Fuel Savings for Small Fishing Vessels

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Fuel Savings for Small Fishing Vessels Fuel savings for small fishing vessels A manual Cover photo: FAO designed beach landing boat on the east coast of India fitted with a 10 hp diesel engine and liftable propulsion (the “BOB-drive”). FAO/O. Gulbrandsen. Fuel savings for small fishing vessels A manual Oyvind Gulbrandsen Consultant Grimstad, Norway FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2012 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-107060-4 All rights reserved. FAO encourages reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product. Non-commercial uses will be authorized free of charge, upon request. Reproduction for resale or other commercial purposes, including educational purposes, may incur fees. Applications for permission to reproduce or disseminate FAO copyright materials, and all queries concerning rights and licences, should be addressed by e-mail to [email protected] or to the Chief, Publishing Policy and Support Branch, Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy. © FAO 2012 iii Preparation of this document This manual is based on the FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 383, Fuel and financial savings for operators of small fishing vessels published in 1999, and on the Bay of Bengal Programme publication BOBP/WP/27, Reducing the fuel costs of small fishing boats, published in 1986 by FAO/SIDA. Due to the recent fuel crisis, a new emphasis has been placed on energy conservation in fisheries and on research programmes related to energy use in fisheries worldwide. Information from various sources has been included in the References and Additional Reading sections of this manual. This manual is aimed at assisting small fishing vessel owners and operators together with boat designers and boatbuilders in reducing fuel consumption. It also serves as a guide for those involved with fuel savings for small vessels used in support of aquaculture activities. Preparation of this manual was funded by the government of Norway and by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department and completed under the supervision of Ari Gudmundsson, Fishery Industry Officer (Vessels), Fishing Operations and Technology Service. iv Abstract The recent sharp increase in the price of fuel has had a major impact on the economics of operating fishing vessels. Fishing boat owners and operators struggle to meet this challenge and ask what measures can be taken to reduce the heavy burden of increased fuel cost. Litres of fuel required per tonne of fish landed varies widely depending on the fish specia and fishing method used. Fuel saving methods have to be tailored to each fishing method and fishery. This manual aims to provide practical advice to fishing boat owners and crews, boatbuilders and boat designers and fisheries administrators on ways to reduce fuel costs. It focuses on small fishing boats measuring up to 16 m (50 ft) in length and operating at speeds of less than 10 knots. This covers the majority of the world’s fishing boats. It also serves as a guide for those involved with fuel savings for small vessels used in support of aquaculture activities. The manual provides information to boat designers and boat builders on hull shape for low resistance and the selection of efficient propellers. The first chapters of this manual deal with fuel saving measures that can be taken on existing boats without incurring major investment costs. The most effective measures include reducing boat service speed, keeping the hull and propeller free from underwater fouling and maintaining the boat engine. It also suggests that changing fishing methods can save fuel. The final chapters of this manual provide information regarding the fuel savings that are possible by changing from a 2-stroke outboard engine to a diesel engine, installing a diesel engine, and using sail. Selecting economic engine power on the basis of the waterline length and the weight of the boat is discussed. Advice is given on the choice of gear reduction ratio and of propeller related to service speed, service power and propeller rpm. Data are provided to assist with the design of a new fuel-efficient boat and the selection of an optimum propeller. The information contained in this manual is accompanied by many illustrations to make the main points more easily understood. Detailed background information is provided in the appendices. The appendices also contain blank tables that may be used to calculate potential fuel savings, cost of engine operation, the weight of a boat and the diameter and