MEDICINE Volume 10 • Number 6 • 2009

Review Articlepme_699 1062..1083 Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons

American Geriatrics Society Panel on the Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons

Reprinted with permission from The American Geriatrics Society. Original article appears in J Am Geriatr Soc 2009;57:1331–1346.

ain is a complex phenomenon caused by healthcare system and social safety net [3,4]. The P noxious sensory stimuli or neuropathological American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Panel on mechanisms. An individual’s memories, expecta- Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain tions, and emotions modify the experience of pain in Older Persons focused its attention on this [1]. Persistent pain, by definition, continues for a older frail population in preparing this update. prolonged period of time and may or may not be Persistent pain commonly affects older people associated with a well-defined disease process. In [5–7] and is most frequently associated with mus- the medical literature, the terms “persistent pain” culoskeletal disorders, such as degenerative spine and “chronic pain” are often used interchangeably, conditions and arthritis. Night-time leg pain but the newer term, “persistent pain,” is preferred, (stemming from muscle cramps, restless legs, or because it is not associated with the negative atti- other conditions) and pain from claudication are tudes and stereotypes that clinicians and patients also common. As many as 80% of older persons often associate with the “chronic pain” label [2]. In diagnosed with cancer experience pain during the the definition of persistent pain, authors have used course of their illness [8], and pain that occurs as a various durations of painful sensation, including consequence of cancer treatment is increasingly pain longer than 3 months, 6 months, or more. recognized as a form of persistent pain [9]. The Some reports make the assumption that patients distress of cancer pain creates an obligation for with certain diagnoses, such as postherpetic neu- clinicians to provide effective pain management, ralgia, low back pain, or cancer-related pain, must particularly near the end of life. Persistent pain is also experience persistent pain. In the final analy- also frequently encountered in nursing homes. sis, readers must evaluate new additions to the Many nursing home residents have multiple com- medical literature carefully and consider how these plaints and numerous potential sources of pain sometimes arbitrary definitions apply to each [10,11]. Neuralgia secondary to diseases such as clinical situation and individual patient. diabetes mellitus, infections such as herpes zoster, Demographers, insurers, and employers have peripheral vascular disease, and trauma, including defined older persons as aged 65 and older. By age surgery, amputation, and other nerve injuries, is 75, many persons exhibit some frailty and chronic somewhat less frequent. illness, with many having multiple chronic ill- Persistent pain or its inadequate treatment is nesses. In the population aged 75 and older, mor- associated with a number of adverse outcomes in bidity, mortality, and social problems increase older people, including functional impairment, rapidly, resulting in substantial strains on the falls, slow rehabilitation, mood changes (depres- sion and anxiety), decreased socialization, sleep Address correspondence to: Elvy Ickowicz, MPH, Assistant and appetite disturbance, and greater healthcare Deputy Executive Vice President, American Geriatrics use and costs [12]. Although appropriate treatment Society, 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 801, New York, NY, can reduce these adverse events, the treatments 10118. E-mail: [email protected]. themselves may incur their own risks and morbidi- American Geriatrics Society, New York, New York. ties. Persistent pain can also be as distressing for AGS Panel on Pharmacological Management of Persistent the caregiver as for the patient. Caregiver strain Pain in Older Persons. and negative caregiver attitudes can substantially This guideline was developed and written under the aus- pices of the AGS Panel on Pharmacological Management affect the patient’s experience of pain and should of Persistent Pain in Older Persons and approved by the be evaluated and discussed during the clinical AGS Executive Committee on April 21, 2009. encounter, if present.

© American Academy of Pain Medicine 1526-2375/09/$15.00/1062 1062–1083 doi:10.1111/j.1526-4637.2009.00699.x Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons 1063

Guideline Development Process and Methods patients. Panel members included experts in geri- atric pain management, pharmacology, rheuma- The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) provided tology, neurology, nursing, palliative care, and the first Clinical Practice Guideline on manage- geriatric clinical practice. Beginning with a review ment of chronic pain in older persons in 1998 [13]. of previous guidelines from the AGS, American This landmark publication became a call to arms Pain Society, American College of Rheumatology, for improving pain management, quality of life, and others, the panel conducted a review of and quality of care for older patients. In 2002, the evidence-based literature published since the publication was revised to include new pharmaco- preceding AGS guidelines appeared and then logical and other strategies for improving patient drafted new recommendations. An independent care, as well as new information on the assessment researcher was commissioned to conduct a litera- of pain in patients with cognitive impairment [12]. ture search. More than 24,000 citations were iden- The focus of these efforts has been to provide tified from sources such as computerized key word education and guidance to primary care clinicians, searches for each recommendation, personal cita- researchers, and other health professionals as they tion libraries of the panel members, and references encounter patients with persistent pain and its from texts of some individual articles. Of these, complications. approximately 2,400 abstracts were screened for The current Guideline aims to update the evidence-based content. Detailed summaries were evidence base of the 2002 Guideline and provide created along with the full-text articles for more recommendations regarding the use of newer than 240 full-text English-language articles. Data pharmacological approaches to managing persis- from these articles (formal meta-analyses, ran- tent pain in the older population. Since the devel- domized controlled trials, other clinical trials) opment of the two previous AGS publications, were reviewed to determine the strength and substantial progress has been made in this area. quality of evidence for the recommendations New drugs have been introduced, management based on a modified version of the Grading of strategies have been more fully evaluated, and new Recommendations Assessment, Development, treatment approaches are now available. In par- and Evaluation Working Group [14,15] that the ticular, many recent reports describing novel phar- American College of Physicians developed for macological approaches to management warrant their Guideline Grading System [16]. Through an appropriate revision to the 2002 publication at a consensus process, panel members assigned this time. strength and quality of evidence to each recom- Because the most common strategy for manage- mendation. Table 1 provides a key to the designa- ment of persistent pain in older persons is the use tions used. of pharmacological agents, and because this is also Current evidence-based literature does not the area of greatest risk, it was decided to focus on serve as an adequate guide in many decision- pharmacotherapy in this update. This document is making situations that are routinely encountered not an exhaustive treatise; rather, it is offered as a in clinical practice. For example, much existing synthesis of existing literature and the consensus evidence is focused on disease-specific conditions of experts familiar with clinical pain management, or on younger populations with limited generaliz- research in older persons, and the diverse settings ability. Also, the number of controlled studies in which care is often provided, including ambu- involving only patients aged 75 and older remains latory care settings and nursing homes. As such, it low. Furthermore, high-quality studies involving is hoped that this guideline update proves helpful elderly patients from different ethnic groups are to clinicians, researchers, and policy makers alike. rare. Therefore, some of the recommendations are Ultimately, it is hoped that the beneficiaries of this based on the clinical experience and the consensus work will be older patients who often require of panel members, as well as the existing weak effective pain management to maintain their scientific evidence. When appropriate, the panel dignity, functional capacity, and overall quality of drew on studies of younger subjects that could be life. extrapolated to older individuals, but extrapolation The development of this guideline update was to the oldest old or to care settings where older begun by convening a panel comprising members persons often reside was not always reasonable. from the previous panels and new members with Once the literature review was completed, evi- substantial knowledge, experience, and publica- dence was rated, and the document was dissemi- tions in pain management and care of older nated for external review by experts from a variety 1064

