
Compiled by TONY HAWKINS

Abingdon, Alu. of, 179 Benlham, Or (?Edward), 126 uri of, 123 Berkeley, cui of, 164 Abingdon, 165, 178--80 Berkshire Downs, I, 8 Acland, Sir lI~nry , 164 Berrick Salom~, 173 Adwdl, 172 Berringlon, John of, 113 Aff~nton. 172 Rob .• of Walwonh, 112-3 Alchaltr,l68 iknrand, Cardinal of 51a. Maria Ln Aquira, 16011 Aldl)'nlon. Hen dc, 66 lkv~rlc)",John of, 10&., III, 114 Alice, mother of Hen. $ of PCICT, 76 BiC('SI~r, 173 dndiran" 66 Bickcnon,J., I'll, 144 Andovcr (Hants), 14".24 bilthook, 60. 65 angd" medl('\'aJ wall-paintings of, 83, 88. 91, 96-7 BinKY, 173 Anglo-Suon r(mOlins. 41. 50, 53,169-71 Bmningham, 135. 143 Anne, Thos. de, 62 Birmingham Association, ue Liberal Party Appleby (~ic.s.), 10'>-7 Bishoplon, John of, 100-9 Applehangtr, Sit Goring Bix , 65, 67 appropriation (monastic), 106-7, 112 Black Bourton, 96 Aquiro, Cardinal of StOll Maria in, Sit Bertrand Blacklaw, Rob. of, IOSII, liOn Arnold, Mal.. 164 blacksmiths, 65, 67 Ascol-under-Wychwood. 172 Blackslone, Wm., 123-4 Ascott (near Siadhampton), 82 Bland, John, 65 Ashley, -, 128 Bledon,8 Aslwillc, 9, 22-3, 27 Blewbunon Hilt, 9 .u afting 55, 57 Bloxham, 89, 173 ASlhall, 172 Blyborough (Lines.), 106 A.Slan Samplon, 172 Boar's Hilt, housing de... ·dopmenl in, 147, 159, 16~, Aston Tirrold, ncavations ai, 1-2,4,36-40 166 Aydiffc,John of, 108-111, 114 Boldon, Uthred of, ~IOO, 100-111, 114 bones. animal, 13-19.34,52.169 8adcock. Ceo. 127 human, 41, 43, 51 Baker, .I::\'c, 84 bon~ obj«u. 12.26 Bailie, Ric .. 75 Boswonh. balll~ of, 115 Samplon, 172 &11~y, 123", 149 Banbury, 172, 177-8 Botley Caus~way and Turnpik~, 123-5, 127-9 Bardolf, Lad)' habd, .)7 Oourlon, 173 fam .• ~ Bowy~r, Sir G(Org~, 152, 159 Benenlin. Wm., 71 8radford-on·A .... on (Wilts.), 117 barg~·masl~r, 69 Brampton (~orf.), 167 barg~ traffic. Sit Tham~s Brantingham (Yorks. E.R.), 106 Danon, Wal. , 67 Bray, Vivian d~, 76 Danon, 151. 153 bridges, medu:val, r~pair of, 78 Basingslok~, 23, 24 bng-hol, 78 Balli CJmnucle. TJu, 138" 8rightw~1I Baldwin, 173 Beacollsfield, Lord. m Dlsraeli British Land Co., ue National "' re~hold Land Soci~ty Beche, Eleanor a la, 58 Brilwdl Salom~, 173 B~cklcy , 173 Broad SI., see : str~~lS ( Hors~mong~r ) Bedford, duk~ of, 78 Bronu-A~~ r~mains , 7-8, 2~. 26, 29, 'II, 52-3 8«son. C "·C .• 177-8 Brook ( K~nI ), 96 Belchamp Wah~r (E.lS('x). 97 Broughton, 82-3, 96-7, 173 lknediCI XII, 103 8roun~ , Thos., 67 Benedictincs.99-114 8rUlOn (Som.), 117

