
Aba, , 223(map ), 229 lnstitut de Recherches et Abakaliki, Nigeria, 223( map), 229 d' Applications de Methodes ,Nigeria,223(map),229 de Developpement, Absenteefarmers,23-4, 152,162, International Labour Office, 173-4,289 Netherlands aid, Accra, Ghana, 144(map ), 228 Organisation pour Ia Mise en Acheampong, Ignatius, regime of, Valeur du Fleuve Senegal, 148,155-8 Societe d 'Amenagement et African Development Bank ( ADB), d'ExploitationdesTerresdu 157 Delta du Fleuve Senegal, Agencies for development, 1-13,16, Swedish aid, United Nations 19 Development Programme, involved in Kenyan small farms, 92, United States Agency for 111-14,122 International Development, confrontations with indigenous World Bank capital, 129-30 Agricultural development, involvement in Senegal River throughout valley proposals, 350 agencies conception of, 40 involvement in Tanzania, 82 Agro-industrialcorporations, 12, 20, lackofknowledge, 10-11,13 38 limitationsofactions,2-3, 13 see Booker Bros., British misconceptions of peasantry, 8--9 American Tobacco Company, proliferation of rural development British Cotton Growing institutions, 9-10, 16 Association, Brooke Bond, relations to national governments, BUD, Cadbury, Cocoa 3 Manufacturers Limited, see British aid, Canadian aid, Colonial Development Colonial Development Corporation, Forestal Land, Corporation, Denmark, Timber and Railways Co. Ltd, European Development International Finance Fund, Food and Agriculture Corporation, Kenya Tea Organisation, Germany, Growers Association, Index 355

Plantations, Societed'Aide Brazil Technique et de cocoa plantations, 164 Cooperation, United Africa loans from banks, 19, 27, 42 Company Britain Akuffo,FredW. W., 155 Colonial Office, 228 Algeria, bank loans to, 42 enclosures, 285 AnambraState, Nigeria, 223(map ), Gezira scheme, relation to, 314-17 234 income from cocoa to finance post- Anchau scheme, Nigeria, 234 war reconstruction, 146 Animation,208-11,218 Labour Government, 53 Animation feminine, 209-10 MinistryofFood, 55 Argentina, bankloansto,27-8,42 see Colonial Development Artificial insemination of dairy cows, Corporation, Overseas Food 131-3 Corporation ArushaDeclaration, 73,79 British aid, 81, 350 Ash anti Region, Ghana, 144( map), British American Tobacco Company, 158,184 34 AyangbaAgricultural Development British capital, 91,316-17 ProjectNigeria,24,243 British charities, 333 British Cotton Growing Association (later Empire Cotton Growing Bakary Djibo, 203 Association), 224-5, 227, 317 Bakel, Senegal, 331-41, 335-7, 346 BrongAhafo Region, Ghana, Bananas,61 144(map),157 Banks Brooke Bond, 34,38 financing rice production in BrookeBondEastAfricaLtd., 134- Ghana, 174 5,137 loans to agriculture in Nigeria, 242 BUD,38 loans to governments, 42-4 BuilsaDistrict, Ghana, 144(map), seeWorldBank 171,181 BarclaysBank, 174 Bukoba District, Tanzania, 54( map), Baro,Nigeria,223(map),228 61,63, 77 State, Nigeria, 223( map), Bullock ploughing 260,263-4,270 adopted by farmers, 97,227,273 Bawku,Ghana, 144(map), 185 investment by farmers, 232 Bendel State, Nigeria, 223( map), limited impact of government 249-50 schemes,62-3,169-70,197, Benin, Republic of,see Dahomey 202,213,227 Benniseed (sesame seed), 225, 229 mission schemes in northern Benue State, Nigeria, 222, 223( map), Ghana,182 225 opportunities for use in Nigerian , Nigeria, 223(map), 241 villages, 265,271, 273 proposed Agricultural Bureaucracy Development Project, 245 bureaucratic conceptions of Bolgatanga, Ghana, 144(map), 181, development, 150, 170, 324-7, 185-6 334-47,351-2 Bomani,Paul,63,65, 73 bureaucratic employment, 12, 17, BookerBros.,34,38, 115,294 146-51,159,173,179,214 356 Index

bureaucratic inflexibility, 277,290 conflicts with foreign capital in bureaucratic policies, 8(}..1 Kenya, 134-40 explaining excessive bureaucracy, subsumption oflabour to capital, 10 formal and real, 121,126,139 Busia, Kofi A. , government of, 145, Capitalism 15(}..4, 156, 159 attempts to subordinate peasants, 7,28,31,33 see Capital, foreign, Outgrower Cadbury, 197 schemes see Cocoa Manufacturers Ltd conflicts with peasant production, , Nigeria, 223( map), 235 5,93-7,128,140,163-5,168, Cameroon, 238 172-8,190 Canadianaid,81,82, 350 emergence of peasantry, 143 Canadian International liberal and Marxist conceptions of, Development Agency 28-33 (CIDA),182 separation of producers from Capital means of production, 5,121-2, accumulation of, 121-2,139,231 162 as a form of social relation, 32 see Capital as a source of greater productivity, Capitalist farmers, 154,162,245,250 39 in north-east Ghana, 168, 170, foreign 172-82,184,186,188,190 benefits from expenditure on see Absentee farmers, Credit rural development, 12, 17 agencies, European farming, conflicts with indigenous capital, 'Progressive' farmers 134-40 Cashew nuts, 66 controlofconditionsofpeasant Cassava,6,56,94,116,229,243 production, 7, 34, 36, 121-2, Cattle,see Livestock 128-30, 134-40 Central Province, Kenya, 92, 95-107, impact on agricultural policies in 110,121-40 Kenya,91-2 Central Province Tea Growers interest in cheap food policies, 3 Association, 137 investment in Ghanaian Cereals, imports to Nigeria, 246 agriculture limited, 151 Chayanov,A. V.,29,31 relations to peasantry and post• Chemelilsugarscheme, Kenya, 115 colonial state in Ghana, 164-5 Chiefs, 56,65 shift from produce marketing to seeN ative Authorities manufacturing in Nigeria, 231 Chile,loansfromWorldBank,27-8 see Agro-industrial Chillies, 229 corporations, Banks, Gezira China scheme, International buildingManantali dam, 348 Finance Corporation, World cottonimportsfromSudan, 12 Bank cotton production, 317 indigenous ChunyaOperation, 78 conflicts with state agencies in CivilservantsinBakel, Senegal, Ghana,146 336-8 conflicts with state agencies in see Bureaucracy Kenya, 127-36, 138 Citrus,225 Index 357

