GEO. A VANDEGRIFT, V -President. GEO. D POTTS, Trea.surer. CINCINNATI, O. BUBNETHoUSE CFNC"fNNATI Reopened Septemberr 14, 1895. ELECTRIC ~ THE MOST CENTRALLY LOCATEb LIGHTED " THROUGHOUT. " FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY· AmerrieSlo Plao,$3.00 to $5.00 pet' Day. J~ w. DUNKLEE, President a •• d Manager. The BU~NET HOUSE GafB ana ffiBrGflants' Lunch Room. " B· L " h WIll be Served from A____.__ """'-________ ustness unc 11:30at Modera.teA. M. to 2:30P. Prices M .. Qniolc Serrice. " Polite .l1ttcn danfs. .:1 Trial Soli(~ ifed. ~R ~na onlY llne I UU~Ilug ,",U:&.fIOOL AX1I",....:ENT CARS between CINCINNATI and CHICAGO. C•• H & 0I RI I Best Line Best .Time. Best Service. PEEBLES Is always in the lead; not only for finest quality, but lowest prices. 'lTL~_._ C'ArnYTT>,.-,.,\'lT c\Y'TUT">l\.Y and MONDAY DAILY PAPERS for tS SPECIALS. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY CTIONS, OF CINCINNATI [NES, AND HAMILTON COUNTY LIQUEURS, CORDIALS, WHISKIES, CIGARS. 1 in st.ock. F~verything guaranteed to be exactly ~8 in placing your orders with us. ~EDALS WARDED PEEBLES' SONS CO. AND .K DISTILLERY.. CO. ~kies and ·for the finest Display at the It' ------------A EXPOSITION. The Gift of i"r'1 'fl.! l~S FUl'e '.L able 'fi a tel'. FREDK.A. SCHMIDT REAL ESTATE cobe!; IO cts. per gallon in five gallon :Springs locat.ed on the Indianapolis DIvision of FRENCH ·C0NFECTI0NS P'U.re. Fresh. C1ea%1. :J:)e1icio'U.s. Used by Cincinnati's" FOUR HUNDRED." Best in t.he World. Made FRESH DAILY at our • Candy Fp,ctory, ~o. 42 Pike St. EST A B LISHED 184.0. The Joseph R. Peebles' Sons Co. JOSEPH S. PEEBLES. Pres't CINCINNATI. O. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST Is the most DIRECT Lin,e tb CHICAGO, DAYTON DETROIT, INDIANAPOLIS, c. H.& O. R. H.' ST. LOUIS, and TOLEDO. The Gibson Hoase CINCINNATI .. Conducted on the American Plan. Most Centrally located of any· Hotel in the City. EVERY LINE OF STREET CARS PASS THE HOIEL Steam heat in every room. Noted for the peculiar excellence of its cuisine. RATES FROM $3.00 TO $5 00 PER DAY. The Gibson House Co. H. B. DUNB ,,-a, President. B. L. DAVIS, Manager. - 1896. --- MRS. DEVEREUX'S BLUE BOOK OF CINCINNATI -A- SOCIETY REGISTER - AND- CONVENIENT REFERENCE BOOK. Containing thEl N-arnEls and AddrElssEls of Cincinnati FarniliEls} Portraits of FrominElnt LadiEls, RElcElption]] ays, NarnEls of Country FlacEls} Official Lists of !JfficElrs and MElmbElrs of Clubs} and DthElr Information of ValuEl, PUBLISHED BY C. A. R. D1pVEREu.x, (JINcn~N1TI, o. Copyrighted by C. A. R. DEVEREUX, 1896 . .------~ ~ Wastalij Garman Bank, VINE AND TWELFTH STS. Capital, $200,000. Surplus, $325,000. Caraful attantion paid to INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS. BONDS. Unitad Statas Eonds} and carafLllly sBlactad M.unicipal and County Bonds sold, Good sacuritias bought at markat ratas, SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. Eoxas of. all siz·as} including large ones for storaga of SilvElFwara at low· ratas, ----",..".,---- FO~EIGN OEPART]VIENT. Agants for tha most prominant ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES. Statarooms and Earths ordBrBd by talagraph, Letters of Credit on diract corraspondants and first-class E anks a vaila bla all over Europa J Asia and Afric a .L. KLEYBOLTE, EDWARD F· WElL, President- Cashier. -8- HE BLUE BOOK has become as indispensable T a requisite for the escuitoire of the woman of fashion as her silver-mounted writing utencils and her creste¢l seal. To the man of business it is almost as useful, for it tells him "who's who" at a glance and where he or she may be found. The new feature presented m this edition-the grouping of families-will be found a great conven­ Ience and prevent confusion in arranging invitation lists. So far as possible the new street numbers have been given. Even with the greatest care, and with every facility, er·rors of omission and commission will inevit­ ably creep in to such a compilation, and it must be attributed rather to the difficulty of obtaining infor­ mation than to any deliberate intention to excl1;1.de. The Editor hopes that the book will meet the ex­ pectations of the large number who have encouraged its publication, and feels sure t.at it will prove valua- I ble as a reference, useful as a guide and interesting as a social souvenir. THE EDiTOR. --9-- THE SMITH-EGGERS CO. SUCCESSORS TO J. W. GOSLING, - - .,/ BUILDERS 0F FINE CARRIAGES Repository and Factory: S. W. Cor. Sixth and Sycamo,.e St,.eets, CINCINNATf, O. We excel in repairing and repainting Carriages. -- 10-- ~---------- ---~~ The following is i!U bmitted as standard reception days: The first two Fridays in the month are Clifton "at home" days. the last two are set apart for Mt. Auburn. The first two Thursdays' of the month are "at home" days for Avondale, the last two .for West Sixth lind Fourth Streets. The first two Mondays for East. Walnut HiIlsl the second two for the West Hill. Tuesday, tne Burnet ..Iouse, St. Nicholas. East FouIth and Pik~, Broadway and the East End generally; Wednesday, Dayton Street and Coving­ ton. (Some deviations from the above nave been noted by request.) Ackerland Mrs. A. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Ackerland Mr. and Mrs. M. Washington Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Mr. Harry. Ackley Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. Erie Avenue, Hyde Park. Adams Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Davis Riverside, Chicago, Ill. Adae Mrs. Clara Luray Avenue Monday Adar Mrs. M. B. St. Clair Hotel. Thursday. Adderly Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 132 Huntington Place, Friday. Misses Clara and Grace. Addy Mr. and Mrs. Matthew 2422 Auburn A.venue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Albro Mr. and Mrs. E. D. North Crescent Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Mr. John Otis Omwake. - II - -- THE .BLUE BOOK. -- Alden Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. 82 I Washington Avenue, Newport, Ky. Aldrich Mrs. Laura E. Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Miss Aldrich. Aldrich Mr. and Mrs. T. H. 280 Southern Ave .. Mt. Auburn. Friday. Miss Georgia W., MI'. T. H. Jr., and Miss Morrison. Allan Mrs. Patterson .413 Pike Street. Tuesday Allen Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. 2805 Price Avenue, Price Hill. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Glendale, Ohio. Allen Mr. James Lane The Glencoe, Mt. Auburn. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John H. 2050 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Allen Mr. and Mrs. T. H. C. 2048 Auburn Avenue, Mt. Auburn. Friday. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 2048 Aub~.lrn Avenue. Friday. Allen Mr. and Mrs. William 2046 Auburn Avenue. Friday Mrs. Thompson. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Robert 28 Garfield Place. Thursday. Miss Blanche and Mrs. Martha A. Posey. Alms Mr. and Mrs. F H. Northeast Corner Mc- Millan Street and Elmwood Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Alms Mrs. H. A. Harvey Avenue, Avondale. Thursday Alms Mr. and Mrs. William H. Reading Road, Avondale. Thursday. Altenberg Mr. and Mrs. G. P. McMillan Street, near Forest Avenue. Mrs. Elizabeth Altenberg. -·12 - -- THE BLUE BOOK. -- Altel Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Reading Road, Ayondale. Thursday. Mr. F., .Jr., and Harry F. Alter Mr. and Mrs. George T. Northeast Corner Imogene and McGregor Avenues.Mt. Auburn. Amick Dr. W R. 214 West Seventh Street. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Grandin Road, East Walnut Hills. Monday. Anderson Mrs. Jane D. Delaware Avenue, Avondale. Mr. J. M. and :Mr. J. H. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. 3 [5 Pike Street. Tuesday. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. tarz F'lat No.6, The Ortiz. Tuesday Mr. Clough and Mr. Robert. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gra ndin Road, Town house, 304 Pike Street. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Woods. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Larz W. Grandin Road. Monday Anderson Col. and Mrs. Latham Hotel Auburn, Mt. Auburn. Tuesday. Anderson Mrs. Louise N. Southeast Corner Oak Ave. and Reading Road. Monday. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Davis C. Oak Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Vachel W. 3 I I Pike St. Tuesday . Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. .3 [I Pike St .. Tuesday 1\1 iss Anderson. Andrews Mrs. A. H. Glendale, Ohio. Thursday. Mr. Frank V. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Clifford College Hill, Ohio. Mr. Charles, Misses Mary and Nelly. - I.~- -- THE BLUE BOOK. -- Andrews Mr. and .Mrs. John R. The Alta, East Fourth Street. Andrews Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph 309 Pike Street. Tuesday. Miss Andrews. , " ~ l. Andrews Mrs. Maria Cook Ave'nue, Clifton. Friday. Mr. LQring-W. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Main A ven ue, Avondale. Thursday. ~Iiss Andrews and :\Iiss Alice Luuise. Appleton Mr. and Mrs. Everard Jack Forest Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. Archer Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Grand Hotel. Thursday Arnior Mrs. Mary T. Lafayette Avenue, Clifton. Friday. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 241 I Auburn Avenue. Friday. Frank Newton Armstrong Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Geo;r-W Jr. Montgomery. Ohio. Winter residence',. Burnet House. 'Armstrong Mr. and Mrs, ]. M. Southwest Corner McMillan and Grandview Avenue. Monday. Armstrong Miss · 'Liddesdale, " Reading Road. Thursday. Arnold Col. and Mrs. Brent. Hotel Auburn. Mt. Auburn. Friday. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. J as. M. 24 First Street, Newport, Ky. Wednesday. Arth ur J udg~ and 'Mrs.· Covington, Ky. Wednesday, Asbury Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clifton Avenue, Clifton. Friday Ashbrooke Mr. and Mrs.. Claude. Glenwood Avenue, Avondale. Thursday. MRS• .M.A.RY T. H.RMOR. -- THE BLUE BOOK. -- Athey Judge and Mrs. Covington, Ky Wednesday. Atkins Mrs. Alice 914 York St. Wednesday Atkins Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Evans Place, Clifton. Friday. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Highland Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Aub Mrs. Helen Lexington Avenue, Avondale. Aub Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 2516 Moorman Avenue, Walnut Hills. Monday. Aubery Mrs. William Madisonville Avenue, Walnut Hills.
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