
0021-972X/97/$03.00/0 Vol. 82, No. 2 Journal of Clinical and Metabolism Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 1997 by The Endocrine Society

CLINICAL REVIEW 86 : Is It a Misnomer?

INDER J. CHOPRA Department of Medicine, University of California Center for the Health Sciences, Los Angeles, California 90024

HE TERM euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS) identifies ab- procedures (9, 10, 13). For this review, I have relied mainly T normalities in function tests observed in pa- on free thyroid levels measured by the newer equi- tients with systemic nonthyroidal illnesses (NTIs) and those librium dialysis/RIA procedure when data are available, or undergoing or (1, 2). The term nonthyroidal those measured by tracer dialysis and/or ultrafiltration illness syndrome (NTIS) has also been employed to describe procedures. these abnormalities (3). These abnormalities result from vari- Low serum total T3 is the most common abnormality in able, usually reversible, disturbances in the hypothalamo- NTI. It is observed in about 70% of hospitalized patients. pituitary-thyroid axis, thyroid hormone binding to serum Serum total T3 may vary from undetectable to normal in proteins, tissue uptake of thyroid , and/or thyroid patients with systemic illness, and the mean value is ap- hormone metabolism. Several recent reviews have addressed proximately 40% of the normal level. The serum free T3 these issues (3–6). I shall focus mainly on the clinical diag- concentration as measured by direct equilibrium dialysis/ nosis, significance, and treatment of ESS. RIA [free T3(D)] is also decreased, but less severely, and the mean value is approximately 60% that of normal (14). The NTIS serum free T3 concentration measured by ultrafiltration is Abnormalities of thyroid function in NTIS have been clas- either normal or reduced (11). Low values were observed in sified as 1) low T3 syndrome, 2) low T3-low T4 syndrome, 3) patients given . It is curious that free T3 was often high T4 syndrome, and 4) other abnormalities (7). low in NTI when measured by equilibrium dialysis (14) and Although serum concentrations of total T3 and T4 are now typically normal when measured by ultrafiltration (11). The measured routinely by similar RIAs, several methods have discrepancy is possibly explained by the lower total T3 and been employed for measurement of the small, biologically more severe NTI in patients determined by equilibrium di- active, free fraction of T3 and T4 (8–14). Most workers in the alysis than by ultrafiltration. Free T3 in systemic illness has field view the measurement of free by also been measured by a variety of other techniques and has equilibrium dialysis as the gold standard, and the ultrafil- been found to be low, but the accuracy of these procedures tration method is comparable or a close second. Until re- is questionable in NTI patients (8, 10, 15). When measured, cently, tracer equilibrium dialysis was believed to be the the daily production rate (PR) of T3 is decreased in NTI (16, most accurate procedure for measurement of free T3 or T4. 17), which supports the finding in NTI of low free T3(D). This is expected to be increasingly replaced by the newer, Serum total T4 and free T4(D) and, when measured, daily more accurate, equilibrium dialysis/RIA (12, 14); reasonably PR-T4 are normal in the low T3 syndrome (12, 16, 18, 19). A priced kits are available commercially for free T measure- 4 decreased serum free T3(D) concentration and PR-T3 at a time ment by this procedure (Nichols Diagnostics, San Juan when the serum free T4(D) concentration and PR-T4 are nor- Capistrano, CA) and should be available soon for free T3 mal reflect decreased conversion of T4 to T3 in NTI (12, 16, measurement. A detailed discussion of methods of measure- 18, 19). The serum concentration of rT3 is increased in NTI, ment of free thyroid hormones is beyond the scope of this except in renal failure (20). However, daily PR-rT3 is normal, minireview, and the reader is referred to several studies and the increase in the serum rT level is related mainly to comparing available procedures (9, 10, 13). The analog meth- 3 the delayed MCR of rT3, which is predominantly due to ods for free thyroid hormone measurements are popular in decreased activity of the type I iodothyronine 5Ј-monodeio- several countries outside of the United States. These methods dinase (5Ј-MDI) in tissues (16); 5Ј-MDI deiodinates T to T yield free thyroid hormone readings in NTI that are similar 4 3 and rT to 3,3Ј-diiodothyronine (T ) (21). to those from the index method and different from those by 3 2 The low T and low T syndrome is observed in severely the tracer equilibrium dialysis or equilibrium dialysis/RIA 3 4 ill, frequently moribund, patients, usually admitted to med-

