PRICE SIX CENTS VOI IME iò, NUMBER 24 ■ . ( : : ■ ■ ‘ ■- - - ■ " "■!:<.■ ■ .- - ; -, - ?

BETWEEN PEACE, ■ : ’BY WILLIAM THEÍS •■ .... • •• WASHINGTON '¿r (INS) — Vice President Richard M. Nixon strongly recommended SatUrday that U. S. relations With Africa be given a "higher prio

Those The Tennessee B. M. arid E. Con- i With Levi WatkiiisLast,,fh;st presii- action a. . i,*ici q. i vention, in probably the largest , sin- j dent, the convention .op^^^trie port, has removed the major obsta- i gle gift to ari educational .institution ¡.college in September, 1954 \vith 'a < ’■ (it i , "i ' the oj w BILOXI, Miss. ---The Southeast­ | by any Negro group, lias, transferred /(staff and a pilot, group of stu­ ■ ' i »■ 1 I ■. x, I .-i Presidential news secretary James ern. Association of Railroad and assets Valued at a.million dollars to dents. Meanwhile, Dr. Owen, who bt'ie .'iHicuity nnc-tin,, the teohrd-. Awards OWEN COLLEGE in. Memphis. At ’ is chairman of the Owen College C. Hagerty said;- "’rile very fact Utilities Commission attended by ■■• requ'i n nt. th-t things ’rx-. JEFFERSON. CITY, Mo. —, C. A. Scott, editor, and general with effort, and has been unstint­ representatives from 1(1; states, in the same time the Baptist, conven- I board of trustees, announced a $75,- Ing true, we anticipate only k favor­ that we are making it public from; | tion, headed by Dr. S. A. Owen of 000 special financial effort for im- ; manager of the Atlanta Daily World was among two newspaper ing ,ih Ills devotion of time and self the White House shows the import a conference here . Friday unani­ able re , h .n> e, am win? to’ the cause of good, in his com­ tarice the President attaches to the- mously adopted a resolution call­ Memphis, who is also first vice pre­ iprovements at Owen College with committee of our accrediting agency' ’ men and a- representative from the Christian Century magazine munity, his'-state, -and- the world, sident dDf trie National Baptist Con- the first $25,000. drive to end this comes to Owen.'* report; i ..don’t think a recommen­ ing on muriitilpal bus companies to vention. Incorporated; June. for outstanding contributions in the field of journalism, at Lincoln an admirable example of the week­ dation; to the President by the Vice maintain segregation of white and University, Sunday. ly newspaper publisher Whose- life I President goes unnoticed dr unacted Negro passengers. (1) Amended the. charter to The.history-making actions taken. The Tennessee M. and ' change the hahie of the two-year touches all facets of civic, religious upon.” ' " The resolution was introduced by , by the convention gave the college vention bought the’ college in 1946 ’ -The presentations were made by Cited at. the banquet were Mr. cultural, and political endeavor.’’ Institution front S. A. Owen Júnior financial status as. an educational for $375,uoo from .the Literary ¿0- I President Earl E._ Dawson of Lin- Newpian, Cornelius A. Scott, editor C. C Owep, chairman of the Ala­ College to Owen College. (This step The Christian Century Award NlxdiiiVisited ■ Morocco, Ghana, bama Public. Service Coinmisàlon. [ institution -, currently without en- dety of St, Catherine of Sieria. 1 coin at the alinur&• * ‘ tibniàlfii' itlie cliniaxiiiii element.-or sented by . Miss Margaret Frakes, and minority.- prihlenis whidi foreign aid prvaroihs.. "XWBwA duq.Sfgg:»® associate editor of the ^Bgu?inef . jirdiriFd Tht1 -VlLe-Pi'tSt^feCiwiid * MAGNtfraA./rftlsi- --Ernest* Dili- :i • board ol trustees rinu to. open ; dicated the young institution can Ret-ondit4oning and wrpw ' My; Newman - was cited rfof ljav- 4factual’ rirtldiis arid candid, yet that'Italy’s ten-year 1 Ise Horn, eco- Will . . , Il .11« membership; on the board ol trus- hope lor early accreditation, with stalled. when?:,t^q .¿onegq^wfts <¿8$ :tees‘to; • ■ > - - o . ,, . photography students and then ing "during his nearly quarter syriqxithetic editorials' concerning homlc distress,-J» stability -Is'*"elo­ cused of raping a MS-year-old Negro purchased and by the time of the i£ur Negit.-, Jewish, Indian and quent proof't of the yalldlty of. pro­ gill last May 13. Was., sentenced to of the convention. < zz--.■■■■—. 11958. A two-year college has to history-making transaction., this , advisors.. Mr. . Cecil Newman, pub­ century os editor and publisher,5 •However, the Tehnessee B. M, arid , turn out three graduating classes lisher of the St. Paul Recorder and maintained the highest standard^ other minorities at home;., colonial-’ per economic aid.’ 20.years at hard labor under a re­ jMarch; outside", appraisers valued km and expression abroad; and un­ duced charge of' assault with in­ E: Convention, which allocates ap- i before it can be regionally accredit- 5the land at $192,200. the buildings, , Minheapblis spokesman sowed as of "prof essiona l integrity, and: whose proximately 95 per cent of its in-1 ed and officials indicated this time speaker at the banquet. In his-ad­ belief in and faithful adherence to christian attitudes of racial bias He strongly urged creation of tent to rape. at $727,500 and other fixed assets that mar our social ideologies; a bureau of African affairs In the come to the Baptist Educational | element and a library - improvement at $70,525. President Watkins re­ dress,' he traced the history of the the - ideals of human brotherhood Fund will increase its support of .¡are the principal hold-ups: ports that current total assets, in­ development of the Negro ■ press has won and influenced for good, this magazine has spoken clearly Slate Department, legislation for The sentence was pronounced by for the cause of decent human re­ which is pending in tile Senate.' Circuit Court Judge Toni Brady, the college as the sole beneficiary i. President Watkins said Tn my cluding inventories,, are well a ' and pointed cut its achievements readers of all races. An advocate of the hind.- ■ . ¡ opinion the convention, through ' its million dollars, - ■ as a vital factor in the fight, for of improved human relations in his lations. ” And he urged similar separate I who told Dillon his crinie "had . full democracy for all of Afn'ertcÇs. state, he has combined frankness, Mr. Scott of the Atlanta Daily treatment for Africa by both the ■ brought ’ bitter condemnation on i citizens. and realism with diplomacy, faith World, who was unable to attend U. S. foreign aid and information | the state of Mississippi." the banquet, was represented by W. agencies. : 13824611 A. Hamilton, a native of Atlanta. Nixon’s sharpest criticism was CLINTON PRINCIPAL New Law Association To The citation read: .■ (Continued on Page Six) GRANTED NYU TEACHING Bennett "Cornelius A. Scott, who with FELLOWSHIP devotion and ability has carried on the task of maintaining the ideals D. J. Brittain. Jr., principal of Operate In Memphis Area and expanding the influence of the integrated Clinton (Tenn.) high Mourned By Thousands Atlanta Daily World, which, found­ school, has peen granted a teach­ Announcement is made of the Post No.- 684, and the BIG 10 Club. ed in 1928 as the Atlanta World and ing fellowship at New York. Uni­ formatibn of a new law...... association,He is also a licensed U. S. Customs NASH VILE—Rev Ambrose Allen week was mourned by thousands. reorganized in 1S32. bears the dis­ versity, where he will study for a to be known, henceforth us YAFFE. broker. Mr. Yaffe has practiced law Bennett, eminent educator, author...... The highly re-pected clergyman tinction of being the oldest Negro doctor’s degree in school adminis­ SILBERBERG, RYAN & PIERCE, in Memphis for the- past nine years. RALEIGH', N.’ O. (ACT) — A and pastor emeritus of Westwood native of the Nashville area, passed daily newspaper in the United tration. The fellowship will become Suite 612 Falls Building, Memphis, He is married to the former _Bede $500 fine wûsï assessed upon the Baptist Church, laid to rest last at his home last week following a States. As president of the Scott effective next Sept. 1. Tennessee., Levine of Memphis and they have NAACP here last week for doing four-mouth illness. At his bedside Newspaper Syndicate of daily and The associates are HARVEY M. two sops. business in this state and falling were his ister. Mrs. Dorothy Davis Brittain will teach classes in bi-weekly papers whose circulation secondary education at NYU and YAFFE. DAVID, D. SILBERBERG. Mr. Silberberg was born in to register is an out-of-state cor­ of San Francisco. California: and approaches 40,003 in three states, • RICHARD J. RYAN and DYLE L. poration. ■■■ ’ ; < ' two dm: 'liters Mrs. Geraldine B his wife, Mrs. Clarice Brittaini a he has with probity, fearlessness home economics teacher at Clinton PIERCE. JR. All four men are Vet-; denstcin. Hessen-Nassau. Germany, The civil right group earlier con­ Fort of Nashville- and Mrs. Mary and moderation, championed the crans of World War II and all have He came to .Memphis in 1936. He at- ; tested the registration. law," con­ B Smith of Washington, D. C. High, will accompany her husband served overseas I tended Loyola College in Baltimore, cause of the digriity of the indi­ to New York, and will teach in tending it did, r.ot apply to the or­ Messages and florals from all vidual, seeking to give freedom to the city system. Mr. Yaffe,-formerly of Clarks-! M,d’. “d h°1eBre® flol2 itlle,D»iVelaV massed his bier during the time the hearts and minds of those in L. B. Degree rrom the University of Law, ®choorL ,M5; ®L’- Meanwhile 'Atty.-Gen, George body lay in state at Westwood authority." Tennessee: and a L. L. M. Degree J , -S lb of H1 „ i Patton said he received a check for Baptist Church which he pastured .from the Universitv nf Mtehienn ut Maryland and Tennessee Bars. He tire $500 after notifying the equalitiÿ for 28 years before his retirement Serving as instructional staff at seas twice during World group of the' penalty provision car­ in 1?‘>6. The Revs, c L. Dinkins. the workshop were Emil L. Telfel, st with'the 9th Infantry, 1 ried by the registration code. ' W O. Wells, .and Kelly Miller associate professor.at the William tandv to' VE Day and j h Military Intelligence Smith officiated. Interment was al Allen White School of Journalism Memphis Symphonetta Greenwood Cemetery.’ at Kansas University; D. Randolph r Intelligence during, the. | Smith of Van Horn High School of BLYTHEVILLE, Ark: — (ANPl pation of Germany. He'! Keel School, Apr 9 A p rofessor of mathematics at Kansas City; Dr. W. H. Taft, as­ —A 25-year-old man here who al­ ank of Major in the ac- | Rodger Williams . University of legedly beat another man to death, /e and is assigned to !.: Conductor Vincent de Frank,will sociate professor of journalism at ¡’bring: a special^iractice performance Nashville before, lié . was ordained the University cf Missouri, and Aven- stuffed his body into a cotton sack itelligence at the . Mem- r into the' Baptist ministry, Rev. and-ditched it on a roadside here, Reserve School. He is a II of - the Memphis' Symphonetta 'for Bennertt was sales riianager of the’ Wilson, instructor of journalism at. ¡•the children of Keel School. Tuesday Lincoln University. ' - ' was sentenced to life imprisonment KILLED IN HIT, RUN MISHAP: the American Legion1 Sundtay School Publishing Board Also participating, were Mobolaji last week by a Mississippi Circuit MILLINGTON SAILOR QUERIED id the Leila Scott Lodge I| April 5th at 12 o’clock. This'Special for 2i> years' and a former general Court jury after the man pleaded Willie Payne, 21 of 29-7.1 Calvert ¡privilege is in cooperation.with'.the manager and secretary of. the Na-, Odunewu of Lagos Nigeria, who is. | introduction * of; fine* music Ltor;the- the ranking African official of the guilty to murderr became the county's sixth, traffic tional Baptist . Missionary Train­ fatality this year, when Friday ■ children of the Memphis'” City Nigerian Federal Information Ser-, i Schools.' ■ ing School;, and hnld many other vice; and W. R. Wills of Jeffer .Harry. Hill,' alias Harry Jones night he was fatally struck by a REV. A. A BENNETT hit and run driver on.Austin Peay (Continued on Page .Six) son City, a publicist and public re­ drew the life term after Wis . Musical gifts from friends idfcthe lations specialist. found guilty In tfie murder of Fieri highway school such , as, piano record.player, Taylor. 