Fields Lectures: Simplicial Presheaves
Fields Lectures: Simplicial presheaves J.F. Jardine∗ January 31, 2007 This is a cleaned up and expanded version of the lecture notes for a short course that I gave at the Fields Institute in late January, 2007. I expect the cleanup and expansion processes to continue for a while yet, so the interested reader should check the web site∼jardine periodi- cally for updates. Contents 1 Simplicial presheaves and sheaves 2 2 Local weak equivalences 4 3 First local model structure 6 4 Other model structures 12 5 Cocycle categories 13 6 Sheaf cohomology 16 7 Descent 22 8 Non-abelian cohomology 25 9 Presheaves of groupoids 28 10 Torsors and stacks 30 11 Simplicial groupoids 35 12 Cubical sets 43 13 Localization 48 ∗This research was supported by NSERC. 1 1 Simplicial presheaves and sheaves In all that follows, C will be a small Grothendieck site. Examples include the site op|X of open subsets and open covers of a topo- logical space X, the site Zar|S of Zariski open subschemes and open covers of a scheme S, or the ´etale site et|S, again of a scheme S. All of these sites have “big” analogues, like the big sites Topop,(Sch|S)Zar and (Sch|S)et of “all” topological spaces with open covers, and “all” S-schemes T → S with Zariski and ´etalecovers, respectivley. Of course, there are many more examples. Warning: All of the “big” sites in question have (infinite) cardinality bounds on the objects which define them so that the sites are small, and we don’t talk about these bounds.
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