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The Ecology of Seed Dispersal

The Ecology of Seed Dispersal

Chapter 4 The of Dispersal

Mary F. Willson1 and Anna Traveset2 15230 Terrace Place, Juneau, Alaska, USA; 2Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats (CSIC–UIB), Esporles, Balearic Islands, Spain

Introduction shadow’ (Janzen, 1971). The term is most commonly (and perhaps properly) used in has long been a topic of reference to the postdispersal distribution interest to naturalists, but it has not been of seed around the maternal parent, but it until the last three decades that the ecology can also be used to refer to the distribution of dispersal has received much rigorous of around a source composed of mul- scientific attention. Many theoretical and tiple parents. Although the unit of disper- empirical advances have recently been sal may be technically a or a group of made, although important lacunae in our and, thus, the generic label should be understanding still need to be filled before or , we shall continue to dispersal ecology becomes a coherent body use the more euphonious term of seed of knowledge. A major goal of this chapter shadow, with the intent of conceptually is to review the existing literature on seed including all diaspores of any morphologi- dispersal, highlighting these essential but cal and genetic derivation. missing kinds of information. Seed shadows exist in two horizontal This review is divided into two sec- dimensions for most seed (a salient tions, the first dealing with the evolution of exception is found in epiphytic plants, in dispersal mechanisms and the second with which the third, vertical, dimension is pre- the consequences of dispersal at popula- sumably well developed). The shape of the tion and levels. Dispersal can seed distribution in the horizontal plane occur in both space and time, but only the may be asymmetric with respect to the former will be treated here, except where source (if, for example, the carries some relationship between the two axes is most seeds in a downwind direction). This known (Venable and Brown, 1988; Leck et simple descriptor of shape is generally aug- al., 1989; Eriksson and Ehrlén, 1998a; see mented by information on seed density, also Murdoch and Ellis, Chapter 8, this such that the seed shadow resembles a volume). topographic map, with peaks of high seed density. Two factors, then, can be used to describe seed shadows – the relationship of The seed shadow seed numbers or density to distance from the source and the directionality with The spatial distribution of dispersed seeds respect to the source. around their source is called a ‘seed Although directionality is clearly

© CAB International 2000. Seeds: The Ecology of Regeneration in Communities, 2nd edition 85 (ed. M. Fenner) 86 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

significant for many ecological questions, it ecological factors, including behaviour pat- is common to discuss seed distributions terns of the seed vectors that lead to nucle- chiefly in terms of distance from the ation processes (Willson and Crome, 1989; source. Conventional wisdom describes the McClanahan and Wolfe, 1993; Verdú and seed number/distance relationship as lep- García-Fayos, 1996, 1998; Julliot, 1997). tokurtic (with a higher peak and longer tail For species with polymorphic seeds (i.e. than a normal distribution); from the peak with and without dispersal devices, or outward, seed numbers are generally con- with two or more different kinds of disper- sidered to decrease monotonically, fitting a sal devices), the shape of the seed shadow negative exponential curve (or sometimes a for each seed type may differ, such that the negative power function: Okube and Levin, combined seed shadow for a given parent 1989; Fig. 4.1). Most measured seed shad- may have a very unconventional shape. ows conform to this expectation (Fig. 4.2; Many factors can alter the location of Willson, 1993a). The nature of the source the peak and the slope and shape of the tail (single or multiple individuals) can influ- of the seed shadow for particular species ence the location of the peak of the curve, and individuals (e.g. Rabinowitz and Rapp, and the use of seed density rather than 1981; Johnson, 1988; Debussche and numbers can change the overall shape of Lepart, 1992; Verdú and García-Fayos, the curve, including the proximity of the 1996, 1998; Julliot, 1997). Some factors are, peak to the source (Peart, 1985; Greene and from the plant’s perspective, strictly envi- Johnson, 1996). ronmental and thus outside the control of Deviations from the conventional seed the plant (e.g. the strength and direction of shadow shape can result from patchiness the wind, the social behaviour of animal of structure (Hoppes, 1988; dispersal agents, the patterns of rainfall Debussche and Lepart, 1992; Debussche and relative humidity). Other factors, such and Isenmann, 1994; Kollmann and Pirl, as plant height, have a strong environmen- 1995; Aguiar and Sala, 1997) and other tal component (Greene and Johnson, 1996)

Fig. 4.1. Idealized curves commonly used to describe the distribution of seeds at increasing distances (arbitrary units) from the seed source. Real seed shadows often peak at some distance from the source; in that case, the curves refer to the part of the seed distribution from the peak outward. For a given set of coefficients, the negative exponential curve (y = axmx) drops less steeply than the negative power function (y = axm); it is converted to a straight line on a semilogarithmic scale. (From Okube and Levin, 1989.) Ecology of Seed Dispersal 87

but may also have a genetic component. seed shadow among species and among Still others are probably controlled both by conspecific individuals. environment and the genetic constitution Few data yet exist, either from the of the parent plant, the balance depending tropics or from the temperate zone, to com- on the species and circumstances (e.g. fruit pare seed shadows generated by different size, seed size, ease of or dispersal modes (but see Gorchov et al., abscission). All such factors can contribute 1993; Portnoy and Willson, 1993; Willson, to variation in the size and shape of the 1993a). Even less is known about how the

Fig. 4.2. Seed shadows of three individuals of Lithospermum caroliniense. The tails of all three seed shadows fit a negative exponential curve, but the slope of that curve (on a semilog plot) varies from 1.47 to 1.72, and the location of the peak differs. (From Westelaken and Maun, 1985.) 88 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

