ON THURSDAY 27th October 2016

Present : Cllr J Mitchell (Chair), Cllr C Breeze, Cllr S Gilbert, Cllr. A Durrant, Cllr V T O Lewis, Cllr C Morgan

In attendance : J Williams (Clerk)

Apologies for absence : Received from C Cllr H. Lewis

Declarations of interest: none

Welcome: Chair welcomed all to the meeting and thanked Cllr S Gilbert for taking the minutes for the previous one in September.

1 Minutes: Chair asked if all agreed to the minutes of the meeting dated 22nd Sept 2016. They were approved and signed, by the Chair, as a true record of that meeting.

Cllr. Durrant pointed out that any matters raised by the public should be received in writing.

2 Matters arising: 2.1 Parking issues in Bleddfa –there are still parking problems in Bleddfa. 2.2 Dog fouling – Bleddfa –This has been left for individuals to contact County Council 2.3 Speeding update Bleddfa – At the moment Cllr Durrant is waiting for a costing from Jo Lancey, Highways, Powys and for confirmation of a grant from Severn Trent. He thought there may also be a possibility of a grant being made available via the Chief Constable for the area. Cllr. C Breeze mentioned that funding from the Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm project might be available- she will make enquiries. 2.4 OVW papers sent for training module 5 The Council Meeting- OVW have supplied training papers for module 4 Understanding the Law rather than module 5 but have explained there are no other papers available. 2.5 Formal letter of appointment for an Internal Auditor. The clerk has prepared a formal letter which was approved by the Councillors. Cllr. J Mitchell agreed to approach Mr. Ron Wicks to see if he was happy to continue as the Internal Auditor for the Community Council. 2.6 Overhanging branches on the B4356 near Monaughty. The clerk has received a response from the landowner who confirmed that the trees would be checked by a tree surgeon.

3 Correspondence: 3.1 Community and Economic Development Survey from National Assembly for rcd. 21.09.16 – noted

Minutes 428 27102016 Llangunllo Bleddfa CC.doc Page 1 of 3 3.2 Local Development Plan –notice of public consultation re. Schedule of Further Focussed Changes fwd. 26.09.16 – noted 3.3 East Radnorshire Day Centre AGM Oct . 6th. 2016 – fwd. 27.09.16 .Cllr J Mitchell reported that there is some uncertainty about future funding from Powys County Council. The ERDC has organized a petition- Save Our Centre - but no decision has been made yet if no Council funding is available. 3.4 Community Grant Scheme from Tesco- Bags of Help- fwd. 27.09.16- noted . 3.5 email from Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales- re. impact of intensive poultry farming- meeting 29.10.16 fwd. 30.09.16 -noted 3.6 OVW Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report for Feb.2017 fwd 04.10.16 - noted 3.7 OVW A survey from The Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee fwd 04.10.16 - noted 3.8 OVW re. Local Government Reform fwd. 05.10.16 - noted 3.9 OVW re. Welsh Land Tax request for comments fwd 05.10.16 - noted 3.10 email request for a donation to Marie Curie fwd 05.10.16 –no donation to be given 3.11 PAVO October E_Briefing fwd 10.10.16 - noted 3.12 OVW Welsh Treasury News –fwd 11.10.16 - noted 3.13 PAVO AGM Newtown fwd 13.10.16 - noted 3.14 request for a donation from Citzens Advice Bureau – no donation to be made 3.15 email re. closures of and Llanfihangel C P Schools fwd 13.10.16 – noted. It was pointed out that although Powys Council have abandoned closure plans at the moment they will be considering a further report at a later date. 3.16 OVW Annual Report fwd 13.10.16 3.17 email re. combining and Llandrindod secondary schools fwd. 17.10.16 - noted 3.18 OVW email re. Positive Developments for Community and Town Councils fwd 17.10.16 - noted

4 Financial 4.1 payment for grass cutting in Llangunllo £30 4.2 payment for wreath - £20 (Remembrance Day) 4.3 water rates for Whimble Tump £17.05 4.4 Clerk’s salary (July-Sept) £388.80p 4.1 to 4.4 and 4.6 Cllr. J Mitchell proposed that all monies to be paid seconded by Cllr S Gilbert and agreed by all. 4.5 renewal of signatories for HSBC bank accounts – the Mandate requested by the bank was completed by all Community Councillors ,who wanted to be signatories, all agreeing to visit the Knighton branch of HSBC to confirm their identities. 4.6 acknowledgement of £15 cheque for tidying of War Memorial plus a further cheque for £7.50 see above

5 Planning 5.1 P/2016/0940 siting of 4 holiday lodges at Dolassey Farm ,Bleddfa fwd 26.09.16 In principle the Community Council has no objection to this planning application but it feels that there is a need to provide passing places along the lane that were a requirement of previous consents.

Minutes 428 27102016 Llangunllo Bleddfa CC.doc Page 2 of 3 5.2 proposal by BT for the removal of payphones –including Bleddfa- received from Powys Planning dept fwd 04.10.16 - new link for BT fwd 10.10.16 A petition has been raised in favour of retaining the Bleddfa phone box which was handed to the clerk. The clerk will notify Powys Council of the opposition to the removal of the Bleddfa phone box. 5.3 P/2016/1001 Installation of a base station at Stud Farm Bleddfa –no objection 5.4 P/2015/0067 Appeal for installation of wind turbine at Lower Vedwllwyd, Dutlas, Knighton - no objection

6 Roads Cllr. V T O Lewis noted that there was a potential hazard on the A488 . A short distance along from the turning to Treburvaugh, on the left hand side of the road, heading towards Knighton, there seems to be a sharp drop off the tarmac. Clerk to notify Highways, Powys.

7 Code of Conduct –adoption of amendments details fwd 13.09.16. Amendments to the Code of Conduct were officially adopted by the Council.

8 Whimble Tump water supply. As the area is not being used it was agreed that the Clerk check the price of disconnection and future reconnection v. yearly water rates. Cllr. C Morgan queried whether there was any possibility of a phone mast on the site, Clerk to enquire.

9 May 2017 election 04.05.17 Change of date for AGM . It was noted that the AGM must be within 14 days of the election date . The Community Council AGM and May meeting will now be 11th May 2017 rather than 25th May.

Any other business none

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm

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