Ihe Weather UiSi' Foreeaet ot L. S'. U outlier Bureau Eighth Blood Donation Luplen the board voted to prohibit where of evergreen, colored balls, plying the hoapltnl with the latest parking on the west side of Chest­ and red randies. A note of consid­ ultra violet ray lamps which are Decreasing cloudiness and be­ About Town For George Strangfeld Police Board nut street from Park street to Women’s Cliil) erable interest and beauty was Paper Salvage used in maternity wards and op­ coming' somewhat colder tonight; Forest Street. There is no parking added by the dijiplay of. some un­ erating rooms. Member of the Audit Friday fair and colder. i Among those who will give Monroe O. K o n t t , Memah aec- allowed, on the east side at present. usual candle.sticks and, figurines Since it was announced that all Bureau M. CircuUtioue i ! bfbod' at the Decernber visit of Scans Case Enjoys Party ««ld class, has completed his basic The suggestion from the select­ which had long been possessions As Permanent of the money from the sale of recruit training at the Naval Sta­ I the Mobile Blood Bank in St. in the Kraiizen family. Members waste paper would be used for Manchester— A City o f Village Charm Mary’s Parish House, will be men that a stop light be erected at tion In Sampson, N. T., aad has I Pine, Center. Broad and Arch had been asked to come, each local projects the collections have been granted leave of absence. He George Strangfeld of 45 For Firsl Time, l.ocal CliriHliiias Cpleliration Is drc.ssed to represent the title of I^ocal Coi(ntiiittee Be­ steadily increased. But there is a Franklin street. It will bo his Streets %yill be referred to the ptate (Claaalfled Advertlaing on Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9,191.5 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS arrived last nigM at the home of OiTiciuih Review Ar- traffic commission, who have co,n- HpM by ProfpsHioiials a song. The guessing of the titles lieves , Shortage Will pressing need for further effort on VOL. LXIIL, NO. .59 his pasants, MCr, and Mrs. Monroe eighth blood donation. trol over the roadway. Thia is the < aused a great deal of amusement the part of the residents and a O. Morris of 2BS Highland street. Strangfeld, who is employed and the songs covererl a wide va- special Saturday convoy will, in in Hartford, has previously | reslh o f ihe Moiilli. second time that this has been .\t Mpiubpr’ k lloiiip. Long Continue. , 1^' done, the first request being turned iiet.v, from “ Blue Bells of Scot­ the future, clean up each district The Mothers Circle of St. made his blood donations ‘ land” to "Pistol Packing Mam­ every week. That means if the there, but as time and place' The Board of Police (.'ommis- down. The December meeting and Thr Waste Paper Salvage com­ Mass for U. S. Murine Dead on Tarawa Gerard will meet tonight at the ma." collectors pass up a home on Mon­ w will be suitable for him, be sioners last night reviewed the ar­ Police IkH-tor Sele<-ted f.'hristmas party of the Profes­ mittee announced last night at a More Vessels, home of Mrs. Charles Kaselaus- sional Women’s Club was held After other games the hostesses day, or any collection day, ar­ British Storm Ridge will make his eighth donation = special meeting at the Chamber of kas, 259 Buckland street. rests made here during Novenilier, Chief Gonlon notified the hoard .served hot chocolate, Christmas rangements can be made during on Dec. .16 at noon. the charge on which they were last evening at the home of Mi.ss Commerce rooms on Center street, that Dr O. C. V. Moore had been Harriet Franxen, with about 30 cookies and candy. Miss Franzen that it intended 1o make it a per­ the week for the collection on Sat­ Mrs. Mabel Holmes of Wood- presented to the court and their seleeted to examine members for was assisted by Miss Georgia urday. disposition. It was the first time members attending. manent organization in the near Aircraft bridge street, who is in charge of the. police departnicnt. TherC'are Diiring a brief business session Creenaway, Mrs. Kllen Shea This movement will prob8hl.y More ticket distribution for the supper that thia has been done. future. It was thought that the Mrs. Catherine. A. Holloran of niiie to be examined and this will Mrs. .Stuart Segar explained the Clarke and Miss .Marion Lynch. situation immediately after the start this week and further an­ this evening at the North Method­ 175 Center street was appointed The report showed !i2 law viola­ take place at Dr. Moore’s office on The next mooting 'ot the club nouncement will be made. Persons, To T ake project non being launched b.v the ist church, advised that all reser­ tions, which included tYaffic regu­ war would be much worse than it assistant registrar of vital statis­ Benton street. united service clubs to combat, or will he held at Center church on is at the’ present time. The com­ living in the district in which tile vations have been made that the tics, and Miss Margaret Napoli lations where the person dtM's not January 4, Mias Helena Booth collections were made this past Japanese have to appear before the ronrt David Chambers presented to forestall, juvenile delinqiiene.v mittee, after hearing a report that Lost by committee can possibly take care for the north section of the town, the tmsid a plan that he said will give a talk on dolls, and ex­ week may telephone Melvin Hath­ of, and no tickets will be sold at but flays the fine. through the establishment of defi­ the operating table for the Me­ on recommendation of Town Clerk would take eare of the bicycle nite recreational programs in hibit her own large collectron. morial hospital would cost more away. chairman, with the address the door. Samuel J .' Turkington. The ap­ Kx|>rndHiire« Ke|Mirteorte William R. King I..ondon, Dec. 9 lA"! One-fourth en the ridge of Mt. Croce, raked the enemy-held island Japanese take 50,000 Chinese men Ankara, Turkey Dec. 8. (De­ of the total area of German cities tw o and a half mile.s south­ group last Saturday In a moon­ from a refugee camp he and his layed) 'A*) Foreign Minister Nu- which have been pounded by Allied west of the summit of Mt. light attack, sank two light cruls- wife had helped to operate near man Menemenciogh( said today Camino and are pressing on Christmas Is Not Just -'crs, one oil tanker and three car­ bombs has hern reduced to sheer IT’S CHRISTMAS go transports, downed 72 Japa­ Nanking, “ herd them together and that President Ismet Innnu's ron- rieva.stalion. says Air Vice Marshal toward the Garigliano river a nese planes which rose to Inter­ shoot them down.” ferenres in Cairn with President R.H.M.S, Saundhy, deputy chief of mile beyond. Allied head­ cept the attackers and then bent Some, he said, were only slightly Roosevelt and. PrimS Minister the R.A.F. Bomber command. quarters announced todav. Lieut, off a desperate seven and one-half Gen. Mark \V. fjlark's Fifth Army A Passing Fancy . . . wounded snd were burned alive Churchill had led Turkey closer to Saying that millions of buildings In Every Department Of hour assault by heavy torpedo when Japanese set fire to the mass While tl. S. Marines kneel In tribute to their fallen comrades, Father C. C. Riedel of Chicago, troops, pushing down the western bombers as the task forces left the Allied camp. have been smashed and that mod­ slopes of Mt. Maggtore and Mt. of bodies. USMC chaplain, conducts mas.s for Marines who died in capturing Tarawa from the Japs. Father Henri ern life no longer is possible in the scene. “The Japanese also took many Jolivelm, a rrench missionary who escaped from the Japs, (kneeling) assists. (AP WIrephoto). But he carefully avnideil the. Camino, where they have breach­ One Ship Slightly Damaged natural Inference that this meant Hsmblirg. Dueaseldorf, (Cologne ed the mountain walls to the val­ You Want Him To Be thousands of young girls between and other great productions cen­ One American ship was slight­ the ages of 9 and ?5 and turned Turkey was i arer to partIcipaT ley leading to Rome, wiped out THE CHRISTMAS STORE ly damaged, Nimltz said, and tion in the war. ters, Saundhy told a gathering at all by-passed enemy pockets ex­ them over to 58,000 Jap soldiers the Royal United Service institu­ ■•’light” aircraft losses were sus­ The foreign minister quoted cept on the northwestern tip of for a week,” he testified. tion yesterday that few of Jer- tained. Track Betting Iiionii as saying he "rarely had the Maggiorc incline and the Pleased... You Want The pounding the Marshalls re­ ■’Those girls who still were alive Smashing Red Gains many's cities, except tho.se in the small viliage of Rocca Devandro at the close of that week were put met so plea.sant a man as ,{oose- extreme east and southeast, have ceived left little doubt that Amer­ velt.” nestled against Camino, it was to death in the moat cruel and iin, not been attacked. statcil. That’s Why ican forces may be starting their speakable manner.” Levy Knocked First .Aulhnritative Statement drive to sweep the enemy off the He declared that of the 17 Capture High Ground. Dr. Phillips recommended that 'The foreign minister made the major northwest German cities Him To Have The Best sprawling, strategic mid - Pacific Outflank Znamenka first authoritative statemepl since Farther to the northea.st, Marshalls just as they blasted Japane.se in the ITnited State.s blasted, nine were so severely shat­ American troops attacked and should not be allowed to retiinv^to From Tax Bill Inonu’s retum from Cairo. It had tered that they were now liabili their wav into possession of the been eagerly awaited in the hope captured high ground west of California until after the war. \ ties, not as.sets, to the Nazis. Venafro, despite fierce resistance Gilberts 300 miles to thi south le.ss Rujlroa.l t;..! it would shed new light on just Industrial Towns Destroyed supported by heavy German artil­ than three weeks ago. He and his wife, who about 17 where Turkey stands in the war. In addition to the six Japanese years ago founded ’’Phillip.s Estiiiiuted Receipts Uii- Sainidby said that since the in­ lery fire, and still farther north And Liieircleiiieiit of The Turkish executive arrived in ships sunk, Nimitz said a troop House.” a missionary home in ception of the path-finder bombing wiped out lines of Nazi pillboxes transport and two cargo ships Hong Kong, returned to this coun­ Measure Reduced Tens of Thousands of OtllCr NatioilS Ankara today to find an enthusi­ west of Filignano, in the west­ were damaged. Presence of the try in 1941. before Pearl Harbor. To $1,922,700,000; astic welcome awaiting him. From (ContiniMd on Page Two) ward push acro.ss the mountain troop ship indicated the enemy Germans Threatened. his special train he .stepped down backbone flanking Caasino. may be attempting to reinforce, Favor A Wil­ 'T he president wa.s expected to Flying Fortrossrs Iii- (Continued on Page Three) so accurate six out of _ a seven- ory it would be paid ”b> those who lower Dnieper river. R u ^ an liam P. Witherow, chairman of devote a full day to conferences plane group of Japanese torpedo vides Another Decisive rrease Loail While can afford to bet,” but heavy pres­ tank forces spearheading infantry the National Association of Man­ with his cabinet ministers and bombers were downed in one at­ party leaders—and perhaps the Turn in Battles fur sure was applied against iT by columns outflanked Znamenka b.v ufacturers. said today business Lihrralorx Brittle tack. states which permit race track capturing the town of Sharovka. military a.s well in order to give Japs Make Nuisance Raids Rich ‘Rice Bowl” ,4rea. operation. The levy had been esti­ 15 miles to the south, after a men ’’must not fear the industri­ them a first hand account of what With Aihlitioiial Giiiid. Flashes! HOUSE’S After the raid, Japanese airmen mated good for $27.,">00.000 a year. .swift 15-mile advance from Pan- alization of other nations” and de­ occurred and what decisions were (Ijile Bulletins of the (A"! Wire) made nuisance raids on American taevka. a Soviet communique an- reached at Cairo. It was expected London, Dec. 9 —(A’)—The dead­ forces in the Gilberts, dropping Chungking, Dec. 9 —(A*)—The .Approves Higher .Admission Tftx clared ”it has definite advantages Over -the protests of amusement t’oiiiiccd. any official annoiin'-ement would four bombs in a Makin island la­ Chinese high command announced for iia.” ly punch of America's already for­ Through the years ive have Interests, the committee approved C-ul Branch of Road be delayed until after these falks. Eight Persons Die In Blast goon and eight bombs near Betio today that Chinese forces had re­ Referring to the part America midable Flying Fortresses has maintained a reputation for doubling the existing admission Seen Heading Toward War Gulfport, Miss., Dec. 9— (Ah — islet in Tarawa atoll. Soviet troops also cut a branch must play in world reconstruction, President Inonii's trip still is been increased by 2,000 pounds of Commander of the raiding force captured the strategicall.v impor­ tax, raising the rate to 2 cents for of the Znamenka-Nikolaev road Eight persons were killed, another quality coupled with fair each 10 cents of admission eharg* Witherow, president of Blaw- generally Interpreted here as one high explosives, while both the tant city of Changleh in Hunan running eastward to the iron and Knox Co., of , said in rritically burned and three Injur­ prices — prices that people province, which fell to the Jap­ or fraction thereof, as previously of the final developments heading Fortresses and the Liberators now ed today ill an explosion and fire at ■y 3 4««egM : .’Mm (Continued on Page Six) manganese Center of Krivoi Rog, an address prepared for delivery anese Dec. 3 after many days of voted by the House. which the Germans have been Turkey into full-scale war as a bristle with additional defensive the Phoenix Naval Stores, Inc., who live and trade in this area Also ratified was the House in­ before the 48tl\. annual meeting of partner of the United Nations bloody fighting. tenaciously holding for weeka the NAM: ^ guns. plant, five miles north of here, crease oil jewelry, from 10 to 20 agai.ist Germany. can and will pay to have what The victorious Chuicsc stroke against repeated Russian thrusts. Should Make More f'uslomers In aniuiuiiQing the improve­ t'ompany officials estimated prop­ provided, another decisive turn in per cent of the retail price. The (In London, however. British ments today, the Eighth U. S. Air erty damage at approximately they want and what they con­ Sterner Stand Senate committee, however, ex­ Today the Germans held but ” It may cause .some shift in the the fortunes of war in the bitter one rail c.scape route from Zna­ rommentators made it rlesr that P'orcp said its heavier bombers are 9‘2,'i».m)0. Thr dead are Henry empted from the increase watches type of some of our imports, but Turkey’s change from s benevo­ sider worth having. battles in which China’s ..vast and menka. a line running west to the industrialization of South now far deadlier weapons with ad­ Jeptha Hurst, 37, while, and seven important ’’rice bowl” area is a selling for leas than $6.6 and alarm lent non-belligerency to outright Deemed Likely Kirovograd, and this was threat­ America, for example, should dition of the external bomb racks Negro men. Firemen and others at major prize. Loss of Changteh last ened bv yesterday’s capture of which increase the Fortresses’ thr iM'ene removed the debarred week had opened the jiroapect of (Continued on Page Four) make more customers for Ameri­ (Continued on Page Two) Elizaveigradka, 10 miles north- can products, putting purchasing bomb load to four tons, together Ixidies from thr mass of smoulder­ I an enemy drive on Changsha, cap­ with' chin turrets pn the Fortresa- ing debris. cast of Znamenka and five miles power in the pockets of millions * * V Partisan Leader Now Rfe- ital of the province.- north of the Kirovograd spur. e.s and two new power turrets on Satisfying to Chinese of underprivileged who ■ rlever 1 I eeiviiig Bulk of /Brit­ 'Against these Red Arm.v .suc- were customers before.” the Liberators, •British Receive .Vpology The recapture of Changteh was Subsidy Issue Troopj) Alonj: The new bomb racks can be l>indon, De<'. 9— '.A*i—The Brit­ Brand Names We particularly satisfying to the Chi­ ce.sses. gained In the hitler cold ot Title of Witherow’s speech to­ bolted across the wings between ish Aid ill Yugoslavia. the Russian winter, troops of day before the second session ot ish go\rrnment has received . an nese in that, b.v official calcula­ the engines in half an hour. apology from the S|ianlsh govern­ Are Proud Of tion. only a few more than 300 Recess Urged Gen. Nikolai Valiitin’s First the NAM’s three-day (xinferenee Turks’ Border Wauhinglon. D eeV .—(>Pi—Poa- Ukrainian Army in the Kiev was. “ Every Hottentot a Capital­ 8innie Sacrifice In Range ment for Insults to the British vice men of the 57th division survived They mean some sacrifice in coiinsul and members of his family sibility that the pritish may adopt when the city was abandoned to bulge north of Chi'rnyakhov were ist.” range and spi-ed. but these possi­ I 111 thr hands of uniformed Spanish IN CLOTHING are Included a sterner attitude toward King the Japanese after a 15-day siege. falling back before a mighty Ger­ Before the‘ NAM convention in Short Cooling Off Peri­ man drive which frontline dis­ Stale o f Eiiiergeiiey De- bilities immediately suggest them­ I i ’alaiiglsts at 'Zaragoza on N'ov. 19. Peter’s Yugogtav govemment-lh- By. holding iChangteh. the Jap­ December. 1942. Witherow said: selves: Kuppenheimer, Clipper Craft. exlle was seen In diplomatic quar­ anese controlled the "rice bowl” patches said was powered by up- ” I am not fighting for a quart of I It uas Iruriied todav. Gen. Fran- od Until After Holidays wardiyrnf 2,000 heavy tanks. It ' elureil Along Entire One .sluirt range, pre-inviisum | ciHi-n Gomez .lordana, Spanish for- Knit-Tex, Cortley Clothes, ters here, today following the dis­ region and stood astride the Hu- milk for every Hottentot, or for a a.s.saull.s with great loads of ex- | eign minister, has conveyed hia closure .that Partisan Leadei Tito nan-8zechwan supply line, one of Ellender's Proposal. was thetJie second Russian retreat In TVA on the Danube, or for gov­ Boiiiiflurv of Nation. Y'ear Craft and Middi-Shade. this seetpr in two days. ernmental handouts of free Uto­ ------I government’s apology to Sir Sain­ now is'getting the bulk of British (tk>ntlDued >>r Page Two) uel Hoare, British ambassador, support In Yugoslavia. (OonUnued on Page Eight) Washington. Dec. 9.—(A")—A The Germans were paying for pia,” Stockholm, Dec. 9. .A"i Turkey their gains, however. The Red Calling a'ttention to the "storm with a.’iHiiraneps the gulUy Falang- IN FURNISHINGS— Arrow - Tito, whose real naine ia Josip short “cooling off” period on the and Germany have stationed iHls would lie punished. Britain de­ Broz. heads the Yugoslav parti­ Stetson • DuoFold • Munsing- food subsidy issue—until just aft­ troops along the opptisite aides of manded the apiilog,v after learning sans who recently formed their (tVintlnued on Page Eight) (Contliyied on Page Two) the Turkish border facing Bulgaria er the Christmas holidays--was Anarchy Reign that uniform^ memliers of the wear - Hanes - Glastonbury - own provisional government op­ Try to Check and Greece, a state of emergency government |uirty broke Into the posed to that of King Pet^. The proposed by Senator Ellender (D.. Cheney - Holeproof - Hickok has Deen declared along the entire consulate and hea|ied abhse upon king’s government is recognized La.), today as opposition mount­ lK)iindary/and all traffic has been Hitting France the British*’ vice consul and his and Tru-Val. by Britain, the United States and Rommel Drive ed to a suggestion that the mat­ haltid, ■i‘epprts from Bern, Switz-, fanWIv. Russia. ter be put aside for 60 ddys. Urges Closing Scientific Srlandy^ana the 'iilgarian capital IMssenslon Sore Spot IN FOOTWEAR — Dorothy Ellender. a leader of the admin- 4aid today. Vic’liv Govpriiiueiit Row-1 /’“* Dissension between Tito’s force Geriiiaiis ThroM- Fresh 4stration forces battling to save Dispatches said the border • ,, 1 /-V (oliinilius, 0„ Dec, 9—lA’i— Dodd, W . B. Coon, Air-Tred, and th.; rival Cbetnik troops of aiibaldles as a means of holding Laboratories of Fnemies meiisures had been ordered as nef- P r le s H l4» Check Oul-lUeul. Gov. I’aul .M. Herbert, nct- Gen. Draja Mihailovich (King Troops into Effort Mode Arts, Cooperative, Thor- the. line on living costs, said the voiisncss over, a possible Allied in­ I - I re«|uest o f northwest- Pcter'i minister of war) has been Senate would be able • to “ vote h reaks, (sf^riliailK “ a3.|pi.n ohlo officials, orderyd State To Crush. Partisans. Betty Prosser ♦tries will not be allowed . to do vasion mounted throughout the ogood, Kali-sten-iks and U. S. a sore spot to the Allies and be­ more Intelligently” if members Balkans. ------‘ Giurd offlrials to Palnesville to- , comes Increasingly acute as the .Chicago, Dec. 9— (A">—If. the . scientific research. Rubber Footwear. dould go home at Christmas time Germah Invaaina Posalble l,ondon. Dec. 9 itP' A reign i day when a strike rut off gaa for time for an expected Balkan in­ London, Dec. 9.—(Ah—Yugoslav and sound out local sentiment. United Natipns want to make sure ' "if all their laboratories are 1 that German: and Japanese scien- . closed, research and control lab- The newspaper Svenska Dag- of- anarchy is , sweeping France! heating and cooking to an estl- vasion nears. partisans fought stubbornly to ’’Subsidies can’t pos.sibl^’ , get bladet's Bern correspondent said and the Vicy government Is pnw- mated 60,(U>0 persons. .Herliert, Minister of State Richard K. check Marshal' Erwin Rommel’s the consideration they deserve In tific ingenuity does not work to- I oratories alike, we, shall be safe, ward their future deatruction in This will force the German peo- that the pos.sihility was not being Ics-s to check it, the Gerinan-icm- acting in the absent* of Gov, John Law told Commons that It was the new offensive in ' Bosnia today as the brief time, remaining before overlooked of a German invasion trolled Paris radio saiil today in a'-W . Brlcker. said re<|uesta enme the Germans threw fresh troops yet another war. they muat close pje to turn to agriculture, weav- policy of the British to prosecute the holidays.” Ellender said. the scientific laboratories o f their of European Tiirkey in order to broadcast recorded by Tt^e A’c.'o- from officials of .\shtahula and the war against Gcr nany in every Into their drive to crush the parti­ •’Everybody is mad and tired out ing , or the export of fancy veats— enemies. Dr. Otto Eisenschlml; the fate they decreed for France ‘reach the. vital Dardanelles, es­ ciated Press. Lake eoiintles, both left with vir- way and "we are giving the parti­ san Armies, according to a radio A postponement of 10 or 15 days The Pkria broadcast qiioteit the iially no gas after negoliattons' bulletin I from Gen. Josip Bros' Chicago chemist, said today. and other conquered countries. pecially In view of reports that the sans more support than Mihailo­ might be all that la necessary to . “These scientists are our post­ Allies have promi.sed increased as­ newspaper .Aiijoiird Hiii a.s .saying broke down In a strike of 2,000 vich for the simple reason that re­ (Tito’s) headquarters. let the senators find out how peo. Helpless Without Selene* nien which halted all operations The communique claimed that war Enemies No. 1.” he said in an sistance to Russii by way of tfie that "people are being killed (m sistance of the partisan 'forces to pie feel about the question, and it interview.. ‘"If, on the other hand, we al­ evcr.v street corner. There ia of the Diamond .\lkali f^o., and its the campaign was coating the low, them some factories or medi­ Dardanelles. Footwear the Germans is very much great­ certainly Is Important enough “ What weapons could they de­ robbery and pillage all over the siilmidlary the Standard dirom ate Germans heavily In men and re­ cal schools requiring chemical lab­ He quoted reports from Ankara er.” that theyahould have that oppor­ velop within the walls of a labo­ and a Sofia dispatch from the countryside.” I'D. at Fatrport Harbor. Informed sources here construe ported that the Yugoslavs liad tunity.” oratories. I 'would Insist they be • s • launched an offensive of their own ratory if we left them to their own Southeastern Europe Information Marcel Deat, a'leading, propon­ Law s' statement as a warning to Might Hinder Planning devitesT No one can be sure. If manned by American. Russian, Flailies W hip Coastal .\rea For The Whole in the Odia sector In Slovenia, 23 English, or other selected chem­ bureau that the state of emergen­ ent of collaboration with the Ger­ the Mihailovich faction to' get on The earlier auggestions for they, for instance, could beat us cy had been declared along the mans, said in an article in the San Francisco, Dec. 9—d alao from atom, thus releasing undreamed of their respective countries. In through widely-scattered constat . Family cury mines. thia way the laboratories could The Svenska Dagbladet corre­ broadcast: Do Your Shopping sent Mihailovich containing h veil­ War Food Admlniatrator Marvin of qua. itities of energy, we might spondent said a strong detachment "Bandltlsm More .\uda«-l»us” areas of central Califomla today Green Stamps ed threat that he would not re­ Smash Nasi Rail Line* Jones who said delay might htn become as helpless as i f they dia- never he used for improper pur­ and reports Indicated dam af« poses. Without science any nation of Turkish troops had taken up "Banditism is becoming daily In the Morning ceive exteisive aid from the Allies Yugoslav guerrillas smashed der farmciT in pikhning their 1944 covered the much talked about positions along the entire border, more audacious. It is no longer would be In the millions of dol^ Given unless he: German railroad lines In this area, crop programa. death ray.’’’ would be helpless in modem war­ The JW.HAU COU fare. and, that two German divisions a question of. isolated terrorism lars. There w*rr no reports m t' 1. Stepped up. activities against Will Not Eliminate Revenge Lnat If Possible the bulletin said, adding that traf­ Jones ia wrestling now with the had been moved up to the Bul­ committed under the pretext of casualtlni. The fires were o>> o m m With Cash Sales the Germans'. fic was at a 'standstill between problem of whether to announce Forced dismem*jerment, auper- “ If we are to be . protected M a w c H i a m t C * against unpleasant - surprises In garian border against anv at­ patriotism. - checked In many arena. Inrludlnff 2. Refrained from any clashes Ljubljana and Trieste and farm product support prices .for vision of sch(X>Is, and disarma­ the exclusive but sparsely populal- ment of our enemies after, the war the future, German and Japanese tempted Allied invasion through “We are faced with a vast throughout the adjacent coastal 1944 or await settlement of the destruction. ed sector of oorthraet Oakland . (r^mtiniMxi 0* Page Two) still will not eliminate their lust science must be completely steril­ Turkey. ■ movement of High­ sectors. subsidy debate. waymen and a.s.saM.sins are every­ across .Han KranelM’o bay. P«xm6 LAST CALL TO MAIL AND EXPRESS PACKAGES BEFORE DECEMBER 10. Destruction of a bridge on. the Farmers hove no idea yet as to for- revenge, Dr, Kisenschiml said. ized.” Other Biern reports said there was tenae expectancy throughout where. The little man shouts lines In some areas were fiow M ' -Tiefisury Halynce Ljiibljanm-Trleste line and the what prices they can expect ex­ ” By shutting off their obvious Dr. Eiaenschinil was graduated as a chemlra. engineer from the southeastern Europe that Turkey for help, but the government is street car'service was hampu«(||^^ taking of pri.sonera and quantitiea cept in the case of a very few channels for a mlllUry come­ atora windows were blow In; ' products. As a consequence ntost back. we shall only drive the Ger­ Polytechnlcal school of Vienna. would taka a more active part in desperate and helpless. 'Washington, Dec. 9—UP)—^The of war material were reported.* ••Forest are now being organ­ wem ttpreotad; amnll poaition of the TrMeury. Dec. 7: The Berlin radio asserted In a of them are awaiting an announce­ man and Jap efforts underground H e ' is preaident of the Scientific the war. on Compounding Co., distributors Larga supplies of seapons and ized: however, which wdll stop this crashed up en the Pacific RccelpU. 9146,944,037.31; ex- broadcast that the German offen- ment of the W FA’s price support Into laboratories.* he ^marked. nsany bom aa hamad. aad uendlturea. 9450,569,405.09; net "Our merciless verdict must be and testers of materials for talance. tlS.406 629 180.47. 1 (liMittaiied M P an Twet (CoaUawd oa Fags Iwo> that after this war the two ooun paints, variuahes and soaps. (Csattaasd sa Pags rws) ^UMUnnnd m Pa(o Iwa)

