February - March 2016


Spring blooms at Meon Valley Nurseries

Photo: Jonty Sherwill

H SERVICES at St. Peter's. Soberton and Holy Trinity. Newtown.

DAILY SERyiCES: Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 Morning Prayer at St.Peter's

SUNDAY SERVICES: Please refer to the inside pages

VICAR : Rev. Sandra Beavis, Tel. 01489 877400 The Vicarage, Webbs Green , Soberton, S032 SPY e-mail: [email protected] Day off - Monday

OFFICE HOUR FOR WEDDING & BAPTISM ENQUIRIES Wednesday evenings 6-7 pm Please contact Rev Sandra Beavis before attending - 01489 877400 or [email protected]

Licensed Lav Mr.Norman Chapman, Meadow Cottage, West Street, Soberton Minister(Reader) 01489 877378 e-mail: [email protected]

Onr Lady Queen of the Apostles. Roman Catholic Church. St. Martin's Street,Bishop's Waltham,S032 IDN. Canon Alan Griffiths ffrgriffiths@, O2380 273882 6.00 pm. Saturday (First Mass of Sunday) 9.30 am. Sunday There are Sunday evening services in and in Fareham. For further information contact Anthony McEwen 01489 877448

The Methodist Circuit. Services in the area as follows:- Shirrell Heath 10.30 am & 6.00 pm 10.30 am Bishops Waltham 10.30 am Swanmore 10.30 am & 6.00 pm Hambledon 11.00 am & 6.00 pm


Editors: Penny Rowiinson 01489 877830 Chairman: Perrv Abbott 02392 632338 Rev. Sandra Beavis 01489 877400

Advertising: Anthony McEwen 01489 877448 Treasurer: John Rowiinson 01489 877830

Circulation: Pete Woodacre 01489 877768 Secretarv: Annie Jacob 01329 832480

Tvpesettina of advertisements: Solent Design Studio

Front cover design: Jonty Sherwiii - - 01329 835555 I Dear Friends \ \ \ I^ I have just received a mail wishing me a happy New Year! As it is only the of January that is fine \i \ but by the time you read this it will be February, nevertheless I wish you all a very happy 2016 tool \ \ \ t I I hope you enjoyed a good Christmas and not too exhausting. For the churches it was, as usual, a i i I very busy time. Everything kicked off with "The Big Family Christmas Lunch"; we all had a wonderful i L. ^ I I time and much fun with Professor Potty. Thank you to the mums who so enthusiastically pitched' in I i $ I with the planning, designed the invitations, cooked truly wonderful food, decorated the hall, waited i t i I on and cleared and cleaned. Thank you also to the dads that lifted and shifted. You were all such an I I excellent team, so good to be with and it would not have been possible without you. I I , 1 I The children's Christmas craft work shop was very well attended too and again everyone had a really \ \ good time making an assortment of festive creations, Christmas tree decorations for the church as \ I well as home. Thank you Jackie and team,for all your preparations, for giving the children and | \ everyone such a good time and with lunch too. \ I \ I We enjoyed an excellent Carol Service arranged by Louise and were truly blessed by the singing of an \ \ excellent choir, thank you all so much. \ \ I . I We were packed to the rafters as usual for the Crib Service^ . on Christmas. Eve. Thank. . you again. Jackie.. t j and team, all the children - you were amazing - Chris, Jo and band and all those who attended, you \ were all wonderful. God was blessed. |S ( jI After the Services. on Christmas. Day, Trevor and I were pleased to be able to get over to our family \i (' and relax for a while. After a week in the parishes I am now in the middle of a break and it has been I I good to see a few folk and family we don't often see. We are also busy packing and getting work j i completed in our new home ready for my retirement on the 6**' of March. i \ It feels strange to say that I am retiring because really a Priest never retires. However, I know it is | j time to let go of the responsibilities and pressures that parish ministry brings. That is what I said to I I the Archdeacon 18 months ago and as time has moved on I am even more convinced that it is time; I S \ am getting tired. Trevor will have been retired almost two years when we leave here and we are | I looking forward to spending more free time together. ''

i In so many ways I have been very blessed during my time here, although in honesty it has been a I I5 challenging. time . too. I am so thankful to all those who have supported me in ministry and I j I particularly want to thank Maria Russell. Maria has been not only my dearest friend but a | I tremendous help in so many ways. Maria, thank you. Thank you both PCCs for your support and I \ especially for your unanimous vote of confidence in the proposed Family Area at St Peter's. I could \ I never explain how much that has meant to me because I know it is pleasing to God that we now | I have a church where there are facilities for families whenever they come. 1 1 also want to take the opportunity to thank all those in the parishes who have invited me into their I homes and lives and allowed me to walk with them for a while, whether this has been through the \ joys of a wedding or baptism or through times of bereavement, illness or any other difficulty; to be \ I with you has been an honour and a privilege. i \ t \ We are very fortunate to have Rev'd Canon Nick Fennimore and Norman to help the Churchwardens \9 i j through the time of interregnum and hopefully it will not be a long one. t t i i i i i \ With love and blessings i \ i i

\ Rev'd Sandra i i ^0£V j2uv!P tjastth sxjcvicts 2016

TaCmSundhy - 20^^ Marcfi 09.45 meet at J^ewtown ScHooCfor the Trocesswn to J-CoCy Trinityfor Tarisfi Communion 10.00 Service Begins Qoo(£j^i(£ay - 25^^ March 10.00 ChiCcCrens worhshoj? at J-CoCy Trinity 14.00 to 15.00 QoocCfriday Liturgy at St Teter's Taster Tve - 26^^ March 19.30 Service ofLight with HeacCings at JLoCy Trinity Taster Day - 2f^ March 09.30 Tarish Communion at JLoCy Trinity 11.00 Tarish Communion at St Teters


The Women's World Day of Prayer dates back to the 19"^ century when Christian women of the United States and Canada joined together in prayer to support women's mission at home and in other parts of the world. Since then it has grown incredibly. Within twenty-four hours the service will have been offered throughout the world, beginning in Tonga, passing to New Zealand, then Australia and so on. This year the Women's World Day of Prayer falls on Friday 4*'' March 2016 and the service will be offered at St Peter's Church, Bishops Waitham at 2pm. The service has been compiled by the Christian ladies of Cuba and its theme is 'Receive Children: Receive Me'. The speaker will be Carrie Pither.

Please do come and support this special annual service: everyone is welcome - men, women, young people and children. Afternoon Tea will be served in the Church Hall after the service.

The Women's World Day of Prayer Committee looks forward to welcoming you all.



Robert Gordon Webb 12^^ December 2015 at Newtown

John Stanley Turton 21®' December 2015 at Newtown

Ray Charles Andrew Hayles 23'"'' December 2015 at Newtown


Peggy Zinnia Twitchen 4"^ December 2015 at Newtown

Good Neiqhbours Groui Broken your arm - or injured your leg - and can't get about? Car on the blink and an urgent medical appointment to get to? No means of transport, but Hospital wants to see you? It's time to call on Soberton and Newtown's Good Neighbours Group - your local, friendly team of volunteers who are available to help people, of any age, living in our community to get to medical appointments, lunch clubs and other essential services. Every year we answer dozens of calls for assistance. We have 18 volunteers who use their own cars in exchange for a modest charge (see table below) to cover fuel, wear and tear etc. The Good Neighbours Group has been part of village life for 25 years and, as part of the Good Neighbours Network umbrella group run by the local dioceses, is fully insured for public liability, 1*^ *^ personal accident and monetary loss. What our passengers say: O "T/ie (^oocfIJVeigHBours were there when I needed them. I couCdn 't have [ jj| managed without them:" Jp-- E How do I book? To request transport ring one of our Care Co-ordinators Phil v/NTJ j Bergin on 02392 632551 or Sue Musselwhite on 01489 877282. I These numbers are published on the back page of the parish magazine each issue. How much will it cost? Wherever practical your driver will Swanmore/ and back £3.5i wait and bring you home. If your Wickham/Bishops Waltham and back £4.51 appointment is long we may need Q.A. Hospital and Fareham £7.0( to book a second driver to collect Winchester and Southampton Hospitals £13.5 The Hacknev and Bishop's Waltham Deaneries Link Two Livelv Davs in November

A Deanery is a group of Church of parishes. The Bishop's Waltham Deanery reaches from Botley to Hambledon. There has been a Link of friendship between our Deanery and Hackney for nearly twenty five years as part of which we try to support activities in Hackney which reach out to homeless and rough sleeping men and women and to ordinary families struggling to cope with the costs of modern life in London. At the end of November a small mountain of food, clothes and bedding collected from our parishes was brought to Swanmore Village Hall for delivery to our Link friends and the Hackney Winter Night Shelter the next day. If you can imagine providing a hot meal for twenty to thirty guests some of whom would really welcome a warm coat or a pair of trainers or a sleeping bag or shaving kit or a toothbrush you can see how much it would help to have items sorted, labelled and packed ready for use. Twenty five helpers from eleven parishes together with ten students from Swanmore College and their teacher pitched into the task P ill jjjjjK with gusto. Every table we could find was put to use. Heaps of tins, packets of pasta, boxes of toothpaste, anoraks, pants, hats and gloves were taken to the right corner. At one point Mrs Payne, the Swanmore College teacher rushed back over the road to grab some more boxes from the IT department •' which were ideal for our purpose. By the end of the morning the mountain had been reconstituted as two sizeable hills. One ||||||tf was for St Saviour's Priory, Dalston and the other for St James' Church, Clapton. Later that afternoon Noble Argue, who has provided the van for transport for the past nine years, arrived at the hall and a small gang of chaps, again from several parishes, loaded it ready for delivery.

The next day, Saturday, we set off at 7am with Noble driving, accompanied by Keith Wickert, soon to be Assistant Priest at Bishop's Waltham, and Norman Chatfield for the delivery to Hackney. Battling the traffic on the approach to the Blackwall tunnel, we arrived at the Priory by 9 45am and found helpers ready to unload led by Sister Moira who for many years has been running the Dunloe Centre which provides a cooked meal and take away food and clothes for local men and women in need and Sister Elisabeth who runs a project called the Sunday Stall which is mostly for young local families. Later that afternoon Sister Libby wrote : "What a wonderful delivery of useful thingsfrom Bishop's Waltham Deanery. Please convey our thanks to all concerned the donors, collectors, knitters, sorters, packers, and the driver and his crew. We have spent the day unpacking such good |Quollty stuff ood oll the kind of things that are most f^en©!! ' ® needed. Food, toiletries, bedding, warm clothes-all ||0HEf exactly right; and some beautiful knitting. A BIG -ftfi THANKYOU TO EVERYONE. We pray and give thanksfor ^ you regularly through the year at our Midday Prayers In gg Chapel. With all best wishesfrom us all at St Saviour's ^ Priory and the Dunloe Centre. Xxxx ^ Next we delivered to St James', Clapton which acts as a distribution centre for other churches and the Winter Night Shelter. There Burnett Brown the Churchwarden and husband of Vicar Prebendary Rosemia Brown, the 11^ flw iBB -J new Area Dean of Hackney and a longstanding supporter of the Link, told us that their Saturday evening drop in centre providing a meal and companionship had nearly run out of stored food so our delivery came just in time. In this photo Burnett is on the left next to Keith Wickert and two helpers from St James'. The writing on the wall behind them is from an educational support programme which is run in St James' Church Hall for underachieving children. The aim of this article is to assure everyone who supports the Link in any way that their help is deeply appreciated. Also we benefit very much from sharing in the committed spiritual life of the Hackney Churches which is the driving force behind ali their life and work.

