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new single from Lincoln County 7N 17514 1 RECORD Ml'-'-OR, Wttk endine Aueust 31, 1'968 ... want to let off steam? DO Any questions on the scene? Any problems? Then drop a line to VAL or JAMES, letters dept. FF TH 'M M AN RM MUM STRIKES AGAINST CONVENTION? the $hape or · .\1acANhur Park' ;an.d WHY Is It. that e,·ery time one o( those dull and un· 'Americ;:a' by the Ntce. adventurous "sing-along" rttords Is revle.1A·ed, tha& BILLIE DAVIS Let'$ M Pe this cur-rent trend Is adopted bY ,nore '1rllstes and sonl{• they are always said to be, quote: "· for the mums OUL,J> )'OU please suppl~· a n~ in wrilers in the future. - Collu R, and dads". Even Peter Jones., lhe best or tbe bunch, fell rorruaUon on the wond.,•rful Ft"lln, "Creenacrt:" , 33 Hradaate. into the same trap when reviewing Norman Vaughan's latest C mme oavls •·ho record$ 011 Cd'k->·. Herts. Decca.-f'. Jobnsea, 9 1•crlh Road, Val: Certal.o ArllSlC$ art probabl)• rttord. Bartin&, Et!iex. iu.ppier reeorcUng; Jonter $lntlt s, In Now, I've been a naum for 11 years and the only VAL: B1We Dal'l!i entered sbow order to •llow fuller musical tll'.• b4dloess at t111e· are or 17, and J)t'e:11,ton oa record, and this l~ "balladeert:1 I dig Is Jack Jones. So next time, please HcttSShlJIJ b<'Cill lltr reeotdin.« cenalnl)' a commendable tr('nd. remember we mums can still appreciate sueh artistes as C"uttr duetbt& with Mik<'• Sarne on But If an Arllste feels obliged lO Harpers Bizarre, The AssocJatlon, Ben E. King, and the "Wbl 1 wUt". makC' 11 l()na:e-r rt,t"Md merely t o Mamas and Papas, etc. WIim tter solo roUe w-up "'tell counttntl the C(l$t and uius Rim" reached No. 3. 1n t11e charts leml)t 1be publl.: into buylni, H's Being a nwm Is not a one.way ticket to a bath chalr! e,·erruunr looked very prom.11J111 not Quite the r1sbt :Halt' ot aft"alrj Mrs. J. Turrell, 11 Jobnslon Road, Blrstall, Lel<ester. ror i lilllt - u.alil an 1.uttormnate Is II? JAMES: Nolltlng dtrefalon meant i. mums ahcl dads. I'm st1re, accident taa&ed lltr to be out of 1 work. llrs. 'J'lm't.lU Pder Jeees It fact said ' MORE for Ule IIIMtlftS and'', After thil. uror<'t'd period 01 which ®un'I cttscount any >'00111 tans Norm.i n VHPan mJPt ha\'e, absmce Billie bas worked ,teadU)., BEATLES or l~IUde all rnumi and dads. lt was ctrtaln1Y rOOd to hear fn>m bal'tng 11ome su«-ess •'Ith Mr ~meone who c• n appreciate cUJrertnt IYPes of mu.sit, flllY,u,·! N!ttat rtt-0rdJn1 "When 1·ou Mcwe E would like to ('()n'=r;alul :ate NORMAN VAUGHAN - not for every mum! You Lose". ·lier current retear.e Ir. W o:iivl(] Griffith$ ()II his intl!l'f!Sl• t~ Chlo Tayler c:omJ)O!ilUOII .. Angel hl" a rticle entitle() "WJ1at Is compiling a J)OlJ (In JC>hn Ma)'aU-s Jackie FO\\ter. , Ma.son 8radbear ..Ston Her On Sniht"' (S,O.S.) by Of lbe Moninr". BIUle bas • nt'W h31')1)en i~ ••ilh the Otatles". We; Bluesbreattrs, and I would like Co ur1. St. PHI'$ Road, lsll•rton, Edwin Starr. wblch hU now been out ,n J>eeta on Aug-11st .:are ~lad t ha l ont i<>~r-n)li$1 11:H; re.aders who are lntere!;ted w send N.1.-Can an,ybod)' oblii;e with a delet~d, could they Ple.i.~c ••rite 10 lhe common sense not to trlt.i¢i!S~ In brief ... --• tallU.. " I Want Yeu to be me their ,·01es on lhe rouo... · ing: t. disc ··Fuu Duck " by t he Jerry me at the abQve .iddress. I am IIJ ·B.,..'. all the &atles do. I I 8est single: 2. Bett LP; 3. Best LP Allen Trio. It wa!I oriu-inaJly the witlin~ to Pl>' up to ti. SM' 11.;. 5 n. , , ln., Uel hH At least the Beatles are not PauJ.1nc Cronin, 14 :,,mu;e.1d$ COi• tn1¢k; 4. Most liked mem~r. pre, $l~n:i1ure tune on Radio London afraicJ to try new things, even l•,l'e$, SI. P aul'$ Cray, Orplqwn. blaek Md ,:N!e•-1>r•wu eves. sent or past; s. Be.s:1 musican, pre• ((Ir the Ton>' srandon Show. Miss June Fu.ou.11 . 15t Boiallon thour,h !iOme or them do not work K(nt.