■ :- 4 ' .J""... room, for the klndergartenara to aets they left behind, in the forms of savings, Insurance, and bond. is equipped with two new power British Capture Black Market play In when It Is their turn to use Forty Present the grounds she was not tully pre­ Bibles in 20' I.JtnfiuaKes Liquol* Probe the room, The war will be prolonged, caus­ turrets--the Emershn nose turret MY HAMMOND ing thousands of needless deaths; pared and would gain nothing Rockville Need Not Fear .\re on Display Here Yaiik Bombers and a ball turret in a retractable; New Haven R.R. Engineer Speaker Of the Evening ^^leys Lead from such a .step.,. Mt. Oooe Ridge; Henry Janssen introduced the and the soaring prices will bring At Xmas Party mount amidships. Added to the tall ELECTRIC ORGAN Liecture Topic loss oiF prodjction, strikes, and The official new.spaper Ulus was l.ewls H. Chapman Bibles, in twenty'\(liffercnt To Be Opened speaker of the «vening, Paul turret and upper turret, these (Equivalent o f a i Man Orch.) Wins “Safety Ace” Award starvation to millions of Ameri­ enthusiastic about the conference A49. Rorkvllle Other Nations languages including a\Braille Piiiieli More modifications give the Liberator Clean Pockets Revere Khlers, of Starkweather Turks Closer cans. of President Roosevelt, Prime volume are on display aV. the four power turrets, Green PTA Hear* Cm- street. Mr. Ehlers, himself a blood Employee* of Walkins Minister Churchill and Premier ' Manchester Electric Compniiy IS NOW AVAILABLE Senate ^Tlommitlce to donor five times, began by a brief " It can happen here," stated Mr "In the nose turrpl the gunner (('«!.tinned from Page One) Stalin. It called the Teheran an- (Getting Trade office on Main street, Throu^_ Deadly Now is protected by lialf-inch metal nailer Tell^ of Ex|M*ri- summary o f the erucial need for Ehlers. "as It h^appeneii in other Brother* Hold Enjoy­ To Nazi F o ^ rtouncement a "sliort. virile and Budget Voted the efforts of the local Minis-' TO ANY PARTY Begiit Investigation in- blood donations, and the fact that nations in other times.” armor and two and one-half inch said Montgomery’s men had able .\ITair al ihe Y ,fri.efKlly document," and added; ters' Association the Bibles enoes in tlie State. now. more than ever, the blood is (Omtlniied from Page Oi.e) ( ( ’ontiiiiinil from Page One) hiillet proof glass. The armor and tjo^Current Shortage. forced a new {grossing of the Moro (Owtiniled from Paje One) ‘ “ P’o r ‘ Germany there is left the came from the American Bible ' glass are mounted on tracks which Ideal f(>r Banquets, and needed. In view of the heavy fight­ single c'ht^ice between uncondition­ river in this area and had ad­ Forty employees of Watkins For Roekville Library in New York eita'. The plo.'tWc.s. carried out under the move with the gun. Social Dances. The December meeting of the ing that our bo.ys are doing, and al sttrrentler and being beaten by of concern’’ over that addres.s. '^Svashlngton, Dec. 8— ( d — The vanced to within eight miles of aalatance to the United Nations— Withcrow continued: “ Bible is still rccoffnized as the proteetjon of figlitcr escort for ’:The ball turret is virtually the casualties we know are com­ Mrs. H. K. Seymour Brothers were the guests at a foree,’’ Rates Pescara, the Adriatic terminal of Manchester Greeii PTA was held If It does come—is not expected "Would Make Him rapitallat’’ world’s best seller. apprcixmpitely 350 niile.s inland. identical with^the old Fortress tur­ abiiitj^ of some by-the-drink re­ the trans-peniiiaula highway to ing, Then he told how and wh.v he Christmas party held at the Y. M.- for several months.) iilv 30 Pre,Ht*iil al Ses- Among the more interesting Two: A^.Hs niglit saturation ret. with the addition.of a retract­ $11.00 Per En)ia$renient last evening at the home of the began his enisade against black "You. see. the answer to the tailers to obtain sufficient supplies Rome. Morocco radio broadcast To Join Hiishaiul C. A. last evening. A delicious A Turltish communique i.ssued ones is a Bible in the Gaelic raiding wilhsAhc B. A. F. ing mechanism necessitated by the president, Mra. Gilmoure 0>le, .58 markets, and what has been done Mottentot’a dilemma is that we (Sat. Eve. and New Year’s Eve of whiskey while state-owned said the Eighth Arm y had reached roast pork dinner was served aa a on the conference made no men­ Troops Aloiij;' -iiJMi as $118,901 Is language, better known as the liberator’s low bcllv." about, the situation In Connecticut. would make him a capitaliat. Speed and >lrfenaivc armament Excepted). the suburbs of Ortona, about Stephen streot, with a Targe at­ tion of military personnel or mili­ Irish Bible. Interesting pic- stores can’t get ienough to meet de­ A t first, the anger he felt against substitute for the unavailable tra- fJiv»*iKIo Klin Ciily. capable of producing for his own are less importairt factors in eith­ eight miles below Pescara.) tendance. A t a short business tary discussions at the meetings, tilres also fill the window ta k -: er type of operanqn, particularly mands will be investigated by a meeting It was learned that the te- unpatriotic storekeepers made Mrs. Herbert K. Seymour, med­ d tional "turkey. After a few intro­ but there Is an understanding here Turks* Bonier welfare and security and contrib­ en in foreign countries lon g, (Ii’ills, Written Contract Judiciary subcommittee, Senator Improved weather and subsid­ in the heavy night, aq^ults by the Piilil'u’ Kouoi'ds ing floods, however, favored the cent Food Sale sponsored by the him reaolve to- crti.sade actively ical technologist of the Manches­ ductory remarks by C. Elmorq. that military men actually were Rm kville. ■« --(Special) — uting to the welfare of his own before the war. The Braille; Only. Ferguson (R-M lch) said today. R. A. F. similar 'to xhosc which fighting on the Fifth Army front P T A ’-ihowed a profit of $64.25. De­ asainst violators o, OPA regula­ ter Memorial hospital, left this Watkins, president of the com- - present. (An official Cairo an­ and other countries.” Bible, however-, was attracting; The committee will begin a gen­ ( f ’ontinned from Page One) With le.s.s than th?H;i- citizens at­ tuave bi-eii carried ouI\ recently where it was disclosed the village cision was re.served concerning the tions. Then, reeeivlng the support morning to join her hiKsband, Sec­ nouncement said that two aldc.s- Withcrow said the real answer arnintor Deeds pany, in which he briefly outlined tending. ttie anntial cHy meeting the most attention this mom- against Berlin and Leipz! GEORGE J. SMITH eral inquiry into the current short­ of Calabritto on’ the southern Jaiiuary'\meeting, as it is impos­ and backing of the press, he ond Lieutenant Herbert Keene.v de-camp, wearing civilian clothes, was to help the Hottentot find Cottage Haniies, Inc., to Ward age of distilled spirits at public Seymour, who Is stationed at the the history of the concein for the himilreti.s of planes were reported Wednesday evening the htHlRct of ing. ' In recent weeks the G erift^ ra­ Dial 8:i60 10 Flower St. slopes of Mt. Camino had changed sible to tell at this time what the brought triple-damage suits, both formed the only milltarj- part of "the wa.v to a better life; don’t J. and Ocrtiiidc C. Moyer, prop­ hearings opening toniorrovv and Headquarters Air Service Com­ to have icaclied Turkey recently. dio has referred to night raloq^ by hands several times in recent days weather cbhditions and situation In Middlesex and Hartford coun­ benefit of the new employees, $118,004 as recommended b^-.the try to give it to him." erty on Dover Road. Ferguson said the difficulties en­ mand. Olmstead Field, Middle- Inonu’s entourage.) Reports from Berlin .siiid some "British-American bombers," “in­ bcfol-e finally falling into firm A l­ regarding a meeting place will )>e. ties, against the stores doing black •\lcx Colo presented three reels of The Turltish communique said City Coimtil wa.s voted IhrOiiiJfh The industrialist said business- Garrett H. Stryker and Sara M. countered by Ohio and New Jersey town. Pa. i movies. ■sources there expte.ssed the belief dicating that American Fortres^ lied possession. . Miss Esther Granstrom. princi­ market business. Inonu's participation In the Cairo that the talk of a Balkan invasion without a dissenting voice. ipen should learn there must be Nine Cities es may already have participated --Rtrykei- to the Sterling Corpora­ in purcha.sing liquor would be out­ In tile Venafro area the Ger­ Where Kliu-k Market Is Prior to her niarriuge last spring ' Bud Slneklaud, sleight-of-hand talks was a “striking manifesta­ something approaching balance if tion, land on Oakland Terrace. pal of the Green school, spoke might be part of an Allied nerve The following are llie amoiints in the saturation attacks, but lined. mans launched .severa^sharp coun­ Mr. Ehlers stressed the fact that Mrs. Seymour was the former .Mi.ss | Britain, next enter- world- trade were to be a success. S. Ferguson said he wa.s interested briefly about the recent disastrous tion of the alliance which unites war to screen even m ore Irtiport- by departments as voted; General there has been no official state­ R^lph T. and Marion Beaudin ter-attacks, but the Americans contrary to most housewives’ opin­ Alice Bennett, daughter of Mr. trtined the group with a Well­ "To help create that balance,'” No Loiiwer fire at the school, and told the as­ and Mrs. Howard W. Bennett of | p,, „ f magical Great BriUin and Turkey and the ant operations in other theaters. Government. Administrative Sala­ ment from London to bear out the U) th^ Sterling Corporation, land aUso in the action taken in Michi­ prevented them froni having con­ ion. a biack market does not neces­ solid friendship between Turkey he said, ’le t us not fool ourselves gan which permits bars in that semblage how splendidly the chil­ 45 Brookfield street. I ^|,(j stunts. An old-fashion- Disturbances within Bulgaria ries, $2,38.'); General Expen.se, German statements. I on Oakland Terrace. N l r U r i clusive results sarily entail midnight maneuvers and the United States and Rus­ .” 1.______state to buy liquor from outaide dren. faculty and personnel of the Lieuteiiaiit Se.vmour is the .son | chnstniaa sing with Julia Me­ .te.T.OO; Jndicial, $2,52.'"); .Miscel- lito long wfth the idea that for­ Help Nazis Dive-Bombing Innovation with peek-hole in a doorway, hiit anil roiinilnps of hundreds of per­ Attack Airfields in (ireece school were cooperating to con­ of Mr a l^ Mrs. Arthur P. Scy- i at Hip piano and Mr. Wat- sia.” ,laneotis expenses, $3.12,^); Debt eign debts are going to be retired Another recent innovation i’l Nearly dqe-tenth of Holland’s wholesalers in addition to the American heavy bombers took that every store which does not Not Fully I’ rcpared sons by the German Ge.sfapo ami — ENDS TODAY ------SelectiOo. of John J. Lang, locomotive engineer and employee of th* tinue classes in an orderly fashion, mimr of Depot street, Bucklaiul. Serviee. $6.3^0: Public Safety, Po­ dollar for dollar, as we hope for the American aerial as.saiilt population tvhs been displaced as quotas they obtain through the the oft-traveled route to Greece .....* I kins leading, wound up the a ctivi-. There was general belief here Bulgarian Army police weie re­ (OoDtinned froin Page One) in spite of adverse circumstances. comply in every way with OP.5,, Following his graduation from , tip, at the 5'. lice Dc()artmeht. $17.02.'i; General 15 years after the last war” against Germany is the dive- a result of the war. M.ARIA MONTEZ - JON HALL state monopoly. again yesterday, attacking enemy New Haven Railroad, at winner of the "Safety Ace" award for the week ceiling prices, ia doing a black that Inonu had been invited to the ported also, and a Budiipest di.s- "We want to knovy why a state Some of the classrobms which Northeastern University he Expense. $1,672. Lighting Depart­ .Must Do Three Things .Quickly bombing tactic employed hy airfields at Elcvsis and Tatoi, west of November 29, has just been announced by the National Safety Council About lialf the parly then ad­ conference to discuss war plan.s patch It) Ute Stoi kholnvncw.spa- method, such industrial towns as in "WHITE SAVAGE” can't purcha.se sufficient supplies if were not damaged at all, are being market trade. employed by the Coll Patent Fire­ ment, $12,875; Fire Department bomb-carrying P-47 Thunder­ and norf- of Athens, respectively. Above, left, Carroll E. Mealey, Director of the Easier% Region of the The imisirtance of ending the journed to tile Farr bowling a1- for this part of the world, but a per Social Demokraten said many Withcrow said trade realism Barmen, Wuppertal, Elberfeld, these retailers can go out on their u.scd In two shifts, the smaller chil- arms Manufacturing Company, Salaries. $.').815: General Expen-ses bolts. luid 'GOOD M ORNING JUDGE’ Both Fortresses and Liberators Nqiionar Safety Council* formally makes the citatio| ahd presents the small group was said to maintain arrests Ivid been made following would "cause us to do three Krefeld and others had been tlron attending school In the fore­ black markets cannot be too hish- liartford. He was ^adilaled c.ii j $6,377: Health Department. $8. These powerful, single-engined own and get about all they need." engaged In the operations. accompanying $100 War Bond to Engineer l-ang. Three commendationi balance of the evening. that Inonu had declined to put demon.stralions at .Sofia' things quickly after the war; virtually destroyed, with their noon and the older children In the l.v stre.ssed, because few have November 11 from the Technical •12.5; Filtration, $.5,3,50; new Sew­ fighters have been used to attack STARTS TOMORROW Ferguson said. A smaller Allied bombing force for preventing major accidents, plus a 40-year personal safe record with the Turkey on a full war footing on .Xtiiny Soldiers Deserting "1. Provide funds for emer­ plants, gas works everything - in Growing Black Market Seen afternoon, all using the same taken the trouble to find out what School of the Army Air Force ers. $3..500; Public Works Dept. objectives by diving from high to also ranged far northward to at­ New Haven Railroad, were the factors tliat led to Mr. Lang’s selection. The newspaper .said it tiad gency relief of distre.ssed nations. single, concentrated attacks. ' First Time In Munchester! He expressed belief there is a rooms. Mias Granstrom mentioned they are directly contributing to Technical Training Center at Yale Lullieian church membership General Maintenance. $18,000; medium altitudes before releasing MANCHESTER tack liarbor installations and ship­ Engineer Lang's first commendation came in July, 1917, for the excellent leHined from private .sourees that "2. Early stop of lend-lease for growing black market in liquor in how the eighth grade children Inflation which will moan great University. in I T . S. anti Canada increased 64,- Oiling. $6,000; Trap Rock. $3,000; Describing the great scope of the bombs. ping at San Stefano, 80 ’ miles the situation was desperate in the post-war puriKJScs. NOW IM.AVING which some wholesalers are charg­ judgment he displayed at Ferry Street, Fall River, Mass., in protecting push back their desks and chairs disaster ahead, if it should come. Lieutenant ami Mrs. Seymour ■186 members in 1942 and reached Worry of Sidewalks. Ciirbs and Gutters, the reieeht attacks on Germany, The attack is a variation of the northwest of Rome. Biilgariaiv Army, with many sol­ "3. Agree on a settlement of ing more than ceiling prices. troops against railroad movements when the train on which tliey were riding at the of their session, to make Inflation will jncan betrayal of our will make their home in Harris­ an all-liinc high in membership I $2,000; Culverts and Storm Sew­ Raundby said they had reached the old-style dive- bombing practiced The air command said that in Ol diers deserting to the Greek and past lend-lease on a basis that is The Office of Price Administra­ was held up by an accident In July. 1923, he was cited for observing a an empty place in the center of the .soldiers, by dissipation of the as- burg, Pa. another hve million. FALSE TEETH ers, $1,300: Parks. $2..500; Snow terrific rate o t 120 tons per square by the JU-37 Stukas. in which the both this and the raids on the Yugoslav guerrilla forces. possible of liquidation, thereby tion reported incidentally that defect on approaching locomotive and stopping the engine in time to and Ice Removal, $2,000; Engi­ mile per hour—80 times the inten­ bomber dived to within a short- Greek airfields the targets were Slipping or Irritating? Swcdi.sh correspondents in Ber­ taking the uncertainty of these price violations have been "fairly avert a possible derailment In July, 1936, he was cited for his activities ia Don’t be embarrHasert by loose neering. $7.50. sity of the heaviest' Nazi raid on distance of the ’.arget before re­ well covered. lin quoted a fi’oreign Offiee spoke.s- obligations out of the trade pic­ general" over the country and that pulling a string of railroad cars out of dapger from a large fire. Mr. Lang false teeth eiliipitiK, droiiiiliur or The resolntion of the Council London. leasing its load. Imprhved de­ Medium bombers, in triple wabbllhK wlicn you eat. talk^ or man as saying that Germany still ture.” more than 1,000 actions have been is 59 years old, is married and lives at 141 Somerset Avenue, Taunton Mass. . . was tatified deferring the laying fenses have made this type of at­ forays, hit the railway center at Furniture. Beihliuft. Floor Coveriiifis Drufteries Interior Decoration laush. Just sprinkle a little K.XS- has a non-aggreasion pact with .Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey told brought against dealers. The vio­ TEETH on your plstri. Tills- iilriis- of the lax rale iliitil June 1944. tack extremely hazardous for the Orta, inland above Rome, Civita­ Tiukoy and expected to- make no a NAM manpower panel discus­ lations are dlmin'ishing, O PA said, ant powder r Ivcs s remarkable It was voted to authorize the Germans. vecchia, port 45.miles northwest of comment on the Tnonii-Roo.sevelt- sion last night that at least six Sterner Stand as word spreads that offenders are have become known to pilots as sense of added comfort and' .securi­ mayor and city treasurer to bor­ Racks ol Rlmple Construction the Italian capital, and the railway' ty by holdins plates more, firmly. Chiirehill talks until the Turks months more of draft must be ex­ liable for triple the^ amount of the “ cab rank.” No summy. Kooey. iiasty taste or row s sum not to exceed $6.5,000 The new wing racks carried by town of Spoleto, 60 milea north­ Dist. Scoiiters make some move or declaration. pected before armed service de­ overcharges they mak^,- and that • An R.A.F. regiment i.s now op­ feeling. It’s alkaline (non-acid), (let ft in siiticipntion of the taxes. Deemed Likelv the Fortresses weigh roughly 150 east of Rome on the Rome-An- FAOTEETH at any drug store. mands for manpower taper off to recovery has been, made in a ma­ erating armored cars at the front Hearing Held pounds and 'are of the simplest cona line. Light aircraft shot up in order to get quickly to cnoniy only maintenance levels. Steel construction. Their bombs jority of the actions. Plan Banquet Aiiareliy Reiijii Previous to the City meeting a (Continued from Page One) enemy ground positions and com­ planes shot down jind thus ol)- ' "In the future, age is to he a can he released electrically and The largest recovery made thus lieuring was held in regard to the munications in the battle areas. taln valuable Information. factor." the selective .service direc­ manually, and in sequence or in far. said Samuel Fishman of the rcquo.st of Oliver Champ to op­ with Tito’s partisans e.xccpt Seven .billed Planes Missing Hitliii" France tor said. ’’.You will have a great­ salvo with the bomb bay load. . . OPA enforcement staff, was a erate an auto Junk yard on the pure self-defense. Four enemy airchraft were de­ Annual Meeting on Next Men> Women! Old at er chance to retain the older They reduce the big bombers’ $200.boo settlement obtained from Hartford Turnpike. Mrs, Daniel 3. Cooperated, closely with the stroyed during the day’s opera­ rather than the younger worker." la iig f bfcaiisp they occupy space ft. Washington wholesale liquor Holl Iniproviiig Wetlnesdav Evening at ( (Continued from Page One) Champagne, Kenneth W. Little He said at pre.sent about 10,- Middle Ea.stcrn command. tions 4nd seven Allied planes were and Clarenee Halleher spoke oidlnanly givei. over J.o extra missing. Want Pep? 000,000 men were in the Army and Mihailovich’s reply did not con­ ga.soline, and their wind resist­ Tu (.'hock On Bottles The Y. anarchy, and a brutal reaction in against granting permi8.sion. stat­ tain complete acceptance of these One P'orticss was lost on the South EihI Sired Navv and that there were only ance necc.ssarily reduces speed. F^tguson said the Senate com- Wait to Feel Younger, More Vim? the near future ia inevitable." ing that such a yard would reduce points and a short lime ago Gen. Elevsis raidW here thousands of 13.060.000 left in the eligible 18-38 Tliiough tlicii use. however, ti)e mittei^salBo would check up on re­ The Manchester District, Boy I )TM hUm% •xluMMtd. wor^ioat. ruadowm The Vichy radio, in a broadcast the value of the properly in the .Sir Henry Maitland Wilson. Brit­ fragmentation bombs were sprin­ roar tin «al You ooa foot popleai. low age group to "furnish 1.900,000 to Fortresses gain a much heavui'l ports t ^ t while the number of old ot 40. M or M. toltly bMouto your neigl$))orliood. At the meeting of kled among concentrations of Ger­ Scouts of America will hold their recorded by Reuters, said that a 2.100.000 to the armed forces” ish Middle Eastern commander, bottles available for liquor had Edward J. Holl, pioneer real es­ Ji U M c lte t ta Iroa. Omtrtx Toalr Tabtoiaiup* widespread roundup of terrorists the Couneil, action was deferred made a speech sharply denouncing punch. man planes, many Of them large annual meeting and banqiiel at the rn al m tiieim l dooM or Iroa. J) jlMF.H nlnl* during the next six months. The late.st Fortre.ss model is been reduc^. disUllert, still could tate develo|)er in Manchester. is m dally aattiuoaai rodutroaanil Atoo Viumio by police and other agencies ia in on the petition. Chelnik attacks on their own transports. T W li^ mlaiomia dally aQtntloaal ronuiro* General Hershey said he the B-17G. Headquartcis said it get 65 per of a normal supply 5'. M. C. A. next Wedne.sday, De­ ' TlwoaaBdf wbo fait paplemi. wora^ui. old. full .swing throughout France, 4'lt.v Couneil cmintrynien. The Liberators a'so scattered hoping that the weather holds out to bMttoa ao iroa-poor, poaiUvalypoalUvaly tmMifdama/rd at rt* thought about 1,000.000 could be "is equipped with a chin turret re'zardless of oie'-size of the con cember 1.5 at 6:30 o'clock. . This THROUGH THE YEARS! . ------If destruction among planes at 'Tatoi, • oToatrax: foal p ep m . yaan yauaerr. Sc notably at Pas De Calais, Lille There was li meeting of the CTity obtained from the father group .Situation Further Coinplieated providing greater angles for tire until he can. complete grading a year all CuObers, Scouters, their treuwadoo'lfall to try Oetrei TX>DAAY tainer. a ba.se for Germaq JU-88 twin- t Mwal Oo» afioelal latroduatorv alaaaw/r Mel and in the Paris-Veraallles dis­ Council following the city meeting, between now and next June 30, The situation was further com­ and a" more po.sitive .sighting "It seems pecuViar." he said, new street which will extend from wives, and sweethearts are invited ■ala at all dm# etorea orerywhera. engined bombers. _____ ^ ” trict. with Mayor Raymond E. Hunt another 400.000 boys would be­ plicated a few days ag- with an­ mechanism and has sufficient am-- "that when the qudtA of bottles Park street oppo.site the parochial to attend. Several ships in the harbor at presiding. One petition was re­ come 18 and then he eligible, pos­ nouncement from the partisans nuinition for its two 50-calibcr was cut they should nave gone to school to Forest street. The street Fred Ooogins district commis­ San Stefano and railroads nearby ceived from Charles Steppe to sibly 100,000 reaching 17 years that they had set up a provisional machine-guns to discourage head- smaller instead of largVr bottles will be known as Oti.s .street and sioner of West Hartford, will be j erect a brooder hou.se 28 x 16 feet were hit by other Fortress forma­ old would enlist and the remain­ government headed by Dr. Ivan on attacks." By putting most of the^i\supplies already has a house ore it. In ­ the prineipal apc.aker. He has the! at 137 V'ernon avenue. This was tions and heavy smoke indicated a ability to obtain graders for the SMART SHAVERS der would come from those now Ribar with Tito as chief of the The new turret, electrically-driv­ in quarts, they could cbrtainly reputation of giving a very inter-1 granted subject to federal regula­ armed forces. tanker was act on fire. A large ex­ rough work has held up the jol) for estitig talk and the message which deferred, farm exempted, and en and operated by the bombardier, ON THE SAME PROGRA.M sell more than under the present tions in regard to its cost. 4-Fs. The difficulties presented by the nestles underneath the nose of the trend, which is to fifths, pints^nd. plosion indicated an ammunition some time, k he will deliver at this annual meet-1 It was voted to give $25 toward quarrel were taken up at the re­ ship. It is fed by ammunition on “HOOSIER HOLIDAY” dump on the docks was hit. This streelXj^ill open a wa.v ing is sure to be of interest to all i the annual Chrialmas seal sale. tenths." t?0 /\/rsm r cent Moscow conference of foreign rollers and empty cartridge case.s M Ith Dale Evans - George Byron F^our Railway Bridges Bombed direct from the Center to Foyest Scouters in Manchester. 1 A ( omiuiinication wa.s read In ministers, although the discussion and links are thrown clear of the Four railwa.v bridges between street and will, when it becomes I.etters and return cards have — rin.'n ttxmmi M H,»»» Oiomi IMn .nj IkW ww regard to a public healing next Trv to ('he«*k was restricted to an exchange of ship. - P I.1 S . *arby Orbetello and Montt-lto dl generally known, relieve the been mailed out and all wishing to .Monday, Deceiuhei 13 in Hartford, Admits Slashing C w r o t^ the .south were bombed traffic situation on Main street. information. Tile statement continued; ALLEN JONES in make reservations should send in lieiug held i)y the Piililic Utilities Boinmel Drive “The chin turret gives the Fort­ by lltfi Fortresses. Mr. Holl said that he plana to de­ the return"cards or call William M |la4*» «rft Holtow CtbwtuI tof fluaibtiihf to to* r«fO« Vvw Commission in connection with a An authoritative source said “VOL’RE A LUCKY that while the Russian may have ress four pairs of 50 caliber ma- Read Herald Advs. Police Car Tire Improvement of weather condi­ velop this tract as soon as arrange­ Andeison. phone 3433. 4*n'l “WfW Aftwn** tcrop* ittyh-yowf foi* f**U cool petition of the Greyhound Bus ments can be made. A t 'the pres­ uiiiimmto4 ymwr blod* odfM low lofifor. Ooi • po^ (I nnHniind from Page One) sept son " money to Tito, they , hinc-guna in the chin, upper and FELLOW MR. SMITH’ tions enabled the Tactical Air Other committeemen are. Frank Lines. •I Hduf. M*n«y becli fworemto*. have not ent supplies and claim ball turrets and the tail, in addi­ Forces rq engage in large-scale ent time the street is not open to Qiiish. chairman of the program ^ - __ DooK* Of It was voted to hold the next tion the Fortress has singlc-niounl- operations\along .^he frontwith traffic; only rough grading ha.s and C. W. Dolson in cliarge of ar­ sivc had routed .some partisan to hava no direct com cction with East Hampton. Dec. 9.— i>Fi 4w25c meeting Tuesday. December 21 at ed guns in the no.se, waist and near an efficient\new .system of close been done. rangements. columns in .Montenegro, killing his Communist-inclined move­ Lionel Edwin Robinson, 22, has 7 i>. in. ment. the radio operator. support by ■ which Allied fighter- 200 Yugoslavs and taking 2,000 confessed. Capt. Leo Carroll of the De.'lsiiiii Reserved 'The B-24H (now-est Liberator) bombers can concentrate on pin­ To Join Freuch F'orcea prisoners. Colchester state police barracks Hotel Offleiars Wife Die-. Judge (,'1'arles .1, Mr Lauglilin re-i points of resistance within four •aid today, to slashing a tire on a served deci.snm Wcdne.sday in th e; minutes after an Mtack has been Barcelona. Dec. 9—i.tP)—A spe­ state police car and to driving his Bridgeport. Dec. 9. i.•I’i Ella Tolland County Superior Court in Convincetl Allie.s Hoiisatoilic* Valiev .requested by the Army. cial liain bearing 4,50 French car through a field of ripening Announcement of \he system Rebecca Benjamin Saunders, wile icfugees, mcluding a large num­ the divoree actum of Felix Zador- Planninfi Thrust :,io. of Col. Leonard T. Saunder.s. as­ ozhy of Kllingtdn against Dorothy I Parks Plan Urged corn "on a dare.” cited Elighth Arm y uniLs of an ber of men of military age, left Cairo. Dec. 8— (D elayed)—i.-Pi— Robinson was arrested yester­ R.A.F. regipicnt-grounX,^ forces sistant manager of the Roosevelt Barcelona today for Malaga, Coville Zadorozny, in which a de­ Recent Allied air assaults on tar­ FkI. hotel. New York City, dleu Wed- cree was sought on groumls of\in­ r J r . l l '1 sAT.