Table 1 Key to designations of quality and strength of The update begins with a review of pain assess- evidence ment principles. The recommendations that Quality of evidence follow have been grouped under the following High Evidence includes consistent results from headings: nonopioids, including acetaminophen well-designed, well-conducted studies in representative populations that directly assess and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effects on health outcomes (Ն2 consistent, (NSAIDs); analgesics; adjuvant drugs; and higher-quality randomized controlled trials or other medications. General principles are dis- multiple, consistent observational studies with no significant methodological flaws showing large cussed first, followed by the panel’s specific rec- effects). ommendations for use of these medications. Moderate Evidence is sufficient to determine effects on Readers should recognize that medical science is health outcomes, but the number, quality, size, or constantly evolving and that clinicians have a consistency of included studies; generalizability to routine practice; or indirect nature of the evidence responsibility to keep abreast of new develop- on health outcomes (Ն1 higher quality trial with ments. New and emerging evidence may have >100 subjects; Ն2 higher-quality trials with some important implications for the implementation of inconsistency; Ն2 consistent, lower-quality trials; or multiple, consistent observational studies with specific recommendations contained in this docu- no significant methodological flaws showing at ment. These recommendations are intended as a least moderate effects) limits the strength of the guide. They should not substitute for critical evidence. thinking, sound judgment, clinical experience, and Low Evidence is insufficient to assess effects on health outcomes because of limited number or an open-minded approach to the unique individual power of studies, large and unexplained circumstances of each clinical encounter. inconsistency between higher-quality studies, important flaws in study design or conduct, gaps in the chain of evidence, or lack of information on important health outcomes. Assessment and Management of Persistent Pain Strength of recommendation Strong Benefits clearly outweigh risks and burden OR General Principles risks and burden clearly outweigh benefits. The approach to pain management in older Weak Benefits finely balanced with risks and burden. persons differs from that for younger people. Insufficient Insufficient evidence to determine net benefits or risks. Clinical manifestations of persistent pain are often complex and multifactorial in the older popula- tion. In addition, older people may underreport of other organizations with interest in this subject. pain. Concurrent illnesses and multiple problems (See Acknowledgments for listing of review make pain evaluation and treatment more difficult. organizations.) Also, older persons are more likely to experience Each expert panel member completed a disclo- medication-related side effects and have a higher sure form at the beginning of the guideline process potential for complications and adverse events that was shared with the entire expert panel at the related to diagnostic and invasive procedures. start of its two expert panel meetings. Conflicts of Despite these challenges, pain can usually be effec- interest in this guideline have been resolved by tively managed in this age group. Moreover, clini- having the guideline independently peer reviewed cians have an ethical and moral obligation to and then edited by the Expert Panel Chair, who prevent needless suffering and do their best to had no conflict of interest with the medications provide effective pain relief, especially for those being discussed. Expert panel members who dis- near the end of life. closed affiliations or financial interests with com- An effective pharmacological approach to the mercial interests involved with the products or treatment of persistent pain requires accurate pain services referred to in the guideline are listed assessment. Routine screening and careful assess- under the disclosures section of this article. ment of all older patients is crucial, because even Some matters involving pharmacological man- pain that is causing severe impairment may not be agement of persistent pain in older persons were spontaneously revealed for a variety of personal, beyond the scope of this publication. For example, cultural, or psychological reasons [12]. Not only the use of anesthetic agents, chronic infusions, and do many older persons underreport pain, but there neurostimulatory and implantable pump tech- are also inherent difficulties in recognizing pain nologies were not addressed. It is hoped that this experienced by patients with cognitive impair- update will stimulate others to focus on solutions ment. A thorough initial assessment and appropri- to the significant issues not addressed here. ate diagnostic evaluation are always necessary and Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons 1065 may reveal disease-modifying interventions that org) for specific recommendations for pain assess- can potentially relieve pain at the source [17]. ment in older persons that remain relevant [12,13]. Interdisciplinary assessment during the evaluation process may help identify all such treatable con- General Principles of Pharmacological Management tributing factors. For patients whose underlying Any pain complaint that affects physical function pain source is not remediable or only partially or quality of life should be recognized as a signifi- treatable, an interdisciplinary assessment and cant problem. Older patients with functional treatment strategy is the best approach [18,19]. impairment or diminished quality of life are can- When specialized services or skilled procedures didates for pharmacological therapy, with inter- are indicated, referral to an appropriate specialist vention decisions based on careful weighing of is necessary. For example, patients with debilitat- risks and benefits. Positive outcomes are maxi- ing psychiatric complications, problems of sub- mized when clinicians are knowledgeable about stance abuse, or life-altering intractable pain the drugs they prescribe and regularly monitor require referral to specialists with relevant exper- patients for adverse effects, although it is unreal- tise [12]. istic to imply, or for patients to expect, complete The current best indicator of the pain experi- absence of pain for some persistent pain condi- ence is the patient’s own report, which must tions [12]. Comfort goals should be mutually include an assessment of the pain intensity and an established for managing pain to a level that allows evaluation of the effect of the pain on daily func- the patient to engage in activities and achieve an tion [20]. Even in the presence of mild or moder- acceptable quality of life. ate cognitive impairment, an assessment can be Although older patients are generally at higher made using simple questions and screening tools, risk of adverse drug reactions, analgesic and pain- including a variety of pain scales that have been modulating drugs can still be safe and effective developed specifically for this purpose [21–25]. when comorbidities and other risk factors are Approaches for recognizing and evaluating pain in carefully considered. It must be assumed that there nonverbal older persons are also available [26]. will be age-associated differences in effectiveness, Readers are referred to a recent systematic review sensitivity, and toxicity and that pharmacokinetic for details of the current state of the art in assess- and pharmacodynamic drug properties will change ment of pain in older persons [27] and to previous in this population [28–31]. Table 2 provides a AGS guidelines (http://www.americangeriatrics. summary of changes observed with normal aging