23. last December. At presstime sheriff s deputies record , radio and gift, tick­ Officers said Hill beat Taylor to were questioning a 10-year-olc ets to recent ebneerts have provided Alpha Chi Pi Omega ilea til in a rooming hou.se and Millington sailor, Dale E. Ganz- a sense,. of appreciation and krirwl-' April 15 Is Deadline dumped his -body in à roadside man, who owns a 1S59 Ford wind edge of symphony, ballet and ojwrfc ditch about three miles south of ; Tiie students have developed an. in- Io Convene April 24 iiere. A - I (Continued on Page Six) For Clergymen Waivers In San Francisco (Continued on"Page;,Sii) Clergymen who want social se­ vet elected to be covered should file The Alpini Chi Pi Omega Sorority curity protection, but -who have not .vaivers by April 15 if they wish to which is comprised of members of filed waivers of their social security lave their earnings in 1956 and sub­ The United Beauty School Owners Vets Protest Move To Restore tax exemption, should file the waiv­ sequent years count toward social and ‘Teachers Association, will con­ vene in San Francisco, Calif, for its he’s a Paratrooper now — ers by April 15, it was announced security. The election is made by Army Pvt. Malvin Williams of recently -bv District Director J. M. filing Form 2031 with the District 12th annual convention April 28 Memphis recently qualified as a Jtouritree. "of the Internal Revenue Director -of internal Revenue. Form through May 4. ■ paratrooper at Fort Bragg, N. C„, Years For Attack Service at Nashville, Tenn, and by 2031, may. he obtained from thè Dis­ It was tinnqtuiced'.that during tho ^after^completing^tha^d^Airborne.: Joe W. Banes, manager of the So­ trict Director- or from any Social convention, seminars- wiil be held • Division’s Jump School. Williams,, Security 'Admiriistration office. in Los Angeles, Sin Diego with a cial' Security Administration’s dis- whose wife, Juanita, lives’at 663 VBI SENDS LETTER OF a petition is being circulated amrt’nz trict office. Atter April 15 some of After April-15, 1957, a clergyman’ trip planned to Tia Juana, Mexico. JEtobeson-SL^^eiMJtils^araclm^ who has nbPfneù^"\vaiver'is~barred Delegates. Sorority members and PROTEST-TO U^ S HOUSE Southern Congressmen askin:; .that the clergymen who have not iilea tist’s ' wings after ■ ■ completing the segregation be restored in Veterans waivers will be unable to come un­ by law from electing social security friends making the trip from Mem­ three-week. course which included VETS COMMITTEE covgrage..Jf in „each. of the years phis will leave Central Station, A local -veterans organization,' Administration hospitals in the der'social security. ; • Veterans Benefits Inc-. has sent’ a ‘South. Atty. J.'F. Estes, president and By. filing waivers .last year many 1955 and 1956 Tie -.received ¡$400 or April 24 at 7:45 P. M. by way ofthe old soldier, son of Mrs. Ludie Mae more net earnings froth s®f-%m- Rock Island. letter to Congressman Olin Tea­ The. local organization asked if counsellor of the Memphis based ministers, members of religious or­ Williams, 2519 McRae Road, enter­ such a petition lias been presented veterans organization which has a ders, and Christian Science ’ prac­ ployment, including any salary, fees, Attending the convention . from gue (Dem., Texas) chairman of ed the Army last September and the House.Veterans’ Affairs Com-- to the committee apd if so; seeks membership of approximately 4X00 titioners elected to have their gam­ or honoraria as a minister, member here are: Mrs. -Allura S. Lee, Mrs. completed basic training at Fort of a religious order, or Christian Icna cochrell, Mrs. Lillie Little, mittee^ protesting "vigorously any an opportunity to have a de'egri- .warned that "the Negro veteran is ings in 1955 and subsequent years Hood, Tex. — (U. 8. Army Photo) tlon of Mid South veterans “pre­ so stturigly against segregation in Sourit toward old-age, survivors, and Science practitioner. Mrs. Velma Sherman, Mrs. Jose­ semblance of segregation being A .Clergyman who elects social se­ phine Smith, Mrs. Hattie Estee. restored in VA hospitals in the sent factual reasons why stgrega-’’ i .*k wreU of the hospital uri- disability insurance. Those waivers Ll he is’ not advrse on marching. remain “¡¿.effect and. need not be curity coverage pays his tax as a . Mfs. Addie Grant, Mrs.. Mattie Tay; Mrs. Salali McElheronj Mrs.- Fields (Mid-South." . J - - ; tion, should not. be restpredf m VA self-employed person. His church lor Henderson. Mrs. Lucy Lee,’ Mrs. Byrden. The veterans group’s action ap­ hospitals. <_..n the r»a Lion’s capital In pronoun- renewed. ' ..... • • i..i a p. Oifbt ui isncit actionZl;.... y Other clergymeri who naye not is not liable for the tax. Louise Llggon, 'Mrs. Eula Bell Nealy, Mrs. Josephine Smith, Reporter. parently stemmed from reports t]i&t The group is also seeking the ■Y?'-'- ï..

j ’♦ MEMPHIS WORLD • . - Saturday, •• April 13, 1957

-.■■-•■'i: ?-. ■ ?■• ' ...... » MELROSE f ¿ft HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By Marcellus Jefferies RUDY" ALLEN JANICE ROBERT CLAREE AVANT (BTW) CAP­ 2. Bonnie West. TURES LeMOYWS INTER­ X Jackie joy PRETATIVE READING CONTEST 4. Dorothy Barker. EARLINP WHITE "(MAN­ 5. Lillie Perkins' . “SHOW TIME UNDER THE magnificent performance ASSAS) COPES SECOND 6. Joycelyn Strong BIG TOP” T tT BESPEC- GRATULATIONS ? . ¿Miss'Claree Avant of Washington Syble Manns TACULAR OF THE YEAR conquered LeMoyn'e’s annual inter- 8. Charlene Roulett ' Manassas High School présents SABRINERETTES „pretatlvq. reading contest, Wednes­ 9. Gwendolyn Clark its Annual Show .Monday ; night, ■The Sabrinerettes Social 10. Gwendolyn Manning April 29, at the- Ellis Auditorium. will present its annual “Spring Ball' day of last week. To take this honor This most “dynamic’' show Is en- :m1s>' Avant recited “The Prodigal Monday night, April 22, 1957 at . thi Son". She received a- $200 scholar-, SAM CROSS EDGES beautiful Flamingo—Room;- - The ship for her performance to the I PHILLIPS TO CONQUER TITLE Top.” . V/ charming young ladies of the Top host college; 1. Sam Cross,.,- ..Thisshow consists of dances, Ten / Social Club will sponsor- a 2. William Phillips stunts, comedy and songs. It was Fashion Show.’’ Music by Bob (Hon- The. Steering Committee Oklahoma, st «ri, Nebraskha and Kanasas :SttSS EARLINE WHITE’S ; 3* PREPARING FOR SIGMA MEET - PERFORMANCE —MAGNIFICENT j Gilbert Jones stated by mahy of the participants eyMoon) Garner, featuring . Harold /Shown ere (teff to right) J. D; Springer,: John Outlaw, A., J 4. Eddie Meadows that-the show will be the. most ex­ Conner (King of the Hammond Ór- members of'Tau lota Sigma graduate chapter of Pni;Beta Sigma Miss Earline White of. Manassas I citing and hilarious ever presented: fraternity; host chapter for the Southwestern Regional Conference: Riley, A. B/B1bnW chapter president,•‘'.Shermdri.'Robinson, 'Samuel High, displayed a dynamic perform- > •’ 5. Billy Grady ■ gan). Admission one stone. 6. Samuel Brown .We are advocating that everyone slated here April 1.919 thru 21st are..shownare,,shown at.at a call meeting at the R,R. Brown, Omar Robinson, regionalregional conference chairman,chàirman, and ance in reciting “Oh Lord, Be Mer- |, i ‘ 7. Jack Armour. be present'iit this unique show!.!! MARTHA JEAN STEINBERG r YMCA.making final preparations, for the three day meet which Cecil D. Oaodlow. (Staff Photo by Tisby) . - - ciful," the audience was captured i 8. Albert Wilson PRESENTS “SPRING ) by Miss. White's, excellent perform­ 9. Robert “Chico" McCruther LESLIE RANSOM (ST. -AUGUS­ TIME FASCINATIONS" is expected ta attract delegates from West Tennessee, Arkansas, ance when she mixed emotion with 10. Sylvester Woods TINE)’ SURGES INTO FIRST .Martha Jean Steinberg, radio__sta- talent and fell to the floor. actually PLACE IN THE CITY-WIDE TEN tion ' "disc jockey,” is . presenting crying, an ovation which Miss CAUGHT IN THE VISE TOP CHICKS RATING SURVEY "Springtime Fascinations" Sunday White received was believed .to ex- Jackie, Joy, Palmer Mosby (Man­ 1. Leslie Ransom night, April 14, at the beautiful and e'xceed five minutes, many ...thought assas’) and Hollye Martin (Man­ spacious Elks Club. There will be ASSIGNMENT Three Frat Regionals Miss White was the first place win­ assas). ■ . . St. Augustine) breath-taking fashions and a dis­ ner as they awaited the decision of COUPLE OF THE WEEK 2. Lois Hampton play. of colorful beautyf jampackeö . the judges. Many did not agree with . Robert “Chico” . McCruther arid with lovely live models. Some1 young the judges’ decision, however, their Hamilton I Slated Easter Weekend Eunice Trotter (Lester). 3. Bernice Ander lady will be .crowned Elks: Queen job to pick the winner, for her LOVELESS BANDIT For A Day.’-’ Regional conferences of three the lat.ter two affairs given Sat- . great performance Miss White re­ son (Manassas Bobbie Jamison 4. Mary Bolden , Special attraction — Prof. Mau- cqire*e Greek-letter fraternities will,— urday afternoon and evening re­ ceived ■ a $150 scholarship to the LOVE BANDITS Douglass) rice Hulbert and... his “Show be-held ite Memphis Easter weekend i spectively. . ' ■ ■:■■■■■ host college. Robert ."Chico" McCruther, Gil- Shows.’’ Advance donation, $1. COLLEGE April 19-21, and scores of delegates .REV. M..L. KING, JR. SPEAKER Miss Mattie Smith of Hamilton bert . Jones, Jerry Key, Eddie Mea.- 5. Joyce -Lynom At the door $1.50. and. visitors are; expecting to bs Rev. Martin 1 Luther King, Jr, High took third place honors in dows, Wille J. Carter, and Charier | and Peggy Hil- on hand in the Bluff City for a just back from an extended trip the hotly disputed contest and; she Adams. ■ > SHEIKS ANNUAL also received a S10O scholarship; with 6. Jacquelyn ■ BY MELVIN GREER full round of ,activities ranging to the newborn nation of Ghana, MELROSE BÄND CONCERT “SWEETHEARTS BALL" irem the. closed business sessions formerly the Gold.Coast of West! a potential value of the said amount JUDGED — MAGNIFICENT Washburn tB. The Sheik Social Club is present­ to LeMoyne. ' The grand band of Melrose High to the series of gala social affairs. Africa, and world-famed leader of T. v£) ' ing its annual “Sweethearts Bali” Visitors will include delegates to the bus boycott at Montgomery, ■ . Other contestants included Har- school presented its.concert here at Sunday night June 9, 1957 at Cur­ riene- Collier, Rosa I. Ingram, Ersia the Melrose Tuesday night of last 7. Juanita Harris Leslie Ransom the Southern Regional Conference Ala., will be guest speaker at the (Melrose) rie’s Club Tropicanna. This dance BTW’s CLAREE AVANT WINS LeMOYNE’S CONTROVERSIAL of Alpha 'Wi ¡Alpha/arid to region­ i public program . Friday everting, Boyd, David Evans and Marv :Berk- week; ' , • • * ■ is . in honor of their lovely sweet­ ' Playing, before a sellout crowd the 8. Earline White, and INTERPRETATIVE READING CONTEST; MANASSAS' al conferences. of Kappa- Alpha. Psi April 19, at Metropolitan Baptise ei.v. ' . NaLue Bowdeh., (Manassas); ,, heart Miss Juawice Tucker. Music and phi Beta’Sigma. The_ Sigmas MELROSE REPRESENTED ‘ band opened up the program with. is by the one only Ben Branch and Church, Walker Avenue and Mc­ “Fanfare" followed by “Stars and. 9. Gwendolyn 'Manning (Melrose) - EARLINE WHITE 2ND ’will hold , their business sessions oh Dowell Streets As this will be ths BY JANICE BROOKS 10. Glenda Faye Greer'.fB. T. W.) his aggregation featuring the fabu­ ,thb cariipug of Owen college^ Vance ■ Miss' ‘Janice Brooks, senior here Stripes." Other selections included,. lous “Veltones". Admission $1.00. In what might be termed the most controversial LeMoyne (first public appearance of the dy- “Almighty Fortress," “The Lone- and Orleans Street.’ Tlie kaftpas namic. young, leader in Memphis, at Melrose.' represented us in the FUN LOVERS PACK CURRIE S “Interpretative Reading Contest" yet, Miss Claree Avant, BTW s and Alphas will meejt^n the; campus ■ contest. ’Miss Brooks performance sone Road.” Latin Magic, Song for ROBERT "RIP” BOWLES the program' is èxpgçted" to attract Trombones, Maracibo, and others. FOR ANNUAL SENIOR DANCE No. 1 orator, walked off with first place and a $200 scholarship of. LeMc^n.e^College, Athe ar: .all-:::::!!' e'.'.i-r.dar.ce record of-- was outstanding considering the Approximately three'hundred mu­ REGAINS THE NUMBER ONE The Three Trumpets was judged POSITION IN THE TEN TOP in the annual oratorical event. Thursday morning in Ç. Arthur Bruce Hall, arid the, latter ' ’¡mÿ"’taffferihg in Memphis. ■ rather' stiff competition. Speaking outstanding, by the critics. Making’ sic lovers packed Currie’s Cl U'b administration building, Brownlee on behalf of the principal, student Troplcanna Monday night for the CATS RATING SURVEY Bruce Hall, Miss Avant recited "The Prodigal Son." up this group was Eddie Meadows. 