For more information about the Link, contact our Chairman Nick Edwards [email protected], 02392 632024, your parish representative: Sue Wells, or Norman Chatfield 01489 891995 [email protected] mm ia @ ^ IQ i E 11

Tuesday 2^^ 0930 Coffee & Croissants Church Room

Wednesday 3"^^ 2000 Wives Group Church Room

Friday 5^*^ 1230 Lunch Club Church Room

Sunday 7th 0800 Holy Communion(BCP) St Peter's Sunday next before LentlOOO Joint Benefice Family Service St Peter's

Monday 8*^ 1930 Fete planning Meonwood

Tuesday 9*^ 1200 MV Carers Lunch Old Forge Tuesday 9**^ 1930 Men's Dining Club White Lion Wednesday 10*^ 1830 Ash Wednesday Ashing service St Peter's Wednesday 10**^ 1800 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Room

Thursday 11*" 1930 History Society Church Room

Sunday14th 0800 Hoiy Communion (BOP) St Peter's 1^* Sunday of Lent 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity 1100 Matins St Peter's

Tuesday 16**^ 0930 Coffee & Croissants Church Room

Wednesday 17**" 1800 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms Saturday 20**^ 930 Conservation Group Titchfield Haven

Sunday 21®* 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's 2"^ Sunday of Lent 0930 Parish Communion Hoiy Trinity 1100 Parish Communion St Peter's

Sunday 21®* 1500 Film Club Church Room

Tuesday 23'^'* 1400 MV Carers Paterson Centre

Sunday 28**^ 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's 3"^ Sunday of Lent 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity 1100 Parish Communion St Peter's MmCK2016

Tuesday 1®* 0930 Coffee & Croissants Church Room March 2"^^ 2000 Wives Group Revendell Friday 4*^ 1400 Women's World Day of Prayer St. Peter's BW

Sunday 6**^ 0800 Holy Communion (BOP) St Peter's Mothering Sunday 1000 Joint Benefice Communion St Peter's Service for Mothering Sunday- Fareweli Service for Rev'd Sandra Beavis

Tuesday 1200 MV Carers Lunch Old Forge Tuesday 8^^ 1930 Men's Dining Club White Lion Thursday 10**^ 1930 Local History Society Church Room

Sunday 13**^ 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity 5th Sunday of Lent 1100 Matins St Peter's

Sunday 13*^ 1400 Conservation Group Tuesday 15*^ 0930 Coffee & Croissants Church Room Tuesday 15*^ 1930 Soberton Parish Council Meeting Rookesbury Friday 18*^ 1800 Beetle Drive SVH

Sunday 20**^ 1000 Paim Sunday (procession with donkey begins at 0945)

Thursday 24**^ 1900 Maundy Thursday Service St Peter'sChurch Rool

Friday 25**^ 1000 Chiidren's Workshop Holy Trinity Good Friday 1400-1500 Good Friday Liturgy St Peter's Saturday 26^'^Easter EvelOSO Service of Light with ReadingsHoly Trinity

Sunday 2T^ 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity Easter Day 1100 Parish Communion St Peter's

Wednesday 30*^ 1100 Easter Egg Hunt Bere Forest



:\ t the Family


■ i«;

['j\./f.j'T'Jp^V4',4v! '#y%l t-ina ine ciueSy solve the puzzle and claim a chocolate egg

Ml Two start points: West Walk, Hundred Acres Rd, P017 6JD* iwSRctbh & Woodend, Heath Rd,PO17 6jz (closest postcode)

WED 30 MARCH 2016 c.O«ER%/^ VlNl uvl

i Registered Charity Registered Charity No.1083648 No.1106531

Friends Of Newtown Soberton Infant School Church Rd, Newtown, Nr. Fareham, , P017 61J www.newtownsoberton. hants.sch. uk Dear Resident,


On Wednesday 30 March we will be holding our annual Easter Egg Hunt at The Forest of Bere, which we hope will be a lovely family event for the local community and any other visitors who would like to come along.

Please be advised that during the peak times of the event. Hundred Acres Road will operate a one-way traffic system. Access will be from Southwick Road with the exit onto Church Road. A route diversion will be signed along Church Road, into Goathouse Lane, then Trampers Lane, back down to Southwick Road.

This system was implemented last year for the first time and, with the majority of people following the system, worked well to provide safer driving conditions and access for pedestrians. Safety has to be the priority especially as many visitors are families with small children. This year we plan to limit the system to peak times only - from 10am to approximately 2.00pm.

Our priority is to operate a safe and fun event.

On behalf of FONS, the school, the preschool and all the children, I would like to thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

Full details of the event and routes can be found at and will be updated as appropriate. However should you have any queries or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me - email address below. Suy La^yjcu^hire/ FONS [email protected]



TUESDAY 5 APRIL 2016 at 7.30 pm


Do come along and support your Village Hall SOBERTON PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING


AGENDA 1.Introduction Parish Council Chairman will introduce the Parish Councillors and their various responsibilities, District Councillors and the County Councillor. 2. Guest Speakers Proposed formation of Flood Action Group(VW) It is hoped that representatives from Hampshire Police; Winchester City Council and the South Downs National Park will be in attendance.

S.Annual Parish Report The report identifies the activities of the Parish Council in 2014/15. The District and County Counciliors reports will be made available.

4.Questions The Parish, District and County Councillors will answer questions.

5.Summary The Chairman will conclude the meeting.

This is your annual opportunity to iisten to and question the workings of the Parish Council. Should you have specific questions for the meeting please submit them in writing to Norman Chapman, Clerk, prior to the meeting, to aliow a fuli answer. Questions wiil also be taken from the floor.

For further information please contact: Chairman John Hyiand 01489 878724 Clerk Norman Chapman 01489 877378 COUNCILLORS VICKI WESTON,FRANK PEARSON AND CAROLINE DIBDEN REPORT TO SOBERTON AND NEWTOWN Silver Hill The future of the £165m Silver Hill Become Sugar Smart and reduce your redevelopment scheme is in the spotlight. The children's sugar intake - Download the new development agreement for Silver Hill will be Sugar Smart app terminated unless the necessary planning Search Change4Life's Sugar Swap campaign to conditions are met by the developer by 9 find out how to reduce sugar intake. The Sugar February. Smart app is also available for free to download The current administration remains committed now from itunes or Google Play: to achieve the best possible scheme to regenerate the run-down Silver Hill area of sugar-swaps/id 1015850251015850256?mt=86?mt=8 Winchester. httns://<;/dptaik?irl=https:/ / /store /ann: com.FHE.Sugars war Extra-Care scheme Much-needed 'extra care' homes for older people in Winchester moved a step closer this week. Winchester City Council is preparing to close the surface car park at Chesil Street fi'om Monday 8 February, paving the way for 52 flats to be built on the site.

Hampshire Apprentice Partnership WINCHESTER City Council is co-ordinating an exciting new apprentice programme in Hampshire. Government advice on driving during wet The Hampshire Apprentice Partnership involves weather and Driving in adverse weather four councils in the county and offers thorough conditions(226 to 237) experience in the workplace whilst studying for The Highway Code rules for driving in adverse a professional qualification without any fees or weather conditions, including wet weather, icy debt. and snowy weather, windy weather,fog and hot This programme provides an alternative weather. For more information visit: learning journey to college or university. There are no set entry requirements for code/driving-in-adverse-weather- Apprenticeships. You just need to be living in conditions-226-to-237 England, aged 16 or over and not taking part in full-time education. Ditches and Hedges Apprentices on this programme also attend a With the wet weather can we remind everyone series of life skills classes which enhance their that they need to make sure that their ditches development, enabling each individual to are free flowing. On a recent walk about with contribute their own unique talents to deliver the highways engineer it was pointed out that a projects that benefit the community. number are not doing their job. Also please can Winchester City Council currently has seven you make sure that your hedges are cut back diverse apprenticeship roles available for and do not encroach onto the highway or grass enthusiastic and motivated young people: verges. Tourism, Guildhall; Chef, Guildhall; Paralegal Administration; Electoral Services; Grants; Neighbourhood Watch and general information - Accounting; and Risk and Insurance. if you would like to he added to the email For further information, visit distribution list - please just send an email to and [email protected] [email protected] structure/apprenticeship-scheme/ Frank R. Pearson Tel: 01489 892 822 or e-mail: [email protected] VIckl Weston Tel: 01329 835 161 or e-mail: [email protected] Caroline Dibden Tel: 023 9263 2696 [email protected] The Guide Hut Committee invite you to a Beetle Drive for all the family Friday 18*'' March 6.00 - 8.00 pm

Soberton Village I Tickets: £2.50 to include cake & a drink

You ploy in pairs, and move round the tobies after each beetle. Ail the rules will be explained beforehand, so no prior knowledge needed

9 Tickets available from: Louise McEwen: 01489 877448 I Caroline Rogers: 01489 877430 '\ Josie Cleeve: Newtown Soberton School

-^iif/ All proceeds to the upkeep of the Guide Hut MEON VALLEY


MEON VALLEY CARERS GROUP NEWS Registered Charity No. 1107865 Promoting a positive way of iiving with dementia Telephone: 01489 895444 Email: meon-vailey@btconnect As we commence 2016, our focus will be on making sure that we reach out into the community to make Carers aware that we are a group wanting to help make life easier by showing that there can be a life whilst one is caring for a loved one living with Dementia. We witness the difference in the outlook of Carers as they become established members of the Meon Valley Carers Group. Not only do they lose the feeling of being isolated and unhappy but gradually establish lasting friendships.

The Pub Lunch at the Forge, , on the second Tuesday each month, provides all carers with an opportunity to relax and socialise with others just like them. The Group Meeting is held at The Paterson Centre, Church Road, Swanmore on the fourth Tuesday each month. On a regular basis. Carers are able to mix with people in a similar situation, whilst their cared for are able to be with them, encouraged by volunteers to take part in stimulating activities such as art, games and musical events. We endeavour to compile a programme that will provide interesting speakers and also include two to three outings a year. The generosity of the Meon Valley Lions Club means that members who are unable to transport themselves, are collected by Minibus and bought to the meetings and taken safely home afterwards.

