“Never Give Up,” Misaskim Director Tells Assemblage

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“Never Give Up,” Misaskim Director Tells Assemblage Russia, Ukraine Foiled Plot to Kill Putin 2 Survey: U.S. Gasoline Hits $3.69/Gallon on Iran Jitters 8 THE DAILY NEWSPAPER OF TORAH JEWRY FEBRUARY 28, 2012 | DAILY VOL. IX | NO. 1992 ,ag”c tsr’ vw ,muv pra, dw’ huo c”v’ TUESDAY EDITION 50¢ ceau rjnho ceau “Never Give Up,” Misaskim Director Tells Assemblage bt kv,pkk cgs vdtui vrc vdtui cgs kv,pkk bt BY HAMODIA STAFF hux; akuo ci jhw nuat jhw ci akuo hux; vrc tkhahc akhy”t tkhahc vrc BROOKLYN, NY – Rabbi Yanky Meyer, director of Misaskim, c,ul atr jukh hartk jukh atr c,ul opened yesterday’s packed gather- ing in an oversized conference room at Misaskim Headquarters. ceau rjnho ceau He welcomed top brass represen- bt kv,pkk cgs vdtui vrc vdtui cgs kv,pkk bt tatives of the New York police department, as well as law jhho hartk ci jbv mhrk jbv ci hartk jhho enforcement officials from coun- vrc cgkxeh akhy”t cgkxeh vrc ties around the state. Rabbi Meyer noted the presence of numerous rta hahc, ,urv usg, ,urv hahc, rta heads of Jewish institutions and organizations, including yeshivos, c,ul atr jukh hartk jukh atr c,ul chessed organizations, a large con- tingent of Hatzolah and Shomrim members, representatives of Another Major Data Dump Agudath Israel of America, and From WikiLeaks several NYC councilmen. Rabbi Meyer expressed his Over 5 million emails were appreciation to the participants dumped from Stratfor, which for extending themselves to work has been likened to a shadow together for the greater good. He CIA. began his short by succinct More on page 2 address by repeated a compelling story about the legendary Winston Churchill. The man who motivat- Costa Cruises Liner Adrift ed his countrymen to survive the After Fire on Board Rabbi Yanky Meyer, Director of Misaskim, addresses high level representatives of law enforcement and community Nazi onslaught during World War Continued on page 5 The ship belonged to the same organizations in a packed meeting held at Misaskim headquarters yesterday. company that owned the Costa Concordia, on which 25 people died last month. More on page 2 Syria Hagaon Harav Steinman: Polls Tight Approves New ‘We Have No Existence In Pivotal Ariz. Iraq Militia Hands Over Last Constitution And Michigan Missing U.S. Soldier’s Without Torah’ Remains Primaries Today Amid BY HAMODIA STAFF Rav Steinman opened the The Iraqi-born soldier, married meeting with words of inspira- ROCKFORD, Michigan (Reuters) – to a woman from Baghdad, vis- Bloodshed ited her five years ago and YERUSHALAYIM – An emergency tion: “We have no doubt that they A tough fight for Michigan vanished. AMMAN (Reuters) – Syrian meeting was held Sunday night in won’t be able to harm Torah between Mitt Romney and Rick artillery pounded rebel-held the home of Harav Aharon Leib because the Torah is eternal. Santorum tightened yesterday More on page 3 areas of Homs yesterday as Steinman, shlita, to receive guid- Hashem’s salvation will surely in a primary that may prove piv- President Bashar al-Assad’s gov- ance on how to react following last come,” he said. “… It is clear that otal in choosing a 2012 ernment announced that voters week’s High Court ruling nixing Am Yisrael has no existence with- Republican presidential nomi- Obama Urges Governors had overwhelmingly approved a the law that enabled yeshivah stu- out the study of Torah. The Torah nee. To Boost Education Funding new constitution in a referendum dents to defer military service. is the foundation and the secret With Michigan to vote today, The president and first lady derided as a sham by his critics at The main theme of the evening of existence of the Jewish people. a new poll said Santorum had hosted a black-tie dinner for home and abroad. was that United Torah Judaism The holy Torah is Toras chaim; halted a slide in support that the National Governors The outside world has proved and Shas should present a united we have no existence without it. began after a weak debate per- Association. powerless to halt the killing in front in opposing any attempt to It is life not only for those who formance in Arizona last week. More on page 3 Syria, where repression of initial- harm the Torah world. learn Torah but for all of Klal The Mitchell Research/ ly peaceful protests has spawned The meeting was attended by Yisrael.” Rosetta Stone poll said the for- an armed insurrection by army Harav Shimon Baadani, a member He stressed the importance of mer Pennsylvania senator is in a deserters and others. of the Moetzes Chachmei learning Torah in one’s youth and statistical dead heat with Water Bills Skyrocket Due to However, the Syrian Arab Red HaTorah of Shas; Harav Yosef added that “in every generation Romney, edging him 37 percent Meter