1. Robert“ "Rip’ Ha-1 ■*••.; . ’ j Appearance of Rev. King is also body.."an'd-rfaculty body, we con- .Maurice Davis- and Lawrence , Ari- Mahassas Annual Senior Dance; Ev­ of her roles, five of them, in tier ■Social activities will be largely to be carried out by a coordinating - grritulate1 you Janice for a great ery one. was captivated by Ben Bowles Second place and a $150 scholar­ ; cterson. Also the Flight of the Bum- 2. Palmer Mosb; ship. went to Miss Earline White of. recitation cl “Lord, Be Merciful.” carried out by- coordinating'com­ committee representing the Alphas, , performance, all of us take dur hats i ble Bee was judged .as being an out- Branch’s aggregation' featuring the So realistic, dramatic and emotional Kappas and Sigmas. Mayor Ed­ off;to: you for a well-pone job. fabulous "Veltones". Sbme of. the 3. Tommie "Coo­ Minassas .High School who did an mittees representing all three fra­ I standing highlight of the concert. _ kie" Bouie interpretation of. "Lord, Be Merci­ was her performance that there ternities. They will include the Tri- mund Orgill already apprised of TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT, Alvin Crawford, Kenneth Ander­ teenagers I saw having a swell time were real teairs in her eyes when she the coming of the young “Apostle MR. STEVE EARL HARDEN were: Vanda Heard, Joy Rhodes 4. Johnnye ful.” Regional Dance Friday evening, son, and Lewis Keel performed this Wright Hamilton Higlfs Mis? Rosa B. completed the prose; and she, in •April 19 at Club .Ebony, located of Peace" has stated publicly .in , Mr. Steve Earl ’ffitrdeh, senior number with the>;-greatest of skill. Racine Wilkerson, Grant Ward, the final role of the Negro woman the press that he believes the ad­ ■’ here att lie Big: ”‘M”-takes- -today’s Shiriee Flhnie, Marilyn Patterson. 5. Clifford Ingram took third place laurels with on famous Beale Street; the "Fash­ Offier nürhbers played by :the • hand ..Artist",.Banks slave, dropped to the stage as if ion Brunch,” at Club Flamingo, dress of" Rev. King should streng­ "spdtliglit as if it was meant for included “Vienna Life" ‘.‘The Type­ Louis Powell,’HOllye Martin; -Odle- a rendition of ..‘.‘Black,Mother, pray­ Tolbert, John Rawlings, Bettye 6. Lewis Miller ing." Miss Ingram accepted a $100 she'had actually fainted. Bruce Hal) "Hekhando Street; and the Memphis then race relations in the Bluff hlih'and- only him. Steve is the writer,” “Goofin," and Sam Blown 7. John “Neg” rocked with a tremendous ovation. City. soil of Mr;? and Mrs. Van Harden took to a solo called “Blue Bells ot Cash, Joseph Kirk, Robert Bowles. scholarship from Dean Ernest Pan-Hellenic Dance. Club Ebony Bertha Bradford, Moses Gunn, Wil­ Weaver Hooper who presented all the Le- Miss Avant was also impressive who reside at 566 Belt Line Scotland?’ t! - 8. Benjamin Car in perhaps, the best rendition of .'.Steve is ’ very The Glee Club's performance was lie Mae Reid,. Pinkie Hunt, Delols Moyrie grants.' have taken first!"* Hall, Thursday evening, It just goes Miller, Dorothy Bennett, Ozzie Mat­ roll and Odie All of the memphis high schools ‘The Prodigal Son" heard and seen to show vou how little we know active In school outstanding as usual and they ren­ "The Voice”. in a long time. She tell, to her knees Charles Thomas: “Unfair decis­ dered to the public four selections thews,. Bettye Wynder, Sylvester were represented and. students from ion! Earline should have won!" about life____ SPRING FORMAL life, holding mem Ford, Benjamin Carroll, Claydia Tolbert in her presentation —— one which bership In various including, “Praise the Lord," “Al­ 9. Bobbye Hunt­ E. A. Harrold of Millington, Tenn., Ulysses Campbell: “The judging a closed affair for LeMoyne stu­ Traylor. 'Martha Powell. Deiois Ta­ and Eliza Miller High of Helena,, was presented dramatically all tlie clubs. He was the mighty Fortress,” and “This is my er the way. Bruce Hall rocked again. ; was nice; It’s ridiculous to say it dents. was presented Friday night Country.” tum, Larry Turner, Louis Miller, Ark., also appeared. Other con­ [ was- nice. It’s ridiculous to say it in the New Commons, with the quarterback of the Addie Henderson. Edgar Young. Robert Bowles 10. Milton pennle testants ■ appearing on Thursday’s í~wasbiaséd.” ■ : ' music of Ulysses “Squash” Camp­ fimed Wildcats Charity Jefferies, Bonnie' West, contest were Miss Harrine Collier, MANY DISAPPOINTED I Miss Robbie Jéan George: ’‘Quite bell and his “Mad Lads" providing during the year of KATHERINE COGER (MEL­ Juanita Jones. Charlene Brown, ROSE) SNARES CITY-WIDE THELMA HAGGINS DOMI­ columnist for the Meinphis World, When Miss Avant was declared , fair."' . the beat. 1954-55-56. He is Evarider Ford, Helen Echols, Syl­ reciting "The Prodigal Son”; Miss the first place winner, many were i member of the TOP CHICK TITLE vester Lee, Cerea Norfleet, Zedrlck NATES THE NUMBER ONE I Johnnie Watson: “Clareé won go- 1. Katherine POSITION IN THE TEN TOI Ersia Boyd, "Guilty or Not Guilty" jubilant, but many were also disap- j ing away.”- . .Butler, Norfleet DickeFson . and Miss Betharine Mary Berkley, “Pas- MRS. MARGARET WALKER! Hl-Y, a member Cogef- (Mel mahy more more. CHICKS RATING SURVEY pointed. It seemed to be the teon- ALEXANDER couldn’t have recited rose) sibn of Christ”; Miss Janice Brooks. victlon of some tha£< Miss far line | of .thé U'jys.Cour- Thelma Haggins ' ‘ Le- : "WHITE. REAL VICTOR" her poetry as beautifully as 'she re* tesy, 2. Earline “B 2. Marilyn Patterson and "The Mills of the Gods Grind Slow? White was the "true victor.’ OOOOH! I FORGOT “MISS ly; .and David Evans, "The Raven." Miss Emma Jean Gibsbn: “Miss cited it Wednesday at LeMoyne. Her ih ty” White Gerthena Hobbs .MToynites grave their opinions on. ■ poems are always worth lending an Khighi^,fti£:j^J (Manassas) SPRINGTIME CROWNED" 3. Delores. Macklin ; JUDGES for the contest were tireS: yrcnuiureSts Kv*M■«TWST «■« , ... . . «te.. tt real victor. She pu( ■ ■ ■. ' ' - Lovely Miss Geraldine Woodard 4. Rev. Lionel Arnold, LeMoyne Col­ 5» n ci.rvAu immmiintftiv fol- i nersell into it. ear to, especially old favorites like ...... Stere E. Harden 3?~Juawice Tuck­ Maxine "The Body" McCain press in a survey immediately fol- ' “Kissy Lee”, “papa Chicken,” “For rosé. Iri-’héllgfous. life, Steve is a er (Melrose) was crowned "Miss Springtime.” — 5. Cerea Norfleet lege pastor, Mrs. H. W. Glover, Flo­ lowing; the contest. Their opinions | Miss Linda Haralson: “Everythihe She received, a lovely bouquet of was fair." •. H My People" and the Inimitable membé&ÌÒFthe -MtXPleasant Bap­ 4. Billy Jones 6. Catherine Avery and rida Music instructor, and Editor as expected, varied to a high de- j 'J “Molly Means.” tist CïjirSi. After graduation he (Manassas) flowers, presented by Student Coun­ Jonetta- Madison Alex Wilson of the Tri-State De­ gree. 1 plans tajiattend Southern University cil President, Robert. “Rip" Bowles. Miss Elsie Cox:. “Earline White'! 5. Norman Tap- 7. Jessie Robinson fender. Mrs. Mattie Cash Smith: “I'm not | definitely should have won." _o.r, Lincoln.. His hobbles are swim- pah (Melrose) 8. Joy Quince Rhodes taking any credit from Claree Avant EARLINE WHITE TAKES LeMoynites. appearing on Thurs­ i Miss Rose Ward: “The judges’ LeMOYNE was treated to the ’ ming. Hunting and Boxing. As a va­ e. Martha Owens 9. Mildred Winfrey . • ' ----- her diction and stage deport­ singing of two, choirs last week,, the cation ¿Steve chooses- the field, .of SECOND PLACE IN CITY-WIDE 10. Shiriee Finhie and day's program were Mrs. Mattie ■ tabulations ’-were alright.”

LESTER HIGH' SCHOOL NEWS By Bertha Shields JEWEL GENTRY GET POLIO SHOTS NOW Davenport, College Librarian, ’was COLLINS CHAPEL CHURCH Get Salk Vaccinations for youi general chairman of activities DEDICATES ORGAN AT OPEN INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Brown, Ralph Peterson, SemJce whole family now . • Remembet Other committee members were HOUSE . SUNUAY;.:^.v-^«o) - Anderson, Emma J. Williams Mar­ Polio hits men and women hardei GAME—MEN TEACHERS Rev? Lionel Arnold, Mrs. Wilhel- "Open House" 'and the dedica­ VS. STUDENTS sh la Caldwell and Llonell Byrd than it hits children.,. That,. yôüi. mlen Lockard, .Mr. Reginald Mor­ tion of ,_a beatitlfu! 'new- OrgaiK-at along with .a host of members of neighbors-'Salk“shots don’t protect After a series of basketball games ris Miss : Elsie Van Ness-, all fa­ Collins Chapel ClKtiE Ctiurdv'^was' between the classes the. victorious the Del Rios’ Fan Club. The offi­ you. ?.. That your children’s Salk cers of. the club are: president— shots don't protect' you .. Salk culty members. Students on the one of the highlights of the team, -consisting of * fellows -from; committee were, Miss , Margnret earlv Spring season among church the 9-A class, matched their skill Joyce Berry; vice-president—Fran­ shots are safe;.. One shot is bet­ Johnson, LeMoyne’s 1957 Queen., circles.. cine Carr; secretary—Cora Lewis; ter than none... .Three shots wili with' that of the men teachers Joseph Turner and Fyekiel Owens- Wednesday,. April 3, in the.. gyrtr Dean Ernest Hooper and President tor’s. wife, served as Mistress of dur-irig the rbeess hour. Tills was manager and advisor, Phineas New­ A letter and pamphlet from Mi, Hollis Price, college administrators, Ceremonies. Taking part on truly the game of the year and born; parliamentarian — Perry Charles H. Bynum,, director of in- I •served on each committee. i afternoon program Sunday was enjoyed by .everyone—even the Bonds; reporter, Doretha Jackson. terraclalzTÀctivities for $hé ¿Na- ¡ ! Bishop J. "Arthur Hamlett, female teachers were out cheering If you missed this dance, don’t tional Foundation for Infantilt | siding Bishop; the Rev. The students competing against fret there will be others. Thus will Paralysis, urged us to . tell you to: SIGMAS GIVE RUSH PARTY I Strong, P. E;; Rev, David S. Cunn- the seven teachers and our prin-. be a monthly feature so shall.I sec See that you and your own family ( ON LEMOYNE COLLEGE u.gham, pastor of the church and cipal. Mr. A. B. Bland, were; Wil­ you there In May? I will Inform you CAMPUS ' b number, of friends and members of the date. • get polio shots now. .. The Natioha J When the Good Ship. . Sigma liam Yancey, James E. Smith, B. Foundation .is urging everyone I that Included Mrs. Mary Robert- McDANIEL WEDDING^RECEPTION - A wedding groom's father, the Rev. J. Al McDaniel.- The re­ T. Jones William Macklin, Horace Gamma Rho Sorority. set sails to- l son, Mr. Arthur Peyton, Mr. George under 40 years of age to get polie recepttion was held recently at the home of Mrs. , ception, hostested by Mrs. B. T. lewis, a friend .Jenkins and Henry Robinson. The INTERROGATIVE CAMPUS \ shots before the polio season begins ■‘Far Away Places.” heading the Gilchrist, Mrs. Naomi Jamison, or­ nicknames, give some of the teach­ .crew was Captain Meryl Perkins; Marie L. Adams of A107Q S. Orleans, mother of of both families, was held shortly before the CHATTER—WHAT’S 7 . . School children aré being, given ganist from St. Andrews AME ers were simply crazy, in most in­ HAPPENING BETWEEN'.’— shots free through- the school­ • basileus of Alpha Omicron Chap­ Church; Mrs. Meryl Glover, or­ Miss Katherine Adams, who recently become | newlyweds left for o honeymoon in New Jersey. stances they were the opposite ter. Crewmen on deck were Miss Peggy Joy ¡old Caie! Howell (Me’.- system ..lf But adults are being ganist from Mt. Olive' Cathedral; the bride of Airman 3-.C Joseph B. McDaniel in > Shown above ore: the Rev, and Mrs. McDaniel, such as: Treetop Bland. Heavy- roscr. ■ ...... "...... “ urged to see.a. private doctor im­ Gladys .Dortch, Miss Ruth Böcker Mr. T. Jones, organist from Mar­ duty Wesley, Sureshot Cowser and and Miss Ruth. Clawer. wedding ceremonies performed by the bride- I the newlyweds, and Mrs. Adams, (withers Photo) The two Bells, James Ella and mediately. This Spring vaccine pro­ tin Temple CME Church; Miss .An­ Tiny Barber!’ The teachers mira- Roosevelt? gram is now underway and is back­ The-ship docked at LeMoyne nie E. Suttles who gave organ se­ cously triumphed over the student? Margaret Williams ana James L. ed by medical and health authori­ Commons where flags of every na­ lections from Collins Chapel and Hollywood Community 23-18. The referees were Clarence Williams? ties-throughout the country. tion proudly waved across thé ceil­ i the Collins Choir. Worship and Melvin Boyland. See­ WHY? ' ing. The American flag was pro­ Club Holds Meeting ing the teachers in action was in Why doesn’t Ann Washington minently displayed at the front of Members of the Monalisa Social Itself worth the price paid!! This have that certain gleam In her MISS MILDRED Q. HUNTER IS Club mbt at the Walk Place home The"- Hollywood Community and other events are held in the GRADUATED FROM THE the room along with the Sorority’s eyes any more when John Rich­ insignia. Mrs. A. L. Plaxico, Jr., of. Mrs. Onedia Horton last ' Fri­ held an interesting . meeting interest of our Musical Festival ardson's name (Douglass) is men­ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Monday night in the home of charming daughter-in-law of Mrs day evening. Plans were completed, Ii Sunday, May 5. tioned? Could lt .be she has eyes AT LOS ANGELES WITH HONORS Elizabeth-.Plaxico, of Omicron. Sig­ for a raffle to be given April 17 at Butler. 1023 Harrison. TEEN TOWN SINGERS for someone else?? :Miss Mildred O. Hunter, daugh­ 1097 Thomas Information can FEATUREQ ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Huntei. ma chapter, showed pictures that ' The meeting opened with Why does May Evelyne Jshrtson Mr. Plaxico, Jr., took while visitine be. obtained from- Mrs. Emma Bal­ The famed _Teen Town Singers have speh profound interest in the (former residents of Memphis) wa,‘. lard, president; Mrs. Horton, sec­ president in charge with our chap­ will be featured in bur cafetorium graduated this winter.-, from the in London, Italy, and. France. All lain. Mrs. Cooper leading in the Del Rios?? of the films were in color. retary or Miss Tilly Segrest, re-’ Monday, April 15, with their effi­ QUESTIONS University of California at Lps' porter for the club.' devotions. cient director, -Mir. A. C. Williams. Angeles at Mid-Year graduation. The guests (all members of the .. Emma Scott, why are you hum- • freshman ’ and sophomore -c'asses)- Installation of officers- for the Everyone is looking forward to this ming Spring .Fever? Miss Hunter was an apparel- de­ left America and traveled to Italy,] ,^rs c.;V.^j event. The Teen Towners arc sign and textile chemistry major. new year took place on 31 at Clarence Worship, why are you France. Hawaii; Spain, Mexico and plane Sunday morning for her New Spring Hill Church. The sick com­ known for their singing variety and a changed person since Rosie. During her college days she. be­ York home after coming to Mem- : talent. came a member of Sigma Tau Sig­ other far-away points . .The col-j mittee reported two members sick, Townsend sang Wisdom of a Fool lege girls actually went to different i phis last week to. bury her devoted and one well on the road to recu­ LAS MA CHA CHADS to you? What gives?? ma and Sigma Gamma two na­ mother -Mrs. L. G. Patterson who jI peration. BERMUDA HOP that tional honorary societies . She re­ home®; of Sterna Gamma Rho mem­ Flodell Franklin. Is it true bers. At each stop guerts were was also a native Memphian and.i The- cats and chicks attending while you were singing In the ceived her’ A. B. degree from Los I ah outstanding leader in this com- ■I< The program committee dlscuss- the Las Ma Cha Chaus Bermuda Chapel a Love Bandit came to your Angeles City College where she served delicacies for Which each i ed having our annual anniversary was country was most famous. Land- ; niunity. Mrs Patterson' was the1 Hop hada swell time last Friday rescue? Namely. Curtis Buntyn. a member of Epsilon Sigma Phi i house griest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry j observance in the near future. Oui night, March 30. at the home of Wade Evans, is singing Peace of before continuing her upper ing back in' America (LeMoyne next meeting will be held in the di- College) dancing and bridge were I. Cash on South Parkway while here. Hazel Haryley, 264 Baltic Street. Mind since Spring is here. What’s Vision work at UÇLA—there at.- She went directly to Chicago from home of Mrs. Emma Looney, 1021 Those seen were: Rosie Hunt. Dora the erder of thé day. Richest Street. happening? taining her B. S. degree; here with a cousin, Eloise, who Robins, Martha Wilson, Joseph Gil­ Charles Brooks, are you reaj’y Other “American Tourists” on liam, James Davis, Melvin Boy- • At the university she was an—. . came to Memphis for the funeral Mrs. Joe Ann Handy, President.* singing “Ain't That Love” to Cyn­ board were the Advisory Board services and from there to New Mrs.* Viola Houston. Secretary ' W|| i* 1 land, Helen Wilson Battle Sanders thia Wallace,?? Now that’s kicks!.! honorai-y member of the Apparel members headed by Mis? Ophelia i William Morris. Ruby Harris, Mary Club, composed of a group of ap- | York Mrs. Patterson and her Mrs. Mary Anri Butler, Club Dora Robbins “Do Fools Fall in Watson along with Mrs. Rosa Ford, mother had been on the coast since porter. . Meek James Strickland. Clarence Love” or shall 1 ask Eugene Mor­ pare! design majors who staged an , Mrs’ Marv Brooks, Mrs. Rubye annual fashion show at one of the ' Fall. . - . Worship and others. ns?? Porter and Mrs. Katherine Jones a « ♦ * DEL RIOS FAN CLUB DANCE Mildred .Garrett, how are things leading department stores for the | Other members present from.-the- Say. did you attend the grand Manufacturers and Buyers in the, Again Memphians are grieved ; between you and Robert Trent?? graduate chapter were, Mrs. Ritta and shocked over the passing of dance sponsored by the members TOP SOPHOMORES clothing industry in the Southern J Porter basileus of- .the local gra­ Del-Rios Fan Club California area, teatùring garments^ Mrs. Pau Jette Cook Atkins even' j of the Del Rios’ Fan Club? It you I GUYS duate chapter; Mrs. Eldora ?mos. though she had been ill for some Dance, Sat, Apr. 14 didn’t you missed a lot!! Every- I R. B. Jackson designed by members'of the c uo. ’ Mrs. Margaret Goodlow, Mrs. Jean­ one had a grand time dancing to 1 Miss Hunter is now pursuing a time. The well liked little young ' Otis Parker ette Carr, Mra. Cora Blackmon. matron will be misled around j; The Del-rios Fan Club presented the music of Phineas Newborn and j David Walker . career in thé field Of fashion in Mrs/Ròse Holly. Mrs. Annette Ed- I its first dance Thursday night. Orchestra, and man were thev I the Los Angeles area, and.has be­ (See story under picture in this 1 Wendell Coward ! wards and Mrs. Erie Hill Rose. issue.) - ■ April 4 to a large attendance ' of playing beats simply out of this : Elvln Knight come, a member .of ÁHEA, another guests and Club members in the world!! The floor show was crazy! national organization of profes­ William Morris Flamingo Room. The Montaclairs, a group of talent- I Willie Hayes sional wemen. in the field of cloth­ ed teenagers, were marvelous: • ing «(nd textiles A picture of Among honored guests during the I Joseph Gilliam Jackson Ave. Baptist Slates MURDEROUS INTENT — O'Farrell- Nelson attempts lo murder leader, Tyrone Walker, not to men- : Willis Wright the pretty .young ex-Memphis deb occasion were Roy Milton. Jr.. Joe ' tion the Tenos, Marvin Walker. will appear in our Friday's issue. Hall, The Tinos. The Mpntelairs,. his wife, Jewel Speight, in a tense scene from the homicidal -.r...... Curtis Büntyi melodrama '/The Twd Mrs. Carrolls” to be presented by the Alpha . leader. The* Del ‘Rios? You '* DOLLST and the* Del-rios, who sang their they jvere splendid!»'The captivat- 1 Women's Day Fete Sunday latest, releases. "Alone on a Windy. Kappa Alpha, sorority Friday, night, 8:15 p.m. in- LeMoyne.s Eunice Trotter LEMOYNE’S ANNUAL SPRING Night.,’’ and “Lizzie.” e . Ing leader Ls William Be!!. FESTIVAL RATED TOP Bruce Hall Some of the guest clubs repre­ MISS DOROTHY EWELL Moyne College an dwho has done , —7^ sented were- Jokers—Is?m Buford, I jy¿ay PROGRAM WILL BE SPEAKER?’ ' 1 graduate study atr Tennessee State Guests clubs were The Jolers. The | Johnson Vikings, and The Teen-Agers. t vice president: Teenagers—Walter i Marion Anderson Appears During The Jackson Avenue Baptist j University/ is a member, of Beulah R binson. president: Sheik“—C1lf- ; Church, 576 Auction, the Rev. W. Baptist Church where she is chair- Others I saw there were Rosa I Mary Meeks Week of Spring Festival ’ Johnson, Ralph Peterson, Robert! ford Adnms; Cavaliers— Thomas , Ann UlLshung- LeMoyne College always present4' j L. Varnado, pastor, will observe-its .‘man of the board of religious- edu- Hopper. Walter Grankin, Richard! Local Scorors Attend Suggs. Others seen 'having a won- J top artist during its Annual Spring annual Women's Day program. Sun- '' cation....2 and ?is also -a .«membeik—.TZ?1 oT the Felder. James Felder. Walter Rob- ' ful time were: Yvonne 1» ondon. ton Festival . Even though presentee day with Miss Dorothy M. Exveil,! Orange Mound Civic Club. ertson. and many others. Louise Robnian, Shirley HUI. Ear- > Margaret smith by another college, students took Magnolia school teacher, as prin- ■ Mrs. Lillian D; Buffort is pro-; Nashville dene Neal Quinton Gi’es, Alfred the Marion Anderson recital held cipaj.. speaker. I gram chairman and Mrs. Miary i We are still . looking for newmem- Regional In Dorothy Bums Miss Ewell, a grauateof L.e-! Worrell is publicity chairman. bers.boys or. girls. If you would like Earlene smith • on the LeMoyne College, as part The Southeastern ¡Regional Meet­ ard University, Washington, o. C., i Vbiinbi Stnte .College. of the festival .There were two to join our club, call Miss Joyce ing of Sigma Gamma-Rhe Sorority, Soror Winifred Jones, second anti1 Berry at WH. 6-193’5 or Miss -Fran­ ' Lt Col. and Mrs. George G. Bing­ | Margaret full weeks of activities on the col­ Inc. was held recently on the cam­ basileus of Atlanta, Ga., and Dar­ ham Jr-. Assistant Professor ol Hams lege ■ campus . chat brought a va­ cine Wilson at FA. 4-2491. We will pus of A. and I. State University in lene Hutson, national board mem­ National Honor Society have another dance on the night of ! Military Science and Tactics. Vlr- riety of well planned programs N;.. ■ College Drama group, was present­ Presiding over the sessions was lacc. “Miss ROTC of 1956” and - Washington High School ther Myers, Sr..Mary Blanche Nich­ day night .at Hadley. Park Com- escort. ’ * | Carr Strickland* and Barbara ed Tuesday evening .. A film LEAD ERS olson, Senior, daughter of Mrs. is able to entertain critics in the Cleo Surrey Higgins, a former Le-J riiunity Building with Soror Myrtle Riley art who may be listening in. He is Moynitc j A Grand March highlighted the Rembrandt, was shown on Wednes­ Blanche Nicholson, Eddie Pryor, son Russell, former Southeastern Re­ Military Ball aftrrwhich Lt, Col. | James Smith and Alcne Bromley day. ...Thursday morning a Far- Who’s Who Representatives of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pryor, 1126 teacher at Hyde Park School., He., gional Director, presiding. Clote Swift and Jack Gipson Selected From Among Washington completed high school at Douglass • Other sorors in attendance who Burke Jr., acknowledged and wel-j culty/Variety Show proved to have Lauderdale. Dallestine Shelby. Sen­ are national officers were the Participating on the panel dis­ COUPLE OF THE WEEK been one of the most popular show*’ Students From Natioanl Level and college work at Tennessee State cussion on the theme were the fol­ corned guests on behalf of the. ior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ University. grand basileus, Mrs. Edna Ooug- (Miiy ary .. Department. Dr .Dapie) Elizabeth Brown and Willie. ... and the Marion Anderson con­ ford M. Shelby. 1315 Horace. Gloria las of Little Rock, Ark.; first-pnli- .lowing Sorors: Mrs. Edna Doug­ extended greetings on behalf ol Pratc.her, Jr. cert o.n that same evening was the Results of a survey among the las grand basileus: ‘Dr. Lornw Nation’s high schools finds a num­ St. Clair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Blondale Cross., President. basileus, Dr. Lorine Williams, in­ the College. Cadet Cdl. Mills intro­ FOP TENS AROUND THE CITY top cultural event of Memphis, foi Sanders. Prof J. D. Springer. Principal. structor of Social Science at Euw- Williams, first anti-basileus: Board KATS some time. ber of Booker T Washington High member. Miss Darlene Hutson and duced the Regimental Starr and School students leaders cited for ! extended greetings on behalf of the 1. Robert Bowles (Manassas) John Jacob Taylor. Junior, son of Miss Elaine Wade, who was se-* 2. R. B. Jackson* < tester» A French play was given Friday having • shown outstanding qualities Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Taylor, Cadet. Corps and resourcefulness in academic, lected “Miss Sigma of 1956“ and Bobbie Dillard (Melrose, morning, April 1-6 respectively the Sr.. 621 Jeanette. James Turnipseed, ’ Kappa Sweetheart" of 1*956-57 at A squad of cadets, led by Cadet 4. Tommie Bouie (Manassas» following activities were sponsored: religious, social and civic endeavors. Senior, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lane College, Jackson. Tenn . Captain Edward W Arrington The list of honorees follow: Cla- 5. Quinton___ ,__ Giles____ (Washington). A Masquerade Ball .. A Drama John Turnipseed. 