rd th SUNISTSUNIST The 3 IAEA TCM on Spherical Torus and the 11 STW, St. Petersburg Preliminary experiment of plasma current startup by ECR wave on SUNIST spherical tokamak HE Yexi, ZHANG Liang, *FENG Chunhua, FU Hongjun, GAO Zhe, TAN Yi, WANG Wenhao, *WANG Long, *YANG Xuanzong, XIE Lifeng
[email protected], 86-10-62791874 (o), 86-10-62782658 (fax) SUNIST United Laboratory Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China *Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100080, P.R.China This work was supported by JSPS-CAS Core-University Program on Plasma and Nuclear Fusion, the National Nature and Science Fund of China (Grant numbers: 10275041 and 10375089) , and International Atomic Energy Agency (Research contract No. 12935/R0) . SUNIST- Sino UNIted Spherical Tokamak UNISTSUNISTUNISTSUNIST OUTLINE SUNIST spherical tokamak Preliminary result Remained questions UNISTSUNISTUNISTSUNIST SUNIST spherical tokamak SUNIST United Laboratory SUNIST United Laboratory founded in 2004, consists of Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghus University (DEP) ; Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (IOP) and keeping very close collaboration with Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP) and Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (IPPAS). Members of SUNIST Laboratory He, Yexi Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R.China, 86-10- 62791874(lab), 86-10-62782658(fax),
[email protected] (e-mail) Yang, Xuanzong Institute of Physics,