Information Classification: CONTROLLED

East Family Hubs Information Classification: CONTROLLED The Early Help Team

Early Help Coordinator Family Hub Family Coordinator Workers

Targeted Youth Family Hubs Workers Early Help Locality Manager

Community Parenting Voluntary Workers Sector Link

Facilitating Embedding the Local Money Family Matters Partnership Link between Early Help and Social Work Information Classification: CONTROLLED Early Help according to Ofsted……

“A well-established Early Help service connects families to a wide range of help before they reach crisis”.

Ofsted Inspection 2019 Information Classification: CONTROLLED Family Hubs - What we do……

• Cornwall’s Family Hubs support the delivery of flexible local services for children, young people and their families (pre-birth-19 years and up to 24 years with an additional need).

• The Family Hub Offer is a developed partnership with a range of services, offering both universal and targeted help.

• Family Hubs are more than a building and are part of a broader local offer to support family’s needs when they need it most. Information Classification: CONTROLLED East Cornwall Map of Family Hubs Information Classification: CONTROLLED Family Hub Delivery

Family Hub Offer Service Examples Parenting and Family Support Parenting Programmes and outreach 1:1 Support with Family/Youth Worker Family Group Conferencing Team around Child/Family Meetings Targeted Work (Jigsaw, WILD, Susie, We Are With You) Information Advice and Guidance Money Matters Family Information Service Early Help Duty Family/Youth Worker Drop Ins Child Development, Health and Wellbeing Maternity Services Health Reviews Wellbeing Clinics Speech and Language Therapy Counselling Support Education, Employment and Training Ready Steady Cook Family Learning Careers South West Workforce Training and Development Foster Carer Support Groups Information Classification: CONTROLLED Family Hubs are integral to the wider Early Help offer Information Classification: CONTROLLED Family Hub Information Classification: CONTROLLED Camelford Family Hub Information Classification: CONTROLLED Early Help 1st October 2020 – Present

Bodmin Camelford Launceston Information Classification: CONTROLLED Area requests 01.04.2020 – 30.09.2020

Count of Area 70







0 Bude Bude Camelford Launceston Padstow Wadebridge Information Classification: CONTROLLED Camelford Drill Down 1st Oct - Present

Service Requester 12 Reason for request






0 Early help Education Self Social work

Behaviour Breavement Emotional wellbeing Mental Health -Family

14 Age Ranges 12






0 0-5 06-11 12-17 Information Classification: CONTROLLED Feedback from families about Early Help Information Classification: CONTROLLED East Cornwall Early Help Team

Rebecca Sargent Head of Children and Family Services East Cornwall

Amanda Smith – Early Help Locality Manager East Cornwall

Sarah Van Der Linden Lucinda Cummings Nikki Cole Claire Sotheran Family Family Hub Early Help Coordinator Early Help Coordinator Hub Coordinator Coordinator North Caradon Cornwall Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Thank you / Meur ras

IfIf you you have have any any questions questions or or comments comments [email protected]