2017 3rd Annual International Conference on Modern Education and Social Science (MESS 2017) ISBN: 978-1-60595-450-9

The Possible Analysis of the Develop of in Primary and Middle Schools Song Hailong Department of Sport, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China [email protected]

Keywords: Futsal Soccer, Development, Feasibility

Abstract: Through access to relevant literatures, the origin and development of Futsal Soccer and the current situation of the development of domestic and international Futsal were collated and summarized. Through summarizing the advantage of the Futsal compared to eleven-a-side . We carry out the feasibility and necessity of Futsal Soccer in primary and secondary schools.

Introduction China has a long history of football, five people soccer in China also has decades of development. With the reform of the football system in recent years and the development of the football into the campus activities, the development of five people soccer in primary and secondary schools has gain more and more attention. With the five man soccer game become a regulation game in the Brazil Olympic Games in 2016.Five people football will occupy a more important position. The field and personnel size requirements of the five - man football are not high and the five-man football have received the students’ love. There’s a certain advantage to carry out the development of the five - man football in the campus.

1 Futsal Soccer Profile 1.1 The Birth and Development of the Futsal Soccer Futsal soccer, also known as . In some countries in Europe and America, due to the outdoor temperature of winter is too low and cannot be trained, so they practice indoor, Futsal soccer has evolved from this. Brazil and Uruguay are the first countries to carry out the development of Futsal soccer. In the 30's of last century, indoor football has been quietly rising in these two countries. The first set of applicable rules to Futsal and relatively perfect in 1936 which published in a magazine in Brazil. It is which is the first time that Futsal soccer appearance in the mass media and promote the development of Futsal. In 1954, the Futsal alliance was established in Rio De Janeiro City, which is the first official organization of the Futsal soccer of the world. Two years later, the opening of the first Futsal soccer Championship set in there and the team up to 42 teams. Futsal soccer enters the stage of regional events. At this stage, the America in the dominant position of Futsal soccer. Five people soccer soon developed around the world. FIFA took over the International Federation of Futsal soccer in 1989 and becoming the executive body of Futsal soccer. Futsal soccer officially became one of the six major league matches of FIFA. In the same year, the first Futsal soccer World Cup hosted by the FIFA held in Brazil. Holland won the championship. The International Football Federation has held seven indoor soccer world cups by 2012. Futsal soccer will also enter the 2016 Brazil Olympic Games, the Olympic Games will be a formal project. This has promoted the development of the Futsal soccer.

572 1.2 The Difference between Futsal Soccer and Eleven - Person Football The difference between the Futsal soccer and the eleven - person football is shown in table 1:

Table 1. The difference between Futsal soccer and eleven - person football. Futsal soccer eleven - person football

field L:38-42m,W:18-22m L:90-120m,W:45-90m

Ball for game 4-size 5-size

rubber or similar Shoes for competition Nail shoe material sole

Number of playing Five each team Eleven each team

Change at any time, Substitution 3substitutions opportunity unlimited times

Game time Half 20 minutes Half 45 minutes

Offside There is no offside There is offside

out-of-bounds Use foot Use hand

goal kick Use hand Use foot

goal kick Two(6m,11m) One

Table 1 shows that: compared with eleven - person football, the number of players of the Futsal soccer in the football field is smaller, football is 4-size ball, more soft than the 5-size ball of the eleven-person football. The shoes for players are rubber or a similar material soles. The venue can be a lawn and can also be indoor wooden or rubber material. The number of Playing of each team is five. Substitutions can be at any time of the game but in the substitution area. Players can repeated play. The eleven man football audience only three substitutions opportunities. Game time is also greatly reduced, less than half of the game time of eleven people. For Futsal, no offside. Penalty points for two, respectively, located 6 meters away from the goal, 10 meters away from the office. 573 Futsal does not allow any collision with any form of tackles (goalkeeper in the penalty area except). The player who has been sent off will be on the bench in two minutes. If the other goal in two minutes, the replacement players can play after the goal. Five man football field is small, fast attack and defense conversion, scoring rate is higher than the eleven person system of football.

2 Development Status of Futsal Soccer 2.1 Development of Futsal Soccer Futsal soccer originated in South America and launched in Brazil and Uruguay first. At the beginning of the first Futsal soccer championship, majority teams come from the Americas. In a very long period of time, the Americas in the dominant position in the football match of the Futsal soccer. With the development of Futsal soccer in the world, such as Spain, Russia and some European countries have gradually rise. National and five state Football Association has set up. 1989 to date, the seven indoor Futsal soccer World Cup, Brazil won five times. Spain has won the two championship. This is similar to the 11 person system of football world pattern. The majority of the international football-power countries, Futsal soccer competition is also the leading level. The level of Futsal soccer game reflects the level of the national football team. Five man football will become one of the Olympic events in Brazil in 2016, which greatly promoted the development of Futsal soccer in different countries. The development of the five - Player Football and the promotion of competitive ability have risen to the national level. Futsal soccer is gradually becoming an important part of the football game. 2.2 The Development of Futsal Soccer in China Chinese Futsal soccer started late, but the small football match earlier. As early as 1964, our country has been authorized by the Sports Committee of Beijing people's Sports Publishing House published the "Provisional Rules of the small football contest", to do the provisions and interpretation the rules of the small football game. In the book, the author introduce and explain the competition rules of Futsal soccer. It is the main basis of the referee in the small football match. In 1984 in Guangzhou, China held the first Futsal soccer tournament, opening a new chapter in Chinese Futsal soccer match. Since then, Shanghai, Wuhan and other cities have also held such games. However, in this period, there is no professional Futsal soccer players in our country, most of the players are 11-person players and the facilities and equipment are not perfect. From 2003, the Chinese Football Association promote the promotion of five people soccer in many country. Set up the Futsal soccer special committee and organized the national indoor football league. Harbin Institute of Technology Li Liansheng, chief editor of the "national Futsal competition organization handbook to 11 chapter respectively introduces the unmanned make football match contest organization, institution settings, site planning, facilities, operation of the market, medical security and safety issues. To provide experience and reference for the holding of five people football matches in different regions and organizations. This paper introduces the working method and the complete process of the Futsal soccer match. In recent years, Chinese Futsal soccer has a vigorous development. As a sports game, Futsal soccer was officially included in the National Sports General Administration of the four year of the National City games In 2007. Two of the seven session of the indoor football World Cup sponsored by International Football Federation held in china. Since the football into the campus activities, small football has been widely carried out.

