Town Clerk’s Department Municipal Buildings Boscawen Street Truro TR1 2NE Tel. (01872) 274766 Fax. (01872) 225572


Roger Gazzard email: [email protected] Town Clerk F6/3/RG/RD February 2020

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO ATTEND A MEETING OF THE TRURO CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7.00 pm ON MONDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2020 in Truro Public Library (top floor), Union Place, Truro For the transaction of the under-mentioned business:-

1 Prayers Prior to the formal business of the Council, Reverend Jeremy Putnam, the Mayor’s Chaplain, to say prayers.

2 To receive apologies for absence

3 Disclosure or Declarations of Interest Councillors will be asked to make disclosures or declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda

4 Youth Council The Mayor to introduce representatives from the Youth Council to Truro City Councillors.

5 To confirm the Minutes of the Council Meeting held 27 January 2020 pages 180-189 (Minute Nos: 306 - 318).

6 Open Session for Councillors verbal, written or tabled reports (15 minutes) This is an opportunity to discuss Cornwall Council issues relevant to the Council. If there are any matters that require a Council decision, please notify the Town Clerk four working days before the meeting.

7 Open Session for Electors of Truro – Verbal Questions (15 minutes) This is an opportunity for electors to raise issues with the Council. The Council is unable to make any resolutions at this meeting on any issues raised

8 To receive Communications from the Mayor (Appendix on cream)

9 To receive Correspondence

10 Question Time pursuant to Standing Order No. 5k – Written Questions only Councillors may ask the Mayor or the Town Clerk questions in writing. A minimum Of four clear working days is required, unless the matter is urgent, when the question must be received by the Town ‘Clerk before twelve noon of the day of the meeting

11 To receive information and/or determine action as appropriate in the following report:

MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD 6 FEBRUARY 2020 Page Nos: 190-194, (Minute nos: 319-327) (Appendix on green) 1.1 Minute No:- 321 – Planning Consultation (i) Schedule 1 Proposed by Councillor Vella (Chairman)


RESOLVED that the recommendations contained within Schedule be adopted by the Planning Committee.

(ii) Schedule 2

RESOLVED that Cornwall Council be informed of the recommendations as voted upon by Truro City Council’s Planning Committee.

1.2 Minute No:- 322 – Truro City Council Planning Applications Proposed by Councillor Vella (Chairman)

RECOMMENDED that applications submitted by the City Council be considered, as with any other planning application, via the transparent process that was already in use by the City Council.

1.3 Minute No:- 323 – Conservation Committee Proposed by Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Vella (Chairman)

RECOMMENDED that the Planning Committee approve the amendment of the Truro Conservation Area Advisory Committee’s constitution to allow for them to consider Listed Building applications outside of the Conservation Area in order to advuse the Planning Committee.

1.4 Minute No:- 324 – Cornwall Council (i) Cornwall Design Guide & Cornwall Streetscape Design Guide Proposed by Councillor Vella (Chairman)

RESOLVED that if any Councillor had a comment on either the Cornwall Design Guide or the Cornwall Streetscape Design Guide, then they were to submit to the Chairman by 18 February 2020.

(ii) 2020 Off-Street Parking Order Proposed by Councillor Vella (Chairman)

RESOLVED that the Chairman would use Councillors’ comments (above) and respond to the 2020 Off-Street Parking Order consultation on behalf of the Committee.

MEETING OF THE PARKS & AMENITIES COMMITTEE HELD 10 FEBRUARY 2020 Page Nos: 195-201, (Minute nos: 328-346) (Appendix on pink) 1.1 Minute No:- 322 – Daubuz Moor Proposal by Rosedale Community Association to install new footbridge Proposed by Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Ellis

RECOMMENDED that Truro City Council grant permission to the Rosedale Community Association to construct an appropriate bridge to cross the River Allan from the Rosedale area to Daubuz Moor with the inclusion of such relevant mitigating factors/ features addressing (a) the education of all users of Daubuz Moor (b) the ecology of Daubuz Moor and (c) the deterrence of nuisance on Daubuz Moor.

1.2 Minute No:- 334 – Exclusion of the Press and Public Proposed by Councillor Ms Southcombe (Chairman)

RESOLVED that in accordance with s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item by reason of its confidential or special nature.

1.3 Minute No:- 336 – Press and Public Proposed by Councillor Mrs Eathorne-Gibbons, seconded by Councillor Allen

RESOLVED that the press and public be invited back to the meeting.

1.4 Minute No:- 337 – Roundabout – Junction of Morlaix Avenue & Fairmantle Street Request to sponsor a roundabout Proposed by Councillor Mrs Eathorne-Gibbons, seconded by Councillor Ms Southcombe (Chairman)

RECOMMENDED that: 1. The plans by Newham Bid to sponsor the roundabout at the junction of Morlaix Avenue and Fairmantle Street be presented by Newham Bid Team for consideration by the Committee at its next meeting; and 2. Once the above plans were available for consideration by the Planning Committee, they be circulated to all members of the Parks and Amenities Committee for information.

1.5 Minute No:- 338 – Health & Safety at Work (v) Update and Future Reporting of Health & Safety at Work Proposed by Councillor Ms Southcombe (Chairman)

RECOMMENDED that authority be delegated to the Chairmen (or in their absence the Vice-Chairmen) of the relevant standing committee to deal with any health and safety matters, following consultation with the Town Clerk.

1.6 Minute No:- 339 – Boscawen Park Requests for Use (i) Truro Cricket Club Proposed by Councillor Ellis, seconded by Councillor Mrs Eathorne-Gibbons

RECOMMENDED that permission be granted, subject to the usual terms and conditions, including appropriate compliance conditions.

(ii) Cornwall Rowing Association Proposed by Councillor Mrs Callen, seconded by Councillor Smith

RECOMMENDED that: permission be granted, subject to the usual terms and conditions, including appropriate compliance conditions.

(iii) Penryn Rowing Club Proposed by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Ms Southcombe (Chairman)

RECOMMENDED that: permission be granted, subject to the usual terms and conditions, including appropriate compliance conditions.

(iv) Robert Owen Communities Proposed by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Ms Southcombe (Chairman)

RECOMMENDED that permission be granted, subject to the usual terms and conditions including appropriate compliance conditions and receipt of a completed application form.

MEETING OF THE FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE HELD 17 FEBRUARY 2020 Page Nos: 202-206, (Minute nos: 347-357) (Appendix on yellow) 1.1 Minute No:- 350 – Tourist Information Service Proposed by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Mrs Carlyon

RECOMMENDED that the City Council writes to the relevant officer at Cornwall Council asking to be considered a place where motor homes can visit and parking be made available to facilitate this.

RECOMMENDED that the name ‘City Hall’ be suggested to the Hall for Cornwall.

1.2 Minute No:- 352 – Truro and Feock Parish Community Connect Project Proposed by Councillor Wells (Chairman)

RECOMMENDED that (i) an item be added to the next agenda to discuss and select a small number of Councillors to meet with the NHS co-funders in order to agree the aims and objectives of the project until June 2021; and (ii) the report be noted.

1.3 Minute No:- 353 – Exclusion of the Press and Public Proposed by Councillor Wells (Chairman)

RESOLVED that in accordance with s1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item by reason of its confidential or special nature.

1.4 Minute No:- 354 – City of Lights Proposed by Councillor Roden, seconded by Councillor Biscoe

RECOMMENDED that an additional contribution of £1,875 be allocated for the 2019 parade from the Community Events Fund.

RECOMMENDED that financial support would only be considered for the 2020 parade once a satisfactory and viable business plan from the organisers highlighting the purpose, aims and objectives and where funding would come from, had been presented to the committee.

1.5 Minute No:- 355 – Return of Press and Public Proposed by Councillor Wells (Chairman)

RESOLVED that the press and public be invited back into the meeting.

12 Town Clerk’s Report (Appendix on cream) To consider the report of the Town Clerk

13 Selection of Mayor and Deputy Mayor 2020/2021 in accordance with Procedural Guidance

14 Truro/Roseland Community Network Panel Councillor Wells to report

15 To receive verbal or written reports of meetings or conferences attended by members If members wish the Council to pass resolutions based on their reports, the reports must be in writing and submitted to the Town Clerk at least four clear working days prior to the meeting.