The volunteers attend the meetings and pub lunch and provide a warm welcome to any new comers. Please do come and see for yourself how this extremely friendly, relaxed group of people will lighten your worries and help you in any way they can.

The new Programme for the Group from January 2016 - June 2016 is now available and if, on reading about us regularly in your parish magazine, you realise this is Just what you are looking for, please do contact us by ringing 01489 895444, the office is open throughout the year on Monday morning from 09.15-13.15 except on Bank Hoiidays. Email: [email protected] . Messages are always acted upon and emails always answered. The Web-site is taking shape and very soon we shall publish the web address. There is clear signage and bell at the entrance to the Paterson Centre. The answer phone is switched on so please feel free to leave a message should you require assistance. If using a sat-nav to find us, the post-code is S032 2PA.

Please do contact If the above article and Information applies to you!

Programme for February and early March 2016

09 Feb Lunch at the Old Forge, Shedfield 12 noon

23 Feb Group Meeting 2pm The Paterson Centre Swanmore Age Concern Hampshire Art for Cared For with Rosie Blay

08 March Lunch at the Old Forge, Shedfield 12 noon The Circle of Easter A workshop for children

Holy Trinity Church Newtown

Good Friday 25th March

10 -12 noon

Programme 10.00 Workshop opens 10.05 Introduction to the Easter Story: Canon Nick 10.30 Split into groups to explore the circle of Easter if" Make your own Easter wreath ■0" The Easter Story in words and pictures for our worship time ■S" Make the Easter Garden ■fr Make a Stained Glass Cross ■fr Kim's Game with Easter symbols 11.45 Act of Worship led by Canon Nick Donation of £2 per child would be welcome No need to book but if you want more info and would like to come please contact: Caroline Rogers 01489 877430 [email protected] Sue Wells 01329 834130 [email protected] Wednesday 3rd Feb 1230pni All Saints* Church Botley

Classical and Show Sonas

featuring Pat Jenkins, Rachel Griffiths and Roy Hogben, accompanied by David Burgess. Tea and Coffee available. Retiring Collection.


Chiropractic Osteopathy Physiotherapy Alexander Technique Aromatherapy HEALTH Reflexology Mindfulness S P A C E Counselling Spa Room Sports Therapy Pilates & Yoga HealthSpace, The Square, Bishops Waltham,S0321AF - - 01489 874100

Oak View Poultry Breeders of rare and garden poultry Hatching eggs up to point of lay

Suppliers of quality Meon Valley Wedding Car Hand Crafted housing Chanffenr driven Roils Royce Silver Spirit available for local weddings Phone: 01489 878218 Please caU 01489 877393/07889 963881 Or email [email protected]

Local Farrier 3-[ome-cooke(ffoocCfor every cCay (Soberton Based) andspeciaC occasions ^ £uctana*s Xttcfien David Povey Dip WCF CfiiCdrens cookingj)arties, SjyeciaC teas

For: and Breakfastjyarties & ItaCian Hot & Cold Shoeing cookery classes Remedial Shoeing for more detaiCs,jjCease contact: Luciana O'^eiCC, yew Tree farm, CBaCk TCiCC, SoBerton, SO32 sTTC Established 1985 01489 878218 feCejoBjone: 07770 345930 e-m.aik TAYLORS GARAGE DROXFORD


Purpose Made Joinery ~ Carpentry Plumbing Painting & Decorating ~ Garden Decking


Ifel: 02392 632802 Mob:07785 544331 CAR and MOTORCYCLE Tarakl Cottage, Maybnsh Lane, Soberton S032 3QF MOTS Service and repair to cars ^CORE STRENGTH light commercials and horse trailers FLEXIBILITY FLAT STOMACH Air conditioning - service & repair JOINT MOBILITY PILATES REDUCED STRESS Competitive prices on TONING ^ IMPROVED POSTURE. tyres batteries and exhausts Collection & delivery or loan car available CARRIE MANDLEY RGN subject to availability PILATES INSTRUCTOR PHONE 07854 413352 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE nTrading Standards Approved Traderi R. A. Redman Forestry A Arborlcultural Contractor Tel: 023 92 632418 PLUMBING & HEATING Mob: 07712 808 081 ENGINEERS

[email protected] OIL LPG GAS All Domestic Plumbing & Heating All Aspects of Tree Surgery from Boilers to Bathrooms Tree Removal, Crown Reduction, Reshaping, Thinning, Deadwooding, FREE ESTIMATES Stump Grinding Tree and Hedge Planting, Hedge Cutting, Plantation and Woodland Maintenance and Management, Fencing

Professional qualifications and fully insured Tel: (023)8047 6340 for all aspects of Forestry and Tree work. Fax: 0560 205 5276 Approved Contractor and Member of the Hampshire County Council Buy with Web: E-mail: contact@ ra red ma u k Confidence Scheme For G personal and caring service contact Joe Gordon Trading Standard Accredited D.G.CLEEVE GENERAL BUILDER




C & T SITEWELD Nigel Chamberlain ^ & Partners Specialising in on site repairs (formerly Thomas Pink & Son) welding andfabrication plant and machinery repairs Independent structural steelwork FUNERAL DIRECTORS fences, gates and wrought iron The Gate House, Victoria Road central heatingfuel tanks removed BISHOPS WALTHAM (01489)892640

1 Hundred Acres Telephone (01329) 833285 Bob Metcalf MBE Wickham, Hants Mobile (07966) 173874 Personal 24 Hour Service P017 6JB Email [email protected] Providers of the Wayfarers Funeral Plan

R G Walker & Co Chartered Certified Aecountants (nJaliiifs (Alood Personal Tax Returns & Self Assessment co^ Self Employed & Small Businesses Company Accounts - Company Formations Five ground floor open-plan cottages with 3 or VAT-Payroll & PAYE 4 en-suite bedrooms, in the South Downs National Park, with excellent accessibility Rupert Walker FCCA Contemporary comfort year-round with free Little Coombe, New Road, Meonstoke, S032 3NN E-mail: [email protected] WiFi, underfloor heating and woodburners Tel: 01489 877688 / 01489 877807 Individual enclosed gardens with hot tubs, stunning views, safe for both children and pets 3D Design • illustration • Drawings and access to large shared lawn Beautifully furnished and fully equipped, both indoors and out, with extending table capable of seating 12 - perfect for gathering friends, family, wedding guests or corporate visitors Product Design Technical Drawings Architectural Views 01489 878888 Design Reviews Print & Artwork liz(5) Wallops Wood, Sheardley Lane, Droxford, Tel: 01329 835555 Hampshire, S032 3QY We specialise in Low Mileage, Service History' Cars at Reasonable Prices Also available for your rabbit Find-a-car service Free advice on selling your current car, Nice cars bought for cash

For an up to date stock list, please visit Animed Veterinary Hospital 8i Equine Unit Or call at; Botley Road Stiodfield Southampton The Forge Garage Droxford ^' Tel: 01329 833112 Telephone 01489 878 879" FINLAY BUILDERS Hambledon Cars 29 Sutton Road, Cowplain

Tel: 023 9225 4530 Private Hire Service or Mobile: 07958 217790 Your Local Family Business Kitchens and Bathrooms supplied and fitted and all building work covered Airports, Stations, Theatre and Shopping. Free Quotations /Insurance Work Long and Short Distance Travel. FRUIT TREES Superior Air Conditioned Cars. for the Connoisseur IN WIDE VARIETY Friendly and Reliable. Having downloaded the catalogue, come and discuss your plans with me, Philip House at Shedfield. Hambledon P07 4AF hambledon- cor s@ hotmo i I. cojjk GREEN EIELDS ACCOUNTING • Free meetings Londline 02392 632375 • Out of hours or weekends • A relaxed, friendly service Steve 07766 027301 FOR A FRESH APPROACH TO ACCOUNTANCY HjjH Call Clare Cowe:07883 022818 Trocey 07826 929336 [email protected] HHIHil DAVE HAYWARD Shedfield Equestrian Centre Experienced local groundwork contractor Everything for the horse & rider! Free local delivery for yard orders! Discount for bulk orders! Competitive prices! LANDSCAPING GROUNDWORKS & CONSTRUCTION Est. 25 years Rug cleaning / repair service available with yard deiiveries! JCB HIRE H Give us a call to see what BBS we can do for you! DRIVEWAYS MENAGES 01329 835115 Livery packages at competitive rates! PATIOS STABLE BASES Riding Lessons! Schooi hire! GARDEN WALLING DRAINAGE ifeKr44>:KiiKt:r PONDS CONCRETING Fab competitions aii year! EOUNDATIONS SEPTIC TANKS Summer Show 20"< - 21°* June 2015 Visit us for friendly helpful advice! Free quotations Botley Rd, Shedfield, Southampton, S032 2HN Tel: 01489 892661 Mobile: 07973 834796

Since 1885 L K,9-4 paws * Harpers I Dog walking / Home boarding ^ |v Doggy day care / Small animal visits Iw Pet Taxi The Aga & Central Heatine ComDanv Oil & Gas Aga servicing, repairs and installations. fliE DoeholISE Oil & Gas boiler servicing, repairs and installations. PROFESSioNaL Do© ©ROoMiNe Clipping / Scissoring, Hand stripping, f-—^ We also provide other services such as... Nail clipping. Wash and groom • Oil tank replacement, Based in Soberton Heath JLuU Landlord safety installation and relocations. / k94paws(S) certificates. 01329 835332 / 07909 575417 • LPG, natural Gas & Oil work. • Chimney installations. Free quotes and professional WOODPECKER • Wood burning stoves. advice. GARDEN DES IGNS • Trenchless watermains. Fully qualified • Mains pressure hot water. engineers. meet your personal requirements. • Fuel tank spillage clearance. • Consultations for a specific problem • Planting Plans Tel:(023) 92 388 300 • Complete Designs and Planting Plans • Extensive Portfolio Based in South Boarhunt For further details, or to arrange a free initial visit: r GAS^ •! ♦ safe m Tel: 01329 832591 Email: BOUNDARY OAK SCHOOL Independent Co-educational Day and Boarding School -13 years CHAMBERLAINS Family Solicitors - Home Visits willingly undertoken • Beautiful rural secure 22-acre site Fast, Efficient, Petsonal Service by the Portners • Wraparound care from 7.40ani-6pm Cdin Chamberlain and Henry Mundy • Easy access from A32, Junction 10 M27 We can help you with a wide range of legal services including conveyancing, • Day, weekly,full & flexl boarding available Prc±)ate and Wills • Holiday club during school holidays for 3-9 year olds that WELCOMES non Boundary Oak pupils. Free Initial Office Interview

Tel: 01329 280955 e-mail: [email protected] RED LION STREET(OFF HIGH STREET), BISHOPS WALTHAM www.boundaryoakschool TEL: 01489 896141 ROCHE COURT, WICKHAM ROAD, FAREHAM P017 5BL [email protected] THE MOWER CUNIC Repair and Service Facilityfor all types of:

Planning work WALK-MOWERS• CHAIN-SAWS• STRIMMERS zrz Bricklaying. Digger Hire. HEDGE-TRIMMERS• SHREDDERS • BLO-VACS etc. Civil Engineering. Drainage. UPVG Windows & Doors. Fencing. Plastic Fascia & Soffit. Plastering. New Service - at your home (minimum of3 items) Concrete. Driveways. Loft Conversion. Plumbing. Sharpening of aU garden hand tools including Roofing Pitch & Flat. Garages. SECATEURS• SHEARS • LOPPERS etc. Painting. Carpentry. Conservatories. Electrics. For Free Estimates please phone Rob 01489-891801 Telephone: WICKHAM(01329) 833502




Proud members of lues 9.30 -10.30 & Thurs 11.00 -12.00 [email protected] sife Where reputation matters Damson Hill Cottage, Damson Hill, Upper APPROVED CONTRACTOR Swanmore/Dundridge S032 2QR

Fitness & fun in equal measure! Qualified personal G. RIXON LTD. training in a natural woodland setting; always in the great outdoors come rain or shine. Wynot Heath Road A full body workout with a mixture of HIIT, bootcamp; Soberton core, cardio, interval training, Boxercise, weights, resistance bands etc. Each week is different. All abilities Hampshire welcome, mums with babies too. You'll always get a S032 3PQ fantastic workout at this really friendly class.