ical intensive care units. Low serum total T4 correlates with Received June 11, 1996. Revision received August 14, 1996. Rerevision a bad prognosis (22). The serum concentration of free T4,as received October 2, 1996. Accepted October 8, 1996. measured by equilibrium dialysis/RIA [free T (D)], is nor- Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Inder J. 4 Chopra, M.D., Department of Medicine, University of California School mal in most NTI patients with low total T4 (12). Interestingly, of Medicine, Los Angeles, California 90024. total T4 is often low in NTI patients even when their serum 329 330 CHOPRA JCE&M• 1997 Vol 82 • No 2 concentration of immunoassayable T4-binding globulin free T4(D), especially those who have ingested -con- (TBG) is clearly normal (8). However, the free T4 index is taining agents, should be followed carefully for the appear- frequently low in these patients (7, 9, 10). This combination ance of typical (38). Serum T3 may be nor- of findings in NTI has been explained by the presence in the mal or even low initially because of the effects of the drug circulation of an inhibitor of serum (and resin) binding of and/or NTI on peripheral conversion of T4 to T3, and it may thyroid hormones (15, 23). The nature of the inhibitor is not increase dramatically during follow-up. known. We and others have considered a role for nonest- The serum concentration of free T4(D) is elevated in NTI erified fatty acids in some cases, especially when serum al- patients given (40). This is an in vitro artifact ex- bumin is low (15, 24, 25). An inhibitor of serum binding of plained by displacement of T4 from binding proteins by fatty thyroid hormones is present in tissues (26), and its nature or acids generated from the action of lipase(s) on plasma trig- its leakage into the circulation are not known. Some inves- lycerides. Total T4 and the free T4 index are normal in these tigators do not agree with the existence of such an inhibitor patients, who are clinically euthyroid. in the sera of NTI patients (27). On the basis of experiments with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pro- involving mixing of normal sera with NTI sera, Mendel et al. duces unusual alterations in thyroid function, including in- (27) were unable to document the existence of an inhibitor in creases in T4 and TBG, paradoxical decreases in rT3 and the NTI. They suggested that diminished serum binding of T4 in rT3/T4 ratio, and the maintenance of a normal T3 and T3/T4 NTI patients with normal immunoassayable TBG is a result ratio even in severely ill patients. Serum T3 decreases, how- of high level of desialylated TBG (27). This may indeed be the ever, in critically ill patients with HIV and pneumocystis case, but direct measurements of desialylated TBG were not infection (41). The basis for the differences in thyroid hor- performed. Interestingly, however, the researchers observed mone abnormalities in HIV compared to those in other NTIs that desialylated TBG has markedly decreased avidity for T4, is not known. but its avidity for T3 remains unchanged (27). Therefore, the finding of clearly decreased serum binding of T3, evidenced Pathogenesis of the NTIS by a markedly elevated dialyzable fraction of T3, in several Some factors that may contribute to major abnormalities of NTI patients with normal immunoassayable TBG (8) sup- the NTIS are listed in Fig. 1. They have recently been critically ports the possibility of a thyroid hormone binding inhibitor reviewed (3–6). There is evidence for decreased conversion in NTI. When present, a decreased serum concentration of T4 to T3 in extrathyroidal tissues in the NTIS (16–19), and and/or affinity of thyroid hormone binding proteins, espe- this may, in turn, be related to decreased activity and/or cially TBG, can explain the findings of low total T4 and concentration of 5Ј-MDI (42). 5Ј-MDI has now been cloned in normal free T4(D) in NTI. Decreased serum binding of T4 in NTI is associated with an increased MCR, which, too, con- tributes to a decreased serum concentration of total T4. In- terestingly, however, the increase in the MCR of T4 in NTI is not as much as expected from the degree of reduction in serum binding of thyroid hormones (4).

The serum free T4 concentration is low in NTI patients treated with dopamine and , which decrease serum TSH levels (11, 28–30). Besides low TSH, factors that may contribute to the low T4 of NTI include abnormalities in TSH secretion, decreased biological activity of TSH, and di- minished thyroidal response to TSH (31, 32).

