international catholic stewardship council


AICSCsi|SPIa StewardshipnPacific Conference

St. Paul Center for Renewal Alfonso, Cavite, Philippines February 4 – 7, 2019

Conference Program

International Catholic Stewardship Council in partnership with Socio-Pastoral Institute Contents

Conference Prayer...... 3

The Blessed Virgin Mary – Patroness of the International Catholic Stewardship Council. . . 4

Conference Hosts...... 5

Welcome Messages...... 6

Program Schedule...... 11

Biographies –Presiders and Presenters...... 15

Special Tribute...... 21

In Gratitude...... 22

ICSC 57th Annual Conference...... 23

2 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference Conference Prayer

Gracious and Loving God, We gather in your name as stewards of this hour: to reflect, learn, give, and receive.

This time belongs to you, entrusted to us to shine Christ’s light on whomever we encounter; among our family and friends, colleagues and strangers; in our church, or in a world desperate for your presence.

Teach us to use this time prayerfully, with prudence, and with hearts that listen for the promptings of your Spirit.

Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, may we return this hour to you with a fruitful account of our stewardship, hopeful you will find us trustworthy in the small matters, so we may be entrusted with even greater ones. We ask this through Christ Jesus, Our Lord, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 3 The Blessed Virgin Mary – Patroness of the International Catholic Stewardship Council

The Blessed Virgin Mary teaches us the meaning of discipleship and stewardship in their most profound sense by her own life witness. In their pastoral letter on Christian stewardship, the United States bishops acknowledged all of stewardship’s essential attributes as being found in her life: she was called and gifted by God; she responded generously, creatively, and prudently; and she understood her divinely assigned role as “handmaid” in terms of service and fidelity Stewardship:( A Disciple’s Response, p.43). The patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary was bestowed on the International Catholic Stewardship Council by our late Holy Father, Saint John XXIII at the request of His Eminence, Joseph Cardinal Ritter, the Archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, USA. In her honor, the late pontiff chose the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated by the Church on December 8, as the patronal feast. Our Blessed Mother has emerged as a source of protection, refuge and comfort in Catholic communities around the world. Indeed, the rich traditions of her veneration often reflect the historical journeys, sorrows and the hopes of Catholic faithful everywhere. The International Catholic Stewardship Council pays tribute to Our Blessed Mother as its patroness and asks her to show us the way to be good stewards of God’s abundant gifts, including the gift of our savior, Jesus Christ.

4 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference International Catholic Stewardship Council The International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) is a professional organization recognized internationally as a source of education, networking and information to advance the ministry of Christian stewardship as a way of life in the Roman , and to promote the cause of Catholic philanthropy in dioceses and parishes worldwide. ICSC is the only organization dedicated exclusively to advancing Christian stewardship, Catholic philanthropy and resource development in North America as well as overseas. Founded in 1962, ICSC has over 1,200 members representing over 800 dioceses and archdioceses, parish communities, Catholic organizations and professional firms internationally.

Socio-Pastoral Institute Socio-Pastoral Institute was founded in 1980 as a training and service institute with a systematic socio-pastoral education program for Church people involved in integral social change or total human development. This duly registered non-governmental organization was founded by a small group of priests and religious who shared the common vision of a new order marked by justice, peace and integrity of creation. Towards this vision, SPI today promotes the spirituality of stewardship and the building of disaster resilient communities to local churches, various non-governmental organizations, People’s Organizations and other faith groups.

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 5 A Welcome from Most Reverend Donald F. Hanchon

Dear Faithful Stewards: As the Episcopal Moderator of the International Catholic Stewardship Council, it is a pleasure to welcome you to its first Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference at the St. Paul Renewal Center in Cavite, Philippines. I regret that I cannot be with you for any part of your conference as I am just returning from World Youth Day 2019 being held in Panama City, Panama. I do pray that your time together will be fruitful. Since your conference is being held at a renewal center named after St. Paul, perhaps some of his best known words about stewardship can offer you some thoughts for prayerful reflection: I say this not by way of command, but to test the genuineness of your love by your concern for others. For you know the gracious act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that for your sake he became poor although he was rich, so that by his poverty you might become rich. And I am giving counsel in this matter, for it is appropriate for you who began not only to act but to act willingly last year: complete it now, so that your eager willingness may be matched by your completion of it out of what you have (2 Cor. 8: 8-11). With the help of the intercession of St. Paul, I hope that your conference will encourage you in your important ministry, and help the Church articulate more effectively the power of stewardship to proclaim the Gospel by transforming lives in ways that reflect a deep trust in God’s generosity and invite others to follow the Lord. Please pray for me during your conference, even as I will remember you in prayer. May God bless you and those whom he has called you to serve! Sincerely in the Lord,

� Most Reverend Donald F. Hanchon Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit Episcopal Moderator of ICSC

6 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference Message from Most Reverend Broderick Pabillo

Dear conference participants, I welcome you all to this international Catholic conference on the spirituality and the practice of stewardship. We come from different dioceses and different countries around the Pacific region. This promises to be an exciting meeting. We will hear many different ideas and experiences. We will meet different people, all of whom care for the Church and service to the poor. I hope that we will come out of this four-day meeting enriched by having new friends and by being inspired and guided by rich experiences. Most of all we will be praying together and offering the same Eucharist as one body of Christ. This promises to be a deep experience of our catholicity. Let us take the most advantage of this unique opportunity. God bless us all! Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Broderick Pabillo Auxiliary Bishop of Manila Chairman of the Board, Socio-Pastoral Institute

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 7 Message from Very Reverend Andrew Kemberling, V.F.

