Naples (Italy), Parthenope Congress Center Federico II – 19-21 June 2013

3rd Circular and Call for Papers

Studies about water flow and solute transport processes evolving in the soil-plant-atmosphere (SPA) system are now not only quite far from the pioneering activities on the concepts of field capacity, permanent wilting, and plant available water, but has also evolved from a set of agricultural and hydrologic applications focusing on problems at different spatial and temporal scales. Evidence for that is the far-reaching stimulus, both experimental and theoretical, offered by engineers and hydrologists, soil scientists, plant physiologists, ecologists, and climatologists. At the beginning, monitoring of soil-water interactions and process dynamics in the SPA system have progressed on parallel but separate tracks with respect to the developments of modeling tools. There was also a sort of spatial scale mismatch between the former studies, mainly carried out at core and plot scales, and the latter activities, mainly devoted to the hillslope and catchment scales. As our ability to monitor the above mentioned processes shifted from the use of classic tensiometers and gravimetric water contents toward more sophisticated matric pressure and moisture sensors as well as remote sensing, there has been a huge effort to model dominant processes even better and in a more comprehensive way. Detailed and intensive monitoring has spurred mathematical descriptions from the smaller scale of root zone to the larger scale of an entire basin or district. During the last few years, we are witnessing a growing convergence between the monitoring and modeling activities related to SPA processes. With a view to the above, it is timely to organize a conference that brings together researchers from different backgrounds to discuss the important achievements obtained thus far over the last decades, but also and perhaps especially to outline potential future directions for research being of benefit and interest to the younger generation.

Important Dates:

December 29, 2012: Submission of abstracts

January 16, 2013: Notification of acceptance of abstracts

February 14, 2013: Submission of conference papers

April 20, 2013: Last day for early bird registration

June 19‐21, 2013: International Conference

Conference web-page: http://


Conference themes and Agenda  Progress in soil water flow and solute transport in SPA: the interrelated aspects of monitoring variables and modeling processes.  Innovations for sustainable use of water in agriculture: from irrigation modeling to effectiveness of pipeline network.  New tools to parameterize hydrological processes in SPA across heterogeneous landscapes.  Advances in hydrological processes and patterns assessment at various spatial scales: from hillslope to catchment.  Processes evolving in the different compartments of the Earth’s Critical Zone: from the vegetation top to the bottom.

June 19th, 2013 June 20th, 2013 June 21st, 2013

San Marcellino Hall Parthenope Hall Parthenope Hall 1030-1100: Opening session 830-945: Orals 830-945: Orals 1100-1230: Doctor Honoris Causa 1000-1030: Session 2, Key-note 1000-1030: Session 4, Key-note Ceremony lecture lecture 1030-1130: Tea/Coffee and Poster 1030-1130: Tea/Coffee and Poster presentation presentation 1130-1245: Orals 1130-1245: Orals

Parthenope Hall Lunch break Lunch break 1400-1530: Session 1, Key-note lecture 1430-1500: Session 3, Key-note 1430-1600: Orals 1530-1545: Orals lecture 1615-1715: Tea/Coffee and Poster 1600-1700: Tea/Coffee and Poster 1500-1600: Orals presentation presentation 1615-1715: Tea/Coffee and Poster 1715-1730: Wrap-up/Conclusions 1700-1745: Orals presentation 1800-1830: Key-note lecture 1715-1830: Orals

Doctor Honoris Causa Ceremony in honor of Prof. Gedeon Dagan (citations to be delivered by Prof. Alessandro Santini and Prof. Andrea Rinaldo)

Invited key-note speakers Prof. Andrea Rinaldo, University of Padova, Italy and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausan, Switzerland Dr. Martha Anderson, USDA-ARS and Remote Sensing Lab, West Beltsville, USA Prof. John Norman, University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A. Prof. Harry Vereecken, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany

General Information – Abstract and paper submission Conference proceedings will be published on-line by Elsevier B.V. as a separate issue in Procedia Environmental Sciences. Only papers presented at the conference may be delivered to the Publisher for publication as part of the Procedia. The template for the papers and other information are posted in the conference webpage.


Organizing Committee: Santini Alessandro, Barbieri Giancarlo, D’Urso Guido, Romano Nunzio, Sommella Angelo, Chirico Giovanni Battista, Palladino Mario, Ciollaro Guido, Comegna Vincenzo, Coppola Antonio, Basile Angelo.

Conference Secretariat: Chirico Giovanni Battista, Palladino Mario, Intravaja Anna Maria, Di Fiore Paola, Sica Benedetto.

Scientific Advisory Committee: Santini Alessandro, Committee Chairman (University of Napoli Federico II, Italy) Anderson Martha (USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab, West Beltsville, USA) Angulo-Jaramillo Rafael (CNRS ENTPE UCB-Lyon, France) Blöschl Günter (TU Wien, Austria) Brunone Bruno (University of Perugia, Italy), Dagan Gedeon (, ), Gandolfi Claudio (University of Milano, Italy) Hopmans Jan (University of California-Davis, USA) Lamaddalena Nicola (IAM-B, Italy) Mancini Marco (Milano Polytechnic, Italy) Norman John (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) Paniconi Claudio (INRS, Canada) Rinaldo Andrea (University of Padova, Italy; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausan, Switzerland) Rubin Yoram (University of California-Berkeley, USA) Schaefli Bettina (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausan, Switzerland) Severino Gerardo (University of Napoli Federico II, Italy) Smettem Keith (University of Western Australia, Australia) Steduto Pasquale (FAO Water Unit, Italy) Todini Ezio (University of Bologna, Italy) van der Ploeg Martine J. (Wageningen University, The ) Vanclooster Marnik (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) Vereecken Harry (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany) Versace Lino (University of Calabria, Italy) Woods Ross (NIWA, New Zealand)