Cocoa exclusion of African producers, Ghana 95,100,103 economicimportance,3, 143, middle peasants increase sales, 172 121,124-5,127-30 financing subsidies to rice Tanzania, 61-2 producers, 180 marketing,63,65-7, 69 hold-up(1938), 7 Coffee Marketing Board, 66 labour conditions, 153,169,171, Clifford, Sir Hugh, 224 184 Colombia, Cauca Valley, 35 output and prices, 146-7,149, Colonial Development and Welfare 157 Acts (1940, 1945), 229 rehabilitation project, 153, 158, Colonial Welfare and 165 Development Funds, 132, shareofworldmarket, 159-60, 234 164 Colonial (later Commonwealth) spraying scheme, 146,153,158 Development Corporation support for estate production, (CDC), 105,129,135-7,233 158 Communal cultivation, 76-7,333-5 swollen shoot, 146 see Cooperatives, Group farming, Nigeria Moshavim exports, 223, 240, 244 Community development, 59 fermentation schemes, 225-7 see Animation · marketing cooperatives, 237 Compagnie Intemationale de plantation production, 235 Developpement Rurale producer prices, 244 (CIDR);333,336-8 production, 225 Consultants, 12,293-4 rehabilitation projects, 235,240, see Evaluation, Nedeco 242 Convention People's Party ( CPP), swollen shoot, 235 148,170-1,173 Cocoa farmers, 172 CPPgovemment, 149,158,161, Cocoa Manufacturers Ltd, (Cadbury 170-1,173 andRowntree),227 seeNkrumah CocoaMarketingBoard(Ghana), Cooperatives 146,151-2,158 Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board (Nigeria), cocoa marketing cooperatives, 240 228 see West African Produce Control production on mechanised Board, Western State farms, 148,170-1 Marketing Board see United Ghana Farmers' Coffee Cooperative Council International Coffee Agreement Niger,210-14,216,218 (1964), 104 Kenya,104,108,111,114 Kenya Nigeria, 237-8 control of production demanded administration, 260-2,276-8 by farmers, 130 cocoamarketingcooperatives cooperative marketing, 114 established, 227-8 encouraged by Swynnerton CooperativeLaws(1956), 259 Plan,103-6,129-30 Cooperative Societies 358 Index

Ordinance(1935), 227 cooperatives excessive claims for Kenyan group ranches, 115 effectiveness, 262 Kenyan large farms, 108-9 leaders'prerogatives, 273 Kenyan settlement schemes, 108 members compared to non- Kenyan smallholders, 102, 111-14 members,265,268,271-2 Niger,210-14 tobacco cooperatives, 238 Nigeria, 238, 259-79 unstated aims, 278 Tanzania, 84 village societies compared, forfood purchase, 186, 205, 24 7, 262-76 321,323 poorrecord, 10 peasant opposition to government Senegal, 328-9, 335 creditinSenegal,325-6, 329, Tanzania,63-9,82-3 336,340 Presidential Committee of short-term to governments, from Enquiry(1966),67-9 IMF,43 see Credit see Banks, Fertilisers, World Bank Corn mills, 230 Cromer, Lord 314-15 Cost benefit analysis, see Social cost Cropauthorities,24,41 benefit analysis Special Crops Development Cotton Authority, Kenya, 136--7 Ghana,175 see Gezira scheme, Outgrower Cotton Development Board, schemes, Tea 182,188 Cross River State, Nigeria 223( map), Kenya,94 234,249-50 Cotton Lint and Seed Marketing Board,99 Dagana, Senegal, 330, 346(map) Niger, 198, 205 Dahomey, 196,198,202 Nigeria, 198, 223-5, 244 Dakar, Senegal, 344, 346(map) investments by cotton farmers, Dairy Farming Company, Tanzania, 232 81 Sudan,12,185,313-4,322-3 DairyfarminginKenya, Tanzania,57,62,63,79 discrimination against African Marketing, 63, 65-7 producers,95,100 Lint and Seeds Marketing improving stock, 130-4 Board,66 introduction, 96, Cowpeas, 262, 282 Kenya Cooperative Creameries, Credit 110,131 agenciesinGhana, 152,154 marketing, 104,110,114 Agricultural Development production increased, 105-6 Bank, 152, 174-5, 181 production processes, 124-5 agencies in Nigeria, 238-9, 242 see Livestock Funtua Agricultural Dakwara, Nigerian village, Development Project, 245 263(map),265,274 Nigerian Agricultural and Dares Salaam, Tanzania, 54( map), Cooperative Bank, 241-2, 78 250,288 Debt,seeCredit Agricultural Finance Corporation, Denmark, aid to Tanzania, 82 Kenya,108,109,113,115 Desertification, 193 Index 359

Development, 1 expanded by peasant producers, 1, peasants 331-41 16 against bureaucrats 324-7, from Ghana 334-47,351-2 earnings appropriated by state, see Agricultural development, 145-6 Capital, Capitalism, Ideology, illegal, offood, 155 Rural development from Kenya, 91,98,117 Diori, Hamani, government of, 203, from Nigeria, 240,244 217 protected from American Dodoma, Tanzania,54(map),62 competition by marketing OperationDodoma, 77-8 boards,230" Dosso, Niger, 193, 194(map) from Sudan, 314 Drought,23, 193,198--200,267 from underdeveloped countries, 43 see Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, East Coast fever, 94 Groundnuts, Palm oil, Eastern Nigeria Development Pyrethrum, Rubber, Tea, Corporation, 237 Wattle Eastern Region, Ghana, 144(map), Extension services, 16 153,158 badadvice,57,62, 108,227 Eastern Region (of Nigeria) increasing inequalities, 58, 59, 243, MarketingBoard,231 245 Educational facilities in Kenya, 111 ineffectiveinNiger,216--18 Egbado, Nigeria, proposed see Animation Agricultural Development poorrecord, 10 Project, 243 post -war expansion in Nigeria, 230 Ekiti/Akoko Agricultural provided to large farms in Kenya, Development Project, 109 Nigeria, proposed, 243 studies of effectiveness in Embu, Kenya, 91(map), 103, 131 Tanzania, 60 Empire Cotton Growing variations between Nigeria and Association,see British East Africa, 226 Cotton Growing Association Engels, Friedrich, 30 Failure of rural development Equality, see Incomes schemes,1,10-12 Ethiopia, land tenure in, 27 tendency to repeat, 16,82-4 European Development Fund see Agencies for development, (EDF),213,215,350 Animation, Bureaucracy, European farming, 53,83, 90-110, Capital, Cooperatives, 129,224 Credit, Evaluation, Extension Evaluation services, Groundnut schemes, Gezira scheme, 312-22 Ideology, Irrigation, Rural River project, 297-301 development, Settlement techniques of, 10-11, 306--7, schemes, Soil conservation, 309-12 State farms, Villagisation World Bank projects in Nigeria, Family farming, in the United States, 245 32 Exports Famine aim of development agencies, 3, 22 causesof6,116,183-6,199-200,207 360 Index

