
Forced Retirement at age 28!

Because of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Lies!!

The original book by the same name, Forced Retirement at age 28 because of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Lies!!, appearing on Amazon.com was suppressed by Canadian Prime Minister andRCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson was 734 pages in length.

The current edition is only around 125 pages in length, but it’s a powerful story of conspiracy, lies, fabrication, harassment including more corruption by Stephen Harper’s gang!

Should the reader wish a copy of the original 734 page book, just send him an email message and he will send you a free PDF copy: [email protected]

My legacy to Canada?

Revealing lies, fabrication, perjury and corruption by Canadian Government employees?

Nothing but liars (or worse) as far as the eye can see!!

Turn around and there’s another liar working for the Federal Government of Canada?

Turn around again and another Canadian Government employee is fabricating?

Turn around again and another Canadian Government employee is committing perjury?

Turn around again and another Canadian Government employee is committing much worse:

Langley RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke was charged in June with two counts of child luring

“A female passerby witnessed an RCMP constable openly masturbating in his unmarked police vehicle – he smiled”


At one point, she pleads: "If I die, will you make sure my mom knows that I love her."

As she slumped to the floor, court heard her final plea: "Have a heart please. I've been really good... I want to live."

Only a few examples that have come to light appear in this book, including the forced retirement of one “little guy” at the age of 28 when Canadian Government employees spread false murder charge statements against him, by such employees as:

 RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle  M.J. Hauser  Nicole Bomberg of the Canadian Human Rights Commission  Lorisa Stein of the Canadian Human Rights Commission

And the Canadian Government started harassing this current author for revealing the truth about this corruption, with bogus audits for example by Gail Shea, Revenue Minister.

The Canadian government doesn’t like the fact that the author writes about the “crap” in Canada against the “little people”.

The RCMP doesn’t like that the author has SUCCESSFULLY SUED them in Federal Court for the bull-shit they have pulled!!

Well, well – is this the best the RCMP can do??

Get another stooge, Sanfu Chen??

The RCMP doesn’t like that the author tells the truth about them!

Just ask the multitude of female RCMP officers who have been sexually abused by these bozos, as cited in some of the author’s books!!

So what have they done, gotten another stooge [Sanfu Chen] to put some more bull- shit about the author out there – this time that he was an unwilling witness which is what the RCMP [through the Crown] told the Coroner!!!

And they did that when they knew the author’s lawyer was out of town??

Again, the author has to put the facts straight!!!

As can be seen below, the author has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroner’s office of British Columbia Canada!!


Harper & Paulson have suppressed all of these books by this author:

RCMP lie at 1976 Coroner Inquest: Ruth Mallenby homicide by Person or Persons Unknown http://www.amazon.com/RCMP-lie-1976-Coroner- Inquest/dp/1480256234/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=136272890 4&sr=1-1&keywords=RCMP+LIES

Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Bob Paulson has 40 year old lies uploaded to internet as RCMP payback http://www.amazon.com/Terry-Mallenby-Successfully-Sued- RCMP/dp/1480196673/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1362728904 &sr=1-9&keywords=RCMP+LIES

Stephen Harper, Another Big Sucky Baby: Uploads 40 year old RCMP lies, as payback http://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Harper-Another-Sucky- Baby/dp/1480261068/ref=sr_1_17?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1362729001 &sr=1-17&keywords=RCMP+LIES

Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Sanfu Chen uploads 40 year old RCMP lies as payback http://www.amazon.com/Terry-Mallenby-Successfully-Sued- RCMP/dp/1480154717/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1362728904 &sr=1-4&keywords=RCMP+LIES


Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Does Rebecca Aldous or David Burke help upload 40 year old RCMP lies as payback http://www.amazon.com/Terry-Mallenby-Successfully-Sued- RCMP/dp/1480154911/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1362728904 &sr=1-5&keywords=RCMP+LIES

Husband NOT reluctant witness at Mallenby inquest! That was more lies by the RCMP!! http://www.amazon.com/Husband-reluctant-witness-Mallenby- inquest/dp/1480222003/ref=sr_1_16?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=136272900 1&sr=1-16&keywords=RCMP+LIES

Mallenby Inquest: The husband was NOT reluctant witness http://www.amazon.com/Mallenby-Inquest-husband-reluctant- witness/dp/1480254061/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=136290754 5&sr=1-1&keywords=WALLICE+BELLAIR+reluctant+witness#_

Forced Retirement at age 28: Because of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Lies http://www.amazon.com/Forced-Retirement-age-28- Canadian/dp/1481129082/ref=sr_1_21?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1355384 826&sr=1-21&keywords=WALLICE+BELLAIR



Chapter 1 Page 8 The RCMP pension scandal - “Frizzell’s protestations fell on deaf ears"

Chapter 2 Page 10 The RCMP pension scandal - "the administration of the RCMP pension constituted a breach of trust”

Chapter 3 Page 13 The RCMP pension scandal - “investigations stopped as allegations got too close to RCMP's senior management”

Chapter 4 Page 18 The RCMP pension scandal - “Barbara George RCMP's Deputy Commissioner in contempt”

Chapter 5 Page 20 RCMP Security Service Corporal Robert Samson was arrested trying to plant explosives at the house of Sam Steinberg

Chapter 6 Page 24 “RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents”

Chapter 7 Page 30 “Drunk RCMP Corporal Benjamin Robinson ploughed his Jeep into a 21- year-old motorcyclist, as Orion Hutchinson lay dying, Cpl. Robinson left the scene”

Chapter 8 Page 37 The Killing of a Polish Immigrant - “Within seconds, Robert Dziekanski had been Tasered. Even after falling to the ground, shrieking in pain, the RCMP repeatedly Tasered him”

Chapter 9 Page 58 RCMP Taser Hospitalized 82-Year-Old Man

Chapter 10 Page 63 Nanaimo RCMP officer says “How come every chick I arrest lately refuses to put clothes on and they’re the ones you never want to see naked”


Chapter 11 Page 68 “Perverts, sexual deviants occupy top RCMP ranks”

Chapter 12 Page 73 Langley RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke was charged in June with two counts of child luring

Chapter 13 Page 75 RCMP Gary Stevens guilty of sexually assaulting two teenage girls

Chapter 14 Page 79 If you are a female – do not join the RCMP – “run like your hair is on fire!”

Chapter 15 Page 81 The Canadian Forces very own Col. Russell Williams

Chapter 16 Page 88 Let’s blow up our fellow Canadian government worker?

Chapter 17 Page 90 Look at what they did to the potato farmer?

Chapter 18 Page 94 Forced retirement at age 28 due to false murder charge statements!


Chapter 1

The RCMP pension scandal - “Frizzell’s protestations fell on deaf ears"

As noted, “an Ottawa-based RCMP officer, who was at the centre of a probe into mismanagement of the agency's pension and insurance funds, is suing the force and several current and former high-ranking members for more than $26 million … the lawsuit names several other defendants, including former RCMP commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli, current Commissioner William Elliott, former deputy commissioner Barbara George.”1

As further stated, “according to a statement of claim filed June 4 in Ontario Superior Court, Staff Sgt. Mike Frizzell was assigned to the probe in 2004 and during the investigation -- dubbed Project Probity -- he and other investigators uncovered millions of dollars that had been diverted from the RCMP's insurance and pension funds to cover agency expenses.”2

Yet, when he started to voice concerns about the alleged improprieties, he attracted the "ire and rage" of the force, was threatened and harassed, and ultimately pulled from the investigation, according to the claim.3

The lawsuit states that when Frizzell attempted to bring to light his concerns about the misuse of RCMP pension funds, his "protestations fell on deaf ears." Instead, he was accused of harassing witnesses and served with a written order in 2005 to stop work on the investigation. Two years later, a report from government-appointed investigator David Brown found that Frizzell was "pursuing legitimate issues" and called the work- stop order "troubling."4

"He believed so strongly in the integrity of the organization to continue to push when he saw wrongdoing in the organization that he admired his entire life," the report said. "It is regrettable his commitment to the organization was met with manipulation and false accusations."5

The lawsuit states that Frizzell who has been off-duty sick since May 2008 -- lost his professional reputation and suffered serious emotional and psychological damage: "His career with the RCMP is effectively over," the lawsuit states.6

Again: why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial police forces -- more control and less costly if one as to pay out such lawsuits for RCMP mis-actions?



1 - 6. Ottawa RCMP officer sues force for $26 million Douglas Quan – June 10, 2010 http://fairwhistleblower.ca/content/ottawa-rcmp-officer-sues-force-26- million

Also see: “This is not the RCMP I joined: The RCMP Pension and Insurance Scandal” [ISBN#9781897508091] by Ron Lewis. As mentioned: “at the end of a thirty-five career in the RCMP, Ron Lewis faced his most formidable case ever: exposing and bringing to justice those within the organization who threatened to destroy the culture and values of the RCMP, and steal from the members themselves. From a parliamentary hearing to Project Probity, the RCMP pension scandal as told by the man who saw it through … This was not the RCMP Ron Lewis joined. He wouldn’t let it be the Force he left, either.” General Store Publishing House, 499 O'Brien Rd. Box 415, Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6, 1-800-465-6072, [email protected].


Chapter 2

The RCMP pension scandal - "the administration of the RCMP pension constituted a breach of trust”

Although Sgt Frizzell was an RCMP officer stationed at Headquarters who was assigned to assist in the OPS investigation of the pension scam, and when he had some remaining concerns about funds being moved from the insurance plans and continued to pursue this matter, he was advised by RCMP Insp. Roy to desist any and all investigative activities.1

As cited, “it seems to me that Sgt Frizzell was pursuing legitimate issues. The fact that he was served with a written order, which I understand in itself to be extremely rare, by two senior ranking RCMP officers is troubling.”2

Thus, ended any chance of criminal charges.

Even in terms of internal discipline, it was not to be: “D/Commr Sweeney advised that, in early discussions with legal counsel, it was apparent to him that the applicable limitation periods had expired even before he was appointed. While D/Commr Sweeney concluded that breaches of the Code of Conduct had been committed, he also concluded he had no authority to initiate disciplinary action because of the expiry of the limitation period.”3

This is a notorious trick the RCMP pull when wrong-doings are discovered, they drag their feet until the statute of limitations runs out -- so none of their officers [especially senior ones] can be charged either criminally or under their so called disciplinary code.4

As emphasized, “receiving a written order to refrain from the work he was attempting to conclude in connection with the OPS investigation demeaned Sgt Frizzell's status. Even now it is a bit difficult to explain the order he was given. It also contributed to my conclusion that the criminal investigation was not independent of the RCMP. How could the RCMP (the subject of the investigation) have the authority to order an investigator to stop what he was doing?”5

The independent investigator appointed by the federal government to examine matters related to the RCMP pension and insurance plans, David Brown Q.C., former chairman of the Ontario Securities Commission, concluded, "what happened in the administration of the RCMP pension and insurance plans constituted a fundamental breach of trust between the RCMP and its current and retired members," says Mr. Brown. "I found myself forced beyond these events to comment on a broader breach of trust between RCMP management and its members."6


As further noted, “Mr. Brown acknowledges that current governance problems at the RCMP are institutional and long-standing, however points to recent leadership deficiencies of former RCMP Commissioner Zaccardelli as exacerbating the problems around the pension and insurance matters and overall culture of the RCMP.”7

"In an already fractured culture, senior management was projecting an attitude of disinterest and callousness in respect of an issue of legitimate concern to every single member - past and present - of the Force: their pensions. In the process, the Commissioner lost his troops."8

"It is clear that several individuals who were instrumental in reporting and reviewing mismanagement were treated very unfairly by RCMP management and Commissioner Zaccardelli.”9

Why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial police forces -- more control?


1 - 3. The facts behind the controversy Date Modified: 2008-03-13 http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/rcmppension-retraitegrc/chap1-eng.aspx

4. See this reference where the same trick was pulled when RCMP S/Sgt. John Thomas Randle fabricated statements in 1979. The RCMP waited until the time had expired so no charges coud be laid against the guy. Reference to: Is he Canada's example of another Mark Furman: R.C.M.P. Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle purposefully committed lies, fabricated evidence, made false statements & committed illegal acts, Amicus No 16972168, National Library of Canada.

Another trick the RCMP like to pull is keeping the person they are harassing unemployed and destitute: Reference to Complete discharge from bankruptcy including preferred student loans due to Royal Canadian Mounted Police harassment: a most unusual case of bankruptcy, AMICUS No. 17576560, National Library of Canada.

The reader could also refer to: Judge John Gomery's inappropriate comments based on lies, false statements, fabricated statements & illegal acts by R.C.M.P. Sgt. John Thomas Randle. AMICUS No. 184586646560, National Library of Canada.

It’s ironic that when the current author was writing this book, someone


was trying to interfere with his source of income?

Was it the RCMP?

5. Chapter 3: How the complainants were treated Date Modified: 2008-03-13 http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/rcmppension-retraitegrc/chap3-eng.aspx

6 - 9. Federal Independent Investigator Releases Report on RCMP Pension and Insurance Plans Jun 15, 2007 14:15 ET OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 15, 2007) http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Federal-Independent- Investigator-Releases-Report-on-RCMP-Pension-and-Insurance-Plans- 742833.htm

Also see Judge John Gomery's Incompetence, cited in:

Canadian Government wins "dumbest government" award! http://www.esksfans.com/forum/showthread.php?5631-Canadian- Government-wins-quot-dumbest-government-quot-award!

MONTREAL (CP) - The Canadian government secured a surprise win Friday, beating out such luminaries as Iran, North Korea and the United States, for the dumbest government of the year at the World Stupidity Awards.

It also bested the United Nations in a hotly contested category that organizers said proved Canadians can compete with the rest of the world.

"Canadians often feel we're in the shadow of the U.S., especially when it comes to stupidity, but now we're proving we're world class," said Robert Spence, spokesman of the awards handed out during he Just for Laughs comedy festival.

"And as host country, who could ask for more?"

“The Gomery inquiry into the sponsorship scandal secured the award for Canada, said Spence.”


Chapter 3

The RCMP pension scandal - “investigations stopped as allegations got too close to RCMP's senior management”

As noted, “MPs on the Commons public accounts committee sat stunned as witnesses played a recording of telephone calls and described investigations that were delayed, meddled into and eventually stopped as allegations got too close to the force's own senior management” [see Appendix 2].1

As further noted, “they heard allegations of executives using their power to override rules to tap into the pension fund, delays, obstruction, investigators who were punished, whistleblowers sidelined, evidence buried and wrongdoers rewarded with fraudulent payouts.”2

"Let me say how shocked I am to hear the statements by senior members of the RCMP who have come forward and condemned their own organization for corruption, fraud, mismanagement, incompetence and the list goes on," said Conservative MP John Williams.3

“The hearing emerged out of an auditor general report, released last November; it concluded the administration of the pension fund was wracked with spending abuses, nepotism and money was improperly diverted from the find to pay for costs that should have been covered by the force's budget.”4

"This is an icon of Canadian culture, a beacon around the world and there looks to be something seriously wrong at the core of the organization that shocks me, I'm sure shocks Parliament," Williams said.5

“Five Mounties were called as witnesses following disturbing allegations that management wanted to derail investigations that could throw a spotlight on mishandling pension and insurance funds.”6

What did Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government want to do, they wanted to hide the scam, with “opposition on the committee led the charge for Wednesday's hearings, which was strongly opposed by Conservative MPs who argued the committee shouldn't be sticking its nose into a closed criminal investigation.”7

As further emphasized, “several alleged anyone who stuck their neck out with complaints or raised concerns about abuses was quietly shuffled aside or moved. Denise Revine, the original whistleblower who first stumbled on irregularities in the pension plan's books, took her concerns to her boss, 13

Chief Supt. Fraser Macaulay. Revine lost her job, and Macaulay was reassigned to National Defence.”8

“The affair has caused a rift within RCMP ranks, with some officers lobbying MPs behind the scenes for months to step in and ensure such an alleged foul-up doesn't happen again. They alleged the investigation was dogged by deliberate foot-dragging and obstruction at the most senior levels -including RCMP Commissioner Zaccardelli.”9

"It is painfully clear the RCMP could have nipped this in the bud back in 2001, however, management override of our processes had led us to your door and has tarnished the reputation of the RCMP," said retired Staff-Sgt. Ron Lewis, who initiated several of the complaints.10

Lewis made several allegations, saying "a culture was created by several senior executives where it became very dangerous for employees to report wrongdoings. The risk to their career and financial well-being was high. On the other hand, wrongdoers were protected by these senior executives and supported by RCMP Commissioner Zaccardelli.”11

"This culture exists to this day since some of these senior executives are still in place.”12

Again: why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial police forces -- more control?


1 - 12. Commons committee shocked by details of RCMP pension plan allegations By CanWest News Service, Ottawa Citizen, March 29, 2007 http://www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonist/news/story.html?id=3ac6dd c3-832f-4647-a483-092dab89dd1b&k=15445

One should also note another ‘little guy’ who lost a job after blowing the whistle on the Whitbourne Centre to Premier Clyde Wells and Social Services Minister Kay Young. This ‘little guy’ warned these two politicians of the dangers at the Whitbourne Centre, however, they wouldn’t listen:

Kay Young's & Clyde Wells' Legacy to Canada!: They revealed PTSD sufferers name to media: what unethical behavior? http://www.amazon.com/Youngs-Clyde-Wells-Legacy- Canada/dp/1468073524/ref=sr_1_44?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1324291154&sr=1-44


Appendix 2

Commons committee shocked by details of RCMP

Commons committee shocked by details of RCMP pension plan allegations By CanWest News Service, Ottawa Citizen, March 29, 2007 http://www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonist/news/story.html?id=3ac6dd c3-832f-4647-a483-092dab89dd1b&k=15445

OTTAWA - Five RCMP officers and a whistleblower who lost her job accused the force's senior management, led by former RCMP commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli, of corruption, coverup, cronyism and deliberately derailing an investigation into the misappropriation of funds from the Mounties pension plan.

MPs on the Commons public accounts committee sat stunned as witnesses played a recording of telephone calls and described investigations that were delayed, meddled into and eventually stopped as allegations got too close to the force's own senior management. They heard allegations of executives using their power to override rules to tap into the pension fund, delays, obstruction, investigators who were punished, whistleblowers sidelined, evidence buried and wrongdoers rewarded with fraudulent payouts.

"Let me say how shocked I am to hear the statements by senior members of the RCMP who have come forward and condemned their own organization for corruption, fraud, mismanagement, incompetence and the list goes on," said Conservative MP John Williams.

The hearing emerged out of an auditor general report, released last November, that concluded the administration of the pension fund was wracked with spending abuses, nepotism and money was improperly diverted from the find to pay for costs that should have been covered by the force's budget.

"This is an icon of Canadian culture, a beacon around the world and there looks to be something seriously wrong at the core of the organization that shocks me, I'm sure shocks Parliament and if we don't get to the bottom of this, we have to be part of the process that does," Williams said.

Five Mounties were called as witnesses following disturbing allegations that management wanted to derail investigations that could throw a spotlight on mishandling pension and insurance funds. Opposition on the committee led the charge for Wednesday's hearings, which was strongly


opposed by Conservative MPs who argued the committee shouldn't be sticking its nose into a closed criminal investigation.

All committee members, however, agreed the allegations raiseworrisome questions about the integrity of the national force's senior ranks.

Several alleged anyone who stuck their neck out with complaints or raised concerns about abuseswas quietly shuffled aside or moved. Denise Revine, the original whistleblowerwho first stumbled on irregularities in the pension plan's books, took her concerns to her boss, Chief Supt. Fraser Macaulay. Revine lost her job, and Macaulay was reassigned to National Defence.

"I came out from working the streets and... people look into headquarters for us to be pillars and protectors of their issues and that is the stuff that hurt, when we realized the people who were answering the calls in the middle of the nights weren't getting the defence here they needed," Macaulay said.

The affair has caused a rift within RCMP ranks, with some officers lobbying MPs behind thescenes for months to step in and ensure such an alleged foul-up doesn't happen again. They alleged the investigation was dogged by deliberate foot-dragging and obstruction at the most senior levels -including Zaccardelli. They argue the case is a textbook example of why the RCMP's top brass shouldn't investigate themselves and need an outside body to handle investigations into complaints of wrongdoing against senior management.

