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INSIDE WEEK OF MAY 1-7, 2014 Vol. IV, No. 29 • FREE BYYTHY TTHEH NUMBERS Female green, leatherback and loggerhead sea TheT amount a loggerhead 3,405 turtles lay eggs on Florida’s east coast annually. 350 canc weigh in pounds. TheT number of feet BabyB turtles that are expected to hatch onon 3,000 leatherbacksl can dive. 1,122,129 Florida’sF east coast beaches this year. Singer’s Song Opera based on novel to premiere in Palm Beach. B1 w Sea turtles make their annual journey to nest HOME on area beaches Networking Who was out and about in Palm AGAIN Beach County. A18-19, 20 w BY AMY WOODS awoods@fl Business Florida businesses prepare to TURTLE-NESTING SEASON ENTERS ITS THIRD MONTH WITH TOP: A sea adjust to the summer lull. A22 w STRONG SIGNS from surveyors that 2014 will bring a bounty turtle lays of baby reptiles to Palm Beach County’s seashores. eggs near Leatherback turtles already have made their way from Gumbo Limbo. the ocean to the sand to lay their eggs, and the first nests from the loggerheads have started appearing on beaches INSET: A from Jupiter to Boca Raton. Green sea turtles, the third loggerhead baby emerges. SEE TURTLES, A10 w COURTESY PHOTOS; STATISTICAL SOURCE LOGGERHEAD MARINELIFE CENTER PHOTOS; STATISTICAL COURTESY Would you take a test that would predict your death in five years? Kovel’s Antiques BY MARY JANE FINE And, if so, what would Right. So, maybe you’d hasten to make American pottery potrays real mjfi ne@fl you gain by knowing? out your will, put your affairs in order. and imagined animals. A30 w What would you lose? Or maybe you’d take that long-postponed This is a simple, one-question quiz. “I think what it would trip to Paris. On the other hand, maybe Well, OK, it is a one-question quiz, but do,” says Good Samari- you’d feel a shadow hovering over you and Download it’s not so simple. tan’s Dr. Daniel Fortier, become immobilized with worry. our FREE Here’s the question: If you could take an internal medicine Neither planning nor fretting is the test’s App today a blood test that would predict whether physician with a spe- intention. The idea is learning how such Available on you’ll be alive five years from now, would cialty in geriatrics, “is a test might help doctors identify people FORTIER the iTunes and you take it? raise awareness that Android App Store. you might be at risk.” SEE TEST, A11 w PRSRT STD OPINION A4 REAL ESTATE A27 EVENTS B4-6 U.S. POSTAGE PETS A6 ANTIQUES A30 PUZZLES B8 PAID FORT MYERS, FL HEALTHY LIVING A12 ARTS B1 SOCIETY B7,10-11,14,16 PERMIT NO. 715 BUSINESS A22 SANDY DAYS B2 DINING B18-19 A2 NEWS WEEK OF MAY 1-7, 2014 GARDENS/JUPITER FLORIDA WEEKLY COMMENTARY The last bottom dollar blues It is a no-frills shopping experience. declining, and has been for a long time. uneducated, unskilled, and consist of If you have not shopped at a Family Robert Trigaux, the business colum- rip-off-artists who cheat the system, etc. Dollar,D or similar stores, I am guessing it nist for the Tampa Bay Times, writes etc., etc. leslieLILLY isi because of multiple reasons: You are in a recent article, “From 1979 to 2011 Of course, they don’t mean you; they [email protected] notn a single parent and not unemployed. in the Sunshine State, the top 1 percent mean the other stereotypical, low-lifes YouY do not work for minimum wage. enjoyed a hefty 116 percent gain in aver- they cite as justification for treating YouY do not live on Social Security, in a age income to $1.14 million. every person in need or struggling to coal camp or a backwater town. You are Over the same 32-year period, the rest make a living as unworthy of the state’s You know it is a bad day on Main not a renter in any one of the millions of of Florida — the “bottom 99 percent” — help or compassion. Street when Family Dollar Stores inner city, low-income neighborhoods saw their average income drop 8 percent With nary a pang of guilt, millions announce they are closing 370 of 8,100 like those in any number of counties in to $35,393.” of the state’s most vulnerable citizens stores nationwide. Florida. He notes the economic danger inher- are denied affordable healthcare, pro- The company did not reveal the num- These stores serve a customer for ent in a state economy where the vast tection against wage theft, an increase ber of employees losing their jobs but whom shopping at Wal-Mart is, by com- majority of Floridians are actually los- in minimum wage, access to afford- did say shuttering the low-performing parison, a big outing to Disney World: It ing income while the rich are getting able housing, increased