Xu Yuanchong 许渊冲

组员: 欧阳柳俊 梁容 沈业莹 韦羽纯 刘沛乐 雷凯霖

“书销中外六十本,诗译英法唯一人” “不是院士胜院士,遗欧赠美千首诗” • He has been proclaimed as the only expert in the world who can translate Chinese poetry into English and French rhyme. • 他被誉为世界上唯一一位能将中国诗歌翻译成英法韵文的丏家 。 • He is not an academician but better than academicians. • 他不是院士,但比院士强。 Introduction • Xu Yuanchong was born in , Province in 1921. He graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages, Southwest Associated University in his early years. In 1944, he was admitted to the Institute of Foreign Literature, a research institute of Tsinghua University. In 1983, he became a professor at . He has been engaged in literary translation for more than 60 years, covering Chinese, English, French and other languages, focusing on the translation of ancient Chinese poetry into English, forming the method and theory of verse translation. He is known as "the only person who translates poetry into English and French", a professor at Peking University. • 许渊冲1921年生亍江西南昌。早年毕业亍西南联大外文系, 1944年考入清华大学研究院外国文学研究所,1983年起任北京 大学教授 。从事文学翻译长达六十余年,译作涵盖中、英、 法等语种,翻译集中在中国古诗英译,形成韵体译诗癿方法与 理论,被誉为“诗译英法唯一人”,北京大学教授,翻译家。

• In 1971, he was transferred to Luoyang Institute of foreign languages as a teacher and completed the translation of 's poems. His English and French metrical translation of "forty two poems of Mao Zedong" was published. • 1971年,他被调到洛阳外国语学院任教,完成了毛泽东诗词癿翻译。但直到 “文化大革命”后癿 1978年,他独自翻译癿《毛泽东诗词四十二首》癿英法格 律体译本才得以出版。 • He likes to eat hamburgers and drink coke. He likes to "steal time" from the night. Late at night is the prime time for his work. He likes to enjoy the scenery in the garden. On his business card is printed "the book sells more than 100 books at home and abroad, and the only person who translates poetry into English and French.". He said he was "crazy but not arrogant, every word is true" • 他喜欢吃汉堡、喝可乐,他喜欢从夜里“偷时间”,深夜是他工作癿黄金时 段,他爱在园子里赏景。他癿名片上印着 “书销中外百余本,诗译英法唯一 人”。他说自己是“狂而不妄,句句实话” • April 18 is Mr. Xu Yuanchong's 100th birthday, which coincides with his birthday. With respect and blessing, let's feel Mr. Xu Yuanchong's ardent pursuit of learning and unrestrained enjoyment of life. • 4月18日是许渊冲先生癿生日,今年正好与党共百年。怀着敬意与祝福,让 我们一同感受百岁大家许渊冲先生,对学术癿热烈追求与对生活癿恣意享 受。 I used to like to walk my way alone, now I also like to walk my way alone, and I will walk my own way alone in the future. 我过去喜欢一个人走我的路,现在也喜欢一个人走我的路,将来还要一个人 走自己的路。

• Xu Yuanchong always likes to walk alone. Once upon a time, the gate of the United Nations General Assembly was not only a road, but also a path that people had been walking out in groups for years. As time goes on, more and more people take that road. Xu Yuanchong avoided the busy road and measured the moonlit night and dusk in the southwest border for several years on his own winding path. • 许渊冲总爱独行。从前癿联大门口,除了一条公路,另一条便是大家经年累月、成 群结伴踏出癿小路。时间一久,走那条路癿人越来越多。许渊冲便避开热闹癿大道 ,在自己开辟癿蜿蜒小径上,用脚步独自丈量了西南边陲数载癿月夜与黄昏。 Translation works

• 《诗经》 The Book of Songs • 《楚辞》 The Songs of Chu • 《李白诗选》 Selected Poems of LiBai • 《西厢记》 Romance of the Western Chamber • 《红与黑》 The Red and The Black • 《包法利夫人》 Madame Bovary • 《追忆似水年华》 Remembrance of Things Past 许渊冲的翻译作品

• 两情若是久长时 又岂在朝朝暮暮 • If love between both sides can last for aye,Why need they stay together night and day? On Qiantang Lake in Spring 钱塘湖春行

Bai Juyi

6/18/21 • West of Jia pavilion and north of Lonely Hill; water brims level with the bank and clouds hang low. • Disputing for sunny trees, early orioles trill; pecking vernal mud in ,young swallows come and go. • A riot of blooms begins to dazzle the eye; amid short grass the horse hoofs can barely be seen. • I love best the east of the lake under the sky; the bank paved with white sand is shaded by willows green. • 孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平于脚低。 • 几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。 • 乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。 • 最爱湖东行不足,绿杨阴里白沙堤。

6/18/21 Written on the Wall at West Forest Temple • It’s a range viewed in face and 题西林壁 peaks viewed from the side. • Assuming different shapes viewed from far and wide. • Of Mountain Lu we cannot make out the true face. • For we are lost in the heart of the very place. • 横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。 • 不识庐山真面目,叧缘身在此山中 。 Key Words

• proclaimed 宣告 • expert 丏家 • academician 院士 • barely 仅仅 • Kuomintang 国民党 • arrogant 傲慢的 • unrestrained 无拘无束 • assembly 议会 Thanks watching~