"It is painfully clear the RCMP could have nipped this in the bud back in 2001, however, management override of our processes had led us to your door and has tarnished the reputation of the RCMP," said retired Staff-Sgt. Ron Lewis, who initiated several of the complaints.

Deputy Commissioner of Human Resources Barbara George resigned from her position Wednesday. As well, it appeared likely that the committee will likely call Zaccardelli to testify, and may also call for a judicial inquiry to probe the allegations that emerged Wednesday.

Lewis made several allegations, saying "a culture was created by several senior executives where it became very dangerous for employees to report wrongdoings. The risk to their career and financial well-being was high. On the other hand, wrongdoers were protected by these senior executives and supported by commissioner Zaccardelli.

"This culture exists to this day since some of these senior executives are still in place. I wish to emphasize, the RCMP is not rotten to the core. The


rot exists only within a small group of senior executives. Some are gone, while some remain. The good employees are still suffering emotionally, financially and career-wise, while the wrongdoers are back on the job reaping benefits."

The complaints about the mismanagement of the pension fund go back to May 2003, when the RCMP first launched its own investigations. Zaccardelli cancelled that investigation a couple days later and an internal audit. The internal audit led to the Ottawa police investigation and the resignations of the chief human resource officer and a director of the National Compensation Policy Centre.

Fraser and her audit team picked up the case on the heels of an internal audit and the 15-month Ottawa police investigation, which uncovered spending abuses, nepotism, waste, inflated bills and management overriding controls in the running of the force's pension and insurance plans. Her report questioned the independence of the Ottawa police investigation, which was stacked with RCMP officers and led by an investigator who reported to an assistant RCMP commissioner. Charges weren't laid because Crown attorneys concluded in June 2005 there was no "reasonable prospect of conviction."

Several Mounties were targeted for internal discipline, but the force had to abandon that course because the one-year time limit for action had lapsed.

Her audit found sweeping management abuses when the RCMP's human resources branch tried to modernize the $12.3-billion pension plan and turn over the administration of the $30-million insurance fund to a private contractor. She found the RCMP responded "adequately" to findings of the audit and criminal investigation, but concluded the Mounties needed a new policy for external investigation into allegations involving the force to ensure they are independent and unbiased.


Chapter 4

The RCMP pension scandal - “Barbara George RCMP's Deputy Commissioner in contempt”

What a treat, as reported, “MPs voted Thursday to find the RCMP's deputy commissioner in contempt of Parliament, accusing her of misleading the House of Commons with the testimony she provided into the so-called pension scandal.”1

The motion was to find “Barbara George in contempt was introduced by Liberal Shawn Murphy, who heads the public accounts committee that heard her testimony.”2

As noted, "I move … that the House of Commons find Barbara George in contempt of Parliament for providing false and misleading testimony to the House of Commons standing committee of public accounts on Feb. 21, 2007," Murphy said.3

“It implies that a person offended the authority or dignity of the House of Commons. Those found in contempt could be jailed, but in past cases, most have been simply handed a stern rebuke or asked to apologize.”4

Liberal MP Mark Holland, who is also a member of the public accounts committee, said "it is quite a condemnation by Parliament," he wrote in an e-mail statement. "It is a very rare move."5

An RCMP spokeswoman Const. Pat Flood said, "we take this … action by the House of Commons very seriously," she said. "This is unprecedented in recent history of the organization."6

RCMP Deputy Commissioner Barbara George apparently lied when she told parliament she wasn't involved in officer's removal, “testifying before the public accounts committee in February 2007, and again in December, insisted she wasn't involved in Staff-Sgt. Mike Frizzell's removal from an RCMP-Ottawa police probe into the management of the Mounties' $12- billion pension and insurance plans.”7

However, “Frizzell told the committee George engineered his removal from the joint probe into how RCMP pension and insurance plans were run. Documents indicate George was involved in e-mail traffic about Frizzell's move.”8

It always pays to have a paper trail when you deal with organizations like the RCMP! 18

An independent investigation into the scandal concluded in June that former RCMP commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli shook public trust in the police force by permitting the controversy to drag on for years.9

Toronto lawyer David Brown, who led the federally appointed investigation, described the RCMP corporate culture as "horribly broken."10

The question again is: why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial police forces -- more control?


1 - 10. RCMP deputy commissioner found in contempt of Parliament Green Party leader calls for inquiry into income trust scandal Last Updated: Thursday, April 10, 2008 http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/04/10/rcmp-contempt.html


Chapter 5

RCMP Security Service Corporal Robert Samson was arrested trying to plant explosives at the house of Sam Steinberg

As cited, “in 1974, RCMP Security Service Corporal Robert Samson was arrested trying to plant explosives at the house of Sam Steinberg, founder of Steinberg Foods in Montreal. While this bombing was not sanctioned by the RCMP, at trial he announced that he had done "much worse" on behalf of the RCMP, and admitted he had been involved in the APLQ break-in.”1

Continuing, “in August 1974, Samson blew off a part of his hand in the course of carrying out a bombing on behalf of organized crime, likely with the aim of provoking government intervention against a militant strike of supermarket workers. Brought before the courts, Samson at first resorted to various improbable claims in an effort to hide his links to the mob. But then, suddenly, faced with the obvious skepticism of the court, he blurted out that he had done ‘much worse’ for the RCMP.”2

“Ultimately, Samson’s sudden announcement would open the floodgates to an entire series of exposures of RCMP wrongdoing, beginning with Samson’s own admitted involvement in an operation against the Agence de Presse Libre du Québec (APLQ).”3

As further noted, “during his trial, Samson testified that he had been involved in other questionable activities for the RCMP besides the bombing incident. When asked to explain he referred to ‘Operation Bricole.’ This was the code name for the unlawful entry and removal of documents from the Agence de Presse Libre du Québec (APLQ), a left- wing news agency located at 3459 St. Hubert Street, Montreal, which had occurred on 7 October 1972.”4

“Operation Bricole was the illegal RCMP operation that prompted a royal commission and removed intelligence matters from the Mounties'' hands, creating CSIS [Canadian Security Intelligence Service].”5

Continuing, it has been cited, “a former Mountie who stole a Parti Québécois membership list in 1973 has revealed new information about one of the most infamous operations ever conducted by the disgraced RCMP security service.”6

“Dale Boire, formerly of the ultra-secret E Special covert operations team, said he was told information found on the list was so politically sensitive that officers simply locked it away and later destroyed it.”7


The fresh details follow the burial in Ottawa this week of Alcide Yelle, the only RCMP officer convicted in connection with "Operation Ham" or any of the force's other "dirty tricks" against suspected subversives during the early 1970s.8

“On Jan. 8, 1973, Cpl. Boire, chief planner for Operation Ham, broke into the Montreal computer firm Les Messageries Dynamiques with three others and stole a computer tape containing the PQ's membership list.”9

“A copy was quickly made and the master tape returned to cover their tracks. The copy was then dispatched to Ottawa.”10

A couple of years later, on a trip to Ottawa, he asked another officer: "'What did you guys do with that?'" Mr. Boire, who retired at the rank of chief superintendent, said in an interview yesterday.11

"Someone made the comment that what they found on the tape was so politically sensitive, they didn't know what to do with it. Apparently the tape was kept in somebody's safe in headquarters for a few years and at the end of the few years, because they didn't know what to do with this thing, they burned it."12

"I could understand that. I guess when they went over the names they were quite surprised to see, I guess, some well-known names," of people whose association with the PQ, financial other otherwise, was disturbing to the RCMP and federalists.13

The McDonald Commission into the RCMP's dirty tricks campaign. It led to the force being stripped of its security service duties and the creation of the civilian Canadian Security Intelligence Service.14

Insp. Yelle and G section thought, "if we go and get those PQ membership lists, if there's any people in high government places, military people, maybe that are former FLQ sympathizers, that kind of stuff," he said.15

What was on the list that it was so sensitive to be hidden and then destroyed?

Who was on the list?

“When E Special was tasked with the job, Cpl. Boire spent several months planning the operation, including several nights sneaking into the building with a locksmith to make keys for all the interior doors the unit would need to unlock quickly on the big night.”16


“In 1983, officer Yelle was charged for his role in the membership list theft. He opted to face the court … He was convicted, given a suspended sentence and placed on six months' probation, the only Mountie ever convicted for the RCMP era of barn burning, break-ins and mail openings directed at largely at the Quebec separatist movement. Charges against several other officers, including Mr. Boire, were dropped or stayed. Another was convicted but received an absolute discharge.”17

"I think he took the rap to take the heat off a lot of people and especially the government of the day," said Henry Jensen, a former RCMP deputy commissioner.18

The elite E Special unit, meanwhile, carried out many other "Puma operations" installing bugs, hidden cameras, copying documents and other clandestine activities, none of which had ever been exposed.19

“But on Oct. 27, 1977, then solicitor-general Francis Fox informed the House of Commons of Operation Ham, a move likely intended to head off potential embarrassing leaks as the McDonald Commission dug deeper into the activities of G section and other RCMP sections.”20

"They threw us to the wolves," said Mr. Boire.21


1 - . Chronology of the October Crisis, 1970, and its Aftermath Claude Bélanger, Department of History, Marianopolis College. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ujejcj_ck3oJ:fac ulty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/chronos/october.htm+197 7+Keable+Inquiry&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

2 – 3. Twenty years since the Air India bombings—Part 2 Why is the Canadian government resisting a public inquiry? By David Adelaide, 30 July 2005 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Evjw7CzF0t8J:w ww.wsws.org/articles/2005/jul2005/ind2- j30.shtml+rcmp+Robert+Samson&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

4. Braidwood Inquiry http://sites.google.com/site/mountpleasantnotes/braidwoodinquiry

5. Canadian Security Intelligence Service by Peter Boer, Folklore Publishing, February 1, 2011 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Rum3SzdSwEIJ: www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Canadian-Security-Intelligence-Service-


Peter-Boer/9781894864947- item.html+Operation+Bricole&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

6 - 21. The tale of a tape that was too hot to handle By The Ottawa Citizen - December 7, 2007 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:hRIR57_1N2oJ: www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html%3Fid%3D9a085211- 472b-4fda-a300- 4743b11a2690%26k%3D14329+Operation+Ham&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk &gl=ca


Chapter 6

“RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents”

Incredibly, in another high profile case, another senior RCMP officer lied again and again.

The so-called RCMP expert witness, classed an expert witness on blood- pattern analyses, was “accused of perjury and exposed in B.C. Supreme Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong.”1

Who was this RCMP Officer?

“Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard’s credibility was shredded during the recent second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln, an aboriginal woman convicted of stabbing to death her own two-year-old. He acknowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case revealing the concerns about the report and his errors.”2

RCMP Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents [see Appendix 5].

He was wrong.

As noted, “armed with a copy of documents that Spenard thought were destroyed, defense lawyer Matthew Nathanson forced him to make a series of devastating admissions.”3

The document was riddled with so many DNA misinterpretations and errors that the top experts in the field were flown in from Edmonton and Halifax to correct it. Some conclusions were “not scientifically sound,” they said.4

“You were not being truthful, right?” the lawyer said, confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testimony.5

“Yes, I agree” Spenard admitted.6

As emphasized, “the performance was as bad as any at the Braidwood inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, which has also featured RCMP officers seemingly uncomfortable with the truth.”7

“You will recall the Staff Sgt. Spenard gave some evidence of blood found


in... [a] house at different places,” the justice said before sending the jurors to deliberate. “You have heard the Crown totally ignore his evidence, and I suggest to you that you do ignore his evidence completely.8

“Staff. Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath, and violated his oath to tell the truth, and he even agreed to this. That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever.”9

As further cited in Retired B.C. Mountie charged with perjury, “a retired RCMP officer has been charged with one count of perjury for his testimony at the 2009 trial of a B.C. woman convicted of killing her own child.”10

What a “scum bucket”?

Only one charge?

Pretty lenient, wouldn’t you say?

“Former staff sergeant Ross Spenard, a 32-year veteran of the RCMP, is accused of lying while testifying in B.C. Supreme Court in May 2009. He was testifying as an expert witness in bloodstain pattern analysis during the second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln.”11

“During cross-examination by defence council at the 2009 trial, Spenard admitted he did not tell the whole truth in his earlier testimony.”12

“Justice John Truscott then advised the jury to ignore Spenard's evidence.”13

"Staff Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath and violated his oath to tell the truth and he even agreed to this," Trustcott said. "That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever."14

Is this “scum bucket” getting a full pension at taxpayers’ expense?


1 - 9. Caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed: Blood-splatter expert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown revealing concerns about the forensic report. Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun, June 29, 2009.



10 - 14. Retired B.C. Mountie charged with perjury Last Updated: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 | 1:24 PM PT Comments63Recommend34. CBC News http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2011/01/11/bc-mountie- perjury.html


Appendix 5

RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed

Caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed Blood-splatter expert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown revealing concerns about the forensic report Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun, June 29, 2009 http://www.bcpolicecomplaints.org/ross_spenard.html

An RCMP blood-spatter expert has been accused of perjury and exposed in B.C. Supreme Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong.

Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard’s credibility was shredded during the recent second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln, an aboriginal woman convicted of stabbing to death her own two-year-old.

He acknowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case revealing the concerns about the report and his errors.

Until now, Spenard testified, no one outside of the RCMP had been told about the doubt cast upon other cases, some of which have been reviewed by other specialists.

The officer has been a blood-pattern analyst for five years and giving evidence on the basis of his work as a recognized expert witness.

In this case, he claimed to have “peer-reviewed” a report he actually helped author that was based on the mistaken assumption that if someone was a possible contributor of a DNA profile, or if a person couldn’t be excluded as contributing to a DNA profile, then you could say the blood came from that person.

What’s wrong with that logic is obvious: Anyone with a white car may be in the pool of suspects for a hit-and-run, but being potentially responsible is not the same as being culpable.

Armed with a copy of documents that Spenard thought were destroyed, defence lawyer Matthew Nathanson forced him to make a series of devastating admissions, none thankfully that affected the outcome of the trial.

The officer was at pains to try and mask the rewriting and review process 27

that led to the creation of the impugned forensic report on blood spatter and DNA evidence in the brutal child-killing.

The document was riddled with so many DNA misinterpretations and errors that the top experts in the field were flown in from Edmonton and Halifax to correct it. Some conclusions were “not scientifically sound,” they said.

Spenard was ordered to submit future reports for review and told to send an explanatory letter to the Crown.

But he hid that from the judge until he withered under Nathanson’s cross- examination.

“You were not being truthful, right?” the lawyer said, confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testimony.

“I was splitting hairs,” the staff sergeant conceded.

“Officer,” Nathanson pressed brandishing the transcript, “do you agree that by splitting hairs, you were not being completely truthful?”

“Yes, I agree.”

Spenard admitted he wrote the report supposedly authored by Sgt. James Gallant.

“That was an untrue answer that you gave to this jury in this case, right?” Nathanson said.

“Not correct,” the Mountie replied. “No, it was not.”

“Untrue, right?” Nathanson continued. “You said that he authored the report, right? You told the jury last week that [Sgt. Gallant] authored the report, right?”

“And I was in error.”

“That was untrue, was it not?” Nathanson insisted.

“No, it was not untrue,” the officer dissembled. “I was in error. I was mistaken.”

“You were confused about who had written the report?” the lawyer scoffed.


“The circumstances, yes,” said the Mountie. “I realized I had written the report.”

The performance was as bad as any at the Braidwood inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, which has also featured RCMP officers seemingly uncomfortable with the truth.

The force has conducted a review of other cases coming before the court in which Gallant was involved. But no review of completed cases in which he gave evidence has been done.

Spenard also misled the court during earlier proceedings into believing Gallant was no longer doing blood-spatter work because he was seconded to an RCMP Olympic unit. He is not doing any policing at the moment.

The Mountie said he lied under oath to protect his colleague’s “privacy.”

Justice John Truscott has not specifically addressed Spenard’s misconduct, but he was savage in his charge to the jury.

“You will recall the Staff Sgt. Spenard gave some evidence of blood found in... [a] house at different places,” the justice said before sending the jurors to deliberate. “You have heard the Crown totally ignore his evidence, and I suggest to you that you do ignore his evidence completely.

“Staff. Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath, and violated his oath to tell the truth, and he even agreed to this. That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever.”

After two days of deliberation, on June 17, the jury found the 23-year-old mom guilty of second-degree murder in the slaying of her toddler in July 2006 in the remote coastal town of Bella Bella.

Nathanson had argued for a verdict of manslaughter because Lincoln suffers from the effects of fetal-alcohol syndrome and associated psychiatric problems.


Chapter 7

“Drunk RCMP Corporal Benjamin Robinson ploughed his Jeep into a 21-year-old motorcyclist, as Orion Hutchinson lay dying, Cpl. Robinson left the scene”

Incredibly, “the Crown in B.C. has decided to go easy on Benjamin “Monty” Robinson, the RCMP corporal who downed some beers at a party last year and then ploughed his Jeep into a 21-year-old motorcyclist.”1

“As Orion Hutchinson lay dying in a Delta, B.C. intersection, Cpl. Robinson left the scene on foot. To drink some vodka shots, he claims. Some 10 minutes later, reeking of booze and his eyes bloodshot, Cpl. Robinson returned to the fatality.”2

“Delta police were on scene. Cpl. Robinson’s blood-alcohol level was well over the legal limit, they determined. He was drunk. Mr. Hutchinson was dead.”3

“Cpl. Robinson was the senior of four RCMP officers to confront Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski at Vancouver International Airport a year earlier, in 2007. After dithering for months, the Crown this week announced it had rejected charge recommendations from Delta police. It would not attempt to prosecute Cpl. Robinson for impaired driving causing death, as recommended. It would not charge him with dangerous driving causing death, also recommended. Too tough to prove before a judge or a jury, a spokesman from B.C.’s Ministry of Attorney-General tried to explain.”4

Did RCMP Benjamin “Monty” Robinson get away with murder twice?

Once when Robert Dziekanski was tasered to death?

And now after he killed Orion Hutchinson in a drunken stupor?

What did the RCMP Commissioner William Elliott have to say?

Incredibly, “It’s not easy to dump the bad apples, RCMP Commissioner William Elliott admits.”5

In another incident, a Prince George RCMP officer was given a slap on the wrist, with being docked nine days pay, “after he took an unmarked police cruiser to a house party without permission, had some drinks, then hit a parked car on his way home.”6 30

RCMP Const. Peter MacMillan "failed to negotiate a turn," hit a parked car and kept driving., leaving the scene of the accident and failing to report the collision.7

As a police officer, RCMP MacMillan "would know the proper course of action in respect of drinking and driving, of leaving the scene of an accident, of reporting accidents generally and of the absence of any reason whatsoever for delay in reporting the matter."8

Most everyone else would have been charged in similar circumstances, what happened to RCMP MacMillan … he was ordered to forfeit nine days pay?

RCMP MacMillan didn't answer calls.9

In yet another incident of drunk driving by an RCMP officer, “a Chilliwack RCMP officer who threw a rock at a transit bus, hung out with a known criminal and ran into seven parked cars while driving drunk in North Vancouver is still on the job, The Vancouver Sun has learned.”10

Incredibly again, the RCMP officer was only docked pay for his "disgraceful" behavior ... “Const. Milo Kent Ramsey was docked 12 days' pay but allowed to keep his job.”11

In fact, it was found out that RCMP Ramsey had “committed several violations of the RCMP's code of conduct over a one-month period, and admitted to them all.”12

In the bus incident, RCMP Ramsey who was intoxicated, began "shouting obscenities" and “had to be physically removed from the bus by a security officer and other passengers ... After being removed from the bus, Ramsey threw a rock at the driver's door."13 Anyone else would have been charged … but not this RCMP officer?