pitch of a propeller. Gulbrandsen, O. 2012. Fuel savings for small fishing vessels - a manual. Rome, FAO. 57 pp. v Page INTRODUCTION 1 FUEL USE IN FISHERIES The cost of fuel 2 Energy use in fisheries 3 The fish resource 4 Fuel efficiency 5 Fuel use – passive fishing methods 6 Fuel use – active fishing methods 7 FUEL SAVINGS ON EXISTING BOATS Speed – the most important factor in fuel consumption 8 Reducing speed 9 Example: fuel savings by reducing speed 10 Example: fuel savings by reducing speed 11 A boat’s waterline length and fuel saving speed 12 Keeping the boat bottom clean 13 Servicing the engine and giving it air 14 FUEL SAVINGS FOR TRAWLERS 15 CHANGING FISHING METHOD TO SAVE FUEL Carrying out multiday fishing and mothership operations 16 CHOOSING A FUEL EFFICIENT ENGINE Comparing outboard engines and diesel engines 17 Example: Ghana canoe trials with outboard and diesel engines 18 Would it pay to purchase a diesel engine? 19 Alternative diesel engine installations 20 Liftable propeller installations 21 vi Page USING SAIL TO SAVE FUEL Types of sailing rigs 22 The use of sail 23 Lug sail – checking a boat’s stability 24 Lug sail details and outrigger canoes 25 SELECTING A NEW ENGINE TO SAVE FUEL Selecting a new engine 26 Example: selecting engine power 27 Power and speed for fuel savings 28 Reading the engine manufacturer’s leaflet 29 SELECTING A PROPELLER TO SAVE FUEL Comparing alternative propellers and fuel consumption 30 Measuring propeller diameter and pitch 31 Selecting a propeller 32 Propeller clearances and fairing of the skeg 33 Reduced propeller rpm = big propeller = fuel savings 34 GUIDANCE ON NEW BOAT CONSTRUCTION The power and main dimensions of a fuel-efficient boat 35 Boat lines for low resistance 36 The shape of the bow 37 General arrangement 38 Fuel savings with outrigger craft and multihull boats 39 HOW CAN GOVERNMENTS PROMOTE FUEL SAVINGS? 40 REFERENCES 41 ADDITIONAL READING 42 APPENDICES 1 – Life cycle energy analysis (LCA) 43 2 – Measuring fuel consumption 44 3 – Calculating fuel savings 45 4 – Analysing the cost of engine operation 47 5 – Calculating a boat’s weight without load 49 6 – Calculating a propeller 51 7 – Selecting a propeller 54 vii Acknowledgements The author wishes to acknowledge the valuable comments on the manual provided by Arnt Amble, Naval Architect, Fisheries Specialist, Norway; Agnar Erlingsson, Naval Architect, Fisheries Specialist, Iceland; Ari Gudmundsson, Fishery Industry Officer (Vessels), Fishing Operations and Technology Service, FAO; and Tom Lantau, Naval Architect, the United Kingdom. viii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BOBP Bay of Bengal Programme cm centimeter CUNO cubic number = length overall x beam x depth moulded (see Appendix 5) DANIDA Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FRP fibre reinforced plastic ft feet GPS global positioning system hp horsepower: 1 hp = 75 kgm/s = 0.735 kW; 1 kW = 1.36 hp ISO International Organization for Standardization kg kilogram knot 1 nautical mile per hour kW kilowatt kWh kilowatt hour lb pound LCA life cycle energy analysis m metre mm millimetre nm nautical mile = 1 852 m NPV net present value RM righting moment rpm revolutions per minute SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency TBT Tribultyltin BWL Area A Area = A Midship section coefficient = TC B WL x TC LWL Underwater volume of hull Prismatic coefficient = Area A x LWL Waterline Underwater hull Midship section area = A LH = Length over all LWL = Length in waterline BWL = Beam in waterline TC = Draft midship GLOSSARY ix declared crankshaft power continuous power at the engine output shaft without a reduction gear. declared propeller shaft continuous power as given by the engine manufacturer power according to ISO 8665 at the propeller shaft coupling, including a reduction gear. light displacement weight of a boat without a load. propeller effective power propeller shaft power x propeller efficiency. service displacement weight of the boat with a service load of crew, fishing gear, water, fuel, fish and ice. A service load is often taken as ½ of a maximum load. service speed average speed in knots of the boat at sea with average wind and wave condition. tonne tonne = 1 000 kg: close to 1 long ton = 1 016 kg. INTRODUCTION 1 The fishing industry today is highly dependent on fuel energy for propulsion of the fishing boats and operation of the fishing gear. The recent rise in fuel prices has created problems for fishers in both developed and developing countries because the rise in operational costs cannot be offset by increasing the price of fish.
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