16 To authorise the sealing of documents to give effect to any Resolutions passed by the Council at this meeting

DATED this Nineteenth Day of February, Two Thousand and Twenty


MEETING OF TRURO CITY COUNCIL (PRECEPT) HELD ON MONDAY 27 JANUARY 2020 at 7.00 pm at the Large Community Room, Truro Library

PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor Robert J. Smith), Honorary Freeman Cllr Wells, Councillors Allen, Biscoe, Mrs Butler, Mrs Callen, Mrs Carlyon, Mrs Eathorne- Gibbons, Ellis, Mrs Neale, Nolan, Mrs Nolan, Pascoe, Rich, Roden, Ms Southcombe, Mrs Swain, Mrs Tudor and Webb

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillors Mrs Cox, Miss Jones, Mrs Stokes, Tamblyn and Vella.

Also in Attendance: Roger Gazzard, Town Clerk Reverend Jeremy Putnam, Mayor’s Chaplain Mr David Harris CC

PRAYERS Prior to the formal business of the Council, the Mayor’s Chaplain, the Reverend Jeremy Putnam, said prayers.

306 DISCLOSURES OR DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Minutes of the Planning Committee, 2 January 2020 (Minute 313, page 184) (PA19/10352) 79 Lemon Street Councillor Mrs Carlyon declared an interest due to Mr Carlyon being the freeholder of 78 Lemon Street.

307 MINUTES The minutes of the Council Meeting held 9 December 2019 were taken as read and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.

308 CORNWALL COUNCIL (F1) (i) Street Repairs & Resurfacing Works Councillor Biscoe CC commented there was a large investment by Cornwall Council for street repairs and resurfacing works in Truro. Works were due to start at the western end of the City and were on target for the repairs along Boscawen Street to begin at the end of the month. Councillor Biscoe CC would be meeting with Kevin Bryant, Head of Highways and Infrastructure the following day regarding the schedule of works.

(ii) Long-stay and Season Passes in Car Parks Councillor Biscoe CC informed Members there was an item on the agenda for the Economy Scrutiny Committee meeting that was being held to discuss the budget, that suggested an increase in charges for long-stay and season pass car parking to encourage members of the public to utilise the Park and Ride instead.

Councillor Biscoe CC was opposed to the idea that increasing taxation (similarly to cigarette tax) was not a good way of incentivising people to change their habits, as it was an imposition rather than a choice. There was already a 25% increase of use of the main railway line since April, and the contracts for the buses were being re-let. Reducing bus fares would also impact how people behave and the choices they make. There was a concern that if the Scrutiny Committee accepted the changes then this would set a precedent across Cornwall. It also sent mixed signals, when Cornwall Council was also giving the message that it was important High Streets should be protected, and yet increasing long-stay parking charges would put an additional burden on City Centre employees.

Councillors discussed the matter, raising points including the need to find a balance as due to the declaration of a Climate Emergency (made by Cornwall Council, the City Council, and others) it was important to reduce the use of cars, but it was also important to protect the High Street.



The Town Clerk commented that Mr Alun Jones, Truro BID Manager, would be attending the meeting and asking two questions as follows:

1. Truro BID is concerned that any parking increases as per these proposals will simply encourage further online shopping and deter local people from being employed in the City Centre. To support the current challenges of the High Street, and with particular reference to the near 100% proposed increase to season tickets, which are primarily used by City Centre employees in business (many of which are on minimum wage), will Cornwall Council consider a parking increase relative to inflation e.g. 3%? 2. The Proposal of removing long-term/all-day parking from Truro for 2021/2022 will deter employees from working in Truro, noting that only a small percentage of employees actually live in Truro, whilst public transport may be improved by then but it’s unlikely to accommodate for all with early starts and late finishes. Cornwall Council surely do not want to be responsible for increasing the difficulties of businesses sourcing employees. Can Cornwall Council please reconsider their plans to leave in place a commuter all-day/season ticket parking facility at a fair price?

Councillor Biscoe CC confirmed the meeting would be taking place the next day (28 January 2020) in the Trelawny Room at County Hall. . (iii) Government Capital for Upgrading Hospital Provision Councillor Biscoe CC spoke about a sum of money that was available to invest in the upgrade of hospitals in Cornwall. This was raised at the Adult Care Scrutiny Committee (which was also attended by the Executives of the Health Care Trusts). Councillor Biscoe CC felt as there was no longer a community hospital in Truro to provide post-operative palliative care, which led to longer stays in the district hospital, and due to the population growth because of developments such as Langarth and Pydar Street, there was a serious need for a health service in Truro that could provide such a service. Councillor Biscoe CC felt that with the funds being made available, it was the right time to raise this issue again to try and secure the funding for community care provision.

Other Councillors supported this idea, sharing their personal stories about difficulties with patients being placed in hospitals elsewhere because of the lack of provision at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, and Councillor Allen commented she had emailed the new Truro and Falmouth MP, Cherilyn Mackrory, on this issue.

(iv) Waste Collection Contract Councillor Nolan CC commented the waste collection contract which had been won by BIFFA, would be signed in March, and would start in the summer of 2021. The delay was due to the need to make sure everything was in place, such as the purchase of lorries and other equipment, as well as agreeing on the organic waste transfer. After this time, household food would be collected on a weekly basis, and black bags and recycling would be collected on a fortnightly basis. It had been estimated that around one third of black bag waste was food waste.

There would also be a review of what the Household Recycling Centre would do, and the hours of operation. There would be consideration of what charities could utilise, and reconsideration of the range of items Cornwall Council could collect and charge for.

(v) Dobbs Lane Councillor Nolan CC informed Members he was pushing for double yellow lines to be painted along Dobbs Lane as he felt the unbroken line of parking was very dangerous and this would break it up.



(vi) Cycle Routes Councillor Rich CC commented that last week Cornwall Council voted to allocate two million pounds to the A30 Carnon Cross to Chiverton Cross Improvement Scheme. There was also twenty million pounds of funding available for cycling routes, two of which would impact Truro: one between Trispen and Idless, and another from St Agnes to just before Threemilestone.

Councillor Rich CC raised concerns with Geoff Brown, Portfolio Holder for Transport. Julian German, Leader of Cornwall Council, and Kate Kennally, Chief Executive of Cornwall Council, that the significant amount of money would be spent on cycle ways, but it was imperative these connected with the existing routes. Many of the current cycle ways were not used because they are isolated, and assurance needed to be sought to connect them to ensure it was not just tourists who enjoyed the routes, but commuters were able to utilise them.

Councillor Rich CC explained Nigel Blackler, Head of Transport and Infrastructure, and his team, had put a significant amount of thought into the route, and commented that the new Perranporth cycle way, the land of which would be coming into public ownership, was likely to prove to be very popular. In addition, Vicky Fraser and the Cornwall Transport team would be reviewing the Truro Transport Strategy from 2012 and would be looking at Truro Loops and the Cycling Campaign for input.

Councillors briefly discussed the matter, including how it was strange the Tresillian to Truro cycleway stopped just before Waitrose, and the strong need for covered cycle storage in Truro. Councillor Rich CC mentioned Lüneburg in Germany had a multi- storey for bicycles, which would be a great addition to Truro.

(vii) Park and Ride Elaborating on the comments made by Councillor Biscoe CC earlier, Councillor Harris CC commented that one of the issues with the Park and Ride is that it was already full. In addition, viability for a Park and Ride at Shortlanesend was being investigated.

(viii) Hall for Cornwall Councillor Harris CC reported it was published in the press that the Hall for Cornwall refurbishments were approximately 16 weeks behind schedule.

(ix) Malabar Community Centre Councillor Harris CC spoke about the land at Albany Road, Malabar and the plans for a new community centre, adding there had been huge delays at the Property Department, who, despite it being agreed two-three years ago that the community centre would be transferred to the City Council, was now saying that in order for this to proceed there needed to be a business case in place at portfolio level. Councillor Harris CC would keep requesting updates.

309 OPEN SESSION FOR ELECTORS OF TRURO There were no questions or comments from the electors of Truro.

310 MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS Drawing Members’ attention to his written report, the Mayor commented on how busy he had been over the Christmas period and urged any Councillor wishing to stand for either Mayor or Deputy Mayor to be aware of the workload involved.

The Mayor elaborated on the following events he had attended since his last report:



(i) St Petroc’s Christmas Carol Service – 13 December 2019 and Blue Light Carol Service – 16 December 2019. The Mayor commented the above two carol services really stood out as being exceptional.

(ii) Funeral of Inspector Mark Richards – 6 January 2020 The Mayor commented that though there was no formal invitation, he attended the funeral service of Inspector Mark Richards, who had been an Honorary Freeman of Truro. Also, in attendance and representing the City Council, was the Town Clerk, and Councillors Mrs Carlyon, Ms Southcombe, and the Deputy Mayor, who recited a poem he had written for the occasion.