loss or the addition of a dispersal agent of dispersal for species that have no evi- alters the seed shadow of a plant. dent special means. The principal factors Moreover, we cannot yet make any general- that favour dispersal are avoidance of nat- ization about the relative ecological impor- ural enemies or sibling interactions and the tance of different portions of the seed probability of finding a physically suitable shadow for the evolutionary ecology of establishment site. plants. 1. Some natural enemies of seeds and In order to understand the ecological seedlings respond to density and/or dis- and evolutionary consequences of variation tance from the parent (or other conspe- in the length and shape of the seed shad- cific). , postdispersal seed ows, we need to experimentally modify predators, parasites and often seed distributions and monitor the fitness concentrate their activities where their of recruits in different parts of the distribu- resources are common, and more distant tion, for a variety of species and circum- seeds/seedlings may survive better than stances (Portnoy and Willson, 1993). The those close to the parent (e.g. Howe and tail of the distribution may be at least as Smallwood, 1982; Augspurger, 1983a, b; important as the modal portion of the Augspurger and Kelly, 1984; Howe, 1993; curve, although little theoretical effort has Peres et al., 1997; Hulme, 1998); the magni- been devoted to this question (but see, for tude of this effect varies among species instance, Cain et al., 1998). in (Augspurger, 1984; Howe, 1993). The the distribution’s tail potentially spread the impact of such consumers depends, in parental genes more widely, and plant part, on their specificity to genotype or to traits that affect the behaviour of such tails species of – some attackers may can be subject to selection. The examina- specialize in the offspring of particular par- tion of 68 data sets has shown a lack of ents or in particular taxa. The density or association between tail shape and disper- proximity of other genotypes or species of sal mode, suggesting that, in most circum- seed would have little impact on the avail- stances, selection for tail behaviour ability of suitable resources for such spe- contributes little to the evolution of the cialists, and thus the effect of density- and dispersal mode itself (Portnoy and Willson, distance-responsive enemies must often 1993). vary with their specificity. The ability of natural enemies to depress seed and seedling density also The evolution of dispersal depends, of course, on other factors limit- ing their and activity. These Why are seeds dispersed? will vary among consumers, and even among populations of the same species of If the dispersal of offspring increases the consumer. Thus, although numerous cases fitness of a parent, we should expect that of density- and distance-responsive attack- dispersed offspring survive and reproduce ers have been reported, we do not yet have better than undispersed offspring, either a general picture of which plant species are because they avoid detrimental conditions subject to such attacks and in what circum- near the parent or because they reach better stances (e.g. habitat, season, geographical conditions farther away (which amounts to region, adult densities). the same thing, from a different perspec- 2. Because the seeds and seedlings of any tive). If seeds fall directly beneath the one parent are genetically related (at least canopy of a parent, the physical separation half-sibs), they are subject, potentially, to hardly constitutes real dispersal, but fallen sibling . Conventional wisdom seeds are normally treated as part of the suggests that sib competition may often be seed shadow, for purposes of comparing more severe than competition with non-sib seed fates. Van der Pijl (1982) actually conspecifics, because their patterns of treats simple seed fall as a separate mode resource use are probably more similar (see Ecology of Seed Dispersal 89

references in Ellstrand and Antonovics, Attacks by parasites and pathogens 1985; see also McCall et al., 1989). may be more devastating when sibs grow However, in a number of cases, sib compe- in close proximity to each other (see tition does not have a detectably different Alexander and Holt (1998) for a recent outcome from that of non-sib competition, review on the interaction between plant and sibs may even profit, at some early competition and disease). Just as con- stages of the life history, from the proxim- specifics growing in a monoculture are ity of genetic relatives (Smith, 1977; often more heavily hit by pests than they Williams et al., 1983; Willson et al., 1987; are when growing in a mixed stand, so also Kelley, 1989; McCall et al., 1989). are the genetic monocultures of closely Furthermore, self-fertilized seeds disperse related individuals sometimes more heav- less well than outcrossed seeds in ily hit by certain kinds of pests than stands capensis and Amphicarpaea of mixed parentage (e.g. Parker, 1985; bracteata (Schmitt and Ehrhardt, 1987; Burdon, 1987). To the extent that a species Trapp, 1988), which is the opposite of what is subject to such attacks on particular would be expected if dispersal were an genetic lineages, there may be selection for adaptation to reduce sib competition. Also, dispersal, which lowers the concentration if sib competition were critical, genetically of any one lineage in a given area (Fig. 4.3). variable offspring should have higher fit- 3. Some species have special physical ness than clonal progeny where sib densi- requirements for and estab- ties are high, but this was not the case in lishment that are met only in scattered Anthoxanthum odoratum (Kelley et al., locations, such as fallen logs, -fall gaps 1988). or badger mounds. In the absence of well- Another potential disadvantage of high developed dormancies and the ability to sibling densities is the possibility of wait for suitable conditions to arrive, selec- inbreeding when (and if) the offspring tion may favour dispersal in order to reach adulthood (Ghiselin, 1974). The rela- increase the probability of finding the nec- tive effects of extreme inbreeding and out- essary kind of location (Platt and Weis, crossing on the genetic variance of 1985; Reid, 1989; Sargent, 1995). Even offspring are not predictable in any simple with good mechanisms, disper- way, because they depend on many aspects sal should enhance the probability that a of the genetic system, as well as past waiting seed will eventually encounter the episodes of inbreeding (McCall et al., right conditions for establishment. 1989). As a result, the degree of offspring Theoretically, dispersal generally enhances similarity and the intensity of potential sib the likelihood that at least some offspring competition are likewise difficult to pre- reach appropriate sites (Hamilton and May, dict. A degree of inbreeding may be advan- 1977; Comins et al., 1980). These theoreti- tageous under certain circumstances (e.g. cal expectations need to be examined for a Shields, 1982; Jarne and Charlesworth, variety of particular cases. If the seed 1993). Furthermore, even if inbreeding is shadow is adapted to the distribution of disadvantageous, there are other ways for safe sites, species with widespread seed plants to reduce inbreeding (e.g. through shadows should have more far-flung estab- changes in the floral biology and mating lishment sites than species with restricted system), so it is difficult to assess the seed shadows (Green, 1983; see also Geritz et al., 1984; Horvitz and Le Corff, 1993). importance of inbreeding avoidance as a factor that selects for offspring dispersal. What portion of the seed shadow is Moreover, dispersal has its own costs (e.g. most effective in yielding successful off- Cohen and Motro, 1989), which may out- spring and how does this vary with species weigh the costs of some inbreeding (Waser and conditions? The peak portion of the et al., 1986); the benefit/cost ratio is likely seed shadow, where the most seeds are to vary among species (e.g. Augspurger, deposited, often receives the most attention 1986). from ecologists. Although the peak may be 90 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