innorth-eastGhana, 168,181--6 152,155,162 relief inadequate in north-east government creates black Ghana, 183--4 marketinrice, 179 relief in Nigeria, 273 imports, 161,170 Farmers, see Absentee farmers, 'Operation Feed Yourself, Capitalist farmers, European 154--6 farmers, Peasants, price increases, 153--5 'Progressive' farmers shortages, 148, 152, 155--6, 182, Farm Service Centres, 36, 240, 243 shortages linked with crisis of Federation des Paysans Organises public finance, 156 en Zone Soninke de Bakel, Kenya 338-9,346,351 government intervention in food Fertilisers production, 97-8 compete for foreign exchange with Increased Production of Food food imports, 248 Crops Ordinance ( 1942), 97-8 free distribution, 218,241 lack of encouragement for food Green Revolution, element of, 8, crops, 116 16,35--6,40 purchases by rural households, high returns on swamp crops, 213 125 low returns on grains, 62, 213 Niger, 194,198-9,217 National Fertiliser Board imports, 215 (Nigeria), 242 Nigeria need for credit, 36,70 government intervention, 229, Nigerian government expenditure, 240 240 imports, 239, 246-8 not available to dry land farmers, National Accelerated Food 283,298,302 Production Programme risks involved in using, 213 (NAFPP) 240,243,250,288 subsidies to users, 178,241 objectives of government food supplied on credit by SAED, policy,239 Senegal, 329-30,340 Nigerian Grain and Roots supplied on irrigation scheme in Production Companies, 240, Nigeria, 298 250 supplied on WorldBankschemesin objectives ofKano River Nigeria, 239,298 Project, 284 Firestone Rubber Co., 151 'Operation Feed theNation', Fish, imports to Nigeria, 246 239,247,249 Focalpointapproach,24,58--63 price index (1960-77), 248 see 'Progressive' farmers price control, 229 Food priceinftation,229,239,247-8 Ghana production, 222 aid deficient, 193 Tanzania, 79 Food Distribution Corporation, marketing, 66 155 National Agricultural and Food Food Marketing Board, 149 Corporation(NAFCO), 75, Food Production Corporation, 81 154 National Agricultural Products government disrupts marketing, Board,66 Index 361

see Cassava, Cowpeas, Grain Corporation, 152,174-5,181 storage, Maize, Milk, Millet, agricultural investment declines, Rice, Sorghum, State farms, 187-8 agriculture deteriorates in north• Food and Agriculture Organisation east, 187-8 (FA0),115,161,236,242,330 AliensComplianceOrder(1969), Foreign aid, see Agencies for 153,171,184 development GhanaNational Investment Bank, Forestal Land, Timber and Railways 167,174 Co. Ltd, 128, 138-9 incentives to foreign investment in FortHall,seeMurang'a agriculture, 156-7 France industrial development, 147,149 aid,350 inflation in 1970s, 155-6,160-1, migrants to, 332 178-9 Fungicides,213 liberalisationpoliciesfail, 150-3 Funtua,Nigeria223(map),225 Ministry of Agriculture FuntuaAgriculturalDevelopment Cocoa Division abolished, 149 Project,23-4,38,242-3,245, cocoa rehabilitation scheme, 153 298 extension services, 152,182 Fulani herdsmen in Senegal, 328 favours 'progressive' farmer strategy, 173 Gandu relationship, 204-5, 270-4 'Operation Feed your Industries', Gar, Nigerian village, 263( map), 157 270-4 publicinvestmentinnorth, 170-1 Gari, see Cassava public sector Geitadistrict, Tanzania, 78 dependenceoncocoa,146 German cotton production, 317 dependence on foreign Germany, West,aid,82, 105,137, borrowing, 148 156,163 failure to transfer activities to see Ghanaian-German private sector, 151 Agricultural Development financial basis, 158-9 Project financial crisis, 146,159-61 Gezirascheme,5, 7, 12,34,285, tradeandbalanceofpayments 289,292,298,306-7, problems(1966),150 308(map),312-23 urban bias in government as model for Africa, 236 spending, 186-7 colonial policy on land acquisition, Workers(Builders)Brigade, 147 316-17 see Bullock ploughing, Capitalist evaluation of, 312-22 farming, Cocoa, household economy types, 321 Cooperatives, Cotton, Credit, political impetus, 314-15 Famine, Food, Groundnuts, size and situation, 312-13 Labour, Land, Marketing tenancies, conditions of, 319-20 boards, Mechanisation, Rice, Gezira Tenants General Union, State farms 319 Ghanaian-German Agricultural see Sudan Development Project Ghana, 144(map), 143-90 (GGADP), 174, 180, 188-9 Agricultural Development Ginger,225 362 Index

Gold Coast, 228 Senegal, 7, 198, 202 see Ghana see Groundnut schemes Gold mines, labour supply for, 169 GroupfarminginNigeria, 230,234, Gombe,Nigeria,223(map),227, 236,243 229-30,235 Guatemala,23 Gombe Agricultural Development Guided Change Project, 24, 302 Project,242-3,245 Guinea-com, see Sorghum GonjaDevelopmentCorporation, , Nigeria, 223( map), 230 170 GusauAgricultural Development Government intervention, Project, 242-3,245 throughout Gwaram, Nigerian village, 263(map ), Grain storage, 194,198--9,240 271,274 Grain Storage Board Gwarzo, Nigerian village, 263( map), (Tanganyika), 66 264--7 Societe Indigenes de lladejia, Nigeria, 223(map), 298 Prevoyance,Niger, 198--201, lladejia-J uma 'are River Basin 203 Development Authority, 281 Green,Gavin,65 'llarambee'movement, Kenya, 111 'Green Revolution', 8, 16, 22, 35--6, llausafarmers,196-7,204-5,262-3, 40,59,190,243,245,311 270-4,281-2,294-5 Groundnut schemes, 8 llealth facilities in rural Kenya, 111 failures, reasons for, 53-5, 233 llerbicides, 8, 16,35-6 Gonja Development Corporation, llong Kong, example of economic Ghana, 170 policy,43 Niger Agricultural Project, llousehold, see Gandu, Labour• Nigeria,8,233 family Tanzania, 52-6,82-3 household production, 121-40 laterusesforland, 70,73 see Peasants Groundnuts Ghana, 182, 185 , Nigeria, 223(map), 225--6, Niger 230 improved varieties, 213 Ibadan Cooperative Planters marketing, 210--12 Association, 228 producer prices, 204 Ideology production, 193,198,201-5,207, colonial development, 229 215-16 cooperative, 9, 208--11, 276 Societe Nigerienne de liberal, 150 commercialisation de conception of peasantry, 28--30 l'arachide(SONARA),211 Marxist conception of peasantry, sold in Nigeria, 201,204,214 30--3 Nigeria participation, 5 exports, 223, 244 rural development, 1-5,8--9,284 marketing boards avoided, 7 technocratic,40,240,289, 326, producer prices, 244 343-4 production, 222-3,229,262,282 see Development, Redistribution production encouraged by with growth, World Bank llausatraders(1913),225 , Nigeria, 223( map), 233 sold in Niger, 201, 204 Ilesha, Nigeria, 223(map), 233 Index 363

