Shoulder Blaster

Warm up:

10 minutes on an elliptical with moving arms

ALS/ER 20x each


Set 1 DB 1A shoulder press 4 x 10 BB upright 4 x 10 Plank reach through 4 x 10

Set 2 DB inverted lateral raise 3 x 12 Lateral bear crawl 3 x 2 lengths of room *Choose a weight that is heavy Hi cable pull with elbows high (rope) 3 x 12 enough so that the last 2 reps of

Set 3 each set are difficult to perform DB up and back 4 x 10 with good form. DB front press 4 x 10 Plank shoulder touch 4 x 25 each side

Set 4 Walkout push -ups 3 x 8 DB bentover rear delt raise 3 x 10


ALS/ER – arm lift and slide and external rotation. Standing against a wall. Keep back, head, and arms flat against the wall. ALS – slide arms on wall like a snow angel. ER – keep upper arm flat against the wall, rotate up and down.

DB inverted lateral raise – movement is same as regular lateral raise, but when dumbbells get to shoulder level, palms should be facing up

DB front press – a shoulder press with weights in front of collar bones, with palms facing eachother

DB up and back – perform a , at the top of the movement, pull weights back towards the shoulders, return to straight arms, and lower weights

Plank reach through – begin in a plank, on hands and feet, reach one arm up to ceiling, while turning body, bring it back down, and reach through other arm (like thread the needle)

Plank shoulder touch – begin in a plank, on hands and feet, touch one shoulder with the opposite hand, then repeat on other side, repeat for desired reps

Walkout push-up – bend over and place hands on floor close to feet, walk hands out to a push-up position, do a push-up, walk hands back