Fig. 4.3. A ‘bear garden’ – seedlings of Ribes bracteosum growing from a faecal deposit of an Alaskan brown bear. The small squares in the grid beside the garden are 3 cm on a side. Both sib and non-sib competition must be intense, predation by rodents can be severe and survivorship may ultimately be low. Some bear deposits contain seeds of two or three species, and germination may occur a month to a year or more after deposition. (Photo by J. Zasada.) ecologically important as a source of food show that patterns of initial seed-fall den- for seed predators and other consumers, we sity are more affected by distance from a seldom know if it is the most important in seed source than by the physical structure terms of parental fitness. In part because of the microhabitat, at least for wind-dis- consumers or intense competition can level persed plants. On the other hand, investi- the peak and in part because rare events gations by Donohue (1997, 1998), who has can be ecologically important, it seems decoupled the fitness effects of density and essential that the tail of the distribution distance from the ‘home site’, have shown should receive more attention in the future. that selection on dispersion patterns is Moreover, we need to know if there are any likely to be through density rather than dis- patterns (among species, for instance) in tance effects. This author has also investi- the relative importance of the distribu- gated the maternal environment effects on tional tail. A number of studies have seed dispersal within an evolutionary con- shown that seed and seedling survival text. Although maternal characters (e.g. increases with distance from the parent fruit and seed traits, architectural traits, (see above), or that more distantly dispers- plant size, fruit production) are known to ing seeds are more likely to reach good influence seed dispersal, only a few studies sites (Platt and Weis, 1985). However, a few address the evolution of dispersal within studies have shown that seeds at the end of the context of maternal character evolution the seed shadow often do poorly (Horvitz (see also Thiede and Augspurger, 1996). and Schemske, 1986; Augspurger and Kitajima, 1992) and some authors have argued (without experimental documenta- How are seeds dispersed? tion, however) that selection may actually oppose dispersal in some species (Zohary, If dispersal is advantageous, we would in van der Pijl, 1982; but see Ellner and expect to find that diaspores have adapta- Schmida, 1981). Recent studies by Russell tions that enhance dispersal (Ridley, 1930; and Schupp (1998, and references therein) van der Pijl, 1982). Morphological devices Ecology of Seed Dispersal 91

that enhance dispersal are often quite read- or even three modes of dispersal (Westoby ily evident and interpretable (Kerner, 1898; and Rice, 1981; Clifford and Monteith, Ridley, 1930; van der Pijl, 1982), although 1989; Stamp and Lucas, 1990; Aronne and some dispersal-enhancing traits (such as Wilcock, 1994; Traveset and Willson, buoyancy of seeds dispersed by ) are 1997), as in some Viola (ballistic plus ants), less immediately obvious. Wind-borne Disporum, Rhamnus, Myrtus, Smilax (birds diaspores often have wings or plumes that plus ants) and Petalostigma pubescens increase air resistance and slow the rate of (birds plus ballistic plus ants); a great num- fall. Diaspores carried by animal con- ber of species are dispersed by both birds sumers commonly have edible appendages and mammals (e.g. Herrera, 1989b; or coverings that are consumed by animals Willson, 1993b; Traveset and Willson, that later eject the seeds (Fig. 4.4); in some 1997). cases, the seeds themselves are harvested The dispersal potential of the different and either eaten (killed) or cached and modes of dispersal varies greatly. Both sometimes abandoned by the harvester wind and vertebrates can potentially carry (Sork, 1983; Price and Jenkins, 1986). seeds far from the parent plant, but ants Other animal-dispersed diaspores travel by and ballistic mechanisms typically gener- means of hooks or sticky coatings that ate shorter seed shadows. A preliminary adhere to the exteriors of the animal vec- survey (Willson, 1993a) for herbaceous tors. Some plants disperse their offspring species indicates that peak and maximum ballistically, by the explosive opening of dispersal distances are greater, and the the fruits or the springing of a trip-lever. slope of the tail of the seed distribution is Seeds of certain plant species combine two less steep, for wind and ballistic dispersal

Fig. 4.4. Ants (Formica podzolica) picking up seeds of Viola nuttallii. The seed bears an attractive and edible appendage. Ants carry the entire seed back to their nest, eat the appendage and discard the seed. Dispersal of seeds by ants is very common in some floras, but the advantage of ant dispersal may vary greatly among species or regions (e.g. escape from predators or other destructive agents, or deposition in an especially favourable site for germination and growth). (From Beattie, 1985, p. 74.) 92 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

than for species with no special devices on the dispersers’ guts (Murray et al., 1994; the diaspore. Maximum distances are Cipollini and Levey, 1997; Wahaj et al., greater for wind-dispersed than for ballisti- 1998). In turn, seed retention time inside cally dispersed seeds of herbs, although the disperser, together with other factors peak distances and slopes are similar. Such (reviewed in Traveset, 1998), can affect the results indicate that, on average, dispersal germinability, the rate of germination, or devices seem to work. But variation around both, in certain species. the averages was great, and both sampling Although many species exhibit the methods and environmental conditions of morphological devices that are presumed dispersal affect the outcome. A much better to enhance dispersal, large numbers of database is needed to make good compar- species lack any evident dispersal device isons of the seed shadows produced in dif- (Ridley, 1930; Willson et al., 1990a; ferent ways. Willson, 1993a; Cain et al., 1998). The Of course, there is also great variation seeds of some of these species are so small in the dispersal potential within each gen- that they are easily wind-borne without eral mode of dispersal. The relative size of special devices (e.g. orchids). Others have seed and wing or plume can have enor- small, hard seeds that are consumed by mous effects on the seed shadow of wind- herbivorous vertebrates along with the borne seeds (Augspurger and Franson, foliage and dispersed after passing through 1987; Sacchi, 1987; Benkmann, 1995). The the animal’s gut, but whether or not this size and chemistry of the edible appendage constitutes an ‘evolutionary design’ can be on ant-dispersed seeds may influence the debated (Janzen, 1984; Collins and Uno, rate of seed removal (Gunther and Lanza, 1985; Dinerstein, 1989). Still other species 1989; Gorb and Gorb, 1995; Mark and have small, round seeds that are shaken Olesen, 1996), the array of dispersing ant out of the fruit when the plant is stirred by species and the eventual fate of the seeds. a passing breeze or animal (e.g. Papaver); Dispersal of fleshy fruits by ground-forag- this is considered to be a special mecha- ing vertebrates generates different seed nism for dispersal by some (van der Pijl, shadows from those produced by flying 1982). Yet many species remain that lack fruit-eaters. Nuts favoured by scatter- any apparent device for dispersal in space hoarding squirrels may be spread more and that also appear to have little capacity widely than less favoured species of nuts for dispersal in time (Willson, 1993a). (Stapanian and Smith, 1984), but jays carry Although some of these species may be dis- acorns much further than squirrels carry covered to be dispersed by one of the major any nuts (Johnson and Webb, 1989). Seeds modes, it is reasonable to ask why so many dispersed by frugivorous lizards also show species seem to lack dispersal devices. different patterns of deposition from those How do such species achieve effective dis- dispersed by mammals (Traveset, 1995). By persal? Or is dispersal less advantageous in contrasting dispersal syndromes in a fam- these species? ily () of tropical understorey Variation in dispersal devices is often herbs, Horvitz and Le Corff (1993) found evident, both within species and among that bird-dispersed species went further closely related species. Examples of than ant-dispersed species; however, dis- within-species variation are provided by persion patterns did not vary among types many (seeds with and without of dispersal, most species having a a device for wind dispersal) and amphi- clumped spatial patterning. carpic species, which have both above- For vertebrate-dispersed species, it has ground seeds, which may be dispersed by been hypothesized that plants can exert any of the normal vectors, and below- some kind of control over seed shadows ground seeds, which may not disperse at produced by , by specific laxative all or may be harvested and cached by and/or constipative chemicals in the fruit rodents (van der Pijl, 1982). Examples of pulp, which affect seed retention time in variation among related species are many, Ecology of Seed Dispersal 93