Igboland, see Anambra and Imo (IDS), 19-20 States, Nigeria Integrated Rural Development , Nigeria, 222, 223(map), 226 Projects, 22-4, 37, 112, proposed Agricultural 114-15,189,239,242-3,245, Development Project, 243 247,250,292 Imo State, Nigeria, 223(map ), 234, Integrated Rural Survey, Kenya, 106 250 Inter-cropping, 60-1,82-3 Imports,33 International Bank for food to Nigeria, 246--8 Reconstruction and import-substitution policies, 42 Development (IBRD), see Incomes World Bank equality of International Development among Kenyan smallholders, 4, Association(IDA), 17,27,42 92,106,126--7,131,133-4 International Finance Corporation among villagers in Niger, 206 (IFC), 17,20,38 in South Korea and Taiwan, 4 International Labour Office (ILO) inequalities of conception ofunderemployment, amongpeasants,9,212,265--73 293 between cooperators and others missions to underdeveloped in Nigerian villages, 265--73 countries, 19-20 emerging in Kenya, 93, studyofpovertyinAsia, 4 promoted by government International Monetary Fund (IMF), interventions, 29 17-18,25--6,43 promoted by irrigation schemes, International organisations, see 300-2,319-21,323 Agencies for development see Capitalist farmers, Peasants, Iran,loansfromWorldBank,27 'Progressive' farmers, Iringa, Tanzania,54(map), 77 World Bank dipping scheme, 55 originating from irrigated and non• Irrigation irrigated land authoritarian management, inSudan,313 287-92,301-2,322 urban, 96,106 controlofwater,35,313-14 India disease spread, 301 cooperatives in colonial period, evaluation criteria, 307 64-5 in Kenya, 102 cotton production, 317 in northern Ghana, 170,182 food aid to Tanzania, 82 Ministryoflrrigation, Sudan, 313 'Green Revolution', 37,59 Nigerian schemes, 229, 2~ 1, 250, sub-continent, 17 281-92 World Bank, 19,37 on Senegal River, 329, 338, 348--50 Indonesia, loans from World Bank, poor results, 7-8 19,27 schemes, 16, 26 Institut de Recherches et seeGezirascheme, 'Green d'Applications de Methodes Revolution', Kano River deDeveloppement (IRAM), project, World Bank 211 Ismani, Tanzania,54(map),59, 77-8 Institute of Development Studies, at Israel,236 the University of Sussex Ivory Coast, 157,164,187 364 Index

Janga,C1hana,144(n1ap),181 Kenya African National Union, Japan, land reforms, 27 137 JohnHolt'sLtd.,228 large farms purchased by Africans, , Nigeria, 223(n1ap ), 229 108-9 policiescon1paredwith CJhana's, Kadawa, Nigeria, 289, 297-8 187 see Kano River Project relations of African to European , Nigeria, 223, 263(n1aps), fanning, 93-7,101-10 245, Resident Labour Ordinance Kaduna, State, 297 (1937),98 Kano, Nigeria, 223(n1ap ), 225,226, rising living standards, 4, 9(}..2 281,288,297 rural poverty, 117 KanoState,cooperatives260, sn1allfann policies, 92, 110-16, 263-7,274-5 128-38 relation to Niger, 195--6, 198-9 SwynnertonPlan (1954), 101-7, KanoRiverproject,5,38,281-302 111-12,129,131, adverse effects on son1e areas, 298, effectsondistributionofincon1e, 300,302 126 costsforn1anyfanners, 300-2 transfer of European farm land, 27, dependence on foreign experts, 107-9 283-4 see Coffee, Cooperatives, Cotton, employn1ent increased, 300 Credit, Dairy farn1ing, Food evaluation, 297-301 Incon1es, Labour, Land, labour supply, 292-7 Livestock, Maize, Marketing landtenure,285-90 boards, Sugar, Tea, Wattle n1anagen1ent, 290-2 Kenyatta,Jon1o, 137 opportunity costs, 298-9, 302 Kericho,Kenya, 91(n1ap), 96 technologicalrequiren1ents, 190-2 Keyes,Mali,346-7 , Nigeria, 223(n1ap), 264 Keynes, LordJohnMaynard, 229 Kautsky, Karl, 31 Kian1bu,Kenya, 91(n1ap), 96 Kawawa, RashidiMfaun1e, 73 Kigon1a, Tanzania, 82 Kenya OperationKigon1a, 77-8,82 agricultural developn1ent policies Kikuyu, see Central Province, Kenya to1975,90-118,128-38 Kilin1anjaro, Mount, 54(n1ap ), 61, agricultural production expanded, 67,69 4,12,90 Kilinlanjaro Native Cooperative Developn1entPlan(1974-78), 109, Union,65 113 Kilin1anjaroNativePlanters division of'large' and 'sn1all' farn1 Association, 63, 65 sectors,94 Kilonzo,Bemado, 72 see relations of African to Kilosa, Tanzania, 54( n1ap), 63 European farnling Kisii, Kenya, 91, 103-5 govemn1entintervention, 90-2, Kissinger, Henry, 350 97-8 Kitui,Kenya, 91(n1ap), 116 independencesettlen1ent, 92, Klerruu,Dr, 77-8 107-10,129 Kongwa, Tanzania, 54(n1ap), 55 International Labour Organisation , Nigeria, 223(n1ap), 235 nlission, 19-20 Korea, North, 82 Index 365

