T H E CAROLINA TIMES Globetrotters SATURDAY, NOViMBER 17, 1962 DUNHAM, N. C— PA Helping New Cage League CHICAGO — Thp Immense pop iilaritv of Ab<> Saperstnin’s Har Icm Globetrotter* may prove to be the salvation of the young American league this season. The dazzling Trotters, who saved the National Basketball Associa TARHEELS WIN SCHOLAH- i ar« among 38 fr«thm«n at i Left to right ar« Richard Turn i PearMlI, Graaniboro and tion in its early days, «re now SHIPS AT HOWARD — The Howard University to be age, Wilmington, Sondra Bar- Madelyn Yarborough, Raleigh, helping A.B.L. teams by playing four (iudenti pictured here 1 awarded $1,100 icholarthip*. | ber, Winston-Salem, Eldridge j on many of the circuit’s double header cards. Saperstcin'a spt'ctacular cage magicians will appear on no leas A&T Bounces Back to Score EasylWomen's Sports Urban Renewal than 28 ABL twinbill attractions during the coming sea.son. The new league is entering its second Event Slated I Clinic to Be year and depending the Globe- 32-8 Victory Over Virginia State Irottcr.s to attract banner crowds, BANQUET SCENE — Her* is right, are T. R. Speight, Chain main speaker; N. H. Bi just as the NBA once did. • scan* of th«