Table 2 Pharmacological changes with aging

Pharmacological Concern Change with Normal Aging Common Disease Effects Gastrointestinal • Slowing of gastrointestinal transit time may prolong • Disorders that alter gastric pH may reduce absorption or effects of continuous-release enteral drugs. absorption of some drugs. function • Opioid-related bowel dysmotility may be enhanced in • Surgically altered anatomy may reduce absorption older patients. of some drugs. Transdermal • Under most circumstances, there are few changes in • Temperature and other specific patch technology absorption absorption based on age but may relate more to characteristics may affect absorption. different patch technology used. Distribution • Increased fat to lean body weight ratio may increase • Aging and obesity may result in longer effective volume of distribution for fat-soluble drugs. drug half-life Liver • Oxidation is variable and may decrease resulting in • Cirrhosis, hepatitis, tumors may disrupt oxidation metabolism prolonged drug half-life. but not usually conjugation. • Conjugation usually preserved. • First-pass effect usually unchanged. • Genetic enzyme polymorphisms may affect some cytochrome enzymes. Renal excretion • Glomerular filtration rate decreases with advancing • Chronic kidney disease may predispose further to age in many patients, which results in decreased renal toxicity. excretion. Active • Reduced renal clearance will prolong effects of • Renal disease. metabolites metabolites. • Increase in half-life. Anticholinergic • Increased confusion, constipation, incontinence, • Enhanced by neurological disease processes. side effects movement disorders. 1066 that can affect disposition, metabolism, and pain. Breakthrough pain includes end-of-dose responses to analgesic medications. failure, resulting from decreased blood concentra- For some classes of pain-relieving medications tions of analgesic with concomitant increase in (e.g., ), older patients have demonstrated pain before the next scheduled dose; incident pain, greater analgesic sensitivity, but older people usually caused by activity that can be anticipated constitute a heterogeneous population, making and pretreated; and spontaneous pain, common optimum dosage and common side effects difficult with neuropathic pain that is often fleeting and to predict. Recommendations for age-adjusted difficult to predict. dosing are not available for most analgesics. In The use of placebos is unethical in clinical prac- reality, dosing for most patients requires initiation tice and in the management of pain. Inert oral with low doses followed by careful upward titra- placebo medications, sham injections, or other tion, including frequent reassessment for dosage fraudulent procedures are used in some analgesic adjustments and optimum pain relief and for studies, but patient consent and full understanding adverse effects. must be ensured in such cases. In clinical settings, The least-invasive method of drug administra- placebo effects are common, but they are not tion should be used. Some opioids, for example, diagnostic of pain or indicative of a therapeutic can be administered through a variety of routes, response. Not only are the effects of placebos including oral, subcutaneous, intravenous, trans- often short lived, but most importantly, deceptive dermal, oral sublingual, intrathecal, and rectal. placebo administration may lead to loss of patient Most drugs are limited to only a few safe routes of trust in addition to needless suffering. administration, but new delivery systems are being For many patients, combining pharmacological developed each year. As a rule, the oral route is and nonpharmacological strategies (including preferable because of its convenience and the rela- complementary or alternative medicine) can tively steady blood concentrations that result. enhance relief of persistent pain. Although some Some drug effects are seen in 30 minutes to 2 nonpharmacological interventions have been hours after oral administration of analgesics; this shown to reduce pain when used alone, their may be inadequate for acute, rapidly fluctuating benefit is usually enhanced when combined with pain. Intravenous bolus provides the most rapid drug strategies. Effective nonpharmacological onset and shortest duration of action but requires approaches include physical therapy, cognitive more labor, technical skill, and monitoring than behavioral therapy, and most importantly, patient oral administration. Although commonly used, and caregiver education interventions. Readers are subcutaneous and intramuscular injections have referred to the 2002 AGS guidelines and recent disadvantages such as wider fluctuations in absorp- reviews for a more-detailed description [12,32,33]. tion and more rapid fall-off of action than the oral More than a single drug may be necessary to route. Transdermal, rectal, and oral transmucosal attain a specific therapeutic endpoint. Moreover, a routes may be essential for people with swallowing combination of two or more drugs with comple- difficulties. mentary mechanisms of action may work synergis- Timing of medication administration is also tically to afford greater relief with less toxicity than important. Rapid-onset, short-acting analgesic would higher doses of a single agent. This strategy, drugs should be used for severe episodic pain. which has become known as “rational polyphar- Medications for intermittent or episodic pain can macy,” may be particularly important for some usually be prescribed as needed, although the patients or conditions in which no single agent can as-needed approach is not a good choice for produce pain relief without dose-limiting adverse patients with cognitive impairment who are not effects. able to request medication appropriately. Sched- uled administration before anticipated (or inci- dent) pain episodes is recommended in these Pharmacotherapy patients. For continuous pain, medications should be provided around the clock. In these situations, a Nonopioid Analgesics steadystate analgesic blood concentration main- Table 3 summarizes the recommended drugs for tains comfort more effectively. Most patients with treatment of persistent pain in older adults. continuous pain who are receiving long-acting or Acetaminophen is an effective agent for the sustained-release preparations should also have management of symptoms of osteoarthritis and fast-onset short-acting drugs for break-through low back pain [34,35]. It is not associated with Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons 1067

Table 3 Recommended drugs for persistent pain in older adults

Drug Recommended Starting Dose* Comments Nonopioid analgesic Acetaminophen 325–500 mg every 4 h or Maximum dose usually 4 g daily. (Tylenol) 500–1,000 mg every 6 h Reduce maximum dose 50% to 75% in patients with hepatic insufficiency or history of alcohol abuse. Choline magnesium 500–750 mg every 8 h Long half-life may allow daily or twice-daily dosing after steady state is trisalicylate (Tricosal, reached. Trilisate) Minimal antiplatelet effect. Salsalate (e.g., 500–750 mg every 12 h In frail patients or those with diminished hepatic or renal function, it Disalcid, Mono-Gesic, may be important to check salicylate levels during dose titration and Salflex) after reaching steady state. Minimal antiplatelet effect. (Celebrex) 100 mg daily Higher doses associated with higher incidence of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular side effects. Patients with indications for cardioprotection require aspirin supplement; therefore, older individuals will still require concurrent gastroprotection. sodium 220 mg twice daily Several studies implicate this agent as possessing less cardiovascular toxicity. 200 mg three times a day Food and Drug Administration indicates concurrent use with aspirin inhibits aspirin’s antiplatelet effect, but the true clinical import of this remains to be elucidated, and it remains unclear whether this is unique to ibuprofen or true with other NSAIDs. sodium 50 mg twice daily or 75 mg Owing to its relative cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor selectivity, this agent extended release daily may be associated with higher cardiovascular risk compared to other traditional NSAIDs. Nabumetone (Relafen) 1 g daily Relatively long half-life and minimal antiplatelet effect associated with this agent (>5 days). Not recommended. High potential for adverse gastrointestinal and renal toxicity; inappropriate for long-term use. Opioid Hydrocodone† (Lorcet, 2.5–5 mg every 4–6 h Useful for acute recurrent, episodic, or breakthrough pain; daily dose Lortab, Norco, limited by fixed-dose combinations with acetaminophen or NSAIDs. Vicodin, Vicoprofen) Prescribers need to consider the amount of nonopioid agent in each of these preparations—they are not all the same—and other acetaminophen or NSAID-containing preparations the patient is taking, including over-the-counter medications. Oxycodone‡ (OxyIR, Percocet, 2.5–5 mg every 4–6 h Useful for acute recurrent, episodic, or breakthrough pain; daily Percodan, Tylox, immediate-release dose limited by fixed-dose combinations with Combunox) acetaminophen or NSAIDs. Immediate-release oxycodone is available without added co-analgesics. Prescribers should specify which oxycodone preparation they want for their patient to avoid confusion or co-analgesic toxicity. (OxyContin) 10 mg every 12 h Usually started after initial dose determined by effects of immediate- release opioid or as an alternative to a different long-acting opioid because of indications for opioid rotation. Although intended for 12-hour dosing, some patients only get 8 hours of effective analgesia, whereas some frail older patients get 12 to 24 hours of relief. Morphine Immediate release 2.5–10 mg every 4 h Available in tablet form and as concentrated oral solution, which is (MSIR, Roxanol) most commonly used for episodic or breakthrough pain and for patients unable to swallow tablets. Sustained release 15 mg every 8–24 h (see dosing Usually started after initial dose determined by effects of (Avinza, Kadian, guidelines in the package insert for immediate-release opioid or as an alternative to a different MSContin, Oramorph each specific formulation) long-acting opioid due to indications for opioid rotation. SR) Toxic metabolites of morphine may limit usefulness in patients with renal insufficiency or when high-dose therapy is required. Continuous-release formulations may require more-frequent dosing if end-of-dose failure occurs regularly. Significant interactions with food and alcohol toxicity. Hydromorphone 1–2 mg every 3–4 h For breakthrough pain or for around-the-clock dosing. (Dilaudid, Hydrostat) 1068