Iknford, David. 157 8uckdl, R· t 132. 143, 144" '''DEX 181

Burdon, Grof. dC', 103. III Cook-tum 8f'rks) 71 Burford. 83--4 CooJ)(:r, G., 144 ... Burghal llldagC', 78 (;('(1. RC'ndlC', 164 Burghl('y, Lord. Ilq Coprord (E.J. ('x), 96 burials, 43, 50-2; .lfIi ~t( cC'mC'lC'nn; gra\"C's 57-9. 62, 65. 69 Burlison and GI"\·lIs. 93 man,llj:C'mC'nt, 60-1. 65, 71 Burnham lkt-chn (Bucks. I, 65 products. 59, 61, 6.5-70 Burro.... s, \lonlaguC', 137. 141 CorbridgC', HUli!;h or. 112 ... Bury. Ri ch.ud. bp. of Durham, 112 Comi.!lh. Srlby, 154 But)" St. Edmunds (Su IT.). 78 Comwdl, 173 BushC'lI , Thos., 173-4 corruption, dC'Cloral, in Oxrord, 13+-46 Byconyll, £lil., I 1&-7 CowlC'y. housing dC'\"C'lopmC'nl in, 147, 151-2 156-8 Sir john, 115-18 St. BArtholom('w's WdJ. 173 \\m .. 115 St. jdlllC'S, BC'auchamp Lane. 91-2, 96 Byconyll Exhibitions, It( Oxrord Uuivcorsit), (;OWIOI1, Wm., prior or Durham, 107, 10&1 Cr,l",,\C'Y, 173 CambridgC', 78 crC'malions, 41, 50-1 CambridgC' Uni\tn.i(y, 119 CrC'pping.john or, 107 Emmanuci ColIC'gC', 118-19 CriddC'y Hill, 123 ... CamciC'y (Som.), 117 crorts,57 Campbdl. Sir Cw. 144" Crom""dl, Tho~., 117 Cant.:rbul)·. 100 CroprC'd), 84 cathedral priory, 100 Cross. John. 153 Christ Church. 117 CTOSJ('S. 175 CaIXI, :"loa-h . 157 Croughton (;'I:orth,&nts .), 89 CardwC'U. E., 132", 13711 Cro..... dl, 173 Cassinglon. 84. 173 Crown, prOpC'rI\', 117-20. 126 CallC' St. It( Oxrord s(rCC'ts r«ei\C'r-gC'neral of ero .... n lands. 117-20 CaHnfiC'ld, 173 crucks. 69 Ca\"C'rsham, 61-2, 70-1 Cudd('sdon, 173 cC'mC'tC'riC's, 41, 43, 50-3; a"tI It( burials; graHs CullC':n. Bros .• buildC'fS, 157 Chalront St. CilC's, 97 Arthur Edmund. 157 chalk "ocr!, 4 H('n. IS7 Chambtrlain,jos., 13tin Curbrid~t, 173 chantricos, 112, I 13n, 115, 117 CUrtiS, Chas .• df(hilC'Cl, 164 charcoal,6, 7,13 customary SC'fVllC'.!I, 65, 71 charcoal-burntrs,~, 67 Chari bury, 173 Dallin, -, loll Chariton-on-Olmocr,l73 D .. nC'bury /llants.). H. 19,23,27 Chau5C')", r.. m., 58 Dariin'tlon. Hu~h elr. 101, 103 Checir;cndoll, 57-8, 61, 65. 69 daub, 13,34,69 churdl,8.J D.lUbC'nC'y, Sir GilC's. 117 Chichdc. ,\bp., 116 Davrllport, Cw., 155-6 Chich('StC'r. 168.11 john Marriott. 152. 156 ChihC'ms. woodland in, 55-72 D"y. C('(I., 120 Chilly.J W ., 132-6. 146 Duns. DrJ., 132,. chUrf'h-rnloration (I9th-(coIII.), 81, 8~, 89, 93, 95-6 DcddillRton, 84, 173 Churchill, 173 dC'('r parks, 62-5, 71 Circnccstcr, 96 I)(I"morC'. La.dy. 89 Clarkc. Danid, 151-2. 