Korea, South Land Bank, 108 land reform, growth and equality, Mission on Land Consolidation 4,27,43 andRegistration(196~), loans from banks, 27,42 Kenya,112 Kusasi,Ghana,144(map), 170,182-3 policy since independence, 112 K waFalls Scheme, Nigeria, 235 transfer to individual ownership, 100-1 Labour Niger, limited available for acquisition of a cash value, 33 cultivation, 216 cheap labour for capitalist/ Nigeria European farms, 90,93-4, available for cultivation in 123,17~,180 northern villages, 265,270-1, competition between capitalists 274-5 and peasants for, 5 compensation for dispossession, domestic,6 285-7 family, 159,164,204-5,270-4, Kano area, distribution, 282 293-6,319-21 Kano River project, 285-90 forced,169-70,192,198-201,342 Land and Native Rights inputs to coffee, dairy, tea and C>rdinance(1916),287 wattle production in Kenya, land tenure, 282 125 LandTenureLaw(1962), 282 migration LandUseDecree(1978), 187 from Niger, 215 speculation, 288 from Senegal to France, 331-2 peasant and capitalist competition to Gezira scheme, 313 for,5 to Ghana, 169-71 peasant and capitalist views of, 32 supply Sudan Ghana,169,171-2,174,184 landowners on Gezira scheme, Kano River Project, 292-7 318-20 scarce for capitalist farms in tenancies on Gezira scheme, northern Ghana, 171,176 conditions of, 319-20 scarce in Gar, Nigeria, 271 tenancies on state land under scarce on Gezira scheme, 313 Gezira scheme, 313--14 see Squatters, Wage employment, World Bank, land tenure policies, women: as sourceoflabour 26-7 Agricultural Development see Irrigation, Settlement schemes Project, Nigeria, 24, 243 Lele, Uma,definitionofrural , Nigeria, 223(Map), 229, 297 development, 1 Lake Chad irrigation scheme, Lenin,N. (i.e:Vladimirillyich Nigeria, 287 Ulyanov), 30, 121-2 Lake Province, Tanganyika, see Lever, William (later Lord Sukamaland Leverhulme), 224 Land see United Africa Company Ghana, sold by chiefs to rice LicensedBuyingAgents(LBAs), farmers, 176-7 231-3,238 Kenya see Marketing boards, United consolidation under Swynnerton Ghana Farmers' Cooperative Plan,101-3 Council 366 Index

Lilongwe rural development project, replaced on irrigation scheme, Malawi,26 348 Litowa, Tanzania, 76 Tanzania Livestock government marketing, 66-7 cattle-coconut schemes in Tanga, low returns to fertiliser, 62 Tanzania, 62,63 mechanised production, 70 controlofstock,57,97,100,102, National Maize Programme, 62 105,115 see Grain storage, Marketing dipping, 57, 105 Malawi, see Lilongwe project East African Livestock Survey Mali,331,346-7 (1965), 115 Mamprussi, Ghana, 144(map), 186 Kenya Livestock Development Manioc,seeCassava Project, 115 Mara, Tanzania,54(map), 77 imports into Kenya restricted, 105 Maradi, Niger, 193, 194(map), 202, products (hides, skins, ghee), 94 205--6 projects in Nigeria, 242 Marketing sales, 99,184 cooperatives, 63-9, 204, 210-12, supplies cut off by Tuareg revolts 237-8,261-2,272-3,278 (1920),199 grainmarketing,66-7, 110-11, see Dairy farming, East Coast 116,207, 239 fever,Rinderpest, World marketing boards, 7, 10, 99, Bank 110-11,146,148,151-2, Lome Convention, 2 229-33,239-40 Lugard, Lord Frederick John statemarketinginGhana, 154 Deal try, 64-5 state monopolies, 7 Marx, Karl, 30-3,311-12 Maasai,97 Maswadistrict, Tanzania, 78 Machakos,Kenya, 91(map), 96-7, Matam, Senegal, 330-1, 346 99,102,116 MauMaurevolt, 101,123,129, 131 McNamara,RobertStrange,19,21, Mauretania,331,346-7 37-8,82 Mbambara, Tanzania, 72 MahaveliDam project, Sri Lanka, 22 Mbuludistrict, Tanzania, 54( map), Mahdiyya, Sudan, 318 59 Maize Mbulu Development Scheme, 55 Ghana, 154, 184 Meat, imports in Nigeria, 246,248 Kenya see Livestock adverseconsequences,100,116 Mechanisation introduction, 94,97, 116 Ghana Maize Marketing Board, 111, capitalist rice farms, 175-8 116 consequences for peasants, production increased, 9~9 181-90 Nigeria dependence on subsidies, 189 imports, 246 production cooperatives, 148, imposed on Kano River 170-1 irrigation scheme, 298 state farms, 151 promoted by NAFPP, 246 tractorservices,154 Senegal Nigeria grown on collective plots, 333 capitalist farms, financed by Index 367

government credit, 250 ploughing government expand provision, , Nigeria, 223(map), 230 229-30 see Niger Agricultural Project Kano River irrigation project, Morogoro, Tanzania, 54( map), 61 290--1 Moshavim, 236 Niger Agricultural Project, 233 see Group farming state farms, 240 Moshi, Tanzania, 54( map), 63 Senegal Mossi people, Upper Volta, 342 irrigated rice farming, 329 Mozambique, 81 settlement schemes, 328 Mtwara, Tanzania,54(map), 77 Societe de Developpement Mumias sugar scheme, Kenya, Rizicole du Senegal, 328 115-16 Tanzania Murang'a, Kenya, 91(map ), 100, cooperative tractor schemes, 68 103-4,130--1,134 groundnut scheme, 52-t> Mwanza, Tanzania,54(map),57, settlement scheme at 63-4' 66-7' 82 Nachingwea, 70 MwanzaAfrican Traders villagisation justified by, 71 Cooperative Society, 63-5 Merinyo,Joseph, 63 Mwea scheme, Kenya, 285,289 Meru,Kenya,91(map), 103 Mexico Nachingwea, Tanzania,54(map), 70 'Green revolution', 37 see Groundnut scheme loan for livestock project, 22 Nandi,Kenya, 91(map), 96 loans from banks, 22,42 Nanumba,Ghana, 144(map), 187 Milk National Liberation Council, Ghana, imports to Nigeria, 246 151-2,159 middle peasant holdings increase Native Authorities, responsible for sales in Kenya, 105,121, rural development 55-{), 127-31,133-4 226-7,234 producer price determination in Native Administration Settlement Kenya,133 Regulations, 1950 (Nigeria), Millet 234 Ghana, 184 Native Authorities Ordinance, Kenya, displaced by maize, 97, 116 1927 (Tanganyika), 55 neglected by rural development Nedeco,284-5,287-90,293-4 agencies,5 Netherlands, aid, 81 Niger see Guided Change Project, exported to Nigeria, 199 Nedeco productionrelations, 197,200, Niamey, Niger,193, 194(map ), 196, 204-7 198,202 Nigeria, 242,262,282 Niger, 194(map), 193-218 priority of Gezira tenants, 298 French colonial rule (1902-57), Senegal, 332-3,342 194-203 Tanzania,62 Ten Year Development Plan , Nigeria, 54( map), 228 (1965),207-8 Mission d' Amenagement du see Bullock ploughing, Senegal(MAS),327 Cooperatives, Cotton, Credit, 'Mixed farming', see Bullock Famine,Food,Grainstorage, 368 Index