Table 3 Continued

Drug Recommended Starting Dose* Comments Use recommended only by practitioners knowledgeable in its (Dolophine) pharmacology and experienced in its use. Highly variable half-life and nonlinear dose equivalencies when switching from other opioids. Not recommended as first-line agent. Oxymorphone Immediate release 5 mg every 6 h Typical opioid side effects. (Opana IR) Significant interactions with food and alcohol toxicity. Extended release 5 mg every 12 h Usually started after initial dose determined by effects of (Opana ER) immediate-release opioid or as an alternative to a different long-acting opioid because of indications for opioid rotation. Transdermal fentanyl 12–25 mcg/h patch every 72 h Started after initial dose determined by effects of immediate-release (Duragesic) opioid or as an alternative to a different long-acting opioid because of indications for opioid rotation. Currently available lowest-dose patch recommended for patients who require <60 mg per 24-hour oral morphine equivalents. Peak effects of first dose takes 18 to 24 hours. Duration of effect is usually 3 days but may range from 48 hours to 96 hours. May take two to three patch changes before steady-state blood levels reached. Adjuvant drug Tricyclic Antidepressant* Desipramine 10 mg at bedtime Significant risk of adverse effects in older patients. Anticholinergic (Norpramine), effects (visual, urinary, gastrointestinal); cardiovascular effects Nortriptyline (orthostasis, atrioventricular blockade). (Aventyl, Pamelor), Older persons rarely tolerate doses greater than 75 to 100 mg per day. Amitriptyline (Elavil) Other Antidepressant* 20 mg daily Monitor blood pressure, dizziness, cognitive effects and memory. (Cymbalta) Has multiple drug–drug interactions. 37.5 mg daily Venlafaxine associated with dose-related increases in blood pressure (Effexor) and heart rate. 50 mg twice daily/starting dose Caution in renal insufficiency with creatinine clearance less than (Savella) 12.5 mg once a day 30 mL/min, reduce dose by 50%. See package insert for titration Common reactions include nausea, constipation, hot flashes, recommendations. hyperhidrosis, palpitations, dry mouth, hypertension. Discontinuation requires tapering. Contraindicated with monoamine oxidase inhibitors and narrow-angle glaucoma. Anticonvulsant Carbamazepine 100 mg daily Monitor hepatic transaminases (aspartate transaminase, alanine (Tegretol) transaminase), complete blood count, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, electrolytes, serum carbamazepine levels. Multiple drug–drug interactions. 100 mg at bedtime Monitor sedation, ataxia, edema. (Neurontin) (Lyrica) 50 mg at bedtime Monitor sedation, ataxia, edema. 25 mg at bedtime Monitor sedation, ataxia, cognition. (Lamictal) Associated with rare cases of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Antiarrhythmic Mexiletine (Mexitil) 150 mg twice daily Monitor electrocardiogram at baseline and after dose stabilization. Avoid use in patients with conduction block, bradyarrhythmia.

Other drugs Example: 5 mg prednisone daily Use lowest possible dose to prevent steroid effects. (prednisone, and taper as soon as feasible Anticipate fluid retention and glycemic effects in short-term use and methylprednisolone) cardiovascular and bone demineralization with long-term use. (e.g., Deltasone, Medrol dose pak Liquid Pred, Orasone) Lidocaine (topical) 1–3 patches for 12 hours per day Monitor for rash or skin irritation. (Lidoderm 5%) Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons 1069

Table 3 Continued

Drug Recommended Starting Dose* Comments Baclofen (Lioresal) 5 mg up to three times daily Monitor muscle weakness, urinary function, cognitive effects, sedation. Avoid abrupt discontinuation because of central nervous system irritability. Older persons rarely tolerate doses greater than 30 to 40 mg per day. Tizanidine (Zanaflex) 2 mg up to three times daily Monitor muscle weakness, urinary function, cognitive effects, sedation, orthostasis. Potential for many drug–drug interactions. Clonazepam 0.25–0.5 mg at bedtime Monitor sedation, memory, complete blood count. (Klonopin) Cannabinoid Nabilone (Cesamet) 1 mg daily or twice daily Monitor ataxia, cognitive effects, sedation. High incidence of dizziness or drowsiness. Cardiovascular effects with tetrahydrocannabinol or cannabidiol. Older persons may be prone to postural hypotension. Nabilone is approved for nausea and vomiting but may help with some pain syndromes. Dronabinol (Marinol) 2.5 mg once or twice daily Dizziness, somnolence, cognitive impairment, dysphoria. Dual-mechanism Drug Tramadol 12.5–25 mg every 4–6 h Mixed opioid and norepinephrine or serotonin reuptake inhibitor (Ultram/Ultram ER) mechanisms of action. Monitor for opioid side effects, including drowsiness, constipation and nausea. Risk of seizures if used in high doses or in predisposed patients. May precipitate serotonin syndrome if used with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Tapentadol (Nucynta) 50 mg every 4–6 h by mouth Clinical trials of tapentadol suggest lower incidence of gastrointestinal (equivalent to oxycodone 10 mg adverse events than comparator opioids. every 4–6 hr by mouth)