Dear Fellow Stewards, As Chairman of the Board of the International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC), it is a great pleasure to welcome you to the first Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference sponsored and hosted by ICSC and Socio-Pastoral Institute (SPI). I hope your time at St. Paul Renewal Center is one of abundant grace and spiritual enrichment. We gather at a time during the liturgical year we call “Ordinary Time,” a time when our weekend Mass readings urge us to grow as disciples of Christ, give witness to the joy of belonging to the Church and become stewardship missionaries so that our communities experience more abundant life in Him. Speaking on behalf of the ICSC board of directors, I would like to express my deep gratitude to those who dedicated so much of their time and energy to make this conference a reality. I am confident that their efforts will be blessed a hundred fold as we come together to share in the graces of this gathering of stewards from East and West. I encourage everyone to take advantage of all that this particular conference has to offer. Learn something new; reserve time for prayer; make new friends; spend time with our speakers; and share your own experiences with someone else. I am confident that your time will be well spent and will result in a renewed commitment to promoting stewardship in your parishes and dioceses. Our Blessed Mother, a steward par excellence, is the patroness of ICSC. As we pray during our time together, let us ask her to guide and protect us on our stewardship journey and toward a joyful encounter with the Lord. Sincerely in Christ,

Very Reverend Andrew Kemberling, V.F. Pastor St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Denver, Colorado Chairman of the Board, ICSC

8 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference Message from Jose Luis Clemente

Greetings of peace! As Executive Director of the Socio-Pastoral Institute - ICSC’s local partner in the Philippines - I welcome all of you to the first Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference. This event brings together stewardship practitioners from various parishes and dioceses in the region to foster mutual learning, cooperation and coordination in promoting stewardship as an integral pathway for the renewal of persons, communities and churches. We hope this conference will breathe life to stewardship so that it morphs from a mere idea to a solid force that can move and inspire us to create a world where we are grateful for our blessings, nurture our abilities and endowments and lovingly share our goodness with others. To ICSC, thank you for bringing this conference to the Philippines. To the international delegates, may you discover the charm of our country that enthralls and overwhelms. To the conference speakers and facilitators, may your experience and eloquence shine a clarifying light on stewardship so that others may consent to its adoption. To the participants, thank you for the gifts of your presence and engagement. May we all continue to be faithful stewards of our Lord’s Reign. God bless and mabuhay!

Jose Luis Clemente Executive Director Socio-Pastoral Institute

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 9 Message from Michael Murphy

Greetings and Mabuhay! It is a great grace to be able to return to the Philippines and join you here for this first stewardship conference jointly hosted by the International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) and Socio-Pastoral Institute (SPI). This is my third trip to this land of enchantment and my faith has been invigorated each time I have had the privilege to visit. The individuals who made this conference possible are too numerous to mention here. I must rely on the expressions of gratitude found in the back of this booklet to even come close to extending my deep appreciation to those who made this gathering a reality. I do wish, however, to thank the ICSC board of directors and my ICSC colleagues who traveled many hours and sacrificed many days to be here, including Father Andrew Kemberling, Jim Kelley, Mary Ann Otto and Shannon Lee. They all blessed me by saying “yes” to this journey of faith. I would also like to thank many new friends in the Philippines such as the bishops who will be here this week, Joey Clemente, executive director of SPI and an ICSC board member, Nora Ulgasan and Karen Clemente also of SPI, and Sisters Evangeline Anastacio, SPC, president of St. Paul University Manila, and Alegria Avellaneda, SPC, both of whom made my journeys to the Philippines much enhanced with their support and hospitality. And in a special way, I wish to thank Mrs. Mila Glodava, who, in the spirit of Saint Paul, has labored so much to introduce the Gospel imperative of stewardship in the Philippines. She is a true missionary disciple and I wish to commend her for her remarkable ministry and thank her for her extraordinary kindness to me. Mila has enriched my life immeasurably by introducing to me the wonders of the Catholic life of faith in the Philippines. I pray that your experience this week be one of profound grace, and that together, we will learn to be a little better at saying “yes” to God by becoming better stewards of his Word. In Christ,

Michael Murphy Executive Director ICSC

10 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference Program Schedule

Monday, February 4, 2019

8:00 am - 12:00 noon. . Arrival and Registration

12:00 – 1:00 pm. . . . . Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 pm ...... Opening Prayer, Welcome and Introductions Opening Remarks Most Rev. Broderick Pabillo, Auxiliary Bishop of Manila, Chairman of the Board, Socio-Pastoral Institute Very Rev. Andrew Kemberling, V.F., Pastor, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Denver, Colorado and Chairman of the Board, International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC), USA Mr. Michael Murphy, Executive Director, International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC), USA Introduction of a major sponsor for the conference: Mr. Michael Polakovic, President, Eleanore Mullen Weckbaugh Foundation, Denver, Colorado, USA