Fig. 4.5. Variations on a theme – Acacia seeds apparently adapted for dispersal by ants (above) and by birds (below). The food reward in the appendage on the seed is larger and usually more colourful (red, orange, yellow versus white) in bird-dispersed species. (Photo courtesy of D.J. O’Dowd.) one of the most striking being found in the The mode(s) of dispersal of any plant Acacia genus, which is widespread species must reflect many different pres- through Latin America, Australia, Asia and sures and constraints. Because natural Africa. Most Australian acacias exhibit selection must work with existing variation morphological adaptations for dispersal by and many plants have very long generation ants or birds (Fig. 4.5); the American times, there are inevitable phylogenetic species are dispersed by birds or large constraints. Entire families or genera some- mammals (O’Dowd and Gill, 1986); the times exhibit only slight variations on a African species are dispersed by large single mode of dispersal. However, exten- mammals and, reportedly, by wind (Coe sive variation within families (e.g. and Coe, 1987). Different populations of ), genera (e.g. Acacia, Pinus) and Acacia ligulata in Australia seem to be species (e.g. Spergularia marina, adapted to dispersal by ants or birds Heterotheca latifolia) demonstrates that (Davidson and Morton, 1984). Even if this such constraints are neither universal nor enormous genus is eventually split into totally confining. several new genera, the basic observation Constraints on the evolution of dias- of diversity of dispersal within a set of pores also emerge from the many, some- related species remains valid. In the genus times potentially conflicting, selection Pinus, seed mass is associated with the pressures that impinge on diaspore design mode of dispersal; pine seeds weighing (e.g. Ellner and Schmida, 1981; Benkman less than about 100 mg are wind-dispersed, et al., 1984; Westoby et al., 1991; while heavier seeds usually have adapta- Armstrong and Westoby, 1993; Leishman tions for bird dispersal (Benkman, 1995). In and Westoby, 1994a, b; Kelly, 1995; Winn lineages where long-distance seed disper- and Miller, 1995; see also Leishman et al., sal predominates, clonal propagation has Chapter 2, this volume). For example, evolved on frequent occasions, possibly to seeds must be endowed with adequate make genet fitness less dependent on local resources to accomplish germination and dispersal by seed (Eriksson, 1992). establishment. If these processes must take 94 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

place in sites where the seedling can ini- dispersal are generally unknown, but they tially generate few resources on its own or constitute potential constraints on the evo- in sites where intra- or interspecific compe- lution of dispersal devices. tition is severe, there can be selection to Plant size and growth form show some increase the energy reserves within the correlations with dispersal mode, which seed, often resulting in a larger seed (e.g. may affect the evolution of dispersal traits Foster and Janson, 1985; Winn and Miller, (Thompson and Rabinowitz, 1989; Willson 1995). Large seeds are generally harder to et al., 1990a). For instance, few plants that disperse than small ones – they need larger are dispersed by ants or externally on ani- animals, stronger or more powerful mals are tall in stature. One reason may be propulsion (Kelly, 1995). Thus, selection that tall plants typically have large crowns, for large seed size may bring with it selec- and ants commonly carry seeds for rela- tion for altered dispersal devices or may tively short distances, such that the seeds constrain the array of efficacious dispersal of large-crowned, tall plants would seldom agents. Very large seeds cannot go far bal- be carried beyond the crown of the parent listically or by adhering to animal exteri- and dispersal would be relatively ineffec- ors, they cannot be carried by small tive. Ant dispersal of small acacia in animals (such as ants) and they need very Australia may be the exception that proves large wings to be successfully wind-dis- the rule and thus worthy of special study. persed. One option may be dispersal by Given that a species has become tall, the vertebrates (Willson et al., 1990a), and range of efficacious modes of dispersal may larger seeds generally require larger verte- be limited. Most ballistically dispersed brates to carry them (Foster and Janson, plants are small in stature, but at least a 1985; Wheelwright, 1985; Hammond and few trees use this mode. Dispersal by wind Brown, 1995). Even the chemical composi- is frequent among species that are rela- tion of seeds is associated with the disper- tively tall within their respective sal mode; wind- and animal-dispersed (e.g. trees in forests, tall forbs in fields). species generally have greater proportions Although some understorey plants are also of fat and less of protein and carbohydrates dispersed by wind, the common inference than passively dispersed seeds (Lokesha et is that relatively short stature often renders al., 1992). wind dispersal less advantageous than Furthermore, seeds must be protected other modes. Stature and growth form are against the physical environment and from sometimes correlated with seed size (Foster natural enemies (see Chambers and and Janson, 1985; Willson et al., 1990a; but MacMahon, 1994), and the demands of see Kelly, 1995), which may thus influence protection may sometimes interfere with dispersal mode indirectly (through growth dispersal by certain means. Also, fruits are form), as well as more directly. often photosynthetic; selection to enhance Whatever the array of constraints on the photosynthetic capacity of the fruit diaspore evolution may be, it is also neces- could affect fruit size, colour, shape and sary to ascertain the occurrence and magni- other design features that influence disper- tude of selection on dispersal traits. At sal. In addition, a long style can increase least two fundamental approaches are use- the intensity of competition among male ful. , but it also affects dispersal First, studies explicitly designed to distance in the ballistically dispersed measure selection on dispersal traits are (M.F. Willson and J. Ågren, essential. Seemingly small differences in unpublished). The timing of dispersal the design of dispersal devices can have affects the probability and pattern of dis- profound effects on dispersal ability: on persal and the susceptibility to enemies, aerodynamic performance by wind-dis- and hence can affect the selection pres- persed species (Augspurger and Franson, sures on diaspore morphology. The physio- 1987; Matlack, 1987; Sacchi, 1987); on logical costs of the various modes of capacity for attachment for diaspores car- Ecology of Seed Dispersal 95