(iii) Truro City Youth Council – 28 January 2020 The Mayor informed Members the Youth Council had met prior to this meeting of Council and elected their Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer etc. The Mayor commented the Youth Council was a dynamic group and he looked forward to their contribution to the City.

Upcoming Events

(i) Community Celebration – 7 March 2020 The Mayor reminded Councillors he needed nominations for the community awards, which would be presented at the Community Celebration on 7 March 2019 in Truro Cathedral. The Cornwall Community Choir would be performing.

(ii) Mayor’s Charity Jazz Dinner – 17 April 2020 The Mayor drew Members’ attention to tabled flyers for the event and asked if they could distribute to friends, neighbours, or other people that may be interested in attending. The Mayor hoped Councillors would support the event and purchase tickets to attend the evening.

311 CORRESPONDENCE Community Governance Review Further to Minute 222, page 137 (28.10.19) The Town Clerk read out an email that had been previously circulated to Councillors, reminding them the second consultation period was already open. Previously, Cornwall Council’s Electoral Review Panel had met to consider proposed boundary changes made by parish councils and to make their recommendations. The proposed changes Truro City Council suggested to the boundary with Kenwyn Parish had been rejected. The only proposed change accepted was that the St Clement War Memorial be included within St Clement Parish Boundary, along with two industrial properties. The Town Clerk sought Councillors views on whether they wished to make further representation for changes.

Councillors discussed the lengthy process that had already been undertaken to arrive at the recommendations Truro City Council had put forward, and the significant amount of effort that had been involved. It was felt that the review had been a waste of time, as despite logical arguments being put forward, the proposals for the change of boundary to include some of Kenwyn Parish had been rejected. Members felt this was a mistake, as at the last Governance Review many years ago, Gloweth did not exist. The current boundaries resulted in many people not within the Truro parish boundary paying significantly less for their Council Tax but accessing services that were being funded by Truro taxpayers, such as Newbridge Playing Field.

Several Councillors commented on the history of St Clement War Memorial, including the point that St Clement Parish originally extended along Newquay Road, and that some of the names on the war memorial belonged to people who had not lived in the current St Clement Parish, but had done so within the previous boundaries. Other 183


comments included the point that people in St Clement Parish were aware of the history of the war memorial, and a local historian in Tregolls had been campaigning for the upkeep of the war memorial, which the City Council’s Parks Department was carrying out on an ad hoc basis. It was concluded that it was vital this important point was respect, and as such, any services relating to the memorial should include those who lived within the previous St Clement Parish boundary. The Town Clerk agreed to send a letter to St Clement Parish reiterating this.

Following further discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Roden, seconded by Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells and unanimously

RESOLVED that Truro City Council would not submit a response to the second consultation of Cornwall Council’s Governance Boundary Review.

312 QUESTION TIME – WRITTEN QUESTIONS Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells drew Members’ attention to the wording on the agenda for this item, ‘Question Time pursuant to Standing Order No. 5k – Written Questions only’, commenting he had accidentally missed this when compiling the revisions for Standing Orders which had been adopted at the last meeting of Council (reference).

With the acknowledgement that the Standing Order would now be numbered 6k (instead of 5k as previous), Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells proposed, Councillors Mrs Eathorne-Gibbons seconded, and it was

RESOLVED that Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells would revise the adopted Standing Orders to include the paragraph on Council agendas relating to written questions.

It was also noted that once Standing Orders were complete, following financial regulations being discussed at a future meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee, and consideration of whether Part A of Standing Orders was needed as the content had been superseded by Part B, travel-size copies of Standing Orders would be printed for Councillors.

313 COMMITTEE REPORTS The Minutes of the Meetings of the under-mentioned Committees were approved and adopted by the Council, except where otherwise stated:-

MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE 5 DECEMBER 2019 Proposed by Councillor Webb, seconded by Councillor Mrs Swain

Langarth Stakeholder Group (Minute 270, page 158) It was noted the third paragraph should read ‘Councillor Nolan commented that to provide green space, some buildings would need to be approximately six storeys…’

MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE 2 JANUARY 2020 Proposed by Councillor Webb, seconded by Councillor Pascoe

Apologies Councillor Ellis confirmed he had tendered his apologies for the above meeting and therefore was not in attendance.

Arch Hill (Minute 289 (b) (ii), page 167) Councillor Mrs Carlyon commented there was a development near the Arch Hill roundabout, along Old Falmouth Road, that had no retaining wall, and subsequently, there was a lot of mud and water running onto the road, which she was concerned 184


may cause a landslide. It was confirmed the Highways Department should be informed so they may investigate and take appropriate action with the landowner.

MEETING OF THE PARKS AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE 6 JANUARY 2020 Proposed by Councillor Ms Southcombe, seconded by Councillor Mrs Eathorne- Gibbons

Estimates 2020/2021 Schedule of Fees and Charges (Minute 296, pages 173-174) Councillor Biscoe commented he was confused by some of the wording of the minutes and felt they should be looked at again, particularly in relation to discussion surrounding a recommendation that he felt was not formatted in the usual manner. There was also a comment for the end of the first paragraph on page 174 where ‘The Committee expressed its support…’ but there did not seem to be a recommendation, and where an application for the use of Hendra Playing Field was discussed as a matter of urgency, but was felt not to be formatted in the usual manner and did not include a recommendation.

MEETING OF THE FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE 13 JANUARY 2019 Proposed by Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Roden

It was confirmed by the Town Clerk that approving the minutes did not approve the Estimates 2020/2021 as these appeared as a separate item on the agenda.

Councillor Mrs Carlyon commented she had asked for her name to be recorded as having voted against the recommendation for the Estimates 2020/2021 within the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Minutes (Minute 304, page 179).

Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer’s Report Draft Estimates 2020/2021 (i) Social Prescribing (Minute 204, page 177). Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells drew Members’ attention to the supplementary document outlining the last six months of social prescribing that had been included at the request of the Finance & General Purposes Committee. The report noted no provision had been made in Estimates for the continuation of social prescribing from the new financial year (2020). However, the Town Clerk had received assurance from the health sector that the role would be match-funded in order for the social prescriber to work full time for Truro (as opposed to the previous split between Truro and Feock parishes).

Councillors discussed the proposal, including points about the need for a review as the post would now be different than before, particularly in relation to the City Council’s goals for social prescribing and how they would be achieved, with the wish Members would be involved in the governance of the project. Clarification needed to be sought as to whether the project would involve setting up new groups or utilising existing community groups, as there was concern the former would drive members away from the latter. It was confirmed at this stage the Council was only establishing the principle of continuing with social prescribing, and whether this should be adopted at the cost stipulated in the Town Clerk’s report, for the purpose of approving Estimates for 2020/2021. Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells would request an item be added to the agenda for the next meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee (to be held on 17 February 2020) to set up a group of interested parties who would review the project, including issues such as where the Social Prescriber would be based.

Other issues were raised, such as why Three Spires Medical Practice was not on the email circular about social prescribing, and whether there was a need for a social prescriber as the work was like that carried out under Community Development. 185


Following further discussion, it was proposed by Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Rich and

RESOLVED that the City Council would allocate funding to support continuation of the social prescribing work for 2020/2021 in principle, with the money coming from the Community Project Fund, as outlined in the Town Clerk’s report

(ii) Library Rooms (Minute 304, page 179) Councillor Biscoe commented on appropriateness of the wording of the minute, particularly the line ‘The proposed pricing for hiring library rooms would ensure that the rooms were not taken over by charities…’. He strongly felt the library had been devolved to the City Council in order to function as a community facility, and though he understood income needed to be generated to off-set costs, it should not be through excluding community groups. It was therefore important for Council to determine what they wished to achieve with the library and to make this clear.

Lengthy discussion ensued, including a point about there being other spaces available in the City, sometimes for free, such as at the community centres, although it was also acknowledged many found these locations difficult if relying on public transport as they were not in the City Centre and therefore attendance was lower. There was also discussion surrounding the purpose of the library, with emphasis on its central location as a place for people to go to meet and attend grounds and classes. However, several Councillors felt it needed to be reiterated that the library was taken on by the City Council at great cost, which needed to be accounted for to avoid large increases to the precept. A balance should be sought.

The Town Clerk informed Members there had been issues relating to Malpas Road Community Centre as the Community Association had ceased. He was now waiting to hear whether an interested party would make an offer of managing the building which would open it up to community use again, and hoped a proposal would be forthcoming in time for the next meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee (to be held on 17 February 2020).The Town Clerk also commented that groups like U3A should come to speak to him about room hire charges if they wished to use the library on a regular basis.

