GEO. A VANDEGRIFT, V -President. GEO. D POTTS, Trea.surer.


BUBNETHoUSE CFNC"fNNATI Reopened Septemberr 14, 1895.

ELECTRIC ~ THE MOST CENTRALLY LOCATEb LIGHTED " THROUGHOUT. " FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY· AmerrieSlo Plao,$3.00 to $5.00 pet' Day. J~ w. DUNKLEE, President a •• d Manager.

The BU~NET HOUSE GafB ana ffiBrGflants' Lunch Room. " B· L " h WIll be Served from A____.__ """'-______ustness unc 11:30at Modera.teA. M. to 2:30P. Prices M ..

Qniolc Serrice. " Polite .l1ttcn danfs. .:1 Trial Soli(~ ifed. ~R ~na onlY llne I UU~Ilug ,",U:&.fIOOL AX1I",....:ENT CARS between and CHICAGO. C•• H & 0I R I I Best Line Best .Time. Best Service. PEEBLES Is always in the lead; not only for finest quality, but lowest prices. 'lTL~_._ C'ArnYTT>,.-,.,\'lT c\Y'TUT">l\.Y and MONDAY DAILY PAPERS for tS SPECIALS. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY CTIONS, OF CINCINNATI [NES, AND HAMILTON COUNTY LIQUEURS, CORDIALS, WHISKIES, CIGARS. 1 in st.ock. F~verything guaranteed to be exactly ~8 in placing your orders with us.


.K DISTILLERY.. . CO. ~kies and ·for the finest Display at the It' ------A EXPOSITION.

The Gift of i"r'1 'fl.! l~S FUl'e '.L able 'fi a tel'. FREDK.A. SCHMIDT REAL ESTATE cobe!; IO cts. per gallon in five gallon :Springs locat.ed on the DIvision of

FRENCH ·C0NFECTI0NS P' Fresh. C1ea%1. :J:)e1icio'U.s. Used by Cincinnati's" FOUR HUNDRED." Best in t.he World. Made FRESH DAILY at our • Candy Fp,ctory, ~o. 42 Pike St. EST A B LISHED 184.0. The Joseph R. Peebles' Sons Co. JOSEPH S. PEEBLES. Pres't CINCINNATI. O. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST Is the most DIRECT Lin,e tb CHICAGO, DAYTON DETROIT, INDIANAPOLIS, c. H.& O. R. H.' ST. LOUIS, and TOLEDO. The Gibson Hoase CINCINNATI .. Conducted on the American Plan. Most Centrally located of any· Hotel in the City.


Steam heat in every room. Noted for the peculiar excellence of its cuisine.

RATES FROM $3.00 TO $5 00 PER DAY.

The Gibson House Co. H. B. DUNB ,,-a, President. B. L. DAVIS, Manager. - 1896. ---





Containing thEl N-arnEls and AddrElssEls of Cincinnati FarniliEls} Portraits of FrominElnt LadiEls, RElcElption]] ays, NarnEls of Country FlacEls} Official Lists of !JfficElrs and MElmbElrs of Clubs} and DthElr Information of ValuEl,


Copyrighted by C. A. R. DEVEREUX, 1896 .

.------~ ~ Wastalij Garman Bank, VINE AND TWELFTH STS. Capital, $200,000. Surplus, $325,000.

Caraful attantion paid to INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS.

BONDS. Unitad Statas Eonds} and carafLllly sBlactad M.unicipal and County Bonds sold, Good sacuritias bought at markat ratas,

SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. Eoxas of. all siz·as} including large ones for storaga of SilvElFwara at low· ratas, ----",..".,---- FO~EIGN OEPART]VIENT. Agants for tha most prominant ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES. Statarooms and Earths ordBrBd by talagraph,

Letters of Credit on diract corraspondants and first-class E anks a vaila bla all over Europa J Asia and Afric a

.L. KLEYBOLTE, EDWARD F· WElL, President- Cashier. -8- HE BLUE BOOK has become as indispensable T a requisite for the escuitoire of the woman of fashion as her silver-mounted writing utencils and her creste¢l seal. To the man of business it is almost as useful, for it tells him "who's who" at a glance and where he or she may be found.

The new feature presented m this edition-the grouping of families-will be found a great conven­ Ience and prevent confusion in arranging invitation lists. So far as possible the new street numbers have been given.

Even with the greatest care, and with every facility, er·rors of omission and commission will inevit­ ably creep in to such a compilation, and it must be attributed rather to the difficulty of obtaining infor­ mation than to any deliberate intention to excl1;

The Editor hopes that the book will meet the ex­ pectations of the large number who have encouraged its publication, and feels sure it will prove valua- I ble as a reference, useful as a guide and interesting as a social souvenir. THE EDiTOR.



- - .,/

BUILDERS 0F FINE CARRIAGES Repository and Factory: S. W. Cor. Sixth and Sycamo,.e St,.eets, CINCINNATf, O. We excel in repairing and repainting Carriages.

-- 10-- ~------~~ The following is i!U bmitted as standard reception days: The first two Fridays in the month are Clifton "at home" days. the last two are set apart for Mt. Auburn. The first two Thursdays' of the month are "at home" days for Avondale, the last two .for West Sixth lind Fourth Streets. The first two Mondays for East. Walnut HiIlsl the second two for the West Hill. Tuesday, tne Burnet ..Iouse, St. Nicholas. East FouIth and Pik~, Broadway and the East End generally; Wednesday, Dayton Street and Coving­ ton. (Some deviations from the above nave been noted by request.)

Ackerland Mrs. A. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Ackerland Mr. and Mrs. M. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. Harry. Ackley Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. Erie Avenue, Hyde Park. Adams Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Davis Riverside, Chicago, Ill. Adae Mrs. Clara Luray Avenue Monday Adar Mrs. M. B. St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Adderly Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 132 Huntington Place, Friday. Misses Clara and Grace. Addy Mr. and Mrs. Matthew 2422 Auburn A.venue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Albro Mr. and Mrs. E. D. North Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Mr. John Otis Omwake.

- II - -- THE .BLUE BOOK. --

Alden Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. 82 I Washington Avenue, Newport, Ky. Aldrich Mrs. Laura E. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Aldrich. Aldrich Mr. and Mrs. T. H. 280 Southern Ave .. Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Georgia W., MI'. T. H. Jr., and Miss Morrison. Allan Mrs. Patterson .413 Pike Street. Tuesday Allen Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. 2805 Price Avenue, Price Hill. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Glendale, . Allen Mr. James Lane The Glencoe, Mt. Auburn. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John H. 2050 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Allen Mr. and Mrs. T. H. C. 2048 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 2048 Aub~.lrn Avenue. Friday. Allen Mr. and Mrs. William 2046 Auburn Avenue. Friday Mrs. Thompson. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Robert 28 Garfield Place. Thursday. Miss Blanche and Mrs. Martha A. Posey. Alms Mr. and Mrs. F H. Northeast Corner Mc- Millan Street and Elmwood Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Alms Mrs. H. A. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Alms Mr. and Mrs. William H. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. Altenberg Mr. and Mrs. G. P. McMillan Street, near Forest Avenue. Mrs. Elizabeth Altenberg.

-·12 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Altel Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Reading Road, Ayondale. Thursday. Mr. F., .Jr., and Harry F. Alter Mr. and Mrs. George T. Northeast Corner Imogene and McGregor Avenues.Mt. Auburn. Amick Dr. W R. 214 West Seventh Street. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Anderson Mrs. Jane D. Delaware Avenue, Avondale. Mr. J. M. and :Mr. J. H. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. 3 [5 Pike Street. Tuesday. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. tarz F'lat No.6, The Ortiz. Tuesday Mr. Clough and Mr. Robert. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gra ndin Road, Town house, 304 Pike Street. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Woods. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Larz W. Grandin Road. Monday Anderson Col. and Mrs. Latham Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Tuesday. Anderson Mrs. Louise N. Southeast Corner Oak Ave. and Reading Road. Monday. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Davis C. Oak Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Vachel W. 3 I I Pike St. Tuesday . Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. .3 [I Pike St .. Tuesday 1\1 iss Anderson. Andrews Mrs. A. H. Glendale, Ohio. Thursday. Mr. Frank V. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Clifford College Hill, Ohio. Mr. Charles, Misses Mary and Nelly.

- I.~- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Andrews Mr. and .Mrs. John R. The Alta, East Fourth Street. Andrews Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph 309 Pike Street. Tuesday. Miss Andrews. , " ~ l. Andrews Mrs. Maria Cook Ave'nue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. LQring-W. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Main A ven ue, Avondale. Thursday. ~Iiss Andrews and :\Iiss Alice Luuise. Appleton Mr. and Mrs. Everard Jack Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Archer Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Grand Hotel. Thursday Arnior Mrs. Mary T. Lafayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 241 I Auburn Avenue. Friday. Frank Newton Armstrong Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Geo;r-W Jr. Montgomery. Ohio. Winter residence',. Burnet House. 'Armstrong Mr. and Mrs, ]. M. Southwest Corner McMillan and Grandview Avenue. Monday. Armstrong Miss · 'Liddesdale, " Reading Road. Thursday. Arnold Col. and Mrs. Brent. Hotel Auburn. Mt. Auburn. Friday. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. J as. M. 24 First Street, Newport, Ky. Wednesday. Arth ur J udg~ and 'Mrs.· Covington, Ky. Wednesday, Asbury Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday Ashbrooke Mr. and Mrs.. Claude. Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. MRS• .M.A.RY T. H.RMOR.


Athey Judge and Mrs. Covington, Ky Wednesday. Atkins Mrs. Alice 914 York St. Wednesday Atkins Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Evans Place, Clifton. Friday. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Aub Mrs. Helen Lexington Avenue, Avondale. Aub Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 2516 Moorman Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Aubery Mrs. William Madisonville Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday 'fhe Misses Anbery. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel 298 Richmond Street. Wednesday. Ault Mr. and Mrs. Lee Addison North Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Ault Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Corner May and Crown Streets, Walnut Hills. Austin Mr. and Mrs. James Washington Avenue, Avonda~e. Avery Mr. and Mrs. C. Hammond College Hill, O. Avery Mrs. O. M. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. ~lr. and Mrs. Ev",rard J. Appleton. Avery Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Fern Bank, O. Avery Judge and Mrs. Wm. L. Flat 7. The Sorento. Thursday. Mt'. Coleman and Miss Ethel. Avery Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Flat 9, The Alta. l\1r. Ralph, Ayers Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Vernon Place, near Linton Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday Mrs. McLean and l\Ir. Wylie McLean.

~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --


Babbitt Mr. H. 626 W Eighth Street. MIss AlicE'. I Babbitt Mr. and Mrs.. William H. 605 West Eighth Street. Thursday. Baeder Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Bahlmann Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byrant Avenue. Clifton. Friday. Mr.. and Mrs. Felix Bahlmann. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John W 18 W. Seventh Street. Thursday. Messrs. Perin Langdon and D.'. Gilbert Langdon Bailey. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, Jr. Ivy Avenue, Glendale, Ohio. Baird Mr. Clifford T. Hoffner Place, Northside, Baker Hon. and Mrs. Charles W. "Red Oak," Reading Road, near Oak Avenue. Friday. Baker Mr, and Mrs. David F. Alpine Place, . Walnut Hills. Monday.' Baker Mrs. Louis Oak Avenue, near Gllbe'rt Avenue. Monday. Baker Misses Mary and Phoebe Madisonville Avenue, Monday. Balch Mr. and Mrs. George R. Burnet Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Baldwin Mrs. Ammi Bell Place, Walnut Hills, Monday Mr. Bert LeCompte Baldwin. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Lane Seminary Grounds, Walnut Hills. Monday. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. F. B. I8S Bayn-iiller Street..

-16- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Baldwin Mr. Francis H. Grand Hotel. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. ,J. A. Kinsey Place, Mt. Auburn. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Ward East Aub~rn A ven ue. Friday. Balke Mrs. Julius Hotel Alms. Monday Balke Mr. and Mrs. Julius, Jr. Mitchell Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Ballauf Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. 706 Everett Street. Wednesday. Ballman Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Reading Road, near Wallace Avenue. Friday. BandholtzLt. U. S. A., and Mrs. Ft. Thomas, Ky. Banks Mr. William Y. Summit Avenue, Price Hill. Thursday. Miss Frances M. Banning Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hotel Alms. Monday. Banning Mrs. Julia K. Northeast Corner Chase and Gordon A venues. Miss Ella and Mr. Kirby. Bantlin Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Flat 6, The Lombardy. Thursday. Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich H. St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Barker "Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. Prospect Place, Avondale. Thursday Barney Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clifford Washington, D. C. The Misses Barney. Barney Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wyoming, O. Barney Mayor and Mrs. Roderick D. Wyoming, O. Barringer Mr. and Mrs. Geo. K. Grand Hotel.

- 17- -- THE ,.BLUE BOOK. --

Barstow Mr. and Mrs. E. B. 22 Beecher Avenue. Tuesday. Miss Mary and l\Ir. Wm. N. Bartholomew Prof. and Mrs. G. K. Southeast Corner Third and Lawrence Streets. Tuesday. Bartlett Mrs. Frank G. Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Bartlett and Mrs. Skillinger. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Emery H. Summit Avenue, Price Hill. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. George Pomeroy. Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Bateman Mr. and Mrs. Warner M. Glendale, Ohio.

Bates Judge and Mrs. Clement 502 E. Third Street. Tuesday Bates Mrs. E. S. Colerain Avenue Thursday. Bates Mr. and Mrs. H. M. 909 Dayton Street. Wednesday Bates Mr. and Mrs. Isaac, Jr. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Mrs. Adelaide Bate!!.

'I Bates Gen. and Mrs. Joshua H. Burnet House. Baur Miss Bertha Southeast Corner Fourth and Lawrence Streets. Tuesday Miss Clara HaUl'. Beaman Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Durrell Avenue, near Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Beck Mr. and Mrs. William, Sr. Ludlow Avenue. Clifton. Friday Becker Mr. and Mrs. Harry Northwest Corner Fourth Street, and Broadway. Tuesday Beckurts Lt. U. S. A., and Mrs. Fort Thomas, Ky. Beebe Dr. B. F 330 East Fourth Street. Beggs Mr. and Mrs. John I. Hotel Alms. - 18 MRS. O. M. AVERY.

-- THE BLUE Book. --

Beecher Mr. and Mrs. Charies A. 1004 Chapel Street.

Belden Mr~- Bertha Beverly Hills. Chicago. Belding Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilson GhJlson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. l\'liss BeldiI~g. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter Bell Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herbert Crescent Avenue, Clifton. Friday Miss Rell. Bell Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Herbert Bell. Northeast Corner Clifton and Burnet Avenues. Friday. Miss Bell Bell Mrs. John E. Northwest Corner Bell Place and McMillan Street. Monday Mr. and l\Irs. Richard 1\1. Bishop. Benckenstein Mr. and Mrs Julius Wyoming, Ohio. Benedict Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B., Kinney and Fairfield Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mrs. C. B. Benedict. Benedict Rev. and Mrs. Cleveland '" Glendale, Ohio. Benedict Prof. and Mrs. Wayland R. Brookline Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Misses Helen F., Mary and Mr. Clarke. Benham Mrs. H. L 3722 Morris Place, Walnut Hills. ,. Monday. Benjamin Mr. Isaac, 619 Richmond Street. :Miss Hannah. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. A. A. 320 Broadway. Tuesday. Bennett Lieut. U. S. A., and Mrs. Ft. Thomas, Ky.

Bennett Mr. and Mrs. C.~H. Bruce and Hamilton Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday .. Bennett Mr. and Mrs Edward P. Newport, Ky. -- THE BLU~ BOOK. --

Bennett Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Mitchell. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kinkead 423 Garrard Street, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Isidor 2628 Stanton Avenue. Second and Fourth Wednesdays. Besuden Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lower River Road. and Maxwell Avenue. Southside. Besuden Mr. and Mrs. William H. Evans Place, Clifton. Friday. Bettmann 1.\1r. and Mrs. B. 547 W Seventh Street. Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Ja,mes, Dr. Henry W., and Mr. Edgar. Bettmann Mr. and Mrs. Louis 741 W Seventh Street. First and Third Tuesdays. Mr. Alfred and Mr. Milton, Bettmann Mr. and Mrs. Meier 625 W Eighth Street. Thursday. Bettmann Mr. and Mrs. M. West Eighth Street, Thursday Bettmann Mr. and Mrs. MorrisL. Reading Road and Greenwood Ave., Avondale. Thursday Bdtmann Mr. and Mrs. Morritz Northeast Corner Shillito Avenue and Lincoln Place, Avondale. Bigstaff Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. Newport, Ky. Billing Mrs. Henriette. Fairview Avenue, Clifton . Heights. Friday. Billings Mr. Oliver C. The Auburndale, Mt. Auburn. Bird Mrs. H. N. Francis Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. George W Grand Hotel. Thursday Mr. Charles Henry.

- 20- -- THE BLUE BOOK,. --

Bishop Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grand Hotel. Thursday. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. R. M., Jr. McMillan Street and Bell Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. S. P Oak Avenue, Walnut Hills. Mond~y. Black Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. 255 Albion Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Blackman Mrs. G. C. 39 W Eighth Street. Tuesday. Blackmore Mr. and Mrs. Dawson J Dayton Street. Thursday. Blain Mr. and Mrs. F- J. The Somerset. Avondale. Thursday. Blair Mrs. J; M. Wyoming, Ohio.

Blair Mr. and Mrs. John McLean 2335 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. McLean J. Blair. Blair ¥r. and Mrs. Joseph T. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Bliss Mr. Henry. 346 Park Avenue. Block Mr. and Mrs. Elias Grandview Avenue, near Fleming, Walnut Hills. Monday. Block Mr. Jacob. Gibson House. Block Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I74 Stanton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Misses Hannah and Blanche. Block Mr. and Mr~. Joseph E. Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday, Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Moses M. 3077 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Mond:;ty

~2I- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Bloomer Mr. and Mrs. J. F Highland Avenue. Monday~ Miss Miriam. Blymyer Mr and ,Mrs. Wm. H. Beecher Street, West of Gilbert.' Avenue. Walnut Hills. Monday. Bofinger Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Southwest Corner McGrekor and Imogene Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Bogen Mrs: Sarah G. Dayton Street. Wednesday Mr. and l\Irs. Bogen. Bonifield Dr. C. L. Grand Hotel.

Bonham Mr~ Scott 2042 \Vesley Avenue. Bonner Mrs. Purcell 646 W Fourth Street. Thursday. Mrs. Mary Bonner Baldwin. Bonsall Mr. and Mrs. Charles M t. Washington. Mr. Charles. P ~onsall Mr. and Mrs. Robert T Mt. Washington. Bonte Mr. and Mrs. C. Edgar Norwood, O. Thursday. Boss Mr. and Mrs. Christian Ingleside Place, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Bosworth Mr. and Mrs. C. A. 12 [6 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Bouscaren Mr. and Mrs. G. 522 West Seventh Street. Carribean Farm, Blanchette'Station, K)T. Boutet Mr. and Mrs. John B. Rosedale Place, Avondale. Thursday. Bowdle Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Lafayette Avenue. Clifton. Friday. Mr Stanley E.

Bowen Mr. and Mrs. George A. 5 I St. James Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Bower Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mitchell Avenue, near Main, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Johnson.

- 22- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Bowler Hon. and Mrs. Robert BOHner Lafayette Avenue, CHfton, and Washington, D. C. Boyce Mr. and Mrs. George W' Phillips and Purcell Avenues, Price Hill. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Calvert 1536 Greenup Street, Covington, Ky Boyd Mr. and Mrs. W F Phillips and Purcell A venues, Price Hill. Boyd Mrs. Sophia Hotel Glencoe, Mt. Auburn. Friday Boyde Mr. and Mrs. W D. S. 126 Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Boyden Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. The Auburndale. Friday. MISS Boyden find Mr. Miller Boyden. Boye Mr. and Mrs. F. W 2208 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Mr. F. W., Jr. Boye Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Albion Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Boylan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. 319 Broadway. Tuesday. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. E. F. \ Clifton Avenue. Clifton. Friday The Misses Bradford. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. H. P. 159 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. . :.. \'. Monday. \ Bradford Mrs T. C. 815 Race Street. Thursday Bradley Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Greenup Street, Covington, Ky. Bradstreet Mr. and Mrs. E. P Glendale, 0 Bragg Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Reading Road, Avondak. . Thursday Bragg Mrs. C. S. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday -- 23- -- TIrE BLUE BOOK. --

Brannan Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Corner of Eden and Auburn Avenues. Friday. Brashears Mrs. Gassaway Colerain Avenue. Thursday. Breed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. 408 Pike Street. , Tuesday Miss Emma and Mr. WilHam D. Breneman Mr. and Mrs. C. W Hutchins Avenue. Avondale. Thursday Breneman Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Reading Road.

Brent Dr. and Mrs. C. P I 25 Garfield Place. Thursday. Mrs. A. B. Irwin and Miss Laura Peyton Brent. I Brewster Mr. and Mrs. J. W 2333 Kemper. Lane. Brige1 Mr. and Mrs. Leo. A. Southeast Corner Ohio and McMillan Avenues. Mr. Leo. A. and Mr. Chas. E. Brockman Mr. and Mrs. 1359 Myrtle Avenue. Monday. Bromwell Mr~ and Mrs. J. H. Sherman Avenue, Wyoming. Bromwell Miss St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. 80 East Front Street, Covington, Ky Brower Mr. and Mrs. A. Fern Bank, O. The Misses Brower and Mr. C. M. Brown Dr. and Mrs .. A M. Relldigs Street, near June Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Archer. Southeast Corner Washington and Forest Avenues, Avondale. Thursday. Brown General and Mrs. Chas. E. Winton Road, East of College Hill. Brown Mr. Chas. Edgar The Shandon, Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, and University Club.

- 24- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Brown Mr. and Mrs. D. W Westminster and Fairfax Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday. Brown Prof. and Mrs. E. M. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. B.rown Mr. and Mrs. George C. 17 McCormick Place. Mr. Chas. Emery and Mr. F. Sa.nford. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Harry W Glendale, O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson Nelson Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Monday Brown Mr. Howard H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reading Road, Avondale. Brown ·Mr. and Mrs. John L. Mt. Hope Road, Price Hill. Brown Mr. and Mrs. J. T Chapel Street. Monday Brown Mrs. Robert Evans Place, Clifton. Friday Brown Mr. and Mrs. T Fred. 3172 Auburn Avenue, l\1t. Auburn. Friday. Brown Mrs. Thomas S. Crescent Avenue, Clift.on. Friday Messrs. Thomas E. W., Wlllter Gano, Clement Gazzam, and Misses Nellie and Jessie. . ' Browne Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Highland Place, Avondale. Brown Mr. and Mrs. W C. Jefferson Avenue, Norwood, O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. W W 1045 Madison Avenue, Covington, Ky. Brown MI:'. and Mrs. Wm. The Auburndale, Auburn Avenue. " Brownell Mr. and Mrs. E. W Ashland Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Brunning Dr. F. 411 Broadway.

- 25- -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Buchanan Mrs. Mary P 644 W Fourth Street. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John U. Holmes. Buchwalter Judge and Mrs. Morris· Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday Buckland Mr. and Mrs. George 2 I Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Mr. F. G.,an-d.:Mrs. J. u.:Huntingto~. Buckner Dr. 'James H. 2349 Kemper Lane " ~ Mr. Harry A. Buckner Mr. and Mrs. W T 23 Southern Avenue, Mt. Auburn.. Friday Buck Dr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Bu~k Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Oak Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday ,Budd Mr. and Mrs. P R. 626 W Eighth Street. Thursday. Bu~deke Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. 6,18 W Seventh .Street: 'Thursday Buddeke Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wooclburn Avenue. MisS'Mamie Buddeke., ,Bullock Mrs. A. D. Oak Avenue and Vernon , Place, Walnu'f Hills: Monday Bullock Mr. and Mrs~' Geo. Oak Avenue and Vernon Place. Walnut Hills. Monday. Bultman Mr. and Mrs. Edw. 2303 Ashland Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Burdsal Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. North Cre.scent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Burckhardt Mr. ancl. Mrs: Frederick Madisonville Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday Misses Mina, Elizabeth and Mr. Horatio W. Burckhardt Mr. and Mrs. Leopold 2050 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Miss Blanche, Messrs Prosser, Leopold C., Harry Von B.



Burckhardt Mr. and Mrs. Rufus 515 East Fourth Street. Tuesday. Burdsal Mr. and Mrs. James S. Northeast Corner Reading Road and Clinton Avenue. Friday. Burkhardt Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Alaska Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Burkhardt, Mr. Cornelius and Mr. Albert Erckenbl'ecbel·. Burnet Mr. and Mrs. E. W Dana Avenue and Reading Road. Thursday. Burnet Mrs. Jacob McGregor and Imogene Aves. Burnet Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Staats Oak Street, East of Reading Road, Walnut Hills. Friday. Miss Mal'garet Groesbeck and Mr. Robert Wallace, .Jr. Burnet Mr. and Mrs. Robert W Grandin Road, Walnut Hills. Burnet Mrs. Staats G. Lehman Road, Mt. Harrison. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 127 Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn. Mr. Arthur and Mr Walter.. Burt Mr. and Mrs. Pitts H. East Auburn Avenue. Friday. Miss Burt and Mr. Stanley G. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Henry Clinton Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mrs. S. H' Burton. Burton Mr. Gideon Il4.Mason Avenue. Mr and Mrs. T. S. Morril;. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reading Road. Mr. Clinton and Mrs. A. G. Tyler. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hotel Alms. Monday. Burton Mr. and, Mrs. Stephen Henry Avondale. Thursday. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Rose Hill, Avondale. Thursday

~ 27- -- THE BLUE BOOK. \ Burton Mr. and Mrs. William T. Clifton A ven ue, Clifton. Friday. Miss Martha Burton. Bush Mr. and Mrs. O. N. 2615 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Misses Katherine, Ruth and Miss Ellen Tucker. Butler Mrs. Jos. C. 2129 Auburn Avenue. Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Butler, Misses Alice. Florence, Mary and Mr.• 1. C. Butterfield Mr. and Mrs. A. P 2822 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Butterworth Hon. and Mrs. Benj. Burnet House and Washington, D. C. Tuesday_ Buxbaum Dr. and Mrs. A. 1359 Westminster Avenue. Wednesday. Byers Mrs. W - J. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Misses Maria and Jennie.

Cadwallader Mr. and Mrs. Perce J. 195 East McMillan street, Mt. Auburn. Friday Cady Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Thrall Street, Clifton. Friday. Cahill Mr. Franklin T. University Club. Cahn Mr. and 'Mrs. Lee 301 Park Avenue. Mr. Alvin S. and Miss Helen. Caldwell Dr. and Mrs, Charles E. 2385 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Beecher Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Caldwell Dr. and Mrs. James S. 242 West Seventh Street. Thursday.

- 28- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. John D. 4 [ 4 John Street. Thursday. Caldwell Hon. and Mrs. John A. Hamilton and Glen Parker Avenues. Cald well Mr. and Mrs. William G. 648 \'"est Fourth Street. Thursday. Miss Cald well and Mr. W. Cald well. Calvert Mr. and Mrs. Wjlliam H. Auburn Avenue, near Euclid Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Campbell Ex-Governor and Mrs. James E. Hamilton, O. Campbell Miss Amy R. Linwood Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Blanche R. and Mr. Wm. H. Carew Mr. and Mrs. J. T. "Woodenston," McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday" Carew Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Erkenbrecher Avenue, Avondale. Thtllsday. Carlisle Hon. Secretary and Mrs. John G. Washington, D. C., and Cov~ngton, Ky. Carlisle Mr. at;l.d Mrs. John Clifton. Friday. Messrs. Morton and John Carlisle. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. L. Covington, Ky. Wednesday Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. W B. -The Ortiz, Fourth and Sycamore Streets. Tuesday MI'. Frank B. Carson Dr and Mrs. Arch 1. Broadway, near Fourth Street. Monday. Miss Mary" Carson Mr. and Mrs.E. T. Grand Hotel. Thursday. Carrell Rev. M. D., D. D., and Mrs. 422 Elizabeth Street. Mr. 1.'. Eddy.

- 29- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Carroll Mr. and Mrs. R. W McGregor A ven ue. Miss Carroll, Messrs. Robett De V. and Louis. Carson Miss Jane Bordmann Place, J\1t. Auburn. Friday. Carruthers Mrs. Thomas Bell Place, Waln~t Hills, Monday- Caruthers Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wyoming, O. Cary Mr. S. F. Hotel Emery. Carey Mr. Phillip lIotel Alms. Cattell Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Norwood, Ohio. Cavagna Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. est Ridgeway Avenue. Thursday.

Cavagna Mr. and Mrs. Peter I 27 Garfield Place, Thursday. Miss Cavagna, Messrs. Bert C., Piefl'e, Geo. C., and Julian, M. D. D. C' Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Southwest Corner Rockland and Harvey Avenues, Avondale. Thursday. Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs. William H. Burnet Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Edith. Chamberlain Mrs. Mary Northeast Corner Gilbert and Westmi-nister Avenues. Friday. Champion Mrs. Aaron B. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Columbia Avenue, near Forest. Mr. A D., Jr. Chase Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Luray Avenue, Walnut Hills. Misses Edith A., Nannie L., and Margaret D. Chase Mr. M. Fowler Clifton and Green Hill Aves.

- 30 - -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Chatfieid Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Madisonville Avenue, near Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Cheever Mrs. Charles S. Hotel Glencoe. Friday Miss

3 I - ~------THE BLUE Book. --

Cleneay Mr. and Mrs. F G. Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Blanche. Cleneay Mr. and Mrs. Harry Q. The Ortiz. . Tuesday . Closson Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jr. Ludlow, Ky. Closterman Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crestline Avenue, Mt. Echo. Miss Npna. Closterman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Elberon Ave, South of Eighth Street, Price Hill. Cochnower Mrs. John Grandview Avenue and Fleming Street, Walnut H;ills. Monday. Misi May, Messrs. H. W., and Robert. Cochran Col. U. S. A., arid Mrs. Fort Thomas, Ky. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Covington, Ky. Coddington Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Hartwell. O.

Coffin M~. and Mrs. D. H. B. Newport, Ky. Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dutton Avenne, Walnut Hills. Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Newport, Ky.

Cohen Mrs. Henrietta Rockdale A ven~e, Avondale. Mr.J. M. I Coles Mr. and Mr. Stephen 418 East Fourth Street. Tuesday Mr. Walter S. Collier Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Southwest Corner Wallace Avenue and Reading Rmid, Avondale. Thursday.

I Collitls Mrs. Emily R. Forest Avenue, near Collins Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss,Emily wd Mr. Clinton. Collins Mr. and Mrs. James A. 154 Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn. Frid.ay.