ried externally by animals (Bullock and references in Willson et al., 1989), although Primack, 1977; Carlquist and Pauly, 1985; there are biogeographical differences in the Sorensen, 1986); on foraging preferences of strength of the trend (Karr, 1976; Snow, avian fruit consumers (Howe and vande 1981; Fleming et al., 1987). In temperate Kerckhove, 1980; Wheelwright, 1985; zones, forests commonly have more verte- Whelan and Willson, 1994; Traveset et al., brate-dispersed species than other habitats, 1995; Loiselle et al., 1996; Rey et al., 1997; and the frequency of fleshy-fruited species Traveset and Willson, 1998); and on the is especially high in certain southern-hemi- average distance of seed dispersal in a bal- sphere forests (Willson et al., 1990a). listically dispersed herb (M.F. Willson and Vertebrate dispersal apparently increases J. Ågren, unpublished). Furthermore, indi- on moister sites, on fertile (in vidual plants often differ in the allocation Australia) and in floras dominated by of resources to dispersal devices on the and/or trees (Willson et al., 1990a). diaspore (Willson et al., 1990b; Jordano, The causal factors for such patterns are not 1995a), although the extent to which such yet clear. In contrast, when comparing the differences are inheritable is seldom estab- seed dispersal spectra of five different lished (but see Wheelwright, 1993). types of communities on the Iberian Individual variation in seed shadows has Peninsula (potential woodland, forest been documented for a few species fringe, scrubland, nitrophile communities (Augspurger, 1983a; McCanny and Cavers, and montane communities) between 1987; Thiede and Augspurger, 1996; Mediterranean and Eurosiberian regions, Donohue, 1997, 1998). Such information no significant differences are found for any needs to be brought together, so that we type of community, although biotic disper- know the extent and pattern of individual sal appears to be consistently more preva- variation in dispersal devices: how the lent at mature stages of succession (Guitián variation affects the seed shadows of the and Sánchez, 1992). respective parents; how the seed shadow A conspicuous and well-documented affects parental fitness; and how these rela- observation is the extraordinarily high fre- tionships vary among species and condi- quency of ant-dispersed species in tions. Several studies have shown that Australia and South Africa, particularly in selection by avian dispersal agents may be sclerophyll on infertile soils. relatively weak (e.g. Manasse and Howe, Several hypotheses (reviewed in Westoby 1983; Herrera, 1984c, 1987, 1988; Jordano, et al., 1991) have been proposed to explain 1987, 1993, 1994, 1995a, b; Guitián et al., such patterns, although few have been 1992; Willson and Whelan, 1993; Traveset, tested thoroughly (Hughes et al., 1993). 1994; Whelan and Willson, 1994), Seed size, the cost of dispersal structures although, in most cases, fitness is indexed and the availability of dispersal agents are by removal rates rather than by the even- among the potentially important factors. tual pattern of offspring dispersion. The availability of potassium and Secondly, a less direct but still useful in the may be limiting for the produc- approach is to document patterns of varia- tion of fleshy fruits and elaiosomes, respec- tion in the array of dispersal modes present tively (Hughes et al., 1993). The in plant communities (i.e. the dispersal importance of seed deposition in nutrient- spectra of those communities). Examination enriched ant mounds is debated (e.g. Bond of the pattern can help generate hypotheses and Stock, 1989) and may, indeed, vary about the relative advantage of different from place to place. Seed burial may also dispersal modes in different regions and protect seeds from fire or from surface-for- habitats. A few patterns have begun to aging seed predators (Bennett and Krebs, emerge, but we seldom know how general 1987). See Stiles (Chapter 5, this volume) they are. One consistent trend is that a high for further discussion of . proportion of species in tropical wet forest External dispersal on vertebrates is is dispersed by vertebrate consumers (see common in riparian zones in arid parts of 96 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

Southern Africa and in disturbed and This contrasts with the production of grazed habitats (Sorensen, 1986; Milton et fleshy or dry fruits throughout the year (De al., 1990; Willson et al., 1990a; Fischer et Lampe et al., 1992). Fleshy-fruited plants al., 1996). This pattern may reflect, in part, in the north temperate zone commonly the level of activity of terrestrial mammals produce mature fruit crops in late summer in such areas (i.e. the availability of disper- and autumn, when avian frugivores are sal agents). usually abundant, but, a little further If dispersal spectra are constructed south, more fruit maturation occurs in win- with some measure of abundance (number ter, when flocks of wintering migrant birds of stems, percentage cover) instead of are foraging (Thompson and Willson, 1979; species, quite different trends may appear. Willson and Thompson, 1982; Herrera, For example, ants disperse 29% of the 1984a, 1995; Skeate, 1987; Snow and herbaceous species in a North American Snow, 1988). In contrast, ant-dispersed deciduous forest, but ant-dispersed species plants in central North America generally constitute 50–60% of the stems (Handel et mature their seeds in early summer, at a al., 1981). However, such comparisons are, time when avian frugivores are relatively at present, even rarer than those based few but ants are very active; given that they on species composition (Frantzen and bloom in early spring, if they held their Bouman, 1989; Willson et al., 1990a; fruits until autumn, their low stature Guitián and Sánchez, 1992). The construc- would keep the fruits inconspicuous to tion of comparative dispersal spectra based birds, beneath the foliage of other plants, on both species counts and abundances for and the maturing fruits would be exposed many vegetation types in diverse regions to predators all summer long (Thompson, would be heuristically productive. 1981). As these patterns of phenology in rela- tion to disperser availability have emerged, When are seeds dispersed? evidence has appeared that they may not be entirely interpretable as adaptations to Less seems to be known about the evolu- dispersal. Fruiting patterns in western tionary ecology of the ‘when’ of dispersal Europe tend to match bird phenology at the than of the ‘why’ and ‘how’. Numerous community level, because abundant ecological factors may contribute to disper- species with strictly northern distributions sal phenology. Ideally, seed maturation and fruit earlier than those with strictly south- dispersal would be timed to match the sea- ern distributions, but wide-ranging plant sonal availability of good dispersal agents species show no latitudinal shift in fruiting (where required) and the availability of times, as would be expected if their fruit- good germination conditions (for seeds ing seasons were adapted to disperser phe- lacking dormancy). Constraints on the nology (Fuentes, 1991; French, 1992; ideal may derive from selection to avoid Willson and Whelan, 1993). Marked seed predators or to shift the flowering annual variation in the seasonal timing of time, as well as the length of time required fruit maturation of temperate plants indi- for fruit maturation. In addition, there is cates that events during earlier phases of environmental variation in the time of fruit reproduction can have a large impact on maturation and the timing of vector activ- fruit timing and serves as a reminder that ity in a given area with concomitant differ- compromises may be required between the ences in rates and quality of dispersal. timing of flowering and the timing of fruit A few general patterns in dispersal production (see Fenner, 1998). phenology have been described. Wind-dis- Eriksson and Ehrlén (1998a) have persed neotropical trees often mature their examined structural and nutritional fea- seeds during the dry season, when trade tures of fleshy fruits of temperate plants in winds are strong and trees are leafless relation to phenology, finding that some (Foster, 1982; Morellato and Leitao, 1996). secondary compounds containing nitrogen Ecology of Seed Dispersal 97