Homemade nibbles & herbal tea served in the Pilates studio Q1329 834600 afterwards.

Pilates and 'Postnatal Pilates with your Baby' classes also running www.g-rixon-ltd. co. uk at Damson Hill Cottage. Please enquire below. [email protected]. uk

Contact Stott Pilates Instructor & Personal Trainer Victoria Corbett on 07779 600523/ 01489 893560 •WE ALSO INSTALL, REPAIR AND SERVICE OIL, tors(S) LP6 AND NATURAL GAS BOILERS' Like us on


ESTATE AGENTS, CHARTERED SURVEYORS & LAND AGENTS The Square, Wickham, Hampshire P017 5JT [email protected] 01329 834579

Call us for a market appraisal, absolutely free and without any obligation whatsoever WELLER PATRICK McTIMONEY CHIROPRACTOR


For Town and Country Sales and Lettings HOT STONE MASSAGE THERAPY In the heart of the Meon Valley contact your local experts. JENNY LAWSON BSc (Hons) Chiro Emmett Practioner, We offer a personal quality service with prominent Dip Sports Massage, RGN, RM town centre offices and an experienced team. McTimoney Chiropractics With our extensive local knowledge we have A gentle whole body treatment successfully sold many properties in the to correct misalignments of joints. villages of Soberton and Newtown.

Consistent results and service Emmett Techniques demonstrate that Weller Patrick are the Muscle release through therapy to Agents to choose for selling your property address pain and discomfort using light finger pressure 01489 893555 Email [email protected] Hot Stone Massage Deep relaxing massage High Street, Bishops Waltham, Hampshire S032 lAA 01489 877235 / 07789 644135

New Holiday Let in Soberton FREE CARPET & Newly built luxury self catering cottage in a quiet location UPHOLSTERY CLEANING . in Soberton Carpets, Leather, Rug & Curtain Cleaning 1 Double Bedroom & restricted height mezzanine twin Independent Family Run & Owned Business bedroom Approved by Trading Standards Open plan living/dining/kitchen area with underfloor heating Honest & Competitive Pricing Includes WIFI, freeview TV, DVD,stereo, PlayStation Rapid Drying Times Mention this advert for Private enclosed patio and garden with BBQ FREE Halt & SUirs arc Cleaning when you Email: [email protected] have your Lounge Call Rachael on: Telephone: 07545345797 Carpet or 3 Piece 023 8069 6000 Suite Cleaned M S LOCKE & SON LTD PLASTERING & CERAMIC TILING CONTRACTORS Inkjet Printer Cartridges

Specialising in: Him*TT • All aspects of plastering nacmiMJ • All aspects of wall & floor tiling Save Pounds on Compatible • Interior stone flooring Hp and Original Printer • Exterior stone patios Cartridges Today • Interior alterations Excellent Price Free Delivery Family run business with over 30 years experience, Email [email protected] Tei: 01489 877818 we offer a reliable, friendly quality service. For a free quotation/advice please call Dean on WWW.inkking. co. uk MobUe: 07712894119/ Home: 01489 877199 All About Hair DON'T LET THE GRASS GROW UNDER YOUR FEET Tel: 07969 721420 Hayter Agent DJ.SCOTT 'All About Hair' is a mobiie hairdressing company set Garden Machinery up by myself, i am a fully c^uallfled hairdresser with over 10 years experience having studied and completed Servicing - Repairs - Free Collection & Delivery - Chainsaws - Brushcutters courses at the L'Oreal School In London. My aim Is to Generators - Rollers - Trailers etc. provide a friendly professional halrdressing service for all age groups In the comfort of your own home. Wheely Down Garages For further Information please call Warnford Hants Tel 01730 829207 Toro Wheel Horse Main Agent 07969 721420 Klean Sweep TCue-oCogist Brush & Vac -"Ring me when it soots you" Tei: MrRMuiiiner J.&D. HUNPHREY LTD 07767 405406 [email protected] National Association of Chimney Sweeps Plumbing and Heating Installations MAGAZINE SERVICES Advertising From £25 per year Contact: Anthony McEwen All aspects of plumbing, [email protected] heating and gas 01489 877448

52, Cunningham Avenue,

-PLANTSWOMAN- Bishops Waltham, -GARDENER- Southampton, S032 IDB JUDIT APPEL Tel: 01489 893620 Helping you to make the most OF YOUR garden! #he Specialising in Beautiful Planting for Borders, Beds and Containers 9995 ■ Design and Maintenance Expert Pruning of Roses, Shrubs and ,^^irstin White Fruit Artist Advice and Mentoring on Improving and ^ # y Original Paintings for Sale Maintaining Your Garden L # Commissions are Welcome

Garden Maintenance TO HAVE YOUR EVENT OR FAVOURITE LOCATION DEPICTED IN WATERCOLOUR PLEASE Tel: 01489 877 251 TELEPHONE 01489 690303 E-mail:[email protected] Watercolour & Drawing The Malt House, High Steel, Art Classes: Botley Market Hall (J7 M27)& Dummer (J7 M3) Droxford DROXFORD ANTIQUES High Street, Droxford 01489 878800 Established for over 40 years. We buy and sell antiques of all descriptions - furniture, mirrors, pictures, decorative objects, silver, gold, china and architectural items. We repair, restore and polish in our own workshops. CURTAIN MAKING & ALTERATIONS Stockists of Kate Fonnan & Vanessa Arbuthnott. We offer a full service from measuring to making beautiful hand sewn curtains, blinds and pelmets especially for you. Please telephone Mark or Mary for free, professional and confidential help and advice.

VETERINARY SURGERY 32 East street, FarehamPd 6 OBY F E H |A M Tel:TpI- 01329 2804127Rndi7

Well established independent small animal practice. THE lOINERS SHOP Full medical and surgical facilities. Dedicated quality care for your pets. Opening hours Period Joinery of Every Description 8.30am-6pm Monday-Friday 8.30am-12noon Saturday Consultations by Appointment Conservation Approved 24 Hour Emergency Service Double Glazed A Lifetime of Care Box Sash Windows WHITE ROSE PLUMBING Russell Beaumont (Genuine) Handmade Kitchens Free quotation No coll out chorge Tel: 02392 814780 No job too smoll Fomily run locol business 24 hour emergency service A..B \ Associate Member of the Hampshire Buildings Preservation Trust Ltd Tel: 01489 893419 Mobile: 07843 586366

Associated Trades Email: [email protected]


BIRCH TREE STUDIO1-/1 Modern Fleet of Fully Licensed Cars YOGA ...IN WICKHAM and Eight Seat Minibuses

Daytime & Evening Classes Our Drivers are Professional, Courteous and come Highly Recommended VISIT FOR MORE DETAILS OR CALL Tel: 01489 89-90-89 Karen 01329 83451 l OPERATED BY i \

Now available In the heart of Soberton The Village Cattery - Soberton

Newly refurbished double room with Superior fioCicCay accommodation En-suite in our Victorian cottage. for yourfeCine friend Locally sourced breakfast using organic, Viewing welcome by appointment Free range produce. Tel: 01489 877768 1 Glencoe Cottages, Long Road, Soberton, Hants S032 3PG Tel: 01489 877768 w I

DESIGN PRINT STUDIO WORKS CHIROPODIST / PODIATRIST Graphic design by Litho & Digital dedicated professionals for print runs of any size

Graham Howes COPY Above the Chemist SHOP The Square FSSCh FBCPA Wickham Colour/B&W Copying Contact Sarah Lowson and much more! our resident specialist 01329 8321 15 HFC registered

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A WARM WELCOME AWAITS "PeioFF" from Allan, Vicky and their team at PEST CONTROL The White Lion School Hill, Soberton Wasps, Fleas, Flies, Rats, Mice & Moles Beer Garden, Functions, Home Call Matthew Cooking and Local Beers Tel: 01329 832159 Mobile: 07962 872063 Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01489 - 877346

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Chris Ouenier: 8S>0738 or 07962 6417 if' ■www-connpiaterproblemssol @googtemai!.com Firestone Stoves IJcggp Sbbott IDcsisnsi i ^

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BISCOES Foot care attended to in your own home. YOUR LOCAL LAWYERS Nail cutting, corns, in-growing toenails, foot care for diabetics

Tel: 07580 930186 Biscoes Solicitors of Wicklfem, [email protected] choice for Comni' I'ers ■ Bosine: mploymcnt

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• Conveyancing • Crime •Family I,aw • Civil Claims mm • Accident Claims • Immigration

Call Roger Salvetti for a FREE consultation: Telephone:01329 833 249 Boyces Cottage,The Square, Wkkham,Hants, P017 SJN

Part P Full Scope Electrician Victoria Road SURGERY HOURS (by appointment) Derek Pilcher JIB Approved Bishop's Waltham Monday-Friday 9.00am-12noon

Domestic • Commercial • Industrial Hants. S032 1DJ Monday-Friday 4.00pm-7.30pm Agricultural • Rewires • Extra Sockets • Lights Showers • Cookers • Fuseboards Tel: 01489 896734 Saturday 9.00am-12noon Securty Lights etc Testing and Certification Open for routine enquiries between 8.00am and 7.30pm Emergency Call-Out available Monday to Friday & 8.00am and 12 noon Saturday Tel: 01489 892549 Mob: 07766 418 039 Email: [email protected] 24 hour emergency cover provided MARK & JUNE MASON Ray Chandler STATION GARAGE FAREHAM LTD Husband and wife high quality painters and decorators. Period to modem properties, one room to a whole building. We work around SERVICING, MECHANICAL & BODY REPAIRS, your requirements. WELDING, M.O.T. TESTING, BREAKDOWN SERVICE