&suN. day, charged with carrying a dan originally trained to defend Brit­ where Hie refugees will cross to gets in Yugoslavia particularly in gerous weapon, tampering with i ish airdromes in the African des­ nesda.v afternoon at the Mount North Africa. Many of the men, tolerable cruelty. Attorney iJon- Croatia, apparently have coh- Bridgeport, Dec. 9.— —Charles HARTFORD DK.K>-iin Vernon hospital after an extended ald C. Fisk represented the plain­ motor vehicle and wilfully destroy­ ert— that now operate in the rthnt who eluded German authorities vinced the Gernians aiio tlieir saU Downing Lay of Stratford and Dance iliness. ing crops. The youth, classified 2-C lines with sifioke flares and other and slipiied acroits the French bor- j tiff and Attorney Peter J, May ollites that the Allies are planning New York city, nationally known repre.sentcd the defendant. Two in the draft as an agricultural aignala to guide aircraft to eneni) tier without papers, planned to an invasion thrust against the Dal­ lamiscapt architect, appeared be­ Aniei.ican armed forces- iiseil other trial ca.ses .scheduled went worker, is alleged to have driven positions a few hundred yards join the French military forces. matian coast, advices from Istan­ fore the Connecticut State Park his vehicle through a field of corn ahead of Allied troops i;ained ilogs of war for the first off the calendar for the day. bul said today. and Forest commission at its e in, the Marine latv.ling on Approximately 7,000,000 British I Jury eases are scheduled to TONIGHT on the farm of John Payne in Formations of Kittybombers These reporLs'sMd the Croatian meeting in Hart.ord yesterday and .'. omen are working either part or | start next Tuesday as’follows: H. Portland. He was released oo $500 and Warhawks circling over th e' Boifgainyille l.sland in the Solo- puppet premier. Ante Pavelio, and iirgea the co,.imis!sion to become .\ hole time in industry. Edward DiiBois against John bonds pending . court hearing. battlefields to await such signals i mon^ Field Macshiil Milan Nedic, com­ the sponsor for a series of parks in Kurdzo et al: Nelson M. Carew D mander of Serbian elements fight­ the valley of the Housatonic river against Joseph M. Curtin et al; ing beside the Germans, hud been connected by a. motor par’.iway be­ To the Music of Thomas F. O'Loughlin against •summoned to' Semlin to discuss Blakes, Inc. ginning at Stratford and running E 'BatUniim ft $••*. Newu*. N. Jt, with the Nazis measures to be to the MassachiJietts border. Seeking C'wopemtors taken to meet the threat. The Vernon Ration Board is Hans Neubacher. German dele­ Mr. Lay has long been ai advo­ HAPPY LOU seeking volimteers to take part in gate general to the Balkans, was cate of development of the Heusa- tilling out blanks "Family Pur­ said to have been present al the tonic river valley for park and •155s chase Reporting Plan." This is de­ nicctuig. recreation purposes in order to And His preserve its iieaiity unspoiled, i^ ViatUiino signed to keep the cost of living Recent Allied bombing raids PAVf APOLlO k* BOBBY M A Y %a/7c/y "scryff... have been concentrated largely on Immediate action is needed '^In down by checking and reporting BILLY W IL L S * YOST SINGERS prices cooperating with the Con­ harbors along the Dalmatian coast order to lay pians and prepared ORCHESTRA sumers committee of the Vernon and on r a ^ a y s leading inlAnd this a post-ivar project, Mr. Lay 4 FAYS * ENRICA&NOVELLO There Is Something for • Most Everyonc/on - ' ■ I War Council. Voiiinteers arc ask­ from Fijime and Susak. The Istan­ told the Park ommisston. A spon­ WALIYWAMGER^5EAUTIES bul repo/ts said the raids had been soring body like ttie State Park ed to call at the office of the Ra­ EXACnya^PRESENTED^^/Ac tion Board on Market street for highlvrsuCcessful and that com- and Forest commission should pro­ ''Nice 9oin9!" blanks. muiu&tions«J>etween Croatia and mote the plan, he said, for- without LATIN QUARTERch BROADWAY Flint-Bruce's 8 Floors of H O M E GfFTS! Give a gift of good musici \ Fish A (tame Club >Uiern Italy had been badly dis- an official sponsor it can get no­ ^ p te d . At the New The regular meeting of the where. Perhaps, he added, that the TUES.DEC. Rockville Fish it Game club w ill joint project of a parkwa" and be held at the clubhrtuse on SlHe series of connected parks might be Subsidy Issue sponsored as a post-war project PUKE ELLINGTON Hill on Monday evening, . Decem­ jointly by the Park and Forest 5 S B A N D ?!«'■ ltACt"^St)OW GOLIHBIA•l SEGOEDS ber 13. ■ / Sheridan Restaurant Aa this may be the flnal jneeting Recess Ur wed comrrtsslon and the Highway de­ HKN >(»u wanl to make a home a ziG Bl'DtJET TERMS Available . . . Evening Appointments — Phone 2-*{2.i4 by a (Thristmas party with ex­ the W F A support prices. America's finest since 1840. Ill Old Vienna ...... Marek W'eher change of gifts. 'The entertain­ If Jones announced his sqpport Swing Trio ment committee includes Mrs. program now, the only question Musical Coinedv Favorite.s . . Kostelaiietz Loretta Schindler, Mrs. Gladys left would )>e whether farm price Schindler', Mrs. Pauline Dumschat. TONIGHT guarantee* above ceilings wpuld The following are in charge of be absorbed through subsidies' or the refreshments. Mrs. Esther through an upward adjustment in Leonard Driggs^Hamniond Electric Orgaan At the Rupprccht, Mrs. Marie Schelner ceilings. ' Mrs. Betty Peterson, Mrs. Grace Prospects are that the Senate (Solovox) Payne and Mrs. Clare Olson Banking cohimittee, hearing the (!ard Party end of two Wheks of hearings on # i•BW ri , The Ghqd W ill Club of St. John’s the House bill which would halt Bruno Dubaldo—Guitar C0UIMBlike3)IK£C01Ul8 Episcopal chu|4^h will hold a card subsidy payments Jan. 1, will not W)ien yoar bsrf sngel says. "Throw it away and buy s new one." party in the church parish rooms act until late next week with the ^ ir ^^OTE O l R NfEW LOCATION in HUB this evening at eight o’clock. Re­ result that the legislation might ^ Thomas Felice—Drums mMinhsr.biiyinf things you don't immI helps bring on mflatioo,si>il inflsUoo freshments will be served. not reach the' Senate floor until WE DO CATERING is the worid's wont "pickpocket*’TonroUet the buying power of your money 173-185 Aeylimiy Hartford 4 (OppotUe E. M . Lpew's Thester) shortly befope Dec. 20, ^ e date on liilen to yt«r good angelUte it up, make it do, do without Get your Chrlstmaa tree early at which leaders had hoped to start ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PARTIES the RockvlUe Garage, Middle R ^ d a holiday recess. Potterton’s Your choice of 500 trees. Open The amount asked by the admin­ With People In The Know UP TO^lOO PEOPLE AT THE CENTER .V5«l..-,41 M.\1N ST. daily, including Sunday from 8 istration ifor the 11944 program is m. to 9 p. m.— Adv« $500,000,00(L fING HERALD, MANCHESl bK. GUNN., THUKSUAY, UKCKMBER ?, 1045 PAUI

T such a conference "would leave the Bjwles a:'.d ' Ku-d- Adm h^siratoi AT FIRST Views Differ Track Betting Herald’sList First Vwit Home Baldwin StiU door open for any and all gover­ j.-iii vin'Jones, .ind a weck'later he Siot OF A Selective Service to Work BUTTER ON THE WAY Nazi Surrender Would People Eating nors to ask for and receive similar aiinounced receipt of word from In Over a Year treatment.” Vinson that the latter would be j OVV Oil Oil Stocks Levy Knocked Is Corrected soocxpooooooooocxpoooooooooooocxaoqi^ In Milk Fight Not Giving rp Fight glad to arrange such a meeting. { In Reverse in Civil Life T'rash’ Fishes Declaring he was “ by no moans Since then, he aaid, he had been giving up the fight to preaent a unable to get in'touch with Judge 5 Slash Workers’ Vote Lawrence A. Lindell, Soundman ^ USE State O P A (jxifieinnk From Tax Bill Two Reported killed Turns to Olher Federal picture of Connecticut milk pro­ Vinson to set’ a specific date. 444 TABI£TS.5AIVLN0S£ NOM Bv JamiHi Tliraaher » when the returning: AK F found Overnight Popularity of 2-e U SN la at hia home, 70 Linden" duction problems to Washington that aoldtcri in traliiiiiK campa at FIRST NATIONAl officialdom and to get an answer N B A Staff Correappmlent Extravagant line by (Continued from Pags One) Are in Fact ^^Missing in One-Third of War Pro- ' street for 15 days furlough follow­ Officials After Vinson home had been demoblllzec flrat, Oc^an Pout or Congo to producer demands for higher ing a year’s service In foreign WaJhtngton —No roatUr how ' and taken most of the beat Joba. Action/* Relatives Say. ceiling prices, (Jovemor Baldwin Overly-0|itimlfitic. clocks retailing for less than $.'5. duction W ill Be Gut Eel Outstanding. Rejects Plea. homeaick they are, a lot of aol- They don't want to ace all thia SUPER-MARKETS waters. He naa been a member of said: HORT Of time aa veil a* cathT Don't Such timepieces, however, remain S borrow unneceMarllT, but U a loan to diera and aailora have momenta happen agrain. Two casualty errors In the list • Drastically or Halted a group o f inatructotrs visiting Hartford, Dec. 9.—IMt— Gover­ "Perhapa Judge Vinson- thlnka Hartford, Dec. 9 i.-V/ Con­ subject'to the lO per cent rate. • Hartford, Dec. 9- -People to your advantage, get it from ‘Pcraooar when homecoming seema a pretty Our returned aoldler will actual­ flicting viewpoints on inventories The Senate committee now liiu of servicemen printed in The Her­ ships o f the fleet giving Instruction nor Baldwin, his proposal ior a that this Is the end of the matter, with a minimum *f delay. When Collapse Comes. ^ are now eating ccmsiderable quan­ black proapect. There ia the man ly ffet hia job thrijuph the United of Hartford’s current stocks of whacked more than $2(Mt,0()(),0()0 in the use of Naval sound devices. but 08 far aa I am concerned it la Juat come In. Or better atUI, apply by ald on Dec. 7 have been noted by Federal-state conference about phone—call ua. then malce one visit to who waa a machli.lat, but who now ' Statea Employment Service, work- houeshold fuel oil and kerosene off the Hans are made here on your aignatur* atari all over again. And tie boy have used up the Period 2 oil cou­ tions on .suppliers of war materiel. of Manchester casualties for the end to the European war in the ^(o off*r tho*o (loo *oloctod MKOI Ond thrown away aa "trash,” reports today to other Federal officials in Slone. 'You pay lonly for th* ttm* you who left college after one year, government agencies, has played a pons which became valid on Nov. ,Akks for .Anal.vkls past two years, willingly makes spring or summer of 1944—mill- , Mr*. Harry O. Lindell of 70 Lin­ keep the money. A loan ot *100 coat* major.iiart in hie reemployment. ORANOC PIKOI vorlotio* from INDIA. den street Hia father was a mem­ his efforts to keep Interest in the hurry •30.60 when promptly repaid in 13 month­ and doesn't know whether he call 30 and are seeking immediate li.-ic Chuirmai George iD., Ga. I tliese corrections. tary prophets predict Germany’s i Shopping Dc Director Daniel Merriman of the Bingham Oceanographic labora­ ber of CJbmpany G, 102nd Infantry, situation alive. ly consecutive instalfmenu of *10.06 «aeb. go back. I.’alons Kepresented of the Period 3 coupons which be­ who has advocated repeal of the Th* corrections noted, concern The governor announced yester­ RED-ITCHY-SCALY *30 tor 3 weeks coats 43c. Com* or ''collapse by then— would dent the tory at Yale. 26th "Yankee” Division and serv­ in Servicemen by Uie thouaanda K"'The Clearing Mouse Committees, come valid on Jan. 4. entire price adjustment legisla-j the listing of Lieut. John J. Maior- COLDEN ROSE TEA Till CHRISTMAS day that he had been informed by phone today. muat be asking Ihemaelves. "W hat nationally organized, are not con­ In condemning the indicated ex­ lion, asked Treasury officials and 1 ca, UBAAF, of -New Britain, •ar workers’ vote in next year’s Dr. Merriman filed his report ed In France for 19 m onth*.. r .J yesterday with Gov. Raymond E. Vinson’s office fia t his request for about a job ?" the answer Itptas nected with goven ment. In fact, travagant use of fuel oil by over- experts on the staff of the Joint . Fiv* y«ar *14 J**n Mlchal* Dunn*, whoae wife and child lives at 16 elections. ECZEMA Baldwin who made state funds The average person in the U. 8 a conference “cannot be granted at plenty of ifs, out now herc^rom no government official may be a ly-optimistic householders, the Coniinitlee on Taxation to analyze of F)u*hlng, Long loland, ••timato* Clinton street, and Staff Sergeant As soon aa the fight against First spplicstions of wonderfully sooth- or HOMELAND TEA Three« From State available to the laboratory last this time." H ^ l A C n a i FINANCE CO. Main street to ave­ member. The national committee State OPA declared the current the renegotiation amendments in­ how long I t will bo boforo hor Francis W. Anderson, U8AAF, of Germany ends about one-third of eats about 17 pounds o f butter ihff* medicated liquid Zemo (A Doctor’a winter for a study of food sources The reason given, the governor formuU) relieve torture. Also elds in nmtM ThrHt«*r nidfc. Snd Floor. Fli4»»o SdM nue— is there indifferchie to the represents Id orgahizationi, In- fuel oil situation to warrant no serted in the bill by the House. mothor tavoo anough uaod kluhan 6B Walker street, as "killed in ac­ the nation’s war production— thia every year in normal times, but that might pietie out the scarce aaid after a telephone conversation h eali^l 85 yrs* euccotal 1>. K. Ilronn. Llcrntir. NOa SBl question. If a veteran can’t And a dudii.g . the U. S.^CIiamber of optimistic view. Spokesmen de­ Under those amendments, con­ fat t* (III Iht can. Jaan wjll taka % POUND PACKAGE 1 8 * Vj p o u n d p a c k a g e 3 3 estimate waa given at the War On Casualty List th* 1948 average 1* expected to be ZEMO tion’-' in European - bombing mia- supply of meat. with Vinson’s secretary, waa that J)b_ it won’t be f t ii lack of an or­ Commerce, (senior'and junior), clared present available aUjcka of tracts of less than $500,000 would th* full can to th* maat daalar and Production board — will be cut Just above IS pounds. ■ions. Both of these should have "Outatanding among the devel­ the "big three” labor organizations, not be subject to renegotiation claim axtra ration point*, now al­ draatlcally or stopped. ganization todieip him l(X)k for Number 2 oil to,,be exceptionally been listed as "mlaslng In action.” TO■ w BROIL vnvim or rwKFRY-2>/i g —da^^J .(0 X)] M AVIRAGI opments in the use o f ‘trash fish' one. / the .National Association of Manu- low in this area, with kerosene I it’s .$100,000 nowi; a central war lowed by OPA. Not to Give L'p Hope W ill Have Three Choices Washington, Dec. 9.— (fl*)— The contracts price adjii.stnient board j Navy department has annoiinced to meet growing food demands," That ,xrtx8nization ia Selective fai'turerv. veterans’ organizations, "lower than last year st the .same The W ar Department has re­ Thereupon hundreds of thous­ Dr. Merriman wrote, "haa been ServiCtc'in reverse. And it is al- aervice clubs, farm groups, snd time.” . would be ( realed, and contractor.s peatedly warned parents and rela­ NO POINT! u ands, more likely millions, of 41 casualties among Navy, Ma­ rine Corps and Coast Guard the overnight popularity of the n a4 }' functioning for the men who others. Local dealers gcnerHily tle- dissatisfied with adjustment of mor Senate colleagues on this tives of servicemen reported CHICKENS workers will have three choices: ocean pout or Congo eel. Scarcely forces, including eight New Eng-“ returning to,civilian life at the Present reemployment organiza­ acribed preaent stocks and ship­ terms would have the right ot score. '•missing" in action not to relin- ALL SIZES-ONE PRICE To stay put and wait for their 1,500 pounds of ocean pout were HARTFORD'S- FAVORITE CHRISTMAS STORE SINCE 1897 ."ra te of 1000 a week. Let us take, tion and practice proniiaea that ments of Number 2 oil to be court appeal. Even before the Senate met pro­ qiiisl) hope, for in many Instances plant to convert to civilian pro­ landers. The New Englanders Included taken from Connecticut waters for example, a man who has re- when our service men and women "ample" and ■ greatly improved Exelite BktM .Mudified ponents of tho. Truman resolution servicemen "missing" for many MILK FED FOWL NO POINTS II 35* duction and give them a job again; during any year between 1939 and from Connecticut: covcied from an illness that, with­ come home, they will find that over last year, an evaluation sec­ to grant the woiltera a flat in­ months, eventually have returned WHOLE or EITHER HALF to wander off to other areas look­ 1942, yet during March and April 111 lotting JIOO.OOO.OOO estimat­ Cptaling, Louis Frederick, sea­ out disabling him, has endea his their Job-aeekirg will not be a onded in part by Stale Fuel Ad­ ed annual revenue off the House crease of eight cents an hour pre­ to their stations and to duty. ing for work: or to return to their of this year landings by Connecti­ dicted It would go through with a BROWN POINTS LB man, first class, U. S. Naval re­ soldiering.- I'ouUne. seiial-mimbered matter, ministrator Seth Darley. bill yesterday leaving a total of The Herald welcomes reports on COOKED HAMS 37* homes outside the area where they cut boats amounted to more than b1mt Interview but a personalized problem. Although admitting that huu.se- little or no opposition. ail Manchester men in service, WHOLE or EITHER HALF had been employed. serve. Missing. W ife, Mrs. Lillian about $l,95U.0(yi,t)00 in added tax­ Vinlia Cotaling, 52 Locust Hill, 120.000 pounds.” While he ia still in the hospital, Already ther' la congressional hold fuel oil is becoming a little snd although during the early But the voting hitch is here, a He said landings o f fluke now es, the .Senate cumniiUec modified Darien. he will be interviewed by an ad­ stages of the war it waa aome- UNCOOKED HAMS *m3INTI* LB 33* knotty, variegated hitch; A amounted tr about 250,000 pounds legislation pending to give vet­ tighter throughout the slate, Mr a number of excise boosts voted Kelley, John Coney, lieutenant, visor of the Red Oroaa or the Vet­ timea difficult to obtain official SUGAR CURED-LEAN change of residence means a a year and that the annual catch erans mustering-out pay, loans to Darley claimed approximately by the House and knocked out a H oripiuil INoteti U. S. N avy Missing. W ife, Mrs. erans’ Employment Service. Later reestablish them in uuKlness, seven per cent more in storage information, an effort has been change in registration to vote, of winter flounder waa about 3,- projected $74,400,000 doubling of plus a cerUin length of residence Camilla Hogan Kelley, Hollow he will fill out an occupational guarantees ot their Social Securi­ than during the .same period of third cla.sa postal rates. A t the made to carefully citeck all casn- SMOKED SHOULDERS > 29* 250.000 pounds. FRESHLY GROUND LEAN MEAT in a new area before a person can Tree Ridge road, Darien. gnd educational record. Here he ty credit. The President has asked last year. He stressed his ojn- same time, the Senators accepted aitv listings in accordance with “ Excellent Sources of Food'’ Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Mary official reports given parents di­ vote. Olson, Robert F „ private, U. 3. Commenting that "many fish of puts down not only what he has that funds . be provided to help cent over aecuring sufficient re­ other postal Increases aggregat­ Sloaig 36 Proctor road; Mr*. Ruae HAMBURG * BROWN POINT! LI 27* , Will Affect Outcome Marine Corps reserve. Dead. Fa­ the trash variety which have been learned and done in the past, but them continue their education, and placements to care for the stale's ing $92,000,000, incliuling higher rectly from the War Department. Any corrections in the list as The size of the dent in the work­ ther, Olaf E. Olson, Stmonds ave­ carel^aaly thrown* away in the what be wants to do when he gets the raqiicst probably will be grant­ requirements during future airmail and local delivery ratc.s. Hatak. Sheridan Apartments; printed on Dec. 7 against official CHICKEN LOBSTERS BOILID EACH 39* ers’ vote— like the size of the sol- nue, Collinsville. past are . excellent sources of food” back to dviliar life. ed. month.s, urging conservation of Randolph Paul, trea.sury coiin.sel George McNeil. 291 Spruce street; Copies of his discharge report every po.ssible ,oiincc by all con- notices from the War Department dler-sallor vote—'•W’ill affect the and that "the waste is appalling in Seniority ..\ssured who backed up Secretary Morgan- .Mrs. Ida Clark, US Princeton outcome of the 1944 elections In ■re sent to five agencies, and the •sumers. given parents or relatives of serv* SWIIT JUICY PLaRIDA various commercial fisheriea,” Dr. The law guarantees veterans thau s recommendation for $10,- which the main contests are for soldier keeps one himself. (Thia Kerosene, while ailmitted by street. Icemen, will be made at pace. Plans to Press Merriman cited the skate or raja- their former jobs or one equally 500,0(X),00() in new revenue, sat un­ preaident, vice president. the fish as an example. Though abun- is a new simplified procedure re­ dealers to )je slipping into a dilTi- Adrnitted today: Mr.s. Ann Be- .\re Notified First good. Civil Service assures them happily by while the committee Whole House o f Representatives Mant, it has been little used, he l placing 12 different forms and let­ cult po8it,ion, is .said by city dl.s- lock, 96 Forest street: Mrs. Helen In all instances parents or the ORANGES AND EVERY SATURDAY NTOIIT BEFORE CHRISTMAS T il, 9 P. M. preferential treatment. Tha U. 8. mudifieil the cxci.se rates and and one-third of the Senate. For Early Trial said, “yet it is fairly common trj''utors to be ample for another Johnson, ’J2 Campfield road; Jo­ nearest of Kin of servicemen, re­ ters. I . Office of Education is now offering showed no evident disposition to Every state requires a certain knowledge that when the supply I ALSO TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS (DEC. 21, 32, 23) TIL 9. When the soldier gets home, be I th or six weeks. seph Poharski, 36 North street. ported from overseas as casual­ abort, intensive, vocational train­ slid any sizable sum to the bill. ties. are notified first before the D O liN length of residence as a prerequi­ of scallops is low, the trade looks up a Reemployment Com­ incoming shipments of ^tem- j Discharged yesterdsy: Janet 4 5 ing courses in 200 colleges. TTie The committee stUl has to act site to voUng. The time ranges punches cylindrical pieces o f flesh mitteeman attached to his local sene have fallen off during the Hilton, Bolton: Mrs. William Hall official War Department list is Denver. Dec. 9— (JP)—Cistrict lalwr (miohs are protecting the on individual and corporate in­ from a flat three months in Maine Attorney Richard Simon said to­ out of the flat wings of the skate draft boards. Usually these men past weeks, it wa.s stated, permit- i and daughter. East Hartford; released. Parents or relatives are seniority of their members in the come tales,, which yvere increased permitted to disclose the nature of to two years in Alabama. day he would press for an early and sells them as scallops to the SHOPPERS DINE IN 'HIE NEW’ are leaders in their communities. ting negligible replacements for Mrs. Mary Brown, 330 Tolland LAROi !IZ I DOZ 2 9 Often there are requirements on armed forcee. by only $770,80000C in the House trial of the i33-year-old Fort Lo­ unsuspecting public. And actually, MAFLOWER DINING ROOM before or after Many are veterans of the last war, stocks drawn out of storage. Un­ Turnpike. the War Department information top of requiremeifts. A would-be hil.l, whereas Morgenthau had regarding casualties to whom gan mess sergeant charged with it is a rare individual that can tell shopping. They enjoy dinner between 11 ' often with sons in the service. These aids, and others like them, til ten days ago, according to the Birth: Today, a son to Mr. and Alabama voter not only must have the difference.” hoped for a boost of $6,600,000,- they wish. murder in the rape death of four- and S, teatime at S to 5 and on OPEN NIGHTS, They remember the confiialon of w’ill help the new veterans over State Fuel administration. Con­ Mr.s. Hamilton Mullen, 4 Hudson lived in the state 2 years but also Dr. Merriman said he regarded 000. Reports may be made to The year-old Kathleen Ann Geist. SU PPE R from 5 to 8. 1918, when the counterpartsof the rough time!.- ahead. As one necticut’s stored kero.sene wa.s 33 street. GRAPEFRUIT ^ 4 19< one year in the county and three a. Important the discovery that Drives -Ahe .d \\ Ith Hearings The soldier, Frank M artz of our p*event W PB and OPA execu­ Army officer in Selective Service per cent more than during the Herald by phone, giving the name months in the precinct where he the starfish, one of the common­ In a sudden burst of speed, the With the current taxes in Brit­ of the person giving the informa­ Sunbiiry, Pa., wafr'quoted by Si HAVE YOUR TOTS JOIN SANTA IN' THE V tives went home almost as soon said: "The social and economic same period of last year. 1 ORAM ■0 IB RAO intends to vote. est of marine Invertebrates and a .MERBY-OO-ROUND TOYLAN’D . . . ride the HoUse Military committee drove ain, it would take an income of tion and relationship to the cas­ POTATOES |.49 nion as saying in a signed state as the last shot was «r*d ; when future of this counti-y depends While commenting on the "ex­ This could,happen: perennial enemy of the oyster is musical merry-go-round, see all the toys, and ahead today with hearings on muz- $400,000 to yield a net income of ualty. or by letter, with proper ment yesterday; Congress refused to appropriata upon the way we do this job of re­ travagant" use o f fuel oil by "Since I have had time to think rich enough in nitrogen and cal­ get a toy surprise from the Toy Factory. tering-oiit pay legis.atiqn for serv­ $26,000. signature. ••a t i v ! w H in LGE BCR l ^ c How Vote Could Be Doat any money for rehabilitation; conversion and reemployment.” houesholders. the State O PA CELERY over events of Monday night, cium so that i t might form a basis ice men and women. House pa.ss- A worker from a distant state pointed out that both Period 1 and can now state positively that I re­ for animal feed. PHONE ENTERPRISE 1100 No Toll. age by tomorrow is the goal moved to a mid-western war Period 2 coupons arc currently HUBBARD LI ^ * center two years ago. Having lived member taking the girl into my Extended chemical studies of jftmghl by Chairman May iD -K y); As a Public Service! Wise Smith’s Is sponsor­ negotiable. According to esti­ SQUASH in the new place long enough to room and closing the door. . . the starfish were being undertak­ TTie committee met half an ing the 11:00 to 11:15 UNITED PRESS NEWS Just Recalls Discover Fire mates worked out by ttfe OPA, fulfill the residence requirements, remember striking her, choking en, he.sajd._and he predicted that hour ahead of its usual assem­ ViUOW u over WNBC every weekday night. Petroleum Administration for 11* he has regiistered and is qualified and beating her, and tearing off it might be developed Into a good bling time today to hear the last TURNIPS War, tha oil industry, and the Pinehurst Quality Meats her clothes.” chicken feed. Tune In W TH T st 7 P. M. Ttiesday and Thurs­ three wltnesaes. representing the to vote. He Confessed 111 Apartment United States Weather bureau. n ii!H The war ends in.the summer of day — Wise Smith’s presents Fulton Lewis, .Ir. 2 Connecticut users should have Army, the Navy and the Ameri­ Pinehurst still makes every efTort to give you meat GREEN BEANS « 25- 1944. His plant shuts down. He can Legion. Both the .service de- Used, as of today, nut more than decides to return to his native West Hartford partmenta were expected to ap- that is better (luality. Besides, we fix it so you will And Reports Changes DeCaro AssertH H e Doe* Blttiep in CjsiitonniHl Be- 24 to 2B per cent of their entire j state and settle dowq Instead of prove the principle of the measure I serving easier. We lake the chime-bone out o f roast season’s ration. GRAPEFRUIT waiting for his plant to conv'ert. Not Remember Any of Uevied SUrtPfl by a and American Legion spokesmen j pork— cut off extra chops if you wish. W’e fix Fowl and But in his horne state he finds ho III Turkish Staff Officer Killed! said they also vi-ould endorse it, j n Preliminary Sinff. Ruilio ( jjinnenUun. Fryers ready to cook—^raw chickens— roll lamb shoul­ must have resided there at least \ ------with a request that discharge pay ders. JUICE one year before voting. So he can’t Face Illegal be baaed on the length of service. vote in the 1944 elections. Wa.shlngton, Dec. 9.--(Jh---The NATURAL London, Dec. P —(A*)—The Ger- Bulletin! Fire in Apartment IB in the Only Two Bills Considered Pincliurit Tender Some states permit absentee man-rontrolled Vichy radio ns- W ar department made public last Ontennial apartments on Chest­ While almost a score of hills night the names of 187 United Hartford. Dar. Eiilrv Charges NOTRATiONED registration for voting but require .sorted today- that Gen. Hassim nut street, at ffiST, this morning, are before the committee only Stales soldiers who have been trial for his ffte la ttuptriot Rib Roast Pork lb. 32c that the ballot be ciust In person Gunduz, assistant chief of the resulted in an alarm being turned two, both Introduced by May, are - within the state s borders. Some Turkish general staff, had been re­ killed in action, incliirllng a second court, Carlo J. DaCaro, iff, of in from Box 341 and brought out (.