Groundnuts, Labour, Land, NordicProject(1966), 114 Millet, Taxation NorthEastState(Nigeria), Niger Agricultural Project, Nigeria, cooperatives, 260 8,233,235 Northern Region, Ghana, 144(map), Nigeria, 233(map), 222-50,259-79, 173-7,181-90 281-302 Northern Region (Nigeria) agricultural policy Marketing Board, 231 1900-40,222-8 Nowell Commission (1938), 228 1940--70,229-38 NyanzaProvince, Kenya, 91(map), 1970-78,239-50 94-5,98, 102, 104 Agricultural Department, 223, Nyerere,Julius,59,64, 70-1,73-6 225-7,229-30,233-5 Nyeri,Kenya, 91(map), 101,125, Central Bank ofNigeria, 239, 242 131-2,134-6 capitalist farming encouraged, 245, NyeriTeaProject, 134-7 250 colonial government opposed to Office des Produit Vivriers du Niger European-owned farms, 224 (OPVN),217 government intervention increases Ogoja, Nigeria, 223(map ), 230 after Second World War, 229 Oil (mineral) revenues, Nigeria, 249 government intervention limited Oil palms, see Palm oil before Second World War, Oilseeds, 66 222-3 seeGroundnuts, Palm oil, Palm loans from banks, 42 kernels merchant capital between the Oils (vegetables), imports into world wars, 228 Nigeria, 246 Ministry of Agriculture and Ondo, Nigeria, 223(map ), 233 Natural Resources, 238 , Nigeria, 223(map ), 230 northern, 263(map ), 259-79, Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur 281-302 du Fleuve Senegal ( OMVS), Production Development Boards, 347-51 230,237 Outgrowerschemes,8,25-6,34,38, Third National Development Plan 41 (1975-80),239-40,284 Ivory Coast oil palm production, seeBullock ploughing, Cocoa, 165 Cotton, Cooperatives, Credit, Mumias scheme, Kenya, 115-16 Fertilisers, Food, seeGezirascheme, Tobacco Groundnuts, Integrated rural cooperatives development projects, Overseas Food Corporation, 73 Irrigation, Kano River Oxen ploughing, see Bullock Project, Labour, Land, ploughing Marketing, Mechanisation, Oyo, Nigeria, 223(map), 225 Palm kernels, Palm oil, Oyo North, proposed agricultural Rubber, Sugar, State farms development project, 243 Ningi, Nigeria, 223, 263(maps), 266, 274 Palm kernels, Nigerian Nkrumah, Kwame, government of, exports, 240, 244 145-50,161 production, 229 see Convention People's Party producer prices, 244 Index 369

see Palm oil effects of proposals for rural Palm oil, Nigerian development in Senegal, 350 exports, 223, 244 equalityamong,92,106, 126-7, Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm 131,133-4,206 Research (NIFOR), 237 example set by Vietnamese plantations, 223,235,237,250 peasants, 37 producer prices, 244 forced to sell to markets, 7, 33-7 production, 222, 22~, 232 government support Oil Palm Rehabilitation Scheme, for'middle'peasantsinKenya, 237,242 92-3,106, 121 Pare Mountains, Tanzania, 55 for peasant production in Pastoralism, 72 colonial Nigeria, 223-4 affected by land appropriation and for 'rich' peasants in Kenya, 93, veterinary regulations in 102-3 Kenya,97 inequalityamong,9,29,265-73, conflict with agriculture in Niger, 295 202 initiatives distrusted by agencies, 4 SwynnertonPlan, 102 'middle peasants', 121-2, 141nl Patronage, 92,114,278 misconceptions of peasant Pearson Commission, 38 behaviour and communities, Peasants 8-9,28-33,196-201,208-12, advantages of their local 218 knowledge, 13 problems with written advantages of peasant production communications, 345-6 to governments, 5, 33-7, regenerationofpeasantry, 122-3 143-5 resistance to government decline of these advantages, authority, 12, 199-201, 208, 163-5 325-7,334-41 advantages of household seasonal nature of work, 293-4 production to international secondary occupations, 283,294-5 capital, 33-4, 121-40 subordination to capital and the alleged conservatism, 8--9, 29, 58, state,33-7 344 see Capital, Capitalism, attempts at bureaucratic control of, Development, Household, 24,81,128,208,287-92, Smallholders, Villagisation 301-2,322,325-7,334-52 pesticides, 8, 16,35-6, 146, 153, 158 bypassedbyGhanaianpolicies, 161 Phillipines conflict of interests with capitalism, agro-service centres, 38 5,28,31,33,93-7,128,140, loans from banks, 42 163-5,172-8,190,206 Pioneer oil mills, 230 definition of, 29 Planning,306,310 dialogue with bureaucrats Plantations, encouraged by bureaucrats, colonial, 91,223-4,327,342 208,325-7,334-7 failures of, 156-7,162,235-7, economic dissolution, 29-31, 121, 249-50, 163 needforcheaplabour,93,342 effects of capitalist rice farming in successfulinlvoryCoast, 165 Ghana,175-8,181-9 see Outgrower schemes, 370 Index

