Meeting for Thursday, May 15th, 2014 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (A light supper will be provided at 5:45pm) Cedar Room – 3rd floor – West Community Centre 2121 Marine Drive, , BC

MINUTES Invited: Apologies: Rosalie Conway Teresa Canning Diane Gradley Cyndi Gerlach Samantha Moscipan Philip Heard Hala Nugent Taylor Hunt Rita Pokrandt Cst Crystal Shostak Bena Stock Dave Stevenson Peter Vlahos Lisa Upton Susan Wilcockson Cllr Trish Panz Cst Jeff Wood

Tina McCabe, Consultant Cllr Linda Buchanan Surjeet Sidhu, Consultant Cllr Doug MacKay-Dunn

Arleta Beckett, DWV Staff Liaison Juliana Buitenhuis, CNV Staff Liaison Lisa Stalham, DNV Committee Clerk Annie Mauboules, DNV Staff Liaison

1. Introductions  Introductions were made around the table. 2. Elections 2.1 Chair MOVED without objection TO elect Rosalie Conway as Chair. CARRIED BY ACCLAMATION

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2.2 Vice Chair MOVED without objection TO elect Hala Nugent as Vice Chair. CARRIED BY ACCLAMATION 2.3 Executive Members (2) MOVED without objection TO elect Bena Stock and Lisa Upton to the Executive. CARRIED BY ACCLAMATION Rosalie takes the Chair. 3. Adoption of agenda The agenda was adopted without objection. 4. Adoption of minutes from last meeting (attached) MOVED and seconded TO adopt the minutes from March as amended. CARRIED MOVED and seconded TO adopt the minutes from April. CARRIED 5. Executive Committee Report  It was reported that it had been a busy month for the Executive making efforts to engage the Attorney General as discussed at the last meeting. The Executive met on April 23 with North Shore MLAs and Jane Thornthwaite who were very interested in the Committee and made a variety of suggestions on how to rebuild the communication with the AG and requested the Committee send information on how they can assist with Committee goals. Hon. Yamamoto further suggested a short piece for her newsletter.  Hon. Thorthwaite is the Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth. She suggested the Committee make a submission for the June 10 and 11 meeting including two recommendations for change to help decrease the growth of youth mental illness in our communities. A draft had been prepared for consideration by the Committee.  Other recommendations included to connect with other FCYJ Committees in the province.  It was reported that Tina had met with the Chair of the Coquitlam FCYJC who were able to provide a contact at the office of the AG, Deputy Minister Jay Chalke.  In summary, the doors of communication were reopened providing new opportunities for committee members.

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6. Working Groups: work plan MOVED and seconded THAT the Committee’s Youth Focus and Domestic Violence Group’s priority and goals be focused on establishing a communication conduit with the Provincial government. MOTION having been discussed AMENDMENT MOVED and seconded THAT the Committee’s Youth Group and Domestic Violence Group’s priority and goals be focused also upon establishing a communication conduit with the Provincial government. CARRIED MOVED and seconded THAT the Executive accept Naomi Yamamoto's offer to conduct Executive meetings at her offices. MOTION having been discussed POSTPONED indefinitely.

MOVED and seconded THAT the Committee send a letter to Minister Susan Anton and Minister and Jay Chalke, Deputy Minister, (and cc the three Major's , including Major Darrell Mussatto, Major Richard Walton, and Major Michael Smith, and the four MLA's of the North Shore including Jane Thornthwaite, Naomi Yamamoto, , and , and the Ministry of Children and Family Services ) thanking the Minister Susan Anton for designating Jay Chalke as the Committee’s representative in the provincial government; advising that the NSFCYJC would like to organize a meeting with Jay Chalke and all other FCJYC’c ; and requesting available dates for the meeting. MOTION having been discussed AMENDMENT MOVED and seconded THAT the Committee send a letter to Minister Susan Anton and Minister Stephanie Cadieux and Deputy Minister Jay Chalke and cc the three Mayors and Council, the four NS MLAs, MCFD thanking them for designating Jay Chalke as the Committee’s representative in the provincial government and advising that the NSFCYJC would like to request a meeting with Jay Chalke. CARRIED 7. Work planning session: working groups  Meeting adjourned at 6:56 for working groups  Meeting reconvened at 7:39 7.1 Youth Group  The Youth Group reported the following plans: - To organise a panel of professionals to give advice, make recommendations, and invite them to the October meeting of the FCYJC. - To draft a submission for the Select Standing Committee. - To review the Geoffrey Cowper report and liaise with MLAs in this regard.

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 To review the Families’ First Act and begin work on a report detailing how the Committee could be a resource to the Provincial Government regarding this Act.

ACTION: Lisa to add these items to the Consultant Workplan along with clear indication of responsibility (Committee or Consultant), timelines, measurable outcomes.

7.1 Domestic Violence Group  The Domestic Violence Group reported the following plans: - To make a list of how the DV program supports the MLAs. - To request to have a small statement in the four local MLA newsletters on a monthly basis.

ACTION: Surjeet to contact the MLAs to find out what could be submitted.

ACTION: Tina to recirculate the draft document detailing work completed in recent years that was submitted to Juliana.

ACTION: Bena to do some document review on Families’ First Act and commence the report as detailed above.

ACTION: Lisa to add to work plan that Rita is going to contact the panel invitees for the October meeting.

8. Committee reports 8.1 Youth working group and Courtwatch Program, Tina McCabe, Consultant  Postponed until the next meeting. 8.1 Domestic Violence working group and program, Surjeet Sidhu, Consultant  Postponed until the next meeting. 9. Correspondence, any other business  None. 10. Adjournment  The next regular meeting was confirmed scheduled for Thursday June 19th, 2014.

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