This table is meant to highlight common agents for the purposes of illustrating potentially underappreciated features of particular drugs. This table is not an endorsement of any therapeutic agent, nor is it intended to reflect a hierarchy of treatment. Similarly it is not meant to be an exhaustive listing. Doses listed should be checked with manufacturer’s recommendations. * Lowest starting dose should be considered in frail older persons with a history of sensitivity to central nervous system–active drugs. † Only available in combination with acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID); see guideline for dose limitations based upon co-analgesic. ‡ Available with or without acetaminophen or NSAID: see guideline for dose limitations based upon co-analgesic. significant gastrointestinal bleeding, adverse renal nophen has been raised, it appears that the tran- effects, or cardiovascular toxicity, although some sient elevations of alanine aminotransferase that evidence of longterm renal toxicity has been have been observed in long-term patients do not reported if acetaminophen is used in high doses translate into liver failure or hepatic dysfunction over many years [36,37]. Owing to its greater when maximum recommended doses are avoided safety than traditional NSAIDs, acetaminophen is [39,40]. recommended as first-line therapy for pain [38]. Acetaminophen is less effective for chronic Clinicians should carefully address how much or inflammatory pain (such as the pain associated how little acetaminophen the patient is taking with ) than NSAIDs [41]. before making a decision about a stronger pain Another potential advantage of NSAIDs over medication. Sometimes an increase of acetami- acetaminophen may be better short-term (e.g., 6 nophen dose to 1,000 mg provides a pain relief weeks) effectiveness for relieving osteoarthritis effect so that stronger medications are not pain [42,43]. NSAIDs relieve short-term low back required. Clinicians should also educate patients pain as well [44,45]. In the general adult popula- on the maximum safe dose (<4 g/24 hours) of tion, over-the-counter dosing of selected NSAIDs acetaminophen from all sources. has a good safety profile [46], although older Older individuals often suffer from persistent adults are at higher risk for adverse NSAID effects. musculoskeletal pain that is commonly treated Particular caution must be exercised when consid- with acetaminophen or NSAIDs. Although ering NSAID therapy for individuals with low concern about hepatic toxicity with acetami- creatinine clearance, gastropathy, cardiovascular 1070 disease, or intravascularly depleted states such as remains unclear [68,69]. In individuals at high risk congestive heart failure. A recent study of adverse for recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcer- drug reactions as a cause of hospitalization in older ation, some evidence highlights the benefits of adults (Ն65) implicated NSAIDs in 23.5% of cases co-administration of a proton pump inhibitor with [47]. This alone dictates particular caution with a COX-2 inhibitor [70,71]. the use of all such agents. Finally, eradication of Helicobacter pylori reduces In older persons, NSAID-associated adverse the incidence of peptic ulceration in the popula- events include significant gastrointestinal toxicity tion exposed to NSAIDs [72–75]. [48], which increases in frequency and severity with age [49]. At least in part, the gastrointestinal Special Considerations in the Use of toxicity of NSAIDs may be dose related and Nonopioid Analgesics time dependent [50,51]. Some small studies have Traditional and selective NSAIDs may adversely found that nonacetylated NSAIDs (e.g., salsalate) affect blood pressure control [76–78], renal func- possess lower gastrointestinal toxicity than aspirin tion [79,80], and heart-failure management [81]. [52,53], although therapy with salsalate does not Some traditional NSAIDs also have the in vitro guarantee that gastrointestinal damage will not capacity to interfere with the antiplatelet effect of occur [54]. The concern for gastrointestinal aspirin therapy [82]. To this end, the Food and bleeding in chronic NSAID users is heightened in Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning in the setting of co-administration with low-dose 2006 concerning the co-administration of aspirin aspirin, often employed for cardioprotective pur- and ibuprofen. The cardiovascular risks associated poses [55,56]. with NSAIDs (traditional and selective) deserve Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) selective inhibitor special attention [83,84]. For example, a greater NSAIDs were introduced in the hopes of mitigat- risk of myocardial infarction has been described ing traditional NSAID-related adverse effects [57]. in COX-2 inhibitor users [85–87]. Of the tradi- For example, celecoxib appears to have fewer sig- tional NSAIDs, diclofenac has been identified as nificant gastrointestinal adverse events associated possessing potentially higher risk for adverse with its use, whereas it maintains comparable cardiovascular events [88,89]. Although earlier clinical efficacy with traditional NSAIDs [58–60]. recommendations suggested a trial of NSAIDs if However, the protection afforded by COX-2 acetaminophen is ineffective, newer information selective inhibition against gastrointestinal bleed- suggests that this is often a risky strategy in older ing is not complete, and other NSAID-related adults. The decision to prescribe NSAIDs in the toxicities are no different with COX-2 inhibitors management of persistent pain in older adults [61]. The COX-2 selective inhibitors rofecoxib demands individualized consideration. Comor- and valdecoxib were withdrawn from the market bidities, concomitant medications, and associated because of the associated risk of adverse cardiovas- risk factors (including, possibly, genetics) all affect cular events [62]. the decision to introduce such treatment. In some TopicalNSAIDs such as diclofenac or salicylate individuals, particularly those with previous posi- derivatives have been used in hopes of averting tive experience with use of NSAIDs, decision- systemic NSAID-related adverse effects [63]. making must weigh the potential benefits of the These agents appear to be safe and potentially improved function and health status that NSAIDs effective over the short term (e.g., <4 weeks in may provide against the risk profile. Key issues in many studies) [64,65]. Adequate long-term studies the selection of NSAID therapy are pain amelio- are currently not available. ration, cardiovascular risk, nephrotoxicity, drug A third strategy to address potential NSAID interactions, and gastrointestinal toxicity. In indi- toxicity involves co-administration of gastropro- viduals in whom NSAID therapy is considered and tective agents [66]. Concomitant administration of in whom gastrointestinal risk is considered low, misoprostol, high-dose H2-receptor antagonists, it may be reasonable to recommend or prescribe or proton pump inhibitors may reduce the risk for ibuprofen or naproxen. If gastrointestinal risk is gastrointestinal ulceration in chronic NSAID higher, many physicians co-prescribe a proton users [67]. Whether an NSAID prescribed along pump inhibitor. In addition, if gastrointestinal risk with a proton pump inhibitor or monotherapy is higher but not cardiovascular risk, and a COX-2 with a COX-2 selective inhibitor provides supe- inhibitor is chosen, some clinicians recommend rior protection from incident dyspepsia, bleeding, co-administration of a low-dose aspirin to provide or other gastrointestinal tract complications cardioprotection. Finally, if higher gastrointestinal Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons 1071 risk is present along with significant cardiovascular effects. It should be understood that opioids will concern, low-dose aspirin with naproxen or a be discontinued if the trial is unsuccessful. In most COX-2 inhibitor may be a more-reasonable thera- persistent pain conditions that warrant opioid peutic compromise than narcotics or other drugs. therapy, optimum management requires a com- prehensive treatment program that also involves Opioid Analgesics functional restorative and psychosocial modalities. In properly selected and monitored patients, Patients and their caregivers must understand that opioid analgesics constitute a potentially effective opioids are not a panacea or substitute for non- and, for some patients, indispensable treatment as pharmacological therapies. On this basis, a trial of part of a multimodal strategy in the management opioid therapy for older patients with moderate of various types of persistent cancer and noncancer to severe persistent pain should be considered, pain [90–95]. Clinical observations and the evi- guided by the following two sets of questions dence provided by numerous published clinical [107]. trials have led to the development of clinical guide- (I) Initial Evaluation lines regarding the use of opioids in patients with (1) What is conventional practice for this persistent noncancer pain by the American Pain type of pain or patient? Society, American Academy of Pain Medicine, (2) Is there an alternative therapy that is AGS, and others [12,96,97]. Furthermore, the evi- likely to have an equivalent or better dence that use of NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors therapeutic index for pain control, func- may result in serious and life-threatening gas- tional restoration, and improvement in trointestinal and cardiovascular adverse events or quality of life? gastrointestinal bleeding has shifted attention to (3) Does the patient have medical problems opioids, especially for older patients who may be at that may increase the risk of opioid- particular risk for NSAID-related adverse effects related adverse effects? [84]. Controlled trials have established the efficacy (4) Is the patient likely to manage the opioid of various opioids in the treatment of persistent therapy responsibly (or relevant caregiver pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions, likely to responsibly comanage)? including osteoarthritis [98] and low back pain (II) Role of Consultant or Specialist [99,100], and in the management of several neuro- (1) Am I able to treat this patient without pathic pain conditions, such as diabetic peripheral help? neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia [101]. (2) Do I need the help of a pain specialist Nonetheless, evidence of long-term effectiveness or other consultant to co-manage this for persistent noncancer pain conditions in all patient? age groups is lacking. Two recent meta-analyses (3) Are there appropriate specialists and re- [102,103] and a number of systematic reviews sources available to help me co-manage [104–106] highlight the difficulties of assessing this patient? clinical trial data in support of opioid therapy for (4) Are the patient’s medical, behavioral or long-term management of persistent pain. The social circumstances so complex as to proper positioning of opioid therapy for older warrant referral to a pain medicine spe- patients with persistent noncancer pain is based on cialist for treatment? comparing the potential efficacy and risks with those of other modalities and balancing them against the harms of unrelieved pain and potential Risks and Benefits of Long-Term Opioid Therapy adverse effects of opioid therapy. All practitioners who care for older patients— The potential adverse effects associated with geriatricians, pain specialists, and primary care opioids can present a barrier to long-term treat- providers—must consider their own clinical expe- ment. Although most of the adverse effects rience along with published evidence when decid- decrease with long-term use (with the notable ing whether and how they will prescribe opioids. exception of constipation), adverse events can be Use of opioids in older patients with persistent sufficiently debilitating to cause patients to discon- pain should be prescribed on a trial basis with tinue therapy [103,108]. Respiratory depression, clearly defined therapeutic goals. The trial may which affects respiratory rate, minute volume, and involve serial attempts to titrate the opioid to oxygen saturation, is the most serious adverse an efficacious dose without intolerable adverse event and therefore deserves special consideration, 1072 although tolerance to this effect develops quickly. Table 4 Available resources for published guidelines and With long-term opioid therapy, respiratory statements from state medical boards for responsible depression usually results from excessively rapid opioid treatment regimens dosing increases, drug–drug interactions with Society Link to Resources other central nervous system depressants (most American Academy of notably benzodiazepines, alcohol, and barbitu- Pain Medicine guidelines.html American Pain Society rates), and drug accumulation or accidental over- cp_guidelines.htm dose from opioids with variable pharmacokinetic profiles, such as methadone [109,110]. Recent clinician1.htm Federation of State evidence has also shown that long-term opioid Medical Boards resource.html therapy may suppress the production of several American Academy of hypothalamic, pituitary, gonadal, and adrenal hor- Pain Management publications.php mones, manifesting most commonly as testoster- one deficiency in men, with associated fatigue, depression, and decreased libido [111]. When used over a protracted period of time, For an initial risk assessment, tools such as the prescription opioid abuse may become a concern, Opioid Risk Tool (ORT) [121] and the revised especially in patients with a prior history of a version of the Screener and Opioid Assessment for substance use disorder (including tobacco use) Patients with Pain (SOAPPR) [122] are available [112,113]. Prescription opioid diversion and use of to help determine the presence of risk factors these agents outside specified medical indications known to be associated with problematic drug use. and directions has placed an increasingly signifi- The ORT is a brief, validated questionnaire that cant burden on the healthcare system and on assigns a sex-specific score to patients based on five society as a whole. Associated financial costs, general risk factors for future aberrant opioid- including medical costs, lost productivity, and the related behaviors. These risk factors are a personal additional burden on the criminal justice system, history of substance abuse, a family history of sub- reached an estimated $9.5 billion in the United stance abuse, relatively young age, mental illness, States in 2005 [114]. and a history of preadolescent sexual abuse [121]. Addiction is a chronic, neurobiological disease The 24-item SOAPP-R was empirically derived characterized by one or more of the following from an initial pool of 142 conceptually predictive behaviors: impaired control over drug use, com- indicators of, or risk factors for, future aberrant pulsive use, continued use despite harm, and opioid use [122]. Scores on the ORT and the craving [115]. The likelihood that a patient will SOAPP-R are used to stratify patients as low, abuse opioid medications correlates with a number medium, or high risk, which in turn informs their of genetic and environmental factors [116], and for treatment plan. Patients who have already been those who are genetically predisposed, certain prescribed opioid medications can be assessed factors will precipitate the addiction. Although the using the Current Opioid Misuse Measure, a risks are exceedingly low in older patients with no 17-question self-assessment designed to identify current or past history of substance abuse, it is ongoing patient misuse of opioid medication impossible to identify every patient who will abuse [123]. These tools should be used to supplement or divert prescribed opioids [117]. Therefore, a physical examination, patient interviews, the many clinicians have adopted a Universal Precau- healthcare provider’s clinical experience, and dili- tions approach to pain management [118]. This gent monitoring as a component of a comprehen- paradigm stresses that every patient should be sive initial and ongoing risk assessment. The assessed for risk factors related to the potentially patient interview may help to validate claims of problematic use of pain medication. Such an pain, explore drug and alcohol use, and determine approach seeks to protect patients from the harm the safety of opioids within the patient’s home of substance abuse and helps primary care provid- while also helping to identify potential risk factors ers meet their legal and regulatory responsibilities. in treatment. Various sources, including published guidelines Stratification of patients is not meant to deny and statements from state medical boards, are treatment to those classified as being at high risk available to help clinicians assess and monitor for abuse. Rather, it allows the clinician to con- patients with persistent pain for responsible opioid sider who can be treated without consultation, use (Table 4) [119,120]. who should be co-managed with the assistance of a Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons 1073 specialist, and who should be referred to medical sants. In contrast, SSRI drugs (, fluvox- providers with extensive experience in pain medi- amine, fluoxetine, ) have not proved to cine or addiction medicine [107]. be effective against pain. Gabapentin, pregabalin, Although clinicians should remain vigilant and other anticonvulsant agents with similar about the possibility of misuse or abuse of opioid mechanisms of action at voltage-gated calcium ion agents in all patients irrespective of age, older age channels have been found to have beneficial effects is significantly associated with lower risk for in various neuropathic pain conditions more- opioid misuse and abuse [112,113,124,125]. Some benign side-effect profiles than older anticonvul- authors suggest that underuse of opioids in older sant and antidepressant tricyclic drugs [128–133]. populations constitutes a greater problem [126]. To minimize adverse effects, all pain- Given that older patients may not fill prescriptions modulating drugs must be carefully titrated and or may take opioid medications sparingly because monitored frequently. Regular phone contact of multiple concerns (e.g., fear of addiction, costs, and follow-up visits should be scheduled to assess fear of constipation, negative social stigma), therapeutic effects and monitor for adverse clinicians are encouraged to query patients about reactions. their beliefs and prior experiences with this class of medications before beginning an opioid Other Drugs for Pain medication. Anecdotal evidence and a limited number of studies have indicated that other drugs, as a group, Adjuvant Drugs are less reliable than opioids and traditional anal- A number of drugs from various classes that were gesics in the treatment of persistent pain. These developed for purposes other than pain relief have observations are often based on small patient been found in traditional experimental pain populations in which subjects may be less respon- models to alter or attenuate pain perception in sive to other drugs or have a higher likelihood for many pain-producing conditions without raising side effects or a slower onset of action (in some the pain threshold. These agents, now con- cases related to the need for long titration periods ventionally termed adjuvant drugs, originally to avoid side effects). In the absence of data from appeared in the cancer pain literature, although well-controlled clinical trials that are easily appli- the term is now used regardless of pain etiology cable to a given clinical situation, the use of these [127]. Drug classes include antidepressants, anti- nonopioid, nontraditional drugs is largely a matter convulsants, and other agents that alter neural of clinical judgment [134]. membrane potentials, ion channels, cell surface receptor sites, synaptic neurotransmitter levels, Corticosteroids and other neuronal processes involved in pain Analgesic effects have been described for a variety signal processing. Adjuvant drugs may be used of systemically administered corticosteroids in a alone or co-administered with nonopioid or broad range of dosages for a variety of conditions. opioid analgesics and are used in a variety of per- Effective use has been documented for rheumatic sistent pain conditions, especially neuropathic and autoimmune arthropathies and vasculidities, pain. including rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheu- Tricyclic antidepressants (including amitrip- matica, giant cell arteritis, other autoimmune dis- tyline, desipramine, and nortriptyline) were the orders, and acute crystal-induced arthropathies. first drugs found to reduce pain associated with Efficacy has also been suggested for some neuro- postherpetic neuralgia and painful peripheral dia- pathic pain syndromes (sympathetic dystrophies); betic neuropathy, but the adverse-effect profile cancer pain, including bone pain, infiltration, or of this class of drugs often contraindicates their compression of nerves; headache due to intracra- use in older patients. More recent pharmacolo- nial pressure; and pain related to bowel obstruc- gical advances in the treatment of depression tion [135]. Current evidence is unable to clearly have included selective serotonin-reuptake inhi- differentiate between corticosteroids in terms of bitors (SSRIs) and mixed serotonin- and acute or long-term efficacy or dose-response rela- norepinephrine-uptake inhibitors (SNRIs). The tionships. The well-known side effects and serious SNRIs (duloxetine, venlafaxine) are particularly toxicity of short- and long-term use of corticoster- effective in the treatment of various neuropathic oids often limit their overall safety to lowdose, pain conditions and fibromyalgia, with a better short-term administration or use in patients near side-effect profile than the tricyclic antidepres- the end of life. 1074