$ Points) 30 being coneidered. Botft> provide ’Thompsonvllle, today Bridgeport, Dec. 9 (/PI -Charg- permits absentee' voting for per­ placed by Gen. Kiazim Orbay. in lieutenant from Connecticut who No. I Slid No. 2 of the South Man­ ed with Illegal entry into this for a top of $300 in muster-out sons retaining a residence in such a series of d.-angCs in the Turkish was killed in the Mediterranean tempted to break away from chester Fire department. The Are Loin Roast Pork lb. 39c grapefruit JUICE rw»r » ozi.n32. three deputy aboriffa and a t' country, three men were taken pay. One would pay that amount states. Some have no absentee ar­ general staff. area. was in the west wing of the apart­ Into custody by Sergt. William to everyone honorably dischtu'gcd. NO POINTS: Native Fryers — Broilers — and Small rangements at all. Tho broadcast, recorded by Reu­ He was Rodney J. MacGregor, tack County Uetaellve ioaepb ments on the third floor south. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 5'^“^ or natural « oz tin 13. F. Mitchell. The aHompt <-am« Buckley and Patrolman Ruslyn regardleaa of the length or ^lar- Chickens. / Labor Aware of Stake ters. quoted what it said was a son of Robert D. MacGregor of 15! This is leased by Miss M. L. Til- acter of service, provided he does Fairview street. West Hartford, j during a receaa called hy tba Blowers of the Bridgeport police Labor Is not unaware of its r<'port from Ankara. linghsst, a tsacher at the Lincoln not rank higher than captain in (!role & Weigel’s Frankfurls — Liverw urst — Pressed Judge after DaCaro bad cro- last night in cooperation with Im­ stake in the elections and already By the Vichy account. Marshal school, w h ' shares her apartment migration authorities. tile Arrtiy or lieutenant (SG) in Chnkmak, chief of the general I ated a disturfoaiwe and lua- Willi Miss Betty A; Allison, a Ham — Polish (Easter) Rings and Veal Loaf. has given-warning it would-show To Combat Black Market aled with four or five offli’lala Turned over to immigration rep­ the Navy, .and is not eligible for E O G S ' ooi 5 9 - staff, would be retired Dec. 31 be­ teacher In the Highland Park resentative,s today were: PORK KIDNEYS (No Points)...... lb. 19c It* strength in 1944. cause o f the age limit. Orbay re­ of the court. Hi'hool. retirement pay. When Decocrata explain why the Henry Maloney, an employe of The other, which .May sail) he cently has been in charge of re­ New Haven, Dec. 9.— (Ml— Con­ LAM B LEti.S Veal Roasts EVANGELINE MILK 3 ■ 27- Republicans gave them a hearty Stepping Mad le*fl Apartment the White Line Express congiany, equipping the Turkish Army with necticut fruit and vegetable Hartford. Dec. 9 idh— ’'I don't introilijced st the re<|uesl of the LAMB SHOULDERS Veal Chops shellacking in the 1942 congres­ Both lied left the apartment and Emilio 'Fralaicangelo and White House, calls for $100 for British arms. He made an extend­ wholesalers will convene htfe to­ remember any of the prtllnilnary MILLBROOK SODAS **contents** 3 *’'■* 24* sional races — the Republicans night to form an organization to Heavenward shortly after 4 o’clock this morn­ Arcangeli Reale, employes of the men and vriimen who have served ed stay in Britain in 1939 as head stuff. I just raniember , confes.s- picked up 44 House seats and 8 combat black market tendencies ing and for that reason the cause Or«(*d—7 BROWnV tS «H-et tin of a Turkish military mission. ing," Carlo J. DaCarlof 19, of Moss Construction company. wb6 less than three qponths, $200 for LIGHT MEAT TUNA 25- seats in the ^nate-|-they explain of the fire could not at once be have been working at the VouglJt- which have developed in the busi­ Thompsonville asaerted today on those who have served from four PINEHURST FISH about labor: learned. It is a three-room apart­ Siknraky plant in Stratford. To Face Superior Court ness,^Joseph R. Cavanaugh, Wash­ the witness stand in Huperlor to six morAhs and $300 for. all Oysters Haddock Fillets Many workers had just moved HER SLIPPERS ment end in the bedroom was a Maloney, Sergt. William Halpin EDUCATOR (RAX .■..20- ington, D. C., secretary o f the court as his trial oh Iba Charge of radio and it may have started over six months. Into war centers- and either neg­ said, was born and bieniglit up in Clams Mackerel New London, Dec. 9.— i/Pt— Six National Leag\ie of A ’holcsale | first degree murdar of Halvatore New Proposal Offered lected to register or weren’t resi­ S3.00 from this, according to Chief Foy. Bridgeport but lost hia citizenship Mackerel Fillets Perch Fillets sunshine CHEEZ-IT » 12- men charged with conspiracy in Distributors will speak. Bonelli. 62, also of Thompsonvllle, ’ When tha firemen arrived, the A new proposal, offered yester­ in thia country when he joined the dent long enough to vote. connection with the theft of liquor entered its seventh day. smoke was coming through the day by Representative Brook* Brushed hair scuff in wine with blue plat­ Canadien Arm y in 1938. He is al­ MARMALADE ^ m..u 30. In this year’s state elections the from a warehouse here were bound DeCaro took the stand late Wed­ two windows on the east side of (D., La.) a committee member, PINEHURST OPENS .AT 9:00 A. M. FRID.AYS Republicans topped the Democrats form. blue with red, wedge heel. Hi-Lark nesday afternoon in the abaanca of leged to have left th'e Canadian M Pur* VogatoM a !lM r(.—5 BROWN POINTS u i »(G 2 2 « over to the Superior court yester­ the buildings. No. 1 set up one of would provide- for three month* AND SATURDAYS ARVO and one extremely well-informed day by Police Court Judge Max pompee in blue rayon faille, pink pom; plat- the jury in an attempt to repudi­ its longest ladders and instead of Arm y and re-entered the United. N ew undtTH irm States In 1940. OT«'dl*cbarge furlough with pay. Democrat here said that the work­ Boyer after a long hearing. They form sole, wedge heel. ate a signed confession produced carrying ■ two and a half-inch Try shopping between 9 and 11 if it is convenient. During that period, the service­ ers in the w ar centers did not were Joseph and Anthony San- by police. He claimed he hadjglven hose it wse decided by Chief Foy Fratarcangelo and Reals are man technically would be in th* STOY SOY FLOUR - 15* Cream Deodorant STREET FUWR charged with entering this country come hear voting nt their full tangelo, restaurant' properietors It only after County Detective to send a smaller hoes to ‘cut down service but for all practical pur­ u tftfy illegally several years ago from Delicious! GOLDEN SOY OmOOUCAKlMIX J o o in to 1 3 e strength. previously charged with receiving Joseph F. Mitchell had promised, water damage to the apartments poses would be a civilian read- | Ital\^. He was speaking, apparently, stolen goods, and John Nelson. 23, he said, to "give him a break." below. justing himself to civilian life, Stops Perspiration Mom's Dessert package 9c COFFEE RICHMOND~OrMina T* Tour Ord*r * on the assumption that if the Gaylord L. Strickland, 19. Clar­ “ All I remember is that he said Confined to One Boom The mustering-out bills won the | 2 41 workers had balloted they would ence Winslow, 24, and Mitchell he’d give me a break, and I didn't The firemen entered the burn­ general approval yesterday of | Is so easy to make! .. (Serves 6). Chocolate Flavor. KYBO-Oraund T* Voui Order have endorsed his party. Seymour, 31,' all of New London. care what I said as long as he gave ing room and tossed out what they spokesrhen for the Veterans of i (4 packages 35c). COFFEE 2 ' " 51' 1 ravel Botlleiieek For Puddiniffi, fake. Pies, Etc. ( Strongest Since 1988 me a break," DeCaro testified. found to be burning and kept the Foreign W ars and the Disabled Previously they had been charged fire confined to one room, al­ The Republican strength In both with theft. Mitchell and State Police Datec- Veterans organization, as well as (| ,4 P P 'S *T*AINID fo r BABIf! —I roiNi iach jai 3 c tlve John J. Doyle Jr., previously though there w’as smoke and dam­ Bottles ‘Hobo Jim’ of Brig. Gen. Frank T. Hines, head Pinehurst Now Has Plenty congressional chambers now is age done to tfir other two rooms stronger than at any time since' had-testlfied that DeCaro had giv­ .of the Veterans administration. of CHOPPED FOR TODDLER!-? pointj .ach lAt H * en the confession freely, voluntar­ of the apartments and some smoke CLAPP'S President Roosevelt took office In Greenville, .Mi.s,s ij>) — "Hobo All three cautioned, that Congress Duz Ivory'Snow ily,-without promi.ses and without da^iagc to other apartments. ' should not consider muetering-out '2933* Jim” Roebuck writes friend.s that Oxydol Ivory Soap OATMIAL—IN!TANT NOW 1. Don not tot dtnsci ot men’i threats. . iss Tillinghast was not at the pay a final settlement of service- CLAPP'S 2 25* In the House they have 207 ' (him. Don not ittiute (kin. Judge William-H. Comley incoln school at the time of the transportation being what it is. it men’.s claims, and hinted strong­ Rinso and Lux . seats to 219 for the Democrats. will take him six or seven week.s 1. No waiting to dry. Ctnbemed cessed the hearing to await at/rival fire, having gone to the Hollister ly that pay readjustments, or bo- 1 CLAPP'S 2 '^"*'^^27* and 37 to 58 in the Senate. I SHE SHOPS tight (ftet (hiving. to bum his way back here from of Francis Fahey, prosecutor ot street school to train some of the nus demands are virtually certain | The above-mentioned curtail­ S. Ihstsndy ftoptpcrjpintionfM the town court of Enfield, wba waa school children, for the Cbristmas California. ' to be made after the war. OLEOMARGARINE C lO V iR D A L E — 6 BROWN POINTS M i » C 1 7 . ment or stoppage of one-third of "CASH AND CARRY 1 to 3 diyt. Pteventi odor. present when.DeCaro is allegAl to play. She was notified there and For the town's moat noted and Hustle Toward Vote. war production when the Euro- j 4. A pure, white. gteaielcK KNOX GELATINE i.oi rac 1 7 . Without Painful Backhch* have confessed orall'yijo the kill­ w’as brought to her home by Supt. beloved . traveler, this' is quite a Ignoring blunt-spoken dpposi-1 Now is a good time to pean war ends is expected to ABy vufleren r«l)er« nagging bAAkAcbg iiunleu vaniihing ctnm. A. H. Illihg. Miss Tillinghast said slowdown. Roebuck years ago tion frorh tlie. administration. Sen­ i . Awarded Approval Seal of ing, , buy Birds Eye Foods. PANCAKE FLOUR wHin s p r a y TO'Ol ncG S< affect mainly supplies for the' quickly, once they diecover tbet tke raU DeCaro maintained today that that she. had insurance on her learned he could pyramid a can ate backers oft a pay hike for 1,-. Army ground forces, like tanks. ; cAuee Of their trowle mAV be tired hidne^ Ameticanlnstituteof Launder- Tbe kidnc>*i Are NAturea ehlef w%y Ol tAk* hatmleu to •he did not remember whether he furniture. of shoe polish and a flannel rag 100.000 non-operating railroad Quite a number of items BUCKWHEAT aO U R WMTI !PRAV TO'OZ rxG 10. 'artillery, ammunition, rifles, m a -' Ing the exccM Acide wmeae out of the confessed to the actual killing and The recall was.aounded at 10:35. into a heap o f sightseeing. Since workers hustled the proposal 'to­ hifive been reduced to 3 chine-guns and motor vehicles. blood. They help moot people pA» About B CAKE FLOUR wNWi !PaAv 44 02 PKO 21. pint# A dAy claimed he did not remember his youth he has traveled far and ward what looked like an over­ points, among th i^: As­ For the continuing war against When dl»ord«r of kidxMT fusefunetSoB nermitn Mitchell's asking a series of ques­ swl/tly beneath some of the best whelming vote of approval today. paragus Tips — Green 44 Ol r*G 1.35 Japan, o f . course, there ‘wo\ild be ftolAODouA______mAtter______to rrn&min in vouT v« blood, H tions. trains available, earning his meals The increase was singled out by SCOTCH MIAT PILLSBURY'SBESTROUR V great emphasis on more aircraft, mAy CAUM barkAThA, rbAumAtio pAina, Reiiiiiigtoii Arms 44 02 PKC 2 6 . leg PAina, loaa of pep and tneror. getting np when neqgaaary by shining shoe.s. War Mobilization Director James | .. CAKIS (IT nmSIiim c«li*ii^ Beans — French Begns SNOSHEEN CAKE FLOUR shipping and landing barges. ■ nigbtA, awelUng. puffincaa under tba eyaa* Only once did Jim Roebuck F. Byrnes Tuesday night in an at­ and Mixed Fruit. bciadichaa and dltaiueaa. Frequent or acaaty 3 <»*« ground ceolitd lomb or PEANUT BUHER p w a r t .a. 2 4 . 2-u lAi 4 2 . Piiaacri ^tb Amaxting and ouming aone- Shifts Offu'ials ever return to Greenville inside a tack on "special groups" which hej Heads Manufacturers Again 3 9 ^ a iar iSurprist* Shower said were menacing the adminis­ muti^lono oound) - BUY THIS 89c Umco.abowa there ig^wmathing wrong with pa.ssenger train with the cash cus­ P U R E L A R O 3 IROWN POIlkS HI KO 1 7 . jrour kidneya or jbladder. AlntollNaadaWian 3 cupi coelied eotmool COMBINATION DINNER for DoabU tomers. Blit on that occasion he tra tion 'figh t to hold the cost , of | Hartford, Dec. 9 .-MJV-Alfred Don't wajtl Aw your drug|m fo living line. Byrnes apparently ia] 3 nggt FOR 2 MEALS: pqt PM 5* PUla* uttd stooeaefuUy by lUiUooa for .. over For Solfliers Wifel Bridgeport. Dpc.\_9.'.—iJ*)—E. C. smoked expensive ,r cigars, wore a 3 lobloipoom CriMO MACARONI or SPAGHCTTI WMTi'sPRAY C. Fuller, chairman of the board 40 yeara. Tbey.civa hiftm rcilel and will help Hadley, terhulcal division mana­ new suit and asked a city official due to get a rebuff from his for- 1 Birds Eye Cod Cakes— the 16 inilee of kidney tutMe 0ueb out pQijMO* SPLIT PEAS Y oI m » *r O rM n -!M IT H 'l 3 GREEN PTS Ml rao 1 3 « of the Fuller Brush company, was oiOOdL G*t Ooan • Fill*. DilU ger, Remington Arms Company, to change a $100 bill for him. Iknd ingrndienH toaoHior. Sooion on., WMM liam your with lolt and p«p|Mr Moll CriKO 1 Birds Eye Baked Beans elected for a third term aa presi­ ha.s been named assistant to D. F. CUT W A X B E A N S mCHMONO—S GREEN POINTS i«-Ot tin 1 5 . Mrs. Wesley McMullen who left Folks here figured Jim rode In- in WIton iMt, dro* nuxtur* —and 1 Birds Eye Corned dent of the Manufacturers Asso­ Monday for Casper, Utah, to joihg (Carpenter, vice president and di­ sUfe just that one time, out- of by toblotpoont. Turn to brown ciation of Connecticut at the an­ rector of mmiufacturc. A com­ Beef Hash — AIX FOR CUT G R E E M B E A N S nCNMONO—5 GREEN POINTS i*-OZ nt her husband. Sergeant McMullen, curiosity. oS>*r lid*. 89e and 3 Brown and 2 nual meeting-of the Board of Di­ ■WM tendered a surprise party and pany. spokesman aaid today that rectors. held here last night. All E. A. Doyle, present, assistant to EAT Green Points. miscellaneous • shower Sunday GfT POINT THRIFTY other officers were re-elected ex­ Afternoon at the home of her par­ Carpenter will return to E.- I. du AT THE GARDEN cept Treasurer William A. Purtell. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Turek Pont de Nemours and Company, FOR FINER FOODS IVORY preaident of Blllinga and Spencer Inc.,-Dec. 31. '• Crosse & BlackwelTs of 35 Flower atrwt. The party was Prepared the W ay SNOW company and the Holo-Krome •rraiiged by her cousin. Miss Viola A. E. Buchanan, J r." organizer Yon Like Best! Chow Chow . .Ige. jar 39c ''•'Screw corporation, both of Hart- Kotsch «n d her sister. Miss Mil­ o f Remington's research division Mustard Pickles .....29c •fpnl. He was succeeded by D. sucewds Hadley as technical di­ Four Evening Stars dred L. Turek, assisted by Mrs. Business Luncheons CRISCO Sandwich Bags LGE PKG Hay** Murphy, president of the vision manager, and he will be as- FOR ALL YOUR COOKING Samuel Kotsch and Mrs. Edwin D. Dally ll^SO to S 2 3 Wiremold company of Hartford. atsted by George O. Clifford,, for 40 Jumbo size bags ... 10c TO RISE AND SHINE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS E \ 'E , Foster, sister of the bridegroom. |1PC7 merly manager oP Remln^on’s 65c Mrs. McMullen was out on an Ilion, N . y „ arras plant. $t,000 Fine Imposed (left) FLUFFT CHENILLE ROBE DEFIES THE NIGHT CHILL and U ■ biiijiiK i Dlnnem S to 8 P. M. Seedless Pink Grapefruit or Regular Grapefruit' errand and. when she re*’ rned she In. other personnel changes, ail IVORY IVORY Eve warm. Wine, sky blue, dusty rose; 38 to 46...... $5-9fi McIntosh Apples Sweet Oranges' | Hartford. Dec. 9 .—-Federal found about 25 of her friends and to- became effective Monday, M. 8.5c PLAKIS SOAP Judge-J. Joseph Smith yesterday (center) STIFF BROCADED RAYON TAFFETA ROBE FOB STAR-GAfflWO former schoolmates had pre.ceded R. Warden, military production I H R Fruit Cakes Figs Mixed Nuts Imposed a fin* o f $2,000 on EVES. P retty aa a plctute-book-princeas in heaven blue, angel pink, whit* ^ r ; and that they had decorated section assistant manager, . will Squire's supermarket of West with gold kid belt; 14 to 20------flfi.98 the living and dining rooms in blue become a.ssistant manager, pro­ IGF PKG 3 IGI CAKES 2 9 rnrtford, charged with -vlolaUng and yellow. The decorations on the duction division, with jurisdiction PAYROLL a GARDEN 23 (right) BEBCFFtJCD RAyON JERSEY ROBE FOB AN ANGEL. Ruched table where the attractively wrap­ OPA regulations by ’selling meat ~ !I 2 .M over prcKluction In Bridgeport, for as much aa 40 per cent above like rose petals. Canary, aqua, pink, blue; 12 to 20 ------— ------ped glfta were piled were two nion, N. y., Kings Mills, O., and UnchuTjt Qroccri/9 iic. RESTAURANT ■ a « m lb* RI*M4* I the celling price over a period of iMarta pierced with a ailver arrow. Findlay, works, while W. F. H. DlAL4lt)l ^ 302 MAIN STREL; (seated) RAYON CREPE FLOWER GOWN FOR SWEET DREAMS. I A fter they had all been unwrapped SAVINGS All Legal Beverages several months. Joseph J. Berg- blue and whit* in sheers, crepes and aatina; 32 to 40— — ------Mattlagc. manager. Utah ord­ ami aomired the hostesses served a 840 .MAIN STRF.ET NORTH OF POST OFF I CL ■ UNt BLOCK FROM ilAJt ARMORY , mans, president of the company, Npsi-C«U CmpMIt Ltfif ItUml Citi, N. Y. nance plant will become manager SECOND FLCX)R tasty luncheon. of the Bridgcpoii 'works. entered a plea o f no contest to- the 9.4. Ttiuma Oeaumm rtiarga. Fraachiaed Bottfer: Pepsl-Ctfia CompMy of Central VIIl»gt^ C*na-

% Manchester Ident- enough to provide us with their successors? C onnecticut Speculation on. this point is Data Evening Herald more rea.ssuflng than one might PU Biasai^ BI THji ■CBIIAIJJ oPRIKTINO CO. INC. expect, for it shows that at least Furnished By 1|) Blitall JtrMt two of the indlspensables could be Y ankee MkoebMtah Conn. OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION TBOUAS rUROtTBON given worthy successors. It IS By A H. o. 0«D*nU PeoBdsd OMob*r 1, IMl eloquent of the natural strength Regional Department of Information and resourcefulness of true de­ The Judicial .Study Commls- SA Tremont Street, Boston, 8, Maasachusette PabUabcd •Bverr Bipapt .sion'a prospectus on its public Bnadurs and FTolldbTB. Bniarbd at mocracy that these potential suc­ tha Poat O«oa at Manobeatar, Cobb. hearing in the Old Senate Cham­ aa.Saeood Claaa Mall Mattar.______cessors are most prominently ber next Monday reveals that the, For Week of December S-11,191.3 •^lons. Period Three coupons will available in the nations where the cnmmiaslon Is considering four .Meata and Fata i become valid Jan. 4 to March 14* BOBBCBIPTION RATEB Brown stamp N in Book Three 1 Tire Inspection Ona Taar bp Mall ...... present "Indlspensables" them­ suggestions with regard to the fu­ Par Montb by Mall ...... J TJ ture destiny of the state's Com­ becoijies valid Dec, 5 with stamps 1 A-car deadline March 31, B-car selves came up through the dem­ mon Pleas Court". L. arid M through Jan. 1. ' deadline and nevy C-car deadline SalfraTa?*’^na ’ Taar !...... »»•<><> ocratic process. < These sugge.stions are (11 that Processed Foods ^ * MEMBER OP In England, this, democratic the HMl act be repealed, revert­ Green .stamps D, E and F in , ^ Onsollne , ^ , THE AB80C1ATBD PRESS process is so flexible t^at Foreign ing the court to Its former statu.s, Book Four good Dec. 1 through ! ^ "temps in A-Book Tha Aaaoolaiad Praaa la aaolualva- (2) that the cotirt be abnllsbe.l Jan. 20. stamps A, B and C valid valid for three gsllons through Feb. ly antitlad to tha oaa of rapubl pa- Secretary Anthony Eden can al­ and its work be taken over by the through Dec.'20. . *• B and B-1, C and C-1 coupons tlon of all nawa diapatohaa prpdltad I good for two gallons. Only the to U or not otharwlaa cradHad lo ready be informally designated as Superior Court, (.11 that the eourt Sugar tbla papar and alao tha looal nawa Churchill’s successor, and even remain as it is, and (4) that the new coupons marked B-2 and C-2 court he expanded to alisorh "at "Sugar" stamp 29 in back of are good for five gallons. The face ^*An*r*fhta” of rapubllontlon ^pf be openly groomed for that dcs- Book Four valid to .Inn. IB for five of all gnaoline coupons in youi pns- apaclal diapatohaa herein ara alao least the civil work of the niunlci/. pounds. D not confu.se with stamp raaarvad. ______tiny. pal courts. .session must bo endorsed in ink- He may never succeed. But the 29 in front of Book Four. with registration number and Ollani of N. E. A. We don't know whether the Pull aarvloa point Is that he has been openly commission ranked .these sugges­ Shoes state. Banrlca Inc. tions In any particular order. But Aeroplane stamp number one in Publlahara R»t>raaantatlTaa, Tha considered in that role, and found In any case, the first suggestion, Book Three valid for one pair in­ The office ot the Local Rationing Julloa Mathawa Bpaoti^ Airancy— worthy. ^ insofar as It provides for the re­ definitely. Stamp 18 in Book One Board is located In tha Lincoln Naw lork. Chloaao. Datrolt and still valid for sn Indefinite period Boato^ In this country, the availability peal of the 1!MI act. deserve.s fir.st school opposite the post office. Of­ of a successor Is more complicated, place. also. To control the black market, fice hours are as follows: Uonaay, member . UOIT b u r e a u o f This piece of legislation. in- loose coupons cannot be accepted 10 a ro. to 4:30 p. m.; Tuesday. 2 Cl RCUUATIONS. depending upon. the formalities creasiii tl'.e s'ripe and juri.sdic- except with a mall order. p. m. to 5:15 p. m.: Wednesday, 2 Tha Harald Prlntlod Company, and whims of party politics and a tlon of the Coninioii Pleas Court Fuel OH p. m. to 5:15 p. m.: Thursday, 10 'V tno. aaaumaa no llnanolai raapooau national election. But the fact so that there would he Home sem - Period One coupon*.valid to Jan. a. m. to 5:15 p. m.T Friday. 10 a. paarinsbllliy for In advartlaamanta In Tba is that, annoying as it may be to hlanee of justification for the ap­ 4. ■ Period Two coupons valid Noy. m. to 6:15 p. m.; Saturday, 10 Manohaatar Eranina Herald pointment of additional judges 30 to Feb. 8. Class four wortn ten a. m. to 12:30 p ra. The tele­ some Republican Old Guard poli­ and the payment of higher .sala­ gallons, class five worth fifty gal- phone number is 2—0494 Thursday, December 9 ticians, a good many Americans ries, has many counts against it. of all parties think of Wendell It was born to the worst kind country I do not see why we Willkie as a man who could, if of politics. The 1041 General As­ should not return the favour Corn Goes Up sembly saw the necessity of new Keeps Up Plea necessary, step into Roosevelt’s judges and higher salaries only here," said Mr. Sansori. place and carry forward. Already the majority of the The battle for aubaldlea ia not because It got down to the point plans, which include a real live a battle to keep all prices where The absence of the democratic where It couldn’t see any sdlutlon For Soldiers Santa Clauk, tree with all the process of developing leadership of Its patronage difficulties with­ they are aa of today. It is a bat­ out them. Giving it credit. It tried trimmings and presents for every tle to prevent ninaway prices. threatens to penalise both Russia man stationed here have been various machinations, such aa try­ Presents Needed completed. There will be a first And even If the battle for subsi­ and China. To be a potential suc­ ing to shove an existing judge off cannot be won easily” and an ap­ South and Mid-Pacific areas and class vaudeville show after the dies is won, prices will still make cessor to either Stalin or Chiang the bench, before it came down Six More Vessels, peal to the Japane.se people to be declaring that the Japanese need Boys Stationed in presents are distributed. to the solution of the 1041 act. ready to endure every hardship of planes in those theaters ia advances. The difference is that Kai-Shek might be a dangerous When the 1941 act had been to attain victory. . "pressing." Town and Nearbv. they will be controlled advances. occupation. These two leaders decided upon as the solution, it 72 More Aircraft According to the Japanese The ministry ssid the admissions One such controlled advance mSy hold their position with as was possible to pass it only, by claims, the U. S. Navy—whose were made by Japanese Army and Once again Chairman Jack San­ Op en Forum went into effect on Monday of this much worth as do Roosevelt and paying a million dollar a^year Lost by Japanese strength has been much in evi­ Navy authorities In a statement son makes a plea for Christmas Churchill, but they arc also, or blackmail to the small town l\loc, dence in the Pacific recently now Issued to explain to Japanese over­ week, when the OPA approved an which was persuaded to consider i.-i virtually non-existent. The seas "the true state of affairs In presents tor the annual party at Increase in the Chicago ceiling have been, in the dictatorial class. such an amount the bargaining (rontiiiiirid from'Page One) Imperial headquarters comimmi- regard to fighting in the South Pa­ the State Armory for the benefit stirrup Pumps Some one will, of course, succeed cific.” To the Editor: price on com. The increase now equal of two or three judgeships j on the Marshalls was Rear Ad­ qtie boasted that these ves.sels had of the Coast Artillery unit station­ each of them some day, but It is for the big city politicians. been sunk outright: The broadcast was said to have ed there. Up to* date responses Now that freezing weather is In effect is from $1.07 a bushel to miral Charles A. Pownal, who al.So mentioned particularly the dtffi-. upon us should not those having impossible to Imagine it now, or Born in such a political gut­ headed the American raid on Eighteen battleships, 27 air­ have been slower than the two 11.18. Those who control this na­ ter, the 1941 act la alao aiihjeet craft carriers, 92 cruisers, 79 de­ cultles faced by Japanese forces on air-raid stirrup pumps be remind­ tion’s com expected to win such a to mention potential succes-sors •Marrus island, far to the north­ Bougainville in the Solomons and previous years. In order not to ed to put them some place where to the comparatively trivial west, last Aug. 30. stroyers, 107 submarines, six other price increase, sooner or later, one who have had any opportunity to erlticiam that it ia protmhly un- warships "of unidentified type,” empha-slzed the difficulty of sup­ have the work fall heaviest on the the water in tkem will not freeze? way or another. Therefore, they show that they measure up. eonatitutional in Its invasion of four special ships, eight gunboats, plying the garri.son at Torokina. last week he asks that presents be Will not freezing ruin the "To cut the enemy's supply line left at the State Theater during pump? At present such things are have been following a general pol­ Superior Court areas of Jiirla- A hnrtlm entu seven minesweepers, 25 torpedo dletlon It was ao held by a Su­ boats and 31 other war vessels. Is a moat imperative need,” the the afternoon and evening. not easy to replace. Those having icy of bolding com back until the We Hit The Marshalls perior Court jiid^s last winter, Lfi'vtinp Defonses In addition, the conuBiunique broadcast* added. "Our forces are Mr. Sanson drew a picture from them are responsible for them. higher price' virtia made legal. and although the Supreme doing their utmost to sever the a letter he received from a former J. W. Cheney. 8outhwV{■ When and if the corn does and 26 minor war vessels. to Manchester boys across the I 46,000,000 acres. the most daring assault we have the 1941 act attll p la in s under by Gen. Douglas MacArthur’i On top of this claim the Jap­ the number of airplanes." move, it will move at higher troops on New Guinea. yet made on an important, well- legal cloud anese plied the assertion that they prices. This means that those This possibly^ unconstitutional Since the last week of Novem­ had sunk 688 Allied merchant ves­ who have been needing com, and prepared Jap lair. We got in and act, then, re|Resonted purely po­ ber, more than 1,300 tons of ex­ sels and damaged 1,260. Allied Th* abov* measage is paK of a tolafranli out' with powerful forces, and the litical tinkering with the Common plosives have ripped at gun posi­ plane losses were put at 5,158 air­ complaining because they couldn’t Pleas Cprfrt on the part of the tion* and aupply dumps even as from Kobavt P. PMofMu, BMar tsM lsiil get it, will be able to get it, but best the Japs eould do against us craft. 