The Town Clerk pointed out the Estimates 2020/2021 had been revised since the meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee to include revised room pricing proposals for the rooms at the library (page 24), using the same costings and tier-system that had been in place at the Municipal Buildings. This allowed for Truro based charities to use the rooms at a reduced cost.

Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells spoke about understanding the apparent consensus for reduced fees for community groups, but pointed out this was a huge concession to make as the City Council would be subsidising this, adding if too many commercial users were turned away then there would be a big impact on the amount of money raised to off-set the additional costs to the City Council that were taken on by adopting the library. The precept was already being increased above inflation.

Further discussion took place, including an idea of extra revenue coming from a ‘service charge’ to commercial users, that would provide a pot of money to be used to pay the difference on the subsidised rates.

It was proposed by Councillor Biscoe, seconded by Councillor Roden and



RESOLVED that the revised figures for reduced room hire for Truro based charities and organisations, as set out on page. 24 of the revised Estimates 2020-2021 be adopted into the Estimates report.

Councillor Mrs Carlyon asked for her name to be recorded as having voted against the above resolution.

314 PRECEPT 2020/2021 The Town Clerk drew Members’ attention to the Estimates Report 2020-2021 and Financial Forecasts 2021-23.

Following brief discussion, it was proposed by Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Mrs Callen and

RESOLVED that the resolutions on page. 13 of the Estimates Report 2020-2021 as per below, be approved and adopted:

‘1 – agreement to the Corporate Mission Statement and Objectives; 2 – that the Council agrees to the Action Plan; 3 – that the revised estimate for 2019-2020 is approved; 4 – that the estimates for 2020-21 are approved; 5 – that the Precept is set at £1, 862, 334 for 2020-21; and 6 – that the financial forecasts for 2021-22 and 2022-23 are agreed in principle.’

Councillor Mrs Carlyon wished for her name to be recorded as having voted against the above resolution.

315 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix A) In addition to the attached report (Appendix A), of which some items are elaborated on below, the Town Clerk raised the following:

(i) Truro and Kenwyn Neighbourhood Development Plan Public Consultation The Town Clerk informed Members the public consultation for the Truro and Kenwyn Neighbourhood Development Plan would be running from 10 February 2020 for six weeks. There would be consultation events held at Truro Public Library, the Farmers’ Market, Shortlanesend Village Hall and Threemilestone Community Centre. Any Councillor support or help at any of the events would be appreciated.

(ii) Truro Public Library – ‘Key Handing Over’ Ceremony The Town Clerk commented the ceremony would be taking place on Tuesday 28 January at 11:30am downstairs in Truro Public Library and all Councillors were welcome to attend.

(iii) Towns Fund The Town Clerk informed Members that a board had been set up to determine the allocation of funding. The board would have three categories of members as follows:

Public sector – consisting of six Cornwall Councillors in the Fund areas, each with one vote; a representative for the parish Councils (Truro and Kenwyn) with one vote each; and the local MP with one vote. Total of 9 public sector members. Private sector – a representative from Truro and Newham BID groups with one vote each, and three others who would be selected by a transparent process. Third sector (community representation) – five representatives would be selected by a transparent process.

It was noted the number of members in the public sector category could not be more than the other two sectors combined. 187


The board would meet on Friday 31 January 2020 for the public sector members to decide upon a method of selection for the other sectors. It was felt this was likely be via an advertisement requesting expressions of interest.

(iv) Cultural Compact The Town Clerk elaborated on the Arts Council investment as outlined in his report, and in particular the part-time post, which he confirmed was at no cost to the City Council and was being hosted by the Hall for Cornwall. Truro had been chosen for allocation of some of the investment due, in part, to the draft Cultural Strategy (written by the Mayor) and an existing Arts partnership. The latter was in its infancy, and consisted of Truro City Council, Truro BID, Visit Truro, Truro Cathedral. The Hall for Cornwall, the Old Studio Bakery and the Royal Cornwall Museum.

Councillors briefly discussed the post, commenting it was a shame this was being created when the Royal Cornwall Museum had announced a temporary closure, which would have a big impact on the City over the summer months. It was also discussed that the post would only be guaranteed for one year and so other strategies needed to be considered past this point. Councillor Biscoe spoke about an informal meeting that had taken place between himself, the director for the Hall for Cornwall, the Mayor, the Dean of the Cathedral, the director of the Royal Cornwall Museum, and the management of the Old Studio Bakery. Prior to this, the Dean and the director for the Hall for Cornwall had never met. It was hoped that moving forward, there would be more co-ordination between events taking place in the City. Truro Plaza representatives needed to be invited to join the partnership.

On the subject of the Hall for Cornwall, Councillor Webb asked the Town Clerk if he had any updates regarding the proposed disabled access and the City Council’s concerns over whether it complied with health and safety law. The Town Clerk replied that he was still trying to arrange a meeting. It had been suggested mid-March, but he was trying to bring this forward.

316 TRURO & THE ROSELAND COMMUNITY NETWORK PANEL (F20) Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells informed Members the next meeting would take place the following day, Tuesday 28 January 2020 at County Hall. There would be a presentation on early health, and on a local family partnership being set up across the country based on the old six districts. The latter would be presented by the Corporate Leadership Team Community Network Area Ambassador, which was a new title bestowed to senior management at Cornwall Council, all of whom had been allotted to the nineteen Network Panels. Honorary Freeman Councillor Wells commented the Ambassador for the Truro and the Roseland Community Network Panel was Jon Lloyd-Owen, who was already Cornwall Council’s senior representative, but now with a different title.

The following meeting would be on 17 March 2020 and was hoped to be held in Portscatho.

317 REPORTS OF MEETINGS OR CONFERENCES ATTENDED Councillor Biscoe reminded Councillors that St Piran’s Day was on 5 March 2020 and the parade would be starting at St George’s Road at 1pm.

The Mayor reminded Members to respond to the Committee Clerk regarding Mayoral Selection as there were still many outstanding responses.




RESOLVED that the Common Seal be affixed to any document or documents necessary to give effect to the resolutions passed by the Council at this Meeting.

The meeting closed at 8:36 pm.




Town Clerks Report Council 27th January 2020


A reminder that tomorrow at 11.30a,m. we have a small event with Cornwall Council and the Trustees to celebrate the transfer to us of the building and the service. All Councillors are invited.

Hall for Cornwall/Municipal Offices

I am endeavouring to arrange a meeting with the Hall for Cornwall to discuss issues relating to the works and I hope that we will be in a position shortly to start the arrangements for our return to the building in the late Autumn.

I favour us carrying out some decorating works prior to ourselves (and the paintings) moving back in and therefore hope to have access for works earlier than the late Autumn.

Towns Fund

Cornwall Council is leading on this work in the four towns selected, , St. Ives, Camborne and Truro. The first piece of work is to select the membership of the Town Fund Board, that will make the decisions on the spending. There are three sections, public sector, private sector, and third sector/community. There is a restriction that the public sector cannot have a majority of votes. The City Council will have a vote and in due course will need to confirm who carries that vote at the Board meetings.

Cultural Compact

Cornwall Council have been awarded £20,000 of Arts Council investment to establish a Cultural Compact, which is named ‘Tyller a Nerth’ (the Cornish for place of energy). Cornwall Council has allocated match funding of £8,600 to the project. The Council is keen that the Tyller a Nerth reflects the three areas of focus set out in the Cornwall MOU for Culture: resilience, place, identity. The money has been allocated to Truro and a part time post for one year is being recruited by the Hall for Cornwall

The role is to support and develop the Cultural Partnership in Truro to work out how a place and its community can achieve strategic ambitions through local partnerships, collaboration and activity.