As reported, “a month later, on Jan. 18, 2006, RCMP Ramsey got into more trouble while hanging out with a friend who had a criminal record …the friend, Alexander McDonald, picked up a prostitute in Vancouver and brought her back to Ramsey's motor home, parked nearby.”14 Unfortunately for RCMP Ramsey, “the ‘prostitute’ was actually an undercover Vancouver police officer.”15

Incredibly, “three days after RCMP Ramsey's run-in with Vancouver police, he got in trouble again. On Jan. 21, 2006, North Vancouver RCMP responded to a call of a motor home being driven erratically; it had struck seven parked cars.”16


"Police officers eventually located the motor home stuck between several large rocks placed to prevent vehicles from going farther up the road ... It was apparent that the motor home had backed over a resident's hedge and struck a carport roof."17

“Police ordered RCMP Ramsey out of the vehicle, but he refused. One officer even tried to pull RCMP Ramsey out of the motor home, but failed. Eventually, police had to use their dog unit to get RCMP Ramsey out.”18

RCMP Ramsey was given a breathalyzer test, “his blood-alcohol level was 0.15, nearly twice the legal limit.”19

The RCMP decision not to fire Ramsey, "the main goal of RCMP disciplinary action is not necessarily to punish, but to offer the chance for rehabilitation."20

RCMP Ramsey wasn't on shift Wednesday and could not be reached to comment.21

In yet another incident, a Vancouver-area RCMP officer, Vernon James Wilson, was caught drinking and driving twice in just over a month … a case of impaired driving causing bodily harm, causing an accident and driving over 0.08.22

In the first incident RCMP Wilson lost control of his vehicle on the bridge and crashed into a barrier, two passengers suffered injuries.23

In the second incident, RCMP Wilson was picked up again November 7 near a beach on the west side of Vancouver and charged with driving while prohibited.24

The RCMP reaction?

RCMP spokesperson Sgt. Tim Shields said, "we all know better and we can do better."25

No kidding!

RCMP Wilson was 54-years-old at the time, if he hasn’t learned not to drink and drive what is he doing as an RCMP officer?

In another incident, “on Feb. 8, 2006, Const. Robert Claypool of Williams Lake was docked 10 days pay after being convicted of impaired driving while off-duty the previous fall.”26


It appears that, for those readers who want to become police officers but have a DUI [driving under influence, drugs or alcohol], it appears this poses no problem with the RCMP … they may welcome you with open arms?

In another incident, in June 2007, an RCMP constable “collided his car into another vehicle, which flipped over and landed on its side.”27

“The driver of the second vehicle suffered a fractured collarbone.”28

What did the RCMP constable do, what else he left the scene!

“The constable did not offer the injured person assistance; instead, he drove home.”29

What did the RCMP do, what else they docked him 10 days pay.30

He remains on active duty in the Lower Mainland.31

In one more incident, after drinking “a few beers” in a pub with another off-duty officer in October 2005, an inspector drove his Pontiac Sunfire onto a restricted access roadway reserved for public transit buses.32

An Ottawa transit officer directed him to pull over. The inspector flashed his RCMP badge at the officer and said, “I’m on the job.”33

The RCMP outright lied!

The inspector was allowed to drive away.34

“The transit officer then observed the Sunfire veering to the edge of the restricted roadway. He directed the inspector pull over again.”35

The officer suspected the inspector was intoxicated and that he had lied about being “on the job.”36

Ottawa police were called and the inspector provided a breath sample, which indicated a “warn” for his blood alcohol level. The inspector’s driver’s license was suspended for 12 hours.37

What did the RCMP do, the RCMP inspector was docked five days pay.38

He remains on active duty in the National Capital Region.39

What else was this guy guilty of … “the inspector had previously admitted to seven allegations of disgraceful conduct while acting as officer in


charge of the RCMP’s Montreal drug section. These related to sexual relations he had with female Mounties taking undercover courses while he was an instructor, and efforts he made to disrupt a subsequent investigation into the matter. He was sanctioned in 2004 and was suspended for 55 days. He was also docked 25 days pay and was barred from training undercover agents.”40

In one more drunk driving case involving an RCMP officer, “a B.C. RCMP officer has been charged with impaired driving after being stopped by members of his own detachment on his way from the Boulevard Casino in Coquitlam early Friday morning.”41

“Police at the Coquitlam RCMP detachment received a call shortly before 3 a.m. PT about an impaired driver who had just left the casino, located east of Vancouver. When they stopped the vehicle, they discovered the driver was a fellow officer. He was taken to the Coquitlam detachment, where he blew over the legal alcohol limit on a breathalyzer.”42

“The officer was released from custody on a promise to appear in a Port Coquitlam court on Jan. 10, 2010. The name of the officer has not been released.”43

In yet another drunk driver case involving the RCMP, it has taken more than a year, but finally the RCMP released information about an impaired driving charge against one of their own.44

“RCMP officer Kulwant Singh Malhi, 41, was arrested in October 2007 after a hit-and-run collision in Richmond, B.C. He was charged in March this year with impaired driving, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, and failure to remain at the scene of an accident.”45

As cited, “a black Nissan Altima rear-ended a Honda Civic shortly before 3 a.m. at No. 4 and Francis roads … about 30 minutes later Richmond RCMP received another 911 call from a motorist about an Altima being driven in an erratic manner southbound on Highway 99. The caller followed the vehicle to Delta and then Ladner, both suburbs of Vancouver, while staying on the phone with police.”46

“The car finally stopped in the driveway of a residence in Ladner. Delta police officers arrived minutes later, and the lone male occupant of the Altima was arrested for impaired driving. The Altima turned out to be an unmarked police vehicle” driven by RCMP Kulwant Singh Malhi.47

In yet another case involving a drunk driving RCMP officer, “a North Vancouver Mountie was ordered to stand trial on two drunk driving charges at a recent court appearance … Cpl. Darren Baker was stopped on


Dec. 15 in West Vancouver by members of the West Vancouver Police Department. While dealing with Cpl. Baker, they formed the opinion that his ability to drive a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol. "48

As further reported, “Baker has been charged with impaired driving and driving with a blood alcohol level above .08.” Incredibly, this RCMP “belonged to a school liaison unit.”49

Yeah, that‘s a good example for the kids to learn … drink and drive. What a guy?

Again, it must be asked: “why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial police forces -- more control?”


1 - 5. Brian Hutchinson: What constitutes ‘gross misconduct’ for RCMP officers questioned. Posted: , December 05, 2009 by Daniel Kaszor. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fullcomment/archive/2009/12/05 /brian-hutchinson-what-constitutes-gross-misconduct-for-rcmp-officers- questioned.aspx

Also see: Court denies RCMP officer's claim he drank after fatal crash: Officer was one of four involved in airport Taser death. Last Updated: Wednesday, March 4, 2009. CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2009/03/04/bc-monty- robinson-rcmp-impaired-driving.html

6 - 9. Mountie fined, loses pay for crash. By CanWest News Service April 9, 2007. http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=35c4ca3c-e57a- 4541-aa6b-0fa5b549bfce&k=98689

10 - 21. Mountie keeps job despite 'disgraceful' behavior. By The Vancouver Sun, August 9, 2007. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=807d6171- 8060-41b8-bf51-b8d7b2a93e88

22 - 25. Officer caught driving drunk twice charged. By ctvbc.ca. Date: Friday Jan. 8, 2010. http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100108/bc_drunk_c op_charged_011008/20100108/?hub=BritishColumbiaHome

26. Exclusive: Mounties ordered to resign.


By The Vancouver Sun. May 1, 2006. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=333278e5- f375-4b4c-ac0f-c8a8368b93cb&k=35814

27 - 40. Best of the worst of Mountie misconduct. Posted: December 12, 2009 by Daniel Kaszor. National Post. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XErUwmcdhEAJ :network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posted/archive/2009/12/12/best-of- the-worst-of-mountie- misconduct.aspx+rcmp+disgraceful+behaviour+2010+Winter+Games&cd =6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

41 - 43. Coquitlam RCMP officer charged with drunk driving. Last Updated: Friday, September 25, 2009. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2009/09/25/bc- coquitlam-rcmp-impaired-driving.html

44 - 47. RCMP reveal year-old impaired driving case against Mountie: Spokesman said there needs to be better communication within force. Last Updated: Tuesday, December 9, 2008. CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2008/12/09/bc-mountie- drunkdriving-charges.html

48 - 49. Mountie will be tried on impaired driving charges. Last Updated: Friday, October 31, 2008. CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2008/10/31/bc-mountie- facing-charges.html


Chapter 8

The Killing of a Polish Immigrant - “Within seconds, Robert Dziekanski had been Tasered. Even after falling to the ground, shrieking in pain, the RCMP repeatedly Tasered him”

Did the RCMP get away with murder?

Some appear to think yes!

"Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four RCMP officers who caused Robert's death by what they did, and then they lie," said Cisowski [see Appendix 6].1

The case involved the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski.

The RCMP lies start immediately.

Richmond RCMP Sgt. Pierre Lemaitre said officers struggled to subdue the man: 'Even though he had received what they call pulses, two pulses from Taser, he was still out of control.'2

The man actually died after 4 Taser jolts, witness alleges.3

In fact, one witness said she offered to tell the RCMP officers what she witnessed, and that one officer said, "'I'll be with you in a few minutes.'" But the officers did not take a statement from her, she alleges.4

As reported, “within seconds, he had been Tasered. Dziekanski, even after falling to the ground, shrieking in pain, was Tasered repeatedly.”5

The cover-up begins!

“After the event, the Mounties all gave similar statements about how Dziekanski had come at them, yelling and wildly swinging the stapler, and how several officers had to wrestle the man to the ground.”6

However, a video proves the RCMP officers outright lied!

A witness’s video of the event showed none of that happened ... if not for the video, might have got away with whitewashing what the judge called the force’s "shameful" conduct in the events that led to an innocent man’s death.7


As further reported, “I saw more RCMP officers lie to cover up this cowardly crime.”8

Incredibly, “on Dec. 12, 2008, B.C. Criminal Justice branch spokesman Stan Lowe "cleared" the four officers of any wrongdoing and portrayed Dziekanski as a violent and agitated alcoholic whose irrational behavior contributed to his own death.”9

However, even this Stan Lowe was put in his place when Cisowski had the satisfaction of hearing Thomas Braidwood call the four Mounties "inappropriately aggressive" and "patently unbelievable," while emphasizing Dziekanski did nothing wrong nor in any way caused his own death.10

Caught in their lies thanks to videotape of the “cowardly” crime, as it has been described.

Braidwood called the bystander video by Paul Pritchard of Dziekanski's Tasering death "invaluable" evidence that "couldn't be cross-examined."11

“Onlookers were incredulous when RCMP Commissioner William Elliott said Friday he wouldn't be announcing any disciplinary measures for any of the four Mounties for their role in Dziekanski's death.”12

Get away with murder and no consequences?

Even the apology to Robert Dziekanski’s mother was a bunch of RCMP bunk?

“A raft of internal RCMP emails was released through an Access to Information Act request showing that the April 1 apology was a carefully- crafted script designed not to blame any RCMP member.”13

“On the day before the staging of the apology, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass reassured RCMP staff relations supervisor Brian Roach that their "apology" to Cisowski did not mean they were apologizing for anything specific that any of their officers had done.”14

"Essentially, even though the word ‘apology’ worries some, we are not apologizing for the actions of specific members or saying anything about specific actions.”15

Cisowski said yesterday "this just shows that the RCMP even when they apologize to me, they coverup.”16

Actually tasered five times!


“The e-mail, sent by RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to Assistant Commissioner Al Macintyre suggested for the first time that the four Mounties who responded to a call at Vancouver's airport planned to use a Taser on Robert Dziekanski, who died at the airport on Oct. 14, 2007, after he was Tasered five times.”17

Finally: “why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial police forces -- more control?”


1. Still they get no consequences. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province, June 20, 2010. http://www.theprovince.com/news/Still+they+consequences/3178031/stor y.html

2 - 3. RCMP say deceased man was 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski. Last Updated: Tuesday, October 16, 2007. CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2007/10/15/taser- death.html

4. One witness said she offered to tell the RCMP officers what she witnessed. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:IF56ES6- gNEJ:vancouveraiportpolicekillpolishman.blogspot.com/+RCMP+KILL+ POLISH+AT+AIRPORT&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

5 - 7. Inquiry deservedly hammers RCMP in Dziekanski death. By Paul Schneiderit, The Chronicle Herald, Tue. Jun 22. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:TeQC- CRcGIYJ:thechronicleherald.ca/Columnists/1188456.html+rcmp+lie+at+ Robert+Dziekanski+inquiry&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

8. I saw more RCMP officers lie to cover up this cowardly crime. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:O1wmRBqPAN UJ:www.thepetitionsite.com/95/justice-for-mother-of-late-robert- dziekanski+rcmp+lie+Robert+Dziekanski&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

9 - 12. Still they get no consequences. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province, June 20, 2010. http://www.theprovince.com/news/Still+they+consequences/3178031/stor y.html

13 - 16. RCMP's apology grudging, evasive. By Suzanne Fournier, The


Province, June 17, 2010. http://www.theprovince.com/news/RCMP+apology+grudging+evasive/31 64920/story.html

17. E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior Officers Sat Silent. Contributed on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ae1cCKW4u6cJ: mostlywater.org/email_suggests_four_rcmp_officers_committed_perjury_ while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

Also see: Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. http://www2.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=1716658

Also see: Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Column+Mounties+Tasering+sh... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ae1cCKW4u6cJ: mostlywater.org/email_suggests_four_rcmp_officers_committed_perjury_ while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


Appendix 6a

'Still they get no consequences'

'Still they get no consequences' Four Mounties involved should not get off scot-free, says Dziekanski's mother By Suzanne Fournier, The Province June 20, 2010 http://www.theprovince.com/news/Still+they+consequences/3178031/stor y.html

Zofia Cisowski's "darkest hour" after learning that her son Robert Dziekanski was dead came when B.C. criminal justice officials declared that the RCMP had done nothing wrong -- and that it was her son's own fault that he died.

Now that she has been vindicated by the Braidwood Inquiry report castigating the officers and ruling her son did nothing wrong, Cisowski still carries with her a news clipping containing the earlier blaming, hurtful words.

On Dec. 12, 2008, B.C. Criminal Justice branch spokesman Stan Lowe "cleared" the four officers of any wrongdoing and portrayed Dziekanski as a violent and agitated alcoholic whose irrational behaviour contributed to his own death.

Last week, Walter Kosteckyj, Cisowski's lawyer, said "that was Zofia's darkest hour, after losing her son, and that's why she still carries that news clipping with her."

So far, Cisowski notes, none of the four Mounties "has ever got any consequences."

On Friday, Cisowski had the satisfaction of hearing Thomas Braidwood call the four Mounties "inappropriately aggressive" and "patently unbelievable," while emphasizing Dziekanski did nothing wrong nor in any way caused his own death.

"This tragic case is at its heart the story of shameful conduct by a few officers," Braidwood said.

"It ought not to reflect unfairly on the many thousands of RCMP and other police officers who have protected our communities and earned a well- deserved reputation in doing so."


Cisowski heard B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong promise to appoint a special prosecutor and commit to a citizen-led Independent Investigation Office to conduct criminal investigations into RCMP or municipal police incidents causing death or harm.

Friday was an exhausting day after a night in which Cisowski slept little, coming at the end of years of hearings in which a video of her son's death was screened repeatedly -- although it helped a kind and patient former judge get to the truth.

Braidwood called the bystandervideo by Paul Pritchard of Dziekanski's Tasering death "invaluable" evidence that "couldn't be cross-examined."

Cisowski received an apology Friday from the RCMP's top cop, Commissioner William Elliott.

Yet as a mother, Cisowski did not hear from Elliott -- the first lawyer and non-cop to head the national RCMP -- the words she has waited so long to hear, she said.

"Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four policemen who caused Robert's death by what they did, and then they lie," said Cisowski.

Listening to Elliott say the RCMP has reformed its training and Taser policies, Cisowski whispered: "Still they get no consequences for causing my son's death."

Braidwood's 460-page report, entitled simply Why? The Robert Dziekanski Tragedy, is a blistering denunciation of the four Mounties who Tasered and restrained Dziekanski face down, then left him unattended until he died.

Onlookers were incredulous when Elliott said Friday he wouldn't be announcing any disciplinary measures for any of the four Mounties for their role in Dziekanski's death. He said he would await the special prosecutor's report.

Elliott acknowledged that Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson is suspended with pay, but only in connection with the unrelated traffic death of a motorcyclist. That matter doesn't go to trial until April 2011.

The other three -- Const. Gerry Rundel, Const. Bill Bentley and Const. Kwesi Millington -- are "on the job but not in front-line policing," said Elliott, who couldn't explain why the four officers could be criticized about an unjustified death and yet remain on the RCMP payroll.


Elliott hinted it might even be too late to mete out internal punishment, but admitted: "We recognize there needs to be fairly fundamental changes in our discipline system."

Braidwood said the four Mounties behaved as if they were responding to a "barroom brawl," and senior officer Robinson "intervened in an inappropriately aggressive manner."

"I found that Mr. Dziekanski had been compliant, was not defiant or resistant, did not brandish the stapler and did not move toward any of the officers," Braidwood said.

"I concluded the constable [Millington] was not justified in deploying the weapon and neither the constable nor the corporal honestly perceived that Mr. Dziekanski was intending to attack any of the officers."

Braidwood said the other two officers also "offered patently unbelievable after-the-fact rationalizations of their police notes and statements to [the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team]."

As for Robinson's claim that the Mounties made a point to check if Dziekanski was alive, Braidwood was dismissive.

"I can place little reliance on the testimony of Cpl. Robinson that he constantly monitored Mr. Dziekanski's breathing until the firefighters arrived. Similarly, I find unpersuasive the testimony of Const. Rundel that . . . he knelt down near Mr. Dziekanski and heard him breathing and snoring.

"I am satisfied that Mr. Dziekanski went into cardiac arrest first, then went unconscious, and finally showed signs of cyanosis, all within 75 seconds of being handcuffed."

De Jong was prompt to appoint special prosecutor Richard Peck to look into possible criminal charges against the four Mounties.

"There was misconduct here and that reflects badly [on the RCMP]," said de Jong.

"The human dimension in this is staggering, that someone would be lost within an airport for hours, separated by a glass door forever from one of his loved ones."

The stark images on the Pritchard film, of the police behaviour and a man's death, had enormous impact, said De Jong.


"Many people [not just in B.C.] remember where they were at the time the film was shown," he said.

"We are welcoming and one of the friendliest countries in the world -- we didn't display it that day."


Appendix 6b

“No one but a moron (RCMP Commissioner William Elliott) overlooks the import of an e-mail like this in the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski”

The case involving the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski warrants an additional chapter to see the extent of the lies by the RCMP to cover-up.

As noted, “we have seen often-quoted Mountie mouthpiece Cpl. Dale Carr tell the Braidwood inquiry that top RCMP brass made a deliberate decision not to correct misinformation RCMP had given to the media about Dziekanski’s death.”1

In fact, “e-mail suggests four RCMP Officers committed perjury while senior officers sat silent,”2 specifically suggests Mounties planned to deploy Taser before they arrived at YVR, contrary to their testimony.3

As reported, “after months of outrage about the conduct of the four Mounties who responded to Vancouver Airport Oct. 14, 2007, who can believe that at the last minute, a federal lawyer would produce what many would consider a smoking gun -- an e-mail saying the officers decided to use the Taser before confronting the Polish immigrant?”4

“If true, the Nov. 5, 2007, e-mail titled "Media strategy -- release of the YVR video," from RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to assistant commissioner Al McIntyre, establishes the four have been lying through their teeth. This critical document suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did so.”5

"The documents that have just come to our attention include a critical e- mail from very high up in the RCMP chain of command, disclosing that the officers decided in a premeditated way, en route to the scene.”6

Even the RCMP lawyers apparently lie?

“Lawyer Helen Roberts, who represents the RCMP at the inquiry, offered a tearful apology to inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood, a retired judge, for not disclosing the e-mail sooner.”7

“Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to the public inquiry into Dziekanski's death for failing to disclose what appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence.”8

Robert’s crocodile tears don’t wash!