Dulux Select Decorators Tel: 01329 238451 Phone 01329 235847 Mobile 07973 162397 52 The Causeway, Fareham P016 8RW Unit 1, The Avenue, Fareham, Hants P014 1NP

Electrical repair, design, installation, inspection & testing in your home and garden Available from; The Old Buttery, High Street, Soberton. For afree consultation or quotation call f ^ Mobile: 077 4975 5275,or T \ J W Contact: Carol or Barry Tel; 01489 877389 Denmead:023 9223 2355 I ^1 p Email; [email protected] Agricultural Contractor richardayeps ^ y\ Ground Works ^ "^1 Paddock Maintenance GL6CTRICIAN AND DOMeSTIC GNGIN6GR .I Topsoil Service you can trust Digger/Dumper Hire 07980 339893 Tel: 023 9263 2840

Mobile Foot Care Your local choicefor storage BSc(Hons) Podiatry/Chiropody Secure Storage for Classic Cars, Do your feet Archived Documents and Personal Property. need some TLC? Long or short term storage options available. For ALL your storage needs Contact StorAway on 01489 877988 For Podiatry / Chiropody or Call Vicky on: 07599 845800 Treatments: SAFER CHIMNEYS

Hard Skin Removal 'Highly Recommended" Local Chimney Sweep (see all our reviews on Corn Removal Power Sweeping & Traditional Brushes Verruca Treatment Open fires, Stoves, Range Cookers J|||L National Assoc. of Chimney Sweeps Diabetic Foot Care ^||l 023 9247 6458 or 07733 343530 Nail Cutting ^^1^ [email protected] viP c4{o6i/e Ingrown Nail Care Aerial & Satellite Installation and Maintenance Services Pat Staples Interiors

INTERIOR DESIGN, FURNITURE & FURNISHINGS ^sion Systems Unit 3, Claylands Road, Bishop's Waltham 8032 IBH Tel No: 01489 892626 Free Parking Digital Aerial Installation Sky/skyHD Accredited Installers E-mail: [email protected] Door Entry and Access Control Systems CCTV Systems For interior design advice and products please phone the Sonos and audio systems specialist WI-FI Installations studio to see a designer there or in your own home. Interesting ideas: high quality products: vast selection of Commercial aerial and sateite systems and maintenance interior furniture, floorings and furnishings

Television Wall Mounting Specialist ** NOW IN OUR 22"^ YEAR ** Is your BROADBAND / INTERNET speed slow ? Need a faster service ? Internet by Satellite is the answer Donna Powell 10 MB download & 1 MB upload From £19.99 p/m MCFHP MAFHP Foot Health Practitioner FOOT M:07432 568 981 Local Tooway and SES instaRer, Call Now For Details E: [email protected] MOBILE FOOT CLINIC

-TREATMENTS AVAILABLE- Mobile: 07970 551362 Telephone: 02380 551362 Hard skin/callus removal Cracked heels E-mail: [email protected] Verrucas Nail cutting/filing Web: Painful corns Ingrown toe nails Thickened nails Diabetic foot care 1 Forester Road, Soberton Heath S032 3QG Neurological 8c Vascular Fungal Infection Assessments The truly local company with first class service purefootcare-

Independent Drainage Mushroom Catering Professional Sewage Treatment Solutions - 24/7 SERVICE Bringing Masterchef to the Meon Valley Servicing, Maintaining, Upgrading and Installing All Makes of Sewage Treatment Masterchef contestant Gill Holland Plants & Pumps Across the South. provides bespoke menus that give Sewage Treatment Plant your special occasion the wow factor! Servicing From £85 + Vat. Traditional British fare, a Thai feast or a Mediterranean mezze, canapes at a Sewage Treatment Plants from £4000 + Vat Installed drinks party to full wedding packages. Septic Tanks Inc Drainage Field from £2500 + Vat Installed Drainage Fields / Soak-Aways from £1000 + Vat installed Whatever your event give GIN a call on the contact details below: Contact us today for a free no obligation site visit FREEPHONE: 0800 013 1301 West Down Cottage, Chalk Hill, E: [email protected] Soberton,5032 3PH 07879 696495,01489 876741 fEST 1921 wanwick VISIT STORE or BUY ONUNE ♦ REPAIRS 4 SERVICE 4 PART-EX 4 HIRE

LARGE GARDEN MACHINERY SHOWROOM Lawnmowers & Ride-Ons Chainsaws & Safety Clothing Hedge & Brush Cutters Rotavators & Shredders Leafs Litter Blow-vacs Log Splitters & Chippers Snow Sweepers ST/HE ^ Mail Order Spare Parts Used Machines Available ©Husqvama HONDA.| Call Direct On;01489 575242

Duncan Road,Swanwick, Southampton, SO31 iBD.(Opposite Swanwick Railway Station. Follow the signs to the station from Park Gate.)


• Brochures

• Booklets

• Manuals • Newsletters 1H| • Paper Labels iB • Postcards *

• Folders

• Posters

• Banners • Vinyl Labels • Pop Up Displays • Roll Up Banners • Exhibition Displays solentdesiqn DESIGN I PRINT | PARTNER ^

Tel: 01489 892344 Email: sales(a) li I Easy Clean Services Tel: 01489 896903 - [email protected] Cyntdia 'Tester ^ Tanker Service Blinds and Curtain Track Experts Emptied - Repaired - Installed - Maintained - Serviced Cesspits - Septic Tanks - Interceptors - Grease Traps - Vertical • Venetian • Roller • Pleated • Awnings Plants - Pump Stations Canopies • Plantation Shutters • Conservatory Blinds Silent Gliss • Velux • Keylite • Luxoflex Drainage Service •■B*®* Jetting-CCTV-Repairs Custom mode blinds & curtains Pipe Repairs /Replaced - Drain Jetting - CCTV Surveys - Full fitting service • Curtain tracks Drains Unblocked BUHn Poles ■ Electric • Boy specialist Upholstery • Traditional • Antique • Modern Plumbing & Heating Services Domestic & commercial contracts undertaken All plumbing <& heating services ■■■hJ Boiler Servicing - Landlord gas certificates - Please contact us for advice A no obligation quotation Tel: 01329 833784 Email: [email protected] MJM PLUMBING & HEATING GAMBLIN CARS Portchester based company with over 30 years experience PRIVATE HIRE Installation, servicing and repairs for oil fired boilers. Installation of new oil tanks. Installation, servicing and repairs for all natural TAXI gas appliances, domestic and commercial. Installation, servicing and repairs of all LPG FOR ALL YOUR TAXI REQUIREMENTS appliances, domestic and commercial, TEL: 01489 89-33-33 AIRPORT SERVICES TO HEATHROW AND GATWICK mobile homes and boats. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE Installation and maintenance of heating systems. 4-6 SEATER Central heating systems power flushed. Unvented hot water systems installed, . serviced and repaired. - Sam's OFTEC Reg 14371 Gassafe Reg 529990 MOBILE CATERING ^ Complete bathroom installations, REQIStEF I EVERY WEDNESDAY^ including wall & floor tiling. The Bold Forester All general plumbing work, installation and SOBERTON HEATH 6pm - 9pm EVERY THURSDAY j maintenance. All work guaranteed for 12 months. Telephone 01329 507712 / 07773 385946 Knowfe Village 5.30pm -8pm ^ ^ _ email: [email protected] 01730 829918 <-07754 488660 intermaHon [email protected]

ER Lxindscaping ■ • •Simon L azv s o n ■ ■ ■ fim'd (5? Garden Maintenance JEWELLERS

HARD & SOFT LANDSCAPING Beautiful indiviciuai Jewellery

HEDGES• FENCING • GARDEN CLEARANCE Gold & Silver made to order

REGULAR OR ONE-OFF MAINTENANCE Plus CALL Emma Riches FOR FREE ESTIMATE Laroe selection of desion lead Jewellery ALSO Stones supplied 01329 834529 Open 10.00 - 5.00 Tuesday to Saturday 07970 826749 High Street • Bishops Waltham • 01489 895575 [email protected]

SYCAMORE TREE SURGEONS All aspects of tree work Pruning Surgery Felling Hedgecuttlng Tree Stump Removal and Site Clearance Approved contractors for local authorities

FULLY INSURED 023 9223 0146 Mob:07889 704449 David Farringtoii 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE St Peter's Soberton Mothering Sunday Service 6th March at 10am

We warmly invite you to come and light a candle for your mother, colour a picture for her,

make her a necklace or bracelet and collect a spring posy for her.

A, Refreshmentsw for the children and Sherry with traditional Simnel Cake for Adults

There will be an opportunity to make a donation to the Children's Society

Poppy Appeal

This year the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal collection in Newtown, Soberton,Droxford, Corhampton, Meonstoke and Exton totalled £5448.73. This is the largest amount raised compared with the previous five years!

On behalf of the Royal British Legion I would like to thank both the organisers and collectors who volunteer for the House to House collections and also the businesses who allowed a static collection. An additional thanks must go to the churches which held Remembrance Day Services in aid of the RBL; the congregations of Droxford, Soberton, Exton and Newtown all gave very generously towards the Poppy Appeal.

With thanks, Susie Fletcher Poppy Appeal Honorary Organiser Between 26"^ and 29th March 1941, RBL Droxford & elements of the British Mediterranean Fleet commanded by C-ln-C, Admiral Sir Andrew District Branch Cunningham (see note) flying his flag In the battleship HMS WARSPITE defeated an Italian force off Cape Matapan. British and Australian warships, and aircraft of the Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm sank 3 Italian cruisers and 4 destroyers for the loss of only one aircraft. Following the victory at Taranto In November 1940, this action led to the virtual elimination of the Italian surface fleet as a major threat to the Allies. 3 British aircrew and over 2,300 75 years ago... Italian sailors perished.

At our first meeting of 2016, the Branch enjoyed an informative and thought-provoking talk by Captain Paul Porter and Lieutenant-Commander James Clarke from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL). Entitled "Robots, Lasers and print your own ship - is this the future of the Royal Navy?", our visitors brought us up-to-date with the current role and capabilities of the modern navy. The role has changed little over time but, as a major trading nation and 5"^ largest world economy with 95% of our trade conducted by sea, the Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015(SDSR 15) rightly refocussed attention on Britain's maritime capability. This gives the UK flexibility, ranging from soft diplomacy (including foreign visits and cocktail parties!) through to counter-piracy and warfighting itself. Although small in comparison to the past - Admiral Cunningham had as many major warships at Matapan alone as in the entire Royal Navy of today - the UK Fleet still packs a powerful punch, with the world-beating Type 45 destroyer and aging but powerful Type 23 frigate providing the main workforce of 19 escorts. With an already capable amphibious group to deploy 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines, our offensive capability will shortly be considerably enhanced by 2 large aircraft carriers, principally to operate the new Lightning F35B strike fighter. With these and many other vital equipment projects such as new maritime patrol aircraft, replacement frigates and submarines, development of unmanned ships, aircraft and submersibles, robots and Laser technology, there is much to look forward to in the future. New concepts such as Cyber warfare and Quantum Technology added a new dimension to all this. Worryingly, there were 2.5 million incidences of Cyber crime reported in the UK during 2015, costing our economy some £27B! This now ranks as a Tier 1 threat along with Terrorism, and is often perpetrated by teenagers operating from their bedrooms. Do you know what your son or daughter is actually doing?! The implications for defence are quite alarming.