Roger Gazzard Town Clerk

Page 1 of 1

Full Council Meeting: Mayor’s Report 14th Jan – 15th Feb

Date Event Comments 22nd Jan Princes Trust Carnon Downs. Cornwall Fire & Rescue Prince’s Trust Tregye presentation Meadow. Quite an inspirational event also attended by Cllr Jan Allen. Timing was a little skewed but culminated in video presentations of the fifteen youngsters involved in the course and a ‘Passing Out’ presentation of certificates. 27th Jan Holocaust Cathedral: Officiant: Rev Alan Bashforth. Very well attended with Memorial Day speeches from a variety of sources, descendants of survivors, Insp Rick Milburn and me. Followed by an exhibition of work by Albert Reuss. I spoke about the need for vigilance to ensure injustice and prejudice are not perpetuated in our modern society. 28th Jan Library Hand Formal ceremony transferring the Library to Truro City Council. over Brief speech was made by the Chair of Trustees, David Flexman, who presented Truro with a decorative symbolic key to the building. Guests included Cllr Hilary Frank and Portfolio Holder for Children and Wellbeing, Sally Hawken. 29th Jan Presentation re County Hall: Lord Lieutenant. Seeming a straightforward process. Honours System I have leaflets and guidance notes if anyone would like to nominate someone for an award. lieutenancy/honours-and-awards/ 6th Feb BBC Broadcast Live from Lemon Quay: Chair and Deputy Chair of Youth Council, Jenny Douce and Iris Nicholls and myself interviewed on a bitterly cold morning at 7:00 am. 6th Feb The Cornwall Cathedral. The University of Exeter in partnership with Stephens Lecture Scown – Disruptive Innovation. Interesting and inspirational presentation by Tony Moretta, CEO Digital Jersey. An astonishing and charismatic personality who really has changed the world! 6th Feb Truro High Mayors Parlour. Interview with 3 A Level students concerning School interview Planning issues in relation to environmental protection. With Cllr Southcombe and Cllr Swain. 9th Feb St Ives Feast Celebration Service of St Ia the Virgin. Weather atrocious: Storm Sunday Ciara. Church first consecrated 1434. Only five Mayors attending today. Officiant Fr Nick Widdows. A refreshing sermon by Fr Keiren Marwood on the theme of the Gospel of Matthew: Love Thy Neighbour. 15th Feb Quiz Night All Saints Church, Highertown. Fund Raiser for the Life House Project. Despite appalling weather, it was a full turnout with an excellent quiz and some ‘interactive’ questions! The pasties were excellent and there was plenty of liquid refreshment to accompany them. Well done to the organising team!


15th Jan Truro Civic Society. Quaker House. 16th Jan High Cross meeting: future collaboration. Cathedral. 22nd Jan Charity Dinner planning. Alverton. 27th Jan 2nd Youth Council meeting. Library 27th Jan Full Council meeting 29th Jan BBC interview, Victoria Gould. Parlour 29th Jan CALC AGM County Hall 31st Jan Town Meeting: Policing / Town Safety with MP. BIDS 4th Feb War Memorial meeting. Parlour 6th Feb Planning 10th Feb 3rd Youth Council meeting. Library 10th Feb Parks & Amenities 11th Feb Cockin Charity meeting: Parlour 11th Feb Truro Day meeting with Paul Caruana: Parlour 12th Feb Street Art meeting: Parlour 20th Feb Rev Simon Griffith. Service planning. Cathedra

Albert Reuss was a painter and sculptor born in who fled to England in 1938 following the , ’s annexation of Austria to the German Reich. In the process, Reuss lost many members of his family, and the reputation he had built up as an artist in Vienna. He lived in Cheltenham and St Mawes with his wife and finally in 1948, the Reusses moved to where he spent the rest of his life. He became an international exhibitor and was well known as a painter and eccentric. He died in 1975 at the age of 86 years after a brief stay at a care home in Truro.

Albert Reuss 1889 -1975


PRESENT: Councillors Ellis, Ms Southcombe, Mrs Swain, Tamblyn Vella, (Chairman) Webb and Wells

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were reported from Councillors Biscoe, Mrs Carlyon, Noland and Pascoe

Also in attendance: Councillor Rich, Mrs Sadie Mitchell (applicant for PA19/11103, 31 Bosvean Gardens), Members of the public for 60 Tregolls Road Teacher and pupils from Truro High School for Girls

319 DISCLOSURES OR DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (PA19/11259) 159 Bodmin Road (Minute 321 (b) (v), page 191) Councillor Webb declared a personal interest in the above item as his parents live nearby.

320 MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held 2 January 2020, having been before Council on 27 January 2020.

321 PLANNING CONSULTATION (a) Schedule 1 Further to all Councillors of Truro City Council being given the opportunity to submit comments to applications in their Ward (by an agreed deadline), and for Members of the Planning Committee to comment on this Schedule prior to publication of the agenda for this meeting, it was proposed by Councillor Vella (Chairman) that it be unanimously

RESOLVED that the recommendations contained within Schedule 1, as proposed by the Chairman, be adopted by the Planning Committee.

(b) Schedule 2 The Committee considered plans submitted in accordance with the planning consultation procedure, details of which are attached (Schedule 2), and, that it be

RESOLVED that Cornwall Council be informed of the following recommendations as voted upon by Truro City Council’s Planning Committee: -

(i) 60 Tregolls Road (1) (PA19/10271) Unanimous refusal recommended for Outline permission with some matters reserved for the erection of 5 detached properties due to several issues still unresolved from the previous iteration of the proposal. Councillors requested a more comprehensive plan of how the proposal would be carried out. Issues that needed to be readdressed included drainage, sewage, retention of wildlife, the angle of the drives (those proposed were felt to be too square), water run-off, and addressing heritage aspects as outlined by the Historic Environment team, who stated there should be a presumption in favour of converting the barn.

Proposer: Councillor Ellis Seconder: Councillor Mrs Swain


Councillor Rich, with permission of the Chairman, informed Members he had emailed the Enforcement team at Cornwall Council regarding a technical breach in this application.

Councillor Rich and the residents of Tregolls Road left after the conclusion of this application (approx. 7:15pm).

(ii) 31 Bosvean Gardens (2) (PA19/11103) Unanimous approval recommended for the proposed detached garage.

Proposer: Councillor Smith (Mayor) Seconder: Councillor Mrs Swain

Mrs Mitchell, the applicant, left the meeting following the conclusion of this application (approx. 7.20pm).

(iii) 14 Frances Street (3) (PA19/11196) Unanimous approval recommended for change of use and associated alterations, subject to confirmation that there is a safe, separate exit route from the first floor flat that does not require going through the ground floor surgery, and subject to the windows being constructed in timber.

Proposer: Councillor Tamblyn Seconder: Councillor Smith

Truro High School for Girls pupils and teacher left the meeting following the conclusion of this application (approx. 7:25pm). Councillor Smith (the Mayor) temporarily left with them.

(iv) 9 Tressa Dowr Lane (4) (PA19/11253) Unanimous approval recommended for the conversion of a garage into a bedroom.

Proposer: Councillor Mrs Swain Seconder: Councillor Ellis

The Mayor re-joined the meeting following the conclusion of the above application (approx. 7:29pm).

(v) 159 Bodmin Road (5) (PA19/11259) Approval recommended for the alteration and refurbishment of existing detached bungalow.

Proposer: Councillor Vella (Chairman)

Having declared an interest in the above application, Councillor Webb did not participate in the discussion or vote on the recommendation.

(vi) Land North of Silver Bow, Greenbottom (6) (PA20/00009) The Planning Committee noted the application, with the comment that a long run-in and out from the junction was preferable.

Councillor Ms Southcombe wished for her name to be recorded as being against the application, making an additional comment that trees were already being felled in this area in preparation for the link road.


(vii) Bosvigo Car Park, Bosvigo Road (7) (PA20/00062) Unanimous refusal recommended in line with the comments from the Truro Conservation Area Advisory Committee that stated ‘Refusal recommended. Members felt the proposal was of a poor design, constitutes overdevelopment, and is not in keeping with the Conservation Area. Members commented it is reasonable for residents to have free and fair access to their properties.’

Proposer: Councillor Mrs Swain Seconder: Councillor Smith (Mayor)

(viii) 6 Ferris Town (8a & 8b) (PA20/00119 & PA20/00121) Unanimous approval recommended, on the condition the windows are timber, as per the comment from the Truro Conservation Area Advisory Committee.

Proposer: Councillor Ellis Seconder: Councillor Vella

(ix) Monumental Works, Carvedras (9) (PA20/00193) Unanimous approval recommended for the demolition of buildings and construction of an additional unit of residential accommodation.

Proposer: Councillor Smith (Mayor) Seconder: Councillor Ellis

(x) 49 Tinney Drive (10) (PA20/00374) Refusal recommended for the proposed works to the Oak tree, as Members felt the works were excessive and unjustified (the Chairman commented the proposed works as stated equated to approximately 65% reduction in mass – two thirds – not 30% as suggested in the application). Members commented sensible pruning would be acceptable.

Proposer: Councillor Mrs Swain Seconder: Councillor Ms Southcombe

Councillor Tamblyn left the meeting at 7:55pm.

