SEPTEMBER 2016, NO 1 Cryptacus Newsletter First Newsletter Welcome to this first edition of the monthly Crypta- cus Newsletter, bringing you a quick glimpse into the latest developments in the IoT cryptanalysis area. There are not a lot of contributors to this first edition of the newsletter, for obvious reasons, but we’d love you to send us your contributions for in- coming issues, comments and feedback to
[email protected] News from the Chair Castro accepted to be the editor of This month we recommend to by GILDAS AVOINE this newsletter. Thanks, Julio! I hope read the paper Lock It and Still Lose you will keep this newsletter excit- It - On the (In)Security of Automo- ing by regularly sending your news to tive Remote Keyless Entry Systems, Julio. published in the 25th USENIX Se- During Haifa’s meeting, we also curity Symposium (USENIX Security discussed the third grand period. 2016). Cryptacus encountered several diffi- This brilliant piece of work, by culties to launch the third grant pe- our colleague and WG4 leader riod, but this issue should be fixed Flavio Garcia (with David Os- soon. Note that the scientific commit- wald, Timo Kasper and Pierre tee, chaired by Bart Preneel, will pro- Pavlidès) which you can enjoy at pose in the coming days the location, has been all Cryptacus’ Management Committee of the next meeting. Right after, the over the news recently, being covered Meeting organised in Haifa, Israel, MC will vote on the grant agreement, at news sites such as The Guardian, was really interesting and useful which is a mandatory step before the Daiy Mail, WIRED, The Register, Busi- (Thanks, Orr!) for the current and next period starts.