154, 157 ram .. 89 Claxton, Robtrt of, 105 dC'm(,.!IIIC'. 57. 71 clay. 6rC'd, 13, 30, 38 Iknr. dc la. ram 58 Claydon Plkc, 23, 27 Denmark, mecilrvdl "".lIl-palllllngs III, 96 ClttvC'-Didcol pipelinc. cxcavaliolls along, I-54 OC'\"on, eschC'ator or. 115 CIC'ydoli. 173 DlsnC'y, E,dgar .\ Iorlon, 151-2. 165 ciockmakinR. 177-8 Disradi, Iknj. (Lord BC'aconsfidd), 131, 133-4 ColchC'slC'r, 78 ditchC'S, 24, 29-30, J·l, 38, H. 49, 59, 64, 92 CaIcUII.J., IHII D'Oill)' , La.dy Edilh, 93 Coldingh.un (8C'rwicks.), 101, 106, Illn Domesday Book, 55, 73, 77 Coleman, }lhil.. 57 DorchcoslC'r-on-Tham('s, abbt)". 70.85 Colmcr. Wal., 118 holy .... dl.l73 Committtt ror th(' RC'IlKJ\·.t.1 or Obstructions to the Salt DorcheSIC'r (DorsC'tj, 11.>-6 or Lands, 120 Ooml. ~ I P and shC'riff of. 115 COnstn.· .. tiH Party. 132-46 Ducklington, 85 junior Carlmn Club, 138. 141-6 Dudky. CrC'ws, 152 182 INDEX

Duns T~w, 173 Grayltoncs, Rob. of, J08Ir, 109 Durhilm cathwral priory. 99-114. 117 G~al Hue:lcy, 174- churchl"5 of, 105-6 Great Mlhon, 86 dcptndcnt cdls, 100-1, 103-111 Oral Rollright. 174 House ofSlUdi" (Oxford), 99-114 Oral Tew. 86, 96, 174 libral). 109-10. 113 Grttnaway, H('n., 152 priory library, 100. 103 Grim's DilCh, 55 Dyke. ~Ir W H., 137 CrO$S(talc, Rob. , 100 \\'01., 94, 97 Gussagc All Saints, 14 Dyltt'l Bower. S E. 90 Gutch,John,12O

Edward III, 107 Haddinglon. Rob of, 10011 I::lsfidd. 173 Hale, -, 128 Elwick , Gilb. of. 104, 10811, 11111 lIalfptnny Lane, excllvations at, 4-8, 1~12, 14-25,27 Enslone. 173 Hall, Altx., 132-146 Ep"'iCIi. 174 Hallington, Rob . of, 104 Est${at(', Jonn of. 76 Hamihon, S.C., 119 csto\'t'r5,66-7 lIanborough, 174 Ell)"A &J.,127 Hanwcll, 86, 174 f"m., 126 Harcourt. uwis, 145 l:.\'al15, Harman. printcr. 150 Sir Wm . 132-46 b d)·n. John, 62 Hardham (Sussex), 96 ["t'lts, Rc\' ThO$., 158 HardwicK , de, fam. , 64 W.o 141, l+tn Hardwick, Stt Whitchurch l .... dnc, 174 Harpsden, 55, 57/1, 69 Exchcquu, ro)'a!. 118-20 Hatfidd. Thos .• bp. or Durham. 112-113 Eynsham. 85, 12311. 174 Hatfidd forest (EsSt'x), 59 abb(')'. 58-9. 61,67, 70-1. 85. 88 Hatford (rormerly Berb.). 86-7 bridge, 124 Hawman, John, 67 , housing devdopmenl in , 147, 149-50, Farmoor, 9, 27 152--8, 163 Fifldd (Berks. ) 124,129 quarry. 152--4 Finch, \\':m., 150 St. Andrt"ws, Old Headington, 91, 97 Finchak, 106, III lIenderson, Patrick, 156 firewood trade, 58. 66-7 IlengiSlbury Head (Dorset), 23 flints, 12. 25. 