322 PLANNING COMMITTEE MATTERS Truro City Council Planning Applications Members discussed whether there was a need for planning applications submitted by Truro City Council to automatically be considered at Planning Committee meetings, as they had been previously. The current paperless planning process at Truro City Council gave both ward members and the entire Planning Committee a chance to comment on applications within the month, and to request they be placed on Schedule 2 for discussion at the meeting should any aspect of an application be considered contentious. Due to this process providing transparency, and considering that Truro City Council was only a consultee on applications, with the Local Planning Authority making the final decision, it was felt there was no longer any need for applications submitted by Truro City Council to be treated in a different way to other applications. The Town Clerk had been consulted on this suggested and had agreed.

It was therefore proposed by Councillor Vella (Chairman) and

RECOMMENDED that applications submitted by the City Council be considered, as with any other planning application, via the transparent process that was already in use by the City Council. 192

323 CONSERVATION COMMITTEE At the last meeting of the Planning Committee Minute 290 (i), page 169 (02.01.20), ratified by Council on 27 January 2020, it was agreed the Planning Committee procedure be amended to include a Schedule 1b containing either Conservation Area or Listed Building applications in the Conservation Area. This would allow for Members to agree to a recommendation within the month (as per the current Schedule 1), but also give room to further discuss an application at the Planning Committee meetings should the Truro Conservation Area Advisory Committee (TCAAC) make an observation that may change the initial recommendation from the Planning Committee.

Subsequently, to be able to better advise the Planning Committee, the TCAAC, at their meeting on 4 February 2020, agreed to consider Listed Building applications that fell outside of the Conservation Area (at present, they only considered those within). This would require an amendment to the TCAAC’s constitution. As the TCAAC is a sub-committee of the Planning Committee, this amendment requires the approval of the Planning Committee (and ratification by Council).

Following brief discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Wells, seconded by Councillor Vella (Chairman) and

RECOMMENDED that the Planning Committee approve the amendment of the Truro Conservation Area Advisory Committee’s constitution to allow for them to consider Listed Building applications outside of the Conservation Area in order to advise the Planning Committee.

324 CONSULTATIONS (i) Cornwall Council – Cornwall Design Guide & Cornwall Streetscape Design Guide Members considered giving feedback on the above Consultation. The deadline for comments to be submitted to Cornwall Council was 2 March 2020. A link to the information was circulated via email prior to this meeting.

Following discussion, where Councillors commented they felt this was a good, comprehensive, document, it was proposed by Councillor Vella (Chairman) and unanimously

RESOLVED that if any Councillor had a comment on either the Cornwall Design Guide or the Cornwall Streetscape Design Guide, then they were to submit it to the Chairman by 18 February 2020.

(ii) Cornwall Council – 2020 Off-Street Parking Order Members considered Cornwall Council’s proposals to make a new Off-Street Parking Order (previously circulated). The deadline for comments to be submitted was 19th February 2020.

Members discussed the Order, included points about the parking charges being so high they were in danger of putting people off parking in Truro, and thus contributing to the struggling retail sector in the City, and the comment free parking in the short- stay carparks had been changed from a 4pm start to 5pm. Members also discussed comments from Truro BID about the parking charges causing a real issue for employees needing to park in the City to go to work, and imminent changes to the Park and Ride timetable. (though it seemed this was only applicable to Langarth and not Tregurra, which was felt to be an issue). 193

It was proposed by Councillor Vella (Chairman) and

RESOLVED that the Chairman would use Councillors’ comments (above) and respond to the 2020 Off-Street Parking Order consultation on behalf of the Committee.

325 LANGARTH STAKEHOLDER GROUP The Chairman reported that the next meeting would be taking place the following week, so he would have more to report after that.

326 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The Chairman had nothing to report as it had already been covered during the meeting.

327 CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence to report as it had been circulated via email during the month.

The meeting closed at 8:10pm.



Schedule 1

PLANNING APPLICATIONS – FOR THE MEETING OF 6 FEBRUARY 2020 SCHEDULE 1 – To Receive a Single Recommendation for the Entire Schedule at the Meeting. If Members of the Planning Committee wish for an application to be transferred to Schedule 2, please inform the Chairman and Clerk by Thursday 30th January at 5pm for it to be included on the agenda. Please use material planning considerations only. If the recommendation already states “transfer to schedule 2” there is no need to comment further on this application until the meeting.

Application Details Proposal Ward Comments from Case Officers Recommendation from Chairman/ Vice-Chairman & Councillors PA19/10906 Construction of single storey extension to Redannick Janice Taylor: Approval recommended Bickford House, 29 form new porch area and extend kitchen subject to the tiles and Green Lane dining room. roof matching the Ms Clinton existing roof of the building

PA19/10957 Proposed internal alterations and first floor Redannick Janice Taylor: Approval recommended 10 Crescent Rise extension including roof lights to dwelling. subject to the omission Mr and Mrs T Cooper of the fake timber cladding

PA19/10955 Various pruning works of semi-mature trees, Tregolls Janice Taylor: Approval recommended Chellew Road Junction to clear structure. The Beechwood Park Cornwall Council TPO 2005.

PA19/11103 Proposed detached garage. Redannick Camellia Bullingham: Schedule 2 31 Bosvean Gardens, Kenwyn Mr and Mrs Mitchell


Schedule 1

PA19/11281 Application for works to tree subject to TPO: Tregolls Janice Taylor: Approval recommended 11 Blackberry Way Sycamore (T1) to reduce overhang subject to the retention of Mr Graham Davies the form of the tree, (i.e., not a straight vertical cut line) and to the requirements of CC Tree Officer. PA19/11238 Application for tree works to trees subject to Redannick Janice Taylor: Approval recommended 12 Chy Bre, Tresawya a tree preservation order (TPO) – Truo185 subject to branches no Drive more than 100mm in Livewest diameter should be cut and for the works to be carried out to BS3998:2010.

PA19/11156 Listed Building Consent for minor internal Redannick Martin Woodley: Having seen the focus Approval recommended, County Hall, Treyew alterations of the works, the proposal appears to be in support of the Case Road very well informed by the existing building Officer’s comments. Cornwall Council character and layout – including the basic ceiling grids. The proposal will resite- reuse existing partition fabric where it is either original or respectful of the existing character. Overall the alterations are not considered to be harmful to the established character of this twentieth century listed building and there would be respect for the existing circulation routes and ceiling grids.

PA19/11196 Change of use from vacant flower shop to Boscawen Camellia Bullingham: Schedule 2 14 Frances Street dental hygiene practice (A1 to D1), Leon Leondiades And alterations to rear windows, alterations to Catherine Owers The flat over proposed hygiene suite including Dental Hygiene Suite changes to rear windows


Schedule 1

PA20/00009 Construction of interim link road to provide Chacewater, Matt Doble: Schedule 2 Land North of Silver access from the A390 to the proposed Kenwyn And Bow, Greenbottom Northern Access Road to facilitate Baldhu Mr Tim Wood construction access at Langarth Farm. Upon completion of the Northern Access Road junction from the A390 the interim link road will revert to a bus gate. PA20/00044 The proposal is to lightly crown raise one Trehaverne Camellia Bullingham: Approval recommended Chytodden, 16 Kenwyn mature beech tree subject to the works Road being restricted to the Mr and Mrs Judson removal of branches below the red line with a diameter <100mm and carried out in accordance with BS3998:2010. PA19/10355 Conversion of offices into 6 flats with Boscawen Tim Marsh: Approval recommended 79 Lemon Street associated balconies and roof garden with in line with the revised Mr Dewar variation of condition 1 in respect of proposal that is decision PA18/11650 supported by the Historic Environment officer.

PA20/00062 Provision of 2no. one-bedroom self Boscawen Camellia Bullingham: Schedule 2 Bosvigo Car Park, contained apartments with parking and Bosvigo Road private amenity Cornwall Council

PA20/00119 Conversion of chiropractors and basement Boscawen Claire Broughton: Schedule 2 6 Ferris Town flat to one dwelling. Part retrospective. Mr Mike Noone

PA20/00121 Listed building consent for conversion of Boscawen Claire Broughton: Schedule 2 6 Ferris Town chiropractors and basement flat to one Mr Mike Noone dwelling. Part retrospective.