decrease during the season, i.e. are more For certain, usually long-lived, abundant in early- than in late-fruiting species, fruits are produced only once species. Whether this pattern is adaptive every few years in an unpredictable pat- remains an open question. In contrast, no tern. This phenomenon, called ‘masting’, phenological trends in lipid or carbohy- has received much attention from ecolo- drate contents were found. The adaptive gists and from evolutionary biologists value of secondary compounds is contro- (Kelly, 1994, and references therein). Three versial. Cipollini and Levey (1997, 1998) types of masting are distinguished: (i) strict suggested that they probably have a spe- masting, when the population reproduces cific function in the fruits, postulating dif- synchronously and the distribution of seed ferent adaptive hypotheses, whereas Ehrlén crop size among years is bimodal (bam- and Eriksson (1993) and Eriksson and boos, Strobilanthes); (ii) normal masting, Ehrlén (1998b) argue that the distribution when synchrony is poor and there are patterns of secondary compounds in plant many overlapping cohorts (e.g. imperfectly tissues do not call for any adaptive expla- synchronized monocarps and many poly- nation of their presence in the fruits. carps; Fagus, Quercus, Pinus); and (iii) Another pattern that appears when com- putative masting, where variation in seed paring early- with late-ripening species is output is due only to environmental varia- in seed number per fruit, which decreases tion, without any evolutionary signifi- seasonally (Eriksson and Ehrlén, 1998a); cance. A number of hypotheses (reviewed assuming trade-offs of numbers and size, in Kelly, 1994) have been postulated to this is attributed to developmental con- explain this phenomenon, the most widely straints imposed by a demand for a long accepted being related to economy of scale developmental time in large seeds or, alter- (i.e. larger reproductive efforts are more natively, to a ‘better’ dissemination of efficient in terms of successful small seeds early in the season. or seed production and survival) (e.g. Sork, Future investigation must be directed 1993; Tapper, 1996; Kelly and Sullivan, to unravelling both the ecological causes of 1997; Shibata et al., 1998). The great varia- seasonal patterns of dispersal and the con- tion in fruit production from year to year sequences of variation in dispersal phenol- can have strong effects not only on the ogy. We know very little about how much recruitment of the plant population itself variation occurs among individuals in the (e.g. Schupp, 1990; Jones et al., 1994; timing of dispersal and whether this is the Crawley and Long, 1995; Shibata and result of genetic or site differences in condi- Nakashizuka, 1995; Forget, 1997a), but also tions controlling fruit maturation (but see, on the animal populations that consume for instance, Heideman, 1989; see also their seeds (Ostfeld et al., 1996, and refer- review in van Schaik et al., 1993). We know ences therein; Selas, 1997; Hansson, 1998; even less about the possibility that differ- see also Crawley, Chapter 7, this volume). ences in timing of seed maturation result in The usefulness and ecological signifi- accompanying differences in seed dispersal cance of the masting concept have been and offspring success. From the perspective questioned by Herrera et al. (1998), who of animal dispersal agents, variation in tim- argue that a critical re-examination of pat- ing and abundance of fruit production can terns of annual variability in seed produc- have great effects on consumers, resulting tion is necessary, as most species in massive population movements (e.g. van- apparently fall along broad continua of der Wall and Balda, 1977; Leighton and interannual variability in seed production, Leighton, 1983; Ostfeld et al., 1996; Selas, with no indication of multimodality (Kelly, 1997; Hansson, 1998) or catastrophic mor- 1994). In reviewing almost 300 data sets, tality (see below), and such major effects on Herrera et al. (1998) failed to identify dis- the consumer community are likely to have tinct groups of species with contrasting reciprocal, lingering effects on seed disper- levels of annual variability in seed output, sal for several years. although most polycarpic plants had alter- 98 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

nating supra-annual schedules, consisting long distances. Microdifferentiation of of either high- or low-reproduction years. local populations can occur on a very small Annual variability in seed production spatial scale, in response to localized selec- appears to be weakly associated with polli- tion and/or very restricted gene flow (e.g. nation mode (wind versus animal pollina- Schemske, 1984; Turkington and Aarssen, tion). In contrast, animal-dispersed species 1984; Parker, 1985; Berg and Hamrick, are less variable than those dispersed by 1995; Linhart and Grant, 1996; Nagy, 1997; either inanimate means or animals that Nagy and Rice, 1997). Thus, the dispersal usually act as seed predators (Herrera et pattern of seeds contributes to the genetic al., 1998). These associations certainly structure of populations and to the poten- deserve further investigation. tial for both genetic drift and responses to natural selection. Although some correla- tions of dispersal mode with the degree of Ecological consequences of dispersal local differentiation have emerged, these correlations are not very tight, and other Population structure factors must also contribute to observed genetic structuring (Hamrick and Loveless, Dispersal of offspring away from the natal 1986; Hamrick et al., 1993; and see review site is one way that genes move through a in Linhart and Grant, 1996; Schnabel et al., population or into new populations. 1998). Movement of genes also occurs at pollina- On the other hand, the at least occa- tion in outcrossing species. Paternally sional passage of genes out of a local transmitted genes in outcrossing species neighbourhood or between conspecific move twice in each seed generation, once populations is important in maintaining during pollination and again during seed the genetic diversity of the recipient popu- dispersal; maternally transmitted genes in lation and presumably slows the rate of outcrossers and all genes in self-fertilized population differentiation (e.g. Slatkin, seeds move only once, during seed disper- 1987; Hamrick et al., 1993; Linhart and sal. Thus, in any one seed generation, Grant, 1996). To the extent that outcrossing paternally transmitted genes are likely to is advantageous, the most effective out- move farther from their source than mater- breeding in populations with neighbour- nally transmitted genes. Lloyd (1982) used hood structure will occur when genes pass this observation as a factor favouring the from one neighbourhood to another. Thus, evolution of cosexuality in seed plants. He in neighbourhood-structured populations, also noted that the difference in paternal the ‘best’ outcrossing is rare, by definition. and maternal gene movement is less in When neighbourhoods reflect ecotypic dif- plants with very effective seed dispersal ferentiation to local conditions, however, (e.g. by birds), which might facilitate the the ‘best’ outcrossing may occur between evolution of dioecism in bird-dispersed individuals that are not too close together plants. and yet not too far apart. The concept of Gene movement is often limited ‘optimal outcrossing’ has been controver- within a population, such that many plant sial, and the extent to which selection may populations consist of genetic ‘neighbour- favour a degree of inbreeding is still hoods’ of more or less related individuals unclear (Shields, 1982; Waddington, 1983; (Levin, 1981; Gibson and Wheelwright, Jarne and Charlesworth, 1993, and refer- 1995). Dispersal by caching animals ences therein). Seed dispersal patterns (Furnier et al., 1987) or by animals that use have a clear potential to affect the level of sleeping sites (Julliot, 1997) or that are outcrossing achieved. attracted to infected hosts (e.g. mistletoe The demographic and evolutionary dispersers: Larson, 1996) can lead to clus- consequences of seed dispersal began to ters of related plants within populations, receive attention only a few years ago even when the seeds have been carried (Houle, 1992, 1995, 1998; Herrera et al., Ecology of Seed Dispersal 99

