2007 Minutes
2007 MINUTES XX1 City council met in regular session on January 2, 2007. Mayor Kaumo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present included Councilmen Neil Kourbelas, David Tate, Kent Porenta, Harry Horn, Rob Zotti, Chad Banks, Joyce Corcoran, Carl Demshar, and Mayor Tim Kaumo. Department heads present included Mike Lowell, Vince Crow, Vess Walker, Brad Sarff, Paul Kauchich, Dave Silovich and Lisa Tarufelli. A moment of silence was observed in honor of President Gerald R. Ford, 38th president of the United States, whose funeral was held today in Washington, D.C. Paul Thomas Glause, municipal court judge, administered the oath of office to re- elected Mayor Timothy Kaumo and to re-elected council members Neil Kourbelas, Chad Banks, Kent Porenta and newly elected council member Joyce Jansa Corcoran. Mayor’s Address To begin his new term of office, Mayor Kaumo thanked council members for their support and dedication to the city and to his family for their understanding over the past four years. He quoted Ann Richards who said, “In politics your enemies can’t hurt you, but your friends will kill you.” He attributed council with being one of the hardest working councils Rock Springs has seen in many years and having brought great projects and great ideas to the city as well as replacing outdated policies and ordinances with updated ones based on constituents’ needs. He added, “Taxpayers should feel proud of the representation from these councilmen in each of our four wards. Communication has been the utmost importance to not only ourselves and our staff, but to our legislators and governor of the great state of Wyoming as well.
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