High serum total T4 is seen in some NTI patients, who have elevated serum concentrations of TBG. Serum TBG is ele- vated in acute intermittent porphyria (33) and several liver diseases, including chronic and primary biliary cir- rhosis (34). The serum concentration of free T4(D) is normal in these patients in the absence of . Serum total T3 may be normal, but free T3(D) or the free T3 index is low normal or low as in other patients with NTI. The serum concentration of rT3 is elevated in NTI patients with high T4. Both serum total and free T4(D) concentrations are often increased in NTI patients treated with and io- dinated radiocontrast agents, e.g. iopanoic acid and ipodate used for oral cholecystography (13, 35, 36). These agents Ј decrease hepatic uptake of T4 and 5 -monodeiodination of T4 (to T3) and, in addition, may precipitate hyperthyroidism in patients with autonomous thyroid nodules by invoking the

Jod Basedow phenomenon (37, 38). The effect of a single dose FIG. 1. Some factors that may contribute to major abnormalities of of oral cholecystography agents on serum T4 typically lasts NTIS. The reader is referred to previous reviews (3–6) for detailed less than 24 h (36, 37, 39). NTI patients with high total and discussion of these factors. CLINICAL REVIEW 331

the rat and man, and it turns out that it belongs to a small Escherichia coli (26, 57). However, it is not known whether the group of selenocysteine-containing proteins (43, 44). No data two effects are due to the same or even similar factors and are available on the tissue content of the 5Ј-MDI protein or whether the thyroid hormone binding inhibitor considered its messenger ribonucleic acid in human NTIS. However, the above in serum is similar to that extracted from tissues. In hepatic content of 5Ј-MDI protein was decreased in the fast- any case, leakage of tissue elements in the circulation in ing rat, studied as a model of NTIS (42). Diminution in the systemic illnesses may explain the correlation between the

uptake of T4 by tissues can also explain the decreased gen- fall in serum T4 and the increased mortality in NTI; this eration of T3 in tissues (5). However, this abnormality should requires further study. be associated with an elevated serum concentration of free T (D), which is clearly not the case (see above) (45). One 4 Diagnosis of thyroid disease in NTI could argue that decreased T4 to T3 conversion in NTI should also be associated with increased free T4(D). However, T4 is It can be challenging to establish the diagnosis of thyroid metabolized not just by 5Ј-MDI, but also by type III iodo- disease in patients manifesting NTIS. The difficulty exists in

thyronine , conjugation and side-chain alteration hyperthyroid patients who may exhibit normal total T4 and (21, 46); these alternate routes of T4 metabolism are not T3 on account of a diminution in serum binding of thyroid known to be impaired in NTI and may compensate for T4 not hormones. However, serum free T4 and free T3 determina- metabolized by 5Ј-MDI. tions by equilibrium dialysis/RIA (12) or ultrafiltration (45) Alterations in serum binding of thyroid hormones is should yield appropriately diagnostic elevated values. The

clearly an important factor contributing to changes in thyroid free T4 index and analog methods for free T4 determination hormone levels in NTI (see above). Serum albumin binds frequently yield low values in NTI and should be interpreted compounds, e.g. fatty acids, that are capable of displacing with caution. Serum TSH measured by the ultrasensitive RIA thyroid hormones from TBG. The fall in serum albumin in is typically undetectable (Ͻ0.10 mU/mL) in hyperthyroid- NTI enhances the activity of such low affinity competitors of ism, whereas it is undetectable in less than 7% patients with