2:00– 3:00 pm...... Stewardship: A Call to Conversion for Clergy and Lay Leaders - Most Rev. Broderick Pabillo, Auxiliary Bishop of Manila, Philippines Chairman of the Board, Socio-Pastoral Institute

3:00 – 3:30 pm...... Break

3:30 – 4:30 pm ...... Discipleship and Stewardship: What the Scripture Readings in Cycle C of the Liturgical Year Teach Us - Mr. Michael Murphy

4:30 – 5:00 pm...... Break

5:00 – 6:00 pm...... Opening Mass Presider: Most Rev. Socrates Villegas, Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, Philippines

6:00 – 7:00 pm...... Dinner

7:30 – 8:30 pm ...... Breakout sessions A. The Spirituality of Stewardship –Very Rev. Andrew Kemberling, V.F. B. Hospitality and Witnessing as Key Components to Parish Stewardship – Mrs. Mary Ann Otto, Pastoral Minister for Missionary Discipleship, St. Joseph and St. Mary Parishes, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA C. How to Envision a Small Diocesan Stewardship and Development Office – Mr. Jim Kelley, Director of Stewardship and Development, Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 11 Tuesday, February 5, 2019

6:30 – 7:00 am ...... Prayer in the chapel

7:00 – 8:00 am...... Breakfast

8:00 – 8:30 am ...... Opening Prayer and Introduction to the Day

8:30 – 9:30 am ...... A Parish Experience of Stewardship in the Philippines – Rev. Manuel Catral, Pastor, St. Peter Thelmo Parish, Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines

9:30 – 9:45 am...... Break

9:45 – 10:45 am ...... A Diocesan Experience of Stewardship in the Philippines – Rev. Msgr. Oliver Mendoza, Moderator Curiae and Financial Administrator, Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, Philippines

10:45 – 11:00 am. . . . Break

11:00 – 12:00 noon. . . . Characteristics of a Stewardship Parish in the United States – Mr. Jim Kelley

12:00 – 1:00 pm. . . . . Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 pm...... Afternoon break

2:00 – 3:00 pm ...... Breakout Sessions A. Embracing Stewardship as a Parish – Rev. Enrico Martin Adoviso, Pastor, Most Holy Trinity Parish, Balic Balic, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines B. Implementing Stewardship through a Diocesan Commission – Rev. Antonio Labiao, Jr. Vicar General, Diocese of Novaliches, Philippines C. Stewardship and Missional Families – Mr. Florante Galapon, Jr. Stewardship Program Coordinator, Socio-Pastoral Institute, Manila, Philippines

3:00 – 3:30 pm...... Break

3:30 – 4:30 pm ...... Small Group Discussion Sessions and Reporting

4:30 – 5:00 pm...... Break

5:00 – 6:00 pm ...... Mass Presider: Most Rev. Samuel Aquila, Archbishop of Denver, Colorado, USA

6:00 – 7:00 pm...... Dinner

7:30 – 8:30 pm ...... Cultural evening: St. Paul University Manila Cultural Ensemble

12 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference Wednesday, February 6, 2019

6:30 – 7:00 am ...... Prayer in the chapel

7:00 – 8:00 am...... Breakfast

8:00 – 8:30 am ...... Opening Prayer and Introduction to the Day

8:30 – 9:30 am ...... The First Stewardship Parish in Asia: Reflections from the Parish of Sts. Anne and Joachim, Infanta, Philippines – Most Rev. Bernardino Cortez, Bishop of Infanta, Philippines and Rev. Israel Gabriel, Pastor, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Dipaculao, Aurora, Philippines

9:30 – 9:45 am...... Break

9:45 – 10:45 am ...... Introducing Stewardship to a Parish: A Model from the United States – Ms. Shannon Lee, Associate Director, ICSC

10:45 – 11:00 am. . . . Break

11:00 – 12:00 noon. . . . The Spirituality of Stewardship and the Use of Money - Very Rev. Andrew Kemberling, V.F.