Muscle Relaxants tosteoporotic vertebral compression fractures and Muscle relaxant drugs include cyclobenzaprine, pelvic fractures and in cancer patients with bone carisoprodol, chlorzoxazone, methocarbamol, and metastases [138,139]. The mechanism by which others. Cyclobenzaprine is essentially identical to calcitonin relieves pain remains unknown. Apart amitriptyline, with potential adverse effects similar from hypersensitivity reactions, the main side to those of amitriptyline. In addition, carisoprodol effects of calcitonin are nausea and altered serum has been removed from the European market levels of calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, because of concerns about drug abuse. Although assessment of calcium and phosphorus may be these drugs may relieve skeletal muscle pain, their advisable. effects are nonspecific and not related to muscle Bisphosphonates may also provide analgesia in relaxation [134]. Therefore, they should not be patients with cancer with metastases, particularly prescribed in the mistaken belief that they relieve in those with breast or prostate cancer or multiple muscle spasm. Muscle relaxants may inhibit myeloma. Data are promising for pamidronate and polysynaptic myogenic reflexes in animal models, clodronate [140]. Other drugs in this class have but whether this is related to pain relief remains low potency or have not been studied. Side effects unknown. If muscle spasm is suspected to be at the of bisphosphonates are usually related to nausea, root of the patient’s pain, it is probably justified esophagitis, or occasional hypocalcemia. to consider another drug with known effects on muscle spasm (e.g., benzodiazepines, baclofen). Clinicians should be aware that many of these Topical Analgesics drugs may be associated with greater risk for falls Literature reviewed for this publication indicates in older persons. that randomized, placebo-controlled trials of the Baclofen is an agonist of the gamma amino lidocaine 5% patch have been limited to the treat- butyric acid type B. Although its efficacy has been ment of neuropathic pain. Evidence suggests that documented as a second-line drug for paroxysmal the lidocaine 5% patch is effective in cases of pos- neuropathic pain, it has been used in patients with therpetic neuralgia, but the observed benefit does severe spasticity as a result of central nervous not usually compare with that of systemic gaba- system injury, demyelinating conditions, and other pentin or tricyclic antidepressants [141]. Fewer neuromuscular disorders [136]. Starting with a controlled data are available for the lidocaine low dose and gradually increasing the prescribed patch in other neuropathic conditions or in non- amount may minimize the common side effects neuropathic pain. Since receiving FDA approval of dizziness, somnolence, and gastrointestinal for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia, the symptoms. Discontinuation after prolonged use patch has been used widely off label for other requires a slow tapering period because of the neuropathic conditions, diabetic neuropathies, potential for delirium and seizure. chronic low back pain, osteoarthritis, bone metastasis, and even chronic wounds, despite Benzodiazepines direct warnings by the manufacturer against its use The efficacy of benzodiazepines in the manage- in wound care. The rapid adoption of this product ment of persistent pain is limited. Current infor- is related to its ease of use, absence of toxicity, and mation does not support a direct analgesic effect of lack of drug interactions. Pharmacokinetic studies these drugs [137]. The high risk profile in older have shown that systemic lidocaine levels remain adults usually obviates any potential benefit that within a safe range with doses of up to four patches such agents might render in terms of pain relief, in 24 hours. Adverse reactions are rare, mild, and although they may be justified for management of mostly related to skin rash. The patch is contrain- anxiety (particularly in the setting of delivering dicated in advanced liver failure because of end-of-life care) or in a trial for relief of muscle decreased lidocaine clearance. spasm, especially in common situations in which Eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine anxiety, muscle spasm, and pain coexist. (EMLA) is a mixture of the local anesthetics prilocaine and lidocaine. EMLA is capable of pen- Calcitonin and Bisphosphonates etrating the skin to form a local cutaneous anes- Calcitonin may be helpful in various cases of bone thesia and is often used to prevent the pain of pain and as a second-line treatment for some neu- needle puncture or incision [142]. There is a risk ropathic conditions. Studies have suggested that of systemic toxicity if used repeatedly or near calcitonin may relieve pain resulting from pos- mucus membranes or open wounds. Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons 1075