food security stores is a cost-cutting measure to bol- does not happen often and it is memo- even richer; and the economic disparities and unemployment benefits sufficient ster anemic earnings. Other belt-tight- rable when it does. continue to widen, a trend line that has to provide a safety net for the long-term ening includes cost reductions on about The people who read the tea leaves profound, long-term consequences — unemployed. a 1,000 products in hopes customer traf- say the weak earnings report of Family none of them good — for the economy You would think it a crime to rob fic will increase. Dollar is a further sign of the chasm of our state. people of their hope, dignity, and a The company’s reboot did not make opening between those who are ben- There is little evidence that our decent standard of living when it is the front page of anybody’s business efiting from an improved economy and state’s policy leaders are paying atten- greed rather than abundance that is section but it drew notice nonetheless those who are left behind. tion. Their regard of the economic reali- the issue. Until we convince lawmakers because it is symptomatic of a deeper The very rich are growing richer ties faced by millions of poor and work- otherwise, it isn’t malfeasance; it’s just a problem with the nation’s economic because those at the highest rungs of ing families would be characterized as sorry shame. ■ recovery. the economic ladder have benefited willful ignorance were it not for the Family Dollar Stores cater to custom- disproportionately from the economic fact this past legislative session demon- — Lilly is a native Floridian and past ers for whom stretching a dollar is the bounce-back. strates they actually do know, and they president and CEO of the Community big reason people go there to shop. Income inequality is a huge and absolutely don’t care. Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin It is their strategy to overcome their growing divide. The 1 percent is living The disdain with which the majority of Counties. Her professional career spans last bottom dollar blues. high on Easy Street and the other 99 state lawmakers regard the economic plight more than 25 years in the charitable sec- Twenty bucks stocks a meager pantry percent is trying to hang on to a modest of millions of families is breathtaking. tor, leading major philanthropic institu- or buys school supplies for the kids. standard of living on the other side of To hear them tell it, redress of income tions in the South and rural Appalachia. You can find household cleaners, hair the tracks. inequality is a poison pill to the state’s She resides with her family and pugs in and beauty products, clothing, shoes, It is stark state of affairs no matter prosperity; and the social safety net Jupiter. Email her at [email protected] pet food, canned goods, home décor, and how you gild it and in Florida, the trend only benefits drug addicts, illegals, the and follow Lilly on Twitter @llilly15. things you indulge in buying because is especially alarming because the real shiftless, lazy, looking-for-a-handout even you can afford them. income of ordinary Floridians is actually types who have no work ethic, and are Meeting the unique needs of young cancer patients The needs of children and adolescents can be very different from those of other cancer patients. We understand these needs, and the challenges of the entire family when faced with a critical illness. Palm Beach Children’s Hospital offers the comprehensive care required for optimal treatment of childhood cancer and blood diseases. The ONLY dedicated pediatric cancer center in the five-county area. Our team includes pediatric physicians, based here in Palm Beach County, who specialize in pediatric hematology and oncology. Additionally, we provide: Ɣ More than 175 pediatricians representing • Member, National Cancer Institute’s over 30 pediatric specialties Children’s Oncology Group (COG), enabling Ɣ Pediatric oncology nurses access to the latest clinical research trials Ɣ Psychosocial support: P.O.S.T. Team, Child Life and advanced treatment protocols. Ɣ Experienced pediatric consultants in • Member, National Association of Children’s pathology, diagnostic radiology, radiation Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI) therapy For your free KITE, call 561-841-KIDS Learn more at Scan with your smartphone’s QR code reader 901 45th Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407 of Open-Heart Surgery at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center !:! ;B19.1>] U]\W "-891-/4->01:?105/-81:@1> -8;:3.