“If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mother's pain, I would be moved -- but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think they were crocodile tears.”9

"I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," Braidwood said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this inquiry's work."10

"It should have been disclosed much, much sooner ... months and months ago."11

"It's a stunning turn of events," Don Rosenbloom, the lawyer representing the government of Poland at the inquiry.12

Rosenbloom said the 11th-hour disclosure "is totally inconsistent with testimony given under oath" and goes to the heart of the issue of police fabrication. During the hearing, he said, "we were alleging [the four Mounties] were fabricating their story."13

The RCMP fabrication was, in fact, true!

Dziekanski's mother told reporters she was surprised and angry about the e-mail being released so late. She suggested there had been a "coverup."14

"This is the kind of evidence someone should have known would have important consequences," said Walter Kosteckyj, the lawyer representing Dziekanski's mother at the inquiry.15

He said he had spent the last two weeks preparing his final arguments for the inquiry, only to find not all the evidence has been heard.16

The RCMP lawyer tries to white-wash the facts?

David Butcher, the lawyer representing Const. Bill Bentley, one of the four Mounties involved in the in-custody death, said Bent's e-mail was hearsay and not credible evidence.17

B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong said he was concerned about the new development, "the possibility that new evidence may be emerging at this late date is troubling, and I'm sure very troubling for the commission itself," he said.18

"Commissions of this sort, and really our system of justice, rely on all witnesses who give evidence under oath to provide truthful and honest answers."19


Incredibly, Commissioner William Elliott's carefully parsed press release was equally unbelievable: "This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in an exercise of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur."20

Elliott a moron, as cited, “no one but a moron overlooks the import of an e-mail like this” [see Appendix 7a – 7c].21

That was not an "oversight." It was professional incompetence or a cover- up.22

Paul Kennedy, the chairman of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, using a news conference in Vancouver, took some well-aimed verbal shots at stagnant RCMP culture, especially its notorious, self-destructive resistance to change. It is a “massively inert” organization, he said, and that must not stand.23


1. RCMP admissions in Dziekanski Taser death are troubling. By Damian Inwood, Wed, Apr 22 2009. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cIe04eO43_QJ:co mmunities.canada.com/theprovince/blogs/lordoftherings/archive/2009/04/ 22/rcmp-admissions-in-dziekanski-taser-death-are-troubling-for- vancouver-2010-security-watchers.aspx+Now,+we+have+seen+often- quoted+Mountie+mouthpiece+Cpl.+Dale+Carr+tell+the+Braidwood+inqu iry&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

2. E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior Officers Sat Silent. Contributed on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ae1cCKW4u6cJ: mostlywater.org/email_suggests_four_rcmp_officers_committed_perjury_ while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

3. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. http://www2.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=1716658

4 - 5. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Column+Mounties+Tasering+sh... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ae1cCKW4u6cJ: mostlywater.org/email_suggests_four_rcmp_officers_committed_perjury_ while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


6 - 7. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. http://www2.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=1716658

8 - 9. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Column+Mounties+Tasering+sh... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ae1cCKW4u6cJ: mostlywater.org/email_suggests_four_rcmp_officers_committed_perjury_ while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

10 - 19. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. http://www2.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=1716658

20 - 22. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Column+Mounties+Tasering+sh... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ae1cCKW4u6cJ: mostlywater.org/email_suggests_four_rcmp_officers_committed_perjury_ while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

Also see Appendix 7a – 7c about RCMP Commissioner William Elliott being called a ‘moron’.

23. RCMP watchdog goes out firing with Dziekanski report. Posted: December 08, 2009, 6:35 PM by Ron Nurwisah. By Brian Hutchinson, National Post. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fullcomment/archive/2009/12/08 /rcmp-watchdog-goes-out-firing-with-dziekanski-report.aspx


Appendix 7a

Damning e-mail suggests the four RCMP officers committed perjury and that senior RCMP officers sat silent while they did

Column: Mounties in Tasering should face prosecution: Damning e-mail suggests the four RCMP officers committed perjury and that senior RCMP officers sat silent while they did By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Column+Mounties+Tasering+sh...

Cited here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ae1cCKW4u6cJ: mostlywater.org/email_suggests_four_rcmp_officers_committed_perjury_ while_senior_officers_sat_silent+Ian+Mulgrew+%22Damning+e- mail+suggests+the+four+officers+committed+perjury%22&cd=1&hl=en &ct=clnk&gl=ca

The Braidwood Inquiry into the Taser-related death of Robert Dziekanski has been blown up and left in ruins by the revelation a key RCMP e-mail was withheld from the commission.

After months of outrage about the conduct of the four Mounties who responded to Vancouver Airport Oct. 14, 2007, who can believe that at the last minute, a federal lawyer would produce what many would consider a smoking gun -- an e-mail saying the officers decided to use the Taser before confronting the Polish immigrant?

If true, the Nov. 5, 2007, e-mail titled "Media strategy -- release of the YVR video," from RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to assistant commissioner Al McIntyre, establishes the four have been lying through their teeth.

This critical document suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did so. Worse, it seems there are many other documents that have not been turned over that may be relevant.

This e-mail was one of 260 documents on a CD sent by the RCMP to the justice department last April, yet the federal lawyers didn't open the CD until last week.

Last week? Evidence delivered in April didn't get opened until last week?

What? 49

Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to the public inquiry into Dziekanski's death for failing to disclose what appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence.

If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mother's pain, I would be moved -- but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think they were crocodile tears.

Commissioner William Elliott's carefully parsed press release was equally unbelievable: "This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in an exercise of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur."

Bollocks. No one but a moron overlooks the import of an e-mail like this.

The officers deny the explosive content is true and Roberts says Bent was wrong in what he said. But their protestations ring hollow after almost 18 months of bluster and denial. So does Elliott's threadbare these-things- happen excuse.

The situation is as bad as the most virulent critics of the Mounties feared. This is no longer about four officers who made mistakes in judgment: It's about an organization that thinks it is above the law.

"I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," an upset Braidwood said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this inquiry's work."


Braidwood says his inquiry will resume on Sept. 22 after commission lawyers have time to review the e-mail, conduct an investigation and perhaps call the senior Mounties to testify about the document.

I think not.

There was a time when I thought Oct. 14, 2007 was the day that would live in the annals of RCMP infamy, but June 19, 2009 has eclipsed the tragedy of Dziekanski's death.

On Friday, a country's faith in a once proud, once revered institution died.

We have left the realm of how to regulate Taser use and the circumstances of Dziekanski's death and entered the world of criminal conduct -- which is beyond Braidwood's provincially rooted authority to investigate.


If we needed any prod to reopen the decision not to prosecute these officers, we now have been given it.

It is time to thank commissioner Braidwood for his excellent work in bringing these unsettling facts to light and it's time to appoint a special prosecutor.

The B.C. Law Society should also begin an investigation into the conduct of Roberts and any other federal lawyer involved in this staggering lack of disclosure.

That was not an "oversight." It was professional incompetence or a cover- up.


Appendix 7b

E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury

E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior Officers Sat Silent By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun Contributed by blackandred on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm. In sections: British Columbia Canada Accountability Rights Security apparatus Startling New Email Halts Inquiry

Cited here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ae1cCKW4u6cJ: mostlywater.org/email_suggests_four_rcmp_officers_committed_perjury_ while_senior_officers_sat_silent+Ian+Mulgrew+%22Damning+e- mail+suggests+the+four+officers+committed+perjury%22&cd=1&hl=en &ct=clnk&gl=ca

Suggests Mounties planned to deploy Taser before they arrived at YVR, contrary to their testimony

A shocking e-mail found last week brought the Braidwood inquiry to a sudden halt Friday and may result in the most senior RCMP officers in B.C. being required to testify.

The e-mail, sent by RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to Assistant Commissioner Al Macintyre suggested for the first time that the four Mounties who responded to a call at Vancouver's airport planned to use a Taser on Robert Dziekanski, who died at the airport on Oct. 14, 2007, after he was Tasered five times.

Under the subject line "Media Strategy - Release of YVR video," the e- mail, dated Nov. 5, 2007, said: "Finally spoke to [Supt.] Wayne [Rideout] and he indicated that the members did not articulate that they saw the symptoms of excited delirium, but instead had discussed the response en route and decided that if he did not comply that they would go to CEW [conducted energy weapon]."

Lawyers for the four RCMP officers involved in the fatal incident said Friday their clients deny they formulated a plan to use a Taser on Dziekanski.

The officers testified at the inquiry they arrived in separate police cars and had no discussion beforehand.


Alex Pringle, a lawyer representing Rideout, who was in charge of investigating Dziekanski's death, appeared at the inquiry Friday and read a statement from his client, which said Bent's e-mail was in error. Pringle said it was a "misunderstanding of a conversation I had with him."

Lawyer Helen Roberts, who represents the RCMP at the inquiry, offered a tearful apology to inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood, a retired judge, for not disclosing the e-mail sooner.

She also said Bent was mistaken in his e-mail and that the officers did not plan to use the Taser. She offered to have senior Mounties testify.

"I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," Braidwood said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this inquiry's work."

The e-mail will have to be investigated and further hearings may be required, the commissioner said.

He ordered the inquiry adjourned until Sept. 22. The delay was due to summer plans already made by many of the lawyers involved in the inquiry, he added.

Friday was supposed to be the start of final submissions by lawyers representing various parties, including the four Mounties involved in the in-custody death.

Commission counsel Art Vertlieb told the inquiry that the new e-mail was disclosed Tuesday by lawyers for the federal justice department, which represents the RCMP.

"It should have been disclosed much, much sooner ... months and months ago," Vertlieb later told reporters, adding he was "upset and frustrated" by the last-minute disclosure.

He said he didn't know whether the RCMP disclosed the e-mail to Crown counsel before a decision was made that no criminal charges were warranted against the four officers.

Vertlieb told the inquiry that the Bent e-mail was among 260 documents on a CD sent by the RCMP to the justice department in April, just before RCMP media relations officers testified at the inquiry about the botched handling of information released to the media in the days after Dziekanski's death.

He said the federal lawyers didn't open the CD until last week, discovering the Bent e-mail and other documents.


"It's a stunning turn of events," Don Rosenbloom, the lawyer representing the government of Poland at the inquiry, told reporters after the commissioner ordered the three-month adjournment.

"The documents that have just come to our attention include a critical e- mail from very high up in the RCMP chain of command, disclosing that the officers decided in a premeditated way, en route to the scene, to use the Taser if Mr. Dziekanski did not comply."

Rosenbloom said the 11th-hour disclosure "is totally inconsistent with testimony given under oath" and goes to the heart of the issue of police fabrication.

During the hearing, he said, "we were alleging [the four Mounties] were fabricating their story."

Dziekanski's mother told reporters she was surprised and angry about the e-mail being released so late. She suggested there had been a "coverup."

"This is the kind of evidence someone should have known would have important consequences," said Walter Kosteckyj, the lawyer representing Dziekanski's mother at the inquiry.

He said he had spent the last two weeks preparing his final arguments for the inquiry, only to find not all the evidence has been heard.

David Butcher, the lawyer representing Const. Bill Bentley, one of the four Mounties involved in the in-custody death, said Bent's e-mail was hearsay and not credible evidence.

"The chief superintendent is simply wrong," he said.

The late disclosure of the e-mail was the result of an oversight, RCMP Commissioner William Elliott said in a statement issued Friday.

"We have produced thousands of documents to our legal counsel for their review and for them to transmit all relevant material to the commission," Elliott said, pointing out that it was the RCMP that brought the Bent e- mail to the attention of the inquiry commissioner on Friday.

"Commissioner Braidwood was informed that a specific document was not provided and he himself accepted the government of Canada's sincere apologies for this oversight," Elliott's statement said.


"The RCMP wants all of the facts surrounding this tragic event to be known so that we can learn as much as possible and make any further required changes to the RCMP's policies and practices."

B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong said he was concerned about the new development.

"The possibility that new evidence may be emerging at this late date is troubling, and I'm sure very troubling for the commission itself," he said.

"Commissions of this sort, and really our system of justice, rely on all witnesses who give evidence under oath to provide truthful and honest answers."

Whether the testimony in the Dziekanski inquiry has been truthful will be up to Braidwood to decide, de Jong said. It will be up to Braidwood to assess the new evidence and determine its relevance before making his findings, he said, adding that it was too early to comment on the possible fallout from Friday's events.

The attorney-general said it would be premature to comment on whether criminal charges against the four officers should be reconsidered.

"I'm not going to rule anything in or out. I am going to wait with keen interest for Mr. Braidwood's report."

Dziekanski, who spoke no English, had travelled for 24 hours from Poland and spent about 10 hours at the airport, unable to find his mother, who went home to Kamloops after being told by officials that her son couldn't be found.

The 40-year-old man eventually started throwing around furniture, prompting a bystander to call 911.

Seconds after four Mounties arrived, Dziekanski was Tasered. He died at the scene.


Appendix 7c

The RCMP had decided to electrocute him before they even saw him

They had decided to electrocute him before they even saw him Rusty Idols,New Democrats Online http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7K66KZTx4z8J: newdemocratsonline.ca/node/20701+%E2%80%9Cno+one+but+a+moron +overlooks+the+import+of+an+e- mail+like+this%E2%80%9D&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

In the car on the way to the airport as revealed in an email the government finally revealed on what was supposed to be the last day of the Braidwood Commission.

And you thought the RCMP's behavior couldn't look any worse.

This e-mail was one of 260 documents on a CD sent by the RCMP to the justice department last April, yet the federal lawyers didn’t open the CD until last week.

Last week? Evidence delivered in April didn’t get opened until last week?


Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to the public inquiry into Dziekanski’s death for failing to disclose what appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence.

If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mother’s pain, I would be moved — but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think they were crocodile tears.

Commissioner William Elliott’s carefully parsed press release was equally unbelievable: “This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in an exercise of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur.”

Bollocks. No one but a moron overlooks the import of an e-mail like this.

The officers deny the explosive content is true and Roberts says Bent was wrong in what he said. But their protestations ring hollow after almost 18 months of bluster and denial. So does Elliott’s threadbare these-things- happen excuse.


The situation is as bad as the most virulent critics of the Mounties feared. This is no longer about four officers who made mistakes in judgment: It’s about an organization that thinks it is above the law.


Chapter 9

RCMP Taser Hospitalized 82-Year-Old Man

As cited, “in May 2008, at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, an RCMP officer used a taser on 82 year old Frank Lasser while he was in his hospital bed. He was reportedly ‘delirious’ and wielding a knife.”1

Yep, there’s the RCMP they’ve got this 82 year old guy “dead-to-rights” he can’t move!

Way to go RCMP, you’ve got your man!

Job well done ‘eh’ boys?

This is something you can sure brag about over your next donut run?

As further cited, “according to CBC News, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), responded to a call at the Royal Inland Hospital after a delirious patient pulled a knife on a nurse. The man was back in bed when the RCMP arrived and they tasered him in his bed.”2

“Frank Lasser, 82, was in the hospital with pneumonia. Because of a previous heart surgery, he is required to carry oxygen at all times and Lasser told CBC News that he becomes delusional when he cannot breathe properly, which is what he says happened on Saturday.”3

"I was laying on the bed by then and the corporal came in, or the sergeant, I forget which it was, and said to the guys, 'OK, get him because we got more important work to do on the street tonight,'" Lasser said.4

"And then, bang, bang, bang, three times with the taser, and I tell you, I never want that again."5

If this wasn’t so sad – it would be comical?

What is that comic police force called – oh, yes – the “Keystone Cops”?

That what these “idiot” RCMP officers were in this situation -- “Keystone Cops”?

Lasser, who is an ex-prison guard, believes that the three RCMP Mounties could have "easily" handled him without the taser and he asserts, "They could have gone in there and taken an old man without any trouble at all."6


As further emphasized, “Frank Lasser, 82, says RCMP officers could have subdued him without resorting to using a Taser gun.”7

“Frank Lasser, 82, appeared fragile Thursday when he showed the Taser marks on his body and talked about the ordeal he went through Saturday.”8

"They [police] should have known I had bypass surgery," Lasser told CBC News.9

Here’s a couple more stories about these big, brave RCMP?

As cited in B.C. police charged after Taser used on man 73, “a Taser was used on a 73-year-old man, resulting in charges against … a Mountie from Surrey … in connection with a 73-year-old man who was jolted with a Taser after being arrested under the Mental Health Act.”10

“The incident happened in April when police responded to a call of a man with a knife causing a disturbance at a home. The man was taken to hospital, where he was stunned once by an RCMP Taser and suffered facial injuries, police said.”11

That’s it, wait till the guy is restrained in hospital and then taser him?

In another incident, as ited in Coquitlam RCMP officers charged with assault, “the incident allegedly occurred last June 17, when Const. Marko Duran, 38, and Const. Trevor Doylend, 33, were conducting a radar speed trap on Prairie Avenue in Port Coquitlam.”12

“ The officers flagged a vehicle over and were issuing a ticket when an altercation ensued. The driver was removed from his vehicle by Duran, with assistance by Doylend, police said.”13

“ In reviewing the file, the officers' supervisor had some concerns about the arrest and reviewed an audio/videotape of the incident from the camera inside the police cruiser.”14

“ A criminal investigation was then launched, resulting in an assault charge being laid against both officers.”15

“No charges were recommended against the driver, who did not file a complaint with police.”16

In other words, the driver did nothing?


Incredibly, “Doylend, who has four years of service, remains on duty with Coquitlam RCMP Traffic Services.”17


So he can assault another motorist?

In one more incident, B.C. RCMP officer charged with assault, “a B.C. Mountie appears in court next month to face a charge stemming from an alleged 2008 assault.”18

“Const. Mike Cardinal, of the Ridge-Meadows RCMP detachment, is alleged to have assaulted a male during an arrest after several officers responded to a report of a noisy party in the Metro Vancouver city of Coquitlam Feb 21, 2008.”19

“ The complainant claims Cardinal hit him on the face with a flashlight. The man was treated at the scene by paramedics and then taken to police cells where he was later released without charge.”20

Another case of the man doing nothing?

“Cardinal, who has remained on active duty since the alleged assault, is scheduled to appear in court June 14.”21

“He's the second B.C. Mountie to face assault charges in a month after Const. Imran Saeed of Surrey was hit with a third assault charge related to two incidents three months apart last year.”22

“They occurred while he was on duty and involve an accusation that Saeed assaulted a woman after he stopped her for a traffic violation.”23

What about this nonsense?

As cited in RCMP will not probe allegations in B.C., although “the RCMP in Terrace, B.C. face serious allegations from community members, according to the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, the RCMP says it cannot investigate allegations outlined in a B.C. Civil Liberties Association report released Wednesday.”24

Although “the report cites numerous allegations of excessive force, racial profiling, and abuse of authority by RCMP in Terrace … accounts of false arrest, assaults, illegal seizures and the use of "stress positions" on people accused of being drunk ... the RCMP said it will not investigate the claims.”25


That’s it, don’t look into any allegations that could make the RCMP look even worse than they are?

As if that’s possible?


1. Royal Inland Hospital Taser Incident: Chronology of the October Crisis, 1970, and its Aftermath Claude Bélanger, Department of History, Marianopolis College. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ujejcj_ck3oJ:fac ulty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/chronos/october.htm+197 7+Keable+Inquiry&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

2 - 6. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Taser Hospitalized 82-Year-Old Man By Susan Duclos. http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/254480

7 - 9. RCMP subdue hospitalized man, 82, with Taser Last Updated: Thursday, May 8, 2008 CBC News http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2008/05/08/bc- kamloops-man-taser.html

10 - 11. B.C. police charged after Taser used on man, 73 CBC News Last Updated: Monday, October 25, 2010 http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/10/25/bc-taser- surrey-rcmp-assault.html

12 - 17. Coquitlam RCMP officers charged with assault Neal Hall, Vancouver Sun: Tuesday, January 4, 2011 http://www.globaltvbc.com/world/Coquitlam+RCMP+officers+charged+ with+assault/4059116/story.html

18 - 23. B.C. RCMP officer charged with assault CBC News Last Updated: Friday, May 28, 2010 http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/05/28/bc-rcmp- officer-assault-charge.html

24 - 25. RCMP will not probe allegations in B.C. CBC News Last Updated: Wednesday, February 9, 2011


http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2011/02/08/bc-terrace- rcmp-excessive-force-allegations.html


Chapter 10

Nanaimo RCMP officer says “How come every chick I arrest lately refuses to put clothes on and they’re the ones you never want to see naked”

RCMP officers are allowed to use online blogs and sites but there are guidelines. Police must conduct themselves in a professional manner that does not violate a code of ethics and values.1

However, as cited, A Nanaimo RCMP officer may face disciplinary action because of comments he posted on his public Facebook page that the force calls “troubling” [see Appendix 8].2

“The online social networking site of a Nanaimo RCMP constable is being reviewed by an RCMP professional standards unit. The Facebook musings of the Mountie, 26, could also trigger an internal RCMP code of conduct investigation.”3

Public posts on the Facebook page by this Nanaimo RCMP officer include: “Night shift and St. Paddy’s Day, can’t wait to drop kick all the drunk idiots”.4

Other postings by this Nanaimo RCMP officer include: “Bar watch shift tonight, I’m gonna catch me a ginger”.5

Other postings by this Nanaimo RCMP officer include: “How come every chick I arrest lately refuses to put clothes on and they’re the ones you never want to see naked”.6

“Obviously, from what I have seen, the conduct does fall short of what we would expect,” said RCMP E Division spokeswoman Cpl. Annie Linteau on Friday. “If there’s a perception you’re a police officer, you have to conduct yourself in a way that’s respectful and professional.”7

No kidding?