12:00 – 1:00 pm. . . . . Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 pm...... Afternoon break

2:00 – 3:00 pm ...... Breakout Sessions A. The Spirituality of Stewardship and Asking for Money Mrs. Mary Ann Otto B. The Stewardship of Treasure: It’s about the Mission Mrs. Mila Glodava, Director of Stewardship and Administration, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Denver, Colorado C. Fundamentals of a Diocesan Annual Appeal – Mr. Jim Kelley

3:00 – 3:30 pm...... Break

3:30 – 4:30 pm ...... Stewardship and BEC – Most Rev. Pablo Virgilio David, Bishop of Kalookan, Philippines

4:30 – 5:00 pm...... Break

5:00 – 6:00 pm ...... Mass Presider: Most Rev. Sergio Utleg, Archbishop of Tuguegarao, Philippines

6:00 - 7:00 pm...... Dinner

7:30 – 8:30 pm ...... Small group discussion sessions and reports

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 13 Thursday, February 7, 2019

6:30 – 7:00 am ...... Prayer in the chapel

7:00 – 8:00 am...... Breakfast

8:00 – 8:05 am ...... Opening prayer

8:05 – 9:00 am ...... Upgrading the Financial System in the Diocese of Pasig – Most Rev. Mylo Hubert Vergara, Bishop of Pasig, Philippines

9:00 – 9:15 am...... Break

9:15 – 10:15 am ...... Draft Presentation of a Conference Resolution – Board of Directors, Socio-Pastoral Institute

10:15 – 10:30 am . . . . . Closing Remarks: Most Rev. Broderick Pabillo

10:30 – 11:00 am. . . . Break

11:00 – 12:00 noon. . . . Closing Mass Presider: Most Rev. Mylo Hubert Vergara, Bishop of Pasig, Philippines

12:00 noon...... Lunch and departures

14 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference Biographies – Presiders and Presenters

The Reverend Enrico Martin Adoviso Father Catral first learned about stewardship in 2005 at a Father Enrico Martin Adoviso, is the conference in Manila on the spirituality of stewardship. pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish He interest was piqued because he was just starting a new in Balic Balic, Sampaloc, Manila, parish whose parishioners were extremely poor. Father Philippines. Catral initiated a series of intensive formation sessions on the spirituality of stewardship, emphasizing themes such as communion, co-responsibility and accountability. As a result, the new parish became alive with activity. Notably, parishioners undertook economic development projects The Most Reverend Samuel Aquila such as soap making, establishing a cooperative pharmacy, Archbishop Samuel Aquila is the arch- and discovering more effective ways to farm. They were bishop of Denver, Colorado. As his also able to build a church through their offertory collec- episcopal motto, which comes from the tion without any large contributions. Blessed Virgin Mary’s instructions at When he became pastor at St. Joseph the Worker, Father Cana, states, “Do whatever he tells you” Catral used the same stewardship introductory formula with (Jn. 2:5), his ministry as shepherd of the equal success and the parishioners built a church there too people of northern Colorado is dedicated to helping every with nothing more than their offertory contributions. To- person experience the love of the Father, Son and Holy day, Father Catral is working to match the successes of the Spirit and be moved by that encounter to a lasting com- first two parish communities at St. Peter Thelmo. mitment to share the Gospel with enthusiasm, creativity and joy. The Most Reverend Bernardino Cruz Cortez, D.D. Archbishop Aquila was ordained to the priesthood in Denver in 1976 and served the Archdiocese of Denver for Bishop Bernardino Cortez has been the 25 years. In 1987, he began graduate studies at San An- Bishop Prelature of Infanta since his selmo University in Rome, earning a Licentiate in Sacra- appointment in 2014. He was ordained mental Theology in 1990. He was installed as archbishop a priest in 1974 for the Diocese of San of Denver in 2012 after serving as bishop of Fargo, North Pablo and was appointed auxiliary bishop Dakota from 2002 to 2012. of Manila in 2004. Archbishop Aquila serves on numerous boards and Bishop Cortez is committed to preserving and continu- committees of the Catholic Church, including the Papal ing the legacy of the late Bishop Julio Xavier Labayen of Foundation, the International Catholic Migration Com- Infanta. Bishop Labayen is best remembered for his pro- mission, the Bishops’ Advisory Council for the Institute active witness and promotion of the social teachings of the for Priestly Formation and the Board of Trustees for the Church. He often advocated the spirit of the Latin phrase Augustine Institute. sentire cum ecclesia (feeling and thinking with the living church). Described as a man of deep prayer, Bishop Cortez adds to his predecessor’s sentiment the phrase, “praying The Reverend Manuel Vicente Catral for the living church.” Bishop Cortez is also committed Father Manuel Catral is the pastor of St. to continuing Bishop Labayen’s passion and love for the Peter Thelmo Parish in Aparri, Cagayan, Church of the Poor. the northernmost tip of the Philippines. He is also the stewardship coordinator for the Archdiocese of Tuguegarao. Ordained in 2001, his other parish assignments have included Holy Family Parish in Solana, Cagayan, and St. Joseph the Worker Parish in San Jose, Baggao, Cagayan.