41 , 52-3 Henky-on.Thames, 62, 6.>-6, 69, 178 f'oliol, Alice, 74-5, 77 Henry VI, 79 Franceis. ~ic., 'de 101 Barbekane·, 121 Henry VII, 115 Franciscans, 116 lIenry VIII , J 19 Frtke, John, 120" Henry son of Peter (lien fiI' Pelri), 76 Fritwdl, 174 Hethe, 174 rurniture trade, 59, 70 Heymer, Jet Htghmoor He)wood, Juper,118 Galpl/l, Thos., mayor of Oxford, 141 }-hda, Roger de, 61 Galpin &. Son, 159 Highmoor (Hey mer), 62 ·C01nlj:u!\'nGodstow abbey, 102 Hundr«i Rolls (1219), 57.73 Goosey (formerly Berks.), 85 Hunt, Ralph, 118 Goring. 57-9. 62. 64, 66, 71 Huntercombe, 62. 65 Applehangt'r, 58, 64, 66 Hurst, H., 91-2 church,66 H)'de abbey, 79 grammar schools. 117 Gra\,tley Woods (Wilts.), 167 URey. 14~SO, 157, 165 gra\"CS, 41. 49-53; 0'" Jit burials: cemelenes IIchester. 16& ~oods, 41. 43, SO, 52 Innoant VI, 105. 107 I;-.;OEX 183

I~en . 57. 65 ~laitland . f\\ 78 Ipswich I :uff,). 78 \ J B . 126-9 In~land . lIom~ Rul~ for. 131, 133 ~lalin, itt PiCo t Iron·AJt:~ remains. 4-6, 6-9, 13-17. 19-27. JS-.W. +4 . MaHam &. Son, 155 <9.52-3 Malmnbury. 76-9 Islip. 87-8. 174 ab~)-, 79 milnor ("oun, 57 Jackson, \\ m .• pnnl~r , 127 ~h.pledurham . 55. 5,7-9, 62, 64, 67, 69, 71 jadso,, 's Oxford jounuJ/. 134, 150 Markby. Sir Wm .• 15,6 Jamn,John, 66 Marlborough, duke or. 131 .. Jarrow (T}n~ &. Wear). 106. 10711, 10911, III Mumion, J ohn. 5& J~ffr~)' , Rev . Edw., lb4 ~1arsh Fidd, .. 3 John son of Wm. de St, John, 75 Manlll, Charles, 142-3 Jonn. Fr«ia K., 119 Masham, Wm, or, 101 Joye, John. 69 Mathcws, Michael Angelo, 164, 166 Junior Carlton Club, Jtt Cons~rvaliH Pany M~solilhlc r~maIllS , 4, 25" 44, 52-3 me:lal .... ork. 13,34. 37-8 KaJalxrgo, J ohn, 177-8 Middle Aston, 1N Kelloe. Dom Rob. of. 11 211 ~llddl~lon , Ikrtram of. 100 Wm_. I'd. of Oom Rob. or, 112/1 Milcombc,89 Master Wm, or. 11 2,11 Mildmay, Sir Wal , 118-9 Kencot, 174 ' ~Iilt .... a)·s A("I' ( 177 1). 123. 129 Kc.nnin5tton, 147. 152, 165 Mllkr, F , ~lax , 141" Kiddmgton, 174 mills, 7~1, awl Stt .... "termills Kidlington, 92 88-9, Mlllster Lo\'ell, 174 Kidman' End, 67 ~t onkwearmouth (T)'Ile & Wtar), 106, 109,.. III kilns, 67 M oo r~. Ham' Wilkinson, 156. 164 Kimlxr. Wm., 152 ~I orrdl , Ceo, IItrb and Alicia. 152, 156 King, Arthur. 161 tru,)tees, 160-1 fred .. 153 fam .• 128, 129,. Kings Lynn, 79 Morris, Chas., 151 -2, 154 Ki rtiin1l:lOn, 97, 174 Wm .• 84 Laker, Mr .• 14511 Wm., trusttts or. 154 Latimer tAW., 152 Wm , Ri c ( Lord Nuffiddl. 