1941 se^lon. This tinkering was Australians enlarged the potential In accordance with their cus­ ot War to HooeraM* ] will be compelled to pay a higher was insignificant. While our when the 1943 session jumping off place on New Guinea planes sank two light cruisers, tomary practice of minimizing price for it. Paying a higher tinkered some more just to in hard fighting on the Huon pen- Uieih own casualties, the Japan­ price for it, they will feel the need class of ship in which the Jap, one of the 1941 appotnteee off .Insula. ese gave their own losses as fol­ already weak, and plastered sho the bench. The trend which the The bombardments were opened for a higher price for what they judicial Study Commission Is thus I against Gasmata, an air base and lows: produce with the aid of com, be it positions, our fighter planesyand called upon to upset is one of pro­ plantation area on the south-cen­ Sunk—One battleship, two air­ anti-aircraft protection tral coast which was hit with craft carriers, three cruisers 22 hogs or eggs or cereal. And even' gressively increasing degradation destroyers, 1? submarlnM and two nigh perfect job in protecting our of the Common Pleas Court. Re­ more than 400 tons In oix raids at tually, consumers who buy pork peal of the 1941 act la an elemen­ cost of only one raider. It also special ships. or eggs will feel the need of'A. lit­ own ships from determined Jap tal step, both as repudiation of was shelled by destroyers of Vice Damaged—One battleship and tle more money In their pay en­ assaults. political tampering with the Admiral Thomas C. Ktnkald. two aircraft carriers, five destroy­ Earlier in tbey^ar, spectacular courts, and aa a retreat toward Then the bombers switched to ers and five submarines. velope. safe ground of constitutionality. the Cape Gloiice.ster area on New Ninety-six other Japanese ves­ Vs*- Even when a controlled, limited Jap successes Avlth bombers and sels have been lost, headquarters torpedo plands gave us every rea­ But while this is being done, Britain's we.stem tip. That air price Increase' is granted, then, why not go all the way and baMB'is separated by only 80 miles said, but it did not identify them. son to be^nervous about ventur­ adopt Suggestion No. 2, to of water from the Huon peninsula ■fhe announcement put Japanese CRITKU EMERKNCY there is an Inevitable chain of ef­ air losses at 1,203 planes—which it •V ing our naval unite Into areas "abolish th* eourt and have the 195 Tons Dumped fects. work done by the Superior ■aid had "cra.sh-dived on enemy where Jap aircraft was present. Today, headquarters announced objectives." But the contrast is betwesn Court?’’ This, the coninOsiUon that 195 tons were dumped there But we have obviously learned states, “would Involve the, ap­ American manpower losses in such regulated, limited, sidvAnces by Liberators and Mitchells In the the South Pacific wore given by and effects and what would hap­ something about the protection of pointment of some additional latest mid. That made it more superior court Judgee and the Tokyo as 144 000 dead or wounded pen if those forces deliberately our ships and carriers. That im­ than 900 tons reported for that and 413,000 captured — a figure IN BALL BEARING SUPPLY I expansion of the offices of the provement in protection has can­ area in communiques this month. grotesquely in excess of officially courting inflation would have statics attorneys but the net In all these raids, the only op­ celled out a great part of the ad­ savings In overhead and almpU- announced U. S. losses in all their way. If, aa the powerful position mentioned has been anti­ theaters since the start of the war. farm bloc hopes, subsidies and vantage the Japs expected to have Acatlon of procedur* would b* aircraft fire. Blit headquarters eonsldarabl*.'* That sounds good price control could both be scrap­ with their own system of "non- ■aid today even the enemy ground and perhaps the only real ques­ guns had been silenced at Cape ped, would the price of com stop slnkable aircraft carriers.’’ Our Japanese Concede floating carriers are now able to tion mark in Its way Is that of Gloucester. for a moment at $1.16 a bushel? what kind of lobby the Common The bombed sector is on the op. Aerial Superiority Or would it behave as the price of meet these island, carriers on good Pleas judges, who are supposed­ posite end of the 300-mile long Is Chungking Dec. 8— (Delayed) Hundreds of New Workers Needed ly out of politics, could organ­ Christmas trees la behaving? terms. That IS as Important as land from Rahaul, once Japan’s —(A*)—The Chinese Ministry of In- Billy hopes you^ll bring a scooter ise against It. Who etas could formatlott quoted a Tokyo broad­ Would we have the mild, relative­ anything that has yet happened biggest air and Shipping fortrass in the Pacific war. object T short of Truk in the area. But, be­ cast today aa conceding aerial su­ Sally wants another doll ly minor chain of effects we're ginning last Oct. 12, when it was periority to U. S. forces in the going to have from a nine cent a r nit by 350 tons of bombe, Rabaul’s Father*s a mind for an easy chair buslfel increase, or would we have Beth Sholom Nqtes role has dwindled sharply. The Truth Inaulta Them Aussies Extend Hold In which to read and loll Connecticut’s No. 1 W AR JOB, at galloping inflation ? Southern Democrats In ths Sen' In the Huon peninsula cam­ But me^Vll settle for Victory! The policy the OPA would like paign. the''' latest reports told of ate are ao incensed over charges Friday, Deo. 10—Evening serv. TH E TH A T to pursue is one of limited price Aussies extending their hold along ♦ * * » / that they eomblnsd with some ices wrill be held at 8 p. m. Rey. the coast north of Finschhafen increases where it finds them fair iWateon Woodniff of the Center while in the Inland jungles other northern Republicans to defeat Congregational church wdll be the IS N ’T R ATIO N ED f never saw the like of it and necessary and not too upset­ th* Midler’s vote bill that they are ground fdrees appeared on tha ting to the present coat of living guest speaker. The subject at verge of capturing the trail junc­ threatening to secede from the his address wdll be: "Racial Rela­ The way the twins can fight! balance, and a policy of subsidies ture village of Wareo. ^Vnswer this emergency call from our boys plants can we do this vital job. It’s our party and establish on* of thslr tions.” A special social will follow ■In thsr northern Solomons, aa Santa, YOU could solve the problem where it judges that actual price own. Such a party, they claim, the services. American ground forces on Bou­ THE FAFNIR BEARING CO. Saturday, Dec. 11—Bar Mitsvph to the plants in Connecticut - to YOUI The responsibility and our honor because in our increases would be too contageous would bold the balance of power gainville extended their beach­ )TES, we Boean V itam iat! But Why not bring them BOTH a kite? and drastic in their effect on the services" for Lee Freedman will be head at Empress Augusta - bay, iloo't be deluded by tbe belief in national politics. held at 10 a. m. the American Air Force kept that all packaged Titamine are But me—Vll settle for Victory! need is urgent. state 80 per cent of all America’s ball bear­ N ew BHN*i public pocketbook. It la by no It Is unbelievably modelst ot Sunday, Dec. 13—Rellgloua a means a perfect policy. It will not nearby enemy bases inoperative alike. They vary widely. The them ^ o t to admit that they air school for children at 9:30 a. m. with ralde on both north and only •landiudii by which a lay­ * * * S«000,000 Mors Neriiigt N t«M ptr Month I ings are intde. keep the cost of living absolutely Rehearsal for the Chanukah play southern ends of the island and on man may judge are tbe reepon- ready hold the balance of power a at 11 a. m. Susan (she*s in sixth grade noiv) stationary. But neither does It, great deal of’, the time. And the Tuesday, Dec. 14—Religioua tha east-central coast at Kieta. •ibility a ^ ethical standards as witness the booSt'ln com prices, of the manufacturer and ven­ Has tastes much older than her years To keep rolling forward - to maintain ' We «an pay our debt to our hghtihg men MARLIN-ROCKWELL CORP. real wonder is that the rest of tbs school for children at 3:45 p. m. dor. Tbe sale course is to ere rigidly forbid' producers all in­ country hasn’t openly debated Sieterhood Meeting Jap War Claims Hit creases in income. ' The regular Sisterhood meeting your Physician; let him pre­ If she doesn*t get a lipstick, Santa, vital supply lines - our forces must rely on now! Get your c»rd of referral from your seceding from them. will take place a t '8 p. m., at the Realm of Fantastic scribe for your special needs. Chances are there*ll be some tears! ^ PloifivtNe However Imperfect it la, It They are the breed who did Temple. A. . Chanukah program By The Associated Press Then bring his prescription shines in comparison to what we lick the soldier’s vote bill because wdll be presented under the dlreC' Japanese war claims, invariably here to Vitamin Ileadquarters. - But me^VU settle for Victory! huge fleets of tanks, trucks, half-tracks, nearest United StateB Employment Serv­ would "have without it. It is bet­ they were afraid It meant soma tlon of Mrs. W. Cooper and the high-colored for home consump­ ■'a ter to lose an ell with the OPA participation of MesJames S. SU- tion, reached the realm of the combat cars, jeeps and other mechanized ice office tomorrow! eventual threat to th* poll tax veretem, M. Fendell, J. Groeger, fantastic today with an imperial NEW DEPARTURE than to lose the miles its enemies WELDON ♦ - ■ by which they insure their own 8. Baum, Th. Weiss, J. Sandals. headquarters assertion that Jap­ Johnny, my big hoy, is **over there** would take if they ever succeeded perpetual reelectlons. They are Refreshments will be served. anese Naval forces had sunk or DRUG COMPANY units. And every piece of this equipment- To help our fighting men finish the job in their ambition to destroy it. ' Wednesday, Dec. 15—Hebrew damaged 31 Allied battleships, 39 He hasn*t written what he*d like the breed who propose the end of for adults at the home of Mrs. Prescription Pharmacists Bristol-Meriden aU subsidies except those which aircraft carriers and 148 cruisers every wheel that turns-depends on bear-* faster, this advertisement is sponsored by W. RubinoiF at 8 p. m. since the beginning of the war in 901 Main St. Tel. 5331 Take care of him, Santa, as you did Four Indispenesables? happen to apply to some of their The newly formed nutrition the Pacific. When he was a sassy little tike! own producta. They are the breed class will meet at the home of The assertion was coupled with ings - bearings you can help produce! The Fafnir Bearing Co., Marlin-Rcxkwell ' Great conferences like tbos* a t Mrs. 8. Ellis at 8 p. m, a morale-boosting prediction by who threatened to stop ths man' Thursday,' Dec. 16—Religious And mef-^Well, bring me Victory! Cairo and Teheran focus attention ufacturq of synthetic rubber tires school for children at 3 p. m. Premier Hldeki Tojo that 1944 Only by your help in our Connecticut- Corp., and New Departure. ^ J upon their human headliners smd “will be our year to win,” tem­ PRESCRIPTION' * * * Hera's what you tfei Gefeyeuri unless the government would pered by a warning that "the war make them seem ka If they were guarantee to uae their Cotton In Penalty Not Se\-ere Enough What gift do you §*pose America ttcrtM Iiwpieyiwewf Service edike !• get year the only four men who could pos- the process. They are the boldest, (lihly accomplish such high and q'.ost' unprincipled advocates of Hartford, Dec. 9.—{/P)—OPA And tM its people from §hore to shore THU APPIAL referral card for werfc hi one of fMsa vflol dramatic deeds of war and peace. Hearing Coiiimiksioner William special privilege our legislative Day rtfused yesterday to accept Would ask for if they eould have one gift INDOtSID SYt Merc, we are sometimes tempted process has ever been afflicted an agreement' entered Into by C hristm as Starve Schedule Govmtior war plants. to say, is pot one indlspensabla with. Occaoionally, they produce OPA Attorney AUred Hawley and One worth working and fighting for? ChjuIrmiHi Sof towol DircMffar Koulonsd Diroclor man, hut four Indispensablss. a statesman, as witness Cordell Defiense Counsel Nathaniel Berg Santa, we*d settle for VICTORY! ' i man for a three weeks’ suspension Open All Day Wednesdays During: December. , CeniMcflfwt V/mr Council Wor JAonpowor. Cemmiaaion War ProaktcHasi Soiu-d J Next we wonder bow fate con HuU. But for every Hull they of business, plus an additional Open Until 9 P. M. Thursdays and Saturdays. Bplred:-to have all four of them produce fifty would-be Heflins or three months’ suspension wrlth ex ready for this partlclilaE spot In Huey Longs. ecution of the pwialty suspended, Open Until 9 P. M. Monday, December 20, Tuesday, De­ history. Kut that kind of wonder They are all gantlemen of south- lor David Paraky of Hartford, cember 21, Wednesday, December 22, Thursday, ■ervlee station operator charged is dangerous, for svhat fate oen* am honor, and tkay'rd naver m December 23. Close FSdday, December 24, at 0 apires to do, fate can undo. And with poeaewtoe «< l*« counter­ o’clock. V MARLOW’S dnaultsd aa wdisa they are ooma- feit ration eoupooa. Day, post­ kae that provident fate which times told the truth about them­ poning a hearing on the case un Retail Merchants’ Division, “»

HAWCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAT, DECEMBER 9,1 9 « about two months ago but later Club would like to extend their factoring company, reported a >AGE ElGirf' tentatively withdrawn, is expect­ thanks to all who contributed ma­ $1,000 theft, but Oakland police Ince. Yesterday’s communiquuc Smith Urges ed to be acted upon next week. Two Ration Points Given ^anta^s Shop terials, to the Jimior Red Croea bad only this to bite into— stolen said a Japanee-:; attack near Klng- Among those mentioned as a pos­ membm, who under the direction were 800 sets of. false teeth. Si^ashing Gains Chinese Again shan. ^ miles south of Suihslen, sible successor are O'Mahoney of Mias Virginia Sullivan, a local About Town | To Relinquish At Red Cross achool teacher, collected boxes and Local Woman had been beaten back. •' Purging Now (D., W yo.) and Hatch (D „ N.M .). For Every Pound of Fat Sofia, Bulgaria, almost was Oulflaiik'^Nazis to the merchants who offered floor chosen the seat of the eastern Chest Colds space for the holiday season for George R. Spencer of North Hold Changteli Roman Empire by the Roman Em­ Part of Task Nearly half of the world's land Instructor's ^iClub Is the booth. Hurt in Crash Coventry left yesterday'for active To Relieve MiseTy eeks Time to Wave Boston, Dec. 9— More meat is • would have enough extra points to peror, ConatanUne. who finally de­ » (Continued from Page One) Funerals area Is largely unnhabltable be­ buy aji additional 262,000 pounds Salvatore Merrino, president of duty In the tJ. S. Navy. Mrs. Spen­ VICKS Ellin^toii houdeU for the tables of patrioUu Busy Preparing for the Instructor’s Club conducted cided on the Byaantlum and re­ cer, the former Miss Lillian Veitch [ ] Retaken Today cause of deserts, mountains. Ice Rub on Tested Banner of^ Soiilhern Of beef or 380,000 pounds of lamb Baby Susan N. Mare v Va p o R u b New England housewives starting the business the mtetlng and named it Constantinople after him- daughter of Mrs. Robert Veitch of R. K. Amlersoii to Give Arm.v war bulletin said that at or tundra. Mr*. O F Berr and mutton or 538.000 pounds of Servlceinen'fi Booth. aelf. H n . Rose Hatak Is least 2,000 Germans were killed The? funeral of Baby Susan N. Democratic Party Now Monday— over 1,700.000 points the rest Of the evening was given Road Herald Adrae North Coventry and the late Rob­ (Continued from Page One) \i98-H. Rockville fresh pork, on the basis of Octo­ Up Some Duties; To and 84 tanks destroyed In yester­ Mqce. 12-wecka old daughter of worth per month. ber collectioni of fat* from house­ over to the making of the ma­ Painfully Injured by ert Veitch of Manchester, will ■’’Local Red Cross Chapter head­ terials necessary for the opening make her home with her mother day's fighting In this area. Valu- and Mrs. Jack B. Mace of 55 Washington. Dec. 9— — With This increased consumption will hold kitchens. Ketuin Others. tln had moved in mobile artillery Russell street, who died Tuesday the Chinese Arm y's principal The next meeting of the “Men’s of the booth in Burton’s store on Auto at the Center. for the duration. sources of supply. the aiaerUon that "now it's for us be possible by the new incentive In Massachusetts alone, nearly quarters looked like a real, Santa over miles of hub-deep mud roads night at Manchester Memorial Club” o f the Ellington Congrega­ 1,000,000 points will he given Saturday Dec. U . A special Chinese communique plan, effective Dec. 13, which au­ work-shop this week as the First Robert K. Anderson of 1,3,3 Oak­ to meet the onslaught and frqpt hospital, was held from the to do some purging," Senator, Elli­ Those In Charge Elmer M. Thrall, son of Mr. and this morning announced recapture tional church will be held Decem­ thorizes meat dealers to pay two hauaewives fur their salvage fat Aid Instruc'or's Club prepared the V Mrs. noae Hatak. 19, of Apart- land street, treasurer of Watkins advices said his lines remained In­ son D. (Cotton Ed) Smith aotight Those who will be free to work U r - % Mrs. Fred Thrall of 277 E.ast Mid­ Thomas G. Dougan Funeral Home, of the city. ber 14 at 8 o'clock in the social ration points for each pound of each month. Allowing notliing for mant 9, at the Sheridan, was in- Brothers, will relinqui.sh his re­ tact, although a "number of pop- speaking time in the Senate today the mor* widespread saving at fat boxes and trimmings for the Ser­ on Saturday are asked to contact dle Turnpike, was one of a class 59 Holl street this afternoon at "Nev/s Has ju.st been received,” rooms of the church. Milo B. used household fat, as well as the sponsibilities as active head of tilated places” had been evacuated to Wave anew the banner of an in­ which is expected to result fi'om vicemen’s Gift Wrapping Booth. Mrs. Myrtle W right or Mrs. N. }urMl at the Center at 2:40 yes- of men graduating this week from 2 o'clock. it said, "that Chinese troops Hayes la chairman of the commit­ customary cash payment of up to the undertnking department of in favor of strong positions on a dependent southern Democratic the new Incentive, New Hamp- Because of the war shortage of Addy McLeary. Those who arc ^gfday afternoon. She had gone to Shaw Field. Sumter, S. C., after Rev. Ellison F. Marvin o f St. in northern Hunan re-occupled tee assisted by Edward Kasche. four centr per pound. the firm at 142 Ea.st Center street, new defense line. Mary's Episcopal church officiated OUR MEAT VALUES ARE Pkr^y' - Howard Loveland), Leland Sloan, What Extra PolnS .Mean slUre women will receive 92,000 boxes and tuuier materials the flee on Thursday should contact the post office and wn.s walking completing their training at the Changteh a t’ 4 o'clock this morn­ The South CJarollna Democrat, ■lanunry 1, 11 was announced at Vnlutin apparently was biding and burial was in East ceVnetery. JarVia Clapp, John Lanz, William John T. Kilcy. regional salvage points; Xluine 126.000; Vermont group decided upon a plan of re­ Miss Althea Shorts or Miss Vir­ back to the Main street aide near basic flying school there. The ing. They crossed the Yuan river dean of the Senate by virtue of his the meeting of the Employees of his time, waiting for the Germans D. Uethscher, Charles Peterson, manager, War Production Board, .50,000; Connecticut 276.000. and deeming, old bpxes and redressing ginia Sullivan. the Odd Fellows building when an class included men from 36 states. la.st evening and broke into the 35 years service, told a reporter he Watkins Brothers last night at to ii.se up their reserves, which the Annlv'ersary Mass REAL LEADERS Dr. Leonard Levine. Theodore A. said housewives in New England Rhode Island 170,000, each month. them in gay trimmings and bows. Local merchants who have automobile driven by Atchibald city through Its east and west thinks the south is "rip e " for the It is York, not George. Strang- the Y. M. C. A. Naxis wore said to be rushing in­ A first anniversary ma.ss will Palmer, Carlton iHaae, Harold Some of the finished boxes proved helped with the project are: W el­ Harvey of 46 Liberty street, which gates early this morning.” formation of a new political party don's Drug Co., E. A. Johnson’s feld, who, as yesterday's news Mr. AiKler.son, for many years to battle as soon as they arrived. be said 'Friday morning- at 7:30 Patric. A t thia meeting officers the idea waa a good one. Materials had come from the north was of its own—a threat voiced earlier ouH for the more conventional Paint Shop, McQlU-Converse item s.iid, will give his e.ighth vice president of the company, The Germans' heavy losses op at St. James's church for the late American .Aircraft Factor For 84 years, A&P has been ia- will be elected for the coming year have been gathered from a wide making the turn Into East Center in the week by Senator Bailey (D- Fourth of LumUii^ landing boats. source. Tiny pine cones, bay-ber­ Paint Co., Chaney Brothers Salei- blood dona'iotl at the Mobile Blood was elected treasurer on January this sector combined with the suc- Domenlck Cignetto. American aircraft, w'hich played and report! of the past year will atreet around the rotary. Mrs. mous ior its big values... and today NOi. In making the announcement ries 4ind red berries from the room, Tweed Shop, Mariow’e, Bur- Bank on Doc. 16. Mr. Strangfeld, 19 of this year. He s\iccee(led , C. ce.ssful Russian maneuvers on their a strong part in the defense of the be given along with what other Hatak stepped out of the rotary Elmore Watkins, who has lilled "The south is tick and tired ot yesterday. Rear Admiral Edward 'oods surrounding Manchester ton’e, MiUkowski the Florist, J. who resides st l.t Franklin atreet. right flarik-to the south indicated city were said to have had a hand A&P goes "ail-out" to bring you buatness that w ill come up at this Craft (^oiiipleleil and was hit by the Harvey car. the position of president .since the being kicked around in the Demo­ L. Cochrane, chief of the Bureau are used in the clusters for deco­ W. Hale Co. maintains his own business In their offensive was doomed to fail­ in Its recapture. During the long the same big values. ______meeting. of Ships indicated that moat of She was knocket. down. ■ cratic party," Smith said. “ I be­ Pvt. Robert Clark, son Of Mr. ration. Many had saved the rib­ Hartford. ure. siege while the 57th Chinese di­ READY T O SERVE ... Whole or Butt Halt 8 points-Shank Hall 6 ooinis Washington, Dec. 9— (/Pi— The the cruft will be used for the of­ The Spirit of A call for an ambuluance result­ ••StiihlMirn Kesislanee” Reported Women’s Club lieve Senator Bailey has hit the and Mrs. Raymond Clark o f Ma­ bons and trimmings from past ed In three arriving, the first being vision was fighting to the last nail on the head when he aaya we Navy today has completed more fensive against Japan. years and these were made over False ‘Teeth Stolen King David Lodge. I. O. O. F„ (A Berlin broadcast .said the ditch, the Yankee fliers on several Whole Of ple atreet, who la stationed at the than a fourth of the 80,000 land­ Cochrane said also that by the the J. B. Burke ambulance and she will work the Initiatory Degree on Germans in 4& hours had advanced could form our own Democratic Surmuma Air Base in Georgia is in\o new arrangements. , Christinas Lives was taken to the hospital. To Give Play occasions dropped food and am­ COOKED HAMS Either Half party and hold the balance of ing craft of various types culled end of this mohth,..about 300 de­ Thanke Expressed Oakland. Calif.— (JP)~W. N. a large class of candidates this 2,5 miles northeast of Zhitomir In munition and dispersed enemy spending a furlough with hla wife for under its latest small vessel stroyer escort vessels, with a Orme, manager of a general manu- Tle-l'p Traffic evening at Odd Fellows Temple, the Kiev bulge. Advances also power in the electoral college.” and parents. ■She members of the Inatructor'a There was a tie-up of traffic as planes trying to blast the Chinese SMOKIO-PORK SHOULDER , Smith, one of several senators program. value of approximately' $1,000,- On in America! Main and East -Center streets. were 'ciaimed south of Korosten. Benjamin O. Nangle, son o f ths The craft range from 450-fool 000,000, will have been completed. after hitting the woman, the Har­ Herman Behrend will be in charge Christmas Cantata to Be from the smoking and bomb-pock­ 3 POINTS PER POUND LB the admlhlstratlon unsuccessfully The German communique said ed town. PICNICS late Frank B. Nangle, has been dock ships to small rubber boats vey car went arount thercurve and of the degree work. Refreshments "stubborn resistance" was en marked for defeat in the 1938 appointed uUmlnlitrator o f hla fa­ Presented at the Cen Lieut. Gen. Joseph W. StilwelTs primary elections, said he thought Tnd Include the amphibian trac­ And to that end Americans landied in the green to the west of will follow. countered. Gross-Cut ther’s estate. tors. or alligator craft, which suc­ the circle. It required the work of headquarters announced today that it was time some changes were will continue to exchange (The Gernian communique em­ ter Church Sunday. 2 pis -LB Mrs. Annie B. Hepton o f High­ cessfully negotiated core' reefs at four policemen to get traffic go- Members of Anderson Shea phasized the fighting in the, Dnie­ Mitchells with a tighter escort on SHOULDER LAMB made in the controlling faction of land avenue has purchased the gifts ae usual to the extent the Democratic party. Tarawa that proved too treacher- .\uxiliary, V. F. W., will grieve to per bend where the Russians were Tue.sday bombed Japanese-held In­ MISH-W hcle or residence of Bartholomew McNa­ of the merrhandloe available. * " ^ e Investigation’ was made by The Women’s Chorus of the stallations in CTiangteh in support "H arry Hopkins seems to be the learn of the death of Gladys Ben­ declared atacking under cover of a mara that she and her family This Is not a year of ckoloa Officer Galliga. who was informed Chaminade Music Club, under the of the Chinese ground troops mov­ PORK LOINS Either End-5 points LB chief cook and bottle washer of nett, of 1565 Elm street. Stratford. den.se fog. A Transocean dispatch have occupied for the past 20 but of accepting what le at the hospital that the injured direction of Fred E. Werner, w'lll ing algalnst the city. the party and I don’t like his Conn., who^ie funeral will be held said "the battle is swaying to and Leah Pork Roast years. available — In many caae* woman had sustained a frac^tured present the Christmas cantata,. In other activities, American cooking,” Smith declared. Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bennett fro" in rivers of mire caused by I f the South Carolinian succeeds substituting for wliat you hip, shoulder and head Injuries. was a faithful V. F. W. worker and late, torrential autumn rains In "Bethlehem" by Paul Bliss, at the fighter planes operating jn the, FRESH PICNICS 3 points-LB Center Congregational c’hurch, in bringing hli_vlew s before the would like to give. Shop our It was said today that her in- will be greatly missed. She held the general area bounced by Salween front attacked railway Canadians Can store and see what we have Sunday aftemooh, Nov. 12, at equipment between Mogaung and FRESH or CORNED Senate, he may touch off another luries while painful were not sen- the office of Department treasurer Cherka.sy. Smela, Znamenka and Spare Ribs 2 P O IN T S cb2 4 ' FRESH SLICED to offer. There ate many 4:30 o’clock. Myitkyina in northern Burma round of rough and tumble debate bus. Mrs. Hatak was the former for 16 years. Kremenchug. FANCY GRADE A such as that of Tueaday whan Sen­ Buy Tires Now one-of-a-kind Items and all w'ithout loa.s. 5 P O IN T S L B 3 5 ‘ Miss Rose Gilnack who Hved on (The Germans admitted "small Mr. Werner has already estab­ Sliced Bacoa Steak Cod LB 29' ator Byrd (D „ Va.) demanded carry the reputation for qoal- S K I N L E S S Manchester road just over the line The Townsend club will meet to­ penetrations' in. their White Rus­ lished his ,'eputation as director of Tehshan .\Iho Recaptured FRESH that Senator Guffey (D„ Pa.)