Topical capsaicin cream has been shown to (B) Relative contraindications and cau- provide some benefit in the reduction of neuro- tions: hepatic insufficiency, chronic pathic and nonneuropathic pain [143,144], alcohol abuse or dependence (mo- although 30% of patients may not be able to tol- derate quality of evidence, strong erate the burning sensation associated with treat- recommendation). ment initiation. This burning sensation may (C) Maximum daily recommended dosages persist for several months. Observations suggest of 4 g per 24 hours should not be that depletion of substance P, with resulting anal- exceeded and must include “hidden gesia, may require several weeks of continuous sources” such as from combination pills exposure. For this reason, prolonged trials may be (moderate quality of evidence, strong needed for some patients. Newer formulations recommendation). that also contain aspirin, NSAIDs, local anesthet- (II) Nonselective NSAIDs and COX-2 selective ics, or tricyclic antidepressant preparations may inhibitors may be considered rarely, and help ameliorate the burning sensation and reduce with extreme caution, in highly selected premature treatment cessation. individuals (high quality of evidence, strong Topical NSAIDs have shown some efficacy in a recommendation). few studies of persistent pain management (A) Patient selection: other (safer) therapies [145,146]. Studies of topical aspirin, indometha- have failed; evidence of continuing cin, diclofenac, piroxicam, and ketoprofen have therapeutic goals not met; ongoing reported mixed results in neuropathic and non- assessment of risks and complications neuropathic pain syndromes. Currently there are outweighed by therapeutic benefits two diclofenac topical preparations that have (low quality of evidence, strong received FDA approval for pain management. Sys- recommendation). temic absorption appears to be minimal when (B) Absolute contraindications: current these agents are used in recommended doses, and active peptic ulcer disease (low although the reported toxicity seems to be low, the quality of evidence, strong recom- biology of these agents is not fully understood. mendation), chronic kidney disease Randomized, placebo-controlled trials have dem- (moderate level of evidence, strong onstrated that the benefit is not simply a placebo recommendation), heart failure effect related to the soothing sensation of rubbing (moderate level of evidence, weak cream onto a painful area. recommendation). Cannabinoids (C) Relative contraindications and cau- Antinociceptive effects have been observed with tions: hypertension, Helicobacter pylori, the use of cannabinoids in animal models and in a history of peptic ulcer disease, con- few controlled clinical trials of humans with per- comitant use of corticosteroids or sistent pain [147–149]. In older patients, the thera- SSRIs (moderate quality of evidence, peutic window for cannabinoids appears to be strong recommendation). narrow because of the dysphoric response that (III) Older persons taking nonselective NSAIDs older patients and those using higher doses may should use a proton pump inhibitor or experience. misoprostol for gastrointestinal protec- tion (high quality of evidence, strong Guideline Recommendations recommendation). (IV) Patients taking a COX-2 selective inhibitor Nonopioids with aspirin should use a proton pump (I) Acetaminophen should be considered as inhibitor or misoprostol for gastrointestinal initial and ongoing pharmacotherapy in the protection (high quality of evidence, strong treatment of persistent pain, particularly recommendation). musculoskeletal pain, owing to its demon- (V) Patients should not take more than one strated effectiveness and good safety nonselective NSAID or COX-2 selective profile (high quality of evidence; strong inhibitor for pain control (low quality of recommendation). evidence, strong recommendation). (A) Absolute contraindications: liver failure (VI) Patients taking aspirin for cardioprophylaxis (high quality of evidence, strong should not use ibuprofen (moderate quality recommendation). of evidence, weak recommendation). 1076