Reader Inaccuracies Crescent entered the besieged Efrati, a close confidant of Harav they tried to nullify the Torah and to 35 percent after losing the Some customers with the Baba Amro district of Homs and Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, shlita, may Hakadosh Baruch Hu helped. lead last week. The poll’s margin automated meter readers evacuated three people yesterday, he have a refuah shleimah; and Now, as well, Hakadosh Baruch of error is 3 percentage points. received bills three times higher the International Committee of Harav Tzvi Katz, Rosh Yeshivah, Hu will help and we will get “The volatility we thought than before. the Red Cross (ICRC) said. Yeshivas Chazon Nachum in Bnei through this and continue to learn had changed has not. The race More on page 4 Foreign reporters in the area Brak. Torah.” remains very fluid,” said Steve were not evacuated and the bod- Askanim attending were Shas MK Rabbi Yisrael Eichler Mitchell, president of Mitchell ies of two journalists killed there chairman Interior Minister Rabbi delivered divrei brachah from the Research & Communications, a had not been recovered, it said. Eli Yishai; UTJ MKs Rabbis Belzer Rebbe, shlita, that “the Republican firm that polled 858 While foreign powers argued Yaakov Litzman, Rabbi Moshe Shechinah should be with you in Republican primary voters. over whether to arm the rebels, Gafni, Rabbi Menachem Eliezer your actions so that you may raise Romney has a comfortable the Syrian Interior Ministry said Mozes, Rabbi Uri Maklev and the glory of Torah.” lead in Arizona, which also votes the reformed constitution, which Rabbi Yisrael Eichler and former Harav Baadani also spoke of today. Continued on page 2 MK Rabbi Meir Porush. Continued on page 7 Continued on page 3 9 771568 258127 New York News 5 ADAR 5772 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2012 HAMODIA 5 Hikind, Klein: Sanitation Tickets Must Be Accompanied By a Photo BY HAMODIA STAFF with a mobile device that allows them to take photographs with a Legislation is being intro- time and date stamp, and upload duced that will require DSNY the photos and summons to the agents to photograph and docu- central database. ment the condition of a property “I would like to believe that at the time a sanitation ticket is DSNY agents are, for the most issued. The announcement was part, honest when issuing sum- made by Assemblyman Dov monses,” said Hikind. “But these Hikind (D-Brooklyn) and surveillance videos tell a different Senator Jeff Klein (D- story, and this legislation will Bronx/Westchester) at a press serve as a system of checks and conference yesterday. balances on these agents to The legislation comes in ensure that they are not filing a response to three recent false instrument when tickets are instances where New York City issued. If we know about these Department of Sanitation three false tickets, I can only (DSNY) agents were filmed on imagine how many more cases of surveillance video in Brooklyn fraud there must be.” issuing tickets where a violation Sanitation tickets are a mini- was not apparent – and may not mum of $100, Hikind noted, call- L-R: Mr. Motti Katz, a Brooklyn resident who received a ticket but had not committed a violation, Senator Jeff Klein (D- have occurred at all. The ing it a tremendous financial bur- Bronx/Westchester) and Assemblyman Dov Hikind. Assemblyman is demanding that den. “My office is often inundated DOI open an investigation into with constituents who cannot pay has ever received a violation said Senator Klein. “Boston and Council’s Sanitation Committee. these and other cases. According these unjust summonses.” knows it always comes down to Chicago have already taken this “Requiring DSNY agents to pro- to the New York City Council Referring to the incorrect viola- their word against the agent’s commonsense step into the digi- vide property owners with photo- Committee on Sanitation and tions as “nothing more than a word. With photographic evi- tal age. It’s time for New York to graphic evidence of a violation at Solid Waste Management, there money-maker for the City,” he dence, there can be no dispute as follow suit. I’m proud to partner their premises would assist in were 262,426 tickets issued by expressed his hope that the legis- to the guilt or innocence of a with Assemblyman Hikind on proper management of resi- DSNY in Fiscal Year 2011 for lation would not only protect property owner. It’s a win-win for this important initiative.” dences, and deter the handful of premises violations. those who are unjustly ticketed, the City and for New York City’s “Transparency is incredibly wayward agents from fraudulent The Hikind-Klein legislation but it will also reduce paperwork residents.” important to the process of issu- behaviors.
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