Although already a vibrant organisation, the RBL (Droxford & District) Branch is always looking for new members, both Service and civilian, to help keep remembrance alive and support our Servicemen and women, veterans and their families. For more information or to Join us, please contact the Secretary - Cdr Rob Scott RN at [email protected] or 01489 877800.

Note; later Admiral of the Fleet Andrew Browne Cunningham, 1st Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope, KT, GCB, OM, DSO & Two Bars(7 January 1883 - 12 June 1963); a former resident ofPaiace House, Bishop's Waitham and great-uncie to Droxford & District Emeritus President Admirai Sir Jock Siater GCB, LVO, DL. Soberton and Newtown Local History Society

Members finished the 2015 year at the Annual Lunch dining in the excellent community-owned Fox and Hounds at Denmead. Our next meeting is the AGM on Thursday February at 7:30pm in the St Peters Church Rooms, with two short talks on "The History of Heath Road" and "Our Archives Revealed" - a must for all local historians. The following meeting is on Thursday 10*^ March at 7:30pm in the Church Rooms where Roger Clooney will be speaking to us on "History of our Local Woodland". All are welcome at our meetings and for an annual subscription of £10 this must be the bargain of the year!

Many readers have thoroughly enjoyed the accounts of 'A Pom Down Under' and will be greatly saddened to hear that their author, John Still, has recently died. Through his connections with the History Society, we were able to learn more about life in our villages in the years before John ieft for Australia. He aiso added to our knowledge of Australian life as we relished the accounts of his colourfui life.




AT 2.00 PM Entrance: 25p Donations will be greatly appreciated and can be brought to the Hall on Friday morning, 22 April or on the morning of the sale. Further Information or enquiries to Joan Cleeve on 01329 833385 or Sue Miles 01329 832157. Meon Valley Active Retirement Association

Programme for February & March 2016 Secretary: Ann Joyce email [email protected]

Keep Fit Class - St. Peter's Church Hall Bishop's Waltham There Is a waiting list for this class. NB; There will be no class on February March 14"^ or March 28"^ Class runs from 10:00 to 11:15. Cost per individual session: members £2.00 Contact: Chee Price 01489 893140.

Ladies' Pub Lunch. First Monday in the month — February 1®' and March 7"^ This is now so popular that applications from new attendees will be held on a waiting list. Contact Sandy Hoiden on 01489 892136 by the previous Monday for venue and to book a place.

IT learning classes - The Silver Room, Jubilee Hail, Tuesdays Three sessions of one hour from 09:00 to 12:00. Classes are structured to the needs of the attendees. Cost Is £5 per session, quarterly charge £38 Classes will start, subject to demand, on 26"^ January and finish on 22"" March. Contact Ian Wynne-Powell 01329 833254 Tai Chi - Jubilee Hall - Gold Room. Wednesday mornings. There are two sessions: Beginners: 09:00 to 10:00 Experienced: 10:00 to 11:00 Cost per individual session £4.50 for members; £5.50 for non members Contact: Teri Morley on 01489 895119 Table Tennis - Priory Park Clubhouse, Elizabeth Way, Bishop's Waltham Wednesday afternoons from 14:00 to 17:00. Cost per individual session £3.50 for members and £4.50 for non-members Contact: John Moorhouse on 01489 896366 Gentlemen's Pub Lunch: The Barleycorn, Bishops Waltham. Third Thursday of the month - February 18"^ and March 17"' 12:00 for 12:30 Contact Richard Davenport for details on 01489 891862 New Age Kurling - Jubilee Hall - Ruby Room Third Thursday of the month; February 18"^ and March 17"^ from 14:00 to 16:00 Cost per individual session: members £3.00, non-members £3.50 Contact: Ann Joyce on 01329 232099 Spanish Lessons There Is a waiting list for these classes which are held in a member's home on Friday mornings. Continuing Class from 09:15 to 10:15 with Beginners Class from 10:45 to 11:45. There will be no classes on March 25th Contact: John Moorhouse on 01489 896366

Scrabble Sessions on Friday afternoons at the Paterson Centre, Swanmore from 14:00 to 16:00. NB: There will be no session on March 25"^ Please be prompt! No charge other than for coffee and a cake. Contact: Lena Frost 01489 894828


A belated Happy New Year to everybody. 2015 was a successful one for the club even If we did conclude with a somewhat controversial film!

Our February film will be "A Roval Night Out" on Sunday 21/2/16 at 3pm sharp to be followed by tea and cake all for £5 per head . We always meet in the St.Peters Church room, where we have an excellent vision and sound system.This film relates the temporary escape and adventures of the 2 royal princesses to join the VE day celebrations in London. We are very short of number ,so if anybody has that afternoon free, please join us!

Thursday 21/4/16 will be "Suffragette" at 7pm sharp to include a Norman supper for £10 per person. There are still some places available.

For both films please book through me as normal.

Best wishes Lyndon 01489877174 [email protected] Soberton & Newtown Wives^ Group

Our December meeting was a jolly affair with us making Christmas Wreaths as demonstrated by Zoe Phillips. The New Year's party went well despite a very late change of venue. On 3"^^ February Jackie Hunt will be telling us about 'Iconography' for which she attends a course in Canterbury. Please note that the meeting will now be held in Soberton Church Rooms, which is a change from the published programme. The meeting on 2°^ March is at Revendell, Webbs Green, home of Rosemary Taylor. Her daughter, Nicky Mercer, will be talking to us about 'The Hidden Benefits of Aloe Vera' Our group is open to all ladies in the villages, not just wives, and we always welcome new members. For more information please contact me. Liz Whales (Secretary) 01489 877712 [email protected]

The Three Belles at Rookesburv Hall

Review by Donty Sherwill

Rookesbury Hall on December 4th was the venue for another evening of musical entertainment, this time from the aptly named Three Belles. This trio of young singers in WAAF uniforms performed wartime numbers both British and American, ranging from Vera Lynn to Glen Miller. With some well rehearsed footwork to embellish the accomplished vocals they delivered a wide range of songs both upbeat and romantic, plus a couple of their own compositions.

While the Three Belles often perform with a live band the limited space of Rookesbury and its compact stage required recorded music on the night, but with impressive iPod technology and good amplification it worked well. The packed house was boosted by some regular fans of the group and the appreciative audience were encouraged to singalong to some of the tunes including a round of the Twelve Days of Christmas, a timely rehearsal for the 3Ps Carol Concert a couple of weeks later!

With their contrasting vocal styles the trio delivered their repertoire with precision and flair, and while some of the humorous asides and backchat came across as a trifle too rehearsed for some, it was an enjoyable evening with a good helping of nostalgia thrown in at the start of the Christmas season.

These musical soirees remind us what valuable facilities our village halls are and such a bonus to rural living. Our thanks are due to Grant Cameron and the hall team for organising the event - just make sure that you don't miss the next one - the Moscow Drug Club on 29th April at 7.30pm. Back by popular demand: THE MOSCOW DRUG CLUB is returning to ROOKESBURY HALL On FRIDAY,2^ April, 2016 At 7.30 pm You are cordially invited to join us for the CABARET Glass of wine on arrival. Bring your own liquid refreshments. The Moscow Drug Club is a curious musical place where certain elements of 1930's Berlin Cabaret, Hot Club de France, Nuevo Tango and Gypsy Campfire meet Combining their original material with songs by the likes ofJacques Brel, Leonard Cohen,Tom Waits and Bertolt Brecht, the Moscow Drug Club provides an intoxicating and intimate musical experience.

Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. Tickets: £12.50 available from Newtown Post Office on Monday and Friday Mornings and from Joan Cleeve on 01329 833385 and Maggie Epps on 01329 832539

Christian Aid Walk This year the annual Christian Aid sponsored walk will be held on the afternoon of Sunday 15 May,from Southwick. Please put the date in your diary now! Community Resilience: Are vou prepared?

Community Resilience is the ability of a Community to keep functioning during an emergency by using local knowledge and resources, being coiiectively prepared to respond and provide assistance to vulnerable members of the community to help complement the response of the Emergency Services.

Over the last few years Hampshire has experienced a number of incidents that have dramatically affected individuals and communities ability to function and recover, to include; flooding, severe weather, fires, gas explosions and power outages. All of which can have severe consequences on individuals and the community. Community resilience is about reducing these consequences by multi agency partners and communities working together and being prepared if the worse should happen in your area.

So what can you do to ensure that you are prepared and can respond and continue to function during an emergency?

As a Household

Be prepared with a Househoid Emergency Action Plan;

• Consider what items you and your family might need in an emergency or where you might go if you need to leave your home at short notice • Maintain links with family members and vulnerable people in your community • Know where to find out more information via social media and radio stations • Record your isolation points for your gas, eiectric, oil and water • Have an emergency action check list

A printable template of a Household Emergency Action Plan can be found at: vourself/ * See over for 'Creating an emergency box'

As a Communitv

Be prepared with a Community Emergency Action Plan. This is a community produced plan using a cabinet office tempiate that aliows communities to be more aware of the potential risks in their area. In a format that complements the emergency services it provides space to record; emergency contact details, local risk assessments, local skills and resources, suitable places to evacuate to or hold a community meeting in times of crisis, communication cascade and can help identity vulnerabie people who may need support during an emergency. There are currentiy 51 of these plans across the county covering a multitude of areas (January 2016).