— ity that ha* been the mark of the Beethoven Club in Manches­ Frankforts 4 P O IN T S L B 35* Washington, Dec. 9— (/P) — The In Glastonbury. morrow evening at eight o'clock at sian' lines between the Pripet and Only a few hours before the retract his charge that southern thin store for many year*. ter, and this is his first appear­ T E N D E R Whitiag l b 1 2 ' Office of Price Administration to­ The driver of the car wa^ ai- the V. M. C. A. The state leader. Berezina rivers and .said the Loin Lamb Cbeps a POINTS lb LB 4S« Democrats had joined with Re­ ance with the women’s choral special comrhunlque announcing F R E S H . day made eligible to buy reclaimed resud on the charge of reckless Irving C. Smith, from the Hart­ Soviets were massing for a new as the Changteh success, the (Chinese WELL-TRIMMED publicans in an attempt to keep group. For. the past three years 5 POINTS LB or used tires and new tubes in this driving. ______ford headquarters, and others saiilt on Rogachev.) high command had reported recap- Rib Lamb Cbeps 35' HaKe Fillets L B 39' service men from voting in the he has been attending the W est­ FANCY SLICED country those Car\adlans in the prominent in the movement are FRESHLY OPENED 1944 presidential election by kill* Robert K. .Xnderson minster Choir School in New Jer­ tiirp of the tow'n of Tehshan, a few Pork Liver 2 P O IN T S a.19' United States who drive for occu­ expected. Plans for representation ing the administratloqla war bal­ sey under the direction of Dr. W il­ miles to the south on the railway FRESH or CORNED pational or esaential reaaons. at the mass meeting in W alling­ NO POINTS NEEDED Oysters N T 59' lot death of his uncle, F. Ernest W at­ W ill Release liamson. The past summer he took linking CThanteh and Changaha. Neck Boaes 9' bin. Although Canada permits Ameri ford on Sunday will be discussed Guffey h'aa offered his resigna­ Cliurch Group kins. I a special course In choral conduct­ A communique said Tehshan leans to buy tires and tubes in the and other matters transacted. The tion as chairman of the Demo­ Our tpeciol "gat-ocquainted"gift to RunXord Is the aU-phos- DltW'for of Company ing of women's voices, which In­ W 'a s taken by Japanese Dec. 8. An dominion, Canadian drivers on thia .members and general public will 680 Employes cratic Sanatorlal Chtmpaign com- pbate double-acting baking Mr. Anderson w'ho Is also a dl- cluded all phases of vocal blend­ Immediate counter-at^k by rein­ side of the border, ip the past, h a v introduce iKii new granulated soap -powder that makes jrour war­ Has Election ne welcome. ! reetor of the company, will con­ mittes—a move that Byrd de. ing and balance. forced Chinese forces regained the LTHI HARVEST IS IK manded— but haa not publicly not been eligible for tire purchases .,. worki fait ,.. kind to hands. time baking sure. It eon- tinue as trea.surer and will assist Waterbury, Dec. 9 - 'Ti — The Mrs. Elcanore Nicholson of this town. because no basic gasoline ration la Soopine'l creamy tudi mean ihorter taina no alum—navar laavee Ward- Cheney Camp, U. S. W. V. the funeral director whenever pos- You’ll eat your vitamins and enjoy them when withdrawn hla charges that the a bitter taste: but Run^ord French Small Tube division, town, violinist, who will appear on Chinese troops swept back the southerners iolnad in an "imholy issued them. They have received woihdayt... cleoner clothes! Mrs. Ellen Pickles Is will meet this evening at the V. F. .silile. He has been doing yeoman is famous for Its nutritional .\inerican Bra.ss company, an­ the program, is a graduate of enemy on still othe fronts, break­ you serve A&P's garden-fresh fruits and alliance” with the Republicans to "special" rations. Instead. value—eontained in ealeium W. Home Manchester Green. ' .service In this department -for Canadians who receive "special"' and phoiphoruB, tha aaln- Re-elected Head of nounced today that 68() employes Syracuse University, w'here she ing into the important Japanese vegetables! It's the natural way to got the / push through ths Senate a subati. IVtm BUbBll WASHfS OOUBU m The Dewey-Richman Co. J many months owing to labor w'ould he released later this week. played five years with the Sym^ base of Slnyang in southern tute measure by which the states rations—up to 15 gallons a year— .eral* that halp to build In Paelugag and T Bags and maintain itreng bnnas. North End Society. 1 ‘ liortages. and feels that he owes The announcement brought from phony as solol.st and in quarter Honan province and entering the vitamins you need every d ay... and it's a would be called upon to facilitate solely for tourist travel will con­ at Your Giooar'g JEWELERS STATIONIIR3 OPTf^SlAm it to himself to take life a little Mrs. Mary M. Dewey, area man­ ensemhleb. Her musical experi­ suburbs of Suihslen in Hupeh prov- mighty easy and inexpensive way, too! voting by imlformed peraonnel. tinue to he ineligible for tires. The ensicr. On January 18 next he Read Herald Advs. The North .Methodist Woman'-S Pines Civic power director, a statement that ences include teaching and a year ' Ouey's resignation, first offered change in effective pec. 14. will round out 45 years with Wat- "the trend is tow'ard cancelling ot with the Schenectady Symphony. Society of Christian Service had a kin.s Brothcr.s. l Waterhury’s classification as a Another violinist on the program busy afternoon and evening yester­ Group Elects SlarteP)—Sen­ the Board of Selectmen and that NIBLETS ator John L. Sullivan, Democrat, I t may be considered w'hen the BRAND CORN .12 0Z Special Fled ion board meets tonight. of the Sixth district said today he would Introduce at the special ses2 STEINWAY GRAND PIANO WHOLE KERNEL CAN ' From the Home of ' Bridgeport, Dec. 9—(iT/^Gover- sion of the General Assembly In Fre^h. Sweet Corn ... Off The Cob-10 Points nor Baldwin today called a special ( ’oolies Ila/ard January a re.solution calling for George Dwight Pratt, 120 Maple Street, Springaeld, Mass. the appointment of a committee SAVINGS election :n the 26th Senatorial named In the resolution, to inves­ ■’ And Other ReUnMe Sources — Removed for Convenience of 8 ^ To district for .Monday. Jnn. 17. to COPFII name a state senator to succeed Fliiiiinatefl Now tigate the purchase and furnishing EIGRT O’CLOCK 2 Judge Stanley P, Mead, now on of the executive mansion on Pros­ REIDS' AUCTIONTORIUM the Sta'e Juvenile court beneh. pect avenue in Hartford. Fort Collins Colo.— (A*!— The U. S. ROUTE 6, BOCTON, CONN. RED C I R ^ C < ^ l l 2 Writs of election, signed by'the cootif, that persistent, irritating, The original overall coat esti-; 12 Miles East of Hartford — 30 Miles From Springfield. governor, were received by High mate was not moretthan $100,000, AT THIS BANK obnoxious, underwear-lovinj con­ Sheriff Edward A. Platt to' be stant companion of World W ar I Senator Sullivan said, but toda^ SALE D A Y : Saturday, Dec. 11, at 10 A. M. Rain or Shine serv'cd on tow'n clerks in Norwalk, BOKAR COFFEE 2 soldier, has Jeen eliminated as a the-estimated cost has risen to Thii h The Second Week New Canaan. Wilton and Darien, 4170,000. " .EXHIBITION: Friday, Dec. lO from 2 to 10 P. M. R C F IN C D towns that comprise the district. major nul.saiice of World War II .1 LM FROM OEOROE nWIGHT PRATT HOME: gUinway A Sons Grand Piano, No. 91813, Ebonlzed Pm Lari 2 P O IN T S CTN 1 7 * It Was said that Governor Bald­ by agricultural researchera. Homer H. Henney o f Colorado Caae, 7’ 5” ; Set of 8 Mahogany Chippendale (Repro.) Dining Chairs; Maaatve Mahogany Highboy; H L B win hid contacted Republican PKG 3 1 ' Victorian Sofa and Gentleman’a Chair; Empire Sofa; Empire 2 Drawer Dropleaf Sewing Stand; OirOwaTea State Chairman J. Kenneth Brad­ State College aays the cootie A N N P A G E ley and ■ Democratic State Chair­ chen.ical i.s one of the secret U. S. Mahogany 2 Drawer Stand with Writing Compartment; Sheraton Mahogany Sideboard, 6'; 2 English Bakei Beais l O P O IN T S STRAINED FOODS A Week For 50 Weeks man John M. Dowe and that both instruments of'warlare, but it was OUN MIN NIID Carved Oak Lockers; Empire Dressers; Bedroom Furniture; Bookcases; Stands; Many (Jhaira; Fine. I B R O A D C A S T ^ It O Z a M ONE ^ 50 $ $1.00 $5(Koo 9 pofirrs CAN 5 0 4 Week For Weeks 2 5 ^ 0 0 had expressed themselves as sat­ discovered while scientists • were Fireplace Equipment; Bnc-a-Brac; Lamps; Pair Braaa Glrapdolea with Crystal Prisms; President RaikMeat POINT JMt 8 ‘ * BOOKS * John Adams Commemorative Pitcher—"Success to AmeHca” — (Cracked); Dresden, Cauldron, ’WICE—UNSWtlTENgD B ap isfied w'ith the date closen. experi.nentlng with agricultural O f jp U IIW I NO POINTS—NO. 2 CAN I insecticides. Wedgewood, Havlland. Mintons and other China; Venetian, Cut, Pressed and Colored Glassware; Ster­ Bristol Plant Inspected The discfivery was discussed at ling, Sheffield and Plated Silver; Large Gold Leaf French Mirror. SaapMIx AUNT POLLV*S PNG 8^ CROPPED FRUITS a recent meeting of representa­ FROM HOMES IN NORFOLK AND HARTFORD, CONN„ ANH SPRINOnELD: Mahogany Tall TWO A Week For 50 Weeks .Bristol, Dec, 9.—(iP)—Gov. Ray­ tives of land grant college., and Case Chime Clock—8’ 1” ; Small Victorian Sofa, Ladles’ Chair and Rocker; Card Tables; Mantel Swao Baker PaSaa * ” K* POINTS JML 11* $ 2 .0 0 A Week For 50 Weeks $ 1 0 0 . o o $5.00 $250.00 mond E. Baldwin, accompanied universities in Chicago, Whl6h Clocks; <3hippendale Sofa; Duckfoot Table; Sheraton Sideboard—6’ 1” ; Serpentine Empire Sofa; Ser­ pentine Front Mahogany Clieat; C«ndletUnda; About 50 Antique Chairs—Windsor. Hitchcock, Etc.— PreaCa Cake Ffaar 27* by Brig. Gen. R. B. deLacour, heard that the discovery will save VEGETADLES •dJuDmt general, Connecticut the Army hundreds of thousands Some In Seta; Beautiful Reproduction Furniture; Empire Needlepoint Ottoman; Marble and Gilded Peaait Batter 21 *' *7 37* B u te Guard, lnai>ected the New of dollsrs by eliminating expen­ Bronze WhatnoU China; (Jut Glass; Tiffany Table Lam p; Teakwood Stand; Bronze Taboret and OlOPPED Departure dj’rision. General Mo­ sive delousing stations. Um; Canton Temple Um—34” ; OH Paintings; Palntmg on Porcelain in Shadow-box. Wiiibary*tSaap 3cakcs23* TWO POINTS MR 11* tor* Corp., today, and heard corti- AUenONEERS’ NOTICE; This Anettoa Comprises Over 500 Exceptionally Fine OITrrings. Truly "And soldiers ^<’ill be saved A'Paaa *e*iIovEs sot 17* pany officlala describe needs of dozens of hours which they other- An IMPORTANT Sale Featuring Many Famitare Items. The Steinway Is SnIUblevfor m Studio 0ataN alk'*oTp’*x^a13' the Industry as "perhaps the wdse vould have to spend 'reading' SIND or An Artist. MMt 2 k»oUS*‘^p%‘23< heart of the urgent manpower their undershirts for cooties,” says HEAT — CHAIRS — AMPLE PAXKINCl — LUNCHEON Cortal pooo 13' for war production in M l YO« CMI iMUN UMaay Health Saap 3 C A K E S 20* b a n k o f Henney. SAVINGS MANCHESTER Onseettcut.” Company officlala, m.-.•waa____ W n.oATiNo H IT E O ------awip— 3 ^ S 2 9 * DIY I. S. WAP haadsil by W. Raymond Crumb Police Sell Bicycles That book you've enjoyed — ■OBdueted ths sU te executive and ROBERT M. REID & SONS B fZ C 2 e A s e .1 9 * A Mutual Savings Bank . paea M along to a mail in m M . BONDS & STAMP? ,j the adjutsuft general through each Naugatuck, Dec,. 9.— (JP)— Bicy­ A U em O N E K R S dspartmeirt of the plantl cles sold at a $10 top at Nauga form. Leave K at the neareat EatabUabed 1907 - • tuck police beadquarters yester­ collection center or public SOI MAIN ST. TEL. gl9S MANCHESTEB, OONN. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY The Lenoir, X. C„ are deport day. 'The police were authorized SM ALLEN ST. TEL. S-SS71 SPRINGFIELD, NASS. PrkM s soblBBt to — H i> t. * b s »» b . « • s t o i r v i the H cbt to ItoiK eaa»«Ui.a aient hnii a training achool for i Tueeday by the Board of Warden INirary for the t943 VftTORY up of \ ANYTHING ANYWHERE SOLD AT AUCTION! made high I and Burgesses to dispose of seven BOOK CAMPAION. / 'J unclaimed hicyclea ' -I . _ _ _ _ '"Jt lJ- f n MANCHJ--Srt;K KVKNING HKKALW, m a n c h k s t k k , VAGE T E If MANCHESTOR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEJlBER 9,1948 PAGE ELEVEN^. -V— ------:------Today’s Radio - - - 1- EMtcro War t'iiue Sports Roundup utnors Mil

a .n ft _ w n e — Backitage Wile; • 7.30—WTIC—Quir of Two Cities; B.v Hugh Fullerton. Jr. -• eran grappler on hand . . . iioo-w nc — ViacM: WNBC WDRC—Home ' Fro"* Nov.-York, Dec. 9— ()Pi— It’s easy i bably the most sensational — Fighting Coast Ctiiani. i ------velopment of the week was an In Newa: WTHT—News; Music; Miss Helen Estes, Eaculty Adviser to blame almost .anything on a, Mort Lindsey Skiing in Wonderland WNBC-Bluc FrolicV, ^ 7:45 WDRC -Mi Keen, ’r'i , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9 Compiled tty Students of Manchester High School \ ur— It can't argue with yoO—and formal appeal by tennis leaders to of Lost Poison.s, WTHT — | > Ul X I. NO. 13 newspapermen for aoggestlons on Redskins’ Owner 4:15—W nC — Stella, Dallas; that may be why some old timers \ WNBC—Kay Kyser. X Treasury Star -Parade. ! -___ -X. in sDorls , profess to see some how to get more publicity for the 4.30__i v n c — Lorenao Jones; g:00—WTIC — Baby Snooks;; Cross Country-Banquet similarity between recent rumors championships, which will be held Is Third in w S r C - Ad Liner; W T H T ^ WDRG — Suspense; WTHT — i Bulletin Boards Croup Enjoys D AR Candidate about gambling by professional again In 1944 If President Hoi Let’s Be Charming; W'NBC News; Music; WNBC News. , Clarkmen Bo \ Legion o f Honor The annual cross - country: football playera -.and ’s combe Ward has his way . . . Big Tourney . Denies Talk As Time Views the News. )hJ5-tVN B C —bum ami Abner Radio Forum banquet will be held on Decern-; great scandal of 1919 . . . No Jimmy Conzelman, no longer i 4.4R_VVTIC — Y oil n g-Widder suio W T IC - Aldrich Kamity: 1 Illustrate (ilass ber 11. at 8:30. Members are I Is Clii)seii Here proof has been brought up to sup­ football coach, claims this year iSrown; WDRC — Ad bincr; wbf^C — Death V'alley pays: j To Bristol Five requested to meet at the Center] port these rumors and there prob­ was "the first time I ever tasted WNBC—Glen Gray. NcwbNWTHT — News; Castles i , In front of the Masonic Temple j ably Isn’t any basis for them . . , the flavor of Indian summer.” . Connecticut Kegler Has , Deliberate 6:00—WTIC— When a<,Girl Mar­ in the Adr; WNBC — Americas. PictuVes illustrating their stud­ Four Manchester High students at 8:00. Please be prompt. Still there are certain similar con­ With the Chicago Cards, Jimmy Town Meeting. . , ^ Seniors' and Faculty Excellent Chance to ries: VtT)RC-News; Ad Liner; ies in AnMent History have been ^tlclpated In a Joint discussion ditions that mlglit weaken the pub­ was used to that bitter taste of de­ /WTHT—News; Music; v\ NBC 9:00 W T I C - Xtuslc Hall: WDRC. MHS Uasketball Tram diligently xmllected in Misa wit^^foqr students from William Pick Nancy Jane And­ lic’s confidence in pro fo o t b ^ . . . feat. Reach Finals Today Layden’ s Office Makes Harriers to Dine / — News. , , ,, Major Bowes Amateijr Hour: | I,OX’S to 'rra«lilional The foundations of the BlacX^Sox Blanche Holnuvu's class and have Hall Nigh over the radio at 9:35 /6 :1 5 -W T IC —Portia Faces Life; WTHT C.abiiel Ili'Kttcr. j on December 3. The discussion erson for M. H. S. affair were laid during the i^wr ■ Launching An Idea In Big Pin Match. No Official Comment At Villa Louisa ' WNBCXpick Tracy. 9:15 WTHT C.rHcic Fields. i |{i\al in First Start. [been posted on sm'eral interesting years, when there was a free ahd When the New York Boxing 5:30--WTIC — Just Plain Bill; I and colorful bullHm, .boards. ' was basec^^pn the topic "The Road Sportscast 9:;i0 - WTIC — .loan ' Davis and | To Tokyo,"\ghd followed a nation­ "easy attitude toward money aniL Writers met yesterday to award Beyond Denying That , W D R C — Nevis; Pporbs; W.N’BC The board for Octi^er contained Nancy Jane Anderson has been Chicago, Dec. 9—Iff)—By the Jack Haley: WpKC — Dinah |, Manchester High's untested bas- al broadcast i5ii the general theme By John Tournaud X gariibling and when many athletes e Eddie Nell Memorial Trophy It '.The Cross Country team of —Jack Armstrong. Book Talks —I opened it.s season pictures of the ancfbnt civiliza­ chosen as Manchester High’s rep­ felt they'd be too old to return to whs suggested that an effort be somewhat monotonous process of “ Nothing to Report” in 5:45_WTIC- Front Page Far- , Shore; WTHT tions; Egypt, Persia, S^tiria, Pales­ of Japan. \ Moinches'er High, winners of Kiihbi Feldman: W resentative in the Good Citizen­ sporU after the fighting ended m a^ to have his name Included knocking over 7,464 maple pins in the OvC. I. L. and State C. I,- rell; WDRC— Arperican Worn-: A NBC bowing to its traditional rival, tine. and other countrieV. of the The representatives from the' Unpleasant Situation in lielil Bund.s: To Be Aiinonmod. Bu.Mlol, at the Bell City last Fn- M.H.S. Current Afhiirs Club. Wil­ with one game under its belt. ship Pilgrimage. The Connecticut . . . Those same scntlrrtents pre­ ampTO the sports celebrities and 36 games with a shiny black ball A. C. teUcs this fall will dine en: W T H T - Superman WNBC | Near East. The plctures^^howed Manchester High’s team- Daughters of the .^mefican Revo­ war correspondents - for whom —21 more than his closest oppon­ ‘ 10:00 w n c Abbott and Cos­ diiy, the hiial eouni being 34-'23. excavations which have beohNnade fred Dion, Margaret Hurley, James vail tfKlay (take a look at the fig­ Pro Grid I-^eague. j at the ^illa Louisa on Satur­ — Captain Midnight. ! will go after its initial triumph lution will take as their guest one ures on race track gambling) and liberty ships have been named . ent—George Young of New York day evening. The school ha* Kieniiig tello; WDRC H ist bine; The Moiiahaiimen biiffled the Red in these countries and includeoMhe •Fogarty, nnd Helen Fbrrell, were and White array with a tight zone accompanied by Mrs. Marqiierite against Rockville on Friday at the girl from ,;ach of the 48 states, se­ while rumors can be heard, it will To those of us who knew Eddie ■*ood at the top of the elimination now won thO-C. C. 1. I ' crown g:00—WTICNews: WDRC I WTHT Rayniund Clapper; various things which have be latter’a gymnasiuni. The Clarke- lected from the senior classes of By Pat O’Brien I WNBC -KaviiTond Gram Swing.’ defense and were never seriously CqmpbcU, history teacheri The ta) men are renewing their series with the high tchools and D. A. R. ap­ that nothing ress than a battleship bowllrfg klatch today. Washington, Dec. 9.—i/P) The ; ' Hi lo WTHT 'Dale Carnegie; threatened after the Hrst quarter. nuinimy cases, weapons, orna­ participants reported they enjoyed of rewards to convince all the pub­ althougli Iflckinc its full Terrv and the Pirates. Rockville after a layoff of a few proved schools, to Washington, would do untlPsa letter was read Ifounp scored 1,187 In the final Washington Redskins todi.y were strength due to ^listments In 6:15—WTIC — History in the ' WNBC bisti'ii to bulu. 'I'he t'larkeincn made their only ments. and other relics. the experience. One student told lic that they have no foundation. seasons. Although the Red and D. C.. In April 1944. These girls , from Mrs. James J. Corbett In six game* to reach his 36-game to­ back in busin-ss— that of defend­ the armed forces was good Headlines; WDRC — oralorm . 10::i(l WTIf' .Miiiih of Time; hid earlv in the opening marker. The title of the bulletin board briefly what they did from the White quintet dropped its opening shouM excel it the following qual­ Jumping the gun. the M.H..S. five Priinf Of Thr I'uddinR which she said that if the former tal, 21 pins above Chicago’* Paul enough to win the- , double Society; W T H T — Sports; WDltC Here'.s to Romnnee, for November was, "Great Lead­ time of their arrival to the time of Contest, they stand a good chance ities which make for good citizen­ Krumske, who took eight consecu­ ing their world pro football cham­ WTHT Coneert Hour; WNBC shot to a 3-0 advantage and man­ departure. Ba-si'biill recently tossed out Bill heavyweight champion were alive crown this year. It is expect­ W NBC—Sports; News. ers of the World. " Shirley Taylor. of defeating the class B school. ship: (1) Dependability, pun(:tu- nothing would please Mm more— tive strikes tc boost his total to pionship-following indignant de­ ed that there will be about 30 6;30_W'TIC •— Strictly Sp.irts; . Wings to Victoiy. aged to lead 1-2 through the Ronald Longchamps, Richard When the students arrived at Cox for what many people might ality, truthfulness, loyalty and thin)< was a harmless practice of not even winning the ttUe from 7,443. nials that gambling had anything present at tlie gathering. WDRC— Ifil Sullivan. WTHT ; 11:00 News on all stations. penod. The Bristol squad found Schubert, Herbert Flavell. Thel­ the studio at 8:31, they were in­ self-control. (2) Service—Cooper­ It was a bitter battle, far Into Last Friday's loss to Bristol was backing bis own team to win . . John L. Sullivan—than h ^ ln g one to do with their recent reverses. News', WNBC Feed Bag Frol­ 11:15 U TIC H a r k n e s s of the range at this point, and, aided ma Wright, and James .Vetrano troduced to the four members from due chielW, to ineffective, offen.sivc ation. courtesy and respect for the night, with the orlf^nal field by their light defense, held Man- were responsible for posting the WXfrml Dion William Hall High, and were'each And by taking this step it of these ships carry his nathc . . . ics. ^ Washington: WDRC Joan power. 'The M. H. S. array was proper authority and the rightii of strengtlied its place in public As Eddie Nell probably woulArave of 129 reduced to 48,. iin those 48 Coa h Arthur J. (Dutch) Berg­ e;45__W'TIC — bowel! Thomas; Brooks. .Songs: WTHT Music; hester .scoreless for the remainder pictures on the large bulletin- given a name tag to identif.v each baffled by the zone and wag unable others. (3) Leadership— Imagina­ fighting for a lonely 13 places In man scheduled a late afternoon WDRC--News; WTHT—Music; of the stanza. Meanwhile Bill board at the back of the room. Very dependable, intelligent, other. esteem . . . From here it seems, said: ‘‘Anything good enougn\for WNBC— Musii You Want. %nd willing to acebpt responsibili­ to work the ball under the hoop. tion, commanc of good will and re­ that Football Commissioner Elmer Jim Corbett ia good enough fqr the finals. Those who qualified drill .or all squad members except \ WNBC— Horace Heidt. 11:30-W T IC — Miisie of the New Tracy and Captain Vicino added Susan Tnistenltzer made the A brief tour of the studio was Howie Hampton and Ike Cole show­ spect of others, and thj best to will go into the finals at noon to- four players who are still laid up 7:00—WTIC — Fred Warmg; heading, around which were ty,” these are the qiLSlitlea which l.eiyden would do well to follow me.” \ World; WDRC — Raymond SIX tallies to the Maroon score. made in which they saw the de­ ed flashes of scoring ability and, if lead. (4) Patriotism—Interest and -day together with three seeded as a result of last Sunday’s tussle WDRC — I bovc a Mystery: When the quarter ended, the Mona­ placed pictures of President Mrs. Margaret CampWl, faculty partment where records are play­ the vigorous example of Judge Gray skim gracefully on waters of Scott and Orchestra. they maintain the same form pride in family, school, commu­ Landis and conduct a thorough In­ Service Dept. payers, Connie Schwoegler, of Like two Alices in Wonderland, Kathleen Turner and Martha with the . WTHT — Fulton bewis. Jr.; han-coached team was on the long Roosevelt, King George VI of advisor of the Current Atfalrs club ed. Sterling V. Couch. Education nity and nation, and the willing­ Madison, Wl*„ Ned Day, West A l­ Cypress Gardcnfl, Fla^ WNBC—News; House on Q 11:45- W NBC — Tommy Dor­ England, Stalin of Russia, Prime of which lie is President, a4,tr*butea against Rockville, they should be vestigation of every rumor .... Marine Lieut. Bob McLaughry, The Redskins lost that one, 14- sey's Orchestra; News. end of the 8-4 count. Director, helped the students pre­ able to account for a large number ness to sacrifice seif for them. lis, Wis., and Johnny Crimmins street. Minister Winston Churchill of to Wilfred Dion. pare an outline for their diaciusion Tf«he already has tracked them all son of the famous foo^all coach. 10. It was a rough, bruising con­ at the Battle Front lZ:(m WTIC News: Design The sreond counter was a replica of points. John Gromap stood out The aim of the Good Citizenship down, It’a up to Elmer to tell the Major "Tuss” McLaughry. s pretty from Detroit, all of whom had test. and , Wilbur 7-15—WTIC - - News; WDRC— of the first with Bristol again out- England, and Madame Chiang In his Junior and Senior years on a blackboard. Voices were test­ Pilgrimage la to help build youth­ been jogging along in private on the Home Front Harry James; WTHT — Mem­ for bi.stemng; WDRC —News; Kai-Shek of China. Bill has participated in open fi^ m on 'the defense and added four public exactly what he has done fair grid operative himself, claims Moore, Bob Mastersnn and Willie scoring the Red and While quintet. ed by having each student say tallies to his credit by long shots. ful character and point out quali­ matches as the pi'clims wrestled WTHT—News. Many colorful and interesting dlKUssiona held over StatF " and why he doesn't believe any of that bombing ia a..lot like forward Wilkin are undergoing treatment ory L*ne. ______Ibis time 7-4. Coach Wilfred Clarke something as he would on the real Al Suroweic was unable to Show ties which are desirable for good down to today. Chagndt’s Chiefs Hotter pictures of military leaders were WDRC. He acted as chairman ol broadca-

A ■ ' - VT ’I ; t -f - - , r , .