One must ask: are these RCMP officers properly ‘psychologically’ assessed before becoming RCMP officers?8

As far as the author is concerned, nothing but an “idiot” would put this stuff on face book – especially someone holding a responsible position as an RCMP officer?


What this guy should have possibly put on Facebook is “I’m an RCMP officer and I’m a moron for putting this crap on Facebook”?

As cited, “this officer is now working in B.C., but you have to remember that every single RCMP officer once lived in Regina, even the unprofessional ones.”9

One has to ask: What kind of people are in the RCMP recruitment departments when such people are approved to be an RCMP officer?10

One should also note in Appendix 8 that although his superiors told this Nanaimo to remove the “crap” from Facebook, he did not – instead he locked his Facebook page to his “friends” only?

In other words, he still has these bizarre feelings – and he still works for the RCMP?

Give us a break?


1 - 7. Nanaimo RCMP officer in trouble over Facebook posts Danielle Bell, Nanaimo, B.C. (Nanaimo Daily News) http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vYRuxcJ1BaEJ: www.rcmpwatch.com/b-c-rcmp-officer-in-trouble-over-facebook- posts/+nanaimo+rcmp+officer+drunk&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

8. Such a question was asked in: If You Like “To Catch Bad Guys” This Police Force Doesn’t Want You? What kind of “wacky” police force is that? http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search- alias%3Daps&field-keywords=mallenby#

9. RCMP officer in hot water over Facebook postings By Kevin Blevins Sun, Mar 28 2010 Best from the Newsroom http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ykt681jZjAMJ:co mmunities.canada.com/REGINALEADERPOST/blogs/bestfromthenewsr oom/archive/2010/03/28/rcmp-officer-in-hot-water-over-facebook- postings.aspx+nanaimo+rcmp+officer+drunk&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl= ca

10. Such a question was asked in: If You Like “To Catch Bad Guys” This Police Force Doesn’t Want You? What kind of “wacky” police force is that?


http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search- alias%3Daps&field-keywords=mallenby#

Also see: Nanaimo RCMP Officer M.R.W. Picard's Legacy to Canada! Threaten the victims? http://www.amazon.com/Nanaimo-Officer-M-R-W-Picards- Legacy/dp/1467962457/ref=sr_1_38?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1323852451&sr=1-38

Also see: RCMP 'Psychologist' Neil Anderson's Legacy to 'Honesty': Don't tell the applicant our secret? http://www.amazon.com/RCMP-Psychologist-Andersons-Legacy- Honesty/dp/1467953040/ref=sr_1_37?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1322849166&sr=1- 37


Appendix 8

B.C. RCMP officer in trouble over Facebook posts

RCMP Watch Who is keeping them accountable?

B.C. RCMP officer in trouble over Facebook posts Danielle Bell, Nanaimo, B.C. (Nanaimo Daily News) http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vYRuxcJ1BaEJ: www.rcmpwatch.com/b-c-rcmp-officer-in-trouble-over-facebook- posts/+nanaimo+rcmp+officer+drunk&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

A Nanaimo RCMP officer may face disciplinary action because of comments he posted on his public Facebook page that the force calls “troubling.”

The online social networking site of a Nanaimo RCMP constable is being reviewed by an RCMP professional standards unit. The Facebook musings of the Mountie, 26, could also trigger an internal RCMP code of conduct investigation, but police officials said it is too early to speculate.

The Nanaimo Daily News has chosen not to reveal the officer’s name. Public posts on the Facebook page include: “Night shift and St. Paddy’s Day, can’t wait to drop kick all the drunk idiots”; “Bar watch shift tonight, I’m gonna catch me a ginger”; and “How come every chick I arrest lately refuses to put clothes on and they’re the ones you never want to see naked.”

The officer has since locked his Facebook page to anyone but his “friends” when advised by his superiors to remove the offensive content.

RCMP officers are allowed to use online blogs and sites but there are guidelines. Police must conduct themselves in a professional manner that does not violate a code of ethics and values.

“Obviously, from what I have seen, the conduct does fall short of what we would expect,” said RCMP E Division spokeswoman Cpl. Annie Linteau on Friday. “If there’s a perception you’re a police officer, you have to conduct yourself in a way that’s respectful and professional.”

Sanctions imposed after an internal code of conduct review could range from a written reprimand to dismissal.


The officer says he knows his posts were in poor judgment. He said he was joking among friends and did not mean to offend anyone.

“I’ve got a stressful job and the way I deal with it is I use humour,” said the constable. “It’s obviously pretty stupid to post that stuff on there. I didn’t intend it to go out in the public.”

The widespread use of online social networking sites has raised issues around public and private personas, especially when those may clash with professional roles. Reports of job-seekers being dismissed over content on their Facebook pages have surfaced several times.

“It’s disappointing to hear if a police officer wouldn’t have the judgment to understand the impacts of their statements. Joking or not joking,” said Randall Craig, author of Online PR and Social Media for Experts.

“There’s no problem with police officers or anyone using these tools. Recognize its public, transparent and everyone’s accountable.”


Chapter 11

“Perverts, sexual deviants occupy top RCMP ranks”

As cited in “Perverts, Sexual Deviants Occupy Top RCMP Ranks”1[see Appendix 11], “allegations Say Some Top Officers Constantly Harassed Women Officers For Sex, Blackmailed Some Trainees Into Sexual Submission – Their Punishment A Slap On The Wrist If Caught!”2

“The LINK did its own investigation and found one case of a recent Indo-Canadian woman RCMP trainee – who was married before she began her training but has filed for divorce since becoming an officer.”3

“The husband, who did not want his name disclosed, says that his wife most likely had an affair with her superiors or was coerced into ‘sexual submission’, which led to his wife becoming cold and distant.”4

“He said he’s devastated. And given the recent shocking allegations of sexual harassment and abuse – he blames the RCMP for ruining his life and tearing his family apart.”5

“Serious allegations of sexual harassment, blackmailing trainees into sexual submission and corruption have come to light against top RCMP officers, some of whom were involved in the expensive Air India investigation, which was dodged by failure on the part of the force, as well as another troubling investigation of sex-killer Robert Willy Pickton.”6

“More female members of the RCMP in British Columbia have come forward with serious allegations of harassment following CBC News’s shocking revelations of well-known Mountie spokeswoman Cpl. Catherine Galliford ’s claims she suffered from years of sexual harassment.”7

“On Monday, CBC News revealed Cpl. Catherine Galliford has filed an internal RCMP complaint alleging repeated sexual harassment from some of her supervisors.”8

“Galliford said she experienced six to 10 incidents of harassment or sexual harassment, including one occasion in which a superior showed her his genitals and asked if a mole on his penis was ‘cute’.”9

“Earlier, during the Air India investigation, she said she was dragged along on pointless trips to Eastern Canada to meet with victims’ families. She said there was no news to impart, but her superior used the road trips as an opportunity to try to have sex with her.”10


“Following Galliford’s explosive allegations, Krista Carle contacted CBC News, breaking her own long silence.”11

“I know for a fact there are at least six women that I know [who] have left the force or are still in that have suffered harassment,” Carle said. “I’m sure there are others who are afraid to come forward for fear of reprisals.”12

“Carle, who graduated from the RCMP’s training academy with Galliford in 1991, says she was harassed and sexually assaulted. She is now off the job and says she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.” 13

“RCMP management tried to cover up the problems when she complained, Carle told CBC News.”14

“When I spoke out against the harassment, it wasn’t taken seriously and I felt diminished and I felt re-victimized every time I told what happened to me,” she said.15

“Carle is one of four women officers who have sued the RCMP, saying they were sexually assaulted by undercover Sgt. Robert Blundell in the late 1990s.”16

The women worked for Blundell on undercover investigations in Calgary from 1994 to 1997. According to the statement of claim, they were “individually and separately sexually assaulted and harassed by Sgt. Blundell.”17

“The case was eventually settled in 2007 with all parties agreeing to keep the terms of the settlement secret.”18

Current author’s note: The “little guy” has never kept his successful suit of the RCMP secret.

The “little guy” has maintained for years there are a lot of “lying bastards in the RCMP [and Canadian Government] and incidents like those appearing in this book confirm his sentiments to be absolutely true!

“Recently an Ottawa RCMP sergeant admitted to internal charges of disgraceful conduct after he had sex with one secretary and made advances toward another.”19

“Sgt. Daniel F. Marquis, posted to the force’s immigration and policing unit, has been docked eight days pay under the RCMP Act. He was docked three days’ pay for having sex with an underling, and five days’ pay for trying to kiss another secretary after calling her to a private meeting in a headquarters conference room.”20

Current author’s note: Another “slap on the wrist” for another RCMP pervert?


“The next disgraceful conduct case against Marquis involved another secretary in his unit.”21

“For his perverted indiscretions, Marquis only received 8 days docked pay. What a disgrace.”22

As further noted, “Sexual harassment of women thrives in environments that are male dominated, hierarchal and demand strict adherence to codes of silence like the RCMP,” said MacDougall, noting female officers are afraid to speak up.23

MacDougall adds that “police are not an option for women in this crisis.”24

“Female police officers are incredible public servants and the general public is only starting to hear about the harassment that we go through,” said Galliford, former RCMP spokeswoman for the Missing Women Task Force. “It can break you, and then if you need help, it’s very hard to find.”25

“The RCMP’s employee ‘assistance’ program was of no help and even leaked her medical files to the RCMP, said Galliford, who now has good medical support.”26

In a 115-page statement to RCMP Internal Affairs Insp. Paul Darbyshire, Galliford said she documented the sexual harassment she experienced from top RCMP.”27

An RCMP boss insisted she go along on road trips to visit victims’ families “and then he’d turn into Octopus-Man in a hotel room at night,” she said.28

Galliford named another female officer who had to physically fight off “an attempted rape” by the same officer. Female civilians also were targeted.29

Galliford is also haunted by the fact that senior officers appeared to know that now- convicted serial killer Robert Pickton was a “prime suspect” in the murder of Downtown Eastside sex workers at his Port Coquitlam pig farm.30

Footnotes 1 – 22. Perverts, Sexual Deviants Occupy Top RCMP Ranks – New Allegations Suggest Saturday, November 12th, 2011 http://thelinkpaper.ca/?p=11604

23. Female RCMP officers’ accounts of sexual harassment in force prompt new hotline By Suzanne Fournier, The Province November 25, 2011 http://www.theprovince.com/news/Female+RCMP+officers+accounts+sexual+harass ment+force+prompt+hotline/5763916/story.html


Also see: Black Balled by Manitoba Government for making sex-discrimination complaint http://www.amazon.com/BLACK-BALLED-Manitoba-Government-sex- discrimination/dp/1466480890/ref=sr_1_32?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1320313966& sr=1-32

Also see: Walking amongst the cannibals! Watching out for the sharks? http://www.amazon.com/Walking-amongst-cannibals-Watching- sharks/dp/146647291X/ref=sr_1_30?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1320314090&sr=1-30

Also see: Is slavery alive and well in Canada? There is absolutely no protection for female employees against vindictive employers! http://www.amazon.com/slavery-alive-well- Canada/dp/146623802X/ref=sr_1_21?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1319498263&sr=1- 21

24 – 30. Female RCMP officers’ accounts of sexual harassment in force prompt new hotline By Suzanne Fournier, The Province November 25, 2011 http://www.theprovince.com/news/Female+RCMP+officers+accounts+sexual+harass ment+force+prompt+hotline/5763916/story.html

See also: Were these RCMP officers just being "BOYS"? Or was it very close to "RAPE"? http://www.amazon.com/Were-these-RCMP-officers- being/dp/1468089110/ref=sr_1_45?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1324291319&sr=1-45

See also: The New RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson:: Closes door on "sexual perverts" already in the RCMP? http://www.amazon.com/New-RCMP-Commissioner-Bob- Paulson/dp/1468092308/ref=sr_1_46?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1324291389&sr=1- 46


Appendix 11

Perverts, Sexual Deviants Occupy Top RCMP Ranks – New Allegations Suggest Saturday, November 12th, 2011 http://thelinkpaper.ca/?p=11604


Chapter 12

Langley RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke was charged in June with two counts of child luring

In a more recent incident, Langley RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke was charged in June with two counts of child luring for allegedly using a community police office computer to convince a 12- and 15-year-old girl to produce child pornography for him.”1

Another RCMP officer Const. Justin Harris was suspended with pay in September 2004 and accused under the RCMP Act of behaving in a "disgraceful manner,"15 “accused of having sex with underage prostitutes.”2

RCMP Const. Justin Harris “was one of nine officers in Prince George named in investigative reports alleging links to underage prostitutes.”3

“One of the women said she was between the ages of 13 and 15 when she had sex with Harris, who is now in his early 30s.”4

“That woman, who can be publicly identified only as C.C., told investigators Harris once paid her $60 for oral sex and struck her in the face when she refused to perform the act.”5

Incredibly, but quite typical of the RCMP, Const. Justin Harris “had the disciplinary charges against him thrown out because the Mounties took too long to bring their case against him.”6

Deputy RCMP Commissioner Gary Bass lifted the suspension in April and ordered Harris reinstated as a full-time RCMP officer.7

“Harris’ lawyer Reginald Harris argued the Mounties failed to meet that standard in his client’s case because senior members of the force — including assistant commissioner Gary Bass — were aware of the allegations as early as July 2002.”8

In other words, the RCMP purposefully dragged their feet so the accusations against Const. Justin Harris would go nowhere.


1 - 8. Eighty-one cases of misconduct by Mounties. By The Vancouver Sun October 15, 2006. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=f6b8fe2d- 73


Also see: Suspended Mountie to return to duty. By The Vancouver Sun July 10, 2007. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/westcoastnews/story.html?id =5d9f4899-2a62-470a-b57b-e1d09a61ac79

Also see: RCMP scandals and setbacks since 2006. Globe and Mail Update. Published on Thursday, Mar. 29, 2007, Last updated on Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2009. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/article750473.ece

Also see: Disciplinary charges dropped against ‘disgraced’ Mountie October 5/2006, page A7 of Victoria Times Colonist http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:P4XJxz4LNhwJ: www.bcrevolution.ca/rcmp_covering_up_child_abuse.htm+sexual+assault s+committed+by+rcmp&cd=11&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

Also see: Best of the worst of Mountie misconduct. Posted: December 12, 2009 by Daniel Kaszor. National Post. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XErUwmcdhEAJ :network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posted/archive/2009/12/12/best-of- the-worst-of-mountie- misconduct.aspx+rcmp+disgraceful+behaviour+2010+Winter+Games&cd =6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


Chapter 13

RCMP Gary Stevens guilty of sexually assaulting two teenage girls

In another incident, “RCMP officer James Douglas Macleod was charged with sexual assault after allegedly raping a woman at a Super Bowl party in Maple Ridge in February 2005.”1

In yet another incident, RCMP officer “Gary Stevens is sentenced to 18 months in jail for sexually assaulting two teenage girls … Mr. Stevens pleaded guilty to attacking a girl in Vancouver in the early 1990s, and a girl in Terrace in 2004.”2

Again, “two RCMP officers based in Watson Lake, Yukon, have been charged with sexual assault following an attack on a woman earlier this week … A woman told police she was sexually assaulted.”3

"It's obvious people are going to be very concerned," said Kevin Brosseau, the commission's senior director of operations.4

No kidding Brosseau!

Court documents obtained Thursday by CBC News show the two RCMP officers to be Graham Belak, 29, and Shawn McLaughlin, 32.5

“And on July 11, 2005, Sgt. Dean Meikle of Richmond was docked two days pay and urged to attend harassment training after inappropriately touching several female colleagues at staff parties.”6

In another incident, in February 2005, an RCMP constable attended a Super Bowl party at a suburban Vancouver residence where at “the constable had sexual intercourse with an unconscious adult woman who had been drugged at the party.”7

“His decision to take advantage of a woman in this state demonstrates a fundamental flaw in his character that renders him unfit to perform the duties of a police officer.”8

In yet another incident, “Saskatchewan RCMP Constable Thierry Jacques was sentenced to three years in jail for sexually assaulting a female prisoner while she was in custody.”9

“A judge found him guilty of taking the 26-year-old woman from her cell and sexually assaulting her in the garage at the La Ronge RCMP detachment on Sept. 4, 2004.”10


As cited, RCMP Const. Thierry Jacques “left court Thursday in leg shackles after being sentenced to three years in a penitentiary for sexually assaulting a female prisoner in the garage of a northern police detachment.”11

“Jacques, 32, will have his name on the national sex offender registry for 20 years and has also been ordered to provide a DNA sample for the national databank.”12

“Justice Duane Koch found Jacques took the 24-year-old aboriginal woman from her detention cell at the La Ronge RCMP detachment on the pretext of having a cigarette in the adjoining garage.”13

“When they were alone, he told the woman to lift her shirt so he could touch her breasts, which she did while he masturbated and ejaculated on her. A white shirt belonging to the victim and stained with semen matching Jacques's DNA was entered into court as evidence during the trial.”14

"He (Jacques) has managed to destroy some of the bridges built between police and aboriginal people. He has created a rift and mistrust," said Crown prosecutor Inez Cardinal.15

“The sentence is exactly what Cardinal requested, saying it "sends the appropriate message to the public" that police misconduct is a serious offence to be dealt with harshly.”16

What about all the RCMP officers who get off with a slap on the wrist, loss of pay?

"This was a serious, serious breach of trust," she said. "He was on duty, dressed in full uniform complete with gun in his holster. She was a young woman in custody, vulnerable, with nowhere to go and no ability to defend herself against his advances."17

Portions of a victim impact statement, read into the record by Cardinal, spoke of flashbacks that have left the woman "tormented and ashamed."18

In yet another case, as reported, “a former Manitoba RCMP officer is facing up to six years in prison after pleading guilty to trying to sexually assault a teen girl on a First Nation community north of Winnipeg.”19

“Benjamin Neufeldt, 26, pleaded guilty to two sex-related charges at a hearing in Winnipeg on Tuesday. He admitted to asking a 17-year-old girl to touch him sexually while he was in a position of trust over her and


forcible confinement.”20

“The charges stemmed from an incident on the reserve 200 kilometers north of Winnipeg in August 2008. The Crown is seeking a six-year prison term for Neufeldt, while his own lawyer is seeking about 2 1/2 years behind bars.”21

“An agreed statement of facts tendered in court showed that a knife seized from Neufeldt as part of the investigation contained DNA belonging to the victim.”22

Incredibly, although this disturbing sexual assault story broke on 12 September, the newspaper had already closed reader comments.23


1. Eighty-one cases of misconduct by Mounties. By The Vancouver Sun October 15, 2006. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=f6b8fe2d- e802-4817-aefe-d0b47a086dc2&k=58373

2. RCMP scandals and setbacks since 2006. Globe and Mail Update. Published on Thursday, Mar. 29, 2007, Last updated on Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2009. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/article750473.ece

3 - 4. Two Yukon Mounties charged with sexually assaulting woman: Police force brings in observers to ensure impartial investigation. Last Updated: Wednesday, March 11, 2009. CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/north/story/2009/03/11/yukon-rcmp.html

5. Yukon Mountie charged with sexual assault is brother of NHL player. Last Updated: Thursday, March 12, 2009. CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/north/story/2009/03/12/watson-officers.html

6. Exclusive: Mounties ordered to resign. By The Vancouver Sun May 1, 2006. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=333278e5- f375-4b4c-ac0f-c8a8368b93cb&k=35814

7 - 8. Best of the worst of Mountie misconduct. Posted: December 12, 2009 by Daniel Kaszor. National Post. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:XErUwmcdhEAJ :network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posted/archive/2009/12/12/best-of- the-worst-of-mountie-


misconduct.aspx+rcmp+disgraceful+behaviour+2010+Winter+Games&cd =6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

9 - 10. RCMP scandals and setbacks since 2006. Globe and Mail Update. Published on Thursday, Mar. 29, 2007, Last updated on Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2009. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/article750473.ece

11 - 18. Ex-Mountie sent to jail. By The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon) November 3, 2006. http://www.canada.com/saskatoonstarphoenix/news/third_page/story.html ?id=fd322ecb-f2cf-4452-82d1-682cc574537c

19 - 23. Ex-Mountie facing prison for sex crime Last Updated: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, CBC News http://www.cbc.ca/canada/manitoba/story/2010/09/08/man-former-rcmp- sex-charges.html


Chapter 14

If you are a female – do not join the RCMP – “run like your hair is on fire!”