1994; Horvitz and Schemske, 1994, 1995; making less predictable the demographic Jordano and Herrera, 1995; Schupp, 1995; consequences of seed dispersal (Herrera et Schupp and Fuentes, 1995; Shibata and al., 1994; Schupp, 1995). Intra- and inter- Nakashizuka, 1995; Kollman and Schill, population variation in the composition of 1996; Forget and Sabatier, 1997; Valverde disperser assemblages visiting a plant and Silvertown, 1997; Carlton and Bazzaz, species has been little documented (Snow 1998; Dalling et al., 1998). The scarcity of and Snow, 1988; Reid, 1989; Guitián et al., information available on the causes and 1992; Jordano, 1994; Traveset, 1994; consequences of spatial patterns of disper- Loiselle and Blake, 1999), despite its poten- sal at a variety of scales from seeds to new tial demographic importance. Different adults is certainly a major gap in our species of frugivores generate characteristic knowledge on the ecology of seed disper- seed shadows, depending on foraging sal. Most of the studies that consider the behaviour, seed retention times, patterns of multistaged nature of recruitment find no fruit selection and response to the vegeta- strong and consistent relationships tion structure (Herrera, 1995; Rey, 1995). In between seed and seedling spatial patterns order to evaluate the effect of seed vectors of abundance. The causes of this ‘uncou- on plant demography we need to know the pling’ are mainly attributed to the spatio- disperser effectiveness, i.e. the proportion temporal variation in the relative of the seed crop dispersed by a particular importance of mortality factors (e.g. preda- species (Schupp, 1993), and to examine tion, pathogens, competition) for seeds and how suitable the microsite is where seeds seedlings (Houle, 1992, 1995, 1998). are deposited for germination and estab- Seed–seedling conflicts occur, for instance, lishment. As effectiveness is difficult to in those microhabitats where the probabil- estimate in the field, Bustamante and ity of seed survival is low but seedling sur- Canals (1995) have proposed a model to vival is high (Jordano and Herrera, 1995). estimate it indirectly. These conflicts probably play an important role in structuring many natural systems, as they appear to be rather common Colonization and structure (Schupp, 1995). Plant population dynamics in patchy environments depends not only Dispersal mode is one factor that affects the on stage-specific survival and growth in ability of a plant species to colonize a new different patches, but also on the degree of area, especially one at some distance from discordance in patch suitabilities across the seed source. Long-distance dispersal stages (Kollmann and Pirl, 1995; Schupp, capacity is poorly developed in ballistic 1995; Schupp and Fuentes, 1995; and ant-dispersed species and much better Kollmann and Schill, 1996; Aguiar and developed in wind- and vertebrate-dis- Sala, 1997; Forget, 1997b; Russell and persed species. Wind and birds account for Schupp, 1998). Such discordance can have the arrival of most species in an isolated major impacts on both the quantity and the cloud forest in Colombia (Sugden, 1982). spatial patterning of recruits. Furthermore, But wind dispersal is insufficient to result site suitability may not be independent of in frequent colonization of extremely dis- seed arrival (due to density-dependent tant islands, where many colonists arrive mortality factors). inside avian guts or stuck to the feathers In the case of animal-dispersed plants, (good numbers also arrive, without special the influence of frugivorous animals devices, in the mud on birds’ feet, and depends on the extent of coupling of the some come on currents (Carlquist, different stages in the recruitment process, 1974)). Birds may have been responsible which can vary among sites and popula- for post-Pleistocene colonization of habitat tions. Factors acting at the end of the islands on mountain-tops in western North recruitment process can potentially ‘screen America by (Wells, 1983). Many off’ the effects acting at the beginning, colonists in the island flora of the Great 100 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

Lakes are bird-dispersed, and a similar pro- trees and shrubs in an old field or pasture portion may travel by water (Morton and often increases the deposition of bird- or Hogg, 1989). Likewise, a study by -dispersed seeds beneath them (see ref- Whittaker and Jones (1994) showed that erences in Willson, 1991; Debussche and 30% of the flora of Krakatoa island has Isenmann, 1994; Verdú and García-Fayos, arrived and expanded, since the volcanic 1996, 1998) and decreases the deposition eruption in 1883, by endozoochory (specif- of wind-dispersed seeds (Willson and ically by birds and ). Thus, the compo- Crome, 1989). Clusters of individuals of sition of island floras reflects, in part, the fleshy-fruited species often persist even dispersal ability of potential colonists. The after the initial perch tree has died. On the initial colonization of debris avalanches other hand, the early colonizers may after a volcanic eruption on Mount St inhibit further colonization if they estab- Helens, Washington, was accomplished lish themselves so densely that few other primarily by wind-dispersed species, plants can grow beneath them. Thus, some although colonization was independent of aspects of the spatial patterning of plant distance to the source area (Dale, 1989). succession can be related to dispersal. In The ability of a species to establish a new the Mediterranean region, dispersal of population at unoccupied sites is a critical fleshy-fruited plants by birds appears to be feature in the maintenance of biological unimportant for plant dynamics in open diversity. Current herbaceous communities and in dense creates barriers to dispersal, however, forests, but it is crucial when woody impeding the natural dispersal of some patches appear with succession in the open species out of their range in response to communities or when grassy patches global change (Primack and Miao, appear in the forest (Debussche and 1992). Isenmann, 1994; see also Kollmann, 1995). Harper (1977) modified the original In desert playas of western North America, model of van der Plank (1960) and sug- what seems to be limiting the initiation of gested that patterns of colonization may primary succession is not seed dispersal differ as a function of the shape of the seed but the low rates of seed entrapment in shadow. If the slope of the regression of these habitats (Fort and Richards, 1998). seed number versus distance (on a log–log scale) is steeper than 2, Harper proposed that colonization would frequently occur Plant dispersal and animal communities by ‘fronts’ of invasion, in which phalanxes of colonizers gradually invade new areas Plant propagules (i.e. the dispersing phase relatively close to the seed source. But, if of the life history) are critical food the slope is less steep, colonization may resources for a vast number of animal occur chiefly by far-flung outposts of estab- species. Legions of insect species have spe- lishment. There is a weak association of cialized to a life of (both dispersal mode with steepness of the pre- and postdispersal), and some of the log–log slope of the seed shadow tail prodigious radiation of insects is associ- (Portnoy and Willson, 1993). However, ated with these specializations. Whole tax- many other factors also affect colonization onomic groups of birds and mammals also patterns (e.g. postdispersal seed predation, use seeds as central resources. In turn, germination requirements, conditions for these predators have exerted selection dispersal). pressures to develop and diver- After colonization has occurred, the sify chemical and structural defences. spatial distribution of the colonizers may Fleshy-fruited plants engage in mutu- persist for decades or centuries, with reper- alisms with their dispersal agents; these cussions for the establishment of subse- relationships are quite generalized, very quent colonists (e.g. Yarranton and ancient, extremely widespread and extraor- Morrison, 1974). The presence of small dinarily frequent in certain communities Ecology of Seed Dispersal 101