T4 on TBG (15, 24, 25). Additionally, much has been written NTI, usually those who have been treated with dopamine or on abnormalities in the synthesis, secretion, structure, reg- corticosteroids (30). Definite diagnosis of ulation, and effectiveness of TSH in NTI (3–6, 31, 32). can also be difficult in the setting of NTI. However, primary There has been much interest recently in the roles of cy- hypothyroidism is a strong possibility if serum TSH is above tokines in the pathogenesis of the NTI (3). However, their 25–30 ␮U/mL. Serum TSH is supranormal in ϳ12% patients significance remains unclear. Proinflammatory with NTI, and it is above 20 ␮U/mL in less than 3% of [-␣ (TNF␣), interleukins (e.g. IL-1 and patients (30, 58). A subnormal free T4(D) concentration in the IL-6), and interferon-␥], when administered to man or ex- absence of treatment of NTI patients with TSH-suppressive perimental animals, have caused changes in thyroid function drugs, e.g. dopamine, corticosteroids, and anticonvulsants tests that resemble NTIS (47–50). However, humans or an- (e.g. and carbamozeprine) is strongly suggestive imals so treated manifest substantial systemic illness, and it of hypothyroidism. As Hashimoto’s is a common is unclear whether the thyroid hormone changes observed cause of hypothroidism in our patient population, findings are due to the sickness induced by cytokines or the cytokines of goiter and positive antithyroid antibodies (e.g. thyroid per se. In this respect, it is curious that lipopolysaccharide- peroxidase and thyoglobulin ) in serum are induced NTIS in mice, although associated with increases in strong points favoring the diagnosis of primary hypothy- ␣ circulating TNF and IL-6, was not prevented by immuno- roidism. An elevated serum rT3 level argues against the neutralization of IL-1 receptor, TNF␣, IL-6, or interferon-␥ diagnosis of hypothyroidism, when serum TSH is more than ␮ (51) (Wiersinga, W. M., personal communication). 10 U/mL (59). As an individual test, serum rT3 does not help in the diagnosis of hypothyroidism in NTI patients. Low, normal, and high serum rT values are observed in Clinical significance of NTIS 3 patients with TSH values varying between low and 10 Abnormal are observed at least as ␮U/mL (normal, 0.5–5.0 ␮U/mL). However, likely hypo- frequently in systemic NTIS as in thyroid diseases (4, 52, 53). thyroid patients with serum TSH levels above 20 ␮U/mL do

Thyroid function abnormalities in NTI may at times mimic not demonstrate supranormal rT3 (59). It is prudent not to and at other times mask the biochemical abnormalities ob- rely solely on any one thyroid function test in the setting of served in true thyroid disease. Furthermore, the severity and NTI, and a combination of tests should be considered in the nature of changes in thyroid function test have implica- separating primary hypothyroid from euthyroid patients tions for the prognosis of the systemic illness. Thus, a low with the NTIS. The diagnosis of secondary (or tertiary) hy-

serum T3 level predicts increased mortality form liver cir- pothyroidism may require additional work-up. The serum rhosis, advanced congestive (54, 55), and pos- TSH level may be low, normal, or minimally elevated in

sibly several other systemic illnesses. Similarly, low total T4 secondary hypothyroidism. Plasma is clearly ele- is associated with increased mortality from systemic illness, vated or high normal, whereas PRL and gonadotropin levels

