The AMICA Bulletin Volume 49, Number 3 Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors’ Association May-June 2012 Bart Off and his Seeburg F ISSN #1533-9726 The AMICA BulleTIn AUToMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CoLLECToRS' ASSoCIATIoN Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors’ Visit the AMICA web site at: Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt group devot- to enter the “Members-Only” portal, ed to the restoration, distribution, research and enjoyment of Current User Name: AMICA automatic musical instruments. AMICA was founded in San Password: treadle Francisco, California in 1963. VoLUME 49, Number 3 May-June 2012 AMICA BULLETIN FEATURES DEADLINES Ads and articles must be received Promoting AMICA . by John Motto-Ros . 108 on or before the 1st of these ODD The Philipps Pianella & Paganini Orchestrions . months: & The Rudolph Wurlitzer Connection . January July by Q. David Bowers . 114 March September Nickel Notes . by Matthew Jaro . 128 May November Bulletins will ordinarily be mailed in the 1st week of the even months, for expected delivery mid-month. Terry Smythe 55 Rowand Avenue COLUMNS Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3J2N6 204-832-3982 (email preferred) President’s Message. 104
[email protected] Vice-President’s Message . 105 Editorial Observations . 104 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Membership Update . 106 Membership Dues: AMICA 2012 Convention Itinerary . 107 USA Bulk Mail . $55.00 Letters . 108 USA First Class . .$70.00 AMICAn Making Music . by John Moto-Ros . 113 Overseas . .$70.00 Canada-Mexico . .$65.00 AMICAn On The Road . by Darryl Coe . 139 Renewals – Additional $5.00 due if Chapter News . 141 renewed past the Jan.