friends is before you need them and how Iis found a farewell note c>Oifcft tV tiN iN U HC.ftAL,U, MAXNCHKSTfcR, UUNN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 194* . The surest way to, acquire from his wife. He knew that s HOLD EVERYTHING ’ good will is to do gO^ work . . shot would end all hi'a troubles, fio Sense and Nonsense^ Imagination is the mother hf he opened a bottle and took on*. originality . • The best way to break-a bad habit l*\to drop it I>*cturer Of course all of you copvitiOHr« i*4as There may be scarcity of many paisatlle. tered on .the signal for the second By FAITH BALDWIN NCA SKRVICC. INC. . •, . There is just as mi’ich horse know, what th* inside of a corpus­ .things, but there are always Captain Well, you won't do. We half, looked slowly around at each sense as ever, biit the hofses have cle is like. enough poor relatives to go around. already have k fullback who is playei', and turned to the door. IL . • • . \ Chairman (interrupting! Most passable. What we are looking for TJren he paused, looked back and of us,.but you had better explain -is one who is not. < kaid: "Well, girls, ahall we go?" fM \^ A City's Wants Glassified For>bur Benefif The Klntern '\little head poised on a •neck - too The neighborly apiril is an ex­ A coftea salesman wa.s Iravellmg for the benefit of them as has never ______They won the game. j tJvink shook solemnly from side to cellent thing to culiivatei'although through the South, and as he watt­ been Inside one.. Chapter XVII not, perhaps, a* it is cultivated in Customer And you hav*^/'the ed for a train in a little southerk • aid^:-, "There isn't any . nerve to ask $2 a bottle f4»f this Tile stranger was asking a lot of When they reached the Hall; him,"'she added, pitifully. the following story: town he chatted with a lazy look­ ,s Live your life so that you ' dll Do{fs— Birds— Pets 41 Articles for Sale 45 Household Goods 51 Rooms Without Board 59 Friend I to man who had recently nerve .tonic ? questions about the t:Ky: ing colored man Idling on a bench be mls.sed when you are-gone. Business Services Offered 13 ^ house a little after one on the fol-1 "W haV^n he do? " D ruggist Yea. jirC it shows Stranger And how about rte • \ o 6 t and Fonnd 1 Automobiles for Sale 4 7(> moved to town)—How do you like at the atatlon. FOR .SALE MADE UP REO FOR SALE—KITCHEN COAL FOR KENT—TWO DOUBLE bed- lowing morning they found the "He'll do'gnything." said Mary, what the stuff wIlKdo. 1 lake it svaler supply? FOR SALE -CANARIES, young. lights blazing in the lower hall and She twisted hands together, your new home ? Sateaman (wllh an eye To stir N ^ Minister Do you think £5O T—BOY’S BICYCLiE. RED 1941 FORD SEDAN, low nxlleage, Nothing better for a (Thilstmas tracUir, double transniissiui.. F. range. go6d condition. Reason­ roonis. maple furnished, 3 min­ W lL»j EXCH AN GE mcidfern J room Newcomer - Pretty well. regularly. Native—We have plenty. ring up Interest in his tine) Ever radio ancj- heater. 1939 Ford CARPENTER WORK. Inside only. utes from Cheneys. Call 6290. kitcheh. Emily said, startled: ; but kept her Vt^lcC down even they approved of my sermon? with Ivoi^trim. Vicinity of Main .gift than a beautiful singing ,blrd. Fay. 256 A utum n atreet. Tel: 7541. able. Telephone 7710. single In residential section, for a Friend Have you called on Stranger What prerautloni do drink coffee? Wife AYes, I think so. They sedan, radio, he„tci. 1939 Mercury Write B. ' D’c small atrickch-,^obs tore at N ew com er—No., I haven’t yet. problem,?^ He /came home laat Native. First we boils it. Then So. Main atrWt. Rewaru. room in private home, very de- some land. Write Box 1, Herald. boas. 1 drinks a lot of coffee, as er. 1939 LaSalle convertible coupe, FOrt SA^3\:CA,NARIES. Guaran­ Fuel and Feed 49-A culaling ca.st iron heater, with But, when she went in with the thin throat. "He Chaed to be But I’m going to if any more of week^ dn a furlough with three we fillers It. And then we drink Household Services large .Silent Glow oil burner. Tel. sirabic, garage. Call 5805 after 6 Frank following, it was only Jim an accountant,’ 'she said, ''hpd then many as 50 cups a day. lOST—BROWlJvOTON HOUND, radio and heater. 1937 Ford teed »thger8\.May be seen at 174 my Are wood 1* mlsalng. medfiis on hi* cheat. beer. - Saleaman Fifty cups a day! Only .H I Gradual* brown noae anrt\yca. Vicinity of coach. 1937 Ford club coupe 1936 Offered >4 3-A Cooper street. Tel. 7121. R. Grlm- 2438 J-3 WlllimanUc. p. m. Wanted—Real Fstate 77 ’ and Nancy. Nancy, in sea-green he lost his job. In Lynn that^as. FOR SALE -HARD WOOD cut pajamas under a bi-ocaded coat, He—he drank too much. He Doesn’t it keep you swske? South Bolton. Rei^rd. Tel. Man- Plym outh sedan. 1936 C hrysler 6 Icy. FOR RENT —LARGE pleasant Idle rumors are not idle, After iMlng badly-fliitplayed'dur­ Decembel' Shorts . . . All some Negro Well, It helps. Muraga, Calif.\(A’i—fit. Mary's sedan. 1935 Dodge convertible / — . ---- . any length. Tel. 3144. FOR SALE—BREAKFAST set, WAN'^D TO BUY 3 or 4 tene- with bare feet thrust into m u l e s , | doesn’t now. He promised me. after ing the flrst half of a football folk.* try to keep i* appearances cheater 5427.. ASHES AND KUBBISH removed, black and white. $15, dressing room, near bath, kitchen privi­ work day and night. Collcg*. of national football fame, coupe. Brunner's, 80 Oakland St. F o r S A L E —c a n a r i e s . Good ment house with garage. Must at the kitchen table drinking milk Mother was taken sick. He hasn’t game, members of the teani , of . . . Few nests are feathered in searched its- . bustllfig, crowded 25c a week. Why mesa up your FOR SALE- SEASONED hard table w ith sk irt and m irror, $6. 3 leges' if desired. Call after 6 p. S i n c e . The tiled business man arrived l o s t —lADIEk MAROON bill­ Open until 8 evenin ,s. .Sat. 6 singers. Call at 72 Linden street, be central, near schools, and bus and eating crackers, and Jim ait-—-—'” C a p lin (of football team to t' new TexaSs^A. and M. College, sat de­ Willi goose chases . . . Sweater campus this week, foiHid only sev­ yard or cellar? Dependable serv­ wofHl. any length. Deliverea, Tel. burner gas plate, $1..50 4 pair of m., 11 Locust street. line. Price must be reasonable. Emily usked gently: home. The conk had left that fold in vicinity of hos^tal. Re­ o’clock. Phone 5191. a fte r 5 or Sunday. Phone 2-0.'i39. ting on the table membeCembeC ,pf clubi — W’h p i can you jectedly .around the locker rooms girls are observed In (ho bejt looming without giving notice. The en graduating seniors. F.veryone ice. l»cal truckipg. Drop a line to 5639. lace curtains, 85c pair. Telephone W rite Box O, Herald. "Home early,” said Nancy, yawn­ "How did you And D octor M an- ‘W# carfie down lo cheer you w ard. 5131. ROOMS—SINGLE AND DOUBLE dok as a n fullback? ^ •5 waiting fdr a tongue-lashing from places . . . The time to make market had been depre.s.sed all day else seemed t< be a NsvV, trainee. Trucking. 61 Mill street. 4807. ing, “have a good time?" iiering?" . , boys upl" ■ ipTi PONTIAC COUPE sedan, beds, kitchen privilege, 237 Cen­ N ew M ember (modestlv i Oh, their coach, Dana X. Bible. He eti- liO S i- LADIES BLUE blllfdiki on low mileage, very clean. 1941 Live Stock—Vehicles 42 "Gimme that milk," said Frank, “I- juSl ran out on the street Household Goods 51 ter street. Tel. 2-1561. Girls only. . . . hiy father was looking for \ Silver Lane Bus la.st S a tu i\a y Chevrolet 5 passenger coupe 1941 52 seizing the pitclier, "and by all containing personal papers, Pontiac 2 door sedan. 1941 Ford Machinery and Tools Longer Week Aids that’s holy, do I see huckleberry work, and we didn't know anyone. RED RYDER An Official Vi.sit BY FRED HARMAN Florists—Nurseries 15 FOR SALE-5 MONTHS OLD 3 ROOMS OF Modern furniture ------The lady next door was nice but FUNNY BUSINESS er please call 6073. townc sedan 2,5 low priced cars. complete in every detail, includ­ USED LATE ST'YLE silo filler, p ie ? " CHRISTMAS TREES and wreath.s, female goat. Telephone 2-1654. ’ Houses for Rent 6.5 ■ "Don’t they feed you at the club she was away.‘ I didn't know what a c 'R E D ?OU fNAt RE A RETTE Cole Motors. 4164. ing a combination stove. Reason­ saw rigs, milking machines, new m L lT T lt LOST—PACKAGE containing five Canadian Bgl.sam. All sizes. 111 Liibor Pinch the.se days?" a.skejj Nancy, iilly. to do and my mother was awfully u . f . CVARSHAl HER FOR SALE-ONE RIDING horse; able. Albert’s Furniture Co.. 43 manure spreaders. Duifltn Trac­ FOR RENT—THREE brand new I.W U N PAL , RUT m itturo - 'dk'UCOK'ftO'i fancy handkerchiefs in _McLel- )RD DELUXE 1941 tudoi tour- Dutchland Farms, corner Main "Watered pimcm," said Frank, sick. So I ran out and down the 1 (^E! also one ride and drive horse. Allyn street, Hartford. tor Oomphny, Wllllmantic.'. 4 room houses on Hilliard street. le FAestN?' 4H' VN-.'iOU R E O R 'iD tR ^ HAR RED lan’s Store. Reward of returned. ii^ sedan, radio, heater, spot and mtkln. East Hartford. "and sloppy sandwiches. I didn’t street and on the next block 1 saw Call 2-0241. Apply George Griffin. 613 Main Washington. Dec. 9—(A*!— -Ap­ his .aign." ® PHOrJ'i’ MONE-5-, •i\ a '• NO Tel. 7089. light, fog lights, driven only 15,- WINDOW SHADES—VEINETIAN FOR SALE—USED Fordsoni trac­ know 1 was hungry." He logarded ¥ ,E.H ■ PK’K OtTT ‘YOUR Christmas tree street. plication of the 48-hour week will Nancy reflectively. “You look de­ Emily nodded. 000 fbilcs. $995. Terms, $12 week­ FOR SALE -ONE FRESH milch blinds. Owing to our very low tor with power piilley. Phorie 6381 ------^------l\t^. LOST—BOYS TEAL blue revers­ ly, O ^n evenings. Brunner's, 80 a t .New E ngland W ater Lily G ar­ be In effect iii moat of the 193 labor lightful." he said with extreme Mannering was a good man, old, ible coat, light tan gloves In Guernsey cow; and two year old overhead, get our special low or «389. 6aklnn\street. Phone 5191. dens where they grow. 36 Bush prices on high g;rade window shortage areas by the end of the courtesy. "I admire that al fresco poor in means, rich in service. The pocket. Flndgr please call 660,'> Jersey heifer. Anthony Zutautas, Wanted to Rent 68 neighborhood had been degenerat­ Hill Road. shades and Venetian blinds com­ year and already has decreased by getup." • evenings. FOR SALK 1933 PLYMOUTH 4 Buckiand Road. Wapping. ing for years. Bui Mannering had pletely Installed Samples furnish­ Musical Instruments 33 W A K TED t o RENT by service “It's hot," .she explained, care- door sedai\good condition, with thousands the demand for addi­ refu.sed to move. FOUND IN BANK lobby, pocket- FOR SALE ONE Berkshire boar. ed. Capitol Window Shade Co., man's wife, 2 or 3 room apart­ les.sly. "1 couldn’t sleep. Jimmy heater, $L5(rylnqulre 113 Spring tional labor in these centers. Paul was called out just before mid­ She gave the little girl some book containing sum of money. Moving—Trucking— 7 months old. good breeder. Tele­ 241 N orth Main street. Phone FOR SALE—ALL TYPES of rec- m ent. Call a t 184 School street. street. Tel. 65\o 20 ord cases and cabinets in assort­ V. McNutt, chairman of the War night. I heard the telephone. So further instructions, promised to Owner may have same by proving Storagfe phone 2-16.54. ' 8819. Open evenings Manpower ■ commission, asserted ed .'olors at Kemp's. Music Dept. when he came in I thought he return the following day. Aher she ownership and paying for ad. In­ today. CASH P'OR YOUR CAR- Any .35 THE AUSTIN CHAilBERS CO- FOR SALE- AN’HQUES. Inlaid Houses for Sale 72 might relish a little hospitality.” had said goodby to Mrs. Elster quire Man. T ru st Co. to *1 High pricks paid. Drive local and long distance moving. Poultry and Supplies console table, cherry sewing WANTED—SAXOPHONES, piano '"The principal effect of the ap­ Jim w'as staring at Emily. He .she went dow nstairs and to the over now to 80 Oakland street. Return load system, furniture, tables, Hitchcock chairs. Boston accordians, clarinets, trumpets. FOR SAL& A VERY attractive plication of the 48-hour week in announced! solemnly: nearest grocery wliere she bought Brunner's. Open evrtdngs until 9. storage Dial 6260. FOR SALE—ROASTING chick­ rockera, cherry and maple chest Call 3709 or write Chester labor shortage areas has been the “ I've never .seen you dies.scd up the simple necessary things and Announcemt-nla I six room house located on Henry decreasing of the labor demand." Saturdays 6. Phone 5^191—4485. ens. dressed m alive. Delivered. of drawers, nigh post beds, tables OsosKy. 89 Union street. street, ih\a tine residential sec­ before.” had them sent immediately to the 214 G ardner iitreet. Tel. 2-0769 of ail description. Hedeen s An- McNutt said. "It has not resulted "She should make a habit of it," Elsters. She thought, walking to WANTED—RIDE TO Hamilton 23 tion. In excellent condition. Own­ in the release of any considerable Propeller 12:30 to .7:30 shift Repaliing tigue Shop, Manchester Green. er occupied—can be occupied commented Nancy. “Looka elegant, the-Mannering hou.se. Such things Motorcycle*—Bicycrea 11 FOR SALE BROILERS roosters, Tel. 5833. Wanted—To Buy 58 number of workers but it has cut . doesn’t she—Frank?’ ’ shouldn’t be permitted, a child that BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Tsk, Tfik! \ RY EDGAR MARl'lN^ ' 1 Vicinity of Turnbull Road. Call SEWING MACHINES, vacuums, promptly by buyer. Robert J. down the demand for new labor pulleta and some fowl. F. Fay, ______Frank said, ’Tve been telling her Hge—years older than she .should 6413. FOR SALE -. BOY’S Cobmibla Smith Inc., 963 Main street. Tel. Irons, and all small electrical ap­ 2.56 Autumn straet. Phone 7541. WHEN REAl. c o l d w eather WANTED—PAIR OF girl’s shoe and replacements." so most of the evening, but she be with all that responsibilit.v. > bo* kSOME - .VS OOCXOWS wiwv bicycle, in good tondltinn, \$25. 3450 or 5343. WANTED—RIDE TO East Hart­ pliances repaired. Genuine parts, strike.s- be prepared with a cir­ roller sk ates, size 6-6 1-2. Call /won’t listen.” (To Be Continued) o o yovj ford Aircraft, 8 to 5:30 shift. Call Call 2-1240. expert workmuistip. Parts for all culating space heater. Several 5722. X E m ily smiled. She .said, "Tni CtWAVKVy J I ? J I (hfHOOv. (5v «. FOR SALE—A VERY attractive K VvELO OAV! Manchester 2-1441. makes. A B. C Flxit Oo, »1 Articles for Sale 45 models, $45.95 up. Terms. Ben­ 4 room home, one year old. Fire­ going to bed . . Thanks, Frank, TWt ' Maple street Tel. 2-1575. SEWING MAtmiNES. vacuums, Longer Between Shots Business Services Offered 1! son's. 713 Main. place. hot water heat, oil uumer, Neatly Bella for a very nice evening. Nancy, S TOOAV: ATTENTION RIDERS. Pine Trail any electrical appliance regard­ see that the lights arc out and the ;>lANO TUNING AND repairing, EOR SALE GIRL’S BLACK shoe less of condition. Estimates in modern kitchen and insulation Daykiii. Neb.—(/Pt.—As long as ' Riding and Boarding Stables now w a n t e d — ELEC7TRIC Wiring NEW GLENWOOI combination Well landscaped 60 foot front lot. house locked, will you?" She look­ plaver piano specialty. John sk ates, size 8. Call 6176. range, $198.00; new coal range,, your home. A. B. C. Flxit Co 21 there is gun powder, Mayor Wal­ open. 685 Parker street. and repairing by licensed master Middle Tpk. near Adam street. ed at Jim, hesitated and then ask­ T i r ' I’ i|" ii" pckerham, 28 Bigelow street white enamel, $119.50; new 4 Maple street. Tel. 2-1575. ter C. .larphow and Alderman electrician. Phone 3975 before 7 FOR SALE SECOND HAND Immediate occupancy. Robert J. ed, "Father all right?" 4219. bur ler gas ranges. $59.95: new ’’Rarin’ to go.', He'll be back on George Apking cun laugh over the Automobiles For Sale 4 p. m. steam and hot water boilers. USED FURNITURE and stoves, Smith Inc., 963 Main etreet. Tel shotgun shell shortage. Apking NEWXCDNVERTTBLE TOPS Cel- -Coa, fired kitt.hen heater, $69,9.5; bought, solo and exchanged- 34.50 or 5343. the job Monday." said Jim, "and RANGE BURNERS cleaned and round and square types, any size-. new Perfection portable heaters. furnishes an old muzzle loading COM) IMitYWfAillvK f o r d m o d e l a 1930 Coach. luloldV replBced In curtaltis. all Highest pnees paid Jones Furni­ I‘m delighted. But 1 hate to think serviced. Call 2-1309 between 10 Also large stock of 5 tube, radia­ $7.9.5 All Items listed require pur­ how many cases he'll decide I've gun that belonged tr his grand­ Good paint, tires; 2 puncture kinds w leather work. Chas Lak- tors. high ami low. Alt merchan- ture. 31 Oak street Tel. 8'i’,54. father. Mayor Jarchow provides i-'ido's just nskint* you if you luivc nny r;ili-: di.se guaranteed. W itlim antic so n ’.s. 713 Main. \ Going up the stairs, . her skirts the powder lioin, shot pouch, per- .spai'c." throughout, $150. 178 Birch, EXPERT RADIO service. Call H phdne 47' Wrecking Co., West Main street, WANTED TO BUY child's tri­ cus.sion cap.s and gunwads he pick­ cycle. in good condition. .Phone FOR SALE--4 ROOM single, 2 gathered in her hand, Emily Meade. Telephone Manchester Wllllmantic. Conn. HOSPITAL BED FOR SALE or ed up at an auction sale. Both W A N TED TUNE, repail and 2-0173. partially finished rooms upstairs, thought. Both of them . . . well, agree the aysletn takes a little FOR SALB^-1929 RRO 3-4 ton 2-0898. regulate yoifi piano or player rent, fully ailjiistable Rates rea­ steam heat, oil burner, insulation, ■he's welcome to them. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH sonable. Call Keith Furniture. longer between shots. KC9L truck. Telephone 2-1654. RANGE BURNERS cleaned and piano. Tel. M. ichester 2-0402. WI.NCHF^STER 22 cal. automatic WANTED TO BUY electric train, garage, storm windows and Tel. 4K59, new or used. Must be in good con­ screens. Can be occupied imme­ Sunday was a dull day. Kmily serviced. Call 2-0098 after 9 a rifle. Call 8427, I’leiity «f -Mall dition. Call 7234. diately. Safe pi'-ce $6,800. ilall at had promised her mother to m. Help Wanteov—Female 35 drive with her to the nearby town ALLEY 001* The Answer BY V. T. HAMLIN 13 VOLUME .SF.T 'Fam ily Medi- MIRROR.S, LARGE a.ssorlmcnl. 46 A uburn Road. Tel. 4624 or J. S. Nebraska City, Neb. — {/P) __ eal Library.' also 1.5 volume .set Bissell, Ci'oss atreet. South Cov­ of H arm outh and call upon, .soiiu- SglJljlJ, ASHES AND RUBBISH removed. WOMAN — PRESS WORKER Kemp’s Furniture. RiMims Without Board 59 relatives during the afternoon. Corp. Arlin Klingenbcrger. Svra- iv iN THOUOtil 6 on't XNbw wanted. Excellent hfuirs and pay. of latest World Fne.velopedia, entry. Tel. Willlmantlc 1746-W-l. cu?e, had all the mail he could ^ Wfi.V*v«D0NOYHIfi HORNtT'* I'D UKI T'KNOM TOlU Call 3444. reasonable, W. H Watts, An­ 1-3 P(.. ALL S l’RI.NG filled living P'OR RENT— LARGE FRONT Nancy flatly refused to go. Sunday IOBT OUT OF THI< WANTED .Steady work. New S ^ te m Ivniin- night Doctor Hall insisted upon re­ handle--a,.d then some—when he ' WUIW,*' JU«T "CAIWEI___ NtCT.THC OUTFIT IM dry, Harrison street do ve i. room suite, $169..50 1 3 Pc. liv­ room, with twin beds. Inqiiiie at landed on the Pacific coast after THAT ■ UP TI2V1N' TiSEY BACK ,W(EA*IN’ JEEME T 'fc pl a c C^-what STORM WINDOWS and doors in­ suming office hours. And Monday W,t»« TvC OU KHAN» SWOeO patTY v seo o PEN*0 T9 THgM stalled. roofing of all kinds, asbes­ ing room suite, spring cushions, 26 Linden street. Read Herald Ail vs. a -second- round trip on a hospital ' IIS, WANTED WAITRF-.SS. ^ u st be FOR SA1..E ,5(. INCH w alnut $'129.,50; 1-2 pc. Igtw.son su it • with was like any other Monday, a ' l«. NO BEACON p*«spoaT .' TVOO J A P 6 I----- Male or tos side walls . wood shingling, ship. Waiting for Inin were 106 ' m e tip c e r over 21. Apply at RcynVandor's flnish desk and chair: R. C. Allen springs, $198; 1-3 pc. suite, all w ork day. letters from home, 100 copies oft gutters repaired, general repair­ adding machine up to 100.nOO. Emily spent some time Monday C*AELB«».‘ ing, Workmanship guaranteed. R estaurant, 37 Oak s tr e e t.' spring construction, $298.<>0. If the Nebraska City newspaper and I erti Also 4 inch elytra heavy soil pipe you need living room furniture m orning w ith a new patient, a Mr.s. six Christinas boxes. | Female Help Write Box W, Herald. Knitted Cardigan WANTED 2 - FXPERlE.NlvED and fittings, and black steel pipe see lus now. Benson’s, 713 Main. Elster. Tlie Elsters’ doctor had W'aitr> sse.s. over 21. Good w ages and fittings. 40 foot steam hot called in at headquarters and pven Knelottes Hu»|>ital Bill For Important and tips. Call in person at Prr water rad'ator. 1 spray gun and FOR SALE LARGE as.sortment his report. They were pitifully cess Restaurant. pump. Call 3'’,33. of ha-s-socks. All .sizes and olors. poor, he said, since Elster was out Kansas City. — The Frisco | Kemp's Furniture. 736 Main .St. of work. There was a 13-ycai-nl(l ticket office received an ur.;;ent i War Work WILL BUY ANY d au g h ter. If the V. N. A. could plea for Pullman reservations to Help W anted—Male 86 ,TLA.S AND WORLD globea. FOR .SALE-E.NAMEL combina­ send a nurse in to in.struc t the Florida from a 70-year-old man .00 and up. Kemp'.s Furniture, t ? child a little In the care of her GOOD tion coal and gas stove. Pri e $3.5. who wrote that he has had "two Inquire WANTED CANVASSERS for Vincent M arcin, 136 Bissell street. m o th er? FOR .SALE AT KEMP'.S. sewing Mrs. Elster’s illness was patent. operations and can't stand bliz­ Manrlii'.sler and vliinity '’or In-' Tel. 4848. zards any more," To clinch his ! REAL ESTATE siilation Sale.M. Full or I'art time. eabYnets in maple and mahogany, Overwork—she had been going ouT Rogers Paper KemVs Furniture. BUY YOUR STOVES now As Old to do housework by the day and ca.se he cnclosei' a receipted ho.spi i' T h e-R arkliffe Oil Co. New B ri­ tal .Jill for $179.58. tain Conn. Phone 7-7060. Man Winter is lust around the undernourishment. A tricky heart FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Trying Situation UY MERRILL BLOSSER Manufacturing Co. Fair Prices LE-FE^R 12 •iAIKlE .«liotgun. corner. See Jones He has a large and a recent bout of 'flu. She was Mill and Oakland Streets WANTED fTiUNTTR man. meat v’entilatVl eih, ivory head sights, variety of stoves New and used. a frail, small woman, with a de­ .\(ta in Oniy 8oft .Moan ~\ departmeul. full, or part time, 32 in. fiilVrboKi. tat'c down model 31 Oak street Tel 82,54 termined chin and Ured eyes. But INHALE, )(0gAV--LeTS ^ l6 p E .•;^r Were just TieYiNG To GE^LNORESSeOi^ Manchester Publie Market. with ca.se\call 8127. the child, a small wisp of a crea­ Los Angeles (J’l ^ A ir raid 1 you EXMALE, 1 Tfcy IT/ w o n t Wo r k StkJ'RE Wm. F. Johnson I FOR SALE- PRAC'nCAi.LY l ew siren.s aouhded a lO-.secoiul' blast, L LAPO ! ■ ^ MAVBF IF I OISTUR0inK> W OLLANSA ture with huge eyes, was a compe­ GOT MV HEAD Builder — Real Estate WANTED - MIDDLE AGED man 20-50 PfiVS F.R tele- I (jionwood onmbinatlon gn.s and oil tent little thing. in. memory of Pearl Harbor. Few evts-VBiXJvs for f, gtorv work. Steady work, scope with \eollapsible chrome stove, 9 tube Philco radio, con.soie 8501 persons heard them. City officials I I AT THE OTHER. SLEEP.' Telephone 7126 or IGl I 2-10 yr*. Thirteen. She looked eleven, she '/ FMD— • good pay. Apply Toher Baseball tripod. Call 8427. niofiel. davenport. 132 School St. was so small. Her name wa.s Mary. explained that the time was up be­ WHATiS <30(ND Starlrw eB ther S treeL 8- fore the sirens had attained much OM IN MERET room single. All Improve- ,Mfg. Co.. Elm street, M anrhes- TOR SALE 3 fVECF. mahogany She had an astonishingly deep ter. FOR SALE 4 SPRING fllied more than a soft moan. menta but heat. Good lot. bedrcKim suite, roil spring, bed­ chairs, two .settees, good for sum­ voice. She watched Emily bathe 1'' her.mother, she watched her re­ Small chlrken coop.' R. P. room ehair. deskNlamp. electric mer eo4tagc Phon< 6003 after 6 $5,200. D. P. $1,000. 41 heater, leather ,h.oket. pair icc. make the bed. Hogs— Birds—Pets p. m. • ’'You understand about the med­ ■■■J.-:. .skates. bedro<)m ^o o l. child's Any little girl with an eye for II FOR SALE - ONE MALE and auto, child’s car aeat\ Call 3475 FOR SALE LARGE .Assortment icine Doctor Mannering left?" said Woodland Street.. 5-room FOR SALE -ood style w ill approve th is frock. Emily. “If your mother feels faint, atngle. Steam heat with oil. female red bone Cooii'hound. Call after 4 o'clock or 25 ^vei St of pictures, all sizes and prices .She'll like flrst of all. its grown-up 2-0075. at Kemp's Furniture. if she calls you . . . you measure Large lot. 3-ear garage, simplicity. Next, she’ll like the it out, just this many drops in the 00**- (Ml r» mA noviet. wc t dco. u, •. **T. or*. a P. $6,500. IMMEDIATE Bolton. 6 .\cres. I- s EW i n g m a c h i n e s V g o o d ' J FOR SALE—PRAfTlCALLY new shaping, so narrow at the midrift. little glass." OCCUPANCY. rcKim cottage. Fireplace. aupply to select from . PricS^s s ta rt Finally, she'll like the details—the “1 know you’re tlie foreman, but I’ve dirccle*l my own at $9,95. Singers. WhlteX and porcelain gas stove. Also Gyrex Mary nodded. V Running water and bath. ■ ollar, the pockets, the buttons other*. A. B. C. F ixit d K 21 washing machine, in excellent "What are you giving her to WAR BONDS household for 20 years without male interfcrciKc- and . m n> MCA tIBViCE. INC t . in. M C. O. t . OFF. Ridge Street. 6-room Mn-* | PRICE ...... $3,750. EAST CENTER ST. down the front. eat?" asked Emily. don't call me madam!’* Maple street. condition, new ful size coll bed Pattern No. 8501 is in sizes 2. gle. Hot water beat. Garage. spring, ciall 4254 after 6 o'clock. u s The child took her into the small L arg e lot. S. P. $6,.500. SECTION 4, 6, 8, ■ 10 years. Size 4, short dark kitchen, there was very little WASH TUBBS Look Closer BY LESLIE TURNER D. P. 8L000. 3-Room Cottage. Garage. sleeves, takes 2 U yards of 35 or in the cupboards. But there was I'OUNERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX Sweater (Pattern No. 5688) aend 39-inch material. Lot 100x150. Fruit trees By Mra. Anne Cabot . ■pme ice in the old refrigerator I HIP THE TELEPH0T(J apparatus IT THE HIPIN& PLACE iS 10 cent* in Coin, Your Name and For this attractive pattern, send YOU WILL SEB! Spruce Street. 6-room sin­ and large garden space, 2 New Listing.s — Both , The beloved classic of college and a bottle of milk. There was t h e r e , BRtWMEe. Bu t i d o n t WE HIPE THE m achine vyORHEP. iM view .c a p t a .n e a s y .' gle. Hot-air heat. Large Ini. W AN TED J Address and the PatUm Number 15 cents, plus 1 cent for postage, oatmeal, in a box. crackers in a tin. UUDERSTANP HOM THE RUSSIANS UNPER this ClOTHIMli... eeusMEP. THE NAItS AREN'T THE ONLY PRICE ...... $.’t,500. Privately Owned. students and the yobng married set ^ xnne Cabot, The Manchester in coins, with your-name, address, Terms arranged. FOR SALE a loaf of bread, and .some tins of WiU HELP US GET T THRU TOWN THEN WE (30 TO BUT cam ouflage EXPER'S! pattern number and size to The —a solid-color cardigan done in a g;venlng Herald, ?06 Seventh aoup. "'WlL.BEROr!'' VA6 ENS8 URG WHERE S Llncolti Street. 6-rooni du­ simpler standard kfiR stitch with a | avenue. New York 11, N. Y. En- Manchester Evening Herald. To­ YOUR plex. All improvements, 6-Room Single. Fireplace. MODERN CAPE COD MeoF-Cutter i-Tenement “purled’’ row to give the striped ef- | close 1 cent postage for each pat- day’s Pattern Service. 106 7th Emily noted the lacks,' made UNDER ^team heat with eoal. Near Steam heat. House about fcct. 'The one illustrated is done | tern ordered, avenue. New York 11, N. Y. suggestions, asked, on impulse: GROUND 4 rooms and bath on first Full or Part Time. ' Now you- can order the new fall Keep up your wartime sewing, bus line. Terms arrange*!. one year old. Screens and floor. 2 partly finished rooms in soft canary yellow, but any “Has your father tried to find V R-AOiO House color, either light or dark can be and winter issue of Anne (Shot's thus you are helping bring victory w ork a t .4iny of th e m ills?" storm win^hws. House in­ on second floor. , Insulation. Steady Work. Album! This latest edition features sooner. You'll find 52 pages of so- .m o r t g a g e s ARRANGED Steam heat. Fireplace. Cop- used for this handsome sweater; "Everywhere," said Mary. Her sulated. Situated off East On Charter Oak Street, In stru ctio n s include sizes 16, 18 a stimulating Gift Bazaar, and a sorbing sewing news, 102 new IN M ANCHESTER .AND |»er tubing. Tub sho^^r. Built desigm* in the ,new fall issue of WILUM ANTIC VTCINITV. Center street. Owner leav­ near Mmn Street. Good and 20. • Series of free patterns . . . It is within a year. Lot 50x130. All a' booklet every needle worker "Fashion,” Just put. A copy it 25 street Improvementa. Price Manchester Location.^ To obtain complete knitting in­ ing town. wants! Price 15 cents. cents. 86.800. F. H. A. Mortgage-r- struction* for the Qassic Cardigan Allen Realtv Co. - SS9.24 Per Month Carrying Public Market Call AXter 7 P. M. 958 Main Street, Manchester 4-Room Single. Steam Charge. PHONE 3862 Telephone 330.1 heat. Oil burner. Fire­ " j f i ’t i ; place. Garage. Second floor DUTCH COLONIAL insulated. Rusco storm win­ Notice ‘.111 Kinds of Insurance 6 large rooms, reception hall, OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MA.IOR HOOPLE W ritten Rv dows and screens. This WE P A Y C A S H place is ready for occupan­ sun parlor; steam heat; oil ^Mim- All past due taxes of the South A L L E ^ & er; tile hath with tub shower. Manchester Fire District can be FOR GOOl I v s M’A.DE A UIST NiOT M E -- TH(S W'A(5. ( COME IN.X'LU SHOW cy by .Ian. 1st and is a good Storm windows. Composition KEEP the FIREPUCE WE'RE IN TOWN 90ME FRIEJNOS paid a t MODERN FURNITURE OF MEIOHBOC.S 7tl-iAT S TOO CAUEiM' THE 7 ] FOR A WEGVkORl TOLD U9THAT 1 SOU WHAT 1 R A V E / buy. I.ocated in the Green roof. 2-car detached garage. a k HITCHCOCK, INC. WHO WON) 7 OC C I'T ’ Fa r a h e *.D' t h O M E S TH A T W H EN n J Lot 50x150. This property Is In 117 Summer Street FOOL WITH A. VICTORY 1 U K E T O . e o . MRS. MOOPLE.1 BV THE WAfS, Section. WE BUY WEREMT READV CAME TO I'M. COLLECTIN36 good condition and a real home at any reasonable hour Monday* G AQ DtM NE)tT SF'R'MCj, vvAiT T il l F E R it a R = TAKING PICTURES , M anchester Ortii'C: through Saturdays. ENTIRE ESTATES FOR. POST CAROS G ER V iN G P i c t u r e s , T O O — 953 MAIN ST. 'rai.. 8301 for $8,500. Alortgage can be If yon are moving and luva AMD IM S liRE I COT Th w i f e VMMMiM ’ it .' arranged. , Ail taxea unpaid Oct.'-45, 1943, GET A L.OT OF vNORk ANi toDS TO WHV T h i s CO l m '- — WE HEAR.O m e a l s MOU OF GEOP.& & will be charged Interest at the excew items, call na. , . GLOWING! hOR lJS Nc 'lT 5 l)M- SU PPOR.T "■RV H A S o O T TH you HAD A DIDN'T WASHINGTON ON \\ illiinuntic Ollige: 824 MAIN ST. TEL. 1935 Stuart J. Wdsley rate of one-half of one per cent A , •ME(R - IF SOi_l LL EEFOPE I GO ■;\ORm CATCHIKT ROOM.'-wt'M’ S PA R E THE DOLLAR BILLS — from Sept 16, 1943, to the Ume G O IM (DM (T TO S u PPORT.M' T h e E . \ c _t MR.FROMP H O R SES — , SO THE RULE IS Insurhnce and Real Estate WALTON W. GRANT ROBERT M. REH) Supplement Your Heating Sy»tem WITH M E.' E M .' &RD.' OfHor Open 8:30 A. M. To State Theater Building when taxes are paid. All mail pay­ AND TmS 19 HA H A .' J= A T FIR.ST.EAT 6:80 P. M. Daily Except Sun­ 647 Main Street Hartford ments shdtitd ‘ include Interest. Foe & SONS MR R( AAILCT l a t e r / day. Also 7 to 9 F. AL Phone 6648 or 7146 Telephone 2-7681 further information call 7204! 201 M ain St. Phone $193 TburMiay Evenings. Thbmaa Weir, Mandbeater, Conii. Or Manchester 8160 Collector. BURN CANNEL'and H, /. I.J. >'■. ; LANK LEONARD MICKEY FINN Show Off I FIREPLACE COAL AH— 1 WAS r i g h t ! WELL, I'LL HAVE TO-6E p LEAVIN' NOW. BOYS ! 1 HERE HE COM ES which ignites instantly Md bums 'writh a large -longdasting blaze Not all fh« victories aro on our DON'T WANT TO M ISSj n o w ! aide; not all tha lossas art our ANY OF THE PRELIMS? that radices warmth and cheer throughout the entire room. Will enemy's. Here you see barrel upon deliver any quantity from 100 lbs. up to a ton or more per custom­ barrel of good American fuel going up in smoke after a /ap strafing. 5'v-l er. Phone us your order now for immediate delivery. The hoys cannot be replaced but ll;tf m aterial can—that is, if all real v )ii 5 ^ Americans do their utmost in the war effort and buy War Bondi. So*A« Maka your dollara work for vic­ tory: Buy Mere War Bonds. Manchester Lumber & i^uel Co. McV.SStU 1«»». the wcxLvt's -fijCM - '*'7 Everett T. McKinney, Mgr. - CENTEh STREEl TELEPHONE 5J45 \ v / The Wrtither ForecaM ot L. -S. Weather .Bureau CdUidderable cloutHnesa aad Mrs. Stuart J. Wasley of 20 ly David Hutchinson. .Carl Guital- aoniew'hat rolder tonight; Satur­ Academy .itfeet has been called CIiu itIi Lists sim. Ernest Tureck, Raymond .8,537 day partly cloudy and slightly to Bristol by the di*ath of her Frick.son amt Richard Niese. Gerald ( ’happefl, Ralph Pearson G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. Member ot the Audit roider; moderate to fresh wind*. father, K»rrs Special Cro^'rain ! he cohdui'icd hy the' pastor of the Balsam Wool Insulation dies' Guild. church. l, Dec. I'2 5 th Army Cracks enka Capturecl vlll^ Ga., is home on furlough, and F.ast Hartford, to he addressed by North Methodist chyrch are invit­ If Cantata "Betlileham " tiv (’liam- ' 2 M^in St. •’V Tel. 5 1 2 5 la spending it with his parents. Mr. Rev. Howard K. Tower. lii.stiuT luol row evening at 8 o'clock in the ed to a candlelight service to he li'- and Mrs. George McMullen of TU4 leaders will conduct , diacus.aion Guild room. Tile speaker for the inai^)- .Musiial ('Inh at Center evening will he. Xlia.s Hannati .Jen­ thnn h at 4 3o p. in. held Sunday evening, December. 