1583 Monsarrat. Fanel moderator was Soror Cie representing the Scabbard and 6. Thomas Peeples (Melrose) Castle of Perserverance.. A vocal ree Avant, daughter óf Mr. and Jacqueline Washburn. Senior, daugh Blade Society, formed an arch under Mrs. Clarence Avant. 258 Fay. Clar­ Surrey Higgins. 7. Johnny Wright (ManaSsas) contest, a program presenting “Ne­ ter of Mi. and Mrs. Charles Wash­ Following the Saturday’s session which Mi.ss Judith Cot)has. escort­ 8. Walter Rice (Washington) gro Poetry in American Literature* ence Boyle. Senior, who. lives with burn, 1249. Quinn. Marie Watkins. ed by Cadet, Ca.pt’ Nathaniel M. guardian. Mr. Charles Boyle, 3162 was the clased banquet In the Uni­ 9. William Ferguson (Douglass) An interpretative reading con- 1 Senior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs versity’s cafeteria After the ban­ West, was presented as “Miss Scab­ 10 James Cartwright (Douglass) test comprised of students . freer Gilmore Road. Shirley Branch, Sen­ Levi Watkins. Sr.. 370 S. Orleans bard and Bia I- 1957“., Miss Al­ ior, the daughter of Mr.’and Mrs.______ot _____ quet, the sorors attended a Cock­ CHIQUES Memphis high * school seniors . Edgar Young. Senior, son of Mr tail Party and formal dance at berta Clark of Martlnville. Virginia 1. Marshln Caldwell (Washington). Lectures, were on . Physics and William Branch. 996 N. Bingham, and Mrs.~E.* A. Wails.* was selected ‘‘Miss Perishing Rifle? Willie Charles Cooper. Senior, the Club titaron. 2. Eunice Trotter (Lester) Chemistry that same day A c*n-’ of 1957". and Miss Shirley A. ■3. Gerthena Hobbs (Manassas) cert was given that same evening ion ol Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cooper,:_ . i Thesei are the select student: After breakfast Sunday morning, Brown. Warsaw. Virginia was Gwendolyn Hawes; Senior, tthe ’' ;, which through the results of theii 4. Mae Evelyne Johnson (Lester) by the Tougaloo College Choir and the visitors went on a tour o( the icrowned “Miss ROTC of 1957" 5. Cerea Norfleet (Manassas) the Southwestern Choir A Spring laughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ! outstanding abilities In several se- city, after which they worshipped Hawes. 347 Walker Avenue. !'*'**♦' lect fields «^*«..'^4including— -academic,—»—»- —re­ ‘Her attendants, representing the 6. Syble Manns (Melrose) formal was much in order Friday at FL^k University Memorial Chapel first and second ROTC Battalions 1. Barbara Stewart (Washington, evening after the last concert. -Cli­ ligious. social, and civic endeavors, Local sorors in attendance were John Hennings, Senior, son of were nationally cited. I were Miss Phyllis Molmes of Nor- 8. Patricia Walker (Douglass) maxing the Spring Festival active the Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Jennings, Pitta Porter, basileus of Omlcron ■ folk and M’ss Madeline Trigg of 9. Bobbie Redmond (Douglass) ties was a play, “Charley’s Aunt/ Sigma. Jeanette Carr t ■ s .. • i . '. ‘ • 1 di ' > I ' ' .< * ' , ‘ I,hr Withdrawn In Nashville School Placement Device ”T 1 nil exuai atunaic, < t'l ' _ i NA-SH-VTUt-E/ Tenn.; i- (IMS) — oepl.eni and .nt 11,.» 1 <,to it » the ■ppioach'inj; mtegrMion cl lhust concentrate only on teaching .... l!U;,niniis,wiio:iTind worfc’away from This fall, and not oil racial issue. Jpnn. — Pupil placemen! ---- a device popujciF U. ■ , 1 s . i.1 ti» lb pH]Mlsv A > t«i' m i m .. i t tint ("t c liift . C-ity superintendent” W. A. . lie pointed out Dial- public schools ; yYtth legislatores-seeking fo delay or Io-avoid racial desegregaiiop three prudes, of, two sgboulg' ii> the >.!• -nz i o' N in dSTj , oh ? raM ior nil :TnPJtcnti who must current tyearw, ■“ t ‘, g-tgr; ■ : r : i Bns.’» said he expected spme-'Jt"' .. ”. both, .won and lost in recent, key cam I decisions, .Southern • irt n—i 1'irri: n>itnb.-t oi 1'Tyrir. adipi 4on th' ! be given equal opj Tlunhy. children without adequate siiper- dig a>it. aiUvld5 OMLi! f ivi- j, —Bass said that K P p ctesegrega-. reporled’Thursday. ' '' ; ' ' l.E MISSTSSIFFI — Alcorn t College, f ¡.-i'.n'tmd often iiueli .mothers make. where mnie tiS') Negro aCudetils; ty ochool’. .’flrgt^vaàe classes in-; Hou is not a matter of •“compulsory '•t.’T ■. t .< • , blfcation, Ururt .to order admission of a Ne­ i • m • mip> U > ’n , ,i walked out. in piotA'.t liver a 'pro­ in their-own sex .conduct.”' . one:teddlt^^i;irffhpol district, in gro student to the University . of 1; W» viiguiu nas i -ep »hr Florida law school despite, an order fessor’s newspaper criticirfn of the <"tl 1.“ t nr , , ft , | ( I NAACP. v.g;, biwg Io normal at.the and 7M coloied b'.tbla bTn out '»1 begun the desegiegat ion pi ore.* from Che: U. S. supreme Uoirii. Hobson, one of I lf panel speakom, wedlock. ■ ■' ■' ■ - •_ ■ last fall This bl ouch I to 671 the «^uthern school News said “it has end pfgffieinibiitli wl th a new presi­ said Üïe, present v di r it >> I ■ BIST WAY TO dent;. Gov JatnessE. Coleman, whose Co Henderson dtribuled* th } J GIVE ASPIRIN 'nmxiber, of aLstrlcl:i where deseg- been suggested, that • the Florida law "is -"ctxnplefeiy. inenectiye.:’.;. lo *h HegHmwyy rate t gent al 1 legataSiiJMhder way or sccorii- decision Is one Of the strongest as­ .> < . :. in > •! - ’ - t i *’ • , it TO YOUR CHILD scribed as one . of “patient under- lowering of sex standards ana th'* I ,pllshed, leaving some 3,00-j still seg- sertions of the ’doctdne o|, slates' > 'I ’ Kip n " socio-economic status of most Ne­ reeateti. ______nights to appear4n-R^cg4^?pi-ni^%ffi sianding.".. took a r. strong • r-tand lather_t'L.,.riiïi.'drti:-Jo^iUc;ui limite —ST—»oseaH against; "putsldefS” who would groes in. Rjehmund------. '.*I?ie »key i.court teste, feportei offsprings. ' ' “The lower social classes of all ASPIRIN . During March .Delaware reported Ionieii t trouilg’Hi: MiHilssipili. FOR CHItPHM: 1' • -, were • , e » ■*’ < t > a , .races have higher jlle.gitimacy rates •Pure 0/3nge Flavor —- . it m. - d J North '( ■ 32 per cent of its school popuJation U..-r t.i r.nij four > •»til, ¡than the middle «and upper class- 1 WORM'S IARGBT 5E1UHG ASHRIN fOR (HILORW and loutsiana placement laws Four in .•’integra tion situations’; and Mis­ pool.- 1U liw - . '' .floor. ' critteiaed ■ the. way . Ulegifl- octal status pyramid Tor ‘ •• <• » pi’ U pi souri reported plans' for desegrega­ regiiteli after 1 the deefeloii of a iniicy has teen hn cd here in «the legislation and a fifth. Texas, has tion of an additional high school, school In tlie ’'boothcel'’ section to TALENTED BASEBALLERS--„Shown above are three talented baje- misnetilftte. .‘..••I » 0 t >'b J n i i . a;bill.of, this type in the legislative leaving only four segregated in the bailers durrently, seeking berths with >110 Wichita Bravos of. the > np! I , ,i .. ■> mui. . , ' adniit Negroes-nest September. . . i i ■ IUI state. Major deyclopnients state-bj- Triple-A American Association. They are: .(.LR) Ren Henry, catcher statc were: ’ - ’ NCiRinf CAROLINA — The He. spoke at a itanrl Painful In the,Virginia case, noted §ouU>- state's pupil Assignment law ap­ of Chester, Pa.; Federico Olivo, pitcher.of'the Dorh'inicari Republic; on file problem' mffiffiegUùpacy ter cm School News.- a federal ■ district ALABAMiA — Legislation, to im­ parently has- teen upheld by the I¡and Ed. Charles,... second baseman of ,Sï .Peter¿burg,, Fia., who Richniond,r sponsored fbyi‘,ÛteteHüi court held ■ the state’s placement plement a ••freedom of •choice’-’ mea­ U. S. Supreme Court, in a test over came to town1 with the Braves for the Atlanta Crackers’ opening District, Virginia Gonfcrcncc.of So­ legislation, unconstitutional, while sure adopted last year is expected anmission of Negro children to a i home exhibition series, at Ponce de Leon Park, (Photo by Perry) cial Work at the Centr'al 'ÎFWÜAte in-a.case reaching the U. S>. Su­ to corne before the General Assem­ McDowell County school. An Dr. _ Henderson, a ïnitioil:.lly BUHNS preme Court from . rieighiboring bly when it meets in May, partly NAACIP.nation«i official blamed' | .known sociologist, cbntitiüete f?erth Carolina the high court re­ as a consequence of a federal court "timidity1' of public officials for "The problem is not solvable by fused to review a lower court opitl decision, in Louisiana attacking lack of desegregation in slate i Negroes.alone. Many factors related Heal Faster ion holding the Tar Heel law “not pupil placement. schools. ' to the problem are thé. responsibi­ unconstitutional on its face,”, The em Of Illegitimacy lity of the entire community. Al­ North Carolina law makes no men­ ARKANSAS — Three pro-segre­ OKLAHOMA — Three lawsuits ; though the burden ,of solving the with tion of ia'ce in directing the as. gation candidates were defeated have been filed seeking admission problem rests primarily with Ne­ . slgnmcnt of pupils.. The . Virginia and one was. victorious in spring of Negro students to white schools Not Racial In Character groes, ‘ no segment of the popula­ . Aid Nature’s Best Petroleum Jellyr^-i law ctune under court attack' be­ school board elections. while one of the 'earlist systems to' tion can conscientiously 'say ‘It is cause of the alleged intent of ac­ end' segregation at the high school RICHMONDVa; --- *The prob- / status Dr, Thomas H. Henderson,, not--our- concern’.” companying .legislation to- maintain DEI AWARE — The state saw level announced plans to integrate lem of illegitimacy is not a racial; ;. dean; of. Virginia. Union University Dr. Henderson pointed out that j±jmorolineW1 se"regation. ' (in Kent County) the first federal all grades next year. ;• one but one of social and ecònomilie¡I declared this week. • court order, calling far school in­ in 1935, Richmond had 75 white in a third case, involvingteouisi- -ana,-a circuit court held that-a tegration plan.. A statewide count SOUTH CAROLINA — One house showed 32. per cent of Delaware’s of the legislature has approved a. placement law as it applied to New school population i,n . ’’integrated Orleans, schools has “implied asi'its bill giving the . governor ■ broad only basis for assignments,the pro- situations.” . \ powers “for the protection of per­ i .hibited standard of race.’’ sons and property”. Other pro-seg­ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA . regation measures are pending. Attorneys were aiso'studying ilic Congressional leaders expect to see refusal of ■ the Florida' Supreme civ,il rights legislation reach the ■ TENNESSEE —. Segregationist Senate floor for action .before the John Kasper was rc-arrested on a Easter recess. second charge of criminal contcnHiT TrMent Colon Hair 'of court at Knoxville. .' Nashville IFF Rl A^ir(OR LOVELY FLORIDA---- The- state supreme school board members authorized' VK H KiauMVR^BROWN SHADES) court refused to carry out an order the superintendent to start work Ptdiukynol-llkt... erf Atom» of the U« S. Supreme Court for on plans to .¿‘inform, elucidate and Amazing new hair admission of a Negro graduate law ^coloring treatment Kelp sol^jprpblenis’’ which may be works wonders on S.tudent to. the University of Florida involved Tn ■ September desegrega­ "old-looking” hair, becausfe this course might result in Tt’e almost- a miracle 1‘viQlcnce.’ tion at the first-grade. the way it bringi youtlitul-likc natural, TE3CA& A pro -segregation legjs- looking jet blackness' QEORCtIA - School segregation fatioh^wa^'-.reported -..to be making to dull, streaked, gray is already a political issue 18 months and.lifeless hair.. progress7- the legislature, Which Tonight, watch in advance of ■ the gubernatorial adopted M resolution urging the ’- streaked, gray. dull, faded, primary, with jjrospeetive candi- -burnt and lifeless hair respond to BLACK sl.ates^-lo- 'resist federal encroach­ STRAND Hair Coloring. See how dates- vying -for support’ as all-out ment on then autlKnlty. ■•-, BLACK STRAND imparts a new. shiny, segregationists. , lustrous, lovely appearance to your hair -..easily, evenly. Only‘Occasional touch- • VIRJGMAThe U.. S. Supreme ups are needed as hew hair grows out. KENTUCKY .