157 J ohn. h('ir or Edw., 152 ~t Oltt, Phil_ dt la. 94 Rev. Wm., 153 Moulsrord Nonh road, ~xca\"alion s at, 19, 27-30 Lavandcre, Isabella ia, 76 Mount Farm, 23 Leiuster. carl or, 119 muragt tax. 78 Leicc:ste:r, 167 mural mansions. 73-9 Lc:wes ( Su~" ). 79 Lewis, JP , 137" naile:r, 66-7 Liberal Party, 131-43 ~aplrr , l\rthur, 156 Birmingham Association, 136, 113 national d~bt . 13311 X.uional Liberill t'cde:ration, 136 Sallonal frtthold Land Society, 156, 158 British Land CoO., 1.56-8 libra"". ttl Durham c.-.u hr-dral prion Lmcoln, bp_ of, 102 ~ational Libtral Fcdtrlltion, ift Liberal Pan) LUlie: Tew, 174 Nrolilhic r~mains , 25. 41 , 44, 52-3 Lock, J oseph, 150 ~eltltbed , 67, 7~1, 174 Lollingdon Hill. excavations at. I 30-7 New HinkKY, 147 , 152 London. 59. 66, 70, 125. 167 ntw papers, Itt B.11t ClmJ,IIu/t, GIoIN, jMb. ,, ·J Oxfo,d Longus, Waiterus, 75 jrMru/. OOJtrNT, Oxford Clt.rDfIUU, Oxfo,d TlJIUi, loomwclghls, 13, 26 Ttltl,.ph, 7imtS Lo\eday, John, 64 Noke. 114 Lund, Thos, or, 108,11 North lIinkKY. 147, 151 -2. 159-65 Luurdl, John or, 10411, III" :'tlorth Lt:igh , 174 Luvkyn, Rob., 65 ~orth Ptrrott (Sam.). 116 il:orth Stok~, 25. 57, 16g....71 Lydc. Itt Yeovil Lytham ( Lancs,), 101, 106 Northallenon (N Yorks). 106 Norlhmoor,89 Mabel, w, of Wm de' Reyns (Mabiliam q,r. uxor Nolley abbey. 61 Will 'de Reyns). 76 ~uffield , Lord, Itt Morris, Wm Ric. Mabson, Hen .• 120 Nufficld.71 ~IaRna Carta, 78 'Gangul\"esdc:n '.61 Magpie: Lan~ . Sit Oxford SlrttLS Nunncy (Som,), 117 Maid~n Castle. 24 Nuttall, -. 139, 141 184 I~DEX

Ob5fft.n', 17u, 137 suburban developmenl, 147-66 Oddingwn. 174 Summertown, 147,, 152 Old Down Farm, 14 Oxft.rd, Synod of (1222), 97 (hene), abbe),. Jil Oxford churcht~ and rrligiulls Oxford &. Abingdon Permanent iknefit Buildint; housn Society, 1.53 Oxford, 73-8, 165 Oxford Canal Company, 127 .\ngl~Saxon hilt", 77--8 Oxford Chro/lic/t, T1u, 131, 134, 138-42, 150, 1M boundaries. 147, 1'19. 166 Oxford Industrial & Providenl Land and Building building byelaws, 150, 158 Society, 1.58 Carfax. 129 Oxford Local Board, 150. 1.58 ciutle, 123-7, 129 Oxford Timtl, 77u, 131-2. 134, 141-2 cathedral,90,96, 126-9 Oxford University, 116-7 churchrs and rrhgious hOUS('5 and 1880 General Election, I to Oscney abbe)', 75-6, 93, 102 Benedictines at, 100-2, 104-13 St. Barlholomew's Hospital, 127 Oyconyll Exhibitions at, 11 5--2 1 St. Friduwldr's priory, 73, 7,S-6 Chancellor, 103-5, 115,., 119 St. Giles, 91 Colleges and halls: St. John's Hospilal, 73, 75-6 All Souls College, 116, 123 SI. Mary MAgdalene, 102 Balliol College, 104-5, 109 t. Mary Ihe Virgin, 116 Brase nose College, 149, 160 SI. Peler-Ie-Bailey parish. 