Schedule 1

PA19/11259 Alteration and refurbishment of existing Boscawen Camellia Bullingham: Schedule 2 159 Bodmin Road detached bungalow to include new first Mr D and Mrs J floor, revising existing footprint Shrimpton

PA20/00182 Alteration and rear single storey extension Redannick Stacey Lowe: Approval recommended 15 Northfield Drive Mr J Tinker and Ms N Buist

PA20/00193 Demolition of buildings and construction of Boscawen Martin Woodley: Schedule 2 Monumental Works, additional unit of residential Carvedras accommodation. Mr S Perryman

PA20/00335 Alterations to extension to existing dwelling. Trehaverne Stacey Lowe: Approval recommended 2 Benson Road Mr and Mrs Robertson

PA20/00172 Application for works to trees subject to Trehaverne Camellia Bullingham: Approval recommended Dabuz Moor TPOs with hand tools only for routine in line with the Tree Mr Chris Waddle, Truro maintenance over the next 5 years. Officer’s Report City Council

PA20/00140 Extension to garage (Amendment to part of Trehaverne Niamh Ashworth: Approval recommended 4 Higher Trehaverne extant planning permission approved under Mr and Mrs Thurlow PA19/04637)


Schedule 1

PA20/00402 Application for works to tree subject to TPO Tregolls Niamh Ashworth: Approval recommended Boundary of Rashleigh - T4 Remove epicormic growth to break of Vale and Trelander the crown to allow inspection of stem and Highway prevent further obstruction of the adjacent Mr Jon Mitchell, footpath Cornwall Council Environment PA20/00374 Crown reduce one oak tree subject to a TP Tregolls Camellia Bullingham: Schedule 2 49 Tinney Drive Mr S Kahill PA19/10271 Outline application with some matters Tregolls Martin Woodley: I can confirm that the Schedule 2 60 Tregolls Road reserved for erection of 5 detached applicant has revised the applicant in light Kingsley Developments properties of the consultation responses, objections (SW) Limited and local feedback received. The changes are: - scheme now reduced to 5 units as opposed to the 8 originally requested; - the applicant remains in outline with only access now being considered; - previous details of three- storey houses at a higher density have been withdrawn; - the application now includes additional structural survey information from structural engineers to confirm the condition of the existing traditional barn range and its unsuitability for retention and conversion; - the entrance wall feature to the estate is to be fully retained. Consequently, such matters as the site layout, dwelling design, landscaping etc would be considered at the subsequent reserved matters stage if an outline approval is granted.


Schedule 1

PA19/11253 Change garage attached to the property into Tregolls Camellia Bullingham: Schedule 2 9 Tressa Dowr Lane a bedroom Mr James Rickard

PA20/00409 3 Poplar tree - crown reduction and remove Tregolls Janice Taylor: Refusal recommended 2 Tinney Drive branches . 10 Elm trees - reduce height. on the grounds that there Mr Jordan Whaley is insufficient justification to carry out the works to the trees


Schedule 2

PLANNING APPLICATIONS – FOR THE MEETING OF 6 FEBRUARY 2020 SCHEDULE 2 – Applications to be considered at the Meeting.

Application Details Proposal Ward Comments from Case Officers Recommendation from Chairman/ Vice-Chairman & Councillors (1) PA19/10271 Outline application with some matters Tregolls Martin Woodley: I can confirm that the Refusal 60 Tregolls Road reserved for erection of 5 detached applicant has revised the applicant in light of Kingsley Developments properties the consultation responses, objections and (SW) Limited local feedback received. The changes are: - scheme now reduced to 5 units as opposed to the 8 originally requested; - the applicant remains in outline with only access now being considered; - previous details of three- storey houses at a higher density have been withdrawn; - the application now includes additional structural survey information from structural engineers to confirm the condition of the existing traditional barn range and its unsuitability for retention and conversion; - the entrance wall feature to the estate is to be fully retained. Consequently, such matters as the site layout, dwelling design, landscaping etc would be considered at the subsequent reserved matters stage if an outline approval is granted. (2) PA19/11103 Proposed detached garage. Redannick Camellia Bullingham: Approval 31 Bosvean Gardens, Kenwyn Mr and Mrs Mitchell


Schedule 2

(3) PA19/11196 Change of use from vacant flower shop to Boscawen Camellia Bullingham: Conditional 14 Frances Street dental hygiene practice (A1 to D1), Approval Leon Leondiades And alterations to rear windows, alterations to Catherine Owers The flat over proposed hygiene suite including Dental Hygiene Suite changes to rear windows (4) PA19/11253 Change garage attached to the property Tregolls Camellia Bullingham: Approval 9 Tressa Dowr Lane into a bedroom Mr James Rickard

(5) PA19/11259 Alteration and refurbishment of existing Boscawen Camellia Bullingham: Approval 159 Bodmin Road detached bungalow to include new first Mr D and Mrs J floor, revising existing footprint Shrimpton

(6) PA20/00009 Construction of interim link road to provide Chacewater, Matt Doble: Application Noted Land North of Silver access from the A390 to the proposed Kenwyn And Bow, Greenbottom Northern Access Road to facilitate Baldhu Mr Tim Wood construction access at Langarth Farm. Upon completion of the Northern Access Road junction from the A390 the interim link road will revert to a bus gate. (7) PA20/00062 Provision of 2no. one-bedroom self Boscawen Camellia Bullingham: Refusal Bosvigo Car Park, contained apartments with parking and Bosvigo Road private amenity. Cornwall Council

(8)(a) PA20/00119 Conversion of chiropractors and basement Boscawen Claire Broughton: Conditional 6 Ferris Town flat to one dwelling. Part retrospective. Approval Mr Mike Noone

(b) PA20/00121 Listed building consent for conversion of Boscawen Claire Broughton: Conditional 6 Ferris Town chiropractors and basement flat to one Approval Mr Mike Noone dwelling. Part retrospective.


Schedule 2

(9) PA20/00193 Demolition of buildings and construction of Boscawen Martin Woodley: Approval Monumental Works, additional unit of residential Carvedras accommodation. Mr S Perryman (10) PA20/00374 Crown reduce one oak tree subject to a Tregolls Camellia Bullingham: Refusal 49 Tinney Drive TPO. Mr S Kahill



PRESENT: Councillors Wells (Chairman), Smith (Mayor), Biscoe (Deputy Mayor), Mrs Carlyon, Mrs Eathorne-Gibbons, Rich, Roden, Ms Southcombe and Mrs Stokes

Also, in attendance: Roger Gazzard, Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer Ms Joanne Trevelyan, Financial Officer Councillors Mrs Neale and Nolan Ms Sarah Douglas-Martin, member of the public.

APOLOGIES: Councillor Mrs Callen and Mrs Cox (Vice-Chairman)

Councillor Wells (Chairman) stated that item 9 on the agenda had been withdrawn following a number of concerns by members. The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer would be seeking advice and, following this advice, a decision would be made about whether the item would appear for discussion on a future agenda.

The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer confirmed that the report circulated for item 7 had not been deemed confidential.

Councillor Wells (Chairman) reminded all members to inform the office of any apologies prior to meetings.

347 DISCLOSURE OR DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations were received

348 MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on 13 January 2020, having been before Council on 27 January 2020, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

Councillor Rich joined the meeting at 7:14pm

349 TOWN CLERK/RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER’S REPORT MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS 2019/2020 The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer presented the management accounts to members of the committee highlighting that he did not foresee any significant changes over the following weeks and therefore anticipated being close to the budget at the end of the financial year. Councillor Mrs Carlyon questioned if the underspend of £4k for the year included the £120k raised each year for the library. The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer confirmed that the money for the current year had been built into the budget. However, money from previous years had been placed in a reserve fund specifically for the library building. The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer confirmed that the final figure the City Council would be required to pay for the renovation work on the Municipal Building was still unknown. However, he had been advised that there would be little change from the original quote. The Hall for Cornwall had indicated that scaffolding from the front of the building would be removed in April and the Boscawen Street foyer would open prior to the main auditorium. The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer anticipated that, at this point, contractors would be engaged to begin decorating the Municipal offices; money for this work had been built into the estimates. Councillor Biscoe (Deputy Mayor) requested information regarding the £304k of investments. The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer explained that this was money held in the Churches, Charities, and Local Authorities (CCLA) Cash fund; Councillor Biscoe also asked about the S106 monies due to the Council.


The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer explained that the Council had agreed that this be invested in the CCLA property fund. The issue at the present time was that whilst this was generated 4% returns, the capital values were falling. Therefore, it was a difficult decision about the best time to invest and it would be reviewed once the large S106 receipt in connection with the Newbridge Lane playing field had arrived.

Tourist Information Centre (TIC) The position with the guide continued to be disappointing and the 2020 costs would be further reduced. The Council would reduce the quantity of printed guides this year which would result in the guide being within the estimated budget.