Settlement schemes see Livestock Ploughs,see Bullock ploughing, Redistribution with growth, 4, 20, 38, Mechanisation 41,134 Poultry, 152, 249 Rehabilitation schemes, 109,146, Poverty, 117, 268 153,165,235,237,240,242 'explained' byisolationin Kenya, 2 Resettlement programme in Kenya, World Bank claims to alleviate, 21, see Settlement schemes 41 Rice see Famine, Incomes Ghana Prices, capitalistfarming, 17~7 control legislation in Tanzania, 66 impact of capitalist farming on control in Nigeria, 229 north-east, 181-7 index of food prices in Nigeria, 248 production encouraged in war ,170 producer prices of export production increased in 1974--5, commodities in Nigeria, 246 154 see Cocoa, Fertiliser, Food, rice growers conflict with Groundnuts,Rice, Tea government, 179 Production state-corporate farms, 157 expansion of, 1, 12, 16, 70,106,117 Niger,193 problems in expanding, 5 Nigeria for local markets, 6 consumption, 248 for military use in Kenya, 97 imports,246 see Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Dairy production, 230, 241, 243, 248, farming, Exports, Food, 282 Groundnuts, Household, projects, 242 Maize, Millet, Palm kernels, Senegal schemes, 327-31,348 Palm oils, Peasants, Rice, Tanzania, low yields on Uluguru Rubber, Smallholders, scheme,57 Sorghum, Sugar, Tea Rice mills, 230, 238 Productivity, 2, 126 Richard-Toll, Senegal, 327-8, capital takenassourceof, 39 346(map) impact ofKano River project, Rinderpest, 94,105 284--99,302 River basin development, 72, 241 stagnantinpost-warKenya, 123 Rivers State, Nigeria, 223(map ), 234 Progress Party government in Ghana, Road construction, 16,247 150 Royal Niger Company, 225 'Progressive'farmers,23, 102-4, Rubber 162-3,173,245 Ghanaian plantations transferred seeFocalpointapproach to Firestone, 151 Puebla project, Mexico, 37 Nigeria Pyrethrum, 62-3,95-6,104--5,114 exports, 244 producer prices, 244 Raillinks, 16, 198,228,233 production, 223, 225, 229, 235 Ranching,22,91,93 Rufiji, Tanzania,54(map),82 Kenya Livestock Development OperationRufiji, 76-8 Project, 115 Rural development, throughout National Ranching Corporation beneficiariesof, 12,17 (Tanzania), 81 conceptions of, 1-5,8-9,284 Index 371

forms, aims and failures of see Gezira scheme, Groundnut actitities, 13,16 schemes, Irrigation, new World Bank strategy, 39-42 Outgrowerschemes, Ruvuma see Integrated rural development Development Association, projects Transformation approach Russia, collectivisation, 285 Shendamscheme, Tanzania, 235 Ruvuma Development Association, ShinyangaDistrict, Tanzania, 57, 78, 4, 71' 75--6, 82 82 Shonono, Nigerian village, Saint-Louis, Senegal, 327, 334, 263(map),267-70 346(map) Sisal workers, 71-2 Salaga,Ghana, 144(map), 187 Smallholders, 141nl Samaru, Nigeria, 223( map), 226, 230 Kenya, 94,121-40 Samburu,Kenya,91(map), 116 tea schemes in Tanzania, 63 Saudi Arabia, aid, 350 World Bank strategies, 24-5, 40 Savelugu, Ghana, 144(map), 173 see Peasants Sawaba Party, Niger, 203 Social cost benefit analysis, 306-9, Seeds, high-yielding varieties, 8, 16, 323 35-6,40 Societed'Aide Technique et de Senegal Cooperation (SA TEC), 329 grain reserves policy, 198-200 Societe d' Amenagement et hold-upofgroundnuts, 7 d'Exploitation des Terres du research on groundnut production, Delta du Fleuve Senegal 202 (SAED),325-31,334-52 WorldBankproject,24 conflict with peasants, 341-7 Senegal River Valley, 325-52, failure to achieve aims, 330 346(map) negation of peasants as producers consultancy report prepared for and consumers, 343-4 UNDP,348-50 renewed involvement in Bakel, inter-state development plans, 1977,351-2 347-51 riceproduction,328-9 peasant initiatives in Bakel area, see Development 331-40 Songea, Tanzania, 54( map), 62 see Societe d'Amenagement et Soil conservation d'Exploitation des Terres du Ghana, ignored by capitalist rice Deltadu Fleuve Senegal farmers,176-7,180 Settlement schemes, 16, 24, 26 Kenya,94,97,100,102 as means of directing peasants, 41, opposition, 100, 102 69--70 Nigerian schemes, 234 Kenya,l06 Tanzanian schemes, 55-8,82-3 resettlement post• opposition,56-8 independence,107-8 Soninke people, Senegal, 325, 331 Nigeria, 233-6 Sorghum Senegal, rice production schemes, Ghana,184 328-31 Kenya,displacedbymaize, 116 Tanzania,70,82-4 Niger, 193 spontaneous settlement Nigeria, 243,262,282,287 schemes, 71,83 inhibited by irrigation scheme, 372 Index

296,298 Sukumaland Development Senegal, 332 Scheme,55-7 displaced on irrigation scheme, Surplus value 348 extraction of, absolute and Soyabeans,Nachingweascheme, 70 relative, 125-6 Special Rural Development limited applicabilityoftheory, 32-3 Programme (Kenya), 112, Sweden, aid, 82, 133,352 114-115 see Integrated Rural Development Projects Tabora, Tanzania,54(map),62, 77, Squatters in Kenya, 95, 98 82 SriLanka,see Mahaveli Dam project Tahoua,Niger, 193 Standard Bank, in Ghana, 174 Taiwan, land reform, growth and State, as an intermediary between equality, 4, 27,43 peasants and foreign capital, Tamale, Ghana, 144(map), 173, 159 176-7,185 State farms, Tamale Rice Growers Association, establishmentof75,81,84, 148, 179 156,161,235-7,239-40 Tangacattle-coconut schemes, 62, 63 failures of, 82, 84, 148, 156, 162, Tanganyika,52-70, 103 235-7,249-50 Department of Agriculture, 55-7 Statistical information, limited failure ofwhite settlers scheme, 53 amount available, 10-11 see Cooperatives, Groundnut Students, 249 scheme, Soil conservation, Sudan Tanzania, 59--63,68-84 incomes in irrigated and non• agricultural policies (1946-76), irrigated areas, 313 52-84 infrastructure developed, 314-15 summarised, 83--4 SudanGeziraBoard(SGB), loans from World Bank, 27 313--14,318,320 nationalisation, 73 deficits,321-2 PresidentialPlanningTeam, 77 Sudan Plantations Syndicate, 317, see Coffee, Cooperatives, Cotton, 321 Food, Maize, Ujamaavillages, see Irrigation, Gezira scheme, Villagisation Mahdiyya Taxation Sugar and sugarcane encouraging commodity Colombian plantations, 35 production,33,203-5,222, Ghana, 151-2 225 Kenyanschemes,112,115-16 Ghana, low level in colonial period, Niger,213 143 Nigeria Niger, high levels, 194,200,203--5, estates, 250 215 imports, 246 Nigeria, 222,225 production, 271 marketing boards, 231, 232, 239 sugar crushers, 230, 234 responsible, in part, for 1913 Sugar Corporation, Tanzania, 81 famine, 200 Sukumaland, Tanzania,54(map),58, Senegal, role in labour migration, 60,63--6,80 332 Index 373