and those patients with low T4 who have very low serum T3 are typically normal in NTI without a specific pituitary or levels have the worst prognosis (22, 55, 56). Previous studies hypothalamic disease. On the other hand, decreased plasma have suggested that there exist tissue factors that can inhibit cortisol and gonadotropin levels and elevated PRL levels the binding of thyroid hormones to serum proteins and the support a diagnosis of a central (pituitary or hypothalamic) ability of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to phagocytose lesion as the basis for secondary hypothyroidism (60, 61). In 332 CHOPRA JCE&M• 1997 Vol 82 • No 2 view of several above-mentioned complexities, it is often markers of thyroid hormone action, e.g. angiotensin-convert- reasonable to wait for a week or so after recovery from an ing enzyme, have also been documented in NTI (78). acute NTI before evaluating thyroid status. Some studies have examined the effects of thyroid hor- mone replacement in NTI. Treatment with T4 was not ben- eficial (79). This may be explained by diminished conversion Are patients with NTIS hypothyroid? of T4 to metabolically more active T3 in NTI. For the same Many believe that patients with NTIS are metabolically reason, treatment with T4 may not be useful even in NTI euthyroid even though serum levels of the most active thy- patients with low free T4(D) values. Studies evaluating treat- roid hormone, T3, are clearly in the hypothyroid range. A ment of NTI patients with T3 have described either no benefit normal serum TSH in most NTI patients is clearly an im- (80) or appreciable improvement (81–86). T3 treatment of portant element in this belief. However, several studies dem- patients undergoing cardiothoracic or coronary bypass pro- onstrating abnormalities in the synthesis, secretion, glyco- cedures showed benefits measured by cardiac output, de- sylation, regulation, and/or effectiveness of TSH in NTI (see creased systemic vascular resistance, need for drugs for car- above) lead one to question the normalcy of TSH in the face diac or inotropic support, and use of diuretics (87–94). These of low serum levels of active thyroid hormone (T3) in NTI. benefits have been related to restoration of aerobic metab- The transient increase in serum TSH during recovery from olism in ischemic myocardium (88), increase in inotropy (95), NTI suggests that TSH is suppressed in an illness (62). Pi- increase in high energy phosphate stores (96), and increase tuitary TSH suppression may be related to the of an in uptake of glucose in the plasma membrane (97). There has illness, and the resulting elevated cortisol and been no evidence of increased risk from replacement doses levels and associated caloric deprivation (4, 62, 63). The basis of T3 (92–94, 98). Whether the observed effects of T3 in the for the apparent euthyroid status in NTI remains unclear, but above-mentioned studies were pharmacological or physio- one or more of the following explanations may be consid- logical is not known. It is encouraging, however, that short ered: 1) a moderate degree and a short duration of reduction term treatment with near-replacement doses of T3 was as- in thyroid hormone (T3) levels, 2) insensitivity of the clinical sociated with several beneficial effects in NTIS. Clearly, more diagnosis of (mild) hypothyroidism, and 3) increased sen- should be learned about the appropriate patient population, sitivity of body tissues to T3. Although available data are dose-response issues, and any adverse effects of treatment of limited and conflicting, a number of studies support the the NTIS with T3. opposite viewpoint. Thus, oxygen consumption in response to T3 has been found to be decreased (not increased) in fasting Summary rats compared to fed rats (64). There is also information suggesting a decreased effect of low T on TSH in fasting Alterations in thyroid function tests are very common in 3 patients with NTI. Multiple, complex, and incompletely un- subjects with the low T3 syndrome (65, 66). Similarly, there is a decrease (not an increase) in the binding of T to nuclear derstood mechanisms are involved in these abnormalities. 3 Knowledge of these abnormalities is necessary to avoid er- receptors to T3 in mellitus and fasting in the rat (67, 68). There is also evidence for a diminution in thyroid hor- rors in the diagnosis of thyroid disease. Measurement of mone effects at the postreceptor level (69). One study, how- serum TSH, free T4, and free T3 levels by direct equilibrium dialysis/RIA methods probably yield most useful (accurate) ever, has suggested an increase in T3 receptor number and information in the setting of NTI. Patients with low free T4 affinity in NTIS (70). Studies in the 1970s suggested low T3 to be protective against protein breakdown in fasting (71, 72). by these methods and normal or low TSH have secondary However, a recent study was unable to document hyper- hypothyroidism. This may be due to NTI per se, drugs ad- ministered for treatment of NTI, or associated pituitary or catabolic effects of T3 in fasting obese subjects (73). Finally, 4) there may exist in the sera of NTI patients high levels of hypothalamic disease; the latter consideration may require thyromimetic compounds other than T . A high serum con- evaluation of cortisol reserve, PRL, and/or gonadotropins. A 3 serum TSH level above 20–25 ␮U/mL probably reflects pri- centration of T3 sulfate in NTI is of interest in this regard (74, 75). Increased exposure of body tissues to 3,5,3Ј-triiodothy- mary hypothyroidism; accompanying findings of goiter, low roacetic acid has also been suggested in NTI (76). free T4, and positive antithyroid antibodies help establish the Overall, it seems that although several patients with NTI diagnosis. An elevated serum concentration of rT3 argues may be euthyroid because of a short duration of NTIS, nor- against hypothyroidism. Studies have demonstrated no dis- cernible benefit of treatment of NTI patients with T4. Some mal free T3, and/or a contribution of non-T3 thyroactive substances, there are others, especially those with a pro- studies have shown a few benefits of treatment with T3 in selected cases, but much more needs to be learned. 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