cell; LEG , lymphatic endothelial cell; VVN , vitelline vein network , Compound abbreviations: 7 -Cyclo , 7 - Cyclopentyl- 5 - (4 - pherioxy )phenyl - 7H -pyrrolo [ 2 , 3 - d ]pyrimidin - 4 -ylamine ; Naphthyridine , 7 - chloro - 4 -hydroxy - 2 - phenyl- 1 , 8 -naphthyridine .

30 What is claimed is : 12 . Themethod of claim 1, further comprising the step of 1 . A method for in vivo screening to identify compounds identifying the target tissue or organ of the agent responsible that modulate fluid homeostasis having an underlying patho - for the edema in the identified amphibian . physiological function in the cardiovascular, lymphatic , and excretory systems comprising : a ) treating a plurality of 13 . The method of claim 1 ,wherein the anatomical pattern amphibians with a plurality of agents ; b ) identifying an| 35 of edema formation in the identified amphibian is cerebral , amphibian from the plurality of amphibians wherein the periocular , pericardial, ventral, proctodeal, pronephric , or treatment causes edema in the amphibian ; and c ) determin tail tip . ing the anatomical pattern of edema formation in the iden - 14 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the anatomical pattern tified amphibian . of edema formation in the identified amphibian is a cardiac 2 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of 40 phenotype or a lymph -heart enlargement. amphibians are treated by including the plurality of agents in 15 . The method of claim 1 . wherein the method further the culture media containing the plurality of amphibians. 3 . The method of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of agents comprises a secondary screen . are dissolved in the culture media containing the plurality of 16 . The method of claim 15 , wherein the secondary screen amphibians . 45 is performed by in situ hybridization . 4 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the method is per - 17 . The method of claim 16 , wherein the in situ hybrid formed in a multi -well format. ization is performed manually, semi- automated or fully 5 . The method of claim 1, wherein the plurality of automated . amphibians are a plurality of embryos , tadpoles , or adults. 18 . The method of claim 15 . wherein the secondary screen 6 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of 50 is performed by immunohistochemistry . amphibians are from the subclass Lissamphibia . 7 . The method of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of 19 . The method of claim 18 , wherein the immunohisto amphibians are frogs , toads, newts , salamanders , mudpup chemistry is performed manually , semi- automated or fully pies, or caecilians. automated . 8 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of 55 20 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further amphibians are from the genus Xenopus. comprises the step of d ) identifying the agent causing the 9 . The method of claim 8, wherein the plurality of edema in the amphibian . amphibians are from the species Xenopus laevis or Xenopus 21 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further tropicalis . comprises the step of d ) identifying a pathway that mediates 10 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of agents 60 lymphatic and /or vascular development in the identified are independently small molecules, drugs, antibodies , pep amphibian . tides , secreted proteins , nucleic acids, antisense RNA mol- 22 . The method of claim 21 . wherein the pathway is a ecules , ribozymes , RNA interference nucleotide sequences, antisense oligomers , or morpholino oligonucleotides . vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF ) pathway . 11 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the edema is caused 654 23 . The method of claim 22 , wherein the pathway is by an activity in the vascular, lymphatic , cardiac , or excre - targeted by an adenosine receptor antagonist. tory system of the identified amphibian . * * * *