Tea Gezirascheme, 321 competition of Asian and East grain,247 African producers, 43 Rausa, encourage groundnut Kenya production, 225 Central Province Tea Growers large profits, 242, Association, 137-8 rural Niger, 207 control of production demanded trader-producers,inKenya, 139 by producers, 130 see Licensed buying agents, exclusion of African producers, Marketing, Peasants: 95 secondary occupations Kenya Tea Development Transport, see Rail links, Road Authority, 138 construction Kenya Tea Growers Tuaregpeople,Niger,196-7, 199,201 Association, 134, 135 Tukulorpeople, Senegal, 331 middle peasants increase sales, Turkana, Kenya, 91(map ), 116 95,121,127-30,133-7 NyeriTeaProject, 134-7 Uganda,103 processing factories, 136, 137 Ukaralsland, Tanzania,82 producer prices, 133,136-7 Ujamaavillages, Tanzania, 70-4, 84 production processes, 124,136 UluguruLand Use Development sun-dried tea, 134-7 Scheme, Tanganyika, 55-7,82 Swynnerton Plan , Nigeria, 223(map ), 226, encouragement,104-5 238 Tanzanian smallholder schemes, Underdeveloped countries, public 63 debtincreases,42 see Brooke Bond, Crop authorities Unemployment, strategies to Tivland, see Benue State combat,21,114,236 Tobacco,62,67,70,205,225 'Underemployment', 293-4 cooperatives in Nigeria, 238 Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics see British American Tobacco (USSR),352 Company see Russia Tonoirrigationscheme, Ghana, 170 UnitedAfricaCompany,53,228 Togo, 157, 187 United Ghana Farmers' Cooperative ·Tomatoes, 297,299,333 Council, 148-9,151-2,171, Tractors,see Mechanisation 173 Transformation approach, 24, 69-70, United Kingdom, see Britain 72 United Nations Conference on Trade see Outgrowers schemes, Settlement and Development schemes (UNCTAD),2 Traders United Nations Development African, 136, 228 Programme(UNDP), 115, Arab,63,65,66 348-50 Asian,63,65,66, 136 United Nations Educational, blamed for shortages and high Scientific and Cultural prices, 151,155 Organisation (UNESCO), conflict with capital'scontrol of 350 household production, 140 UnitedStatesofAmerica, 32, 43, 62, cooperative buyers, 261,272-3,278 82,228 374 Index

United States Agency for high wages on Kano River International Development project, 296 (USAID) poor farmers sell labour-power, Ghana, supporting 'progressive' 247 farmers, 152, 173 Sudan Nigeria,242 dependence of tenants on wage Senegal, intervention in Bakel, labour, 320-1 326,334,336-8,351-2 high wages, 313, 320-1 Upper Region, Ghana, 144(map), see Labour 170,174,181-90 Wattle production in Kenya, 94, Upper Volta, 169 122-5,127-8,130,138-9 Urambo, Tanzania,54(map), 70 WawaBush Project, Nigeria, 235 Usambaramountains, Tanzania, 55, West African Oilseeds Mission 63 (1947),233 West African Produce Control Board Valco, 157 (1942),230-1 Victoria Federation of Cooperative see Marketing boards Unions,63,65-6 Western Nigeria Agricultural Credit Vietnamese peasants, 37 Corporation, 238 Villagisation Western Nigeria Finance Nigeria, 235 Corporation, 238 Tanzania, 52,71-82,84 Western Region ( ofNigeria) official justification, 80 Development Board, 235 Village Settlement Agency, 73 Western Region (of Nigeria) Volta hydroelectric scheme, Ghana, government, 236 148 Western Region (later State, of Volta River, White Volta, 180 Nigeria) Marketing Board, 231 Wage employment Westlndies, 164 Ghana White settlers, see European farming agricultural wage levels, 175, Wheat, 99,116 176,180 Nigeria, 243 employment on capitalist farms, consumption, 248 162 imports,246, peasants earnings supplemented Kano River project, 284,297-9 bywages, 175 Wingate, Sir Reginald, 315-16 urbanwagesriseandfall, 153, Women 161 community development schemes, urban workers replace peasants 59 oncapitalistricefarms, 180 animation feminine in Niger, Kenya 209-10 European farms, 90,93-4,123 economic contribution in Niger, replaces squatting, 98 205-6 supplements peasant income, ignored, 217 123 source oflabour, 6, 176, 333 Nigeria World Bank, 16-44 farm labour hired, 266, 268-9, benefits rich rather than poor, 271-3 20-3,25,41,115 Index 375 cocoa rehabilitation projects, 153, Nigeria, 239-40,242-3,245,247, 158,165,242 250,292 cooperatives, attitudes towards, 25 support for Central Bank credit policies, 23,242 policies, 139 current practice, 20-8 origins and functions, 17-19 economic policies, 18, 26,38-9 policy changes, 19-20,39-40 evaluation reports, 11, 245 agriculture, 21, 37 exchange rate policies, 11, 247 relationship to international ideology of rural development, capitalism, 42-4 1-5,8-9,21,37-42,243 as a relation of finance capital, CJhana,153,158,165,180 129 Upper Region, 189 subsidies opposed, 180 integrated rural development Tanzania,27, 82 projects, 22-4,37, 189,239, 1961 report advocating 242-3,245,247,250,292 settlement schemes, 69-70 irrigation schemes, 22, 350 technocratic ideology, 40 Kenya see'CJreenRevolution' ,Ideology, analysisoftheeconomy, 96 International Development financing rehabilitation oflarge Association, International farms,109 Finance Corporation, financingsmallfarmerprojects, Redistribution with growth, 113 Rural development Kenya Livestock Development World Health Organisation, 350 Project, 115 WorldWar,Second,97,123, 145, loans for road construction, 170,201,229 conditional on tea production for export, not domestic, Yam production 187,229 markets, 137 Yandev, Nigeria, 223(map ), 226 registrati9n of group ranches Yendi,CJhana, 173 insisted on, 112 landless labourers, policies for, 21 Zaire, bankloansto,27,42-3 land reform policies, 26-7 ,Nigeria,223(map) ,225-7,234, leverage over countries' policies, 264,294 18,25-6 Zimbabwe, 81 livestockprojects,22, 115 Zinder Rural Development Project, loansrecovered,41-2 Nige'-,214-18