More information can be found at:

Further advice can be obtained by contacting Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service Community Resilience Station Manager Dean Hodges: [email protected] (Continued overleaf) Community Resilience (cont.^ Creating an Emergency Box

It is recommended that you have an emergency box or bag available in case of emergency evacuation or being stranded in your home. It would be useful if the box contained the following items:

Medicines & prescriptions Bottled water Toiletries Non-perishable food/snacks Identity documents (passports/drlvlnglicence) Spare keys for house & car First aid kit Insurance documents or details Radio (battery or wind up) Money Torch (battery or wind up) Glasses/contact lenses Spare batteries Mobile phone & charger Notebook & pen/pencil Candles & matches Change of clothes, blankets Pet food & accessories Baby food & accessories Children's toys/activities

Halfway. Half a Chance Halfway and half a chance best sums up the position of Soberton ft Newtown Table Tennis Club as the A T$AIe- Ten and B teams continue to do battle in the first and fourth divisions of the Portsmouth League. At this stage, mid-January, the season is at the halfway point with both teams in with half a chance to finish in strong positions. Underlining their potential, the A team recently gained a major scalp by beating title contenders Generation Aces while the B team upset divisional leaders Lovedean by beating them 6:4 in what is their only defeat of the season so far. In the Gosport St Fareham League the A team are currently top of Division 1 while the B team continue to find their feet in what is a far more competitive playing environment than that of neighbouring Portsmouth League. The adult practice sessions held at Soberton village hall on Friday mornings (10.30 to 12.00) continue and new members are welcome. For more information about this or about joining our regular Sunday practice sessions, please contact either Pete Woodacre [email protected]; 01489 877768) or Adrian Hunt ([email protected]; 01489 878141). SOBEDTON PLAYEDS

GUVNORS servant of TWO Masters-W Cario Goldom Based on The

Sis^*l Mil 11* 21®*-Sat ^iclcets of April# llil €7 Soberton Village Hall •■m iiiliiilliBil S032 3PF mii """mil IV-:- -V ■1 Credit Card Hotline: 01489 -4: BOX Office:[email protected] 01489 878184 & 07868 931487 mmmmmmmmmsmmrnmrnms^rn

tJfs tfs

Pre-Theatre 2-Course Supper & Show Tickets: £20.95 6pm at The White Lion • 014S9 878184 & 07866 931487

,^7»ljljl •.T.t .•• •«. >»T•' tTT'V >*TTt? ^'T^' •tTT'^ '*>Tt J-tTt* •tTv'^ •trT'A-'/Trr ttT't- J'Ttr* ^•Ttr* firv'*- dm't't (V«%C JjaVii 4«V94i; Jf*t'»> iVtk*. -^4tV«| ltV«kC )/#'»i »••*! |^a#kv »»»»A Jj««>| J<«»i taaii ,«aa,.aaaa aa»«:'«a9«|raaa«;2aaaa|.«••'o"**--4 f ■♦••u b***-4 I****; ;aaaa •••«';««aa||ataa;;aaaa|raaaa'^t*a•■••o 1 o*** 1 { -••••'>,•.••. aaaa;(aatfll»«a#':8aaa|^•■•■•-■4| 4 Lraaaaj; - vV I •••• V-V VAVp k***".Vi'iI I ••••7 x****!VAI I****; ;••••\ /.VVlf

GRAPHIC DESIGN BY BEECREATIVE.CO.UK • 01329 832993 Good Food and Good Compam

Village David and Sylvie are your local Village Agents covering Soberton, Newtown, South\A/ick Agent and Boarhunt. Village Agents are volunteers for Age Concern Hampshire \who can signpost older people (50+) to information and services in their local community such as getting out and about; help around the home and on money matters. There are several services available which help older people to keep well nourished and prevent loneliness. In this article David and Sylvie look at the Meals on Wheels service and Age Concern Hampshire's Food & Friendship scheme.

Meals on Wheels The Meals on Wheels service in Hampshire is run by 'apetito' who have a contract with Hampshire County Council to deliver the service. Anyone living in the Hampshire County Council area who is aged 55 or more can choose to receive Meals on Wheels if they have certain needs:

•struggling to cook for yourself

•have just come out of hospital

•carer or relative who needs a break from cooking

•feeling unwell, either physically or mentally

•can't get out to the shops

The meals consist of a main course and a pudding from a menu of four options, and there is also an afternoon tea service delivered at the same time as the lunch time meai which includes a choice of savoury pastry, sandwich and cake as well as a portion of fruit and a fruit drink. Deliveries are made 365 days a year, in an agreed time slot between 11.30am and 2pm. The cost of a two course meal is £3.80, and afternoon tea is £3.50.

Good nutrition can be essential to help keep warm over winter period, and it is easy to refer someone for the Meals on Wheels service. All you need to do is visit and complete an online referral form. If you need help to complete an online referral, David and Sylvie can help you with this.

Food & Friendship Age Concern Hampshire run a service called 'Food & Friendship' alongside the Meals on Wheels service. This is a chance to receive a visit on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis from a friendly volunteer. Volunteers visit you at home to make your lunchtimes more enjoyable and spend time chatting about things that interest you and about what's going on in your local community. The visit lasts at least 30 minutes. You can request a Food & Friendship visit using the same form when you request Meal on Wheels ( or you can call Age Concern Hampshire directly on 01962 892455 to request the Food &. Friendship service. Alternatively, your Village Agents can help you to make the referral.

David and Sylvie can also help to point you in the right direction to local services and organisations that may be able to help with other needs, such as help in the home, gardening services, finding a local activity club or group, and a wide range of other topics. Give them a call today to find out how they can help you on 07814 621364 (if David and Sylvie are unavailable please call Age Concern Hampshire on 0800 328 7154).

AGE fhlampsnireT T 1 * Hampshire County Council IMPORTANT DATE FOR YOUR DIARY!


Saturday 28th May 2016


To be opened by: Mr Derek Gamblin assisted by Poppy and Cleo Planning the fete is already in progress, if you are new to the village and would like to help at the fete, we would be so pleased to hear from you. It is always a very enjoyable occasion and provides a good opportunity to get to know people in the village. We would also be glad to hear from anyone with any new bright ideas! Please contact John or Sue or bring them to the

Fete Planning Meeting: Monday 8th February 7.30 pm at Meonwood

To find out more and keep up to date with Fete news you can visit our website or our page on Facebook

John Barfoot 01329 833823 email: [email protected] Sue Wells 01329 834130 email: [email protected]

'Wimbledon Warm-up'

Doubles Tennis Tournament for everyone who plays tennis, whatever standard

on courts in the village

Sunday 19th June 2016

Lunch and Final at Meonwood

Please enter by Fridav 10th June, the draw will be made that week and you will then be advised who your partner is and where you will be playing. As before you will play all the couples on your court, the winners going forward to a knockout round with the final being played at Meonwood. Plav will start at 10.30 am

Entry Fee; £2 per player plus a contribution of food for the buffet lunch, to which all the family are welcome Please bring your own liquid refreshment, cutlery, plates and glasses.

To enter contact: Josie Cleeve iosiearkle(5) or telephone 01329 833677 Sue Wells siwells(S) or telephone 01329 834130 SOBERTON AND NEWTOWN Conservation Group February-March 2016 SoberNents" Contacts: [email protected] Richard Osmond 01489 896234 Nigel Johnson 01489 877324 Saturday 20^^ February - Titchfield Haven Bird Watching - 9.30 am Under the expert guidance of Ian Cox, who is a volunteer warden at the nature reserve, we will be able to spot the large variety of ducks, geese and wading birds which make Titchfield Haven their winter home. We will meet at the visitor centre at 9.30am. Entry to the reserve is £3.75 per person, £2 for children. There is plenty of parking along the sea front, but if you would like to share transport let Phil Bergin know( 02392 632551 or email [email protected] )and she will try and find you a car-share . New Members welcome but children must be accompanied by an adult. Wellies are advisable as the reserve has been fairly waterlogged over the winter months. Sunday 13^^ March - Amphibian Survey 2pm to 4pm Do you want to know what is going on in the depths of your garden pond? Let the SoberNewts come and do a survey - it's completely free and you will be amazed at the diversity of creatures you will discover. Our pond surveys are an important part of our work in charting key habitats and species within the village. If you would like a survey, email or phone Richard Osmond (01489 896234 or email [email protected] giving him the dimensions and location of you pond.

For a full report of our activities visit New Members are always welcome. Please just turn up at any of the events above (although a call or email beforehand might be useful so we can let you know if we need to cancel because of weather conditions.) if you would like to join our mailing list for updates and news about work parties and email phil.bergin(5)

Grand Charity Concert Saturday 5^^ March 7.30 pm United Reformed Church, 18 Osborn Road, Fareham P016 7DG

An evening of popular, light classical music with The Meon Valley Orchestra and The Portsmouth Philharmonia

The Meonstoke Village Band began in 2007 as a group of friends playing together for pleasure. We have grown in numbers to over 35 players and become The Meon Valley Orchestra. We rehearse in Soberton Village Hall on Thursday mornings and welcome new players.

Tickets from Annabel on 01489 877130 or [email protected] £10, concessions £5

Proceeds to Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund Dust off your cameras !! Polish up your lenses !!

If we have some true wintry weather,take some local photos (Soberton & Newtown)ready for a competition organised by the Friends of St Peter's. Please submit entries by Saturday April.

Adults and children invited to enter. More details re size and format in the next Parish magazine.

Happy snapping!!

Please telephone 01489 878659 Jane Salmon or 01489 877237 Carol Colin-Jones if you have any queries.

PINS Report

Pride in Newtown & Soberton

Well, we have really excelled this year. The PINS Christmas card in the last edition of the Parish Magazine has raised an amazing £625. This includes a kind donation from Richard and Jennie Blackburn who missed the deadline for the Christmas card. i will shortly do a new survey of ail the fingerposts to see which are in most need of repainting so that this can be started when the weather, eventually, cheers up. Many thanks again for all your support

Meon Valley Community Bus The bus is available for hire when not on its scheduied services, but must be driven by a iVIVGBA iVIIDAS trained driver. Persons / Organisations wishing to hire the bus please contact Richard Blackburn on 01489 877391. It's not often you get something for nothing!! Have you tried The Giving Machine yet?

Soberton Village Hall has recently joined TheGMngMachine which allows you, the village community, to generate cash donationsfor your local hall without it costing you a penny. Do you ever shop with Amazon, Ebay, M&S, NEXT, Tesco, Sainsbury and John Lewis? Hundreds of retailers are taking part and donate up to 4.5% of your purchase value! Simply visit www.TheGMngMachine. co. uk, click Join Us to register your e-mail address, choose Soberton Village Hall as one of the charities of your choice and simply remember, every time you shop, access your shopping website through If you have any questions, please call Rachael on 01489 877273 or e-mail at [email protected] Don't de!ay, sign up today!

Slnqlnq for Fun Come and sing your favourite songs and learn some j> new ones. No talent required!! The Stables, Free St, Bishops Waltham and Fridays 2.00 to 3.30pm 2016

February 5th & 19th

March 4th <& 18^^ August no sessions April 1st <& 15th September 2nd A 16th May 6^^ A 20th October 7th A 21st June 3rcl A 17th November 4th A 18th July 1st A 15^"^ December 2nd A 16th

Cost £1 a session. Includes refreshments. Further information from Annabel 01489 877130 or 07732 329792. Or just turn up. Guides grow from 4 to 12

It's great that over the past year the Soberton & Newtown Guides have grown In numbers from 4 to 12, and we also have a Teen helper, Lucy Ward, doing her volunteering for her Duke of Edinburgh, silver award. We have undertaken some exciting challenges; a bike ride to Wickham and back (which included ice cream & chips!), cooking with chocolate, and cooking on a campfire. In September we hosted the Divisional Incident Hike, where 64 Guides hiked from St Peter's to Meonwood and completed tasks along the way. It took each group around 4 hours and they earned their Active Response badges in the process. Thank you to St Peter's and Fra Wells for hosting either end of the hike. Our older guides have also been away camping: In August they went to the Guide music festival camp called 'Wellies & Wristbands' at Foxlease, and at the beginning of January 2016 they went to 'Wintercamp' at Gilwell Park, Essex (really it should have been called Camp Mud!!!). Who knows what's in store this year, it's the guides who decide - but I'm sure it will be an exciting term.