(VII) All patients taking nonselective NSAIDs (XVI) Patients with fibromyalgia are candidates and COX-2 selective inhibitors should be for a trial of approved adjuvant analgesics routinely assessed for gastrointestinal and (moderate quality of evidence, strong renal toxicity, hypertension, heart failure, recommendation). and other drug–drug and drug–disease (XVII) Patients with other types of refractory interactions (weak quality of evidence, persistent pain may be candidates for strong recommendation). certain adjuvant analgesics (e.g., back pain, headache, diffuse bone pain, tem- Opioids poromandibular disorder) (low quality of (VIII) All patients with moderate to severe evidence, weak recommendation). pain, pain-related functional impairment, (XVIII) Tertiary tricyclic antidepressants (ami- or diminished quality of life due to triptyline, imipramine, doxepin) should pain should be considered for opioid be avoided because of higher risk therapy (low quality of evidence, strong for adverse effects (e.g., anticholin- recommendation). ergic effects, cognitive impairment) (IX) Patients with frequent or continuous pain (moderate quality of evidence, strong on a daily basis may be treated with recommendation). around-the-clock timecontingent dosing (XIX) Agents may be used alone, but often the aimed at achieving steady-state opioid effects are enhanced when used in com- therapy (low quality of evidence, weak bination with other pain analgesics and recommendation). nondrug strategies (moderate quality of (X) Clinicians should anticipate, assess for, and evidence, strong recommendation). identify potential opioid-associated adverse (XX) Therapy should begin with the lowest effects (moderate quality of evidence, possible dose and increase slowly based strong recommendation). on response and side effects, with the (XI) Maximal safe doses of acetaminophen or caveat that some agents have a delayed NSAIDs should not be exceeded when onset of action and therapeutic benefits using fixed-dose opioid combination are slow to develop. For example, gaba- agents as part of an analgesic regimen pentin may require 2 to 3 weeks for onset (moderate quality of evidence, strong of efficacy (moderate quality of evidence, recommendation). strong recommendation). (XII) When long-acting opioid preparations (XXI) An adequate therapeutic trial should are prescribed, breakthrough pain be conducted before discontinuation should be anticipated, assessed, and pre- of a seemingly ineffective treatment vented or treated using short-acting (weak quality of evidence, strong immediate-release opioid medications recommendation). (moderate quality of evidence, strong recommendation). (XIII) Only clinicians well versed in the use and Other Drugs risks of methadone should initiate it and (XXII) Long-term systemic corticosteroids titrate it cautiously (moderate quality of should be reserved for patients with evidence, strong recommendation). pain-associated inflammatory disorders (XIV) Patients taking opioid analgesics should or metastatic bone pain. Osteoarthritis be reassessed for ongoing attainment of should not be considered an inflamma- therapeutic goals, adverse effects, and tory disorder (moderate quality of evi- safe and responsible medication use dence, strong recommendation). (moderate quality of evidence, strong (XXIII) All patients with localized neuropathic recommendation). pain are candidates for topical lidocaine (moderate quality of evidence, strong Adjuvant Analgesic Drugs recommendation). (XV) All patients with neuropathic pain are (XXIV) Patients with localized nonneuropathic candidates for adjuvant analgesics pain may be candidates for topical (strong quality of evidence, strong lidocaine (low quality of evidence, weak recommendation). recommendation). Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons 1077

(XXV) All patients with other localized non- Pharmacy; American College of Physicians; American neuropathic persistent pain may be Medical Association; American Medical Directors Associa- candidates for topical NSAIDs tion; American Society of Anesthesiologists; Gerontologi- (moderate quality of evidence, weak cal Society of America; National Academies of Practice, recommendation). Academy of Pharmacy; and the Oncology Nursing Society. (XXVI) Other topical agents, including cap- Conflict of Interest: Dr. Argoff serves as a paid consultant or saicin or menthol, may be considered served as a paid consultant within the past 12 months for for regional pain syndromes (mod- Endo Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, erate quality of evidence, weak GlaxoSmithKline, King Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Al- recommendation). Pharma Inc. He also has grants or has received grants in the past 12 months from Endo Pharmaceuticals and (XXVII) Many other agents for specific pain syn- Cephalon. He currently is a member or has been a member dromes may require caution in older of the speaker’s bureau within the past 12 months for Eli persons and merit further research (e.g., Lilly and Company, Endo Pharmaceuticals, King Pharma- glucosamine, chondroitin, cannabinoids, ceuticals, Pfizer Inc., and PriCara and currently holds or botulinum toxin, alpha-2 adrenergic has held shares of Pfizer Inc. Dr. Fine currently serves as a agonists, calcitonin, vitamin D, bisphos- paid consultant or has served as a paid consultant within phonates, ketamine) (low quality of evi- the past 12 months for Abbot Labs, Alkermes Inc., Ameri- dence, weak recommendation). tox, Alpharma Inc., Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuti- cals, Inc. (Pricara), Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Cephalon, Endo Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly Forest Laboratories, King Panel Members and Affiliations Pharmaceuticals, NeuroAdjuvants, and Purdue Pharma. He currently is a member of the speakers bureau or has The AGS Panel on Pharmacological Management been a member of the speakers bureau within the past 12 of Persistent Pain in Older Persons includes: Bruce months for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and has commercial Ferrell, MD (Chairman), UCLA School of Medi- interest with Johnson & Johnson and Cephalon. Dr. Gloth cine, Los Angeles, CA; Charles E. Argoff, MD, currently serves as a paid consultant or has served as a paid Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY; Jerome consultant within the past 12 months for Endo Pharma- Epplin, MD, Litchfield Family Practice Center, ceuticals, Novartis, Wyeth, and XL Health. He currently is Litchfield, IL; Perry Fine, MD, University of Utah a member of the speakers bureau or has been a member of Pain Management Center, Salt Lake City, UT; F. the speaker bureau within the past 12 months for Wyeth Michael Gloth, III, Johns Hopkins University Pharmaceuticals, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Endo Pharma- School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; Keela Herr, ceuticals, Merck, and Novartis. Dr. Gloth has received PhD, RN, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; James grants from Merck and is the President of Smart E-Records, LLC (Electronic Health Record Co.). Dr. D. Katz, MD, George Washington University, Herr serves as a paid consultant or served as a paid con- Washington, DC; David R. Mehr, MD, MS, Uni- sultant within the past 12 months for Purdue Pharma LP, versity of Missouri, Columbia, MO; M. Carrington AlPharma Inc., Cephalon and Endo Pharmaceuticals, and Reid, MD, PhD, Weill Cornell Medical College of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Advisory Boards. She also serves Cornell University, New York, NY; Lori Reisner, or has served as a member of the speakers bureau within PharmD, University of California at San Francisco the past 12 months for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Katz School of Pharmacy, San Francisco, CA. currently serves as a paid consultant or has served as a paid consultant within the past 12 months for the American Academy of CME, Inc., and serves as a paid consultant for Acknowledgments UCB Pharma SA. Sue Radcliff currently serves as a paid consultant or has served as a paid consultant within the past Sue Radcliff, Independent Researcher, Denver, Colorado, 12 months for the AGS, Healthcare Quality Informatics, provided research services. Editorial services were pro- and the International Longevity Center. vided by Katherine Addleman, PhD. Additional research and administrative support were provided by Corrie Fier- Author Contributions: See text. stein, MPA, Elvy Ickowicz, MPH, and Nancy Lundebjerg, Sponsor’s Role: AGS (Provided organizational administra- MPA, American Geriatrics Society, New York, New York, tive support). provided additional research and administrative support. The following organizations with special interest and expertise in the management of pain in older persons pro- vided peer review of a preliminary draft of this guideline: References American Academy of Family Physicians; American 1 Sternbach RA. Clinical aspects of pain. In: Stern- Academy of Pain Medicine; American Academy of Physical bach RA, editor. The Psychology of Pain. New Medicine & Rehabilitation; American College of Clinical York, NY: Raven Press; 1978:223–39. 1078

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