32 ·-- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Colbur11 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. 2330 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday. Colston Mr. Edward Southwest Corner Highland and McMillan Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Comegys Mr. Chas. G. 524 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Misses Mary P. and Ellen T. Compton Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Indian Hill, Ohio. Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. McGregor, near Imogene Avenue. Friday. Conner Judge and Mrs. North Bend, Ohio. Conner Dr. and Mrs. P S. East Auburn and Euclid Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Friday Miss Edith. / Conroy Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rockdale Avenue, two doors from Washington, Avondale. Thursday. Cook Mr. Cassily Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Cook Mr. 'Clifford Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Theodore 608 West Fourth Street. Thursday. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rockdale and Harvey Avenues, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Helen. Coppock Mr. and Mrs. Frank Locust Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Coppock Mr. William J. Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Corre Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Edith Glenn Corre. Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Otway J. 52 I Carlisle Avenue. Thursday. Cotteral Mr. and Mrs. J. W McMIllan Street and Ingleside Place, Walnut Hills. Monday . Mc-. and Mrs. J. W., .Jr. •

- 33- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Coulter Mr. and Mrs. John L. 1422 McMillan Street. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Benj. H. Southeast Corner McMillan Street and Imogene Avenue. Cox Hon. and Mrs. Geo. B. Jefferson Avenue, Clifton. ' Friday. Cox Gov. and Mrs. J. D. 231 Gilman Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. MiSs Hope. Cox Hon. and Mrs .. Joseph Congress A ven ue. Glendale, O. Miss Cox. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Jr. Glendale, O. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Mt. Airy, O. Coy Prof. and Mrs. E. W College Hill. O. Craighead Mrs. Joseph Powell Street, Covington, Ky. , Crane Mfs. James C. 2427 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Crane Mr. and 'Mrs. R. H. 180 McMillan Street, Mt. 'Auburn. Friday. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. 257 McGregor Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Louella and Mr. Percy. Crank Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. 2405 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Miss Mal:Y Edith Nichols. Cranston Earl, D. D., and Mrs. Maple Avenue, Avondale. Crary Mr. and Mrs. George W 2418 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Crawford Mrs. George S. Southwest Corner Warsawlland Grand Avenues, Price Hill. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. H. W Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. Th ursday

-- 34- MRS. W. W. ANDREWS.


Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T Salutaris Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Crawford Dr. and Mrs. J. M. 2327 Kemper Lane. Monday Crigler Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Covington, Ky. Wednesday Crocker Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l A. Alpine Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Crosley Mr. and Mrs. Powell. College Hill, O. Crowell Capt. U. S. A. Ft. Thomas, Ky. Friday Lieut. Saffal'ans, U. S. A" and Mrs. Culbertson Col. H. Clay Primrose Flats, Race Street.

Culbertson Dr. and Mrs. J. C. 5 1 9 West Seventh Street. Culbertson Mrs. Robert 609 West Eighth Street. Thursday. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. James 648 West Sixth Street. Dr. Gilbert I. and Mr. James. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Briggs S. East Auburn Avenue, near Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. ] oseph 47 Grand A \ enue, Price Hill. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Robert 2619 Ashland Avenue. Cunningham Mrs. Wm. Curtis Rev. and Mrs. H. Melville 109 East Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Curtis Mrs. M. S. Fourth and Ludlow Streets. Tuesday. Miss May. Curwen Mrs. Mary T. W 39 Fern Street, Walnut Hills.

35 -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Dale Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Vernon Place, Oak Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Dale Mr. and Mrs. John W Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Northwest Corner Franklin and Broadway. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. James Chateau Avenue, Price Hill. Dana Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. George. Dana Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F Reading Road, Avondale. Mr. Geo. F. .Dandridge Dr. N. P. 422 Broadway . Tuesday. Miss Dandridge. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. James B. Covington, Ky.

Darrow Mr. and Mrs. E. 32 I W Seventh Street. Thursday. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Clinton Avenue, Avondale, Thursday. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. D. G. A. Saunders Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Davey Mr. and Mrs. John R. College Hill, O. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy Heights, O. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dayton, Ky. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austen North Bend, O. Davis Mr. and Mrs; Arthur W 2 [40 Auburn Avenue. Friday.

- 36 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Da vis Mrs. Caroline 283 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Charles 15 East Ninth Street. Thursday Davis ¥r. and Mrs. Charles Loraine Avenue, Clifton. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Carthage, O. Davis Mr. David Norwood, O.

Davis Mr. David 12 15 Baymiller Street. Davis Mr. and Mrs. George. F Ivanhoe, O. Davis Mrs. J. Bradford Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Hannah. Davis Dr. John D. Third and Broadway. Davis Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry McGregor A venue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Davis Mr. and Mrs. Nat Henchman Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Davis Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Flat 7, Norfolk Building. Davis Mrs. William B. Glenway Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Dr. Clark B. Davis. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William L. Glenway Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Davis Mr. W. H. . Reading Road, near Lexington Avenue. Thursday. Mr. Albert S.. and Mr Howard. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William Henry 522 East Fourth Street. Tuesday. Mr. Holden Davis. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry Jr. 431 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Miss Betty W. Saunders.

- 37- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Dawson Mr. J. M. Northwest Corner Third and Broadway. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. James W Hartwell, O. Debar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 523 East Third Street. Tuesday. DeCamp Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hartwell. O. DeCamp Mr. E. A. Harvey Avenue. Thursday. DeCamp Mr. and Mrs. James M. The Auburndale, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mr. Henry E. DeCamp Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Southside, Ohio. Mr. Wm. F. DeCamp Mr. and Mrs.Hiram A. Hartwell, Ohio. DeCamp Mrs. Elizabeth Harvey Avenue, Walnut Hills. Mr. Hiram. DeCamp Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 46 East Auburn Avenue. Friday. DeCamp Mr. and Mrs. John R. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday DeCamp Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. 2617 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. DeCourcey Dr. and Mrs. W E. 827 West Eighth Street. Thursday. DeGisbert Monsieur and Madame Leon Riding Club, Mt. Auburn. DeGolyer Mr. and Mrs. G. H. College Hill. Desjardins Mr. S. E. Hotel Alms. Devereux Gen. and Mrs. Arthur Forrester (C. A. R.) 615 West Fourth Street. Thursday. Mr. A. F., Jr.; Miss F. Mq,rion, Mr. and Mrs, Humphrey. Devereux Mr. and Mrs. T. Meredith 638 West Fourth Street. Thursday. -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

DeWitt Dr. and Mrs. Wm. H. III East Auburn Avenue, Mt. Aubl~rn. Friday 'Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. I. S. 2303 Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Dexter HOll. J uEus 450 East Fifth Street. Dexter The Misses Kleine Street, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. William S. 4 South Side Bodman Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Anna Bishop. Dickson Mrs. Charles T. Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. and Mrs William H. Jackson. Dickson Mrs. J. M. 504 East Third Street. Tuesday. Dickson Miss Marguerite 504 East Third· Street Tuesday Dickson Mr. and Mrs. William Lowry 719 'West Sixth Street. Thursday. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday Diem Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. 1719 Freeman Avenue. Mr. Albert F. Dinkelbiehler Mr. and Mrs. John Northeast Corner Park Avenue and Chapel Street. Mi8S Ida and Mr. John William. Disney Mrs. David 108 Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday Disney Mr. and Mrs. William Glendale, Ohio. Misses Sallie, Belle, and Mr. William, Jr. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gibson House. : Tuesday. Doane Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howard "Sweet Home," 2223 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Misses Ida and Marguerite.

- 39- ~------~- -- THE BLUE Book. -

Dodd Dr. and Mrs. 'Chas. W. Wellington Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wallace A venue. Avondale. Thursday. Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wellington Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday .. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Dodds Mr. Milo G. 2700 Park Avenue. Dodson Mr. Chas. A. Norwood, Ohio. Dodge Mrs. Emily W Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss :Mary and Mr. W.Hliam F. Dodsworth Mr. and Mrs. M. 12 East Rockdale Aven ue, Avondale. Thursday. Doepke. Mr. and Mrs. William F Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. The Misses Doepke. Doering Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 1828 Freeman Avenue. Wednesday Doerner Prof. and Mrs. Armin W Terrace Avenue, South Clifton. ,Miss Celia and Mr. Henry. Dohrmann Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Burnet Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. J as. M. 226 Albion Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Misses Eliza, Mary and Julia. Dolle Mrs Philip McMillan Street and Ohio Avenue. Messrs. Louis J., Chas. F., and Miss Lillie. Dolph Mr. and Mrs. Alex. M. Evans Place, Clifton . • Friday. Miss Mary Grace. Dominick Mr. and Mrs. Geo. De Forest Gholson . Avenue, Avondale. Thursday.

- 40 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Dominick Mrs. Wm. Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. John P Grand Hotel. Donnally Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Mt. Hope Avenne near Eighth Street, Price Hill. Donohoe Mrs. John W 2 I 17 Auburn Avenue. Friday. Donohoe, Miss Theresa and Mr; Reeder. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 238 (old No.) McMillan Street. Doty Mr. and Mrs. J. H. The Eden, Grand Avenue, Walnut Hills. Miss Emma. Doughty Mrs. Wm. M. Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday Miss Harriet M. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Howard 230 SOlfthern Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Douglass Mr. Wm. W. Pleasant Ridge, O. Dowling· Dr. Francis. West Ninth Street. Drake Mr. and Mrs. D. Gibson 'rhe Glencoe, Mt. AuBurn, Friday. Dreifus Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 153 I Westminster Str~et. Droste Mr. and Mrs. H. R. 1061 Wesley Avenue. DuBrul Mr. and' Mrs. Napolean Colerain Pike. Drucker Mr. and Mrs. Morris :357 Myrtle Avenue. Duckworth Mrs. George King Grand Hotel. Duckworth Mr. William K. Grand Hotel. Duff Mr. and Mrs. James Delaware Avenue, Avondale. Thursday.

- 4 1 - -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Duhme Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. " Brightside. " Clifton Avenue and La Fayette Circle, Clifton. Fridays from 2 until 6. Mr. M. Fowler Chase. Duhme Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilpin Avenue, West of Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Duhme Mr. 'and Mrs. Louis The Ortiz. Tuesday. ,"" Duhme Mrs. Mary Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Miss Charlotte. Dunham Dr. and Mrs. Wm. H. 830 Dayton Street. Dr. Harry K. Dunkle Mr. and Mrs. J. W Burnet House. Tuesday Dunn Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lockland, O.

Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. G~bson House. Tuesday. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Thoma,s J. Glendale, O. Dunsmore Mr. and Mrs. John Ward 2334 Kemper Lane. Durrell Mr. and Mrs. C.' W.' 198 1\1:cMilla,n Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Durrell Mr. and- Mrs. John H. Pleasant Ridge. • Durrell Mr. and Mrs. Jos. 198 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Durrell Mr. andJ\1rs. Wm. 3207 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Durrell Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mitchell Avenue. Avondale. 'Thursday. Du Sape Segond Monsieur 424 East Fourth. Dykins Mr. and Mrs. Robt. A. 2354 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Miss Irene and Mr. Edwin Morton. Dymond Mr. and Mrs. Richard West Sixth Street. Thursday.

- 42 - MRS. MARY T. W. CUR WEN.


Earl Mr. and Mrs. T. P. 598 McMillan Street. Monday. Eaton Mrs. I;mma G. 6r6 West Fourth Street. Eaton Mr. and Mrs. George. Covington, Ky. Earley Mrs. Thomas 705 Richmond Street. 1\1 r. Samuel P., Miss Nannie. Earnist Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Forest Avenue, WaJnut Hills. Monday. Earnshaw Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fulton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Earnshaw Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 846 Dayton Street. trhursday. Eastman Rev. and Mrs. Gebrge Corner Fulton and Nassau Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday. Eberhardt· Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Northeast Corner Oak and Bryant Avenues, Clifton. Friday Eb~rsole Mr. and Mrs. Jacob, South Ceescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Ebersole Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Maple Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Ebersole Mr. and Mrs. George .R. Melrose Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Ebersole Mr. and Mrs. William V.. St. James Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Howard Prospect Place, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Florenctl. Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reading Road. Thursday.

- 43- --~ -- THE BLUE BOOI{. --

Eckstein Mrs. Frederick 510 East Fourth Street. Tuesday. The Misses Eckstein and Mrs. Frederick, Jr. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. C. W Hartwell, O. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Fairfield Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P 1020 Wesley Avenue. -, ' Thursday. Miss Alma,. Mr. Frederick T., Mr. Clifford. Egan Mr. and Mrs., John 4 I 3 Court Street.

Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. W H. 1049 Baymiller Street. Ehrmann Mr. Benjamin Wellington Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Ehrmann' Miss Adelaide 18 East Seventh Street. Thursday. Ehrmann Dr. and Mrs. George B. 18 East Seventh Street. Thursday Ehrmann. Dr. A. H. 18 East Seventh Street.

'Eichberg Dr. and Mrs. Joseph 1105 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Eichberg Dr. Julius 210 Fulton Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Elden Mr. and Mrs. William Newport, Ky. Elder Rev. William Henry D.D., L.L.D., Archbishop of Ohio, Eighth Street and Central Avenue. Eliel Mr. and Mr~. Simon 1501 Westminster Street. First and Third Wednesdays. Ellard Mr. and Mrs. George B. Senator Place, Clifton. Friday Mr. Harry G. Ellis Mrs. Belinda. Resor Avenue, Clifton~ Friday. Miss Lida Galigher.

44) . - -- TIlE BLUE BOOK. --

.Ellis Mr. and M rs~ Franklyn " Hill and Hollow." Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Ellis l\:rr. and Mrs. Franklin R. The Glencoe. Mt. Auburn. Friday. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. 320 Broadway. Tuesday. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. W H. Reading Road, Avondale Friday. Elliott Mrs. Emma 2352 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. The Misses Elliott, and Mr. and Ml·S. Daniel Wilson. Ellison Mr. J. D. Grand Hotel. Ely Mrs. S. W Windsor Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Antoinette Ely. Elzner Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Evans Place, Clifton. Friday. Emery Rev and Mrs. Joseph 10 Pine Street. Emery Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Edgec1iff Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Isabelle Eopkins. Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Dudley College Hill. Emerson Mr. Henry Auburn Avenue. Mr. Nathaniel and Mr. Wm C. Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Lowe College Hill. Emerson Mr. H. D. Queen City Club. English Mrs. John C. The Auburndale, Mt. Auburn. Enneking Mr. and Mrs. August Woodburn Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday Enneking Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Madisonville Avenue. East Walnut Hills.

- 45 -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Eppinger Mr. and Mrs. Louis West Eighth Street. Thursday _ Epply Mr. and Mrs. C. M. 2254 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Epply Mr. and Mrs. John P. 9 I 7 Dayton Street. Thursday. Erkenbrecher M.r: Albert Alaska Avenue, Avondale. Ii· Erkenbrecher·Mrs. Mary Washington Avenue,' Avondale. Thursday. Ermston J uqge and Mrs. J. D. South Elm Street, \Valnut Hills. Monday. Ernst. Dr. Aleck Covington, Ky. Ernst Mr .. and Mrs. Edward H. Hotel Alms. Monday_ Ernst Mr. and Mrs. James C. 517 Greenup Street, Covington, Ky. Wednesday Miss Virginia M. Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Richard P Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Errett Mr. and Mr~. Russell Terrace Park, Ohio.

Eshelby Mr. and Mrs. E. O. May and Fern Stre~ts, Walnut Hills. Monday Miss May. Espy Mr. and Mrs. James Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. James. Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Herron. E~tep Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Norwood A ven ue, Norwood. Evans Mr. Arthur O. The Auburdale, Mt. Auburn. Evans Dr. Seth 17 Garfield Place. Evans The Misses Auburn Avenue and McMillan Street. Friday. Evans Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Evans Place, Clifton. Friday. -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Evans Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin­ Dayton and Coleman Streets. Wednesday. Evans Judge and Mrs. Charles Delhi, Ohio. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 1234 Gilbert Avenue. Monday. Evans Mr. and Mrs .. GeorgI;; W Evans' Wood, Clifton. Friday. Evans Mr. Jason Pleasant Ridge, Ohio. Evans Mr. Joseph B. E. Northeast Corner Evans P~ace and Ludlow Avenue, Clifton. Friday Miss Winifred, Mrs Harriet Evans Hodge. Ewart Mr. and Mrs. P S. 944 Richmond Street. Ezekiel Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Rockdale Avenue, between Main and Washington Avenues, Avondale. First and Third Thursdays. Ezekiel Mr. Jacob Southwest Corner Ridgeway and Harvey Avenues, Avondale. Thursday Miss Sallie I., Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Ezekiel Sir Moses Rome, Italy.

Faran Mrs. James J. 504 East Third Street. Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Dickson, Misses Marguerite, Frances Dickson, Mr. Chas. R. Faran .• Faran Mr. and Mrs. James J. Jr. Josephine Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Farny Mr. Henry Covington, Ky. Fay Mr. and Mrs. Henry T Luray Avenue, near Nassau Street. Walnut Hills. Mrs. Clara. Adae. - 47- ~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK .. --

Fechheimer Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. 2334 Kemper Lane. Monday. Fechheimer Mr. and Mrs. Leopold S. Park Avenue. Mon~ay. Fechheimer Mr. and Mrs. May 126 May Street, Monday. Mr. Samuel H. Fechheimer Mr. and Mrs. S. Marcus Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Feder Mr. and Mrs. Gus. West Court Street. Feder Mr. and Mrs. Max Clark Street. Thursday

Feiss Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Southwes~ Corner Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Felton Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Hotel Alms, Walnut Hills. Monday Feiss Mr. and Mrs Leopold Madisonville Avenue. Fennessey Mr: and Mrs. James 459 Vine ;;treet. Ferguson Hon. and Mrs. E. A. Northeast Corner Dayton Street and Freeman Avenue. Wednesday. Miss V. Annete, Miss Alice M., Mr. Edward C., Mr. Dudley. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 741 West Eighth Street. Thursday.. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. W H. Park Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday Ferrell Mrs. Theo. F. Erie Avenue, Norwood, Ohio. Ferris Mr. and Mrs: Aaron 2107 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linwood, Ohio. Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Francis Elberon Avenue. Price Hill. Ferry Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hartwell. Ohio. -- THE BLut BOOK. --

Ferry Mr. and Mrs. W H. West Sixth Street. Thursday Ficke Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. 2928 Klieneview Av~nue, East Walnut Hills. Mrs. Hermann. Fiedeldey Mrs. B. E. Liberty and Young Streets. Friday. Field Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Main Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Field, Miss Elsie. Field Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Reading Road and Greenwood Avenue. . Thurs~ay Miss Thyrza. Finch Col. and Mrs. Geo. M. 739 West Seventh Street. Thursday, Filler Mr. J. F. 2206 Auburn Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Dickinson. Findley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Ludlow Street. Tuesday. Fischer .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woodburn Av~nue and St. Led~er Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Fischer Dr. and Mrs. Valentine 1937 Race Street. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1004 McMillan Street. Monday. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. WIn. Hubbell 299 Pike Street. Tuesday. Fisher Mr. and Mr:'i. Walter Madisonville Avenue, Wain ut Hills. Monday. Flach Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monaay. Flach Mr, and Mrs. Edward P 1805 Kinney Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Flach Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Fairfield Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday.

- 49- -- THE BluE BOOK. --

Flach Mr. and Mrs. John W North Ingleside Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Simon 635 West Fourth Street. Thursday Fleischmann Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Fleischmann Mr. and Mrs. Julius Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Fletcher Miss Fourth and Pike Streets. Tuesday. Fletcher Mr. Victor Nassau, near Grand Street, Waln'llt Hills. Fogarty Mr. and· Mrs.. Jas., Jr. 256 Kemper Lane. Fogg Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lloyd 2428 Grand Street, Walnut ,Hills. Monday. Mr. Arthur L., Jr., Miss Lillie. ~ol~y Mr. Bush The. Auburndale. I Foley Mr. and Mrs: Jas. L. Hotel Auburn. Friday. Miss Emily Howard, Mr, Louis B. Folger Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Flit 21, The Lombardy-, West Fourth Street. Thursday. Follett Judge and Mrs. John F Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson Follett and Miss Wanda. Folsom Mr. and Mrs. Richard The Auburndale, Mt. Auburn. Foote Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Windsor Street, East Walnut Hills. Mrs. Sarah A.,Misses Susan and Marv. Foote Mr. and Mrs. C. B. 18 Moormann Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Messrs. Henry B. and Robert B., Misses Mary and Louise. Foraker Hon. and Mrs. Jeseph B. Cross La.Pe. First Two Mondays of ea,ch Month. Misses Florence M., and Louise, Mr. J. H , Jr.

- 50 - MRS. R.RTHUR F. DEVEREUX. (SigIloture, C. R.. R. D.)

-- THE BLUE Book. --

Forbus Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Grand Hotel. Thursday. Miss Alice P .. and Mr. M. S .•Jr. Forchheimer Dr. and Mrs. F_ 1805 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Forchheimer Mrs. M. S. Young Street, Mt. Auburn, Friday. Dr. Walter, Misses Rosalie and Sarah. Ford Mr. B. N. Hotel Gillespie. Broadway. Ford Col. and Mrs. Collin 1057 Wesley Avenue. Thursday. Forwood Mr. and Mrs. W H. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Miss Edwina. Fosdick Mr. and Mrs. Phil. G. Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Foster Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Glenway Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Foster Mrs. Nathaniel 3 r 0 Lawrence Street. . Tuesday Miss Anna Ha.ines, Miss Lillie Broadwell and Mr. Wm. Lytle. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Seth C. Glenway Avenue, Clifton. Friday Miss Julia. Foster Mr. W R. Biddle· Street, Clifton.

Foulds Mr. and Mrs. H. G. 3 1 7 Kemper Lane·, Walnut Hills. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. and Mr. Burnet F. Foulds Mrs. Thomas H. St. James Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Foust Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. 917 Dayton Street. Thursday Fox Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I!TIogene Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Henry 4 I I Oak Street. Friday. Misses ..\.nna, Julia and Mr. T. N.

- 5 1 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Francis Mr. and Mrs. John H. Arlington Heights, O. Frank Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McMillan Street, WaIn ut Hills. Monday. Frank Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Clark Street. Thursday. Frank Dr. and Mrs. 1. T West Eighth Street. . Thursday Frank Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Corner Oak and Stanton Avenues. Mr. Jay F. and Mr. M. A. Frank Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Clark Street. Thursday.

Frazer ~Mrs. Jas. A. Auburn Avenue, near Evans Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Glenwood Avenue, Avondale, Thursday. Fredin Mons. and Mme. A. Morris Street, Walnut Hills. . Monday. Mlle. Aline and Mlle. Blanche. Freeman Dr. and Mrs. Edwin McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Freeman Mrs. Sarah West Eighth Street. Dr. S. Ford. Freeman Dr. and Mrs. Z. 504 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Freiberg Dr. and Mrs. Abraham West Ninth Street. Thursday Freiberg Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Freiberg Mr. and Mrs. Bernard West Court Street. Thursday. Freiberg· Mr. and Mrs. Herman Richmond Street. Thursday· Freiberg Mr. and Mrs .. Joseph Greenwood Avenue, Avondal~. Thursday

- 52 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Freiberg Mr. and Mrs. Julius, Jr. Lexington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Freiberg Mr. and Mrs. Maurice. Alaska Avenue, Avondale. Thursday French Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Observatory Road, East Walnut Hills. French Mrs. Emma B. Hoffner Place, Northside. French Mrs. Maynard Glendale, O. Dr. French. French Prof. and Mrs. Thomas, Jr. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. French Mr. Tilden R. Hyde Park. Miss Frenkel Mr. and Mrs. Alaska Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Friedlander Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Crescent Avenue. Avondale. Thursday Friedlander Mr. J. A. 8 West Ninth Street. Mr. Joseph A. and Walter J. Fries Mr. and Mrs. Alexander -Norwood Heights, O. Fries Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Madisonville Avenue. Monday Fry Mrs. Henry L . Oakley, O. . Miss Laura and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Fry. Fry Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Ludlow Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Fryer Mr. Robert N. Gibson House.

~ 53- ~ THE BLUE BOOK. --

Gaff Mrs. Rachel. Fifth and Pike Streets. Tuesday. Gaff Mr:. and Mrs. T T. Bunlet House. Tuesday. Gaither Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 194 McMillan Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Galigher Miss Lida Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Galbreath Mr. and Mrs. R. Harvey La Fayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Gale Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evanston, Cincinnati. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 1809 Young Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mrs. Benj. F. Davis. Gallagher Mrs. Thomas J. 429 East Fourth Street. Tuesday. Miss Gallagher and Miss Elinor. Galway Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 48 Hollister Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Misses Galway, Mr. Warner and Mr. C. G. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. D. F. M ears A venue, Avondale. Thursday. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. James \\" est wood , o. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. W A. East Ridgeway A ven ue , Avondale. Thursday. Nast Rev. A. J.,.D. D.,·and Mrs. Gano Miss Eliza H. College Hill. Gano Mr. and Mrs. Gazza1l1 Northwest Corner Amazon and Crescent Avenues, Clifton. Friday. Miss Amy S., Messrs. George W., Cbas. D., S. Sterllng, Howell, Jr., and David Rees.

- 54- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Gano Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W Crescen t A ven ue, Clifton. Gano Mr. and Mrs. Howell Ludlow Avenue, Clifton. Friday. S. Wilshire. C. Adams, Robert Rtliley, Misses Isabelle and Hattie. Gano Mr. and Mrs. John A. College Hj11, O. l\1iss Eliza Gano. Gano Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ludlow Avenue, Clifton. Friday- Garrard Gen. J eptha Burnet House.

Garrard Mrs. Lewis H. 2 I I West Seventh Street. Thursday. Misses Anna K. and Edith. Garretson Dr. and Mrs. George C. 783 McMillian Street. Monday Gassaway Mrs. Elizabeth June Street, Walnut Hills. Monday Gates Mr. and Mrs. James H: Beecher Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Gates Mr. and Mrs. John Oak Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Gaussen Mr. and Mrs. T L. Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Gay Mrs. James P, 308 West Seventh Street. Gazlay Mr. and Mrs. A. W Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Gazlay Mr and Mrs. Theodore 234 Park Avenue.

Geppert Dr. and Mrs. J. P Il9 West Ninth Str~et. I Gerard Mrs. E. B. Woodburn Avenue, nea~,Gi1bert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Gere Mrs. A. H. McGregor Park, near Nelson Avenue. Mr. Albert H. and 'Mr. Herbert G.

- 55- -- THE ~LUE BOOK. --

·Gerke Mr. and Mrs. George 14~9 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Gest Mr. and Mrs. J os. H. Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Friday. Gest Mr. and Mrs. ]. J. Covington, Ky. Gholson Mr. Edwin Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Gholson Mr. and Mrs, W C. Reading Road. \' Thursday. Giauque Mr. and Mrs. Florien Glendale, O. Gibert Mr. and Mrs. Herman 1824 Fairfax Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Gibson Mr. and Mrs. David Clifton. Friday. Miss Jane Hubbs. I Gibson Mr. and Mrs. John McCormick Hotel Alms, Walnut Hills. Monday Gibson Mrs. Lauretta Bodmann Bodmann Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday Gibson Rev. and Mrs. Robert A. Northeast Corner Third and Lytle Streets. Tuesday. Miss Lucy and Mr. RObert. Gibson Mr. and Mr. Thomas 1057 Wesley Avenue. Gilmore Mr. James Grand Street, Walnut Hills. Mr. Virgil ttilmore. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hotel Gillespie. Broadway. Miss Grace and Mr. Paul. Gilliland Mrs. Alice. The Auburndale. Friday Glenn Mr. and Mrs. James M. 645 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Misses Laura and Helen, Imd Mr. Homer. Glenny Mr. and William 943 .Poplar Street. Tuesday. Glidden Mr. and Mrs. ]. J. 510 Richmond Street. Thursday.

- 56 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Glover Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W 2017 Mason Street. Mt. Auburn. Goddard Rev. and Mrs. John Highland Place, Avondale. Thursday. Goebel Hon. and Mrs. 'Herman P. Rapid Run Pike, Ohio. Goepper Mrs. Catherine Reading Road, near Linton Avenue. Thursday Goepper Mr. and Mrs. C. 'W Reading Road, near Fern Avenue. Thursday. Mr. Edward. Goepper Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vernon Place, Walnut Hills. Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Eduard The Somerset, Avondale. Thursday. Goetz Mr. and Mrs. John 13 15 McMillan Street. Going Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Glendale, Ohio. Miss Maude. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. A. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Mr. Albert and Miss Clara,' Goodale Hon and Mrs. Levi C. Orchard Street, Linwood, Ohio. Wm.M. Goodall Mr. William 937 Dayton Street. Miss Goodall, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Lawson. Goodall Mr. and Mrs. W R. College Hill, Ohio. Goode Dr. and Mrs. George B. Wilson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Goode Dr. B. P. 1810 Baymiller Street. Gooder Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. 8 Eastview Avenue. Friday. Goodhue Mr. G. W.719 West Sixth Street. Miss Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowry Dickson.

- 57- L-______% -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Goodhue Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Goodman Mrs. Margeret Austin 6ro West Fourth Street. Thursday. Mrs. Emma G. Eaton Miss Emma Eaton and Mr. Horace Goodman. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. W Austin The Ortiz. Tuesday. Mr. Will Goodman. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sen. Fairfield Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. W .. A .. Jr., McMillan, opposite Hackberry Street, Walnut Hills. Monday Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. College Hill, O. Mr. Ralph B., Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dickson. Gordon Mrs. R. H. 608 West Fourth Street. Thursday. Mrs. M. G. Webb, Miss Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Cook. Goshorn Sir. A. T. Glenway and Lafayette 'Avenues~ Clifton.' Miss Eugenia <;joshorn" Miss ~oshorn, Miss Della. Goshorn Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Vernon Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Lorenia and Miss Clara. Goshorn Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Gosling Mrs. John Hotel Alms. Grafton Mr. E. D. Riley Place, Walnut Hills. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Adam Colleg,e Hlll, Qhio.

Gray Mr. an~ Mrs. E. F 618 Garrard Street, C~>vington, Ky. Gray Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kennedy Heights, O. Miss Gedge.

- 58 -


Gray Mr. and Mrs. W T. Rosedale Place. Thursday, Mr. Wm. F., ·Jr. Graydon Dr. and Mrs. T. W Lafayette Circle, Clifton. Friday. 'Granger Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Granninger ProL and Mrs. C A. The St. Clair. Green Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Green Mr. and Mrs. Wm. The Auburndale. Friday. Miss Mary. Green Mrs. Joseph College Hill, Ohio. Greenwald Mr. Charles E. Tusculum Avenue. Greer Mr. and Mrs. James A. 431 Russell Avenue, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Miss Florence Fair. Gregg Hon. and Mrs. Ellis B. 1721 Laurel, near Linn Street. Gregg Mrs. Julia 1355 ChapelStreet. Monday. Miss D. H. and Mr. Oscar S. Gregory Major U. S. A., and Mrs. Hotel St. Clair. Thursday. Greve Dr. and Mrs. T L. A. 408 West Eighth Street Thursday. Greve Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. 243 Albion Place. Friday. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. G. P. 48 East Auburn Friday. Misses Katie L" Mary and Alice. Griffi th Mr. and Mrs. William 2344 Ashland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. George R. 1317 Locust Street, Walnut Hills. Monday,

- 59 ~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Groene Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Winslow Avenue,. Walnut Hills. Tuesday. Groesbeck Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Elizabeth and Ensign Wm. Groesbeck, U. S. N. Groesbeck Mr. and Mrs. Telford 2 T4 I Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Groesbeck Hon. W S. Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Grossi us Mrs. Henry. Grandin Road. Monday. Mrs. Lucy Goodman Le Boutillier, Miss Le Boutillier, and Mr. George Le Boutillier. Grote Mr. and Mrs. C! 391 John Street.

Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. James V 2222 Auburri Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Guysi Mrs. Geo. W Forest Avenue, Avondale, Thursday Mr. T. F., Miss Alice and Miss Jeannette.

t Haas Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Jane Street, Walnut \ Hills. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Benj. 312 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Moritz I I 28 Locust Street, Walnut Hills. Hadcock Mr. John. Hotel Alms. Hafer Hon. and Mrs. George Weshington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mrs. Ralph Sheldon.