— Use of racial epi­ Court In^. iciiiM?d to review, court Easy, sim pie directions with each package. thets “is to make an avowal by. con­ orders Charlottesville and GUARANTEED :—to bring the jov of duct and words of stirring up strife,’ youthful-looking JET BLACK hair to- Arlington’. County- to begin school mgh t—m tn inutes. B reath tak mg resul ts a Kentucky court ruled in acquitt­ desegregations A state official toid —w your money back. Only 75« plus ta* ing a newspaper publisher and a —st druggists everywhere. the school authorities, i^vloved that police chief of charges of criminal­ they were helpless th obey under BLACK STRAND slander made by a Segregationist. Virginia law; A federal district ■ SHADES..JETBLACK-fiLACK-DARK BROWN . MEDIUM BROWN • LIGHT BROWN LOUISIANA - A. year-old court court judge made formal an opin­ STRAND PRODUCTS CO, ion holding the slate’s pupil Place­ «8 S, Clinton Slr»»i „ Chicano 6. Illlnol* order to desegregate New .Orleans was affirmed in a circuit court de­ ment Act unconstitutional.: cision which held t hat ’ a state’s WEST VIRGTINIA — With de­ right to administer schools as it segregation a reality- in must school desires can be overridden by ‘'mat­ systems the krhsbi tore has. abolish­ ters of fundamental .justice that ed the Bureau pt Negro Welfare and Heal And Clear the citizens of .the United States Statistic.'; — over criticism of some consider so essentially an ■ ingre­ Negro citizens. Six Negro pupils .arc Itchy Skin Rash! dient of huinan rights as to require now attending formerly all-white a restraint on any state that ap­ Martinsburg High School in Berke­ pears to ignore them.” Zenao—liquid or ointment—a doc­ ley County, leaving only two coun­ tor s antiseptic, promptly relieves - MARYLAND — The State Board' ties with schools wholly segregated. itching, stops scratching and so helps heal'and clear surface skin of Education turned down an ap­ rashes. Buy Extra A peal from 11 Negro pupils-tn ’Har­ Strength Zemo for # tfTl ford County seeking" admission to stubborn cases ! white schools not included in the lirst stage of’a limited program —

Got Relief from Burning ■Itching Sting of UGLY BUMPS ., (BLACKHEADS) "I'Was miserable with itching, horning of bumps and black­ heads. Nothing seemed to help my discomfort until I tried Black and White Ointment. It’s wonderful.” Elizabeth Gardner Kansas City, Kansas

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good again fast... or your 01957, Broun St Williamson Tobacco Coro. money back. Now in liquid or tablet* ... at -all drug counters. SAVE! Buy th* !. -I;''• < i;;- large economy size!- • I CULTURES • STRAIGHTENS CLARA WARD Famous Gospoi Only viceroy ugar Ray Robinson Singer, «ays, i —.i.-« h i * “If you're weery end there’s no song takes the in ydiir heart, you "It's a Knockout" may bo tired and «lowed down be­ cause of Iron 3 steps Deficiency 1 Anemia. Try MATonh that lead to to build -, up rich, red blood. -r-mofigs pibcess J2. Ex/m Ejnocrfh ! INSIST ON POSNER S PROCESS M.YOUR FAVORITE BARBER SHOP, From the finest tobacco grown, Each Smooth Flavor Leaf is specialty Only Viceroy smooths each pu(T * Deep-Cured, golden brown through' drugs torti and cairn etk co un It ri Viceroy selects only the Smooth through' 20,000]filters made from pure Flavor l eaf. No other will do! And thtou£h, for extra smoothness! cellulose, soft, snow-white, natural! ! O MEMPHIS WORLD Saturday^ April 19$7 Along The Sports Trail


Minor league baseball teams , The question was asked a few •may be in for some rough sail­ I days ago how much did radio ing financially, this season un- I. broadcasts and TV1 affect the at­ less tight races develop Jn the I. tendance of the'Negro American various circuits, or local at- . League games, it was brought out tendance from the standpoint that except for Sunday and holiday of civic or hometown pride pep games, most of the games of the Up‘ the turnstiles. Several minor | NAL were played at night, and one leagues have been singing the •; couldn’t say the • broacf.asts af­ so-called “blues” during the | fected them - too much. Yet, - they .past/few years. ~ \ "■ •.?; ---i Rgreed that in-Memphis where th Many .reasons have been 'ad- I Red Sox 6wn their own; park, as vanced \why minor league attend-, well as in other , cities where they ance has. declined, including the play in. the local parks, the broad- brahd of ball played, the - unlimit- • casts affect the. attendance, ed broadcasts and televised maj^r It? was also pointed cut league, games, the loss of interest in the Red Sox attendance minor league games. The concen­ better when the Memphis sus seems to be the, fact that so much radio and TV presentation Chlckis were at home and there of major league games are main­ was no. broadcasts by the local stations of major league games, ly .responsible. We can only say than it was when the Chicks - I that we believe the major league were away and two cr three broadcasts* have a certain effect; SEMI PRO LEAGUE QUEEN - Miss Mattie Mor­ I if not whblly. games were broadcast by local crowned at the league's season's opening dance stations. This was .said to. be gan of 1478 Miller has been chosen 1957 Semi Mattie (above) are league officials Edward Mc­ ■ Announcement ■ has been made due to the fact that hundreds Pro Baseball League Queen. Queen Morgan, of Negro fans who follow the Gowan, Robert Shores, J. D. Williams and E^T, that: starting last Saturday two who represents the Klondyke Athletics, will be major league games will be tele­ Red Sox games don’t go to Hunt. (McCriston's Photo) vised each Saturday during the RussWood Park for one reason lo be held later this month. Flanking Queen season,, with, one or two major lea­ I or another. gue games on ; radio at the same 'The fact remains that minor time ;and during the qjhqr days, of league clubs , are having their at­ I the week, especially when'the minor tendance troubles both in organized league home teams are away from | baseball • and the Negro American their home parks. League. They all are hoping for ■ ■.•'■Now,-,'sp much major league increased attendance for the com­ baseball lo minor league fans ' ing season. The Negro American will certainly tend to lessen League will likely, give a lot of at­ the fans' interest in minor lea­ tention to their attendance prob­ Track Crown OWlii■ gue ball, unless as we men- , lem in their next meeting which tioned, (the- pennal race ts -, is slated to convene here this week By Earl S. Clantun! ! ! ...... Crack A & I Girls have ever coached. Four of them tight, or the fans turn: out end. CLEVELAND..:.:../ Twoworfd have ran in an Olympic games and from hometqwn pride. It is indoor women’s track records fell all five have been in International understood that the major lea­ Memphis ls* considered one of | ns Tennessee State University '.jet­ Shatter Two World competition." gues have set aside a fund, to the leading baseball towns hi the like tlgerbelles captured their se­ Summary; team points-Tennes« b elp Jninor league clubs that Negro American lieagutL’ ancj i cond straight National AAU Wo- Marks In Cleveland see 40: Queens Mercurettes il find themselves in fiiiancJai among some of the questions to l>e Men's Track and Field Champion­ 23: Cleveland recreation 17. ^.'difficulties. j \ discussed are ways and means of ship. ‘ Bosslhg'TfieBossingilie sprints, Coach -Tem­ 50 Yard Dash Time: 05.7 r,/ It is a good thing .that this, ges­ increasing attendance at the Olympic star and World recorded ples- sure footed sjprinters blasted 1 - 1. Daniels-Tenn, 2 - M. Mftt- ■ ture on the pgrt of the majors is games at Martin Stadium. What Holde, .Junior, Is Abelle Daniels, in first, second and third in the ihews-Tenn.j . R. Cacamtse- Buf­ :S' Ä . < i effect the booking cf games oi blasted her old half-century mark century race and first ahd second falo being made, as the minor leagues Pushed by Olympic teamale and. are the developing or proving the same dates that the Chicksan in the 220-yard run and half cen­ ■I- 40-Yard Relay Time 50.0 ground for future major league in town will have on attendance? captain, Margaret Matthews,'Dan­ tury run. iels posted a 5-7 for a new world’s' 1 - Tennessee State . Williams, players; and also, serve as a place­ Have the Semi-Pro League games Tennessee States flying feet pick Jones, Matthew.?,. Daniels 2 - Ha- ment. center of the surplus major hurt the attendance on. Sunday? .mark: Mirs Daniels posted the old ed up. 11 gold 3 silver and 2 Bonze 5-8 half-century marks last'yfear' ih mlltcn Olympic Club 3- Cleveland league talent. The time may come Would more home games ini reuse iMedais for a total of 1£ place .to­ recreation- "B” > when the minor leagues will . be Interest and attendance? Washington-held nationals. kens. The Jakin, Ga.- Flash Dam­ forced to .be subsidized by the ma­ CAN YOU OFFER A SUG­ Coach Edward S/Temple, in car­ iels, ‘Savnnah.-born Wililiams and 4- 40 Yard Medley Relay Time 52.0 jors for the salvation of both. GESTION? ving hK sixth AAU. Championship Chicago-born Jones accounted for 1 - Tennessee State (Daniels. Ly- staked what ••■comed to be. a'per­ three gold coins each. Miss wil­ nian, Jolies, Williams) 2 - Hamil­ manent claim cn the AAU Nation­ "Know What He's Talking About" liams topped the 220 crowd, Miss ton Olympic ciub 3 - Queen Mer- CUTLINE. CORRECTION — Due to a typographi­ thetic first Mrs. Carroll; warn ^er of her hus­ al, used five sprinters and two field Jones nipped teammate: Matthews curettes ' . cal error the'cutlines onr the "AKA Play Rehear­ cventers to- post 40 points. to top the tape in the 100 and Miss Dan­ band's, plan to kill her. ' 1 the 23 of Queens Mercuretts, and 100 Yard Dash Time 11.3' sal" Wbs an inadvertent scramble. Thè Memphis Bottom picture: Jewel Speight the second iels’s record setting 50 accounted third place 17 points of Cleveland for the nine. 1 - B Jones-Tenn. 2 - M. Matthews World regrets this error. The sutlines should have ■ Mrs. Carroll, and O'Farrell Nelson, "Geoffery DICTIONARY "DIG Recreations Clubs -Tenn. 3 - A. Lyman-Tenn. Watching from the sidelines, ex­ 2 - 20Yard Dash Time 26.8 read: "Running through their lines for the Alpha Carrqll", entertain .Noble Owens, ex-fiance of Lucinda Williams Barbara Jones. Tennessee State three-time Olym­ Kappa Alpha Sorority's play?''The Two Mrs; .Car­ Mathews, and Daniel’s flying spikes pic contender, Mae Faggs, now 1 - L Williams-Tenn. 2 - Lynuin the ‘setondf Mrs.. Carroll; Mrs, Grace* Williams, Tennis-- S. Lindquist Hamilton rolls" which will-be staged April 12 in LeMoyne's Jetted to a new world,mark 50 se­ at the tape in the 100 and Miss Can. his aunt, and Betty Johnson, his cousin and lover YOU THE MOST" SOON conds flat for the 440 .yard relay. 4 Kilo Shot Distance 39-1-2 Bruce Hall to benefit the-sorority's scholarships her teammate Williams take over of Geoffery.Carroll,.in a lighter scene of the play. date professor of Education, Dr Shattering. New Yorks pal 50-9 1 - M. Larney. Queens 2 - Y. Macon projectedre-^the AKÀ Pldyfers; above. NORMAN, OKLA.—(INS)—: Hep the 220, a Faggs specialty. -Tenn. 3 - B. Holland Cleveland. Proceeds from the play will aid the ÄKA's in teenagers who want to “dig,you Henry R. Angelion, is compiling a mark, Tennessee clipped .nine-ten­ ,‘T ran the race with...... Lucinda, Tap ftcfUre: T Fred Garner as'Dr.s Tuttle, tries awarding a four year scholarship to a graduat­ the Most” from Maine to Callfor- dictionary in norman called ‘‘The ths of a second off the five-year- ‘'Miss Faggs gasped after the event to convince,.Noble Owens as Dennis Pennington, ing high school senior, provide a graduate study •nia^5oon ijiay -need- . ante thumb Ar got .pl tl»e American Adolescent” old record. * “because‘I was just as tired as she FEMALE HELP WANTED that ¿ally Carxoll ismotUn. ilLhealtl'vwhile (beldw;* scholäfshl^’and carry.