125. 129 Chrin Church, ';8, 126-9. 149-50; and SIt Oxford and Sit Cowley: l. Jamrs; lIudington St cathedral Andr('ws Durham College. 99-10';, 108-9. 112-3; aNi itt Cit)' Council, 124..... 8 Durham cathedral prio",,: HOUR ofSlUdles Conduit hou~. 161 Exeter College, 111 Coop<'rali..,( Soclct). 154 Gloucesler College, 100. 109 County hall, 123, 126. 129 Gloucester Hall, 117 new ollie!' (1911), 127 Hart Hall, 117-'10 general decllon In (1868). 132 Lmcoln College, 1,;9 (1874), 133. 135. 137 Merton College, 112 ( 1880), 131-146 New College, 116 holy wells, 174-5 "uffield College, 127 mayor, Sit Galpin, Thos. Onel College, 127-9 mural mansions, 73-9 St. Peter's College, 127 New Road, Stt Oxford; SireNS Trinity College, 164 Norham manor, 163 University College, 128, 149, 161 Pacry's Bridge, 128-9 Wad ham College, 156 Puk To.... n, 153 convocation, 119 polling ward. Divinity School, 116" St Ebbc'$ 142 proctors, 119 St. Giles 143 St Mary the Virgin church, m Oxford churches St. Thomas's 142-3 stud irs at, 99-101,107-111, 113-4, 116, 118 population, 147 Oxonia, John de, bp. of Norwich. 7'; Qu«n's Arms Public House. 128 rates in, 133 Pacey. Mr., 128 roads to, 123-.5, 127, 129 p.. lmer. Rad' Ie, 76 natlon, 159. Ib3 panels. painted, 94 slr('('lS, ele pannage, 61-2 'Beaumont' (Parks Road), 102 Paris, medieval schools of, 100-1 Bullocks Lane, 125--6, 129 parks. Sit dttr parks BUlcher Row IQuccn St.). 124, 127, 129 park pales, medieval, 63-5 Castle St 125.126" Pa.sselewe, John, 71 Calle St 77 ~ic., 72 HOf5emonger (Broad) St., 102 Thos .• 71 BYlhe Bridge St., 124-5. 128 pasture, 61-2, 64 Imey Road , 153 Patcham (Sussex ), 97 Jews Mount, 126/1 Paulet, \Vm ., marquess of Winchester, 118-9 Magpie Lane, 77 Pavel, \V ., 152, 154 Mason's G~rd('.n, 125 P.. wlet, Rob., 118 Ne.... Road, 123-30 Pttl, Sir Robert, the younger, 139 Park End St., 128 Pegler, Chas., 142 Rewley Lane (Road), 128-9 Peppercorn, Wm., 1.)6 South Parks road, 163 Picot (Malin), Gwf. (Galf.), 76 Thames (Gcorgd St., 124 Piddin~ton, 175 Tidmarsh Lane, 127 Piggesfote. Wm., 76 I:>ODEX 185 pits. 4, 6, 8-9, 1~29. 34. 38, 44. 52 Sibford Gow~r. 175 plant remilins, 19-25. 38-40, 52 Simon son ofJohn. 75 PI~t, ~l.lTg, de. 71 mith, Chas .• uchllect. 161. 163 Ptimsoll. S;amud 140 Ed"" .