Hagans Mr. and Mrs .. Marcellus H. P 20' Beecher Avenue, Walnut Hills.

- 60 -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Hagans Judge and Mrs. M. B. "Elmhurst," Chicago. Haile Dr. Geo M. 96 Broadway

Haile Mr. and Mrs. John C. San Rafael Building~ Haile M r. and Mrs. James R. Third Street and Broadway Tuesday. Haire Mrs. Cherry Home City, O. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Clifton Avenue, Friday. Hale Mr. John R. Winton Place, O. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Sam. J. Linden Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. SamA. Haley Mr. and Mrs. J. W South Elm Street, Walnut Hills Monday. Mrs. Lindsay. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Edward Northeast Corner Grand and Nassau Streets, Walnut Hills. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. Hall Mr. and Mrs. John :So 2801 Park Avenue. Monday. Miss Ida P. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot J Gholson Ayenue. Avondale. Thursday. Mr. Robert and Miss Ada. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. 247 Albion Place, Mt: Auburn. Friday Halstead Col. and Mrs. Benton. Riverside. Cadet Lawrence, U. S. A. Halstead Mr. and Mrs. Murat 643 West Fourth Street. Thursday. Mr. Marshal, Mr. Albert and Miss Clarissa. Halsted Mr. and Mrs. S. Hazard. St. Clair. t" Halsted Mr. and Mrs. W K. Glendale, O. Mr. FJdwin H.

-- 61 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Hamilton Mr. Geo. Covington, Ky. Hamilton Mr. Robert Covington, Ky. Handy Mr. Geo. P. Burnet House.

Handy Mr. and Mrs. Frank \N~ilson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Handy Mi~s Mariette B. 210 East Auburn Avenue~ Mt. Auburn. Friday. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Henry. 110 East Fourth Street. Tuesday. Miss Hanna. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. J. P. 113 Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Miss Hanna and Mrs. Wm. Hanna. lfannaford Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Winton Place, O. Hannaford Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Winton Place, O. Harbeson Miss Augusta L. The Ortiz. Tuesday Harff Dr. and Mrs. B. S. Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Hargrave Mr. and Mrs Edward H. Young Street, opposite Channing. Friday. Mrs. Lydia A. Hargrave. • Hargrave Mr. and Mrs. Julius B. Price and Summit Avenues, Price Hill. Harkness Mr. and Mrs. R. P Chateau Avenue, Price Hill. Miss Harkness, Miss Mary Louise, :Mr. Tb.omas S., and R. P., Jr. Harmon Attorney General and Mrs. Washington, D. C. Miss Harmon. Harms Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Bellevue, Ky. Harper Col. and Mrs. J. W Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Grace Harper.

- 62-· -- THl£ BLUE BOOK. --

Harries Mr. and Mrs. John Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Observatory Road, Mt. Lookout, O. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. E. Pitts Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday Harrison Mrs. George T. Oak Street Vernonsville. Friday. Miss Mary. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. J. T. 2869 May Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. L. B. "Weebetook," Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Misses Anne, E~ma, Margaret and Ruth. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Imogene Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Harrison Mrs. Wm. H. 228 West Seve~th Street. Thursday. MISS Mary'r. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. W H. The Sorento, West Seventh Street. Harris Mrs. Len. A. 724 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Hart Dr. Frank E. 628 West Fourth Street, San Rafael. Hart Mr. and Mrs. H. B. The San Rafael.

Hart Mr. and Mrs. James 320 Oak Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Hart Mr. and Mrs. John B. Norwood, O. Hart Mrs. Mary Pugh Glendale, Ohio. Hart Mrs. Matthew Reading Road, near Oak Street. Thursday. Miss Mary and Mr. Edwa.rd A.

- 63- ~------~------THE BLUE BOOK. --

Hartmann Consul and lV,[rs. Philip H. Vernon Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday Miss Hartman. Hauck Mr. and Mrs. John 8 1 4 Dayton Street. Hauck Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 2333 Highland Avenue, - Walnut Hills. Monday. Hauck Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Jr. North Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Haughton Mr. and Mrs.B. F- Senator Place, Clifton. Mrs. S. M. Haughton. Havlin Mr. and Mrs. J. H;. 657 West Fourth Street. Thursday. M.r. and Mrs. Reuben S. Payne. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W. Winton Place, O. I Hawkins Col. and Mrs. Morton Norwood, Ohio. Haydock Mrs. Flora McMillan Street and Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Atha and Mr. George. Hayslip Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 489 Gilbert Avenue. Haven Mr. and Mrs. James L. Northwest Corner Forest and Eden Avenues, Avondale. Thursday. ~ Hazen Mr. and Mrs. John F Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Tne Misses Alice, Jeanette Grace, and Mr. Roland. Hazen Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Parallax Street. Mr. Harry C. Hazen Mr. and Mrs. L., P Norwood, O. Healey, Mr. and Mrs. J C. Hotel Alms.

Hearne Mr. and Mrs.]. D. 600 Garrard Street, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Helm Col. and ~rs. Frank P. Northeast Corner Third and Garrard Streets, Covington, Ky. Miss Virginia B~l. '

-'04 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 204 Ohio Avenue. Heinsheimer Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gilbert Avenue and Beecher Street. The Misst:ls Nnnie, Elsie. Messrs. Marc and Harry. Heinsheimer Mr. and Mrs. David, Jr. Alaska Avenue, Avondale. Heinsheimer Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Henry Mrs. John "Evanswood," Clifton. Friday. The Misses Henry, Messrs, John S., Wm. D., and-James P. Henshaw Mr. and Mrs. Edward College Hill, O. Henshaw M .. and Mrs. Geo. E; College Hill, O. Henshaw Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan, opposite Hackberry Street, East Walnut Hills. Mr. Robert, Mr. Arthur. Hepburn Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Eden Avenue. Mt. Auburn. Friday Herron Hon. and Mrs. John W. 30I Pike Street. Tuesday Miss Herron, Miss Lucy and Mr. John W., Jr. Herron Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Highland Place,

Avondale. t;l Thursday. Messrs. Winchell and Mason Parker. Hervey Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 202 Chapel Street. Monday. He~schede Mr. and Mr? Frank Locust Avenue, Avondale. Heyl Surgeon U. S. A., and Mrs. Fort Thomas, Ky. Friday. Hickenlooper Gen. and Mrs. Andrew 838 Dayton Street. Wednesday. The Misses Sarah S., and Amelia S., Mr. and Mrs. DawsonJ, Blackmore .

.- 65- -- THE BLUE Book. --

Hickman Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans Place, Clifton. Friday. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Alexander 3 I 2 8 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Thursday. Hill Mr.. and Mrs. A. C. For~st Avenue, . Avondale. Hill Mr. Wm. S. The Auburndale, Mt. Auburn.

Hinkle Mrs. Anthony H. 2326 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss SigersoD. Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. A. Howard 313 Pike Street. Tuesday. Miss Hinkle. Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills Northeast Corner Fifth and Pike Streets. Tuesday. Hinkle Mrs. Phillip 2214 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. Thornton M. 22 14 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss ~eleD, Messrs. Fred and Phillip. Hihsdale Mr. and Mrs. Loring Prospect Place, Avondale. ' Thursday. Miss Harriet. Hinsch Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A~ 2805 Park Avenue. Monday. Miss Bertie E. Hirsch Mrs. Emma 538 Locust Street. Wednesday. Hobart Mr. and Mrs. James Price Hill. Hobart Mr .. jand Mrs. John P. June Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Hobart Mr. and Mrs.. Lowell Fletcher 140 West . \ Seventh Street. Thursday. Hobart Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Price Avenue, Price Hill. ,. .' Misses Na.nnie, Elsie, and Mr. Everett.

- 66- MRS. H.. HOW llRD HINKLE.


Hobson Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 2710 Eden Avenue. Friday. Hodge Mrs. Winnie Evans Place, Clifton. Friday. Hofer Mr. Charles Washington Avenue, Avondale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hofer, Jr Hofer Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Reading Road. Avondale. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Spence. Hoffheimer Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Forest A ven ue and Rosedale Place, Avondale. Thursday. Herbert A., Clarence A., and Samuei A. • Hoffheimer Mr. and Mrs. Milton S. Hotel Alms. Monday. Mrs. Hoffheimer. Hoffheimer Mr. Samuel 112 Westminster Street, First and Third Wednesdays. Miss Theresa. Hoffmeister Mr. and Mrs. Albert F West Clifton Avenue. Friday. Hoffner Mrs. Jacob Hoffner Place, Northside. Holabird Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hartwell, O. Holabird Miss Alice The Hotel St. Clair. . Thursday . Holberg Mr and Mrs. Ferd 508 Locust Street. . Mr. Henry. Holden R. A., Sen. 2047 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Miss E. T.aintor. Holden Mr. and Mrs. R. A., Jr. 131 Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Summer home at Pleasant Ridge, Ohio. Friday. Holland Mr. and Mrs. J. 602 West Seventh Street. Miss Holland, and Mr. James E. Hollister Judge and Mrs. Howard C. Madisonville Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday.

- 67- ~------~~ -- THE" BLUE BOOK. --

Hollister Mr. and Mrs. George B. Souther'n Avenue.

) .. Friday. Miss Hollister, Mr. George B. and Mr. Burton P. Hollingshead Mr. and Mrs. Mark. Reading Road., near Oak Street. Thursday. MI'". Mark, Sen, The l\fisses Belle and Fannie, and Mr. J. H. Hollingsworth Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Ingleside Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Holloway Capt. and Mrs. C. M. Main Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. Charles, Jr., Miss Evangeline M. Mr. Juhn Kyle. Holloway Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Clarence Monroe Avenue, Avondale. \ Holmes Dr. and Mrs. Christian R. Washington Avenue, Avondale. First and Third Thursdays. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. D. H. ]. "Homesdale," Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Holmes Mr. aNd Mrs. John R. 644 West Fourth Street. Thursda y . Holmes Mrs. Karen Washington Avenue, Avondale. Halt Mrs. Anq.a R. 134 West Ninth Street. Thursday. Dr. Oliver P. and MI'. Ray W. • Holt Mr. A. S. J. Q. C. C. "The Pillars," and Uniyersity Club. Holterhoff Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Monroe Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. Chas. R. and Mr. Ralph. Holtzinger Mr. and Mrs. Henry 958 Baymiller Street. Thursday. Hooker Mr.. and Mrs. James J. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. l\Iios Helen M" Mr. Stanley A., Mr. Kenneth R. and Mr. Howard. -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kensington Row, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Hooper Miss Caroline Northwest Corner Grandin Road and Madisonville A venue. Friday. Hopkins ,Miss Isabelle F. Edgec1yffe Road, East Walnut Hil1s. Monday Hopple Mr. and Casper V Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Hopple Mrs. J C. Grand Hotel. Thursday Hopple Mr. and Mrs. W A. Glenway Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Miss Virginia. Horton Mr. A. Bart Hotel Glencoe, Mt. Auburn. Horton Mr. and Mrs. G. C. 139 Ashland Avenue, • Monday Horton Mr. M. C. The Auburndale, Mt. Auburn. Hosea Mr. and Mrs. J C. Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday Hosea Mr. and Mrs. J... .. M. Locust Street, M t. Auburn. Friday. Miss Louise. Hosea Mr. and Mrs. Robert Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Miss El1nor and Mr. Wm. G. Hosea Mr and Mrs. Robert H. 110 Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Howe Mrs. A. J. West Seventh Street, near Linn. Friday. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Aurora, Ind. City residence, Grand Hotel. Mr. Charles. Howe Mr. and Mrs. Willard W The Auburndale, Mt. Aub.urn. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. Reading Road. Thursday.

-.69 - -.-----yt -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Howell Mr. and Mrs. The Lombardy. Thursday. Miss Howell, Miss Clara. Messrs. Charles and Will H. Howland Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 2365 Kemper Lane. Walnut Hills. Monday. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. J. W Home City. O ... Hudson Mrs. Shelly Covington. Ky. Wednesday. Hulbert Mr. and Mrs. Harries " Stonehedge;" La Fayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Hulbert Mrs. W P La Fayette Circle, Clifton. Friday. Hull Miss Helen F. Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Hull Mr. Leverett L. Glenwood Avenue,.. Avondale . Humphreys Mrs. Edna W Wellington Place. Monday. Mr. Robert W. H un n~well Mr. and H. G. Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Hunnewell. Hunt Judge Samuel F. "Baird Oak," Glendale, O. Dr. and Mrs. Heady. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stanton. opposite Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. W C. Oak Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. 228 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. P P. The St. Clair. Thursday. Huntington Mr. and Mrs. C. L. F. Hamilton, O. Mis! Huntington. Hun tington Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. 32 I Pike Street. 'Tuesday. Mr. L. F. Huntington and Miss Fletcher.

- 70 - -- THE BLUE Book. --

Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight F. Fern Bank, O. Huntington Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. 8 Mitchell Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Ed. H. Jr. Huntington Mr. Frank I I I Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Huntington Mrs. J. C. 12 I Mason Street. Mt. Auburn. Mr 1!'. W., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buckland. Hurd Mrs. Rukard Elmwood Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Hussey Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Huston Judge and Mrs. A. B. Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Hutton ·Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Messrs. James M., and William. Hyde Prof and Mrs. E. W. 814 Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. I:Iyman Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hotel Alms.

Hyndman Dr. and Mrs. James G. 22 West Ninth Street. Thursday.

Iglauer Mr. and Mrs. Charles 57 Beecher Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Iglauer Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Melrose Avenue, Walnut Hills Thursday. Imwalle Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 260 Butler Street. Ingalls Mr. and Mrs. Melville E. Madisonville Avenue, Ea~t Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. Albert S. and M. E .. Jr.

- 71 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Innes Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Summit Avenue, Price I Hill. Innes Mr. and Mrs. William D. Winton Place, O .

.~ Innes Mr. and Mrs. William W Winton Place, O.

Innes Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Wint~n Place, O. Iredell Mr. and Mrs. J. W., Jr. North Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Theresa, Mr. Chas. J., Mrs. M. T. C. Rust and Miss Mary A. Rust. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. George F. 89 Southern Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Miss Eloise and Mr. Percy D. Ireton Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Shillito and Harvey Avenues. Ireton Mrs. E. L. 19 Shillito Street. Friday. Miss Louise. Irwin Mrs. Annie Brent 125 Garfield Place. Thursday. Irwin Dr. and Mrs. James T. 136 West Seventh Street.

Misses Irwin, Messrs. Edwin U., Frank G., and J. Taylor. I Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W Winslow and Oak Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday' Irwin Mr. and Mrs. William T. 423 East Fourth Street, Southwest Corner Ludlow. Tuesday Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stanton Avenue. Thursday Isaacson Mr. and Mrs. William J Main Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Isbell Mr. E. E. Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn . Isbell Mr.• Morton Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Isham Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Oak Street, Walnut Hills. Monday

- 72 - -- TaR BLUE BOOK.

Isham Mr. and Mrs. J,' Gilbert Madisonville Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday . Mit'ls Fannie, Mr. John. rves Mr. Caleb The Highlands, Ky. Ives Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday.

Jackson Mr. Lowrey Gibson House. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. . Monday. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. 429 Hopkins Street. Thursday. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Jr. 266 Ohio Avenue.

Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Charles~. Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Jacobi Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fort Thomas, Ky, Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Summit Avenue, Price Hill. James Dr. and Mrs.C. H. 'Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. James Mr. Francis B. UniversIty Club.

Jame~ Mr. and Mrs. U. P Reading Road, near Oak Avenue .. Thursday. Jamison Mr. and Mrs. F D. Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn.. Friday Jeffras Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Fourth, near John Street. Jelke Mr. and Mrs. F. " Nordhausen" Clinton Springs Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Misses Isabel, Mr. Will. F.

- 73- -,- THE BLUE BOOK.

Jelke Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand, Jr. Reading Road! near Glenwood. Thursday. jenney Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vernon Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday- Jennings Mr. and Mrs. George B. Chapel Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Johnson Mr. Brooks 35 Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. Johnson Mrs. Chapman Eden Flats, Luray Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles 35 Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hotel Alms. Monday. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 136 Huntington Place. Friday. Mrs. Darling. Jqhnson Mr. and Mrs. George B. Oak Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John T. 628 West· Court Street. Thursday. Miss Sterrett, Miss Lillian Sterrett, Mr. Brooks Johnson. JohflsQn Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Johnson Mr. and Mrs: W W Gholson Avenue, Avondal~. Thursday. Mr Willis; Johnson Mr. and Mrs. S~muel B. Mentor Avenue, Norwood, Ohio. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bond Hill, Ohio. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Ely Newtown, Ohio.

J ones Major and Mrs. Frank J. 2 28 West Seventh Street. Thursday. M.essrs. Chfl.rles D.! and Samuel Fosdick.



Jones Dr. and Mrs. George E. 625 West Eighth Street. Thursday Jones Mrs. Geo. W The Ortiz. Tuesday. Messrs. Jack, Frank and Fred. J ones Dr and Mrs. Isaac D. 121 I McMillan Street. Walnut Hills. M0nday. Jones Dr and Mrs. John D. Washington, D. C. Jones Dr. and Mrs. John E. 937 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. M:onday. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John E. Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Jones Dr. and Mrs. R. C. 2367 Park Avenue, \Valnut Hills. Monday. Jones Mr. and Mr5. Rankin D. Fairmount Avenue, Fairmount, Ohio. Miss Grace W. Jones Mrs. Tht:ophilus Ludlow Avenue, Clifton. Friday Miss Edith .Jones. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Walter St. John Glendale, O. Jones Mr. and Mrs. W E. Consadine Avenue, Price Hill. Jones Mrs. S. A. 36 June Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Jordan Miss Clara B. The St. Clair. Thursday. Jordan Mrs. Isaac M. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. Isaac M. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday Mr. Tileo. C., Misses Grace, Kate and Natalie, Messrs. Cassily and Clifford Cook. Jouvet lVlr. and Mrs. John H. Washington Avenue, Avondale. . Thursda y

- 75------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Joyce Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Rosedale Place, Avondale. Thursday Judkins Dr. and ¥rs. C. P, Rose Hill, Avond~le~ Thursday Miss Hopper, Judkins Dr. and Mrs. William 1 22 Garfi~ld Place. Thursday. Julian Mr. and Mrs. Alex The Auburndale. Friday. Judkins Mr. W. Tyson 803 Race Street. Thursday. Mrs. Sheldon. Juler Dr. and Mrs. H. Cundell 111 Garfield Place'. Thursday. Junkerman Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Kinney Avenue, , Avondale. Thursday Junkerman Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F Mt. Lookout, O.

Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jr. 1376 Myrtle Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday.

Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Felix 35 I West Eighth Street. Thursday. ~aplan Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Fulton Avenue. Kaufman Mrs. Julius St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Kaufman Mrs. Adaline 408 Clark Street. Thursday Kearns Dr. and Mrs. Covington, Ky. Wednesday.

Keating Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W 236 J\airfax Avenue.

Kebler Mrs. Lucy E. A. 215 W e~t Ninth Street. Thursday. 01'. Frederick Kebler.

- 76 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Keck Mrs. Emma Oak and Bellevue Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday. Keckeler Dr. A. T. Broadway.

Keeshan Mr. John, Sr. 128 West Eighth Street. Dr. John P. Keeshan. I Kelley Mr. Thos. H. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Madisonville Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Jr. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday_ 1\1 iss Bessie. Kemper Dr. and Mrs. Andrew C. 303 'Broadway. Tuesday. Mr. James A. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. David. Oak Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Dutton Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Kemper Mr. p.nd Mrs. Henry L. Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Mr. Wm. R. and Mr. Rogel' H. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Theophilus. Flat 4, 102 I McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday· Kemper ·Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cypress and Francis Lane. Monday H. L. Kemper, Jr. Kendall Mrs Marguerite E. Mound Street. Avondale. Thursday. Kenan Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. 655 West Fourth Street. Thursday. Mrs. Margaret; Kennedy Rev. J J. 786 Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kennedy Heights, O.

- 77- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Kennett Col. and Mrs. John. Burriet and Rockdale Aven ues, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John M. and Miss Grace. Kennett Mr. and John M. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. Keppler Miss Beatrice Buena Vista Place, Walnut Hills. . Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ohio Avenue. Keys Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Madisonville Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Keys, Mr. J. B. Keys, Judge and Mrs. Howard Hollister. Keyt Dr. and Mrs. Marshal H. roor Chapel Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Keyt Mrs. A. T Melrose Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Kidd Mr. and Mrs: E. T. Reading Road. Thursday. Kind Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot R. 27 Gilman Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mr. Stanley H. Kiersted Mr. and Mrs. Jerry 509 East Third Street. . Tuesday. Kilbreth Mr. James P. Clifton Avenue. Clifton. Kilgour Mr. and Mrs. John "The Pines," Erie Avenue, Mt. Look~ut. Miss Charlotte, Miss Louise. and Mr. Bayard L. Kilgour Mr. Charles H. Southeast Corner Third and Kilgour Streets. Kineon Mr. and Mrs. Sol. P. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. King Mrs. A. J. Northeast Corner Auburn Avenue and.Kinsey Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. King Mrs. Adelaide M. Northeast Corner Oak and Imogene A venues. Mr. Albert. -- THE BLUE Book. --

King Mrs. Rufus 423 East Third Street. Tuesday. King Mrs. Rufus, Jr. Lafayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. Rufus King, Jr. King Mr. and Mrs. John Riverside. Kingsbury Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Highland and McGregor Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Friday Kinney Mr,and Mrs. Charles Dutton 2510 Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Burnet House. Tuesday. Kinsey Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Southeast Corner McMillan and Maplewood Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Kinsey Mr. and Mrs .. Geo. Wyoming, Ohio. Kinsey Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Maplewood Avenue, . Mt. Auburn. Friday Kinsey Mrs. T. W Kinsey Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Kinsley Mr. J. R. West Eighth Street. Thursday. Klaw Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Gholson Avenue, AVbndale. Thursday Kleine Mr. A. Madisonville Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Kleybolte Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Cook and Ludlow Avenues, Clifton. Friday. Mr. Albert and Miss Susie. Kleybolte Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph The Auburndale, Mt. Auburn. Kline Mr. and Mrs. E. F. 1058 Wesley Avenue. Thursday. Klum Mrs. Harriet 1 7 Westminster Street. Monday. Mr. Hiram B.

- 79- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Knight Mrs. AlIa D. Dayton Street. Wednesday, Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert 632 West Sixth Street. Thursday. Knopf Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1I8 Lincoln Avenue. Walnut Hills. Monday. Knost Mrs. Bertha 80 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Mr, Albert, Mr. Herman, Jr., Mr. JuUus, Mr. Adolph; Koehler Mrs. Anna Mary 563 Hopkins Street. Mr. Charlemange Koehler. Koehler Mr. and Mrs. R. A. 180 Park Avenue. Monday. Koehler Mr. and Mrs. R. H. East Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Adam A. Hotel Alms. '. Monday. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beecher Street, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Kramer Mrs. Isabella Hotel Alms. Monday. Krebbs Miss Ottilie H. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Friday. Kreihbiell Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Northeast Corner McGregor and Burnet Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Edward J. Kreihbiel Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Southeast Corner McGregor and Nelson Aven-qes. Friday. Kreinier Mr. and Mrs. August G. Everett Street, near Cuttet. Thursday. Krell Mr. and Mrs. Albert 935 Richmond Street. Thursday. Krell Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Jr. 208 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hllis. Monday­ Krell Mr. and Mrs. Herman. The San Marco. East Walnut Hills. Monday.

80 - ~!I------' -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Krohn Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gilbert Avenue and Chapel Street, Walnut Hills. Monday Krouse Mr. and Mrs. J. McGregor and Krouse Avenues Friday. Krug Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Jefferson Avenue, Clifton. Friday Kruse Mr. and·Mrs. Louis,· Jr. 2234 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday Kruse M'r. and Mrs. Chas. Madisonville Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Kugeman Mr. and Mrs. E. E. 2346 Ohio Avenue.

Kuhn Mr. and ·Mrs. E. C. 1028 Wesley Avenue. Thursday. Kuhn Mrs. M. E. 10 East Ninth Street.. Thursday. Kuhn !Mrs. Regina. . Hotel Alms. Monday. Kuhn :Mr. and Mrs. Louis Southwest Corner Kasota and Harvey Avenues, Avondale. Thursday. Kuhn Mr. Charles W Hotel Alms.

Kuhrt Mr. and Mrs. Edward I Reading Road, near Oak. K:umler Judge and Mrs. :philip~. Mt. Hope Road, Price Hill..

La Boiteaux Mrs. I. N. College Hill, O. Miss La Boiteaux. Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wesley Avenue. Thursday. Laidlaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert 2 153' Grand Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Laidlaw Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bond Hill, O.

- 81- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Laidley Mr. and Mrs. F. A. 186 Second Street, Coving-ton, Ky. Wednesday. Laird Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Madison Avenue, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Landy Mr. and Mrs. James San Rafael. Thursday evening. Landy Dr. and Mrs. Edwin F. 3076 Colerain Avenue. Landrum Miss North Bend, O .. Lane Col.· and Mrs. P P. The Ortiz. Tuesday, Mr. George and Miss Florence. Lane Mr. and Mrs.H. M. Norwood, O. Langdon· Mrs.· Eliza Hopple Street. Langdon Dr. and Mrs. F. W Harvey and Ridgeway Avenues, Avondale. Thursday. Langdop Mr. and Mrs. Perin Catherine Street, Avondale. Thursday. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Louis 757 Richmond Street. Lange Mr. and Mrs. M. A. 1060 Westminster Street. Langenbeck Mrs. A. Flat A, The Brittany. The Misses Anna and Clara, and Mr. Harry. Lathrop Mrs. Carrie Newhall Crown Street, Walnut Hills. Latta Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor Ludlow, Ky. Wednesday. Laughlin Mr. and Mrs. James A. 1526 Westminster Street. Law Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. " Lawriston," Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Miss Fannie Elizabeth. Law Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oak Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday.



Law Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Beecher Street. Walnut Hills. Monday. Law Mr. and Mrs. John H. Melrose Place, Walnut Hills. Monday Miss Alice Law and Mrs. Laura Law Meek. Law Mr. and Mrs. W·. C. Fern Bank, O. Miss Law. Laws Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Reading Road. Thursday­ Laws Mrs. James H. 818 Dayton Street. Wednesday. The Misses Annie alld Alice. La"Yson Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Madisonville Road. Monday. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. 707 West Sixth Street. Thursday. Messrs. Roger F. and George. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 937 Dayton Street. Wednesday. ~awson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Madisonville Road. Monday. Layman Mr. and Mrs. J H. 62 I Crown Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Lea Mr. and Mrs. E. T. 2207 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Jean and Mr. Estes. Leaman Mrs. Robert F 445 Oak Street, M t. Auburn. Friday. Mrs. Thomas Phillips. Le Boutillier Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Madisonville Road. Monday. LeBoutillier Mrs. Lucy Goodman Grandin Road. Monday. Le Boutillier Mr. and Mrs. James, Sr. Madisonville Road. Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Le Boutillier.

~ 83- --. THE BLUE BOOK. --

Lee Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. North Side Gilbert Avenue, West of Woodburn Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Tuesday Lee Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. Trumbull 746 West Sixth Street. Thursday. Lee Mrs. Robert E. Gilbert and Durrell Avenues. Lehmer Mr. and Mrs. James D. 323 Broadway. Tuesday. The Misses Lehmer. Leighton Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. 1318 Chapel Street, Walnut Hills. MondflY Mr. Nat. C.. Mr. and Mrs. H. K and Mrs. Lilly. Lemmon Mr. Will A. The st. Clair. Lemmon Dr. and Mrs. Wm. F Main Avenue, Avo~dale .. ' Thursday. L'Hommedieu Mr. C. H. Riverside. L'Hommedieu Mr. and Mrs. Louis Price Hill. Miss Jeane. L'~ommedieu Mrs. S. S. Riverside. Levassor Mr. Louis East Fourth Street. Levi Mr. and Mrs. S. W Hotel Alms. Monday. Levoy Mr. and Mrs. M. Hartwell, Ohio. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Lippman West Ninth, near Cutter Street. Thursday. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hotel Alms. Monday. Lewis Mr. Geo. W University Club. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clifton. Friday.

Lewis Mr. and Mrs. W. Arthur I ror McMillan Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Le;yman Mr. and Mrs. W The San Rafael. -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Lincoln Mr.and Mrs. G. Ledyard Grandin Road. Monday. Mrs. Lydia Coles Potter. Lincoln Mrs. T. D. 7 Josephine Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday The Misses Charlotte and Genevieve. Lindeman Mr. and Mrs. R. H. 209 Dayton Street. Wednesday. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. T. C. 42 l Carlisle Avenue. Lippman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hexter;s Hotel. Lippincott 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Auburn and Imogene Avenues. Friday. Littleford Mr. Wm. Ida Street, Mt. Adams. Livingston Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lexington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Loeb Mr. and Mrs Ad<:>lph. Southwest Corner Ninth and Baymiller Streets. Thursday. Mr. Adolph L. Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Jacob. Oak Street, near Mel1:"ose. Avenue. Friday Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Herman 440 Hopkins Street.

\ Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Leo 29 Fairfax Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Logan Mr. and Mrs. T. A. 633 West Ninth Street. Friday. Ensign Logan, U. S. N. Lloyd Maj. and Mrs. H. P. 2503 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mr. Raymond and Miss Marguerite. Lloyd 'Prof. and Mrs. John Uri East Norwood, O. Mr. N. Ashley. Long Mr. and Mrs. Ed. S. Lane Seminary Hotel, Walnut Hills.

- 85- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Longworth Mrs. Susan 8.. Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Nannie Rives, Miss Clara Eleanor and Mr. Nicholas. Lord Mrs. Henry C. Flat 6, Hauck Building. Miss CSl"Oline. Loth Mr. and Mrs. E. L. 808 Richmond Street. Thursday. Loth Mr and Mrs. Moritz 130 Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mr. Paul V. Lothman Mr. H. W 2641 Imogene Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Lotze Mr. and Mrs. A. H. 2420 Ohio Avenue. Louden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forest Avenue. Avondale. Thursday. Loughead Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodburn Avenue. Walnut Hills. Monday. Love Mr. and Mrs. James K. Silverton, Ohio. Lovell Mr. and Mrs. H. L. 174 East Second Street, Covington, Ky Miss Fannie. Lovell Mrs. Howell East Second Street, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Loveland Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Collins Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Lowe Maj. and Mrs. U. R. 186 Taylor Street, Newport, Ky. Wednesday. Ludlow Mr. Will University Club.

Ludlow Mr. and Mrs: A. S. 1036 Wesley Avenue. Miss Lida and Mr. Charles. Lunken Mr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Grand Street, Walnut Hills. Monday.

- 86- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Lunkenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Lunkenheimer Mrs. Edmund H. Luray Avenue, Walnut Hills Thursday Miss Clara and Mrs. E. Schafer. Lupton Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Linden Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Lupton Miss ~ate Bellevue Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Lyle Dr. and Mrs. B. F Price Hill. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. ]. Warren "The Beers," St. Louis, Mo. Lyons Mr. The Ortiz. Tuesday. Miss Lyons.

McAlpin Mrs. George W Lafayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday. I McAlpin Mr. and Mrs. William. Northwest Corner Fourth and Pike Streets. Tuesday. McAlpin Mrs. William B. 218 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday . . Mrs. Judge Woodruff. M'cCall Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 709 West Sixth Street. Thursday. McCammon Mr. Wm. 406 Broadway. McCandless Mr. and Mrs. Fruxton Bellevue Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. McCarthy Mr. fl:nd Mrs. O. P Madisonville, O. McClung Col. and Mrs. D. W. North Bend, O.