“on the. Julia Dixon Mem- through a - Sing contributions for the dic­ Temple confided, “This is the Earn from $17.40 to $26.16 Dozen Carroll/' hears Juanita Arnold as thè sympa- tionary have come from all parts From Fed. Courts greatest indoor team I have ever. ______■ WRITE-"- 1 of the United states and Dr. An- I thought my boa^d team last ACCURATE STYLE 8. MÙton Clark (Melrose) 10th Grade Arvéster Hughes gelinb classifies the terms accord­ In Past Six Months was unbeatable. But I have Freeport, New York 9. Sammle Fields (Douglass) 11th Grade Undecided • ing to their use on the East” 1 coast WASHINGTON, — (INS) — most experienced sprinters I 10 .tames Flemming (Hamilb >n) 12th.Gradé Marvin Caston. West Coast and South, Justice Department Investigators Dr. Angelino said he uses . the report more than $354,000 has been THIS WEEK'S SPOTLIGHT HOT WIRE slang tri Ills class oh adolescent embezzled or Ls missing from Fed­ GIVE YOUR SALADS HIGH SCHOOLS - Betty Thomas and Janies, psychology, an ¿explained: eral 'Courts In six states. AS always, giving full credi Thelma Coieman- and . Ernest Testimony released Friday by the WASHINGTON HIGH it t" due. our weekly^j^l WilUams. . “To understand tile teenager, House Approplations subcommittee ture casts its you have to know what he's talk- disclosed shortages in cash, bonds, - c CONFIDENTIAL ab'out. ‘Their society is. a different glowing rays upòl if— ? ? ? fines and bankruptcy money In Ken What. Woukl Happen one from that of -the adults, due tuçky, Mississippi. Nevada. New none "ótiier than Francine could* get Ricks back? tilth most dnserv to their age difference. Tile. lan­ Jersey. Ohio and South Carolina. ing Ester Bertha got disappointed al banquet guage forms important Influence Justice Department officials said time? w • . , on their behavior." a clerk's account in the Southern BY- FRED GAITHERS Hunt Jr. E. Shirley ht’j the locks? the son • of One of his collections include: district of Ohio ‘showed "embez­ Peanut had a girl? "Hurry, I have a thin one. Don’t zlements" of $257,000 and $3 928.38. and -Min El If Irma Found out Earlehe liked Lee Hunt. Sr., give me a deep freeze. We’ll turn Financial reports in the Southern Howard was cute? the twister in the slammer, get district of Mississippi were report­ sides at 577-F. Charlie took Johnnie or Helen to BLAREE AVANT COPS LsMOYNE 4. Lucinda Campbell and Mel­ Lauderdale. in my heap, and head for some bug ed "Consistently out of balance" the B.? juice. Later we’ll dig a hecklethon." and were said to contain "impro­ CLARJEE A VENT COPS LeMOYNE rose's Eddie Allen. in assigned Anita went on a diet? Grade 12-10 Which means, roughly translated per charges" for mileage and other 5. Mélrolìa Cornest and Curtis B T. didn’t have season gals? "hurry because I have some money..1 expeases. Clares Avent. talentea daughter Orr. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avent, here at Wàshing­ Howard didn't have money and a We’ll turn the key in the door, get 6-Helen Taylor and Terry Harm ton High- Ester 55 gas buggy, what would Shir­ in my car and go get a soft dring. has done it again by winning the 7« Betty Colston and i ? ? ? ? ? ' words and phrases although he LeMoyne College oratorical contest. Lee's hobbies are . ley do? Later we’ll see a movie." can’t promise any “lettuce” (money) 8. William Miller apd Sandh E. .Hunt Betty Colston didn't have bath Miss Avent. who recently won the Arps. The professor is still looking for but will really think the help is IJon Oil scholarship of $1.000' wasj y.lng pong anti basketball wherein ■ George White and William? ? more of the strange and unsusa) "Zorch” (swell; the most) 9. Jo Jo Bell and ? ? ? ? ? he ir quite apt at both sports. awarded this recent honor by the] 16 Satoria Perry Harroll judges for her splendid -recital of] Gholston. School activities include member­ Janies Weldon Johnson’s. "The ship in the National Honor Society, Prodigal ■ Son.” Claree, known , for TOP TEN CIIIQL’ES OF Executive on Washington r>taf'.', her outseanding speaking ability, CITY HIGH SCHOOLS and Senior Glee Club. Social ac­ received a tremendous ovation fol­ 1. Marshia Caldwell (BTW) tivities show him ably .serving the lowing the close of her oration by 2. Jean Wiggins (St. Augustine) Marquettes Social Club as their the enthusiastic, andience which sat 3. Martha Owens (BTW) finan-ial secretary: Following gradu­ spell t bound during her recital. 4. Myra Smith (St. Augustine) ation from our time-honored insti­ Sc, hats off to you CLAREE for ] 5- D.^l..Bertha Daniels (BTW) tution. Ester. Lee plans to major winning another award, not only g; Beulah Eason (Manassais) in business administration at Le- Sun-Bright for yourself but also fbr your! 7. Doris Corsey (Melrose) Moyne College. On the'subject of Alma Mater which is proder of' 8. Harrine Collier (Douglass). going steady. Ester . Lee say, "I flavor...with a’Touch you than you'll ever know. 9. Jessie Holley (BTW) think that'it is real nice." Accord­ 10. Bertha Hooks (Hamilton) ing to our most recent conversa­ of Genie-us'l LONELY HEARTS tion. E. L.. as yet, lias no steady ’Mildred Hampton. Rowena Gordon. TOP TEN KATTS OF C'lTV girl friend, but knowing a real Eddis M. Hampton. Maria Gordon HIGH SCHOOLS swell.guy like him. we know that TOP TEN TUNES OF THE WEEK 1. Morle Blanchard (BTW) it ii just a matter of time?'So, 1. Lavern McDaniel and Clarence 2. Robert Doss (Manassas) hats off this week to our Spbtlite’s Boyle. 3. Jones Syddent (St. Augustine. featured - ngrspnality. Ester Lee 2. Isiah Woody, and Mamie Mc­ 4.‘ Robert Rogers (BTW) Hunt. Jr.” . Kie. 5. -James Catchings (BTW) ' 3. Earlie Mae EdwaiUs and Tom- 6. Tommie Boule (Manassas) LOVE BANDITS >niG Burton. "■ Calvin Beaslev (Manassas) Lawrence Blakely, Mi Hon Johnson, The Editor, Bennie Wilson, Nubye Belt Fishér. “Who Says You Need Costly Shots EAGLE EYE REPORTS A certain Chique .at Manassas, ' To Relieve ‘Hot Flashes’ And Eleanor Èùson, is reported making the grades: »Äs# Irritation From Change-Of-Ufe?” 9th Grade Redges Lewis TiWr». A. M., Watonga, Okla., adds, “Middle age J was torture. Had costly shots 3 times a week o. jJbuLgot no relief. Then took Pinkham*« Tablets. Shaving li Slicker— \ Thej/* brought me new* happiness, comfort!” HUM Blade Changing Quicker Science offerswomen néw'freédòm... IIICUAUIIIGOmedicines ...... actsOLIOw directlyUIXCUVJJ V**on the Say. godd-t>y^iW ' pallid cause of these troubles . works salads! Wisn-febne . from '•much, of’ the misery of —— - ''* "— *—*•’— ’ * — RAY KEMP BACK IN COACHING HARNESS — magic- change-nf-Iife, thanks to an through a woman’s. sympathetic teams won six Mid-Western Conference track ond ally gives them flavor spar- • ■ amazing near tablet developed espe- nervous system to* relieve: tense MEN'S VARSITY TRACK MENTOR - Raymond H. Xwldjdiadenjs. jn fact Rayls Lincoin-'fcinder men': ^-cioito-to relieve these-functionaliy--— -feelings-and-physlcal distress that kle . . . sun-bright tlavofb caused discomforts. Doctors re­ " bring unhappiness to so many. I BtUE BIASES Kemp, Tennessee State University's athletic di­ nevät.-tasted defeat in mid-western track com­ Try if and - taste f or you rself I ported- sensational -results-using Clinical tests prove this. IN HAND Y DtSPl^SEH rector, resumed q versatile athletic coaching petition. Readyjng his fleet men for the Morris this remarkable home treatment Now this amazing formula is • with career last week by picking up the men's varsity Brown meet and (he Alabama State ;relays, » alone...and no costly injections! at drugstores without prescription. useâ-ifaâc' Ask for “Lydia Pinkham’s Tab­ Coach Kemp is shown with (from left) Co-Cap2 ' ' Relief for 8 out of 10 Tested! keemparfment track coaching reins at the Nashville institution. lets”. Don’t let chahge-of-life rob tain Richard Caffey of LaGrange, III.; Thomas Irritability, tortured nerves azere you of joy! Get bandy .Pinkham’s Kemp is no neophyte ’as a track coach. .While WISH-BONE Torian, Hopkinsville, Ky.; and Co-Captain Willie calmed. Dizziness. relieved. Awful Tablets. Contain blood-buildinK widely known as a "storm centerv basketball hot flashes'-subsided. Here’s why. Iron. See how fast you can fgel Stevens, Chicago, III. Hezekiah Foreman of Meri­ ITALIAN DRESSING Unlike aspirin and such "general your happy seif again—without and foolball coach; yet during his track coaching purpose" remedies.-this new tablet costly shots! (Also liquid Lydia E. dian, Miss., is in the background,. — (Gunter is a unique combination of special Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.) tenure at Lincoln (Mo.) University his "show me" Photo) _ . _ i AU* Wish Bont Frenili Dissing, Wish Bone Ryhietu Dmstpj,

L « > MEMPHIS WORLD Saturday, Apri! 1957 Sees Country iVwâêiwiMcd From Page One) WEEKLY aimed aUU. S. information, radio and news programs and at too much concentration of economic experts -April 2S in , headquarters staff. He said the PLAY The South’s Oldest and Leading Colored Semi-Weekly Newspaper 1 news programs have not been as ef­ CHICAGO - (Spe ial - The 'motion o 1 n 4 Published, by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. fective as they should be tò counter communist propaganda.. r REV. BLAIR T. HUNT, pastor* of one of Chicago’s largest SAFE Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 546 BEALE — Ph. JA. 6-4030 He said that generally African ptmcsostal Churebrs and Oirtral Member of SCOTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE diplomale missions are '“under­ PASTOR ‘ ’■ • Ciiut C 1 m Cn> W* A. Scott, 11, Founder; C. A. Scott, General Manager staffed” and should be given more Bishop; to; chairman tof .the'Golden GET YOUR ■V money for travel and personnel of MISSISSIPPI SLVD. CHRÏSTIAN ttobltee” Holy rconvotitlori t of'' .the Eiiteni’d ire the Post Office at Memphis, Tenn., as-second-elats mail the “highest compentence and sta- SbiiKli of God iti Chrot -iJl bo , under the Act of Congress, Match 1, 1870 :bility.’’__The ■ emphasis, he added? CHURCH. MEMPHIS 1 u >,v . , timon ■<> < ooi, > l! POLIO should be; on*’youth .vigor and en- iChieagc;Aprff ;29; at:4528 ;S; iWahash RAYMOND. R TISBY _ ‘ _ .„Managing. Editor thusiasnV’---—-,— . >>• ra . , ' , >'■ ■ MRS? ROSA BROWN BRACY ...... Public Relations and Advertising „■! > ’ <• 1» .1 i The Vice-President’s report was THE FOURTH WORD Is there no divine intervention? ALYSON E. WISE L-.™______Circulation Promotion .made public just after he .left .for,,, TEXT: “My God, my God, why Sometimes, we feel we, too, are The announcement of the dinner a week’s needed vacation in Florida hast thou forsaken me?” Matt. ‘27. .ti'ëading the wine-press alone. was made at the conclusion of the NOW! SUBSCRIPTION RATÉS: ; He'returned, from Africa on March 27:46. Divine 'non-intervention is life’s Central Illinois 5-day state workers Year $5.00 — 6 Months S2.00 — 3’Months SI.50 (In Advance) 21, tired and still fighting a per­ nbfnîàl expression. Jésus was divine meeting, March 30, attended-. by sistent- cough he picked up from a The Place — Golgotha; the time yet- he was so human, he hungered nore than 5,000 persons, along with The MEMPHIS WORLD is an independent newspaper — non-sectarian “flu Infection. • — Close to three o'clock in the af­ 1...... He thirsted' .■...... He- wept jutstanding, ■ national church' offi­ and non-partisan, printing news unbiasedly arid supporting those things The Vice president’s report call- ternoon. There and then they heard He tired. He was made hu­ cials including Bishop A. B. Mc­ ft he pf interest tn its readers and opposing "those things ed Africa the “most rapidly chàrig- for the fourth time Jesus speak, man. We read,' “he was born of a Ewen, chairman of the bishop’s woman,” though he was the son “Tuardr’uf-Memphis,. Tennessee. ;—~ against the interest "of its readers? . ing. area in the world ■ today.” He “Eloi, Eloi. Lama Sabacthahl” said: •• • . A strange mixture of language ...... of God. On the cross divine inter- . Heading the committee for the Part Hebrew and part Aramaic. vention would have made his hu- “The course of .its development , as mariity .feigned, : imaginary, ficti-. L. H. Ford Testimonial dinner will its people continue to emerge from What-Jesus said was a quotation be' Mrs, .Rosie Hines, Central Illinois Bully For Texas from the twenty-second Psalm, “My tious. ~Divine' intervention would; supervisor of women; and Rev.-Mos- a colonial status and assume re­ God, my God, why hast thou for­ havé made incomplete his sacrifices. es Cross, assistant state overseer. L While it was rri far away Texas, the lone star slate, that the sponsibilities of independence and saken me?" Centuries before. David The road to sympathy would have self-government, ' could well prove two party system put new life into a contest for the United Senate; in his deep distress cried, “My God, been blocked. That, student who is As chairman of the Golden Jubi­ to be décisive factor in the con­ helped by the teacher every step lee Holy Convocation, Bishop Ford it is nevertheless good thrift here, in that a Southern state, while in My God, why hast thou forsaken flict between the forces of freedom me?" . . of the way will never make a schol­ heads a planning committee of /the western portion/ chalked up a sizable vote for the Republican mid international communism.