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 15 The Most Reverend Pablo Virgilio David, D.D. Mr. Florante Galapon, Jr. The Most Reverend Pablo Virgilio David Florante Galapon, Jr. is the program is the Bishop of Kalookan and the vice coordinator of the stewardship program president of the Catholic Bishops’ Con- of Socio-Pastoral Institute. He is a com- ference of the Philippines. munity development specialist with more Born in Betis, Guagua, Pampanga, he than two decades of experience in project studied at San Jose Seminary in Ateneo evaluation, community organizing and de Manila University in Quezon City. He was ordained instruction work. He has been an Associate Professor a priest for the Archdiocese of San Fernando in 1983. In of Theology and Philosophy at La Consolacion College 2006, Bishop David was appointed auxiliary bishop of that Manila since 2006. He is also the pastoral consultant for archdiocese. In 2016, he was installed as the bishop of organizations such as the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady Kalookan. of Consolation in their socio-pastoral ministry and school outreach program, the Diocese of Pasig BEC program and Bishop David holds a doctorate in theology from the other churches in metro-Manila embracing the Church of Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. the Poor model. He is known as one of the Philippines’ leading Bible Professor Galapon was the project coordinator of Socio- scholars. Bishop David said he is kept “really strong” by Pastoral Institute from 2013 to 2016. his motto as a bishop – “kenosis,” which means “a total emptying of self so that Christ can live in us.” He spearheaded the implementation of SPI’s two flagship projects: the Association of Servant-Steward Families of Roxas, Quezon City from 2013 to 2014, psycho-spiritual The Reverend Israel Gabriel counseling assistance to trauma survivors of Typhoon Hai- Father Israel Gabriel is pastor of St. yan at Tacloban, Leyte from 2014 to 2016. Both projects Therese of the Child Jesus Parish in were highly commended by international humanitarian Dipaculao, Aurora, in the Prelature organizations as innovative ways to address disaster resil- of Infanta. Father Israel also serves as iency by harnessing the transformative power of spiritual- the prelature’s Social Action Director. ity of stewardship and the catalytic role of the family as an Ordained in 1987, he was assigned to St. agent for change and empowerment. Isidore the Farmer Parish in Dinalungan, Aurora, for one year. Since 1988, Father Israel served as pastor for several Mrs. Mila Glodava other parishes in Aurora and Quezon provinces. Currently director of stewardship and In 2003, shortly after attending a stewardship conference administration at St. Vincent de Paul in Cebu, Father Israel embarked on a series of Lenten Parish in Denver, Colorado, Mila Glo- homilies and seminars on Christian stewardship at Sts. dava was the director of communications Anne and Joachim Parish in General Nakar. Offering his and stewardship since 2014. She held own personal testimony to stewardship as a way of life, Fa- the same position for more than 25 years ther Israel encouraged parishioners to make time for God at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Centennial, in prayer and to give their own time, talent, and treasure Colorado. Under her leadership, along with the pastor, to nurture their faith and the faith life of the community. Father Andrew Kemberling, St. Thomas More received Indeed, stewardship was “the integrating factor of all the numerous ICSC stewardship-related awards including the projects and activities in the parish,” said Father Israel. 2007 Archbishop Thomas Murphy Award. Since 2002, Parishioners soon became much more engaged in the life Ms. Glodava, who is a native of the Philippines, has of the parish. The offertory collection experienced solid been working with Father Kemberling and Socio Pastoral growth as well, an eight-fold increase. Institute, an agency of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference Father Israel’s initiative in General Nakar and continu- of the Philippines, to introduce stewardship in her home ing with his successor, Fr. Mario Establecida, which was country. In 2009, she and Father Kemberling co-authored captured in a 30-minute video, has become the inspiration a book entitled, Making Stewardship a Way of Life: A Com- for many bishops and priests to embrace stewardship as a plete Guide for Catholic Parishes, published by Our Sunday way of life in the Church in the Philippines. Visitor.

16 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference Ms. Glodava earned a bachelor’s degree in education from The Very Reverend Andrew Kemberling, V.F. St. Paul College in 1969, now a university, in Manila, Very Reverend Andrew Kemberling,V.F. Philippines, and in 2015, at 70 years of age, she earned a has been the pastor of St.Vincent de Paul master’s degree in theology from Augustine Institute in Parish in Denver, Colorado since 2014. Denver, Colorado. Before coming to the United States St.Vincent de Paul is significantly smaller in 1972, Ms. Glodava taught English in a Catholic high in size with about 1,000 families, in com- school in Quezon, Philippines. She and her husband, parison to his previous assignment of 14 Mark, a former Peace Corps volunteer from New Jersey, years at St.Thomas More Parish in Centennial, Colorado, have two children and four grandchildren. which had more than 4,600 families. During his time at St. Thomas More, the parish received numerous awards, Mr. Jim Kelley including the Archbishop Murphy Award, for promoting stewardship as a way of life. A frequent speaker at steward- Jim Kelley is the director of development ship conferences in the United States and in the Philip- for the Diocese of Charlotte, pines, Father Andrew, along with Mila Glodava, director North Carolina. of stewardship and administration, wrote a book, “Making He manages the office which operates Stewardship a Way of Life: A Complete Guide for Catholic the diocesan support appeal, assists par- Parishes” (Our Sunday Visitor, 2009). His audio series with ishes with stewardship efforts and capital the same title as the book recently aired on KRCN 1060 campaigns, assists Catholic schools’ development efforts, AM in Colorado and nine other radio stations around the directs development efforts for Catholic social services and country. Father Andrew currently serves as chairman of campus ministry, directs the planned giving and major gift the board of directors of the International Catholic Stew- programs and writes grants. He is also the executive direc- ardship Council. Father Andrew also serves as the Vicar tor of the Foundation of the Diocese of Charlotte. Forane (V.F.) or Dean of the Southeast Denver Deanery Mr. Kelley is the author of Stewardship Manual: A Guide in the Archdiocese of Denver, on the board of other civic for Individuals and Parishes Developing Stewardship as a organizations such as the Patriot League and the Colorado Way of Life, and the book, Sustaining and Strengthening Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museum. Stewardship. He is the co-author and co-editor of Stew- One of ten children, Father Andrew was born in Tucson, ardship: Disciples Respond – A Practical Guide for Pastoral Arizona, and joined the Benedictine order in 1985. He was Leaders, and the Children’s Stewardship Manual, both ordained a priest in 1988. Father Andrew is a distinguished ICSC publications. alumnus of the University of Arizona, Holy Cross Abbey He has been a member of the committee that organized and St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. and produced the ICSC publication, Keeping Stewardship Alive: Proven Stewardship Ideas as well. The Reverend Antonio Labiao, Jr. Mr. Kelley has served ICSC in countless capacities over Father Antonio Labiao, Jr. is the vicar the last 30 years: its board of directors, numerous commit- general of Pastoral Affairs and pastor of tees, and presentations at annual ICSC conferences and Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Parish in the institutes. He had two tenures on its board of directors; Diocese of Novaliches, Philippines. first, from 1994 to 2000, serving as vice president from 1997 to 2000.Then, again from 2006 to 2007, serving as board president from 2007 to 2011. He was also the 2000 recipient of the ICSC Bishop Connare Award. Mr. Kelley has significant board experience having chaired 21 non- profit boards over the last 20 years.