The report was noted

350 TOURIST INFORMATION SERVICE Members discussed whether the guide was attractive to advertisers in its current format and if it provided enough encouragement to overseas visitors to come to Cornwall. Councillor Biscoe (Deputy Mayor) considered whether market research had been undertaken and if this had demonstrated what information the current guide gave potential visitors from further afield. The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer confirmed that ‘Visit Cornwall’ undertook extensive market research that provided data for the TIC to compile the guide. However, he agreed that the necessity of undertaking more specific market research for Truro would be addressed. Councillor Mrs Stokes highlighted that a previous committee meeting had discussed the guide in depth and suggested that the actions from this meeting be re-visited. Members discussed Cornwall Council’s ban on caravans and motor homes in some carparks with a view that this would deter visitors to Cornwall. Some members believed that for Truro to compete in the tourist market it should be identified as a place that welcomed motor homes and parking be provided. This would promote Truro as a tourist destination.

Following the discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Smith (Mayor), seconded by Councillor Mrs Carlyon and unanimously

RECOMMENDED that the City Council write to the relevant officer at Cornwall Council asking to be considered a place where motor homes can visit and parking be made available to facilitate this.

Councillor Mrs Carlyon requested information regarding the renaming of the Hall for Cornwall. Councillor Rich highlighted that the ‘City Hall’ sign was currently stored in the Municipal Building’s attic and could be re-used.

It was proposed by Councillor Rich, seconded by Councillor Mrs Carlyon and

RECOMMENDED that the name ‘City Hall’ be suggested to the Hall for Cornwall.

Thanks, were expressed to the TIC for providing the report and congratulations offered in reflection of their recent win at the Cornwall Tourism Awards.

The report was noted.

351 CCTV MANAGEMENT REPORT The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer presented the CCTV quarterly report from Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service showing incidents recorded between October and December 2019. The CCTV system had proved its worth following the murder in Liskeard as footage from the system had created evidence that had led to an arrest. Councillor Smith (Mayor) requested information relating to the number of incidents by 203

day, week and month and whether this data could be linked to drinking in certain areas of the city centre. The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer confirmed that the CCTV system did not provide data of the reason behind incidents only the number and type were recorded. However, he was currently working with the police on a piece of work to understand their reports and to enable him to focus on particular areas of the City. This was not only data from the CCTV system but incident reports that were able to ‘drill down’ to the time when incidents had occurred; it was concerning that not all incidents were reported so a true picture could not be provided. Once this information had been made available it would be shared with the committee. Councillor Biscoe (Deputy Mayor) highlighted that, following an incident in the town centre, it was important to ensure that all involved had received relevant counselling and support and that the infrastructure in place and the quick and effective response of the services be applauded. The infrastructure had been in place for three or four years and people and other services should take comfort in its position and appreciate the financial commitment to maintain it.

Councillor Wells (Chairman) permitted Councillor Nolan to address the committee. Councillor Nolan highlighted that is was possible for all members to attend Tolvaddon to view the CCTV operations should they wish.

Councillor Wells (Chairman) permitted Councillor Mrs Neale to address the committee. Councillor Mrs Neale requested clarity regarding the authority to view requests. The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer confirmed that these were requests made from others’ and were authorised by Cornwall Council.

Members requested that the spelling of ‘Boscawen’ be corrected in the report.

The report was noted.

352 TRURO AND FEOCK PARISH COMMUNITY CONNECT PROJECT The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer highlighted that the Council had agreed to fund the Community Navigator post until 31 March 2021. This would be without Feock Parish and jointly funded by the NHS’ GP’s association, Kernow Health. The project would run from the beginning of June 2020 and he suggested that a small number of Councillors and a representative from the NHS be selected to assist with setting the parameters and the objectives for the period of the project. Councillor Wells requested if the co-funder would require an input into the objectives or would they be willing for the Council to take the lead. Councillor Mrs Stokes highlighted that, in her opinion, any emergency aid would be provided by the NHS and not the Community Navigator. The City Council would pay for residents’ well-being rather than their health and delivering emergency medication would not be deemed the responsibility of the Council’s employee (Community Navigator). Councillor Stokes further highlighted that the project not duplicate work that other agencies were already providing. Councillor Biscoe (Deputy Mayor) added that it would be beneficial for enquires to be made to establish whether other agencies had volunteers that could be enlisted to support the project; Age UK, U3A. The aim of the project would be to provide a social network that would deter people from attending the GP surgery unnecessarily and increase wellbeing, activities that would facilitate this were needed. Coosebean and the activities being developed there were recognised as potential positive additions to the project as they provided beneficial outdoor activities. Councillor Ms Southcombe confirmed that she had been involved in this work which was positive to the environment and attracted many Truro residents. The Countryside Ranger was greatly involved in this and had encouraged walks and other activities that had attracted groups of people from various supporting charities that were improving health and well-being. Members highlighted the need to link the Community Navigator’s role and the project with other volunteer agencies.


The Chairman proposed and

RECOMMENDED that i) an item be added to the next agenda to discuss and select a small number of Councillors to meet with the NHS co-funders in order to agree the aims and objectives of the project until June 2021 and ii) the report be noted.

353 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC It was proposed by the Chairman, and

RESOLVED that in accordance with s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item by reason of its confidential or special nature.

354 CITY OF LIGHTS The Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer requested members’ opinions on the additional contribution that had been requested by the organisation in reflection of the deficit following the 2019 event. The budgeted contribution for 2019 and previous years had been £3k. However, he requested that members discuss whether they would be willing to reimburse the BID one half of the deficit and what contribution they would be willing to offer for the 2020 event. Members highlighted the lack of physical collection buckets during the event, the lack of engagement with the TIC to promote and support the event and questioned if the event had been managed with a business focus and a good creative direction. It appeared that the lack of creative development of the event had resulted in the Arts Council not providing grant money which, in previous years, had been forthcoming. This highlighted the need for the City Council to be prudent in their consideration of allocating funds each year for an event that no longer had a creative vision, a professional business input and did not create a benefit for Truro. Shops had not been permitted to remain open as this had been deemed a detraction from the parade. Members felt that it would be disappointing to not support a prime regular event in the City centre. However, it needed to have a creative boost, a creative business plan and one person with a vision of how to make the event a success.

After a long discussion it was proposed by Councillor Roden, seconded by Councillor Biscoe and

RECOMMENDED that i) an additional contribution of £1,875 be allocated for the 2019 parade from the Community Events Fund.

Members continued to discuss the event with regards to the necessity of the organisers having a sustainable system and business plan that would be submitted to the City Council prior to any allocation of funds. Councillor Wells suggested that the City Council request the organisation to take a member of Council onto its board of decision makers. Councillor Roden suggested that the organisers be invited to meet with members to discuss and share councillor’s views and concerns raised in the meeting.

After discussion it was proposed by Councillor Rich, seconded by Councillor Mrs Stokes and

RECOMMENDED that ii) financial support would only be considered for the 2020 parade once a satisfactory and viable business plan from the organisers highlighting the purpose, aims and objectives and where funding would come from, had been presented to the committee.


Councillor Wells (Chairman) suggested that the other points in the confidential report summary be discussed should the above recommendation result in financial support being agreed by the Council.

355 RETURN OF PRESS AND PUBLIC It was proposed by the Chairman, and RESOLVED that the press and public be invited back into the meeting.

356 CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence was received

357 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – FINANANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE The Chairman confirmed the next Committee meeting would be held on Monday 16 March 2020 starting at 7.00pm.

The meeting closed at 8:19 pm


206 Town Clerks Report Council 24th February 2020

Management Accounts

I reported to the Finance & General Purposes Committee on the finances for the period 1st April to 31 January, the first ten months of the financial year. In total the position is that we are £4k underspent when compared to the revised estimates agreed at the January Council meeting. I advised the committee that I am confident with the known commitments we have at present that we will be close to the revised estimate at the year end.

Towns Fund

This project is progressing under the management of Cornwall Council. The Towns Fund Board is being formed which is currently proposed to be nine public sector representatives. six Cornwall Councillors who represent the area; two Parish Council one Truro one Kenwyn, and the M.P. Five business representatives, one from each of the BID organisations, one Local Enterprise Partnership nominee, with two to be selected by a transparent process. Also, five community/third sector representatives to be chosen by a transparent process.

If Councillors are aware of any people who would be interested in either one of the two business positions, or one of the five community/third sector positions then I have the details which I can pass to them. There is a deadline of the 3rd March for receipt of expressions of interest by Cornwall Council.

Cultural Compact

This initiative which is funded by an Arts Council grant and Cornwall Council is moving forward with the appointment of the part-time employee by the Hall for Cornwall. Suzi West will be starting in the role in the coming weeks. The output from the project includes an agreed cultural strategy for the City and an active group representing the cultural sector.

Neighbourhood Plan

The first public consultation is now underway with events programmed in a number of locations. The consultation will finish on the 24th March. Details are on the dedicated website

Roger Gazzard Town Clerk

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