Buffet Ramadan 2018 RM155.00nett Menu 1 Aneka kerabu Kerabu pucuk paku Kerabu manga muda dengan daun pudina Kerabu suhun dengan kupang Kerabu Dengan Sohon Kerabu daun selom, taugeh berkelapa pedas Kerabu betik muda daun palas Lemang Pulut Hitam Serunding Daging Serunding Ayam Serunding Ikan Serunding ayam dan daging

Ulam kampong Pucuk ubi, pucuk paku, ulam raja, daun selom, pucuk gajus, petai, kacang panjang, jantung pisang, kerdas Belacan, sambal sambal cencaluk,sambal

Paru goreng berempah Pecal jawa dengan telur puyuh Telur masin Ikan bilis goreng bawang Ikan kurau masin goreng chili Ikan sepat masin belado Ikan bersama bawang

Western Appetizer Three type of lettuce leaves (Butter head, lolorossa, wild rocket and radicchio) Six type of assorted fresh vegetable (Cucumber, carrot, alfalfa, tomato cherry, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower) Create your own Caesar salad with all the

Dressings and condiments 1000 island, French, honey , sun dried tomato, herb vinaigrette, and citrus

Seafood on Ice Prawn and mussel

Jeruk buah kedondong Jeruk buah kelubi Jeruk buah mangga Jeruk buah pala Jeru buah anggur Jeruk cermai

Keropok Keropok ikan Keropok malinja Keropok udang Papadom

Live action ROYAL (action counter -serving hot) (Udang galah sambal Au gratine, Puyuh goreng, Bawal goreng, ikan tongkol, Solok berlada)

Chicken Gam ( Sayur Dhalca, Buah, Acar Rampai, Mango , Papadom )

Sup Gearbox Sup Gear Box Merah with Condiments ( Bengali,White toast bread, Roti arab, Lebaness bread, French loaf, biskut lutut)

Noodle Stall with Condiments Egg with BBQ Honey Chicken , Wantan and Vegetables Assam Laksa with Condiments with Ball and Condiments

Persebor Stall Variety of Penang Pesembor

Bubur Lambuk Bubur Lambuk Kerabu

Whole lamb Traditional whole lamb stuffed with biryani rice

Everyday ( Style) Lamb Taco Salad with condiments

Kari kepala ikan As favourite dish at all time serve together with lady finger, tomatoes and eggplant

Chinese Stall Nyonya Style Fresh and Mongolian Chicken Chop Rice

Japanese Stall Tepanyaki (Chicken, Beef, Squid and Vegetables)

Mamak Stall Roti Boom Chicken , Vegetables Dhalca and Sardine Sambal Tosai with Coconut Chutney Pizza Ala Tandoor

Griddle Stall Stuffed Cencaru Fish with Chili Paste Saba Cencaluk Yaki Aneka panggang (crabs, ikan kembong, pari,otak-otak,bamboo clam with air assam and sambal kicap) Chicken and Beef with Condiments

Goreng – gorengan Assorted keropok , rangka ayam, dan pulut pangang Tomato , Thai chilli sauce, chilli aioli

Pool Side Kelapa Apam Kelapa Crepes Pulut Panggang Lapis Kuih Tako Kuih Ketayap Kelapa Goreng Deep Fried Ice cream Kelapa Kelapa Puding ( Assorted Flavour) Kelapa Bakar

Air tebu Air jagung Air soya Air Air sirap ros biji selasih Air mata kucing Tarik

Malay Gulai kawah daging Kambing kurma Gulai ikan masin bersama nenas kunyit Sambal udang petai Ikan pari Kari nangka muda bersama udang Ketam masak tomyam Burung puyuh goreng cili padi Kacang panjang goreng bersama hati ayam Pucuk ubi lemak kuning dan tempoyak Ostrich/Burung Unta Rendang Ayam Kampung(Lemang dan ketupat) Nasi putih

Chinese Chinese style mussel cooked with fresh and spicy sauce Stir with asparagus and Beef cubes with sauce Wok fried baby kalian with salted fish

Western Steamed dory with lemon, mango and tomato duxell salsa Beef Medallion with Asparagus and Black Pepper Sauce Garden vegetables with garlic cream

Malay 10 type Malay kueh individual plate Cookies 5 type, in jar Bubur Pengat Pisang Emas Raja Bersagu Bubur Kacang Merah pulut Tapai ubi Kurma Dodol

Hot Dessert Dark Sweet Cherry Butter Pudding

Bowl Dessert Honeydew Melon with Mango

Pudding Rainbow Sago with Thai Kaya Chocolate cream caramel Agar Thai Jelly Coconut Pudding

Cakes Chocolate fountain with condiments Red Velvet Pineapple Crumble Tart Morello Cherry Blackberry Charlotte Banana Chocolate Cake Praline Fudge Cake Lemon Apple Caramel Charlotte Strawberry Triffle Mango Crème Brulee Tropical sliced fruits Assorted whole tropical fruits