Financing public capital when rents are back: a macroeconomic Henry George Theorem Linus Mattauch,∗ Jan Siegmeier, Ottmar Edenhofer, Felix Creutzig January 30, 2018 Abstract By taxing rents, governments can avoid a trade-off between productivity- enhancing public investment and efficiency losses from raising funds. However, it is unclear whether the rents present in a growing econ- omy are sufficient to finance its socially optimal level. We prove that the social optimum can be attained if the income share from a fixed factor, such as land, exceeds the public investment requirement. We thus translate the Henry George Theorem from urban economics to neoclassical and endogenous growth settings: here, the socially opti- mal land rent tax rate is below 100 %. Our finding may address the underfunding of national infrastructure investments. JEL classification: H21, H54, Q24 Keywords: land rent, public investment, infrastructure, Henry George The- orem, optimal growth ∗Mattauch: Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School and Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment, Uni- versity of Oxford and Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Cli- mate Change, Eagle House, Walton Well Road, OX2 6ED Oxford, United Kingdom. (
[email protected]). Siegmeier: Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Torgauer Strasse 12-15, D-10829 Berlin, Germany. (
[email protected]). Edenhofer: Mercator Research Institute on Global Com- mons and Climate Change, Technical University of Berlin and Potsdam Institute for Cli- mate Impact Research, Torgauer Strasse 12-15, D-10829 Berlin (ottmar.edenhofer@pik- Creutzig: Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change and Technical University of Berlin.