2.3 Current Development Situation of Futsal Soccer in Primary and Middle Schools in China In recent years, campus football have a rapid development in our country. Sports administration and the Ministry of education in 2009 jointly issued "about carrying out the national youth football activities on campus notice" to improve the overall level of national football and to enhance the 574 physical fitness of students for the purpose. Require to carry out a wide range of Campus Soccer activities in primary and secondary schools. To improve and perfect the school competition at all levels and popularize football knowledges and skills among young students. forming the campus football culture to foster the comprehensive development and special outstanding young talents. State Sports General Administration also provides a lot of financial and technical support for the development of campus football and has increased input on campus football venues and facilities, football teachers professional and technical training, events and other aspects of the organization. December 21, 2009, in recognition of China's contribution to the development of the world football, FIFA awarded the Chinese Football Development award". By the end of 2010, the national youth campus football work forum held in Dalian. And carry out a series of campus football activities in the following year . Due to the small number of people involved, the field equipment is more easy to obtain, the rules are flexible, less investment, more interesting and so on. Futsal soccer has favored by the majority of the students love. With the promotion of campus football and the increasing number of campus football activities, the development of small football games on campus is becoming more and more frequent. However, most schools and students are just regard Futsal soccer as a way to train the eleven person football. And not fully aware of the importance of the Futsal soccer. There is no adequate understanding of the Futsal soccer.

3 The Feasibility Analysis of the Development of the Futsal Soccer in Primary and Middle Schools 3.1 Development Advantages of Futsal Soccer Futsal field area is small, probably only a quarter of the 11 man football, thus effectively using the space resources, meet some grass-roots unit or the lack of venues and facilities in primary and middle schools, has a wide range of applicability. At the same time, the small ground football makes people cannot subject to site constraints, greatly increases the chance to participate in football. Even in the absence of regular football venue, in outdoor or basketball field can also start the sport. Can drive more students to participate in the football game. A Futsal soccer game with 5 players per team, with no more than 7 players on the bench. Relative to the number of eleven people per team of 11 people in the number of playing the game, the 5 person system is more easy to carry out. And the substitution rules more relaxed, substitutions without notifying the referee, in the area after the first substitution need only. The number of substitutions is not limited and players can play repeat. This advantage in the number of participants make the Futsal soccer more easy to carry out in primary and secondary schools, the degree of participation of students more greater. 3.2 The Physiological Basis of the Development of Futsal Soccer in Primary and Secondary Schools The field of Futsal soccer is small, the competition between each other is small, the players have more opportunities to contact the ball and the opportunity to shoot also increase. The interest is bigger than eleven people. All of this make the Futsal soccer is easy to carry on between the young children. The speed of attack and defense conversion is fast and can effectively exercise the ability of the reaction and the strain of the young children's presence. Futsal soccer only 20 minutes of football half. After 24-hours rest, football students themselves who participate in the eleven person system feel tired than Futsal soccer much bigger. It can be seen that the students who participated in the Futsal soccer competition were much less than eleven people in the fatigue of the body and the amount of exercise is less than eleven people soccer, their second day’s learning will not be affected. It is found that by taking part in Futsal soccer, it can alleviate the pressure of the students' learning, develop the nervous system, and strengthen the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. The comprehensive quality of the students who participate in the football game can be effectively developed.

575 3.3 Sports Injury and Fatigue Recovery in Futsal Soccer Futsal prohibits any form of collision and tackle, this reduced the risk of injury to a large extent. Unlike the eleven player football, the injury of the Futsal soccer players is mostly chronic injury and the main strain. Xiao-Ping Shui’s study found that the causes of the injury caused by the Futsal soccer is a large number of training fatigue, self protection and site problems. Futsal soccer offense and defense conversion fast, fast pace of the game, the players on the field fast running more, the lower extremity muscle and joint injury. The causes of sports injury such as: there is no adequate warm-up and exercise before the exercise, pay no attention to relaxation and recovery, and some of the school venues are not standard and so on. The amount of Futsal soccer is smaller. Futsal soccer is a small and medium intensity exercise and the degree of fatigue after exercise is much smaller than the eleven person system. Recovery Faster, but still need to focus on the relaxation and recovery after exercise. Relaxed and proper traction must be included in the training. To strengthen the inner thigh muscles to relax in particular.

4 proposal Futsal soccer can not only be used as a formal event in primary and secondary schools, but also as a form of exercise in eleven people in schools at all levels to carry out a wide range of. The Futsal soccer can also be combined with school sports to carry out as a sports course. Leaders of educational institutions at all levels should also pay more attention to the Futsal soccer and increase the input of the field equipment. We should strengthen the training of Futsal soccer coaches and researchers, so that more students have the opportunity to receive regular five special training and participate in the formal Futsal soccer match. We can hold regular football matches and organize the professional personnel to guide the development of the competition. To hold a football Seminar to the campus and popularize the basic knowledges and professional skills of Futsal Soccer. Promote Futsal football sustained and healthy development on campus .

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