-1 would ltlee ((I write lo and/ sent or past: G, Band lille•UP when Ameq- Mr 1tvo11rltt. rttor4lng: Shirlc>' Larkil:i, ·4t Elltabtlh Road, RHd, Ranchworth, Birmingham ZI. •rtbU?j are Geon&c Fame, Areth11 out a.i; they were planned. 'The or swop ptcmres of 1hc Walker considC:r(..o.d to be at us best. PIUS(' made me mo~t Hu>110n, Near Lh·erpool, Lancasltlrt, - I h~ve quJte a l<>t of pies of FrukUll AJlfl Jim.I Hendrix. netilles 11ave Hr1u.1n Brothers, wtU, :ln)'Qnc i.n Japan. send aJJ replies to Lhe abo"e addre-ss. f'aul Jones, old Walker Brothers advaneed countr}' ln pop and If anyotle u1 h•tere:sted please -Could am' readers. between lhe desen:e some credlt.-Jlilary l\'al• Of 1S and 19 wbo vi.SiUd the l)IC$. Scott. old Animals. Hend'ri:ir write. I w UJ ;ln;Swtr .tit letters. f RICIUUd Newcon. 13 CbtpslOw and man>' more which I wouJd 11kt l•ce and JUd1t• <.aover, 7 L>'•n• would a lso like to obtajn two Isle of Ani,: lese)' please .:et ln VIiias, Loado• w.11. - Can any touch with me at tbe above IO $WOO for 80),' Pies of the. Be,e SHONDELLS V.'MCI AVenDe, Newuslle•U.J)Oll·TYllt. records th2t Cary Walker made in body bet:p me Jt:ct an>' recor4S, 4, . tw.r1bumberlud. address. All letters be r.ees. Monlleea and Slones. Also u Japan, "Pl¢1ures ot Mitchtco" and paper cuttfnJ?$ and iotormatioo on wm ~m·one hu uot any 11hotoi:uohs. er WANT IG ta.kt lhl$ OOP011UIIY " Cutie M(lrniru; Moon". l will pay answered. Please send a photo to tbanll you ve.r)' mucb ror 1he lt~IIP Johnny Kidd and che &tu E. M . Sote:U:bl, 18 Farfing. the Bee Gees' cnnccrts earlier Ill I an)·thira;.: witbin re.a.son. Al$() l Pirates. HtBhest prices, AU lhe >'ear ah(I !he Monkees u lbe a tcenUOII Y&U ba\'f! lh'en W(luld like i'Q)' pictures Of SCOH, ton Close, Holdemes, High Road, m)'stU and lhe SHONOEU,S In SOCIETY MEETING answered. Hlall, Ytrks.- 1 Ii.ave the supremes· Wembley. Plea~ ••rite ~oon- rm John and Cary Walker from dess>tnte. 1 wiU the photo• YOttr puJJIK'.alion.. Wt ar<' rooking Jap.i.neu, magazines. LP " The Supremes star ROde:ets oay for forward to ou.r vlsll to England. 'THE American Artists· Appre Pnl Napltllne, It We.mbdto Rli.e. And Hart" <filL 11054). It 1$ in J!UJ)h$. ,nartlng S(•p~mbc-r 23rd, Harold ciation Sodet)' in,•ilcs all Re.. CordOn J'efti•e,·. 10'1 Sitat&on Road, Drlclgw•Wr, Semerr.e1-1 wisb to exc'elleni condition - only played cord Mirror readers, who$e swop my aeauo• L.P. ..Rubber Dulson's office will be arranging TC'.ldcasler, York.mire. - Here rs the twice. I wilt sell ii, or. maybe ex• M. M11sstnsk.i. t7 Klnrsdak Drive., our tour schedtde and you un musical lnterest lies io re-cords Soul .., for .tn¥ L.P by the Ras• chanf(e, ror Pewla Clar1t - "Colour r~t Qf the poll I carried 0 1Jt to 1 Bolton Road, Bradford t, Yorl:fblre. C'Ofttaet them ror furUler lnfonna• m;ade by Artists rrom acros.$ 1he cals, prefcrab1¥ " Cioovtn". also My world ' Lr Four Tops lind R. M. readeu !a\·()Urilc Tarnla wish kl ~wop tht> Dave Clark Flve'.s or -I ha\'e for i.ale Elvis monthlies.· tJGn. I am sure I.bat we w.'111 bt wa1e r (be 11 Roel 'n' Ron. Country Stars (TOP FICletO), I. ni.e Tempta• ··Re3ch out" LP. and Wtstern, R & n or pop) to the " RIIS and Pieces•· for the Turtles all in braod-oow C'Ond ilion. Num h111nr • press recepOOD al thal dons: 2. Diaoa Ross and T he 1 t~ fil'$t OJ>tn meetlnK o( the " Sh<:'d. Rlllher 8e WIUI Me". or Mare:aret, 71 1 enn1rd bers 90, 91, 92, 95. 9&, 98. 99. 100. time and • ·e·u be tookl11.r ronur(I Supremes; S. Four Tops; 4. s motcey Rase-al.$ " Come On Up". Records Avenue, HaY100. Near Liverpool, IO I, l lil, AnY offers lo me ill ;,l)o\'¢ to blfftlftl )'(lU Ulttt • SO¢lt1Y, Roblnson atld 1'be MlracJts: s . Thi$ Informal mee11n~: 1s 10 be must be in good condition. and Lam:s.- t am cunt1ucu~ a poll to address. · Th.Hie~ uai., for •n )'()ti havt Martha and The V.tndtllas: 6. (sley pJe:.$c write flrst. find out the m~t POPUlar member dOne.- Tomm)' J•me$, New York. held al the 'HOJ)l)ine'.