McCormick Dr. and Mrs. A. Lee 215 Chapel Street.

.- 87- -- THE BLUE BOOK.

McCormick Col. and Mrs. A. W Kinney Avenue, Wainu t Hills. Miss Ida E. ana Bellp. McCormick A. Lynn 3 110 Woodburn Avenue. McCormick Mrs. Andrew J. 2340 Auburn Avenue, Mt .. Auburn. Friday. McCormick Mr. E. O. McGregor near Highland Avenue. Miss McCormick. McCormick Dr. R. L. 1333 Chapel Street, Walnut Hills. McCracken Mr. and Mrs." Ralph C. Dayton and Baymiller Streets. Wednesday. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Albert McCullough's Station, 0 McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Wyoming, O.

McCune Mrs. Samuel A. Glendl:~le, O. The Misses McCune. McDannQld Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W Covington, Ky. W edllesday. McDermott Dr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Linden Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss MciJermott, Miss Georgia. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. Edmund Stallo and Miss Palmer. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. James , England. McDougal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alpine Place, Waln,ut Hills. Monday. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. II 18 Myrtle . Avenue, Walnut Hills. MondljLY· "'McDowell Maj. J. J. Burnet House. McDowell W Harvey University Club.

88 - ~~~~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

McDuffie Mr. and Mrs. Geo T. Price Hill. McDuffie Mr. and Mrs. Reese Price Hill. McFadden Mrs. Mary F.. Baltimore Pike. McFarlan Mr: and Mrs. F. B. 3003 Hackberry Street. Thursday. McFarlan Mr. and Mrs. G. E. 818 West Fighth I Street. Thursday. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. J04n H. Pleasant Ridge, Ohio .. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Flat 36, San Rafael. Thursday. McGuffey Mr. and Mrs. Alex. H. Southern Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss McGuffey. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. M. A. 118 Kirby Road. Monday. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. C. W Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. McKee Dr. and Mrs. E. S. 3 7 West Seventh Street. McKeehan Mr. James Crescent Avenue, Avondale. McKeehan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Main Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Beecher and Melro&e Avenues, Walnut Hills. Thursday. Mr. Wm. S. and Miss Fannie. McKibben Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alpine Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. McKibben Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Lane Seminary, Walnut Hills. Monday. McKinney Mr. R. C. University Club McLaughlin Miss M. Louise 2558 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday.

- 89- -- THE BL VE Book.

McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. James 229 McGregor 'Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Misses Cora L. and Grace, Messrs. Gordon and Paul. McLean Mr. and Mrs.John R. Washington, D. c. McLean Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vine Street.

McLean Mrs. Sarah Kilpreth Northea~t Corner Lorraine and Clifto'n Avenues, Clifton. Friday. Misses Mary K. and Carolyne S. McLeod Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Linden Avenue. Mr. Albert D. and Miss Ethel A. McMiller Mr. a ud .Mrs. George B. Woodburn Aveliue. Monday. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. T W. Linden Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. McRae Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Wyoming, O.

McReynolds Mrs. W. H. 702 Clinton Street. Thursday. Macbriar Mr. W A. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mack Mr. and Mrs. E. J. 2408 Ashland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mack Mr. and Mrs. Henry 2618 Moorman Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Mack Mr. and Mrs. Herman 2406 Ashland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mack Mrs. Isaac Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills.. Monday. Mack Mr. Thomas A. The Ortiz. Mackelfresh Mr. and Mrs. Winton Place. l\'lessrs. G. W; and Geo. S. Mackenzie Dr. J. C. 624 West Eighth Street. Thursday. Miss Mackenzie.



Macneale Mrs. J. D. Madisonville Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Madaka Mrs. S. A. 2320 Baymiller Street. Thursday. Miss Madaka. Maddox Rev. and Mrs. A. D. 133 Tremont Avenue, Walnut Hills. Maddox Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Q. 1004 Harvey Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr Robert D. Maddux Mr. and Mrs.Lewis O. 24 East Third Street, Newport, Ky. Magill Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Oak Street, Walnut· Hills. Monday. Magill Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Magill. Magill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Magill Mr. and Mrs. W.esley Wood burn A ven ue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 2812 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Jos~ph Fairmount and State Avenues. Miss Maguire, Messrs. Samuel Wand Charles. Mr J. P. Carberl'Y. Maish Mr. and Mrs.- A. F Covington, Ky. Maish Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Winton Place, Ohio. Mallon Judge Patrick 746 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Hon. and Mrs. Guy Mallon. Manfred Dr. and Mrs. Henry 408 Hopkins Street. Thursday. Mann Mr. E. E. Stag Hotel.

- 9 I - _------Ift -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Mann Mr. and Mrs. H. P 221 Albion Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss M"nn. 'Mallnheimer Rev. and Mrs. Sigmund West Court Street, near Baymiller. Thursday Miss Jennie. Mansur Mrs. F C. 9II Scott Street, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Miss Fannie E. M~rblestone Mr. and Mrs. M. 622 West Seventh Street. Thursday March Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Fern Bank, Ohio. Mr J. W. March. Marckworth Mr. and Mrs. John H. Westwood, O. Marckworth Mr. and Mrs. Herman Clifton and Bryant Avenues, Clifton. Friday Marcus Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. 44 West Eighth Street. Marcus Dr. and Mrs. J. E. . 462 McMillan Street.

Marfield Rev. an~ Mrs. Dwight Avondale. Thursday Marfield Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Vernon' Place, near Oak Avenue', Mt. Auburn. Friday. Marfield Miss Harriet Reading Road, A yondale. Marienthal Mrs. Fanny 829 Dayton Street. Wednesday Markbreit Col. and Mrs. Leopold 2038 Auburn I Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Marks Mr. a~d Mrs. E. 2326 Highland Avenue, Marks Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nassau Street and Fulton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Mond~y. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Moses' Fairfield Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday.

9 2 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Marks Mr. and Mrs. M. H. 232 I Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday. Marmet Mrs. Florence 6 IO Wes't Fourth Street. Thursday. Mr. William. 'I Marmet Mrs. F W- 931 York Street. Wednesday , - Marmet Mr. and Mrs. Otto 421 Clark Street. Thursday. Marsh Mrs. Theo. Hartwell, O. Marqua Mr. Philip J. 445 Dayton Street. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Eighth and Baymiller Streets. Thursday. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Harrison A ven ue, near Knorr, Aven ue. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Wyoming,' O. Martin Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eden Avenue. Friday. Miss Martin. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Edwin North Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Martin Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Loveland, O. Martin Mr. Henry Southwest Corner Auburn Avenue and King's Terrace, 1\1t. Auburn. Friday Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Bogart Avenue, Avondale. Thursday, Martin Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. H. 2359 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday. Marx Mrs. A. 486, West Ninth Street. Thursday. Mason Mr. and Mrs. G. L. 229 Albion Place. MI'. Lamar Mason, Massie Hon. and Mrs. David Meade Chillicothe, O.

- 93------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Mathers Mr. and Mrs. Hiram S. Park Avenue and Chapel Streets, Walnut Hills.. Monday. Mathers Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 222 Nassau Street, '\\Talnut Hills. Monday. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1080 Gilbert AvenJ-le. Monday. Matson Hon. and Mrs. I. B. 102 West Eighth Street. Thursday. Matthews Hon. and Mrs. C. Bef1.tley " The Point," Edgec1iffe Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. Randolph and Miss Rnth. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. George 44 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Glendale, O. Matthews Mrs. Samuel R. Wheeler Street,_ Clifton Heights. Friday. Maue Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Ingleside Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Mrs. W.Mane Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Hartwell, O.

Maxwell Ex-Solicitor-Gen~ral and Mrs. I..(awrence " Maxwelton," Edgec1iffe Road, East Walnut Hills. Maxwell Col. and Mrs. Sidney D. Neff Avenue., Price Hill. Miss Maxwell. Maxwell Judge and Mrs. S. N Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Maxwell Mr. Will Queen City Club. May Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Ingleside Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. May Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. 133 Kleine Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. May Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Hotel Alms.

94 - ~~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Abe 38 Moorman Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday- Mayer and Mrs. Albert Glenwood A ven ue, Avondale. Thursday. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Isaac 329 West Ninth Street, near Mound. Thursday. Mr. Albert J. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 290 McMillan Street, ~ alnut Hills. Monday Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Theodore 103 I Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mead Mrs. Sackett The San Rafael. Thursday Mead Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. 550 Luray Avenue, Walnut Hills. Mr. Seymour G. Meader Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F. Glenwood Ayenue, Avondale. Thursday Miss Meader. Dr. L. Douglas Meader and Mrs. Martin. Mears Mrs. D. H. Rosedale Place, Avondale. Thursday. Medary Mrs. L. H. 94 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Megrue Mr. and Mrs. Wm, A. June Street and Winslow Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Meis Mr. and Mrs. Nathan 90 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday. Meitzler Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elmwood and Myrtle . Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday. Melish Mr. Chas. B. The Ortiz. Melish Rev. and Mrs. T. ]. Marion Avenue, Clifton. Monday. Miss Sarah Melish and Mr. J. Howard.

- 95- -- THE BLUE Book.

Melish Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. Thomas Gatch. Mendel Mr. and Mrs. Henry 860 Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. Chas. " Morridge Hill," Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday The Misses Mendenhall. Mendenhall Mrs Elizabeth S. The Lombardy Thursday. Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence The Lombardy. Thursday Menderson Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Reading Road, ,Avondale. Thursday. Menzies Mr. and Mrs. Colin C. Clifton. Friday. Merrill Mrs. A. S. Durrell Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Linden Avenu.e, Avondale. Thursday. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prospect Place, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. Stanley Wilson.

Merrell· Mrs. M~rgaret E. 3 I 3 Ludlow Street. Miss Merrell and Mr. Wm. S. Merrell Mr. and Mrs. Herman Warsaw Avenue, Price Hill. Merrill Mr. Wm. S. Newport, Ky. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Ludlow Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. J. F Elberol1 Avenue, Price Hill. Michie Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Louden Avenue.

Michie Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 212 West Fourth Street.

~-.------J -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. 2609 Eden Avenue Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Elliott and Miss Lillie. Mihaloviteh Mr. and Mrs. M. 2110 Fulton Avenue. Dr. Julius Eichberg. Miles Dr. and Mrs. A. J. 65 West Eighth Street. Miles Mrs. R. E. J. Pleasant Ridge, Ohio. Millar Mr. and Mrs. Cons'. D. 739 West Eighth Street. Thursday. Miss Millar. Millar Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. 234 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Miller Dr. and Mrs. B. F. 7 East Eighth Street. Thursday. Miller Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Southwest Corner Harrison and McI.,:ean Avenues. Miller Mr. Griffin Taylor Lafayette Avenue,

Clifton. \ Mrs. Mary T. Armor, Mrs. Rufus King, Jr., Miss Grace Miller, Mr. Rufus King, Jr. Miller Mrs. H. Thane Mason Street, Corner Main Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday Miller Hon. and Mrs. I. J. Fairview Avenue, Clifton Heights. Friday. Miller Mr. and Mrs. J; Leslie 8 June Street, \ Walnut 'Hills. . Monday Miller Mr. and M!s. Jennings 12 Malvern Place, Mt Auburn. Friday. Miller Mr. Jos. W Queen City Club. Miller ¥r. and Mrs. Lewis E. Oak Avenue, Vernonville. Friday. Miller Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Torrence Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday.

~ 97 -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Miller Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Imogene Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Mills Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee Fairfield Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Edward St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Miner Mr. and ·Mrs. J. C. W Fern Bank, O. Miner Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Fern Bank, O. Minor Mr. and Mrs. James R. Second and Garrard Streets. Covington, Ky. Wednesday Minor Dr; and Mrs. T. C. 512 West Fourth Street· Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. "Maple Lodge," Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Lida and Mr. Robert, Jr. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Wyoming, O. Mitchell, Dr. and Mrs. E. W Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mitchell Mr. Frank Queen City Club. I , Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Giles S .. 435 West Eighth Street. Thursday. Mitchell Mrs. H. H. 210 East Auburn Avenue. Friday. Miss M. B. Handy. Mitchell Mr. and Mr. Richard H. Highland Avenue, Avondale~ Thursdav. I J Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. Samuel H. McKeehan. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Moch Mr. and Mrs. Elias. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thur~day. MR PETER RUDOLPH NEFF.


Moerlein Mrs. Christian. 2403-7 Ohio Avenue. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moerlein. Moerlein Mrs. Caroline Jefferson and Brookline Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday. Moerlein Mr. Jacob 2017 Elm Street. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pis tor. Moers Mr. E. M. 50 May Street, Walnut Hills. Molyneaux Dr. and Mrs. Grant Seventh and Elm Streets. Thursday. Monfort Mr. and Mrs. Elias ~iggs 918 Foraker Avenue, Walnut Hills. Miss H. Luuise, Miss Marguerite M., Mr.• Joseph Taylor, and Mr. Elias R., Jr. Monfort Rev. and Mrs. F C. 915 Foraker Avenue, , Walnut Hills. Monday Misses Adelaide H. and Mary Ef'lte, Mr. J. G. Jr. Monfort Rev. and Mrs. J. G. 2954 Gilbert Avenue. Monday. Mr. and Mrf'l. H. G. Morehead. Monteith Mr. and Mrs. G. Elmwood Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. ,Clark B. Oak and Imogene Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Friday Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. 225 Gilman Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. The Misses Nellie and Eljzabe~h. Morehead Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. 2954 Gilbert Avenue. Monday Mooney Mr. James E. Grand Hotel. Moorbrink Mrs. J. F. McMillan Street and Ingleside Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Moore -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Elberon Avenue, Price Hill.

-- 99- ----~ --. THE BLUE BOOK. --

Moore Rev. David H., D. D. and. Mrs. Northwest Corner Clark and Wesley Av~nue. Moore Mrs. E. N. Fern Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Moore Rev and Mrs. Henry D. 5 Ma.y Street, Walnut Hills. Monday Moore Mrs. Lydia C. Mt. Hope Avenue, Price Hill. Moores Mrs. J. B. C. Grand Hotel. Thursday Moorman Mr. and Mrs. B. H. 1514 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Moorman Mr. and Mrs. F J. McMillan Street and Moorman Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Morehead Mr. and Mrs.. H. B. 2954 Gilbert Ayenue, Walnut Hills MOl'lday. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Alpine Place, \ \ alnut Hills. Monday Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Alpine Place, Walnut ~ills. Monday. Morgan M.r. and Mrs. Wm. H. Mt. Hope Avenue, Price Hill. Morrill Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Southeast Corner Graham and Ohio Avenues. Miss Helen C. and Mr. Albert H. Morris Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harrison A venue. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Lane Seminary Grounds; Walnu(,Hills. Monday. Morrison· Mr.' and Mrs. Harley J: Ludlow Avenue , Clifton. Frida'y. Morrison Mr. James K. La Fayette Circle, Clifton. Friday. Morrison Mrs. James Green Hill Avenue; Clifton. Friday. Miss Morrison, Mr. Jas. K., and Mr. John R.

- 100- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Morrison Mrs. John Ludlow Avenue, Clifton. I Friday. Mr. and Ml·S. Har!llY, Miss l\lorrison, Mr. Wm. P., Mr. Robert and Mr. Hunter. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ludlow A ven ue, Clifton. Friday Miss Morrison. Miss Mary, Mr. Thomas, Mr. William and Mr Roger. Morse Mr Glenn Tilley. Grand Hotel. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rockdale Avenue, A vondale. Thursday. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Kel~nedy Heights, O. Morton Mr. Samuel Hotel Glencoe, Mt. Auburn. Mosby Hon. and Mrs. John B. Chapel Street, I Walnut Hills. Monday. Moses Mr. and Mrs. Morris 523 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Moses Mrs. Phineas The Ortiz. Monday. Mosler Mr. and Mrs. Max 949 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Moulinier Mrs. Helen G. Norwood, O. Mr Edwllrd and Miss Marguerite. Muir Mrs. C. W- 437 Locu'st Stre~t, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mulford Mr. and Mrs. Ren., Jr. East Norwood, O. Mullane Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grand Hotel. Thursday. Mullane Mr.].]. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avoncl,ale. Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Purcell Avenue, Price Hill. Murdock Mr. and Mrs. John G. Elberon Avenue, Price Hill. l\

lor ------'~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Murphy Dr and Mrs. ]. A. 215 West Seventh Street. Thursday Miss Mary. • Murray Mr. and Mrs.' Charles B. 80 I Richmond Street. Thursday. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Hawthorne Avenue, Price Hill. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. 930 McMillan Street. Murry Mr. Alexander The Berkshire.

Muscroft Dr. and Mrs. C. S. 2lY West Ninth Street. Thursday Mussey Dr. F. B. Glendale, Ohio. Ci ty .address: 17 Garfield Place. Muth Mr. and Mrs. A. E. 2303 Auburn Avenue. Friday. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. St. Clair Hotel. Thursday Myers Prof. and Mrs. Philip Van Ness College Hill, Ohio. Myers Mr. and Mrs. M. W Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Myers Mr. and Mrs. W. W Hartwell, Ohio. Myers Mr. Maurice' Rockdale Avenue, Avondale.

Nast Rev. Wm., D. D. and Mrs. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. 'thursday . • 1fathan Mr. and Mrs. Abram Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Sol. West Seventh Street. Thursday

- 102- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Neal Col. James T., Consul General to Liverpool, and Mrs. The Adelphi, Liverpool and Hamilton, O. Neare Capt. and Mrs. Geo. W. Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday ~eave Mr. A. C. Lafayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday Mi', Halstead and The Misses Neave. N ea ve Mr. J ~seph Swan UniverSIty Club. Neave Mr. Thompson 27 Bellevue Avenue.

NeblettMr. and Mrs. Jas. 501 East Third Street. Tuesday Neff Mr. and Mrs. C. Gordon Clifton.

Neff Mr. Howard W 2519 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday MiSS Isabelle, Miss Mary, Miss F~dith. Neff Mr. and Mrs. J. Waytie Oak A venue and Reading Road. Thursday. Mrs. N. G. Nettleton, Miss Louise and Mr. Richard. Neff Mr. and Mrs. Peter R udol ph " Mistletoe Heights," Glenway Avenue, Mt. Harrison: Thursday. Miss Susan C., Mr. Rudolph and Mr. Robert Burnet. Neff Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Madisonville Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Nelson Mr. Richard 112 Malvern Place, Mt. . Auburn. Friday. Miss Ella, Nelson Col. and Mrs. R. W Newport, Ky. Nettleton Mrs. N. G. Oak Avenue and Reading Road. Thursday Newberger Mr. and Mrs. Leo 397 West Ninth Street. Thursday Mr. O. M. Newburgh Mr. and Mrs. A. Moormann Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday

- 103- -,- THE ;BLUE BOOK. --

Newburgh Mr. and Mrs. Henry 136 Ashland.Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Newburgh Mr. and Mrs. Louis Crescent Place, WaIn ut Hills. Monday. Mr. !l.nd Ml's. S. M. Newhall Mrs. Geo. D. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. Newton ,Miss Clara C. Glendale, Ohio. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. McGregor Avenue. Friday. Newton Mr. and Mrs. John M. College Hill, O. Newlyn Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Santa Barbara, California. Nichols Mr. Henry D. Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Nichols Miss Mary Edith 2405 ,Auburn Avenue. Friday. Noble Prof. and Mrs. T S. 2312 Kemper Lane.

Norman Mr. and Mrs. A. G. 104 Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Norris Mrs. R. D. 2212 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday. Norton Rev. E. L· Episcopal Rooms, H utchin BUilding. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Linneaus Imogene .Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Norton Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Imogene Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Mrs. Annie Norton Hartdegen. Norton Prof. and Mrs. Thomas H. Brookline A ven ue, Clifton. Friday~ . Mrs. Ames. Norwood Mr. and Mrs. Theo. F. Corner Gilbert and Lincoln Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday

- 104- ~------~ -- THE BLUE ;BOOK. --

Nour~e Miss Clara E. Fark and Windsor Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday. Nowottny Mr. Vincent Art Academy. Walnut Hills. Nurre Mr. and Mrs. Henry 613 West Sixth Street. Thursday.

0' Connell Capt. U. S, A. and Mrs. J. J. 'Madisonville Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday, O'Connell Miss Lillian Madisonville Avenue, Wa~nut Hills. Monday. Odiorne Mrs. T. G. 925 Dayton Street. Wednesday. Oettinger Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. 25 Beecher Street, Walnut Hills. Thursday. Miss Cora. Offner Mr. and Mrs. Alex· Washington A vell ue, Avondale. Thursday. Ogborn Mrs. 1. A. 411 East Third Street. Tuesday

Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. 62 I Richmond Street. Thursday. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Kennedy Heights, O. \ O'Hara Judge and Mrs. Covington, Ky. Wednesday. O'Hara Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 953 West Seventh Street. Miss Julia. OkaneMr. and Mrs. Jas. 2310 May Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. D. S. 5 I 2 Everett Street. Thursday Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Home City, O.

~ 105- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Oliver Judge and Mrs. M. W Summit Avenue, Price Hill. Thursday. Olmstead Mrs. H. B. 657 Freeman Avenue. Omwake Mr. John Ot,is North Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Onken Mrs. Dorothea Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday, Onken Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Oppenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Eli Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday, Orr Dr. and Mrs, 'Geo. B. 423 East Fourth Street. '. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Irwin and Miss Henriette Orr. Orr Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Covington, Ky. Wednesday Osborn Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Crescent Avenue, Avondale.. Thursday. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. T H.Fairfield Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday O'Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Louis 108 Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. O'Shaughnessy Miss Lucy "E. Corner Pike and Fifth Streets. Tuesday. Oskamp Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wyoming, o. Oskamp Mrs. Clemens 142 East Fifth Street. Tuesday. Oskamp Mr. and Mrs. Henry 102 Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Oskamp Mr. and Mrs. S. P Westwood, Ohio. Osmond Mrs. E. The Glencoe, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Otis Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 725 Westminster Street. Otte Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Maple Avenue, Clifton. Friday.

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~r...... --______--_.- --~======~------~=-~-~~~===--~



Otte Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Collins Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Otte Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F ,Imogene Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Otte Rev. and Mrs. Wm. C. 65 I Eastern A ven ue. Outcah Judge and Mrs. Miller Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Overbeck Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. 423 Broadway

Overman Mr. and Mrs. E. B. 235 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Owen Mr. and Mrs. R. J..... 4 Bella Vista Place. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 650 West Fourth Street. Miss M. Owens.

Owens Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Rockdale Avenue, I Avondale. Thursday. Oyler Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Summit Avenue, Price Hill.

Paddack Mr. and Mrs. Albert I40Yz Clark Street. Thursday. Paddack Mr. and Mrs. Alex 7 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Paddack Mr. and Mrs. B. F Wyoming, Ohio. Page Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cameron Avenue, Norwood, O. Page Mrs. Grac;e 85 West Ninth Street. Thursday. Miss GraGe H. M. Palmer Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday.

- 107------!ftj -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Pape Mr. and Mrs. W H. Rosmoyne, O.

Pappenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Leo. \ Inglesid~ Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Paris Mr. and Mrs. C. W. " Spring Brook," Mt. Healthy, O. Miss Lulu. Park Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Linden Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Park Mrs. J. D. "Oakwood," Madison Pike, Covington, Ky. Park Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondaie. Thursday. Mr. Richard, Mr. Robert C. Parker Mr. and Mrs A. L. 500 Hamilton Avenue. Walnut Hills. Parker Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lexington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Walter W South Norwood, O. Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Parkinson Mrs. Mary W Woodburn Avenue,' Walnut Hills. Monday. Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Forest Avenue, opposite Collins, Walnut Hills. Monday. Parlin Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Front Street, Newport, Ky. Miss Alma. Partridge Dr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Kennedy Heights, O. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Northeast Corner Harvey Avenue and Prospect Place, Avondale. Thursday. Pattison Hon. and Mrs. John M. 132 East Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn.

- 108 ~] -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Pattison Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Grand Avenue, Price Hill. Patton Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 638 West Fourth Street. Pauly Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Lafayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Miss Florence and Mr. 'l'hos. B., Jr. Payne Mr. and Mrs. John R. Linden Avenue. Avondale. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Reuben S. 67 5 West Fourth Street. Thursday. Peabody Capt. and Mrs. W- W Madisonville, O. Peabody Mr. W W., Jr. Madisonville, O. Peachey Mrs. Henry Young Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday Peale Miss Kate A. 104 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn, Peale.. Dr. and Mrs'. W- C. Hartwell, Ohio . pearce Mr. Henry W Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Pearce Mrs. Henry 573 \Vest Fourth Street. Thursday. Miss Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Rockhill. Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Oak Street, Mt. Auburn. Peaslee Mr. John B. McGregor Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Peck Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 224 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. ' Monday. Peck Judge and Mrs. H. D., McGregor Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday.

- 109- -- THE BLUE Book. --

Peck Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Reading Road. Thursday. Pedretti Mrs. Catherine W Burnet Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. C. A. and Miss Eugenia M. Pedretti Mr. and Mrs. Raphael M. Oak Street, . Walnut Hills. Peebles Mrs. Elvira Kinsey PI~ce, Mt. ,Auburn. Peebles Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Terrace Park, Ohio.

Peebles Mr. H. L. The GI~ncoe, Mt. Auburn. Friday Peebles Mr. and Mr. Joseph S. 1810 Young Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Lucille and Miss Hannah King. Pendleton Mrs. Elliott H. 422 East Fourth Street. Tuesday. Miss Lena and Ml·. and Mrs. Nathan Powell. Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Elliott H., Jr. 500 East Fourth Street., Monday. Penny Mr. and Mrs. Grove J Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Friday Perin Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Washington, D. C: Perin Mr. and Mrs. FrankL. " Bishop's Place," La Fayette Avenue, Clifton. Ml~. Hulbert Taft. Perin Mr. Lyman 1032 McMillan Street. Messrs. Lyman, Jr • Lewis B. and Miss May. Perin Mrs. Oliver 220 West Seventh Street. Thursday. ~ Perin Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. Bond Hill, Ohio. Messrs. Oliver L., 'Jr.; and Wm. M. Perkins Mr. George S. Reilly Place, Walnut Hills. Perkins Mrs. James Linwood Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday.

- 110- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Perkins Mrs. Helen C. 152 Dayton Street. Wednesday. Perkins Mrs. W R. Hotel Alms. Perkins Mr. and Mrs Wm. T 95 Ashland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. and Mrs Geo. B. Perry Mrs. Aaron F. 26I4 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Peter Mr. and Mrs. Madison 2533 Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Peter Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ingleside Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gral}din Road, East WaIn u t Hills. Monday. Pettibone Mr. and Mrs. James Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Pettibone Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1060 Wesley Avenue. Thursday. Peurrung Mr. and Mrs. Chas, 35 Beecher Street, Corner Melrose Avenue Monday Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. John W Wyoming, Ohio. Pfaffiill Mr. and Mrs. Theo Grand Hotel. Thursday. Miss Pfalllin. Pfau Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rendigs Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Pfau Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harvard Avenue. Phares Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans Place, Clifton. Friday Phelps Judge and Mrs. Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard 25 Bigelow Street.

"- III - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Phillipson Rev. and Mrs. David 852 Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Phipps Mr. and Mrs. L. F 249 Albion Place. Mr. F. J. Waters. Phister Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery 1323 Westminster Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Miss Helen and Mr. Will Pbister. Pickard Mr. and Mrs. G. W 210 Gilman Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Tilghman Ft. Thomas, Ky. Pickering Mr. Alfred' 805 Gilman Avenue. Pierson Mr. and ·Mrs. J. College Hill, Ohio. Pierson Mr. P. E. Queen City Club. Pine Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 172 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. James W. Pittman Mr. Benn Columbia A.venue. Miss Agnes. Plaut Mr. and Mrs. A. Bogart Avenue. Avondale. Plaut Mr. and Mrs. J. 16 Lexington Avenue, \ Avondale. Plaut Mrs. Sophia 1411 John Street. Plimpton Mr. Albert Grand Avenue. Walnut Hills. Plimpton Mrs. F B. Sintou Flats, West Fourth Street. Pluemer Mr. and Mrs. Adolph 2625 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Pluemer Mr and Mrs. E. 51 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Plympton Mr. and Mrs. L. F North Bend, O.

~oage Mr. and Mrs. T. K. 343 West Seventh Street. Thursday

- 1I2- ~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Poage Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Norwood, O. Pogue Mr. and Mrs. Henry Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Pogue Mrs. Joseph Grand Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Helen. Pogue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Corner. Nassau . and Fulton, Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Emily . . Pogue Mr. and Mrs. Province M. Burnet Avenue, Clifton. Friday Pogue Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Linden and Harvey Avenues, Avondale. Thursday Miss Elizabeth and Messrs. Robert W. and Samuel F. Pohlman Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W 33 ~ngleside Place, East Walnut Hills. Monday Poland Mr. and MTS Lawrence '5I4 East Fourth Street. Tuesday. Mrs. Poland, Sr., and Mr. Wm. B. Pollak Mr. and Mrs. Emil 92 Stanton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Pollak Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rockdale Avenue, Walnut Hills. Thursday. Poorman Mr. and Mrs. J. E. West Ninth Street. ~ Thursday Porter Dr. and Mrs. Pearce Covington, Ky Wednesday. Porter Mrs, Thomas 517 Greenup Street, ~ovington, Ky Wednesday. Porter Mrs. Wm. Madison Avenue, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. The Misses Porter. Posey Mrs. M. Allison Garfield Place. Thursday. Post Mr. and Mrs. S. P 299 Southern Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday

- 1I3- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Potter Mr. and Mrs. James ,M. 'Nassau Street, W aliI u t Hills. Monday

Potter Mrs. Lydia C. Grandin Road,, I East Walnut Hills. Monday. Potter Rev. and Mrs. S. s. :foraker Avenue; Walnut Hills. Monday. Pounsford~ Mr: and Mrs. H.G. College Hill. O. Powell Mr. and Mrs. James Northwest Corner , W~shington and Rockdale Avenues, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Annie E. and MI'. J; Robinson., Powell Mrs. Henry 22I5 Auburn Avenue, , Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Mary S" Mr. Walter and Mr.;Ralpp,C: Powell Mrs. Wm. 2346 Auburn A.yeil,ue~ . Friday Miss Maude, Mr. Frank E. and Mr., T, C. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Nathan 422 East Fourth Street. 'Tuesday. Powell Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ht~tchiris Avenue, Avondale.. , Thursday. Prague Mrs. Frartk Covjngton, Ky. Wednesda)T. Miss Bettie. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Judson Luray A~enue. Prendergast nr. and Mrs. J. W Grand Hotel. Thursday Price Mrs. Florida A. Lafayette Avenue, Clifton. I!riday. Messrs. Clarence, Eugene, Robert and Victor T. Price Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Mt. Hope Avenlle, Price Hill. Prichard, Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. A. Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Prince Mr and Mrs. L. M. Lincoln, Avenue,. WaIn u t Hills. Monday. Pritz Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. MRS. JAM.ES ERSKINE NEHL, II( iter preseqtatioll robes.