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 17 Ms. Shannon Lee As a result of his own research and theological reflection Shannon Lee has been the associate on Christian stewardship, Mr. Murphy and his team devel- director for ICSC since 2013. Prior to oped a comprehensive manual for introducing parishes to coming to ICSC, she served as the direc- stewardship. Now in its second printing, Called by Christ, tor of stewardship and development for Gifted by the Spirit, has enjoyed much success among the Diocese of Salt Lake City. During her parishes and dioceses in the United States, Canada, the 13 years at the diocese, she directed the United Kingdom and, in its Spanish-language version, in diocesan annual appeal and began a diocesan-wide stew- parts of Latin America. ardship effort. She is a past member of the ICSC board of Mr. Murphy’s team assisted the archbishop of Detroit in directors representing Region XIII. Most of Ms. Lee’s career securing funds, both for the archdiocese and for Catholic has been spent with a variety of non-profit organizations in institutions internationally, in an aggregate amount of fundraising, event management, board development and $645 million over a span of 14 years. This included a $100 volunteer recruitment and education. million archdiocesan endowment fund, the largest of its kind in the mid-90s; a $27.4 million scholarship fund for inner-city Catholic school children; and $352.6 million The Reverend Oliver Mendoza in archdiocesan annual appeal funds. The appeal itself Father Oliver Mendoza has just been ap- yielded an average $30.2 million per year in funding over pointed executive director of the Panan- a nine-year period. It remains the largest diocesan annual abangan Philanthropic Development Office appeal in North America. while at the same acting as the Moderator A native Tennessean, Mr. Murphy was a practicing attor- Curiae and the head of the Ministry on Pa- ney who specialized in the areas of litigation, and probate nanabangan of the archdiocese. He grew up and estate planning. He was an instructor in insurance law in Malasiqui, Pangasinan and after finishing his theological and decedent’s estates for those preparing to become certi- studies at the Immaculate Conception School of Theology, fied life underwriters and financial planners at the Ameri- Vigan City, was ordained to the priesthood in 1987 for the can College of Insurance and Tax Institute in Bryn Mawr, Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan. Pennsylvania. He studied in the divinity program at the As a priest, Father Mendoza was first assigned as a paro- University of Notre Dame, where he also earned a master’s chial vicar at St. Thomas Parish, Mangaldan, Pangasinan degree in systematic theology. from 1987 to 1990. He was assigned as a formator to the different seminaries of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Da- gupan. He was principal at the high school seminary from Mrs. Mary Ann Otto 1990 to 1991 and rector at the Mary Help of Christians Mary Ann Otto has recently returned to College Seminary from 1992 to 2003. From 2003 to 2013 her ministerial roots in parish after serv- Father Oliver was the Parish Priest of the Parish of St. ing for nine years as the stewardship and Fabian, Pope and Martyr, in San Fabian, Pangasinan. He special projects director for the Diocese has been rector of the Mary Help of Christians Theology of Green Bay. She currently is minister Seminary since 2013. Father Mendoza also served as the for missionary discipleship at St. Joseph Oeconomus of the archdiocese from 2009 January 2019. and St. Mary parishes in Appleton, Wisconsin where her responsibilities include evangelization and discipleship/ stewardship. She has spent many hours with parish leaders Mr. Michael Murphy talking about the spirituality and practicalities of Chris- Michael Murphy is the executive director tian stewardship. She has assisted parishes in fostering of the International Catholic Steward- plans for infusing the stewardship message to help create a ship Council. He has provided leadership culture of grateful generosity as well. in Christian stewardship formation and Mrs. Otto has written many stewardship resources includ- institutional Catholic philanthropy for ing a six-week small group process, Be Not Afraid-How to more than 25 years. He established the Follow Jesus. She has given stewardship presentations and development office for the Archdiocese of Detroit in 1994 parish missions nationally and was blessed with two fruit- and served as its director as well as that of the Archdiocese ful stewardship mission trips to the Philippines in 2017. of Detroit Endowment Foundation until 2007. Mrs. Otto holds a master’s degree in theology and serves