• artist, 151-2. 1.)6 pontilge, 78 ThO!i .• 157-8 Poor Law Gu;ardians, Repom of, B5 Smith's fidd, 23 poor ratr, 58 Society for Ih(' PrOl~ct i on of Anciclil Buildings, 84 po5lholes/slakrholt's, 4, 7,9, 19.25, 3t, 38. 44, 52 SometSC:l. 116--8 POIlt'Tne. 23-4 M P for and Sheriff or. 115 POIlt'ry. 4,7-11. 19.26-30,34,37-8.44. 52. 16~171 Somcn.'ille, Sir Phil 104 Powt'll. OJ., 82 South Hinkse)" 163 Prescon, Sir Geo., 143 Soulh Leigh, 83. 93 Punon (Wilts.), 96 South Newingloll, 86,. '-rrton, 66, 69 South PeTTolI (Sam.), 116 South Stokc, 55. 56-9, 61. 66-7,71 Radbert. Wm ., 118 Southampton, priory of SI. Dt'n)'s, 79 Radley. housing dt"'dopmenl in 151-2. 159. 165 Southt'ast', 79 raih.. ays, 152-3. 159. 165 Spe:lsbur)', 175 Oxford. A) Irsbur) &. Mrlropolilan Junction Rail .... a) spindlt' whorl. 13.26 Co .. 153 Slilines. Sim, of. 1111t Grral Wrstern Railwa" 159, 165 Stamford (Llna.), 101. 103, 1071t, 110-11 Ralt'igh. Sir Wal., Prof of Eng Lil.. 163 Sian Ion Harcourt, 8611, 94, 97, 175 Ralph (Rad')IOn of Robm. 76 Statut'ofQu«n Anne {17071. 137 Rams Hill, 9 SIt'epk Aston, 176 Rana,John of. loo.r Stttplt' Buton, 176 Randall, Phil II8-q Stephen. Phi!.. 120 Reform J\ Ct (1832). 131 Stoke Lynt', 176 Rqns. ~Iabt'l '" of \\'m dt'. Sf( ~t.l1X' 1 Siokt' Ro ..... , 176 Ribton, Thos., 112,. SlOkencl. john, 59 Wm. of, 112,. Slone, Wm ., 1M Richborough. 167 Stonehouse, film .. 159 ndgt' and furrow, 43, t9 SlonesfieId, 176 Rippington, Mark, 152, 158 Stonor. Thos .• 67 roads, 123-30, 167 Wm., 6~ turnpike, 123-5, 127-9 Stonor, 64, 66-7, 69,71 Robert son ofSmloll tht' smith of Ipsdt'n, 65 Street. G.E .• alchitcct. 83-4, 89, 93 Rochester, 78 Stroud (Glos.), 128 Roger son of Step hell (Rog' fiI' Stephani), 76 suburban dt'vdopmt'lH, JU Oxford Rogel'3. Thorold, 139 Sunon Court('na~ (formuly B('rks .), 94-5 Rolfe. Claplon Crabbt'o 159-61, 163 Swalcliffe, 176 Rob,,66 Swerford. 176 Roman remains. 4-9. 13-19,2-4--30,34 167-8 Swinbrool. 176 ROlhuf1dd Grr)s. b4 Swinford. 1011 bridge. 123-5, 129 ROIhe:rfidd Pt'ppard, 70. 175 f('try, 123 Rousham, 175 SW)'ncombe,55 Royal Commission mto Corrupt Pracllct's in tht' Cit ... crOxford (1881), 135, 142-5 TadmartOIl 176 Ruskin, john. 160 Talbot, Col \\ P., 137 lilnn('r, 70 St. Cher. Hugh of, 100 Taylor, Rt'\ john. 151-2, 154-5 St. john, john s. of Wm dt', Stt john Ttltgraph, nt, 137 Sahsbul)',97 TdscomlX'. 79 Saltt'r. fam., boalbuildcl'3, 164 Te15 ..... orth, 82 Sandford St, Martlll, 175 Tham(', 61, 176 Schnadhot$t, ..... 