Has the RCMP ever considered any of these murders or missing persons across Canada attributable to some of their own officers?

There is a preponderance of female victims?

See this book: How Many Serial Killers Are There in Canada? Working for the RCMP? http://www.amazon.com/Many-Serial-Killers-There- Canada/dp/1467931624/ref=sr_1_35?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1322848986&sr=1-35

And with people in the RCMP as revealed in this article, is anything possible?

As cited in “Female Mountie alleges sexual harassment, calls for union or support group”1:

“A female British Columbia Mountie who was the force's public face for some of its most high-profile cases says the RCMP is accountable to no one for the treatment of its employees and a union or similar organization is needed to protect them from a culture that is badly broken.”2

“Cpl. Catherine Galliford, who was the spokeswoman on the Air India and Robert Pickton investigations, has come forward in recent days to detail shocking allegations of persistent sexual harassment during her 20 years on the force.”3

“Galliford says in an interview that she experienced six to 10 incidents of harassment or sexual harassment, including one occasion in which a superior showed her his genitals.”4

"You've reached your breaking point. You're being harassed to death. There has to be a group, a body to go to," Galliford said in a telephone interview.5

“Galliford has spent four years off the force, battling demons that have included post- traumatic stress disorder and for a while, a drinking problem. She has now filed a 115-page internal complaint.”6

“She said the harassment started almost from the beginning, when she was training at the RCMP depot in Regina and escalated to an incident when a superior showed her his penis to show her a mole. She said the pair were in a car and had pulled off of Highway 99.”7


“Galliford said a supervisor on one case she worked on would take her on road trips that included efforts to get her to have sex with him.”8

“Galliford said she wouldn't recommend any woman opt for a career in the RCMP.”9

"Don't even think about it. No. Run like your hair is on fire. There are other police departments out there. You can join Calgary. You can join Edmonton. You can join Toronto. You can join Port Moody. But do not join the RCMP."10

With so many apparently sexually twisted individuals in the RCMP, abusing female officers, showing them their “winkies”, just how many missing women or murdered woman can possibly be attributed to members of this police force, if any?

After all, just like those in Canada’s military, the RCMP are shipped all over Canada and sometimes in other parts of the world?

And, if there are any armchair detectives out there, there is page after page of missing and murdered victims cited in this book:

How Many Serial Killers Are There in Canada? Working for the RCMP? http://www.amazon.com/Many-Serial-Killers-There- Canada/dp/1467931624/ref=sr_1_35?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13228489 86&sr=1-35

And each and everyone deserves better than the RCMP have given them or their grieving loved ones!


1 - 10. Female Mountie alleges sexual harassment, calls for union or support group By: Terri Theodore and Keven Drews, Breaking News The Canadian Press - ONLINE EDITION Posted: 11/10/2011 3:01 AM http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/canada/breakingnews/female-mountie-alleges- sexual-harassment-calls-for-union-or-support-group- 133596853.html?viewAllComments=y


Chapter 15

The Canadian Forces very own Col. Russell Williams

Let’s turn our attention to this case.

As cited:

“A commander who was a rising star in Canada's military pleaded guilty Monday to the murders of two women, the sexual assaults of two others and dozens of breaking and entering charges in which he stole panties from the bedrooms of girls as young as 11.”1

“Col. Russell Williams, who once flew prime ministers and served as a pilot to Queen Elizabeth II during a visit, was the commander of Canada's largest Air Force base until he was charged earlier this year. He was photographed in January with Defense Minister Peter MacKay and Canada's top general during an inspection of a Canadian aircraft on its way to support relief efforts in Haiti. He is alleged to have killed his second victim just over a week after he appeared with MacKay.”2

“He pleaded guilty Monday to two first-degree murder charges, two sexual assaults and 82 breaking and entering charges in a Belleville, Ontario court. The 47-year-old faces an automatic sentence of life in prison with no possibility for parole for at least 25 years.”3

“Prosecutors said Williams targeted girls and women in their teens and 20s and often photographed himself in their underwear.”4

“At the sentencing hearing following his guilty plea, prosecutors showed photographs of Williams wearing a 12-year-old girl's cartoon-decorated underwear, with his genitalia protruding from them, while he was lying on her bed.”5

“Other photos showed him wearing underwear belonging to 11-year-old twins.”6

“In some of the pictures he was masturbating.”7

“People in the courtroom, many of them victims and their families, were in tears and appeared stunned.”8

“Prosecutors also said Williams videotaped the assaults and murders.”9

“He pleaded guilty to the murder of Jessica Lloyd, 27, whose body was found in February, and Marie Comeau, a 38-year-old corporal under his command


who was found dead in her home last November. Both women were asphyxiated.”10

As further reported:

“Whether his victims fought him off or complied with every perverted command he gave them, convicted sex killer Col. Russell Williams showed no mercy to the two women who begged for their lives before he brutally murdered them, court heard Tuesday.”11

“The horrifying details came on the same day court heard Williams was in his 20s when he developed a fetish for stealing women's lingerie that would culminate in murder.”12

“Williams repeatedly raped 37-year-old Comeau — who first caught his eye during a military VIP flight — after breaking into her home last November and striking her repeatedly in the head with a flashlight.”13

“He paused only to re-adjust his cameras, or to reach for the device during the attack to get a close-up shot of the rape, the court heard.”14

“After nearly two hours, Williams put a piece of duct tape over her nose, cutting off her air supply.”15

As she slumped to the floor, court heard that Comeau made a final plea: "Have a heart please. I've been really good... I want to live."16

“She died and Williams turned off the camera.”17

What a sick bastard?

As one person commented, “this is one sick Canadian bastard. I hope he burns in hell for ALL OF ETERNITY!”

Was this “rising star” ever psychologically assessed?

As further cited:

His next victim, 27-year-old Lloyd, did everything Williams asked of her in an effort not to "upset" him, the Crown said.18

“Williams broke into her Belleville home in January, tied her up and raped her repeatedly for hours.”19

“Only this time, he fastened a black zip tie around her neck and took her to his Tweed home, where he repeated the torture.”20


“Lloyd was so terrified she apologized when she failed to move into the sexual position Williams demanded. She even asked permission to lower her legs after he had raped her. It had no effect.”21

“When she started to convulse from a seizure, in extreme distress and begging for help, he calmly walked to his camera to turn it on.”22

At one point, Lloyd pleads: "If I die, will you make sure my mom knows that I love her."23

“That heart-wrenching detail, read aloud in court, left many in the room sobbing loudly.”24

“Lloyd's ordeal — which lasted almost an entire day — is documented in photos and on videotape. He even snapped a photo of her body after he has struck her and strangled her with rope, the blood from the wound pooling near her head.”25

“Once a rising star in the Canadian Armed Forces, Williams has become an outcast whose depraved actions have rocked the military to its core.”26

Again, what a dirty bastard this “rising star” was?

Because this guy was a “rising star”, how long did the Canadian Forces cover- up this guy’s indiscretions?

Surely, someone must have complained about him and / or his behavior?

Again, was this bastard ever psychologically assessed?

Are the psychologists the Canadian Forces employ well qualified?

In one particular case, it appears that a psychologist that works for the RCMP now used to apparently work for the DND:

RCMP 'Psychologist' Neil Anderson's Legacy to 'Honesty': Don't tell the applicant our secret? http://www.amazon.com/RCMP-Psychologist-Andersons-Legacy- Honesty/dp/1467953040/ref=sr_1_37?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1322849166&sr=1- 37

It appears that, instead of the required APA [American Psychological Association] and / or CPA [Canadian Psychology Association] accredited program, this guy graduated from some other program?


As cited:

“Everyone knows that if they want to make psychology a career goal, one has to obtain a recognized degree from a properly approved university.”27

The standard for America is a degree program that has been approved by the American Psychological Association and in Canada the degree program has to be approved by the Canadian Psychological Association.

In terms of at least one ‘psychologist’ employed by the RCMP28, his diploma when he received it had neither approval.29

In other words, this RCMP ‘psychologist‘ who is accessing RCMP applicants in terms of their suitability has a diploma that is neither approved by the American Psychological Association nor by the Canadian Psychological Association.

One young clean-cut RCMP applicant30 actually questioned this guy’s credentials:

RECEIVED MAY 3 1 2010 D Division HSO

25 May, 2010 Neil Anderson Newly contracted RCMP Psychologist Health Services Offices D Division Headquarters: 1091 Portage Avenue P.O. Box 5650 Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K2

Mr. Anderson,

I noticed that you are cited as having a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute (Carpinteria, California), however, aren't their programs not approved by the APA because of the distance component in them and their programs are definitely not CP A approved and if not APA or CP A approved are their degrees up to par?

Given this, I will have to question your interview with myself that occurred on 7 May at R.C.M.P., 754 Dominion, Winnipeg, MB.

Thank you


The young recruit did not receive a reply to his 25 May, 2010 letter from this guy, Neal Anderson!

You would think the RCMP [and the DND as he apparently used to work for them too] would have chosen someone with an APA or CPA approved degree?

What kind of psychologist assessed the “rising star” for the Canadian Forces, Col. Russell Williams?


1 – 10. Canadian Air Force star admits killing 2 women He pleads guilty in their deaths, assaults on 2 others and 82 break-ins By Charmaine Noronha, The Associated Press 2010-10-18 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:R0zXwvoCsw0J:toda y.msnbc.msn.com/id/39722843/ns/world_news- americas+canadian+forces+murder&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

11 – 26. Col. Williams showed no mercy as murder victims begged for their lives By: Maria Babbage, The Canadian Press Latest NewsThe Canadian Press - ONLINE EDITION Posted: 19/10/2010 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:0xTZKqc0hDsJ:ww w.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/col-russell-williams-sex-assault- victim-begged-him-not-to-post-photos-to-net- 105258028.html%3FviewAllComments%3Dy+government+covered+up+for +Col.+Russell+Williams+crimes&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

Also see: “This is one sick Canadian bastard. I hope he burns in hell for ALL OF ETERNITY!” cited in: Canadian military officer exposed as serial killer, Tuesday 19th October, 2010 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:SIiwfmrpsykJ:www.j apantoday.com/category/world/view/canadian-military-officer-exposed-as- serial-killer+cbc+news+- +the+murderer+was+a+bastard&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

27. The Very Thin Red Line: This police force is “horribly” broken. Amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/Very-Thin-Red-Line- horribly/dp/1453881891/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1288684632&s r=1-9

28. Reference to: RCMP Contracts Over $10,000


http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:scATtYgKAe4J:ww w.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/pd-dp/contra/2009-12-31/000715- eng.htm+dr.+Neal+d.+Anderson&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

Dr. Neal D. Anderson (Ph.D., C. Psych.) is a registered clinical psychologist in private practice in Manitoba. He has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute (Carpinteria, California). Reference to: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:qxzY7rDUNu4J:ww w.redladder.ca/whoarewe.htm+Pacifica+Graduate+Institute+canadian+psycho logy+association&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

29. This ‘psychologist’ has his diploma from Pacifica Graduate Institute which is neither approved by the American Psychological Association nor by the Canadian Psychological Association. Reference to: http://www.pacifica.edu/pgi_academic_formats.aspx

PAC F CA are you approved?? From: Wendy Overend ([email protected]) Sent: May 13, 2010 10:55:59 AM To: thegoodones@ Pacifica has applied to APA for consideration. Please keep an eye on our website for news and updates on the APA application process. APA is only applicable to the Ph.D. Clinical Psychology program... which is full-time low residency and NOT a hybrid distance learning program. Please sign up online if you are interested in receiving our materials! Thanks, Wendy [email protected]

Again, as of 15 August, 2010 Pacifica Graduate Institute confirms again that they are not APA approved, with the statement “the Pacifica continues to update its Self-Study for application to the American Psychological Association for accreditation.” In other words, Pacifica Graduate Institute is not APA approved.

30. Reference to RCMP Application # A00184954 obtained under Privacy Access: A search of Canada’s security and intelligence agency [CSIS] found no criminal record or any record about the young 22 year old applicant: Applicant Security Form Page 1 of 1 Personnel Security (RCMP) > Personnel Security > CSIS Response Applicant |D;A00184954 Application Status: Active Location: D0026 Security Screening Request No.: 170067878 CSIS Result Code: 1 No Reportable Traces Comments CASE CONCLUDED WITHOUT FIELD INVESTIGATION. 2010-02-24


Also see: f You Like To Catch Bad Guys This Police Force Doesn’t Want You? http://www.amazon.com/Like-Catch-Police-Force- Doesnt/dp/1456352059/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&qid=1318523694&sr=8-18

Also see: If You Live at Home This Police Force Doesn't Want You? What kind of "wacky" police force is that? http://www.amazon.com/Police-Force-Doesnt-wacky- police/dp/1456327305/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1311552066&sr=1-11

Also see: A Good Cop doesn't have to be a "Blow-hard" http://www.amazon.com/Good-Cop-doesnt-have-Blow- hard/dp/1468047329/ref=sr_1_40?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1323852548&sr= 1-40


Chapter 16

Let’s blow up our fellow Canadian government worker?

If it wasn’t so stupid, and dangerous it might be comical in a “cartoon”?

What “to hell” goes on with the RCMP?

Are these “nut balls” psychologically tested?

As cited, “an RCMP officer has filed a lawsuit against two fellow officers in the bomb squad unit, the RCMP and the province of B.C. after a mechanical doll he kept at his desk was rigged to explode, which disfigured him to the point of requiring hand surgery and hearing aids in both ears.”1

Cpl. Tyrone Hempston suffered “severe injuries” after returning from Christmas holidays to his desk at the Explosive Disposal Unit in Delta on Jan. 4, 2010, where he noticed someone had tampered with his “Dirty Bertie” mechanical doll.2

“He sat down and picked up the doll, held it in both hands close to his lap, then switched it on and it exploded,” according to the writ filed in Vancouver Supreme Court of B.C.3

The writ claims unspecified damages for physical injuries and nerve damage to his hands that have required “numerous surgeries,” hearing loss and tinnitus in both ears, chronic post-traumatic stress disorder, sleeping and anxiety disorders and “nervous shock, anguish and loss of faith in his colleagues.”4

Hempston’s lawsuit alleges Cpl. Nigel Blake and Const. Martin Simpson “conspired to shock” him by placing a “high explosive” SD-100 detonator that had been confiscated from a U.S. film company trying to bring them into Canada and turned over to the EDU for disposal.5

“Both the defendants Blake and Simpson knew or ought to have known . . . a SD-100 . . . (is) a dangerous explosive that should not be used for recreation and that their actions were in violation of the unit’s zero horseplay policy,” the writ stated.6

It alleged they showed “reckless disregard for the probability that the explosive in the doll would detonate in the plaintiff’s hand.”7

“Hempston, 44, was off work for several months over the past two years and continues therapy for PTSD, taking anti-depressants and massage and physiotherapy and may require further surgery and can no longer type or write for long, the writ said.”8


“Hempston would have been eligible for full retirement in September 2011. He is also suing for lost past and future wages.”9

“The lawsuit includes the federal attorney general, which is responsible for the RCMP, and the provincial solicitor general under which the RCMP is contracted to the province.”10


1 - 10. B.C. RCMP officer sues co-workers in bomb squad after doll explodes By Susan Lazaruk Postmedia News Dec 31, 2011 – 12:28 AM ET http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/12/31/b-c-rcmp-officer-sues-co-workers-in- bomb-squad-after-doll-explodes/

Also see: Volume 1: Will RCMP Bob Paulson be singing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"? Or, I'm stuck with a bunch of "fruit cakes"? http://www.amazon.com/Paulson-singing-lovely-bunch- coconuts/dp/1468115863/ref=sr_1_50?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1324662751&sr=1- 50

Also see: Volume 2: Will RCMP Bob Paulson be singing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts": Or, I'm stuck with a bunch of "fruit cakes"? http://www.amazon.com/Paulson-singing-lovely-bunch- coconuts/dp/1468116029/ref=sr_1_51?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1324662796&sr=1- 51


Chapter 17

Look at what they did to the potato farmer?

In another case [see Appendix 52], “the RCMP sent business and personal information to Algerian officials about a New Brunswick farmer now being held in a Lebanese prison over a shipment of potatoes to Algeria, CBC News has learned.”1

“The police force tried to interview Henk Tepper in 2009, but he said he wanted a lawyer at the meeting, and they never returned, according to documents obtained by the CBC's Laurie Graham. The documents show the RCMP closed the file – eight months after the force sent Tepper's financial information to Algerian officials.”2

“Algerian authorities suspect Tepper forged Canadian Food Inspection Agency documents in 2007 to say his potatoes were a better quality than they were.”3

Oh, my god – better potatoes then they were?

Oh, let’s get him!!!

“Tepper, 44, was arrested in Lebanon in March at the request of the Algerian government and has been in prison ever since.”4

“He has never been charged and says he's innocent.”5

“The documents show the RCMP economics division compiled financial details about Tepper's farming business, as well as personal information about his wife, their house and their assets. The information was provided to Interpol Algiers, run by Algeria's civil police force.”6

“Tepper's lawyers now believe that exchange of information helped lead to the Algerian warrant and Tepper's arrest in Lebanon.”7

"I think a fair conclusion to draw from that is it did help the Algerians in determining whether or not they wanted to place a red notice on Mr. Tepper," said James Mockler, one of the lawyers.8

“The RCMP says it's a standard component of an Interpol investigation to share with other Interpol countries, Graham reported.”9

“But Tepper's sister, who just returned from visiting her brother in jail, questions where that information was sent.”10


"It's none of their business from Algeria as to what Henk owns or how much money he has, what kind of equipment he has," Harmien Dionne said. "That has nothing to do with the load of potatoes Henk sold there."11

“Mockler says Tepper was willing to sit down with the RCMP, but he didn't get that chance.”12

Author’s note: Of course not, after all the RCMP had a “potato farmer” in their sites!!

Let’s notm give him any breaks!

"He was willing to co-operate with them. Given the opportunity with instructions from his counsel, he may have in fact provided information that Algeria was looking for," Mockler said.13

“The RCMP knew about the Algerian warrant but say, as a matter of procedure, they didn't tell Tepper.”14

“Ten months after the warrant was issued, Tepper boarded a plane for Lebanon as part of a federal government trade mission.”15

That’s it Canada – sucker the potato farmer into your trade commission – where, as a Canadian citizen, he now sits in jails in a foreign country!

What a bunch of “a-holes”!