18 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference on the ICSC board of directors where she is board secre- The Most Reverend Mylo Hubert Vergara, D.D. tary. She chairs the ICSC Parish Stewardship Education The Most Reverend Mylo Hubert Clau- and Services Committee as well. She and her husband, dio Vergara has been the Bishop of the Jeff, have five children and nine grandchildren. Diocese of Pasig, a suburban, high-tech city in metropolitan Manila, since his The Most Reverend Broderick Pabillo, D.D. appointment by Pope Benedict XVI in 2011. He is the second Bishop of Pasig. Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo is the aux- Before the 2011 appointment he was the Bishop of San iliary bishop of Manila and chairman of Jose, the diocese where he first introduced stewardship. the board of directors of Socio-Pastoral Bishop Vergara is also head of the Office of Social Com- Institute. He is also chair of the Catholic munications and Mass Media for the Catholic Bishops’ Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines’ Conference of the Philippines. Episcopal Commission on the Laity. Bishop Vergara was born in Manila in 1962. He finished Born in Victorias, Negro Occidental, Bishop Pabillo was his studies at the Ateneo de Manila High School, earned ordained to the priesthood in 1982. He held a number a bachelor’s degree in engineering management and a of pastoral assignments including serving at St. Ezekiel master’s degree in philosophy at the Ateneo de Manila Moreno Parish in Puerto Princesa, from 1999 University. He finished his Licentiate in Sacred Theology to 2006. From 1987 to 1999, he was also Professor of the at the Loyola School of Theology and Doctorate in Sacred Bible at Don Bosco Center of Studies in Paranaque. Theology at the University of Santo Tomas. He was or- Bishop Pabillo earned a bachelor’s degree in theology at dained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Manila in the University of Santo Tomas, Manila. He also holds a 1990. In 1994, he became Dean of Studies and Professor of post graduate licentiate in sacred scripture from the Pon- Philosophy at Holy Apostles Senior Seminary in Makati tifical Biblical Institute in Rome. City. He also served as parochial vicar of St. Andrew the Apostle parish. Later in the same year, he was appointed rector of the seminary. The Most Reverend Sergio Utleg, D.D. Bishop Vergara was appointed pastor of Santa Rita de The Most Rev. Sergio Utleg is the arch- Cascia Parish, in Quezon City in 2001. While at the bishop of Tuguegarao, Philippines. He parish, he also became president of Radio Veritas Global has been called a “hero for the environ- Broadcasting System in 2002, and Chancellor of the ment” for his strong advocacy against newly established Diocese of Cubao in 2003. In 2004, he mining, especially in the northern part was appointed pastor of The Parish of the Holy Sacrifice, of the country. the Catholic chapel at the University of the Philippines, Archbishop Utleg was ordained to priesthood for the Diliman, recognized as a national historic landmark. In Archdiocese of Tuguegarao in 1968. In 1997 he was ap- 2005, he was appointed Bishop of San Jose. As a priest pointed coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Ilagan and in in the Archdiocese of Manila, Bishop Vergara was the 1999 became bishop of Ilagan. In 2006 he was appointed recipient of the 2000 archdiocesan Stewardship Award for bishop of Laoag and in 2011 was installed as archbishop of his personal contributions to stewardship formation in the Tuguegarao. archdiocese. The Gawad Bayani ng Kalikasan award was presented to Archbishop Utleg for his “exemplary deeds and initia- tives” to advance environmental protection. The award is given to those who serve as an example in protecting the environment. It is through the actions of individuals such as Archbishop Utleg that gave life to ’ encyc- lical Laudato Si. During the awards ceremony, Archbishop Utleg said he was “sharing this award with all the people who stand for the protection of all creation, the promo- tion of human rights and the dignity of life.”

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 19 The Most Reverend Socrates “Soc” Villegas, D.D. Archbishop Socrates “Soc” Villegas is the archbishop of Lingayen Dagupan in the Pangasinan province of the Philippines. He is the immediate past-president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Phil- ippines. His commitment to stewardship has earned his prelature the informal title “stewardship archdiocese.” Archbishop Soc studied for the priesthood at San Carlos Seminary, earned a master’s degree in theological studies, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1985. For the next 18 years he served as secretary to the late Cardinal . In 1995 he coordinated the tenth World Youth Day in Manila and in 2002, the fourth World Meeting of Families. He is an award- winning author of several books of homilies and spiritual reflections and in 2000 was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines. Before he was assigned to the Archdiocese Lingayen Dagupan in 2009, the archbishop began his journey as a bishop in 2001 when he became an auxiliary bishop of Manila. In 2004 he became the bishop of Balanga. Archbishop Villegas responded publicly to the alarming number of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines that drew an outcry from human rights groups, the United Nations and the Church. In a pastoral letter issued to his archdiocese, Let Humanity in Us Speak, he reasoned that wanton killing is never an appropriate instrument of crime control. His plea: “I pray that humanity be restored. I pray that decent humanity rise up to defend those who now live in fear.”