Pritz Mr. and Mrs. Sam 1105 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Probasco Mr. and Mrs. Henry " Oakwood," La Fayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday Probasco 1'.1r. and Mrs. Harry Glendale, O. Procter Mr. and Mrs. Harley T "Oreleton," Williamstown, Mass. Cincinnati address, Third and Walnut Streets. Miss Procter, and Messrs. WiU'am and Rodney Procter, Procter Mr. and Mrs. Percy 'Surmont," Oakland, Garrett Co., Md. Cincinnati address, 315 Walnut Street. Percy Procter, Jr. Procter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Glendale, O. Miss Procter and Miss Elizabeth. Procter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cooper. Glendale, O. Pruden Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chateau Avenue, near Price Avenue, Price Hill. Pruden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1065 Mound Street. Thursday. Pugh Mr. and Mrs. Achilles H. Madisonville Road, Monday. Pugh Mr. and Mrs. J. D. 1070 McMillan Street. Pugh Mr. and Mrs. W m. Washington, D. C. Misses Pugh. Pullan Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Pullan A ven ue, 25th Ward. Pummill Mr. and Mrs. L. H. 342 Hamilton Avenue. Punshon Mrs. Ruth L 144 May Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Pun tenney Mr. and Mrs. James H. 48 Fulton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Putnam Mr. and Mrs. B. W Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Pyle Mr. and Mrs. Theo. W. College Hill, Ohio. - lIS -- THl£ BLUE BOOK.

Quackenbush Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1414 Madison Avenue, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Quatmann Rev. A. M. Madisonville and Woodburn Avenues. Queen Mr. and Mrs. Henry Covington, Ky. Miss Queen. Querner Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Race Street. Thursday. Dr. Louis A. Quick Mr. 1. 513 West Fourth Street.

Quinn Mrs. M. A. 725 \\1'" estminster Street. Misses Adele and Alma.

Ralston Mr. and Mrs. Robt. B. Rendigs Street, near June Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Ramp Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W College Hill, O. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Robert University Club. Mr. Wm. w. Ramsey Mr. Allen University Club. Randolph Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Beresford A venue, Walnut Hills. Monday Ransohoff Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Oak Street, Vernonville, Mt. Auburn. Rapp Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W 221 Chapel Street, Monday Rathbone Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Lehman Road, Mt. Harrison.

- II6- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Rattermann Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ohio Avenue and Calhoun Street. Rattermann Mr. and Mrs. Frank College Hi1l, O.

Rattermann Mr. and Mrs. John H. 2415-2 I Ohio Avenue. Rattermann Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Prospect and Brookline Avenues, Clifton. Friday Miss Emma. Rauh Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 840 Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Wednesday Miss Stella. Ravogli Dr. and Mrs. A. 14 West Seventh'Street. Rawn Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Madisonville, Ohio. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Edwward Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday Rawson Mr. and Mrs. JQseph Clifton Avenue. Clifton. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Warren 16 East Ninth Street. Thursday. Mr. Edward. and the Misses Rawson . Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Raymond. Reakirt Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. 252 I Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Reakirt Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn B. 203 Bodmann Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Reamy Dr. and Mrs. Thad A. Oak ~treet and Reading Road. Friday. Miss Field. Rebisso Mr. Louis T Norwood, O. Redway Mr. and Mrs. A. J., Sr. Hotel Alms. Monday. Redway Mr. and Mrs~ A. J., Jr. Lima,.O.

- 117 ------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. -- . Reed Dr. and Mrs. C. A. L. St. Ledger Place and Woodburn Avenue. Monday. Reeder Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Francis Lane, East Walnut Hills. Monday Messrs. Russell P and N. S., Jr. Reemelin Dr. R. H. 1435 Elm Street. Reiley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mound Street, Avondale. Thursday. Reinauer Mrs. Fannie 838 Westminster S~reet, Walnut Hills. Wednesday. Mr. Felix. Reis Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Westminster Street and Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Rendigs Mrs. Christina Ingleside Place, East Walnut Hills. Monday Rendigs Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Imogene A ven ue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Rendigs Mr. and Mrs. Wm. June Street, vValnut Hills. Monday Renner Mr. and Mrs. O. J. 172 Warner Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Renner Mr. and Mrs. Philip Northeast Corner Warner and Fairview A venues, Clifton. Reno Mr. and Mrs. F X. 2368 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reno. Resor Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Pmcell Avenue, South of Phillips Avenue, Price Hill. Resor Mr. and Mrs. 1. Burnet Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday Messrs. Robert and Walter G. Resot Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Jr. Burnet A venue, Clifton. Friday Messrs. Griffith L. and William S.

Rettig Mr. and Mrs. John 2 I 18 Baymiller Street. Thursday.

- 118 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Rhei11strom Mr. Abe Harvey Avenue, Avondale.

Rheinstrom Mr. and Mrs. Isaac 2537 Stanton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Rice Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wehrman Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Rice The Misses Ludlow Avenue. Wednesday. Richards Mrs. A. C. Walnut Hills. Monday

Richards Mr. and Mrs. Channing 277 Southern Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Messrs. Channing W. and Brayton G. Riley The Misses Mary E. and Phoebe P Lane Seminary Grounds,Walnut Hills. Richardson Mrs. M. D. Linden Avenue, Avondale. Mr. and Mrs. H . .R. Lupton.

Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John E~ 2632 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Southwest Corner Brookline and Glenway Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday. Richey Mr. James 2 I Pine Street.

Richey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson 33 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss E. Richey Richie Mr. Chas. 1780 Powers Street, Twenty-fifth Ward. Ricketts Dr. and Mrs. B. Merrill Lexington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Rieckelmann Mr. and Mrs .. H. H. 20 :fIopkins Street. Rieckelmann Mr. and Mrs. H. H., Jr. Chateau Avenue~ Price Hill.

- 119 -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Riley Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grand Avenue, Price . Hill. Riley Mr. and Mrs. T Z. Prospect Place, Avondale. Miss JoseplJine and Mr. N. Piatt. Rimanoczy Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Grand and N assa u Streets, Walnut Hills. Monday. Rimanoczy Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Grand and Nassau Streets, Walnut Hills. Monday. Ritchey Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Madisonville, O. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Edwards Wyoming. Friday. Roach Mr. and Mrs. P. E. 433 West Eighth Street. Thursday. Roads Dr. and Mrs. W M. Observatory Road, opposite Shillito Avenue. Monday. Robb Mr. and Mrs. John M. D. 2651 Melrose Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Roff Mr. and Mrs. A. W. King's Terrace. Roberg Mr. and Mrs. G. A. , 40 Harvey Avenue. Monday Miss Lucy lind Messrs. Geo. E. and Harry K. Roe Mr. and Mrs. George Mortimer '909 McMillan opposite Kleine. Robbins Mrs. Harriet C. Southwest Corner Hollister and Auburn Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harwood Robbins. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. J. Nevin West Rockdale Avenue. Avondale. Thursday. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Reading Road, Avondale. Mrs. Geo. D. NewbalJ. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. W G. Southeast Corner Pike and Third Streets. Tuesday

- 120- -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Robertson Judge and Mrs. C. D. East Ridgeway Avenue. Robertson Dr. and Mrs. L. 47 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. McGregor Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Mr. Wm.F. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Robinson Mr. and Mrs. J. F Terrace Park, O. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Liston C. Leland and Maxwell Avenues, Riverside. Thursday. Messrs. John W., Liston S. and Robt. Chorley. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riverside. Robson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Josephine and Ringgold Streets, Mt. Auburn. Friday Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery 2826 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Rockhold Mr. and Mrs. Nat. West Fourth Street. Thursday. Rodgers Mrs. Chas. G. Covington., Ky. Wednesday Mr. Fallis Rodgers and Mrs. May Rodgers Lovell Roetder l\1rs. Theresa Richmond Street. Mr. Henry and the Misst's Emmit and BL·rtha. Roelker, Miss Madisonville Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Messrs. Fred. G. aud Harry G. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Purcell 606 Gilbert Avenue. Monday Rogers Mrs. J. H. Rogers Place, near Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Madisonville, O. . . ' Rollwagen Mr. and Mrs. Louis 65 Betts Street.

- 121 - -- THE BLUE Book. --

Roots Mrs. G. Y " Paradise Row." McMillan Street. Rose Mrs. Agne..; 116 McMillan Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Dr. A. G. Rosenbaum Mrs. Babette 49 Harvey A uen ue, Avondale. T~ursday Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Corner Melrose and Lincoin Avenues. Walnut Hills. Monday . ." Rosenfeld Dr. and Mrs. A. 1335 Locust Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Rosenheim Mrs. Lee 838 Lincoln Avenue. , Rosin Mr. and Mrs. Louis ,.':" 951 West Seventh Street, near Freeman :~Avenue. ' Thursday. Rosseter Rev. and Mrs. W D. I 120 Harvey Avenue, Walnut Hills. M"onday

Roth Mrs. 'Bernard ! 609West Seventh Street. Thursday. M:r. J. B. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Leopold" S. 135 Kleine Street, East Walnut Hills. Monday Roth Mr. and "1irs'. Edward N. St. Nicholas Hotel. Tuesday. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Mr. Charles G", Jr. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hotel Alms. Monday. Roth Mr. Louis A. 500 East Fifth Street, corner Pike Street. Mrs. Maria Shierberg. Rothe Mr. and Mrs. Emil Browne Street. Rothier Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Covington, Ky. Rothschild Mr. Chas. R. 66 Windsor Street.


-- THE BLUE Book. --

Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Mound Avenue, Pleasant Ridge. Rowe ~Ir. and Mrs. Casper H. Avondale. Thursday. Rulison Mr. and Mrs. H. M., Jr. Considine Avenue, Price Hill. Runyan Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 7 Graydon Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Rupel Mrs. Oscar T l\Iain and Mitchell Avenues, Avondale. Thursday. Ruppert Mr. John Hawthorne Avenue, Price Hill. Russell Mr. and Mrs. A. O. N,orwood, O. Russell Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brookline and Marion Avenues, Clifton. Friday Russell Mr. and Mrs. W W Norwood, O.

Rust Rev. R. S., D.D., L.L.D. and Mrs. 623 \\"est Fourth 8t. Thursday. Mr. and :Mrs. Charles H. Rust. . Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Spencer A ven ue, South Norwood.

Ryan Dr. Geo. W I I4 West Ninth Street. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Reading Road, near June Street', Walnut Hills. Monday. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Southwest Corner May and Oak Avenues. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ri.chard 1I67 Gilbert Avenue. Rychen Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warsaw Ave. Price Hill. Mr. Scott and Miss Annette. Rychen Mr. and Mrs. John Wyoming, Ohio. Ryder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W., Sr. Hartwell, O.

- 123'- ~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Lexington Avenue, Avondale. Sachs Mr. and Mrs. J os. Richmond Street. Thursday Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. 22 Garfield Place. Thursday Misses Stella and Nettie. Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stanton and Locust Avenues, Walnut Hills. Sackett Mr. and Mrs. A. Nat. Grandview and McMillan Avenues. Monday Sadler Mr. and Mrs. L. L. 108 Everett Street. Thursday. Sage Dr. Frank W 222 West Eighth Street. Sage Judge and Mrs. Geo. R. Lebanon, O.

Sage Mr. and Mrs. H. W­ 220-2 McGregor Avenue, Mt. Auburn . Friday • Sage Rev. and Mrs. A. J. 66 Hollister Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday Misses Helen F. and Alice M. Salway Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winton Place, O. Mr.F. W. Sampson Mr. H. V Fern Bank, O. Sampson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. The San Rafael. Sampson Mr. and Mrs. W H. Burton Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. 2123 Grand Avenue, W aln u t Hills. Monday Sands Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jr. Madison' Ayenue, Covington, Ky Sanford Mrs. J. G. Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday.

- 124- ~------~ -- THE BLUE DOOK. --

Sargent Mr. Edward Madison Road, Walnut Hills. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Madisonville Avenue. Walnut Hills. Monday Sarran Mr. and Mrs. Edmond A. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Sattler Dr. and Mrs. Eric E. 109 West Eighth Street. Thursday. Sattler Mrs. J. 2560 Eden Avenue. Friday Miss Alma and DI·. G. Gordon Sattler. Sattler Dr. and Mrs. Robert. Imogene Avenue. near McMillan Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Saunders The Misses 431 West Seventh Street. I Thursday. Saxby Mr. and Mrs. Howard Highland Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. ~ayers Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hartwell, O. Sayler Judge John R. Grand Hotel. Sayler Mr. Nelson The Ortii. Tuesday. Mr. Nelson, Jr.. Misses Edith and Alice. Scarborough Mr. and Mrs. W W Madison ville Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. The Misses Alice, and R. A. and MI". J V. B. Scarlett Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Edgemont Terrace, Josephine Street, Mt. -Auburn. Friday. Miss Ruth and Mr. G. Schaff Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 374 Park Avenue.

Schell Dr. and Mrs. F H. 2116 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday Schenk Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newport, Ky.

Schierberg Mrs. Maria 500 East Fifth Street. Schmidlapp Mr. and Mrs. J G. Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday Schmidlapp Mrs. Charles Glenway Avenue. Clifton. Friday. Miss lola Schmidlapp.

~ 125 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. F. A. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Schmuck Mrs. Fred. J 8 Clark Street. ThurEday. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reading Road. and June Street, Walnut Hills Monday. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. 36 June Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Schultze Mr. Frederick Grandin Road, East "~alnut Hills. Monday Miss Schultze, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gest. Schultze Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F 516 East Fourth Street. Tuesday Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Abraham G. 2332 Kemper Lane. Schwab Dr. E. Madi~onville Road, East Walnut Hills. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Henry 227 McGregor Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Schwegmann Mr. Benj. '~TcGdburn and Gilpin Avenues, Walnut Hills. Schwill ,Mr. and Mrs. F A. 27c6 Eden Avenue. Mt. Auburn. Friday Misses Elsie and Marie. Schwill Mrs. Albert Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. The Misses Schwill Schwill Mr. and Mrs. A., Jr. 913 York Street. Scudder Dr. ,and Mrs. J. M. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. SeasongQod Mr. and Mrs. Adolpl). J. Gilbert Avenue and Beecher Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Seasongoqd Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. First and Third Thursday. l\fisI'es Martha, Rosella al)d Mr. Siegfried 1'. Season good Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, Jr. Hotel Alms.

- 126- ~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Seasongood Gen. and Mrs. Lewis Reading Rm:d and North Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. The Misses Season good. Sechler Mr. and Mrs. D. M. 2260 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Seely Dr. and Mrs. W W Southeast CO! ner Fourth Street and Broadway. Tuesday Miss Seely. Segal Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Fairfield and Madisonville Avenues. Monday. Segal Mr. and Mrs. W B. Fairfield Avenue, opposite Dexter Street. Monday.

Seinsheimer Mr. and Mrs. A. H. 2347 Park Avenue, Walnut HilJ.<;. Monday. Seinsheimer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 130:! Locust Street, Walnut Hills. Monday Seiter Mr. and Mrs. George T. 24 Chatpan'l Street, Walnut Hills. Mondr.y Selden Miss Dixie Covington, Ky. Senior Mr. and Mrs. Edward Francis Lane, near Edgecliffe Road, Walnut Hills. Monday. Senior Mr. and Mrs. Max Delaware Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Senior Mrs. Regina Moormann Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Sextro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Vaughan Road, near Eighth Street. Messrs. Wm. and M. J. I Shafer 1\1'r. and Mrs. Fred. W Southwest Corner Squth Elm and Curtis Streets. Walnut Hills. Monday. Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Louis W 2227 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday.

- 127 -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Shattuc Hon. and Mrs. W B. Madisonville, O. Shattuc Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Madisonville, O. Shaw Miss Louise Linwood Road, Mt. LookouL Monday Shaw Mr. and Mrs. W J Erlanger, Ky. Shears Mr. and Mrs. D. Clifton Grand Hotel. Thursday Sheen Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 74 May Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Sheldon Mrs. Anna J 803 Race Street Thursday.

Shepard Mr. and Mrs. H. L. 50 St. James Avenue, . Monday. Walnut. . Hills . Shepard Mr. and Mrs. J E. Elberon Avenue, Price Hill. Shepard Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Price and Chateau Avenues, Price Hill. Sherlock Mrs. Thomas " Belsaw," Clifton and ~ La Fayette Avenues, Clifton. Friday. The Misses Annie Ranno., Bertha, Mr. Thomas Sherlock and Mir;s Johnston. Sherlock Mr and Mrs. J. C. ,. Cloverly," Cli fton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Sherman Miss Nellie Clifton. Friday Shillito Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Paris, France. Shillito Mrs. John Oak and Imogene Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Shillito Mr. Stewart Northwest Corner Auburn and B.ellevue Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Caleb W. Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Murray 1052 Wesley Avenue.

- 128- -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Shipley Miss Elizabeth, } ., "Hannah J. Bryu Maur, " "Katherine M. Penn.

Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Jr. 1050 Wesley Avenue. . Thursday Shipley Mr. and Mr. Morris S. 1050 Wesley Aven~e. Thursday. Shipley Mr. Wi1li~m Ellis. 1052 Wesley Avenue . Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. 4 10 Pike Street. Tuesday. Miss Myra and Mrs. Mary S Gibson. Shoemaker Mr M. M. 667 West Fourth Street. v Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. The San Rafael. Thursday Shoenberger Mrs. George K. "Scarlet Oaks," La Fayette Avenue, Clifton. Frid~y Mr. Geo. Chambliss. Shoenberger Mr. and Mrs. J os. M. Harrison Pike, Westwood. The Misses Shoenberger. Short Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W Fern Bank, O. Mr. Dudley. Short Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Northwest Corner Mouud Street and Kenyon Avenue. Thursday. Shouse Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. The San Rafael. Miss ShoUl:se. Shroder Judge and Mrs. Jacob 2233 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss R,etta. Shunk Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Shunk and Miss Pauline. Sibley Mrs. J. W Grandin Road. Monday Siddall Mrs. S. P. 2546 Moormann Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday

- 129 -- ~------~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Sigerson Miss Alice Auburn Avenue. Mt. Auburn. Friday Silberberg Mr. and Mrs. Max 522 West Ninth Street. Thursday. Messrs Moe N. and Walter G. Simpkinson- Mr. John 660 McMillan Street. Simpkinson Mr. and Mrs. W A. 173 Ashland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. James E. 212 Dayton Street. Wednesday. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Simpson Mr. and Mr3. Robert College Hill. O. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. R. B. 2653 Melrose Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. William. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. William T. College Hill. O. Mr. Frank. H. Simrall Mr. and Mrs. Chas B. Wallace Avenue, Covingt~n, Ky. :'.:.i" Wednesday. Misses 'Jbse'phi~e P. and Bart Simtal\. Sinton Mr. David Sinton Place, Pike Street. Tuesday. Hon. and l\'Irs. C. P. TAft and Miss Jean Taft. Skaats Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Shillito Avenue. Avondale. Thursday Skiff Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hillside Avenue, Tusculum. Skinner Mrs.]. Ralston 316 Broadway. Tuesday Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wiggins 316 Broadway. Tuesday. Skinner Mr. Sind Mrs. Robt. T. 2226 Park Avenu'e, Walnut Hills. Monday. Slade Mrs. H. The Ortiz. Tuesday.

- 130 - MRS 0. J WILSON


Small Rev. E. F., D. D. and Mrs. eli fton A ven ue, Clifton. Friday Smedes Mr. John Marshall The San Rafael. Smith Mr. and Mrs.• Amor, Jr. Cook A ven tle, Clifton. Smith Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry R. 2027 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Shafer. Smith Miss J. Spencer Reading Road. Avondale. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Leander Mt. Auburn.

Smith Mr. and Mrs. G. W 261 1 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mrs. Mal'kley and Mr. Stanley S. -Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday The Misses Elizabeth, Pb.ila and Mr. C. Birdsall. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F I I Josephine Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Smith Judge and Mrs. Fayette Greenfield, Mass. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kessler Hickman Avenue, Avondale. Smith Mr. F. H. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday The l\lisses Mary Slade and Peal'I. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W 3l Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Smith Dr. and Mrs. H. A. West Eighth Street. Thursday Miss Smith and Dr, H. T. Smith Mr. H. F. Queen City Club. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jackson 1803 Nelson Street, Mt. Auburn .. Friday lIrs. R. M. Rogers and Miss Rogers. Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Charles Wesley Avenue.

- 13 1 - ~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Smith M r. and Mrs. Luke W Fredonia Avenue, Avondale. Smith Hon. and Mrs. Richard 217 Bodmann Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. The Misses Laura and Mary and Miss Andrews. Smith Mr. and Mrs. W- Roe Oak Street, near Reading Road. Thursday Smith Judge and Mrs. Rufus B. McMillan S~reet, Walnut Hills. Monday. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Jr. Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday, Smith Mr. and Mrs. Theo. 288 West Eighth Street, Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. 965 Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G., Jr. 15 Lincoln Avenue, -Walnut Hills. Thursday. Smjth Mr. and Mrs. Walter 324 Broadway. Tuesday- Miss Leidy. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Linwood and Observatory Road, Mt. -Lookout. Monday. Smith Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Charles Murdock Avenue, Price Hill. Smock Mr. and Mrs. James H. Reading Road, near Clinton Avenue. Thursday Snider Mr. Henry J. Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mrs. E. A. Russ and Miss Mary, ,Russ Snider Mr.' T. A. Lorraine Avenue, Clifton. Friday. l\lrs. Nancy Snider, Miss Snider and Mr. T. Edward. Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harrison Avenue, West of Knorr Avenue. Sommer Mrs Jos., 81 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills.

- 132 - ~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Sorg Hon. and Mrs. Paul J. Middletown, O. Sparmann Miss Helene 4 Bella Vista Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Spear Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Riddle Road, Clifton Heights. MI'. and Mrs. H. and J. C., Jr. Spellmire Mr. and Geo. H. Hawthorne Avenue, North of Price Avenue. Spivey Mr. and Mrs. Thos. S. Glenway Avenue, Clifton. Friday Spenc!e Mrs. Lottie Reading Road, near Union Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Spence Mr. and Mrs. Norville Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. Spence Dr. and Mrs T R. Reading Road, near Clinton, Avondale. Thursday, Spencer l\1r. and Mrs. Geo. M. A. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Spencer Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. . Thursday. Miss Gertrude A. Spencer Miss Mary Riverside, O. Speilman Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Essex Place, near June Avenue, Walnut Hills. Spills Prof. J. C. 754 West Seventh Street. Misses Annie M., Lizzie and Adelaide. Spining Mr. and Mrs. Isaac P Crown Street, Walnut Hills. Mr. I. P., Jr. Spining Mr. and Mrs. 27 Beecher Street. Misses Clara, Minnie and Messrs. E. M. and Harry L. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Forest Avenue. Avondale. Thursday. Springmeier Mrs. Ferd 2329 Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. - • 133- ~I -.- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Stadler Mr. Albert M. Lexington Avenue, Avondale. StalIo Mr. Edmund K. •• Dah'ey,' j Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday, Stanwood Mrs. Theo B. Reading Road. Thursday. \ Stark Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 20 McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Stark Dr. and Mrs. W 1762 McMUlan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday Stearns Mr. and Mrs. George Herbert Middleton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Miss Mabel Weld Stearns, Mr'. Minot Weld S earns and Mr. Gordon Weld. Stedman Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J Glendale, O. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Hartwell, O. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. McCormick Place, Mt. Auburn. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Otto 385 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Stem Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dexter Place, Madisonville and Fairfield Avenues. Monday. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J Corner Marshall and Massachusetts Avenues, Camp Washington. . Friday. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMillan Street and Bell Place, Walnut Hills. Monday _ Sterling Mr. S. G. Biddle Street, Clifton. Mr.H.L. Stern Mr. and Mrs. Aaron 30 May Stre~t, Walnut Hills. Monday. Stern Mr. and Mrs. 'Bernhardt 99 West Eighth Street. Thursday.

- 134- ~------~ --'- THE BLUE Book. --

Stern Mr and Mrs. Chas. J. 249 Chapel Street, Walnut Hills. Wednesday. Stern Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Richmond Street, near Cutter. Thursday Stern Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Main Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Sterrett Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T 412 Milton Street. Sterrett Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Stettinius Mr. and Mrs. Henry Madi:-;onville Avenue, near Observatory Avenue. Monday. Stettinius Mr. J. L. Linwood Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Mrs. Mary Longworth Perkins, Stevens. Mr. and Mrs.C. A. South Norwood . • Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Tusculum and Columbia Avenues. Stevens Mr. George W Hotel Alms. Stevens Mrs. Virginia Hotel Alms. Monday Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. G. V Hartwell, O.

Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Robt. G. 131 Kleine Street, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday Stewart Mr. and Chas. Jr., 20 East Rockdale A ven ue, Avondale. Stewart Mrs. Elizabeth Linden Avenue, Avondale. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Clinton Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Stewart Mr. and Mrs. ]. R. Chateau Avenue, Price Hill.

- 135- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Stewart Dr. Robt. W. 45 West Eigh th Street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stewart, Jr. Stille Mr. and Mrs. Henry 15 Dudley Street. Stimson Mr. and Mrs. Earl W Clinton Avenue, Avondale. Th ursday. Miss Stimson, and Messrs. Frank B. and Geo. P. Stimson Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Madisonville Pike. Monday. Stix Mr and Mrs. Aaron L. 97 Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Mon~ay. Stix Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Northwest Corner Oak and Melrose Avenues. Thursday. Stix Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gilbert and Oak Avenues. Monday Messrs. Albert I. and Chas. N. Stix Mr. and Mrs. Sol. N. Grandview Avenue. Monday. Stoddard Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wyoming, O. Stoms Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday Messrs. H. G.. Jr., and John D. Stone Capt. and Mrs. Geo. N. Oak and Burnet Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Friday Stone Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. North Bend, O. Miss Fannie M., and Mes:srs. George W. and Richard, H , Jr. Stone Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hutchins A venue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Ethel. Storer Hon. and Mrs. Bellamy , Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills, and Washington, D. C. Monday. Mr. James L. Nichols. Strader Mr. and Mrs. B. F. 426 East Fourth Street. Tuesday Miss Strader and Mr. B. F., Jr. Strang Mr. and Mrs. John A. 678 Westminster Avenue. Thursday.

- 136 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Streng Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Hotel Alms. Straus Mr. and Mrs. John Chapel Street and Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Straus Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oak and Melrose Avenues, Walnut Hills. Messrs. Isa and Robert. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Ferd West Ninth Street, near Linn Street. Thursday. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Isaac 125 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. I...,ee 704 Westminster Street. Stribley Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 654 Gilbert Avenue. Monday. Mr. Wm.R.

Stricker Mr. and Mrs. Enoch L. 5 I 4 Locust Street. Mr. Isaac. Stricker Mr. and Mrs. George 98 Stanton Avenue, Walnut Hills. We9-nesday. The Misses Anna, Bella and Dr Louis and Ml·. George Sidney. Strobridge Mr. and Mrs. Hines 236 Albion Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mr. Nelson W. Strong Mrs. Adelaide 447 Kemper Lane. Monday Rev. E. L. N oJ;'ton. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Edward W 242 Albion Place. Friday. Mr. Robert L. Strong Mr. and Mrs. J F 264 Albion Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Strong Rev. and Mrs. Sydney Lane Seminary Gronnds, Walnut Hills. Strobridge Mr. and Mrs. John M. Maplewood Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Strueve Mr. and Mrs. H. R. 17 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday.

- 137 - -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Strunk Mr. and Mrs. W m. 2531 Stanton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Miss Strunk ana Miss Ella G. Stuart Mr. Wm. A. Queen City Club.

Stuart Mr. and Mrs. A. Maple Avenu~. Mr. Stanton. Sturm Mr. and Mrs. Simon Main and Glenwood Avenues. -Suire Mrs. H. A·. Burnet House. Tuesday Suire Mr. Frank O. Burnet House. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. J. West Eighth Street. Thursday. Sutphin Mr.}. V 2702 Eden Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Messrs.. Sutphin. . Sutton Mr. and Mrs. W- W- Milford, O.

Suydam Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W 27 Tusculum Avenue. Swarts Mr. Sol. L. Cincinnati Club. Swasey Mr. and Mrs: John, Jr. Reading Road, Avondale. . . Thursday lIrs. John Swasey, Sen. Swift Mrs. Briggs West Eighth Street, near Vine Street. Thursday. Swift Mrs. Almira 5 l()'West Fourth ·Street. Thursday. Swift Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ;' 41 1 Locust Street, Walnut Hills. Monday- Swift Mi. Thomas T St. Clair Hotel. Swing Judge' and Mrs .. P." F Batavia, O. Mrs. Florence Swing. Sykes Mr. atid Mrs. Gerritt 80 Woodburn Avenue, Avondale. Symmes Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Riverside, O. Symmes Mr. and Mrs. W W Riverside, O.

- 138 - .MRS. T. M.. WORCESTER.


Tafel Mr. and Mrs. Gust\lVUS University Court, Fairview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Mr. Hugo, Misses Olga and Elsie. Talbot Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 2362 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Taft Hon. and Mrs. Chas. P Sinton Place, Pike Street. Tuesday. Taft·Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Wyoming, O. Taft Dr. and Mrs. John Wyoming, O. Taft Mr. and Mrs. Sam1. H. 608 West Eigh th Street. Thursday. Taft Judge and Mrs. Wm. H. 502 East Third Street. Tuesday. Taft Dr. and Mrs. Will Delhi Avenue. Mr. Wm 'l'aft, Jr. and Dr. J. Ray. Taggart Mr. and Mrs. W Y. Price Hill. Taggart Lieut. U. S. A. and Mrs. Fort Thomas, Ky. Tarvin Judge and Mrs. Covington, Ky. Wednesday:. Tate Dr. Magnus A. Third Street and Broadway Tate Dr. Ralph B. Northwest Corner Third and Broadway. Tatum Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kasota A venue, Avondale. Thursday Tat1.l1ll Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jr. Kasota Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Tatem Mrs. H. H. Hartwell, O. Taylor Dr.. and Mrs. Geo. K. 1543 Linn Street. Taylor Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon 2623 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday.

139 - .------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Taylor. Rev. and Mrs. H. W College Hill, O. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. H. W College Hill, O. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. James Winton Place, O. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. J. 1. Wyoming, O. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. J. Winton Place, O. TayJor Mr. and Mrs. John P Park Avenue, Newport, Ky Wednesday. Taylor Mrs. R. M. W Reading Road Thursday. Mr. W. W. r.raylor. Taylor Dr. Richard E. 2703 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Taylor Mr. Walter G. Gholson Avenue, Avondale . ./' \ Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Wm. H. 553 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Miss Taylor. Taylor Mr .. W. W. Reading Road.

Teasdale Mr. and Mrs. W R. 823 ~incoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Mrs. Eliza, Miss Carrie, Mr. Wm. S. and Mrs Fred. Bennett Tenney Dr. and Mrs. W. A. R. 87 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Messrs. Wilson Ross Il.nd Charles Eli. Thacker Mrs. Rebecca 2383 Kemper Lane, Wain u t Hills. Monday Thalheimer Mr. and" Mrs. Will. B. Clinton' Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Thalheimer. Tharpe Mr. and Mrs. Willis P Erie Avenue, Hyde Park. Thayer Mr. and Mrs. AI. Wyoming, O. Thayer Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Northeast Corner Oak and Imogene Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Friday.

- 140 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Thauwald Mr. and Mrs. C. F .1027 Gil bert A ven ue. Monday. Messrs. Ed. J., AI. F. and Miss Emma M. Thibaut Ma~., U. S. A., and Mrs. Fort Thomas, Ky Thomas Mrs. Elbridge L. Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Thomas Mrs. H. A. Yernon Place, Mt. Auburn.

Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vl, 120 Wellington Place, Mt. Auburn. Mrs. F. V. Wade, Mrs Edoa W. and Mr. Robert Humphreys. 'Phomas Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Clinton Springs Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Thomas Mrs.].]. Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Thomas Mrs. Mary E. 641 Greenup Street, Covington, Ky Wednesday. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas. Carthage, O.

Thomas Mr. S. B. 2123 Grand Street, Walnut Hills. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. East Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thompson My and Mrs. M'. F 40 Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Monday. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. 700 Colerain Avenue. Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Geo ..H. 2152 Fulton Avenue, Walnut Hills . Monday. • Miss Rhl.llche and Mr. George H. Thomson Mrs. Alexander College Hill, O. Mrs. R. Rammelsberg and The Misses Rammelsberg. Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. College Hill, O.

Thomson Mr. alld Mrs. Seth L. 55 Highland Avenue.

~. ,-----~------THE BLUE BOOK. --

Thoms Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 2300 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Miss EUnIce S. Thoms .Mr. L. B. Hotel Alms.

Thorne Mrs . Joseph 42 Morris Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Miss Thorne, Messrs. Chas. ]. and WaIte L. Thorpe Mr. and Mrs. A. J The Ortiz~ Tuesday. Thrall Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday The Missel' :Mabel, Jeanne and Josie. rhrasher Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Harvey Avenue, . Avondale. Thursday. Tice Mr. and Mrs. O. F 220 Saunders Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Timberlake Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 2 106 KemperLal~e, Walnut Hills. Monday. Tinsley D.D. Rev. Peter McMIllan Street and Park Avenue, Walnut Hills.

Todd Mr. and Mrs. Robert 2 162 Southern Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Misses Mamie and Millie, Messrs. Wm. R. and Frank. 'Tomlison Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Grand Avenue, . Walnut Hills. Monday .. Tootle Mr. and Mrs. Milton, Jr. St. Joseph, Mo. . Torrence Mrs. Ann R .. 2607 Moormann Avenl:le, Walnut Hills. Monday. Townley Mr: and Mrs:E. E. Wyonling, 0; l\lr. Louis L. Townley Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W . 422 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Townley Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 817 West Court Street. Thursday. Townsend Capt. U. S.A. and Mrs. Ft. Thomas, Ky Fl;-iday.

- 142 -- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Traber Miss Jane The Auburndale. Friday Trader Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Linden A ven ue, Avondale. l\lLsses Effie, Georgie, }<'lol'ence and Mrs. C. W. Duckworth. Trevor Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Trevor Mr. and Mrs. John B. ~209 Auturn Avenue, ·Mt. Auburn. Friday Trevor Mr. and Mrs. r S. Nassau and Fulton Avenues, Walnut Hills. Monday Miss Emily. Trevor Mr. and Mrs. ,Thomas Trimble Mrs. Judge 1028 Madison Avenue, Covington, Ky. Wednesday Mr. Robert. Trost Col. and Mrs. S. W. Forest Avenue, Avondale. First and Third Thursdays. Trounstine Mrs. A. 707 West Ninth Street. Thursday Messrs Uscar A. and Lyl F. Trounstine Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 710 West Eighth Street Thursday. Trounstine Mr. Sam F Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Trounstine Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Lexington Avenue, Avondale. Tuchfaber Mr. and Mrs. F. Westwood, O.

Tuchfaber Mr. and Mrs. Philip 1193 W. McMicken Avenue. Tu.dor Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Tullidge Mr. and Mrs .. Frank G. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday Misses Estelle and Marguerite.

- 143- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Turner Mrs. Mary 91 Woodburn Avenue, Walnut Hills. , Monday. Miss Fannie. Turner Lieut. U. S. A. and Mrs. Fort Thomas, Ky Friday Tweed Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pike Street Tuesday. Tyler Mr. and Mrs Reuben Wyoming, O. Tytus Mrs. John Middletown, O.

~ ~

Uhlman Mr. Simon I48 Stanton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Upson Mr. and Mrs. A. A. College Hill. O. Upson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. College Hill, O. Urban Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ingleside Place, Walnut Hills. Monday. Urner -Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. I I3 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Miss Eloise Stettinius. Utz Mr and Mrs. Lewis H. College Hill, O.

Van Antwerp Mrs. Lewis Forest Avenue, Avondale.

I Thursday. Miss Van Antwerp and Rev. and Mrs. Manning Van Antwerp Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Van Curt Prof. an:! Mr3. The I..(J:nbJ.rdy. Thurs:!ay Vandegrift Capt. Geo. A .. Burnet House.

- I44 ~'------THE BLUE BOOK. --

\~ an der Stuck en Prof. Frank Hotel Alms.

Yan Hamm Mrs. Washington 5 I], West Fourth Street. Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Minor. \~an Horne Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Street, near Fifth Street. Mr. Rubt. M. \~an Loo Mr. Leon 945 Court Street, near Freeman Avenue. Van Matre Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warsaw and Mansion A ven ues, Price Hill.

Van Voast Col. and Mrs. James 507 East Third Street. Tuesday. Miss Virginia.

Van Zant Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. I South Aubtlrn Avenue. _ Friday· Van Zant Mr. and Mrs. E. H. 2627 Kleine Street, East Walnut Hills. Monday \~arwig Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carthage, O. " Vattier Mr. and Mrs. G. L. 73 East Sixth Street, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. Vattier Mrs. Jobn L. 24 Morris Street. Miss Vattier. Venable Prof. and Mrs. W H. Tusculum Heights. Miss Venable. Mes~rs. W. M. Bryant and Emerson. Verhage Mr. and Mrs. Henry 210 West Ninth Street. Tho Misses Verhage and Mr. Henry. Jr. Victor Mr. Jacob 247 Richmond Street. I Vigna Signorina Teckla Cook an,d Ludlow Avenues. Clifton. Vincent Rt. Rev. Boyd, Bishop of Southern Ohio, .Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mrs B. Z. Vincent and Mrs. Strong Vincent.

- 145- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Vincent Mr. and Mrs. 'Ym'. Ridgeway Avenue', Avondale. . Thursday Voight Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 2102 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills. Monday Miss Voight, Messrs. Elmer U. and Lewis Jr. Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Clinton Avenue,' Avondale. Mr. Carl A. Von Horn Mr. and Mrs. 1125 Dayton Street. Wednesday. Von Phrtl Mr. Henry EighthStreet and Freeman Avenue. Von S~ggern Mr. and Mt;,s. Chris. Kleine and Madisonville Avenues. Von Seggern Mr. and M;s. ]. R. ~)2 5 Rich{Ilond Street. Thursday Von Steinwehr Mr. and Mrs. W Marion• Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Voorheis Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Northeast Corner. Reading Road and Lexington Avenue, Avondale. -' Thursday. The Misses Voorheis and Mr. Lewis. Vornholtz Mr. atld Mrs. J. H. The Brittany BUilding. Voss Rev. J. A. Sidney Avenue, Camp Washington. Voss Mr. H. Linden Ave,nue, Clifton. Friday. 'Voss· Mr. Jo'seph S. Myrtle Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday.

Waas Mr. and Mrs. S. A. 50 Fulton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Wabnitz Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sater Street.

Wachtel Mr. and Mrs. Henry 518 Locust Street. -- TIlE BLUE Book.

Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Ha'wthorne A ven ue, Price Hill. Wagner Ferdinand W Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Wald Mr. Lewis 318 West Seventh Street. Walker Mr. Grant S. 5 West Ninth Street. Waite Mr. Morison R. Resor Avenue, Clifton. Friday \\,'ald Mr. Gustavus H. University Club.

Walker Mr. and Mrs. C. H. I 1 I Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Walker Dr. E. W 30 West Eighth Street. Miss Annie. Walker Mr. and Mrs. W P., Jr. The San Rafael. Thursday. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Grand Hotel. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. W W Oak Avenue, Hartwell, O. Walsh Mr. Dennis The Ortiz. Walsh .Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Madison Avenue. Covington, Ky. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Kennedy Heights. O. Walter Prof. and Mrs. Hugo Mitchell Avenue, Avondale. Walton Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Edgar St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Walton Mr. and Mrs. J. F Reading Road. Thursday Warden Mr. and Mrs. Americus 824 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Warden Mr. Edward Chestnut and John Streets.

147 - -- THE 'BLUE BOOK. --

Warder Mr. Reuben H. North Bend, O. Miss Warder. Wardle Mrs. Samuel Hartwell, O. Warner Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Elmwood and Harvey Avenues, Avondale. Thursday Warrington Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Highland Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday Warrington Mr. and Mrs. John W Forest Avenue, Avondale. 'Thursday .. Wasson Mr. and Mrs. A. M. 3223 Beresford Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Wasson Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Norwood, O.

Waters Mr. and Mrs. H. G. 246 Madison Street, Newport, Ky. Waters Prof. and Mrs. Wm. B. Welles College. Aurora, . Watrous Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 2649 Bellevue ,A.:yenue, Avondale. Thursday Watson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Norwood, 0;

I, Watts Mr. and Mrs. Miles T. Melrose Avenue, near Oak, Vernonyille. Watts Mrs. Lulu White Corner McMillan and Park Avenues. Monday Wayland Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Hotel Gillespie, Broadway. Wayne Mr. and Mrs. J L. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stark 427 Garrard Street, Covington, Ky. Wednesday. \\~ayne Mr. and Mrs'. Jos. W Gholson Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Wayne and Miss Laura.

~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Weatherby Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. °46 West Ninth Street. Thursday Weatherhead Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ridgeway Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Messrs. Birdsall and Este. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Forest Avenue, Avondale: Thursday Webb Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Webb Mrs. Mary G. 608 \Vest Fourth Street. Thursday. \Vebb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F Hotel Alms. Monday.

Weber Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I 6 West Eighth Street. Thur day. Weber Mr. C. T . Hillside Aveuue, Riverside. Webster Mr. and Mrs. E. R. West Seventh Street. Thursday. Mr. Edmund G. Wedekind Mr. and Mrs. ]. 479 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Weibel Mrs. Mary Main Avenue, Avondale. Weil Mr. and Mrs. Edward T Prospect Place and Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mies Ida. Weimer Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. 1125 Dayton Street. Thursday Baron and Baroness Von Horn. Weir Mr. Fred C. Burnet House. Weir Col. and Mrs. L. C. . Weisbrodt Mr . and Mrs. H. W Oak Avenue, Walnut Hills.

- 149- -- THJt BLUE BOOK. --

Wells Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 253-9 McGregor Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Werk Mrs. M. Westwood, O. Werk Mr. and Mrs. Casimir L. Westwood, O. Miss Werk. Wessel Mr. and Mrs. August Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. Boyd Wessel. 'Wessel Mr. and Mrs. H'Omer Salutaris Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday~ West Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I. Linden. Avenue, Avondale Thursday. West Mrs. H. F Catherine Street, Avondale. Thursday. Westendorf Mrs. Katherine Linton -Street, Mt. Auburn. Miss W&stendorf. . Whately Mr. Henry Yateman Avenue, Riversid~, O. Miss Lida. Whately Mr. and Mrs. Will Purcell A venue, Price Hill. Whelpley Mr. and Mrs. A. W Clifton, Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Whetstone Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wellington Place, Mt. Auburn. Whetstone Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dayton Street .. Thursday Mr. Horace. Whetstone Mr. and Mrs. H. C. to 69 Morris Place, Mt. Auburn. Whitaker Mr. J. O. Fern Street, Walnut Hills. Mrs. J. W. Whitaker. White Mr. and Mrs. Alfred South Crescent Avenue, near Main, Avondale. Thursday Miss Elenora v~ A. 'and Messrs. Arthur E., D. H. and Alfred. Jr.

- 150 - ~~--~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

White Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Rockdale A ven ue, Avondale. \\,hite Mr. D. A 2509 Pa~k Avenue. Monday. Mrs. Lulu White Watts. \Vhite Mr. and Mrs. M. Morris Northwest Corner Wellington Place and Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday Miss Susan MOITIS and Mis::! Helen L. White Mr. W A. 2815 Park Avenue. Whitelaw Mr. and Mrs. F N. Hartwell, O. Whitelaw Mrs. Wm. E. Rosedale Place, Avondale. Thursday. . "- Whitman Mrs. H. C. Cutter and Richmond Streets. \Vhiteman Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. 'Whittaker Dr. and Mrs: James T. Clifton. Friday. Wiborg Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday. M iss Sherman. Wiborg Mr. and Mrs. Harry P Flat 2, The Norfolk. Thursday. Wiggins Miss Laura 316 Broadway. Tuesday Mr. and MIS. Samuel Wiggins Skinner and Mrs. Hal~ton Skinner. Wilby Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Alpine Place, Walnut Hills. Monday Wilby Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 79 Hollister Street, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Mr... Tlieo. Stanwood. Wild Mr. and Mrs. C. R. College Hill, O. Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Price Hill Road. Wilder Mr. and Mrs. M0rris Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Friday.

- 151 - -- THE BLUEBoOK. -- vVilder Mr. Stephen H. Hotel Auburn.

Wilder Dr. and Mrs. Wm. I Price Hill.

Williams Mr. and Mrs. Americus V 5 1 3 West Eighth Street. Thursday. The Misses Catherine H. and Clara. Williams Mrs. Chas. P. Clinton Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Misses Greta and Al:\1S. Williams Mrs. E. Cort 93 Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday­ Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ed. H. Winton Place, O.

Williams Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. 1365 Chapel Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn, Academy Avenue, Price Hill. The Misses France~ and Estelle. Williams Mr. and Mrs. O. W· Northside Avenue and Montgomery Road, Walnut Hills. , Monday. Williams Mr. Peter T. West Eighth Street, near Mound. Mr. Peter T .. Jr. Williams Mr. and Mrs. W- B. The Norfolk.

Williams Mr. W- F 123 Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. The Misses Jane and Louise. Williams Dr. Wm. M. Southeast Corner Garfield Place and Elm Streets. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Albert 518 Chase Avenue. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. A. W The Lombardy. Thursday. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Newport, Ky. Wilshire Mrs. Amelia Reading Road, near Oak Avenue. Friday;

- 15 2 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Wilshire Mrs. Geo. 641 Greenup Street, Covington, Ky. Wednesday Wilshire Mr. and Mrs. Nat. A.' Garrard Street, Covington, Ky. Wilshire Mr. and Mrs. Ge0. P 73 \Vashington Avenue, Newport, Ky. Wednesday. Wilshire Mr. and Mrs. J. W 505 Oak Avenue, near Reading Road. Thursday. Wilshire Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Linden Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Warsaw Avenue, Price Hill. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. C. P. . Rendigs Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. E. P.. Fern Bank, O.

Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Dan 198 East ,Auburn Avenue. Friday Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Oak Avenue. Friday. Mr. F. Guthrie, Ensign Corse, U. -So N., and Mrs. Corse. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. George 249 Gilman Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Gideon 289 McGregor Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Wilson Judge and Mrs. Moses F Hotel Auburn. Friday. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Obed ]. " Sweet Home," La Fayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Forest Avenue,

I Avondal~. Thursday Wilson Mr. and Mrs. T O. 126 Wellington Place. Friday. Messrs. Ellik and Karl. Winall Mr. and Mrs. S. J Evans Place, Clifton. Fridav.

- 153- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Winans Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Oak A venue, near Gilbert Avenue. Monday Winchell Mr and Mrs. Geo. D. Hartwell, O.

Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Isaac 1020 Gilbert Avenue. Monday. Miss Stella and Mr. Ell. ' Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Simon M. 44 Park Avenue. Monday. Winslow Mrs. A. S. Northeast Corner Oak Avenue and Reading Road. Thursday. ,Mr. Howard S. Winslow Mr. and Mrs. John Flack Reading Road near Oak A ven ue. Thursday. Wise Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Mound Street, near Barr Street. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Leo. ,. 2603 Moorman Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Wiswell Mr and Mrs. Wm. 68 East Fourth Street. Tue~day. Withenbery Mr. and Mrs. C. W , G-lendale, O. Mr. Russell Newton and Miss Lua Withenbery Withrow Dr. John M. 526 West Seventh Street. Thursday. Miss Withrow and Mr. Stanley M. Witte Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Elberon Avenue, Price Hill. Wolcutt Mrs. F. P. 641 Greenup Street, Covington, . Wednesday. Mr. F. P., Jr. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Reading Road, near Oak Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Mr. A. I., Jr. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Henry 856 Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills. Wednesday. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. John W Southeast Corner Forest and Haven Avenues, Avondale.

- 154- -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M t. Washington. Wolfson Mr. Jacob 72 Stanton Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday Misses Jennie, Carrie, and Mr. l\'[orris. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartwell, O. Wood Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Newport, Ky. Woodford Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Burnet Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Balch. Woodmansee Mr. and Mrs. D. D. West Sixth Street. Thursday. Woodmansee. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Norwood, O . Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hotel Alms. Monday. Woodrow Mrs. David T. Grand Hotel. Thursday. Woodrow Mr. D. C. Dennison Hotel. Woodrow Mr. Frank H. Flat 7. The Alta. Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hartwell, O. Woods Mr. and Mrs. John S. Southeast Corner Ninth and Cutter Streets. Thursday. Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Jack. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler 304 Pike Street. Woods Mr. and Mrs. William. Northeast Corner Sixth and Cutter Streets. Thursday Miss Lizzie. Woodside Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 12 Wesley Avenue. Thursday. Woodward Mrs. Amelia R. Madison Road. Monday. Mr. J. H;, and Dr. Augustus J Woodward Dr. Warren R. Ninth and Race Streets.


Woodward Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Price Hill. Woolley Col. and Mrs. C. W 317 Pike Street. Tuesday. Miss Sallie. Worcester Mr. and Mrs. T. M. The Ortiz. Tuesday. Worcester Mr. and Mrs. W W Newport. Ky. Wednesday. Work urn Mr. and Mrs. David J. McMillan Street, Walnut Hills. Monday Workum Mrs. Elizabeth 2126 Grand Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. The Misses ;Julia, Rachel, and Mr.• J. C. Workurn Mrs. Ezekiel Clinton Springs Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Worth Mr. and Mrs. John E. Main Avenue, Avondale. Mrs. Weibel, Mrs. Hannah E., and Messrs. J. C. and Theod,ol'e. Worthington Dr. A. F 36 Fern Street, Walnut Hills. Worthington Mr. Edward Francis Lane, Walnut Hills. Worthingtoll Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Francis Lane, near Park Avenue, .Walnut Hi1~s. Monday. Mr. Edward. Worthington Miss Reading Road. Thursday. Wright Judge and Mrs. D. Thew, Jr. Riverside, Thursday. Mrs. Williams. Wright Judge and l\1rs. D. Thew. , , Stony Point," Riverside. The Misses Natalie, Marie Loui~e and Messrs. Rogers and Wm. Shrewsbury. Wright Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hartwell, O.

~------~ -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Wright Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. 61 Hollister Street. Friday l\Iiss Ramsey. Wright Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Bryan t A ven ue, Clifton. Friday. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Fred. A. 127 Ashland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F College Hill,. O. Mr. G. Gano. Wright M·r. J. Gordon Highland A ven ue. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Albion Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Charlotte and Mr. Harrison. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Wm H. Crescent Avenue,.. Clifton. Mrs. Isabelle Gano Garrison. Wulsin Mr. and Mrs. Drausin Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. W ulsin Mrs. Josephine Hotel Alms. Monday. The Misses Wulsin. Wulsill Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Madison Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday Wurlitzer Mr. and Mrs. Anton Cook and Bryant Avenues, Clifton. . Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Te~cbler. Wurlitzer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fairview Avenue, Clifton Heights Friday. Wurlitzer Mr. Rudolph 320 Franklin Street. Tuesday. The Misses Sylvia, Louie, and Mr. R. H: t1 Wyler Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Hutchins Avenue, Avondale. . Mr. Arthur L . Wyler Mr. and Mrs. Louis Southwest Corner Ingleside Place and McMillan Street. Monday.

- 157 - -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Wyman Mr .. and Mrs. Watson H. Grandin Road. Monday Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Jabez E. Rockdale Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Wynne. Wynne Mr. Ellwood W. Lincoln Place, Avondale·

...­ ~~ ~ ~

Yapel Mrs.' Alfred Southern Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Yeiser Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Victoria Flats . • Yergason Mr. and Mrs. H. C. 230 Albion Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Yoakley Prof. John St. Paul Flats, Walnut Hills. Y orston Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Mound and Clark Streets. Miss Clara M. Yost Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 447 Broadway. Yost' Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howell Street, near Whitfield Avenue. Young Dr. D. S. 248 West Seventh Street. Young Mr. and Mrs. James Covington, Ky Wednesday. Young Mr. and Mrs. R. Harvey Catherine Street, Avondale. Thursday. Young Mrs. Thomas N. Hamilton Aven·te. Yowell Prof. Everett J. Kenyon Avenue and Observatory Place, Mt. Lookout. Mr. and M1':;:. R. C.

- 158 ------~ -- THE BLUE Book. --

Zanoni Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Madisonville, O.

Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. 26 Malvern Place, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Zimmerman Mr. Eugene East McMillan Street and Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Tke ~isses Evans and Miss Helena V. Zimmerman. Zinke, Dr. and Mrs. E. Gustave 13 Garfield Place. Thursday Zinn Mrs. Peter Lorraine Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Zumstein Mr. and Mrs. John The Henrietta , Building. Thursday. Mr. Frank c ...

. As the postscript is often times the most important part of the letter. so the addenda often contains names without "'hich a Blue Book would be manifestly impeifect. The following names were inadvertently omitted in the regular ordl:r.

-~- Ampt Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. 2 110 Baymiller Street. -B- Baker Rev. and Mrs. Frank Woods Grandview Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday .. Ballenberg Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. :2 307 Ken ton Street, Walnut Hills.

- 159 -- THE BLUE BOOK. --

Blackburn Mr. J. F Hartwell, O. Blair Mrs. Russell 2815 Park Avenue, Walnut Hills. Mr. Lester. Blackmore Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Woodburn Avenue. Monday ~lackmore Capt. J. A. Gibson House. Bradley Mr. C. F. East First Srreet, near Lawrence Street. Miss Bradley. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Covington, Ky. Brotherton Mrs. Alice F. 1376 Scott Street, Covington, Ky. Brown Rev. Dr. and Mrs. McLellan Richmond Street, near John Street. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hotel Auburn. -9- De Johns Dr. and Mrs. J. 8.) Ninth Street, near Vine Street. De Lang Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 252 West Seventh Street, near John Street. Thursday. -'F- French Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hyde Park. ' Mr. Albert Jr., Misse~ Lottie, Laura, Clara and Stella. . ' French Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madisonville. O. -csx- Gibbs Mr. A. C. Queen City Club. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Melrose Avenue, near Beecher Street, Walnut Hills. Monday. Guckenberger Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westwood, O. Guckenberger Mr. and Mrs. Benj. McGregor Avenue,Mt. Auburn.

- 160 -- THE BLUE BOOK.

Guckenberger Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Southwest Corner Woodburn and Gilpin Avenues. Guthrie Rev. and Mrs. Wm. N. 388 Kemper Lane. Monday. -3f- Hall Rev. and Mrs. J. A. 379 Park Avenue. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Northeast Corner Oak and Glenway Avenues. Monday. Mr. G. C. Hllnna. Hochstetter Mr. R. W Southeast Corner Oak and Bellevue Avenues, Mt. Auburn. Miss Hochstetter, Messrs. Woo. and Henry W. Hurm Mr. Charles J. Nelson Avenue, Mt. Auburn. -8- James Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Reading Road. Thursday. Jones Mr. Edward The Auburn. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John E. Northeast Corner Woodburn Avenue and Chapel Street. Monday Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lal:z 1oJuneStreet. Monday. -~- Kittredge Mr. Edmund W. Southeast Corner Gholson and Washington Avenues, Avondale. . Thursday 'rhe Misses Kittredge, Messrs. Bernard S. and Edmund .J. Kittredge Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W East Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Korb Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fairfield Avenue. -t-

Le Cain Mrs. Eliza Garfield Place I near Race Street. Mrs. Charles F.

Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L y leburn Place I Clifton. Friday

- 161 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. -¥- Maddy Mr. and Mrs. J H. Central Avenue, near Taft Street. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynn 1832 Kinney Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. -@- Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fairfield Avenue, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. E. F. South Crescent Avenue, AvonClale. ., Thursday. Osborn Dr. and Mrs. S. J. St. James A venue. Monday. Dr. S. J., Jr. -'P- Parry Miss Emma Louise 1 Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 803 Gilbert Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. -1(- Resor Mr'. and Mrs. Chas. H. Purcell Avenue, Price Hill. Resor Mr. and Mrs. 1. Burnet Clifton Avenue, Clifton. ' Misses Fannie and Mary. Messrs. Walter G and Stanley B. Resor Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Jr. Clifton A ven ue, Clifton. Misses l\Iary Belle and Sallie, Messrs. Robt. L., Wm. S., Griffith L. and Cliff<>/.'d. -5- Spear Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Riddle Road, Clifton. Spear Mr. and Mrs. Theo. F­ Observarory Place, Mt. Lookout. -w- Werner Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W Linden Avenue, Clifton. Friday

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•• Bat81'81' .•

:F'ap~ies and Weddin~ l\eceptioIl,s .f1 ~pecialty. 318 EAST FOURTH STREET. N AMES OF COUNTRY PLACES.

"Beechwood"-Mr. and Mrs. M. E, Ingalls' hume on Walnut Hills "Beauvoir" -h; the name of the Morton home, at Kennedy Heights. "Breezelawn" -is the home of Mr. Charles Dav s. at Pleasant Ridge. "Baird Oak" - the beautiful place of Judge Sam'l F. Hunt Glendale. "Belsaw'·-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherlock's Clifton Place "Bishop'S Place" -is so called as it occupies the site of the residence of the late Right Rev. Bishop McIlivaine, of the Episcopal diocese of Ohio I t is the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perin. "Brightside" - the Charles Duhmes call their lovely Clifton place. "Cloverly"-Mr John C. Sherlock's beautiful home in Clifton. "Cote Bonville"-is the name of the handsome DuBrul place in Westwood. "Crescent Place"-is chiselled on the gate post leading to the beautiful home of Mr. Franklin Alter, in Avondale. " Dalvay" - Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald's Clifton Mansion. "East View"-is the home of Capt and ~rs. C. M. Holluway. "Edgewood '-Mr. and Mrs. A. E Burkhardt's home in Avondale. , Elmhurst"-Judge Hagan's country place near Chicago. "Enniskillen" - "J r. Richard Mitchdl has christened his home on Rose Hill, Avondale after the old Irish home of the Mitchells. "Fairview"-is the home of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Stephens in Avondale, "Grassmore"-is the name of Mr. Edward Sargent's place on the East Hill. "Gennes"-is the name of Dr. Reamy's home on Oak Street 'Glenhurst" the former home of the late Hon. George Pendleton, in Clifton. "Green Hill" ~ Mr J as. 'Morrison's Clifton home. Lafayette Circle. 'Greystone House' ·-Dr. Norton has named his new home in McGregor Park , Heart's Ease"-Mr. Loring Andr~w's home in Clifton. "Hill and Hollow" describes Mr. and Mrs Larz Anderson's home, on the East Hill, now occupied by the Franklyn Lawson's "Hopewell" -Mrs. John Winslow calls her grey stone palace "Ingleside '-Mrs Geo. W McAlpin's home in Clifton "Kenmont"-is the name of the summer home of Mr and Mrs. R. A. Holden, Jr., at Kennedy Heights "Lindencote"-Mr and Mrs. John Gates call their pretty Oak Street villa, "Lawriston"-is the name adopted by Mr. Chas. Law for his Clifton home. "Lone Oak '-the home of Mrs. Theo. Marsh, Hartwell. "Lindenview '-Mr. Henry Pogue's place on Walnut Hills "Manreh"-is the quaint title of the Herman Groesbeck place on the East Hill. "Maple Lawn"·-is the sumptuous home of Mr. and Mrs A. G. Corre, in Avondale "M~ple Lodge"-Mr. and Mrs Albert Mitchell s beautiful Avondale home. "Maxwelton"-Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Maxwell's house, Edgecliffe road, Walnut Hills - r65 NAMES OF COUNTRY PLACES

'~lelrose"--Mr. Jas. M~Keehan s place in Avondale. "Mille Roche"-Mr and Mrs L. A. Ault's Avondale home. "Morridge Hill" -the Charles Mendenhalls call their beautiful home on East Walnut Hills. . "Mearstead Place"-Mr. and Mrs. Doepke's place in 'Avondale "Monteith"-Col Wm. B. Smith's home at Mt. Lookout. . 'Mount Storm·'-Hon. Robt. B. Bowlt:'r's home in Clifton. "Nordhausen '-the home in Avondale of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Jelke. "Nestledown" - Mr. and Mrs Homer Wessel call their grey stone villa "New Edzell"-is the name of the .beautiful stone mansion built by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Worcester in Cliftoll, after the Scottish home of the Lindsays. "Oak Fields"-the home of Mr. John D. Stettinus, East Walnut Hills. "Oakwood"-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Probasco's manorial place in Clifton. "On the Heights' - the Nicholas Longworth place on the East Hill. "Red Glbles"-the Clifton mansion of the late Isaac M. Jordan, Esq. "Red Oak"-Charles W Baker calls his grey stone mansion on Reading Road. "Ross Lea" -the Graydons call thei,r beautiful Clifton home . . , Rookwood"-the name of the Longworth place, made world-famous by Mrs. Bellamy Storer who named her pottery after the old homestead. "Scarlet Oaks"-Mrs G K. Shoenberger's splendid Clifton home "Squirrel Inn" - Mr and Mrs. George Evans call their home in Clifton, from , Frank Stocton's novel. "Stonehedge" -Mr. and Mrs Harries call their unique Clifton home. "Sunnyside"-Mr. and Mrs. W H. Doane's beautiful Mt. Auburn home. "Sweet Home"-Mr. and Mrs O. J. Wilson's beautiful Clifton home. "The Pines"-Mr. and Mrs. John Kilgour call their grand. old place at Mt Lookout. . "The Lindens" -Mr. Godfrey Holterhoff's hom~ in Avondale. "The Locusts"-Mr. Jos. 'Wayne's Avondale home. "The Wold"-is the name of the grand old Scarborough. place on the East Hill. " Valley View"--is the name given by Mr and Mrs. George Hafer to their beau- tiful home on Washington Avenue, Avondale, the view of the Valley to the South being superb. • "Villa Rosemont '-the' artistic home of Mr and Mrs Geo. Bowen. Walnut Hills. named for his ancestral home in Virginia. "Wayside"-is the name of the home of )Ir. George Bassett, Gholson Avenue, Avondale. "Weebetook"-is the quaint name chosen for the grand old Harrison place, on the East Hill. . "West Glow"-The John Morrison place in Clifton. "Willow Springs"-is the name of the late Judge Johnston s former home in A vondale now occupied by Mr Oscar Rupel. At the foot of the hill is a spring of pure water overhung with a weeping willow. "Wintrebourne"-the Gest residence near Newport, Ky. "Wodens'on"-is the appellation chosen by Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Carew for their home 011 McMillan :::,.treet, Walnut Hills.



B. W. FOLEY Musical Director. OFFICERS.

ELLIOTT H. PENDLETON, PRESIDENT, Lincoln Inn Court. A. F. MAISH VICE-PRESIDENT. Sixth bet Jane and Baymiller Sts. R. M. BICKERSTAFF, SECRETARY, Pettibone Mfg. Co. I WM. A. LEMMON, TREASURER. Cashier Third Nat'l Bank. GEO. B. JENNINGS, LIBRARIAN, 12 E. Fourth, near Vine S~.