If you are aged 10-14 and interested in becoming a Guide or are an adult and would like to help at Guides (as we grow we need more help) do contact me on [email protected] . We currently meet fortnightly 7- 8:30pm on Mondays during term time, at the Guide Hut on Heath Road. Caroline Rogers Guide Leader

Brownies Out & About

The last two terms have been fun filled ones, with the Brownies doing their 'Out & About' Badge alongside the 'Seasons' Badge. We visited Bishop's Waltham for a town trail, went to Meonwood for Pond dipping & orienteering and, of course, a campfire; we've tasted different honeys, worked out what to wear in the dark, created natural sculptures and a lot more besides. This term we are going a bit Zany as we work on the Zany Zebra Challenge, compiled by the Meon Valley Guides, and try out some of those up and coming annual celebrations, including a spot of Haggis!

If you are an adult and you would like to join us on our adventures (it would be great to have a unit helper, even if you can only make once a month) or if you have a daughter aged between 7 and 10, maybe they would like to join Brownies, contact me by email on '[email protected]'.

DO look out for details of our Beetle Drive in March - the proceeds from this fundraising event will go to the upkeep of the hut, which is not only used by Brownies and Guides, but by Children's Week in the summer and other local groups throughout the year.

Hope to see you beetling, Caroiine Rogers Brown Owi Meon Valley Community Bus Association 0903 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH Mondays to FAREHAM 0907 Droxford Square(PARK and RIDE) 0920 West Meon, Long Priors 0912 Meonstoke Triangle 0923 West Meon, Thomas Lord PH 0914 Meonstoke Pound Cottages 0924 West Meon, Doctor's Lane 0917 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0928 West Meon, Meonwara 0919 Exton The Shoe PH 0933 Warnford Village Hall 0923 Warnford Village Hall 0940 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0928 West Meon, Long Priors 0942 Meonstoke, Pound Cottages 0931 West Meon, Thomas Lord PH 0945 Meonstoke Triangle 0933 West Meon, Doctor's Lane 0950 Droxford Square(PARK & RIDE) 0936 West Meon, Meonwara 0954 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 0955 Winchester Broadway 0957 Soberton Village Hall(PARK & RIDE) 1000 River Park Leisure Centre 1001 Webbs Green, War Memorial Return: 1005 Soberton Heath, Chapel Road pond 1155 River Park Leisure Centre 1007 Soberton Heath, Bold Forester PH 1200 Winchester Broadway 1009 Sob' Heath, Liberty Rd / Heath Rd post box 1025 Fareham Library 2"" Friday each Month to WATERLOOVILLE 1030 Sainsbury's, Fareham 0920 West Meon, Long Priors Return: 0923 West Meon, Thomas Lord PH 1230 Sainsbury's, Fareham 0924 West Meon, Doctor's Lane 1235 Fareham Library 0928 West Meon, Meonwara 0933 Warnford Village Hall 0937 Exton, The Shoe PH Wednesdays to FAREHAM 0940 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0940 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0942 Meonstoke, Pound Cottages 0942 Meonstoke, Pound Cottages 0945 Meonstoke Triangle 0945 Meonstoke Triangle 0950 Droxford Square(PARK & RIDE) 0950 Droxford Square(PARK & RIDE) 0954 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 0954 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 0957 Soberton Village Hall (PARK & RIDE) 0957 Soberton Village Hall(PARK & RIDE) 1001 Webbs Green, War Memorial 1001 Webbs Green, War Memorial 1006 Newtown, Liberty Road 1005 Soberton Heath, Chapel Road pond 1009 Newtown, Rookesbury Hall (PARK & RIDE) 1007 Soberton Heath, Bold Forester PH 1025 Waterlooville Waitrose 1009 Sob' Heath, Liberty Rd / Heath Rd post box 1030 Waterlooville Sainsbury's 1025 Fareham Library Return: 1030 Sainsbury's, Fareham 1230 Waterlooville Sainsbury's Return: 1235 Waterlooville Waitrose 1230 Sainsbury's, Fareham 1235 Fareham Library 4*" Friday each Month to PETERSFIELD 0900 Soberton Village Hall(PARK and RIDE) Thursday to FAREHAM 0920 West Meon, Long Priors 0903 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 0923 West Meon, Thomas Lord PH 0907 Droxford Square(PARK and RIDE) 0924 West Meon, Doctor's Lane 0912 Meonstoke Triangle 0928 West Meon, Meonwara 0914 Meonstoke Pound Cottages 0933 Warnford Village Hall 0917 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0937 Exton, The Shoe PH 0921 Exton The Shoe PH 0940 Meonstoke PO & Stores 0925 Warnford Village Hall 0942 Meonstoke, Pound Cottages 0945 Petersfield Waitrose 0945 Meonstoke, Oxendown Return: 0949 Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH 1200 Petersfield Waitrose 0952 Soberton Village Hall(PARK & RIDE) NOTES: 0956 Webbs Green, War Memorial 1. The bus does not run on Christmas Eve, New Years 1001 Newtown, Liberty Road Eve or Bank Holidays. 1004 Newtown, Rookesbury Hall (PARK & RIDE) 2. Fares to all destinations are £5 adult return / £2.50 adult single. Concessionary passes accepted. Children under 16 1008 Hundred Acres pay half fare and under 5s free. 1025 Fareham Library 3. Request halt operates at Station Road lay-by between 1030 Sainsbury's, Fareham Brockbridge, The Hurdles PH and Soberton Village Hall. Return: 4. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 1128 the 1230 Sainsbury's, Fareham bus will take passengers at Sainsbury's to Fareham Library and at 1132 from Fareham Library to Sainsbury's. 1235 Fareham Library 5. Timings for all trips are strict and the bus will not wait after scheduled time. 1®'& 3"" Friday each Month to WINCHESTER 6. For the return journey, priority will be given to returning 0900 Soberton Village Hall(PARK and RIDE) passengers over "one way only" passengers. gUBliiKlir

MONTH DAY/DATE EVENT VENUE April Tuesday 5"^ AGM of Soberton Village Hall SVH Wednesday 6'^'^ Wives Group Meonwood Thursday 21®' Fiim Club Church Room Thursday 21®' { } Friday 22"^" { Soberton Players Production > SVH Saturday 23^" { > Friday 29"^ Moscow Drug Club Rookesbury May Wednesday 4"^ Wives Group Church Room Sunday 15"^ Christian Aid Walk Southwick Monday 9"^ to { Icon Painting Course } St Peter's Friday 13"^ { } Church Monday 23'"'' Magazine Copy Date Saturday 28'^ Newtown Church Fete Meonwood June Wednesday 1®' Wives Group AGM Curry Cottage Saturday 4"^ Wives Group Progressive Supper Thursday 16"^ Film Club Church Room Saturday 19"^ Wimbledon Warm Up Meonwood Saturday 25"^ Soberton Church Fete Church Green July Wednesday 6"^ Wives Group Evening Visit Saturday 23^^^ Film Club Church Room Monday 25"^ to { Icon Painting Course } St Peter's Friday 29'^ { } Church

Croissants and Coffee Parent/Carer/toddlers and babies St Peter's Church Rooms 9.30 -12.00 February 2nd and 16**^' March 1^^ and 15*^ You will receive a very warm welcome There are lovely toys, games and books for the toddlers and babies as well as crafts, singing and nursery rhymes. The croissants are hot and delicious with a choice of butter and jam. There are drinks for the little ones and bowls of freshly prepared fruit. To help cover costs there is a small charge of £2 If you would like to know more please ring Maria Russell on 01489 877266 [email protected] Local [nformation

EMERGENCY 999 District Frank Pearson 01489 892822 Councillors(N) Vicki Weston 01329 835161 POLICE Non-emergency 101 District Caroline Dibden 02392 632696 Councillor(S) Beat Surgeries Rookesbury Hall Alternate Fridays Brown Owl Caroline Rogers 01489 877430 10.00 to 12.00 Droxford 01489 877588 CAB 01489 896376 DOCTORS' WIckham 01329 833121 SURGERIES Denmead 02392 239630 Children's Sue Wells 01329 834130 Soc.(N) Sue Mussellwhlte 01489 877282 Children's Liz Whales 01489 877712 Good Phllomena Bergln 02392 832551 Neighbours Soc.(S) Film Club Lyndon Palmer 01489 877174 Co-ordlnators

WIckham 1st Wed Local History Prof. Duncan Colin- 01489 877237 Community Centre 2.00-3.00 Baby Clinics Chairman Jones Waltham Chase 4th Wed Soberton Keith Moran 01329 834 897 Village Hall 10.00-11.30 Football 111 Soberton Players Susan Hyland 01489 878724 N.H.S. Direct

Social Services 0845 600 4555 Soberton Hall Jane Salmon 01489 878659 Direct Cttee. Hants Carers 08457 221122 Table Tennis Pete Woodacre 01489 877768 Helpiine Club Adrian Hunt 01489 878141 Soberton Hall Rosemary Taylor 01489 877256 Village Agents David Smith 07814621364 Booking Sylvie Leigh- Flemons 0800 3287154 sobertonvillaaehall(a> Village Norman Chapman 01489 877378 P.A.System Rookesbury Hall Joan Cleeve 01329 833385 Wives Group Liz Whales 01489 877712 Booking Guide Hut Caroline Rogers 01489 877430 W.R.V.S. 01962 852329 Booking


Church Wardens Era Wells 01329 834130 Chairman John Hyland 01489 878724 (N) Barry Rowswell 01329 834671 Vice-Chairman Vicki Weston 01329 835161 Church Wardens Louise McEwen 01489 877448 Finance John Hyland 01489 878724 (S) Norman Chapman 01489 877378 Gus Lewis 01489 878382 PCC Secretary Barry Rowswell 01329 834671 Planning John Hyland 01489 878724 (N) Tim Pickford 01489 877602 PCC Secretary Norman Chapman 01489 877378 Open Spaces Debbie Thomas 01329 832502 (S) Barry Henderson 01329 832043 Captain of Bells Noel Evans 01489 877271 Roads, Transport David Salmon 01489 878659 (S) & Footpaths Robert Stranks 01489 878270 Churchyard John Lester 01489 878557 Clerk & Proper Norman Chapman 01489 877378 Keeoer(S) Officer

Please e-mail copy for the Magazine to Penny Rowllnson [email protected]

For copy date, see Calendar pages