261 Parker street. group.'. sen. teacher of home comiomics .Moiidii.t. Ilec. 1.1 ill 7:30 o'clock at the church. Comforting German Defenses; in tile local schools. Her subject .luseph tVru has been in ( ’limago Manche.'tel .M o t h e r a ' Club .An augmented choir under the A pre-Christmas ami Advent will be ".Nntniioii." The ho.ste.sses Funeral Service Forces; Ctil'i.at mis pai'tv. ('entpi church. direi turn of .Mrs. David M. Bennett, By Russian thi.'. week Iepresciitiiig the Hnri- service with the story d I <'hrist- will he .Mi.s. .lobn Kennedy. Mrs. • Moderate costs mas in pictures and_ song will be ford ('oiinly Farm Bureau at the \\ edneadii.> . Ih-c. 1.5 uigani.'t, willqiresent a program of Francis McGcown. .Mrs. David niusii appro'priate for the Christ­ • Personal attention conducted at Zion\Evangellcal annual national conyeiition ot the P.ohin.siiM and .Mrs. Jn.sciih .lohn- ■Annual .Manchester District Billie’s Beauty Shoppe Cross Morq Again mas s<>ason. Traditional carols of Lutheran church. Wednesda.v eve- organisation. He expects to le- ston: .Meinia i.s are reminded to .Scunter.s hampiet and Ijidics' • Modern equipment tiiin .‘Saturday. ® I Night at the Y at 6 30. other co'intiies and past centuries • Expert direction' 22 Depol Square Telephone 7978 ..nlng, ecember 1.5. at 7:30. Christ- tiring tticir gjfis for Ihc i hildren will he sung. ' ' mas carols and hymns will be in­ at liic .Newington Horne for Crip- ! 'I'hiirHila.v, l>ec. 16 ‘ In recognition of the recent Four Rail Lines Gut W ALTER N. LECLERC terspersed with the stereopticoit Wa.'hinglon Lodge No. 117 I. pleil Children. j i Mohife Blood Bank Ciiit will he MANCUfSTCa, CONN Offensive Is Brought to. O. U. will meet tomoirow iiighi to ja t .St. .Mary's f’arish hall. death of Pietro Yon. famed orgAn- I-'SO Tel. 52ts Japs ^Sink^ slides. There will be no admission ud and composer and former musi- Smashing Climax hy| charge but a free-will offering will elect onicers Other important .\iule.son-Siiea Post. No. '2016. It. SHliirdiiv, l>ec. 18 Victorious Soviet Gol- hu.'iness is to In. takc'n np and a 1 al director of ,St Patrickls Cathe- be taken. Friends of the congrega­ V. F. U’., and aiixiliaiy. also Uie ! Christmas I’arty. .Anderson-.siiea dial in .New York City, two of his Will Close Saturday, Dec. 11 (^iapture of Mt. Sainu- tion are invited. The pastor, Rev. I full attendance is de.aired. Ship Ju st Air Offensive Weird Tales iiiiin One of Several V. F. W. Club members will hold I’ost and Auxiliary at V.F.W-, compositions, the familiar ".lesii cri>; Canadians Going ■Paul G. Prokopy. will present the Uicir rhn.stmns party .Saturday I Home, Manche.slcr Green. Bambino. " and a more recent Drivinu Through the .illustrated lectuie. \ . A card party \viH t)r held at tin* evening. Dec. 18. at ,Uie Post ,1 Siindiiv, Dee. 19 anthem, "They ('all Hina Ji’.sus,” Forward After Forc­ Put in Sea , 111 Knockout Help to Sap I Buckingham (’on g i e g'a t i o n a 1 rooms. .Maiicliester Green. Kacli' I Joint Annual Cluistmas party. 1 l>i Cliiamano Geaul will be pre-j And Will Not Open Again ^Griinihling Nazi De­ Ensign and Mrs. Wiliiam A ; I hnrch tomorrow evening Whi.st. person stlending is requested to I .Mlantonomoh Tribe of Red Xlen senti'd, Fiernard (.'ampagna, tenor i ing Second Crossing. Jitaxwell announce the birth of a bridge and setlmck will be played bring a htimorons gift valued at ^ and Degree of Pocahontas. .Sports in tile .Senith Methodist .chuich-j Nazi Morale fenses in Dnieper Bend ■daughler. Judith Ann, on Novem- .VI cents for the grab-bag Re­ 1 Center, Wells .street st 2:30 p. ra. 1 liolr wiH he the soloist in the first | Berlin RatUo Quotes To^ Stage Now Msithew . Moriurty is lisving freshments will be served by the Allied Headiiuarter.s, • Al­ .'\nd Fannhi*; Out from -ber 30, at the W^yandotte i Michi­ I TiieMlny, Dec. 21 named number, and. the other will I gan) General , ' hospital. Ensign ihangis made at the hoii.se at 1.11 committe. ill ctuirge. which is lie sung hy a c:horus of tivelve I Until Monday, Dec. 27 giers, Dec. 10.— (/Pj— The kyo Report on Bat­ XIaxwell is a flight instructor at Park .street, formerly miiipird ))\' headed hy Mrs. Florence Peterson. Chnstmas Parly of .Mam he.ster Cennan itulnstrialist As- Kreinenchiig; Falls in i Exchange Club. Wiimen, j Fifth Army has cracked Ger- tleship IF ' i SCO n s i n ; Official liiiliculion Al- the U. S. Naval Air Station, Capt. G. Bruce l»omis, wliiih hi Several meintiers of the Bee- | nian defenses on both sides sert^ I nitetl States 'riiree Days Fi{|;ht. ‘Orosae, Isle, Mitth. The gratidpar- la to occupy as a home. Mrs linhert Kenny, the former Monday, Jan. 21 thoven Club will alao as.'ist, name-i Lnnnrheil TBays Afftt. licil Drive in Rliuse -Miss Dorotti.V Foley, was honored Annual meeting Red ( 'ro.ss at of-the Via Gasilina at Migna- .ents are David Maxwell, 176 South 1 Is /P rodneinfi 2 3 . 0 0 0 Main street and Mr. and Mrs. P. .1. Word has been rcci-ived by ttic \\ith another gift aliower. at the Chapter headquarter.'. no in a bloody nine-day offen- » ‘ \ l*rc|»aralory « Laiiil Loiuloi). Dec. 10.— (/P)— Ackerman of 14fl Oakland street. parent.s of I’rivnte Patrick Rooney. home of her cousin, Mrs. .lames l>ondon. Dec. 10.— Tokyo Planes Each Month. '{'he Red Army has captured Stieehan of Rockville. Relatives siaKiitMiitnuudiKhnmnfMnHVAHRiHniwnMHhNfnfnfiauKnfntnML' .sive brought to a smashing liivaHi4>ii 4>f Eiirtipe. .Mr., and ,Mrs. .laicih Rooney. of 4 propagandists are now\slnking Znamenka. huh of a system Cooper Hill street, that he has ar and friends from that city. Hart­ ;t climax by American troops Helen Davidaon Lodge, Daiigh- Range and Fuel R American battleships as fast as Stockholm, Dec. 10. i/P) Fan­ of railroads linking the Dnie­ tera of .Scotia, will meet at the rived in .Sic ily. ford and this town' were present TALL CEDARS (K who seized Mt. Samucro in Washington Dec. 10. i/Pi The and showererl the bride with a va­ See It ‘ the Battle of the Clouds," Allied they are launched and months:^©- first official indication that the air tastic. tales now circulating in per river bend with the area 'Masonic'Temple lomorrow evening riety of lovely gifta. The hostesa OIL X 'at six o'clock, TTie annual Chil­ Department Commander Joel M. t headquarters announced today. At fore they are ready to put to sba offensive against Gei uiany has Germany aie contributing to the .■(outh of' Kiev, Premier-Mar­ Nichols of the state .Sjianish War u.seil a color acheme of pink and t the same time it was disclosed dren’s Christmas party will follow BINGO TIC KET PRINTING V The Berlin radio, quoting a TO' passed the preliminary phases and ! undermining of German morale. shal Jo.seph Stalin annoupced Veterans installed the officers ot white and served s delicioua buflet K that Canadians, infantry and kyo report, soberly announced to­ ;the meeting. lunch. Bridge was also enjoyed. TOMORROW NIGHT METERS LARSEN'S si I the Bern correspondent of Sven- today in a special order of the the camp in Bristol Tuesday night, tanks, spearheading ' the Eightn day the sinking of the 45,000-ton each, entet«d on the final knex-koul and tonight will be in charge of the AT S O'CLtlf^K Army along the Adriatic, were Troops of the 165th Infantry, New 'tork's former "Fighting 69th," advance on Butaritari ^be ska Dagbladet reported today.. day. The Soviet column that Meter prints amount of de­ FEED SERVICE '4 I U.'5. S. Wisconsin "in one of the Makin atoll, which already is bl-izing from naval bonihardment. Nov. 20, Medium tanka are o^ the stage piepaiatii y to a land inva- same ceremony at the Hartford LARSEN’S K ..mashing forwaro on an eight- biggest sea battles off Bougain -sioii was made public today in an One German industrialist told a smashed into the town was one .of 4 island cleaning out Japanese machine-gim nesla. lAP Wirephnto ironi Signal Corps.i camp. Commander Nichols is also ORANGE HALL livery on your .slip for jour .'58 Depot .Square Tel. .>106 4 mile front after forcing a seond ville." Army school survey report. neutral he knew the ilniled Slati's several driving through cniA- busy with preparations for the De­ 4 crossing of the Moro river. tiling Nasi defenses in the DnlepM ,4i« f CHRISTMAS CARDS 23 REGULAR GA.MES AT protection. The snperbattleship Wisconsin In the same article. Col. Ray W. is producing 25,000 planes a partment Dinner, Palnrday. De 4 \ Wipe Out Mountain IJne was launched only three days ago Clifton of the Army Air Forces month, instead of the ' aivnoiinced betid and fannThg out from the $3.00 A GA.ME FOR 2.ic: Krrmeni hiig bridgehead. f.. “ZH d* promptly cember 18. at 6:30 at the Hotel Your Nanif Printed on .'lO MARTIN-SENDUR 4 For Christmas Trees« Fighting against the strongest at on the second an­ disclosed that five divisions of in­ total of less Ilian 9,000, the corre­ Garde. Hartford, when delegations Christ ma.s Cards or 21 L. T. Wood Co. P A I N T ‘J • VA M N 1 *i >4 I •. • I A M 1 1 4 'man-made defenses and toughest niversary of Pearl Harbor. fantry combat unit-s have been spondent reported. Cuts IjiMt Rail IJne from camps nnd auxiliaries 7 SPECIAL (JAMES 4 Wliiskev Held Carrier Task Forces The indnslrialist also was said f'rench Folders— $1.00. .51 Hissell St. Tel. 1496 natural obstacles yet encountered The time necessary to fit a bat­ formed from the Luftwaffe person­ T h e capture of the heavily 'for­ throughout the state will be pres­ SWEEPSTAKES 4 ALL SIZES AND PRICES tleship for, sea after she is launch­ nel—"an indication that Germany to have asserted that Ameriia tified German bastion cut the ent. The day's program will in­ Order vvilhout delay. in-Italy. Ueut. Gen. Mark W. $.>.00 W EEKI.Y PRIZE 4 Clark’.** veteran British and ed is a war-time secret, but more 111 Bond Could is getting short of aircraft" and is had enoifgh gas and bombs . on last of four rail lines centering in clude a luncheon for department 4 American troops have wiped out than a year was required in peace preparing to fight on the gioiir.d. hand to destroy Germany in two , town and brought the weight officers St the Vetersns Home jn PFEIFFER PRINTER $2.’> WAR BON'D times to fit smaller warship., than Pound Nauru Heavil^ weeks if Germany tried to use her j Ru.saian Dnieper bend ofr Netsington. 4 the German mountain line on both OUeusses Classic "Four I’hases" /DURKE@ 4.5 MiillN*rry Street MONTHLY PRIZE 4 sides of the main road to Rome the Wisconsin with guns anJ CHfton an .n.structor at the ".secret weapon.” feiisive directly against Kirovo­ Hartford, Oolin. To Be Given December 24 4 and are stabbing into secondary fighting equipment. Cut Shortage Comnland and General Staff school grad the . next stronghold in th* James Russell Hazen of 11 Frank­ BALSAM SPRLCE Another broadcast, direct from path Of Red Army forces threat­ lin street has completed the course 4 Larsen’s Feed Service i defenses in the direction of Cas- iDemo...Irale .ibilily to Ja p a iie S C al Foi'tXLeavenworth. discussed i i • I,'.; • “ill sff’lR Tokyo, said that the vessel which ening to outflank Krivoi Rog. of training at the Naval Air Tech­ 4 38 DEPOT SQUARE TEL. .5406 * sino. Lose the clas8i(^\fotir phases” of strate­ Measured in rhiles. their ad­ the Japanese claimed to have 117,000,000 Gallons Strike Quickly by At- ^ 1 gic bombing Jn a .survey written Maltese Given Stalin's order of the day said nical Centei, Memphis, Tenn., and ^ WWMMWMMMM WntMWMMMWnLAlMWSCWMMUBWtontMIhK ^ 4 WtoWWtotoMDWtoWtotolWMIlWncWWtoWJWWMiWMWaHHiWWWTV sunk was a sister-ship of the Wis­ Znamenka had fallen after three has received the rating ot third vance has not been great since Available if Govern-; taek Four Days Aft- for the schoora monthly military General Clark gave' the word for consin which had been launched review. days of fierce fighting and termed class petty officer and aviation and sent into action secretly and 40^000 During the t )wn a "powerful strong point ordnanceman. ’ XMAS TREES the onslaught, and they still are nient Woiibl Cut Slor-1 c r Marshalls Blasteil. "The bombing 'S|f Cerman-tx:- Yankee Seroll ALICB CXIFBAA * Get Your Xmas Tree At "Hank's" || faced b.v s formidable network of that the United States had launch­ cupied Europe can'oe con.sideied in- the German defenses in the (KBMta As QMaa AH«a) fortifications covering the hill­ ed the new Wlisconain -this...week Kirovograd direction. " The Soroptimist Club held a sup­ > ALL SIZES ■'Tvvinkte'i^/tnkfc little- At Ok dollar yoore. «k age Time to Four Years in the third -phase nowK" he said, RPnUTCAL MEDIUM X sides as .'ar as Cassino and be- with public ce'remonies to cover Pearl Harbor, Dec. 10.—f Boom to R ed in a tittle over a week what the Nuys (U-Ind) to "hoarding” strated an ability to strike fensive already had reduced Ger- j Wi>rlh while Vi4*l4»ry. With th" new victory the Rus­ many's manufacturing capacity by ’ sians now control railroads run-- / enemy hoped would stand as an by distillers, wholesalers and quickly in widely-separated Chungking. Dec. 10 lei The \ ^ -5 ATLANTIC STATION impregnable line for many months, retailers In an effort to oMain areas' ^ potinding', Naum only at least 35 per cent, diminished the i \ _ iring northwest to Smyela amjf Makt‘ Yt^ur Sflectioii g Fashioned tor Costs a bucK, but For Payment 40-day battle for China's "rice power of the Luftw'affe and fos'ced Valletta, 'Malta. Dec. 10 iJr) Food and (Main and Myrtle Streets 'I'elephone 39.>4‘ and they have overcome terrain higher prices. fotir“dfyir after blasting the Mar­ Fastov, south to Nikolaev and OLD fckslidioui rvien looks like te n and fortifications subatanttfiTTy shalls. Naum, phosphate produc­ bowl," riimaxed yesterday by the it into a weakening deferisi , ami ! Traveling by - plane, President eats to Dnepropetrovsk. CORNER PEARI. AND MAIN STREETS more difficult than those in Tu­ Washington, Dec. 10 A ing island 500 miles W'est of the Chinese recapture of the key city bad serioiLsIy damaged civilian j n„„apvelt vmited this bomb-mark- .Aided hv .Airborne Troops, •{( nisia which stalled the Allied at­ Of War Debt of Changteh, cost the Japane.se Ri^mage Sale Senate committee heard today newly-won Gilberts, not only was '" ‘" '‘ Has (ione 'lo l>efensl*e j '*■' Bntish Mediterranean base on Tank and infantry forces Which RECORDS tack for a whole winter. borphed by carrier planes but al­ 40,000 casualties, Maj. Gen C. Moat he taraetl to for aal- Next To the New .Sheridan Re.slaurah( X that there is 117,000,000 gallons of "Oermany'.s production facilities Wcdne.sday, presented its people had elo.sed in from three • sidea Hand-to-Hand Fighting so was shelled by guns of\war- T.seng, Chinese Army .spokesman, were aided in the final a.ssault by vage M you want M keep X Tax Budget of 22 Bil­ whiskey from four to eight years ships on Wednesday. Adrhii'al declared today. liave been so hurt by our bombing j an illuminated scioll on behalf of i^VRDAY, me. 11 pihythg the h«w onea. The American engagement con­ airborne troops. “ Hank" Haef.s and the Pola Brothers, old in bonded warehouses that Chester W. Niniitx reported last Tseng declared the Japane.se had that she is able In proflm e alxnit j American peo))le, and diH.lared The rolling thunder of Moscowta starting: At 10 A. M. S'/^a each pahl tor old rec­ sisted of bloody hand-to-hand lions Annually ■ Pro­ CwMiMinftoniwwtoiwMiwMtwiwtoWtonnwwmMnitoWtoMuBipwjteI> I WEEK-END SUGGESTIONS fighting with the Germans in could Jbe tapped to relieve a thirs­ i night. \ lost - 15,000 killed and 25,00(1 1..500 plane., a month of which United .Stales would stand giins saluting the stronghold’a ords Irreapeettve of quantity. mists which hugged the top of the 1 Last .Saturday, more than 700>.wounded in the bloody battle in quite s large poi'centagc arc fight- uic BritLsh cm- capture wns lieard over the Mos­ posed by Cowilin; Spe- ty market if the government would Which all but 300 men of the er.s,” he .said. "The rea.son fot the andHlher Allies after the war tDOOBUN BT.OCK FROM 3.0(K)-feet high mountain. cut tax-exempt storage time to jI milea to the northeast of Naum, cow radio here at 4 p. m. (11 a. m. Depof Square The Canadians were said to be eial Levy Key Soiiree. ;a big task force, including several Chine.se 5Tth division were report­ large percenlage of fighters is the j ''it a victory worthwhile." t. W-. j.i. KEMP'S four years. j ed wiped out. fact that the German Air Force ^ ‘(ha senes of firmly established In their Moro This figure was given a Senate I carriers, sent out planes whicl\ The FlUiSians declared the great Given B y . lac. river bridgehead, the second such levTlleii defenses at Kwajalein and Bitter FIghlIng SHU Raging has gone fmm the offensivi In the , miifeiTnces' In which he and German counter-attack west ot 7M XlalD St. Tol 5680 SUGAR AND SPICt New York. Dec. 10.—lPj — A 100- Judiciary auhcnmmittee investigat­ Bitter fighting still raging noith- WappinK Grange foothold that Eighth Army troops Wotje .in the heart of the Mar­ - Prime Minister Churchill engaged Kiev in the Zhitomir anti Korosten — OAK GRILL- ✓ one-do 11 ex'" - have gained across the stream. year plan for payment in peace­ ing the current liquor shortage hy shalls, sank two enemy (ruisers, west of Chanteh between sixeahle With an estimated 1 .8 0 (1 .0 (1 0 t)ie»Middle East, the president bulge has been checked after three •WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” In a nine-day battle the Amerl- time of the huge, war-swollen na­ Stewart Berkshire, deputy com­ an oil tanker and three cargo Chinese ^ d Japanese forces, will persons made homeless by the air FOSTER'S missioner of internal revenue, un­ arrived in a huge C-54 Douglas 'e y ^ rans. with their British allies, had tional dent through a tax budget ships and downerl 72 planes. have a d eriv e effect on the cam­ attacks, Clifton said it had be­ four-engine timip trans(H)rt witn (( on I ill lied on Page Fiiur) now driven the Germans from the der questioning by Senator Fergu- paign in ceiHral China, Taeng as­ come increasingly evident That IBMIMWWS TOR f/NE FOODS! of *22,000.000.000 annually was aon iR.. Micii.i. . Ferguson in­ Sent on Repeated Raids an e.sc.ort of ‘20 Lightning ann X HERE IS BIG ORANGE NEWS! Falling in the Allied sweep was Key source of revenue would be Berkshire testified that the loss invaded the Gilberts on Nov. '20. The spokesman .saVci that all .Malta and its defenders for "val­ Roa.st Beef a special war debt tax of one per Now Naval authorities have dis­ er forces in western Europe, and] orous service far above and be­ 4—6 and 6 Ft. X HOMES, INC. the last (jermah-held village In the through evaporation, leakage and Japanese troops south of the Yuan this plus the de.struction of in-; Ih-Ciiro’s Parents on Stand Baked ) irginia Ham Half Broilers DELICIOES Kl.AVOIlEl), .H K'Y Mignano vicinitji, Roc(» D’Evan- cent on all transaction., to. raise other causes ranges from 22 to 25 closed that the Hellcat fighters on river, which winds past Changteh dustrial facilities has contribul- yond the call of >luty" during the .4|i|ily R *9,000,000,000. This levy, he .aid, one of the carriers in (he Marshalls ‘dark period while Axis aircraft Hartford, Dec. III.—i,Pi—^Tha K On Walkei Street dro on the northwest slope of Mt. per cent on liquor stored in bar­ and empties into Tungling lake, cd to Russian and Allied, Mediter­ Huddened parents of Carlo 4. De-. \'eal UulU'Is Steaks I’ork Chops (without further elaboration) rels for four years, but that it in­ raid Saturday were the same gal­ had been driven back across the kept the island under a virtual X Camino. would "be applied to every transac­ ranean .sucee.sse.s. Caro, 19, of ThompKoiiville. tcMik Dalla.a Montgomery For further information call at ,, Our Kitchen Cl().*ert workmanship. All work Money in Circulation al The 'war debt payment stamp man Sali'llitcs to en route to the Ciiiio confere>U'es to two years in prison lor espio­ guaranteed. Rensunable Prices. 1 HH c o o n TO \Ol R PETS-FEEn ’EM ever seen—some weigh 4 Ills. operation” given the Chinese j I The London Daily Meralil y For Christmas tax—*9,000.000.000. tion as t4> • Whether Washington, Dec. 10.— - The nage and atleiiipled brllier.V. The LI N C H E O S \ ^ .•So obligation lor an estimate. Very special at ...... 2 9 c hiiiu'h All-'l'inie High for Na­ Another * collected position of the Trea-sury Dec. 8: ground forces bv these airmen. j Afl Before Nazis. oinicted sp.y, Rosendo .Almoiae* \\ rite. MeNiiH Will Resign. He i4aid the Japanese had aM -. (fkHiUnned on Page Ten) Due to conditions we will not be able to have any tion During October. ReceipU. *79,289,547.14: expen­ ,onibrera, was arrested on his »r- ■ V ’ '( PURINA (Continued on Page Ten) ditures. *204,736.046.27; net bal­ , I.ondon. Det 10 —Renewed I . .._l al Buenos .Aires on the Span- I J . S. No. 1 Native Potatoes, soaked fish this year but we have a limited supply of dry Washington. Dec. 10. — (P>— ance, *13.297,488.625:72. (Continued Page Ten) ] rumblings of tension and ■ nneer- ish'Ss'teamshlp Cabo de Homo last 75c BlirtoD Insiilutiii» Co. | fish 4>n hand now if you want to soak it yourself. * 180 Ovtord St. Hartford - .( 6 0 Ih. b u s h e l ) ...... $ 1 .8 9 Washington, Dec. 10—i>Pi—Price President Roosevelt has approved I taihty In the Balkans—particular­ May 11 w hen e.iistoiiis officials Tr> It Ttiniomiw I Phone Hartford S2-45I.A levels *oday are threatenjd by the father draft bill, designed to ly in ' Bulgaria . where cabinet Bio.<^ra(l Taken * considered his actions suspicious. Husmer Brand -\nchovies (Regular) "highly (iangerous" pressures, re­ Engine Plants delay InducUon of pre-war fathers > shake-ups. iiu'ludirig the post of ' 'render Stringless Green Beans, . . 2 Qts. 39c sponsible government officials into the anrt^ services. I foreign minister, appeared immi- Miistcriiig-Oul Pay Favored DOG CHOW warn in a reTOrt disclosing toat Bv Partisans Husiiier Brand (skinned and boneless) The action waa announced by Argentine Butter Being ; nent have led diplomats here to \\ ashingtiin, Dec. 10—'iPi—Leg- ^WWMtVMlhMiKWMMWWWWMeKtWWMMMMWWIItMNfWMfMtfK: IN >IK.4I. OR CUrCKKR Bananas, Pears, Carrots, Fancy Iceberg Ix*t- money )n circulation In the United Hit by Strike the White House today. 'The place the conclusion that Germany's f ; isluUiin to give all nieiiibcrs o( the. Kalas Sil— Ifalagd Sil in jars States reachet; an all-time high of at which Executive acted aniied services niusterlng-oiil pay X rOR.M ^ ------i European .satellites will seek a X tiicc. Cabbage. *19,250,000,two in October. was not disclosed. Sold for Civilians’ Use ' way out of the war before Gei- (>(>rniiius anil Sult'llllt*^ j ranging from *'200 to 8-500 was Hard Bread (stjuare and round packages) Commenting on the increase, The President had been mged , • ' recommended nnanliuously today X which was marked by the second Five Wrighl Aeroiiauli j many falls. LDriSPS ID the Senate MilHary Affaim Essential Gift Suggestion Hallonsaft— Brown Beans by War Manpower Commissioner Bulgarian Premier Debri Bojilov. F im’I Heavy X Yellow Globe Tnrni|is ...... 6 lbs. 2 3 c successive monthly rise in the cost Paul V. McNutt to veto the legisla­ New Voi'k, Dec. ip-^id>i—More chaaed by the British Purchasing IV,...!.. W i-oiiinii coniiiiitlee. The sliding scale of X of' living, ■ Price Administrator cal Factories Ar€ ' reported in dispatches to Stock- 'rhriist !\t ar Ivrt IIIPU. would give higher dls- X Caraway and Plain Bond-Ost tion. The Preaident'a approval than 500.00Q pounds of Argentine - commission and allocated to the ; holm to be reshuffling his cabinet KNEE-HOLE Pink Seedlej»s Grapefruit, Fancy Grapes, Cheater ^ w les said: Affected bv Walkout. raised a o.uestion as to whether J w . 1. CCC under a United States and ------.'ch a rg e (>a.v to veterans who served i X Whole Yellow Peas— Swedish Syrup In the past two months the butter recejy^ here by the Co™' British agreement regulating deal- as the result of Parliament's vote i McNutt would resign his position. of no confidence was believed l-inilon Dec. 10 -.-Pi--Hard-hit- overseas ihan to those who re­ nr X Fancy Tomatoes. cdst of living index has gone up. The legislation removes from modity Credit cot pot ation haa jpgs with the South American mained. In the I'nited States, The Paterson, N. J., Dec. 10—T)—Carlos Mahogany X Meat. A NICE XMAS GIFT by the Office of War Information inspection, marked privately and that the rest was unjustified, adding: How extensively the act will de­ "After all, we’re not in the but­ Cairo conferences and the fear bulletin announced by radio today. Vejarano y Casslns, desi'rlbed hy X Lean, tasty, Fresh Hams and Shoulders. Sets of 8 Filled Jai7>tjn wire rack . . . , S I..30 or the basis of information from CIO spokesmen asserted 15.000 of the shipment is expected to be The communique admitted that FBI agents as a cousin ol lha.. employes had walked out, but the lay the induction of pre-Pearl Har­ offered to civilian users soon. ter busine.ss. What, we did waa that Turkey may be scady for a Priicd From X the OPA, the Treasury depart­ bor fathers remains to bf seen, offi­ more prominent part in the wife'. the partisans were still on the de­ Duke ol -Alba, Spiuilsh ambassa­ lAamb, Veal and Beef Roasts, Smoked Hants, Set of 6 Filled Jars in wood rack . . . .$1.1.3 ment. the Department of Labor company fixed the number at The Army, Navy, lend-Iease and to take a telephone book and lc>ok dor to Great Britain, was Indictad S3n.9,> X Feed it Straight or Mixed with Table Left-overs. cials said, up the names and addresses of Peace Demonstrations Beportwl fensive in Bosnia, but claimed they X apd the Federal Reserve Board. 6,500. otjier priority groups rejected the have taken a heavy toll along the today by a Federal grand Jury oa And Up , Cats Go For 1( In A Big Way, Too! Canadian Bacon, Fowl, etc. Knudsen Arrmngaa Meeting Herahey is reported to have tqld butler, the official aUted, because some butter dealers. We sent Peace demonstrations, disturb­ X In a summary, the OWI said a closed meeting of the National ances and arrests In Sofia "*snd enemy's rail and sfifiply lines in a charge ol having acted an aa . that between Sept. IS and Oct. 15, General Knudsen promptly ar­ It graded only 89 score and was them notices of the sale and In- unregistered agent lor the Gee- X ranged a meeting with union offi­ Association of Manufacturera in , vited them to submit bids. We other parts of the countr; have that province, killing more than the Bureau of Labor Statistics NeW York X City yesterday that unsalted and therefore difficult to 200 men in one action alone. ifinn government. A ejnmno, who X Franco-Ainerican Spaghetti, Tenderleaf or coat of living Index .rose from cials and company executives in keep or re-ship overseas. .[received 12 bids arid divided the been reported in di-spatches to neu­ was arrested last Saturday at Ma X an effort to resume full production about 1.000.000 pre-Pearl Harbor offering among ten buyers, all of tral capitals. Oaim A'lasenlea 0<'»-upled 123.4 to X24.4, "chiefly as a result fatheia would have to be inducted Haa "Barnyard F'Uvor" The.German version of the fight­ home by FBI agents, was ch a rg e d X Tetley Tea, Fig Jam, S.a1ad Dressing, Grape­ of higher prices for eggs and of engines for warplanes. Includ­ An official grading report char­ whom bid the celling-price .of 41 Bulgaria's predicament is par­ In the Indictment, with being sa Checkerboard Feed Store Noren^s by June 30, 1944, In order to meet ticularly complicated by the fact ing, as broadcast by the Interna­ X clothing."- ing the new B-29 super-bombers. acterized it B.s having a "barn­ cents a pound.” unregistered foreign agent leom fruit Juice (no points). Soap Powder, 2 large Stephen Remsen, international present schedule... any Allied invasion of the Balkans tional Information bureau, claim­ X 1063 M AIN ST., OPP. FORfiST ST. TEL. 7711 It added that the gains almost yard flavor." Rea said those dealers' who com­ ed that the Naxis have occupied Nov. 32, 1940, to dan. 30, IM L hp- X completely cancelled the decreaaes representative of the United Auto­ The expressed intent of the plained th«!y were not notified in is likely to involvi her In hostili- emHng In the southern distrtot ol bo\cs 29c. Qiocolale or Butter Scotch Pud­ QUALITY FOOD STORE present Icrislstion Is to prevent Rea laid Army and lend-lease the town of Vlaaenlca, . 50 miles X registered last sumiHer but noted mobile. Aircraft and Agricultural speeifleattons called fer falted but­ advance of the sale wouW receive tlM adth Ruaslh. with whom she New Vnrk aad la other a r s a a g a l S M AIN ■ HOTEL SHERIDAN BLD • PHONE X dings, Baking Chocolate. t]^ t the coet «f living Index atiU I Implement Workers of America. the Induction of sny of this sufficient notice of- the next offer- anaetwsa 99 6 7590 ter, of 90 acore or better. ' (CMtlaoed oa Page Tefi) (CeaHaued oa Page Poor) R •nte Argenlne butter waa pur- ing.