“He was promptly detained under that warrant.”16

“The RCMP should have told Tepper what they'd done, Paul Cavalluzzo says.”17

“Cavalluzzo was lead counsel for the Mahar Arar inquiry and, as with Arar, he says the RCMP should have been more cautious in the Tepper case.”18

"If you're dealing with very personal information and you're dealing with a country whose human rights record is suspect, then you've got to be very, very careful," he said. "We are Canadian citizens, we have rights under the Charter of Rights, and the RCMP must respect that."19

Arar was arrested in the U.S. and sent to Syria after the RCMP provided wrong information about him to U.S. authorities. He was repeatedly tortured in Syria before being returned to Canada more than a year later. The inquiry cleared him of any wrongdoing and the federal government paid him $10.5 million in compensation. The RCMP later issued a qualified apology for anything the force "may have contributed" to the ordeal.20


“Family and friends have been pushing for months to get Tepper home, as have opposition politicians.”21

"If there's nothing in that file, by goodness! The Canadian government should have since early April requested the return of the Canadian citizen," said Pierrette Ringuette, a Liberal senator from New Brunswick.22


1 - 21. RCMP gave potato farmer's financial details to Algerians CBC – Wed, 30 Nov, 2011 http://ca.news.yahoo.com/rcmp-gave-potato-farmers-financial-details-algerians- 010044029.html


Appendix 52 [New Brunswick Potato farmer arrested in Lebanon]

News: New Brunswick Potato farmer arrested in Lebanon http://www.potatopro.com/Lists/News/DispForm.aspx?ID=5136

A New Brunswick potato farmer has been detained in Lebanon. Grand Falls-area farmer Henk Tepper of Tobique Farms has been arrested upon entry to the country that sits on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

He was accompanying a potato shipment to Lebanon, but was stopped when arriving in the capital city of Beirut on March 23.

He has been held by Lebanese officials since then.

"He has not been arrested, he has been detained," said Harmeine Dionne, Tepper's sister and a Grand Falls schoolteacher. "We don't know what the complications are.

"All that we know is that when he arrived in Lebanon, and this was a business trip through Potatoes Canada, that when they swiped his passport a red flag came up and they detained him."

Tobique Farms started out as a small 70-acre family farm roughly 30 years ago, but has grown into a larger international enterprise selling seed, table and other potatoes around the globe.

The farm, run by Henk Tepper and his father Berend Tepper, now encompasses roughly 3,000 acres in Drummond and Tilley.

It originally sold all of its supply to McCain Foods Canada, before deciding to go abroad in 1989 with its first international sales to the Cuban and eastern market.

"We do know that he is in Lebanon and that his return is being worked on by high levels of government departments to try to get him home," said Joe Brennan, chairman of Potatoes New Brunswick. "We do hope that he returns safely."


Chapter 18

Forced retirement at age 28 due to false murder charge statements!

Let’s look at that “dirt-bag” RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle?

Let’s put this chapter into perspective as a very apparent RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] and Canadian Government Conspiracy:

1976 Coroner’s Inquest held in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada ruled the homicide was by Person or Persons Unknown

1979 RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle writes a letter saying that this “little guy” was a murderer1

Current author’s note: The “dirt-bag” RCMP waited till the time expired so they didn’t have to charge this RCMP “slug” S/Sgt John Thomas Randle

Is this “dirt-bag” RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle still working for the RCMP someplace?

1979 RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle writes a letter saying that this “little guy” was a murderer is given to John Gomery2a

1979 M.J. Hauser of the Correctional Service of Canada in memo(s) says that this “little guy” was a murderer3

1979 Nicole Bomberg of the Canadian Human Rights Commission in memo(s) says that this “little guy” was a murderer4

1979 Lorisa Stein of the Canadian Human Rights Commission in memo(s) says that this “little guy” was a murderer5

1980 The “little guy” being unemployed seeks relief from his Canada Student Loans, however, the Judge turns out to be John Gomery and his request is denied2b

Also see Judge John Gomery's Incompetence, cited in:

Canadian Government wins "dumbest government" award! http://www.esksfans.com/forum/showthread.php?5631-Canadian- Government-wins-quot-dumbest-government-quot-award!

MONTREAL (CP) - The Canadian government secured a surprise win Friday, beating out such luminaries as Iran, North Korea and the United 94

States, for the dumbest government of the year at the World Stupidity Awards.

It also bested the United Nations in a hotly contested category that organizers said proved Canadians can compete with the rest of the world.

"Canadians often feel we're in the shadow of the U.S., especially when it comes to stupidity, but now we're proving we're world class," said Robert Spence, spokesman of the awards handed out during he Just for Laughs comedy festival.

"And as host country, who could ask for more?"

“The Gomery inquiry into the sponsorship scandal secured the award for Canada, said Spence.”

1980 The “little guy” being unemployed seeks a disability pension [Canada Pension Plan] using RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle, M.J. Hauser of the Correctional Service of Canada memo(s), Nicole Bomberg of the Canadian Human Rights Commission memo(s) and Lorisa Stein of the Canadian Human Rights Commission memo(s) – his request for disability pension approved

1981 The “little guy” being unemployed again seeks relief from his Canada Student Loans, the Judge not being John Gomery, and his request is approved

1981 The RCMP fabricate more “bull shit” about the “little guy” to railroad him into jail

1990 After 14 years of accumulating evidence, the “little guy” successfully sues the RCMP [see Appendix 55a to 55d, cited below]

1993 The “little guy” blew the whistle on Newfoundland Social Service Minister Kay Young’s Whitbourne Centre

Also see current author’s publication: Newfoundland Minister of Social Services Kay Young's Legacy to Canada: A Blatant Violation of the Privacy Act! http://www.amazon.com/Newfoundland-Minister-Social-Services- Youngs/dp/1467958166/ref=sr_1_38?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1322849329&sr=1- 38

Also see current author’s publication:


Kay Young's & Clyde Wells' Legacy to Canada! They revealed PTSD sufferers name to media: what unethical behavior? http://www.amazon.com/Youngs-Clyde-Wells-Legacy- Canada/dp/1468073524/ref=sr_1_44?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1324291154&sr=1-44

1996 The “little guy” went back on his Canada Pension Plan disability pension with a psychiatrist diagnosis that the “little guy” suffered with Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type, Social Phobia, etc [see Appendix 56a, 56b & 56c, cited below]

1990 As part of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type he took to writing about the RCMP false statements, harassment, illegal, acts:

Human rights violations in Canada: Individual being denied employment with the Federal Government of Canada due to false murder charge statements made by M. . Hauser of the Correctional Service of Canada continuing case study from Cour sup rieure en mati re de faillite, Palais de ustice, Montr al, File -11- 002290-894)OCLC Number: 29205400 – 1990

Human rights violations in Canada: Individual being denied employment with the Federal Government of Canada due to false "murder charge" statements made by Nicole Bomberg of the Public Service Commission of Canada (continuing case study from Cour sup rieure en mati re de faillite, Palais de ustice, Montr al, File #500-11-002290-894)OCLC Number: 29205400 – 1990

1996 As part of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type he took to writing about the RCMP false statements, harassment, illegal, acts:

R.C.M.P. Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0969594429 9780969594420 OCLC Number: 46531882 - 1996

1997 As part of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type he took to writing about the RCMP false statements, harassment, illegal, acts:

Human rights violations in Canada by federal agents of the Canadian Human Rights Anti-Discrimination Agency of the Public Service Commission of Canada. ISBN: 0969594453 9780969594451 OCLC Number: 46528081 - 1997


Is he Canada's example of another Mark Furman : R.C.M.P. Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle purposefully committed lies, fabricated evidence, made false statements & committed illegal acts! ISBN: 0969594437 9780969594437 OCLC Number: 43152171 - 1997

Complete discharge from bankruptcy including preferred student loans due to Royal Canadian Mounted Police harassment: a most unusual case of bankruptcy. ISBN: 0968290469 9780968290460 OCLC Number: 46563182 – 1997

1998 As part of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type he took to writing about the RCMP false statements, harassment, illegal, acts:

Canadian anti-discriminate [sic] directorate and Canadian public service staff Nicole Bomberg's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0968290469 9780968290460 OCLC Number: 46563169 - 1998

Canadian anti-discrimination directorate and Canadian public service staff Lorisa Stein's legacy to Canada. N: 096959447X 9780969594475 OCLC Number: 46563137 - 1998

Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle's & Cpl. Jackett's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0968290442 9780968290446 OCLC Number: 46563215 - 1998

Judge John Gomery's inappropriate comments based on lies, false statements, fabricated statements & illegal acts by R.C.M.P. Sgt. John Thomas Randle. ISBN: 0968290477 9780968290477 OCLC Number: 46563154 – 1998

Can police harassment involving illegal acts, false statements and fabricated evidence lead to a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder sufficient to approve permanent disability pension? ISBN: 0969594488 9780969594482 OCLC Number: 46563102 - 1998

1998 The United Nations wasn’t interested in “the little guy”:


Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations and Mary Robinson, the Human Rights Commissioner: their legacy to the world. OCLC Number: 49268248

1998 To shut the “little guy” up, the RCMP fabricate more “bull shit” about the “little guy” to railroad him into jail

Keeping the “whistleblower” unemployed! A conspiracy! http://www.amazon.com/Keeping-whistleblower-unemployed-A- conspiracy/dp/1475174055/ref=sr_1_69?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13376 08198&sr=1-69

. Did Ralph Kein’s government continue the conspiracy to keep the “whistleblower” unemployed [see Appendix 57a, 57b & 57c]?

. After all, Kay Young got rid of their “whistleblower” followed by tragedy!

. Likewise, Clyde Wells got rid of their “whistleblower” again followed by tragedy!

. Did Ralph Klein help Kay Young and Clyde Wells by not hiring their “whistleblower”?

. How UNETHICAL can you get!

2000 The Canadian Investigative Program wasn’t interested in “the little guy”:

Story 'too hot' for the investigative program "The Fifth Estate"!! OCLC Number: 48670944

2005 Did apparent RCMP stooge professor Helen Brown purposefully fabricate a statement about the “little guy’s” son to interfere with his university program6

This RCMP stooge professor Helen Brown also tried the same with the “little guy’s” daughter

2006 Did the RCMP have the Canadian Military purposefully issue the “little guy’s” daughter clown sized boots so she would not make BMQ and eliminate her from a career with the Canadian military 7

2007 Did the RCMP have the Canadian Military apparently “poison” the “little guy’s” son so he would not make BMQ and eliminate him from a career with the Canadian military8


2008 The RCMP had some ruffians harass the “little guy’s” wife, daughter and son9

2009 Did the RCMP have a private security employer deny the “little guy’s” son essential emails10

2009 Did RCMP stooge Canadian Minister Diane Finley purposefully accept lies of a private security employer about the “little guy’s” son and daughter to eliminate a career in private security11

2010 The RCMP made up some cock-and-bull reason not to accept the “little guy’s” son as a recruit thus eliminating his potential career with the RCMP12

2010 Did RCMP stooge Manitoba Health Minister Theresa Oswald purposefully accept lies from the “cool kids gang” to harass, isolate and discriminate against the “little guy’s” daughter13

Did RCMP stooge Manitoba Health Minister Theresa Oswald’s “cool kids gang” also try to harass and isolate the “little guy’s” son

2011 Another “whack jack” judge / umpire by the name of M.J. Bordeleau with Canada’s Justice Department [the same department as the RCMP] accepted lie, after lie, after lie from a vindictive employer to harass the little guy’s children, just like that other “idiot” Judge John Gomery did to the little guy14

M.J. Bordeleau with Canada’s Justice Department [the same department as the RCMP] for accepting lie, after lie, after lie is just another Government of Canada “skunk”

2011 The Canadian Government and RCMP are censoring this current author’s attempts to bring this conspiracy to light, where the Canadian Government and the RCMP are obviously censoring what appears on Amazon.com15

The RCMP and the Canadian Government still owe this “little guy” one million dollars in lost wages, when is he going to receive it?


1. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago that there were “lying bastards” in the RCMP [interspersed amongst the many fine RCMP officers protecting our citizens and country] and has waited over 30 years


before the rest of the country and world could read about the “lying bastards”, as cited in the current author’s recent book highlighting accounts in the media and on the web:

Canada’s Police Force Lies, fabrication, per ury ... and much worse? “Before his death he was able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an RCMP officer jumped up and down on him” http://www.amazon.com/CANADAs-POLICE-FORCE-fabrication- perjury/dp/1461102812/ref=sr_1_18?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1311552272&sr=1-18

2a & 2b. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what a “miserable bastard” John Gomery was and has waited over 30 years before the rest of the country and world would find out, as cited in the current author’s recent book highlighting accounts in the media and on the web:

A Federal Court ruling has blasted the biased musings of Judge John Gomery http://www.amazon.com/Federal-ruling-blasted-biased- musings/dp/1456331027/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1318524151&sr=8-4

Also see Judge John Gomery's Incompetence, cited in:

Canadian Government wins "dumbest government" award! http://www.esksfans.com/forum/showthread.php?5631-Canadian- Government-wins-quot-dumbest-government-quot-award!

MONTREAL (CP) - The Canadian government secured a surprise win Friday, beating out such luminaries as Iran, North Korea and the United States, for the dumbest government of the year at the World Stupidity Awards.

It also bested the United Nations in a hotly contested category that organizers said proved Canadians can compete with the rest of the world.

"Canadians often feel we're in the shadow of the U.S., especially when it comes to stupidity, but now we're proving we're world class," said Robert Spence, spokesman of the awards handed out during he Just for Laughs comedy festival.

"And as host country, who could ask for more?"

“The Gomery inquiry into the sponsorship scandal secured the award for Canada, said Spence.”

3 - 5. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and has waited over


30 years before the rest of the country and world would find out, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

There's No Such Thing as Human Rights in Canada! http://www.amazon.com/Theres-Thing-Human-Rights- Canada/dp/1463626622/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1311552066&sr=1-2

6. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the “lying professor” as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the “little guy” son’s education, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

The lying professor? And, the lying V.P.? http://www.amazon.com/lying-professor-V- P/dp/1466453400/ref=sr_1_30?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1319498208&sr=1-30

7. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the “lying doctor” as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the “little guy” daughter’s potential military career, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

The lying doctor? And, the lying general? http://www.amazon.com/lying-doctor- general/dp/1466449020/ref=sr_1_25?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13194979 52&sr=1-25

8. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the apparent attempted “poisoning” of the “little guy” son’s thus eliminating his potential military career, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

Canadian Government Conspiracy Was this ‘kid’ poisoned? http://www.amazon.com/Canadian-Government-Conspiracy-this- poisoned/dp/146646254X/ref=sr_1_29?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1320314209&sr=1- 29

9. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the harassment of the “little guy’s” wife and daughter and son by RCMP stooges, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

Canada’s Police Force Lies, fabrication, per ury ... and much worse?


“Before his death he was able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an RCMP officer jumped up and down on him” http://www.amazon.com/CANADAs-POLICE-FORCE-fabrication- perjury/dp/1461102812/ref=sr_1_18?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1311552272&sr=1-18

10. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about a vindictive employer as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the “little guy” son’s safety, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

Canada’s Very Own “Three Blind Mice”! Who concluded that antibiotics are for stress? http://www.amazon.com/Canadas-Very-Three-Blind- Mice/dp/1466431334/ref=sr_1_23?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1318962853 &sr=1-23

11. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about a vindictive employer as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the “little guy” daughter’s employment, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

Canada’s Very Own “Three Blind Mice”! Who concluded that antibiotics are for stress? http://www.amazon.com/Canadas-Very-Three-Blind- Mice/dp/1466431334/ref=sr_1_23?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1318962853 &sr=1-23

12. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the RCMP making up some cock-and-bull nonsense so they would not have to accept the “little guy’s” son as an RCMP recruit, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

f You Like To Catch Bad Guys This Police Force Doesn’t Want You? http://www.amazon.com/Like-Catch-Police-Force- Doesnt/dp/1456352059/ref=sr_1_18?ie=UTF8&qid=1318523694&sr=8-18

13. The “little guy” knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the RCMP using a provincial government department to sex-discriminate, harass, and isolate the “little guy’s” daughter, as cited in the current author’s recent book:

Is slavery alive and well in Canada? There is absolutely no protection for


female employees against vindictive employers! http://www.amazon.com/slavery-alive-well- Canada/dp/146623802X/ref=sr_1_21?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13194982 63&sr=1-21

14. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! J.M. Bordeleau's Legacy to Canada? http://www.amazon.com/Liar-Pants-Fire-Bordeleaus- Legacy/dp/1468068504/ref=sr_1_43?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1323852192&sr=1-43

15. The Canadian Government and RCMP are censoring this current author’s attempts to bring this conspiracy against this “little guy” and his family to light, where the Canadian Government and the RCMP are obviously censoring what appears on Amazon.com, as cited in the current author’s recent books:14

Is Canada's Police Force Filtering What the World Reads about Them? The "Crazy Canuck" apparently wrote a bogus review to help out? http://www.amazon.com/Canadas-Police-Force-Filtering- World/dp/1463601832/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1311552066&sr=1-4

Has the “WetCoaster” made another fabricated statement because the author has written about the Lies, Fabrications, Per ury and much worse by Canada’s Police Force? s the “WetCoaster” and the “Crazy Canuck” the same person? http://www.amazon.com/WetCoaster-another-fabricated-statement- Fabrications/dp/1466410795/ref=sr_1_21?ie=UTF8&qid=1318523153&sr=8-21

Does Canada censor what is on Amazon.com? Especially books about Canada? http://www.amazon.com/Does-Canada-censor-what-Amazon- com/dp/1466476648/ref=sr_1_31?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1320314149&sr=1-31


Appendix 55a [The “little guy” sued for lost wages of 1.3 million dollars]

The “little guy” sued for lost wages of 1.3 million dollars [with actuarial evidence] and the first out-of-court settlement that the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP offered him was $150,000?

The “little guy” told the lawyer that wasn’t enough, and the second out-of-court settlement that the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP offered him was $275,000?

The “little guy” said that represented a moral victory over “the bastards” and said accept it!

As far as the “little guy” is concerned, the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP still owe him the remaining 1 million dollars, together with a sizeable amount for his wife and children who have themselves been harassed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP!

Where is it, when can he expect to receive it?

As for the current author can tell, all he can say is that there are apparently many “lying shit-heads” working for the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and that there is enough material out there in the press, in the media and via Google search he can write many, many books about them for years and years to come?

At least, that is, until this “little guy” the Canadian Government forced into retirement at age 28 receives this one million dollars still owed to him [and his family]?


Appendix 55b [The “little guy” successfully sued RCMP!]


Appendix 55c [The “little guy” successfully sued RCMP!]


Appendix 55d [The “little guy” successfully sued RCMP!]


Appendix 56a [The “little guy” was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders]

The “little guy” was diagnosed with a multitude of disorders as a consequence of RCMP and Federal Government illegal acts, harassment and other abuse.

Author’s note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate the horror, grief, anger one experiences?


Appendix 56b [The “little guy” was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders]

Author’s note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate the horror, grief, anger one experiences?


Appendix 56c [The “little guy” was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders]


Appendix 57a

Did Ralph Klein’s government join the conspiracy to keep the “whistleblower” unemployed

Now to that apparent “drunken sot” Ralph Klein [see Appendix 57b cited below]?

As mentioned, “the man who stumbled into the homeless shelter late at night was well dressed, and had obviously indulged in too much Christmas cheer. Slurring his words, he got into an argument with the residents, demanding to know why they were unemployed.”1

“Just another drunken rightwing jerk? Actually, it was Ralph Klein, the premier of the Alberta, dropping by for an unofficial visit on his way home from a party.”2

“Such boorish behaviour would have cost any other politician in Canada their job, but not Mr Klein, or Ralph, as his fellow Albertans call him. He has made his career - first as the mayor of Calgary, then as premier for three terms - by being an ordinary guy, a man of the people.”3

Others had this to say about the guy, “a Pompous, self-serving drunkard who routinely behaves like a spoiled 12 year old when things don't go his way.”4

Would Ralph Klein be a favourable candidate to continue the conspiracy to keep Newfoundland’s whistleblower unemployed – as Clyde Wells and Social Services Minister Kay Young had done:

Whistleblower! And darn proud of it! http://www.amazon.com/Whistleblower-darn-proud-Terry- Mallenby/dp/1466427574/ref=sr_1_22?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1318962 745&sr=1-22

Also see: Newfoundland Minister of Social Services Kay Young's Legacy to Canada: A Blatant Violation of the Privacy Act! http://www.amazon.com/Newfoundland-Minister-Social-Services- Youngs/dp/1467958166/ref=sr_1_38?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13228493 29&sr=1-38

Klein was apparently prejudiced against “Easterners” [“Easterners go home comments” 5] and the Newfoundland whistleblower was from the east?