“ ar. “Saint-hood springs not from h> - 1 « „ *. », -i So often we poor humans cry, celestial coddling.” candidate. “Why. Why?” we can" stand so '•tale - supervisors;; along'- with -lay- Africa, he said is producing “great and civic leaders. The meeting, ex­ In a tensely Democratic atmosphere, with the daily papers leaders“ and the U. S. must come much. Seemingly -we can stand no We poor humans need not expect to know them better, encouragement more. Then------it is we. cry,. ux...... “why did--- , to be carried “to the-skies on flow- pected to attract more than 25,000 Britain Makes Known trumping it up for Yarborough, the Democratic women, it took church members to. Memphis-will of interchange of persons and ideas this happen tota me ...... Why mustjery beds of ease. Remember: No be under thé direction of presiding courage for a Republican candidate to take up the challenge. is vital to this end, he held. I, a child of God, suffer so?” Whywhy Iicro'ss, cross, no crown; no gall, no glory, officers. Bishop C. H. Mason, Senior i did God permit my loved one--.J to be I¡hoUhorns, no sthorns, no throne. It is good to Ever since the restoration of the ballot to our group, it has Nowhere in the world, Nixon Bishop and founder, and Mrs. Lil­ Top Defense Program taken from me? vWhy” this■ 1 come“ 'up the rocky side, the rugged lian Brooks, national supervisor of been obvious that more people of the opposite race are register­ found, is America prestige held more caiastrophe to a child of ~God? ■ (steeps,of;life. . ; uniformly high. He stressed that women. The meeting will be held BY JOHN H. CRIDER allies. ' . ing and voting and more interest is being added up in elections. African countries “understand that In Jesus’ blackest hour he. turned in Memphis, Tenn., November thru LONDON, — (INS'» — Britain West- Germany was particularly In.a Democratic system, the more people vote The-merrier. Many to God in prayer, “My God, my December 15. announced Friday a' revolutionary concerned 'because the. white paper l.ne United States stands on prin­ disclosed a substanltlai reduction fine people who might have voted for good candidates are among ciple and that this was the motivat­ Rev. A. A. Bennett God” He cries.... He is yet defense program for the atomic “My God.” . ’ era, including an end to the draft in British; army and air force per­ those who 'have come up to renew their faith in the ballot. ing forcei for example, which led (Continued Prom Page One) infirmities. Jesus came out that. „ r ... , did .in the recent ; ,We likewise, in our black hours, black night into the sprint-time of in 19(50' a d®ep sla7h n mUlt?ry sonnel attached to tire NATO com­ us to act as we, l...... F . i pianrYivL'pr onri eventual Rnronnincr high offices in the Baptist deno­ must turn to God in prayer. When a faith that gave, him power to say, manpower and eventual scrapping mand. In the last few elections when there were Republican^ con­ Suez crisis.” mination While remaining active ! our faith falters,, turn to God in of battleships and piloted war­ tenders for office it was highly noticeable,.tit the. huge turn out “Father Into thy hands I com­ He said . they understand that in civic -affairs of the city and Prayer. Lean hard on the everlast­ mend my spii’it ”^ planes. , , of votes. The case in which Charles Moyeropposed Congressman the Eisenhower doctrine. is “de­ state. .. ing- arm of God. The ’ harder we Under the plan announced in a j lean, the stronger the support. Janies C. Davis-and when later on he was. opposed by Randolph dicated to the principle of assisting Survivors in addition to his sis­ Remember, “the darkest hour is defense ministry white paper, Bri­ Thrower, all go to prove that when two parlies are on the field, the states of the Middle East to ter and two daughters aré; five’ j When it seems we have come to just before day;” . tain will put virtually all her re­ maintain their independence...... N'ix- ■grandchildren:. Berinetta, Kénneth, the. end of our rope, recall that aw- . the people take mure interest in the voting. In the twenty-second Psalm we liance on nuclear weapons, guided on won endorsements of the doc- and Paula Smith of Washington, ful hour on the/cross; when the missiles, aircraft carriers and crack Iibya, Ethiopia end Tu- D. , C.; Jane and ‘Dorothy Fort darkness was so dense it settled like read, “My God, My God, why has For a deep-South west slate* to-make such a dint in, the trine, in thou forsaken me?” In the twenty- units.of highly - trained profession­ nlsia. Nashville;, a brother-in-law; Cr. H. a pall upon Jesus. Three o’clock in al soldiers. ' suffrage for a Republican candidate is no sad news. Irrespective E. DaVis. Ssai. Francisco, Galif.,. two • the „afternoon «And yet dark­ third Psalm we read, “Even though of party lobels?bnd party affiliation, a two-parly regime is wel­ As he indicated during his trip sons-in-law, Exum L. Smith. Jr-, ness, deep darkness was over the I walk in the dark valley of death, iBy the end of 1062, the armed come among us. Ji. serves as a check and balance factor; some­ the Vice ...... President said. that Corn- Washington. D. C.. and William H. land. Jesus cried with a loud voice; I fear no evil: For you are ever by forces, are to total 375,000.men. MEMORIAL STUDIO my side.’’ ‘ ! thing to draw J.nto focus vital issues and above al! never allow- munist domination in the states of Fort, Nashville: one niece. Eliza­ “My GodK my God, why hath thou Present total is 690.000." ' ' ~ 889 UNldN AVENUE the area is ¿rot a present danger.” beth Bryant. St. Louis 'Mo; and forsaken me?”. Announcement of the plan, the Designers, Builders & Erectors of ¡ng a primary fra prove the. elec han in feu I. Bui, lie sitiil I he Red threat un- a nephew, Rev. Ollire Bfyant, St, Truly our great high ’ priest ’ was personal. product ■ of defense minis­ Monuments. Outstanding many Bully for Texas. iter lines the need for help so Uiat Louis, Mo. ttouched with the feeling of our Baseball Seores ter Duncan Sandys, touched off an years for courteous service and these .'countries can maintain in­ MOREHOUSE ...... 5 immediate'controversy in Britain, reasonable prices, dependence and . ftileviate condi­ and in the capitals of the other PHONE JA. 6-5466 ‘ Lets Keep Saturday Mail tions bn which communism breeds. TUSKEGEE Ï North Atlantic treaty organization Whoever, penned some such slogan above that post office He recommended encouragement door in New York Ciiy, did not infer finance in those barriers of trade, unionism is Africa and sup­ port of a “cooperative approach” in mentioned ™ which would not cease "these# couriers on their development of the Nile River.- rounds.“ Maybe he didn't live in an age of struggle for party gt control, nearly even balances in congressional bodies and possi- listening about' the music- and in- bly the income tax reach. i'struments to. be played by the Sin- l.ionietta. At any raterale’’, there was reason for one to be concerned when I ■ ' ' ' - ■ Ths Brass and the Blue Post Master General Surnmerfiel.d^wdroed a few days agd'jhat Ì ’ The concert will provide an op­ C Copyright, 195«, by Jamej Keene. Reprinted by permlwJoa ot Random Howra. Inc. (Klnf Featurci Syndicate) unless 'such an appropriation a$ he was requesting were, forth­ portunity for the. children to see Ì and feel the instruments and use WHAT IS HAPPENING passed through it, bending. it en from Richmond.** He smiled, coming, the couriers might at least be stopped from their, rounds Second Lieutenant Emil Schwa­ discrimination in selection of radio backer was on edge. He-d had a year badly. finding remembering to Ryndlee's ranch to rendezvous with dozen details of defense. AU the caught him one night past th’ B, Degree from. Southern Law Uni­ the company and escort it A mile while Temple Jocelyn watched Union picket lines, sor. “Cap’n Anyway, it is np! rains, nor sleet nor flood that threatens versity. He was a- ■ student at the from Ryndlee's. the cavalrymen him with pain-dimmed eyes, like University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, spotted the ranch, with the’infantry Fawiistock was I* civilian these couriers---- this time. position ringed by warriors; Jocelyn an exacting schoolmaster, men­ clothes.” Scotland ..and-University of Tennes­ sent. Emil with the second section to tally tabulating his errors for see. Mr. Ryan is'a member of the fight a diversionary action to draw Schwabacker’s shock was in­ oit some of the attackers, while Joce­ some future accounting. tense. “You mean—?” . Loyal Order of Moose, the Ameri­ lyn pushed through to the infantry­ Schwabacker’s arm was a can Legion Post No. 1 and is Scout- FAREWELL MY LOVE! — Betty Johnson, as Cecily Harden ,ibds men. When.the two-pronged assault “Aye, sor. Th’ lieutenant com­ : master of Troop No. 22. Mr. Ryan had forced the Indians to retreat, bough of pain and he walked with manded th’ firin’ squad.” her lover, O'Farfell Nelson, "Geoffery Carroll", a fender farewell Emil and Jocelyn to- J the company •it cradled against his stomach. “God! What a thing for h man Military Clothing Seminar ¡is very much interested in Scout of infantry shatter J Ryndlee ap­ j work. He has practiced law' in Mem­ in a gripping scene from "The Two Mrs. Carrolls" to be presented peared with a woman—the wife of The warrior’s knife had sliced to carry.” 's phis for the past seven years. He is by the AKA sorority Friday night. April*. 12, in LeMoyne's Bruce Infantry Captain Nathan Kincaid, the length of the forearm. He “What I’ve said is for you who was in agony with a mangled could recaU the feel of the knife Apr. 15 At Memphis Depot | married to the former. Margaret Hall. 1 arm. There was no anesthetic and alone, sor,” Finnegan said. “If he ■ Megenity. They have four children Kincaid was made drunk with whis­ point raking bone; this was his lives and I ever hear you speak key. Then Emil, who had run away only distinct impression of the By JAMES F. BURNS Chief of the Inspection Division of ; and are members of the Blessed from a medical career to the Armv of it, I’d. have to kill you, sor.” ' the Military Clothing and Textile j Sacrament Church. tried to use some of his old skill in whole fight. The rest was a mud­ He spoke without heat, a flat, The Military Clothing and Tex-. Supply Agency. Philadelphia. Pa., amputating Kincaid's arm. gray haze. positive statement that rang true. J . Mr. Dyle L. Pierce. Jr., is' also a Linahan ‘ came back with his Somehow Emil Schwabacker tile Inspection Office located at the conduct the seminar assisted by CHAPTER 6 Memphis General Depot will be First Lt. Mahlon Saibel. Production native; Memphian attending Mem­ homemade probe. Sc.hwabacker was not offended. He touched host to approximately 50 contractors Engineer of the Inspection Division, phis Tech High School. He is a C MIL Schwabackers wounded looked at it, then flashed this Finnegan on the shoulder briefly. from seven states at a seminar on Military' Clothing and Textile Sup­ graduate of Memphis State College T-* arm was a flaming fury and rough Irishman a quick smile, -if ”1 understand, Sergeant. Is that quality control April .15. These con- pjy Agency. j and holds a B. S. Degree. He re­ the last hour had been a severe appreciation. “More water, cloth. why he watches the mail? Be­ tractors, who furnish, clothing and ceived his L. ,L. B; Degree from drain on him, not so much physi­ You know what, Mike.” cause he thinks she ll write?” textiles to the Armed Forces, will The primary aim of the program Southern Law University in 195ff cally as mentally, dragging up “Aye sor.” “Aye, sor. The lieutenant’s be told of the need for more in­ is. to make possible acceptance of and was. admitted to the Tennessee all the things he was in the army Temple Jocelyn had the ques­ written every week tor seven tensive contractor inspection; and garments and textiles upon the con- j Bar in February, 1957. Mr. Pierce to forget. He turned to the door tion in his eyes when Emil Schwa­ years an’ never got an answer, ho-w. it may be. accomplished. The tractor's inspection results and- J served with the United States Navy as Sergeant Major Finnegan backer knelt again. “Are you a sor. if he lives, he’ll write every . majority attending will £e represen­ quality history, thus making neces­ during World War II in both the came up. “Can you step out here . surgeon now, Mr. Schwa­ week until he dies, ór until, he tatives of firiaS:stjOW..