139, 141, 14311 Thames, ri\er. 1,9,, 70 Sel-sey (Susst'X), 167 barge traffic, 59. 66, 70 Sel)ilnt, \\o'al. Ie. 76 Conscrvators, 161 Shaftesbury, ~'JP for, 115 valley, I, 4, 27 shaws, 57 Thorpe Thewles (CIt'veIand), 23 Sht'nington, 175 tilers, 67 Shipton·undt'r.Wych ..... ood, 175 tiles , 4, 9, 27 Shirbum, 64, 71 IImlxr mcrchant, 61, 72 Shonhampton. 97 umbt'r. USt'S or. 59-62. ~7. 69-70; attd Jtt COPpl(('S. shragglllg (scrag~ng), 70 .... oodlands Shrimpton, Arthur, 164 TilfltJ, TM, 137, 139-40. 142 186 I1WEX

loll-gal~s, 124 Whiting, Rie,. abbot ofCla,Slonbury, 118 Tomes (Dc:\.), 791t Whorwood, Thos_ Hen., 155 trada, ~. 67-70 Wiggington, 176 Tr('Uon ( 'ussVt), 84 Wilk..inson , Wm . 160 T",),nc, Brian. 119 \\-'illtrl. Sir Arthur. 156 WIlliam, Francii. 157 Ulcomlx ( Kent), 96 Winehoombt' (Clos.). 117 Wineheslt'r. 23. 79, 96--7 \'nuour. \\.11, 11211 bp. of 66 Oom Wm .• 112" cathrdral, 9b "incs, Sydnc\', 1.)6 St_ S .... nhm's Priory. 79 virgau:s, 57 school, 116 Windsor, St. Crorge's Chapd, 66, 95 waJl-~mlin8' (medicval), 81-98 Wise, Reg., 79 Wallingford (formcri), Berh), 9, 66, 70 .. , 78. 95 Wislie, Rogf:'r. 76 Walsh, PCrCi\'dl, 135, 137,., 143.146,., 161 i::mma, W _ of. 76 Wal\loonh, Rob. of, Itt Bcrringlon Witne) , 12311. 176 Warborough, 95 Wittenham Clumps, 89 Wardington, 176 Wode, And. aue, 57 Warcnnc. J ohn dt, tarl. 79 \\'ol\'('rcole, J 76 Wargra\'c.66 Wood. Ant,. 119. 120ft Warne'f, Wm ~1t:ad . 151-3, 155 \\oOOcot('. 55 . .)8.-9. 61 b6-7,71 ¥oolrr('ncr.71 \\oodCUIIS, 29 Walchfidd. 41 -54 Woocleaton, 95, 176 wal('rmill~. 116 \H)odland~ (in Chiheflls). 5.s-72; (Jlld jU ((Jppic('~ Wallington. 64. 71 timbt'r QJU/ ulldn IIa"./1 oj ptJTtlru/ar p/IMtJ Watson, liden, 89 Woods. R('v Ht:n" 164 WaUon (Norf). 167 Woodstock. 176 Wralhcroock Ihll, 8, 26 .... oodwards and .... oodmen. 59. 1>2, ti.s-tJ. hB. 71 Wdls, 1'., 144/1 Wootlon, 164. 176 Wdls, 115 Wootton-Wootton, Gilbert. 164 wells, stt hoi) and healing we'lis Wordsworth. C .. of GoosC) , 85 Wrndh-bur\', 167-8 \\roxhaie, film. 58 Werc, \\"al.. 118 \\')ch",ood, 176 West. Tholl., l()n W)-'Ciif, John, 111, 114 WeslCOI( Barton. 17b W)'lo1d , 57, 64-5 \\lC'5104::. Tho5. o f, 101 , 109 Wykt'ham, Wm., 116 Wcstwdl, 176 \\'ct('comix. John, 118 Yarmon, 8211 whar.... c.!. 69-70 Yro\il. 115 ... heciwriglll, 67. 69 L)de. manor of, 117 Whitchurch, 61, 65 nOYf:'reli .... harf, 69-70 Zouch, Wm. II', Lord ofTotl1(,s, 79 Hardwick. 64-5