As cited, “at a dinner in Calgary, Mayor Ralph Klein tells a group of newcomers that his city does not welcome "bums" and he'll protect Calgarians from "a lot of creeps" looking for work. Newspapers across the country carry stories with the mayor's


statements attacking easterners. Klein denies the reports in this CBC Television clip, and says "the word I used was kick ass and get them out of town."6

And, apparently someone said Ralph Klein benefited from payola like a lot of other, including the RCMP [see Appendix 57c cited below]?

As cited, “I was with Alan for a lot of his shady business deals. I have seen him pay off many people, such as the likes of Jean Chretien, and back when they were in power of Canada, and more recently Stephen Harper. He has also paid off Ralph Klein back when he was Premier of Alberta, and more recently Ed Stelmach, and the commissioner of the RCMP.”7

So, it is little wonder that after the Newfoundland whistleblower went for a job interview in Edmonton in 1995 and was offered a social work job with the government, that was the last the whistleblower heard?

Did Newfoundland Clyde Wells tell Premier Ralph Klein not to hire the whistleblower to keep him unemployed?

Anything is possible with these two birds – especially with the unethical behavior of Premier Clyde Wells purposefully revealing a PTSD sufferer’s name to the media:

Kay Young's & Clyde Wells' Legacy to Canada! They revealed PTSD sufferers name to media: what unethical behavior? http://www.amazon.com/Youngs-Clyde-Wells-Legacy- Canada/dp/1468073524/ref=sr_1_44?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1324291154&sr=1-44

It was very interesting that the whistleblower’s wife never found work in Ralph Klein’s province, although she was very well qualified with Toronto / Ontario financial experience – then again, Toronto, Ontario is in the east too and we have just seen that Ralph Klein “hated” easterners?

What is so special about Ralph Klein – is he an “Einstein”?

As mentioned, Ralph Phillip Klein completed his high school at Calgary Business College and studied at Athabasca University.8

The author couldn’t even find Athabasca University listed in any world rankings – so, no, Klein isn’t a “Rocket Scientist”?

If not, what was his acclaim to fame?

You guessed it – Easterners go home!

“Klein rose to public prominence in Calgary as a radio and television personality. Klein gained his first political experience when he was elected mayor of Calgary,


Alberta, on October 15, 1980. While he was mayor, the city was enjoying an economic boom, attracting many unskilled labourers from all over the country. Klein gained unfavourable national attention by blaming eastern "bums and creeps" for straining the city's social services and police.”9

Help keep Newfoundland’s whistleblower unemployed – sure thing – anything is possible with this guy?


1 – 3. Drunk in charge: Following an embarrassing outburst at a homeless shelter, a Canadian politician has admitted his alcoholism, and the voters approve, writes Anne McIlroy Anne McIlroy guardian.co.uk, Friday 28 December 2001 16.03 GMT http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/dec/28/worlddispatch.annemcilroy

4. Ralph Klein by Fecologist http://www.urbandictionary.com/products.php?term=Ralph%20Klein&defid=922500

5. “Very sad indeed ... the most memorable experience have of Ralph was when in the winter of 82 he made his Bums and Creeps Easterners go home comments” blackpheasant Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: Red Deer Posts: 2,150 http://www.outdoorsmenforum.ca/showthread.php?t=88269

Also see: “Years ago, when he was the mayor for the capital city there, what did he say - easterners go home, we don't want you. He essentially said that we were nothing more than a bunch of bums. That is really what he said, and now he is coming here to advise us on other issues?” ORDERS OF THE DAY: GOVERNMENT BUSINESS MR. SPEAKER: The honourable Government House Leader. NS Legislature > Proceedings > Hansard > Assembly 58, Session 2 http://nslegislature.ca/index.php/proceedings/hansard/C53/h01jun152/

6. 1982: Ralph Klein's bums and creeps http://www.cbc.ca/archives/categories/politics/provincial-territorial- politics/provincial-territorial-politics-general/ralph-kleins-bums-and-creeps.html



8 - 9. Ralph Klein http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Klein


Appendix 57b

Drunk in charge: Following an embarrassing outburst at a homeless shelter, a Canadian politician has admitted his alcoholism, and the voters approve, writes Anne McIlroy Anne McIlroy guardian.co.uk, Friday 28 December 2001 16.03 GMT http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/dec/28/worlddispatch.annemcilroy

The man who stumbled into the homeless shelter late at night was well dressed, and had obviously indulged in too much Christmas cheer. Slurring his words, he got into an argument with the residents, demanding to know why they were unemployed.

Just another drunken rightwing jerk? Actually, it was Ralph Klein, the premier of the Alberta, dropping by for an unofficial visit on his way home from a party.

Such boorish behaviour would have cost any other politician in Canada their job, but not Mr Klein, or Ralph, as his fellow Albertans call him. He has made his career - first as the mayor of Calgary, then as premier for three terms - by being an ordinary guy, a man of the people.

Voters in Alberta see Mr Klein as the kind of fellow they could sit down and have a drink with. In the rest of country, he is seen as a bit of a buffoon. He actually ran his mayoral campaign from the St Louis hotel bar, and the bar's owners had mugs made up with is picture on it that were known as Klein Steins. After he won, he continued to keep "office hours" at the tavern.

But as a tearful Mr Klein told a news conference a few days after his drunken visit to the homeless shelter, his drinking had become a serious problem.

It was an announcement unprecedented in Canadian political history. Sure, Canada's has had its fair share of drunken political leaders, including Sir John A MacDonald, the country's first prime minister. But nobody has ever gone public and actually admitted to being a booze hound.

Mr Klein admitted to drinking the equivalent of a bottle of wine a day and said he often needed to tipple during office hours to get over particularly bad hangovers. He confessed his drinking made it harder from him to run one of the wealthiest and politically conservative provinces in the country.

"When you get up and you're feeling rotten and you wonder, 'You know, gee, I feel this badly, do I really want to get on and do the work of the day,'" he told reporters.

He said he had thought about resigning, but had resolved to carry out and beat the "awful beast", as he described his drinking problem. "I think I have the ability to carry on with the job. I think I have the ability to fight this devil and win."


"I am going to go as long as I possibly can and hopefully end this journey without having another drink ... One day at a time."

A doleful Mr Klein is now facing his first dry Christmas season in more than three decades, but he can celebrate the fact that his honest declaration about his failings will mean he remains enormously popular.

A poll showed 67% of Albertans do not think any worse of him, and his office and open line radio shows have been deluged with messages of support.

He has always left himself some wiggle room. This time, he is not promising never to take another drink, just to never let alcohol affect his job performance.


Appendix 57c

Shocking update – government, police – fraud & corruption at the highest levels http://cbnow.org/html/shocking_updates.html

After decades of police & government corruption, cover-up and neglect enabling and empowering massive fraud, on or about January 12, 2011, RCMP, "their backs against the wall," finally arrested a dozen money-laundering suspects. Among those Manitoba RCMP arrested; one is a teacher; one a banker.

Two of these massive frauds, TTI-BIM - World Headquarters Mississauga Ontario operated under the protection and actual participation of corrupt police (from RCMP on down) politicians, CRA (Income tax) and other government personnel, lawyers etc, and continued with the assistance of the Law Society, mainstream media etc, the very enablers and facilitators of these massive frauds.

These scams end up recruiting the poor, the financially desperate, university, college, and reprehensibly even high school students.

And now the cover-up begins: 100,000,000 according to their own lawyer, (not just the 12 arrested) perpetrated these massive schemes: That includes police, as mentioned (from RCMP on down), prison guards, politicians, lawyers, government personnel, bankers, real estate & insurance brokers & agents, doctors, nurses, school board officials, teachers, even church ministers and the judiciary involved…

THAT… they (government, police etc,) don't want the general public, particularly students, to know.

The organizer? - Alan Kippax: His father? - Frank Kippax a former police officer from the London area now retired in Bermuda where the T.D. Bank knowingly "laundered" 10's of millions in cash deposits to an account there.

Dave Stewart, father of Hamilton RCMP officer Harold Stewart and his family "made out like bandits" in this fraud, then created Financial Freedom International (FFI)… their very connections an intimidating factor when their victims discover they have been scammed (a phenomenon acknowledged by NCIS).

In "five star" hotels, churches, university rented rooms, service clubs etc, among victims; unwitting students recruited and brainwashed into these masked frauds then sent into their learning institutions to unwittingly recruit fellow students into perpetrating, what are in fact, indictable criminal offences; all covered up by police and government; most of truth suppressed by mainstream media; many mainstream media the very enablers and facilitators of these fraudulent schemes, accepting huge ‘payoffs’ disguised as ‘advertising fees’ even offering free ‘air time’ to promote these reprehensible frauds. Whistleblowers are systematically harassed, threatened,


assaulted, extorted, bribed; jailed on false charges, even forcibly hospitalized as "paranoid, delusional," “government conspiracy theorists” etc; retaliation for attempting to expose publicly, these reprehensible frauds and the truth behind them… even a mother arrested and jailed attempting to retrieve her daughter and daughter's friend's money from lawyer, Tony, (The Legal Weasel) Gagliese and his sister perpetrating the Sum-It Club, another of these abhorrent criminal frauds, along with corrupt police and reprehensibly, even a Provincial Prosecutor/Humber College teacher, Wendy Ramroop - This is the mother's story....

Pyramid Exposure “Summed Up” as Death Threat -

My daughter and her friend were involved in what we perceived to be a pyramid scam called The Sum-it Club located in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada. They both laid down $300.00 one evening with a promise to come back the next day to authorize them to withdraw $120.00 a month for the next 2 years.

The whole focus of the evening was to recruit other people and then get paid $400.00 for each recruitment. After several phone calls asking for a refund of her deposit we were told she was out of luck as she had signed a non-refundable deposit form.

The man who was also their "in-house lawyer" told us basically too bad and I am going to enjoy spending your daughters' money. I called them several times and informed them that I would be calling newspapers, radio stations, their sponsors and would show up at their next meeting to tell these kids not to sign. I planned to at least expose them for the scam that they were.

Low and behold, I get a call from the police and I am arrested for saying that I was going to kill them. So with two signatures (the lawyers and a women I spoke with), I went from being the accuser to being the one accused. Can you think of anything to help my case?

- Marian S., Oakville, Ontario


Google - cbc marketplace bim thornton - Look for "Easy Money" & watch the fraud exposed & false arrest this time caught on camera by CBC Marketplace!!! And this... An enlightening but very disturbing and frightening email...

From: Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 3:46 AM To:

Subject: Alan Kippax

Mr. Dave Thornton


I received the Email from Mr. Bannister to get in contact with you. I found Mr. Bannister on a blog just recently as I did a google search on Alan, this is also how I found out he was sentenced to jail last week, thank the Lord. I pray for that family who's lives he changed forever.

I met you a while back, when you first started going after Alan, back when he was running Treasure Traders International/Earnfirm.

I am one of Alan Kippax's Cousins, from Toronto. I no longer live there, I have moved out of Canada overseas where I can try to start a new life and get away from the shadow that was hanging over me known as Alan.

I was with Alan for a lot of his shady business deals. I have seen him pay off many people, such as the likes of Jean Chretien, and Paul Martin back when they were in power of Canada, and more recently Stephen Harper.

He has also paid off Ralph Klein back when he was Premier of Alberta, and more recently Ed Stelmach, and the commissioner of the RCMP.

The list goes on, the only premier he hasn’t managed to pay off is the Premier of PEI whom has banned Alan from ever coming into that province.

I think you might like to know why he isn’t allowed in PEI. Well back in 1998, Alan raped a teenage girl when he was drunk, whom was the niece of the mayor of Charlottetown, cause of the problems they have had with Alan, and for the girls sake, rather than charge him, the banned him from ever returning to PEI, as they figured a case in court would take years with the money and power Alan has.

They just didn’t want to put the mayor’s niece through that. I hope you do get him put away for the rest of his life, and manage to get people back their money or at least some of it.

Just so you know, the only person other than Alan that has Authority to his Bank accounts is his long time friend and Lawyer Barry Fox, whom has been with Alan since his beginnings in the Pyramid schemes.

Alan has 3 bank accounts: one is with Bank of Montreal, estimated to be worth about $51 million, the 2nd one is with TD, worth about $18 million, and the third is a Swiss bank, I dont know the bank’s name, but it is in Switzerland, and that account has at least from what I saw back in June of last year, $398 million in it.

I had the proof on Alan making a lot of these deals, pictures and recordings, and statements from the banks which I was planning on sending you, but just before Alan was sentenced last month, he came to my place overseas to talk to me about keeping


BIM going, and I had told him no, I wanted nothing to do with his pyramid scheme anymore, and it caused a big fight,

I ended up in the hospital, and he beat my wife within an inch of her life. I recently got out of the hospital last week, only to come home to my house being burnt to the ground. Everything I had on Alan is gone and everything I ever owned.

The Authorities out here can’t do anything as I didn’t report what had happened within 96 hours, and I didn’t know about my house till April 29th, 2010.

My Wife is still in the hospital, and she is on life support, her chances are still slim of surviving.

I swear if I could just have 10 minutes with Alan, I would brutally murder him for what he has done to me and my wife. I am just thankful my children weren’t around when this took place 3 weeks ago, as they are still in Canada staying with my sister and brother in law.

I am crying while I am writing you this email. Now I know you want to put Alan away for life, and I support you and Mr Bannister in your quest to do this, but I am going to make this clear to you Dave, I don’t want to be brought into this, I have suffered enough and so has my wife, and the rest of the Kippax family. The way he acted when Peter died was horrible, he didnt even give a shit about his own cousin.

I am disgusted to be related to such a horrible individual such as Alan. I also truely regret being apart of his schemes for so long and not doing anything about it. So I am asking you, DO NOT bring me into your case against Alan, and don’t come looking for me, I am in the process of changing my name so I can start off with a clean slate and start over.

I know if Alan found out or finds out I have emailed you especially, he will have someone hunt me down and kill me, he has threatened people before, and some have disappeared just so you know.

I am surprised with the people Alan knows, that he hasn’t paid someone to take you out. I am thankful he hasn’t, cause someone needs to put him in his place which is behind bars.

Anyways, please, leave me alone, and don’t try contacting me, like I told Mr. Bannister, I won’t be responding to anymore emails now, I will send him a copy of this email to and that will be it.

– Aaron Kippax.



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Articles by Terry Mallenby, BA, BSW, MA Former federal peace officer, old age pensioner & PTSD disability pensioner

Cognitive development: the functional aspect of symbolization and language, by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 1206866 Publisher: Winnipeg, S. Evans, ©1973.

A bibliography of research on spatial and social behaviour by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 1188853 Publisher: Winnipeg : Thomas Todd Press, 1973.

A bibliography of research on spatial behaviour. by Terry W Mallenby; Ruth G Roberts OCLC Number: 123780236 Publisher: Winnipeg : Thomas Todd Press, ©1973.

A note on perceived self-acceptance of institutionalized mentally retarded (IMR) children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-1325 OCLC Number: 105523657 Article Language: English Publication: The Journal of genetic psychology, 1973 Sep; 123(1st Half): 171-2 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Personal space : direct measurement techniques with hard-of-hearing children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 8686052 From: Environment and behavior ; v. 6, no. 1 (March 1974). Publisher: [Beverly Hills, CA] : Sage Publications, 1974.

Effect of discussion on reduction of magnitude of Poggendorff illusion. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0031-5125 OCLC Number: 107527338 Publication: Perceptual and motor skills, 1974 Oct; 39(2): 787-91 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


Personal space: projective and direct measures with institutionalized mentally retarded children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-3891 OCLC Number: 105929976 Publication: Journal of personality assessment, 1974 Feb; 38(1): 28-31 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Personal Space: Projective and Direct Measures with Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Children by Terry Mallenby ISSN: 0022-3891 OCLC Number: 4631503689 Publication: Journal of Personality Assessment, v38 n1 (19740201): 28-31 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.

Personal Space: Direct Measurement Techniques with Hard-of-Hearing Children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 424960945 Accession No: EJ098610 Publication: Environment and Behavior, 6, 1, 117-122, Mar 74 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.

MALLENBY, TERRY W., Personal Space: Direct Measurement Techniques with Hard- of-Hearing Children: Environment and Behavior 6(1) p. 117 N: 0013-9165 OCLC Number: 4647243973 Publication: Environment and Behavior, v6 n1 (19740301): 127-127 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.

The effect of extended contact with "normals" on the social behavior of hard-of-hearing children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-4545 OCLC Number: 107863896 Publication: The Journal of social psychology, 1975 Feb; 95(First Half): 137-8 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


The personal space of hard-of-hearing children after extended contact with 'normals'. by TW Mallenby; RG Mallenby ISSN: 0007-1293 OCLC Number: 113775903 Publication: The British journal of social and clinical psychology, 1975 Sep; 14(3): 253-7 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The Effect of Extended Contact with "Normals" on the Social Behavior of Hard-of- Hearing Children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 427052930 Accession No: EJ118344 Publication: Journal of Social Psychology, 95, 137-8, Feb 75 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.

The personal space of hard-of-hearing children after extended contact with "normals" by Terry W Mallenby; Ruth G Mallenby OCLC Number: 14151807 Notes: Caption title. From: British journal of social and clinical psychology ; v. 14, no. 3 (Sept. 1975) Description: p. 253-257. Publisher: [Great Britain : s.n., 1975]

The missing person in measurement techniques of interpersonal distance. by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 678920246 Thesis/dissertation : Document : eBook Computer File Publisher: [Burnaby, B.C.] : [s.n.], ©1975.

The Effect of Extended Contact with “Normals” on the Social Behavior of Hard-of- Hearing Children by Terry Mallenby ISSN: 0022-4545 OCLC Number: 4653399646 Publication: The Journal of Social Psychology, v95 n1 (19750201): 137-138 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.

Facilitating the disappearance of perceptual error to the Poggendorff illusion. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0023-8309 OCLC Number: 112913792 Publication: Language and speech, 1976 Apr-Jun; 19(2): 193-9 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. 124

Incidents of physical assault against child-abuse investigation workers : the nature of child-abuse protection legislation as possible reason for such incidents : some Canadian provincial examples of internal policies attempting to deal with such incidents : placing the trend of such incidents into a theoretical perspective by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 44178037 Thesis/dissertation : Manuscript Archival Material Publisher: 1994.

Teach your child to read : a simple method for parents and educators by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 61554932 - 1984

The relative effectiveness of whole- and part-task simulators OCLC Number: 222728551 – 1984

Quality assurance in medical/health care utilizing and incorporating three methods of evaluation: process, setting and outcome : an introduction to assessing medical/health care by means of a conceptual "process matrix" : with special reference to acute care and chronic care hospitals by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 184866019 - 1986.

When the "baby-boom" cohort reaches 65 : will it be social chaos or a carefully planned transition? : an introductory research proposal by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 184861481 - 1986.

Child abuse : a beginning social worker's understanding and use of the DSM-III-R and three reactive mental disorders following child abuse : reactive attachment disorder, post- traumatic stress disorder, and adjustment disorder by Terry Wallice Mallenby; Institute of Psychometric Assessment (Bay Roberts, Newfoundland) OCLC Number: 40533667 - 1994

Dealing with a violent work environment : internal policies and legislation dealing with physical assault and other threats against child protective social workers by Terry W Mallenby; Institute of Psychometric Assessment, Applied Studies & Investigative Research. ISBN: 0969594402 9780969594406 OCLC Number: 35875995 - 1994 Notes: Revision of author's thesis. Description: vii, 473 leaves; 29 cm. Series Title: Employee assistance program series.


How to make staff safe: how to reduce labour-management conflict: how to reduce staff grievances by Terry W Mallenby ISBN: 0969594402 9780969594406 OCLC Number: 62920434 - 1997 Other Titles: How to reduce labor-management conflict, How to reduce staff grievances