(see references in Willson et al., 1989, can have serious consequences 1990a; Willson, 1993b). Many vertebrate for the maintenance of the plant popula- populations rely on fleshy fruits as food for tions. Loss of native seed-dispersing ants migration, breeding and winter mainte- from certain habitats in South Africa nance. Fruit resources are thought to be means poor seed dispersal and low seed crucial in sustaining certain vertebrate survival and may lead to the extinction of populations in some tropical areas (e.g. many rare and endemic plants (Bond and Terborgh, 1986; Gautier-Hion and Slingsby, 1984; Bond, 1994). Extinction of Michaloud, 1989; Julliot, 1997). Heavy use the dodo on Mauritius has probably of fruit resources may account for part of affected the population structure of the tree the great diversity of tropical vertebrates whose seeds it dispersed (Temple, 1977; (Karr, 1980) and may have been related to but see also Owadally, 1979; Temple, 1979; the radiation of certain tropical bird fami- Witmer and Cheke, 1991). When a plant lies (Snow, 1981). In turn, the biotic disper- has many dispersal agents (as is true for sal of seeds seems to have contributed to many small-fruited, vertebrate-dispersed some extent to angiosperm diversification species in North America, for instance), the (Tiffney and Mazer, 1995, and references loss of one species of vector may have therein; but see also Ricklefs and Renner, minor consequences for plant population 1994). biology. However, as both temperate and Non-mutualistic animals also exploit equatorial forests continue to be deci- mutualistic interactions and effectively mated, the remnant stands are losing many become parasites on the mutualistic system. of their dispersers, with potentially severe Both vertebrate and invertebrate consumers consequences for their continued survival. (plus fungi and microbes) capitalize on Evidence is growing from some of the fleshy fruits, without dispersing the seeds. South Pacific Islands (Cox et al., 1991) and Some insects have become fruit-pulp spe- from Chatham Island (Given, 1995) that cialists to the extent that the radiation of disappearance of the main dispersers of certain families (e.g. Tephritidae: Bush, some plant species deeply alters their 1966) is associated with this kind of para- reproductive success. Likewise, the extinc- sitism. The effect of invertebrate parasitism tion of the Pleistocene megafauna may of fruit pulp on potential vertebrate disper- have left many tropical trees with only a sal agents varies. Although microbial and few substitute dispersers (e.g. Hallwachs, fungal infestations generally depress effec- 1986; but see Howe, 1985), although the tive dispersal (Knoch et al., 1993), infesta- population consequences of the historical tion by insect larvae can either increase change cannot be examined. or decrease fruit consumption by birds, depending on the bird species (Willson and Whelan, 1990; Traveset et al., 1995, Phylogenetic patterns in dispersal and references therein). In addition, the foraging of frugivores may decrease the Dispersal modes often differ greatly within abundance and change the distribution of taxonomic units, and a single mode may insect frugivores, with reciprocal, often arise independently many times (e.g. wind beneficial, effects on dispersal in the legumes: Augspurger, (Herrera, 1984b, 1989b; but see Traveset, 1989). It seems likely that some morpho- 1992, 1993). In sum, dispersal mutualisms logical transformations are more easily between plants and animals have had made than others. For instance, a plume for prodigious and ramifying effects on the wind dispersal may be converted to a hook animal community. for dispersal on vertebrate exteriors (e.g. Dependence on animals for seed trans- Anemone, sensu lato) or vice versa. The port means that the plants are susceptible loss of a wing contributed to a change from to dispersal failure when their seed vectors wind to bird dispersal in Pinus but was become rare or extinct. Disruption of this accompanied by changes in cone structure 102 M.F. Willson and A. Traveset

and seed size as well; nevertheless, the Ricklefs and Renner, 1994; Tiffney and shift between these two modes of dispersal Mazer, 1995). has occurred several times (see Strauss and Doerksen, 1990; Tomback and Linhart, 1990; Benkman, 1995). A change from bird Conclusion to ant dispersal in Acacia necessitated chiefly a shift in the size and colour of the The study of the dispersal of plants has food body attached to the seed (O’Dowd advanced relatively fast in the last decade, and Gill, 1986; see Fig. 4.5), but a similar as essential elements of the evolutionary shift in occasioned a seemingly and ecological causes and consequences of more complex change, from a fleshy fruit dispersal have been examined. The link enclosing several unappendaged seeds to a between seed dispersal and its demo- dry fruit with elaiosome-bearing seeds graphic and genetic consequences is one (Berg, 1958). We need phylogenetic analy- major gap that still needs to be filled, ses of whole families or genera with although some recent studies are already respect to dispersal modes to determine: (i) paying attention to it. Much remains to be how often dispersal mode has changed discovered yet in terms of geographical and within a taxon; (ii) what the directions of habitat patterns, as well as the dynamics of the change are; (iii) what kinds of changes colonization, population differentiation are most common; and (iv) for wide-rang- and plant/animal interactions. Dispersal ing taxa, how the biogeographical history ecology is a rapidly developing field that of different regions influences the evolu- still offers a wealth of investigative oppor- tion of diaspore traits. The answers to such tunity at levels ranging from good natural questions, in conjunction with ecological history to sophisticated modelling and con- data, will contribute to our understanding ceptual synthesis. of community dispersal spectra, patterns of selection on dispersal devices and other aspects of population and community biol- ogy related to dispersal. A synthesis of Acknowledgements modern systematics and evolutionary ecol- ogy is a powerful tool in elucidating ques- C.K. Augspurger and J.N. Thompson gra- tions about diaspore adaptation and ciously provided constructive comments phylogenetic radiation (e.g. Wanntorp et on the manuscript written for the first edi- al., 1990; Bremer and Eriksson, 1992; tion of this book.


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