Allen, Miss Lucia. Fredin, lVIiss Blanche. NOl'velle, Miss Nellie. Andrews, Miss Edith. Freeman, Miss Zelia. Resor, .Miss Flmnie. Barrows, Miss Edith. 'Fillmore, Miss Adelaide M. Richardson, Mrs. S. M. Beach, Miss Lulu. Greve, Mrs. T. A. Schmid, Miss Anna. Bendmger, Miss Emma. Hall, Mrs. Joshua. Schmid, Mrs. Will. Boughner Miss Kathryn. Harbtson, Miss Georgia. Shaw, Mrs. Lida. Braunstein, Miss Theresa. Henn, Mrs. Frank G. Smith, Miss Alice. Burt, Miss Juliet. Higbee, Miss Grace. Sparks, Miss Martha. Butterfield, Miss Anna. Hughes, Miss Maggie. Steinmetz, Miss Marie. Coan, Miss Flora. Kendall, Miss Norma E. Stevens, 1\1rs. Burton. Coolidge, Miss Katherine. Kennedy, Mrs. Willis J. Stitchtenoth, Mrs. William. Coy, Miss Helen. Kerr, Mrs. Geo. A. Thomas Miss Isabell. Cline, Miss D. Maud. Lea, Miss Jean. Tuttle, Mrs Joseph. Clasgens, Miss Mary. Low, Miss Martha. Washington, Miss A. L. Crone, Miss Laura. Merk, Mrs. Katherine. Wiecher, Miss Anna. Dodd, Mrs. S. B. Morris, Miss Adele. Williams, Miss Gussie. Ehrgott, Mrs. Louis. Muller, Miss Jessie E. Worpenberg, Miss C.

ALTOS. Adelsdorfer, Mlss L. Hamilton, Miss Mary. Rob!Son, Mis Stella Becker, ,Miss L. Harrison, Mrs. Chas. L Shaffer, Mrs. W. J. Carr, Miss Augusta. Higdon, Mrs. S. W Skiff, Mrs. Harrv W. Caruthers, Miss Bettie. Hinkle. Miss Helen. Sparrow, Mrs. William Oanziger, Miss Hulda. Hunter, Miss Lillian. Stanwood, Mrs. James B. Doughty, Miss Harriet. Morris, Miss Maud. Strauss Miss Minnie Fisher, Mrs. S. A. Muller, Miss Natalie. Townley, Miss Emma. Glatz, Miss Emma. Murray, Mrs. Chas. E. Turner. Miss Fanny. Gould, Miss Katherin(>. Nicholson, Miss Mamie. V oss, Miss Gertrude. Glaeser, Miss Hulda. Nolan, Miss Mary. White, Mrs. Emma. Hamer, Miss Olive. Robinson, Mrs. Chas. Wilcox, Miss Grace.

TENORS. Bartlett, Chas. Higdon, S. W. Spinning. H L. Brandenburg, C. B. Lemmon, W. A. Steinle, G. H. Darrow. E. Moore, J.J. Stevens, C. B. Doughty Chas. L. ~ick, Walter. Storey. Richard. Garner, Chas, L. Roberts, E. E. Wilby, Jos. Hier, W. G. Robinson,'Chas. H.


Baer, Geo. Hargrave, Julius B. Merten, W. H. Bendinger, J. A Harrison, C. L Miller,Jno H. Bickerstaff, R. M. Hinkle, Fred. W. Nicholson, S. S. Burgoyne, L W Jennings, Geo. B. Pendleton, E. H. Callahan, J. R. Kaefer, W. Simmons, R. C. Chatfield, A. H. Klein. J. T. Steinle, Valentine. Davis, Chas. L. Larkin. Albert M. Taaffe, Hamilton B. Dillon, R. A. Leach, Geo. H. Tebbs, A. L. French, Herbert G. Loomis, H T. Theising, Winfield W. Griffiths, W. G. Maish, A. F.


ESTABLISHED IN I867. A THOROUGH MUSICAL EDUCATION AFTER THE METHODS OF FOREMOST EUROPEAN CONSERVATORIES. Students from the city and vicinity, as well as those from abroad can enter at any time during the SCHOOL YEAR AND SUMMER TERM. Young ladies in the Home Department are under the personal supervision of the Directress. For Catalogue, address MISS CLARA HAUR, Fourth and Lawrence Streets Cincinnati. O.



ACTIVE MEMBERS. Miss Laura Allen. Mrs. Frank B. Finnev. Miss Helen C. Nathan. M iss Martha Allen. Miss Wanda D. Follett. Miss Caroline D. Parke. Mrs. J K Broekhoven. Miss Anna E. Griffiths. Miss Fannie Resor. Miss Georgine G Brown. Mrs. L. M. Hosea. Miss Emma L. Roedter. Mrs. Jacob Bloom. Miss A~nes Hochstetter. Miss Blanch Randall. Miss Amelia Bleach. Miss Madie Holmes. Miss Ida M. Smith. Mrs. A. H. Chatfield. Miss Helen Hinkle. Mi!>s Marie SchwiIl. Miss Flora D. Coan. Miss Josephine Holbrook. Miss Elsie Schwill. Miss Anna Coan Mrs. Chas. Harrison. Miss Fannie Stone. Miss Ethel Chamberlain. Miss Alfaretta G. Hill. Miss Helen Speidel. Mrs. C. W. Dodd. Mrs. C. B. Johnson. Miss Alice Steine. Miss Anna Dickman. Miss Amy Kolfer. Mrs. Wm. H. Taft. Miss Elise Dorst. Miss Josephine Kilb. Miss 'Lillian S. Tyler. Miss Jennie Elsner. Mrs Corinne M.Lawson'. Miss Helen Sparman. Miss Blanch S. Ebbert. Miss Lena Lanbach. Mrs. Emma Von Seggern. Mrs. Geo. B. Ehrman. Miss Stella Lipman. Mrs. C. B. Wright. M iss Ida Ewing. Miss Almeda F. Mann. Mrs. Joseph Wilby. Miss Aline Fredin. Mrs. Jennie Maier. Miss Minna Wetzler. * Deceased. DH~ID DH~IS,

TEACHER OF Singing and Haf1mony,

-- ADDRESS, -- 34 East Fourth St. and 1514 Baymiller St., •'ti. 0.

LADIES' JUNIOR MU'SICAI-J CLUB. ORGANIZED JANUARY 26, 1895. Place of meeting. Woman's Club Rooms, Perin Building.

Time of Meeting, Second Saturday of the Month, at 2 P M.


ACTIVE MEMBERS. Miss Christine.Armstrong Miss J :!nnie Irdell. Miss Bessie Langdon. Miss Martha Breneman. Miss Elizabdh ShiIIito. Miss Mabel Stevens. Mic;s Helen Breneman. Miss Mary Shillito. Miss Pauline Wessel. Miss Ruth Buck. Miss Beatrice Shillito. Miss Alice Dougla<;s. Miss Lorene Ault. Miss Mildred Shillit'1. Mi",s Anna Bell Bragg. Miss Fannie Dickson. Miss Florence Laws Miss Eleanor Stone. Miss Marjorie Bassett. Miss Roberta Griffi tho Mr. J. BradfJrd Laws. Miss Mary Ernst. M iss Delphine Ramohoff. Mr.' H.Langdon. Miss Ethel Benton. Miss Gertrude Wheeler. Mr. Chester A. Peebles. :.vr:ss Mary K~llogg. Mis.; Elinor Storie. Mr. Nelson Peebles.




Endowed by R. R. Springer. Jos. Longworth, John Shillito. David Sinton and others, is not a school conducted for profit but is a public institution, whr).';e entire income is devoted to instruction and cultivation in thp, art oj mw~ic and collateral branches stich as dramatic action, modern languages. and elocu_ tion. It is open throughout the year. and pupils may enter any day. The Co!­ lege Buildings adjoin the magnificent Music Hall, and contain forty class and study-rooms. libraries. waiting-rooms, offices, et~. They also comprise two ad­ mirable Concert and Recital Halls, the Odeon and Lyceum. STRiCTLY EDUCATlQNAL. Incorporated by the Gell.eral Assembly of the State of Ohio No DIVIDEND CAN BE DECLARED to stockholders.


~ 17 1 COLLEGE CLUB. ]>-<95-6.


Name. College. Name Coll~ge. Allison Mary Young, Wellesley. Kennedy Jessie Graddy, Vassar. (Mrs. M . .B Allison.) Kittredge Anna M. Girton. Amberg Helen M., Oberlin. Lupton Katharine M., Vassar. (Mrs 1. LAmberg.) MacMillan Mary Louise, Bryn Maur. Banning Jessie Clinton, Vassar. McKee Jeanie D., Vassar. (Mrs. Leland Banning.) Miller Adt>laide. Wellesley. Bremfoerder Ada F Vassar. Mullikin Katherine, Bigelow Margaret Doane, Oberlin University of Cincinnati. (Vlrs. H. ~ Bigelow.) Noonan Alice Murray, Bond Corella M., Welle!'l~y. University of Cincinnati. Boswell Louise, Wdlesley. (Mrs. J. J. Noonan.) Brown Mary A., Oskam~) Nettie, University of Cincinnati. (Mrs. Edward M. Brown.) Peck Edith Mar,Y, Collins Catherine Ross, Wellesley. University of Cincinnati. De Luce Mary Louise, Pritchard Evelyn, University of Cincinnati. Uniwrsity of Cincinnati Donnelly A lice M , • Rawson Helen Francis: Vassar. University of Cincinnati. Sage Helen F. Vassar. Foley Emily Howard, Wellesley. Schneider Marie S. Vassar. Gamble Mary Huggins, Smith. Schoff Alicia M., University of Michigan. (Mr D. B. Gamble.) Schofl' Amy Lawrence, Hamilton .Anne Shaw, Vassar. University of Cincinnati. Hickcnlooper Sarah Smith, Wellesley. Sirnpson Anrye Taylor, Bryn Maur. Holden Grace Hillyer. Va~sar. (Mrs. F. H. Simpson.) (Mrs. R. A. Holden, JI.) Simrall Jost'phine Price: Wellesley. Hollister Ella S. Vassar. Strong Eliza McCretn. Va~sar. Isham Mary K., Wellesley. (Mrs. J. H. ·Strong.) 1e1ke I sabel Vassar. Thorne Sophie L. Wellesley. "Kellugg Elizabeth Rockey, Welle·sley. WOMAN'S ART CLUB. OFFICERS. MARY SPENCER, President. DIXIE SELDEN, Secretary. MEMBERS. Baily, Euphemia Haydock, Atha. Raymond, Carlutta A. Baurer, Pauline Peters. Hereford. Eudora Roberts, Clemmie A. Bredin Christine S. Hoffmann. Clara. Selden, Dixie. ('a~sady, Cornelia Stuart. Holtt rhoff Ida. Sheerer, Mary G. Frank, Pauline. Kennett, Grace. Spencer, Mary. Frv. Laura A. Lehmer, Caroline. Sykes, Annie G. Fl~lton, Mary Leeds. Lord, Caroline A. Trivett, Mary. Gray. Abby. MacDougal, Louise Fisher. Wilson, Henrietta. Guysi, Alice Viola. Miller, Kate Reno. Wilson, Kate. Guysi, Jeannette. Newton, Clara C. Honorary Member. Nourse, Elizabeth Paris, France.


CINCINNATI WOMAN'S CLUB. "Let us be such as help the Ufe of the Future. "-ZOROASTf£R 1895--1896 Rooms, Peri'1 Bldg. N W Cor. Fifth and Race Sts

OFFICERI3. MISS ANNIE LAWS, PRESIDENT. VlcE-PRESIDf£NTS: MRS. KATE D. HINKLE. MRS. SUSANNAH GEST. MRS. CAROl.. INE M. HULBERT. MRS. KATHERINE B. YERGASO~ MISS CLARA CHIPMAN NEWTON, REC. SECRETARY. MRS. L UClE RUSSELL RAWSON COR SECRETARY. MRS. MARGARET C. MOREHEAD, TREASURER. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Mrs. Matthew Addy. Mrs. Edward M. Brown. Miss Celia Doerner. Mrs. E. D. Albro. Mrs. M. L. Buchwalter. Mrs Arthur F. Devereux. Mrs. Larz Anderson Mrs. A D. Bullock. Mrs. Wm. Denison DubIe Miss Sarah J. Armstrong. Mrs.Leopold Burckhardt. Miss Charlotte Duhme. Miss Nellie Babbitt. Mrs. Grant H Burrows. Mrs. William H. Dunham. Miss Clara Langdon .Bailey. Mrs Pitts H Burt. Mrs Howard Eckert. Miss Francis M Banks. Mrs. Pierce J. Cadwallader. Mrs. George B. Ellard. Mrs. Clement Bates. Mrs. John Carlisle. Mrs Thomas G. Emery. Mrs. W. R. Benedict. Miss Pearl Carpenter. Mrs. Lowe Emerson. Mrs A. A. Bennett. Mrs. John S. Conner. Miss Field. Mrs. H. Billing-. Mrs. E. W Coy. Miss Elsie C. Field. Mrs. L. C. Black. Mrs. Charles D. Crank. Mrs. Richard Folsom. Miss Eleanor Bradford. Mrs. Henry Melville CurtisMrs Anna Haines Foster. Mrs. T. C. Bradford. Mrs. Marv T. W. Curwen. Mrs Thomas ~'rench, Jr. Mrs. William J. Breed. Mrs. William Henry Davis.Miss Laura A. Fry Mrs.William E. Brotherton Mrs George W. DeGoyler.Miss Mary C. Gallagher. - 173- The Nelson Basiness College Co. Edu'2ates Boys in English, Modern Languages and Business, and young peJple of both sexes for the higher walks of business life. Numerous circulars give particulars. OFFICE, FOURTH AND WALNUT.

CI NCINNATI WOMAN'S CLUB . Mrs. M. E Ingalls. Mrs. Frank L. Perin. Mr. John W Balley. Mrs. Franklin Ives. Mrs. A. H. Pugh. . Mr Pierce J; Cadwallader. Mrs. Davis L. James. Mrs. Edward·Rawson. Mr. Richard Folsom. Mrs. N. A. Jeffras Mrs. Joseph Rawson. Mr A Howard Hinkle. Mrs. Chapman Johnson. Mrs. O. J. Renner. Mr. Harry L. Laws Mrs. W. H Jones Mrs. B. Merrill Ricketts Mr. Henry B. Morehead. Mrs. C P Ju'lkins Mrs. H. C. Robbins. Mr Melville E. Ingalls. Mrs. Chas H. Kellogg. Mrs. Chas. D. Robertson. Mr. John Omwake Mrs. Andrew C Kemper. Mrs. Edward P. Rogers. Mr. Joseph Rawson \1 iss Hannah B. King. Mrs C. A. Sanders. Mr . Charles A. Sanders. Miss Therese Kirchberger.Mrs. ~~. B. Sargent Dr. H. A. Smith .. Miss Oltilie H Krebs. Mrs. Fred. A. Schmidt. Mr Joseph Wayne Mrs. P H. Kumler. l\lrs. Wm. F. Shultze. Mr. H. C. Yergason. Mrs: Perin Langdon. Mrs. W W ~e:ly. CORIIESPONDING MEMBERS. Mrs. A. Langenbeck Mrs. Murray Slupley. Miss Carrie N. Vtthrop Mrs. Cha~. B. Simrall. Mrs Wm. E. Waters, Mrs James H. Laws. Miss Josephine P. Simrall. W.ells Col~ege, Aurora N.Y. M~s Ha~ry L. Laws. Mrs. Fayette Smith. MISS Clanssa Ge~~,. . M 1:>S Allce Laws Mrs. Harry R. Smith. Lock Box 373 Cmcmnab· Miss Annie Laws. Mrs. H. A. Smith. HONORARY MEMBERS. Mrs. Robert F Leaman. Mrs. W. O. Sproull. Mrs. Mary P. Hart, Miss Annie K. Lewis Mrs. James B. Stanwood. Glendale. O. Mrs Franklin H Lawson. Mrs. Frederick A. Steele. Mrs .•John James Piatt, Mrs. LeBoutiller, Sr. Miss Lucia Stickney. Washington, D. C. - l74- G. P. 4LTEN13ERG & CO., EJiilR~eFs sRd EJFC!J~eFS 35 E. THIRD STREET, CINCINNATI, O. STOCKS. B0NDS. PRO~ISIONS. CR~IN. COTT0N. COMMERCI~L P~PER. COLLHTER:J:.(L L0~NS. ~- Private Wires to Members of New York St6ck Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cotton Exchange. QUEEN CITY CLUB, COR· SEVENTH AND ELM STS.

OFFICERS A T. GOSHORN, President. STEWART SHILLITO, Vice-President G EO F. MEYERS, Secretary. JULIUS DEXTER, Treasurer. F. G. ROELKER, Librarian.


BOARD OF GOVERNORS ..1. T. Carew, Edw. Colston, S. M. Felton, Alfred Gaither, Geo. N. Stone, A. H. Pugh, Ralph Peters. MEMBERS. Addy Matthew Anderson Dr. J. L. AuU L A. Ballman F. H Alden F. H. Anderson Larz *Bacon E. R. *Barnard C. A. Alms F. H. Anderson V. W. Bailey John W. Barrett Wm. M. Alms Wm H Anderson W P. Bab.lman F. E. {,';Beggs John 1. It Alexander Geo. Andrews Loring Baker C. W· *Bell C. E. Altenberg Geo. P. Armstrong G.W.Jr. Baldwin F H. Bell Chas. W. Anderson Chas. Jr. Arnold Brent Balke Julius Bell C. Wright Anderson D. C. A ult L. D. *Balke R. F. Bennett F. W. * Non resldellt. 175 - "QUAKER BREAD" Made froID Pure Liquid Malt. Improved Salt Rising, Vienna, Rye, and other Breads. QUAKER BREAD THE FINEST MADE. SOLD AT All GROCERIES. 411-413-415 Richmond Street, CINCINNATI, O. SENT BY EXPRESS WITHIN A RADIUS OF 100 MILES. Telephone 7557

'iEJ.EPHON£, 537

819 VI NE STREET, f) I el ~ r A"TI r-.. NEAR NINTH, ~ N H~ tV. RfSIDENCE PLUMBING 7CI SpeCIALTy. Seals ana Fine Furs Quinine RElIDodEllEld to thEl 1atElst Hair Promoter! ! sty1El at 10WElst cost, Prevents the hair from fall­ New SE!al Garments made to order. ing out and restores gray hair to its natural color. Theo. k)ie~pich, Fuppie:rr, Fifty Cents. N. W. CORNER SEVENTH AND ELM STREETS, JOHN C. OTIS & CO , ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE. C INC INN A T I. 0 H I O. Druggists, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Vine Sts. JOHN H. DE CAMP, -7IItRNUFRCTURER OF- STEAMBOAT FURNITURE. - RL.SO- HousahoIa UvnoIslaring ana Havairs, Folding Chairs and Tables FOR RENT in Large or Small numbers. TEL. 816 413 E:A:ST FRONT STREET. - 176 - QUEEN CITY CL.UB ~ Berkeley Ed. F.,Jr. *Dye John T. Hall W. P. Laidlaw Robert Black L. C. Dymond Richard Hall E. C. Laidley F. A Bliss E. F. Earley S. P. *Halstead Albert Langdon Perin Bohrer Geo. H Edwards D G. Halstead Marshal Lane H. M. Bosworth Chas. A. Egan Thos P. Harding Chas M LaRue F. W. Bowler R. B. Ellis W H. Harrison L. B. Law Chas. H. Bovd Edward Ellis Frank Harrison E. Pitts Laws Harry L. Boyden H. P Elliott J. F Hart Edward A. Lawton L. C. Bradford E. F. Ellison J. D. .. Harvey C. C. Lee Frank A. Rreed W J. Emerson H D. Hearne L. E. 7 Leeds W. B. Breed W. D. Emerson Lowe Heath Perry S. *Leonard Jno. H. Brice C. S Emery J. J. Heinsheimer E. L. Lewis W. H. *Brice S. M. Emery T. J. Helm F. P Levassor L. E. "'Hrockelbank J. C. Enger F. J Henry W. D. Levy James *Brockenbrough L. Espy James Hickenlooper A. Levy H. M. Brooks Lee H Evans George W. ilHicks James Lindley Chas. N. Brown T F. Evans Oscar C. Hill George H. Loper G. Weaver Browne Wallace F. *Ewing Geo. W. Hinkle A. H.Longworth N. Brunswick B. H. Fechheimer J S. *Hinkle Charles M. *Loomis Francis R Hullock Geo. Fechheimer S. M. Hinkle 1 hornton Mack Thomas A Burkhardt A. E. Felton S. M. Hofer Chas. F. Maddux L. O. Burt Pitts H. Ferguson E A. Holmes D. H. J. Markbreit L. Hurton C. H.Field W. H Holloway C M. Martin D. B. Burton S R. *Fitzhugh C. L Hooker J J. Matthews C. B. CaldweH Jno. A. Fleischmann Chas Hopple R. B. Maxwell L .. Jr Campbell B. W. Fleischmann Julius Howard Geo A. McAlpin William Campbell Jas. E. Fogg Arthur L. it Howard Chas. I-I. Mc·Cor.mi~k E. O. Campbell W. H. Foley B. W Howe C. L. ~cDonald Alex. Carew J T. Foraker J. B. Howell D. L. ' McDowell J. J Can Alvin Foster Jos. C. *Hughes J. H. McGowan Jno. H. Carpenter W B. - Foster ~. C Hulbert l:l. C. McKeehan ,Samuel ilCatrow N. J. Foulds F. W. *Hull L. L. McKinney Rob't c. Carroll Richard ";"Frankel Henry U. Hunt Samuel McLean "Jno. R. Chambliss Geo. S, *Fra:lier Henry", Hunt Samuel F. McRae M A. Chatfield A. H. Freiberg J. Walter Hunt W. L f,. Kilgour C. H Mitchell A. H. Dexter Julius Gordon Alexander Kilgour John Mitchell F. P. ·Ditty R. M. Goshorn A. T. Kinney C D. Mitchell R. H. Doane W .. H. Goshorn E. C Kinney Dwight Mitchell Walter J. Dolph A. M Greene W. M. Kleybolte Albert Mo oney James h. Douglass Howard Granger W. L. Kleybolte L. Morehead' H. B. Du Brul Napoleon Griffiths Geo R. Kleybolte Rudolph Morrison Thomas Duhme Chas. H. Guthrie J. V Knopf Samuel Mosby J. B Durrell ehas. W. Hadcock John *Knott S. H.. Mullane A. J. Durrell J05. E. Hafer George Koehler R. A. .Murphy Dr. J A. 177 - QUEEN CITY CLUB (CONTINUED.) Murphy S. M Ratterman F. L. *ShoenbergerW. H. Vollmer Adolph Murray O. G. Rawn Ira G. Sinton David Voorheis A. B. Neal J as E R awson Warren Skinner S. W. Warrington .lno W N eave Halstead Rawson Joseph Smith H. F. Wayne Joseph W Neff'Dr Wallace )fRay Frank H. Smith Jackson Webb W. F. -Neilson Charles Reed Dr, C. A, L "Smith L. S. Weir F. C Newton Geo. G. *Rennick M. W Sorg Paul J. Weir L. C Osborn E, F. Rhodes Joseph H. Stallo E. K. Whinery Samuel Parker J. D. Rinearson W. C. St~arns E. R. White M. M. *Parker C, M Ringgold F. G. Stem Arthur ·White F. T. ·Parkinson R. H, Roelker F. G Stephens Chas. H. Wiborg F. B. *Patterson Jno. S. Roelker H G. Stern A. S. Wilshire Geo. P. Paxton Thos' R Rosenbaum H. Stettinius J. L. * Wilson Robert Peabody W. WRoth E N. Stettinius Henry Wilson E. P Peabody W. W., Jr. Roth J. B. Stevens G W Woodford M D, Pearce, T. C. Rothier Frank A ·Stevens Geo W. Woods H. F. Peebles Tos S. Rowe Casper H. Stewart Wm.'H. Woods John S. *Perin Nelson Rowe Wm S Stone George N. Woods Wm. Perin Frank L. Ryan Michael Storer Bellamy. Wood Joseph Perin Clifford Saylor T. R. Stribley George S Workum T. L. Perkins Geo G. Schmid lapp J. G. Strobridge Nelson Worthington Edw 'Peters Ralph Scarlett J. A Stuart W. A Worthington Wm. ·Pierson P E. Senior E. Sutphin I. V. Wright l'lifford B. Powell James Schaff C. E Taft tharles P. ;';Wright .J. V. Power W. H. Sherlock J C, Taylor W W. Wulsin Drausill *Price J. W ShiIlito' Stewart Thrasher Dr: A B. Wulsin Lucien Procter Harley T. Shillito Wallace Townley J. A Yergason H. C. Procter W. A. Shillito Gordon *Tracy F E Yeiser H C Procter Wm. C. Shinkle Bradford Urner Henry C. Ziegler H. M Pugh A. H. *Shipherd John J. Van der Stuck en F. Zimmerman E. Raidy M.

THE NEW PULLMAN Compartment Sleeping Cars,

CINCINNATI TO CHICAGO, C. H. & D. RY. These cars are the finest that have ever bef'n turned out of the Pullman shops. and Rre dupli­ cates of the magnificent cars or the New York and Chicago Limited. They are divided into nlnf' rooms. f'ach k==~======!·. room containinJr a double )owf'r and upper herth of the pattern used in the open sleeping car. The rooms are much larger tban tbe state­ rooms in the largcst steamsbips; each room being furnished in a different colored tapE'stry from its neigbbor, and containing a wash-stand, wbich is built into one corner. This wasb-stand is arranged so that really a receptacle for hats, bon:nets and small article!>; a]so containing a clothes brusb baIr brush, comb, etc., and by pulling down tbe metnl handle a large silv.,!, wash basin is brought into position, and rigbt abovo the bal'in are two fau('ets. one for hot anr} the other for cold water. In addition to tbis is 1\ faucet connecting witb a drinking fountain of ice water. In tbe other corner of the room is a handsomely cushioned seat, \\ hicb can be turned to one side, exposing, the closet. . Electric bells and every convenience tbat can possibly be crowded into 8. hotel-room are in these compartments. Tbe prices are the same as in tbe standard Ollen sleeping car. ami onr patrons have the choice. as we run one car of each pattern on every nigbt'train of tbe C. H. a: D. and Monon, between Cincinnati and Cbicago, both to accommodate those wbo do not know tbe advantages of tbe new car and prefer tbe old style on accollnt of familiarity with them, and to enable us. except in great rushes, to give everyone a JowE'r berth. D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger Traffic Manaarer, CinCinnati, o. - 178 - THE RIDING CLUB OF CINCINNATI.

Club House, Helen Street, Mt. Auburn.






~n.ick..erbock..e:r Brace. A Real Brace. Shoulder Brace and Suspender Combined.

A PERI<'I<;CT SKIRT Sup­ PORTER for Women. rHYSICIANS Everywhere RECOMMEND THEM. EASILY ADJUSTED and WOR:I! with COMFOKT. ALL SIZES, for men, Wo­ mell. Boys and Gil'ls WM. AUTENRIETH, 13 East Sixth St. Manufacturer of Surgical and Orthopoedical Instruments. FREDERICK .L\. SCHMI DT, (Fornlerly ESTE & SCHMIDT,' REAL ESTATE AGENT AND AUCTIONEER, Loans negotiated at Lowest Rates. Management of Property and Collection of Rents a Specialty. ~o charge for attending to Repairs, Insurance, Taxes, etc· Property in all parts of the City and Suburbs for Sale or Rent. FREDERICK A. SCHMIDT, Telephone 694. 34 West Fourth Street. MRS P. MYRICK, KREUL BROS. HAS OPENED HER DrBSS - maRing - Parlors Ma~ers ofVIOli NS and CfllOS Repairers of AT 18 GARFIELD PLACE. BRASS AND REED INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL BOXES, ftc Would be glad to see my old patron.~ 215 W. Fourth St., in my new quarters Between Elm and Plum Streets, Second Floor.





- 181 - I. N. M[LLER, Pres. C. E. PAGE, Sec'y and Treas. Ohio Messenger and Telegraph Co. Operated In connection with 0 "111\.1' h'" The Western Union Tel~graph Co. pen.M. ~~lg ~. TELEPHONE 1974. 409 Vi ne st .. DONlT STAY AT HOME because you bave no BEAUX. We furnisb Trained and Uniformed Messengers for Escorts, or to Deliver Notes, Packages, Invitations, act as Doorkeepers, assist at Receptions, Parties, Balls, etc.· in sbort, they are bandy for any kind of an errand. If you want some one to "pop the question" for you, our boys will perform tbe service at a low price per hour THE OHIO MESSENGER & TELEGRt\.PH CO. Telephone 1974. 409 Vine St., CINCINNATI, O. PtiOENIX lVlUTUALl uIFE INS. co. ROBERT N. FRYER, Gen. Agt., Southern Ot1io and Kentucky" 203 NEAVE BLDG, CINCINNATI, O. Cash, Loan and Paid-Up Values Guaranteed in the Policy. Female Risks over 20 years of age accepted. L. H REED,

-0F -

~ Kid and Satin Shoes, "'" @ Ostrich Feathers, ~V OFFICE AT THE @ ~ (uyJi3 s= I;}erveri1l0I) € ° IDF'er I).,Y , 30 and 32 East Foutrth Sttreet, Cincinnati, = = Ohio.

- ·182 - UNIVERSITY CLUB. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Andersvn George N. Helm C. J. Paxton Thomas B. Anderson Robert Clough Herron John W., Jr. Pendleton Elliott Hunt. Andrews F. Van Dyke Hertenstein Fred Perin Frank Langdon Avery Charles Hammond Hoadley Edward M. Price Clarence Baldwin Ward Hoadly Gtorge, Jr. Price Victor Taylor Bassett George P., Jr. Holland James E Rachford B. K. Berry Shaler Holden Reuben A. Ramsey William W. Billings Oliver C. Hollister Howard C. Rawson Edward S. Blake Charles G. Holmes John R. Roelker Frederick G. Brannan Joseph D. Holt Albert S J. Roelker Henry G. Brown Charles E Holterhoff Charles R. Ryan George William Brunning Francis Huntington Frank Sargent Edward Bartow Bullock George Huntington Lowell F. Sattler Robert Butler Joseph C Jackson William H. Scarborough Francis W. Cabell Joseph H. J ames Francis B. Scarborou~ b J. Van Buren Cahill Franklin T. Jones Charles D. Seely W. W. Caldwell John A. Jones Frank J. Shafer Frank H. Calhoun Gouverneur Jones Walter St. John Shillito Stewart Campbell John V. Johnson George W. ShoemakPr 1\1 ichael M. Cleveland J. Harland Judkins William Tyson Skinner Samuel W. Carter Robert Inglee Kelley Thomas H. Smith Harry Tomilson Coles Walter S. Keys John Baker Smith Rufuws Biggs Conner P. S. King Rufus B. Smith Samuel W., Jr. Crawford ). M. Kittredge· BerI}ard S. Schmidt Herman Bernard Dana George F. Kittredge William G. Stallo Edmund K. Davis Clark W. Lehmer Charles Stem Arthur Davis David J. Lemon Henrv D. Stoehr Oscar Davis Nathan el H. Le wis George W. Strong Edward W. Dawson Joshua M. Lincoln John L. Suire Frank Overton Dexter Julius Littletord William Taft Charles Phelps Ernst Alexander B. Livingood Charles Jacob Taft William Howard Espy Arthur Longworth Nicholas Wald Gustavus Henry Evans Jason Loveland' Frank O. Walker CIa!', nee H. Foster William L .. Mack Thomas A. Wallingford B. A. Jr. Foraker· Joseph B., Jr. M acneale ' James Donald Warrington John W. Garrard ]eptha Matthews Mortimer White Joseph E. Gholson Edwin Maxwell WiJ:iam K. Wiedemann George, Jr. Glenn Wilmer D. Morrison James Kennedy Wilder Slephen Hill Goodman William A. Morrison William P. Williams William M. Greve Charles T. Mussevw William L. Wilshire George Potter Groesbeck Herman J. Neave Joseph Swan Winslow Howard S. Halstead Marshal Neff C. Gordon Winslow J oh'n Finck Harrison Charles L. Neff Richard Wayne Worthington William Hassaurek Frank Neff Wallace Wright Clifford Bailey Hart Edward A. Osborn Louis E. Wright Daniel Thew, Jr. Hayes W. F. Parkinson GeOJ;:ge B.

