Carl Jung “

Starting from the outside:

1st circle: - your public image  related to the word person and personality—comes from the Latin word for “mask”  A “mask” you put on before you show yourself to the outside world

2nd circle: Ego- part of the personality that consciously recognizes itself as “I” or “me”  developed after you are born  should always remain in balance with the self

3rd circle: - derives from you prehuman, animal past, where your concerns were limited to survival and reproduction, and when you weren’t self-conscious  remains unconscious because it is repressed by the ego  the darker side of the personality, but it will never be shown consciously  it should never be out of balance with the ego or persona  it is amoral (instinctual)—neither good or bad, but innocent  it is the evil of which we are capable  it is a garbage can for the parts of ourselves that we cannot admit o Symbolized by: . snake (garden of Eden) . dragon . monsters . demons . often guards the entrance to a cave or pool of water

4th circle: Anima/Animus- the archetype through which you communicate with the collective unconscious generally; the male role present in females and the female role present in males.  Anima: female side of the personality. It is nurturing, loving, emotional, sensitive and vulnerable. o Symbolized by: . Young girl . Witch . Earth mother . Emotional/force of life itself

 Animus: masculine side of the personality. It is aggressive, dominating, determined, rational and sound in judgment. o Symbolized by: . . Sorcerer . A number of males together . Logical, rational, argumentative

 There should be a balance between the anima and animus.

Center Circle: Self—the psychic center of a person.  the entire archetypal system of the unconscious, the heart of the personality, and the human’s ego make up the Self  synonymous with the psyche or soul of a person