20 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference ICSC Special Tribute

Eleanore Mullen Weckbaugh Foundation, Denver, Colorado, USA

The Eleanore Mullen Weckbaugh Foundation has been serving the Roman Catholic Church since it was created in 1984 by underwriting various programs and projects in the United States and beyond. Among those blessed by the foundation’s benevolence since early 2000 is the Church in the Philippines with its support through the Metro Infanta Foundation’s grassroots efforts to promote stewardship as a way of life, including several stewardship conferences leading up to the first ICSC-SPI Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference. Its former president, Terry Polakovic, was among the guest speakers at the 2013 plenary assembly of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines to celebrate the 10th anniversary of stewardship as a way of life in the Philippines. Since 2007, the foundation’s current president, Mike Polakovic, has given his full support of promoting stewardship as a way of life in the Philippines. Mr. Polakovic is from Denver, Colorado, where he lives with his wife, Terry. They have two adult children and three grandchildren. Their daughter, Sister Maria Pacis Polakovic, RSM, is a member of the Religious Sisters of Mercy, while son, Joe, lives in San Diego, California, with his wife and three children. Professionally, Mr. Polakovic is a CPA, attorney, and investment advisor. He currently is the owner and president of Legionce Investment Advisors, Inc. He is also professor emeritus at Regis University, a Catholic university in Denver, Colorado, where he taught for 24 years. On Monday afternoon of the conference, ICSC will honor the Eleonore Mullen Weckbaugh Foundation for its unique and extraordinary witness to Christian stewardship in the Roman Catholic tradition.

2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference 21 In Gratitude to ICSC and SPI Benefactors

The ICSC and SPI boards of directors and staff are very grateful to their benefactors, especially those who extended their generosity to this year’s Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference. Their partnership and generous commitment are invaluable to the missionary activities of ICSC and SPI in advancing the ministry of Christian stewardship as a way of life in the Catholic Church.

Organization and Parish Benefactors The boards of directors and staff of the International Catholic Stewardship Council and Socio-Pastoral Eleanore Mullen Weckbaugh Foundation, Institute also extend their gratitude to: Denver, Colorado, USA The Most Reverend Samuel Aquila, Metro Infanta Foundation, Arvada, Colorado, USA Archbishop of Denver, Colorado, USA Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, Indiana, USA The Most Reverend Sergio Utleg, Light of the World Catholic Church, Littleton, Archbishop of Tuguegarao, Philippines Colorado, USA The Most Reverend Mylo Hubert Vergara, Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church, Broomfield, Bishop of Pasig, Philippines Colorado, USA The Most Reverend Socrates Villegas, Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Community, Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, Philippines Black Forest, Colorado, USA St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, Littleton, Colorado, USA St. Jude Catholic Church, Lakewood, Colorado, USA Sister Ma. Cecilia Perlas, CB, coordinator of conference liturgies St. Mary Catholic Church, Littleton, Colorado, USA St. Michael the Archangel, Aurora, Colorado, USA The instrumentalists, vocalists, seminarians and other St. Thomas More Catholic Parish, Centennial, individuals who gave so much of their time and talent to Colorado, USA make the liturgies an inspirational experience. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, The volunteers who give their time and talent to Denver, Colorado, USA Socio-Pastoral Institute.

Individual Benefactors A special thanks goes to Sister Ma. Evangeline Anastacio, SPC, president of St. Paul University Manila, and the Dolly Banzon entire university management team and staff, especially Raffy and Ria de Dios Sister Maria Alegria Avellaneda, SPC, general services officer, Cristina Pardo Ramos, and the staff at St. Paul Melecia Garcia Center for Renewal for their extraordinary support, care Lorri Genne and hospitality. Mark and Mila Glodava Ms. Shannon Reincke of Doubledog Design who provided Tim and Sherri Jeske the design and layout of this booklet. Very Reverend Andrew Kemberling, V.F. Sam and Becky Perry Michael and Terry Polakovic A Friend of ICSC and SPI 22 2019 Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference Join us IN CHICAGO... for the International Catholic Stewardship Council’s 57th Annual Conference! October 6-9, 2019

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AICSCsi|SPIa StewardshipnPacific Conference

Socio-Pastoral Institute #72 CB Sisters Compound P.Burgos Street, Project 41109 Quezon City PHILIPPINES Telefax: 0632-439-8637

International Catholic Stewardship COuncil

ICSC Resource Center 26300 Ford Road #317 Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 [email protected]