NON-RESIDEN'l' MEMBERS ~ , Alexander Henry E Heighwa.y Archibald E. Scarborough Theodore W. Bowler Robert Bonner Hinkle Charles Mills ,Thayer John Atkinson Bullock James Wilson Langdon Daniel W., Jr. Von Steinwehr W. Cole Charles D. M. McLaren lohn P. Wadsworth W. H. Cooper Leon Huxley Moore Philip North, Wright Glen Greave~ William F. Nipgen Alvin P. Wright Julian Vallette Harmon Judson Procter Percy - 183- DAUGHTfRS Of THf AMtRICAN RtVOlUTION. CINCINNATI CHAPTER.

REGENT OF OHIO, MRS. A. HOWARD HINKLE. Mr". Wm P. Judkins, Regent. Mr E. L Thomas, Vice-Regent. Mr... Frank W Wilson Registrar. Miss Mary T. Harrison, Treasurer. Miss Georgia Aldrich, Custodian. Miss Wm. B. Davis, Historian. Miss Mary C. Richardson, Cor. Sec. Miss Alice Laws, Rec. Sec. MEMBERS. Aldrich Miss Georgia M. Hargrave Mrs. Lydia Perry Ambrose Miss Lucy Daugherty Harrison Miss Emma Andrews Mrs. Mary Amelia Canfield Harri30n Miss Mary Torrence Arnold Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Harrison Mrs. Sallie E. Bailey Mrs Clara Langdon Heming-ray Mrs. Clara Keck Bowler Mrs. Alice Bernard Hicks Mrs. Augusta Ishanl Bradford Mrs. Mildred Taylor Hinkle Mrs. Kate Davis Brannan Mrs. Julia Gorham Hinkle Miss Katherine Davis Breneman Mrs. Eunice Sw-ift Hodgson Miss Sara Broadwell Mrs. Marie Haines Nixon Hopple Mrs. Sara Hanna Buchanan Mrs. Mary Perin Hollister Miss Ella Strait Burns Louisa Latham Devereux Howe Miss Persis Putnam Burton Mrs. Jennie Langdon Hubbs Miss Jane _ Bushnell Mrs. Ellen Ludlow Hudson Mrs. Mary Patton. Cad wallader Mrs. Ella Bacon Hulbert Mrs. Caroline Matilda Carroll Mrs. Mdry Arabella Hunt Mrs, Martha Trotter' . -Carroll Mi.;s N annie Foster Jenny Mrs. Mary Perry_ Carson Miss Jane Findlay Judkins Mrs Nellie Anderson Cilley Miss Mabel Keifer Mrs. Julia A. Conner Mrs. Levietta Bartlett Kendrick Mrs. Sarah Anderson Davis Mrs. Katherine Landon King Mrs. Louise Este Devereux Miss Francis Marion Laws Miss Annie Dimond Mrs Harriet Bushnell Le Boutillier Mrs. Lucy Goodman Doughty Miss Hllrriette Lloyd Miss Marguerite" Dought.y Mrs Mal tha Guthrie McCagg Mrs. Marie 'rherese Davis Eaton Miss Marv McFadden Mrs. Florence Dewitt Ely Mrs. Agatha' Eustice McLean Mrs. Sarah Kilbreth Farrell Mrs. Sultana Sebree MacMullin Mrs. Belle Matthews Forcheimer Mrs. Edith Perry .M atthews Mrs. Ida Farrell Foster Mrs. Abbie Fiske Martin Mrs. Neva Weir Foster Miss Anna Haine; Monfort Miss Hannah Louise Foster Mrs. Francis Mary Livingston Monfort Miss Mary Este Foster Miss J uUa Resor Monf01 t Miss Adelaide Hubbard Foster- Miss Lily Broadwell Montgomery Mrs. Martha Pitts Harrison Garrard Miss .t\nna Knapp Morehead Mrs. Margaret Congar Garrard Miss Edith ,Morgan Mrs. Eliza Bushnell Gates Mrs. Lilly Langdon Morrison Mrs. Caroline Putnam Goodman Mrs. Grace Griswold Morton Mrs. Mary Loomis Goodman Miss Kitty Piatt Murphy Mrs. Caroline Winston Menzies Goodman Mrs. Mary- Wright Murphy Miss Mary Greve Mrs, Harriet Fisher Newton Miss Clara Chipman Groesbe:k Mrs. Elizabeth Perry O'Shaughnessy Mrs. Lucile Bondurant Groesbeck Miss Elizabeth Granville Peale Miss Katherina Anna Halstead Mrs Rowena Smith Peters Mrs. Elenor Hartshorn Hanna Mrs. Margaret Stt'phens0n Perin Mrs. Matilda Hulbert Hanna Miss Martha Prague Miss Elizabeth Pretlow Hanna Miss Mary McCune Prague Mrs. Mary Edna SOUTHERN GRANITE CO., LIGHT GRAY GRANITE

-FOR- BuiIaing ana monumental WorK.

The Confederate Monument in Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, and the Henry W. Grady Monument in Atlanta, Ga., were quarried and cut at our works.

QUARRIES, MAIN OFFICE,WIGGINS BLOCK. LITHONIA, GA. CINCINNATI, O. 185 - DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (CONTINUED) Saunders Miss Betty Washington Thornton Mrs Marv Francis Deraismes Sea Mrs. Eleanor Seymour Van Voast Mrs. Virginia Moss Harris Smith Miss Hattie B. Van Voast M iss V irginia Remsen Smith Miss Laura Mav Wiborg Mrs. Adeline Sherman Stewart Mrs. Helen Morgan Whelpley Mrs. Kate Resor Stewart Mrs. Harriet Rebecca Torrence Williams Miss Hannah Frances Thomas Mrs. Isabella Isham Wilson Mrs. Julia Guthrie Thoms Miss Eunice Yergason Mrs. Katherine Bartlett Thoms Mrs. Mary Swift OH 10 SOC I ETY SONS OF THE REVOLUTION.

Dr. Gustavus Scott Franklin Briggs Swift Cunningham Edward Lowell Anderson Caleb Bentley Matthews Achilles Henry Pugh Frank Hathaway Kemper Davis Carneal Anderson Edward Payson Martin Dr. Joseph Edward Boylan John Davis Morgan George Eltweed Pomeroy Asa Bushnell Morgan Robert Nelson McConnell Edwin Forest Smith Wilbur Taylor ELdridge Ephraim Cutler Dawes Carlton Taylor Nelson Wade Cushing Howard Burdett Ne1son Howard Watson Kemper John Nelson Eldridge Samuel Smith Godley Robert Scott Franklin Frederic Candee Weir Henry Wills Woodrow Levi Candee Weir Tiffin Gilmore Capt. Thos. Gerry Townsend Edward Wood Scott Ethan Osborn Hurd Edward Renick Woodrow Harry Probasco Clem Henry Tingley Robt. Livingston Resor Ueptha Garrard Dr. Henry C Dimond R.obert de Valcourt Carroll Miller Outcalt Louis Carroll Norman Jay Chapin Dr. Archibald Irwin Carson William Augustus Goodman, Jr. *Dr. William Carson Charles Newton Lindley Ralph Peters Charles Leonard Wood Charles Anderson, Jr. Jason Denison Hewitt George Mortimer Roe William Anderson Hall John Marshal Newton Douglas Putnam, Jr.. Allen Collier *Henry Waite Bigelow Reuben R. Freeman Birchard Austin Hayes John T. Clark Dr. George Burnet Orr Thomas Herbert Norton Asa Smith Bushnell Griffith Pritchard Griffith Dr. Thomas Hubbard tSamuel Fenton Cary John Ward Bailey John Luther Wilkin Michael Myers Shoemaker Jacob Staats Burnet Perin Langdon Charles Wesley Cole Latham Anderson Rev. Dudley Ward Rhodes Julius Boylan Hargrave Edward S. Rawson Edward H oIlister Hargrave Telford Groesbeck Harlan Page Lloyd Herman John Groesbeck Samuel Furman Hunt John Roy Anderson Frank Hathaway Miller George Merren Samuel M. Felton Charles George Merrell Clifford Perin 186 - OHIO SOCIETY SONS OF THE REVOLUTIO~ (CONTINUED). Fra,nk Langdon Perin Griffin Taylor Miller Dr Gilbert La1!.gdon Bailey Lieut. George Coolidge Saffarrans F,rank Warren Langdon Tileston Fracker Spangler Harry Langdon Laws William Burroughs Ruggles Joseph J efferson ~ cDowell Paul W isenall George Watson Stevens Cornelius Cadle Edward Preble Wilson George Kinsey Walter St. John Jones Douglas Gaylorll Putnam Frank J ohllston Jones LeWIS Reppert Putilam Charles Ludlow J no. Carrick Miller John Ludlow Bushnell Thomas Barbour Paxton Russell Potter Reeder Frank Robinson Davenport *Christopher Bridge Marsh Clement Bates George Clinton Witt Edward Merrick Lindley Bates Char.1es Gilbert Hall Arthur Fogg Solomon Perin Kineon Dr. Rodney Telfair Trimble Henry Christopher Yergason Samuel Fosdick Jones Oliver Langdon Perin John Pattersort Marshall *Joseph Henry Patton Prof. John Uri Lloyd Henry Emerson Lieut Col. Wm. Mackey Wherry Charles Henry Kellogg Bert Lecompt Baldwin Rev. Henry Melville Curtis William Walter Sriiith David Brenneman Martin William Walter Smith, Jr. Oscar Thaddeus Martin Harry Brent Mackoy Robert Henry Shoemaker William Howard Doane Sehuy ler 'C. Schenk Dr, William Wallace Seeley Dr. Charles Henry Castle William Lewis Hunt Lyman Perin, Jr Alexander Milton Dolph Walter Steiner Shoemaker James Hamsey Reeder John Parker Hanna Horace Bernard Dun bar Dr Jonathan Longfellow Cilley Oliver Chandler Billings William Thompson Hanna Benjamin Franklin Strader Charles Davies Jones Frederick Bellenger Shoemaker Thomas F. McGrew Samuel Hazard Halsted Robert Leland Read William Miner Woodrow Bennett Fowler Coan Frederick Lincoln Steele Newell Kirkwood Kennon Gilbert Brooke Perkins John Whittelsey Walton Nelson Ashley Lloyd William H. Shouse Charles Morgan Wood Charles Moreton Cist Brent Arnold Anthony Howard Hinkle Dr Edward Sydney McKee Ernest Walter O~borne Dr. Morrow Beach W ilSOll Lewis Dixon Mackoy J ames Wilson Bullock Albert Matthews ~apt. Alexander Macomb \\' etherill FrankOlds Loveland Hiram Hooper Peck Dr. William Lindsly Mussey John Ewing Blaine Adam Gray Ephraim Morgan Wood John Henry PattE:rson Ephraim Robert Blaine Francis Patterson William Spencer Merrill Stephen Johnston Patterson Lambert Woodhull ~Ge()tge Washington Rogers Halph Avery Bernard Van 'Horne Schultz WilHam Randall Avery William Elliott Lowes Richard Pratt Marvin Frank D~y Hodgson Edward Davies Grimes James Verner Guthrie James Wilson Miller Dr. William Judkins Pierre Camblos Wilson Pitts Harrison Burt Dr. Theodore Clement Heyl Dr. Nathaniel Pendleton Dandridge Boyde n Kinsey OHIO SOCIETY SONS OF THE REVOLUTION (CONTINUED). George Stoddard Hiram David Peck George White Haynes Thomas Daniel Rhodes James Alpheus Collins John Gordon Hattelle Dr. Ashton Bryant Heyl Henry Clay Corson Johnston Albert Lewis Bumgarner Benjamin Rush Cowen Otway Curry Morrow James Brown Matson James Clark Culb~rtson Robert West Pogue George Ed win Shaw Joseph Benson Foraker; Jr.

~~l)oooooO+o~oOoOoo-oo~oo.oO"OOO~OOOOOO~l r TnB Are delightful because they fit perfectly _

GIOYBS l{0 TIL H, :::AI':.LC;;:V:L. i ! 6 EAST FOURTH STREET, bet. Walnut and Vine Sts.. I L~>qoooo~~~ocooooo~:::~:=o::::o:;~ooooo~


DEPT. Gov. GEN. FOR OHIO, SECRETARY, Michael Meyers Shoemaker. Edward Stephen Rawson. GOVERNOR. TREASURER . Samuel Furman Hunt. Perin Langdon. DEPT. GOVERNOR, REGISTRA, George Eltweed Pomeroy. Thomas Herbert Norton. CHAPLAIN DEPT. SECRETARY Dudley Ward Rhodes Achilles Henry Pugh. HISTORIAN Philip Van Ness Meyers. COUNCIL, A. H Pugh, E. M. Wood, A. S. Bushnell.

Names of Members. Addre5s of Members

Michael Meyers Shoemaker. Cincinnati. Ohio Robert Henry Shoemaker ..... Pike Street Cincinnati, Ohio. Birchard Austin Hayes ...... Toledo, Ohio Edward Stephen Rawson,.... . Cincinnati Ohio Samuel Furman Hunt ...... Glenrlale Ohio. Perin Langdon ...... Catharine Street, Avondale Cincinnati, Ohio. fohn Benham Clement...... Main Street, Cincinnati. Ohio. Samuel Morse Felton .. Seventh and Elm Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio George Elt weed Pomeroy...... Toledo Ohio. - 188- Bellstedt=Ballenberg <><> ---AND--

Cincinnati Grand Orchestra.

Music Furnished for all Legitimate Entertainments. ADDRESS GEO. SCHATH, ASSISTANT MANAGER, in care of The Juhn Church Co.

SONS OF THE COLONIAL WARS (CONTINUED). Thomas Her bert Norton ...... Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dudley Ward Rhodes...... St. Paul Minnesota. Achilles Henry Pugh...... , . Madison Road E. Walnut Hills. Cincinnati, 0 William Lindsley Mussey ...... 89 Garfield Place Cincinnati 0 Frank Langdon Perin . .. .. La Fayette Avenue, CHftonCincinnati, Ohio. Frederick Bellinger Shoemaker .. Toledo,Ohio Philip Van Ness .Meyers ...... CoUege Hill, Cincinnati Ohio. Ralph Peters...... Grandin Road. Walnut Hills Cincinnati, Ohio. Howard Sydenham Winslow.. . . . Oak and Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Caleb Bentley Matthews ...... Edgecliff Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O. William Howard Doane ...... Main Avenue. Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati Ohio Ethan Osborn Hurd ...... Plainville Post Office Hamilton County Ohio. Charles Lincoln Edwards. . .. Clifton, Cincinnati. Ohio. Charles Theod?re Greve ...... Governm~nt Buil~in~, Ci":cinn~ti, Ohio. Jobn Ward Batley ...... 23 Lock Street Ctnc10nab OhlO. Charles James Stedman ...... La Fayette Bank. Cincinnati Ohio. Henry Cipperly Dimond ...... , Springfield, Ohio. Chauncey Rose Winslow ...... 44 Second Steeet, San Francisco, California Ephriam Morgan Wood ...... Dayton, Ohio. Charles Morgan Wood ...... Dayton. Ohio. Richard Praft Marvin ...... Akron Ohio William Wallace Seely ...... Fourth and Broadway Cincinnati, Ohio. Asa Smith Bushnell ...... Columbus, Ohio. .


OFFICERS JUDGE W:\1. H. TAFT, President. JOSEPH WILBY, Vice-President W. W. RA\ISEY, Treasurer. W:VI. C. HERRON, Hon. Secretary. NICHOLAS LONGWORTH, Captain.

GREEN COMMITTEE. N. Henchman Davis, E. P. Harrison, G. W. Ward.

Committee on AdmissionS Franklyn ElJis, Frank O. Suire, A. Espy. WOMANS' PRESS C-LUB. ROOMS, ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE.

MRS. I. D.JAMES, President.

VICE=PRESIDEN'T s. Mrs. M. T. VV. Curwen, Mrs. Jennie H. Jones, Mrs. Frances W. Gibson.

Miss. Kendrick, Secretary. Miss Sara M. Haughton, Cor. Secretary. Mi"s Mary Rennick, Treasurer.



ALEX STARBUCk, President.

VICE~P.RESIDENTS. '··r ~~ Henry Hanna, J. M. Dohet:ty, P. E. Roach. '.J F

, 01 R,ECTdRS~ H. C. Culbertson: S. P. PO'st, C. M. Holloway,. J. T. Rouse, E. G. Webster.

J. 'F .. Blackburn, Rec. Secret~ry:, Chas. Dury, Cor. Secretary and Curator of lV~useum.

HOUSE COMMITTEE· Luthet Parker, John Egan, Alexander Lewis.

-, 190 - ESTABLISHED 1862. SfteftfteF ~ FQans~Icl, 336 W. 6TH STREET. IlV1PO~TE~S.

TELEPH0NE 809. ~ ~ ~~ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ~ Wines ~ I.dqU~FS. MAl L ORDERS SOLICITED. Quality Superb.


HOUSE COMMITTEE. John B Keys, Arthur Stem, A. S. J. Holt.

W. W. Ramsey, Treasurer. C. G. Blake, Secretary.




DRAU~IN WULSIN, President. GEORGE i KING, 1st Vice":Preside~t. W. W. PEABODY, Jr., 2nd Vice-Pres. GEO. B. HARTE,3rd Vice-Pres.

H. G SKIFF, Secretary. JU LI US FLEISC HMANN I Tr.easurer.

DIRECTORS Drausin Wulsin, W. B.' Smith, Joseph Kirkup, A. G. Norman, George 1. King, Eugene L. Lewis, Wm. L. Hunt, A Iv in Carl, Jason D. Hewitt, H. G. Skiff, Louis Belmont, Norman G. Kenan, Frank W. Hendley, , T. J. Peale, J. D. Smith.

BoARD OF REAL ESTATE MANAGERS. Samuel Bailey, Jr .. Pres. Oliver Kinsey, Secretary. Jeptha Garrard, Treas John Goet.~, Jr. W W: Peabody.

COMMITTEES. FINANCE: Alvin Carl, T.J. Peale,' Goerge I. .King. MEMBERSHIP: Joseph Kirkup, Jason D. Hewitt, Frank W Hendley. HOUSE: W B. Smith, Louis Belmont, Wm L. Hunt. . ELECTIONS: Eugene L Lewis. J. D. Smith, Norman G. Keniln, Wm. L. Hunt. H. G. Skiff. ON ACCOUNTS: H G. Skiff, Joseph Kirkup, A. G. Norman BUILDING: Drausin Wulsin, W. B Smith, Louis Belmont, Norman G. Kenan, Jason D Hewitt YOUNG MEN'S BLAINE CLUB.

FRED BADER, President.

VICE PRESIDENTS. Julius Fleischmann, Leo. Markbreit, C P. Taft, Eugene Lewis, G. T. Sterritt.

George Tibbles, Corresponding Secretary. Fred Dreihs, Recording Secretary. Henry DUg. Treasurer. Frank Krug, Commander.

HOUSE COMMITTEE. George Hobson, Chairman. Fred Amthauer, Andrew Gregg.

DIRECTORS. Geo. Hobson, Fred Amthauer, C. A. Santmyer, Salmon Jones, Elliott Marfield, W. F. Goss, J. J. Dolan, Edmund Gruber, Gus. J. Karger, Geo. Bardes, Chas. A. Tooker, Daniel Everson, Andrew Gregg, Michael Burgoyne.

19 2 - ttAR QY tfAKE®, ARCfJ.ITECT. ROOM. 607-8 e>OHf'{STOf'{ DLD~ CJ N'el N NAT!, O.


O. J. COSGRAVE, P~esident. R. C. Price, 1st Vice-President. John F. Filler,2nd Vice-President. Samuel Fine, 3rd Vice-President. George C. Rl~s~, Cor. Sec. Wm. Attlesy, Finan. Sec. A~ P. Butterfield, Treas. Ed. F. Hill, Sergeant-at-arms. D. J. Dalton, Commander. DIRECTORS. Joseph M. Rice, Alfred M. Cohen, Edward Renau, Isaac N. Price, .Henry Hater, Thomas J. Noctor, B. P. Wessel, James J. White, Wm. B. Ternon, John Bolton. COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION· Louis Reemelin, John Hagerty, George Linneman, James D Ermston, John M. McCabe, John B. Peaslee, Louis J. Dolle, Henry J. Schulte, John G. Broxterman, Chas. Harshman. Henry Klieber, Superintendent.


BOARD OP DIRECT'ORS, '95 AND '96. J. W. FREIBERG, President. JOS. A. FRIEDLANDER, Vice-President. SIMON KUHN, Treasurer. HARRY M. HOFFHEIMER, Secretary. JAME'S GOETZ, Stage Manager.

HOUSE COMMITTEE. Henry A. Eisfelder, Albert A. Moch, Louis L. Rauh. Alexander Offner. Harry M. Levy, Sol. L. Swarts. Isa Straus, Julius Fleischmann, Simon Greenebaum, Max Ackerland. - 193- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS INDEX. AC('OUNTANT. BROKERS. Munster, Wm. J. Altenberg, G. P. & CO. N. E Cor Fourth and Vine See advertisement page ...... 175 Accounting for Estates a Specialty. BIJSINESS COLLEGE. AR(IHITECT. Nelson Business College Co., Hake, Harry. The, See advertisement page.. 174

See advertisement page ...... 193 (~ANDIES. ART ISTU'. FDRNITIJRE. Peebles, The Joseph .R. Sons Art Joinery Co., The Co Joseph .S. Peebles, President See advertisement page ...... 173 See advertisement' page ..... - I ARTIS'I'. ~ARRIAG"~ lUANDFACTDRERS. Barstow. May Smith-Eggers Co, The Studio, 73 Pike Building. See advertisement page. . . 10

Instruction Given. ~",-'I·ER";R. Tuesdays and Saturdays for Visitors, . 3 to 5 P. M Moore Lew, See advertisement page ...... 164 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Cadwall ader, Peirce J. CIGARS. 407 Johnston Building. Peebles, The ~oseph R Sons Co. Joseph S. Peebles President. Ermston, James D. See advertisement page 41 Wiggins Block (~I.OAli:S, SUI'f'S. ETC Ferguson, E. A. S. Cor. Fourth and Main Jackman S. w. See advertisement page ...... 164 Ferguson, Edw. C. COLI.EGE OF MUSIC'. s. W.Cor .. Fourth and Main. College of Music of Cincinnal i Ferguson, Sta.nley See advertisement page .. 171 s. W Cor Fourth and M.ain. CONSERVATORY OF ltIIJSIC. Jones, Wm. Ely 14 Wiggins Block Cincinna ti Conservatory of Music Clara Baur, Directr-ess. Logan, Thomas A. See advertisement page ...... 169 17 and 18 Fosdick Building. (:R.~PE PAPER. Ludlow, A. S. Dennison Manufacturing Co. 14 Wiggins Block. 325 Walnut Street. Merrill, William S. DAN~ING SCHOOl•• 24 Wiggins Block. Spills, Prof. J. C. and Daugh­ Wolfe, John W . ters, 22 Pike Building; Telephone, 231 7. S. W. Cor. Fourth and Plum; Residence, -HAIi.ERY. 754 W. Seventh. Muth Branch U. S. Baking Co. DECO RA'I'IONS··ELE('TR Ie.; See advertisement page 176 Out-door and In-door Decorations by Electric Light for Entertainments. BA~Ii.. D. J. Hauss, Western German Bank, 51 Pike Building; Telephone, 1328. See advertisement page. 8 DEN'I'IST. BA TTERIES··STORA G E. Emminger A. E. For House Lighting, 204 West Fourth·Street. General Electrical Contractor. DRESS JIAli:ING .-ARI.OR. D. J Hauss, Myrick Mrs. F. 51 Pike Building; Telephone 1328. See advertisement page 180 - 194- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS.INDEX.-Continued. DRUGGISTS. INSURASCE, FIRE. Hall, Wilmot J .. & Co. Merchants and Manufactur­ See advertisement page ...... 180 ers Insurance Company of Otis. John C & Co. Cincinnati. WIlliam H. Calvert, Pres.; See advertisement page. , .176 W. S. Hukill, Jr., Sec'y. DYERS. 131. East Third Street Brill's Steam Dye House, INSURAN(JE, LI:t: ..~ - 422 Madison Avenue Covington' Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co. Eighth near Monmouth, Newport, of Hartford, Conn. Fancy Dyeing, Dry Cleaning and First­ Robert N. Fryer,' General Agent. Class Repairing See'advertisement page.. ,]82 IN'I'J.'RIOIt \\'OOD WORK Doty, J. H. 3t7 East Third, D)<:SIGNERS AND CARVERS. Newest and Best Process. Ladies' . and Gentlemen's Garments Vollbracht, H. & Son, called for in City and Suburbs.· See advertisement inside back cover. Teasdale, William R. JEWE;LERS. See advertisement page...... 163 Dubme Company, The C. Fourth and Walnut. ELE(J'l·RI(JITY. s. w. KID GLOVES. For Medical and Surgical uses, including Faradization, Galvanization,. Electroly Roth, Louis A. sis and Galvano - Cautery. ~elld for See advertisement page ...... 188 Treatise Free D. J. HAUSS, E. E HID GLOV E ()LEANER 51 Pike ~ui1ding; Telephone, 1328 Reed, L. H.

FOREIGN EX(JHANGE. See advertisement page.. 0 •••• 0 ••••• 182 Western German Bank, l"ER(~HAN'I' T AII.OR.

See advertisement page...... 0 .8 Willenborg, Geo. H. FURRIER. II33 Vine St.. first door below Twe~fth. First Class Custom Solicited. Dietrich, Theo. ltIESSENGERS. See advertisement page;...... 176 Ohio Messenger and Tele­ GRANITE. graph Co. Southern Granite Co., See advertisement page..... 0 ...... 182 See advertisement page. 0" ••••••• 185 ltIlSSIONARY SOCIETY. GRO(JERS. Woman's Home Missionary Peebles, The Joseph R. Sons Society of the M. E. Church. Co. Joseph S. Peebles, President. Office Methodist Book Concern Building, See advertisement page .... 0 •••••• I 222 West Fourth HOTELS. ltIUSJ(~. VOCAL INSTRU(JTOU. Burnet House Hotel Co., The Davis~ David, Proprietors the Burnet House. See advertisement page .. .,' .170 J. W. Dunklee,. President and Manager, OCULIST ANI) A URIST. . N. W C. Third and Vine. Buckner, James H., M. D. See advertisement inside front cover. '. 333 East" Fourth Street. Gibso'l1 House Co., The Office Houts, 10 tOl PM.; 2:30 to 5 P M. Proprietors the Gibson House. ORCHEs'rRA. H. B. Dunbar, President. 2 Bells~edt-Ba.llenberg, See advertisement page... 0 See advertisement page.... '0 • • • • •• 189 Grand Hotel, PATENT SOLICITOR. S. w. C. Fourth alld Central Avenue. Spengel, C. St. Nicholas Hotel Mechanical Draughtsman, S. E. C. Fourth and Race. Room 43. Pike Building. - 195 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS INDEX.-Continued

PI-IO.... OGRAPHJ(J SUPI-LIES. Schools, (~olleges, Ete.-Uontinued Simpkinson & Miller, Eden Park School, Headquarters for Amateur Photograph­ English and French School for Girls. ers' Supplies. 433 and 435 Elm Street. Madame Fredin Directress .. PIANOS. Morris Street, Walnut Hills. Grandin Road School, Hockett Bros-Puntenney CO. B R. Campbell, Dil-ector.. N, E. Cor. Fourth and Elm. Grandin Road,' East Walnut Hills. PI.UJIBING. McDowell French Cutting Attlesey Wm. Academy, Residence Plumbing a Specialty. Mrs. Helen Craik, Manager. SIS Race:SL See advertisement page ...... 176 Mt. Auburn Young Ladies' PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS. Institute, Western Methodist Book Mason Street, Mt. Auburn. Concern, Cranston & Curts. Publish- Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, ing Age[1ts. Publishers of English and· Warsaw and Grand Avenues, Price HilL German Books. Importers, Booksellers Stowell; F. A.ustin, and Stationers. 220-222 W. Fourth St. . Delsarte and Dancing. RAILROAD.. College Building. 416 Walnut. Cincinnati, Hamilton & Day~ Willard Hall, School for _ ton R. R. Girls. " College" Hill. See advertisement page..... , ... , ... 178 SILK THREAD. REAL ESTATE. Belding Bros. & Co. Buckner & Evans, See advertisement page..... , .. ..164 2H E. Fourth Street. - STEAUHOAT FURNITURE. E'I'C. Ogden, Frank M. DeCamp, JohnH~ Room 4, Ogden Building. lI8 E. Fourth. See advertisement page...... 176 Office Hours, I to 3 P. M. STEAMSHIP AGENTS, Schmidt, Frederick A. Western German Bank, See advertisement page...... 180 See advertisement page...... S RUBBER STAIUPS AND PRINTING' S(JRGICAI. INSTRUUENTS. Hover & CO. TRUSSES ETC. Door Plates, Stencils, Name and Indeli- Autenrieth, Wm. ble Ink Linen Markers, Wedding and See advertisement page...... ISO dther.lnvj~ations, etc. 4I8 Race Street UNDERTAKERS. SCHOOLS. COLLEGES, ETU. Estep & Meyer, Cincinnati Conservatory of S. w. C Everett and John. Music. Miss Clara Baur, Directress. "IOLIN MAKERS. See advertisement page...... , ... 169 Kreul Bros. College of Music of Cincinnati, See advertisement page...... ISO Peter Rudolph Neff, President. WINF-S AND LIQ.UORS See· advertisement page. " 171 Peebles, The Joseph R. Sons College of Expression and Co. See advertisement page ...... ,'I Dramatic Action, Stetter & Mangold, . See advertisement page...... 167 See advertisement page...... 191 Collegiate School, YEASTltIANUFAUTURERS. English, Classical and Scientific. Fleischmann & Co. 519 Main St., Lincoln Inn Court. See advertisement page., ...... 163

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